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Item No. 2 - Resolution No. 1972 - 621 Fairview Ave.
— s. vV s 7`nety e' DATE TO: FROM: STAFF REPORT Development Services Department September 13, 2016 Honorable Chairman and Planning Commission Jim Kasama, Community Development Administrator By: Jordan Chamberlin, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: RESOLUTION NO. 1972 — APPROVING VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. TTM 15 -04 (73921) AND MULTIPLE FAMILY ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW NO. MFADR 15 -11 WITH A CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) FOR A TWELVE UNIT RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM DEVELOPMENT AT 621 FAIRVIEW AVENUE Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 1972 SUMMARY The applicant, Fairview Holdings LLC., is requesting approval of Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. TTM 15 -04 (73921) and Multiple Family Architectural Design Review No. MFADR 15 -11 for a twelve unit, residential condominium development at 621 Fairview Avenue. The proposed development and subdivision are consistent with the City's General Plan, Zoning Code, and Subdivision Code. As an infill development project, the proposed development qualifies for a Categorical Exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), as discussed later in the staff report. It is recommended that the Planning Commission approve TTM 15 -04 (73921) and MFADR 15 -11, subject to the conditions listed in this staff report, and adopt Resolution No. 1972 — see Attachment No. 1. BACKGROUND The subject property is a 22,495 square foot lot zoned R -3, High Density Multiple Family Residential. The site is currently developed with three detached, one story, multiple family residences. The building adjacent to Fairview Avenue was constructed in 1951 and is 1,158 square feet of living space with a detached, two car garage. The two buildings to the rear of this property are duplexes that were constructed in 1957. Each unit is approximately 925 square feet and include an attached, one car garage — see Attachment No. 2 for an Aerial photo with Zoning Information and Photos of the Subject Property and Surrounding Properties. The Certificate of Demolition for the subject property was approved on June 29, 2016. Based on the evaluation by an Architectural Historian, the property does not meet any Resolution No. 1972 — TTM 15 -04 (73921) & MFADR 15 -11 621 Fairview Avenue September 13, 2016 — Page 2 of 6 of the minimum requirements for recognition as a historical resource or eligible for listing on the California Register. PROPOSAL The applicant is proposing to demolish the existing structures and construct a twelve unit residential condominium development with a subterranean parking garage - see Attachment No. 3 for the Vesting Tentative Parcel Map and Attachment No. 4 for the Architectural Plans. The proposed development consists of three, two story, Spanish style, townhome buildings. Each unit can be accessed from a pedestrian walkway along the westerly property line or from the subterranean garages which provide direct access to the unit. Two of the units will consist of two bedrooms, two and a half bathrooms, approximately 1,200 square feet of living area, and a two car garage. Nine of the twelve units will have three bedrooms, three and a half bathrooms, a three car garage, and range in size from 1,967 square feet to 2,051 square feet. The largest unit proposed has four bedrooms, three and a half bathrooms, includes a three car garage, and 2,184 square feet of living space. A total of 34 resident parking spaces will be provided, ten more than what is required by the Zoning Code. Seven guest parking spaces will also be provided, which is one more than what is required by the Zoning Code. The new residences will have an overall building height of 27' -9 ", where a maximum of 30' -0" is allowed. The building will be setback of 30' -0" from the front property line, which exceeds the required 25' -0" front yard setback for the R -3 zone, and complies with the 30' -0" special setback for this portion of Fairview Avenue. All other Zoning Code requirements, including parking and required open space, will be satisfied by the proposed design. ANAI YSIS The R -3 zone has a minimum density of one dwelling unit per 2,200 square feet of lot area, and a maximum density of one unit per 1,450 square feet of lot area. This calculates to a minimum of 10 units and a maximum of 15 units for the subject property. The proposed twelve unit development is in compliance with the density requirements. Concurrent with the subdivision application, the Planning Commission is to approve, conditionally approve, or deny the architectural design of the proposed project. The architectural style of the development is described as Spanish — see Attachment No. 4. The proposed development is a well thought -out design. The exterior of the buildings Resolution No. 1972 — TTM 15 -04 (73921) & MFADR 15 -11 621 Fairview Avenue September 13, 2016 — Page 2 of 6 includes smooth white colored stucco, bronze vinyl framed windows, and red -brown multi - dimensional s -tile roofing. Thoughtfully placed gabled roof features, brown board and batten shutters, architectural projections and balconies emphasize the Spanish style. Pedestrian walkways provide good connectivity among the units and to the street. The front entrance of each residential unit is oriented towards a pedestrian walkway which is in keeping with the City's Design Guidelines and the goals and policies of the Arcadia General Plan. Each unit will have ample private open space in the form of patios and balconies as well as landscaped common open space areas. Landscaping is provided along the rear and side property lines to help soften the appearance of the development from neighboring properties. The proposal provides 11 more parking spaces than what is required by the Zoning Code for residents and guests, i.e., 10 additional spaces for the residents and one (1) additional for guests. The parking is subterranean so that the architecture is the focus of the development as viewed from Fairview Avenue. The proposed development will be consistent with the City's General Plan, Multiple - Family Residential Design Guidelines, Zoning and Subdivision Codes, and the State Subdivision Map Act. The proposed plans have been reviewed by the various City Departments, and all City requirements shall be complied with to the satisfaction of the Building Official, City Engineer, Community Development Administrator, Fire Marshal, and Public Works Services Director, or their respective designees. FINDINGS Vestina Tentative Parcel Ma The proposal for twelve residential condominium units requires that they be subdivided through the Tentative Tract Map process. The applicant has prepared a Vesting Tentative Tract Map which grants vested rights to proceed with a project in accordance with the ordinances, polices and standards in effect at the time the application for approval of the vesting tentative map is completed. The Vesting Tentative Tract Map is valid for two years and locks the development into the current Zoning and Subdivision Resolution No. 1972 — TTM 15 -04 (73921) & MFADR 15 -11 621 Fairview Avenue September 13, 2016 — Page 2 of 6 regulations at the time the map is approved. Any changes that occur due to the City's Zoning and Subdivision Code Update would not apply as long as the vesting tentative tract map remains valid. In addition to the information found on a Tentative Tract Map, a Vesting Tentative Tract Map also includes detailed grading plans, sewer, water, storm drain and road details, and architectural plans for all proposed buildings and structures. The proposed subdivision complies with the subdivision regulations of the Arcadia Municipal Code and the State Subdivision Map Act, and will not violate any requirements of a California Regional Water Quality Control Board. The following two findings are required for approval of a Vesting Tentative Tract Map: A.1. That the proposed Project together with the provisions for its design and improvement is consistent with the City's General Plan, the City's Subdivision and Zoning Regulations, the State Subdivision Map Act, and the City's Multiple Family Residential Design Guidelines. Facts to Support the Finding: The proposed project will removed the existing multiple family residential buildings and replace them with a new, twelve unit, residential development that is consistent in character with the High Density Multiple Family Residential designation as described in the City's General Plan. The proposed Project complies with the State Subdivision Map Act and the City's Subdivision and Zoning Code and Multiple Family Residential Design Guidelines. A.2. That the discharge of waste from the proposed subdivision into the community sewer system will comply with existing requirements prescribed by a California Regional Water Quality Control Board. Facts to Support the Finding: The Arcadia Public Works Services Department confirmed that the proposed development will be adequately served by the existing sewer infrastructure and the requirements of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board will be satisfied. The proposed subdivision should not be approved if the Planning Commission finds that any of the findings for denial listed at the end of this staff report are applicable. Architectural Desian Review The massing, scale, quality of the design of the proposed development, quality of design, and the proposed landscaping is consistent or superior to that of other developments in the area. The Spanish style will complement the other existing developments along Fairview Avenue. The proposal is consistent with the City's Multiple Family Residential Design Guidelines. All City requirements regarding disabled access and facilities, occupancy limits, building safety, health code compliance, emergency equipment, environmental regulation compliance, and parking and site design shall be complied with by the property owner /applicant to the satisfaction of the Building Official, City Engineer, Community Development Administrator, Fire Marshal, and Public Works Services Director, or their respective designees. Resolution No. 1972 — TTM 15 -04 (73921) & MFADR 15 -11 621 Fairview Avenue September 13, 2016 — Page 2 of 6 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT If it is determined that no significant physical alterations to the site are necessary, then this project, as construction of an in -fill development project, qualifies as a Class 32 Categorical Exemption per the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15332 of the CEQA Guidelines. Refer to Attachment No. 5 for the Preliminary Exemption Assessment. PUBLIC NOTICE /COMMENTS A public hearing notice for this item was published in the local newspaper and mailed to the property owners and tenants of those properties that are located within 300 feet of the subject property on August 29, 2016. As of September 9, 2016, no comments were received regarding this project. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission approve Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. TTM 15 -04 (73921) and Multiple - Family Architectural Design Review No. MFADR 15 -11, subject to the following conditions, and find that the project is Categorically Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and adopt Resolution No. 1972: 1. The project shall be developed and maintained by the applicant /property owner in a manner that is consistent with the plans submitted and conditionally approved for TTM 15 -04 (73921) and MFADR 15 -11, subject to the approval of the Community Development Administrator or designee. 2. The applicant /property owner shall install new street(s) located in the parkway along Fairview Avenue per the City of Arcadia Street Tree Master Plan. 3. The applicant/property owner shall remove and replace the sidewalk along Fairview Avenue from property line to property line. 4. The applicant/property owner shall construct new driveway approaches per the City of Arcadia standard. 5. The applicant/property owner shall submit a Grading Plan prepared by a registered civil engineer subject to the approval of the City Engineer prior to issuance of a building permit. 6. The applicant /property owner shall submit a Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan (SUSMP) subject to the approval of the City Engineer prior to the issuance of a building permit. 7. The applicant /property owner shall integrate low impact development (LID) strategies into the site design. These strategies include using infiltration trenches, bio- retention planter boxes, roof drains connected to a landscaped area, pervious concrete /paver, etc. 8. Condominium or townhouse complexes of more than 5 individual units shall be served by a common domestic water meter and service capable of supplying Resolution No. 1972 — TTM 15 -04 (73921) & MFADR 15 -11 621 Fairview Avenue September 13, 2016 — Page 2 of 6 sufficient water to meet all domestic and fire suppression needs of the total number of units. 9. If the water service is to be used to supply both domestic water and fire sprinklers for each unit, the developer shall separate the fire service from the domestic water service at each unit with an approved back flow prevention device. 10. A separate water service and meter will be required for common area landscape irrigation. 11. A Water Meter Clearance Application, filed with the Public Works Services Department, shall be required prior to permit issuance. 12. New water service installation shall be by the applicant /property owner. Installation shall be according to the specifications of the Public Works Services Department, Engineering Division. Abandonment of existing water services, if necessary, shall be by the Developer, according to Public Works Services Department, Engineering Division specifications. 13. If any drainage fixture elevation is lower than the elevation of the next upstream manhole cover (514.92), an approved backwater valve is required. 14. The applicant /property owner shall install an automatic sprinkler system per the City of Arcadia Fire Department Single & Multiple - Family Dwelling Sprinkler Standard prior to obtaining final occupancy. 15. The sprinkler system shall be fully monitored. Audible /visual devices shall be provided on the basement, first, and second floors. 16. Fire extinguishers of 2A:10BC type shall be provided in the basement and first floor level prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. The maximum travel distance to an extinguisher shall be 75 feet. 17. A knox box with keys shall be provided for access to restricted areas. Automatic gates shall be provided with a knox switch. 18. The project shall comply with the current 2013 California Building Code (2016 California Building Code after January 1, 2017), including Chapter 11 -A (residential accessibility), Shoring Plans, and with the Arcadia Multi - Family Standards. 19. The applicant/property owner shall comply with all City requirements regarding building safety, fire prevention, detection, suppression, emergency access, public right -of -way improvements, parking, water supply and water facilities, sewer facilities, trash reduction and recycling requirements, and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) measures to the satisfaction of the Building Official, Fire Marshal, Public Works Services Director and Development Services Director. Compliance with these requirements is to be determined by having fully detailed construction plans submitted for plan check review and approval by the foregoing City officials and employees. 20. The applicant /property owner shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Arcadia and its officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Arcadia, its officials, officers, employees or agents to attack, set aside, void, or annul any approval or conditional approval of the City of Arcadia concerning this project and /or land use decision, Resolution No. 1972 — TTM 15 -04 (73921) & MFADR 15 -11 621 Fairview Avenue September 13, 2016 — Page 2 of 6 including but not limited to any approval or conditional approval of the City Council, Planning Commission, or City Staff, which action is brought within the time period provided for in Government Code Section 66499.37 or other provision of law applicable to this project or decision. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding concerning the project and /or land use decision and the City shall cooperate fully in the defense of the matter. The City reserves the right, at its own option, to choose its own attorney to represent the City, its officials, officers, employees, and agents in the defense of the matter. 21. Approval of TTM 15 -04 (73921) and MFADR 15 -11 shall not take effect unless on or before 30 calendar days after the Planning Commission adoption of the Resolution, the applicant and property owner have executed and filed with the Community Development Administrator or designee an Acceptance Form available from the Development Services Department to indicate awareness and acceptance of these conditions of approval. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION Approval If the Planning Commission intends to approve this project, the Commission should move to approve Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. TTM 15 -04 (73921) and Multiple - Family Architectural Design Review No. MFADR 15 -11, state that the proposal satisfies the requisite findings, and adopt the attached Resolution No. 1972 that incorporates the requisite environmental, subdivision, and architectural design review findings, and the conditions of approval as presented in this staff report, or as modified by the Commission. Denial If the Planning Commission is to deny this project, the Commission should state the specific findings that the proposal does not satisfy based on the evidence presented with specific reasons for denial, and move to deny Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. TTM 15 -04 (73921) and Multiple - Family Architectural Design Review No. MFADR 15- 11, and direct staff to prepare a resolution for adoption at the next meeting that incorporates the Commission's decision and specific findings. The Planning Commission may wish to consider the following findings, which must be expanded upon with specific reasons for denial: D.1. That the proposed map is not consistent with the applicable general and specific plans as specified in Section 66451 of the Subdivision Map Act. D.2. That the design or improvement of the proposed subdivision is not consistent with applicable general and specific plans and /or the City's Multiple - Family Residential Design Guidelines. D.3. That the site is not physically suitable for the type of development. DA. That the site is not physically suitable for the density of development. Resolution No. 1972 — TTM 15 -04 (73921) & MFADR 15 -11 621 Fairview Avenue September 13, 2016 — Page 2 of 6 D.5. That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements is likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. D.6. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements is likely to cause serious public health problems. D.7. That the requested subdivision injuriously affects the neighborhood wherein said lot is located. D.8. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision. In this connection, the legislative body may approve a map if it finds that alternate easements for access or for use, will be provided and that these will be substantially equivalent to ones previously acquired by the public. This finding shall apply only to easements of record or to easements established by judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction and no authority is hereby granted to a legislative body to determine that the public at large has acquired easements for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision. D.9. That the proposed waste discharge would result in or add to violation of requirements of a California Regional Water Quality Control Board. If any Planning Commissioner, or other interested party has any questions or comments regarding this matter prior to the September 13, 2016, Planning Commission Meeting, please contact Assistant Planner, Jordan Chamberlin at (626) 821 -4334, or JChamberlin @ArcadiaCA.gov. Approved- Jim Ins ma Comm ity Development Administrator Attachment No. 1: Resolution No. 1972 Attachment No. 2: Aerial Photo with Zoning Information and Photos of the Subject Property and Surrounding Properties Attachment No. 3: Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. TTM 15 -04 (73921) Attachment No. 4: Proposed Architectural Plans Attachment No. 5: Preliminary Exemption Assessment Attachment No. 1 Resolution No. 1972 Attachment No. