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Structural and concrete observation 4
24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ Structural Observaton Group, Inc. ��g��,/ Toll Free Fax (877) 764- 939 A California Corporation �� q r jo� H F M* 12152 Woodlawn Ave �`,G'lU GRO//� Santa Ana,CA 92705 sl V i/ -� a��s.:tx,e • a,.::�-:._•� ._ _.:earn.- ,,� We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address w Hu,„Lin it)6'0l� D I\ 672...c6100_, City I Permit# Job Name Architect Po-Le_ /14e..Dic.4-L.- Ceiv t°-A- Engineer Material Description 5 000®®�L 3/� �„ls� �/ � pals(/ Contractor / t fj-L Observer f�(I/ Subcontractor )�.A��� 00 Samples: � X Quantity= � l YT-C�C Description of Work Observed: CU e-L--DItc--/C5N C /- DATE: ( (—( tf--L3 nue.P veI CUeLD)/v6-- 01- pf}Ne.L. -rc, 91'e1 Coo t-)ec_Tl-8N.t CeiLT Er eia ,DD/2 S u'e - a i se./t.V eD /-n k P/1-bpi- e-(-Pi - pox e u cs / -reci=ou tau e� , C: M P-e- O lL e,LOS weiv, ru r er j 9 FDA_ Size-. Lek-6_71i 4-Loc*aN D a-1,L.s t 1 i Z- f.3 c o 31 , Z- o f A-PP &a v e-D P L -ms,. ... FobNG--- o QAw we_ D1a•-(,— Got PLC-re-- ne,fs.elii e.9 PU\CC.MertJ A-714 CONSt)L/Dryno,✓ (9,F Aff2a)C S© C xtC- y6.9.1), ©F Ck C-A-e-'ei PO K. CA I 'PPJL Ply-ACS . i t 7c, 0e3.6.--,-/ t-f .fC.O5c ,S'1 i PPu eP Gy (-to c,u.Dc kec.t:t IN-1 1 owe, S e4,- or= /3 4 k.l T _‘5(-"<SfJ-0-r PLUS W frit 0- Su'l MP a F r' S. CeA r,r-1 .e,D co e> )acs Se,2Gt© D t19-z- - e.. an y P014(413 L2F C ' 1-Z G-t f RoG /L (<Le..fP� Cam-c � Prat -4 5C(-) Ex.?'Rea 12-.2c'-13 .. . ' .a'. ; • n re��' +,��',t . : • Structural Observaton Group, Inc. 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A California Corporation �1 SERVAr Toll Free Fax (877) 764- 939 12152 Woodlawn Ave. r1 u� ON H F ❑ ,�,,, Santa Ana CA 92705 Rv Y RO U� We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement. City Permit Job Address # w ku tLyi truce DR i A f�cam? �- Job Name i o Ep rA� „ ^ Architect Material Description lam!�- Engineer Observer`^ „tL i t Contractor j- /�c Samples: r X 3 f Quantity= Subcontractor 1�l �- Description of Work Observed: tits e_c,Dttic-- DATE: (1- i3-t3 O&Sett ° &.ie , -c— OF P, iet- to n c c 3 s i'i'-‘-' CovNGc.srri 5- (eR.7 i F c-e(P F4 "R o l l e r( a./��„9f/t-6-- P2oc. ui-es' 4'12 .rear lOci es- PC/I_� c (/� /►/£ }e L-Q5 cjue✓L� Ct7 ��e9/^ �/�1�2J� /sa/7�� f/ ,,c�,Y, rf f-errrT1 S Girl l { © 1 t OA' �1. 2-0P- I / /Lo v'e ,i PL!'.T/�.S as. CelLTIr-ieD cveoo1' R. c KLePPe Lf� cifl POCS6-5 -13 •••••���•-,:.+.•tt\'i01 r?, 9•t•f� �.•-t,?r4ItL':,Ip. .a; 1.. 4r • • ar i_ .. • .r•.. •* iY•- i i. •-t•t. •. t• .1_∎h-• • •1-fit. .r • .1.■•• Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found this work to comply with the approved plans,sperm cations,and applicable sections)of the By this signature on the this Observation Report.i acknowledge Uniform BuBdmg Code,as applicable to the locality where this project is located.This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed The that SOG Inc erformedtheaboveobservation. performance of our observation services is subject to the terms and conditionsas described on 7 P the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in Interest shall hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any and all legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that is related to the observation : -ces provide• I _/i 'mature of Registered Observer Approved by: j cJ r(PVC— t 0666 G—k' C C.C_ 1 ' Project Superintendent-Foreman-Other Specialty No. Agency WHITE-OFFICE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSITE COPY I 11 1,.0 17595 Harvard,Ste C-237 Irvine,CA 92614 INaPe F:(714)427-0502 % Ri'TiOUR S /EXPERTS IN NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING Date Report of Ultrasonic Testing of Welds 11-6-2013 Project Name Applicable Code/Section Bldg Permit Hale Hospital AWS D1.1 Section 6 Shop ® Field ❑ Inspection Address Address of Project Columbia Steel 2171 N.Linden Ave.,Rialto Arcadia,CA Contractor Architect Hale Builders JBT Sub Contractor Engineer Columbia Steel ULTRASONIC EQUIPMENT lestnenent Trendtcao Angles Frequency Segel Na Nbeel Serial Net Covprre Type Coupe k Balch No. TM Bbd ryes Meerut Serial No. 1"round 0 2.258!4 11282 Avenger EZ .6219bL750" 70 2.25MHt 11279 07124746 Cellulose Gum T.E.D. N/A DSC 1018 A27019 ULTRASONIC TESTING OF MATERIALS Surface Condition Materiel Thickness Joint Type Waking Exam from Face Volunetlic Exam in Leg Reference Level Scanting Level Process Smooth/Clean Y:" T-Joint FCAW AB 1&2 47db +19 Description of Items Tested&Identification Photos Description 1:Contunity Plates to Column(Both-Flanges and Web) 16 Plates,48 welds Decibels Discontinuity(inches) a-b-c=d at E LLd '�$ P .�T i? Distance Remarks !(`ryj1 m n 3 W LL 9 B e From From U X Y a b c d -,a 212A A Description 1-46 welds 48 0 0 48 213A A Description 1-48 welds 48 0 0 48 Discontinuity Evaluation/Comments: ^ccevt Repair Cormier• Totals 96 0 0 96 Technician Name _ Certification No: __, _Level I.R.C.Job No: Kenneth Betts 1091172 SNT-Ta1A a CP•189 Level a 706-5830 PAGE 1 OF -- 1-- - -- Certification of Compliance Time Time Reg. O.T. 2X The Material ®WAS ❑WAS NOT tested in accordance with the Start Finish Hours Hours Hours OSHPD/DSA and/or CITY/CBC r uirements. 1030 1130 4 The Material Tested MET LI DID NOT MEET the OSHPD/DSA All Inspections based upon a 4 and B hour minimum. If technician is called to a and/or CITY/CBC requirements. project and no work performed,a 2 hour minimum charge is applied. Was the required 40 hour internal reflection procedure for each search unit performed on this date? ❑YES ®NO Techni.to.ignature Client Signature CC: AIA SE PI DSA A 17/A1)M .11 (iI ( 9 Structural Observaton Group, Inc. � �R 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A California Corporation r T Toll Free Fax (877) 764- 939 12152 Woodlawn Ave. r� p Y I �r_ _„ n H F ❑ 41111. Santa Ana,CA 92705 SI RS Y — vRC Up V ...e��°�':?"°fi'.:,..cF33x.'+'w'; ..«.*r_.:G..:._.1111-.. 1111. ___11.11-:'YuYrZ Y:.'yry�.-,:^SOtx�.Xf+z.:+air,..,._,..a-. �•'�S�a+..�. We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address 2s..5. City Permit# RQ 11��b� Architect Job Name kiy yr n n` Material Description Engineer ObserverC. ^ B (� Contractor ( /� Sample–s{: JL X Quantity= Subcontractor Ace„.. Description of Work Observed: CV e_t--Dt��- DATE: ft t3--13 C3 1sC4-ue Cue-al/1-c,- OF PhN - To Ft) rim�- Caupeciri re./0-7 &i,4 S aQs &ve4 Fne F,249Pert cv ' vti - - PfiDceetzites A4,D .re rhvi) , e s- MPc��r t v e-1.1 ti-/e/Le- s — te 7-ir mot- L-ce P�/� /0 -4/c ( om 1r 7 VF- /- /eI Pc4.7,S - a/1-n(- -P cve_,onk - R:dc ei Kt-e,P P� •3 5 C, 1 {]KJ F 11•• •• 1111 •_. Fi" ♦3.r��S• LAFs�r •.-.�fir`':••�� . , Ai." . • I Or _ _ a dr J - "e,"�� ••,1,4• . • i. ryp +.-•. _ _ t _'4 �.r 4 • -• rr 11:11 + ' 'j, - _ _ s ' � ` ♦ I 1111.4 1 y .�,. Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed at of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found this work to comply with the approved plans,specifications,and applicable section(s)of the By this signature on the this Observation Report.I acknowledge Uniform Building Code,as applicable to the locality where this project is located TMs report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG Inc.performed the above observation. performance of our observation services P subject to the terms and conditions as described on r the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any and all legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that is related to the observation sr- "ces provide• \t ∎ ..011114. 1141111/ I ' '►(mature of Registered Observer . r ► i Approved by: P tNc- 10666 k' c C.L_ Project Superintendent-Foreman-Other Specialty No. Agency 11/UM WHITE-OFFICE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSITE COPY I I i 17595 Harvard,Ste C-237 Irvine,CA 92614 IN p F:(714)427-0502 % RIESOUR S /EXPERTS IN NON-DESTRUCTNE TESTING Date Report of Ultrasonic Testing of Welds 11-6-2013 Project Name Applicable Code/Section Bldg Permit Hale Hospital AWS D1.1 Section 6 Shop® Field❑ Inspection Address Address of Project Columbia Steel 2171 N.Linden Ave.,Rialto Arcadia,CA Contractor Architect Hale Builders JBT Sub Contractor Engineer Columbia Steel ULTRASONIC EQUIPMENT Transducers MOMS Frewarty SWI No. M/Abed Serial No Gwplent 1YP CuR PAP: Mich No. TM Block Tips Mnvol Serial No. 1"round 0 2.26M14 11282 Avenger EZ .628'x.750" 70 2.26MNx 11279 07124740 Cellulose Gum T.ED. N/A DSC 1018 A27019 ULTRASONIC TESTING OF MATERIALS Svfece Sonotun Material TNclmess Joint Type Weldng Exam horn Face Volumetric Exam in Leg Reference Level Scanning Level Process Smooth/Clean IA" 7-Joint FCAW AB 182 47db +19 Description of Items Tested&Identification Photos Description 1:Contunity Plates to Column(Both Flanges and Web) 16 Plates,48 welds Decibels Discontinuity(inches) a-bc=d toN g k' .%pr e % Y o Distance Remarks E cc En E 5s o s 1 1 a lei t� W 8 a From From — X V a b c d 212A A Description 1—48 welds 48 0 0 48 213A A Description 1—48 welds 48 0 0 48 Discontinuity Evaluation/Comments: Accept Reject Repair crn.ru. Totals 96 0 0 96 Technician Naroe. __. CertificatonNo__._ _ -Level — I.R.C.Job No PAGE - 1 OF _. 1 Kenneth Betts 1091172 SNT-TC-1A&CP-189 Level tl 706-6830 Certification of Compliance Time Time Reg. O.T. 2X The Material ®WAS ❑WAS NOT tested in accordance with the Start Finish Hours Hours Hours OSHPD/DSA and/or CITY/CBC requirements. 1030 1130 4 The Material Tested MET 11 DID NOT MEET the OSHPD/DSA All Inspections based upon a 4 and 8 hour minimum. If technician is called to a and/or CITY/CBC requirements. project and no work performed,a 2 hour minimum charge is applied. Was the required 40 hour Internal reflection procedure for each search unit performed on this date? ❑YES ®NO / ,�Ozl • , r� Techni. -'gnawre Client Signature CC:AIA SE PI DSA 17/A1)1 li 11 I I 12) Structural Observaton Group, Inc. ,. 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A California Corporation " O �,O Toll Free Fax (877)764-3939 12152WoodlawnAve. *'t�� Y N ph Toll H ❑ F� .ate Santa Ana CA 42705 �� ►` _- v O t)� �.xi`+ tt Y We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address 4. vim 64 A /� n/J i t`� City Permit#F.�n e, `/n43 .� `3��Job Name R f'f I� _ �I ui ( `n--_ r-}Y 4 Architect 1 4 r F �C (�J Material Description `t CO t-e— O� Engineer l �A 1 3 Observer (' civ r • Contractor ( l ^1 j r` Samples: X Q, Quantity= 1 off-- Subcontractor ` /} ��- A �(SU /� Description of Work Observed: C_ N∎Ge. —( F--4--3`fS`� DATE: 1( - 11 -(3 { O TN Q 4-eom c . (` tc d1-.cc(A-Ti. c F AP 2 a)( 3 d c _ _. J l - �5( --(o n 3 DEL(v GC__� �. d ( 4d - . /6,t--5'() 3 5 ,ft_ \ Tog_ _ p -cF 5.