HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 2a: Relocation Plan for Tenants at 16 Campus Drive for Campus Commons Affordable Housing ProjectDATE: September 21, 2010
TO: Chairman and Redevelopment Agency Board
FROM: Jason Kruckeberg, Assistant City Manager /Development Services
By: Jerry Schwartz, Economic Development Manager 1
Recommendation: Approve
The Campus Commons senior housing project is a 43 -unit development at 16 Campus
Drive. The project received its entitlements from the City Council at the July 6 meeting.
There are currently seven apartments on the property. One of the responsibilities of the
developers is to relocate the tenants from the seven apartments, and do so in
conformance with the relocation rules that apply to the Redevelopment Agency. One
step in that process is the preparation of a Relocation Plan, which must be approved by
the Agency Board.
Arcadia Redevelopment Agency
The development team of Davila Properties and Ashwood Construction (the developers)
have been working on many different aspects of the Campus Commons project,
including entitlements, securing its construction loan, applying for tax credits and tax
exempt bonds, working on a bridge loan, and arranging the relocation of the tenants.
Relocation of the tenants is a process that involves several steps. The ultimate goal is
to find each tenant a suitable place to move that is equal to or better than their
apartment at 16 Campus Drive at a rent that they can afford. If units for relocation are
more expensive, the tenant is eligible for a payment for up to 42 months to bridge that
higher rent in the new location. The cost to move is also paid as part of the relocation
process. It is important to remember that these tenants didn't ask to move, but are
being relocated as part of the senior housing project. While the developers are
responsible for the relocation process, they must follow the requirements that are
expected of redevelopment agencies. This is because the project is being developed in
cooperation with the Agency, making the Agency responsible if any relocation cases are
not handled properly.
The developers have hired Jean Lawrence, an experienced relocation consultant, to
handle the seven apartments at the project site. Ms. Lawrence has made contact with
the tenants earlier this year to inform them about the possibility of relocation and to find
out about family size and needs and preferences about places to live. This information
also allowed the developers to factor the potential relocation costs into their project
The next benchmark in the relocation process was the preparation of a Relocation Plan.
The Relocation Plan explains the project, the need for relocation, the relocation services
provided, the relocation needs of the tenants, the relocation process, the rights of the
tenants, and the opportunity for public review and input. Ms. Lawrence prepared the
Relocation Plan with input from Agency staff and Agency Counsel. The legal
requirement is that the tenants receive written notification at least 30 days before this
meeting that the Relocation Plan has been prepared and will be considered by the
Agency Board. Ms. Lawrence prepared the letters and delivered them on August 19,
2010. She included a copy of the Relocation Plan for each apartment, which exceeds
the legal requirement. She also provided a form for the tenants to provide comments on
the Relocation Plan. In addition, the Agency Board was informed that the 30 day
comment period for the Relocation Plan had started through a memorandum provided
on August 19, 2010.
The Agency Board is required to approve the Relocation Plan as a part of the project
approval. In approving the Plan, the Agency is approving the relocation process that
will be used with the tenants. While consideration of the Plan is not a public hearing,
the Board should verify if any of the tenants wish to speak about the Relocation Plan.
After approval of the Relocation Plan, and once the project financing has closed, Ms.
Lawrence will provide the tenants with a letter that notifies them of a 90 day period for
relocation and three relocation locations they might wish to consider. She will then work
with the tenants until they have found a suitable place and actually moved. As indicated
above, if the new location is more expensive than their current apartment, they would be
eligible for payments for the monthly difference in rent for a 42 -month period. The
construction of the senior apartments can only begin after all tenants are successfully
After the relocation process is completed, information will be added to the Relocation
Plan regarding final relocation costs and funds used for relocation, a summary of the
actual relocations, including any problems and their resolutions, and a summary of
City /Agency actions related to the project.
The Relocation Plan is not considered a project per CEQA (CEQA Guidelines, Section
15061 (b) (3). The Campus Commons project was approved with a Negative
Declaration on July 6, 2010 as part of the approval of the entitlements for the project.
Tenant Relocation Plan
September 21, 2010
Page 2 of 3
The costs for relocation are part of the overall project budget, which has been factored
into the request for Agency financial assistance that was discussed at the July 6 Study
Session and will be included in the Owner Participation Agreement between the
developers and the Agency.
Approve the Relocation Plan for the tenants at 16 Campus Drive to facilitate the
Campus Commons affordable housing project.
Approved: fie,,, .--,,
Donald Penman, City Manager
Attachment: Relocation Plan
Tenant Relocation Plan
September 21, 2010
Page 3 of 3
Campus Commons Senior Apartments
Prepared for Ashwood Construction, Inc.
August 2010
Campus Commons Senior Apartments
SECTION I — Project Location and Description 2
SECTION II — Relocation Needs of Current Residents 6
Proposed Dates of Displacement 6
Aggregate Relocation Needs 7
Relocation Housing Resources 8
Advisory Services 9
SECITON IV — General Information 10
Relocation Payments and Payment Plan 10
Cost Estimate and Source 11
Last Resort Housing 11
Temporary Relocation 11
Relocation Office Procedures 11
Citizen Participation 11
Coordination Activities 12
Relocation Committee 12
Written Determination by Public Entities 12
Grievance Procedures 12
Public Review of Relocation Plan 13
LOCATION MAP — Exhibit 1 3
SKETCH (Site Plan) — Exhibit 2 5
— General Information Notice
— Tenant Relocation Brochure
— Public Comments and Agency Documents
RELOCATION PLAN - Campus Commons Senior Apartments
City of Arcadia, California
August 2010
In January 2010, Ashwood Construction ("developer "), in conjunction with Davila
Properties LLC, submitted a preliminary proposal to the City of Arcadia and began
investigating the acquisition of a 23,100 square foot parcel located at 12 and 16
Campus Drive in the incorporated city boundaries.