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 1972 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. TTM 15 -04 (73921) AND MULTIPLE FAMILY ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW NO. MFADR 15 -11 WITH A CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) FOR A TWELVE UNIT RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM DEVELOPMENT AT 621 FAIRVIEW AVENUE WHEREAS, on May 14, 2015, an application was filed by Fairview Holdings, LLC., for the design review of a twelve unit residential condominium development at 621 Fairview Avenue, Development Services Department Case No. MFADR 15 -11, and WHEREAS, on October 28, 2015, an application was filed by Fairview Holdings, LLC., for the subdivision of a twelve unit residential condominium development at 621 Fairview Avenue, Development Services Department Case No. TTM 15 -04 (73921) (the design review application and the subdivision application are hereafter individually and collectively referred to as the "Project "), and WHEREAS, on August 14, 2016, Planning Services completed an environmental assessment for the Project in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and recommended that the Planning Commission determine the Project is exempt under CEQA per Section 15061(b)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines (Review for Exemption) because the Project has no potential to cause a significant effect on the environment, and because the Project is an in -fill development project per CEQA Guidelines Section 15332, Class 32, and WHEREAS, on September 13, 2016, a duly noticed public hearing was held before the Planning Commission on said Project, at which time all interested persons were given full opportunity to be heard and to present evidence. NOW, THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the factual data submitted by the Community Development Division in the staff report dated September 13, 2016 are true and correct. SECTION 2. This Commission finds, based upon the entire record: 1. That the proposed Project together with the provisions for its design and improvement is consistent with the City's General Plan, the City's Subdivision and Zoning Regulations, the State Subdivision Map Act, and the City's Multiple Family Residential Design Guidelines. FACT. The proposed Project will remove the existing multiple family residential buildings and replace them with a new, twelve unit, residential development that is consistent in character with the High Density Multiple Family Residential designation as described in the City's General Plan. The proposed Project complies with the State Subdivision Map Act and the City's Subdivision and Zoning Code and Multiple Family Residential Design Guidelines. 2. That the discharge of waste from the Proposed project into the community sewer system will not violate existing requirements prescribed by a California Regional Water Quality Control Board. FACT: The Arcadia Public Works Services Department confirmed that the proposed development will be adequately served by the existing sewer infrastructure and the requirements of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board will be satisfied. 2 3. That this Project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per Section 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines, 4. That the Development Services Director or designee is authorized to approve and execute, if necessary, a subdivision agreement for this Project. SECTION 3. For the foregoing reasons the Planning Commission determines that the Project is Categorically Exempt per Section 15332 of the CEQA Guidelines and approves Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. TTM 15 -04 (73921) and Multiple Family Architectural Design Review No. MFADR 15 -11, for a twelve unit residential condominium development at 621 Fairview Avenue, subject to the conditions of approval attached hereto. SECTION 4. The Secretary shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. Passed, approved and adopted this 13'h day of September, 2016. ATTEST; Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: P 66L.4 Stephen P. Deitsch City Attorney 3 Chairman, Planning Commission RESOLUTION NO. 1972 Conditions of Approval 1, 1. The project shall be developed and maintained by the applicant/property owner in a manner that is consistent with the plans submitted and conditionally approved for TTM 15 -94 (73921) and MFADR 15 -11, subject to the approval of the Community Development Administrator or designee. 2. Prior to approval of the Vesting Tract Map or issuance of a building permit, the applicant/property owner shall either construct or post security for all public improvements to be shown on the Tentative Map; a. The applicant/property owner shall install new street(s) located in the parkway along Fairview Avenue per the City of Arcadia Street Tree Master Plan. b. The applicant /property owner shall remove and replace the sidewalk along Fairview Avenue from property line to property line. c. The applicant/property owner shall construct new driveway approaches per the City of Arcadia standard. 3. The applicant/property owner shall submit a Grading Plan prepared by a registered civil engineer subject to the approval of the City Engineer prior to issuance of a building permit. 4. The applicant/property owner shall submit a Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan (SUSMP) subject to the approval of the City Engineer prior to the issuance of a building permit. 5. The applicant/property owner shall integrate low impact development (LID) strategies into the site design, These strategies include using infiltration trenches, bio- retention planter boxes, roof drains connected to a landscaped area, pervious concrete /paver, etc. 4 6. Condominium or townhouse complexes of more than 5 individual units shall be served by a common domestic water meter and service capable of supplying sufficient water to meet all domestic and fire suppression needs of the total number of units. 7. If the water service is to be used to supply both domestic water and fire sprinklers for each unit, the developer shall separate the fire service from the domestic water service at each unit with an approved back flow prevention device. 8. A separate water service and meter will be required for common area landscape irrigation. 9. A Water Meter Clearance Application, filed with the Public Works Services Department, shall be required prior to permit issuance. 10. New water service installation shall be by the applicant/property owner. Installation shall be according to the specifications of the Public Works Services Department, Engineering Division. Abandonment of existing water services, if necessary, shall be by the Developer, according to Public Works Services Department, Engineering Division specifications. 11. If any drainage fixture elevation is lower than the elevation of the next upstream manhole cover (514.92), an approved backwater valve is required. 12. The applicant/property owner shall install an automatic sprinkler system per the City of Arcadia Fire Department Single & Multiple Family Dwelling Sprinkler Standard prior to obtaining final occupancy. 13. The sprinkler system shall be fully monitored. Audible /visual devices shall be provided on the basement, first, and second floors. 14. Fire extinguishers of 2A:10BC type shall be provided in the basement and first floor level prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. The maximum travel distance to an extinguisher shall be 75 feet. 5 15. A knox box with keys shall be provided for access to restricted areas. Automatic gates shall be provided with a knox switch. 16. The project shall comply with the current 2013 California Building Code (2016 California Building Code after January 1, 2017), including Chapter 11 -A (residential accessibility), Shoring Plans, and with the Arcadia Multi - Family Standards. 17. The applicant/property owner shall comply with all City requirements regarding building safety, fire prevention, detection, suppression, emergency access, public right -of -way improvements, parking, water supply and water facilities, sewer facilities, trash reduction and recycling requirements, and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) measures to the satisfaction of the Building Official, Fire Marshal, Public Works Services Director and Development Services Director. Compliance with these requirements is to be determined by having fully detailed construction plans submitted for plan check review and approval by the foregoing City officials and employees. 18. The applicant/property owner shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Arcadia and its officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Arcadia, its officials, officers, employees or agents to attack, set aside, void, or annul any approval or conditional approval of the City of Arcadia concerning this project and /or land use decision, including but not limited to any approval or conditional approval of the City Council, Planning Commission, or City Staff, which action is brought within the time period provided for in Government Code Section 66499.37 or other provision of law applicable to this project or decision. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding concerning the project and /or land use decision and the City shall cooperate fully in the defense of the matter, The City reserves the right, at its own option, to choose its own attorney to represent the City, its officials, officers, employees, and agents in the defense of the matter. 19. Approval of TTM 15 -04 (73921) and MFADR 15 -11 shall not take effect unless on or before 30 calendar days after the Planning Commission adoption of the Resolution, N the applicant and property owner have executed and filed with the Community Development Administrator or designee an Acceptance Form available from the Development Services Department to indicate awareness and acceptance of these conditions of approval. 7 Attachment No. 2 Aerial Photo with Zoning Information and Photos of the Subject Property and Vicinity Attachment No. 2 , Site Address: 621 FAIRVIEW AVE Property Owner(s): FAIRVIEW HOLDINGS LLC W. 4 1 rll IN fob_•, �f Fl 1 R. Ufa d 1. "1 - h l 1 0 Property Characteristics Zoning: R -3 General Plan: HDR Lot Area (sq ft): 22,495 Main Structure / Unit (sq. ft.): 1,850 Year Built: 1957 Number of Units: 5 Overlays Parking Overlay: n/a Downtown Overlay: n/a Special Height Overlay: n/a Architectural Design Overlay: n/a IL Selected parcel highlighted 0. Parcel location within City of Arcadia co This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for Report generated 09- Sep -2016 reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, current, Page 1 of 1 or otherwise reliable. s Photo of the subject property, 621 Fairview Avenue J rg r -" Photo of the property to the east, 609 Fairview Avenue # ,z.-fi -•�' .. • ►y;� Via• ,, r , 602 r I ;r 41W I _ Attachment No. 3 Historical Report Attachment No. 3 I::,�, CERTIFICATE OF DEMOLITION e PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: PROJECT ADDRESS 621 Fairview Avenue DATE STRUCTURE BUILT 1957 ZONE CLASSIFICATION R -3 APPLICANT Fairview Holdings, LLC ADDRESS 135 North San Gabriel Boulevard CITY San Gabriel TELEPHONE NO. STATE California # ZIP 91775 (626) 292 -2559 E -MAIL ADDRESS 9999jl @gmail.com PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME Fairview Holdings, LLC (Managing Partner, James Li) PROPERTY OWNER'S MAILING ADDRESS 135 North San Gabriel Boulevard CITY San Gabriel STATE California ZIP 91775 TELEPHONE NO. (626) 292 -2559 E -MAIL ADDRESS 9999jl @gmail.com The applicant and property owner hereby declare under penalty of perjury that all the information submitted for this a lication is true and correct. 6rL� Applicant's Signature Date C7 6 r LI I 2,-11� Property Owner's Signature Date For Office Use Only ACTION: t1 Conditionally Approved 1. The subject structure(s) shall not be demolished until the City's Building Services }Division has issued a building permit for a new �l� _q � g eoAn�the property.. V%1. 1h 1 1 � L� /o 1� it o l !'.Ann • NA , ,—A, —fin }r.. CN,, 't�.M .�- \. ��i'1.'P1 �9' 4, i"1V Mz �.i \i �: \►i 'L ❑ Denied By Date:_4 ``r��!, Expiration Date: )RI D There is a five (5) working day appeal period for this application. Appeals must be submitted in writing to the Community Development Division with a $540.00 appeal fee by `, p.m. on Date Filed( l ,' / Receipt No. f c76;?Zt Amount _K/ .._).7 Received By -1- 111215 State of California Primary # DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # PRIMARY RECORD Trinomial Other Listings., Review Code: 6Z Reviewer: Jeanette A. McKenna Date: 6 -17 -16 Page 1 of 31 *Resource Name or # (assigned by recorder) 621 Fairview Avenue, Arcadia, CA 91007 P1. Other Identifier: Multi - Family Residential Property *P2. Location Not for Publication X Unrestricted *132a. County: Los Angeles P2b. USES 7.5' Quad: Mt. Wilson Date: 1996 T IN; R 11W; NW X of SE % of Sec. S. B. B. M. 32; P2c. Address: 261 Fairview Avenue City: Arcadia Zip: 91007 P2d. UTMs: NAD 83 Zone: 11 402963 mE 3776997 mN Pte. Other Locational Data: (e.g.: parcel #, directions to resource, elevation, etc., as appropriate) North side of Fairview Avenue, east of Baldwin Avenue and west of La Cadena Avenue; cross - referenced as APN 5778 -002 -011; NAD 27 UTMs = 403044 Easting/3776801 Northing. *P3a. Description: (Describe resource and its major elements. Include design, materials, condition, alterations, size, setting, and boundaries.) See Continuation Sheet P3b. Resource Attributes: (List attributes and codes.) HP -3 (Multi - Family Residential Property) *P4. Resources Present: X Buildings ❑ Structure ❑ Object ❑ Site ❑ District ❑ Element of District ❑ Others (Isolate, etc.) P5b: Description of Photo: 6 -16 -16 (Northwest) *P6. Date of Construction /Age X Historic ❑ Prehistoric ❑ Both *P7. Owner and Address: Jaynes Li and Tom Cao c/o Tyler Gonzalez Architects 139 S. Hudson Avenue #300 Pasadena, California 91101 *P8. Recorded by: McKenna et al. Jeanette A. McKenna 6008 Friends Avenue Whittier, California 90601 -3724 *P9. Date Recorded: June 17, 2106 *P10. Survey Type: Archit. Assess. *P11. Report Citation: (Cite survey report and other sources, or enter "None. ") McKenna, Jeanette A (2015) — Architectural Assessment of 261 Fairview Avenue, Arcadia, Los Angeles County, California. On file, McKenna et al., Whittier, California. *Attachments ❑ NONE X Location Map X Sketch Map X Continuation Sheet X BSO Record ❑ Archaeological Record ❑ District Record ❑ Linear Feature Record ❑ Milling Station Record ❑ Rock Art Record ❑ Artifact Record ❑ Photographic Record X Other (List): Photos DPR 523A (1/13) * Required Information State of California Primary # DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # BUILDING, STRUCTURE, AND OBJECT RECORD Page 2 of 31 *NRHP Status Code 6Z *Resource Name or # (assigned by recorder) 621 Fairview Avenue, Arcadia, California 91007 B1. Historic Name: Unknown B2. Common Name: Unknown B3. Original Use: Residential B4. Present Use: Residential *B5. Architectural Style: California Bungalow *B6. Construction History: (Construction Date, Alterations, and dates of Alterations) The residence and garage originally built in 1951. The residence is cross - referenced as 621 Fairview Avenue and consisting of 1,158 square feet of living space (two bedrooms and one bath). In 1957 four additional units were constructed on the property (see additional BSO and Continuation sheets). *67. Moved? X No ❑ Yes ❑ Unknown pate: Original Location: *68. Related Features: Detached garage and additional dwellings to rear of property. B9a. Architect: Unknown 139b. Builder: Unknown *B10. Significance: Theme: Residential Area: City of Arcadia, Los Angeles County, CA Period of Significance: 1950s Property Type: MFR Applicable Criteria: NONE (Discuss importance in terms of historical or architectural context as defined by theme, period, and geographic scope. Also address integrity.) This area of Arcadia is outside the original city boundaries and annexed into the city relativity late. As such, this improvement was not covered by the historic Sanborn Fire Insurance maps. This particular area is representative of the post -World War II expansion of residential properties in the City of Arcadia, where the single family residential properties were often converted to multi- family properties, as needed to supplement the owner's income. B11. Additional Resource Attributes: (List Attributes and Codes) None *B12. References: McKenna, Jeanette A. (2016) B13. Remarks: Property slated for demolition and (Sketch map with North Arrow Required) redevelopment *B14. Evaluator: Jeanette A. McKenna *Date of Evaluation: June 17, 2016 (This space reserved for official comments) DPR 523B (1/13) * Required Information State of California Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # BUILDING, STRUCTURE, AND OBJECT RECORD Page 3 of 31 *NRHP Status Code 6Z *Resource Name or # (assigned by recorder) 623A and B Fairview Avenue, Arcadia, California 91007 B1. Historic Name: Unknown B2. Common Name: Unknown B3. Original Use: Residential B4. Present Use: Residential *135. Architectural Style: Minimal Traditional *66. Construction History: (Construction Date, Alterations, and dates of Alterations) This duplex was constructed in 1957 and described as covering 1,850 square feet (925 square feet each) with mirror image plans. The two single car garages are attached and located between the residences. Each unit consists of two bedrooms and one bath. These units are cross - referenced as 623A and B Fairview Avenue. A similar duplex is located to the north of this duplex, accessed by the same drive- way. See Continuation Sheet for details. *B7. Moved? X No ❑ Yes ❑ Unknown Date: Original Location: *138. Related Features: Detached garage and additional dwellings to rear of property. B9a. Architect: Unknown 139b. Builder: Unknown *B10. Significance: Theme: Residential Area: City of Arcadia, Los Angeles County, CA Period of Significance: 1950s Property Type: MFR Applicable Criteria: NONE (Discuss importance in terms of historical or architectural context as defined by theme, period, and geographic scope. Also address integrity.) This area of Arcadia is outside the original city boundaries and annexed into the city relativity late. As such, this improvement was not covered by the historic Sanborn Fire Insurance maps. This particular area is representative of the post -World War II expansion of residential properties in the City of Arcadia, where the single family residential properties were often converted to multi- family properties, as needed to supplement the owner's income. B11. Additional Resource Attributes: (List Attributes and Codes) None *B12. References: McKenna, Jeanette A. (2016) B13. Remarks: Property slated for demolition and redevelopment *1314. Evaluator: Jeanette A. McKenna *Date of Evaluation: June 17, 2016 (This space reserved for official comments) (Sketch map with North Arrow Required) DPR 5238 (1/13) w Required Information State of California Primary # DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # BUILDING, STRUCTURE, AND OBJECT RECORD Page 4 of 31 *NRHP Status Code 62 *Resource Name or # (assigned by recorder) 625A and B Fairview Avenue, Arcadia, California 91007 B1. Historic Name: Unknown B2. Common Name: Unknown B3. Original Use: Residential B4. Present Use: Residential *B5. Architectural Style: Minimal Traditional *B6. Construction History: (Construction Date, Aiterations, and dates of Alterations) This duplex was constructed in 1957 and described as covering 1,850 square feet (925 square feet each) with mirror image plans. The two single car garages are attached and located between the residences. Each unit consists of two bedrooms and one bath. These units are cross - referenced as 625A and B Fairview Avenue. A similar duplex is located to the north of this duplex, accessed by the same drive- way. See Continuation Sheet for details. *B7. Moved? X No ❑ Yes ❑ Unknown Date: Original Location; *138. Related Features: Detached garage and additional dwellings to rear of property. 