HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem No. 3 - 1046 Fairview Ave. - Appeal DATE: September 13, 2016 TO: Honorable Chairman and Planning Commission FROM: Jim Kasama, Community Development Administrator By: Jordan Chamberlin, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: APPEAL OF THE DENIAL OF MULTIPLE-FAMILY ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW NO. MFADR 15-19 AND MODIFICATION APPLICATION NO. MP 16-05 WITH A CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) FOR A FIVE UNIT CONTEMPORARY STYLE MULTIPLE-FAMILY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT AT 1046 FAIRVIEW AVENUE Recommendation: Deny Appeal SUMMARY The applicant and architect, Mr. Norberto Nardi, is appealing the Development Services Department’s denial of the architectural design review and a five unit, “California Contemporary” style, multiple-family development, with a subterranean garage at 1046 Fairview Avenue. The project also includes a modification to allow a portion of the building to encroach into the required street side yard setback, for an ADA chairlift and basement parking stairwell to be located within the required front yard setback, and to allow the air conditioning units to be located within the required interior side yard setback. It is recommended that the Planning Commission deny the appeal. BACKGROUND The subject property is 10,298 square foot, reverse corner lot zoned R-3, High Density Multiple-Family Residential. The site is currently developed with a 2,167 square foot, one-story, Ranch style duplex with a detached two-car garage constructed in 1950. The property is located at the southeast corner of Fairview Avenue and S. Sunset Boulevard – see Attachment No. 1 for an Aerial Photo with Zoning Information & Photos of the Subject Property and Vicinity. This portion of Fairview Avenue and S. Sunset Boulevard is a mix of large and small scale multiple-family developments in a range of architectural styles. The age of the structures ranges from the 1950’s to more recent construction in 2014. A Certificate of Demolition was approved on June 14, 2016. The evaluation by an Architectural Historian found that the existing structures are not historically significant because the residences are a common in type and style that does not possess high Appeal MFADR 15-19 & MP 16-05 1046 Fairview Avenue June 14, 2016 – Page 2 of 7 artistic value and has not been associated with any significant events or persons. The Historian’s report is included as Attachment No. 2. The applicant, Mr. Norberto Nardi of Nardi Associates, LLP, on behalf of the property owner, Mr. Tin-Jon Syiau of RAC Development, Inc., submitted Multiple-Family Architectural Design Review No. MFADR 15-19 on August 14, 2015. The original application submittal was for a five unit, “California Contemporary” style, multiple-family development with subterranean parking – see Attachment No. 4 showing the First Submittal of Architectural Plans. Planning Services found that this proposal did not meet the City’s Multiple-Family Residential Design Guidelines ("Design Guidelines"), and issued an incompletion letter on September 24, 2016. Among the items identified as incompatible with the surrounding neighborhood and inconsistent with the Design Guidelines were the architectural style and details, bulk, mass, and scale of the proposed residence and neighborhood compatibility – see Attachment No. 5 for the Incompletion & Denial Letters. One additional design submittal followed on February 8, 2016, in which modest improvements were made in regards to the architectural style, bulk, mass, and scale of the proposal but staff did not find the revisions to the architectural style to be substantial enough to be deemed consistent with the Design Guidelines. Staff’s response to the submittal was that further revisions were needed to the architectural style, details, and facade – see Attachment No. 4. A third design submittal was received on June 2, 2016 (the latest proposal) - see Attachment No. 3. Modification Application No. MP 16-05 to allow a portion of the building to encroach into the required street side yard setback, for an ADA chairlift and basement parking stairwell to be located within the required front yard setback, and to allow the air conditioning units to be located within the required interior side yard setback was also submitted at this time. Additional changes to the design were made from the previous submittal to try and address staff’s comments, however staff did not find the changes to be sufficient enough for the proposal to be consistent with the Design Guidelines. On July 28, 2016, the Development Services Department issued a denial letter (see Attachment No. 5) for the project, based on a determination that the architectural design is inconsistent with the Design Guidelines because the scale and bulk of the proposed building dominates the site and neighborhood and the style is not harmonious or compatible with the characteristics of other buildings in this neighborhood. On August 4, 2016, the applicant filed an appeal of the Development Services Department’s decision – see Attachment No. 6. Appeals of Multiple-Family Architectural Design Review decisions by staff are heard before the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission may approve, conditionally approve, or deny the appeal/proposed design. PROPOSAL The project is for a five unit, town-house development, which meets the minimum density of 30 dwellings per acre. Each two story unit will have approximately 1,700 – 1,900 square feet of living area, three bedrooms, three bathrooms, and two garage parking spaces with direct access to the unit from the subterranean parking garage. The new building will have a maximum height of 26’-7”, where a maximum of 30’-0” is allowed. All units will have a minimum of 350 square feet of private outdoor area in the form of patios and balconies. Appeal MFADR 15-19 & MP 16-05 1046 Fairview Avenue June 14, 2016 – Page 3 of 7 Proposed front elevation facing Fairview Avenue The architecture of the proposed design is “California Contemporary” and includes flat concrete tile roofing and stucco walls; multiple neutral roof and wall colors are used to differentiate each unit, wood louvers over the windows, wooden architectural features, and reveal patterns added into the stucco add detail to the façade and overall design. The building will be setback of 30’-0” from the front property line, which exceeds the required 25’-0” front yard setback for the R-3 zone, and complies with the 30’-0” special setback for this portion of Fairview Avenue. An 18’-8” rear yard setback, which is greater than the required 10 foot rear yard setback, and a 10 foot interior side yard, which meets the minimum required setback, are proposed. The applicant is also requesting approval of the following Zoning Modifications: 1. A 21’-0” street side yard setback along South Sunset Boulevard where 25’-0” is required to allow a portion of the interior building stairwell to encroach; 2. Allow an ADA Chairlift