On May 11, 2010, the Arcadia Planning Commission recommended that the City Council
approve the proposed development with conditions.
In June 2010 the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Arcadia conducted a Study
Session to review the financial feasibility of the proposed development.
With the assistance of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Arcadia ("Agency "), 43
new senior citizen designated apartment units will be developed on site. All units will
be restricted to low income households at an affordable rent, as those terms are defied
in the Health and Safety Code for a period of 55 years. Funding for the project will
come from the City of Arcadia Redevelopment Agency Low - and - Moderate - Income
Housing Set -aside account, from Low Income Housing Tax Credits, and Federal Low
Income Housing Tax - Exempt Bonds.
There are currently two multi -unit structures on the site, with a total of seven (7)
residential units. Six are occupied; one is vacant. The former tenant has been located
and confirmed that he moved after the Initiation of Negotiations between the developer
and the Agency and is entitled to relocation. The residents have been there for many
years; none are age - eligible for the new apartments. Relocation activities will be
carried out in accordance with Government Code Sections 7260 et seq., the California
Relocation Assistance Act of 1970 (Gov. Code § 7260 et seq., the California Relocation
Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Guidelines (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 25, § 6000 et
seq, the Agency's Relocation rules and Regulations, the Agency's Relocation Assistance
Advisory Program and this Relocation Plan.
In accordance with relocation rules and regulations, the General Information Notice
("GIN ") (see Attachment #1) and a tenant information booklet (see Attachment #2)
were delivered to the resident households on April 23 and 24, 2010. The General
Information Notice and tenant information booklet was provided to the tenant who had
moved on August 15, 2010. They all signed a delivery confirmation.
An experienced acquisition and relocation firrm, has been selected to prepare this
Relocation Plan ("the Plan "), and will provide all subsequently required relocation
assistance. In compliance with statutory requirements, the Plan has been prepared to
RELOCATION PLAN - Campus Commons Senior Apartments
City of Arcadia, California
August 2010
evaluate the present circumstances and replacement housing requirements of the
current occupants.
The general purposes of a relocation plan are to describe the circumstances of potential
displacees, the availability of replacement housing, and the Developer's program to
provide required advisory and financial assistance. It is important to be aware that the
preparation and approval of a relocation plan fulfills an administrative requirement but
does not, by itself, constitute a commitment to proceed with the Project.
The relocation plan is being prepared according to applicable provisions of California
Title 25, Housing and Community Development Act, Division 1, Chapter 6; California
Relocation Law, Government Code 7260 et seq. and its regulations.
The Plan includes four sections:
SECTION I - Project location and description
SECTION II - Relocation needs of the current residents
SECTION III — Replacement Housing resources
SECTION IV — General Information
RELOCATION PLAN - Campus Commons Senior Apartments
City of Arcadia, California
August 2010
Section I — Project Location and Description
The 23,100 square foot site is located just west of the southwest corner of Campus
Drive and Santa Anita Avenue on the south side of Campus Drive. The Arcadia High
School playing field is to the west and a professional office site is to the east, on the
corner. The site is directly across Campus Drive from the Santa Anita Golf Course.
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RELOCATION PLAN - Campus Commons Senior Apartments
City of Arcadia, California
August 2010
Present dwelling, the rent, the type and quality of construction, the amount of
habitable living space per 25 CCR 6048:
The area surrounding the site is park -like; the setting is enhanced by the golf course
and sports field. Multifamily residential development is situated along Santa Anita
Avenue interspersed with commercial /retail. A mix of schools, homes and commercial
buildings are located to the west of the High School site. A hospital is located to the
west of the golf course and the senior center is in the park area just north of the golf
course. Bus service is available two blocks south of the development site.
There are currently two structures on the site with a north -to -south orientation. The
buildings are situated parallel to each other with paved parking in the rear of the site.
Access is off of Santa Anita Avenue. Both buildings will be demolished. The structures
contain a total of seven residential units including three one - bedroom and four studio
units. Six units are currently occupied and the residents will be given relocation
counseling and assistance.
The structures at the site are standard wood - frame, stucco, single -story construction.
The flat -roofs need replacement and both structures are showing signs of delayed
maintenance and incomplete repair. All seven units are very small and internal
remodeling to provide private space for occupants has been haphazard. Kitchen areas
in some of the units are best defined as "butler kitchens" located in a closet -type
setting. Current rental rates are from $575 to $850 a month. Units range in size from
about 500 square feet to 650 square feet.
Campus Commons Senior Apartments will include 10 two bedroom /one bath and
33 one bedroom /one bath units. The four -story building will include parking and the
community /recreation room on the ground floor with three stories of residences above.
The community center will also have space for an on -site manager office, a large
meeting room, kitchen area, and private office areas for use by health and counseling
providers. An elevator will be provided for easy access to residential levels. Special
insulation and sound - proofing will be installed on the east side of the structure to
eliminate or mitigate sounds from the adjacent athletic field.
The apartments will be available to senior citizens 62 years of age and older with
incomes range from 35% to 60% of Area Median Income (AMI) at an affordable cost.
The complex will remain age and income restricted for a period of 55 years.