139a. Architect: Unknown B9b. Builder: Unknown *1310. Significance: Theme: Residential Area: City of Arcadia, Los Angeles County, CA Period of Significance: 1950s Property Type: MFR Applicable Criteria: NONE (Discuss importance in terms of historical or architectural context as defined by theme, period, and geographic scope. Also address integrity.) This area of Arcadia is outside the original city boundaries and annexed into the city relativity late. As such, this improvement was not covered by the historic Sanborn Fire Insurance maps. This particular area is representative of the post -World War 11 expansion of residential properties in the City of Arcadia, where the single family residential properties were often converted to multi- family properties, as needed to supplement the owner's income. B11. Additional Resource Attributes: (List Attributes and Codes) None *B12. References: McKenna, Jeanette A. (2016) 613. Remarks: Property slated for demolition and (Sketch map with North Arrow Required) redevelopment *B14. Evaluator: Jeanette A. McKenna *Date of Evaluation: June 17, 2016 (This space reserved for official comments) DPR 5236 (1/131 * Required Information State of California Primary # DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION wRi # CONTINUATION SKEET Trinomial Page 5 of 31 *Resource Name or # (assigned by recorder) 621 Fairview Avenue, Arcadia, CA 910C Recorded by: Jeanette A. McKenna *Date June 17, 2016 X Continuation Update $!mow l,r • = 1il " a 4, E S! ;!T iii. AMA .. rcl lb r!� ry4i'�t ' i �a � . � '•�I �,j y � �h ,Qlllr �- Cti°' � I I w'E 1�'�t4 _ Y�L Syr •'t �1 4. A ` F11 9 F1 �1 r7 i li tG�llry.� I"a fI' I ii iUiAFI,. �� wi Ki ,s! q 1 I1 "w rxEst gam' it, d _ u rina- l.�,.» IM, fill Mir - Ova u � ►�+! Son( A WTA OVUM olfCdG `r a •xM� ti C; w � 2kf e lJr-: •{ sue— " i W 1�! ZE AA ;7, I.` ^' rr a,► . A7 _ •' yl .F !L AM �vlCiLA %J' �� l �.� 13 RAM Mot -W FLrIE r � rt A7 !, I 2�IPS ��h + l p + - 100 12 VFW. Nrfj+i _— — "'ripe �. IDI:rt'3 ._<�_ __.- n t -. �._. PNF3�_..� Kl�►aY µ:ms fi"i�"��i'+rs`� �, DPR 523L (1/13) * Required Information State of California Primary # DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # LOCATION MAP Trinomial Page 6 of 31 *Resource Name or # (assigned by recorder) 621 Fairview Avenue, Arcadia, CA 91007 *Map Name: Mt. Wilson *Scale 1:24,000 *Date of Map 1996 C e M,653 — 0 q Ila Salle ;• w ��� lflgh Sch - F} l Sch nD br6 `^ -b[Ib.. -� ,..,� _ -- x•900 --'°�- �� v � q�, 1►`ti - �� r tyS 3^.S, _ ORA'NGC uRCJI'± es — C 7ro I hA mpt - ■ ■ F L th a LEAF BM EL ors t lam - L �r� RS 00 T `p �� _� g �,,' �f•,k �v 'ii y� 5650 --°_� �.__�� +jjj� 7lTONA11lk_ 5► ;l `�,a ��'', y �—� - "' ri� � 1. ��, , 4; -.N � l T +r r'j 603 Recd ` \ �*v 1 j li ' ������ GRAYei +RN _ A� l__rr y 'w� �1 _ r.t• /' f fillil��Jl��t f Par, r,i7 •�, _ , IilIlI vp_ _ / ter a;. ~, 1� Y fr.flfl f f Gib Qom' q F 000 L cC ba .LY DRIVE B3 Pak ' 8M r J it 55Q � T ,. HUN � � �� Holy r� � 4�. ALS .. AVE Vest Arcadia DPR 523J (1/13) * Required Information State of California Primary # DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # CONTINUATION SHEET Trinomial Page 7 of 31 *Resource Name or # (assigned by recorder) 621 Fairview Avenue, Arcadia, California 91007 Recorded by: Jeanette A. McKenna, McKenna et al., Whittier CA *Date June 17, 2016 *Date June 17, 2016 �i t f 077 5.BK7 II O TA NO a e� sx sa rr � 43.64 T� aB 3 abp �" T r TRACT NO 950 BK_ rR �Q TR. O 11969 ,, _ :s 5779 M.p a 2 c? t95S2 r n� P �� !1 G a r 'a �i ii f�°J a ��- H +• u e i ro r r Tp NG 0' {, sae�ri w fM� U054 � X Z °ah S o ne 545' M r� 8 759 36 �y 37 3 5781 5783 i• y ,�7 naal� zp 3 r r a etc. I I DPR 523L (1/13) * Required Information State of California Primary # DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION Hill # CONTINUATION SHEET Trinomial Page 8 of 31 *Resource Name or # (assigned by recorder) 621 Fairview Avenue, Arcadia, California 91007 Recorded by: Jeanette A. McKenna, McKenna et al., Whittier CA *Date June 17, 2016 X Continuation Update 9/034 9rosr 1 924 - I8$7 zoaooi�ecwo ! 2uuooc04e 19os lSB7 1887+ 1424 wPeOlP" 9.�rtIJL N86 YJ%O "! /?69B gQAl V , 1 S F. R.R. (obondaned Af (Abaedmr/) PFB� IC.Zic�• ` I 0� Q ti _ _h SHEET 2 I I ;�E 03 _ I v SHEET 5 O � 3 4 rr SHEETS 3 8 4 5783 —� /6s�d l06/ I (D 3 nY I f� l ivES�x:r. I I w M 21 z ^ p�i1 fix G e"to I a —W Q Q q`A�5 �ii I ��SPr YJ I 7/9B 63 8Q�9 95 I I 69 !3 93 0 �� so to N.r9d %O�fl£ b I AV E FAIRVIEW 8 1924 1867 1887 1906 CONDOMINIUM SANTA ANITA RANCHO TRACT NO.43309 P. 1 -97-98 M. B. 1046 - 90 -91 DPR 523L (1/13) * Required Information P v ro io a. a Q to 0 � ro Q .. W tpH o m ro IA ro � n 0 n C x n ro rp Z m w m n � Q ro � 7 3 � ro y O1 3 Q cr �+ ro ia` p Z �CL n M iF v w ro Z O t W N C? N W N H T Oli t C ro 3 C ro a n m D lD H Q Q V � o 0r+ ca m °, C1 r) m w m O �. m A :.7 6!1 n z Q m m z Z = m 3. U 6i 4t State of California Primary # DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # CONTINUATION SHEET Trinomial Page 1u of 31 `Resource Name or # (assigned by recorder) 621 Fairview Avenue, Arcadia, California 91007 Recorded by: Jeanette A. McKenna, McKenna et al., Whittier CA *Date June 17, 2016 X Continuation Update RPR 523L (1/13) * Required Information State of California Primary # DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # CONTINUATION SHEET Trinomial Page 11 of 31 *Resource Name or# (assigned by recorder) 621 Fairview Avenue, Arcadia, California 91007 Recorded by: Jeanette A. McKenna, McKenna et al., Whittier CA *Date June 17, 2016 *Date June 17, 2016 a. 4r- .4 q /NS ti 9F\ -As -7- -7 _7V 1z1 L6--t -a Sea 36 Scn 3l —7*.f--;i— 37' --. , -�—.X& APR 523L (1/13) * Required Information State of California Primary # DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # CONTINUATION SHEET Trinomial rage 1L oT 31 'Resource Name or # (assigned by recorder) 621 Fairview Avenue, Arcadia, California 91007 Recorded by: Jeanette A. McKenna, McKenna et al., Whittier CA *Date June 17, 2016 X Continuation Update APR 523L (1 /13) * Required Information X �-y/f�aio �i 1 V '9 lJ, V in the Cf G �rCOC7/ra. Being o� J�'uDC7/v /Sipe of'e��por�on o�'Sonfa fin /fo -- 9eonoAo, asiper moo// Pceenv�; Boa/r /, /2 e97, 1�BCOrpS o kos A17C7 e /es Co. Co.V Sur vereo� June, 1 /(�JB'y D+.S Unruh. q[ i 4 � rx+B +oo erF(9 Ur+�l Laervn�e. d �"Na�.,�1��6d:.fiLsBuGdrison o� t QQ CV N sae ...o.. w- C Q 6 i� 0 b fo Y'r/ca 4zA. N'8949 $J'YcaPTroc'f n s' �ni , -($�30j� • r +� •lv 2 62.�9nc.•. aw q 3�. zas r,.ce. Y ! oe ,..-t rr 0 �� 4 s• 174 w H� -rry � �r��'i /791o7BAco, F F a APR 523L (1 /13) * Required Information State of California DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION Primary # HRI # CONTINUATION SHEET Trinomial Page 13 of 31 *Resource Name or # (assigned by recorder) 621 Fairview Avenue, Arcadia, California 91007 Recorded by: Jeanette A. McKenna, McKenna et al., Whittier CA *Date June 17, 2016 X Continuation Update DPR 523L (1/13) * Required Information State of California Primary # DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION' Hill # CONTINUATION SHEET Trinomial Page 14 of 31 *Resource Name or # (assigned by recorder) 621 Fairview Avenue, Arcadia, CA 91007 Recorded by: Jeanette A. McKenna *Date June 17, 2016 X Continuation Update The multi - family residential complex at 621 Fairview Avenue, Arcadia, Los Angeles County, Cal- ifornia, was, according to the County Assessor, developed in 1951 as a two bedroom and one bath California Bungalow. Subsequently, the owner added two duplexes to the rear of the prop- erty, adapting the original single family residential property into a multi - family residential property with five units. The corresponding addresses included 621 Fairview Avenue for the original 1951 residence and 623A and B Fairview Avenue and 625A and B Fairview Avenue for the duplexes. All five units are on one parcel — 5778- 002 -011. The County Assessor describes the property as "Lot corn as SW cor of Lot 4 Tract #3430 th N 86 1010" E 72.59 ft with a uniform depth of 310.09 ft N part of abandoned RIW Santa Anita Rancho and part of Lot 4 of Tract #3430 as per Bk 42 pg 32 of Maps" (see Tract No. 3420, attached). Research confirmed the subject property was originally part of the historic Rancho Santa Anita (Section 32), as mapped in 1858 (recorded in 1868). When mapped, the Rancho was owned by Henry Dalton and later by Elias "Lucky" Baldwin. In 1910, this portion of the Rancho was subdi- vided and mapped as Tract No. 950. In this case, the project area was identified as being within Lot 3 of Tract No. 950, defined to the south by County Road (Duarte Road) and to the north by Huntington Drive. The western boundary of Lot 3 is Baldwin Avenue. As such, the project area is in the western portion of Lot 3. Tract 3430 was mapped in 1920 at the request of Rudolph H. Schwarzkopf, Anita M. Baldwin (E.J. Baldwin's Daughter), and Otto E. Winkler. As mapped, this tract extended east of Baldwin Avenue and between Duarte Road and the northern boundary of lots facing Fairview Avenue. A total of 55 lots were identified with the lots on the north side of Fairview Avenue being smaller than the lots to the south. Here, the average lot measured 145 feet wide and 270 feet deep (39,150 square feet or over five times the size of a modern single family residential property. The current project area is within Lot 4 of Tract No. 3430. Lot line adjustments after WWII resulted in the redefinition of Lot 4. The County Assessor now identified the property as the western 79+ feet of Lot 4 and the addition of the abandoned railroad right -of -way alignment added another 40+ feet to the northern extent of the lot (79 x 310 feet). The property now covers 24,490 square feet or approximately 60% of the original lot size. This lot is still over three times the size of a modern single family residential property (7,000 square feet). There are three improvements associated with this property: 1) 1951 California Bungalow; 2) 1957 Duplex, and 3) 1957 Duplex. The original residence has a detached two car garage, while the DPR 523L (1/13) * Required Information State of California Primary # DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # CONTINUATION SHEET Trinomial Page 15 of 31 *Resource Name or # (assigned by recorder) 621 Fairview Avenue, Arcadia, CA 91007 Recorded by: Jeanette A. McKenna *Date June 17, 2016 X Continuation Update duplexes have attached single car garages. Each improvements is discussed below with the understanding the duplexes are built in mirror - images. The access to the property is via a shared driveway running along the eastern side of the property. 621 Fairview Avenue The 1951 improvement at 621 Fairview Avenue is a small, California Bungalow with an irregular floor plan, raised foundation, and hipped -gable roof. The structure is a wood framed building with stucco siding and double hung, wood framed sash and casement windows. The south elevation (facing Fairview Avenue), exhibits a small ell on the southwestern corner and a covered porch in the center of the structure. Fixed paned windows are present on the porch, indicating the location of the living room. The bedrooms and both are to the western side of the structure and a red brick chimney is present in the center of the building — in the living room. The dining room and kitchen areas are to the eastern side of the building. The north elevation exhibits a small service porch (ell) on the northeastern corner (with a second- ary entrance) and the extended bedroom on the northwestern corner. A larger covered porch is recessed between the service porch and bedroom. This raised porch consists of a concrete slab with simple 4 x 4 posts supporting the roof. The detached garage is a standard two car garage with the bay door facing east. It is accessed from the driveway on the eastern side of the property. This is a wood framed structure on a concrete pad, stucco sided, and with a hipped composition shingled roof. The original wooden bay door has been replaced with a more modern spring- actioned replacement. Overall, this is a simple residential structure with no unique or outstanding design elements. There is no evidence of significant alterations, but the roof has been replaced (modern composition shingles) and the stucco surface has been maintenance. 623A and B Fairview Avenue The duplex at 623A and B Fairview was constructed in 1957 and consists of two mirror -image residences (2 bedroom and 1 bath; 925 square feet each) with attached single car garages be- tween the two residential units. Paved parking is to the east of the garages. Unit A faces north APR 523L (1/13) * Required Information State of California Primary # DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # CONTINUATION SHEET Trinomial Page 16 of 31 *Resource Name or # (assigned by recorder) 621 Fairview Avenue, Arcadia, CA 91007 Recorded by: Jeanette A. McKenna *Date June 17, 2016 X Continuation Update and Unit B faces south. Each units has a secondary entrance on the respective north and south elevations. These units exhibits metal (steel and /or aluminum) framed fixed and slider windows. The roofs are hipped on the residences and gable on the garages. All are covered with compo- sition windows. These residences are constructed on concrete slabs (not raised foundations) and well maintained, although simple in design. Unit 623A has a fenced yard and more landscaping than the other properties, but the residence, itself, is still quite simple. NOTE: the area between Unit 6238 and 625A Fairview Avenue is relative small and, alt- hough there are rear doors on these two units, the area available for use is quite small. 625 A and B Fairview Avenue The duplex at 625A and B Fairview was constructed in 1957 and consists of two mirror -image residences (2 bedroom and 1 bath; 925 square feet each) with attached single car garages be- tween the two residential units. Paved parking is to the east of the garages. Unit A faces north and Unit B faces south. Each units has a secondary entrance on the respective north and south elevations. These units exhibits metal (steel and /or aluminum) framed fixed and slider windows. The roofs are hipped on the residences and gable on the garages. All are covered with compo- sition windows. These residences are constructed on concrete slabs (not raised foundations) and well maintained, although simple in design. Unit 625B has a rear doorway leading to a small yard on the north side of the unit, but this area shows little evidence of use. Both units are modestly landscaped, but still quite simple. ..... + +. + + + + + + ++ McKenna et al. has concluded this property does not meet any of the minimum require- ments for recognition as a historical resource (association with significant events associ- ation with significant persons; architectural distinction; or archaeological sensitivity) as defined in CEQA and, therefore, additional alterations or demolition will not result in an adverse environmental impact. DPR 523L (1/13) * Required Information Overview of Fairview Avenue from 621 Fairview Avenue (East). Overview of Fairview Avenue from 621 Fairview Avenue (West). Dri veway Entrance to 621 Fairview Avenue (North). South Elevation of Residence at 621 Fairview Avenue (Northwest). South Elevation of Residence at 621 Fairview Avenue (Northwest). Detail of South Elevation of Residence at 621 Fairview Avenue (Northwest). East Elevation of Residence at 621 Fairview Avenue (Northwest). South Elevation of Residence at 621 Fairview Avenue (West/ Northwest). Window Detail, East Elevation of Residence at 621 Fairview Avenue (Northwest). Driveway to Rear Residences at 623 and 625 Fairview Avenue (North). Garage to North of Residence at 621 Fairview Avenue (West/Northwest). North Elevation of Residence at 621 Fairview Avenue (South/Southwest). Driveway and North Elevation of Residence at 621 Fairview Avenue (South). Fenced Yard and Residenat at 623A Fairview Avenue (Northwest). Fenced Yard, South and East Elevations at 623A Fairview Avenue (Northwest). Garages between 623A and 623E Fairview Avenue (West). Garage, South, and East Elevations of 623B Fairview Avenue (West/Northwest), East and North Elevations at 623A Fairview Avenue (Southwest). East Elevations of 6238, 625A, and 625E Fairview Avenue (North /Northwest). Yard Area between 6236 and 625A Fairview Avenue (West). East Elevation of 625A and South Elevation of 6258 Fairview Avenue (North/Northwest). East and North Elevations and Garage of 625A Fairview Avenue (WeWSouthwest). Garage, South and East Elevations of 625E Fairview Avenue (West/Northwest). Garages between 615A and 6156 Fairview Avenue (West). North Elevation of 6256 Fairview Avenue (West). East and North Elevations of 625E Fairview Avenue (West). Driveway from 625B Fairview Avenue (South). Driveway from 6258 Fairview Avenue (South). Front Yard at 621 Fairview Avenue (West/Southwest). Modem Condominiums Opposite 621 Fairview Avenue (South). Attachment No. 4 Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. TTM 15- 04 (73921) Attachment No. 4 BALDWI N� AVE. SCALE, ! " =20' II II II II, I I vv-v- I I ry I .), rvI. u. I c°ta- I - - I .j III -n EXIST 12 O NUS CONDOMI]NI M II I HIGH DENSITY MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDBVf1AL I I III I H II III' ZONING: R -a1 I III A II-- - - - - -J ------ - - - - -- --- - - - - -- --------- - -JI -- - - -- -J- 8 00 °00' 55" W III rl-) �Ill�s RW(H2.5) ,Rw(H =5.5' - . III I as7r - - J - -- -2- - - -- s, - - - - -- III I Z 30071�III®Ftll - _ -._ EP Y4j6 6M �� _ �____� 40.09' -, � 310 270.Q2 I ml m II } - - - -� m g III NIA °' 'k1 III q2- E11.HasB Ex HOU _°^ I z III Y41<lo ,en- - NI m1� III I�� coASS E HWSE �- Y� t - 22,462 $F I z ikl� ca7s} - 1! r 9RA�5 - - - - - - - - - - _'_ -- S. R R) z N 'I --------- _ (0.52 A�) -I - -- ,7" cam 2E ur�0, - - II I IR 41-6 4sFHar� LOT 4 �15_ - - - _ - _ - NI TRACT NO. 3430 ASVHHAALT �- 36' y �i -- v J 49KIJ.i - - - - - -- -------- - - -- _ - - - -- ta�s� - M.B. 42 -32 ' AyN,,LT I ,o III I 30 HEDC -- - - -- - - --07119 AEDO- -- -- HEDGE 27000 - D HEDGE - -- 40.09'�� JI VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 73921 IN THE CITY OF ARCADIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA JULY 25, 2016 BEING A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF LOT 4 OF TRACT NO. 3430, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 42, PAGE 32 OF MAPS, AND A PORTION OF SANTA ANITA RANCHO AS SHOWN ON MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 1 PAGES 97 AND 98 OF PATENTS, BOTH IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. FOR CONDOMINIUM PURPOSES PROJECT: OWNERS/ APPLICANT: EN GI NEER/ SURVEYOR 12 UNI TS CONDOMI NUM DEVELOPMENT@ FAI RVI EW HOLDI NG LLC TRI TECH ENGI NEERI NGASSOCI ATES I NC, 621 FAI RVI EW AVE, ARCADI A, CA 1005 E LAS TUNAS DR. # 125 135 N. SAN GABRI EL BLVD, AFN: 5778 - 002 -011 SAN GABRI EL, CA 91776 SAN GABRI EL, CA 91775 TEL: (951) 907 -8888 TEL: (626) 570 -1918 LA CADENA AVE 1,800 Sf 8,895 Sfl III i-i I TU�fis`�I1r -�= III 7O I I Fu.{sT91 _(., NI H ' NI fit I I T ii5 ill III � I 0.07 II I I� R (2013 CBC) I N I kn I as w I I� NI FI< II�o ❑ III N I � Ian, III II1 1w11l 7 ICI 111 PROP n � AaX I 1 1l E 5' > .-- - .----- _-- _ - - 340.16' q6] 25TG _- LOTAREA 22.469 S.F. . MINIMUM DENSITY (2,200SF LOT AREA/ UNIT) 10 UNITS 2- CAR _ 1� / PRI VATE 4,440 SF 46].50 MAXIMUM DENSI TY(1,450SF LOT AREA/ UNIT) 15 UNI TS III I /' III r-- ----------------------- - - - - -- --------------- �_ 11 PROPOSED DENS I TV 12 UNI TS � - - - - - -- - -- _ - . - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -J L- _ _ II CONSTRUCTI ON TYPE 00 °00'55" H4 ,,RW(N_5- - - - 310.11' -- _�' _- -TZ�- - ^ -�" -- -� 340.1_ - °EP V- B, ZON I N G j� III (C �q IIVST2®(<DNOTS C®N® ®I�VNVU9P4 � TRENCH GRAIN Edison Pole PARKING W 4soe4FS UNIT4 25 UNIT5 as7ssrs _ UNITS , -AR UNIT 11 UNIT 12 N Iu i /I i N TRACT NO 47071, M.B. 1168 -47 -48 2 -CAR GARAG _ GARAGE 3- 13 -RAC£ H6L7 NIT 1 MINIMU M RED 36 STALL S ptll. ^i 16 = UNI T 7 - UNI T 9 UNIT 1O -" -- - -=- =s, 2 RER2 BEDRM. 4 STALLS HIGHDENSITYMULTIREFAMILYRESIDENTIAL (R3) UNIT9 HI GH DENSITY MULTI PE FAMILY ES DENTAL -- -- 34 2.5 PER 31BEDRM. 25 STALLS 3- CARGARAG GR GARAGE - 2 -CAR GARAG GFy1 �R GARAGE- 2- CARGARAG 3- CARGARAG 3 -CAR GARAG 3REQUI 1GUEST P22 UNITS 6S O LANDSCAPEAREA TRASH UNIT 12 iSTALLS ACCESSIBLE TALLS LA CADENA AVE 1,800 Sf 8,895 Sfl III i-i I TU�fis`�I1r -�= III 7O I I Fu.{sT91 _(., NI H ' NI fit I I T ii5 ill III � I 0.07 II I I� R (2013 CBC) I N I kn I as w I I� NI FI< II�o ❑ III N I � Ian, III II1 1w11l 7 ICI 111 PROP n � AaX I 1 1l s NI m Im m I a 74 i u I D 30,17' �I u 1 m II IN I I I Z I� a 4.sTC 4 3. 