and basement parking stairwell to be located within the required front yard setback; and 3. Allow the air conditioning units to be located 3’-0” from the easterly side property line within the required 10’-0” interior side yard setback. Proposed street side elevation facing S. Sunset Boulevard Appeal MFADR 15-19 & MP 16-05 1046 Fairview Avenue June 14, 2016 – Page 4 of 7 ANALYSIS Architectural Design Staff found the proposed architectural style to be inconsistent with the City’s Design Guidelines. This portion of Fairview Avenue and S. Sunset Boulevard is a mix of large and small scale multiple-family developments in a range of architectural styles. Although Contemporary architectural style could work in this area due to the wide variety of styles, staff found the proposed design to be inconsistent with the scale and bulk of the surrounding neighborhood and not harmonious or compatible with the characteristics of other buildings in the neighborhood. On the north elevation, facing Fairview Avenue, staff commented during the design review process that the elevation needed to be revised and redesigned to look like the front of the building rather than the interior side of the building, especially given it is a corner lot and has exposure on both sides of the streets. Staff suggested revisions to the style, layout, massing, articulation, window and door placement, façade and architectural details. Instead, only minor changes were made to the windows, roofline, and architectural details. Staff did not find these revisions to be sufficient enough to be consistent with the Design Guidelines. On the west elevation, facing S. Sunset Boulevard, staff commented on the repetitiveness, and lack of variation between the units, the massing and scale which emphasized the second story due to the balconies and two story wall planes. With regards to the architectural features, windows and doors, and front yard fencing, Staff suggested eliminating the louvers, and incorporate breaks in the two story wall planes to add visual interest at the building faces. Additionally, the roof needed to be redesigned to avoid a disjointed appearance, and oversized balconies needed to be reduced to give it a lighter appearance on the second floor. Furthermore, a different contemporary style home was highly recommended since the placement and/or style of the architectural features such as the louvers that looked like a ladder or caged-like appearance, oversized windows and doors on the second floor on every unit gave the development a monotonous appearance. Although changes were made to the roofline, two story wall planes, minor changes to the articulation were incorporated, the balconies were reduced in size, the fencing was lowered, and each unit was given a different roof tile color and stucco color, Staff still did not find these changes to be adequate to address the concerns stated throughout the design review process. In fact, the changes that were made affected the overall architectural style of the building that it did not have a cohesive appearance. The use of five different colors for the stucco and roof tile is inconsistent with the Design Guidelines which encourages simplicity and is not compatible with other buildings in the neighborhood. The emphasis on the second story and mass of the building was still emphasized by two story louvered wall planes, the style and sizes of windows and doors, and . The combination of these elements contributes to the proposal appearing massive and incompatible with the surrounding neighborhood. Appeal MFADR 15-19 & MP 16-05 1046 Fairview Avenue June 14, 2016 – Page 5 of 7 Modifications Due to the subject property being a narrow, corner lot and the 30’-0” front yard setback that is being provided to accommodate the special setback, the applicant is requesting several Zoning Modifications. One of the modifications is to allow an handicap ADA chairlift and basement parking stairwell to be located within the required front yard setback. Setback modifications that are needed to accommodate persons with disability are typically handled administratively but this request is included with the other applications subject to the Commission’s review because it is part of the overall site design. The proposed locations of the stairwell and ADA chair lift provide the most convenient path of travel between the ADA accessible unit, the handicap guest parking space, and the public rights-of-way. Landscaping and fencing around the stairwell and chair lift landings will minimize the impacts to the streetscape. There is a portion of the stairwell in each unit that encroaches into the required street side yard setback of 25’-0” On S. Sunset Boulevard. . Due to the narrowness of the lot, the required size of the parking stalls, and back up space, it may not possible to relocate the stairwell outside the required setback area without redesigning the project. An alternative would be to remove the stairwell and use a common stairwell. This would result in the driveway also being used by pedestrians; for safety reasons this is discouraged. Staff finds the encroachment to be minimal impact to the streetscape since it will be screened from public view by fencing and landscaping. The applicant is also requesting to locate the air conditioning units within the required 10’-0” interior side yard setback, 3’-0” from the property line. The air conditioning units will be located adjacent to the private open space for the neighboring property, 1044 Fairview Avenue. It is staff’s opinion that the size of the first floor could be reduced to accommodate the air conditioning units. Staff is not supportive of this modification request. FINDINGS Architectural Design The Design Guidelines do not impose an overriding style but does encourage improvements to respect or improve the neighborhoods character, be sensitive to the site and its surroundings, and be harmonious with the surrounding developments. It is staff’s determination that the proposal would need to re-design for it to be deemed compatible with the neighborhood and consistent with the City’s Multiple-Family Residential Design Guidelines. Staff finds that the proposed project is inconsistent with the following subsections of the design guidelines: Site Planning (p.6):  The location, configuration, size, and design, of new buildings and structures, or the alteration or enlargement of existing development shall be visually harmonious with their sites and compatible with the character and quality of surrounding sites, buildings, and structures. Appeal MFADR 15-19 & MP 16-05 1046 Fairview Avenue June 14, 2016 – Page 6 of 7  The height and bulk of proposed buildings and structures on the site should be in scale and in proportion with the height and bulk of building and structures on surrounding sites, and should not visually dominate their sites or the neighborhood. Building Composition (p.9-12):  The architectural treatment of buildings and structures and their materials, textures, and colors shall be visually harmonious with existing buildings and structures, and surrounding development, and shall enhance the appearance of the area.  