-l t C1- 4 l�- i S A oP, s 7 ` - - e 6, 5.- -gc . `^N 1,_(_- l i r k i t' a . s_. .W W?' _ - , ,-,6- 1 LE. F 11 e o —1 St.i s 1= 1:-.1 r / - 55 ( e 3 �- �;¢1/ e_ 3 (.E 6 ( D, /4-, 414 .___ - .• r.wf,-*•mot-.' 1-- r'r'-:T: • •�.•. t. Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed at of the above reported work,unless otherwise rotod To the h st of our knowledge and belief,we have iounc r , this work to comply w l',,.- r.: :'M;plans,speciticatlons,and applicable section(s)of the By this signature on the this Observation Report.l acknowledge Uniform Building:.ode,as a rk Ue. the locality where this project is located. This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG Inc.performed the above observation. performance of our observation nn os ssu b;ect othetermsandcondgionsasdescribedon the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any and all legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that is ad to the observation services provided` _ ,`--_ Signature of Registered Observer(ii_ Cit( 271.1> cci_ Approved by: 11 �r _-°� �(�� � .__Le L .1 Project Superintendent-Foreman-Other Specialty No. Agency /� , I1( J FFICE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSITE COPY OA Structural Observaton Group, Inc. °_S 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A California Corporation Qa� °� ER ya r j Toll Free Fax (877) 73939 12152 Woodlawn Ave. �rt�'` 0,� G, eO H F 0 Santa Ana,CA 92705 it R V _ = 1[ up . t�.v:�_. •»„pr;•:�::-:.fir--:.-�s�..- We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement !Job A srd] Wes./ /fib" n4,)L7 '1./O /7 ^e-cater cam' D�-O`- -3 �J/ ( �( �/ J - Architect IJoblm 1 , i " e , / _L°I'f 71N7^ e /� 'Material Description / �gtn,' ✓ ( f A/1'1 er-740' Obse e ! ` e;el^li Cot or 1 t/C7� n Samples: X � Quantity= subs°�/ /fro,/ I Description of Work Observed: Fee Z€7,- (DATE: /O ,'/i /'3 I • / r / L _ L�C✓�,��, rC�i/,{�.-�,nq.. .1�i,�1 .� © �- e.�. 1 Tr/` X" !d h c ...... ? (gip Ver-i4;;' L .rrt. t /---6:.) h* .a.0,7ci. 4,A, 0 'r, ,j _ 71-loon 4t_, poe.,". / �- l t"-' amel �0 7t�, 4 t o./ d^ r., /. �e1->-94 of d.". 4 e /wt o/�/ 1." ` / 'j V` fit°'1-- G'i'1 44//1 e!i`./- V∎P Z',vIX /�i° '7�'/. CND`"_Ubrrr`.,e, 10//^ r 4 frk.r. ..r.. • .a. a j - •,,,: 1 1 �•,...;•-•„:',;-1-.::,- - Asa :1 r, ue I a•-.. -s tt„s.:-, , &� 1 -..- __ ...: __ ____..__ -- ---'vim,•.a ,. _ .-. Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,cotes.;otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have fount this work to comply with the approved plans,specifications,and applicable section(s)of fin By this signature on the this Observation Report.I acknowledge Uniform Building Code,as applicable to the locality where this project is located.This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG Inc.performed the above observation, performance of our observation services p subj?ctto the terms and conit-onsas described on r the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor 1n Interest shall hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any and all legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that Is related to the observation services provided. \�'�� ``11� �� �S ignatu Registered Observer Approved by: �U� ,-rn7 dt2c? - a.,41 \ I Project Slrperirrtendent-Foleman-Other Specialty S'O J)Y I r 1011-V-oFFICE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSITE COPY Structural Observaton Group, Inc. 