HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 3 - CUP 14-18_Part 2_Draft Initial Study/MND Attachment No. 2 Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND), dated May 2015 and Response to Comments, dated June 18, 2015 225 South Lake Avenue, Suite 1000 Pasadena, CA 91101 T: (626) 351-2000 F: (626) 351-2030 MEMORANDUM June 18, 2015 To: From: Lisa Flores Development Services Department Daria Sarraf, Environmental Planner Subject: 57 Wheeler Avenue Mixed-Use Project The purpose of this Memorandum is to relay the status of comments received on the 57 Wheeler Avenue Mixed-Use Project Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) dated May 2015. Section 15074(b) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines requires that the decision- making body consider the proposed MND with any comments received during the public review process. As of June 18, 2015, only one comment letter has been received by the City of Arcadia from the City of Temple City, but it did not provide comments on the IS/MND. If any additional comments on the IS/MND arrive by the end of the comment period at 5:30 PM on June 22, 2015, a subsequent correspondence including these comments will be prepared and presented to the City of Arcadia Planning Commission prior to the public hearing at 7:00 PM on June 23, 2015. Section 21081.6 of the Public Resources Code and Section 15074(d) of the CEQA Guidelines require that when adopting an MND, the lead agency adopt a program for reporting on or monitoring the changes that it has either required in the project or made a condition of approval to reduce or avoid significant environmental effects. The Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan (MMRP), presented as Table 1-1 in the IS/MND, is complete and no changes are required due to public or agency comments. H:\Projects\DDPArca (DDP)\J0001\Memo 57 Wheeler_061815.docx Attachment No. 2 Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND), dated May 2015 57 Wheeler Avenue Mixed-Use Project Initial Study/ Mitigated Negative Declaration Submitted to City of Arcadia Development Services Department 240 West Huntington Drive Arcadia, California 91066 Contact: Lisa Flores T: (626) 574-5423 Prepared by BonTerra Psomas 225 South Lake Avenue, Suite 1000 Pasadena, California 91101 T: (626) 351-2000 May 2015 57 Wheeler Avenue Mixed-Use Project Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration H:\Projects\DDPArca (DDP)\J0001\MND\57 Wheeler MND-052815.docx i Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page Section 1.0 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 1-1  1.1 Purpose of the Initial Study ..................................................................... 1-1  1.2 Summary of Findings .............................................................................. 1-1  1.3 Project Review Process .......................................................................... 1-1  1.4 Project-Related Actions .......................................................................... 1-2  1.4.1 Project Design Features and Regulatory Requirements ............. 1-3  1.4.2 Mitigation Measures .................................................................... 1-3  Section 2.0 Environmental Setting and Project Description ............................................ 2-1  2.1 Project Location ...................................................................................... 2-1  2.2 Environmental Setting ............................................................................. 2-1  2.2.1 Existing Site Conditions .............................................................. 2-1  2.2.2 Surrounding Area Conditions ...................................................... 2-2  2.2.3 Existing Utility Infrastructure ....................................................... 2-2  2.3 Project Description.................................................................................. 2-3  2.3.1 Proposed Land Uses .................................................................. 2-3  2.3.2 Development Characteristics ...................................................... 2-4  2.3.3 Easements ................................................................................ 2-10  2.3.4 Off-Site Improvements .............................................................. 2-10  2.4 Construction Activities .......................................................................... 2-10  2.5 Discretionary Approvals ........................................................................ 2-11  Section 3.0 Environmental Checklist Form ........................................................................ 3-1  Section 4.0 Environmental Impact Questions and Analysis ............................................ 4-1  4.1 Aesthetics ............................................................................................... 4-1  4.1.1 Existing Conditions ..................................................................... 4-1  4.1.2 Impact Analysis ........................................................................... 4-1  4.1.3 Mitigation Measures .................................................................... 4-5  4.2 Agriculture and Forest Resources .......................................................... 4-6  4.2.1 Existing Conditions ..................................................................... 4-6  4.2.2 Impact Analysis ........................................................................... 4-6  4.2.3 Mitigation Measures .................................................................... 4-7  4.3 Air Quality ............................................................................................... 4-8  4.3.1 Existing Conditions ..................................................................... 4-8  4.3.2 Impact Analysis ......................................................................... 4-11  4.3.3 Mitigation Measures .................................................................. 4-18  4.4 Biological Resources ............................................................................ 4-19  4.4.1 Existing Conditions ................................................................... 4-19  57 Wheeler Avenue Mixed-Use Project Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration H:\Projects\DDPArca (DDP)\J0001\MND\57 Wheeler MND-052815.docx ii Table of Contents 4.4.2 Impact Analysis ......................................................................... 4-19  4.4.3 Mitigation Measures .................................................................. 4-21  4.5 Cultural Resources ............................................................................... 4-22  4.5.1 Existing Conditions ................................................................... 4-22  4.5.2 Impact Analysis ......................................................................... 4-25  4.5.3 Mitigation Measures .................................................................. 4-29  4.6 Geology and Soils................................................................................. 4-30  4.6.1 Existing Conditions ................................................................... 4-30  4.6.2 Impact Analysis ......................................................................... 4-31  4.6.3 Mitigation Measures .................................................................. 4-35  4.7 Greenhouse Gas Emissions ................................................................. 4-36  4.7.1 Existing Conditions ................................................................... 4-36  4.7.2 Impact Analysis ......................................................................... 4-38  4.7.3 Mitigation Measures .................................................................. 4-42  4.8 Hazards/Hazardous Materials .............................................................. 4-43  4.8.1 Existing Conditions ................................................................... 4-44  4.8.2 Impact Analysis ......................................................................... 4-44  4.8.3 Mitigation Measures .................................................................. 4-48  4.9 Hydrology and Water Quality ................................................................ 4-50  4.9.1 Existing Conditions ................................................................... 4-50  4.9.2 Impact Analysis ......................................................................... 4-51  4.9.3 Mitigation Measures .................................................................. 4-55  4.10 Land Use and Planning ........................................................................ 4-56  4.10.1 Existing Conditions ................................................................... 4-56  4.10.2 Impact Analysis ......................................................................... 4-57  4.10.3 Mitigation Measures .................................................................. 4-60  4.11 Mineral Resources ................................................................................ 4-61  4.11.1 Existing Conditions ................................................................... 4-61  4.11.2 Impact Analysis ......................................................................... 4-61  4.11.3 Mitigation Measures .................................................................. 4-62  4.12 Noise .................................................................................................... 4-63  4.12.1 Existing Conditions ................................................................... 4-64  4.12.2 Impact Analysis ......................................................................... 