New buildings should respond to or enhance the architectural elements of adjacent buildings. By respecting the design details of existing structures such as rooflines and building setbacks, transitional treatment between new and old will being to develop.  The bulk and mass of new buildings should relate to the prevailing scale of existing buildings. The City’s Multiple-Family Residential Design Guidelines can be found at: www.ArcadiaCa.gov/designguidelines ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS The proposed project qualifies as a Class 32 Exemption from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as an in-fill development project under Section 15332 of the CEQA Guidelines. Refer to Attachment No. 7 for the Preliminary Exemption Assessment. PUBLIC COMMENTS Public hearing notices for this appeal were mailed by August 30, 2016 to the property owners of those properties within 100-feet of the subject property. As of September 11, 2016, staff has not received any additional public comments on this project. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission deny the Appeal to uphold the decision of the Development Services Department to deny Multiple-Family Architectural Design Review No. MFADR 15-19, deny Modification Application No. MP 16-05, and find that the project is not consistent with the Multiple-Family Residential Design Guidelines. Appeal MFADR 15-19 & MP 16-05 1046 Fairview Avenue June 14, 2016 – Page 7 of 7 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION Denial of Appeal and Denial of Modifications If the Planning Commission intends to deny the Appeal and uphold the Development Services Department’s denial of the application, and deny the Modification application, the Commission should approve a motion to deny the Appeal, deny Multiple-Family Architectural Design Review No. MFADR 15-19 and Modification Application No MP 16- stating that the proposed design is not consistent with the City’s Multiple-Family Residential Design Guidelines and the Modification findings. Approval of Appeal and Approval of Modifications If the Planning Commission intends to approve the Appeal and overturn the Development Services Department denial, and approve the proposed design and Zoning Modifications, the Commission should state the finding(s) that the proposal does satisfy with reasons based on the record; and direct staff to prepare a resolution incorporating the Commission’s decision, and specific findings for adoption at the next meeting. If any Planning Commissioner, or other interested party has any questions or comments regarding this matter prior to the September 13, 2016, Planning Commission meeting, please contact Assistant Planner, Jordan Chamberlin by calling (626) 821-4334, or by email to JChamberlin@ArcadiaCA.gov. Attachment No. 1: Aerial Photo with Zoning Information & Photos of Subject Property and Vicinity Attachment No. 2: Historical Report Attachment No. 3 Current Submittal Architectural Plans Attachment No. 4: First Submittal Architectural Plans Attachment No. 5: Incompletion & Denial Letters Attachment No. 6: Appeal Letter Attachment No. 7: Preliminary Exemption Assessment Link to Multiple-Family Design Review Guidelines: www.ArcadiaCA.gov/designguidelines Attachment No. 1 Attachment No. 1 Aerial Photo with Zoning Information & Photos of Subject Property and Vicinity Property Characteristics Zoning: R-3 General Plan: HDR Lot Area (sq ft): 10,298 Main Structure / Unit (sq. ft.): 2,167 Year Built: 1950 Number of Units: 2 Overlays Parking Overlay: n/a Downtown Overlay: n/a Special Height Overlay: n/a Architectural Design Overlay: n/a Site Address: 1046 FAIRVIEW AVE Property Owner(s): Tin-Jon Syiau Selected parcel highlighted Parcel location within City of Arcadia This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, current, or otherwise reliable. Report generated 09-Sep-2016 Page 1 of 1 PhotoAofAtheAsubjectAproperty,A1046AFairviewA venueAfromAFairviewA venue PhotoAofAtheAsubjectAproperty,A1046AFairviewA venueAfromAS.ASunsetABoulevard PhotoAofAtheApropertyAtoAtheAnorth,A1049AFairviewA venueAfromAFairviewA venue PhotoAofAtheApropertyAtoAtheAnorth,A1049AFairviewA venueAfromAS.ASunsetABoulevard PhotoAofAtheApropertyAtoAtheAeast,A1044AFairviewA venue PhotoAofAtheApropertyAtoAtheAnorthwest,A1035AFairviewA venueA PhotoAofAtheApropertyAtoAtheAeast,A1102AFairviewA venue PhotoAofAtheApropertyAtoAtheAsouth,A1035AFairviewA venueA PhotoAofAtheApropertyAtoAtheAnorthwest,A919ASASunsetABoulevard Attachment No. 2 Attachment No. 2 Historical Report Attachment No. 3 Attachment No. 3 Current Submittal Architectural Plans R N E R DI I B E R FN ER NO. C-28794 ST AT L ON - F N ORE C .1 L A I 3 1 - F O . A N C E A O D S E T H RC IT C AI T 1 7 R N E R DI I B E R FN ER NO. C-28794 ST ATON - F N ORE C .1 L A I 3 1 - F O . A N C E A O D S E T H RC IT C AI T Sheet No:Phase:Drawn by: Project No: Date:Scale:Key Plan:Sheet Title:Revisions:No Date Description Consultant:1046 FAIRVIEW 5-UNIT CONDOS1046 FAIRVIEW AVE.,ARCADIA, CA 91007 RAC Development, Inc.150 N. Santa Anita Ave., Suite 645Arcadia, California 91006805 S. Shamrock avenueMonrovia, California 91016 T.626.599.1776 F.626.599.9399 NARDI ASSOCIATES LLP Architecture Interiors Urban Design ©2010 NARDI ASSOCIATES LLPALL IDEAS, DESIGNS, ARRANGEMENTS, AND PLANS INDICATEDOR REPRESENTED BY THESE DRAWINGS ARE OWNED BY ANDARE THE PROPERTY OF NARDI ASSOCIATES LLP AND WERECREATED, EVOLVED, AND DEVELOPED FOR USE ON AND INCONNECTION WITH THE SPECIFIED PROJECT. NONE OF SUCHIDEAS, DESIGN, ARRANGEMENTS, OR PLANS SHALL BE USED BYOR DISCLOSED TO ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION,WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF NARDI ASSOCIATES LLP.Project:Client: 05/31/2015 10156 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEWADB Fairview & Sunset 5-Unit Condominium TITLE PAGEG100 SHEET INDEX G100 - TITLE PAGES100 - SURVEYA000 - SITE PLANA001 - SETBACK PLANA002 - ROOF PLANA101 - FIRST FLOOR, PLAN +1'-0" A102 - SECOND FLOOR, PLAN +10'-0"A103 - PARKING SUBLEVEL, PLAN -8'-0"A104 - PRELIMINARY GRADING PLANA105 - DRIVEWAY GRADING MODIFICAITONC1 - GRADING PLAN TITLE SHEETC2 - GRADING PLAN GROUND/1ST FLOORC3 - GRADING PLAN UNDERGROUND LEVELLD1 - LANDSCAPE PLANLD2 - TREE SURVEYA201 - SECTION A1 & B1A202 - ELEVATIONS NORTH & WESTA203 - ELEVATIONS SOUTH & EASTA204 - ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS A205 - WINDOW & DOOR SCHEDULEA206 - DEMOLITION PLANA301 - MATERIALS BOARD AREAS:TOTAL HEATED FLOOR AREA - SQ. FT.UNIT A: 1715UNIT B: 1749UNIT C: 1759 UNIT D: 1749UNIT E: 1910TOTAL: 88821ST FLOOR AREA - SQ. FT.UNIT A: 647UNIT B: 653 UNIT C: 669UNIT D: 653UNIT E: 7432ND FLOOR AREA - SQ. FT.UNIT A: 570UNIT B: 604 UNIT C: 598UNIT D: 604UNIT E: 669SUBLEVEL 1 FLOOR AREA (EXCL. GARAGE) - SQ. FT.UNIT A: 498UNIT B: 492 UNIT C: 492UNIT D: 492UNIT E: 498SUBLEVEL 1 UNHEATED GARAGE FLOOR AREA - SQ. FT.UNIT A: 390UNIT B: 385 UNIT C: 385UNIT D: 385UNIT E: 390TOTAL UNIT AREA (HEATED & UNHEATED) - SQ.FT.UNIT A: 2105UNIT B: 2134 UNIT C: 2144UNIT D: 2134UNIT E: 2300TOTAL: 10817 ELEVATIONS:GROUND: 0'-0"1ST FLOOR: (+) 1'-0"2ND FLOOR: (+) 10'-0"SUBLEVEL 1: (-) 8'-0"ROOF PEAK: 26'-7 21/32"PARKING-:PARKING SPACES REQUIRED:-TWO COVERED PARKING SPACES PER DWELLING.