The apartments will be sited to take advantage of any passive heating and cooling
methods available. A photovoltaic panel system is planned for the project. The system
will service the electrical needs of the community spaces including the community
building and site lighting. Building architecture, surfacing and colors will be designed to
comply with energy efficient construction and comply with City of Arcadia codes and
RELOCATION PLAN - Campus Commons Senior Apartments
City of Arcadia, California
August 2010
regulations. Every unit will contain energy efficient appliances and plumbing designed
to accommodate senior citizens including levered faucet and door handles, low entry-
door thresholds, and wide hallways with wall mounted railing. All units will include full
kitchens and washer and dryers.
Exhibit 2 — Proposed Site Plan
RELOCATION PLAN - Campus Commons Senior Apartments
City of Arcadia, California
August 2010
SECTION II - Relocation needs of the current residents
Projected dates of displacement: It is anticipated that relocation notices will
be sent to residents to be displaced as soon as project approvals are in place. All
required Notices will be issued as provided by law and the 90 day notices maybe issued
beginning in November, 2010. Site work will commence once residents are relocated.
It is anticipated that it will take 12 months to complete construction.
Aggregate Relocation Needs /How Needs Will Be Met:
Method of Notification: On April 23 and 24, 2010 the residents currently
on site were visited by a Relocation Specialist and were given verbal and written notice
(General Information Notice) of the possibility that the site would be developed for new
affordable housing. The resident received a copy of the Tenant Relocation Brochure.
They were also provided a contact name and telephone of a person they can contact at
any time regarding the status of the project and the relocation. On August 12, 2010 a
GIN was provided to the resident who previously moved from the site.
• Aggregate Relocation Needs
the number of persons in each housing unit
• of the six households to be relocated, three units are two -
person households and three are single - person households;
the; the household that already moved contained one
• type of housing needed /desired
• two of the two- person households contain a single mother
with one child both are teen - agers; one is a husband and
wife. The youngest of two teen -agers is enrolled in private
school in Arcadia; his mother drives him to school and picks
him up or arranges transportation from friends. The older
teen -ager has his own transportation for school. The
minimum unit size for all three households is a one - bedroom
unit. The three single - person households contain single
adult men and all have expressed preference for a studio
unit. All six families expressed a desire to stay in or near the
City of Arcadia. None of the residents expressed a desire to
purchase a home at this time. One family expressed a desire
for assistance in obtaining rental vouchers.
RELOCATION PLAN - Campus Commons Senior Apartments
City of Arcadia, California
August 2010
• four households are classified as "low income" and three are
not. The low income households would be eligible for
publicly assisted housing, but do not wish to apply at this
• Special Needs
• none of the households to be relocated have a disabled
• none of the households require special schools or services
• there are no senior citizens among the current residents
• Ethnicity and Language
• Members of five households are Caucasian and their primary
language is English. One household is Asian and their
primary language is Indonesian. Interpreter and translation
services have been provided by an adult member of their
extended family.
▪ Replacement Housing
• two of the current residents, and the resident who already
moved, are self - employed and do not have any concerns
regarding replacement housing for employment purposes.
The four remaining employed occupants work in Arcadia and
all have their own transportation.
• all six households prefer to stay in the Arcadia area and all
have expressed their desire to not be relocated to the City of
El Monte which they perceive to be a "less desirable area."
• every reasonable effort will be made to relocate the house-
holds near their existing neighborhood.
• replacement dwellings will meet or exceed the criteria for
comparable, decent, safe, and sanitary dwellings with
respect to number of rooms, habitable living space, and type
and quality of construction as defined in the California Code
of Regulations, previously cited.
• dwellings will be in sound, clean and weather tight
conditions, in good repair and in conformance with
applicable housing codes of the city where they are located.
At minimum, each housekeeping unit shall include a kitchen
with useable sink, a stove or stove connection, separate
complete bathroom, hot and cold running water in both
kitchen and bathroom and adequate and safe wiring system
RELOCATION PLAN - Campus Commons Senior Apartments
City of Arcadia, California
August 2010
for lighting and other electrical services and heating as
required by climatic conditions and local codes.
• replacement dwellings will be readily available to the
displaced households and the general public without regard
to race, color, sex, marital status, religion, or national origin
pursuant to Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 and
other applicable state or federal anti - discrimination law.
• if the displaced household expresses interest in locating their
own replacement dwelling that selection will be subject to
inspection by the relocation specialist to ensure that unit
meets previously noted criteria. However, if the displaced
household moves to a unit that does not meet DSS criteria,
the relocation specialist can assist them in moving to a
compliant unit. If the displaced person chooses not to
move, they will not be considered ineligible to receive
relocation assistance and benefits.
. Locational Characteristics
• as previously noted, all six tenant households wish to remain
in or adjacent to the City of Arcadia. Most of them are long-
time residents of the City and have social and recreational
ties to the area. The Acadia area is fully developed the
initial review of available units indicated there may be
several sites that would meet the replacement housing
criteria. That includes areas not subjected to unreasonable
adverse environmental conditions, that have public utilities
and facilities, municipal services, and access to health,
recreational, and commercial facilities.
SECTION III — Replacement housing resources
Relocation Housing Resources: During December 2009 a Rental Unit
Survey was conducted by Han Widjaja, the broker associated with the sale of the
property to the developer and a preliminary study was conducted by Annie Gerard,
CRE, CAASH, Apt Market Research. The December survey identified studios and one -
bedroom units available in a five -mile area around Arcadia for rent in the City.
• Two Studio units, average $912.50 /month
• 18 1BR /1BA units, average $1,116 /month
RELOCATION PLAN - Campus Commons Senior Apartments
City of Arcadia, California
August 2010
Two bedroom /one bath units have a current average monthly rental rate of about
Prior to the issuance of Notice of Determination a complete rental unit survey will be
conducted to ensure that the units provided as referrals to the households to be
displaced, are actually available to them.
