HomeMy WebLinkAboutUntitled (3) cl) SMITH—EMERY COMPANY An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory,Established 1904 SECO Job No: 4935-1 Letter of Transmittal INSP-3 To: CITY OF ARCADIA Date: 10/12/2015 DEPT OF BUILDING&SAFETY Page: 1 of 1 240 W. HUNTINGTON DRIVE ARCADIA CA 91006 REFERENCE: ZARA-WESTFIELD SANTA ANITA MALL 400 S. BALDWIN AVENUE ARCADIA,91007 Please find attached the following document(s). Inspection reports for the week ending 9/18/2015 for the subject project. Distributed To: 1) WESTFIELD,LLC 1) AEGIS STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 0) EMAIL:DLS BUILDERS 1) CITY OF ARCADIA 0 SMITH-EMERY COMPANY An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory,Established 1904 SECO Job No: 4935-1 INSPECTION REPORT Report No.: INSP-3 To: WESTFIELD, LLC Date: 10/12/2015 STEVEN CHANG 2049 CENTURY PARK EAST Distributed To 40TH FLOOR VVESTFIELD,LLC LOS ANGELES, CA 90067 AEGIS STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS EMAIL:DLS BUILDERS Subject: ZARA-WESTFIELD SANTA ANITA MALL CITY OF ARCADIA 400 S. BALDWIN AVENUE ARCADIA,91007 Attached are inspection reports for the week ending 9/18/2015 for the subject project: Report By Report Dated Report Title KODSY, FADY S 09/18/2015 Daily Inspection Report for 9/14/2015 thru 9/18/2015 ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS.AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORT CONCLUSIONS,OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING THEM IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS,THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. ODSMITH—EMERY COMPANY An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory,Established 1904 Daily inspection Report Date: Start: Stop: SE Job#4 935-1 Westfield Santa Anita 09/18/15 6.30 AM 2:30 PM Eob- Welding Inspection Called Jurisdiction:YesL Nor] Jurisdiction N/A Spoke To: Permit#N/A 2310 Lee Ave, South El Monte,Ca Page: 1 --_ N/A Concrete Fireproofing Masonry ❑ Steel Field El Steel Shop 12 Other Description of Work Inspected Name of Inspector:Fady Kodsy License#9120771 Exp Date:12-01-2015 Mon.[9-14-2015] Observed the welding and fitting up in progress for plate splices as per details A,B/S3-03 Detail 2/53-03 Tues.[9-15-2015] Performed material ID for 12X4X5/8"HSS tubesteel# 1506790 8"X 8"X 1/2 angle with heat 55033673/03 Observed the welding in progress for HSS tubesteel to base plate and stifferer plates as per detail, Wed.[9-16-2015] Observed&visually inspected the welding W24 X131 beam as per detail S.S3-02 as per detail S/S3-02 Thurs[9-17-2015] Observed&visually inspected the welding by HSS 12X4X5/8"columns to base plate connection plate as per detail 2/S2-01 Fri.[9-I 8-2015] Observed&visually inspected the welding stiffening plates times 8x8X 1/2 angles as per detail 1/S3-02 the welding of strop light Work Not In Compliance The work El WAS ❑WAS NOT inspected Material sampling El WAS ❑WAS NOT ON/A performed The work inspected ❑MET ❑DID NOT meet the requirements Fady Kodsy with the requirements of the approved documents. 09/18/15 Date Signature 7002 Fady Kodsy CC Project Architect,Structural Engineer,Project Inspector Employee ID Name ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS ME CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS.AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORT,CONCLUSIONS,OR t xiRACTS FROM OR REGARDING THEM IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS,THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVPS. C Smith Emery Company 2.06 SMITH—EMERY COMPANY An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory,Established 1904 SECO Job No: 4935-1 Letter of Transmittal INSP-9 To: CITY OF ARCADIA - Date: 11/10/2015 DEPT OF BUILDING &SAFETY Page: 1 of 1 240 VV. HUNTINGTON DRIVE ARCADIA CA 91006 REFERENCE: ZARA-WESTFIELD SANTA ANITA MALI. 400 S. BALDWIN AVENUE ARCADIA,91007 Please find attached the following document(s). Inspection reports for the week ending 10/29/2015 for the subject project. Distributed To: 1) WESTFIELD,LLC 1) AEGIS STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 0) EMAIL: DLS BUILDERS 1) CITY OF ARCADIA ODSMITH—EMERY COMPANY An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory,Established 1904 SECO Job No: 4935-1 INSPECTION REPORT Report No.: INSP-9 Date: 11/10/2015 To: WESTFIELD, LLC STEVEN CHANG 2049 CENTURY PARK EAST Distributed To: 40TH FLOOR LOS ANGELES,CA 