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Item 2- TA 15-04, CUP 15-10, ADR 15-22, MP 15-10_5 W Live Oak Ave
DATE: January 26, 2016 STAFF REPORT Development 'Services Department TO: Honorable Chairman and Planning Commission FROM: Jim Kasama, Community Development Administrator By: Tim Schwehr, Economic Development Analyst SUBJECT: RESOLUTION NO. 1958 — RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL, APPROVAL OF TEXT AMENDMENT NO. TA 15 -04; CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. CUP 15 -10; ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW NO. ADR 15 -22; AND MODIFICATION NO. MP 15 -10 WITH A CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) TO AMEND THE MUNICIPAL CODE TO ALLOW FAST FOOD RESTAURANTS WITH DRIVE -THRU FACILITIES WITHIN THE MU, MIXED USE ZONE; TO ELIMINATE A CITY -WIDE REQUIREMENT THAT DRIVE - THRU BUSINESSES PROVIDE ADDITIONAL EMPLOYEE PARKING IN EXCESS OF THAT REQUIRED BY THE CITY'S STANDARD COMMERCIAL PARKING REQUIREMENTS; AND APPROVAL OF A PROPOSED 1,800 SQUARE -FOOT CAFE WITH DRIVE -THRU SERVICE AND ZONING MODIFICATIONS AT 5 WEST LIVE OAK AVENUE. Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 1958 SUMMARY The applicant, Evergreen Devco, Inc., requests text amendments and project approval to allow a 1,800 square -foot Starbucks cafe with drive -thru service and 17 on -site parking spaces at 5 W. Live Oak Avenue. The proposal requires approval of the following: • A Text Amendment to amend the Arcadia Municipal Code to allow drive -thru fast food restaurants (which includes a drive -thru cafe) within the MU, Mixed Use Zone subject to a Conditional Use Permit; and to eliminate a City -wide requirement that drive -thru businesses provide additional employee parking in excess of that required for non - drive -thru businesses; • A Conditional Use Permit to allow a 1,800 square -foot cafe with drive -thru service at 5 W. Live Oak Avenue; • Architectural Design Review approval; and • Zoning Modifications to allow a one -space parking reduction (17 spaces proposed in lieu of 18 required); a building setback greater than 10' -0" from the street -side property lines within the MU Zone; and at -grade parking to be located in front of a building within the MU Zone for a 1,800 square -foot cafe with drive -thru service. Resolution No. 1958 TA 15 -04; CUP 15 -10; ADR 15 -22; & MP 15 -10 5 W. Live Oak Avenue January 26, 2016 — Page 2 of 15 It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 1958 and recommend approval of the Text Amendment and project to the City Council. BACKGROUND The subject site is a corner lot that fronts Santa Anita Avenue and Live Oak Avenue. The site is zoned MU, Mixed Use and is developed with a 2,462 square -foot retail building and 12 -space parking lot. The building was last occupied by a Famima convenience store that closed in 2010. It has been vacant since that time. The existing building was originally a 1,900 square -foot Walgreens Pharmacy with a drive -thru and 10 on -site parking spaces. Prior to that, the site was developed with a Texaco gas station built in 1958. The property is abutted to the north and west by a large shopping center zoned MU, Mixed Use that is under separate ownership. The parking lots of the adjacent shopping center and the subject property are not connected. To the east across Santa Anita Avenue is a Chevron gas station, and to the south across Live Oak Avenue is a car wash and an auto repair center. Resolution No. 1958 TA 15 -04; CUP 15 -10; ADR 15 -22; & MP 15 -10 5 W. Live Oak Avenue January 26, 2016 — Page 3 of 15 PR[)P()RAI The proposed project involves demolition of the existing structure and the construction and operation of a 1,800 square -foot Starbucks cafe with a drive -thru. The proposed operating hours are 5 a.m. to 12 Midnight, seven days a week. A conceptual floor plan shows indoor seating for up to 32 patrons with some additional seating within a small outdoor patio area. Vehicular access to the site is provided by driveways off of Santa Anita Avenue and Live Oak Avenue. Both access points will be right -in /right -out only as existing medians prevent any left -turns into or out of the site. There are to be 17 parking spaces provided, and a Resolution No. 1958 TA 15 -04; CUP 15 -10; ADR 15 -22; & MP 15 -10 5 W. Live Oak Avenue January 26, 2016 — Page 4 of 15 drive -thru queue lane capable of accommodating up to nine vehicles with additional space to queue into the parking lot if needed. Yp6.ti`afi�ii3ss..rs- - � - } 4, �1! The proposed project requires the following actions /approvals: 1. Text Amendment — An amendment to revise the Arcadia Municipal Code to allow drive -thru fast food restaurants (and cafes) within the MU -Mixed Use Zone, and to eliminate a requirement that drive -thru businesses provide additional employee parking in excess of that required for non - drive -thru businesses. 2. Conditional Use Permit — A CUP is currently required for all drive -thru fast food restaurants /cafes, and is required by the proposed Text Amendment in the MU Zone. 3. Architectural Design Review — Architectural design review is to ensure that the project is consistent with the City's design guidelines. 4. Modification — Zoning Modifications to allow a one -space parking reduction (17 spaces proposed in lieu of 18 required); a building setback greater than 10' -0" from the street -side property lines within the MU Zone; and at -grade parking to be located in front of a building within the MU Zone for an 1,800 square -foot cafe with drive -thru service. Resolution No. 1958 TA 15 -04; CUP 15 -10; ADR 15 -22; & MP 15 -10 5 W. Live Oak Avenue January 26, 2016 — Page 5 of 15 ANALYSIS Text Amendment Drive -thru fast food restaurants, including drive -thru cafes, are currently not an allowed use within the MU Zone. The applicant requests a text amendment to allow this use, subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit. When the Mixed -Use Zone was originally created in 2010, the intent of not allowing drive -thru fast food restaurants was to encourage a land use and development pattern more consistent with an urbanized, mixed -use area. The DMU, Downtown Mixed Use Zone, does not allow drive -thru businesses for this same reason. However, upon further review, a complete prohibition of drive -thru restaurants within the MU Zone is undesirable and overly restrictive considering this zoning is applies not only to First Avenue between Huntington Drive and Duarte, but also to a significant portion of Live Oak Avenue. These areas have a wide variety of land use patterns. Within these MU zoned properties, there are likely certain types of drive -thru restaurants at certain locations that may be appropriate and desirable, and therefore should be allowed consideration based on their individual merits through the Conditional Use Permit process. In contrast, a drive -thru within the DMU zone, which is entirely within the historic downtown district, would not be appropriate and should remain a prohibited use within that zone. Staff supports the requested text amendment. The revisions would be as shown below: 9268.10. - NON- RESIDENTIAL USES. Downtown mixed use requires the inclusion of a ground- floor, street frontage commercial component for all projects. No building or land shall be used and no building shall be hereafter erected, constructed or established, except for the following uses and in compliance with the regulations of this Division: P - Permitted C - Conditional Use Permit N - Not Allowed P - if it complies with the minimum Off- Street parking Restaurants, fast food, with or requirement; without outdoor seating. N6 dFive 4F U r..eili�ies allowed. C - if it does not comply with the minimum Off - Street parking requirement or includes a drive thru facility In addition to allowing drive -thru restaurants within the MU zone, the requested text amendment would eliminate a requirement for drive -in /drive -thru businesses City -wide to provide additional parking for employees above and beyond that required by the City's commercial parking standards. This requirement results in drive -thru businesses having to provide more parking than the same type of business, but without a drive -thru. Staff believes this code section to be an antiquated requirement that intended to provide separate employee parking for drive -in restaurants where customers would eat in their cars. Contemporary drive -thru businesses, rather than needing more parking, generally need less due to the fact that many customers who would typically park will instead use the drive -thru service. Staff supports the requested text amendment, as shown below: Resolution No. 1958 TA 15 -04; CUP 15 -10; ADR 15 -22; & MP 15 -10 5 W. Live Oak Avenue January 26, 2016 — Page 6 of 15 9275.4.5. - PARKING REQUIREMENTS. Every drive -in business shall be subject to all parking requirements applicable to the zone in which such use is located in addition to complying with the following= 2.1. No permanent parking of vehicles shall be permitted except when such use is for commercial parking purposes. 