-ONE GUEST PARKING PER EVERY TWO DWELLINGS (ROUNDED UP).-ONE ADA VAN ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACE PER 1 TO 25 TOTALPARKING SPACES PROVIDED.PARKING SPACES PROVIDED:SUBLEVEL 1:TOTAL PARKING SPACES: 13 U NDERGROUND PARKING SPACESDWELLING UNIT PARKING SPACES: 10 (2 PER UNIT x5 UNITS)VISITOR PARKING SPACES: 3. 2 Regular, 1 ADA.(1 PER 2 DWELLINGS = 2.5 FOR 5 UNITS, ROUNDED UP TO 3)ADA PARKING SPACES: 1 ADA VAN PARKING WITH 8'-0" LOADING ZONE. PROJECT DESCRIPTION1. THE PROJECT IS PROPOSED TO BE LOCATED AT THE CORNER OF SUNSET AND FAIRVIEW IN A 0.24 ACRES PARCEL (EXCLUDING THE DEDICATEDPARKWAY) AND WITH AN ALLOWED DENSITY BETWEEN 1749 SF AND 1945 SF PER UNIT.2. OUR PROPOSED 5 UNITS CONDO PROJECT ARE UNDER THE MAXIMUMALLOWED DENSITY ( SEE CHART).3. THE PROPOSED ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPE STRATEGIES ARECELEBRATING THE NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER BY KEEPING IT WITHIN THEMAXIMUM HEIGHT ALLOWED, ARTICULATING THE IDENTITY OF EACH UNIT AND MAXIMIZING THE USE OF LANDSCAPED OUTDOOR SPACES (PATIOS ANDENTRY BALCONIES).4. THE PARKING SPACES (A COMBINATION OF PRIVATE GARAGES FORRESIDENCES AND AVAILABLE SPACES FOR VISITORS COMPLYING WITH THEADA REQUIREMENTS) ARE LOCATED IN AN UNDERGROUND LEVEL, ACCESSED FROM SUNSET .IN ORDER TO PROVIDE ACCESSIBILITY FROM THE PARKING TO THE ENTRY LEVEL, IT IS PROPOSED THE INCORPORATION OF A CHAIR LIFT, WHICH SURROUNDING WALLS DO NOT EXCEED THE HEIGHT OF ADJACENT LOW BALCONY WALLS.5. EACH CONDO UNIT IS DEVELOPED IN THREE LEVELS, ONE UNDERGROUND FOR GARAGE( UTILITY ROOM AND STORAGE WITH NATURAL ILLUMINATIONTHROUGH A SKYLIGHT), AND TWO UPPER LEVELS HOUSING THE SOCIALSPACES AND SLEEPING QUARTERS. BUILDING TYPE: CONDOMINIUMPROPERTY AREA (EXCLUDES CITY PARKWAY): 10,298 SQFT,0.24 ACRESPROPOSED DEVELOPMENT FOOTPRINT: 10,298 SQFTPROPOSED 1ST FLOOR FOOTPRINT: 3,367 SQFTNUMBER OF UNITS: 5NUMBER OF FLOORS: 3PROPOSED UNIT DENSITY: 1 UNIT/ 2059.6 SQFTMAXIMUM ALLOWED DENSITY: 1 UNIT/ 1450 SQFTMINIMUM ALLOWED DENSITY: 1 UNIT/ 2200 SQFTPROJECT INFORMATIONYARD SPACE PER UNIT - SQ. FT.UNIT A: FRONT 162, REAR 193UNIT B: FRONT 186, REAR 183UNIT C: FRONT 170, REAR 183UNIT D: FRONT 189, REAR 183UNIT E: FRONT 181, REAR 191REAR YARD PERCENTAGE LANDSCAPED:UNIT A: 105.1 SF @ 54.45% LANDSCAPEDUNIT B: 96.5 SF @ 52.73% LANDSCAPEDUNIT C: 96.5 SF @ 52.73% LANDSCAPEDUNIT D: 96.5 SF @ 52.73% LANDSCAPEDUNIT E: 104.7 SF @ 54.81% LANDSCAPEDFRONT YARD LANDSCAPING:TOTAL FRONT YARD AREA (FAIRVIEW): 2053 SFFRONT YARD LANDSCAPED AREA : 1248.39 SFPERCENTAGE LANDSCAPED: 60.78% S100 '1 '1 '1 '1 $ $ $ $    + % )$,59,(:$9(&/  6816(7 % /9'& /   (;,67,1*75((72%(5(029(' 6((75((6859(</' (;,67,1*75((672%(5(029(' 6((75((6859(</' (;,67,1*+286(72%('(02/,6+(' (;,67,1**$5$*(72%('(02/,6+(' &,7<3$5.:$<      &,7<3$5.:$<   + % 3523(57</,1( 3523(57</,1( 6,'(:$/.)$,59,(: &,7<3$5.:$<('*( 3523(57</,1(&,7<3$5.:$<('*( &,7<3$5.:$<('*( 6,'(:$/. 52$'&85%)$,59,(: 6,'(:$/.6816(752$'&85%6816(7 6,'(:$/.6816(752$'&85%6816(7 (;,67,1*+286(72%('(02/,6+(' 6(7%$&.  6(7%$&.  6(7%$&.   6(7%$&.  &,7<3$5.:$<   3523(57</,1( 3523(57</,1(     (;,67,1*675((7/,*+7725(0$,1 (;,67,1*675((7/,*+7725(0$,1>) ( @ ( ),5(+<'5$17 ( 0(752%866723&85%#)6 6((66859(< &85%#)6 6((66859(< *$60(7(5/2&$7,21 %$&.)/2:'(9,&((1&/2685( R N E R DI I B E R FN ER NO. 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Shamrock avenueMonrovia, California 91016T.626.599.1776 F.626.599.9399 NARDI ASSOCIATES LLP Architecture Interiors Urban Design ©2010 NARDI ASSOCIATES LLP$//,'($6'(6,*16$55$1*(0(176$1'3/$16,1',&$7('255(35(6(17('%<7+(6('5$:,1*6$5(2:1('%<$1'$5(7+(3523(57<2)1$5',$662&,$7(6//3$1':(5(&5($7('(92/9('$1''(9(/23(')2586(21$1',1&211(&7,21:,7+7+(63(&,),('352-(&7121(2)68&+,'($6'(6,*1$55$1*(0(176253/$166+$//%(86('%<25',6&/26('72$1<3(5621),5025&25325$7,21:,7+2877+(:5,77(13(50,66,212)1$5',$662&,$7(6//3Project:Client:   $5&+,7(&785$/'(6,*15(9,(:$'%  6,7(3/$1$     6,7( 6816(7%/9' )$,59,(:$9( 1 127$%/(5(9,6,216)5217<$5'+$ 6%((102',),('72,1&5($6(/$1'6&$3('$5($$'-$&(17&85%+(,*+76$''('87,/,7,(6$''('6((& &5(029('3/$176<0%2/66((/')25/$1'6&$3(3/$1 '1 '1 &,7<3$5.:$<  6(7%$&.)5203523(57</,1(  6(7%$&.)5203523(57</,1(   &,7<3$5.:$<   6(7%$&.)5203523(57</,1(  6(7%$&.)5203523(57</,1(   )$&$'(   &2857<$5')(1&(                       67$,56723$5.,1*/(9(/ 02',),&$7,21%   29(5+($'&/($5$1&(6.</,*+7 02',),&$7,21&   &+$,5/,)7(1&/2685( 02',),&$7,21$   /289(56     81,7$(175$1&($5&+,7(&785$/02/',1*  0$,/%2;+286,1*  $& 02',),&$7,21' $& 02',),&$7,21' $& 02',),&$7,21' $& 02',),&$7,21' $& 02',),&$7,21'   R N E R DI I B E R FN ER NO. 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Shamrock avenueMonrovia, California 91016T.626.599.1776 F.626.599.9399 NARDI ASSOCIATES LLP Architecture Interiors Urban Design ©2010 NARDI ASSOCIATES LLP$//,'($6'(6,*16$55$1*(0(176$1'3/$16,1',&$7('255(35(6(17('%<7+(6('5$:,1*6$5(2:1('%<$1'$5(7+(3523(57<2)1$5',$662&,$7(6//3$1':(5(&5($7('(92/9('$1''(9(/23(')2586(21$1',1&211(&7,21:,7+7+(63(&,),('352-(&7121(2)68&+,'($6'(6,*1$55$1*(0(176253/$166+$//%(86('%<25',6&/26('72$1<3(5621),5025&25325$7,21:,7+2877+(:5,77(13(50,66,212)1$5',$662&,$7(6//3Project:Client:   $5&+,7(&785$/'(6,*15(9,(:$'%  6(7%$&.3/$1$     6(7%$&.3/$11 127$%/(5(9,6,21602',),&$7,21/$%(/6$''('725(/$7('6(7%$&.6  $  $        R N E R DI I B E R FN ER NO. C-28794 ST AT L ON - F N ORE C .1 L A I 3 1 - F O . A N C E A O D S E T H RC IT C AI T 1 7 R N E R DI I B E R FN ER NO. C-28794 ST ATON - F N ORE C .1 L A I 3 1 - F O . A N C E A O D S E T H RC IT C AI T Sheet No:Phase:Drawn by: Project No: Date:Scale:Key Plan:Sheet Title:Revisions:No Date Description Consultant:1046 FAIRVIEW 5-UNIT CONDOS1046 FAIRVIEW AVE.,ARCADIA, CA 91007 RAC Development, Inc.150 N. Santa Anita Ave., Suite 645Arcadia, California 91006805 S. Shamrock avenueMonrovia, California 91016T.626.599.1776 F.626.599.9399 NARDI ASSOCIATES LLP Architecture Interiors Urban Design ©2010 NARDI ASSOCIATES LLP$//,'($6'(6,*16$55$1*(0(176$1'3/$16,1',&$7('255(35(6(17('%<7+(6('5$:,1*6$5(2:1('%<$1'$5(7+(3523(57<2)1$5',$662&,$7(6//3$1':(5(&5($7('(92/9('$1''(9(/23(')2586(21$1',1&211(&7,21:,7+7+(63(&,),('352-(&7121(2)68&+,'($6'(6,*1$55$1*(0(176253/$166+$//%(86('%<25',6&/26('72$1<3(5621),5025&25325$7,21:,7+2877+(:5,77(13(50,66,212)1$5',$662&,$7(6//3Project:Client:   $5&+,7(&785$/'(6,*15(9,(:$'%  522)3/$1$     522) 1 127$%/(5(9,6,216522)/,1(5('(6,*1('72(03+$6,6(7+(,1',9,'8$/,7<2)($&+81,7522)12:+$6$&216,67(173,7&+$/21*7+((17,5(/(1*7+522)3($.+$6%((1$/,*1('522)(1'6(&7,216$5(12:+,33(',167($'2)*$%/(' '1 '1 '1 '1       81,7&  81,7'  6(7%$&.    $    '5,9(:$<5$03 7268%/(9(/3$5.,1* 6((*5$',1*3/$16 83 '2:1 $'$$&&(665$03 6+$5('&20081,7<*$5'(1 6((/$1'6&$3(3/$1 + % &%&$&203/,$17:+((/&+$,5/,)7723$5.,1* 02',),&$7,21$  )(1&((;7(1',1*)520&21&5(7(6+$)7 %$&.<$5' %$&.<$5'%$&.<$5' 67$,56)5203$5.,1*/(9(/ 02',),&$7,21%   3523(57</,1( 3523(57</,1( 3523(57</,1(             6,'(:$/.)