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A California Corporation Rp� u°'4R VAT/0 Toll Free Fax (877) 764-3939 12152WoodlawnAye. V��� N GRO H F ❑ Santa Ana,CA 92705 S'� V Up ,,r-qx;�' .. :r'i•=i °ivs"rrc:;.,:v'*'4a :r. ,:.....• .. :.:� ysar�:s •;.e,,,�:t�r... We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation �iAgreement Job ArdleSe�el Weri (/h n al 77 `C'64`G7 City ! D(,/ ^a I'3_3D Job [ e t Architect 414 A-de- a h r Material Description Engine�elf/1`r A/YI d r � V/� �� Jo—/OJI - Obs a �r/r! C°C /U!'r /i Wit/r(CYO ?'al tit ��t"�7 ti r Samples: X ' Quantity= $0bg° rrro.1 Description of Work Observed: Re ba, DATE: /0 '—I 1 "l 3 V&r,,- d re is,/d/-ci rIie( 4e m e.� l i i) ��a L Q>1 �dc.-- �� / l / ve,--14 r`c° to e^ r-- s- e (e,�'o`5`a,1 `,�n J,/ e"l ar+o n x er v4 (o 7 /O.mot p.'� .D,. /, (7'e.--> p C G ✓� C h-,0�1-/ fT7�r ( =Ts`� /1,e_77-��'Jc°.•' eriy%it eer,/- S"�a� `ta{�7 o+-1Jr7/e '(. (Nc)r'1K , ` -r ` r . 'Ia'-,:Ar .-:.it•o„7.-,• '�.:a.i-,fier•,--...•�•',. ••.i., - • - '-.>.''t.'• .t_•,_••, .. fit, .;'..:.*:'..:!....:!f iit: ' '!. • Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found this work to comply with the approved playa,spe cations,and applicable sections)of the By this signature on the this Observation Report.I acknowledge Uniform Butlding Code,as app cable to the loca ity where this p oject is located.This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG,Inc.performed the above observation. performance of our obse”�tion services is subject t o the terms and conrr�onsasdes`rbedon the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in Interest shall hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any and all legal proceedings of any nature I , whatsoever,that Is related to the observation services provided. ,4. " 'r "--(-1------2 5i natu Registered Observer Approved by: r-re4 d1/_r7 4- L---1 II 1 Project Superintendent-Foreman-Other p y n�-�,�,.,n.P 1 9 ,�' V ! ITE-0FEnCE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITEJOBSITE COPY i3O�14 / _ • 111 Structural Observaton Group, inc. __Avw.7-, et, k Bo ma v 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ ''''' A California Corporation a I ittiOCK Toll Free Fax (877) 764-3939 . . We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address 4--) .2.1 . I Li/ fi, 1-r-1 . .........r.... , t i'‘ ri 11 .0,47,4 IA Pennit# : 3 ._ 3 -.)---,..j-i ‘Ars u If i r-f -, f f,..._.-.....„1,ism Ii--Vt.-- .0"-r-!:.-Ta-.--" LI !Job Name ¶j_ 1.‘/ G. ikA G i*Vt e i_t_l 14 er A fr=n 1 Architect / - .11-4 4/ G C}o 12 , ... I,- --,_ --,,-c ,,,-- i Material Descrietion /3 ja it g An...-..es, tr-2.2iue,02c_,..-rg___ lEngineer Mt 1.7„.,4;,(A&OT • 1.10 bserver 14-.)firigrr #41-C---- ili !Contractor _ . Samples: --.--4-13----iLr( L Quantity= .45 Tiubcontractor 1_4 itiz 14 soik.s, Description of Work Observed: (IDA r e2F-r- - DATE: Ci , >----)-- 1 3 I ,.6/017 f)55,E__(2_‘,IEd I-AF— 0 ti4Cr7-b4P_AIT .,4-0D_Cali302.S4-77 .94-,. 0 a/die Pt ) I (:). . -.I..‹..._ ,./1 rr-7 _ n A fiefr MiSL D5/ ' =i-.....- -.... — --.— ,:„.,,, .• ,- . ury, (c),(.2 " i 1 L 1 1 r* i ., f i=,... r.,...1 . 1....cw./ - 1 11 % / 1 , • .. if --..°--',"- ii.. _r.--7 ..- 1,41.LZ...1 -„ 11 ii to Ci-4 ri--- 11) 2", 1., "Le Jr-.1-1-1 D44:eLR.F , .e -Fr. trz.e. ,,--i Imp allir d Al 1.." , 0-_,L..-......-t., ,.7_,.." ...._. cz.c_3. __ ..__ ......., . . . _ 3 L/ ,—c3 J... - '.--.. .°."-.'",..." .-f ..• ' ••'•.,,, ,_ . . .. •• a.--.- -- - - . -—"..-..a-;::-.-.,'' .. lordf iliitAitilLai i vi%An trprical tt:e We herata caray that,at the timic a:this a-con:at:on,we have observed all of the above reported Work,unless othewtre ei-Z.1,-.