HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4 - CUP 13-18 (Monopole Antenna)_285 W. Huntington Dr.DATE: December 9, 2014 TO: Honorable Chairman and Planning Commission FROM: Jim Kasama, Community Development Administrator By: Tim Schwehr, Associate Planner SUBJECT: RESOLUTION NO. 1927 – APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. CUP 13-18 AND OAK TREE ENCROACHMENT PERMIT NO. TRE 14-49 WITH A CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) FOR A NEW WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITY WITH A 50’-0” TALL MONOPOLE ANTENNA STRUCTURE CAMOUFLAGED AS AN ELM TREE AND A 230 SQUARE-FOOT, 12’-6” TALL EQUIPMENT SHELTER AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SANTA ANITA RACE TRACK PROPERTY AT 285 W. HUNTINGTON DRIVE. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 1927 SUMMARY The applicant, AT&T Mobility, is proposing to construct a new, unmanned, wireless communications facility consisting of a 50’-0” tall monopole antenna and a 230 square- foot, 12’-6” tall equipment shelter. The proposed project is subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit for the new standalone wireless facility, and an Oak Tree Encroachment Permit to allow a gravel access road and underground utilities associated with the wireless facility to encroach upon four (4) oak trees. Construction of a new structure of less than 10,000 square-feet in floor area is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). It is recommended that the Planning Commission approve the proposed project, subject to the conditions listed in this staff report, and adopt Resolution No. 1927 (Attachment No. 1). BACKGROUND The Santa Anita Race Track property occupies 301 acres centrally located within the City. The property is zoned a mixture of R-1, Single-Family Residential, and S-1, Special Uses – see Attachment No. 2 for an Aerial Photo with Zoning Information. The General Plan Land Use Designation of the site is HR – Horse Racing. Sections 9273.1.19 and 9288.6 of the Arcadia Municipal Code allow wireless communication facilities at this property. Resolution No. 1927 – CUP 13-18 & TRE 14-49 285 W. Huntington Drive December 9, 2014 Page 2 of 7 PROPOSAL The applicant proposes to construct a new unmanned wireless communications facility at the northeast corner of the property near the intersection of Colorado Boulevard and Colorado Place – see Attachment No. 3 for the design plans. The proposed facility consists of a 50-foot tall monopole antenna structure camouflaged as an elm tree, and a 230 square-foot, 12’-6” tall equipment shelter. An 8’-0” tall block wall with stucco to match the shelter is proposed around the equipment shelter to enclose additional equipment. Shrubbery around the enclosure will provide an added visual buffer. The enclosure itself is designed to have a Mediterranean-style appearance with a stucco finish, S-tile roofing, and a warm color palette. The monopole antenna is designed to be camouflaged as an elm tree as shown on the proposed design plans. New landscaping is proposed around the equipment shelter, and along the east property line fronting Colorado Place. A gravel access road and underground utilities associated with the wireless facility are also included as part of this proposal. Several oak trees are within the vicinity of the site, and the gravel access road and underground utilities will encroach on four of these trees – see Attachment No. 6 for the Certified Arborist’s Report prepared for this project. ANALYSIS The applicant has provided all of the required plans and supplemental documents required by the City’s Wireless Communication Facilities Ordinance. See Attachment Nos. 4 and 5, which include the following: • A Visual Impact Analysis/Photo-Simulations of the proposal; • A map identifying the applicant’s existing wireless facilities in the vicinity; • A coverage assessment showing current wireless coverage in the vicinity, and anticipated wireless coverage following construction of the proposed project; • An FCC/Signal Standards Report certified by a licensed radio frequency engineer stating that electromagnetic (EM) emissions from the proposed facility will neither exceed standards set by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), nor interfere with any fire, police or other emergency communications system; and • A written assessment of potential available alternatives to co-locate at an existing facility within the vicinity of the project location, and an explanation of why these options are infeasible. The proposal complies with all City and State requirements, and the applicant has made a good faith effort to pursue co-location at an existing facility, but found that there are no feasible options that would provide similar improvements in coverage. The proposed location at the northeast corner of the Santa Anita Race Track property minimizes the visibility of the facility from the Santa Anita Race Track Grandstands and Resolution No. 1927 – CUP 13-18 & TRE 14-49 285 W. Huntington Drive December 9, 2014 Page 3 of 7 infield, preserving the integrity of the property – refer to Attachment No. 4: Visual Impact Analysis/Photo-Simulations. Two new trees are also proposed to be planted to flank the camouflaged monopole to further blend the facility into the landscaping of the hillside backdrop of the Santa Anita Race Track. From the