01V II1I III I fill III � l 11 UNIT 2 - ALL EXI STI TO TRCTUED EXISTING SITE CONDITION PROVIDED 41 STALLS GARAGE 34 STALLS GUEST 7STALLS OPEN SPACE q 467.50R. 4p6].SO�R q6] 25TG _- MINIMUM i50SF /UNIT TOTAL REQUI RED 1,800 SF PROVIDED 8,895 SF 2- CAR _ 1� / PRI VATE 4,440 SF 2a =a 1a% 1a.oa' 46].50 SHARED 4,455 SF B I SCALE, V° -2C' HARDSCAPE 5,755 SF FS 467.2.5 -(a77) 11 SOFTSGAP- 3,140 BE I ;HarcuRB aEVATON 44b-. - - - - - J - - - -- - - - - - -- - -- _ - . - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -J L- _ _ II CONSTRUCTI ON TYPE 00 °00'55" H4 ,,RW(N_5- - - - 310.11' -- _�' _- -TZ�- - ^ -�" -- -� 340.1_ - °EP V- B, ZON I N G 17 36' -5')- Pavement � TRENCH GRAIN Edison Pole -- W 4soe4FS UNIT4 25 UNIT5 as7ssrs _ UNITS , -AR UNIT 11 UNIT 12 N .5 FS 473.38F5 15' 46].4 R- - - 468.87F5 3 -CAR GARAG GR3 GR4 GRS 2 -CAR GARAG _ GARAGE 3- 13 -RAC£ H6L7 NIT 1 UNI T 3 UNI T 6 ^i 16 = UNI T 7 - UNI T 9 UNIT 1O -" -- - -=- =s, OINV I HIGHDENSITYMULTIREFAMILYRESIDENTIAL (R3) UNIT9 966 -- -- 34 GARGARAGE 3- CARGARAG GR GARAGE - 2 -CAR GARAG GFy1 �R GARAGE- 2- CARGARAG 3- CARGARAG 3 -CAR GARAG UNIT 11 O LANDSCAPEAREA TRASH I UNIT 12 1,021 I 46 2,170 - _ - UB - 3,140 SF/22,469 SF= 13.96% s NI m Im m I a 74 i u I D 30,17' �I u 1 m II IN I I I Z I� a 4.sTC 4 3. 01V II1I III I fill III � l 11 UNIT 2 - 467 25 4467.50�FL �4 467.25TG / 'SQR q 467.50R. 4p6].SO�R q6] 25TG _- 1000' 10.00' 2- CAR _ 1� / r - _ /_ -_ _ -- - _ 22,46 SF 2a =a 1a% 1a.oa' 46].50 I 1% 467 37 as]ssic 474 54F FS 467.2.5 -(a77) Concrete r -.. ..•_ 466501 CL- 929 �I I (0.52 AC) . 46].4oFS -�I a67soFS J / 46] 37TG PVMT . ........ Pavement � TRENCH GRAIN Edison Pole -- 20% 4soe4FS UNIT4 25 UNIT5 as7ssrs _ UNITS , -AR UNIT 11 UNIT 12 N .5 FS 473.38F5 15' 46].4 R- - - 468.87F5 3 -CAR GARAG GR3 GR4 GRS 2 -CAR GARAG _ GARAGE 3- 13 -RAC£ H6L7 3- CARGARAC£ -01 � s� ° ERw(Hxs') ^i 16 310.09'' P��6.��. ----- - -' - -� RW(H.S,) ffi-� -- - -- - - - -" -- - -=- =s, OINV I 2,039 UNIT9 966 -- -- 34 1,946 UNIT 10 NO TREE PROPOSED ONSITE PROPOSED ASEMENT %EC ZION Al NOT TO .SCALE - NOT TO SCALE PL PL PL I i EX TO R R EMAIAI N I� 10 00 l`` Ex 6' CRW 478.84 f TO REMAI N 47638 - %- FF 477.66 - (476771 15 RFE ! 16 ~EX 6fUDE 474.59 15" R BE 2.5' 473 2 NV 1% I -3.67' i TYPICAL SECTION OF FAIRVIEW AVER NOT TO SCALE RW R/W 60 -I 105.5' 4 20' 20' CURB III�I�III_(II =1111 ,I� -_- �jr -1f- III -I COMPACTED SUBGRADE BASE COURSE SOUTH NORTH RAMP PROFILE LEGAL DESCRI PIN ON: NOT TO SCALE PL AC Asphalt Concrete 1000' 10.00' 2350' 15.00' CBW ......... a% 11� 2a =a 1a% 1a.oa' I nvert Elevation C&G.......... 1% 474.94FS 474 54F 473.54FS Concrete PKWY......... 4fi8.84FS D/A ........... Driveway Appron 467.46F5 Property Boundary Line DWY........... / 46] 37TG PVMT . ........ Pavement � TRENCH GRAIN Edison Pole AT CENTERLI NE OF D. VEWAY w W {� -ucrnN DRIVE -� ell m ry�r, J ... FAI RVI EW PROJECT LOCATI ON TG567 -A -6 NOT TO SCALE ON I VICINITY MAP ABBREVI AT ON S: LEGAL DESCRI PIN ON: AREA (SF) AC Asphalt Concrete FL ............. Flow Line Elevat Cn CBW ......... Conc. Block Wall I NV............ I nvert Elevation C&G.......... Curb and Gutter P/A ........... Ranter Area CONC...... Concrete PKWY......... Parkway D/A ........... Driveway Appron P/ L ........... Property Boundary Line DWY........... Driveway PVMT . ........ Pavement EP.......... Edison Pole SMH .......... Sewer Manhole EX .............Existing 41 S /W .......... Sidewalk FF ............. Finish Floor Elevation WM ............ Water Meter TC ............. Top of Curb Elevation WV ............ W at er Valve PH ............. Fire Hydrant LEGEND: (100.10) ..... Existing Elevation - X99) - -. Ex. Ground Contour Line . _ . ...... Prop. Flow Line �✓v� , ...... Prop. Sheet Flow f - -- ...... Ex. Flow -- X - -X -- Chain Link Fence ...... Ex. Structure ............. Fire Hydrant - ............ Street Light BUI LDI NGAREA TOTAL: 22,761 sf SETBACKS LOCATION MI N REQ PROVIDED NORTH REAR YARD 101-0" 101-0" WEST SI DE YARD 10' -0" 10' -0" EAST SI DE YARD 10' 0' 10' 0" SOUTH FRONT YARD 30'-0- 30' -0" EARTHWORK QUANTI TI ES *: CUT: 6,184 C.Y. Fl LL: 199 C.Y. TOTAL: 6,383 C.Y. EXPORT: 5,985 CY. IMPORT: 0 C.Y. * CUT & Fl LL AMOUNT I S ESTI MATED ONLY. ACTUALLYAMOUNT MAYVARYDUETO OTHER UNKNOWN FACTORS. (SI TE CONDI TI ON, SO[ L ENGI NEERS RECOMMENDATI ON) OTHER UNKNOWN FACTORS. LEGAL DESCRI PIN ON: AREA (SF) ""...Tree, Diameter/ Dripline 2-FL 1'FL GARAGE TOTAL UNIT1 571 622 23 1,217 UNIT2 577 606 31 1,214 UNIT3 976 958 66 2,001 UNIT4 967 997 41 2,005 UNIT5 967 997 41 2,005 UNIT6 979 994 65 2,037 UNIT7 976 1,001 33 2,009 UNIT8 969 1,028 42 2,039 UNIT9 966 946 34 1,946 UNIT 10 966 946 95 2,007 UNIT 11 972 1,032 107 2,111 UNIT 12 1,021 1,103 46 2,170 TOTAL: 22,761 sf SETBACKS LOCATION MI N REQ PROVIDED NORTH REAR YARD 101-0" 101-0" WEST SI DE YARD 10' -0" 10' -0" EAST SI DE YARD 10' 0' 10' 0" SOUTH FRONT YARD 30'-0- 30' -0" EARTHWORK QUANTI TI ES *: CUT: 6,184 C.Y. Fl LL: 199 C.Y. TOTAL: 6,383 C.Y. EXPORT: 5,985 CY. IMPORT: 0 C.Y. * CUT & Fl LL AMOUNT I S ESTI MATED ONLY. ACTUALLYAMOUNT MAYVARYDUETO OTHER UNKNOWN FACTORS. (SI TE CONDI TI ON, SO[ L ENGI NEERS RECOMMENDATI ON) OTHER UNKNOWN FACTORS. CI TY OF ARCADI A BENCH MARK LEGAL DESCRI PIN ON: B.M. NO. 126 ""...Tree, Diameter/ Dripline �p LAND SG �5 4H'0'IIt 4G BE[ NGA SUBDIVI SI ON OF LOT4 OFTRACr DESCRIPTION: ............. Sump Pump p ❑® ............. Catch Basin U1 LS 8766 Ex,, 12131116 CA FORM A, AS MR MAP RECORDED IN BOOK42,MGE32OFMAFS, ANDAPOKION .... Area Drain CP CA- FAI RVI EW HOLDI NO. LLC ...... Point of Connection MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 1 PADS 97 AND CI TY OF ARCADI A BENCH MARK LEGAL DESCRI PIN ON: B.M. NO. 126 ELEVATION 485.13 BE[ NGA SUBDIVI SI ON OF LOT4 OFTRACr DESCRIPTION: NO 3430, INTHECTYOFARCADIA, BALDWIN AVE. & FAIRVIEW AVE., O0UNTYOF LOS ANGLES, STATE OF SOUTHWEST CURB RETURN, 5' NORTH. CA FORM A, AS MR MAP RECORDED IN BOOK42,MGE32OFMAFS, ANDAPOKION APPLICANT: TEL: (951) 907-8888 OFSANTAANITA RANDIOASSHOWNON FAI RVI EW HOLDI NO. LLC MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 1 PADS 97 AND 1005 E LAS TUNAS DR # 125 90 OF PATENTS, BOTH I N THE OFFI G OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAI D COUNTY. SAN GABRI EL, CA 91776 SUBDI VI SI ON LAND SURVEY G VI L ENGI NEERI NG & DESI GN 135 N. SAN GABRI EL BLVD. TRI TECH SAN GABRI EL, CA 91775 ENGINEERING TEL: (626) 570-1918 FAX: (626) 737-8786 ASSOCI ATES EMAIL: nfog,itechassa Wes- CITY OF ARCADIA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 73921 621 FAI RVI EW AVE. APPROVED 2016 O TY ENGI N EER R.C.E. DESI GN ED BY DWGNO. SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEETS 1503 ORN BY: SMITH 07 -2! GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN FOR VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 73921 1. ALL WORK SHOWN HEREON SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY OF ARCADIA STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS, AND APPENDIX J OF THE 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE 2. PRIOR TO THE START OF GRADING ALL EXISTING VEGETATION AND DEBRIS, INCLUDING EXISTING STRUCTURES, FOOTING, FOUNDATIONS, RUBBLE, TREES, AND ROOT SYSTEMS SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE TO SATISFACTION OF THE SOILS ENGINEER. 3. REMOVAL OF DEBRIS AND EXISTING FILL AND DISTRUBED NATURAL SOILS SHALL BE EXCAVATED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE SOILS ENGINEER. 4. THE SOILS ENGINEER SHALL THEN INSPECT THE EXPOSED SOILS, AND ANY ADDITIONAL OVER EXCAVATION SHALL THEN BE MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SOILS ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDATION AND AS CONTAINED IN THEV SOILS REPORT. 5. THE EXPOSED SOILS SHALL THEN BE SCARIFIED TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 6 INCHES, BROUGHT TO PROPER MOISTURE CONTENT AND COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 90% OF THE MAXIMUM DENSITY, AS DETERMINED BY APPENDIX J OF THE 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE OR EQUIVALENT COMPACTION SHALL BE OBTAINED BY METHODS SPECIFIED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER 6. IF ANY UNFORESEEN SUBSURFACE STRUCTURES ARE ENCOUNTERED DURING CONSTRUCTION THEY SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE SOILS ENGINEER AND BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE PROCEEDING FURTHER. 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE PROTECTIVE MEASURES SO AS NOT TO CAUSE ANY MUD, SILT OR DEBRIS TO THE DEPOSITED ONTO PUBLIC OR ADJACENT PROPERTY AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION. ANY MUD OR DEBRIS ON ON PUBLIC PROPERTY SHALL BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY; DUST SHALL BE CONTROLLED BY WATERING OR OTHER APPROVED METHOD THROUGHOUT THE GRADING AND BUILDING CONSTRUCTION OPERATION. 8. PRIOR TO THE START OF ANY BUILDING CONSTRUCTION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH THE CITY WITH CERTIFICATIONS FROM THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND SOILS ENGINEER THAT BUILDING PAD SUB GRADES ARE WITHIN 0.10 FOOT OF THE APPROVED PLANS AND THAT THE PROPER COMPACTION HAS BEEN OBTAINED. 9, NO GRADING SHALL COMMENCE WITHOUT OBTAINING A GRADING PERMIT AND NOTIFYING THE BUILDING INSPECTOR 24 HOURS PRRIOR TO START OF WORK, 10. RESPONSIBILITY FOR GRADING AND INSPECTION SHALL BE ASSUMED BY THE ENGINEERS OF RECORD IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPENDIX J OF THE 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE 11. THE SOILS ENGINEER SHALL ALSO BE RESPONSIBLE TO VERIFY AND REPORT THAT PROPER COMPACTION HAS BEEN OBTAINED BY SUBCONTRACTOR AND AGENCIES CONCERNING UTILITY LINE BACKFILL INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO SEWERS, WATER LINES, ELECTRICAL, GAS & LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION LINES. 12. CERTIFICATES OF FINAL LOT GRADING ARE TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE BUILDING AND SAFETY DIVISION PRIOR THE FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION. 13. AN "S_ BUILT GRADING PLAN AND CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH SAID GRADING PLAN IS TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE BUILDING AND SAFETY DIVISION PRIOR TO RELEASE OF GRADING BOND AND PRIOR TO FINAL GRADING INSPECTION. 14, ALL SLOPES EXCEDING 5' IN VERTICAL HEIGHT AND EXCEEDING 5:1 SLOPE ARE TO BE PLANTED WITH APPROVED PLANT MATERIAL AND PROVIDED WITH APPROVED WATERING SYSTEM. 15. NO ADJUSTMENT OF ELEVATION SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE BUILDING OFFICIAL AND THE CIVIL ENGINEER OF RECORD. 16, ALL P.C.C. WATER CARRYING DEVICES WITH MINIMUM SLOPES LESS THAN 0.5% WILL BE WATER TESTED PRIOR TO THE FINAL FINISH. ANY RESIDUAL BONDING IN EVIDENCE AT TIME OF INSPECTION SHALL BE CAUSE FOR REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT. 17. ALL WALLS OVER 3 FEET IN FINISH HEIGHT REQUIRE SEPARATE PERMITS AND INSPECTION. 18. ALL WORK WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY REQUIRES PERMITS AND INSPECTION ISSUED BY THE ENGINEERING DIVISION. 19, GRADING CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE SOILS ENGINEER NOT LESS THAN 72 HR. IN ADVANCE OF THE LOCATION OF ANY SOILS PROPOSED FOR IMPORT, EACH PROPOSED IMPORT SOURCE SHALL BE SAMPLED, TESTED, AND APPROVED PRIOR TO DELIVERY OF SOILS FOR USE ON THE SITE. 20. WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT WE HAVE REVIEWED THIS PLAN AND THAT IT CONFORMS TO SOILS REPORT N0.- 15 _122F- - - _DATED_ APRIL 15_ 2015 _ PREPARED BY:- _T.K_ENGINEERING_CORP -__, 21. THE UNDERSIGNED CIVIL ENGINEER WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROFESSIONAL NSPECTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPENDIX J OF THE 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE ___GUAN WANG___ STATE TIC. NO. CE--2=2 --------- 22. THE DIFFERENCE IN GRADE ON EACH SIDE OF A STANDARD BLOCK WALL SHALL NOT BE MORE THAN 12- INCHES PER BUILDING DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS. ENGINEER'S NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR: THE EXISTENCE AND LOCATION OF ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITIES OR STRUCTURES SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE OBTAINED BY A SEARCH OF AVAILABLE RECORDS, TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE THERE ARE NO EXISTING UTILITIES EXCEPT THOSE SHOWN ON THESE PLANS, THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO TAKE DUE PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES TO PROTECT THE UTILITY LINES SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS. THE CONTRACTOR FURTHER ASSUMES ALL LIABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE UTILITY PIPES_ CONDUITS OR STRUCTURES SHOWN OR NOT SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS. THE CONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY , THAT THIS SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS, AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMINIFY, AND HOLD THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL CONDITIONS AND DIMENSIONS AND SHALL REPORT ALL DISCREPANCIES TO THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. NOTE: PRIOR TO FINAL APPROVAL THE OWNER OR CONTRACTOR SHALL PAY FOR REPAINTING OF ADDRESS NUMBERS ON CURB FACE. PAYMENT SHALL BE MADE TO THE CITY OF ARCADIA AND RECEIVED AT THE ENGINEERING COUNTER WHERE A RECEIPT OF PAYMENT SHALL BE OBTAINED. THE ENGINEERING DIVISION WILL THEN REQUEST PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES TO PAINT THE CURB FACE PER CITY STANDARDS. ADDITIONAL GRADING NOTES: 1. All grading shall conform to Article VIII, Chapter I, Port 1, Section 8110 of the City of Arcadia Municipal Code. 2. Cut and Fill a. Maximum cut slope to be 2:1. b. Maximum fill slope to be 2:1. 3. Indicate location of maximum cut and Fill. 4. All Cut and Fill slope to be compacted to not less than ninety(90 %) of maximum density. 5. No grading shall commence until grading permit has been issued by the Chief of Building Official. 6. Estimated period for completion of grading: Greek n will begin: 10/01/2016 To be completed by: 10/01/2017 7. Obtain permit from City of Arcadia City engineer for all work 8. Remove and replace deficient or damaged curb and gutter sidewalk and / or pavement to the satisfaction of the City inspector. 9. Contact Public Works Inspector at (626)256 -6685, at least 24 hours prior to construction of off -site Improvements, All off -site improvements shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Public Works Services Director prior to final inspection by Building and Safety Division and piror to acceptance. 10. Contractor shall comply with all requirements of Federal, State, and local laws and regulations pertaining to the Clean Air and Clean Water Act. 11. Soils engineer will inspect the excavation at the bottom of over - excavation to determine that the sails is adequate prior to recompaction. 12. Provide minimum 6- inches cover over top of wall footings. 13. The difference in grade on each side of a standard block wall shall not be more than 12- inches per Building Department requirements. LOW IMPACT DEVELOPMENT BMPs: L1 DRY WELL L2 FILTER INSERT CATCH BASIN THE DIFFERENCE IN GRADE ON EACH SIDE OF A STANDARD BLOCK WALL SHALL NOT BE MORE THAN 12- INCHES PER BUILDING DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS. EXISTING SEWER LATERAL LOCATION TO BE FIELD VERIFIED EARTHWORK QUANTITIES *: CUT: 6,184 C.Y. FILL 199 C.Y. TOTAL 6,383 C.Y. B(PUORP 5,985 C.Y. IMPORT: 0 C.Y. * CUT & FILL AMOUNT IS ESTIMATED ONLY. ACTUALLY AMOUNT MAY VARY DUE TO OTHER UNKNOWN FACTORS. (SITE CONDITION, SOIL ENGINEERS RECOMMENDATION) OTHER UNKNOWN FACTORS. CONTROL BOX INEMA 3 INCLUDES CIRCUIT TOTAL AREA BREAKER FOR EACH RUMP MAGNETIC IMPERVIOUS AREA STARIBR WnH 3 -IE3 PROTECTION FOR RUMP HANUOF AUTO SNATCHES 0 = 107 GPM = 0.238 CFS rEACH AND RUN UGHTS FOR EACH PUMP 22,462 SF 24)24- SOLID COVER 75.75 GRAVITYUNE PER ALHAMBRA FOUNDRY I` .LID. NO. X2012 ' 6"0 P,V,C. 'OPIION4L S 467 66T RM AIAAN BOX WITH BBL TOP OF CRATE FINISH SURFACE - 2 "VgYT 3 "0 P.V.C. PR CO ER PIPE 30 Ex. Flow DISCHARGE= 104.55 CFA %.VAC. Z�T 466.65 (ALARM ON) 465.10 INV IF Chain Link Fence EP ............. 464.90 (PUMP ON) 463.15 T UMP TURN OFF) IX .... - ...... 462.651NV RBNFORCE CONCRETE SUMP SQUARE 3 6 "CONC. k4 REB @ 12 "0.O EW. SC-C110N FG ............. TOTAL DISCHARGE= 104.55 GPM - ............ LENGTH OF THE PIPE FROM ItE PUMP TO REGRAVfIY UNE= 25.95' THE BOTTOM OF THE SUMP B e(ATION 462.65 THE GRAVITY LINE EEVAlION 475.75 Row Line Bevation THE STATIC HEAD = 475.75462.65 = 13.10' USE'BARNFS RUMPS, INC." 6" NON�CLOG PUMPS MODE_ NO. 3SE774L GB ............. OR EQUAL 3"O P. V. C. PPE PUMP DATA P1 0.75 HP 3'0 3, P.V.C. 200 -240 VOLT 1 PH PE 1,750 RIM SPARE RUM P2 H= 1701'@Q- 107 GPM 6" CONTACT JACK WANG OF NuLll W SYSTBAS, INC.° 3 TB_ (626 ) 401-2627 ...•..... FAX (626)442 -0839 RAN Sidewalk CATCH BASIN &SUMP PUMP DETAIL Z G NOT TO SGAIE To Be Removed 'FUMP SHALL BE IMTHAUTOMATIC ALTEdNAMNGDEVICE PROJECT LOCATION VICINITY MAP TG 567 -A-6 NOT TO SCALE N ABBREVIATIONS: LEGEND CB........... TOTAL AREA PERVIOUS AREA IMPERVIOUS AREA PERVIOUS % IMPERVIOUS % EXISTING 22,462 SF 8,086 SF 14,376 SF 36 % 64 % PROPOSED 22,462 SF 3,140 SF 19,322 SF 14 % 86 % PROJECT LOCATION VICINITY MAP TG 567 -A-6 NOT TO SCALE N ABBREVIATIONS: LEGEND CB........... Catch Basin (100.10)..... Emsting Bevation CBW .......... Conc. Block Wall (99) ...... Ex Ground Contour Line C813 .......... Curb and Gutter .... ...... Prop. Flow Line CLF ........... Chain Linked Fence ...... Prop. Sheet Flow CONC...... Concrete Ex. Flow D/A ........... Driveway Appron Chain Link Fence EP ............. Edison Pole IX .... - ...... EAstinlg - -- {.... Ex Structure FF ............. Finish Floor Elevation .......•..... Fire Hydrant FG ............. Finish Grade Bevation - ............ Street Light FL ............. Row Line Bevation FS ............. Finish Surface Bevation GB ............. Grade Break Bevation ....... Tree, DiarTeter/Driplirie HP ............. High Point Bevation INV............ Invert Elevation ........ Ex Tree, Diameter T.B.R LS ............. Land Scaping PR ............ SMH .......... Rpe Row Line Sewer Manhole ...•..... Landscape Area SNV .......... Sidewalk „Pavement per Arch Ran TBR........... To Be Removed (Impervious) TIC ............. Top of Curb Bevation Remove and Reconstruct TF .............. Top of Footing Elevation TG ............. Top of Grate Bevation TW ............. Top of Wall Bevation ❑® . ° ° ° °. .. Sump �� M ............. Wooden Fence ❑® Catch Basin WM ........... Water Meter Hr ............ Retaining Heigh o ...... Area Drain Hv ............ Wall View Height ro(P ...... Point of Connection - - - - -- ...... 15" PVC PIPE ® ...... Dry Well D5o ...... Downspout ...... 3' Max Ranter Wall I_1:�ItcfiRIIrDYII�ifl SCALE: 1 " =20' 150311 07/25/2016 CONSTRUCTION NOTES: O1 CONSTRUCTDPoVEWAY APPROACH PER CITY STD. 801-1 O2 EXISTING WALLS/FENCES TO REMAIN AND PROTECT IN RACE O3 CONST 3' MAX RANTER WALL ® CONST. 3'CONCRETE BLOCK WALL O CONST. 6' CONCRETE BLOCK WALL © CONST 4" AREA DRAIN PER NDS ROUND GRATE SEE SHEET G-3 FOR DETAILS O CONSTRUCT 4" PEG CONCRETE WALKWAY PER ARCHITECTURAL PLAN 8 CONST TRENCH DRAN WIDTH GRATE W- 8" FOR TRAFFIC PER ALHAMBRA FOUNDRY COMPANY MODEL A -2446 OR EQUAL SEE SHEET G-3 FOR DETAILS O9 CONST 1 " WATER METER AND 1 "CIP WATER LATERAL 10 CONST.8'VCP SEWER IATE7AL. 11 EXISTING TREE TO BE REMOVE) 12 EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN AND PROTECTED IN RACE 13 INSTALL "FLO- GATRD" TRENCH DRAIN FILTER INSERT MODEL FG -TDOF6 OR EQUAL SEE DETAILS ON SHEET G-3 14 ALL ROOF DRAIN OUTLETS SHOULD BE CONNECTED TO THE PROPOSED ONSITE DRAINAGE SYSTEv1 15 CONST.SUBDRAIN PER SOIL REPORT 16 CONST. PARKWAY DRAIN PER SPFWC. STD PLAN NO. 151 -1, INLET TYPE 1, S= 18" PER SE'ERATE PERMIT 17 REMOVE FISTING DRIVEWAY APPROACH, EXISTING CURS8GUTTER, AND EXISTING SIDEWAUC AND RECONST. WITH FULL HEIGHT CURB, GUTTER &SNV. PER CITY STANDARD TO MATCH EXISTING. PER SEFE RATE PERMIT 18 CONST 12 "X 12" CATCH BASIN PER BROOKS PRODUCTS INC. DWI: NO. 1212CB (USE TRAFFC GRATE IN DRIVEWAYAND PARKING AREA) OR EQUAL SEE SHEET G-3 FOR DETAILS 19 INSTALL STORM DRAIN STENCIL SE SHEET G-2 FOR DETAILS INSTALL GRATE INLET SKIMMER BOX PER SUN TREE TECHNOLOGIES MODEL GISB- 12 -12 -12 SEE SHEET G3 FOR DETAILS 21 CONST 6" PVC PIPE, SCHED-40. OR EQUAL 22 CONST 16" PVC PIPE, SCHED-40. OR EQUAL 23 CONST 3" PVC PIPE, SCHED-40. OR EQUAL 24 CONST TWO 1800- GALLON CISTEdN TANK PER SNYDER INDUSTRIES, INC MODEL ASM TK 1800 -D2, ENG ID D004390, SEE SHAT G-3 FOR DETAILS CONST DRY WELL DIAMETER 24 ", DEPTH= 15', TOTAL LOCATIONS PER PLAN SEE SHEET G-3 FOR DETAILS 26 CONST CATCH BASIN & SUMP PIMP SE SHEET G-1 FOR DETAILS iNI I � III III I I III u I 1 nl I pl , I Ih I pl III pl I I lu ul Iq pl 1 �g III I pl I to III I III I g II B I III � z II III I IIID IIIX �H IIIII\ 476.75TG181 0 N l m m 30.00 I 475.80TG 6 477 85TG 6 i III 1 <nn 20 00 1p. - - - -- - gg@ 471 III NfX : 4 .88FG 473.151NV IIID �m 9 11 rp 9 obi' I II 4]3151M 76.7 TO (4 00-00- 1 � 1819 0 4]3301NV 47 90I IIIH > n j 00 L - 177111 I Ill. z 1 rlm � p III IlIIC H m _ z`" I lI - ml � ? " �a FROM s aU7NIT .s 1 s FF 75142TG XO 471,13"11 �. i� -- 'EJ III W 6 I z 1` I IC z III � s III - BUILDING A 76 N Illy 41 OTC l a7,.z`z �'z, a A� ]51W UNIT IIIm a7s. '7� U an fie F 4] . 6R 47 66F 7I E� pl 474.22FS HI 2.44' ., v---- " - -' UNIT p1�12'&Im IN 4]5. 