3-2. No vehicles may temporarily park on sidewalks, parkways or alleys- 4-.3. No vehicles may be parked on the premises and offered for sale, lease or rent. Conditional Use Permit The applicant proposes demolition of the existing on -site structures and the construction and operation of a 1,800 square -foot cafe (Starbucks) with a drive -thru facility, 17 on -site parking spaces, and operating hours of 5 a.m. to 12 Midnight, seven days a week at 5 W. Live Oak Avenue. The conceptual plans show indoor seating for up to 33 patrons and four additional outdoor patio seats. Based on staff's direction, the development proposal places the building and drive -thru in the northwest corner of the property to facilitate an optimal drive -thru queuing scenario. An initial configuration presented to staff placed the building and drive -thru in the southeast corner of the property, but this was determined to be unsuitable due to the potential for the drive -thru to back -up onto Live Oak Avenue. Vehicles turning into the site from Live Oak Avenue would need to immediately enter the drive -thru queue, blocking access into the site from Live Oak Avenue, and backing up vehicles into the street and potentially the Live Oak Avenue /Santa Anita Avenue intersection. In contrast, the proposed configuration with the building and drive -thru placed in the northwest corner allows for approximately 50 -feet from the Santa Anita Avenue entrance to the start of the drive -thru queue. In doing so, this configuration provides adequate space for vehicles to queue beyond the queue lane without immediately backing up into the street, and provides space for vehicles entering the site to maneuver around the queue if parking. In a worst case scenario, any back up onto Santa Anita Avenue would be away from the intersection and not toward the intersection. The proposed layout is much preferable from a traffic flow and public safety standpoint. The two versions of the site plan are shown below for comparison purposes. Resolution No. 1958 TA 15 -04; CUP 15 -10; ADR 15 -22; & MP 15 -10 5 W. Live Oak Avenue January 26, 2016 — Page 7 of 15 SEATING i Mj 0' CUPS STppgtlCKS tieoosf \ r IN1 a�RECT14NR1 SIGN i U "- ._ i� I a rn�aHnN �—rr'r r" l 11 V rM TFWH FW10SWRE L.._...L....... .�..f..�.. c Lf V F J Jim.. (K, 7R ENCL03URE g I STARgUCKS 1,000 Sir x -IVs J4 LfG � i_. .l�• t . (Proposed site plan) (Initial Proposal) A queuing study for the proposed development was requested by staff and prepared by Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc. to evaluate the drive -thru queuing needs of this project. The study collected drive -thru data at four comparable Starbucks drive -thru locations; two in Covina, one in Gardena, and one in Glendora. The peak drive -thru usage for these four sites was found to be the 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. time period with an average peak of seven to nine vehicles queued during the busiest times, and a maximum peak of 12 vehicles queued for one of the locations during the 8:00 am to 8:15 a.m. time period. The study finds that for these four locations, any back up of vehicles outside of the queue lane is typically brief; lasting only 30 to 60 seconds before resolving itself. This is in part due to the limited size of orders compared to ordering full meals, as well as the fast ordering system used by Starbucks drive -thru facilities which seeks to process a customer from the order window to the pickup window in 45 seconds or less. For the proposed location, the queuing study estimates a similar average peak usage of seven to nine vehicles during the morning, 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. time period, and finds that the 220 -foot long drive -thru queue for the proposed layout would have enough stacking distance to accommodate nine to ten vehicles. The queuing study finds that on those rare occasions when the queue exceeds capacity, there is additional room within the on -site parking lot to accommodate vehicle queuing without impacting traffic on Santa Anita Avenue or Live Oak Avenue. The City Engineer has reviewed the study and is in agreement with the conclusions. A copy of the queuing study is included as an attachment to this report. Modifications The project has been designed to comply with the requirements of the MU, Mixed Use Zone, and the other City -wide requirements specific to drive -in /drive -thru businesses (with the exception of the requested text amendment regarding extra employee parking). However, based on the specifics of the site and the proposed use, three Zoning Modifications from the MU zoning requirements are requested. Resolution No. 1958 TA 15 -04; CUP 15 -10; ADR 15 -22; & MP 15 -10 5 W. Live Oak Avenue January 26, 2016 — Page 8 of 15 The first modification request is to allow a one -space reduction in the number of required parking spaces; 17 spaces provided in lieu of 18 spaces required for a 1,800 square -foot restaurant/cafe. Without a drive -thru lane, there would be adequate room on -site to accommodate one or more additional parking spaces. However, the additional area required for a drive -thru lane with proper vehicle queuing leaves the project one parking space deficient based on a restaurant requirement of one parking space per 1,000 square - feet of gross floor area. The rationale for granting a one -space parking modification is that many customers who would typically need to park will instead use the drive -thru, thus reducing parking demand relative to a Starbucks or other fast food restaurant of the same size, but without a drive -thru facility. In addition, the drive -thru acts as an outlet for any excess parking demand to the site as customers who cannot find parking will use the drive -thru option instead. Finally, as regards peak parking demand, based on conversations with Starbucks' representatives, as well as staff observations of similar coffee shops, customers that utilize Starbucks parking for long periods of time (i.e., customers who hang out in the coffee shop rather than get coffee to -go) typically do not overlap with the 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. peak drive -thru period. Therefore, it is unlikely that both the drive -thru and the parking lot will experience peak demand at the same time. Based on the above reasoning, staff supports the proposed one -space parking modification as an appropriate improvement of this lot. The second and third modification requests are to: • Allow the building to be set back greater than 10' -0" from the two street -side property lines, in lieu of the maximum 10' -0" allowed within the MU Zone; and • Allow the surface parking lot to be located in front of the building in lieu of a requirement that surface parking be located to the rear of a building within the MU Zone. These two code requirements are only found within the MU and DMU zoning regulations, and are in place as a mechanism to promote building design within the mixed use areas that relate more directly to the public realm, and are more consistent and compatible with a the traditional, post -war commercial development pattern found in much of Arcadia. Staff continues to support this style of development as a general rule of thumb within these zones. However, based on the particulars of this lot, the proposed use, and the context of the surrounding neighborhood, it is staff's opinion that the proposed site plan configuration is a superior option to complying with the two aforementioned code requirements. The relatively small size of the lot and the corner location limit the viable options for a drive - thru. As previously discussed in the Conditional Use Permit section of this report, locating the building and drive -thru in the southeast corner is problematic from both a functionality and safety standpoint as any back up of the drive -thru queue immediately blocks access into the site from Live Oak Avenue. Locating the building and drive -thru in the northwest corner of the site avoids these public safety and traffic flow issues. From an aesthetics standpoint, locating the building and drive -thru lane away from the street also allows landscaping and the building itself to better screen the drive -thru, thus avoiding the additional visual clutter that would come with locating the drive -thru at the southeast corner Resolution No. 1958 TA 15 -04; CUP 15 -10; ADR 15 -22; & MP 15 -10 5 W. Live Oak Avenue January 26, 2016 — Page 9 of 15 of the site. From a neighborhood compatibility perspective, the site is bordered by a large surface parking lot to the north and to the west, and the other three corners of the Santa Anita /Live Oak intersection consist of a gas station, car wash, and Saver's retail store with a large surface parking lot. Within this context, the proposed development will not look out - of- place. Based on this rationale, staff supports approval of these modification requests as appropriate improvements of this lot. Architectural Design The building design is contemporary in appearance and features a mix of stucco, horizontal wood siding, metal awnings and canopies, and aluminum storefront glass, all in a cool color palette. New landscaping in the form of 14 crape myrtle trees, new dense shrubs, and new groundcovers are proposed and will soften the appearance of the building and parking lot as well as screening the drive -thru from the street. To ensure the initial landscaping is mature enough to effectively screen the drive -thru, staff is recommending as a condition of approval that the size of the crape myrtle trees (Lagerstroemia x 'Natchez') be increased from 24 -inch box in size to 36 -inch box trees on the final construction drawings. With this condition, staff finds the proposed design to be consistent with the City's Commercial and Industrial Design Guidelines. on ■o■ loll Sulk sucks Cuf f!E FINDINGS The Arcadia Municipal Code requires that for approval of a Conditional Use Permit, Architectural Design Review, and Modifications, it must be concluded that the following findings of fact can be made in an affirmative manner: Resolution No. 1958 TA 15 -04; CUP 15 -10; ADR 15 -22; & MP 15 -10 5 W. Live Oak Avenue January 26, 2016 — Page 10 of 15 1. The granting of the Conditional Use Permit will not be detrimental to the public health or welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in such zone or vicinity. Facts to Support the Finding: The proposed Project places the drive -thru queuing lane in the northwest corner of the property, away from the adjacent streets. This configuration will protect the public health and welfare by allowing the most efficient on -site vehicle circulation for the drive -thru, and ensure no traffic congestion impacts will occur on the public streets as a result of the drive -thru. The Project will comply with all zoning and regulatory requirements with the exception of the three zoning modifications requested. The Project is complementary in appearance and design with the surrounding commercial district, and the commercial use is compatible with the surrounding uses and area consisting of a car wash, gas station, and large strip -mall developments. The proposed Project will not be detrimental to the public health or welfare or injurious to the other properties in the vicinity. 