$,59,(: 3523(57</,1( 3/         &,7<3$5.:$<                   &,7<3$5.:$<('*( 3523(57</,1(&,7<3$5.:$<('*( &,7<3$5.:$<('*(   ',1,1*5220 .,7&+(1 /,9,1*5220 %('5220%('5220 .,7&+(1',1,1*5220/,9,1*5220 %$7+5220 .,7&+(1',1,1*5220/,9,1*5220 %('5220%('5220%$7+5220%('5220 6,'(:$/. 6,'(:$/.6,'(:$/. &,7<3$5.:$<   &,7<3$5.:$<  52$'&85%)$,59,(: 6,'(:$/.6816(752$'&85%6816(7 6,'(:$/.6816(752$'&85%6816(7 ( ),5(+<'5$17 ( 0(752%866723 &251(59,6,%,/,7<5$',86 ( $'$675((75$03725(0$,1$6,6 +($'&/($5$1&(6.</,*+7 02',),&$7,21& +($'&/($5$1&(6.</,*+7 02',),&$7,21& +($'&/($5$1&(6.</,*+7 02',),&$7,21& +($'&/($5$1&(6.</,*+7 02',),&$7,21& +($'&/($5$1&(6.</,*+7 02',),&$7,21& %('5220%$7+5220 %$7+5220  $   )7 )7 6+$5('$&&(663$7+72$//81,76$7 $%29(6,'(:$/./(9(/ ( 6,'(:$/.725(0$,1$6,6),%(5&(0(173$1(/)(1&(:,7+:22'3$77(55(/,()[:22'/2895(7<363(&,$/6(7%$&.  %$&.<$5' %$&.<$5' ',1,1*5220 .,7&+(1',1,1*5220/,9,1*5220/,9,1*5220.,7&+(1 81,7%  81,7$                      6816(76(7%$&.    81,7(      6(7%$&.            6(7%$&.  $         $   >1R6ORSH@>1R6ORSH@             $& %$&.)/2:35(9(17,21'(9,&((1&/2685(8636$5&$',$$33529('0$,/%2;/2&$7,21 *$60(7(5/2&$7,21   : : : : : : :: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ' ' ' ' ' : : : : :        ' ' ' ' ' ' 6 6 6 6 6 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 02',),&$7,21' $& 02',),&$7,21' $& 02',),&$7,21' $& 02',),&$7,21' $& 02',),&$7,21'                 $       R N E R DI I B E R FN ER NO. 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Shamrock avenueMonrovia, California 91016T.626.599.1776 F.626.599.9399 NARDI ASSOCIATES LLP Architecture Interiors Urban Design ©2010 NARDI ASSOCIATES LLP$//,'($6'(6,*16$55$1*(0(176$1'3/$16,1',&$7('255(35(6(17('%<7+(6('5$:,1*6$5(2:1('%<$1'$5(7+(3523(57<2)1$5',$662&,$7(6//3$1':(5(&5($7('(92/9('$1''(9(/23(')2586(21$1',1&211(&7,21:,7+7+(63(&,),('352-(&7121(2)68&+,'($6'(6,*1$55$1*(0(176253/$166+$//%(86('%<25',6&/26('72$1<3(5621),5025&25325$7,21:,7+2877+(:5,77(13(50,66,212)1$5',$662&,$7(6//3Project:Client:   $5&+,7(&785$/'(6,*15(9,(:$'%  ),567)/2253/$1 $     67)/2251127$%/(5(9,6,216$&%$&.)/2:'(9,&($1'*$6/2&$7,216$''('6((&*5$',1*3/$1)25025(,1)250$7,210$,/%2;$''('6(($)25'(7$,/65($581,7*$5'(165('(6,*1('$''(':,1'2:$1''2257$*66(($:,1'2: '2256&+('8/(/$%(/('02',),&$7,21$33/,&$7,21$5($61')/22529(5+($'/,1(6$''('81,7$(175$1&(02/',1*&+$1*(''5,9(:$<5$03*5$'(6&+$1*('%$&.)/2:'(9,&((1&/2685($''(' 81,7%  81,7&  81,7'  81,7&  81,7'   $ %('5220 3523(57</,1( 3523(57</,1(                    :& 0&/26(7 %$ :& 0&/26(7 %$ :& 0&/26(7 %$ :& %$ %('5220 %('5220 %('5220 0$67(5 %('5220 0%$7+5220 0$67(5 %('5220 0%$7+5220 0$67(5 %('5220 0%$7+5220 0&/26(7 0$67(5 %('5220 0%$7+5220  $ +(56+,6 +(56+,6 +(56+,6 +(56 +,6 81,7(    81,7$      0$67(5 %('5220%('52200%$7+5220%$ 81,7%  81,7$                         $  $   :& 6(7%$&.  6(7%$&.    6(7%$&.           6(7%$&.   6(7%$&.   6(7%$&.  6(7%$&.   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Shamrock avenueMonrovia, California 91016T.626.599.1776 F.626.599.9399 NARDI ASSOCIATES LLP Architecture Interiors Urban Design ©2010 NARDI ASSOCIATES LLP$//,'($6'(6,*16$55$1*(0(176$1'3/$16,1',&$7('255(35(6(17('%<7+(6('5$:,1*6$5(2:1('%<$1'$5(7+(3523(57<2)1$5',$662&,$7(6//3$1':(5(&5($7('(92/9('$1''(9(/23(')2586(21$1',1&211(&7,21:,7+7+(63(&,),('352-(&7121(2)68&+,'($6'(6,*1$55$1*(0(176253/$166+$//%(86('%<25',6&/26('72$1<3(5621),5025&25325$7,21:,7+2877+(:5,77(13(50,66,212)1$5',$662&,$7(6//3Project:Client:   $5&+,7(&785$/'(6,*15(9,(:$'%  1')/2253/$1 $     1')/2251 $''(':,1'2:$1''2257$*66(($:,1'2: '2256&+('8/(81,7$(175$1&(02/',1*$1''(6,*1&+$1*('/289(5352-(&7,21',67$1&(5('8&('%< %$/&21,(65(029(')5200$67(5%('5220681,7$)5217%$/&21<5('8&(')520&251(5 83    $     &$5*$5$*( &$5*$5$*( &$5*$5$*( &$5*$5$*( &$5*$5$*( '5,9(:$<5$03 72*5281'/(9(/           83 '2:1 3/   3523(57</,1(   3523(57</,1( 3523(57</,1(        3523(57</,1( 83 '2:1 3/   +($'&/($5$1&(6.</,*+7 $'$9$1 3$5.,1*63$&( *8(673$5.,1*  2$'$9$1/2$',1*=21( *8(673$5.,1* <'75$6+&217$,1(5 <'5(&<&/,1*&217$,1(5 *8(673$5.,1*&%&$&203/,$17:+((/&+$,5/,)7723$5.,1*     6&5((1           +,*+ 6725$*($5($ /$81'5< 87,/,7,(6 6725$*( /$81'5< 87,/,7,(6 6725$*( /$81'5< 87,/,7,(6 6725$*( /$81'5< 87,/,7,(6 6725$*( /$81'5< 87,/,7,(6 6725$*(         /,*+7:(//23(172$%29( /,*+7:(//23(172$%29( /,*+7:(//23(172$%29( /,*+7:(//23(172$%29( /,*+7:(//23(172$%29(  $ 67$,56837267)/225     $  $ >1R6ORSH@ 6816(7%/9'('*($7*5281'/(9(/ )$,59,(:$9(('*($7*5281'/(9(/ *8(673$5.,1*21/< 6,*163(5$0&6(& *8(673$5.,1*21/< 6,*13(5$0&6(& %803(5*8$5'63(5$0&6(& %803(5*8$5'3(5$0&6(& %803(5*8$5' 3(5$0&6(& &,7<3$5.:$<   &,7<3$5.:$<   +,*+ 6725$*($5($  +,*+ 6725$*($5($  +,*+ 6725$*($5($  +,*+ 6725$*($5($       +($'&/($5$1&(6.</,*+7 +($'&/($5$1&(6.</,*+7 +($'&/($5$1&(6.</,*+7 +($'&/($5$1&(6.</,*+7 *$//21/2:%2<:$7(5+($7(581'(567$,56 *$//21/2:%2<:$7(5+($7(581'(567$,56 *$//21/2:%2<:$7(5+($7(581'(567$,56 *$//21/2:%2<:$7(5+($7(581'(567$,56 *$//21/2:%2<:$7(5+($7(581'(567$,56  $ R N E R DI I B E R FN ER NO. 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Shamrock avenueMonrovia, California 91016T.626.599.1776 F.626.599.9399 NARDI ASSOCIATES LLP Architecture Interiors Urban Design ©2010 NARDI ASSOCIATES LLP$//,'($6'(6,*16$55$1*(0(176$1'3/$16,1',&$7('255(35(6(17('%<7+(6('5$:,1*6$5(2:1('%<$1'$5(7+(3523(57<2)1$5',$662&,$7(6//3$1':(5(&5($7('(92/9('$1''(9(/23(')2586(21$1',1&211(&7,21:,7+7+(63(&,),('352-(&7121(2)68&+,'($6'(6,*1$55$1*(0(176253/$166+$//%(86('%<25',6&/26('72$1<3(5621),5025&25325$7,21:,7+2877+(:5,77(13(50,66,212)1$5',$662&,$7(6//3Project:Client:   $5&+,7(&785$/'(6,*15(9,(:$'%  3$5.,1*68%/(9(/3/$1 $     3$5.,1*/(9(/1 :$7(5+($7(5/2&$7,21$''(''5,9(:$<5$03*5$'(6&+$1*(' '1 '1 '1                                                                                                                       $  $  $  $                                          >1R6ORSH@  $   R N E R DI I B E R FN ER NO. C-28794 ST AT L ON - F N ORE C .1 L A I 3 1 - F O . A N C E A O D S E T H RC IT C AI T 1 7 R N E R DI I B E R FN ER NO. C-28794 ST ATON - F N ORE C .1 L A I 3 1 - F O . A N C E A O D S E T H RC IT C AI T Sheet No:Phase:Drawn by: Project No: Date:Scale:Key Plan:Sheet Title:Revisions:No Date Description Consultant:1046 FAIRVIEW 5-UNIT CONDOS1046 FAIRVIEW AVE.,ARCADIA, CA 91007 RAC Development, Inc.150 N. Santa Anita Ave., Suite 645Arcadia, California 91006805 S. Shamrock avenueMonrovia, California 91016T.626.599.1776 F.626.599.9399 NARDI ASSOCIATES LLP Architecture Interiors Urban Design ©2010 NARDI ASSOCIATES LLP$//,'($6'(6,*16$55$1*(0(176$1'3/$16,1',&$7('255(35(6(17('%<7+(6('5$:,1*6$5(2:1('%<$1'$5(7+(3523(57<2)1$5',$662&,$7(6//3$1':(5(&5($7('(92/9('$1''(9(/23(')2586(21$1',1&211(&7,21:,7+7+(63(&,),('352-(&7121(2)68&+,'($6'(6,*1$55$1*(0(176253/$166+$//%(86('%<25',6&/26('72$1<3(5621),5025&25325$7,21:,7+2877+(:5,77(13(50,66,212)1$5',$662&,$7(6//3Project:Client:   $5&+,7(&785$/'(6,*15(9,(:$'%  35(/,0,1$5<*5$',1*3/$1$     528*+*5$',1*3/$11 6((6+((76&&$1'&)25&,9,/(1*,1((56*5$',1*3/$1 *5281'/(9(/ 67)/225 1')/225 3$5.,1*/(9(/   $     >1R6ORSH@  $ 23(172$%29( 3523(57</,1(:(67 6816(7%/9' 3523(57</,1(($67 '5,9(:$< 6,'(:$/.               #  #  #  #  #  #  #     $   *5281'/(9(/ 67)/225 1')/225  3$5.,1*/(9(/   $ #          81,7(*$5$*( 23(172$%29('5,9(:$< 3523(57</,1(6287+              $ R N E R DI I B E R FN ER NO. 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Shamrock avenueMonrovia, California 91016T.626.599.1776 F.626.599.9399 NARDI ASSOCIATES LLP Architecture Interiors Urban Design ©2010 NARDI ASSOCIATES LLP$//,'($6'(6,*16$55$1*(0(176$1'3/$16,1',&$7('255(35(6(17('%<7+(6('5$:,1*6$5(2:1('%<$1'$5(7+(3523(57<2)1$5',$662&,$7(6//3$1':(5(&5($7('(92/9('$1''(9(/23(')2586(21$1',1&211(&7,21:,7+7+(63(&,),('352-(&7121(2)68&+,'($6'(6,*1$55$1*(0(176253/$166+$//%(86('%<25',6&/26('72$1<3(5621),5025&25325$7,21:,7+2877+(:5,77(13(50,66,212)1$5',$662&,$7(6//3Project:Client:   $5&+,7(&785$/'(6,*15(9,(:$'%  '5,9(:$<*5$',1*02',),&$7,21$     '5,9(:$<*5$'(6(&7,21    '5,9(:$<*5$'(6(&7,21 0,1,080$'$9$1&/($5(1&( '5,9(:$<02',),&$7,21,125'(5723529,'($'5,9(:$<7+$7),76:,7+,17+(6,7(:,7+287&5($7,1*$0$-25,03$&7217+(%8,/',1*648$5()227$*(7+('5,9(:$<+$6%((16+257(1('7+,66+257(1,1*5(48,5(67+($&&202'$7,212),1&5($6('6/23(6$1''(&5($6('',67$1&(6:,7+,17+(75$16,7,213257,2162)7+(5$037+(75$16,7,216/23(',))(5(17,$/)25($&+6(&7,21+$6%((10$,17$,1('81'(572/2:(57+(3266,%,/,7<2)9(+,&/(60$.,1*%2'<81'(5&$55,$*(&217$&77+(6/23('2(6(;&(('7+(&,7< 60$;,0,80%<3/($6(6((7+('5$:,1*6$%29($1'727+(/()7)25025('(7$,/621285352326(''5,9(:$<7+,6'5,9(:$<'(6,*1$635232 6('$6%((1127('%<$&,9,/ (1*,1((5$6:,//$//2:3$66$*(2)$67$1'$5'9(+,&/(6((6+((7& &*5$',1*3/$16'5,9(:$<(;&((',1*&,7<67$1'$5'6+$6%((135(/,0,1$5,/<$*5(('21%<$66,67$17&,7<(1*,1((5&2/(0$12/,1*(53( MAHONIA REPENSCREEPING BARBERRY5-GAL.MUHLENBERGIA CAPILARIS"PINK CLOUD"5-GAL. FESTUCA SP.SISKIYOU BLUE1-GAL. 24" OC WUCOLS 4: LOW 24" TALL/48" WIDESUN/SHADEWUCOLS 4: MED3' TALL/4' WIDESUN/PART SUN LEYMUS CONDENSATUS"CANYON PRINCE"1-GAL 30" OC WUCOLS 4: LOW 30" TALL/30" WIDEFULL SUNWUCOLS 4: LOW 18" TALL/18" WIDESUN/SHADEWUCOLS 4: MED 30' TALL/25' WIDEFULL SUN MUHLENBERGIA DUBIAPINE MUHLY5-GAL. WUCOLS 4: LOW3' TALL/3' WIDESUN/PART SUNWUCOLS 4: MED 30' TALL/20' WIDESUN/SHADE CAREX PRAEGRACILISMEADOW SEDGE 4" LINERS/PLUGS @ 8" OC WUCOLS 3: MED 12" TALL/12" WIDESUN/SHADE ERIGERON KARVINSKIANUSSANTA BARBARA DAISY 1-GAL. 36" OC - 24" OFF EDGES WUCOLS 4: MED18" TALL/3' WIDESUN/SHADE NASELLA CERNUA NODDING STIPA 1-GAL/4" LINERS @ 18" OC WUCOLS 4: LOW2' TALL/2' WIDESUN/SHADE2" LAYER 4" - 6" YOSEMITE PEBBLESOVER 4-OUNCE FILTER FABRIC.TOP OF STONE FLUSH WITH PAVING/BORDERS.DASYLERION WHEELERIDESERT SPOON15-GAL. WUCOLS 3: LOW3' TALL/3' WIDESUNWUCOLS 4: MED 24" TALL/60" WIDESUN ACHILLEA TOMENTOSAYARROW FLATS 12" OC - 12" OFF EDGES WUCOLS 4: LOW 6" TALL/12" WIDE SUN/PART SHADE ARCTOSTAPHYLOS DENSIFLORA"HOWARD MCMINN"24" BOX NATURAL FORM WUCOLS 4: LOW5' TALL/6' WIDESUN/SHADE MELALEUCA QUINQUENERVIACAJEPUT TREE24" BOX PLANTING LEGEND + BOUGAINVILLEA SP. "ROSENKA"5-GAL. WUCOLS 4: LOW 30" TALL/36" WIDESUN BULBINE FRUTESCENS"HALLMARK"5-GAL.GEIJERA PARVIFLORAAUSTRALIAN WILLOW36" BOX WUCOLS 4: LOW8' TALL/4' WIDEFULL SUN JUNIPERUS "MOONGLOW"15-GALMACFADYANA UNGUIS-CATICAT-CLAW VINE1-GAL. WUCOLS 4: LOWVINE SUN/SHADE DRIVEWAY RAMP TO SUBLEVEL PARKING UP DOWN PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE SIDEWALK - FAIRVIEW PROPERTY LINE CITY PARKWAY EDGE PROPERTY LINECITY PARKWAY EDGE CITY PARKWAY EDGE ROAD CURB - FAIRVIEW SIDEWALK - SUNSET SIDEWALK - SUNSET AC BACKFLOW PREVENTIONDEVICE ENCLOSURE GAS METER LOCATION AC AC AC AC +++++ + SUNSET FAIRVIEW 4" WIDE CONCRETE BORDER OVER STRUCTURALWALL BELOW. LANDSCAPE DESIGN PLAN 05/19/2016 10156 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEWCTD 7 3 ' 4&+ + $ ' 4 (0 *4 34(ª 8 9&9 . 10 ª + 3 47* (  1 & .  ª + 4  # 0 % ' # 1 & 5 ' 6 * 4% +6 %&.6  7 3 ' 4&+ + $ ' 4 (0 *4 34(ª 8 9&910 ª + 3 47* (  1 & .  ª + 4  # 0 % ' # 1 & 5 ' 6 * 4% +6 %&.6 Sheet No:Phase:Drawn by: Project No: Date:Scale: Key Plan:Sheet Title:Revisions:NoDate Description Consultant:1046 FAIRVIEW 5-UNIT CONDOS1046 FAIRVIEW AVE.,ARCADIA, CA 91007 RAC Development, Inc.150 N. Santa Anita Ave., Suite 645Arcadia, California 91006805 S. Shamrock avenue Monrovia, California 91016T.626.599.1776 F.626.599.9399 $662&,$7(6// 3 $UFKLWHFWXUH ,QWHULRUV 8UEDQ'HVLJQ ••2010 NARDI ASSOCIATES LLP ALL IDEAS, DESIGNS, ARRANGEMENTS, AND PLANS INDICATEDOR REPRESENTED BY THESE DRAWINGS ARE OWNED BY ANDARE THE PROPERTY OF NARDI ASSOCIATES LLP AND WERECREATED, EVOLVED, AND DEVELOPED FOR USE ON AND INCONNECTION WITH THE SPECIFIED PROJECT. NONE OF SUCH IDEAS, DESIGN, ARRANGEMENTS, OR PLANS SHALL BE USED BYOR DISCLOSED TO ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION,WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF NARDI ASSOCIATES LLP.Project:Client:L 5# 5 % 1( ' 6#6 0 5 .+% ' % ) 4 # + # 6 * 1 / . 0 &5%# # ' & 4 0 +# 1 . + ( 7& %0 0# 2' +6'%6 4%# * VLOYHUEDUVWXGLRODQGVFDSHDUFKLWHFWXUHHQYLURQPHQWDOGHVLJQPDULSRVDFD 1" = 8' LANDSCAPEDESIGN PLANLD1 NOTED PROPERTY LINE SIDEWALK - FAIRVIEW ROAD CURB - FAIRVIEW SIDEWALK - SUNSET SIDEWALK - SUNSET EXISTING DWELLING EXISTING GARAGECONCRETECONCRETE CONCRETE CONCRETE CONCRETE 05/04/2016 10156 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEWCTD 7 3 ' 4&+ + $ ' 4 (0 *4 34(ª 8 9&9 . 10 ª + 3 47* (  1 & .  ª + 4  # 0 % ' # 1 & 5 ' 6 * 4% +6 %&.6  7 3 ' 4&+ + $ ' 4 (0 *4 34(ª 8 9&910 ª + 3 47* (  1 & .  ª + 4  # 0 % ' # 1 & 5 ' 6 * 4% +6 %&.6 Sheet No:Phase:Drawn by: Project No: Date:Scale: Key Plan:Sheet Title:Revisions:No Date Description Consultant:1046 FAIRVIEW 5-UNIT CONDOS1046 FAIRVIEW AVE.,ARCADIA, CA 91007 RAC Development, Inc.150 N. Santa Anita Ave., Suite 645Arcadia, California 91006805 S. Shamrock avenue Monrovia, California 91016T.626.599.1776 F.626.599.9399 $662&,$7(6// 3 $UFKLWHFWXUH ,QWHULRU V 8UEDQ'HVLJQ ••2010 NARDI ASSOCIATES LLP ALL IDEAS, DESIGNS, ARRANGEMENTS, AND PLANS INDICATEDOR REPRESENTED BY THESE DRAWINGS ARE OWNED BY ANDARE THE PROPERTY OF NARDI ASSOCIATES LLP AND WERECREATED, EVOLVED, AND DEVELOPED FOR USE ON AND INCONNECTION WITH THE SPECIFIED PROJECT. NONE OF SUCH IDEAS, DESIGN, ARRANGEMENTS, OR PLANS SHALL BE USED BYOR DISCLOSED TO ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION,WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF NARDI ASSOCIATES LLP Project:Client:L 5# 5 % 1( ' 6#6 0 5 .+% ' % ) 4 # + # 6 * 1 / . 0 &5%# # ' & 4 0 +# 1 . + ( 7& %0 0# 2' +6'%6 4%# * VLOYHUEDUVWXGLRODQGVFDSHDUFKLWHFWXUHHQYLURQPHQWDOGHVLJQPDULSRVDFD 1" = 8' TREE SURVEY PLANLD2 NOTED EXISTING TREES - ON-SITESYMSPECIESDESCRIPTION 1MALUS SP. MULBERRYTO BE REMOVED2LAGERSTROEMIA SP.TO BE REMOVEDEXISTING TREES OFF-SITE3LAGERSTROEMIA SP.16" CALIPER TO REMAIN4LAGERSTROEMIA SP.12" CALIPER TO REMAIN 1 2 3 4 *5281'/(9(/ 67)/225 1')/225 1')/225&(,/,1* 3$5.,1*/(9(/  ;:22'/289(5'$5.6$7,1522))$6&,$&2/25('720$7&+))&21&5(7(7,/(522)$66257('&2/256%<81,7 ($*/(522),1*%(/$,56(5,(6256,0,/$5 6$7,10(7$/+$1'5$,/0$7&+,1*522))$6&,$ 6816(7%/9'   ),%(5&(0(173$1(/)(1&(:,7+:22'3$77(55(/,();:22'5$,/6  $&&(663$7+6(0,35,9$7()5217325&+ 5($5<$5',1&+5(,1)25&('&21&5(7(5(7$,1,1*:$//,1&+5(,1)25&('&2817(5)2576 &,7<3$5.:$<  6.