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APPLICATION FOR HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION FILE NO. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW SHORT REVIEW PROCESS DATE FILED CI- 14 -16 PROJECT ADDRESS 112 LI (ZANcHO QD, A Rc ' D!F),C. +9 I 00 6 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON'S NAME SAS oN L V On - MAILING ADDRESS I g $9r) S E 14 I o iv /9 V t . CITY PE RR 15 STATE C p ZIP c► 7 0 PHONE NO(S). 0 9 - Z O - 6 / 6 LI E-MAIL ADDRESS TWSoNI— 0 RCrol: Yov2Npv`?r, Coves PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME WEN Dom/ bC 0 MAILING ADDRESS 11 Z u 12 W noc. g rL.11 . CITY P2 C t9 D t/4 STATE C t9 ZIP 9100 PHONE NO(S). 6 2- 6 - I -- 0O Z W E-MAIL ADDRESS G3CYI`1NG-(pGfripIL . Coi^'1 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT (Check applicable): X Single-story remodel Z W I N D d wS I?) pig I NCr Roorn, Detached accessory structure(s)—_ New/_Addition and/or remodel. Square feet Fences and/or walls in and/or facing (i.e., visible from) front and street side yards. Linear feet Hardscape, landscaping and structural elements in front and street side yards, including without limitation, swimming pools, spas, fountains, and other water features Fences, lights, and other features related to tennis courts, sports courts or other significant paved features Mechanical equipment Roofing —describe proposed material ACTION & FINDINGS: —The project is consistent with all applicable guidelines ❑ Conditionally Approved — With the following conditions, the project will be consistent with all applicable guidelines ❑ Denied—The project is not consistent with the following guideline(s) By �.' f ,ARB Gbairpcfeon Date: /V'/4 Yrort Form—Dec. 2013 (LI . /g 0 0 5-0) 169 The following is the mandatory procedure for submitting proposals to your Architectural Review Board (ARB)for a Short Review: First: Architectural Design Review — Contact the Architectural Review Board Chairman to arrange a preliminary discussion of your design ideas for the site before any plans are drawn. Please contact your ARB Chairperson Monday through Friday between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. A determination should have been made whether the proposed project is subject to a Short Review process for minor alterations to an existing property, or Regular Review process for a new house or major alteration. Second: Zoning and Building Code Compliance — After a preliminary set of plans have been developed, please present your plans to Planning Services in City Hall prior to submitting any proposal to your Architectural Review Board (ARB). The purpose of this review is to ascertain whether, or not the proposal complies with the applicable zoning and oak tree regulations. This review will usually be done over-the-counter. Third: Submit a complete application package to the ARB - Incomplete applications will not be accepted.The following items are required: 1. Application form (attached) 2. Three sets of complete architectural plans that are drawn to scale and clearly dimensioned, which include to the following information: a. Scale and north arrow b. Street address c. Accurate lot dimensions d. Accurate depiction of the adjacent City parkway(s) e. Location and size of all existing and proposed structures f. Location of all landscaped areas g. Location of all mechanical and plumbing equipment (i.e. air conditioning units, pool equipment, water heaters etc.) h. All building and setback areas shall be clearly dimensioned i. Property owner's and Architect or Designer's names and contact information j. Elevations and photos of all existing buildings on the site k. Floor plans,elevations, sections, and details of the proposed project I. A description of the exterior materials, colors, treatments, etc. (samples should be provided). m. Photos of the neighboring properties together with a depiction of the completed project to show the scale of the proposed project in relationship to the adjacent structures n. The ARB may request additional materials during the design review process 3. Letter size envelopes with proper postage, addressed to the owner and applicant (if different) and to all owners within the required area of notification. Fourth: Oak Tree Permit - If the proposed project is subject to an Oak Tree permit, please contact Planning Services at(626)574-5423.The oak tree applications(e.g. diseased/hazardous, encroachment, and removal)must be reviewed by the City prior to submitting plans to Building Services. You may obtain application at Planning Services and at the City's website at www.ci.arcadia.ca.us. City Council Resolution No. 6770 sets forth the design review regulations, procedures and criteria for all five Homeowners' Associations (available in Planning Services and on the City's website). Please note that the ARB's Short Review and Regular Review processes, as set forth by Resolution No. 6770, have time limits. The ARB must act on a Short Review application within 10 working days from the date a complete application is filed with the ARB and within 30 working days from the date a complete Regular Review application is filed with the ARB. During the design review process, the ARB may request for additional materials. Failure to take action in said times shall be deemed an approval of the application. The ARB's decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission. An appeal must be made in writing and delivered to Planning Services within 7 calendar days of the ARB's decision and shall be accompanied by 12 copies of the plans and the appeal fee in accordance with the applicable fee schedule. III '• -k-our.....-.. 4" 1 i ., . ._-77'7'',111 :;,,' '',1::. 14-*/, ar \ II Y Itli, _A: ;.,, i:1.i.,,,',, . , ,s x #• A" I r i R e �q' Z/y gg A yr.p, q:- I k Y r. 22 i .‘. 4. 7 y .. 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