2. The use applied for at the location indicated is properly one for which a Conditional Use Permit is authorized. Facts to Support the Finding: The proposed Text Amendment to the Mixed Use Zone allows for fast food restaurants with a drive -thru, subject to a Conditional Use Permit. The proposed use (cafe with drive -thru) is classified as a fast food restaurant with drive -thru for zoning code purposes, and thus would be allowed at this location subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit. 3. The site for the proposed use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate said use, and all yards, spaces, walls, fences, parking, loading, landscaping, and other features required to adjust said use with the land and uses in the neighborhood. Facts to Support the Finding: The Project site is appropriate in size and shape to accommodate the proposed coffee shop with drive -thru. The parking, drive -thru queuing, landscaping, and vehicular access to the site will accommodate the use without undue impact on the land and uses in the neighborhood. Therefore, the site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the proposed use. 4. The site abuts streets and highways adequate in width and pavement type to carry the kind of traffic generated by the proposed use. Facts to Support the Finding: The site is located along Santa Anita Avenue and Live Oak Avenue, both of which are adequate in width and pavement type to accommodate the traffic generated by the proposed development. 5. The granting of the Conditional Use Permit will not adversely affect the comprehensive General Plan. Facts to Support the Finding: The Project is consistent with the Mixed Use General Plan Designation of the site, which allows for mixed -use residential - commercial developments /uses or standalone commercial developments /uses. The specific vision Resolution No. 1958 TA 15 -04; CUP 15 -10; ADR 15 -22; & MP 15 -10 5 W. Live Oak Avenue January 26, 2016 — Page 11 of 15 in the General Plan for the Live Oak Avenue commercial district calls for a corridor with a livelier, more diverse mix of retail and service commercial uses that better serve local residents, together with new residential uses in select locations. Furthermore, the vision states that enhancements to accommodate and promote pedestrian activity are to be balanced in this commercial district with recognition of the roadway as a major east -west connector. The proposed Project is consistent with the General Plan Designation of the site and the vision for this area. 6. The requested Modifications will secure an appropriate improvement of a lot, prevent an unreasonable hardship, and /or promote uniformity of development. Facts to Support the Finding: A one -space reduction in the amount of required parking (17 spaces in lieu of 18 required) is justified as the anticipated parking demand for the use will be significantly less than typical due to the presence of a drive -thru facility. The modifications to allow the building to be setback greater than 10' -0" from the street -side property lines, and to allow surface parking in front of the building rather than behind it will allow a superior drive -thru configuration for the site from both a public safety and traffic flow standpoint. From a design review perspective, approval of the modifications permitting the proposed building and parking lot locations allows for a superior design as the drive -thru queue is less visible and can be better screened by landscaping and the building. For these reasons, approval of the Modification requests will secure an appropriate improvement of this lot. 7. The Project is consistent with the City's Commercial & Industrial Design Guidelines: Facts to Support the Finding: The building design is contemporary in appearance and features a mix of stucco, horizontal wood siding, metal awnings and canopies, and aluminum storefront glass, all in a cool color palette. New landscaping in the form of 14 crape myrtle trees, new dense shrubs, and new groundcovers are proposed and will soften the appearance of the building and parking lot as well as screening the drive - thru from the street. The proposed design is consistent with the City's Commercial and Industrial Design Guidelines. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT If it is determined that no significant physical alterations to the site are necessary, then this project, as new construction of a small structure, qualifies as a Class 3 Categorical Exemption per the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines for new construction of a small commercial building. A Preliminary Exemption Assessment is attached to this staff report (Attachment No. 6). PUBLIC NOTICE /COMMENTS Public hearing notices for this item were published in the Arcadia Weekly on January 14, 2016, and mailed to the property owners and Resolution No. 1958 TA 15 -04; CUP 15 -10; ADR 15 -22; & MP 15 -10 5 W. Live Oak Avenue January 26, 2016 — Page 12 of 15 tenants of those properties that are located within 300 feet of the subject property. In compliance with California Government Code requirements for amending drive -thru regulations, the public hearing notice was also mailed to local blind, aged, and disabled communities and organizations to facilitate their participation. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 1958 forwarding a recommendation to the City Council to approve the project, applications, and Mitigated Negative Declaration, subject to the following conditions of approval: The six new 24 -inch box crape myrtle trees (Lagerstroemia x `Natchez') shown on the conceptual landscape plan shall be upgraded in size to 36 -inch box trees on the final construction drawings. 2. The trash and recyclables enclosure shall be designed with decorative materials and finishes to match those of the building, and to comply with all requirements of the municipal code, subject to the review and approval of the Community Development Administrator, or designee. The size and location of the enclosure shall be adjusted, as feasible, on the final construction drawings to be less visible from the public right - of -way, subject to the review and approval of the Community Development Administrator, or designee. 3. The cafe and /or drive -thru shall not be open for business anytime between 12:00 midnight and 5:00 a.m. 4. The applicant/property owner shall comply with all City requirements regarding building safety, fire prevention, detection, suppression, emergency access, public right -of -way improvements, parking, water supply and water facilities, sewer facilities, trash reduction and recycling requirements, and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) measures to the satisfaction of the Building Official, Fire Marshal, Public Works Services Director and Development Services Director, or their designees. Compliance with these requirements is to be determined by having fully detailed construction plans submitted for plan check review and approval by the foregoing City officials and employees, and shall include, but shall not be limited to the following: a. Prior to issuance of a building permit the Applicant/Property Owner shall either construct or post security for the following required item(s): Remove and replace existing curb and gutter from property line to property line along Santa Anita Avenue and Live Oak Avenue. Close all existing driveway aprons and construct new driveway apron per City Standard 801. • Remove and replace any damaged or deficient sidewalk from property line to property line along Santa Anita Avenue and Live Oak Avenue. Resolution No. 1958 TA 15 -04; CUP 15 -10; ADR 15 -22; & MP 15 -10 5 W. Live Oak Avenue January 26, 2016 — Page 13 of 15 • Submit a Grading Plan prepared by a registered civil engineer subject to the approval of the City Engineer prior to issuance of a building permit. • Prior to the issuance of a building permit the applicant shall dedicate a 2 foot wide strip of land along the entire property frontage on Santa Anita Avenue to the City of Arcadia for Street and Highway Purposes. • The project is categorized as a Planning Priority Project per Arcadia Municipal Code Section 7828. Submit a LID plan subject to the approval of the City Engineer prior to the issuance of a building permit. b. A 12" Cl water main with 64 psi static pressure is available in Santa Anita Avenue and a 16" DIP water main with 61 psi static pressure is available in Live Oak Avenue. Both water mains are available for domestic water and /or fire services. The Developer shall provide calculations to determine the maximum domestic demand and maximum fire demand in order to verify the required water service size. c. The Developer shall provide separate water services and meters for commercial and irrigation uses. d. Fire protection requirements shall be as stipulated by the Arcadia Fire Department and shall be conformed to Arcadia Standard Plan. All fire services shall be isolated from domestic water services with approved back flow prevention devices. e. A Water Meter Clearance Application, filed with the Public Works Services Department, shall be required prior to permit issuance. f. New water service installations shall be by the Developer. Installation shall be according to the specifications of the Public Works Services Department, Engineering Division. Abandonment of existing water services, if necessary, shall be by the Developer, according to Public Works Services Department, Engineering Division specifications. g. An 8" VCP sewer main is available in Santa Anita Avenue and an 8" VCP sewer main is available in Live Oak Avenue. Both of the mains are capable