9FS D- 673]FS ' 7.50 477.66FF 7 n qIm ��4% 10 2p %2 I ^ ]66FF 477 66FF T17.5.FS III 1 1 10 454 S @i5 477.506 II 65.40 1 736 s I. m474.7 FsS 1, 437ssFS "iI"il 1NJ ° I _ - - - -- -- - -- - ---- - - °"-- 2 i 1819 0 I OO IRe'vcP Se}ri3i �.s3TC II N 471i'111 W 2 181820 y - 4]4.901M/ 224 . 473.868 III 473.90INV I 4]4.81 TG i819 0 I 16 "RPE I III I474,101W IIID I 471.351NV III I, °SOW ICI 466.IMM7 ..LATERAL POC SCALE.' 1" --20' 1 l5 1 477 sOFS I 1 477 66FF I UNIT 6 477 .66FF L BUILDING B I UNIT ITS 477 fi6FF F 477 66FF 477.5.FS 477 477. - TR 52,515 73.7 I r 41111 UNIT 8 '7 1 477.66 FF 6FF [ all II ]].fi6 m r SOPFF S B. 1243-1 2 .N 9 p �2473531W ,LJ 4]]00 T . - I a]] Op F: I t ',477 5i FsLL - - UNITS UNIT 10 477.66FF 477,66FF BUILDING C 477 66FF 477 ,66FF 477 5.F3 I -417 5OFS . l 477.25R n� 1 TR 47071 N " R 1168 -47 -48 GROUND FLOOR 6'PVC w1 16'PVC ¢I 0 2s 476.7516 1819 0 476.757@ 18 9 0 73. BIW 484.41NJ 2 473. 11NV 478.41 8 O N EMSTING 7700FS L I� 4L? -25FS I) Ud4 47675TG 1819 0 477 fi6FF 477 SUPS 1 5 UNIT 11 477 66FF �RmP.6'CBW 477 66FF UNIT 12 a77.66FF I�J NOT TO SCALE 477.50FS 77.66 FF 4777750 S 477.5a S 472. 861W S 1I 476.757@ 8.15 47_.7 'I - _25FL - -_ I�4�77.44FG 483.44TN 477, 00TG 181 9 0 -- 2 - e 47 5 44 401476 EXISTING 1q 901NV ONf�LTT016 "RPE nFG.IOIN 4]6,51) 6'RFE BHJD 45° INVERT ELEVATION PBR SLAN \ 18 "RPE / iii N II <li N Iil I sw nnGN o 1 TR 5- 2 515 - - -- M.B. 1-2-43 --- 14 --- 15 IcHsowoos R - - - - -- - - - a - y• AM��UMMMpj A- I A) � � Z I ilIiIIIIIIIiII D I I� m N nZ m lI➢- m � Ilw ' m ? z I IuIIIIi , ��� IpI • ml ,7.x6 ( v � \ "., ' �y d6 6-s7z.6- s5 FsS N V 111 � _ '_I __ - - - -- � . F-77 U467 .SFS 46 _ 4s]467S5FS 40 ? C fi7 c TRAS H � I- 5 I I 1 - 467.111S 467.25 1819 0 467.508 - 487.257@ 1819 0 467 508 q 1819 046].508 1 7819 p 5 ' 467 2576 1819 �J N 1 m �P� _ __ -/ - _- s� --aj- - � �`,1 II l y 1 III 1 8 III< 2000' 111000'I 1`�467.37TG 13 467.5016 839 11 FS 467.25 467.5 HP III 1 I �' NS 2 _ 66.37 CL -8.16' 467.40FS 4 °I PAD 466.75 467.40 FS el 467.65 S • `' Illm 4]4.22F5 I 474.69F5. 1 1 CL =8.29' 19 468.501NV A III I I - • 475.0 FS -- - - v I - 467.40FS 467.65F5 �. IIIm O 19 �oRa�IIII R I I a'vcPSe�.�1 I a R - l a:,u� - - 1 INIII 4 . 4% 10410% 4/ . 5 s 20% 10% STOW DRAIN STENCIL DETAIL @1 o' @ F5 _ m 25 4- 6 ].- 6 5 S 46f76i5 FgS Nor osaE 468.87F ssF 3 65o---L � 0. - -- - 4- 6].- 65- FS -c - -= - - - � f- -- -' - 4- 6 7- .7 0- FS - .40 INN so r - - - - --I- - - - - - a a fi 46 E LATER, 12 WCON roc I 0 I iii I 1 TR 4707 •f M.B. 1168 -47 -48 IM- RAMP PROFILE BASEMENT NOT TO SCALE 10.00' 10.00' 23.Sp' 15..0' 4% 1 20:0 ,0% 14.00' I 1% 474.94FS i 47 473 54F I 468.84 F5 467.46 FS 467 3776 -_ N AT CENTER-1 NE OF DR VEWAY f2 476.757@ ,i o.oa. ILA 0.00 468.87FS NOT TO SCALE APN: 5778 - 002 -011 CITY OF A R C A D I A ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT fa7a.5a1 476.38 2% PF 477.66 1 1147,.mw CITY OF ARCADIA BENCH MARK LEGAL DESCWPTION: OWNERS /APPLICANT: - suenwlsloN GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN I5RIPE toc "rs,OE LAND SURVEY 2.5, 473. INV 1.67 B.M. NO. 126 BEI NG A SURVEY OF A PORTI ON OF LOT 4 OF TRACT NO. 3430, I N THE O TY OF ARCADI A, FAI RVI EW HOLDI NG, LLC CIVIL ENGINEERING 621 FAIRVIEW AVE. I� ELEVATI ON 485.13 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALL FORNI A, OF 1005 E LAS TUNAS DR # 125 __ & DESIGN ARCADIA CA 91006 SECTION ✓ MA�RAND FOR ON OF SANTAANIA32 SANGABREL,CA91776 35 N. SAN G46PoELBLVD. NOT TO SCALE DESCRI PFI ON: BALDWI N AVE. & FAI RVI EW AVE., RAN f.7 -10 AS SHOWN ON MAPRECORDED I N BOOK 1 TEL: (951) 907 -8888 TRITECH SAN GABI6 EL. CA 91775 SOUTHWEST CURB RETURN, 5' PAGES 97 AND 98 OF PATENTS, BOTH I N THE OFF] CE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID ENGINEERING TEL: 626 570 -1918 FAX: 626 737 -8786 ( I ( ) DESIGNED BY DWG N0. NORTH. COUNTY. ASSOCIATES EMAI L infoLo`ifiteh�sociates- SHEET 2 OF 3 SHEETS G - 2 DRN BY SMITH SCALE: 1 " =20' 150311 07/25/2016 NO. 12X12 LOWERSBanON O@OTPIOCRODT 12 2 BOTTOM 4 7B" 14 7 8" NONE TRAFFIC GRATE 2 112" 15' 15" TRAFFIC GRATE � ,T'JHTJ IBS. I AVAILABLE 12 "X12" CATCH BASIN 1 8 DATE -NING WMREt 7 -8 sa - NO. 1212CB BROOKS PRODUCTS INC, Part // GISB- 12- 12- 12 12 TOP VIEW FLOW SCHEMATIC d BOOM IMER OAT ULENCE .ECTOR SIDE VIEW NDS Road PDlyolefin Qae with U.V. Description NDS R1vd Pblyolefin Qate with U.V. Inhibitors or �provetl equal Square Inhibitors or approvetl egtgy Slope to Dran Slope to Drain Slope to Isla Slope In Basin Connected SOLI .1-111 -III =1= 111 - III -1 h -- 'III I - 111 -I AMa -I -1 III III D°rr0ea Soil III III -III - 7" =1111 I= I- NOS 4^ Iran VIII -. ll�il� -� Rser PA. I I 11 WI -T � -III -III- NOS 4 " Drain "- Poser RPe -111: 711- or Approved Egiel -I I'1I I. -1 or Approved Equal V NDS 1 k Be. Serer and an 31.- Va-ie ImS Oran T or Approved 511rJ Drainage pipe FG -TDOF3 or Approved Equa Dfanga pipe DRY WE11- DETAIL 2 5 x7.ILq ad151E yTm'eE,xe protected C: npacl.d and Gushed Store _ 28.0 ©4" NDS ROUND GRATE NOT TO SCALE By Poss ,, �raeear.exm..,oL.�r .,i. c..n N:a.arae�MA..riym Flow Specifications Description Percent Total Square Flow of filter CID Square Inches Inches of Total Rate (Cubic opening °"`" per Unit Unobstructed Feet per TYPE 1 ' Openings Second Sk;mmer FG -TDOF3 10 R H IN all DRY WE11- DETAIL 2 5 x7.ILq ad151E yTm'eE,xe protected 1007 28.0 28.0 1.0 of5 By Poss ,, �raeear.exm..,oL.�r .,i. c..n N:a.arae�MA..riym A•2446 OR A•2448 ppgpm.•p1p gPV,, ,. ,. .lb. "WVp�NM�L ran NARROW$LOU SEE A•2405 PAGE C -29 Coarse Screen PIPE 610 6.5 04 3/a x 1 3/a stainless sree/ 629, 28.0 77.3 .8 ofs flattened expanded 0.7 AGLES RNC RJaaSNEO. IEISW. SNP ANO 'I 0.3 NOM, III SWAAW rA ?J' iNSN 0p T 1 'E' CExTI +S ON Medium Screen LrlpF 'P OELIta4 PCc h4 gY1.;L,L 6.5 1- wlvea Diemo -e r�..d a- �.�'.am Ian. I,b .. o-..".. %ue, 0.5 70,70 mesh 569 28.0 15.8' .7 ofs stainless sree/ O APBA COIN GM Ma -4204 FAX AnMI Fin 14 x 18r mesh 68% 76.0 10.8 .6 cf5 stainless steel THROAT FLOW RATE TREATED FLOW RATE Total: 0.5cIe Total:2.1 cfs FLOW RATES BASED ON UNOBSTRUCTED OPENINGS GRATE SKIMMER PROTECTED BYPASS COARSE SCREEN FINE SCREEN ca CONCRETE STRUCTURE BOX MANUFACTURED FROM REMOVE GRATE MARINE GRADE FIBERGLASS & GEL INSERT GISB COATED FOR UV PROTECTION REINSTALL GRATE 5 YEAR MANUFACTURERS WARRANTY PATENTED R,E) ,VE CALIEOR ME OISTR,BUTOR: BIO CLEAN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE P.O. BOX B69, OCEANSIDE, Ca. 92049 TEL. 760- 433 -7640 FAX: 760- 433 -3176 ALL FILTER SCREENS ARE STAINLESS STEEL Enron: o ®elo 1eo er ;.o a tot. e< FA�2 ARLAKE R3 SUITE #2SUN7REE DBALI/Y PRODUCTS ARE BVILI FOR EASY CLEANING AND ARE OCOA FL 32922 DESIGNED TO BE PERMANENTWRASTRUCIURE AND SHOULD 7 -7552 F- 327 -637 -7554 LAST FOR DECADES INLET SKIMMER BOX SB- 72 -72 -12 NOTE DETAIL DRAWINGS ARE 2 TO i 1 2/04 SCALE: ST= N.R.B UNITS = INCHES LOW 474.1011 PIPE OA PARKWY DRAM MANHOLE � N INIMUM 471.00INV 16PC PIPE 71.371W 471.00 MIC 6" PVC PERFORATED PIPE l�'L Hari 75' ASTM W2- 3/4" DIA CRUSHED THEN WASHED ROCK 6" PVC PERFORATED PIPE UNDISTURBED SOIL Rl ,4tlt kFiL uA011 lila4T. arrpl. Wf! TIONX FINN WIL RrONKOi TItEl TYPE AMOUNT OF DRY VVBJ- 2 ' DIAMETER OF DRY WBL: 24" 1 456.00 DEPTH OF DRYWflL: 15' FG -TDOF3 10 R H IN all DRY WE11- DETAIL 2 5 x7.ILq ad151E yTm'eE,xe NOT TO SCALE CONSTRUCTION NOTES; Q CONSTRUCT DPJVEWAY APPROACH PER CITY STD .601 -I O2 EXISTING WAL "aTENCE5 TO REMAIN AND PROTECT IN PLACE O3 CON5T. 3' MAX PLANTER WALL ® CON5T3 CONCRETE BLOCK WALL O5 CONST. G' CONCRETE BLOCK WALL © CORSE 4' AREA DRAIN PER NOS ROUND GRATE SEE 5HEET G-3 FOR DETAILS 8 CONSTRUCT 4' PCC CONCRETE WALKWAY PER ARCHITECTURAL PUN 8 CON5T. TRENCH DRAIN WIDTH GRATE W -8' POP, TRAFFIC PER ALMAMBRA FOUNDRY COMPANY MODEL A -2446 OR EQUAL SEE SHEET G -3 FOR DETAILS O CON51. I- WATER METER AND I'C1P WATER LATERAL 10 CON5T.8'VCP SEWER LITERAL U15MNG TREE TO BE REMOVED 12 EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN AND PROTECTED IN PLACE 13 INSTALL TUOGARD' TRENCH DRAIN FILTER INSERT MODEL rr-TDOPG OR EQUAL SEE DEfA1L5 ON SHEET G3 14 ALL ROOF DRAIN OUTLETS SHOULD BE CONNECTED TO THE PROPOSED ON5EE DRAINAGE SYSTEM IS CON5T.5UBORAIN PER SOIL REPORT 16 CON5T. PARKWAY DRAIN PER 5PPWC. 51"D PLAN NO. 151 -1. INLET TYPE 1. 5 -10' PER 5EPERATE PERMIT 17 REMOVE EXISTING DRIVEWAY APPROACH, EXISTING CURB4GUTTER. AND EXISTING 51DEWALK AND RECON5T. WITH FULL HEIGHT CURB. GUTTER 4 5W. PER CITY STANDARD TO MATCH EXISTING. PER SEPERATE PERMIT 18 CONSE 12' X IT CATCH BASIN PER BROOKS PRODUCTS INC. DWG. NO. 1212CB (USE TRAFFIC GRATE IN DRIVEWAY AND PARKING AREA) OR EQUAL SEE SHEET G3 FOR DETAILS 19. IN5TALL STORM DRAIN STENCIL See SHEET C-2 FOR DETAILS �0 INSTALL GRATE INLET SKIMMER BOX PER 5UNTREE TECHNOLOGIES MODEL G150- 12-12-12 SEE SHEET C3 FOR DETAILS 21 C0145T. G' PVC PIPE, 5CHED40. OR EQUAL 2® CON51. I G' PVC PIPE, 5CHm40. OR EQUAL 2® CONEI 3' PVC PIPE, 5CHED40. OR EQUAL 2® CON5T. TWO 18004ALLON C15TEM TANK PER SNYDER INDUSTRIES. INC MODEL A5M TK 1800 -D2. ENG ID 0004390. SEE SHEET G-3 FOR DETAILS 2® CONSE DRY WELL DIAMETER 24'. DEPTH - 15'. TOTAL 2 LOCATIONS PER PLAN SEE SMEET G -3 FOR DETAILS 2® GON5T. CATCH BASIN 4 SUMP PUMP SEE SHEET G -I FOR DETAILS C -28 "II U. ALHAMBRA FOUNDRY COMPANY. LTD. - evww.alMamCrafountlry.com N INIMUM TO EE STEEL ITIGUGA FILTERED LOA GRATE OG $111 COGEA MIC ELIRII4iEE IMAM FOR UIGLRTF l�'L Hari IaOrON fE a ■ 11 R LEPIOM STORAGE 110•.TINIIC SYPA55 CAPACITY Rl ,4tlt kFiL uA011 lila4T. arrpl. Wf! TIONX FINN WIL RrONKOi TItEl TYPE (0 @9 ' 4 e IOrIWIi •W= 1 CUBIC FEET IBEC FEE FG -TDOF3 10 R H IN all 41 x7.ILq ad151E yTm'eE,xe A•2 A-2442 WWE irTT!tfXH ETfiI. TRrytq Y r u+a r r.+n ra•' �I..v�.r a+e r s01+'>! b' 4�r a =>y rtes. ui.n.rw,n>9.r u� NARROW SLOTS TS SEE SEE A 7401 01 PARE C 29 r�r'a,IK aPNLx'4 "abR n.�a tplPPfb�mel -R Paxan ., e�nr nsPwwt++am lw.nlww� 7 T r �� I � III II III III I III�IIII III II i11 III 1 +. I "� 1 � ■III ■III ■III ■III ■III ! I III ■III ■.III ■III 1 24 NOTES: 1. Filter outlet adapter shall be constructed from stainless steel Type 304. 2. Flte- lement s constructed from polypropylene woven monofilamant geoteMlesurroundnga perforated filter housing Filter element shall not allow the retention of water between stone events 3. Filler in.em. are supplied With "cilpin" filter pouches utiIII fossil rock'" filter mad um for the collect m and retention of petroleum hydmcarbons (o Is &g ..... T 4. FloGard® LoPno' filter inserts and fossil rock T. filler medium pouches must be maintained in accordance with manufacturer recommendations. 5. Outlet adapter can accommodate outlet openings at right angles and /or bottom o Wet openings. 6. For alternate butleiadapter configurations used for extremely shallow trench wand® LoPrOTM TRENCH DRAIN FILTER INSERT 13 KriStar Enterprises, Inc. JOUTLET GALLERY. :p OUTLET ADAPTER & BYPASS WEIR. DETAILA SECTION VIEW SCALE ix BYPASS FLOW OUTLET FILTER ELEMENT ",:,. FILTERED FLOW WITH GEOTEXTILE SLEEVE. FILTER ELEMENT BYPASS PVC TEE. WITH GEOTEXTILE SLEEVE. DETAIL BYPASS FLO SECTION VIEW z FILTERED FLO ALTERNATE ADAPTER GURATION SCALER X SPECIFIER CHART HIT TUM .101 IKFTII N INIMUM SOLIDS FILTERED TOTAL MIC MTE l�'L Hari ROI. (aH STORAGE USE SYPA55 CAPACITY TYPE ct&w °Pal+ a d a 24 1 CUBIC FEET IBEC FEE FG -TDOF3 PIPE' 41 0, rtr. 1 . we co+ia w.,x �u r'rnbtm FG -TDOF4 PIPE' 4 a ,, �raeear.exm..,oL.�r .,i. c..n N:a.arae�MA..riym A•2446 OR A•2448 ppgpm.•p1p gPV,, ,. ,. .lb. "WVp�NM�L ran NARROW$LOU SEE A•2405 PAGE C -29 tiler. Lewges iarm.Faera Porar, l.rreurrewa PIPE 610 6.5 04 OS GRA:C.AA IROSEL [lti5 FG -TDOF6 R7d2! GREIL e"ItI AIDE FR651- "Ayl A „� 4 � S�MNAG4rYIPl, IC 1714 im 0.7 AGLES RNC RJaaSNEO. IEISW. SNP ANO 'I 0.3 NOM, III SWAAW rA ?J' iNSN 0p T 1 'E' CExTI +S ON PIPE LrlpF 'P OELIta4 PCc h4 gY1.;L,L 6.5 1- wlvea Diemo -e r�..d a- �.�'.am Ian. I,b .. o-..".. %ue, 0.5 r A° uni Herr - 120 Ay.r 0.9 O APBA COIN GM Ma -4204 FAX AnMI 7 T r �� I � III II III III I III�IIII III II i11 III 1 +. I "� 1 � ■III ■III ■III ■III ■III ! I III ■III ■.III ■III 1 24 NOTES: 1. Filter outlet adapter shall be constructed from stainless steel Type 304. 2. Flte- lement s constructed from polypropylene woven monofilamant geoteMlesurroundnga perforated filter housing Filter element shall not allow the retention of water between stone events 3. Filler in.em. are supplied With "cilpin" filter pouches utiIII fossil rock'" filter mad um for the collect m and retention of petroleum hydmcarbons (o Is &g ..... T 4. FloGard® LoPno' filter inserts and fossil rock T. filler medium pouches must be maintained in accordance with manufacturer recommendations. 5. Outlet adapter can accommodate outlet openings at right angles and /or bottom o Wet openings. 6. For alternate butleiadapter configurations used for extremely shallow trench wand® LoPrOTM TRENCH DRAIN FILTER INSERT 13 KriStar Enterprises, Inc. JOUTLET GALLERY. :p OUTLET ADAPTER & BYPASS WEIR. DETAILA SECTION VIEW SCALE ix BYPASS FLOW OUTLET FILTER ELEMENT ",:,. FILTERED FLOW WITH GEOTEXTILE SLEEVE. FILTER ELEMENT BYPASS PVC TEE. WITH GEOTEXTILE SLEEVE. DETAIL BYPASS FLO SECTION VIEW z FILTERED FLO ALTERNATE ADAPTER GURATION SCALER X SPECIFIER CHART TRENCH N INIMUM SOLIDS FILTERED TOTAL MODEL FILTER WIDTH Not TRENCH DEPTH STORAGE FLOW SYPA55 CAPACITY TYPE ct&w °Pal+ °r°xn,E" CAPACITY CUBIC FEET CUBIC FEET /SECOND CUBIC FEET IBEC FEE FG -TDOF3 PIPE' OS 0.1 FG -TDOF4 PIPE' 4 a ITS 0.1 FGTDOF8 PIPE 610 6.5 04 OS 02 FG -TDOF6 PIPE So 65 0.7 OS 0.3 FG- TDOF10 PIPE 100 6.5 0.9 0.5 IT FG- TDOF12 PIPE 120 6.5 0.9 1.0 O6 ALTERNATE ADAPTER CONFIGURATION. SEE DETAIL B. 4 Ind® LoProTM X* KriStar Enterprises, ��C� P.O.Bo. AI . ReRo®,CAMOR TRENCH DRAIN FILTER INSERT - I'0020 8, Fec Te7.522/21/0+EE °FF -W.02 C 0020 3 /] /0]dPP z /z1 /a] a [ V :keAt.3jf 11410 11101 SCALE: 1 " =20' 150311 07/25/2016 Attachment No. 5 Proposed Architectural Plans Attachment No. 5 Applicable Building Codes: Building regulations specified in Article VII, 2 Sections 8110 -870 of the Municipal Code 1,232 2 2013 California Building Code 2 2013 Califomia Mechanical Code 2.5 2013 California Plumbing Code 22,495 SF (0.516 Acres) 2013 California Electrical Code 3 2013 California Fire Code 1,9fi7 3 2013 California Residential Code 4 2013 Green Building Standards 3.5 2013 California Energy Code A -2.1 California Disable tl Access 3 Energy conservation regulations specified in Title 24 2,004 3 of the California Code of Regulations Occupancy: R -2 Residential / S -2 Parking Garage (Basement) Type of Construction: S -2: Type V -B, Fully Sprinklered (NFPA 13) Height Limit: R -2: Type V -B, Fully Sprinklered (NFPA 13) Fire Resistance Requirements: [Table 601] Allowable Stories: S -2: 2, R -2: 2 (Table 503 Type V -B = 2 -Story) Actual Stories: 5 -2: 1(below grade), R -2: 2(over S-2) Allowable Building Area: S -2 / Type V -B - 81,000 SF (max.) (All NFPA 13 Sprinklered) R -2 / Type V -B = 42,000 SF (max.) Actual Building Area: Basement: 17,345 SF ( <79,000 SF) 1,999 3 Habitable Area: 22,753 SF 10 Outdoor Covered Area: 266 SF 3.5 Subtotal: 23,019 SF (<42,000 SF) Garage Grand Total: 40,003 SF Sum of Ratios (S-2 + R-2) (17,345 SF /81,000 SF) +(23,019 SF/ 42,000 SF)= 2,048 3 0.76 < 1.00 Allowable Openings 5'-0" to 10' -0" (UP, S) = 25% 3.5 (Table 705.8 & 705.8.1, Exception 1.1) Actual Openings <25% Housing Accessibility Adaptable Units (Sec 1107A.1 -A) 22,753 34 12 Adaptable Units (At First Floor Only) FAIRVIEW CONDOMINIUMS 621 FAIRVIEW AVENUE ARCADIA, CA 91007 1. All work shall conform to the governing codes, documents and agencies having jurisdiction over the project. The governing code is the 2013 California Building Codes; CBC, CMC, CPC, CEC, as amended by the City Ordinance and the 2013 Title 24 Energy Standards. 2. Contractor shall obtain and pay for all necessary permits from all agencies having jurisdiction over the work, except only general building permit. 3. Verify all conditions and dimensions at the job site. Deviations from the Contract Documents shall be reported to the Architect before proceeding with the work. Commencement of work shall be construed as acceptance of all conditions, dimensions, and substrates. 4. All dimensions are face of stud or sheathing and centerline of columns unless noted otherwise. 5. Drawings are not to be scaled; use written dimensions only. Report dimensional discrepancies to the Architect before proceeding with the work. 6. Maintain a complete set of drawings and specifications on the job site at all times, including copies of all the Architect's supplemental instructions, construction change authorizations, reviewed shop drawings and project submittals. 7. Provide construction barriers to conform with the requirements of Local and County agencies. S. All finish grades shall slope away from the building at 2% minimum. 9. Building address numbers to be provided on the front of the buildings, and shall be visible and legible from the street fronting the property; said numbers shall contrast with their background and must be at least 2" in height and 2" in width. 10. Fire blocking shall be installed per. CBC 708.2.1. 11. Storage of construction materials in the public righLof -way is NOT PERMITTED. Specify on site the proposed location of the storage of construction materials. NOTE: In times of high fire hazard in brush areas, temporary fire protection of the construction materials may be required. 12. Separate permit required for perimeter retaining walls. 1. Buildings shall be fully sprinklered per City of Arcadia Fire Department Multi - Family Dwelling Sprinkler Standard for residential areas and Commercial Standard for garage areas. 2. The sprinkler system shall be fully monitored. Audible /visual devices shall be provided on ist/2nd floors and in the basement garage. 3. Illuminated exit signage and emergency lighting shall be provided in the basement garage area. 4. Provide a Knox box with keys for access to restricted areas. Automatic gates shall be provided with a knox switch. 5. Minimum 2A: 10BC fire extinguishers shall be provided in the basement level and on the tat floor. I In I IA I� a �m I' 141 _J L -__ -_J LDING A8 BUILDING B BUILDING C o. z umla unn4 unns unss u K7 a.na u0¢s .-,it umtn Owner. Fairview Holdings, LLC 1005 East Las Tunas Drive., #125 San Gabriel, CA 91776 Contact: James U Phone: 626.292.2559 Email: 9999jl @gmail.com Architect, Tyler Gonzalez Architects 139 South Hudson Street, Suite 300 Pasadena, CA 91101 Contact: Rob Tyler Phone: 626.396 9599 Email: Rob @TGAmhitects.net Landscape Architect: Tyler Gonzalez Architects 139 South Hudson Street, Suite 300 Pasadena, CA 91101 Contact:. Robert Martin Phone: 626.396.9599 Email: RMartin @TGArchitects.net Unit Bed Bath GSF Parking Assessor's Parcel Number: 1 2 2.5 1,232 2 Proposed: 2 2 2.5 1,205 2 22,495 SF (0.516 Acres) 3 3 3.5 1,9fi7 3 Proposed 4 3 3.5 2,005 3 A -2.1 5 3 3.5 2,004 3 2. West Side Yard 6 3 3.5 2,012 3 Height Limit: 7 3 3.5 2,009 3 < 30'-0" (Measured from First Story to ave. height of pitched roof) 8 3 3.5 2,037 3 2 per 2 Bedrm. 9 3 3.5 1,999 3 6 Ste lls 10 3 3.5 2,051 3 Garage 11 3 3.5 2,048 3 SECTIONS 12 4 3.5 2,184 3 Units 12 35 40 22,753 34 Building Shared At 25' -0" Front Yard 2,437 Building B 724 SF Softscape 1,091 SF (60.1 %) 7,988 Building C 11,328 Garage 17,345 Assessor's Parcel Number: 5778- 002 -011 Zoning: High Density Multiple Family Residential (R -3) Existing Bldgs. to be Removed: 621 Fairview Avenue - 3 Buildings / Built 1957 Proposed: 3 New Buildings SURVEY 2 Stories ever 1 Level Subterranean Garage Lot Data 22,495 SF (0.516 Acres) Density: G -2 Min. (2,200 SF Lot Area /Unit) 10 Units Max. (1,450 SF Lot Area /Unit) 15 Units Proposed 12 Units F.A.R.: 1.007 (22,647 GSF Building Area over (22,495 SF) Setbacks: A -2.1 Location Min. Rea. Provided 1. North Rear Yard 10' -0" 10' -0" Min. 2. West Side Yard 10' -0" 10' -0" Min. 3. East Side Yard 10' -0" 10' -0" Min. 4. South Front Yard (Fairview Ave.) 30' -0" 30' -0" Min. Height Limit: ROOF PLANS - BUILDINGC Maximum Allowed 30' -0" Proposed < 30'-0" (Measured from First Story to ave. height of pitched roof) Parking: GARAGE PLANS Minimum Reconnect 36 Stalls 2 per 2 Bedrm. 4 Stalls 2.5 per 3+ Bednn. 