HomeMy WebLinkAboutUntitled corm'ci ,..) ' 1 PLAN CHECK OFFICIAL INSPECTION REPORT IIII WHOLESALE INSPECTION COUNTY OF-LOS ANEGN'vEILRE0SFIDEENPT?t,\ALR14tEAZET,HOF 1 ioctsitiiron RUT t's It..r.t gir 4 RETAIL INSPEC11014 P.. 1 SECTION I: TYPE OF INSPECTION i 190-Day Ev Preliminary Inspection '--------'-- Equipment E. i 1 ul Follow Up Inspection ._ _, Revocation Evaluatici I ti ,,, _, ---__ f2 ..... Final Inspection-NEW Final Inspection-REMODEL 1 , i l . contingencies. s a to SECTION II: STATUdStoO.FpePraEteRpMurITu InLtIoCtEhNe SE . APPROVED The facility /establi:.hment is approve . , DENIED:The facility/establishment is NOT approved to operate.To obtain approval, . 7 the requirements needed are ... _........... . . --14 . '', Z ■= )r 194517-0,- -ete...ZIP,12Y-71:\_. ./2_0"2_7;//44-4,!--2--i" i irrtfr-4*1-. , - -,'••• -- M W -ij. k• v-, `'., I 19)jetit a 4,12 hey- „gat/v:1' -...74;-.1.-.6.4..._fig_,, ...,_ 2-c-_._.......dor- .."...e b'_,-•-../..._. < c \ 0 .....,..-- /14 -6011 -14110Z71.Z.Dt1.1:(:<,eill/-7,?1j _1/0 e.)? I ".■ •UJ i 41 aneer 5 i LU ,. . ...-Z....._17.-riE1..2 adirli L.L...,CA i , 0 I- Lii :E. 0 1 rie-1 (7-7,1,ozderitcei ile./,,,,, 4_.1 t z : -— , m v, , in , , (,) 0 ,i e D I . ._ . ... _ __ _ ____, I ; ' L' t'w a413 /______I 1 ,. 3;" 1 n .', ''‘.,,..■,.- lSubmit 3 sets of detailed plans:See Conttruction Requirement Guidelines at www.publichealth lacountv.goviett ..t ,-, 4;■ 1 1 +Obtain local Building&Safety,Fire Department and other agency permits and approvals SECTION III: LIMITS&RESTRICTIONS The approved facility/establishment may engage in the processes/activities marked below: •••• -.,..; *:' s:„.a Ns' '' T-, E Use Multiservice Utensils 1 .0- ..).. :(,'.....:.t..\ .,_, r ) \......p.. -...„ rd.n mployees . " 1/4"14C ---1 ■ ....JIM ''''''. .."- Steck Prepackaged/Non-Potentiaky Hazardous Foods I Serve Alcoholic Beverages , v•Te „ C, No ->< i Stock Perishable/Potentially Hazardous Foods i,/,..„,May NOT Serve Alcoholic Beverages For On-Site Consumption -AU_ "•-,,, ...,,. }X.IFood Preparation Food Demonstration r Fox!Preparation-UMITED FOOD PREPARATION Wholesale Food Processing i Or;k4""j (j i ,Food Preparation-NO COOKING PERMITTED 1Food Market Wholesale t '" ki- H------ .--- 2 _au ----1- - \. , i.,Lo • l i Food Market Retail,Prepackaged Foods Only I !Other: z,,,a..... c S ,..1- , E? -11- tcici I. e.1*T SECTION IV: FEES I ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIONS , A fee in the amount of$ must be paid prior to the next field inspection. , 1CLOSURE Operating without final approval and/or without Public Health Permit OR License ...il g Administrative Review/Office Hearing has been sChed—uled-on---1---------,ar----a.M.TP.M.-(P7ov-ide Valid Photo Identlficahoin o• tl- ,....° s.g. ' 4" 0 tt..‘ E. Q• C.,,Z SECTION V: DISCLOSURES .„,, It is a misdemeanor violation to begin operation without a valid Public Health permit/license.The Public Health permit/license will be J. ---'. 12.. e.,..g5. issued by the Plan Check Inspector at the lob site following final inspection and approval by all applicable agencies Remodeled areas of ., 6 ....... :,,, :7_, _.:...; ....,,,,, , r,, -+..":,! 2,..„.:'LaneinstingtoodracitityLestablishrnent must obtain a=firialinspectionand approval from all applicable enforcement agencies prior to use.I 'al , . ... _. : . ,... ‘.. Any future alteration.construction,building renovation,repair,change of equipment,change of the oPeratien-dia.food fa lit / i , , , 7 041 !establishment or change of menu may require plans to be submitted to the Health Department Plan Check Program Additional approvals 1 ,,is may be required from other enforcement agencies Oz (-) '' , lit is improper and illegal for any County officer,employ ee or inspea.--,-,-,.sbilUitbribehs:gifts or gratuiues in-co- hhectio n with-performmg their official des Improper solicitations include requests for anything of value such as cash.discounts.free services.paid travel or County employee to solicit bribes,gifts or gratuities for any '(-.3 co) )entertainment,or tangible items such as food or beverages.Any attem by t ix 0) ;reason should be reported immediately to ether the County manager responsible for supervising the employee or the Fraud Hotline at 1 Z 0. Lti e (800) 544-6861 or wyvw lacounlvfraudorg YOU MAY REMAIN ANONYMOUS Et: t __.______. . ... .. 4_ 1 _ _ SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR ADDITIONAL CRITERIA --- TO:age-4-4.—..."-' -1 h-3086 (109) _......... , ,c.-