-:.".•::tti-i t,.-..t.:g Li:::kiiev4eclge and belief,we have found By this signature on tL_ il..._,P.____._,...,_r_L__ m,_,_. ■ ,,i_.„,...,...1.._ this wods.to mmitil7,....n Me.,;_ :..!,:°:-7.,:i.---,:.;tti.strorts,and applicable sechonfs)of the .11U Ullb VOW Vdto.);■rwpt.g t.:;:t1.4,41-..rtgef..:1.7. u.lii;....i.f.:7.;.;;J.,,,:,..6...,,-,.:;iii..0::_.t„:,....::--,-:..;e this project is located. This report cannot be construed to be as'recernmaratabda- • of work of any nature to be performed The that SOG,Inc.performed the above otiservation, perforniance or.v chsen-qtron services is subiect to the terms and conditions as described on ..... a.,e,,,,esesk:rif tt,:ti ritr-,f.rvirtrin MN...ft Tnt.Owvor or a successor in tnterest shall fold I • ,0110.#4. _ 1 WO 1 ,iff■ , t. i harrntess1tructung Ckservaton. Group,Incie.hen,iyand.dioyo al proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that IS iv, :-•l,- ' -....:4_-,;,, ,,,, •;,,,•••`",,,,7 ••• 4.ii ib, ft lei" , Ki Signature of RegisterecrUbserveir--, Approved by: CiONejgrAl.- 6Peq3,,PD- eT-'CL- 11vject perintendent-Foreman-Other Specialty No. Agency ' 774105 12541 /1/7. t ,"VA 1 11 4/1 - rtr ninny CteklArev-artnn.11JTIDJA arIPV PiNiiC-OPS:FAVFR-S C.C1PY RCITTCINI wi-trTE-forMTE COPY In! ,, 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ Structural Observaton Group, Inc. ` ogsER va r� Toll Free Fax (877) 764 3939 A 152 California ol Corporation tvRp oN H �/ F 0 12152 Woodlawn Ave. t��t Rovp 1` Santa Ana,CA 92705 We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address :3_601 6g vi v�rn k )j A pa 11 - Permrt# BQ 3 - 3 Job Name ` /ALE I\ '1 eAL AL=i-'/t Architect /r, ' G1 A^Go-a- Material �1 Cz `�(ie Engineer 'l Li p^j l (1 Material Description j[ tot) ' Contractor Observer (/) t Subcontractor /�_! I <d3 Samples: X � Quantity= 3 _ �� !�(� Js�'—` Description of Work Observed: O DATE: q , - 7- 13 i � (Eck p CA ,u �d 4 gF-1 1 Wa_rvic„_4y:criit4 a E tA 14 + �. xtim)hiN nF POv cs4. tLS D - _. .t-- \4ALL , A-L�a�o B3 Ed 9-9 Chi S t Tac1--r>s5 • t ' •t-t.' _ .• C., ` -- 4_x •1 - :;-".7.,.= '4`, Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found this work to comply with the approved plans,spedhcations,and applicable sectiorys)of the By this signature on the this Observation Report.I acknowledge Un won Building Code,ast appl cable to the bcal ty where the p of located. This sport cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG,Inc.performed the above ob -rvation. t performance of our observation services is subject to the terms and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold harmless Structural e,..ervafion Group,Inc.from any and all proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that is re j-•to the....web . pro Wait , - 0. Ott, LA---,LA---,Signature of Registe Observer Approved by: - r i N��I(`��'If�%(t v /3d� �f`_ jest perintendent-Foreman-Other Specialty No. Agency /1 r 774105 12541 nl .. IA, I •1��n I /1 /I I tL rnoY [:sklemr-Ar:rnl tk125 COPY PIwk_nRC FRVFRS COPY RnTTGU WHITE ^Os^z COPY t ..,. 0����� 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ Structural California Obseati n Group, Inc. �� Aar. Toll Free Fax (877) SOG-3939 A Cia Corporation I� ` 764 p -t 1 1a Santa Ana,CA I 0 t R°Up Santa Ana,CA 92705 We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement W V�\w } ,v 1 1 /Jj � ,o IA. City 1 Permit#r____ O 4 3- 1 Job Address' ��j` ��•J AM_ v` : 1— Architect �Job Name Q Engineer ( -/� w T3riD Material Description 1 f( '[tt""`TIYLL�t (J Observer I 1 AC.