25 Stalls 1 Guest per 2 Units 6 Ste lls 1 Accessible 1 Stall Provided 41 Stalls Garage 34 Stalls Guest 7 Stalls Open Space Coverage: SECTIONS Minimum Reconnect 1 800 SF Private 1,800 SF (150 SF /Unit) Shared N/A Provided 9 210 SF Private 4,600 SF Shared 4,610 SF At 25' -0" Front Yard 1 815 SF Hardscape 724 SF Softscape 1,091 SF (60.1 %) G -0.0 COVER SHEET G -0.2 PERSPECTIVES G -0.3 PERSPECTIVES G -0.4 SURVEY 1 VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 73921 G -1 GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN G -2 GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN G-3 3 GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN A -1.0 SITE PLANS A -2.0 FLOOR PLANS- BUILDINGA A -2.1 FLOOR PLANS- BUILDINGB A -2.2 FLOOR PLANS - BUILDINGB A -2.3 FLOOR PLANS - BUILDINGC A -2.4 FLOOR PLANS - BUILDINGC A -2.5 ROOF PLANS- BUILDINGA &B A -2.6 ROOF PLANS - BUILDINGC A -2.7 GARAGE PLANS A -2.8 GARAGE PLANS A -2.9 GARAGE PLANS A -3.0 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS - OVERALL A -3.1 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS- BUILDINGA A -3.2 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS - BUILDING B A -3.3 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS - BUILDING B A-3.4 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS - BUILDINGC A -3.5 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS - BUILDINGC A -4.0 SECTIONS A-4.1 SECTIONS A-4.2 SECTIONS A-6.0 WINDOW SCHEDULE & DETAILS A-6.1 DOOR SCHEDULE & DETAILS L -1.0 PLANTING PLAN V11illiTY{MIAP (not to scale) 10151E :111'=110 all IMM1 r O O O Q U Q Q WQ > W Z W a>s> W_ Q LL N ID Tz �e w m i9�0 16 -02 G -0.0 ear• D.- By awl.w.a DGE JK, RGT e.udpa0. COVER SHEET UView above Street Aerial looking NNE 4 View above Street Aeral looking SSE m TYtERG9N7.ALEZ AHGHIrECTS, INC Pas6 6 396.9599161 www TGArcFitec[s.net U w Q N>�y W LL = Z W Qa L� W a LL .ny rz ree W mi9�Mlttane h9��„ncu ecro gnrt�v w�pi en� emepmme a a,a... mimwv. G -0.2 Author Checker oasenPV66 PERSPECTNES a 0 m a U Q U wQ N>�y W LL = Z W Qa �W W a LL N .ny rz ree W m �g�MUea nq� imnw emc enrt�v w�M en� .mepmve aa�v..mcawv. 16 -02 G -0.3 D.—ey —.— Author Checker o.unpv PERSPECTIVES TOPOGRAPHIC MAP s-4L A. �4 PUR me 14.8. 412-32 SCALE' I " =20' t 41 RlL I 0. ABBREVIATIONS: AC Caw- 'q=". i rou Z' C I Cda-:-�ee,—bds WA D= wy. EP. EX. FL . ww Um. 01.swIlm pf-C. — POW of �pww "Ll P/L — Pm"-Vr BMW" L PAA .......... Flw" -1-0 MMT — P�o TH 47WM RW -- =.= um MA 116841-48 TC T., f C� TZ 5,F�..,.'. mae..AmP tw Tp f Rad N WA Fe I1 qq WP Wooden P—A Wm W.— A-0 I. wv 4lA ' -, VJ Emeiq ELMion —CA—U*F—a W—ght x— F— P.I. I- BAS15 OF BEARING 5 FAIRVIEW AWNUE, AS SHOWN IN TRACT W. 52515. 9 M.B. 124}14-15. RECORDS of LOS AN6ELE5 COUNTY Not to Scale. LARD LK6AL- DESCRIPTION: CM Of ARCADIA BENCH MARK: SUBDIVISION T0P0C7PAPF9C MAP WV� A SURVEY OF A PORTION CF LDT 4 OF T� 8A 40. LAND SURVEY NO 3430, IN THE CITY OF AWADIA,COU rYOPLOS ELEVATION CM1. ENGINEERING alo APNO : UM4024M C, J l$ 8785 AN6EI.ES. STATE OF CALIF(."IRdA, AS PER MAP & DESIGN 11H 13DNSA.� 621 FAIRVIEW AVENUE, B40WZN AVE & FAIWIEW AVE. PORTION OF SANTA AM;A AS VA ON a TRITIECH SA."MOL.CA. M 1AAPkfC0W9OINWM PMESWANI)WQF SOUTHWEST Clim KTMQ, 5' AFICADIAL PATENTS, WTM IN OF � C� "CRT�. ENGINEERING �-(06)�D-LGUI FAXC6Z&)737-BM CA 91007 RECOtBrEROFSAInCWNTY � — SHEET I OF 1 154311 ASSOCIATES 1 1 1`311 E � N� U-Im > Lg Z W L.L LL C14 ID z 16-02 G-0.4 -- D.w. By —.— Author Checker D.dpft. SURVEY A — A-3.0 3 C — .l Second Floor Site Plan 1/18" = 1• -0" BUILDING A -3.0 T ` e6 8 'I • -2^ BUILDING B BUILDING C PIECE alael ° Ikill 0 � HE 1 MW A BUILDING C ?I, A -2.3 mi. TYLER 2 h Palb of Accessible Travel IWhpm Public. Right -or -Way .t Entry. Pon AD— palbsign. 3ymbolof ACC ibilltlper Figu 11A- iA.3luetG- Secepn1110A2,Sh— G-1,0, signage. Install per (1 N G9N7.ALEZ AHGHRECTS, INC Pas6 6 396.9599101 www TGArcbitec[s.net ID 0 a a U Q Ill Q >w z w Qa W a' LL N mmxo�. �am�maa�nmNea�Ry& b ree 6y rt91m�e�inng�, rc9cltlase�m� mw.��w 16-02 A -1.0 eat. Orewn By ReNewetl Author Checker oaunPVan SITE PLANS - 7— t0' -2" 86' -8' 10' -2' 137 -1` 2 _ u� � _ 7 r r — 5�— Ef _1— _ I— — _ —. -— — — 7._ 7._ i__ — r 1- — 7- � _ I 11 I I I I I I 11 I I UNRT I I I I I II I (UNIT e1 11 I I I II I I 11 UNIT�'10 11 I I 111 I I I I I I ELEC.II EGH 11 11 I I I 1 I I I II I I 1111 I I I I V I I I I I I UNIT2 wuw I Fli 11 p c N �j %, 11 'I '18y11' I I Ia I I I I 1 1 I I 1 1 I I 1 1 �I H I I 1 1 1 I��IIr� �I - 1 1 I I1 1 I 11 I I - I I 1 Ir-i -il II I I I I I I I I UNfr I I —� - -J LI ll D'TS" I 11 U LLL uN1461 ukill 1L— U 1P ,o o' to o^ Izs 6^ 1t -o' I I 1 —L1 11 11 II 11 —LL 11 11 11 —LA 11 II 11 o � „ro— .w.au.wes.r.m A-2.) wwu.re. X11 - -� —II A -2.8 — -- — — — — _— _— _— _— _— _ —_ —_ —_ h2.e f rl arag Ge Floor Site Plan 1/18 " = 1' -0" mi. TYLER 2 h Palb of Accessible Travel IWhpm Public. Right -or -Way .t Entry. Pon AD— palbsign. 3ymbolof ACC ibilltlper Figu 11A- iA.3luetG- Secepn1110A2,Sh— G-1,0, signage. Install per (1 N G9N7.ALEZ AHGHRECTS, INC Pas6 6 396.9599101 www TGArcbitec[s.net ID 0 a a U Q Ill Q >w z w Qa W a' LL N mmxo�. �am�maa�nmNea�Ry& b ree 6y rt91m�e�inng�, rc9cltlase�m� mw.��w 16-02 A -1.0 eat. Orewn By ReNewetl Author Checker oaunPVan SITE PLANS 2 h Palb of Accessible Travel IWhpm Public. Right -or -Way .t Entry. Pon AD— palbsign. 3ymbolof ACC ibilltlper Figu 11A- iA.3luetG- Secepn1110A2,Sh— G-1,0, signage. Install per (1 N G9N7.ALEZ AHGHRECTS, INC Pas6 6 396.9599101 www TGArcbitec[s.net ID 0 a a U Q Ill Q >w z w Qa W a' LL N mmxo�. �am�maa�nmNea�Ry& b ree 6y rt91m�e�inng�, rc9cltlase�m� mw.��w 16-02 A -1.0 eat. Orewn By ReNewetl Author Checker oaunPVan SITE PLANS 0.3.1 3 i i fii f I �I I I i i O ( I I I i i qd0 i 2 2nd Floor- Building A 32' -2' 0'-2" I 16' -g• 411x' 9' -e• >' -]tl2" 5' -e" 2' -]12' T -]12• 5' 1 I - -77 A-a.1 Gaa Meam I -_ o� -- — 4 l � I I I I I I l fib "aearwnaing I I I I l i I R56 \ I F2 ___ Hanstlic : ° AcH -'bl Lift �,D I v — Iving Rom 3' -s la• I. O O O DininglKitchen - - -- O I T-4" 5' -4314" 3' 4" O X18 -11 tl4' e_ A -5.5 I i II t I I I - -r .o Oowder.- sore. 2O F o L oa I 1-6" 2' -]1l4" 3' -51%" Dining/ Kitchen I � '.zB -sirz• I � I ' Sak. T -4 - 7 + 29 12' -11IT 2 I I C I I 1 I I I 1 A -3.1 1 Q 0.4.1 I I 1 1st FI i—I N LEGEND L l 30' x48 "0ear Floor Space for accessible OPOr bell, mounted 48 "maximum AFF antl PLAN GENERAL NOTES t Rakrto accessibtlty sheak (G -1.0 b 01.6) fw (G-1.0 g. Tile atwalk In abler wetareas lnstalletl over cemen,bus FLOOR PLAN KEYNOIES Ot Rahig— rO.F,C.I. 36 W, -,,daN Depth O Frameless Rmperetl glass shower Endasureltloors. O Tankleas water heater an0 expansion tank. See O Roof DrainlOVeMowDrein. See Plumbing L appliances 8 frxwres. See Sheer G-1.4. ❑O wnnedetl fo t wino permanen g. aetlitional information 8 req k. 2: I— I all WMmom accessories: rowel bars,robe backer unite. lnstalla4on shell conto�m w TCNA Assembly B41S11. O DisM1washer O.F.C.I. O B.—b. See NOmbirrg Onwings. 1O8 Plumbing Drewirgs. Inkrior Stair. See Sheet A -B6for stair antl hanerail tlekils. Drea4ngs. Pmvitle insMlla,ion submittal under section 0] 5423 (Rwfing)br ArchltecCS review. - charge above gratl Ovefllow Orains shall tlis e. _ Soiflktl Ceiling. See Refiecfed Ceiling Plans Recessed — dicine cebineL (cabinet item) cabinet door wiM mbror, prernishetl pain etl metal lnkrlw. cal atlluskble glass shelves. hooks TP dispensers, shelves antl oMer miscellaneous Xems ,wMMerlllusVatetl or not 3. g, Provide tloor signal tlev'wes per Section 11320..10 on Sheet 12' O Spksh Ownerroseleci See Case (work NOrmli, O Frea Skndi�q Ba,M1wb. Sea PlumbingOrewinga. O usableuntlereltlelof aklre�CBC 1009.5.3 rtl at O above gratl Pyp�'shed Metal DownswW to discharge kr M1elghk antl tlelalis. Refer,o Plumbin8 drawings for fixture schedule. 10. All inknar wallsareTyye_U.N.O. O Upper Cabinets, see CasewoMNOfes. 12 Wallmounktl Mirm. 20 Closet mtl and i6" shell above. O Decorative Mekl Awen, Grill; See elevations, removable bees ADA Aaesaiblak ij 1lh below Section W'M Tankleas Wakr Heater 4 Sea ElecMCal anpinaefsemwitpsior lighting IMormatlon one requiremen6. 11. Ali areType_eimenaipnae with hinge sitle Iam64 "ewaY from peryentlicularwall U.NO. 5 1of215'witle BreatlbwNS Per ACCessibili Notes O b 13 O Nolused 21 O Built -in Desh O AIr HeMling Unit Sae MechanicelOrewings. ® uiiM cabinet meeting all requirements of 11J3.A.J. See plumbing enginee(s tlawings for 5. Elwl cekd --hantl ctrlhuld 12. All Flrs, Fbor Doors M comply with Agure i tA4lC on Sheet Excaptlons at SecOOn t 130..4. flxwre type. Faucelwntrols shall meal Me requiremenk M Section 11330.6 See SM1eel G-1.3. nM be locaktl M1igherlhan 48 "measured hum Metcp —6. O Pcwsable Lavekry w8h removable base cabinet O Balcony 31 Notused of the revrepkGa box, and no less Man 15" measuretl tram the bMtom MMa rece kde box. below, mee,iig all requiremenk of Sa - 11340..&. Fluting shoo continue and --lh. Faaml cantrok 14 Provide ctlntlnuoua relMOning In wall or Aaor at —h— koaficns kr wwre 9raSbar inaklla0on Aaeasibolty Noka CBC Figure 11-G 23 Min. 42' high Guardrell. See Oaten.: 3OZ Roof Below Range antl veM hagtl O.F.C.I. See mechanicel tlrawing, Sae Section 11360. on Shit G -13 far aeeidenaI notes. per' Owner- tied fi. Install all 1-- ces. m m,, all requirements of Section 11330.3. See Plumbing Drawings. O Accessible Fiwr- monnted Water Closet meHing all O per all on SM1eel Gt 6. Skcketl Wei, art O.F C.I. GS 24 Outline of BUlleing above. Floor mounktl water dose,eimensipnetl with ceMwllne l8 "a—bhfr perpentlkulerwall ]. Tile11barxsglashl wainswt in kitchens shallbe dovarcemen5oua onik.Comply with requlemen6 MSecgon 11340..]_ 1 e19M11. 44"m 6 "min. sea a Wakr Closal wnVOls ab.2. Amr. -d.r . it Seri antl Brain untlernaeM. Induees auwm., washing machiig wakr shuwA VaWe will leak O Outline of ROMOr Balcony above. plumbing tlrewings. TCNA Assembly W2bC -11, will oDNOnaI vapor rekNer TCNA 1,— t, 5 M. max. force k ope2,e See Sheet G -f.2. sor:IhtelliFlow. series A2C-M1 mambrene. Sea Plumbirq Drewrngs. file O SM1Ower 16 o ea ExM1 l Vent h M, min.4" diama,er,wihe ONS e, equippetl wXh back -tlratt tlemper O Edge of soifi[above. See Refleged Ceiling Plans. Lavatory. See plumbing drawings. 11,11 d'alns,scei um6ng Drawirgs.lope O O U Q wQ >/ W I.L = Z W 11,, � Lim W_ LL ID TNer . "N ree 6y rt9lWmmesem�rttyrtgn �wM wea'e� 1a]mrq�..l.. w2 113-82 A -2.0 D.—By Ravkwee TL SG Descripfian FLOOR PLANS - BUILDING A 2,'-9" 21' -6" 21' -6" 11 21- 412" 4' -012' 11' -4' 1' -8314" 14' -6' 8' -f0" 8' -ta" 5' -e' 1 -1 19' 5' -1" 6' -1" 4' -4" l' -10 T -]12" 2' -71 ' 4' -6" T -112" 3' 3" 3 - -T' 3' -7" 3' -3' -1112" 3' -412" EC EO 3la1 3 t10" 4' -4' 4' -912' 2' -]12' T -]i /2" 3' -012" 3114" 1' -012 :I 60'Ctar Lending F2 A O A A O O O O _ - Ja --__ Q___ Y I I f � LivingR m zA O O _ Living Room 2 -2" - I I I 4 LO ] ❑ ❑ Al r I A -5.5 ❑ 3' -9112• — — — m I Living Room - Living Room ) I al ry g O� O ------ L m,O— J N 4'- Pow er1 — — r_I_______ t -b. 2-6- T -6° 2 L x 40 _ — Lull I— — — —I hJ 1 - - - -- I I A36 m I l l � 6 - -0 -- - - - - - -- © - 3 A36 Safe. � I 13 _______ 5' -1114° I 1 +_ ______ _______ 0'- 2114` - - - - -- 9. p.. — - - - - - -- 4' -D" S -Btl2" 2' -812' i3'- 91/4'_ - - - - -- - - - - -- d' p„ A -3.3 05efe:© - s ____ - ______ _ _ _ _______ 6 Safe. I 1 A -3.3 < I Dinin © i g — `o � 1 I I 1 'p r ow/ I- 1 I I _ I der, _ 6 4 - -1 I PgwAr I II I I Dining — JI _ - -- - - -- — —Ly — JI Dining I Lod — I Kitchen Kitchen ]6' -5314" al a I J 01f I 4 �I 4 I I m �p� I O I UU I I ° I III -- 6' -3' KKDIIBn I =le. — Sa I I I I I I I I I EO ED T-9" T -1114" 4' -1112" 1' -10" 4' -11IT' T-]114' 7' -0" 3110' EO EO - 15' -611T 5' -11 tl2" 1- 111/2' 15 - 4' -1' 6" I L L /l 1st Floor - Building B Ll 114" = 1'A" 1—I N LEGEND E , 3P x48 "Clear Floor Space for accessible Doorbell, mounted48"maxim,h AFFand PLAN GENERAL NOTES 1. Refer l,accesslbilty et (G -10 b G10)lb, g, The alwalls In gMer oral areas installetl over bus O1 Re 9,,WrO.F.C.I. 36'W,Stand,WDepth O9 Fremelesstempered glass Shower Enclosurel.o O Tankless wafer heatrand expansion tank .See O Rpof Drain1OVer Drai, Sae Plu g appliances Bfxtures. Sae Silael Gi.4. ❑° wnnacledwpetmanent wiring. atltlto ll lnfmmahon &requirement. hacker units. Installation shall conronnro—A Assembly 641St t. Plumbing Drevnngs. Drawings. Provide installation aubmifiel under SecYOn 0]5423 (Roofing) for A.IwlS L 2 Install all beNmom aayssories: towel M ,robe O2 Di•nwash— F.C.I, 10 BaMWb. bee Plu ,N DrewMBS. tog 1d ..II rStair. See Sheet A-g.e for stair and handrell tletails. review. OverPOw D.w, snail discharge above grade, _ _ _ Sogitetl Ceiling. bee Reflected CNIIn9 Pions Rewssed median, cab!n ,(c ,.I aem) -bin et tlporwiM minor. Prefnisnad Peinttl � tat Interior, wl atljustable gWSS snelves. a h.-, TP dispensere, snelves antl oMar miscellaneous Items, wneNerillustraRtl or not 3. g. Prov'ltle door signal tl,vices per Secaen I l.A.10 on Short G -12. 3 Base Cabinet and Solid- surtace Cabine[TOp uiM TII° Splash. Owner to select Sae Casework Noros. 11 Free 5lantling 6afhwb. See PlumbinH prowl , 19 Pfwid min onei re, of518" usableuntlemitle sairs. CBCtsum b.a. of p0g.5.3. � 4 "plameter PrefinisM1etl Meral OOwnspputto tliscM1arye above gratle, typ . ror neigMS and tletails. Refer to Plumbing drawings forflxture scM1etluk. 10. All IMedorwalis are TypeDNO. O Upper Cabinets. S fO2 Wallmountetl Minor, O Closet rod antl i6 "sM1eB above. 29 Decorative Metal Accent Gnll; See elevagons. -bin. AlA, cessiNe kl gc 11ln qui removable base 4uiremenlso cabinet below meebfi II re i Seaim WM Tankiess Wafer Heater 4 See Elecfnwl engineedadrewi�gsiw Ggnting Inrotmation end requirement. tt. Ali tloore areType_ dimensioned with hinge sitle lamb 4' y from OameMlcularwell U.N.O. 5 O 1af215"witle BreatlboeMS Aweasibilit Notes par Y 13 O Not used O Built -in Desk 30 O Alr Hantllin Unit See Mephanical Drawln 9 gs ®ga 11334.3. See plumbing engincers tlrawings far fiMUre type. Faucet controls snail meal hhl 5. Ial receptaherth- lches, antl controls should be lewted nl 4g" from tl1e 12. All First Fborpoore to comply wiM figure llA -BC on SM1eM G1.6. O Exceptlpns at SecTOn 113A.4, le witn removable base cabinet 22 Balcony O Nal requirement o f SecOOn 1133A6 bee SM1eel Gi 3. npt n.ta mea-1 -,i-d fM1en 15" measurN lo-, hft.11ry below, meeti II re t Section 1130A8. tqa qui.,d n.b 14 Provitle wntlnuous reirdoming in wall or fl.... l used 4 Range hwtl O,F.C.I. See Ge box. See Secliontt t38Af onaShee!• G -13 for addlllanal rotes. hi_mg shallwndnu b,fSneaat. Faucatcwtroh meeting all requiremant,f SeNOn 1133A.3. Sae tacnment locations rorfuwre al 9reb-bar 1lA-9G n per Accesalblliry Notes antl CBC Figure 1 to -9G on O Min. 42' -high Guardreil. See Oelails: O Roof6ebw -0 and vent mecheniwltlrewing. a Install all Ownar-provid•d appl.nc . O Plumbing Dawings. Acc•ss'lbl• Flwr- 1. water Closet meeting Al "min 15 Sheet Gi.fi. Sgcketl WasherBDryer, O.F G.I. w8M1 G65milty O OWina of BUi ing above. Rppr mppnt,a wat,r dpa,t almanaipnee wtrh c rune l0'awa from pery•nammar wall Y U.N.O. tlrbviys. ]. Tile al6ecksPlashlweinscot in kiwhets sM1all be 'Installed over ceme08 beat, -amts. c ply w8h TGNAASSemON W2MG11, b of SecYOn 1134A T 15 se g.,,zmen a heigM.40'max. water Closet wnbols above ibpr. 5th. max. force to o Perele See Shee( G -1.2. and drain underneath. Intlutles automatic e tg coaching waters wa hi nuroflvalve WM leak P3C-M1 O Outline of ROOF or Balwn bove. ya ;see plumbing wIM opllonel vapor reWNer membrene See Plumbing Oravnngs. son aor:IMeIIIFIpw, series rExhausl Venl13, min.4 "dlameler,wihe 26 Edge of sofitabove. S. Reflected Ceiling Plans. O LaVMOry. See O Slwwarvnth tll,walls to cailiy and til,flwr. Elope O s da, equlpped.. back -draft damper oW plumbinBdrewtrgs. anovrer floorb drain. Sea Plumbing Orewirgs. r O rn U Q WQ >/ W I.L = Z W ILL W LL ID 6 -02 A -2.1 Drewn By I Ravlewatl Author Checker D.dpfi,n FLOOR PLANS - BUILDING B ID 1 3 tl4' 3114" I 6' -4• 9 -4" 8' -1' 0' -1112" S -S 5 -5114' - - e' -1 &d" ]' -8' 3 1 0 T I I I 6B6 O I I I 1 I 1 I i 2nd Floor - Building B va• = i,A. /jam --- N LEGEND PLAN GENERAL NOTES FLOOR PLAN KEYNOTES r l 30' x48 "Clear Floor Space for accessible Ooor bell, mounted 48 "maximum AFF antl t Rater tc accesalbilly sheets (G -,.0 to G1.81 fa g. Tile at walls in aNer call areas installed over cemenAoua O —.r ..-A. 36 W, Standmd DepM O Frameless temperetl glass Shower Enmasureltloors. O Tanklesa waWrheater and expansan tank .See O RoofDreinlOVemowDrsin. See Plumbing appliances& fixNres. —.--A, ❑O wnneMetl W permanenlwidng. atltlitional inbrma0on &requirements. backer units.ItretallaM1On shall conform WTCNA Assembly PlumbinBOrewilgs. Drawings. Provitle instelletion subm'elal antler B41S11. Interior stair. Sea Sheet A -Behr stair antl handrail SDect'MOn O]D5423 (ROOrtlng)„rgrcM1�cYS rea ew. L Install ell ballroom accessories: Wwel hers, robe O Oisnwasher O.F.C.I. O Bathtub. See Plumbing Onwings. O tletails. ve ow rains s a 1sc e. Recessed metlicine cebineL NcebinM item) M1ooks, TP tllspensers. shelves end oMer 9. Provide tloor signal tlevices per Secion 1132A.10 on arge a ve gra SotflMtl Ceiling. See Re6ecfed Ceiling Plans � cabinet OOOr will mirror, prernishetl paintetl miswllaneous Items. whether lllustraktl or not Shee[G-12. O Splash Ownerto seleUe See ...... f sNTW 11 Frea Standitq BathWb. Sea PlumbingOrewings. O me 19 Provka min. one layer of Ste "gypsum board M 28 4" Diameter Pre6nishetl Metal Downspout to tlischar9e Mr het hta antl details. tat lnterlw, cal atllusgble glass shelves. 3. usable untlsreide Matalre. CBC 1009.5.3. above gratle, ryp. 9 Reterto Plumbing drawings for flxtureschetlule. 10. AlIlMedar walls are Typa_U.N O. 4 Upper Cabinms. See CasewnMNOfes. 12 Wallrwunted Minor. 20 29 Dewrative McWlgttent Grill; See elevations. O O O Closet rb arM 15'shaBabOVe. O ADA ACcesaiMe kitchen sink will removable base WM Tankless Water Heater d. See Elecpical enginaefstlrewings for lighOng 1 1 . l i t ntadar doors ereTypa_tlimetusionetl will hinge aide irrformadon antl requirements. lamb 4 "away from peryendicularwall U.NO. 5 1M215'wWe BreatlboaMS Par ACCessibili Notes 13 NMUSetl 21 Bult -in Desk 30 Air Hantllin 9 Unit Sae Mechanical Drewin . cabinet below nreeYng all requirements of Section b O O O gs 11334.3. See plumbing enginee(s drawings for 5. Elemncal rewpbcles, switches, antl conhols sMUltl 12. All First Fbor Doors ro comply with figure 11gdG on Sheet Fxcaptlons at Section t13A.d. fixture type. Faucmwnaols shall meet the not be locatetl Figher Man 48" measuretl hom the tap 6t.e. O Acceaeide Lavatory w8h removable base cabinet O Belwny 31 Not usetl requirements M Section ........... el Gt.3. pf the recepucia box, and no lass Man 15" measured below, meetitg all requiremaMS M Section 11340..6. 14 Provide wntlnuous relMOrcJng In wall or Aaor at hom Me bottom Mlle rece facie box. Flooring shall continue untlernealh. Fa—t controk allachmeM ktrations br W Wre grab -bar inaGllaOOn Q � Range antl vem hootl O.F.C.I. See See Semian 11360. on 511eet G -13 toratltlidonel notes. meeting all requirements M Section 11350..3. See per Aaasaiblliy Nofea all CBC Fgure t,ASG on 23 Min. 42' high Guartlrell. See DeMils: 3OZ Roof Below {3 mechanical tlrawing. PlPmdng Drawings. Sheet G-16. fi. Install all Owner- previdetl applances. �j gccesslMe Floor - mounted Water Closer meeting all 24 Outline at Building above. requirements M Section 11300..1. I—.— O Stacketl Waahx &Dryer, O.F C.I. with GS smity Floor mountetl water closet dimensionetl with ], Tile at hacksplasN walnsw[in kitchens snail be . n antl @sin untlernaeM. Includes automatic marline l8 "aweYfrom PerPentlkulerwall 1nsUlled over cemen0ous baNer units. Comply wM eight 64 "max. Water Closet wnVOlsabove Amr. wetshin9 mechitg water shuWAVaWe will leak O Outline of Kollar Balcony above. u N.O. � see plumbing tlrewings. TCNA Assembly wzadc -11, will op8onal vapor reMrder s Ib. max. force M oPerete sea Sheef c -1 2. sac ImelliFlow. series A2c-M1 mambretre. Sea R'umdYq Drewings. O Etlge of soffit above. See Reflectetl Ceiling Plans. o ea ExM1auat Venl DuM, min. b' diameter, b the Lavatory. See plumbing drewinga. O Shower floortoletlrallns is ceipum6 n9 Drawirgs.lope 16 DNS e, equippetl with back -tlrah tlamPer O 0 rn U Q Q WQ > W Z W W LL TNw ccN ree ey m'g�MNee N9IWmm se mwml- enkmvleM d�roiNm emspmme mAmem�dimv. A -2.2 Author Checker oes<dpvpa FLOOR PLANS - BUILDING B I s 13' -53Id' 8' -3114" e s I -1 t12" 11' -1112' 0 0' -d 12' - -31Id" 1 13'- 5316'I I 5' -6' 3'- 11314' 4' -3114" 4 4' -P' S'- 3114'1 4' -10' 5' -912' 1 s' -4" 6' -412' 6' -9' 4 4'- 10112" 1 4' -3114" 5' -3314' e' - -2" I I - - -- - _ _I ------ - - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- , G1_ - -- _ __ - - - {/wok I Rew. Resc. t t-------- } - - - -m- - Resc. O R Resc I I � I � Res R Res. I R C I I O� I d Ma. C d q1 I Bedroom 3 3 Bedroom 3 q Bedroom ] ]12, B Bedroom2 - 0 Master Bedroom 0 M 2'9314' 1 Master Bedroom I c 5' -5 t /4" 4' -11" - - - - - - I - - -z0 - - -- -- I I o w m M M Bath C Clo i i I I w I _______ 11 U 4' -0• 0 5' - I I 1 1912' 1 Bath 12' -1V' f fi' -2' � � I a 5 - - -- p Lrium A -36 5 1 18= - ___ _____ - - - - -- G 9' - qJ 6 C ]' -fi 112" 1 1g'J 2 Ma. closet 3 31 N -� - N - Ma. CIOS¢l 1' -512" T T -a 1n^ 3 3 > I --------- a 21 M _____ 6'- 10314" 3' -512° 3 3 -91M _ - N - e' -ova' - - - - - - - O N Nr B Ai I at r r- 1 10 B Bat I Is- C4 � � I I 12 � � gA M ath 3 3 Ma. Bat Ma. Bath a 1z M Master Bedroom O O 1 1 I 1P r rs M Master Bedroom _ 114" A _ Al 1 I I '- 3114. 