4-64  4.12.3 Mitigation Measures .................................................................. 4-71  4.13 Population and Housing ........................................................................ 4-72  4.13.1 Existing Conditions ................................................................... 4-72  4.13.2 Impact Analysis ......................................................................... 4-72  4.13.3 Mitigation Measures .................................................................. 4-73  4.14 Public Services ..................................................................................... 4-74  4.14.1 Existing Conditions ................................................................... 4-74  4.14.2 Impact Analysis ......................................................................... 4-75  4.14.3 Mitigation Measures .................................................................. 4-78  4.15 Recreation ............................................................................................ 4-79  57 Wheeler Avenue Mixed-Use Project Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration H:\Projects\DDPArca (DDP)\J0001\MND\57 Wheeler MND-052815.docx iii Table of Contents 4.15.1 Existing Conditions ................................................................... 4-79  4.15.2 Impact Analysis ......................................................................... 4-80  4.15.3 Mitigation Measures .................................................................. 4-81  4.16 Transportation/Traffic ............................................................................ 4-82  4.16.1 Existing Conditions ................................................................... 4-82  4.16.2 Impact Analysis ......................................................................... 4-83  4.16.3 Mitigation Measures .................................................................. 4-94  4.17 Utilities and Service Systems ............................................................... 4-95  4.17.1 Existing Conditions ................................................................... 4-95  4.17.2 Impact Analysis ......................................................................... 4-96  4.17.3 Mitigation Measures ................................................................ 4-100  4.18 Mandatory Findings of Significance .................................................... 4-101  Section 5.0 Report Preparers .............................................................................................. 5-1  Section 6.0 References ........................................................................................................ 6-1  TABLES Table Page 1-1 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting PLan ..................................................................... 1-4  2-1 Project Residential Unit Summary ................................................................................. 2-4  4-1 California and National Ambient Air Quality Standards .................................................. 4-9  4-2 Designations of Criteria Pollutants in the South Coast Air Basin ................................. 4-10  4-3 SCAQMD Criteria Pollutant Significant Mass Emissions Significance Thresholds (lbs/day) ..................................................................................................... 4-12  4-4 Estimated Maximum Daily Construction Emissions (lbs/day) ...................................... 4-13  4-5 Maximum Localized Construction Pollutant Emissions (lbs/day) ................................. 4-14  4-6 Peak Daily Operational Emissions ............................................................................... 4-15  4-7 Cultural Resources Studies Within One Mile of the Project Site .................................. 4-22  4-8 Native American Consultation Summary ..................................................................... 4-24  4-9 Global Warming Potentials and Atmospheric Lifetimes ............................................... 4-37  4-10 Estimated Annual GreenHouse Gas Emissions From Construction ............................ 4-40  4-11 Estimated Annual Operational GHG Emissions ........................................................... 4-40  4-12 Estimated Total Annual GHG Emissions ..................................................................... 4-41  4-13 Facilities of Potential Environmental Concern Within ¼-Mile Radius ........................... 4-46  4-14 Land Use Designations Near The Project Site ............................................................. 4-57  4-15 Structural Vibration Damage Thresholds ..................................................................... 4-68  4-16 Human Response to Transient Vibration ..................................................................... 4-68  4-17 Typical Vibration Levels During Construction Activities ............................................... 4-68  4-18 Land Use Compatibility For Community Noise Environments...................................... 4-69  4-19 City of Arcadia Noise Ordinance Standards ................................................................. 4-70  4-20 Nearby Parks and Recreational Facilities .................................................................... 4-79  4-21 Existing (2015) Intersection Level of Service ............................................................... 4-83  4-22 Project Trip Generation ................................................................................................ 4-85  4-23 Summary of Intersection Capacity Analysis ................................................................. 4-88  4-24 Total Domestic Water Demand .................................................................................... 4-97  4-25 Related Projects ......................................................................................................... 4-102  57 Wheeler Avenue Mixed-Use Project Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration H:\Projects\DDPArca (DDP)\J0001\MND\57 Wheeler MND-052815.docx iv Table of Contents EXHIBITS Exhibit Follows Page 2-1 Regional Location and Local Vicinity ............................................................................. 2-1  2-2 Aerial Photograph .......................................................................................................... 2-1  2-3 Conceptual Site Plan ...................................................................................................... 2-4  2-4a Conceptual Floor Plans .................................................................................................. 2-4  2-4b Conceptual Floor Plans .................................................................................................. 2-4  2-4c Conceptual Floor Plans .................................................................................................. 2-4  2-4d Conceptual Floor Plans .................................................................................................. 2-4  2-5a Conceptual Building Elevations and Architectural Design ............................................. 2-5  2-5b Conceptual Building Elevations and Architectural Design ............................................. 2-5  2-5c Conceptual Building Elevations and Architectural Design ............................................. 2-5  2-5d Conceptual Building Elevations and Architectural Design ............................................. 2-5  2-6 Conceptual SUSMP Drawing ......................................................................................... 2-9  2-7 Proposed Easements ..................................................................................................... 2-9  4-1a Existing Site Conditions ................................................................................................. 4-3  4-1b Existing Site Conditions ................................................................................................. 4-3  4-2 Fault Map ..................................................................................................................... 4-31  4-3 Study Area Intersection ................................................................................................ 4-83  4-4 Existing Traffic Volumes ............................................................................................... 4-83  4-5 Project Traffic Volumes ................................................................................................ 4-85  4-6 Future with Project Traffic Volumes ............................................................................. 4-88  4-7 Related Projects ......................................................................................................... 4-104  APPENDICES Appendix A Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emission Calculations B Oak Tree Evaluation C Historic Resources Assessment D Geotechnical Investigation E-1 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment E-2 RecCheck Report F Traffic Impact Analysis Report G Parking Analysis 57 Wheeler Avenue Mixed-Use Project Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration H:\Projects\DDPArca (DDP)\J0001\MND\57 Wheeler MND-052815.docx 1-1 Introduction SECTION 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 PURPOSE OF THE INITIAL STUDY In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (California Public Resources Code §21000 et seq.) and the State CEQA Guidelines (California Code of Regulations, Title 14, §15000 et seq.), this Initial Study has been prepared as documentation for a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the proposed 57 Wheeler Avenue Mixed-Use Project (Project). This Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) includes a description of the Project; the location of the Project site; an evaluation of the potential environmental impacts that would result from Project implementation; the findings from the environmental review; and recommended mitigation measures to lessen or avoid significant impacts on the environment. Pursuant to Section 15367 of the State CEQA Guidelines, the City of Arcadia is the lead agency for the Project. The lead agency is the public agency that has the principal responsibility for carrying out or approving a project that may have a significant effect upon the environment. The City of Arcadia, as lead agency, has the authority for Project approval and certification of the accompanying environmental documentation. 