to meet the anticipated demand. h. Developer shall utilize an existing sewer lateral if possible. No elevation available. If any drainage fixture elevation is lower than the elevation of the next upstream manhole cover (355.48') and if the project is tributary to the sewer main in Santa Anita Avenue, an approved type of backwater valve is required to be installed on the lateral at the right -of -way; if any drainage fixture elevation is lower than the elevation of the next upstream manhole cover (354.05') and if the project is tributary to the sewer main in Live Resolution No. 1958 TA 15 -04; CUP 15 -10; ADR 15 -22; & MP 15 -10 5 W. Live Oak Avenue January 26, 2016 — Page 14 of 15 Oak Avenue, an approved type of backwater valve is required to be installed on the lateral at the right -of -way. If the area of land disturbance is greater than 5,000 square feet, the project is subject to LID requirements. These requirements include using infiltration trenches, bioretention planter boxes, roof drains connected to a landscaped area, pervious concrete /pavers, etc. k. The structure shall be fully fire sprinklered per the City of Arcadia Fire Department Commercial Sprinkler Standard. Sprinkler systems that serve 20 sprinkler heads or more shall be fully monitored. A knox box with keys for access to restricted areas is required. m. The project shall comply with the 2013 CA Building Code Cycle. n. The project shall comply with the City's Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance. A water - efficient landscape and irrigation plan shall be submitted for plan check to Building Services. 5. An exterior lighting and parking structure lighting plan and photometric study showing that light and glare will not exceed one foot - candle at any property line, shall be submitted to Planning Services for review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit. The approved lighting shall be installed prior to final inspection approval and occupancy. 6. The property owner /applicant shall provide trash collection services as often as necessary to ensure that there is no buildup of trash on the site or within the building. Trash placement outside of an authorized trash container is prohibited. Storage of trash bins or trash or recycling containers outside of the approved trash and recyclables enclosure for more than 18 hours is prohibited. 7. The applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Arcadia and its officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Arcadia, its officials, officers, employees or agents to attack, set aside, void, or annul any approval or conditional approval of the City of Arcadia concerning this project and /or land use decision, including but not limited to any approval or conditional approval of the City Council, Planning Commission, Modification Committee, or City Staff, which action is brought within the time period provided for in Government Code Section 66499.37 or other provision of law applicable to this project or decision. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding concerning the project and /or land use decision and the City shall cooperate fully in the defense of the matter. The City reserves the right, at its own option, to choose its own attorney to represent the City, its officials, officers, employees, and agents in the defense of the matter. 8. Approval of TA 15 -04; CUP 15 -10; ADR 15 -22; & MP 15 -10 shall not be of effect unless on or before 30 calendar days after approval of this project, the property owner /applicant has executed and filed with the Community Development Resolution No. 1958 TA 15 -04; CUP 15 -10; ADR 15 -22; & MP 15 -10 5 W. Live Oak Avenue January 26, 2016 — Page 15 of 15 Administrator or designee an Acceptance Form available from the Development Services Department to indicate awareness and acceptance of these conditions of approval. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION Recommendation for ADDroval If the Planning Commission intends to recommend approval of the proposed project to the City Council, the Commission should approve a motion to recommend approval of Text Amendment No. TA 15 -04, Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 15 -10, Architectural Design Review No. ADR 15 -22, and Modification No. MP 15 -10, stating that the proposal satisfies the requisite findings, and adopt the attached Resolution No. 1958 that incorporates the requisite environmental document, findings, and the conditions of approval as presented in this staff report, or as modified by the Commission. Recommendation for Denial If the Planning Commission intends to recommend denial of the proposed project to the City Council, the Commission should approve a motion that recommends denial of Text Amendment No. TA 15 -04, Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 15 -10, Architectural Design Review No. ADR 15 -22, and Modification No. MP 15 -10, stating the finding(s) that the proposal does not satisfy with reasons based on the record, and direct staff to prepare a resolution for adoption at the next meeting that incorporates the Commission's recommendation, findings, and comments If any Planning Commissioner, or other interested party has any questions or comments regarding this matter prior to the January 26, 2016, Planning Commission meeting, please contact Management Analyst, Tim Schwehr by calling (626) 574 -5409, or by email to TSchwehr(a-)_ArcadiaCA.gov. Approved: J "im Kasama Community Development Administrator Attachment No. 1: Resolution No. 1958 Attachment No. 2: Aerial Photo with Zoning Information & Photos of Subject Property and Vicinity Attachment No. 3: Text Amendment Redlines Attachment No. 4: Architectural Plans Attachment No. 5: Drive -thru Queuing Study Attachment No. 6: CEQA Preliminary Exemption Assessment Attachment No. 1 Resolution No. 1958 Attachment No. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 1958 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF TEXT AMENDMENT NO. TA 15 -04; CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. CUP 15 -10; ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW NO. ADR 15 -22; AND MODIFICATION NO. MP 15 -10 WITH A CATEGORICAL, EXEMPTION UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) TO AMEND THE MUNICIPAL CODE TO ALLOW FAST FOOD RESTAURANTS WITH DRIVE -THRU FACILITIES WITHIN THE MU, MIXED USE ZONE; TO ELIMINATE A CITY -WIDE REQUIREMENT THAT DRIVE -THRU BUSINESSES PROVIDE ADDITIONAL EMPLOYEE PARKING IN EXCESS OF THAT REQUIRED BY THE CITY'S STANDARD COMMERCIAL PARKING REQUIREMENTS; AND APPROVAL OF A PROPOSED 1,800 SQUARE -FOOT CAFE WITH DRIVE -THRU SERVICE AND ZONING MODIFICATIONS AT 5 WEST LIVE OAK AVENUE. WHEREAS, on September 17, 2015, an application was filed by Evergreen Devco Inc., for a Text Amendment to amend the municipal code to allow fast food restaurants with drive -thru facilities within the MU, Mixed Use Zone, and to eliminate a city -wide requirement for drive -thru businesses to provide parking for each employee in addition to the parking required by the City's Commercial Parking Standards; Development Services Department Case No. TA 15 -04; and WHEREAS, on September 17, 2015, applications were filed by Evergreen Devco Inc., for design review and a Conditional Use Permit for construction and operation of a 1,800 square -foot cafe with drive -thru facilities at 5 W. Live Oak Avenue; Development Services Department Case Nos. ADR 15 -22 and CUP 15 -10; and WHEREAS, on December 15, 2015, an application was filed by Evergreen Devco Inc., for minor zoning modifications for a 1,800 square -foot cafe with drive -thru facilities at 5 W. Live Oak Avenue; Development Services Department Case No. MP 15- 10 (the Text Amendment, Design Review, Conditional Use Permit, and Modification applications are hereafter individually and collectively referred to as the "Project "); and WHEREAS, on December 30, 2015, Planning Services completed an environmental assessment for the Project in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and recommended that the Planning Commission determine that the Project is exempt under CEQA per Section 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines because the Project is considered new construction of a small commercial building; and WHEREAS, on January 26, 2016, a duly noticed public hearing was held before the Planning Commission on said applications, at which time all interested persons were given full opportunity to be heard and to present evidence. NOW, THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the factual data submitted by the Community Development Division in the attached report is true and correct. SECTION 2. This Commission finds, based upon the entire record: a. The granting of the Conditional Use Permit will not be detrimental to the public health or welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in such zone or vicinity. FACT: The proposed Project places the drive -thru queuing lane in the northwest corner of the property, away from the adjacent streets. This configuration will protect the public health and welfare by allowing the most efficient on -site vehicle circulation for the drive -thru, and ensure no traffic congestion impacts will occur on the public streets as a result of the drive -thru. The Project will comply with all zoning and regulatory requirements with the exception of the three zoning modifications requested. The Project is complementary in appearance and design with the surrounding commercial district, and the commercial use is compatible with the surrounding uses 2 1958 and area consisting of a car wash, gas station, and large strip -mall developments. The proposed Project will not be detrimental to the public health or welfare or injurious to the other properties in the vicinity. b. The use applied for at the location indicated is properly one for which a Conditional Use Permit is authorized. FACT: The proposed Text Amendment to the Mixed Use Zone allows for fast food restaurants with a drive -thru, subject to a Conditional Use Permit. The proposed use (cafe with drive -thru) is classified as a fast food restaurant with drive -thru for zoning code purposes, and thus would be allowed at this location subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit. c. That the site for the proposed use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate said use, and all yards, spaces, walls, fences, parking, loading, landscaping, and other features required to adjust said use with the land and uses in the neighborhood. FACT: The Project site is appropriate in size and shape to accommodate the proposed coffee shop with drive -thru. The parking, drive -thru queuing, landscaping, and vehicular access to the site will accommodate the use without undue impact on the land and uses in the neighborhood. Therefore, the site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the proposed use d. That the site abuts streets and highways adequate in width and pavement type to carry the kind of traffic generated by the proposed use. FACT: The site is located along Santa Anita Avenue and Live Oak Avenue, both of which are adequate in width and pavement type to accommodate the traffic generated by the proposed development. 