adjacent residential properties to the north, the equipment shelter will be setback 110 feet, and the camouflaged monopole will be setback 130 feet from the nearest property. The proposed facility will blend into the existing mature trees and power poles/power lines located behind the residential properties – refer to Attachment No. 4: Visual Impact Analysis/Photo-Simulations. Along Colorado Place, the facility will be setback approximately 130 feet, but the proposed location is more visible due to an existing gap in the landscaping along the east property line. The applicant is proposing to plant new trees along the east property line to fill in the landscaping gap to screen the facility from public view. There are six oak trees located on the Santa Anita Race Track property within the immediate vicinity of the proposed wireless facility. A Certified Arborist has prepared an Oak Tree Report (Attachment No. 6) for this proposal, showing the location, species, and size of these oak trees, and evaluating the potential impacts of the proposed facility on the health of these trees. The report notes that the equipment shelter and monopole will not encroach upon the protected area of any oak trees, but a new gravel access road and new underground transmission lines associated with the project will encroach upon four (4) oak trees. However, with the mitigation measures recommended in the Oak Tree Report, the Certified Arborist has determined that the project will not adversely impact the health of any of the nearby oak trees. FINDINGS Section 9275.1.2 of the Arcadia Municipal Code requires that for a Conditional Use Permit to be granted, it must be found that all of the following prerequisite conditions can be satisfied: 1. That the granting of such Conditional Use Permit will not be detrimental to the public health or welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in such zone or vicinity. The applicant has prepared the required health and safety studies showing that the proposed wireless facility will not be detrimental to the public health. The facility is located on private property and is setback over 100 feet from the nearest residential property. Existing trees along with new landscaping will substantially screen the facility from view. The monopole will be camouflaged as an elm tree to blend into the existing and new landscaping. As such, the proposal will not be detrimental to the public health or welfare or injurious to the other properties in the area. 2. That the use applied for at the location indicated is properly one for which a Conditional Use Permit is authorized. Resolution No. 1927 – CUP 13-18 & TRE 14-49 285 W. Huntington Drive December 9, 2014 Page 4 of 7 The zoning of the Santa Anita Race Track property is a mixture of S-1, Special Uses, and R-1, Second One-Family Zones. Arcadia Municipal Code Sections 9288.6 and 9273.1.19 authorize a standalone wireless facility at the proposed location, subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit. 3. That the site for the proposed use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate said use, and all yards, spaces, walls, fences, parking, loading, landscaping, and other features required to adjust said use with the land and uses in the neighborhood. The proposed location is an undeveloped hillside corner of the Santa Anita Race Track that is part of the larger landscaped backdrop to the racetrack as viewed from the grandstands and infield. There is an existing private, paved access road on the property within the vicinity of the proposed wireless facility location, and a small gravel access road is proposed as part of this project to provide direct access to the wireless facility. The site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the proposed wireless facility, and no other adjustments of the use or site are necessary. 4. That the site abuts streets and highways adequate in width and pavement type to carry the kind of traffic generated by the proposed use. The Santa Anita Race Track property is accessed from Colorado Place, Huntington Drive, and Baldwin Avenue. These streets are adequate in width and pavement type to carry the traffic generated by the current and proposed uses. The proposed project, as an unmanned wireless facility, will require only occasional access for maintenance after construction, and will have no impact on the surrounding streets and highways. 5. That the granting of such Conditional Use Permit will not adversely affect the comprehensive General Plan. The General Plan Land Use Designation of the subject site is HR, Horse Racing, which provides for the continued operation of the Santa Anita Park race track for horse racing and related activities. Approval of the new unmanned wireless facility will not adversely affect the horse racing activities at the location, or the esthetics of the backdrop to the racetrack as the facility will be located in an unused corner of the property with minimal visibility from the race track grandstands and infield. As such, the proposal will not adversely affect the comprehensive General Plan. Oak Tree Encroachment Permit Concurrent with the Conditional Use Permit, the Planning Commission is to approve, conditionally approve, or deny the Oak Tree Encroachment Permit for a new gravel access road and new underground transmission lines associated with the project to encroach upon four (4) on-site oak trees. A Certified Arborist has prepared an Oak Tree Report (Attachment No. 6) for this project, and finds that with mitigation measures, the project will not adversely impact the health of the oak trees. Resolution No. 1927 – CUP 13-18 & TRE 14-49 285 W. Huntington Drive December 9, 2014 Page 5 of 7 All City requirements regarding disabled access and facilities, occupancy limits, building safety, health code compliance, emergency equipment, environmental regulation compliance, and parking and site design shall be complied with by the property owner/applicant to the satisfaction of the Building Official, City Engineer, Community Development Administrator, Fire Marshal, and Public Works Services Director, or their respective designees. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT If it is determined that no significant physical alterations to the site are necessary, then this project, as new construction of a small structure, qualifies as a Class 3 Categorical Exemption per the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines for new construction of a structure of less than 10,000 square-feet in area. A Preliminary Exemption Assessment is attached to this staff report (Attachment No. 8). PUBLIC NOTICE Public hearing notices for this item were mailed on November 25, 2014 to the property owners and tenants of those properties that are located within 1,000 feet of the subject property per the requirements for projects located on the Santa Anita Race Track property. As of December 3, 2014, no comments had been received. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission approve the proposal, subject to the following conditions, and find that the project qualifies as a Categorical Exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and adopt Resolution No. 1927: 1. The applicant/property owner shall be responsible for ensuring that the project and associated construction complies with all of the requirements and recommendations listed in the Arborist Report prepared for this project. 2. Approval of CUP 13-18 and TRE 14-49 is limited to an unmanned wireless facility, which shall be operated and maintained in a manner that is consistent with the proposal and plans submitted and approved for these applications, and shall be subject to periodic inspections, after which the provisions of this Conditional Use Permit may be adjusted after due notice to address any adverse impacts to the adjacent streets, rights-of-way, and/or the neighboring businesses or properties. 3. Noncompliance with the plans, provisions and conditions of approval for CUP 13-18 and/or TRE 14-49 shall be grounds for immediate suspension or revocation of any approvals for the wireless facility. 4. All City requirements regarding disabled access and facilities, occupancy limits, building safety, health code compliance, emergency equipment, environmental regulation compliance, and parking and site design shall be complied with by the Resolution No. 1927 – CUP 13-18 & TRE 14-49 285 W. Huntington Drive December 9, 2014 Page 6 of 7 property owner/applicant to the satisfaction of the Building Official, City Engineer, Community Development Administrator, Fire Marshal, and Public Works Services Director, or their respective designees. Any changes to the existing facility may be subject to building permits after having fully detailed plans submitted for plan check review and approval by the aforementioned City officials and employees, or designees. 5. The applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Arcadia and its officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Arcadia, its officials, officers, employees or agents to attack, set aside, void, or annul any approval or conditional approval of the City of Arcadia concerning this project and/or land use decision, including but not limited to any approval or conditional approval of the City Council, Planning Commission, or City Staff, which action is brought within the time period provided for in Government Code Section 66499.37 or other provision of law applicable to this project or decision. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding concerning the project and/or land use decision and the City shall cooperate fully in the defense of the matter. The City reserves the right, at its own option, to choose its own attorney to represent the City, its officials, officers, employees, and agents in the defense of the matter. 6. Approval of CUP 13-18 and TRE 14-49 to allow construction of a new unmanned standalone wireless facility shall not be of effect unless on or before 30 calendar days after Planning Commission adoption of the Resolution, the property owner and applicant have executed and filed with the Community Development Administrator or designee an Acceptance Form available from the Development Services Department to indicate awareness and acceptance of these conditions of approval. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION Approval If the Planning Commission intends to approve this proposal, the Commission should approve a motion to approve Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 13-18 and Oak Tree Encroachment Permit No. TRE 14-49, states that the proposal satisfies the requisite findings, and adopts the attached Resolution No. 1927 that incorporates the requisite environmental, Conditional Use Permit, and Oak Tree Encroachment Permit findings, and the conditions of approval as presented in this staff report, or as modified by the Commission. Denial If the Planning Commission intends to deny this proposal, the Commission should approve a motion to deny Conditional Use Permit Application No. CUP 13-18 and/or Oak Tree Encroachment Permit No. TRE 14-49; states the finding(s) that the proposal does not satisfy with reasons based on the record, and directs staff to prepare a Resolution No. 1927 – CUP 13-18 & TRE 14-49 285 W. Huntington Drive December 9, 2014 Page 7 of 7 resolution for adoption at the next meeting that incorporates the Commission’s decision and specific findings. If any Planning Commissioner or other interested party have any questions or comments regarding this matter prior to the December 9, 2014 Planning Commission Meeting, please contact Associate Planner, Tim Schwehr at (626) 574-5422, or tschwehr@ArcadiaCA.gov. Approved: Attachment No. 1: Resolution No. 1927 Attachment No. 2: Aerial Photo with Zoning Information Attachment No. 3: Design Plans Attachment No. 4: Visual Impact Analysis/Photo-Simulations Attachment No. 5: Supplemental Wireless Communications Facility Documents Attachment No. 6: Certified Arborist’s Report Attachment No. 7: Photos of Subject Property & Surrounding Properties Attachment No. 8: Preliminary Exemption Assessment   Attachment No. 1 Attachment No.1 Resolution 1927 RESOLUTION NO. 1927 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. CUP 13-18 AND OAK TREE ENCROACHMENT PERMIT NO. TRE 14-49 WITH A CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) FOR A NEW WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITY WITH A 50’-0” TALL MONOPOLE ANTENNA STRUCTURE CAMOUFLAGED AS AN ELM TREE AND A 230 SQUARE- FOOT, 12’-6” TALL EQUIPMENT SHELTER AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SANTA ANITA RACE TRACK PROPERTY AT 285 W. HUNTINGTON DRIVE WHEREAS, on November 20, 2013, an application was filed by Ms. Brittany Pell of Coastal Business Group on behalf of AT&T Mobility for a Conditional Use Permit for a new wireless communication facility with a monopole antenna structure and an equipment shelter at 285 W. Huntington Drive, Development Services Department Case No. CUP 13- 18; and WHEREAS, on August 5, 2014, an application was filed by Ms. Brittany Pell of Coastal Business Group on behalf of AT&T Mobility for an Oak Tree Encroachment Permit for the proposed new wireless communication facility to encroach into the protected area of four on-site oak trees at 285 W. Huntington Drive, Development Services Department Case No. TRE 14-49; and WHEREAS, on November 6, 2014, Planning Services completed an environmental assessment for the project in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and it was determined to recommend that the Planning Commission find that the project is exempt under CEQA per Section 15061(3) of the CEQA Guidelines (Review for Exemption) because the project has no potential to cause a significant effect on the environment, and because it consists of new construction of a small structure of less than 10,000 square-feet in area per CEQA Guidelines Section 15303, Class 3; and -2- 1927 WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Planning Commission on December 9, 2014, at which time all interested persons were given full opportunity to be heard and to present evidence. NOW, THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the factual data submitted by the Development Services Department in the staff report dated December 9, 2014 are true and correct. SECTION 2. This Commission finds and directs: a. That the granting of such Conditional Use Permit will not be detrimental to the public health or welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in such zone or vicinity. FACT: The applicant has prepared the required health and safety studies showing that the proposed wireless facility will not be detrimental to the public health. The facility is located on private property and is setback over 100 feet from the nearest residential property. Existing trees will substantially screen the facility from view along with new landscaping. The monopole will be camouflaged as an elm tree to blend into the existing and new landscaping. As such, the proposal will not be detrimental to the public health or welfare or injurious to the other properties in the area. b. That the use applied for at the location indicated is properly one for which a Conditional Use Permit is authorized. FACT: The zoning of the Santa Anita Race Track property is a mixture of S-1, Special Uses, and R-1, Second One-Family Zones. Arcadia Municipal Code Sections 9288.6 and 9273.1.19 authorize a standalone wireless facility at the proposed location, subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit. c. That the site for the proposed use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate said use, and all yards, spaces, walls, fences, parking, loading, landscaping, and other features required to adjust said use with the land and uses in the neighborhood. -3- 1927 FACT: The proposed location is an undeveloped hillside corner of the Santa Anita Race Track that is part of the larger landscaped backdrop to the racetrack as viewed from the grandstands. There is an existing private, paved access road on the property within the vicinity of the