1.2 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS Based on the environmental checklist form prepared for the Project and the supporting environmental analysis contained in this IS/MND, the Project would have no impact or less than significant impacts for the following environmental impact areas: aesthetics; agricultural resources; air quality, greenhouse gas emissions; hydrology and water quality; land use and planning; mineral resources; noise; population and housing; population and housing; public services; recreation; utilities/service systems; and mandatory findings of significance. The Project has the potential to have significant impacts related to the following the following impact areas unless the recommended mitigation measures described herein are incorporated into the Project: biological resources; cultural resources; geology and soils; hazards/hazardous materials; and traffic/transportation. According to the State CEQA Guidelines, an IS/MND is the appropriate environmental document for the Project because, after incorporation of the recommended mitigation measures, potentially significant environmental impacts would be eliminated or reduced to a level considered less than significant. 1.3 PROJECT REVIEW PROCESS This IS/MND has been submitted to potentially affected agencies and individuals. Notices of the Intent (NOI) to adopt an MND have been published in the Arcadia Weekly, posted at the County of Los Angeles Recorder’s Office in Norwalk, mailed to all the adjacent owners/occupants within the required 300’ radius, and made available for public review at the City of Arcadia Development Services Department and at Arcadia Library. Because the Project does not meet the definition of a project of “statewide, areawide, or regional environmental significance” pursuant to Section 15206(b) of the State CEQA Guidelines and does not need to be reviewed by any State agencies, a 20-day public review period has been established for the IS/MND, in accordance with Section 15073 of the State CEQA Guidelines. In reviewing the IS/MND, affected public agencies and the interested public should focus on the adequacy of the document in identifying and analyzing the potential environmental impacts and the ways in which the potentially significant effects of the Project can be avoided or mitigated. 57 Wheeler Avenue Mixed-Use Project Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration H:\Projects\DDPArca (DDP)\J0001\MND\57 Wheeler MND-052815.docx 1-2 Introduction Comments on the IS/MND and the analysis contained herein may be sent to Ms. Lisa Flores via email at lflores@ci.arcadia.ca.us, or mailed to the City address listed below: Ms. Lisa Flores Planning Services Manager City of Arcadia Development Services Department 240 West Huntington Drive Arcadia, California 91066 Following receipt and evaluation of comments from agencies, organizations, and/or individuals, the City of Arcadia will determine whether any substantial new environmental issues have been raised. If so, further documentation, such as an environmental impact report (EIR) or an expanded IS, may be required. If not, the Project and the environmental documentation would be submitted to the City’s Planning Commission for consideration. Organization of the Initial Study The IS/MND is organized into the following sections:  Section 1 – Introduction. This section provides an overview of the conclusions in the IS.  Section 2 – Environmental Setting and Project Description. This section provides a brief description of the Project location; the existing environmental setting of the Project site and vicinity; and a description of the Project.  Section 3 – Environmental Checklist Form. This section contains a summary checklist of environmental issues and the signature block for the Lead Agency.  Section 4 – Environmental Impact Questions and Analysis. This section contains an analysis of environmental impacts identified in the environmental checklist and identifies Regulatory Requirements (RRs) that minimize environmental impacts. Mitigation Measures (MMs) required to eliminate any potentially significant effects or to reduce potentially significant effects to a level considered less than significant are identified. The environmental checklist form also includes “mandatory findings of significance” required by CEQA.  Section 5 – Report Preparers. This section lists the authors, including staff from the City of Arcadia, who assisted in the preparation and review of the IS.  Section 6 – References. This section identifies the references used in preparation of the IS. 1.4 PROJECT-RELATED ACTIONS The analysis in Section 3.0 of this IS/MND evaluates the environmental impacts associated with Project implementation. This IS/MND differentiates between Project Design Features (PDFs), RRs, and MMs. PDFs are physical characteristics or components of the Project that serve to avoid or reduce potential impacts. RRs articulate how compliance with existing laws and regulations, which are mandatory obligations for Project implementation, would avoid or reduce potential impacts. MMs are applied for those impacts that would be significant after PDFs and RRs are implemented. 57 Wheeler Avenue Mixed-Use Project Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration H:\Projects\DDPArca (DDP)\J0001\MND\57 Wheeler MND-052815.docx 1-3 Introduction 1.4.1 PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES AND REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS Implementation of the PDFs and compliance with RRs would result in the Project having no impact or less than significant impacts on air quality, biological resources, cultural resources, geology and soils, greenhouse gas emissions, hazards/hazardous materials, hydrology and water quality, land use and planning, noise, public services, recreation, traffic/transportation, and utilities and service systems. The City will confirm that these PDFs and RRs are included in the Contractor Specifications and bid documents, as appropriate, and verified as part of the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP). These PDFs and RRs shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the City and are listed in Table 1-1, Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan below, along with the assigned responsibility for implementation and compliance monitoring. 1.4.2 MITIGATION MEASURES Prior to mitigation, Project implementation would result in potentially significant impacts to biological resources, cultural resources, geology and soils, hazards/hazardous materials, and traffic/transportation. However, MMs have been developed to avoid or reduce these impacts to levels considered less than significant. These MMs would be included in the Contractor Specifications and bid documents, as appropriate, and verified as part of the MMRP. These MMs shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the City and are listed below in Table 1-1, Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan, along with the assigned responsibility for implementation and compliance monitoring. 57 Wheeler Avenue Mixed-Use Project Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration H:\Projects\DDPArca (DDP)\J0001\MND\57 W heeler MND-052815.docx 1-4 Introduction TABLE 1-1 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PLAN Project Design Feature (PDF)/ Regulatory Requirement (RR)/ Mitigation Measure (MM) Responsible for Monitoring Monitoring Frequency Timing of Verification Method of Verification Verified Date/ Initials Sanctions for Non- Compliance I. AESTHETICS RR AES-1 The Developer shall prepare a Landscape Plan that provides the proposed plant palette and location of proposed landscaping, subject to the review and approval of the City’s Development Services Department. City Planning Services Once During plan-check in Building Services City verifies compliance with the Municipal Code Withhold Grading Permit RR AES-2 The Developer shall prepare a Lighting Plan that provides the type and location of proposed exterior lighting and signage, subject to the review and approval of the City’s Development Services Department. City Planning and Building Services Once During plan-check in Building Services City verifies compliance with the Municipal Code Withhold Grading Permit III. AIR QUALITY PDF AQ-1 The Developer will utilize zero- volatile organic compound (VOC) paint for architectural coatings of interior and exterior surfaces. City Planning and Building Services Once Prior to issuance of a building permit City verifies compliance through final design approval process Withhold Building Permit RR AQ-1 Demolition and grading for the Project shall be performed in compliance with South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Rule 403, Fugitive Dust. In addition, SCAQMD Rule 402 requires implementation of dust suppression techniques to prevent fugitive dust from creating a nuisance off-site. Contractor compliance with Rule 403 and Rule 402 requirements shall be mandated in the contractor’s specificati ons and shall include the measures listed below.  