-.r//4/n t Contractor A L9 '1 v Quantity= Subcontractor 11 ^ /�1-- Samples:Samples: C7 X j �- Y= 5 [' Y-Y �",'L —1/c � A-�S Description of Work Observed: �� DATE: 9—'(? I B939 4.(Fb T l -t- Lid o W/ ki- • tcy.1 1* 14- g-c 41 F 'DAL( V t Wbg . 951k?"4. -'10 1141S ,9 ' C/V.(079...._ OO -1-1t.is �.� .�1) �La-e . �.� 0� � o v�- e 3�c v �v�ti S.1 Al • C 3 • l P Legs F, ir7,5—n 5A-'P 1 - (0 t GI, Loy- g 5-L 3 _-t-, mod'i 2.,t of E../ , 1.-f t fins, Cil2-A6( / 1 /r'-7 - - 1 pomp rilziscf_J)4 (.4 A Certification of Compliance: We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and betet,we have found this worts to comply with the approved plans,specifllcahons,and applcable sectionlsl of the By this signature on the this Observation Report.I acknowledge Uniform Ruildng Code,as applcabte to the bcalhy where this project is located. This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG,Inc.performed the above observation. performance of our observation services is suhiect to the terms and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold harmless Structural O anon Group,Inc.from any and all legal Prot ngs of any nature whatsoever,that is relt o the on services provided.a fil - ,. Signature of Registered Observer Li, t� 3 �- Approved by: I ► ���� Project Superintendent-Foremen-Other Specialty No. Agency WH r • - E COPY, CANARY–ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK–OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE–JOBSITE COPY /1/11 1 Iil/A 1 n AI 1 774105 12541 1010 Structural Observaton Group, Inc. �����V 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ .� A California Corporation ��l�� I �lo� Toll Free Fax (877) 764-3939 12152 Wood lawn Ave. ��� N �O� H F O Santa Ana,CA 92705 S� p C We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job ..re "' 44rT` 64",4^ A . r t" `QttY IP dO ^ � 3 a 7 Jo... "'% 6 ^/7er dr f / 7I 7 Architect Material Description Engine�� Obsery ( Contra ! �c/�tl„fyt,tr�r /�� of di," !Ct^r CCC Samples: subcontra Rin f� amples: X uantity= Description of Work Observed: /2 ! 40 DATE: 9^024/ 3 f e,v e O n d yr,,,,C , G° T .--e4./7 ,- _,: S��C oG Mr�'l.� fie-, r��I e r U(/,�/,t,- _,:y / iK r, L"o /f1.• t . -o 'K S 6P 07 �{,^.r?Its r- !` 9 vpr/ �� /`C ��r 7-0� �12e (�'rt Gr.-r oG c� �„ //r r r �1 �` , e.>,-.1./ 5/ /. 2I c1� 9 ,'( 1 Of S, a,. � c `mac 4 if o n Ste- 1• /;te �7a^ .er71' vder.Ked • iZe 6a-- ct'.�o.< <Pf ec . L •co�`oerr re/, CD, /. �L0,e j� j C lilt- 0 n.r l�t-^�� rn Cr o�G��cY�►•r tv(�1 G�r�,wov� • r. -.--- r. rr = r, , ,•. '' ... e.. . ,_.: "e. -..,'•1■•,, .. ■ 'd -. -- ► _•'d'' ► • i.i ' 7.' i•'• Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found this work to comply with the approved plus,specfications,and applicable sections)of the By this signature on the this Observation Report.I acknowledge Uniform Building Code,as apdicabie to the locality where this project is boated. This report cannot be construed to be a recornrrmendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG,Inc.performed the above obs rvation, performance of our ob tionsen'i`es 6m0 ttoMeterms and co`d °nas on the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any and all Legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that is related to the observation . s provided. � l / ',- ig of Registered Observer Approved by: r - l� 011C�4 0l9 6 C o t.»-T , / Proms Superintendent-Foreman-Other Specialty fr 61 -r cy / W TE-OFFICE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSRE COPY 1 i 9?1 I