3 1958 e. That the granting of such Conditional Use Permit will not adversely affect the comprehensive General Plan. FACT: The Project is consistent with the Mixed Use General Plan Designation of the site, which allows for mixed -use residential - commercial developments /uses or standalone commercial developments/uses. The specific vision in the General Plan for the Live Oak Avenue commercial district calls for a corridor with a livelier, more diverse mix of retail and service commercial uses that better serve local residents, together with new residential uses in select locations. Furthermore, the vision states that enhancements to accommodate and promote pedestrian activity are to be balanced in this commercial district with recognition of the roadway as a major east -west connector. The proposed Project is consistent with the General Plan Designation of the site and the vision for this area. f. The requested Modifications will secure an appropriate improvement of a lot, prevent an unreasonable hardship, and/or promote uniformity of development. FACT: A one -space reduction in the amount of required parking (17 spaces in lieu of 18 required) is justified as the anticipated parking demand for the use will be significantly less than typical due to the presence of a drive -thru facility. The modifications to allow the building to be setback greater than 10' -0" from the street -side property Imes, and to allow surface parking in front of the building rather than behind it will allow a superior drive -thru configuration for the site from both a public safety and traffic flow standpoint. From a design review perspective, approval of the modifications permitting the proposed building and parking lot locations allows for a superior design as the drive -thru queue is less visible and can be better screened by landscaping and 4 1958 the building. For these reasons, approval of the Modification requests will secure an appropriate improvement of this lot. g. The Project is consistent with the City's Commercial & Industrial Design Guidelines: FACT: The building design is contemporary in appearance and features a mix of stucco, horizontal wood siding, metal awnings and canopies, and aluminum storefront glass, all in a cool color palette. New landscaping in the form of 14 crape myrtle trees, new dense shrubs, and new groundcovers are proposed and will soften the appearance of the building and parking lot as well as screening the drive -thru from the street. The proposed design is consistent with the City's Commercial and Industrial Design Guidelines. SECTION 3. That for the foregoing reasons the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council approval of Text Amendment No. TA 15 -04, Architectural Design Review No. ADR 15 -22, Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 15 -10, and Modification No. MP 15 -10, and a determination that the Project is Categorically Exempt per Section 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines for proposed amendments to the Arcadia municipal code and the construction and operation of a 1,800 square -foot caf6 with drive -thru facilities at 5 W. Live Oak Avenue, subject to the conditions of approval attached hereto. SECTION 4. The Secretary shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. Passed, approved and adopted this day of , 2016. 5 1958 Chairman ATTEST: Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: �;� P. Stephen P. Deitsch City Attorney 1958 Conditions of Approval 1. The six new 24 -inch box crape myrtle trees (Lagerstroemia x `Natchez') shown on the conceptual landscape plan shall be upgraded in size to 36 -inch box trees on the final construction drawings. 2. The trash and recyclables enclosure shall be designed with decorative materials and finishes to match those of the building, and to comply with all requirements of the municipal code, subject to the review and approval of the Community Development Administrator, or designee. The size and location of the enclosure shall be adjusted, as feasible, on the final construction drawings to be less visible from the public right -of -way, subject to the review and approval of the Community Development Administrator, or designee. 3. The cafe and/or drive -thru shall not be open for business anytime between 12 :00 midnight and 5:00 a.m. 4. The applicant/property owner shall comply with all City requirements regarding building safety, fire prevention, detection, suppression, emergency access, public right -of -way improvements, parking, water supply and water facilities, sewer facilities, trash reduction and recycling requirements, and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) measures to the satisfaction of the Building Official, Fire Marshal, Public Works Services Director and Development Services Director, or their designees. Compliance with these requirements is to be determined by having fully detailed construction plans submitted for plan check review and approval by the foregoing City officials and employees, and shall include, but shall not be limited to the following: a. Prior to issuance of a building permit the Applicant/Property Owner shall either construct or post security for the following required item(s). • Remove and replace existing curb and gutter from property line to property line along Santa Anita Avenue and Live Oak Avenue. • Close all existing driveway aprons and construct new driveway apron per City Standard 801. • Remove and replace any damaged or deficient sidewalk from property line to property line along Santa Anita Avenue and Live Oak Avenue. • Submit a Grading Plan prepared by a registered civil engineer subject to the approval of the City Engineer prior to issuance of a building permit. 7 1958 Prior to the issuance of a building permit the applicant shall dedicate a 2 foot wide strip of land along the entire property frontage on Santa Anita Avenue to the City of Arcadia for Street and Highway Purposes. • The project is categorized as a Planning Priority Project per Arcadia Municipal Code Section 7828. Submit a LID plan subject to the approval of the City Engineer prior to the issuance of a building permit. b. A 12" Cl water main with 64 psi static pressure is available in Santa Anita Avenue and a 16" DIP water main with 61 psi static pressure is available in Live Oak Avenue. Both water mains are available for domestic water and/or fire services. The Developer shall provide calculations to determine the maximum domestic demand and maximum fire demand in order to verify the required water service size. c. The Developer shall provide separate water services and meters for commercial and irrigation uses. d. Fire protection requirements shall be as stipulated by the Arcadia Fire Department and shall be conformed to Arcadia Standard Plan. All fire services shall be isolated from domestic water services with approved back flow prevention devices. e. A Water Meter Clearance Application, filed with the Public Works Services Department, shall be required prior to permit issuance. f. New water service installations shall be by the Developer. Installation shall be according to the specifications of the Public Works Services Department, Engineering Division. Abandonment of existing water services, if necessary, shall be by the Developer, according to Public Works Services Department, Engineering Division specifications. g. An 8" VCP sewer main is available in Santa Anita Avenue and an 8" VCP sewer main is available in Live Oak Avenue. Both of the mains are capable to meet the anticipated demand. h. Developer shall utilize an existing sewer lateral if possible No elevation available. If any drainage fixture elevation is lower than the elevation of the next upstream manhole cover (355.48') and if the project is tributary to the sewer main in Santa Anita Avenue, an approved type of backwater valve is required to be installed on the lateral at the right -of -way; if any drainage fixture elevation is lower than the elevation of the next upstream manhole cover (354.05') and if the 8 1958 project is tributary to the sewer main in Live Oak Avenue, an approved type of backwater valve is required to be installed on the lateral at the right -of -way. j. If the area of land disturbance is greater than 5,000 square feet, the project is subject to LID requirements. These requirements include using infiltration trenches, bioretention planter boxes, roof drains connected to a landscaped area, pervious concrete /pavers, etc. k. The structure shall be fully fire sprinklered per the City of Arcadia Fire Department Commercial Sprinkler Standard. Sprinkler systems that serve 20 sprinkler heads or more shall be fully monitored. I. A knox box with keys for access to restricted areas is required. m. The project shall comply with the 2013 CA Building Code Cycle. n. The project shall comply with the City's Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance. A water - efficient landscape and irrigation plan shall be submitted for plan check to Building Services. 