proposed wireless facility location, and a small gravel access road is proposed as part of this project to provide direct access to the wireless facility. The site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the proposed wireless facility, and no other adjustments of the use or site are necessary. d. That the site abuts streets and highways adequate in width and pavement type to carry the kind of traffic generated by the proposed use. FACT: The Santa Anita Race Track property is accessed from Colorado Place, Huntington Drive, and Baldwin Avenue. These streets are adequate in width and pavement type to carry the traffic generated by the current and proposed uses. The proposed project, as an unmanned wireless facility, will require only occasional access for maintenance after construction, and will have no impact on the surrounding streets and highways. e. That the granting of such Conditional Use Permit will not adversely affect the comprehensive General Plan. FACT: The General Plan Land Use Designation of the subject site is HR, Horse Racing, which provides for the continued operation of the Santa Anita Park race track for horse racing and related activities. Approval of the new unmanned wireless facility will not adversely affect the horse racing activities at the location, or the esthetics of the backdrop to the racetrack as the facility will be located in an unused corner of the property with minimal visibility from the race track grandstands. As such, the proposal will not adversely affect the comprehensive General Plan. f. Provided a project has no potential to cause a significant effect on the environment, it is eligible to be exempt from further CEQA review under Section 15061(b)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines (Review for Exemption). -4- 1927 FACT: Pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), an environmental assessment was completed and it was determined that the Project has no potential to cause a significant effect on the environment and is exempt pursuant to Section 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines, Class 3, which exempts construction of small structures of less than 10,000 square-feet in area. SECTION 3. For the foregoing reasons the Planning Commission determines that the Project is Categorically Exempt per Section 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines, and approves Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 13-18 and Oak Tree Encroachment Permit No. TRE 14-49 for a new wireless communication facility with a 50’-0” tall monopole antenna structure camouflaged as an elm tree, and a 230 square-foot, 12’-6” tall equipment shelter at 285 W. Huntington Drive, subject to the conditions of approval attached hereto. SECTION 4. The Secretary shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. Passed, approved and adopted this 9th day of December, 2014. Chairman, Planning Commission ATTEST: ______________________ Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: ______________________ Stephen P. Deitsch City Attorney -5- 1927 RESOLUTION NO. 1927 Conditions of Approval 1. The applicant/property owner shall be responsible for ensuring that the project and associated construction complies with all of the requirements and recommendations listed in the Arborist Report prepared for this project. 2. Approval of CUP 13-18 and TRE 14-49 is limited to an unmanned wireless facility, which shall be operated and maintained in a manner that is consistent with the proposal and plans submitted and approved for these applications, and shall be subject to periodic inspections, after which the provisions of this Conditional Use Permit may be adjusted after due notice to address any adverse impacts to the adjacent streets, rights-of-way, and/or the neighboring businesses or properties. 3. Noncompliance with the plans, provisions and conditions of approval for CUP 13-18 and/or TRE 14-49 shall be grounds for immediate suspension or revocation of any approvals for the wireless facility. 4. All City requirements regarding disabled access and facilities, occupancy limits, building safety, health code compliance, emergency equipment, environmental regulation compliance, and parking and site design shall be complied with by the property owner/applicant to the satisfaction of the Building Official, City Engineer, Community Development Administrator, Fire Marshal, and Public Works Services Director, or their respective designees. Any changes to the existing facility may be subject to building permits after having fully detailed plans submitted for plan check review and approval by the aforementioned City officials and employees, or designees. 5. The applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Arcadia and its officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Arcadia, its officials, officers, employees or agents to attack, set aside, void, or annul any approval or conditional approval of the City of Arcadia concerning this project and/or land use decision, including but not limited to any approval or conditional approval of the City Council, Planning Commission, or City Staff, which action is brought within the time period provided for in Government Code Section 66499.37 or other provision of law applicable to this project or decision. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding concerning the project and/or land use decision and the City shall cooperate fully in the defense of the matter. The City reserves the right, at its own option, to choose its own attorney to represent the City, its officials, officers, employees, and agents in the defense of the matter. 6. Approval of CUP 13-18 and TRE 14-49 to allow construction of a new unmanned standalone wireless facility shall not be of effect unless on or before 30 calendar days after Planning Commission adoption of the Resolution, the property owner and applicant have executed and filed with the Community Development Administrator or designee an Acceptance Form available from the Development Services Department to indicate awareness and acceptance of these conditions of approval.   Attachment No. 2 Attachment No.2 Aerial Photo with Zoning Information Attachment No. 3 Attachment No.3 Design Plans   Attachment No. 4 Attachment No.4 Visual Impact Analysis/Photo-Simulations Photo simulation accuracy is based on information provided to Blue Water Design by the applicant. Santa Anita Race Track PROPOSED 285 West Huntington Drive Arcadia, CA 91007 EXISTING CONTACTAPPLICANT BLUEWATERDESIGN bluewater-design.net michelle@ bluewater-design.net p 714.473.2942 VIEW1 SV0243A Completed April 17, 2014 p 949.336.1550 Coastal Business Group Inc. 16150 Scientific Way Irvine, CA 92618 at&t Mobility 12900 Park Plaza Drive Cerritos, CA 90703 X PROPOSED LOCATION EQUIPMENT SHELTER X Colorado Pl PROPOSED LOCATION (N) ANTENNA (On (N) Monobroadleaf) N Baldwin Ave Photo simulation accuracy is based on information provided to Blue Water Design by the applicant. Santa Anita Race Track PROPOSED 285 West Huntington Drive Arcadia, CA 91007 EXISTING CONTACTAPPLICANT BLUEWATERDESIGN bluewater-design.net michelle@ bluewater-design.net p 714.473.2942 VIEW2 SV0243A Completed April 17, 2014 p 949.336.1550 Coastal Business Group Inc. 16150 Scientific Way Irvine, CA 92618 at&t Mobility 12900 Park Plaza Drive Cerritos, CA 90703 XX Colorado Pl PROPOSED LOCATION (N) ANTENNA (On (N) Monobroadleaf) N Baldwin Ave PROPOSED LOCATION EQUIPMENT SHELTER Photo simulation accuracy is based on information provided to Blue Water Design by the applicant. Santa Anita Race Track PROPOSED 285 West Huntington Drive Arcadia, CA 91007 EXISTING CONTACTAPPLICANT BLUEWATERDESIGN bluewater-design.net michelle@ bluewater-design.net p 714.473.2942 VIEW3 SV0243A Completed April 17, 2014 p 949.336.1550 Coastal Business Group Inc. 16150 Scientific Way Irvine, CA 92618 at&t Mobility 12900 Park Plaza Drive Cerritos, CA 90703 XX Colorado Pl PROPOSED LOCATION (N) ANTENNA (On (N) Monobroadleaf) N Baldwin Ave Photo simulation accuracy is based on information provided to Blue Water Design by the applicant. Santa Anita Race Track PROPOSED 285 West Huntington Drive Arcadia, CA 91007 EXISTING CONTACTAPPLICANT BLUEWATERDESIGN bluewater-design.net michelle@ bluewater-design.net p 714.473.2942 VIEW4 SV0243A Completed April 17, 2014 p 949.336.1550 Coastal Business Group Inc. 16150 Scientific Way Irvine, CA 92618 at&t Mobility 12900 Park Plaza Drive Cerritos, CA 90703 XX Colorado Pl PROPOSED LOCATION (N) ANTENNA (On (N) Monobroadleaf) N Baldwin Ave   Attachment No. 5 Attachment No.5 Supplemental Wireless Communications Facility Documents   Attachment No. 6 Attachment No.6 Certified Arborist’s Report   Attachment No. 7 Attachment No.7 Photos of Subject Property and Surrounding Properties SUBJECT PROPERTY – PROPOSED LOCATION OF WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY NORTHEAST OF PROPOSED WIRELESS LOCATION - MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL NORTH OF PROPOSED WIRELESS LOCATION - SINGLE-FAMILY HOMES NORTH OF PROPOSED WIRELESS LOCATION - SINGLE-FAMILY HOMES   Attachment No. 8 Attachment No.8 Preliminary Exemption Assessment CITY OF ARCADIA 240 W. HUNTINGTON DRIVE ARCADIA, CA 91007 Preliminary Exemption Assessment\2011 FORM “A” PRELIMINARY EXEMPTION ASSESSMENT (Certificate of Determination When Attached to Notice of Exemption) 1. Name or description of project: Conditional Use Permit Application No. CUP 13-18 & TRE 14-49 for a new standalone wireless facility 2. Project Location – Identify street address and cross streets or attach a map showing project site (preferably a USGS 15’ or 7 1/2’ topographical map identified by quadrangle name): 285 W. Huntington Drive, Arcadia, CA (cross streets: Colorado Blvd & Colorado Place) 3. Entity or person undertaking project: A. B. Other (Private) (1) Name AT&T Mobility (2) Address 4. Staff Determination: The Lead Agency’s Staff, having undertaken and completed a preliminary review of this project in accordance with the Lead Agency's "Local Guidelines for Implementing the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)" has concluded that this project does not require further environmental assessment because: a. The proposed action does not constitute a project under CEQA. b. The project is a Ministerial Project. c. The project is an Emergency Project. d. The project constitutes a feasibility or planning study. e. The project is categorically exempt. Applicable Exemption Class: Section 15303 f. The project is statutorily exempt. Applicable Exemption: g. The project is otherwise exempt on the following basis: h. The project involves another public agency which constitutes the Lead Agency. Name of Lead Agency: Date: November 5, 2014 Staff: Tim Schwehr, Associate Planner