Advisory Services: The relocation consultant will be available to the
residents during the entire process to provide, at a minimum, the following:
a. Keep residents informed of the availability of relocation benefits and assistance
and the eligibility requirements and the procedures for obtaining such benefits
and assistance.
b. Assure eligible persons that within a reasonable period of time prior to
displacement there will be available comparable replacement housing.
c. Provide current and continuing information on the availability, prices, and rentals
of comparable rental housing and as to security deposits and terms for
residential property in the area.
d. Assist each eligible person to complete applications for payments and benefits.
e. Assist each eligible, displaced person to obtain and move to a comparable
replacement dwelling.
f. Provide inspection services of all comparable units to ensure it meets the needs
and affordability of the displaced persons and that the units are decent, safe,
and sanitary.
Provide any services required to insure that the relocation process does not
result in different or separate treatment on account of race, color, religion,
national origin, sex, marital status, familial status, or any basis protected by state
or federal anti - discrimination laws, or any other arbitrary circumstances.
h. Supply to such eligible persons information concerning federal and state housing
programs, and other offering assistance to displaced persons.
i. Provide other advisory assistance to eligible persons in order to minimize their
hardships. It is recommended that, as needed, such assistance include
counseling and referrals with regard to housing, financing, employment, training,
health and welfare, as well as other assistance.
RELOCATION PLAN - Campus Commons Senior Apartments
City of Arcadia, California
August 2010
j. Inform all persons who are expected to be displaced about the Agency's
grievance procedures and eviction policies to be pursued in carrying out the
SECTION IV — General Information
Relocation Payments and Payment Plan: This Relocation Plan will
set forth three specific options for the payment of relocation benefits. The specific
option will be determined based on specific individual household needs
a. Payment Plan: It is the intent of the relocation personnel to make
the payment to displaced residents as quickly and easily as possible. Once it is
determined that the relocations will take place and funding is available, arrangements
will be made to provide replacement unit deposits as soon as the individual rental
contracts are signed. Periodic payments will be made depending on replacement
housing options available to each household:
(1) Upon the recommendation of the relocation specialist, Periodic
Payments to the displaced household that qualifies for market rate rental
housing shall be made in three equal payments: one third when a
replacement units is located and the owner/ manager /agent makes a
commitment to rent /lease and makes a demand for first -last- security; one
third on the date the displaced person actually vacates their unit; and the
last third 30 days after the relocation.
(2) Payment into Escrow: If a household to be displaced qualifies
to purchase a single family home, mobile home, duplex, or other decent,
safe, and sanitary residential unit, the entire amount of relocation benefit
shall be deposited into the appropriate escrow account as soon as possible
after the household qualifies for purchase.
(3) Other payment program to be submitted to the relocation
specialist who will then transmit the request to the Agency.
The households to be displaced may request a professional move, may be
reimbursed actual costs of moving, which will be paid upon receipt of valid receipts
itemizing the services provided, or receive a fixed payment as outlined below which is
periodically updated by federal and state regulation. The schedule is designed to
RELOCATION PLAN - Campus Commons Senior Apartments
City of Arcadia, California
August 2010
include all of the expenses such as temporary storage, transportation of personal
property, and utility hook ups.
Occupant owns Furniture - Number of Rooms of Furniture
Occupant does not
own furniture
1 room
room/ no
Relocation Cost Estimate and Source of Funds
The current, preliminary relocation cost is estimated at $165,000. Specific
amounts are considered confidential. Rental assistance and fixed moving cost
assistance will be provided from Agency /Developer funds. This can include permanent
loans, Agency Low Income Housing Set - aside, Low Income Housing Tax Credits, State
Multi Housing Program (MHP) or other funds, and federal and HUD housing
development funds which are, or may become, available as the project is being
Last Resort Housina: An updated analysis of eligibility for Last Resort Housing
benefit will be prepared if the tenant to be relocated cannot locate housing within their
Temporary Relocation: All resident households will be permanently displaced.
There is no temporary relocation plan.
Relocation Office Procedures: All mail and telephone contact with residents
at the Campus Commons site should be directed to the relocation specialist at 760 -770-
4212; Misfit Mountain Corp, 55 La Cerra Drive, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270.
a. During the actual relocation, original files will be kept in the
relocation specialist offices in Rancho Mirage and a copy will be provided to the Agency.
b. Individual household files are considered confidential and are kept
in a secure area. Each file has a resident contact form inside and all contact, or
attempted contact, is noted, along with information on whether it was a site visit or by
telephone, the reason for the contact, the questions asked, and the information
provided. These become a part of the permanent file.
c. Upon completion of the relocation, all original files will be submitted
to the Agency's office for permanent storage.
RELOCATION PLAN - Campus Commons Senior Apartments
City of Arcadia, California
August 2010
Citizen Participation: Current and former residents of the 12 and 16 Campus
Drive site will have the opportunity to attend a group meeting before the relocation
commences to ask questions and receive additional information. They will also receive
notices of any public meetings /hearings that are held at the City office(s) that pertain to
the site and relocation.
Relocation Committee: It has been determined there is no need for an onsite
Relocation Committee since all residents are participating. Upon request, tenants shall
be provided timely and full access to all non - confidential documents relevant to the
relocation. Copies of the draft Relocation Plan will be provided to the affected
households for a thirty -day (30 day) review period. They will be encouraged to provide
written comments, but will be welcomed to contact the Relocation Specialist who will
make a written record of verbal comments. All comments and Relocation
Specialist/Agency responses will be included in the final, adopted, version of the
Relocation Plan.