5. An exterior lighting and parking structure lighting plan and photometric study showing that light and glare will not exceed one foot - candle at any property line, shall be submitted to Planning Services for review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit. The approved lighting shall be installed prior to final inspection approval and occupancy. 6. The property owner /applicant shall provide trash collection services as often as necessary to ensure that there is no buildup of trash on the site or within the building. Trash placement outside of an authorized trash container is prohibited. Storage of trash bins or trash or recycling containers outside of the trash and recyclables enclosure for more than 18 hours is prohibited. 7. The applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Arcadia and its officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Arcadia, its officials, officers, employees or agents to attack, set aside, void, or annul any approval or conditional approval of the City of Arcadia concerning this project and /or land use decision, including but not limited to any approval or conditional approval of the City Council, Planning Commission, Modification Committee, or City Staff, which action is brought within the time period provided for in Government Code Section 66499.37 or other provision of law applicable to this project or decision. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding concerning the project and /or land use decision and the City shall cooperate fully in the defense of the matter. The City 9 1958 reserves the right, at its own option, to choose its own attorney to represent the City, its officials, officers, employees, and agents, in the defense of the matter. 8. Approval of TA 15 -04; CUP 15 -10; ADR 15 -22; & MP 15 -10 shall not be of effect unless on or before 30 calendar days after approval of this project, the property owner /applicant has executed and filed with the Community Development Administrator or designee an Acceptance Form available from the Development Services Department to indicate awareness and acceptance of these conditions of approval. 10 1958 Attachment No.2 Aerial Photo with Zoning Information & Photos of Subject Property and Vicinity Attachment No. 2 Site Address: 5 W LIVE OAK AVE Property Owner(s): LAUB,RICHARD S 7R CO TR LAUB FAMILY TRUST Property Characteristics Zoning: MU General Plan: MU Lot Area (sq ft): Main Structure / Unit (sq. ft.): 2,462 Year Built: 1997 Number of Units: 1 Overlays Parking Overlay: n/a Downtown Overlay: n/a Special Height Overlay: n/a Architectural Design Overlay: n/a Selected parcel highlighted co - wu _ .. -.m0 - :M e Parcel location within City of Arcadia" This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for Report generated 19- Jan -2016 reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, current, page 1 of 1 or otherwise reliable. 9. View from within the site lookine at the businesses on the south side of Live Oak Avenue I M, 10. View from within the site looking at the businesses on the south side of Live Oak Avenue 1A Attachment No.3 Text Amendment Redlines Attachment No. 3 Proposed new language is italicized and in bold, and proposed deletions are shown with stFiketh Fe g4s 9268.10. - NON - RESIDENTIAL USES. Downtown mixed use requires the inclusion of a ground - floor, street frontage commercial component for all projects. No building or land shall be used and no building shall be hereafter erected, constructed or established, except for the following uses and in compliance with the regulations of this Division: P - Permitted C - Conditional Use Permit N - Not Allowed Communication and Transportatii Alternative fuels and recharging facilitii accessory use Motor Vehicle parking lot /structure fa Major wireless communication facil Studios: art, dance, martial arts and i Tutoring Centers and Educational Ce Entertain Health /fitness Centers Indoor movie and performing arts thea auditoriums Alcoholic beverage sales for off -prer consumption Convenience Store Department Stores Page 1 Garden centers /nursery (indoor and outdo Grocery store Grocery store (open for more than 16 hour and /or open between midnight and 6:00 a. Portable outdoor retail sales and activities (a primary use) - carts or kiosks Pet Stores Retail Uses Thrift Stores Servi Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) Bail Bond Services Banks and Credit Unions Check Cashing Shops Day Care - Large Family Day Care Homes Day Care - Small Family Dry cleaning service Medical & Dental Offices and Clinics Mixed Use Offices - General Pawn Shops o r) P P s C m.) s C C � P C ces and Other Uses P N P N C P P P C P C Page 2 Page 2 Personal Services Businesses that do not provide massage, tanning and /or tattooing. 7 Personal Service Businesses that provide C massage, tanning and /or tattooing. P - if it complies with the minimum Off - Street parking Restaurants, fast food, with or without outdoor requirement; seating. Restaurants, sit -down C - if it does not comply with the minimum Off - Street parking requirement or includes a drive thru facility P - if it complies with minimum Off - Street parking; C - does not complies with the minimum Off - Street parking requirement Restaurants with alcoholic beverage lounge C service Veterinarian clinic /services and small animal C hospitals with overnight kenneling service 9275.4.5. - PARKING REQUIREMENTS. Every drive -in business shall be subject to all parking requirements applicable to the zone in which such use is located in addition to complying with the following: 1 OR site parking shall be previded fer eaGh eMPIGYeG eR duty. The peak empleymeRt peried shall be used to determiRe the number of empleyee parkiRg spaGeS. 2.1. No permanent parking of vehicles shall be permitted except when such use is for commercial parking purposes. 3-.2. No vehicles may temporarily park on sidewalks, parkways or alleys. 4.3. No vehicles may be parked on the premises and offered for sale, lease or rent. Page 3 Attachment No.4 Architectural Plans Attachment No. 4 (E) WALL ON ADJACENT - PROPERTY (N) ORDER POINT CANOPY W/ DIGITAL ORDER SCREEN, 5 -PANEL MENU BOARD & BOLLARD (N) PRE -MENU & (N) CLEARANCE (N) DIR TI NA BOLLARD AR SIGN J Poe . Nera94a ^E 1woo'o — (N) DIRECTIONAL SIGN TO BE W N ! ABANDONED a I -------- 2 DEDICATION BUILDING A REA STARBUCKS BUILDING AREA 1 OF NET S RE COVE RA GE 10.03 %± 4,369 $F) 1,3 g 3' OVERHAN I2 PARKING SUMMARY G- 27 0 - I RATIO SPACES SPACES L~ USER REOUTAEO REQUIRED PROVIDED STARBUCKS ISP /100 SF 18 ' - STANDARD 16 I Z ACCESSIBLE 1 1 P�17" '/ F I TOTAL 18 11 1 (N) TRASH �g ENCLOSURE STACKINGNUMBER 9 �. _ a .� 1 ^ - -- .aH —��• �inins _ 212! ~ EXISTING SIGNAL L. o- os z,2 — ��_ - - - -- Z PROJECT NOTES 45004 _' "- 1. THIS CONCEPTUAL SITE PUN IS FOR CLIENT'S RENEW AND PLANNING PURPOSES — _ —� T � _ _ _ _.._ .- I ONLY. (E) SIGN TO BE (N) MONUMENT Q 0 DAVID 3E PLAN IS BASED DATED ON A CAD OF THE A TA SURVEY PREPARED BY e SIGN � DnvIDR cRAewc Dareoozzzzm5 REMOVED o O DRAWING ISSUE/REVISION RECORD DATE NARRATIVE INITIALS 07.21.2015 PREP SP -1 DRAFT II (E) CURB CUT (E) POWER POLE TO _ 07 42105 PREP SP -3 ii TO REMAIN REMAIN E 08.05.2015 PREP SP -4 u -- /� `I 10.27.2015 PREP SP -5 IVCD AH v 9.2015 PREP SP -7 EPMM L 1 Y O GREENBERG FARROW CONTACTS SITE PLANNER/DESIGNER �- ii8i p10� PEA fl SITE OEV. COORDINAT OR SOUS COOPER 6reenberlFarmw SCALE " -0" STARBUCKS SITE PLAN ,9000 CA 92612 Blvd Suite 250 ® TRUE NORTH 10 20 40 NWC SANTA ANITA AVE & W LIVE OAK AVE n941 960450 f. 949 296 0479 ARCADIA, CA SP-7 20150592.0 11 A 9.2015 I 41_c (E) CURB CUT l I J 1_ TO-REMAIN LOCATION MAP 44t (N) OUTDOOR I ADA RAMP PROJECT INFORMATION SEATING /� PATH ZONING CLASSIFICATION (N) 0" CURB JURISDICTION CITY OF ARCADIA, CA 5' I - Lu EXISTING ZONE MU - MIXED USE ZONE STARBUC►�S a REQUIRED ZONE MU - MIXED USE ZONE SF - ,BOO . I • Z ICI SITE AREA 535' ° 1 STARBUCKS NET SITE AREA SANTA ANITA AVE DEDICATION x0.412 AC (x17,945 OF) AC 241 SF) _- I (': . STARBUCKS GROSS SITE AREA x0,005 Ix x9417 AC (x18,188 SF) - - 11� � (N) DIRECTIONAL SIGN TO BE W N ! ABANDONED a I -------- 2 DEDICATION BUILDING A REA STARBUCKS BUILDING AREA 1 OF NET S RE COVE RA GE 10.03 %± 4,369 $F) 1,3 g 3' OVERHAN I2 PARKING SUMMARY G- 27 0 - I RATIO SPACES SPACES L~ USER REOUTAEO REQUIRED PROVIDED STARBUCKS ISP /100 SF 18 ' - STANDARD 16 I Z ACCESSIBLE 1 1 P�17" '/ F I TOTAL 18 11 1 (N) TRASH �g ENCLOSURE STACKINGNUMBER 9 �. _ a .� 1 ^ - -- .aH —��• �inins _ 212! ~ EXISTING SIGNAL L. o- os z,2 — ��_ - - - -- Z PROJECT NOTES 45004 _' "- 1. THIS CONCEPTUAL SITE PUN IS FOR CLIENT'S RENEW AND PLANNING PURPOSES — _ —� T � _ _ _ _.._ .- I ONLY. (E) SIGN TO BE (N) MONUMENT Q 0 DAVID 3E PLAN IS BASED DATED ON A CAD OF THE A TA SURVEY PREPARED BY e SIGN � DnvIDR cRAewc Dareoozzzzm5 REMOVED o O DRAWING ISSUE/REVISION RECORD DATE NARRATIVE INITIALS 07.21.2015 PREP SP -1 DRAFT II (E) CURB CUT (E) POWER POLE TO _ 07 42105 PREP SP -3 ii TO REMAIN REMAIN E 08.05.2015 PREP SP -4 u -- /� `I 10.27.2015 PREP SP -5 IVCD AH v 9.2015 PREP SP -7 EPMM L 1 Y O GREENBERG FARROW CONTACTS SITE PLANNER/DESIGNER �- ii8i p10� PEA fl SITE OEV. COORDINAT OR SOUS COOPER 6reenberlFarmw SCALE " -0" STARBUCKS SITE PLAN ,9000 CA 92612 Blvd Suite 250 ® TRUE NORTH 10 20 40 NWC SANTA ANITA AVE & W LIVE OAK AVE n941 960450 f. 949 296 0479 ARCADIA, CA SP-7 20150592.0 11 A 9.2015 r I I II I I 11BACKBAR 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ®FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 3/6' = 7' -0" EEE?7 I� I I I WORKROOM SERVICE L J DOOR I I , —may I I I I ------------ - - - - -- Greenber9farrow STARBUCKS FLOOR PLAN 19000 M.