90067 WESTFIELD, LLC AEGIS STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS EMAIL:DLS BUILDERS Subject: ZARA-WESTFIELD SANTA ANITA MALL CITY OF ARCADIA 400 S. BALDWIN AVENUE ARCADIA,91007 Attached are inspection reports for the week ending 10/30/2015 for the subject project: Report By Report Dated Report Title MCCARTHY BEN 0 10/29/2015 Daily Inspection Report for 10/24/2015 thru 10/29/2015 ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS.AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORT CONCLUSIONS,OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING THEM IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS,THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. 40 SMITH—EMERY COMPANY An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory,Established 1904 Daily Inspection Report Date: Start: Stop: SE Job# 4935-1 Zara At Westfield Plaza 10-24-15 6AM 1:OOPM Called Jurisdiction:Yes El N G "`= =400 s. Baldwin Ave Arcadia Spoke To Jurisdiction City of Arcadia Permit# Escalator Pit, S.O.G. Page 1/1 D Concrete El Fireproofing ❑Masonry El Steel Field El Steel Shop Ei Other: Description of Work Inspected Location in Structure: 2nd floor.Beam to Slab connection, Soldier holes for SIKA 212 grout injection.Only injecting hollow cores that will receive the threaded rods. Inspector preformed: Observed drilling and cleaning,blowing of soldier holes. Observed mixing of Sika Grout 212 w/ water to for flowable mix for easy injection.Sample taken in embeco grout mold. ok. Continous inspection,in progress. Work Not In Compliance The work n WAS ❑WAS NOT inspected Material sampling fl WAS ❑WAS NOT ON/A performed The work inspected O MET ❑DID NOT meet the requirements with the requirements of the approved documents. 10-24-2015 ),AV_ Date Signature 7020 BEN MC CARTHY CC:Project Architect,Structural Engineer,Project Inspector Employee ID Name ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF Q.mNTE.AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORT,CONCLUSIONS,OR ER2RACTS FROM OR REGARDING THEM IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS,THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. 0 Smiti Entry Company 20b ODSMITH—EMERY COMPANY An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory,Established 1904 Daily Inspection Report Date: Start: Stop: SE Job# 4935-1 Zara At Westfield Plaza 10-26-15 6AM 1:OOPM Called Jurisdiction:Year] Nip Jurisdiction City of Arcadia 400 s. Baldwin Ave, Arcadia Spoke To Permit# todatitlit 2nd Level/Floor Grouting application Page: 1/1 Q Concrete El Fireproofing El Masonry fl Steel Field ID Steel Shop [J Other. Description of Work Inspected Location in Structure: 2nd floor: Beam to Slab connection, Soldier holes for SIKA 212 grout injection. Only injecting hollow cores that will receive the threaded rods. Inspector preformed: Observed drilling and cleaning,blowing of soldier holes. Observed mixing of Sika Grout 212 w/ water to for dry pack mix for packing it at perimeter of escalator opening and elevator openings. Sample taken in embeco grout mold. ok. Continous inspection,in progress. Work Not In Compliance The work fl WAS ❑WAS NOT inspected Material sampling IS WAS ❑WAS NOT ON/A performed The work inspected GI MET ❑DID NOT meet the requirements with the requirements of the approved documents. 10-26-2015 Date Signature 7020 BEN MC CARTHY CC:Project Architect,Structural Engineer,Project Inspector Employee ID Name ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLI NTS.AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORT,CONCLUSIONS,OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING THEM IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A MITIUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS,THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES C Smith Emery Company 2.0b SMITH—EMERY COMPANY An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory,Established 1904 Daily Inspection Report Date: Start: Stop: SE Job# 4935-1 -'{Oje54E Zara At Westfield Plaza 10-27-15 6AM 2:00PM Called Jurisdiction:Yes❑o 0 Jurisdiction City of Arcadia Job:- 400 s . Baldwin Ave, Arcadia Spoke To Permit# tobat1a3T1' Page: 1/1 2nd Level/Floor Grouting application Q Concrete D Fireproofing Masonry Steel Field n Steel Shop El Other. Description or Work Inspected Location in Structure: 1st Level floor escalator Pit Pit walls reinforcement verification before closing forms. Inspector preformed: Observed and verified all reinforcement inside pit walls. Reinforcement were#5 @I2" o/c EW, every direction. Observed good spacing, good clearance and conc. cover. All work observed complied with approved documents and plans. Work Not In Compliance The work o WAS ❑WAS NOT inspected Material sampling fl WAS ❑WAS NOT ❑N/A performed The work inspected D MET ❑DID NOT meet the requirements with the requirements of the approved documents. 