</,*+73529,',1*29(5+($'&/($5$1&( 02',),&$7,21& 3523(57</,1(3523(57</,1( 3523(57</,1(3523(57</,1( 6,'(:$/.  $ *$5$*(',1,1*5220 0$67(5%('5220%('5220 /$81'5<87,/,7,(6$1'6725$*( 6(7%$&.  522)   6(7%$&.     $           ',6772$'-%8,/',1*        $ $ $        62,/5(7$,1,1*:$//   &21&5(7(62,/6(3(5$7,21%281'$5< *5281'/(9(/ 67)/225 1')/225 1')/225&(,/,1* 3$5.,1*/(9(/   $ 3523(57</,1( 3523(57</,1(    81,7'  *$5$*( *$5$*( *$5$*( *$5$*( *$5$*(           '5,9(:$< 6,'(:$/.&,7<3$5.:$<  ,1&+5(,1)25&('&21&5(7(5(7$,1,1*:$// 522)    $ 81,7$  63(&,$/6(7%$&.  ,1&+5(,1)25&('&21&5(7(5(7$,1,1*:$//       $ $ '$5.6$7,1522))$6&,$&21&5(7(7,/(522)$66257('&2/256%<81,7 ($*/(522),1*%(/$,56(5,(6256,0,/$5 [:22'/2895(81,7$(175$1&($5&+,7(&785$/02/',1*        81,7(  6(7%$&.     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Shamrock avenueMonrovia, California 91016T.626.599.1776 F.626.599.9399 NARDI ASSOCIATES LLP Architecture Interiors Urban Design ©2010 NARDI ASSOCIATES LLP$//,'($6'(6,*16$55$1*(0(176$1'3/$16,1',&$7('255(35(6(17('%<7+(6('5$:,1*6$5(2:1('%<$1'$5(7+(3523(57<2)1$5',$662&,$7(6//3$1':(5(&5($7('(92/9('$1''(9(/23(')2586(21$1',1&211(&7,21:,7+7+(63(&,),('352-(&7121(2)68&+,'($6'(6,*1$55$1*(0(176253/$166+$//%(86('%<25',6&/26('72$1<3(5621),5025&25325$7,21:,7+2877+(:5,77(13(50,66,212)1$5',$662&,$7(6//3Project:Client:   $5&+,7(&785$/'(6,*15(9,(:$'%$VLQGLFDWHG6(&7,21$ %$     $     % 127$%/(5(9,6,216 6(&7,21$ 522)352),/(+$6%((15(9,6(''(7$,/&$//2876+$9(%((1$''('/289(56(&7,21$1':,1'2:6+$9(%((16+257(1('5(7$,1,1*:$//+$6%((1$''(',1)52176(7%$&.72)$&,/,7$7(62,/'(37+)25)2/,$*(/,7(6$''('726.</,*+702',),&$7,21$1127$7,216$''('&2857<$5')(1&(6 6+257(1('72 %$/&21,(65(029(')520%$&.<$5'127$%/(5(9,6,216 6(&7,21% 522)352),/(+$6%((15(9,6(''(7$,/&$//287+$6%((1$''('6(&7,21&87+$6%((1029('72,1&/8'('(7$,/$5($81,7$(175$1&($5&+,7(&785$/02/',1*+$6%((15(9,6(' *5281'/(9(/ 67)/225 1')/225 1')/225&(,/,1*  3$5.,1*/(9(/   $ 3523(57</,1( 3523(57</,1( '$5.6$7,1522))$6&,$&2/25('720$7&+))&21&5(7(7,/(522)$66257('&2/256%<81,7 ($*/(522),1*%(/$,56(5,(6256,0,/$5 6$7,1),1,+6+$1'5$,/0$7&+,1*522))$6&,$;:22'5$,/6 '5,9(:$<'2:17268%/(9(/3$5.,1* 7:2721(678&&2:$//:,7+$&&(175(9($/$'$$&&(665$03 &%&$&203/,$17:+((/&+$,5/,)7723$5.,1* 02',),&$7,21$ 67$,567268%/(9(/3$5.,1* 02',),&$7,21% ;:22'/289(5 ),%(5&(0(173$1(/)(1&(:,7+:22'3$77(515(/,()6(0,35,9$7()5217325&+ 522)   63(&,$/6(7%$&.   $ 81,7$(175$1&($5&+,7(&785$/02/',1* 6(7%$&.    &,7<3$5.:$<  6,'(:$/. )$,59,(:$9( 0$,/%2;(6)25$//81,76  $ 0,1.$:(67*$7($/'(5%521=(287'225:$///,*+7 #57362E #704338 #674134 #57362E #47322F # #'&'%'$ #) #''' #(% #%)$ # #'&$& #(%'''#&'%& *5281'/(9(/ 67)/225 1')/225 1')/225&(,/,1* 3$5.,1*/(9(/   $ ;:22'/2895('$5.6$7,1522))$6&,$&2/25('720$7&+))&21&5(7(7,/(522)$66257('&2/256%<81,7 ($*/(522),1*%(/$,56(5,(6256,0,/$5 6$7,10(7$//,&+$1'5$,/0$7&+,1*522))$6&,$),%(5&(0(173$1(/)(1&(:,7+:22'3$77(515(/,();:22'5$,/66(0,35,9$7()5217325&+ 6,'(:$/. 6816(7%/9' $'$$&&(665$03&%&$&203/,$17:+((/&+$,5/,)7723$5.,1*67$,567268%/(9(/3$5.,1* 7:2721(678&&2:$//:,7+$&&(175(9($/  6(7%$&.  3523(57</,1( 3523(57</,1( 522)   6(7%$&.     $ $  $ R N E R DI I B E R FN ER NO. C-28794 ST AT L ON - F N ORE C .1 L A I 3 1 - F O . A N C E A O D S E T H RC IT C AI T 1 7 R N E R DI I B E R FN ER NO. C-28794 ST ATON - F N ORE C .1 L A I 3 1 - F O . A N C E A O D S E T H RC IT C AI T Sheet No:Phase:Drawn by: Project No: Date:Scale:Key Plan:Sheet Title:Revisions:No Date Description Consultant:1046 FAIRVIEW 5-UNIT CONDOS1046 FAIRVIEW AVE.,ARCADIA, CA 91007 RAC Development, Inc.150 N. Santa Anita Ave., Suite 645Arcadia, California 91006805 S. Shamrock avenueMonrovia, California 91016T.626.599.1776 F.626.599.9399 NARDI ASSOCIATES LLP Architecture Interiors Urban Design ©2010 NARDI ASSOCIATES LLP$//,'($6'(6,*16$55$1*(0(176$1'3/$16,1',&$7('255(35(6(17('%<7+(6('5$:,1*6$5(2:1('%<$1'$5(7+(3523(57<2)1$5',$662&,$7(6//3$1':(5(&5($7('(92/9('$1''(9(/23(')2586(21$1',1&211(&7,21:,7+7+(63(&,),('352-(&7121(2)68&+,'($6'(6,*1$55$1*(0(176253/$166+$//%(86('%<25',6&/26('72$1<3(5621),5025&25325$7,21:,7+2877+(:5,77(13(50,66,212)1$5',$662&,$7(6//3Project:Client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Shamrock avenueMonrovia, California 91016T.626.599.1776 F.626.599.9399 NARDI ASSOCIATES LLP Architecture Interiors Urban Design ©2010 NARDI ASSOCIATES LLP$//,'($6'(6,*16$55$1*(0(176$1'3/$16,1',&$7('255(35(6(17('%<7+(6('5$:,1*6$5(2:1('%<$1'$5(7+(3523(57<2)1$5',$662&,$7(6//3$1':(5(&5($7('(92/9('$1''(9(/23(')2586(21$1',1&211(&7,21:,7+7+(63(&,),('352-(&7121(2)68&+,'($6'(6,*1$55$1*(0(176253/$166+$//%(86('%<25',6&/26('72$1<3(5621),5025&25325$7,21:,7+2877+(:5,77(13(50,66,212)1$5',$662&,$7(6//3Project:Client:   $5&+,7(&785$/'(6,*15(9,(:$'%$VLQGLFDWHG(/(9$7,2166287+ ($67$     6287+(/(9$7,21    ($67(/(9$7,21 127$%/(5(9,6,216 6287+(/(9$7,21/()7 81,7$),567)/225%$7+5220:,1'2:+$6%((1029('727+(($67)$&$'(:$//5(9($/6+$9(%((15('8&(',1180%(5522)(1',612:+,33('%$&.<$5'%$/&21,(6+$9(%((15(029(' &2857<$5')(1&(+$6%((15('8&('%<)7127$%/(5(9,6,216 ($67(/(9$7,21%(/2: (175$1&(02/',1*,612:3$,17('720$7&+522))$&,$:$//5(9($/6+$9(%((15('8&('0$,/%2;+$6%((1$''('81,76$5(12:,1',9,'8$//<&2/25('723529,'(9$5,$7,21,1&+$5$&7(5522)(1',612:+,33('72,1&5($6(7+(127,217+$7,7,6$1(175$1&()$&$'(522)/,1(,66,03/,),('$1'12:6(&7,21('%<81,772,1&5($6(,'(17,7<2)($&+81,7&2857<$5')(1&(+$6%((15('8&('%<)781,7$),567)/225%$7+5220:,1'2:+$6%((1029('727+(($67)$&$'(%$&.<$5'%$/&21,(6+$9(%((15(029('75(//,6+$9(%((1$''('72%$&.<$5'6   :$//+(,*+7,1)5217              :($7+(575($7(':22'5$,/(1&/2685(5()/(&7,1*$5&+,7(&785$/67</(67$1'$5'8636$33529('0$,/%2;3(581,767$1'$5'3$5&(//2&.(53(581,7:,7+(175$1&(216816(7%/9' %<5(48(672)$5&$',$8636%<'(55< 67)/225                    67$1'$5'3$5&(//2&.(53(581,7:,7+(175$1&(216816(7%/9' %<5(48(672)$5&$',$8636%<'(55< :($7+(575($7(':22'5$,/(1&/2685(5()/(&7,1*%$/&21<5$,/'(6,*167</(67$1'$5'8636$33529('0$,/%2;3(581,76$7,1),1,6+0(7$/+$1'5$,/0$7&+,1*%$/&21<5$,/6                ;:22'/289(5::($7+(53522),1*81,7$(175$1&($5&+,7(&785$/02/',1*(/(0(17*/$66$5&+,7(&785$/63$1'5(/ ;),;(':,1'2: ,10,15(&(66 (1(5*<+((/75866 )$6&,$ 7<3 7(;785(':($7+(53522)),%(5*/$666+($7+,1*3$,17('720$7&+)$&,$&21&5(7(7,/(522)$66257('&2/256%<81,7 ($*/(522),1*%(/$,56(5,(6256,0,/$5 ;$1*/('*877(5,1* 67)/225  ;:22'3267        ;),%(5&(0(173$1(/::22'5(/,()3$77(519,68$/3$667+528*+ 2876,'( ,16,'(    1')/225  ;:22'%2772075,00$7&+,1*5$,/6               81,7()5217%$/&21<;:22'5$,/:($7+(575($7(';:22'3267:($7+(575($7('   6$7,1),1,6+0(7$/+$1'5$,/0$7&+,1*)$&,$&2/25              [:22'/289(5::($7+(53522)('),1,6+:$7(55812))&+$11(/,1723/$17(5[6.</,*+7:6,08/$7('/,7(6#6/23(;),;(':,1'2: ,10,15(&(66 67$,5/$1',1*        &21&5(7(7,/(522)$66257('&2/256%<81,7 ($*/(522),1*%(/$,56(5,(6256,0,/$5 )$6&,$ 7<3 ;$1*/('*877(5,1*             ;:22'/289(5::($7+(53522),1*;),;(':,1'2: ,10,15(&(66 &+$,5/,)76+$)7(1&/2685(     67$,5:(//(1&/2685(*8$5'5$,/                           67$,567268%/(9(/3$5.,1* ;0(7$/*8,'(5$,/;:22'3267 $&&(665$03+$1'5$,/     ;:22'+$1'5$,/ ;),%(5&(0(173$1(/::22'5(/,()3$77(51;:22'3267 &21&5(7(&+$,5/,)76+$)7:5,6($%29()/225/(9(/&+$,5/,)76+$)7 0(7$/6$)(7<*$7($&&(6672&+$,5/,)7:$8720$7,&/2&. ;:22'+$1'5$,/;0(7$/*8,'(5$,/;0(7$/3267 67$,5:$<+$1'5$,/   6$7,1),1,6+0(7$/+$1'5$,/0$7&+,1*)$&,$&2/25;:22'3267:($7+(575($7(';:22'5$,/:($7+(575($7('   R N E R DI I B E R FN ER NO. 