Written Determination by Public Entities: Agency /city /funding approvals
will be included as part of the permanent files once all agreements are negotiated and
Grievance Procedures:. Within eighteen (18) months of the date of relocation
or receipt of final compensation (whichever is later), any person who believes
themselves aggrieved as to the relocation process, the amount of payment, relocation
practices, or replacement housing may have their claim reviewed and reconsidered by
the relocation advisor and the person or persons so designated by the City of Arcadia,
pursuant to procedures established for such review and reconsideration.
The review may be formal or informal and every attempt will be made to
constrain or mitigate disputes between parties prior to any review.
If the relocation advisor denies or refuse to consider the claim, the claimant will
be informed of the reasons in writing. They will be referred to the City of Arcadia for
further determination.
The Agency may request additional information. Upon request of the
complainant, the Agency will provide a full written explanation of its determination
within three weeks of its receipt of the request.
The complainant may request an informal oral presentation before seeking
formal review and reconsideration. The public entity will hear such presentation within
fifteen (15) days of the request by complainant. The complainant may be represented
by an attorney or other person of their choosing.
RELOCATION PLAN - Campus Commons Senior Apartments
City of Arcadia, California
August 2010
At any time within the eighteen (18) month appeal period, the complainant may
file a written request for formal review and reconsideration. The formal review shall be
conducted pursuant to Section 6158 through 6176 of Article 5, Title 25 of the California
Code of Regulations.
Public Review of Relocation Plan:. Copies of the August 2010 Relocation
Plan were provided to the households to be displaced by the Campus Commons Senior
Apartments. A stamped envelope addressed to the Relocation Specialist was provided
to each resident household by first -class mail. The households were requested to
acknowledge receipt of a copy of the Relocation Plan and were asked to provide written
comments within a thirty (30) day period. See Attachment #3. They were also given
the option of calling the Relocation Specialist and giving verbal comments. The
Relocation Specialist will make a written record of those comments. Copies of the
responses will be included in Attachment 3.
Attachments as noted: #1 — GINs
#2 — Tenant Relocation Brochure
#3 — Public Comments and Agency documents
XX Campus Drive, Unit XXX
Arcadia, CA 91007 -6968
Ashwood Construction, Inc.
5755 East Kings Canyon Road #110
Fresno, CA 93727
Ashwood Construction is proposing to purchase the property you occupy at XXX Campus Drive to
develop a 43 unit senior citizen affordable housing apartment complex. The developer may apply for
funding from federal, state, or local agencies.
If this property is acquired and funding is received and you are displaced, you may be eligible for
relocation assistance under the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act
of 1970, as amended (URA) or California Title 25, Housing and Community Development Act, Division 1,
Chapter 6; California Relocation Law, Government Code 7260 et seq.
This notice is to inform you that you have rights under the law. It IS NOT a notice to move.
Please continue to pay your rent in the same amount to the same place until you receive written notice
to change. Failure to pay rent and meet your obligations as a tenant may be cause for eviction and loss
of relocation assistance. If you move before receiving a formal "Notice of Displacement and Eligibility"
you may not receive any relocation assistance. Please contact the relocation advisor, Ms. Jean Laurin
Lawrence, Misfit Mountain Corporation, 760 - 770 -4212, misiftmountain(a gmail.com or
jeannemacIPmsn.com before you plan your move.
If the property is acquired and you are eligible for relocation assistance, you will be given advisory
services, including referrals to replacement housing, and at least 90 days advance written notice of the
date you will be required to move. You would also receive a payment for moving expenses and may be
eligible for financial assistance to help you rent or buy a replacement house. This assistance is more
fully explained in the enclosed brochure.
State law requires that a Relocation Plan be prepared. Misfit Mountain has been hired to complete that
plan and prepare an assessment of relocation needs. To complete that assessment, we will have to
interview you in person.
I want you to know these projects take time and it may be several months before we know if it will be
developed. If the project does not go through, you will be notified by mail. Please feel free to contact
me at any time. Again, please Do Not Move now and contact me before you plan a move.
Steven L. Froberg
RELOCATION PLAN - Campus Commons Senior Apartments
City of Arcadia, California
August 2010
Residential Occupants
Summarizing the Government Code of the State of California §7260, et seq. and the
California Code of Regulations, Title 25, Chapter 6, Subchapter 1
(updated March 2010)
RELOCATION PLAN - Campus Commons Senior Apartments
City of Arcadia, California
August 2010
Table of Contents
Introduction 1
Important Terms Used in This Brochure 2
Section 1: Relocation Advisory Services 4
Section 2: Moving Expenses 5
• Actual Reasonable Moving Costs and Related Expenses 5
• Fixed Moving Cost Schedule 6
Section 3: Replacement Housing Payments 7
• For Tenants and Certain Others 7
• Last Resort Housing 7
Section 4: Important Information Regarding Relocation Assistance 8
• Filing of Claims for Payment 8
• Relocation Payments are not Considered to be Income 8
• Right to Appeal 8
• Nondiscrimination 9
• Eviction for Cause 9
• General Information 9
Government programs designed to benefit the public as a whole often result in the acquisition of private
property, and sometimes in the displacement of people from their residences, businesses, non - profit
organizations, or farms. When Congress passed the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property
Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, and amended it in 1987 it recognized the need to balance the right of a
public agency to acquire property with the rights of the occupants of the property being affected. The
State of California adopted similar laws and regulations that provide for the rights of persons affected by
public and publicly assisted projects. The Government Code of the State of Califomia §7260, et seq. and
the Califomia Code of Regulations, Title 25, Chapter 6, Subchapter 1 outline a public agencies rights and
responsibilities to acquire property and to provide Relocation Assistance. This brochure is an attempt to
provide you with a summary of those laws and regulations. Certainly, the information provided in this
brief brochure cannot provide you with answers to all of the specific questions and situations that might
arise in the relocation of your business, farm operation, or non - profit organization. Please work with your
Relocation Advisor in order to understand how the Relocation Assistance Program relates to your
specific relocation.