10_27-2015 Date Signature 7020 BEN MC CARTHY CC Project Architect,Structural Engineer,Project Inspector Employee ID Name AIL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORT,CONCLUSIONS,OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING THEM IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRTITEN APPROVAL AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS,THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. 0 Smith Emery Company 20b ODSMITH—EMERY COMPANY An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory,Established 1904 Daily Inspection Report Date: Start: Stop: SE Job# 4935-1 -Pr°ie-c Zara At Westfield Plaza 10-28-15 6AM 11 am Called Jurisdiction:Yes❑ NC Jurisdiction City of Arcadia 400 s. Baldwin Ave, Arcadia Spoke To: Permit#t EDCat1Q11 Page: 1/1 Escalator Pit, S.O.G. 2nd floor Q Concrete t I Fireproofing [J Masonry 0 Steel Field Steel Shop ❑Other. Description of Work Inspected Location in Structure: Escalator Pit: 8"thk. Pit Walls Reinforced Double Mat#5@ 12" o/c ea. Direction with standard hooks @ Details 4/S3.01 &Sheet A4.03. Deputy Inspector preformed: Pre-pour inspection of escalator pit wall done prior to conc.placement Observed placement of 20 cu yards of conc. mix design #80043A @ 4000 psi. I sampled specimen and performed all required tests,temperature, slump and on site curing inside cylinders. ok. Cylinders kept at a safe location for pick up. Work Not In Compliance The work fl WAS ❑WAS NOT inspected Material sampling MI WAS ❑WAS NOT ON/A performed The work inspected 15I MET ❑DID NOT meet the requirements with the requirements of the approved documents. •10-28-2015 Date Signature 7020 BEN MC CARTHY CC:Project Architect,Structeual Engineer,Project Inspector Employee ID Name ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMUTED AS DM CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS.AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORT,CONCLUSIONS,OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING THEM I5 RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIFNfs,THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. C Smith Emery Company L0b SMITH—EMERY COMPANY An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory,Established 1904 Daily Inspection Report Date: Start: Stop: SE Job# 4935-1 Project- -- Zara At Westfield Plaza 10-29-15 4pm 10pm Called Jurisdiction:Yes[J NC Jurisdiction City of Arcadia b_ 400 s. Baldwin Ave, Arcadia Spoke To: Permit# y AOati( 1:: Page: 1/1 Steel beams & columns fireproofing Q Concrete Fireproofing ❑Masonry 0 Steel Field 0 Steel Shop ❑Other: Description of Work Inspected Location in Structure: Escalator Pit,Elevator pit:D- E/ 6- 7 Steel beams and Steel Columns reinforcement around both opening for Escalator and Elevator. (Material used: CAFCO BLAZE-SHIELD II, ESR 1649,UL X827) Deputy Inspector preformed: Pre-pour inspection of all structural members, and their substrate conditions were great. Observed shooting of CAFCO Blaze-Shield II on to all the structural members mentioned above. I measured the thickness for the members, Green = 1/2"thk Also,I performed sampling of the specimen into plastic bags for density testings. All work done,observed complies with approved submittals&shop drawings with Architects's wet stamped. Work Not In Compliance The work 121 WAS ❑WAS NOT inspected Material sampling F4 WAS ❑WAS NOT ON/A performed The work inspected TA MET ❑DID NOT meet the requirements with the requirements of the approved documents. 