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Shamrock avenueMonrovia, California 91016T.626.599.1776 F.626.599.9399 NARDI ASSOCIATES LLP Architecture Interiors Urban Design ©2010 NARDI ASSOCIATES LLP$//,'($6'(6,*16$55$1*(0(176$1'3/$16,1',&$7('255(35(6(17('%<7+(6('5$:,1*6$5(2:1('%<$1'$5(7+(3523(57<2)1$5',$662&,$7(6//3$1':(5(&5($7('(92/9('$1''(9(/23(')2586(21$1',1&211(&7,21:,7+7+(63(&,),('352-(&7121(2)68&+,'($6'(6,*1$55$1*(0(176253/$166+$//%(86('%<25',6&/26('72$1<3(5621),5025&25325$7,21:,7+2877+(:5,77(13(50,66,212)1$5',$662&,$7(6//3Project:Client:   $5&+,7(&785$/'(6,*15(9,(:$'%  $5&+,7(&785$/'(7$,/6$     0$,/%2;:(67(/(9$7,21     0$,/%2;1257+(/(9$7,21     81,7$(175$1&($5&+,7(&785$/02/',1*     ),%(5&(0(17&2857<$5')(1&('(7$,/     %$/&21<5$,/'(7$,/ $//'(7$,/6217+,66+((7$5()25$5&+,7(&785$/'(6,*15(9,(:385326(621/<$1'$5(12772%(86(')25&216758&7,21$//'(7$,/6$5(35263(&7,9(     6.</,*+7$1')5217/2895('(7$,/ 6816(7)$&$'(02',),&$7,21&     522):(67)$&,$ 29(5+$1*     5$,/,1*6$&&(665$03&+$,5/,)7(1&/2685(67$,56                                                     ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '                                     :: : : : : : : :     R N E R DI I B E R FN ER NO. 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Shamrock avenueMonrovia, California 91016T.626.599.1776 F.626.599.9399 NARDI ASSOCIATES LLP Architecture Interiors Urban Design ©2010 NARDI ASSOCIATES LLP$//,'($6'(6,*16$55$1*(0(176$1'3/$16,1',&$7('255(35(6(17('%<7+(6('5$:,1*6$5(2:1('%<$1'$5(7+(3523(57<2)1$5',$662&,$7(6//3$1':(5(&5($7('(92/9('$1''(9(/23(')2586(21$1',1&211(&7,21:,7+7+(63(&,),('352-(&7121(2)68&+,'($6'(6,*1$55$1*(0(176253/$166+$//%(86('%<25',6&/26('72$1<3(5621),5025&25325$7,21:,7+2877+(:5,77(13(50,66,212)1$5',$662&,$7(6//3Project:Client:   $5&+,7(&785$/'(6,*15(9,(:$'%  :,1'2: '2256&+('8/(6$ 'RRU6FKHGXOH7\SH0DUN)DPLO\DQG7\SH +HDG +HLJKW /HYHO '6LQJOH3DQHO[ 67)/225'6LQJOH3DQHO[ 67)/225'6LQJOH3DQHO[ 67)/225'6LQJOH3DQHO[ 67)/225'6LQJOH3DQHO[ 67)/225'6LQJOH)OXVK[ 67)/225'6LQJOH)OXVK[ 67)/225'6LQJOH)OXVK[ 67)/225'6LQJOH)OXVK[ 67)/225'6LQJOH)OXVK[ 67)/225'6LQJOH)OXVK[ 1')/225'6LQJOH)OXVK[ 1')/225'6LQJOH)OXVK[ 1')/225'6LQJOH)OXVK[ 1')/225'6LQJOH)OXVK[ 1')/225'6LQJOH)OXVK[ 1')/225'6LQJOH)OXVK[ 1')/225'6LQJOH)OXVK[ 1')/225'6LQJOH)OXVK[ 1')/225'6LQJOH)OXVK[ 1')/225'6LQJOH)OXVK[ 1')/225'6LQJOH)OXVK[ 1')/225'6LQJOH)OXVK[ 1')/225'6LQJOH)OXVK[ 1')/225'6LQJOH)OXVK[ 1')/225'6LQJOH)OXVK[ 1')/225'6LQJOH)OXVK[ 1')/225'6LQJOH)OXVK[ 1')/225'6LQJOH)OXVK[ 1')/225'6LQJOH)OXVK[ 1')/225'6LQJOH)OXVK[ 3$5.,1*/(9(/'6LQJOH)OXVK[ 3$5.,1*/(9(/'6LQJOH)OXVK[ 3$5.,1*/(9(/'6LQJOH)OXVK[ 3$5.,1*/(9(/'6LQJOH)OXVK[ 3$5.,1*/(9(/'6LQJOH)OXVK[ 3$5.,1*/(9(/'6LQJOH)OXVK[ 67)/225'6LQJOH)OXVK[ 67)/225'6LQJOH)OXVK[ 67)/225'6LQJOH)OXVK[ 67)/225'6LQJOH)OXVK[ 67)/225'6OLGLQJSDQHO[ 67)/225'6OLGLQJSDQHO[ 67)/225'6OLGLQJSDQHO[ 67)/225'6OLGLQJSDQHO[ 67)/225'6OLGLQJSDQHO[ 67)/225'6OLGLQJSDQHO[ 67)/225'6OLGLQJ&ORVHW[ 67)/225'6OLGLQJ&ORVHW[ 67)/225'6OLGLQJ&ORVHW[ 67)/225'6OLGLQJ&ORVHW[ 67)/225'6OLGLQJ&ORVHW[ 67)/225'%LIROG3DQHO[ 1')/225'6LQJOH3RFNHW[ 1')/225'6LQJOH3RFNHW[ 1')/225'6LQJOH3RFNHW[ 1')/225'6LQJOH3RFNHW[ 1')/225'6LQJOH3RFNHW[ 1')/225'6OLGLQJSDQHO[ 1')/225'6OLGLQJSDQHO[ 1')/225'6OLGLQJSDQHO[ 1')/225'6OLGLQJSDQHO[ 1')/225'6OLGLQJSDQHO[ 1')/225'6OLGLQJ&ORVHW[ 1')/225'6OLGLQJ&ORVHW[ 1')/225'6OLGLQJ&ORVHW[ 1')/225'6OLGLQJ&ORVHW[ 1')/225'6LQJOH*ODVV[)URVWHG*ODVV3DQHO'RRU  1')/225 '6LQJOH*ODVV[)URVWHG*ODVV3DQHO'RRU  1')/225 '6LQJOH*ODVV[)URVWHG*ODVV3DQHO'RRU  1')/225 '6LQJOH*ODVV[)URVWHG*ODVV3DQHO'RRU  1')/225 '6LQJOH*ODVV[)URVWHG*ODVV3DQHO'RRU  1')/225 '%LIROG3DQHO[ 3$5.,1*/(9(/'%LIROG3DQHO[ 3$5.,1*/(9(/'%LIROG3DQHO[ 3$5.,1*/(9(/'%LIROG3DQHO[ 3$5.,1*/(9(/'%LIROG3DQHO[ 3$5.,1*/(9(/'2YHUKHDG6HFWLRQDO [  3$5.,1*/(9(/'2YHUKHDG6HFWLRQDO [  3$5.,1*/(9(/'2YHUKHDG6HFWLRQDO [  3$5.,1*/(9(/'2YHUKHDG6HFWLRQDO [  3$5.,1*/(9(/'2YHUKHDG6HFWLRQDO [  3$5.,1*/(9(/ :LQGRZ6FKHGXOH 7\SH0DUN)DPLO\DQG7\SH +HDG +HLJKW /HYHO 'HVFULSWLRQ:)L[HG 5HFHVVHG ; 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C-28794 ST AT L ON - F N ORE C .1 L A I 3 1 - F O . A N C E A O D S E T H RC IT C AI T 1 7 R N E R DI I B E R FN ER NO. C-28794 ST ATON - F N ORE C .1 L A I 3 1 - F O . A N C E A O D S E T H RC IT C AI T Sheet No:Phase:Drawn by: Project No: Date:Scale:Key Plan:Sheet Title:Revisions:No Date Description Consultant:1046 FAIRVIEW 5-UNIT CONDOS1046 FAIRVIEW AVE.,ARCADIA, CA 91007 RAC Development, Inc.150 N. Santa Anita Ave., Suite 645Arcadia, California 91006805 S. Shamrock avenueMonrovia, California 91016T.626.599.1776 F.626.599.9399 NARDI ASSOCIATES LLP Architecture Interiors Urban Design ©2010 NARDI ASSOCIATES LLP$//,'($6'(6,*16$55$1*(0(176$1'3/$16,1',&$7('255(35(6(17('%<7+(6('5$:,1*6$5(2:1('%<$1'$5(7+(3523(57<2)1$5',$662&,$7(6//3$1':(5(&5($7('(92/9('$1''(9(/23(')2586(21$1',1&211(&7,21:,7+7+(63(&,),('352-(&7121(2)68&+,'($6'(6,*1$55$1*(0(176253/$166+$//%(86('%<25',6&/26('72$1<3(5621),5025&25325$7,21:,7+2877+(:5,77(13(50,66,212)1$5',$662&,$7(6//3Project:Client:   $5&+,7(&785$/'(6,*15(9,(:$'%  '(02/,7,213/$1$     '(02/,7,213/$1 Attachment No. 4 Attachment No. 4 First Submittal Architectural Plans Attachment No. 5 Attachment No. 5 Incompletion & Denial Letters Attachment No. 6 Attachment No. 6 Appeal Letter Attachment No. 7 Attachment No. 7 Preliminary Exemption Assessment Preliminary Exemption Assessment FORM “A” PRELIMINARY EXEMPTION ASSESSMENT (Certificate of Determination When Attached to Notice of Exemption) 1. Name or description of project: Appeal of the denial of Multiple-Family Architectural Design Review No. MFADR 15-19 and Modification Application No. MP 16-05 for a five unit contemporary style multiple-family development project 2. Project Location – Identify street address and cross streets or attach a map showing project site (preferably a USGS 15’ or 7 1/2’ topographical map identified by quadrangle name): 1046 Fairview Avenue (between S. Sunset Boulevard and S. Golden West Avenue) 3. Entity or person undertaking project: A. B. Other (Private) RAC Development, Inc. (1) Name Tin-Jon Syiau (2) Address 150 N. Santa Anita Avenue Arcadia, CA 91006 4. Staff Determination: The Lead Agency’s Staff, having undertaken and completed a preliminary review of this project in accordance with the Lead Agency's "Local Guidelines for Implementing the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)" has concluded that this project does not require further environmental assessment because: a. The proposed action does not constitute a project under CEQA. b. The project is a Ministerial Project. c. The project is an Emergency Project. d. The project constitutes a feasibility or planning study. e. The project is categorically exempt. Applicable Exemption Class: 15332 (Class 32, In-Fill Development Project) f. The project is statutorily exempt. Applicable Exemption: g. The project is otherwise exempt on the following basis: h. The project involves another public agency which constitutes the Lead Agency. Name of Lead Agency: Date: July 28, 2016 Staff: Jordan Chamberlin, Assistant Planner