Paved streets shall be swept at least once per day where there is ev idence of dirt that has been carried onto the roadway.  Watering trucks shall be used to minimize dust. Watering should be sufficient to confine dust plumes to the Project work areas. Active, disturbed areas shall have water applied to them three times daily. City Planning and Building Services Regularly during construction Prior to issuance of grading permit City confirms Project complies with SCQAMD Rule 402 and 403 Withhold Grading Permit 57 Wheeler Avenue Mixed-Use Project Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration H:\Projects\DDPArca (DDP)\J0001\MND\57 W heeler MND-052815.docx 1-5 Introduction TABLE 1-1 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PLAN Project Design Feature (PDF)/ Regulatory Requirement (RR)/ Mitigation Measure (MM) Responsible for Monitoring Monitoring Frequency Timing of Verification Method of Verification Verified Date/ Initials Sanctions for Non- Compliance  For disturbed soil surfaces that will be left inactive for four or more days, a chemical stabilizer shall be applied pursuant to the manufacturer’s instructions.  For open soil storage piles that will remain on site for two or more days, water shall be applied once per hour, or coverings shall be installed.  All haul vehicles shall be covered or shall comply with the vehicle freeboard requirements of Section 23114 of the California Vehicle Code for both public and private roads. During high wind conditions (i.e., wind speeds in excess of 25 miles per hour), all earth-moving activities shall cease or water shall be applied to soil not more than 15 minutes prior to disturbing such soil. IV. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES RR BIO-1 All oak tree plantings, removals, or alterations associated with implementation of the Project shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements set forth in the City of Arcadia’s Oak Tree Preservation Ordinance (Municipal Code, Article IX, Chapter 7). Specifically, in compliance with Section 9703, Oak Tree Protection Regulations, an Oak Tree Permit shall be obtained prior to the removal of or encroachment into the protected zone of any oak tree. As recommended in the Oak Tree Evaluation, the City will require that the four Engelmann Oak Trees along Wheeler Avenue are removed and new oak trees are planted into the future landscaped areas for the Project according to the direction of the City of Arcadia. City Planning Services and Public Works Department Once During plan-check in Building Services. The new trees (e.g. size and species) shall be shown on the final landscape plans. City Planning Division and Public Works Department verifies replacement of four Engelmann Oak Trees. Withhold Occupancy Permit 57 Wheeler Avenue Mixed-Use Project Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration H:\Projects\DDPArca (DDP)\J0001\MND\57 W heeler MND-052815.docx 1-6 Introduction TABLE 1-1 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PLAN Project Design Feature (PDF)/ Regulatory Requirement (RR)/ Mitigation Measure (MM) Responsible for Monitoring Monitoring Frequency Timing of Verification Method of Verification Verified Date/ Initials Sanctions for Non- Compliance MM BIO-1 Prior to approval of grading plans, the Development Servic es Department shall verify that the following note is included on the contractor specifications to ensure compliance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA): To avoid impacts on nesting birds, the vegetation on the Project site should be cleared between September 1 and January 31. If vegetation clearing occurs inside the peak nesting season (between February 1 and August 31), a pre-construction survey (or possibly multiple surveys) shall be conducted by a qualified Biologist to identify if there are any active nesting locations. If the Biologist does not find any active nests within the impact area, the vegetation clearing/construction work will be allowed. If the Biologist finds an active nest within the construction area and determines that the nest may be impacted by construction activities, the Biologist will delineate an appropriate buffer zone around the nest depending on the species and the type of construction activity. Construction activities shall be prohibited in the buffer zone until a qualified Biologist determines the nest is abandoned. City Planning and Building Services Once Prior to issuance of a grading permit City verifies that construction documents include required language. Withhold Grading Permit V. CULTRUAL RESOURCES PDF CUL-1 The Developer will coordinate with the Planning Division and the Arcadia Historical Society to install a monument plaque on the proposed building, indicating the location of the former San Gabriel Valley Lumber Company and its importance in the history of the City of Arcadia. City Planning Services Once Prior to issuance of an occupancy permit for either the commercial or residential uses, whichever comes first City reviews plaque wording and verifies installation of monument plaque Withhold Occupancy Permit 57 Wheeler Avenue Mixed-Use Project Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration H:\Projects\DDPArca (DDP)\J0001\MND\57 W heeler MND-052815.docx 1-7 Introduction TABLE 1-1 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PLAN Project Design Feature (PDF)/ Regulatory Requirement (RR)/ Mitigation Measure (MM) Responsible for Monitoring Monitoring Frequency Timing of Verification Method of Verification Verified Date/ Initials Sanctions for Non- Compliance RR CUL-1 Should archaeological resources be found during ground-disturbing activities for the Project, an Archaeologist shall be hired to first determine whether it is a “unique archaeological resource” pursuant to Section 21083.2(g) of the California Public Resources Code (PRC) or a “historical resource” pursuant to Section 15064.5(a) of the State CEQA Guidelines. If the archaeological resource is determined to be a “unique archaeological resource” or a “historical resource”, the Archaeologist shall formulate a mitigation plan in consultation with the City of Arcadia that satisfies the requirements of the above-referenced sections. If the Archaeologist determines that the archaeological resource is not a “unique archaeological resource” or “historical resource”, s/ he may record the site and submit the recordation form to the California Historic Resources Information System at the South Central Coastal Information Center (SCCIC) at California State University, Fullerton. City Planning and Building Services Anytime during grading Discovery of archaeological artifacts City verifies grading plans require City to be notified if any cultural materials are found during grading. City shall verify developer has retained a cultural monitor if needed Issue a “Stop Work” Order for non-compliance RR CUL-2 If human remains are encountered during excavation activities, all work shall halt in the immediate vicinity of the discovery and the County Coroner shall be notified ( California Public Resources Code §5097.98). The Coroner shall determine whether the remains are of forensic interest. If the Coroner, with the aid of the Archaeologist approved by the City of Arcadia, determines that the remains are prehistoric, s/he will contact the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC). The NAHC shall be responsible for designating the most likely descendant (MLD), who will be responsible for the ultimate disposition of the remains, as required by Section 7050.5 of the California Health and Safety Code. The MLD City Planning and Building Services Anytime during grading Discovery or recognition of any human remains City verifies grading plans state County Coroner and City if human remains are accidentally discovered during grading Issue a “Stop Work” Order during grading if notification does not occur 57 Wheeler Avenue Mixed-Use Project Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration H:\Projects\DDPArca (DDP)\J0001\MND\57 W heeler MND-052815.docx 1-8 Introduction TABLE 1-1 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PLAN Project Design Feature (PDF)/ Regulatory Requirement (RR)/ Mitigation Measure (MM) Responsible for Monitoring Monitoring Frequency Timing of Verification Method of Verification Verified Date/ Initials Sanctions for Non- Compliance shall make his/her recommendation within 48 hours of being granted access to the site. The MLD’s recommendation shall be followed if feasible, and may include scientific removal and non-destructive analysis of the human remains and any items associated with Native American burials ( California Health and Safety Code §7050.5). If the landowner rejects the MLD’s recommendations, the landowner shall rebury the remains with appropriate dignity on the property in a location that will not be subject to further subsurface disturbance ( California Public Resources Code §5097 . 