10-29-2015 Date Signature 7020 BEN MC CARTHY CC.Project Architect,Structural Esker,Project Inspector Employee ID Name ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS.AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORT,CONCLUSIONS,OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING THEM IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS,THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES_ A Smith Emery Company lob (I, SMITH—EMERY COMPANY An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory,Established 1904 SECO Job No: 4935-1 Letter of Transmittal INSP-8 To: CITY OF ARCADIA Date: 11/07/2015 DEPT OF BUILDING&SAFETY Page: 1 of 1 240 W. HUNTINGTON DRIVE ARCADIA CA 91006 REFERENCE: ZARA-WESTFIELD SANTA ANITA MALL 400 S. BALDWIN AVENUE ARCADIA,91007 Please find attached the following document(s). Inspection reports for the week ending 10/23/2015 for the subject project. Distributed To: 1) WESTFIELD,LLC 1) AEGIS STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 0) EMAIL: DLS BUILDERS 1) CITY OF ARCADIA 0 0 SM — COM An Independent Commercial EMERY Testing Laboratory,Established 1904 SECO Job No: 4935-1 INSPECTION REPORT Report No.: INSP-8 Date: 11/7/2015 To: WESTFIELD, LLC STEVEN CHANG 2049 CENTURY PARK EAST Distributed To 40TH FLOOR LOS ANGELES,CA 90067 WESTFIELD,LLC AEGIS STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS EMAIL:DLS BUILDERS Subject: ZARA-WESTFIELD SANTA ANITA MALL CITY OF ARCADIA 400 S. BALDWIN AVENUE ARCADIA,91007 Attached are inspection reports for the week ending 10/23/2015 for the subject project: Report By Report Dated Report Title BURKE, MICHAEL 10/17/2015 Daily Inspection Report for 10/17/2015 MCCARTHY BEN 0 10/23/2015 Daily Inspection Report for 10/22/2015 thru 10/23/2015 ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS.AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORT CONCLUSIONS,OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING THEM IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS,THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. 0 SMITH-EMERY COMPANY COMPANY No. B00-050-769 An Independent Commercial TestinglG�baretw►� js ab�it i 1 01���1�TY JiiiiA t:i,., ,City of Arcadia ,..0 .J711VY1111 11 1111 �Yl� 1V SE Job No. 4935-1 DAILY INSPECTION REPORT Job Name Date: Start: Stop: Zara at Westfield Plaza 10/17/15 6:00 2:30 Job Address 400 S.Baldwind Ave.Arcadia,CA 91007 Called Jurisdiction: Yes!: No❑ Location of Inspection Spoke To: Job site Location(area/floor) City of Arcadia SAME Description of work inspected Performed observation and sample/testing of non shrink grout placement by DC5 Builders/J.K.B.concrete.J.K.B.concrete placed bags(50 lb.bags)of N.5.Grout-sika grout 212 high performance cementitious Brat in a dry pack condition above beams for elevator level 2 floor framing and column base plates(Qty 4 columns)within grid lines B.7-B.9/6.2-6.4 per details 53.02/8 and 53.02/1 quantity 4 beams were grouted area between beam and level 2 slab and quantity 4 column base plates grouted at level 1 B.7/6.2,B.7/6.4,B.9/6.2 and B.9/6.4. Sika grout 212 was mixed 1-50 lb.bag with 5 pints of water by hand/shovel in wheel barrow to dry pack condition placed by hand&packed/tampted into position.2 sets of 3-2"x2"x2"cubes were cast for compressive strength testing. I set for beams rod 1 set for columns,grout mixed per plan&manufacture recommendations.Refer to sheets:51.01,52.01,52.02,52.03, 53.02,53.03. ACI#01082933 ICC#5316471 Work Not In Compliance: Task Number Hours 9323 8.00 Total Hours: 8.00 oncrete Inspection Steel Field-Ultrasonic Testing Fireproofing Steel Field-Visual Inspection Masonry Inspection Steel Shop-Visual Inspection Non-Conformance Steel Shop-Mag Particle 10/17/15 Post-Tension ❑Steel Shop-Material Identification Date Procedure Qualification ❑Steel Shop-SS Member Completion Record Welder Qualification ❑Steel Shop-Ultrasonic Testing JO j 9 Michael Burke Steel Field-Dye Penetrant ❑Seismic Evaluation Steel Field-Mag Particle ['Other: Date ID Name ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMIT IhU AS THE CONFIDENTIAL.PROPERTY OF CLIENTS.AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORT.CONCLUSIONS,OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING THEM IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS,THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. ®2004 Smith Emery Company SMITH—EMERY COMPANY An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory,Established 1904 Daily Inspection Report Date: Start: Stop: SE Job ti 4935-1 zara At Westfield Plaza 10-22-15 6AM 1:00PM Called Jurisdiction:Yes[J NCI Jurisdiction City of Arcadia 400 s. Baldwin Ave, Arcadia Spoke To: Permft# 7:00 AM 3:00 PM Location:. Page: 1/1 Escalator Pit, S.O.G. Q Concrete 0 Fireproofing D Masonry []Steel Field D Steel Shop fl Other: Description of Work Inspected Location in Structure: Escalator Pit; a. 12"THK, S.O.G. Reinforced Double Mat#5@ 12"o/c ea. Direction @ Details 4/S3.01 & Sheet A4.03. b. Epoxy dowel into 5"thk.topping slab c, 8'thk. Conc. pit wall perimeter of escalator pit.w/#5 @ 12"o/c each direction w/std, hooks. 