WEDNESDAY AUGUST 31, 2016, 6:30 PM
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Suzanne Ligon.
Architectural Review Board (ARB) members present were:
David Arvizu
Lee Kuo
Suzanne Ligon
Gina Truex
Motion was made, seconded and adopted to approve minutes for March 25, 2015,
August 26, 2015, December 10, 2015 and March 23, 2016. Mr. Arvizu abstained from voting
stating he had not received the minutes which were previously emailed out to all Board
The Chairman opened the hearing for the proposed remodel and explained the criteria
for the ARB being Resolution 6770 and the City of Arcadia Single Family Residential Design
Guidelines and read Section 4 specifically “…each building or structure and its landscaping and
hardscape should exhibit a consistent and cohesive architectural style, and be harmonious and
compatible with other structures in architectural style, scale, visual massing, height, width and
length…”. She pointed out that only comments pertaining to this would be addressed at this
The applicant and/owner would present the plans for the remodel after which the hearing
would be opened to public comments. Thereafter the ARB would give their input and action
would be taken.
Contractor, Wen Jen He, went over the drawings for the remodel pointing out the new
roof material, the height on the first floor 9’ and the second floor 8’5”. The footprint of the house
would be the same with an additional 1,800 sq. ft. on the second story.
The owner, Runpu Bei, stated the reason for the remodel was to add additional
bedrooms for his parents and a caregiver. Has lived in Arcadia for over twenty years and wants
to stay in the house.
The Chairman then opened the hearing to pubic comment.
Three neighbors spoke all stating they liked the plans for the remodel, had no problem
with the size and their views would not be blocked and that the structure is within the city’s new
building codes.
The hearing was then closed to public comment.
The Chairman then called upon ARB members for discussion.
Mr. Kuo thought the house too large but the neighbors did not have a problem with it.
Ms. Truex thought the design worked well with the neighborhood.
Mr. Arvizu felt the house was too large but noted that the neighbors had no problem with
that. It sits on a large lot with a slope. Views not impacted.
Mrs. Ligon liked the plans. The proposed structure is 440 sq. ft. larger than previous
plans but does not impact footprint or neighbors’ views.
ARB comments were closed.
Mr. Kuo moved to accept the plans as proposed, seconded by Ms. Truex and
unanimously approved.
Marci Schultz, Secretary