98). MM CUL-1 A qualified Paleontologist shall be retained to observe grading activities in the older Quaternary Alluvium on the Project site and to salvage and catalogue fossils as necessary. At the Project’s Pre-Grade Meeting, the Paleontologist shall discuss the sensitivity of the sediment being graded and shall establish procedures for monitoring. Protocols must be developed and explained for temporarily halting or redirecting work to permit sampling, identification, and evaluation of any fossils discovered. If the fossils are deemed significant, the Paleontologist shall determine appropriate actions, in cooperation with the City of Arcadia, to recover and treat the fossils and to prepare them to the point of identification. A final Paleontological Resources Monitoring Report shall include a catalogue and analysis of the fossils found; a summary of their significance; and the repository that will curate the fossils in perpetuity. City Planning and Building Services Anytime during grading Discovery of paleontological resources City verifies grading plans require City to be notified if any fossils are found during grading. City shall verify developer has retained a paleo monitor if needed Issue a “Stop Work” Order for non-compliance 57 Wheeler Avenue Mixed-Use Project Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration H:\Projects\DDPArca (DDP)\J0001\MND\57 W heeler MND-052815.docx 1-9 Introduction TABLE 1-1 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PLAN Project Design Feature (PDF)/ Regulatory Requirement (RR)/ Mitigation Measure (MM) Responsible for Monitoring Monitoring Frequency Timing of Verification Method of Verification Verified Date/ Initials Sanctions for Non- Compliance VI. GEOLOGY AND SOILS RR GEO-1 Geotechnical design considerations for Project implementation are governed by the Arcadia Building Code, as set forth in Article VIII of the Municipal Code, which City Planning and Building Divisions incorporates by reference the California Building Code (CBC), 2010 Edition (i.e., 2010 California Building, Plumbing, Mechanical, Electrical and Existing Building Codes). Future buildings and structures shall be designed in accordance with applicable requirements of the 2013 CBC, the Arcadia Municipal Code, and any applicable building and seismic codes in effect at the time the grading plans are approved . City Building Services Once Prior to issuance of a building permit City verifies compliance through final design approval process Withhold Building Permit MM GEO-1 The Project building design specifications shall include recommendations from the Geotechnical Investigation Proposed Mixed Use Project – SWC Santa Clara Street at First Avenue, Arcadia, California, prepared by Southern California Geotechnical, Inc. (SCG 2015). These recommendations include, but are not limited to, specifications for the following:  Site grading recommendations  Construction considerations  Foundation design and construction  Floor slab design and construction  Retaining wall design and construction  Temporary shoring recommendations  Pavement design parameters The Project building design specifications shall be verified by the City of Arcadia Building Official prior to issuance of a grading permit. City Building Services Once Prior to issuance of a building permit City verifies compliance through final design approval process Withhold Building Permit 57 Wheeler Avenue Mixed-Use Project Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration H:\Projects\DDPArca (DDP)\J0001\MND\57 W heeler MND-052815.docx 1-10 Introduction TABLE 1-1 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PLAN Project Design Feature (PDF)/ Regulatory Requirement (RR)/ Mitigation Measure (MM) Responsible for Monitoring Monitoring Frequency Timing of Verification Method of Verification Verified Date/ Initials Sanctions for Non- Compliance VII. GREENHOUSE GAS PDF GHG-1 The proposed Project will achieve at a minimum Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED ® ) Silver Certification as establis hed by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). As part of the LEED certification, the Projec t will include energy efficiency measures and other green building standards, thereby reducing annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. City Planning and Building Services Once During plan-check in Building Services City verifies that Project achieves LEED® Silver Certification from the USGBC. Withhold Building Permit RR GHG-1 The proposed Project shall comply with the Title 24 Energy Efficiency Standards. These standards prescribe required energy efficient measures, including ventilation, insulation, and construction and the use of energy-saving appliances, conditioning systems, water heat ing, and lighting. City Planning and Building Services Once During plan-check in Building Services City verifies compliance through final design approval process Withhold Building Permit RR GHG-2 The proposed Project shall comply with the Title 24 Green Building Standards (CALGreen Code). These standards prescribe measures for water conservation, building commissioning, clean vehicle parking, and solid waste recycling, among others. City Planning and Building Services Once During plan-check in Building Services City verifies compliance through final design approval process Withhold Building Permit VIII. HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS RR HAZ-1 Activities at the Project site shall comply with existing federal, State, and local regulations regarding hazardous material use, storage, disposal, and transport to prevent Project-related risks to public health and safety. All on-site generated waste that meets hazardous waste criteria shall be stored, manifested, transported, and disposed of in accordance with the California Code of Regulations (Title 22) and in a manner to the satisfaction of the local Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA), as applicable. Any hazardous materials removed from the Project City Planning and Building Services Regularly during construction Prior to issuance of grading and building permits City verifies that construction documents comply with code requirements. Withhold Grading Permit or Building Permit 57 Wheeler Avenue Mixed-Use Project Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration H:\Projects\DDPArca (DDP)\J0001\MND\57 W heeler MND-052815.docx 1-11 Introduction TABLE 1-1 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PLAN Project Design Feature (PDF)/ Regulatory Requirement (RR)/ Mitigation Measure (MM) Responsible for Monitoring Monitoring Frequency Timing of Verification Method of Verification Verified Date/ Initials Sanctions for Non- Compliance site shall be transported only by a Licensed Hazardous Waste Hauler, who shall be in compliance with all applicable State and federal requirements, including U.S. Department of Transportation regulations under Title 49 (Hazardous Materials Transportation Act) and Title 40, Section 263 (Subtitle C of Resource Conservation and Recovery Act) of the Code of Federal Regulations ; California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) standards; and California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (CalOSHA) standards. MM HAZ-1 Prior to the issuance of a demolition permit, pre-demolition surveys for asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) and lead-based paint (LBP) shall be performed for the structure(s) proposed for demolition. All surveys, inspections, and analyses shall be performed by fully licensed and qualified individuals in accordance with all applicable federal, State, and local regulations. If the pre-demolition surveys/inspections do not identify ACMs or LBP, the Developer shall provide the survey/inspection documentation to the City showing that no further abatement actions are required. If the pre-demolition surveys/inspections identify ACMs or LBP, all such materials shall be handled in accordance with applicable regulations including, but not limited to 15 United States Code (USC) Chapter 53 (Toxic Substances Control); California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (CalOSHA) regulations (8 California Code of Regulations §1529 [Asbestos] and §1532.1 [Lead]); and South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Rule 1403 (Asbestos Emissions from Demolition/Renovation Activities). After demolition, the Developer shall provide City Building Service Once Prior to demolition of existing building City review of written documentation of the disposal of any ACMs or LBP in conformance with all applicable regulations Withhold Building Permit or Occupancy Permit as applicable 57 Wheeler Avenue Mixed-Use Project Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration H:\Projects\DDPArca (DDP)\J0001\MND\57 W heeler MND-052815.docx 1-12 Introduction TABLE 1-1 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PLAN Project Design Feature (PDF)/ Regulatory Requirement (RR)/ Mitigation Measure (MM) Responsible for Monitoring Monitoring Frequency Timing of Verification Method of Verification Verified Date/ Initials Sanctions for Non- Compliance documentation to the City illustrating that abatement of any ACMs or LBP identified in the demolished structure has been completed in full compliance with applicable regulations. MM HAZ-2 Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, a Construction Staging and Traffic Control Plan shall be prepared in cooperation with the City of Arcadia and any other affected jurisdictions in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). The Plan shall include, but not be limited to (1) identification of constr uction haul routes that follow the City’s approved truck routes and avoid residential streets; (2) identification of emergency access points/routes; (3) duration and location of lane closures (if any); (4) identification of tra ffic-control measures to be implemented to maintain traffic flow in all directions; (5) location of equipment and vehicle staging areas; (6) location of parking for construction workers during construction phases; (7) stockpiling of materials; (8) use of fencing (i.e., temporary fencing with opaque material); (9) use of flagpersons; and (10) temporary routes for pedestrians and bicyclists to avoid construction activities. Construction activities shall comply with the approved plan to the satisf action of the City of Arcadia. City Planning, Building, and Engineering Services Once Prior to issuance of a grading permit City review and approval of