Please review this brochure carefully and present any questions to your Relocation Advisor. Section 1
of this brochure provides information about Relocation Advisory Assistance. Section 2 contains
information for payments related to moving expenses. Section 3 contains information related to
available replacement housing payments. Section 4 provides additional information that is important to
understand regarding the Relocation Assistance Program.
If you are required to move as a result of a publicly assisted program or project, a Relocation Advisor will
contact you and will provide you with assistance. Your Relocation Advisor will answer your specific
questions and will provide additional information that you may need to help you to understand the
Relocation Assistance Program. If you have any questions regarding this brochure, please contact your
Relocation Advisor.
Page 1 of 11
Jean Laurin - Lawrence
Misfit Mountain Corporation, Inc.
55 La Cerra Drive
Rancho Mirage, California 92270
misfitmountainaamail.com or
jeannemacl msn.com
760 - 770 -4212
Important Terms Used in This Brochure
Relocation Advisory Assistance and Relocation Payments are administered by a public agency
responsible for the acquisition of real property and /or the displacement of persons from property
to be used for a publicly funded program or project. The public agency may be a State agency, a
local agency, such as a county or a city, or a person carrying out a program or project with public
financial assistance. A public agency may contract with a qualified individual or firm like Misfit
Mountain Corp, Inc. to administer the Relocation Assistance Program. However, the public
agency remains responsible for the program.
Displaced Person
Any person who moves from real property, or who moves personal property from real property
as a direct result of:
(1) a written notice of intent to acquire by a public agency or as a result of the acquisition of real
property in whole or in part, by a public agency or by any person having an agreement with or
acting on behalf of a public agency, or as the result of a written order from a public agency to
vacate the property for public use; or
(2) rehabilitation, demolition or other displacing activity undertaken by a public agency or by any
person having an agreement with or acting on behalf of a public agency of real property on which
the person is in lawful occupancy or conducts a business, and the displacement, lasts longer
than 90 days. This definition includes those persons displaced as a result of a public action
where they are displaced as a result of an owner participation agreement or an acquisition
carried out by a private person for or in connection with a public use where the public agency is
otherwise empowered to acquire the property to carry out the public use.
Comparable Replacement Housing
• Decent, safe, and sanitary.
• Functionally equivalent to your present home.
• Actually available for you to buy or rent.
• Affordable.
• Reasonably accessible to your place of employment.
• Generally as well located with respect to public and commercial facilities, such as schools
and shopping, as your present home.
• Not subject to unreasonable adverse environmental conditions.
• Available to all persons regardless of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
Decent, Safe, and Sanitary (DS &S)
Certain standards to evaluate the quality of housing where you will move have been established,
and any referrals for housing given to you must meet these standards. These standards are
referred to as Decent, Safe, and Sanitary, which means it meets all of the minimum requirements
established by federal and State regulations and conforms to applicable housing and occupancy
codes. The dwelling shall:
• Be structurally sound, weather tight, and in good repair.
• Contain a safe electrical wiring system adequate for lighting and other devices.
• Contain a heating system capable of sustaining healthful temperature (at least 70 degrees)
except in those areas where local climatic conditions do not require such a system.
• Be adequate in size with respect to the number of rooms and area of living space to
accommodate the displaced person(s).
• Have a separate, well - lighted and ventilated bathroom that provides privacy to the user and
contains a sink, bathtub or shower stall, and a toilet, all in good working order and properly
connected to appropriate sources of water and to a sewage drainage system.
• Contain unobstructed egress to safe, open space at ground level.
• Be free of any barriers which prevent reasonable ingress, egress, or use of the dwelling by
such displaced person.
Any housing which you may find yourself must also meet the above criteria. Please request that
the Relocation Advisor make an inspection prior to moving. It is necessary that you move to
DS &S housing in order to obtain Replacement Housing Payments.
Section 1 — Relocation Advisory Assistance
A Relocation Advisor will work with each eligible displaced residential occupant in order to guide them
through the Relocation process and to help them to locate comparable replacement housing.
Relocation services are provided by Misfit Mountain Corp, Inc. It is their goal and desire to be of service
to you, and to assist you in any way possible to help you successfully relocate. Your Relocation Advisor
is available to help and to advise you, so please make full use of their services. Do not hesitate to ask
questions to ensure that you fully understand all your rights and benefits.
An individual with a disability will be provided the assistance needed to understand their rights under this
program and assistance to locate and to move to comparable replacement housing. Please notify your
Relocation Advisor if you need any additional assistance to understand your rights or to secure
comparable replacement housing.
When your Relocation Advisor initially contacts you, they will interview you in order to explain the
Relocation Program and they will ask many questions to determine your specific relocation needs. Your
Relocation Advisor will also ask you to describe the type of comparable replacement housing you are
interested in finding. Your Relocation Advisor will explain the assistance and payments that you may
claim in accordance with your eligibility. It is important that you explain any anticipated relocation
problems to your Relocation Advisor. After the initial interview, your Relocation Advisor will deliver
written information regarding your rights as a displaced person and will forward information on available
comparable replacement housing as that information becomes available.