10' -5314" I Bedroom 2 e Bedroom 3 I Bedroom 3 Bedroom 2 I I 1 n 3 1 Resc_ n 3 R Resc. I I a. I _ Resc. Resc. i _______ S ____--- _ ______ Resc. Resc. I I - - - - / /� I i � � 2. sac ImelliFlow. series A2c-M1 mambretre. Sea R'umdYq Drewings. O Etlge of soffit above. See Reflectetl Ceiling Plans. o ea ExM1auat Venl DuM, min. b' diameter, b the Lavatory. See plumbing drewinga. O Shower floortoletlrallns is ceipum6 n9 Drawirgs.lope 16 DNS e, equippetl with back -tlrah tlamPer O 0 rn U Q Q WQ > W Z W W LL TNw ccN ree ey m'g�MNee N9IWmm se mwml- enkmvleM d�roiNm emspmme mAmem�dimv. A -2.2 Author Checker oes<dpvpa FLOOR PLANS - BUILDING B O 0 rn U Q Q WQ > W Z W W LL TNw ccN ree ey m'g�MNee N9IWmm se mwml- enkmvleM d�roiNm emspmme mAmem�dimv. A -2.2 Author Checker oes<dpvpa FLOOR PLANS - BUILDING B 2T -9" 21' -6" 21' -8" 21' -6' 21' -6" 2 -6" 19' -3' 3114" 21' -23K" 16' 4" 5' -2' 6' -2' 16' - -0" 8' -4" 13' -s" 2 - -T 3' -0112' 2'. -]12' 2' -712' 4' -10° 1-4' 1' -.1 5' -g1ib° ] 4" Y' -D" d' -1 t2' 2'- 103Id" 2' -]112" s' -31/4' Y -]tl2' 2' -11' 4' -21(2' i' -if' 4' -2112" 4- -112' 4' -o' A 3A L=jl--T r r I zl VI EI I F2 Fz Fz a1 Al 1 - ' .1 Fz Fz Gz I' 1 e n r - - O O O 1 O O r--- j — - _ — _ - - - - - - - -- -- - - - -- - o A55 - - -- �q, i -- Bale c I a . I 0 o I I f - - Living Room ry ' 6 a -D m 1, 1 -- -- -- -- LWIng ROOM Living Room -- - - - _ J -- - - - - - - - - e — — — Living Room Living Room -- I I c - -- -- - - -- Ir - - - - -- _ 1 - j , 1 i Living Room r Aas - -0 4 9 d g 4 . s' s^ I � y I I 4 fi p 2'- 6- T, I 14 i � D 2' I - sO -- I - -- -- 1 ��- -- - - - - -�` A -3 - - IIIrIII IIIIII III IIII A-36 .5 2 == -- __ I ___ ❑ L�f ? 3 w n � n safr_© '- -- - -_ _ _ - - - - - -- sofa. Sara - - - - - -I I —� Dining � Dining IPo Polwder 1 11 I oiI I I , Dining I 9 I` � �1 - — i �I Dining Dlning I` J J_ JI I am I� I I 6 -s31a IN Ifs Q F�9 �a I C, ( - - 11 FH _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ® __ ___ Kitchen !1 Kitchen 4 UU 1 Im UU N I rc I m Kitchen -- - Kitchen Kitchen -- -- o Kitchen __ 8' -fi' 4' -8114' -- - - - -- J -D31d' in I -afe.O \d 15_: �I wM - � WM �i 16 a A -3.8 oeafe I I I + I En EQ -]t2' ED EO EO En -112" -11 EO EQ 4' -4" 12P-4' d' -1" 15'- 1l2' S'- 11112" d' -1' 1 -4" 4 - -1' 4' -1" 1 -4° d' -1" 15' -fi 12" 4--l' 1st Floor Buildinq C U 1/4" -1-; ' " 1—I N LEGEND F , 30' x48 "Clear Floor Space for ecceasible OPOr bell, mountetl 48 "maximum AFF antl PLAN GENERAL NOTES 1. Reterloacce- b,ltyaheats(G -1.0b 01.6)fw a ilia al walkln Omar wet areas lndalletlpvercamenibus FLOOR PLAN KEYNOTES O1 Rahi9- 1O.-A. 36W, -,, —Depth O Frameless tempered Glass Shower Enclosureldoors, 1] Tankless water M1eater antl expansion tank. See O ROOF DrainlOVerAow Dmin. See Plumbng L appliances 80E—S See Sllaat D-1.4. ❑O aonnedatl to permanent wiring. addil -1 int —tpn 8 requirements. 2. I—' all baMrown accessories: towel bars, robe backer unita.InalallaXon shell contour M TCNA Assembly B41S11. 2 OlsM1wasM1er O.F.C.I. BaMWb. Bee PlumM'ip Omwings. Plumhing Drewings. Interior Stair. See Sheet A -9.8 for stair antl hantlreil d ila. Drewings. Provide inshllat'mn sobmlXel under Se- 0]5423 (Roofing) forgrchltecCS review. Overflow Drams shall tlisUar ge above grade. Recassatl matlicine cabinet: (cabinet item) cabinet door wiM mbror, prar0ishad pmn etl moo�ks, TP dispensers, sM1elves antl oMer Ilaneous Xems,wMMerlllusValetl or not 9. Provided... signal dev'wcs per S—,, 1132A.10 on SM1ee1G -12. Base Cabinet antl SOIid- surface Cabinet Top wiM The O O Free Scantling BaMMb. Sea Plumbing Omwirga. Provide min. one layer of 518 "gypsum boartl at Prefinishe ea ownspoo o i—,ga 28 tl M 1 D 11 tl 4" Diameter SoRdetl Ceiling. See fta6ackd Geilrg Plans far hat his antl tlalails. 9 I metal Interlw. wl adlustible Glass shelves. 3. Referto Plgmbin8 tlrawings for fixture schedule. 1 0 All lntadar walls are Tyye_U.N.O. 3plesM1. Ownerto select. See Casework Notes. 4 Upper Cabinets. See Gasework Notes. O 12 O Wall - mounted Mlrtor. 20 O usable untlereitle of ataire. CBC 1009.5.3. closet and and ls°anerc adpva. abovegratl Np DecoraBVe Metal octant GNII; Bee elevatlons. 0 ADA Accessible kitcM1en sink wXM1 removable base below Sedign 0 anklesa Water Heater 4. See ElecMCal anpineafstlmwiliga for lighting and requirements. 11. Ali ere Type _tlimensionetl wiM flings sitle Iam64 "eweY from peryendicularwall U.N.O. 5 101215'rvWe BreatlbeaMS Per ACCessibili Notes O N 13 O NW USeO 21 O Built -in Dash O Air HelMling Unit. See MechanicalDmwings. ®IMormatlon cabinet meeting all requirements of 11330.3. SeF plumbing engineers tlrewings fw S Eleddwl receptides, —has, and controls should 12, Ni Flmt Fbor Doors to comply w5M figure 11-- Sheet Excaptlons at Sedlon 113A.4. fixNre type. aucel wnonls shall meet Me requirements of Section 1133A.6 See Sheet G1.3. not be lora[etl higher(M1an 48" measuretl hom Me tap Me box, lase than 15" G 1.6. O Aaeazide Lavatory.. removable base cabinet below, Section 1134A.8: 14 Provitla contMUOUS relnforoing In wall or 8por at O Balcony 31 NM usetl ® Range and vam h O,F.C.I. See of reveptida and no measuretl tram the bottom of Me recaptide box. See Section 1136A on slrea[ G -13 far etltlidpnel notes. meeting all mquirements of Floodngsh 11— bnueundem— Fauc0cmtrP6 —Og all regol —v 0l Section 1133A 3. See adachmenl lDCatiena forNWre grebbar inatilla8an per Acceasibllily Notes antl CDC Figure 11A -9G on Shoat G-16. 23 Min. 42' high Guardall. See Details: O Roof Below CJ mechaniwltlmwing. r. pfOw 6. Install all Owner- Oetl applances. mb�ng Omwxngs O Accessible Floor - mounted Water Closer meHirg all O Stacked Washer &Dryer, O.F C.I. with GS Smitty 24 Outline of BUlltling above. Floor mountetl water closet dimensioned wiM u nlerllne l8 "away hom pemendlcuWr wall tlrewings. ], 1-11 baGSplasM1l wainsco[in kitcM1ans s—ply Instilled over cemenlioua baderuniis. Coro ly with D TCNA assembly W244C regm -47n MSedion1134A.]- 15'min. seat eight 4a "max.Waler Closal conVOlsabove fiom. 5 M. max. force b operate See Sheet G -f.2. Pan antl tlrein untlarneaM. Indudea automatic s o mac g waters wahi hh hu�eValveW leak IMeIIIFIOw, A2C-M1 25 OWGne of ROOFor Balcony above. .N.O. ;see plumbing -11, wiM oDNOnaI vapor ratiNer mambmne. Bea PlumGrq Drewings. ifi. s . series MMe O Ed fso(fit above. See ReHectad Coiling Plans. geo �/ Levelory.9ae plumbidgtlrewinpe. O sFlgwor wBh the wells M ceiling aria rileflWr, sbpe shower noor io cram, see mum6iag Dmw;r�s. .-id., equippednMh back -tlrah tlamperr O U Q Q WQ K> W iL Z W U1, � - W LL m TNw enN ree W m Ig�MNea dglWm IMw Sett 9n emapmn�e of4ase�m�dP'im mrxfm moos mm, a�„Ireil� 16 -02 A -2.3 Dat• Drawn By 1-1—d Author Checker D —flo.n FLOOR PLANS - BUILDING C - ails■ � Ilt�l .. —� — r���lrl Ir�r — — — — — _— — "s it I's sp Bedroom IID•�B ", I.,II f I I. r j ®IIICIiII OW 11 11 m II 51 III ��■� -- II 00 . II�II� � II�II • '� .— — JI�II � II�II Ili hill — hill - hill � hill � iiil ,ill hill ,] i�l lit hill hill II I II hill II dill ME hill III Bill III hill hill fll�t `"R'n , , lit` � III lit �I . III lit III �;; I jitl III lit et loll lit lit III it ` %���I�i Ma. clo"t _ lit III IiI Ilil III it = - - 0I' - - s iF it � ill�m � ' "' i 6 6114' 3 5114' 3' -3' Y -11" � 5' -4314' .O tP -3314• 3112" 1T -10" Bedroom 2 Bedroom 3 Bedroom 3 Y Bedroom 2 4 N Resc. II AI w e n Resc Resc. Rex. Rex. . ! {� ® ------------ �} ------ - - - - -- - - - -- -- 3114' 3114' 9' -3114" 2' -T 2' -8314' 8' -2' T -]314' S' -9316" 9' -4' 9' -2114" 21•-6• 16-1" L n 2nd Floor- " Building C 1/4" I1' -0 --- N LEGEND r , L J 30'x48 "Clear Floors ca for accasaible epplianw & (Mures. See Sheet G -f:4. Door bellm rated 48 "maximum AFF antl ] connx etl to permanent wldng. PLAN GENERAL NOTES 1. Re/er Yoaccessib.ry— ts(- 0WG1c)W tltlNOnal mformahon 8 requirements. 2. Install sll baNroem acceasoriea: towel ban, robe g. walls In MherwM areas lnstalletl over cementiws hacker units - B 15 11 . Insu lahon snail on orm ro TCNA As �mbly FLOOR O RefrcIYt,r O,F.01. 36'WSbnb1 —ilh O Dis—her O.F.C.I. U 1D Frameless temperetl glass Shaxer Enclosureltloors. B—b. Sae Plumbing Drawings. O 18 Tankless water M1eater and expanabn lank .See Plumbing Ore rags. Interior Stair. bee Sheaf A- 9.6forst -ndh -drill tletails. 2O] Roof DrainlOVeM—Drain.See Plumbing Drawings. P o de insMlletign submi6al antler Section 0]5423 (Rpofirg)firArchl @cYS review. Werflow Drains shall tliscM1arge above gratle. — — 4 O SoRitetl Ceiling. gee ReflecRO Ceiling Plans for heigMS and details. pOA ACCeaslMe kltcM1en sink witll remOVablebase cabiwY below meetln9 ell requirements of Section 1133A3. gee plumbing engmea(s drawings tar fizlure I. Faucet controls shall meet Me requirements If Secfion 11330.8 See SM1eeY G -1 3: 9a an Ran d vent M1gotl O.F.C.I. Sae mechanical drawing. Floor mount8 —y r It dlmenslDned witM1 ceMedine lg "ewayfrom perpendlcvlerwell 0 NO,; s umbin dra+Nn . cepl g gs Lavatory. See plumbinB drawirga. Recessed medicine cabinet: (cabinet item) cebirwY door wilM1 minor .prefinisM1ed painted meYalirderbr ,wladjustableglessshelves. WM Tankless WaterHwter books, TP dispenser., sM1elves end —r rt�i scelleneous items. wheNer illustrated or not 3. R�terb Plumbingdmwingsforf Ml1I -d�le. 4 See Elr—r engineer's drawings for llHntlng inbrtnadon and requinmeMa. 5. r.i b l receptacles, switches, antl controls s I ttl not be lowtetl higher Yhan 4g "measuretl from the YOp of the recepttacle box, antl no less than 15" measured See SeMbon Y 136A on Snee GI13 (Or additional notes. 8. Install ell Owner- previdetl epplancee. ]. Tile M backsplasN walnscet in ki u-. shall be msblled over cemen5ous backer uni6. COmpN wilM1 TCNA --bl W244C -11, wt, Optlonal va mambnw. y Por retYrder Bedfoom 2 Bed, oom 3 I. 1 Free Standirg Bathtub. See Plumbing D2wln gs, Walhrrquntetl Mlrtor. Not used Pmvitle wMinuous reinforcing in wall orflooral at grab -bar Installation tacnmentlM2dOns for future Notes antl CBC F19un ttA -9G on Per. G-1 15. SbaeY G1 6. SESCketl Washer 6 Dryer, O.F.C.I. w4M1 GS SmMy Pan and drain underneath. Indudes eMOmatk welshing meching water .--hl- xrinte111Flow, xnea P2C -M1 or�er Exhauai VeM DUM, min.4 "tliameter, YO1M1e u Itle, equllMetl w6h back -tlraft tlamper Beciroo"' 3 Bedroom 2 I i i P1 Resc. Resc. Resc. � � ---- i - - - -{� — � — �} 8' -1 3114 4 "- 111/2' S' -3' S' -5114' 2' -8314' 2' -]' 3114" —1 .- L I I 1 1ST. -1" 1 A g.4 6 6114' 3 5114' 3' -3' Y -11" � 5' -4314' .O tP -3314• 3112" 1T -10" Bedroom 2 Bedroom 3 Bedroom 3 Y Bedroom 2 4 N Resc. II AI w e n Resc Resc. Rex. Rex. . ! {� ® ------------ �} ------ - - - - -- - - - -- -- 3114' 3114' 9' -3114" 2' -T 2' -8314' 8' -2' T -]314' S' -9316" 9' -4' 9' -2114" 21•-6• 16-1" L n 2nd Floor- " Building C 1/4" I1' -0 --- N LEGEND r , L J 30'x48 "Clear Floors ca for accasaible epplianw & (Mures. See Sheet G -f:4. Door bellm rated 48 "maximum AFF antl ] connx etl to permanent wldng. PLAN GENERAL NOTES 1. Re/er Yoaccessib.ry— ts(- 0WG1c)W tltlNOnal mformahon 8 requirements. 2. Install sll baNroem acceasoriea: towel ban, robe g. walls In MherwM areas lnstalletl over cementiws hacker units - B 15 11 . Insu lahon snail on orm ro TCNA As �mbly FLOOR O RefrcIYt,r O,F.01. 36'WSbnb1 —ilh O Dis—her O.F.C.I. U 1D Frameless temperetl glass Shaxer Enclosureltloors. B—b. Sae Plumbing Drawings. O 18 Tankless water M1eater and expanabn lank .See Plumbing Ore rags. Interior Stair. bee Sheaf A- 9.6forst -ndh -drill tletails. 2O] Roof DrainlOVeM—Drain.See Plumbing Drawings. P o de insMlletign submi6al antler Section 0]5423 (Rpofirg)firArchl @cYS review. Werflow Drains shall tliscM1arge above gratle. — — 4 O SoRitetl Ceiling. gee ReflecRO Ceiling Plans for heigMS and details. pOA ACCeaslMe kltcM1en sink witll remOVablebase cabiwY below meetln9 ell requirements of Section 1133A3. gee plumbing engmea(s drawings tar fizlure I. Faucet controls shall meet Me requirements If Secfion 11330.8 See SM1eeY G -1 3: 9a an Ran d vent M1gotl O.F.C.I. Sae mechanical drawing. Floor mount8 —y r It dlmenslDned witM1 ceMedine lg "ewayfrom perpendlcvlerwell 0 NO,; s umbin dra+Nn . cepl g gs Lavatory. See plumbinB drawirga. Recessed medicine cabinet: (cabinet item) cebirwY door wilM1 minor .prefinisM1ed painted meYalirderbr ,wladjustableglessshelves. WM Tankless WaterHwter books, TP dispenser., sM1elves end —r rt�i scelleneous items. wheNer illustrated or not 3. R�terb Plumbingdmwingsforf Ml1I -d�le. 4 See Elr—r engineer's drawings for llHntlng inbrtnadon and requinmeMa. 5. r.i b l receptacles, switches, antl controls s I ttl not be lowtetl higher Yhan 4g "measuretl from the YOp of the recepttacle box, antl no less than 15" measured See SeMbon Y 136A on Snee GI13 (Or additional notes. 8. Install ell Owner- previdetl epplancee. ]. Tile M backsplasN walnscet in ki u-. shall be msblled over cemen5ous backer uni6. COmpN wilM1 TCNA --bl W244C -11, wt, Optlonal va mambnw. y Por retYrder 9. Provide door signal tlevicas pe-S.-1132A.10 on Sheet G -12. 10, AIIInMdorwallsare Type_ UNO. 11. All lntedar down are Type_tllmenalonetl with M1inge side lamb 4 "away from pemendiculerwall U.N.O. 12. All First Fbgr Doon b comply wiU figure 11A -8C an SM1eeY G -1.6. O Base Cabi —nd Solid - surface Cabinet TOp Wth Tile 3 Splash. Ownerto xlect. Sae Casework Notes. O Upper Cabinets See Casework NDfes. 5 iof215 "wide Breatlboards Accessibilit Notes O par Y Exceptions a1 Secion 113A.4. O6 Accessible Lavaory w6n removable nose whiner ga equiremeMeo below, meetin II r f Secion I134A.8. Flooring.11Iq ur.— under -im Faucet, S. meeYin9 all requirements of Section 11330.3. Sae Plumbin Orewin 9 Hs. T Accassibla Fbw -m-I1 Water Closet meaYirq ell O r uiremen6 of Secfion 11340.]. 15" min. S�b h�.44 "max. Water CbseY wrnrds above boor. 51 - max. force to operele See Sheaf G -12. umbingDrewfngs. O th—r fiou hMledfe^I. SeIPlumbing Dnwfrgs bps 11 O O 13 O 14 15 O Free Standirg Bathtub. See Plumbing D2wln gs, Walhrrquntetl Mlrtor. Not used Pmvitle wMinuous reinforcing in wall orflooral at grab -bar Installation tacnmentlM2dOns for future Notes antl CBC F19un ttA -9G on Per. G-1 15. SbaeY G1 6. SESCketl Washer 6 Dryer, O.F.C.I. w4M1 GS SmMy Pan and drain underneath. Indudes eMOmatk welshing meching water .--hl- xrinte111Flow, xnea P2C -M1 or�er Exhauai VeM DUM, min.4 "tliameter, YO1M1e u Itle, equllMetl w6h back -tlraft tlamper 19 O O 1 O O 23 2d O 2fi ovltle min. one la erM5l8 "BgCypsum board al Pr Y usableundenitle of stain. C009,5.3. Closet rod antl 16'sM1ettabove. BuilFin Desk Belwny Mtn. 42' hgh Guardrail. See DMails: OMline Of Building above. Outline of ROMDf Belwny above. Edge of xtfil above. See Reflectetl Ceiling Plans. O 4 "Diameter PrefinisM1ed Metal DOwnspoM to tliscM1arge above g—a Np. 29 Deroradve Metal Accent Grill: See elevations. 30 Air Handlln Unit See Mechankel Onwin O g gs 3O1 Not uxd 32 Roof Below 0 0 U a U wQ >w �z Z W L W LL N ID TNw enN m Ig��usa d9lWmmese mwnn�yrlgn �Iw aMl wnm�xf 1a,mrq�..l.a aR 16 -02 A -2.4 Date Drawn By —.I. Author Checker Demo.. FLOOR PLANS - BUILDING C I I I III I II I I I I I I I I I i Ad.d A -5.5 I I WI �I �I I I c I I I I I I z A -0.0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I ID I I I I I I n Roof Plan - Building A & B L/ 1/4" = i' -0" (1 N Q U Q WQ K> W i L W W >i L i W LL ID eny rMe �Iq� imnw e�c enrt�v wle pim ie 16 -02 A -2.5 D.— By nwl.w.a Author Checker D.acnpv ROOF PLANS - BUILDING A & B 0 a a U Q U wQ N> W LL = Z W Qa �W W a LL N ID eny rMe .c��^C"u e�ro enrt�v w�eM en� 16 -02 A -2.6 D.— By --d Author Checker o.unpv ROOF PLANS - BUILDING C 1 2 3 3Y -z' 10'_Y^ T�Tilr— r�Ti - -� —� T�Tilr— r�Ti�r— rlTi�r— rl��r —r�Til T�Tilr— rlTi�r rlT— i�r— r�Ti�r— r�Ti�r— rlTilr— r�r��r— r�Ti�r— r�'Ti�r�l I��r— rl'ii�r —ref I I I IIII 1 11 I I 11 I I IIII 1 11 11 =1 1 11 I I1 11 =1 I I —III IIII I I IIII I I IIII I I IIII 1 11 I II 1 11 I I IIII 1 11 I II I H I I —I 1 11 1 11 I I1 I I —I 11 -1 11=1 I H I I� I III II 1 III =III �ry —... ... ... . . b 15R @0' -7116' VII I• Ib - I II I ll - -- - -- II 4' -4' 0' -0" I I I I I 18R Q- ]11I3Y' I I I II III —III I � _ UNIT1 �_� -- � geaass elal Hena��P I 1 k 95b11 b' - -- -/ ssi ifl A qar e ICJ ` _ I II II I I I .III —III 1 21ya.ammrt�aan I ____ II I III (]2 "Wx38 "Dx41'H) I I // \ I PPP I 1 III= ELECTRICAL RM. MEGHANICALRM. d Tres.3- BUmperWalls so'Glear LaM ng% j I i 11 - III —III— E�epapre r.9 TRASH ENCLOSURE a1 — a° —III= z ya.enror Recyclln9 - -y -- I III = pz ^w,3s ^D.4r HI I I �IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII= c I I I B — EV -7. 3' -BLB" ]SIB' IIII III —III __— 1 �I III L -- - - -_ —_ IIII II IIII III = —I 1.1 I� III =IIIII — -'II III =_I —III — III -1I F UNIT2 SHARED DRIVEWAY f1 = I —I I I= __- �— III —II1= '= —II1= I — _--4 I1— IIII — I s m I� II1 —IIII ____ - --- III11 f =I 11� III = 1 11.1 8' ____J _ 0 "_ 25'- 11510" 1P -2' l =� _III —III 26 -5610' 1' -8" I 8' -0510' 1111111111111111 15R @.o 7 2 113r I ' I I i I III III =1 I I — I it I I i j �Illllllil 10'- T'Witle Cpncreie � ■( Ve0iculer Ramp wl ■— = Di corative Sbmped Pattern l I\ I 71 I \ I - � 0 2D (SA 10.0 % SLOPE RAMPTOGARAGE 26'E'Vehiaul II � er Turning RaClus �i i \ I � IIII —III IIII =III =111 III 1a'a'MeW 1 1_I10• -0I 10' -0" 23' -6' 15' -0" Vehkuler Gale +i ----------- / I IIIIIIIII T __ _ __ WaWMe® I 1 I I 11 =III III- III III III =1 I I III —III III —III III III =1 I I I I 1 =1 I I III —III III III =1 I I I I 1 �1 I I i 1 11 I I III III =1 I I IIIIII I � ®" "" �' �WJl�WJ.U�LLI= �LLIJ. U: WJ. U�WJ. U—LUJ. U—LLIJ .U---- -J.U—LLIJ.U—LLIJ.0 :WJlI =i - -- - - - - -- I � arm Floor Plan -A 1,4 = no^ -- N r` 0 0 rn U a WQ >w z w LL w LL moa �e �ma�mmpeemw,q b A -2.7 Author Checker ..ap_ GARAGE PLANS 5 fi A -0.2 3 4 5 6 7 8 LL 1 EO 3' -fi" 3' -6^ Eq i = I + I =I� i 7—� 7=, — -11711-1 I �= 77== t == _ III � _ - I I 16a @o'- ]nisi' a � I� - .F -° I ifiR ®a'- ]n13z^ e � � Im I • II II II 11 11 I Imp 11 I I 11 I I 11 M I 4 V'Ql 1 UNIT T�11 T�11_ II UNIT3 _- UNIT6 flllllllllll I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I I' I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I 11 I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I 1 I 1 - - - �1 I I 1 I I I - - - - - -- I 11 zr -ova^ I 1 I - - - - - -- I I � I I 1 I I 1 1 I I I 1 I I I I p, a�•I 1 1 I I I m• -z^ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I % 1S -z a•.z• I a''z• L. ________ I I I w I4' -11• I �I I I I I I I I I I I A A.o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r' -6. I 1a' -s vs° m -s v4• I a -z' I 10318" T -T 5' -11" IT -71F4' 13' -1' a' -5" 5' -1" 5' -2114" T7 I I I I I I I I i I I I I I � I a.. z• I I I 1S -r I ________ I ________ I is -z• I I I a• -z" I I i I 0 Qy 1 - - - - - -- I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I\ Y I 1 I I I 1 1 � 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 1 I varkies smll I 1 v;Y I I I I I I I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I / /// I I 1 I I I D I I UN f 11 I 1 I i - -- - -- I - -- I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I� I I I ITE I I UNIT II 1 _ __ I I, 51 I 1 I 1 1 1 I \ 1 I ! I 1 I T TU^ vaniwla. \ , I I I 1 I I 1 I R 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I I nn,Iaa I \ 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I + V I ' 27- I I - -- --- O AlYVQ �m NM I��p��//IIN�9�I fS I 1 1 1 J I I I I I I I N,11100 yd O�VI HYd 11 11 II II II p Cccc��J� I I 11 II II sa @o' -]nisi , n' -]nlss 11 11 dS 1 u OcJ �. 1 I no wabrnnalars� I _ _ .1 = � _ _ � aulmGUest Parki 9 Spaces Y I ® ® vn ® ua ® a LL___ _____— ___ ______________----- ________— __________ —___� I I � 21' 9" �. 21— 21' -a le- 2L n Garage Floor Plan - B T N Q U Q WQ >/ W LL = Z W 1, � LL W a LL ID eny aan N q �ICawa�'wlcu eus enrt�v wee pnm iea'e� A -2.8 D.-9y I --d Author Checker oesenvama GARAGE PLANS 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2'- 5- 2'- W AT MSEG IBR@O' 711132- 111 11 11 1 /'1 1 -@,—w , 7111- 1 A M 1 111, G T —III III 1�11 1 1 I I I I PAWNG omy 77 I'll I OKY I I I I Jl— I I I _ --T UNT7 IT— Tl 7 UN, --7 -1— — — — T-- LMITI. ---- ---- W X. 72 Iv < .'-Il' 14—' k I 12'-1' 12' -1518' 2 -Ya. &n tar TlasM1 .11-41, H) r, TRASH ENCLOSURES (2 �yd 1— 21— 21— 27--l' A. 14' -83/4' r- 10' -7- 13' -11- TZ122'. -11. F—1 - — — - — — - I r- - - - --I UNIT. I UNIT1, I UNII I Iwo A140 AiWo , 11 11 11 Nvd ONOW'd ONJlNvd II II II n a I n o I n o Bu Gu— PrwitletlQ .11 G ... I king Spares In L 7 J V@1 1 11 J 1.2 15R@T 711132 21 21 6 21 21' - �2 Garage Floor Plan -C 0 WQ > Lg iL Z W LL w LL ra ITMa. "'.1 .—p F.Mwe Author Checker _7 GARAGE PLANS 1 T-1 HEIGHT LIMIT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . A _ - - - 1 of Roof T a ?. r �■ mmlpm l ® m® I f® EUIE ® ®® m ash' Second Floor ' - - it 488• -8" HIGHEBT CURB - - - - - ,_•�_�." _ �_.��.� i-- �.