Construction Staging and Traffic Control Plan Withhold Grading Permit MM HAZ-3 Prior to the issuance of the occupancy permit, the Developer shall repair any damage incurred on City roadways during construction activities, or through transport of heavy trucks or equipment related to construction. City Public Works Department Once Prior to issuance of occupancy permit Withhold Occupancy Permit 57 Wheeler Avenue Mixed-Use Project Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration H:\Projects\DDPArca (DDP)\J0001\MND\57 W heeler MND-052815.docx 1-13 Introduction TABLE 1-1 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PLAN Project Design Feature (PDF)/ Regulatory Requirement (RR)/ Mitigation Measure (MM) Responsible for Monitoring Monitoring Frequency Timing of Verification Method of Verification Verified Date/ Initials Sanctions for Non- Compliance IX. HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY RR HYD-1 Prior to the issuance of a demolition permit, the Developer sha ll ensure compliance with all applicable requirements set forth in the City Municipal Code, including but not limited to Chapter 8, Stormwater Management and Discharge Control; Part 2, Discharge Regulations and Requirements. City Engineer Services Once Prior to issuance of demolition permit City verifies that construction documents include required language. Withhold Demolition Permit RR HYD-2 Prior to issuance of a grading permit, a site-specific Standard Urban Stormwater Management Plan (SUSMP) shall be submitted to the City Planning Division for review and approval. The SUSMP shall specifically identify the long-term site-design, source-control, and treatment-control best management practices (BMPs) that shall be used on site to control pollutant runoff and to reduce impacts to water quality to the maximum extent practicable. At a minimum, the SUSMP shall identify and the site developer shall implement source-control BMPs (routine structural and routine non-structural), site-design BMPs, and hydraulic source-control BMPs that would be incorporated into the Pr oject to ensure that the runoff from the Project site is treated before entering the City’s storm drain system. City Engineer Services Once Prior to issuance of building permit City review and approval of SUSMP Withhold Building Permit X. LAND USE AND PLANNING RR LU-1 Prior to commencement of any construction activities, the Developer shall obtain approval from the City of Arcadia for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP), as well as any required modifications from development standards, as required by the Arcadia Zoning Regulations for mixed-use projects in the DMU zone. City Planning Services Once Prior to any permits issued by the City. City approves CUP and modifications Withhold Grading Permit or Building Permit 57 Wheeler Avenue Mixed-Use Project Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration H:\Projects\DDPArca (DDP)\J0001\MND\57 W heeler MND-052815.docx 1-14 Introduction TABLE 1-1 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PLAN Project Design Feature (PDF)/ Regulatory Requirement (RR)/ Mitigation Measure (MM) Responsible for Monitoring Monitoring Frequency Timing of Verification Method of Verification Verified Date/ Initials Sanctions for Non- Compliance XII. NOISE PDF NOI-1 The contract specifications will include the following construction Best Management Practices (BMPs), to be implemented by contractors to reduce construction noise levels:  Ensure that construction equipment is properly muffled according to industry standards and is in good working condition.  Place noise-generating construction equipment and locate construction staging areas away from sensitive uses, where feasible.  Implement noise attenuation measures to the extent feasible, which may include, but are not limited to, temporary noise barriers or noise blankets around stationary construction noise sources.  Use electric air compressors and similar power tools rather than diesel equipment, where feasible.  Turn off construction-related equipment, including heavy-duty equipment, motor vehicles, and portable equipment when not in use for more than 30 minutes.  Clearly post construction hours, allowable workdays, and the phone number of the job superintendent at all construction entrances to allow for surrounding owners and residents to contact the job superintendent. If the City or the job superintendent receives a complaint, the superintendent shall investigate; take appropriate corrective action; and report the action taken to the reporting party. City Planning and Building Services Once Prior to issuance of a building permit City verifies that construction documents include required language. Withhold Building Permit 57 Wheeler Avenue Mixed-Use Project Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration H:\Projects\DDPArca (DDP)\J0001\MND\57 W heeler MND-052815.docx 1-15 Introduction TABLE 1-1 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PLAN Project Design Feature (PDF)/ Regulatory Requirement (RR)/ Mitigation Measure (MM) Responsible for Monitoring Monitoring Frequency Timing of Verification Method of Verification Verified Date/ Initials Sanctions for Non- Compliance  Include the contract specifications in construction documents, which shall be reviewed by the City prior to issuance of a grading or building permit (whichever is issued first). RR NOI-1 Per the City’s Noise Ordinance, short-term noise-generating construction activities shall be limited to between the hours of 7:00 AM and 6:00 PM Monday through Friday and between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM on Saturdays. On Sundays and Federal holidays, no noise-generating construction activities shall be permitted. Operationally mechanical equipment must not exceed 50 A-weighted decibels (dBA) at or beyond the Project site property lines between the hours of 10:00 PM to 7:00 AM. City Planning and Building Services Once Prior to issuance of grading and building permits City verifies that construction documents comply with code requirements. Withhold Grading Permit or Building Permit RR NOI-2 All residential units shall be provided with a means of mechani cal ventilation, as required by the California Building Code for occupancy with windows closed. City Planning and Building Services Once During plan-check in Building Services City verifies that construction documents comply with code requirements. Withhold Building Permit 57 Wheeler Avenue Mixed-Use Project Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration H:\Projects\DDPArca (DDP)\J0001\MND\57 W heeler MND-052815.docx 1-16 Introduction TABLE 1-1 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PLAN Project Design Feature (PDF)/ Regulatory Requirement (RR)/ Mitigation Measure (MM) Responsible for Monitoring Monitoring Frequency Timing of Verification Method of Verification Verified Date/ Initials Sanctions for Non- Compliance XIV. PUBLIC SERVICES RR PUB-1 The Developer shall comply with all applicable codes, ordinances and regulations, including the most current edition of the California Fire Code and the City of Arcadia Municipal Code, regarding fire prevention and suppression measures; fire hydrants; fire access; water availability; and other, similar requirements. Prior to issuance of building permits, the City of Arcadia Development Services Department and the Arcadia Fire Department shall verify compliance with applicable codes and that appropriate fire safety measures are included in the Project design. All such codes and measures shall be implemented prior to occupancy. City Planning and Building Services, and Fire Department Once Prior to issuance of a building permit City verifies that construction documents comply with code requirements. Withhold Building Permit RR PUB-2 Prior to issuance of the building permit, the Developer shall pay new development fees to the Arcadia Unified School District (AUSD) pursuant to Section 65995 of the California Government Code. As an option to the payment of developer fees, the AUSD and the Developer can enter into a facility and funding agreement, if approved by both parties. Evidence that agreements have been executed shall be submitted to the Development Services Department, or fees shall be paid with each building permit. City Planning and Building Services Once Prior to issuance of a building permit City verifies that any required school fees are paid Withhold Building Permit 57 Wheeler Avenue Mixed-Use Project Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration H:\Projects\DDPArca (DDP)\J0001\MND\57 W heeler MND-052815.docx 1-17 Introduction TABLE 1-1 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PLAN Project Design Feature (PDF)/ Regulatory Requirement (RR)/ Mitigation Measure (MM) Responsible for Monitoring Monitoring Frequency Timing of Verification Method of Verification Verified Date/ Initials Sanctions for Non- Compliance RR PUB-3 In accordance with the City’s Ordinance 2237 , prior to the issuance of the building permit, the Developer shall remit the most current park dwe lling fee, and/or other negotiated park fees, to the City. All money collected as fees imposed shall be deposited in the Park Dwelling Fund and shall be used for the acquisition, development, and improvement of public parks and recreational facilities in the City, as proposed by the City’s Parks and Recreation Master Plan. The Development Services Department shall confirm compliance with this requirement prior to issuance of a building permit. City Planning and Building Services Once Prior to issuance of a building permit City verifies that any required park fees are paid Withhold Building Permit XVI. TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION PDF TR A-1 The Project will