Your Relocation Advisor will continue to work with you to help you to plan your relocation to comparable
replacement housing and will help you to understand which costs are compensable under the
Relocation Assistance Program and which costs are not.
The goal is to achieve a successful relocation back into the community. Therefore, it is important that
you work closely with your Relocation Advisor to evaluate and prepare for the move and search out
leads to available comparable replacement housing.
Your Relocation Advisor is also available to provide information to possible sources of funding and
assistance from other local, State, and Federal agencies. If you have special problems, the Relocation
Advisor will make every effort to secure the services of those agencies with trained personnel who have
the expertise to help you. Make your needs known in order to receive the help you need.
Section 2 — Moving Expenses
If you qualify as a displaced person, you are entitled to reimbursement of moving costs and certain
related expenses incurred in moving. Displaced individuals and families may choose to be paid on the
basis of: 1) Actual Reasonable Moving Costs and Related Expense, 2) the Fixed Moving Cost Schedule,
OR 3) a combination of both, based on circumstances.
Actual Reasonable Moving Costs and Related Expenses
If you choose a payment for Actual Reasonable Moving and Related Expenses, you may include in your
claim the reasonable costs for:
a. Transportation of persons and property not to exceed a distance of 50 miles from the site
from which displaced, except where relocation beyond such distance of 50 miles is justified.
b. Packing, crating, unpacking and uncrating personal property.
c. The cost of disconnecting, dismantling, removing, reassembling, reconnecting and
reinstalling personal property including connection charges imposed by public utilities for
starting utility service (e.g., telephone and cable TV).
d. Such storage of personal property, for a period generally not to exceed 12 months, as
determined by the public agency to be necessary in connection with relocation.
e. Insurance for the replacement value of personal property during the move and necessary
f. The replacement value of property lost, stolen, or damaged in the move (but not through
your neglect) if insurance is not reasonably available.
Your Relocation Advisor will explain all eligible moving costs, as well as those which are not eligible.
You must be able to account for any costs that you incur, so please keep all your receipts. Select your
mover with care. Your Relocation Advisor can help you select a reliable and reputable mover.
A claim for moving expenses should be submitted to the Misfit Mountain for processing as soon as
possible after the move, but in no case later than 18 months from the date of the move. Your Relocation
Advisor will provide you with these forms and help you fill out your claim.
You may elect to pay your moving costs yourself and be repaid or, if you prefer, you may have the
Agency pay the mover directly. In either case, let your Relocation Advisor know before you move.
Fixed Moving Cost Schedule
You may choose to be paid on the basis of a fixed moving cost schedule. The amount of the payment is
based on the number of rooms in your dwelling. Your Relocation Advisor will be able to tell you the exact
amount you will be eligible to receive if you select this option. The schedule is designed to include all of
the expenses such as temporary storage, transportation of personal property, and utility hook ups.
Occupant owns Furniture - Number of Rooms of Furniture
Occupant does not
own furniture
1 room
room/ no
For a complete explanation of all moving cost options, please discuss the matter with your Relocation
Section 3 — Replacement Housing Payment
For Tenants and Certain Others
Having occupied the property as a tenant for 90 or more consecutive days immediately
preceding the initiation of negotiations between the Agency and the developer, you
may be eligible for a Replacement Housing Payment in the form of a Rent Differential
Payment. You may be eligible to receive a Rent Differential for a 42 -month period up
to $5,250 to assist you in renting or buying decent, safe, and sanitary housing. This
payment is based on any increased rent you might have to pay to obtain a comparable
replacement dwelling. The assistance is computed in the following manner:
• The assistance needed for one month is determined by subtracting the "base monthly rent"
for your present home from the cost of rent and utilities for your new home (or a comparable
replacement home, if that cost is lower). That monthly need, if any, is multiplied by 42, to
determine the total amount that you will receive. This amount will be paid directly to you.
The Agency must provide the assistance in periodic payments.
To be eligible for this Replacement Housing Payment:
• You must have lived in the unit 90 consecutive days immediately before the City or
Redevelopment Agency commenced negotiations with the owner for the purchase of the
• You must rent and occupy a decent, safe, and sanitary replacement dwelling within 18
months from the date you vacate the displacement property or you must purchase and
occupy a decent, safe, and sanitary replacement dwelling within one year from the date you
vacate the displacement property. Your new dwelling must be inspected by a representative
of the Agency before the Agency can make any payments other than for moving costs.
Make sure that a DS &S housing inspection is made before you are obligated to buv or rent
your replacement housing property.
• You are residing in a decent, safe, and sanitary private dwelling when the payment is made.
• Your claim for payment is submitted within 18 months of the date you move.
If you decide to purchase a home when you move, the Replacement Housing Payment can be used as a
down payment on your new dwelling.
Last Resort Housing
In some instances the basic relocation program, as established by California State law and regulations,
does not provide sufficient benefits to adequately rehouse a household. Last Resort Housing is a
procedure wherein the Agency, based upon additional documentation, may exceed the $5,250 monetary
limits to enable a displaced tenant to rent a replacement dwelling. You will be informed if this process
applies to you.
Inf•rmation Re• -rdin• R-lo - '•n A i t- ce
Filing of Claims for Payment
All claims filed with the agency shall be submitted within 18 months of the later of (1) the date on which
the claimant receives final payment for the property or, (2) the date on which the property is vacated.
Most claims will be paid within three weeks of submission of a fully documented claim for payment.
