HomeMy WebLinkAboutItems Distributed at Meeting Materials Distributed At City Council Meeting 06/21 /2016 Mribi4e,/40-4 e . 64/ tokn&i • Pi4i1 16 le n City of Arcadia a -4 Statement of Revenues,Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances Governmental Funds For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2015 Major Funds Nonmajor Total Capital Governmental Governmental General Outlay Funds Funds REVENUES: Taxes $ 35,043,264 $ 773,470 $ 2,094,440 $ 37,911,174 Licenses and permits 6,139,175 - 372,853 6,512,028 Fines and forfeitures 614,075 - 321,554 935,629 Use of money and property 1,437,872 58,382 136,229 1,632,483 Intergovernmental 6,456,485 - 5,051,896 11,508,381 Charges for services 3,959,435 - 2,127,320 6,086,755 Other revenues 3,642,682 378,259 369,279 4,390,220 Total revenues 57,292,988 1,210,111 10,473,571 68,976,670 EXPENDITURES: Current: General government: City Council 251,444 - - 251,444 City Manager 714,206 - - 714,206 City Clerk 252,547 - - 252,547 City Attorney 439,332 - - 439,332 General City 1,246,193 791,379 17,720 2,055,292 Administrative Services 3,017,484 - - 3,017,484 Public safety: Police 18,493,393 24,891 184,749 18,703,033 Fire 13,017,580 20,895 7,141 13,045,616 Public works services 3,660,597 762,218 1,949,478 6,372,293 Community development 4,345,036 1,412,543 2,411,294 8,168,873 Library 3,308,504 103,567 21,000 3,433,071 Recreation and community services 2,728,415 251,783 119,085 3,099,283 Debt service: ----\ Principal retirement - - 525,000 525,000 Interest and fiscal charges - - 484,854 484,854 Total expenditures 51,474,731 3,367,276 5,720,321 60,562,328 EXCESS(DEFICIENCY)OF REVENUES OVER(UNDER)EXPENDITURES 5,818,257 (2,157,165) 4,753,250 8,414,342 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES(USES): Transfers in 1,515,400 880,000 1,479,584 3,874,984 Transfers out (1,607,058) (791,622) (2,294,055) (4,692,735) Total other financing sources(uses) (91,658) 88,378 (814,471) (817,751) Net changes in fund balances 5,726,599 (2,068,787) 3,938,779 7,596,591 FUND BALANCES: Beginning of fiscal year 31,111,462 6,962,884 15,351,432 53,425,778 Prior period adjustments - - 488,420 488,420 Beginning of fiscal year,restated 31,111,462 6,962,884 15,839,852 53,914,198 End of fiscal year $ 36,838,061 $ 4,894,097 $ 19,778,631 $ 61,510,789 See Accompanying Notes to the Basic Financial Statements. 33 t 6 --MS1 5 C f _. __.„,, ... t---' lm v us sug,i-&---- fe iflO -,-= s '101i ■ •.... ./..'` re 10 \ . Q"' t/1.' cl.- Ist A, • Ck 4- --'- V \ VI 1 ,• fa, '''' .. ..., V . , l..- V G"„ A.. ' • s, • 1.) LA 0 LE) 1\ ik/ ----4---`^--- ' CM- (-).•5` k 4_0 i - • 7--6-1* C) 1.--r\1 '6.C). 1) -4 l'---- - ----------4-- ,_ ce3-fcr4 ■ , i , ) \ V t(9 \ 3,c51 \ /0 t4 \ V 0 1 0 tot' (c) ,.... ............ ...... .. .„ . .. „ . _...,... .... .„. .. .......... . , , ...... . . .. . . _C/Ty ;LK P i'_----)L-5.0_/I t-9k E,5 — _.'. .c:.__)LLV2Jk I 1.J C"-I Z et( C i TY . „ 4.57793 ..7 / ',, • / • . 7 , • It; 3b0 7,96 . ,17b "1,1' '3 -? c:, jcs-c--, C., 3 4 1 o ,jLfc .J.D.AIK . , 3. 3o S '3. 3 j 3"/ 943'7700 • c,2 is, , 4-& c? -1--/ g„L' 7 .h(6,A/rkiV 9,5-0 22.3 '3 -5-17, 60.e> ,3--4!7,;7 .3777 i -/ , --r----A010;: 6--. Cevii A4; , L--Ati.. .2,1 .2.2. 367-4 . -2,/ ici-,. /-0/6-7--op ' 04 14C, 1-z9 '7, , , ! . , i : Ii i . ) „ • ,/ . , , . ' , ■ , • • . . . - , , - . - , , ' ' i. --1- • ' ,i . L , _ , J • , , „ . 7----. ---: C517 • . 1 . 4:5- 957 c?32 . C'E, E y&., T 4 J /- LICt-_-- . . / 3 73i, F45 9-116z 424, / 66 ':‘, 6,F(. ,. 137 if-7/ E if) 3 06 ”.() i'S' e=c). 7(. ;, 34 ' 76Z 3 I o t32rS 4/ .4 7 I ‘02--9 l CO _ , / -- • / 79t 800 8.4ql,,, 577 / -r_liR,Z=11, ll- . -fi'df.,i-fizQ 267 $3=1 3 1(,. - 4-00 eiti( 640 -4- 3 ,ii iii , . : iHi -- i - ii • , ,