incorporate a smart parking system with two or more smart parking boards, one located at the Santa Clara entrance, and one located at the Wheeler entrance. City Planning Services Once Prior to issuance of an occupancy permit for either the commercial or residential uses, whichever comes first City reviews placement of smart parking boards and verifies installation within parking garage Withhold Occupancy Permit See MM HAZ-2 XVII. UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS PDF UTL-1 Prior to issuance of an occupancy permit, the Developer will make a fair share contribution to the Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County (LACSD) for any trunk line improvements required to serve the Project. This measure will be implemented to the satisfaction of the City Public Works Services Department in consultation with the LACSD, as appropriate. City Public Works Services Department /Planning Services Once Prior to issuance of an occupancy permit City shall verify Developer has made the indicated fair share contribution Withhold Occupancy Permit 57 Wheeler Avenue Mixed-Use Project Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration H:\Projects\DDPArca (DDP)\J0001\MND\57 W heeler MND-052815.docx 1-18 Introduction TABLE 1-1 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PLAN Project Design Feature (PDF)/ Regulatory Requirement (RR)/ Mitigation Measure (MM) Responsible for Monitoring Monitoring Frequency Timing of Verification Method of Verification Verified Date/ Initials Sanctions for Non- Compliance PDF UTL-2 Prior to issuance of an occupancy permit, the Developer will make a fair share contribution to fund Projec t-related portions of any improvements needed to provide adequate electrical service to the Project. This measure will be implemented to the satisfaction of the City Public Works Services Department in consultation with Southern California Edison. City Public Works Services/Building Services Once Prior to issuance of an occupancy permit City shall verify Developer has made the indicated fair share contribution Withhold Occupancy Permit RR UTL-1 The Developer will comply with all applicable regulations and restrictions set forth in the City’s Municipal Code, including Section 7472 regarding restrictions on discharges into the sewer; Section 5130 regarding achievement of annual diversion rates in compliance with AB 939. City Building and Engineering Divisions Once Prior to issuance of a building permit City verifies that construction documents comply with Municipal Code Withhold Building Permit 57 Wheeler Avenue Mixed-Use Project Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration H:\Projects\DDPArca (DDP)\J0001\MND\57 Wheeler MND-052815.docx 2-1 Project Description SECTION 2.0 ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1 PROJECT LOCATION The Project site is approximately 34,107 square feet (sf; 0.783 acre) and is located at 57 Wheeler Avenue in an urbanized area in the central portion of the City of Arcadia in Los Angeles County, California. Exhibit 2-1, Regional and Local Vicinity Map, depicts the Project site boundaries located in the context of the local and regional roadway system. The Project site is part of a larger lot that extends northward to Santa Clara Street. The lot is comprised of two tax parcels (Assessor Parcel Numbers [APNs] 5772-006-039 and 5772-006-057) that were consolidated in 2006 via a lot line adjustment (LLA) for purposes of developing the 24 Hour Fitness building and its associated parking structure. In December 2014, the City of Arcadia approved Tentative Parcel Map No. TPM 14-13 (71492) to subdivide the site into two legal parcels. The proposed Project would be developed on the southerly parcel located at the northwest corner of Wheeler Avenue and First Avenue (APN 5772-006-039). As shown on the aerial photograph provided in Exhibit 2-2, Aerial Photograph, the site is located within a fully developed portion of the City, surrounded by existing structures, roadways, and parking lots. The Project site is one block north of Huntington Drive, a major east-west thoroughfare, and one-block east of Santa Anita Avenue, a major north-south thoroughfare. The under-construction Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension rail line runs just one block north of the Project site, and the under-construction Arcadia Gold Line Station is located on the northwest corner of First Avenue and East Santa Clara Street. The Project site can be regionally accessed from Interstate (I) 210, which is located approximately 0.6 mile north of the Project site, via the Santa Anita Avenue exit. 2.2 ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING 2.2.1 EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS As shown in Exhibit 2-2, the Project site currently contains a 1-story, approximate 7,706-sf commercial building (labeled as “Vacant Commercial/Restaurant Building”) and an associated 46-space surface parking lot. The building was most recently used as a restaurant, but has been vacant since mid-2013. The 2-story, 38,990-sf 24 Hour Fitness health club and its associated 3-story, -234 space parking structure are located on the same lot immediately to the north of the Project site. Ingress/egress to the site is provided via a driveway on Wheeler Avenue and via a driveway on Santa Clara Avenue that connects to the Project site through the 24 Hour Fitness parking structure. The two parcels share a reciprocal access easement and a utility easement. The Project site includes landscaping vegetation and trees along the First Avenue and Wheeler Avenue frontage, as well as some landscaping trees in the parking lot medians and at the building entrance. The Wheeler Avenue sidewalk includes four mature Engelmann Oak trees (Quercus engelmannii), which are protected by the City of Arcadia’s (City’s) Oak Tree Ordinance. The current General Plan land use designation on the site is “Downtown Mixed Use”. This designation allows for combined commercial and residential developments and stand-alone commercial uses; however, exclusively residential uses are not permitted in those areas. The Downtown Mixed Use designation provides for more intense, mixed-use development surrounding the under-construction Metro Gold Line Station to create a complete, compact, walkable neighborhood that encourages transit use. The under-construction Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension rail line runs just one-block north of the Project site and the under-construction Arcadia Gold Line Station is located on the northwest corner of First Avenue and East Santa Clara Street. Current zoning for the Project site is Downtown Mixed Use (DMU). 57 Wheeler Avenue Mixed-Use Project Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration H:\Projects\DDPArca (DDP)\J0001\MND\57 Wheeler MND-052815.docx 2-2 Project Description 2.2.2 SURROUNDING AREA CONDITIONS As shown on the aerial photograph presented in Exhibit 2-2, the Project site is immediately surrounded by existing urban development, including commercial retail, office, and associated parking. The 24 Hour Fitness building and its associated parking structure are located to the north of the Project site (and within the same lot). Land uses north of Santa Clara Street include the under-construction Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension Arcadia Station and its associated 300-space parking structure. In addition, a Bus Transit Center (where regional and local routes may converge; transfers between bus routes are provided; and bus passengers can transfer to/from the Gold Line light rail line) is anticipated to be constructed adjacent to the Gold Line Station (Arcadia 2010a). Front Street, which runs parallel to the rail line, has been permanently vacated between East Santa Clara Street and St. Joseph Street in order to accommodate the Gold Line Station and Bus Transit Center. The Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension Construction Authority’s construction on the Pasadena to Azusa Gold Line Extension is scheduled to be completed by September 23, 2015, when it will be turned over to the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) for testing and pre-revenue service. Therefore, during the preparation of this document, the Gold Line Foothill Extension, including the Arcadia Station and associated 300-space parking structure was under construction. It was anticipated that it would take four to six months for the Gold Line Foothill Extension to accept passengers after the Gold Line Foothill Extension has been turned over to Metro (Rowland 2015). To the east of First Avenue are single-story retail/office buildings and associated parking. To the south of Wheeler Avenue is a two-story medical office complex and associated surface parking. Commercial/retail and office uses along Huntington Drive are located further south. Immediately to the west and adjacent to the Project site is a U.S. Post Office. Commercial/retail and office uses along Santa Anita Avenue are located further west. Vehicular access to the Project site is provided by a driveway on Wheeler Avenue; no site access is available from First Avenue. In the Project vicinity, Wheeler Avenue is a two-lane divided road with a painted centerline. First Avenue is a four-lane divided road. Street parking is not permitted on either side of Wheeler Avenue, but is allowed on designated portions of First Avenue. 