`AMur BWd, Suite 250 NWC SANTA ANITA AVE & W LIVE OAK AVE Irvine, CA 92612 ARCADIA, CA t: 949 296 0450 f: 949 296 U79 0 20150592.0 1 09.11.2015 RETAIL 1 - -� -I i- W0MENS`1 ESTROOM ❑❑ L 'r � -------- L r i L I I r -- - - --I— I I I J I I I MAIN I I I I LI L --- _ —� I I I L1 -- ENTRANCE II i \� ------------ - - - - -- Greenber9farrow STARBUCKS FLOOR PLAN 19000 M.`AMur BWd, Suite 250 NWC SANTA ANITA AVE & W LIVE OAK AVE Irvine, CA 92612 ARCADIA, CA t: 949 296 0450 f: 949 296 U79 0 20150592.0 1 09.11.2015 ®ROOF PLAN SCALE: 3/6' = 7' -0" greenbergFarrow 19000 MacArthur Bid, Suite 250 Irvine, CA 92612 t: 949 296 0450 f: 949 296 0479 - STARBUCKS NWC SANTA ANITA AVE & W LIVE OAK AVE ARCADIA, CA 20150592.0 ROOF PLAN PRAIWAIR SHEET NOTES O Ot STEEL CANOPY. OWATER HEATER FLUE. SEE MECHANICAL DRAWINGS. OPREFABRICATED METAL AWNING. SEE REFLECTED CEILING PLAN AND EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS. qO ROOFTOP MECHANICAL UNIT. OROOFTOP EXHAUST FAN. O ROOF ACCESS HATCH. 7O PRE - FINISHED METAL COPING, TYP. OMEMBRANE ROOFING. DURO -LAST DL 40 SINGLE -PLY, CRRC PRODUCT ID# 0610 -0001 (ICC- ER- 1660). PROVIDE AMINIMUM 1/4' PER FOOT SLOPE. OPLYWOOD / INSULATION CRICKET. SLOPE AS INDICATED. 10 ROOF CANT, TYPICAL AT PERIMETER OF ROOF. 11 DRAIN THROUGH WALL. 1p OVERFLOW DRAIN. DRAIN THROUGH WALL. 13 SCUPPER AND FLASHING. q WALK PAD 15 REMOTE ICE MACHINE CONDENSER. 11)2y EIEVIITRI- .3 �UU I H -LLvm ION W , 'z WEST ELEYATgq OfeenberUFarrow STARBUCKS. EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS lgwo�OW NWC SANTA ANITA AVE & W LIVE OAK AVE S.'A-1 AS NGIE, I— c 926t2 AACADlA, CA 1 W296 0450 1 9492%0437 1 354 -53 WEST LTV E p AK Tm,.,. ,al Aa..y wo AVENUE W aW —I I ff +Il I1 flt -z-All. SITE W PLANT SCHEDULE S'EFACES_ TEARH_SSHALL BE IN—D. LOCATION MAP > ONLY 2. 1HIS SITE PLAN IS BASED ON A CAD FILE OF RE ALTA SURVEY PREPARED BY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAM mu PROJECT INFORMATION DRAWING ISSUE/REVISION RECORD DATE NARRATIVE INITIALS 07.21.2015 PREP SP -1 DRAFT II 07222015 PREP 11-2 II g t Nahe Cr° P ` y He N ZONING CLASSIFICATION Q /\ 10.27.2015 PREP 11-5 117CD JURISDICTION CITY OF ARCADIA, CA Lagerstroemlo x'TUSCara. crape MyNle corm Pmk 2R'— M EXISTING ZONE MU - MIXED USE ZONE tZEB S IOIMMOI NAM Can YLML4 REQUIRED ZONE MU - MIXED USE ZONE Anig --th $AME Harmony Kangaroo Paw 1 gal L 20150592.0 11.19.2015 OaatoxaPhym :.. 'sanaar sanaat Man :oelm 5 gm L SITE AREA Q Baagam.l0ea .'Barbara Karat Barbara karat Eo .i il- Trellis 5 9m L STARBUCKS NET SITE AREA ±0.412 AC( +17,945 SR) SANTA ANITA AVE DEDICATION -0.005 AS (± 241 SRI /--� STARBUCKS GROSS SITE AREA x0.417 AD (:t18,186 SRI ZGRyOU/NO COVERS Can�stemon viminal�s Little John' P-1 —'mg Bottiebraeh 5 gal L BOTAN CAL NAME OMMON NAME R T W�rQL4 Qantana x 'New GaIE' New Gela Lantana Y.1 L Roamarmas orrmmmla H -S-ton Cb V Hantingtan camel Raaema- a'POt L BUILDING AREA QSTARBUCKS BUILDING AREA 1,800 BE NET SITE COVERAGE x10:03 %)± 4,369 SF) PARKING SUMMARY Tana aaaa. a =lsxto RATIO SPACES SPACES Z �Waoalgz gar a ae0 Pa q a lsx arl� ea USER REQUIRED REQUIRED PROVIDED Q STARBUCKS 1 SPA 00 BE STANDARD 18 16 ACCESSIBLE 1 1 TOTAL 18 17 greenbergFarrow 111111 19000 MacArthur 31 Suite 250 Irvine, CA 92612 TRUE NORTH 0 5 10 20 30 40 cp 1: 949 296 0450 f: 949 296 0479 SCAPE AREAS SHALL BE WATERED BY AN —C IRRIDATION SYSTEM. ALL LANDSCAPE IN—ICATION SHUr. BE STACKING NUMBER 9 WHERE ET OFWALKWAYEANDIORPAVING WITHIIN PROJECT NOTES S'EFACES_ TEARH_SSHALL BE IN—D. 1. THIS CONCEPTUAL SIZE PLAN ISE)A CLIENTS R &IEW AND PLANNING PURPOSES oW ENS. D PARKWAY LANDSCAPE SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY BUSINESS ONLY 2. 1HIS SITE PLAN IS BASED ON A CAD FILE OF RE ALTA SURVEY PREPARED BY DAVID R. GRAY, INC. BATED 0722 2015, DRAWING ISSUE/REVISION RECORD DATE NARRATIVE INITIALS 07.21.2015 PREP SP -1 DRAFT II 07222015 PREP 11-2 II 07.242101 PREP SP -3 II 08 .05.2015 PREP SP-0 II 10.27.2015 PREP 11-5 117CD 11.19.2015 PREP SP -7 IVMM GREENBERG FARROW CONTACTS SITE PLANNER/DESIGNER 11 SITE OEV. COORDINATOR DOUG COOPER STARBUCKS LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN NWC SANTA ANITA AVE & W LIVE OAK AVE LCP -Z 20150592.0 11.19.2015 PAINT - SHERWIN WILLIAMS - SW 6098 - PACER WHITE POWER COAT DARK BRONZE CANOPY CLEAR INSULATED GLASS WINDOWS AND DOORS PAINT - SHERWIN WILLIAMS - SW 6074 - SPALDING GREY VINTAGE TIMBERWORKS, INC RUSTIC GREY/MATTE CLEAR COAT SEALER Greenbergfarrow - NuuC SANTA ANNA AVE & STARBUCKS 19004 MacArthur Blvd.. Suite 250 Irvine, CA 92612 ARCADIA, CA t' 949 296 0450 1 949 296 0437 20150592.0 COLOR & MATERIAL BOARD ©8.24.15 Attachment No.5 Drive -thru Queuing Study Attachment No. 5 DRIVE - THROUGH QUEUING STUDY FOR THE PROPOSED DRIVE - THROUGH STARBUCKS NWC Santa Anita Avenue at West Live Oak Avenue In the City of Arcadia Prepared for: Evergreen Development Prepared by: Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc. 765 The City Drive, Suite 200 Orange, California 92868 January, 2016 DRIVE- THROUGH QUEUING STUDY FOR THE PROPOSED DRIVE- THROUGH STARBUCKS IN THE CITY OF ARCADIA TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION........................................................................................... ............................... 1 PROJECTDESCRIPTION .............................................................................. ............................... 1 DRIVE- THROUGH QUEUING ANALYSIS ................................................. ............................... 3 Queuing Data Collection and Observations ................................................... ............................... 3 Projected Queue Requirements for the Proposed Project .............................. ............................... 5 QueueManagement ....................................................................................... ............................... 5 CONCLUSIONS.............................................................................................. ............................... 6 LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure1 — Project Site Plan ................................................................................................... ............................:.2 LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1 — Summary of Drive - Through Queuing Data Collection .................... ............................... 4 DRIVE- THROUGH QUEUING STUDY FOR THE PROPOSED DRIVE- THROUGH STARBUCKS IN THE CITY OF ARCADIA INTRODUCTION This report has been prepared to evaluate the drive- through queuing needs for a proposed drive - through Starbucks, proposed for the parcel located on the northwest corner of the intersection of Santa Anita Avenue and West Live Oak Avenue in the City of Arcadia. The City has requested that a drive- through queuing study be conducted for the proposed project. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The site is located on a corner parcel adjacent to a larger commercial center, located on the northwest corner of the intersection of Santa Anita Avenue and West Live Oak Avenue. The project parcel is currently developed with a building that previously housed a small- format drive- through Walgreens store. The building is currently vacant. The applicant proposes to demolish the vacant building, and to construct an 1,800- square -foot drive - through Starbucks; and to reconfigure the site to provide 17 parking spaces. A copy of the project site plan is provided on Figure 1. The project parcel currently has one driveway on West Live Oak Avenue, located approximately 140 feet west of Santa Anita Avenue, and one driveway on Santa Anita Avenue, located approximately 130 feet north of West Live Oak Avenue. Both site driveways are right -in /right -out only entries, with left turns restricted by raised medians in both Santa Anita Avenue and West Live Oak Avenue. No cross access connections between the project parcel and the adjacent shopping center currently exist. The project plan does not propose to change the existing site access provisions. The opening to the drive- through lane would be located at the northeast corner of the building. The drive- through lane would wrap around the north, west, and south sides of the building, and would be approximately 220 feet long from the opening of the drive- through lane to the pick -up window, providing queuing for 9 -10 vehicles, assuming 20 to 24 feet per vehicle. If needed, additional queuing for an additional 8 to 10 vehicles outside the drive- through lane could be accommodated on- site, through the parking area, depending on the direction of approach and entry to the site. Drive - Through Queuing Study - 1 - Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc. NWC Santa Anita Ave and West Live Oak, Arcadia January, 2016 (N) UHUtH PUIN I CANOPY W/ DIGITAL f ORDER SCREEN, 5 -PANEL (N) PRE -MENU & (N) CLEARANCE (N) DIRECTIONAL MENU BOARD & BOLLARD BOLLARD BAR SIGN I i (E) WALL ON ADJACENT a 1nee�+:mm�o nr•nr ■■ ._ PROPERTY + *�"` +•'� ��' NOT TO SCALE rrrr ++ ■.ter ^,933U8'E 1590aA ��� r/ ! I (� ryr■ ++ +. � +� +�� � �`� CURB CUT ■■rw•°� _ :I I -TO- REMAIN N OUTDOOR I I N) ADA RAMP SEATING t l � PATH _ _�� (N) 0" CURB R .) W s BuCKS 5 1,BO0 SF 0 1 63 5' -- _t W I (E) R-O-W - N DIRECTIONAL 7 - - [ABANDONED (ABANDONED i2'DEDICATION - - -- s 25 3 OVERHANG- 27 (N) TRASH A ENCLOSURE �-�-�- � by � q ..►..rur o e'wsrr ` � Ot9i'VI 9.9a1A - " fl..1500' - = - �� ■ ■r.