Relocation Payments are not Considered to be Income
No relocation payment received will be considered as income for the purpose of the Internal Revenue
Code of 1954, which has been re- designated as the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (Title 26, U.S. Code)
[49 CFR 24.209] or Personal Income Tax Law, Part 10 (commencing with § 17001) of Division 2 of the
Revenue and Taxation Code [Gov. Code § 7269]. Please consult the IRS, a CPA, or a tax attorney if you
have any questions regarding payment of taxes.
No relocation payment received will be considered income or resources to any recipient of public
assistance and such payments shall not be deducted from the amount of aid to which the recipient would
otherwise be entitled under any other provisions of law.
Right to Appeal
Within eighteen (18) months of the date of relocation or receipt of final compensation
(whichever is later), any person who believes themselves aggrieved as to the relocation process, the
amount of payment, relocation practices, or replacement housing may have their claim reviewed and
reconsidered by (1) the relocation advisor, (2) the person or persons so designated by the Agency and /or
the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), pursuant to procedures
established for such review and reconsideration.
The review may be formal or informal and every attempt will be made to constrain or mitigate
disputes between parties prior to any review.
If the relocation advisor denies or refuse to consider the claim, the claimant will be informed of the
reasons in writing. They will be referred to the Redevelopment Agency for further determination.
The Agency may request additional information. Upon request of the complainant, the Agency
will provide a full written explanation of its determination within three weeks of its receipt of the request.
The complainant may request an informal oral presentation before seeking formal review and
reconsideration. The public entity will hear such presentation within fifteen (15) days of the request by
complainant. The complainant may be represented by an attorney or other person of their choosing.
At any time within the eighteen (18) month appeal period, the complainant may file a written
request for formal review and reconsideration. The formal review shall be conducted pursuant to
Section 6158 through 6176 of Article 5, Title 25 of the California Code of Regulations.
Under Title VIII of the Civil Right Act of 1968 and later acts and amendments make discriminatory
practices in the purchase and rental of most residential units illegal if it is based on race, color, religion,
sex, or national origin. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 [42 U.S.C. 2000d et. seq.] sets forth the
policy of the United States, within constitutional limits to ensure that all services and /or benefits will be
administered without regard to race, color, national origin, or sex.
Eviction for Cause
You are required to continue to pay your monthly rent to the same person /agency as you have in the past
until you are notified — in writing — with a new address and /or payee.
Under the State relocation guidelines, eviction is permissible only as a last resort and may not be used as
a means to avoid relocation payment obligations. With the exception of persons considered to be in
unlawful occupancy, a displaced person's eviction does not affect eligibility for relocation assistance and
Eviction may be undertaken only for one or more of the following reasons:
❑ Failure to pay rent, except in those cases where the failure to pay is due to the lessor's failure
to keep the premises in habitable condition, is the result of harassment or retaliatory action or is
the result of discontinuation or substantial interruption of services;
❑ Performance of a dangerous, illegal act in the unit;
❑ Material breach of the rental agreement and failure to correct breach within 30 days of notice;
❑ Maintenance of a nuisance and failure to abate within a reasonable time following notice;
❑ Refusal to accept one of a reasonable number of offers of replacement 0 A requirement under
State or local law or emergency circumstances that cannot be prevented by reasonable efforts on
the part of the public entity.
General Information
This brochure is provided to assist you in understanding your rights and benefits. If you have questions
regarding your relocation please contact your Relocation Advisor. Additional information on relocation
and acquisition requirements, the law, and the regulation can be found at
http: / /www.leainfo.ca.aov /calaw.html and htto: / /www.dir.ca.00v /dIse /CCR.htm.
This brochure has been provided to you as a courtesy by Misfit Mountain Corp, Inc. and is intended to provide
general information concerning the Relocation Assistance Program. Further details regarding relocation assistance
and benefits are set forth in the Government Code of the State of Califomia §7260, et seq. and the Califomia Code
of Regulations, Title 25, Chapter 6, Subchapter 1. In the event of any conflict, Califomia Law and Regulations
shall be controlling. Please contact your Relocation Advisor for additional information regarding the Relocation
Assistance Program. Contact information is on Page 1, of this document.
XX Campus Drive, Unit XXX
Arcadia, CA 91007 -6968
Jean Laurin - Lawrence
Encl as noted
ATTACHMENT #3 — Public Comment Request
Misfit Mountain Corporation
55 La Cerra Drive
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 -3812
August 19, 2010
A copy of the Relocation Plan for the development of the Campus Commons Senior Apartments is
attached for your review and comment.
Also enclosed is a stamped envelope, pre- addressed to Misfit Mountain, and a comment request form.
You have thirty (30) days to review the Plan and provide your comments. Comments should be given to
me before September 18. 2010.
Even if you do not have any comments, please acknowledge, in writing on the form, that you have
received a copy of the Relocation Plan.
If you prefer, you may call me and tell me your comments. I will then make a written summary of those
comments and include them in the final copy of the Plan.
Please feel free to contact me at any time. If I am not available when you call please leave a message
with your telephone number and the best time to return your call.
Misfit Mountain Corporation
55 La Cerra Drive
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 -3812
August 19, 2010
Please complete the information on this form and return it in the envelope provided.
Please return the completed form by September 18, 2010.
Printed Name:
Telephone Number and best time to call:
I certify that I have received a copy of the Residential Relocation Plan — Campus
Commons Apartments, prepared for Ashwood Construction, Inc. — August 2010.
Also, please indicate one of the following:
I do not have any comments on the referenced Relocation Plan.
My written comments are enclosed. I understand copies will be included
in the final Relocation Plan.
I will call the Relocation Specialist, Jean Laurin - Lawrence, at
760 - 770 -4212 and provide verbal comments. I understand that a written
record of those comments will be included in the final Relocation Plan.