2.2.3 EXISTING UTILITY INFRASTRUCTURE Runoff from the Project site is conveyed into an 18-inch storm drain located on Wheeler Avenue. Storm drainage in the City is provided by curbs and gutters along streets, which direct storm water into the catch basins, pipes, and washes that run in a southerly direction in or near the City. Over four miles of City-maintained storm water management facilities are present in Arcadia, which connect to regional flood-control and runoff conveyance facilities (Arcadia 2010b). Storm water flows in a southerly direction through the Eaton Wash, Arcadia Wash, Santa Anita Wash, Sierra Madre Wash, and Sawpit Wash toward the Rio Hondo, which runs southwest into Whittier Narrows and continues southwest to join the Los Angeles River in Downey (Arcadia 2010a). Water is provided to the Project site via an eight-inch pipeline located in Wheeler Avenue. The City of Arcadia provides potable water to City residents and obtains water primarily from local groundwater supplies and treated imported water from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD). The City does not typically use service from MWD because the City’s collective groundwater supplies are generally sufficient to meet the City’s water demands (Arcadia 2010a). Sewage from the Project site is conveyed via an eight-inch pipeline located in Wheeler Avenue. Local sewer lines are maintained by the City and convey wastewater into trunk lines that are maintained by the Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County (LACSD). The City’s sewer system has approximately 138 miles of sewer pipes, plus 15 miles of County-owned pipelines, 6 siphons, Santa Anita Ave Huntington Dr Santa Anita Ave1st Ave 2nd Ave Alta St Santa Clara St Bonita St Alley La Porte St Colorado Blv d Rolyn Pl Wheeler Ave Morlan Pl Saint Joseph St Front St Haven Ave Forest Ave Flower St Ne wma n Ave Joyce Ave 3rd Ave Windsor RdCorn e llDr L o r e n a A v e Country Oaks Ln Saint Joseph St Haven Ave Bonita St Newman Ave Alley Haven Ave Alley Alley Saint Joseph St Alley Alley Newman Ave Rancho High School §¨¦210 §¨¦210 Arcadia County Park Bonita Park Newcastle Park D:\Projects\DDPArca\J0001\MXD\ex_LV_RL.mxd 4500450225 Feet ² A NGELES NATIONAL FOREST San GabrielReservoir liProject Site §¨405 §¨210 §¨105 §¨10 §¨710 §¨110 §¨605 §¨210 ST90 ST142ST72 ST134 ST110 ST60 ST57 ST710 ST91 Los AngelesOrange Los Angeles Downey Whittier Pasadena Glendale Hawthorne West Covina Regional Location and Local Vicinity Map 57 Wheeler Avenue Mixed-Use Project Exhibit 2-1 (Rev: 4-04-2014 MMD) Projects\DDPArca\J0001\Graphics\MND\ex_LV_RL.pdf Project Site Aerial Photograph 57 Wheeler Avenue Mixed-Use Project Exhibit 2-2 (Rev: 6-24-2014 MMD) Projects\DDPArca\J0001\Graphics\MND\ex_aerial.pdf Future Metro Gold Line Arcadia Station 24 Hour Fitness Parking Structure 24 Hour Fitness Existing Retail/Office Surface Parking Lot (46 spaces) Existing Medical Office Vacant Commercial/ Restaurant Building U.S. Post Office Existing Retail/Office Future Bus Transit Station City-Owned Surface Parking Lot 1st Ave Wheeler Ave 2nd Ave Saint Joseph St Santa Clara St Front St Morlan Pl Saint Joseph St Huntington Dr Santa Anita Ave Huntington Dr D:\Projects\DDPArca\J0001\MXD\ex_aerial.mxd 2200220110 Feet ² Aerial Source: LAR-IAC 2011 Project Site 57 Wheeler Avenue Mixed-Use Project Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration H:\Projects\DDPArca (DDP)\J0001\MND\57 Wheeler MND-052815.docx 2-3 Project Description and 1 pump station. The City’s sewer system serves existing developments in the City, with connections to the sewer systems of the Cities of Sierra Madre, Temple City, and Monrovia and in unincorporated County areas that allow for sewage conveyance through the Arcadia system to the LACSD sewer trunk lines (Arcadia 2010b). 2.3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Project involves the construction and operation of a four-story mixed-use structure with 3 stories of residential units (totaling 38 units) located over approximately 17,850 sf of retail/office space (i.e. 10,730 sf of retail uses and 7,120 sf of office uses), as well as two levels of underground parking. The Project would provide a total of 112 parking spaces, including 8 surface spaces and 104 below grade parking spaces. The Project would also include an approximate 2,730-sf public outdoor plaza area that would separate the Project from the existing adjacent 24 Hour Fitness building located to the north; as the Project would also include a curb extension at the intersection of Wheeler Avenue and First Avenue to expand the sidewalk at that location and to accommodate more street parking along First Avenue. The goal of the Project is to help transform a portion of the City’s downtown into a dynamic, transit-oriented community. The Project site is located within the City’s Downtown Mixed Use (DMU) District and would advance the goals of the City’s General Plan Land Use and Community Design Element by providing complementary service and retail commercial businesses, professional offices, and residential uses and by incorporating public open spaces as an integral component of the under-construction Gold Line station, which is located one-block north of the Project site at the northwest corner of Santa Clara Street and First Avenue. 2.3.1 PROPOSED LAND USES The Project involves the construction of a 4-story mixed-use retail and residential building, with approximately 17,850 sf of ground-floor retail/office space and 38 apartment units. As required by the DMU zone, in order to maintain an active pedestrian environment, commercial uses must be located along street frontages, and development on the ground floor is limited to commercial uses. As shown on Exhibit 2-3, Conceptual Site Plan, the proposed ground-floor retail/office spaces would be located along the Wheeler Avenue and First Avenue frontages of the building. The entrance to the parking garage would be on Wheeler Avenue. Starting on the second floor, residential units would be located above these uses. The ground-floor retail/office space would consist of 7,120 sf of office space; 4,550 sf of retail space (Retail Space A); and 6,180 sf of retail space (Retail Space B). The primary entrance to the office space would be on Wheeler Avenue, but would also have rear access to the alley on the north side of the building, facing the 24 Hour Fitness building. Retail Space A, located on the northeast corner of the building, would have its primary entrance on First Avenue; however, it would also have a second doorway that opens to the proposed public outdoor plaza area that separates the Project from the existing adjacent 24 Hour Fitness building located to the north, subject to a proposed easement. It is anticipated that the outdoor seating provided in the public courtyard would primarily serve the future tenant in this space. Retail Space B, located on the southeast corner of the building, would have primary access via a corner entryway facing the intersection of Wheeler Avenue and First Avenue and secondary access along the Wheeler Avenue and First Avenue frontages. While it is anticipated that retail businesses would occupy the retail spaces, it is possible that restaurant uses could lease a portion of the space in the future. Restaurant uses are permitted by right in the DMU zone as long as they comply with the minimum off-street parking requirement. For restaurants under 1,500 sf and/or with a maximum capacity of 12 seats, the off-street parking 57 Wheeler Avenue Mixed-Use Project Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration H:\Projects\DDPArca (DDP)\J0001\MND\57 Wheeler MND-052815.docx 2-4 Project Description requirement is the same as retail uses, and no new entitlements would be required.1 However, if the future restaurant use exceeds that size and/or capacity, additional parking would be necessary and a new parking analysis would be required at that time.2 The residential component would occupy the second through fourth floors of the proposed building and consist of 27 one-bedroom units and 11 two-bedroom units. Exhibits 2-4a through 2-4d, Conceptual Floor Plans, depicts the layout of each of the residential units. All residential units would be single story, with the exception of 5 two-bedroom units, which would be two-story. Additionally, all units would have a private outdoor area (either deck or balcony) ranging in size from 50 sf to 468 sf. A breakdown of the units is provided in Table 2-1, Project Residential Unit Summary. TABLE 2-1 PROJECT RESIDENTIAL UNIT SUMMARY Unit/Description Per Unit Indoor Area (sf) Number of Units Total Indoor Area (sf)* A (2BR/2BA) 1,235 3 3,705 A2 (2BR/2BA) 1,376 3 4,128 Unit A Subtotal 6 7,833 B (1BR/2BA) 1,182 6 7,092 B2 (1BR/2BA) 1,367 6 8,202 Unit B Subtotal 12 15,294 C (1BR/1BA) 1,108 9 9,972 C2 (1BR/1BA) 880 3 2,640 C3 (1BR/1BA) 1,074 3 3,222 Unit C Subtotal 15 15,834 D (2BR/2BA) 1,464 5 7,320 Unit D Subtotal 5 7,320 Total Residential Units 38 46,281 sf: square feet; BR: bedroom; BA: bathroom * All residential units have outdoor patio/balcony areas ranging in size from 50 to 468 sf, thereby increasing the total livable area for each unit. Source: Malekian 2014. 2.3.2 DEVELOPMENT CHARACTERISTICS Building Design and Setbacks Exhibits 2-5a through 2-5d, Conceptual Building Elevations and Architectural Design, depict the building elevations from the north (view from the 24 Hour Fitness building); east (view from First Avenue); south (view from Wheeler Avenue); and west (view from the U.S. Post Office). As shown on these exhibits, the height of the building would be approximately 49 feet 7 inches at the top of the parapet, with mechanical screening adding an additional 5 feet. The ground floor would be 15 feet high, while the second and third floors would be 11 feet high. The fourth floor would be 12 feet 7 inches high. The Project would be in compliance with the height limit in the DMU zone, which is 4 stories or 50 feet, plus a 10-foot limit for any rooftop equipment or structures. There 1 5 spaces per 1,000 sf of gross floor area. 2 10 spaces per 1,000 sf of gross floor area.