■� "�`�� ` ' r IXISTING SIGNAL -- (E) SIGN TO BE (N) MONUMENT Q O — -- -- - REMOVED S O o IGN cn (E) CURB CUT (E) POWER POLE TO TO REMAIN REMAIN — — `, C N v O A G IVE AVG FIGURE 1 PROJECT SITE PLAN _Z_ Kimley> »Horn DRIVE- THROUGH QUEUING ANALYSIS Queuing Data Collection and Observations City staff has requested an analysis of the adequacy of the Starbucks drive- through lane queuing capacity. Kimley -Horn and Associates collected existing drive- through queuing data at three comparable Starbucks drive- through locations. Drive - through observations and counts were conducted at the following drive- through Starbucks sites: - Southeast corner of Rosecrans Avenue and Normandie Avenue, Gardena - Southwest corner of Citrus Avenue and Rowland Street, Covina - Northeast corner of Puente Avenue and Francisquito Avenue, Covina These sites were selected for queuing data collection because of the site characteristics that are similar to the proposed project, e.g.: • A Starbucks store with a drive- through lane; • Located in Los Angeles County; • Located at or near the intersection of two primary (four lanes or more) arterials; • Located adjacent to or within a larger commercial center; • Located within one mile of a freeway interchange. In addition, limited queuing information was obtained from an independent study conducted in 2014 for a drive- through Starbucks site in Glendora. The drive- through activity was observed on a typical weekday, from 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM, during the peak demand period. The results of the observations are summarized on Table 1. The data summary on this table presents the observed average queue, peak queue, and the 85th percentile queue for the observed morning peak periods. The peak activity at each site was observed to occur intermittently, with an ebb and flow pattern throughout the morning peak, with periods of lower queuing activity between the peaks. The following vehicle movement and queuing observations of the operations at the study locations were made: • The peak queues and occasional spillovers outside the drive- through lane opening were observed to ebb and flow, to last briefly, and to clear quickly (within 30 to 60 seconds). • Some customers were observed to pull into the site; evaluate the wait time, based on the vehicle queue; and choose to park and go into the building, rather join the existing queue. Drive - Through Queuing Study - 3 - Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc. NWC Santa Anita Ave and West Live Oak, Arcadia January, 2016 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF DRIVE- THROUGH QUEUING DATA COLLECTION Summary of Starbucks Drive -Thru Queuing Data Queue Summary Covina (Puente) Covina (Citrus) Gardena Glendora i Average All Sites Site Average 7:00 -7:15 AM 6.5 5.6 7.6 n/a 7:15 -7:30 AM 6.7 7.8 8.8 n/a 7.8 7:30 -7:45 AM 7.6 7.1 7.3 6.25 7.1 7:45 -8:00 AM 8.4 6.1 8.1 n/a 7.5 8:00 -8:15 AM 8.2 7.8 7.6 n/a 7.9 8:15 -8:30 AM 8.0 7.9 7.0 n/a 7.6 8:30 -8:45 AM 8.8 8.9 n/a n/a 8.9 8:45 -9:00 AM 8.7 9.4 n/a n/a Site Peak 7:00 -7:15 AM 7 10 n/a n/a 8.5 7:15 -7:30 AM 8 11 9 n/a 9.3 7:30 -7:45 AM 10 9 10 11 10.0 7:45 -8:00 AM 10 8 10 n/a 9.3 8:00 -8:15 AM 12 10 11 n/a 11.0 8:15 -8:30 AM 8 11 11 n/a 10.0 8:30 -8:45 AM 9 11 n/a n/a 10.0 8:45 -9:00 AM 9 11 n/a n/a 10.0 Site 85th % -ile 2 7:00 -7:15 AM 8 8 n/a n/a 8.0 7:15 -7:30 AM 8 10 10 n/a 9.3 7:30 -7:45 AM 9 8 9 10.45 9.1 7:45 -8:00 AM 10 7 9.4 n/a 8.8 8:00 -8:15 AM 10 9 10 n/a 9.7 8:15 -8:30 AM 7 11 10 n/a 9.3 8:30 -8:45 AM 8 10 n/a n/a 9.0 8:45 -9:00 AM 8 11 n/a n/a 9.5 1 Source: Third party traffic study. Limited data provided. 2 85th percentile = The queue will be less than the queue shown 85% of the time. Drive - Through Queuing Study -4- NWC Santa Anita Ave and West Live Oak, Arcadia Kimley -Horn and Asociates, Inc. January, 2016 Vehicles arriving from different site entrances come together on -site at the drive - through area, and then merge into the queue, taking turns in the same manner in which vehicles merge from two lanes to one. In almost all cases during the peak times, the queue vehicles filled the drive- through lane, with no gap between the order board and the pick -up window, thus fully using the capacity of the drive- through lane. The order process is typically shorter than the pick -up and pay process, so the area between the order board and the pick -up window is typically fully occupied by the queue. The Starbucks standard is to process a vehicle from the order board through the pick -up window in 45 seconds. On occasion, a more - than- average delay at the order board was observed to occur (i.e., due to a large order, or indecisiveness on the part of the customer) and would briefly hold up the movement of the queue, sometimes causing the remainder of the queue to extend beyond the drive- through lane opening. When the vehicle at the order board finished the order and pulled forward, the remaining cars in the queue would once again move through the order and pick -up process at the normal pace, and the gap between the order board and the pick -up window would fill. in. Projected Queue Requirements for the Proposed Project Assuming the proposed Starbucks would experience similar queuing activity as the studied sites, the typical peak number of queued vehicles is estimated to be 7 to 9 during the morning peak period, with brief periods of spillover beyond the drive- through opening, for an observed peak of up to 12 vehicles; and less than this throughout the remainder of the day. The proposed project's drive- through lane would have enough stacking distance for 9 to 10 vehicles, and room for another 8 to 10 vehicles outside the drive- through lane, depending on the direction of approach and entry to the site. During the peak queuing times, the vehicle queue may extend beyond the drive- through lane itself and into the parking area surrounding the building for a short period of time. Vehicles queued along the east side of the site (along Santa Anita Avenue) could temporarily block access to a portion of the row of parking in that area. The parking spaces located along the south side of the building would not be blocked by the vehicle queue. Employees should be instructed to park in the parking spaces along the east side of the site, leaving the remainder of the site parking readily available for customers. Queue Management Although not anticipated to be needed, the following presents a list of potential pro- active queue management measures that could employed by Starbucks during peak operating times, if needed, to minimize queuing impacts. Drive - Through Queuing Study - 5 - Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc. NWC Santa Anita Ave and West Live Oak, Arcadia January, 2016 • Provide a preview menu board, in advance of the order board, to allow customers to preview their options and make decisions before reaching the order board. This will speed up the ordering process and keep the queue moving between the order board and the pick- up window. Note: The site plan already reflects a preview menu board. • Instruct employees to park in the parking spaces along the east side of the site (along Santa Anita Avenue). • During peak periods, position a staff member outside, at the end of the on -site queue area to direct traffic, to keep the queue from extending into the driveway throat: • Cone the end of the queue lane and direct traffic to any open parking stalls so patrons may order inside. • Direct traffic on Santa Anita Avenue to continue around the corner to the entrance on West Live Oak Avenue, to utilize the additional queuing capacity through the site parking area; • Each of these measures would be implemented for a short timeframe, as needed, and the staff member would open the queue lane again as soon as the queue is sufficiently reduced. CONCLUSIONS • The applicant proposes re- development of the parcel located at the northwest corner of Santa Anita Avenue and West Live Oak Avenue in the City of Arcadia. • The project would consist of an 1,800 - square -foot drive- through Starbucks store with indoor seating. • The project site would have an on -site parking supply of 17 parking spaces. • The proposed drive- through queuing lane would be approximately 220 feet in length — enough distance for 9 to 10 vehicles to queue. • Additional on -site queuing would accommodate an additional 8 to 10 vehicles. • Drive - through queuing data collection and analysis shows that the typical peak queue expected at the project site would be 7 to 9 vehicles, with brief periods of spillover beyond the drive- through opening for an observed peak of up to 12 vehicles. • Queue management measures have been identified to minimize queuing impacts during peak operating periods. Drive - Through Queuing Study - 6 - Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc. NWC Santa Anita Ave and West Live Oak, Arcadia January, 2016 Attachment No.6 CEQA Preliminary Exemption Assessment Attachment No. 6 ARCAMA PRELIMINARY EXEMPTION ASSESSMENT (Certificate of Determination When Attached to Notice of Exemption) 1. Name or description of project: TA 15 -04; CUP 15 -10; ADR 15 -22; & MP 15 -10 for text amendments and project approval to allow a 1,800 square -foot Starbucks cafe with drive -thru service and 17 on -site parking spaces at 5 W. Live Oak Avenue. 2. Project Location — Identify street 5 W. Live Oak Avenue, Arcadia CA 91007 address and cross streets or attach a map showing project site (cross streets: Santa Anita Avenue and Welland Avenue) (preferably a USGS 15' or 7 1/2' topographical map identified by quadrangle name): 3. Entity or person undertaking A. Evergreen Devco, Inc. project: B. Other (Private) (1) Name Kayman Wong (2) Address 2390 E. Camelback Rd. #410 Phoenix, AZ 85018 4. Staff Determination: The Lead Agency's Staff, having undertaken and completed a preliminary review of this project in accordance with the Lead Agency's "Local Guidelines for Implementing the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)" has concluded that this project does not require further environmental assessment because: a. ❑ The proposed action does not constitute a project under CEQA. b. ❑ The project is a Ministerial Project. C. ❑ The project is an Emergency Project. d. ❑ The project constitutes a feasibility or planning study. e. ® The project is categorically exempt. Applicable Exemption Class: 15303 (New construction of a small commercial building) f. ❑ The project is statutorily exempt. Applicable Exemption: g. ❑ The project is otherwise exempt on the following basis: h. ❑ The project involves another public agency which constitutes the Lead Agency. Name of Lead Agency: Date: January 5, 2016 Staff: Tim Schwehr, Economic Development Analyst Preliminary Exemption Assessment FORM "A"