��. -�f Fast FOOr ELEVATION - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - 477' 8° V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - -�` -- -- - - - - - - - - -- ------ - - -Y -~ 6`a-0 n Elevation -East 30' -0 "HEIGHT LIMIT - _� _ - T-- Top of Roof Is I 505' S ■ � � 498' - 2" _ - Second Floor RICHEST CURB Firsl Fla or n ELEVATION M]5.88 - - y - - - - e - - 477 8" f n Elevation - North 1/16" = 1' -0" 30'- 0- HEIGHT LIMIT 'h� _ - HIGHEST CURB _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ELEVATION.475.Be I rl Elevation -South 14 T4- 30'- 0 "HEIGHr LIMIT _ _ _ i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - HIGHEST CURB ELEVATION a4 ".. m - -- _ - - - - - - - - - - - -- r} Elevation - Wesl v1s ° =r -o" M I'oP505 Seco488 -11 1 nd First Floor 477 8" iA _____ _ o of ROOF Second Floor �A _ 488' - 8" First Floor /y 417--IT " V Gare_ge_ 466' -8" & /mil South Elevation in Content coP ant m %a,aea xl exa�o ns ga ere "a GOp0le Maps allgnetl toa l/16 " =1' -0 "scaled site. EI ns gaU�eretl vla U 1/16 " =1' -0" wlneowa, nooGmpl�S ear vlaw and aignee to nwcnedcounga'e Ma�comyex�eievlasi onsidoore, 9MSl were used to dou BMs r O Q U Q U w Q N> W LL = Z W LL W ID LL eny rMe ac��^C"u e"w enrt�v wle pnm iea'eM i we Author Checker oas<nvvaa EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS - OVERALL 3 2 I I F I uildin n Bg A - West Elevation • ®N Alk AL 1 _ To of R —oof � I Top Plate 497' V t r a.]A Second Floor n h. _ First Floor UP78 I 3 6 n Building A - North Elevation I I s was 'moil I I I �} Building A- East Elevation Q r1 Building A - South Elevation 3 1/4 "= 1' 0" Garage gl:, 488' -8" V 505'- 5" _ T%9Plate 497' 8" Second F�loor�� First FI_ our n 477' 8' I OFinisA: 20130 Santl F ntisM1 Color: X -1fi SiNerGrey (Inte6ratetl) O VF— P,e t,rre FrnrsM1. Pissed. Smppth FinisM1 Coloi: Ginger (Ireegmtetl) O E le CCRRC -AppHW Cool Roof Styr,: Caplstmno S -Shape CWOr Santa Cmzelentl#BG02 �l �l Jeltl -Wen WlntloweBDOwa Motlel: Premium Vinyl Casement Mmnze Moks: xom emah raworwml OJ¢M-WenExteriorD- re— Color: .—Fl— Flbarglass Features: All- Panel, Dark Paling Decorative /1 �l Axen6 RaofEm w /Inrpreted Pluminum 0°aE" GuMr 8 Downspout stria: Aluminum Pre- nM :M1ea Color: DE6]]8-Jet O Decualive Meta1 6alcenurz antl Ratline Color: DE637e Jel OPpSte: T—r�l3oaom antl Batten Cobr: Mocha F,,ml O Dwmali%tCOlumns Color: - 66iNerGrey (Integmtetll 10 Decwalive MNel —GdII Color: DE6378 -Jet tt Deome. Gable Vents Flnlsh Pip 12 w. Chl ry Cap Fns 1m 13.. MWm WtlI# -dS- Style: Danbury Collection S8 Fin/sh: Black O Q U Q U w Q N> W LL = Z W Qa L� W LL N ID any rMer �ma, lawmtu erw enk. wie pi bn wl a]mra�=al.. 18 -02 A -3.1 Date Drawn By Rwlewetl Author Checker D.dpfipn EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS - BUILDING A n Building B - East Elevation Co n Building B - west Elevation va° = r -o" IA -0.2 I y I I 7 IIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIImmmuu 5 \ 0.42 I I J T� mi Toy of Roof. n 505' -5" V I _ Top_P_la�te�� 497' -8° �1 A _ Second Floor b Firs_t_F_l_o_o_r�1 477' - 8" 1 I Nag O La Habra Enerior Plaster Finish: 2— Sana Finish Gobi X 16 5iler Gtay (- gated) O Ventura Cast Stone maM Finish Color. Ginger (Integrabd) O Eagle —C- Applied Cael Rao1 Style: Capi.t - S -shape Color: Santa Cruz Bland 88402 O Jalawart w9rtaowsaoe.a Model'. Premium NnN Casement Calor: Bronze Nales: Min. 2 "recess hom finisF face arwsll O Jelly -wan E DOarB style: Aurora .. C Custom Fibaglass Color Mahe FlnisM1 Featares: All - Panel. Derk Patna DecoaOVe ORoof Accenk Eave wlln[e9ratetl Aluminum yf : N- - P. -f. mhea C_r —378- e O MWl B-- and Railing oroF Calar: )8 -Jet .63 OPoSfyi. eneS -- Style'. Timber ,Oirh end Betlen Color. Mocha FlnisM1 O°Color X -18 SG .r Groy(Integrated) tg °colooES3ie °cam°mt 11 °Fin sh��T.rtawtla PlP 12 °Finish: Terracotta -LaP to Maxim wal6Me acdrrce style: oandury C.1 collecum 5vg86 Finch: Black mu.z. TYLER GONT.ALEZ ARG+UTEC 005, INC Pas6 6 396.9599161 www TGArcFitects.nat r O O O Q U Q WQ N> W L i Z W a >s L > W_ a' Q LL N ID eny rMe a91 a a "n wie pt pnN 16-02 A -3.2 °ate Dawn By R.Newetl Author Checker Dasedpgan EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS - BUILDING B I I I I I I � I I I 1 Buildin B - North Elevation A -0.0 L 12 Ro� I U 1— Floor 8" I I I I -�- - - - - L - - - - -�- - - -�- - - ssfeg o /1 Building B -South Elevation 1/4" ; 1'-0" O fa Habn Ealermr Plaster Finish: 2N30 Sand Finish I — — — — Top of Roof n 505' - 5" V Corot: X- 16sil— G2y( -gMeb) Oveawna _ Roof 498' - 2" Eagle CCRRGApplletl Leal Roof Style: CePlafieno S -SM1ape Color: Santa Cruz Blana k8402 Second Fl gorr i fdorlef Premi— um . M.N Casement Color: Bronze Nahs: Mln. 2'recesa from finiaM1 face _ First Flo., Ro� I U 1— Floor 8" I I I I -�- - - - - L - - - - -�- - - -�- - - ssfeg o /1 Building B -South Elevation 1/4" ; 1'-0" O fa Habn Ealermr Plaster Finish: 2N30 Sand Finish Corot: X- 16sil— G2y( -gMeb) Oveawna Lxi1 st,s 'nis h Color Ginger(InleBra�etl) O Eagle CCRRGApplletl Leal Roof Style: CePlafieno S -SM1ape Color: Santa Cruz Blana k8402 O JNbwen WlDean fdorlef Premi— um . M.N Casement Color: Bronze Nahs: Mln. 2'recesa from finiaM1 face of wall O JNtl -Wan Exterior Style: Aumre Custo- m Fiberglass Color. MacM1e Finish Features: All- Panel. DeM Patna DecoaBVe O Accenk Roof Eave wllntegMetl Aluminum GutNrm a ou[ P hetl Style: s O corer oes3ye al j D DecoaB Mefel o antl Ralllrtg Color: Efi3]B - Jet O PolyuMh —Sh.M. Style: Timber Boats en0 Bafien Color: M- Finish O Oxen wCelumns Color.tlX -16 Silver Gay (Integrated) 10 D awe metal Acx.n. Grin cnmr: oES3]e -Jet 11 DecaMlve Gable Vents Finish: Tertacotta Plpea 12 Decea6ve enlmney Lap Finish. Tertacoea 10 w Style: Danbury CollecXon 5YO88 FIni.W: Black mu.z. TYLER G9NZALEZ ARGHRECTS, INC Pas6 6 396.9599101 www —hitec[s.net r O O O Q U Q U WQ K> L iL Z W Qa L� W a LL N ID ny a ee �ma a„ 0 9 .1= 9 rw 9n wie pi pnN a,m,aa"vl. 16-02 A -3.3 Date Dawn By Revlewetl Author Checker D.dpfian EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS - BUILDING B 7. ]OP50f R050f ' �uiIII���������Yltltltl% NIII��IIIBIIIIIIIINBIIIh„ ��� s ME A �E em '� - oe� 11 Ism -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- MINN MMMM m m m mmmm MONO MINN MOWN m7mmmmmm it IMENIM WIN mm MINE mm mmm I mm IMEN I I n Building C - East Elevation 14 I I — Dz Rasd I I Rest: I I n Building C - West Elevation coo ■ ■ ■s C�■ ■■ 0■ �■ ■ ■!■ MEIN as ■■ 1a■ go ■■ 0 �■ ��■ Mom ■'■ C�■ ■ ■ ■ ■1 ■■■ 111 111 ® ■ ■ ®®® 1� ■ ■■ ® ®® ■■■ iii a�i O7® — _.. 0 0 Q U Q Q w Q >/ W LL = Z W LL w LL N ID .ny r'. aglam �MU 9rw 9n wie pa m"nN 16 -02 A -3.4 Date Drawn By 1-1—a Author Checker D.dpDOn EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS - BUILDING C ELEVATION la Rabe Ealedor Plaster KEYNOTES O Oecomtive Metal Balconies antl Ra{ling O Flaish: Santo BarbaraM lion Flnis tor: X- t65ilver Gray llnlegmlatl) Coror DE63ye J t 2 ast stare P11yurelM1ane sM1Uaas Flnfsh� Pro--L S..Mh h Gingx(lntegrated) Style: Tlmber Board and BaRen Cobr. Mwla Finish 3 Eegb CLRRGApplied Lool Root g Oewradva Columns sryla: capiavarw s -snaps color: samac�elana nadaz cpror: x -ts simerGrer (mcegreced) O Jeltl Wen Wlnaows 10 Oworativa Metal Accent trill cpror DssaTa -Jet y as Model: P _ Q C_ M. Jela -Wan Exfeaw o0o8 DaPpmure Gable ve.rM rewa Pipes Style: —Ml— C_ Finish Features: A14Panel, Dark Patina Decorative AaenS 12 DewmYre Chimney Cap Finish: Terracotta ORoof Bare wllMaaraletl Aluminum 19 Sp.MW Wall sconce 6 Unit Number, Typ. 0 "a6 "GUtkr B Downspout Styro'. Aluminum Pre- linisM1ed Color: oe6aie -Jai Finish: Goror: 0 0 Q U Q Q w Q >/ W LL = Z W LL w LL N ID .ny r'. aglam �MU 9rw 9n wie pa m"nN 16 -02 A -3.4 Date Drawn By 1-1—a Author Checker D.dpDOn EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS - BUILDING C n n n To� of Roof n 505' -5" V TopR—L Pla.te 49f: 8" Second Floor 1 RrstFloo77 r n 4' -8" V I I I -—-—-—-—---—-— m I /2 Building C - South Elevation 114" = 1 - -0" 12 3 1 4 I I I �I F �f OF r ■ F Rrvrf 1-Z; t; 497' - 8" First Floor 477' - 8" O a Nabra Exlenor Plaster LFinish: 20130 Santl FlnisM1 corer: x -,s silercay U6te9mh O vmnfuraem smne sh' Precast Smooth F n sh Ceror G "nger (Integrabtl) Eagle CCRRCApplletl Ceol Roof Sfyk c.pi n6 8-s P. Coroc Sanfe Cmz gland kd662 0 Jeiawan w6naowsaowre naedar. Preml6m v(nN Casement colt: Bronze Nales: Min. 2 "rewss from finish O JN6Wan Exfetlor DOOR Sfvle: ... C-.. Flbero- H, O Oerore6ve 61efzl Balwnles antl Balling Calar: DE6378-Jet O Polrirethane SM1Were Style'. Timbero— end Bellen Color. MocM1a Finish OCC— X -,6 SG .r Groy(Integrated) 10 Cco(ooES3ie -Jai mDmi OCFlnsh�w•TeChi Pipes 12 CFin ah: Terrewtte yLap 1J Maxim WalFMwnktl SCence style: Danbury L•Ilecgw 5V686 Finch: Black L _ TYLER C2NTJMLEZAHGHRECTS, INC Pas6 6 396.9599161 www —hit.cte.n. r O Q U Q U w Q K> LLI i L Z W >i L i W a LL ID ny rM n91r•m M e - 9h., rilrer m �iNm s,mr di=al. 16 -02 A -3.5 Dat. Drawn By Revlewetl Author Checker D.dpVOn EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS - BUILDING C I I I I . _ Top of Roof 805' .......... Roof 498'- 2" Master Bedroom Bath 2 Second Floor _Al-,, Living Room Powder en - - _ FirsWo�o_r 477' - 8" 11 I Shared Driveway - O �I 466' - 8" /T Section i - Building A I I AA.2 I � AA.2 1 I I I I Ma. Closet Ma. Closet I I I Second Floor n 468' -8" I I I i Inin - Dining Dining L First Fl r n II I I Shared Drwway b III 6'a 6� 2 Section2-BUiidingB 1/4' = 1' -0" r O O O Q U Q WQ K> W iL Z W LL Qa LL N t0 mmxoa i�m�ma uwa.e�gaz m iu�M�a 18 -02 A -4.0 Dr.-9y aw—d Author Checker D. no.. SECTIONS [J--l- I n Secdon 3 - Building C 1 Section 4- Vehicular Ram 1 I I T — — — — — — — — — — - I I I I .. 19.9% IN m T, of Roof n 505' - 55" Roof � Sccand Floo. 488' 8" First Flop_ r_��. 477'-8^ V Gamge n 466' - 8" V First Floor 477 6" 6 ge n 4666' - 8" V TYLER pcLNTRLEZ "I INC Pas9699 9599191 www TGArcFitec[s.net r 0 O O U Q U w Q > W Z W Qa L� W Q LL N O any rMe miu ct�mmMlt�na hcia ��xtcu e�w ants. wee pi e 16 -02 A -4.1 eafa Drawn ey eam.w.a Author Checker D.no.. SECTIONS 10 11 12 13 14 I I I I 1 I I 1 Section 4- Vehicular Ram 1 I I T — — — — — — — — — — - I I I I .. 19.9% IN m T, of Roof n 505' - 55" Roof � Sccand Floo. 488' 8" First Flop_ r_��. 477'-8^ V Gamge n 466' - 8" V First Floor 477 6" 6 ge n 4666' - 8" V TYLER pcLNTRLEZ "I INC Pas9699 9599191 www TGArcFitec[s.net r 0 O O U Q U w Q > W Z W Qa L� W Q LL N O any rMe miu ct�mmMlt�na hcia ��xtcu e�w ants. wee pi e 16 -02 A -4.1 eafa Drawn ey eam.w.a Author Checker D.no.. SECTIONS Q Q I � n Section 1. 5 - Building B _0 I I I I ae.o I I I I - -� - -- - - - -�- - - -� I - - - - I I I I I — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Q �I ffl � n Section 6 _-,Building B R.f To Plat.te 497' 8" First Flaar 47T 8" V _ _Gare �e ��� 466' - 8" 1 _ Roof First Floor n 477' - 8" l Gare�e r O Q U Q Q w Q > W �z Z W Qa L� W a N ID eny rMe m iu. wmm en� s,m, Zvi. 16 -02 A -4.2 D.— By R.—.— Author Checker o—no.. SECTIONS Detail @ Window, Sill .18" Step 3" = V -0" I 5 1 Detail @ Window, Typ. Jamb 3" = 1' -0" I 2 Detail @ Window, Sill w/ 2" Water Table 3" = V -0" 4 Detail @ Window, Typ. Sill 3" = 1' -0" WINDOW SCHEDULE ill Wlntlax Witlth• EG E0 E(1 EG Ep EG ry 181€5193 ] 1/2' A^ A F�4B 54 Casement 3I A4.a 2 /A <o 1114.0 A2 2' -0" 3' -6" 1 Casement sIA -B.. i/.; 4I A4.0 BI u 5' -0" 16 Casement -- - r III ' + SIB'TypeX Gypsum WellbpeN eppl ad et 1114.0 B2 2' -0" spl, -]IB' Cement Pe'R' from (M1e lace 8 Casement 0 o Q 0 Q II gi111I E�, III halls -ghtangles tp sWtls wlN l- 1l4'tlrywall shrew :e -o.a. 5' -0" 29 -� Imeasuretl of sheathing) metal lags. Plaster mix 1A ror rowmeoatia am. wncoax a at•mt1 21-0 11". C2 4' -01/4" 5' -0" ' I n Casement 31".a I" 41"1 b 4' -01/4" 5' -0" 4 Casement 3 1A4.0 2 1 A4A Rq9 soft 1nau1-n D1 6' - 0 1/2" 5' - 0" Liquie -e a mwsture Farrar pp0e Casement/Fixed 3 I A- z /14.0 1 I A4.o D2 1 -12' Hatt+ountl Wrought Iron Folio - -- Par Taa 24, Trp. 1 Casement/Fixed 3 I A4.0 Ystem'. Dupont Tyrek 11uitl- Applietl we or app-ld equal. _ D3 6' - 0 1/2" 5' - 0" 2 1 "WrcugM Iran Feneing I I Wtl. Pants 3 I A4.0 z / -.a s I h0.0 E Wd. Sh- mg - 8 Casement/Fixed 3 I A4.0 z I A4.o I Wrou Mlron Bhugar Gi agachedbwall g P F1 2'- 0" i��. is 3 Wtl. Heatler rSWCt. P¢ - 3 z l -a 1 1 A4.o F2 2' - 0" ,I I Il I , 23 Casement/F11 3 I -.0 2 114.0 4 I asn GI 4' -01/4" 8' -0" 6 Casement 3114.0 I Il ii ll ' 1'14.0 G2 4'- 01/4" 6' -0" 2 Casement sIA4.a 211 . 4/A -0.0 H 6'- 01/2" it li l�Ii it � I i Ui�i II i Cool. SealerB Backer Rotl Casement/Fixed 3 I A4.0 2 118.0 4 114.0 Plaster J- Casitp m II Ii il�i it specttretl D.-l- Flashing n II I i,I Wlntlow J-1, ae yone $y.em wl Mp Edge Cent Seeler3 Backer ROtl Bp rld Wintlow Bys'tam - 310" -Full Wntlow WM wfien appllad asWe a single 11. wntlow Detail @ Window Shutters 111=11-o" Detail @ Window, Typ. Head 3" = 1' -0" 3 Detail @ Window, Sill .18" Step 3" = V -0" I 5 1 Detail @ Window, Typ. Jamb 3" = 1' -0" I 2 Detail @ Window, Sill w/ 2" Water Table 3" = V -0" 4 Detail @ Window, Typ. Sill 3" = 1' -0" WINDOW SCHEDULE Type Mark I Width I Height Count Sash Operation Head Jamb Sill At 2' -0" T -6" 54 Casement 3I A4.a 2 /A <o 1114.0 A2 2' -0" 3' -6" 1 Casement sIA -B.. i/.; 4I A4.0 BI 2' -0" 5' -0" 16 Casement 311 0 21- 1114.0 B2 2' -0" 5' -0" 8 Casement 31-0 21-0 41 A4A C1 4' -01/4" 5' -0" 29 Casement 31"0 21-0 11". C2 4' -01/4" 5' -0" 1 Casement 31".a 21"0 41"1 C3 4' -01/4" 5' -0" 4 Casement 3 1A4.0 2 1 A4A 5 1".a D1 6' - 0 1/2" 5' - 0" 5 Casement/Fixed 3 I A- z /14.0 1 I A4.o D2 6' - 0 112" 5' - 0" 1 Casement/Fixed 3 I A4.0 z / 14.0 4 I A4.o D3 6' - 0 1/2" 5' - 0" 2 Casement/Fixed 3 I A4.0 z / -.a s I h0.0 E 2' - 0" 4' - 9" 8 Casement/Fixed 3 I A4.0 z I A4.o 1 1 ".o F1 2'- 0" 6'- 3" 3 Casement/Fixed 3 I A4.0 z l -a 1 1 A4.o F2 2' - 0" 23 Casement/F11 3 I -.0 2 114.0 4 I asn GI 4' -01/4" 8' -0" 6 Casement 3114.0 2/14.0 1'14.0 G2 4'- 01/4" 6' -0" 2 Casement sIA4.a 211 . 4/A -0.0 H 6'- 01/2" V-0- 9 Casement/Fixed 3 I A4.0 2 118.0 4 114.0 Bea sce Bch a saesaa sphetlu 5 8 8 window Ty, W,nd -Ty N N.-Typ- Wi. - Ill 0 Bill 3 le See SCFeeu tea Sea SCl,etlule -3 EOUaI Liles a su,adwa ��F Wlntlow TypeE Window To.F Wintlow Ty Wmtlo yp- 1301C1•Ia14tAYN:Ii Ual �3Mi01i:I_ \�OUJIi.� t, See A- 20�Seees 63.0 SerlesP MUa CarnPly- Sactwn 1029 Emergency Escape &Rescue in 2013 Celttarnia Builtling Cotle, 2. A-20y Glaac� 30 S ntlIn MW ri- ply- seclbn Zoos 3-y Glszing In 2013 Calibrate B-1,ig coda. 3. Minimum glaxing peecm,ance requirements: 0.201 - Factor 021SHCG 4. dpersble Casement -d- "CTS, in Wintlow Legend as °� L TYLER G9N7- ALEZ AHGHRECTS, INC Pas6 6 396.9599101 www TGArcFitec[s.net O U Q U w Q N> W LL = LU W Qa �W W a LL N ID .ny rMe mIu ctp��Mltnnea d91r•m �xnuetng upyrlgn wile pn enw, 16-02 A -6.0 eat• Drawn By Rwlewetl Author Checker D.flpOan WINDOW SCHEDULE & DETAILS Detail @ Door, Garage Head /Jamb 3" = i' -0" I 11 1 Detail @ Door, Garage Sill 3" = 1' -0" I 7 1 Detail @ Door, Typ. Int. Head /Jamb EXTERIOR DOOR SCHEDULE �s6. cp�ui* 0se. scneapie* see saeau� g 8 N = N 6 8 h $ � odor y 1 Door Tr 2 Door Type 3 Dpor Typea ii i i� ii� � � IMMI 12ee sanaa6i * saa smee * saa smea �, Detail @ Patio Door, Typ. Head 3" = V -0" 10 Detail @ Door, Units 1 & 2 Entry Head 3" = 1' -0" 6 Detail @ Door, Typ. Entry Head 3"= T-O" 3 'Types Door Type 10 Door Type tt o— Type 12 Detail @ Patio Door, Typ. Jamb 3" = V -0" I 9 1 Detail @ Door, Units 1 &2 Entry Jamb 3" = 1' -0" I 5 I Detail @ Door, Typ. Entry Jamb 3" T -0" 1 2 1 Detail @ Patio Door, Typ. Sill 3" = i' -0" Detail @ Door, Typ. Entry Sill 3" = 1' -0" as spnae.ie Bee s-1e Bee s h—e See Scneaule y N DoorT 13 Dpor Type la Dopr TYpe15 Dopy Typel6 INTERIOR DOOR SCHEDULE Type Mark Height Width Count Thickness Head /Jamb Comments 1 T- 0" 2'-0" 6 2" 41 "l 2 7'- 0" 2'- 6" 9 2" a /"l 3 7'- 0" 2' -8" 17 2" 41"l 4 7' - 0" 2'-10' 70 2" 4 1 "1 5 T -0" 2' -10" 15 2" 4/A81 6 7' -0" 3' -0" 16 2" 41 ell 7 7'- 0" 3'- 4" 18 2" a /"1 8 T -0" 2' -8" 1 2" 4 /AG1 9 T -0" 5' -0" 2 2" 41M6.1 10 T -0" 4' -6" 11 2" a/ae.1 11 T - 0" 5' - 0" 8 2" 12 1' -0" 3' -0" 12 �s6. cp�ui* 0se. scneapie* see saeau� g 8 N = N 6 8 h $ � odor y 1 Door Tr 2 Door Type 3 Dpor Typea ii i i� ii� � � IMMI 12ee sanaa6i * saa smee * saa smea �, Detail @ Patio Door, Typ. Head 3" = V -0" 10 Detail @ Door, Units 1 & 2 Entry Head 3" = 1' -0" 6 Detail @ Door, Typ. Entry Head 3"= T-O" 3 'Types Door Type 10 Door Type tt o— Type 12 Detail @ Patio Door, Typ. Jamb 3" = V -0" I 9 1 Detail @ Door, Units 1 &2 Entry Jamb 3" = 1' -0" I 5 I Detail @ Door, Typ. Entry Jamb 3" T -0" 1 2 1 Detail @ Patio Door, Typ. Sill 3" = i' -0" Detail @ Door, Typ. Entry Sill 3" = 1' -0" as spnae.ie Bee s-1e Bee s h—e See Scneaule y N DoorT 13 Dpor Type la Dopr TYpe15 Dopy Typel6 INTERIOR DOOR SCHEDULE Type Mark Height Width Count Thickness Head /Jamb Comments 1 T- 0" 2'-0" 6 2" 41 "l 2 7'- 0" 2'- 6" 9 2" a /"l 3 7'- 0" 2' -8" 17 2" 41"l 4 7' - 0" 2'-10' 70 2" 4 1 "1 5 T -0" 2' -10" 15 2" 4/A81 6 7' -0" 3' -0" 16 2" 41 ell 7 7'- 0" 3'- 4" 18 2" a /"1 8 T -0" 2' -8" 1 2" 4 /AG1 9 T -0" 5' -0" 2 2" 41M6.1 10 T -0" 4' -6" 11 2" a/ae.1 11 T - 0" 5' - 0" 8 2" 12 1' -0" 3' -0" 12 see s�naapie sap soneapia spp srneauie Doorrypee1-6 Door Type? DOOr Type8 sp. xn ame see smaapie sap Door Types Door TYpee16 -11 DpprTp 12 w TYLER G9NZALEZ ARCHITECTS, INC Pas6 6 396.9599161 —.3—hi—net r °o rn Q U Q U w Q >/ W LL = Z W Qa L� W a LL ID eny rMer m iu�e wmm en� A -6.1 D.— By ReNewetl Author Checker D.dprio6 DOOR SCHEDULE & DETAILS f T7 T 10 11 12 13 14 I I I I I I I I „t hIt l — — -rte --c•�. - _ _ "vay`�' ". • CAB —� � — _ Q -1.1 L p!- — ~ -4 � — - l� j r s f: ,INV, 1. LE r-A I I I. z ti n Landscape Plan - North I I I I as -6° I cluster Mailbox Gas Meiem HeNacePO =]24 sr aaeanow Prave r r+ti:. - _ � i acreenatl by Pla hng ID i '=•'w1 F _ c v SGM1SCape =1091 sr I — — r� 1 I dntlmgw untl Edson ns sr tl} be screenetlby Pl mn9 _ -1 ' I - — — _ I I I III I z p Y s y Amb Pa e I I � - � • •' Caf Brown d180] Total Landscape within 25' -0 "Setback = 1815 sf c walxway (saonaml SYyle'. Liltlacbmme CGlor Hartlener 601%Softsca pe comr: smowa aeigex4949 60.1 % Soflscape cstyl l dph- .ylscpaeml PLANT LEGEND - VINES 2 Landscape Plan -South siNa: Lnbocbmma comr HaNener Color. French Gray G14 Grass tat gratle) N aaiaetl pwlder 11s^ abova graael Symbol Guantdy Slze Botanical Name Common Name Notea 42 5 Gallon Clivia mimata oa�ga Hrbnea FmncM1 Hybntl wanga Hamr uy M 34 -15 Galon O000naea viscose Pumurea' Purple HOpaeatl BUSM1 L - 31 15 Gallon GrevlNea rosemalinNWla Rosemary Bmwllea MIL Jo 5 Gallon LeMana Lemon SwIX Lemon SxvX HybXtl laniana M/L e 1s Callon Lepwaenamn Satan sunset saran eoMnnab M1L 4] 5 Ga on ��pe muscan 6g B^g Blue Ltly TUr( 34 -5 Gallon Pennisetums advena'RUbmm' Ratl FOUMain Gran ANL y, 4- 15 Galon Viburnum Gnus 'COmpac(um Gwnpaci Launwtinuz MIL 4] -5 Gelbn Wes(nngla Blue Gem' (WES03J PPAF Blue Gem Austral an Reaenlary MIL 6] -5 Gallon hh 9M1�a Wynyabbie Van�abtl Rcaanary MIL � 4- 5 Gallon NaManbergie vlolaaia wapprw roarer HepPY wmtlmr MIL 2a- 6Gallan Mackdyene unguis -caN GI'e Clew MIL M Gn]prtl cover Arxe Fladetl -Plant �9"o.c. Ate - ortl lia 'RedApple'im Red Applelce Plats WL PLANT LEGEND -TREES 0 0 Q U Q w Q K> W irL = Z W i W LL xcm ce �ma a, Xa e,aMq N rteimian en �IUC1�mmM�e ^IgIWm�M eaepmn�mpes. � L -1.0 16 -02 Bai. Onwn By ReNewetl Author Checker BeseXpvpn PLANTING PLAN 0 0 Q U Q w Q K> W irL = Z W i W LL xcm ce �ma a, Xa e,aMq N rteimian en �IUC1�mmM�e ^IgIWm�M eaepmn�mpes. � L -1.0 16 -02 Bai. Onwn By ReNewetl Author Checker BeseXpvpn PLANTING PLAN Attachment No. 6 Preliminary Exemption Assessment Attachment No. 6 ABEL ACITYAOTF ' A PRELIMINARY EXEMPTION ASSESSMENT (Certificate of Determination When Attached to Notice of Exemption) 1. Name or description of project: Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. TTM 15 -04 (73921) and Multiple Family Architectural Design Review No. MFADR 15 -11 for a twelve unit, residential condominium development 2. Project Location — Identify street 621 Fairview Avenue (between Baldwin Avenue and La Cadena address and cross streets or attach Avenue) a map showing project site (preferably a USGS 15' or 7 1/2' topographical map identified by quadrangle name): 3. Entity or person undertaking A. project: B. Other (Private) Fairview Holdings LLC (1) Name (2) Address 1005 E. Las Tunas Drive, Suite 125 San Gabriel, CA 91775 4. Staff Determination: The Lead Agency's Staff, having undertaken and completed a preliminary review of this project in accordance with the Lead Agency's "Local Guidelines for Implementing the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)" has concluded that this project does not require further environmental assessment because: a. ❑ The proposed action does not constitute a project under CEQA. b. ❑ The project is a Ministerial Project. C. ❑ The project is an Emergency Project. d. ❑ The project constitutes a feasibility or planning study. e. ® The project is categorically exempt. Applicable Exemption Class: 15332 (Class 32, In -Fill Development Project) f. ❑ The project is statutorily exempt. Applicable Exemption: g. ❑ The project is otherwise exempt on the following basis: h. ❑ The project involves another public agency which constitutes the Lead Agency. Name of Lead Agency: Date: August 15, 2016' Staff: Jordan Chamberlin, Assistant Planner Preliminary Exemption Assessment FORM "A"