1,Verified&observed installation of water stop between existing slab on grade and new slab. 2.Verified&observed drilled holes measured 4"depth for 5"thk.topping slab, Cleaned.Applied epoxy Simpson SET XP w/#4 @ 9" o/c Horizontal dowels along perimeter with 6"std. hooks into existing topping slab for new slab. 3.Verified&observed epoxy application of vertical dowels around column encasement(8)#4 @ 6"o/c @ location E/6. 4. Observed Vapor barrier material in place. 5. Verified 8"thk. escalator pit wall reinforcement to be as approved plans. Work Not In Compliance The work o WAS ❑WAS NOT inspected Material sampling 0 WAS ❑WAS NOT ❑N/A performed The work inspected © MET ❑DID NOT meet the requirements with the requirements of the approved documents. 10-22-2015 Date 7020 BEN MC CARTHY CC:Project Architect,Structural Engineer,Project Inspector Employee ID Name ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS.AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORT,CONCLUSIONS,W°E4'I1 TS FROM OR REGARDING THEM IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS,THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. C Smith Emery Company 20b 0 0 SMEMERY COM An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory,Established 1904 Daily Inspection Report = Date: Start: Stop: SE Job# 4935-1 Project Zara At Westfield Plaza 10-23-15 6AM 1:00PM Called Jurisdiction:Yes[] NC Jurisdiction City of Arcadia 'l 400 s. Baldwin Ave, Arcadia Spoke To: Permit# t ` Page: 1/1 - Escalator Pit, S.O.G. 2nd floor is Concrete 0 Fireproofing El Masonry El Steel Field ID Steel Shop 0 Other. Description of Work Inspected Location in Structure: Escalator Pit: 12"thk. S.O.G.Reinforced Double Mat#5@ 12" o/c ea. Direction @ Details 4/ S3.01 &Sheet A4.03. 2nd floor:Beam to Slab connection, Soldier holes for SIKH grout injection. Only injecting hollow cores that will receive the threaded rods. Deputy Inspector preformed: Pre-pour inspection of escalator pit ftg. prior to conc. placement was done. Observed placement of 10 cu yards of conc. mix design#80043A @ 4000 psi. I sampled sperimen and performed all required tests,temperature, slump and on site curing inside cylinders. ok. Observed drilling and cleaning,blowing of soldier holes. Observed mixing of Sika Grout 212 w/ water to a flowable mix for easy injection. Sample taken in embeco grout mold. ok. Continous,inspection in progress. Work Not In Compliance The work U WAS ❑WAS NOT inspected Material sampling 17 WAS ❑WAS NOT ON/A performed The work inspected D MET ❑DID NOT meet the requirements with the requirements of the approved documents. 10-23-2015 Date Signature 7020 BEN MC CARTHY CC:Project Architect,Structural Engineer,Project Inspector Employee ID Name ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS.AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORT,CONCLUSIONS,OR EXTRACTS PROM OR REGARDING THEM IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRrITEN APPROVAL AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS,THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. Cl Smith Emery Company 2.0b SMITH—EMERY COMPANY An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory,Established 1904 SECO Job No: 4935-1 Letter of Transmittal INSP-7 To: CITY OF ARCADIA Date: 11/07/2015 DEPT OF BUILDING& SAFETY Page: 1 of 1 240 W. HUNTINGTON DRIVE ARCADIA CA 91006 REFERENCE: ZARA-WESTFIELD SANTA ANITA MALL 400 S. BALDWIN AVENUE ARCADIA,91007 Please find attached the following document(s). Inspection reports for the week ending 10/9/2015 for the subject project. Distributed To: 1) WESTFIELD,LLC 1) AEGIS STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 0) EMAIL:DLS BUILDERS 1) CITY OF ARCADIA 41) SMITH—EMERY COMPANY An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory,Established 1904 SECO Job No: 4935-1 INSPECTION REPORT Report No.: INSP-7 Date: 11/7/2015 To: WESTFIELD, LLC STEVEN CHANG 2049 CENTURY PARK EAST Distributed To: 40TH FLOOR WESTFIELD, LLC LOS ANGELES,CA 90067 AEGIS STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS EMAIL:DLS BUILDERS Subject: ZARA-WESTFIELD SANTA ANITA MALL CITY OF ARCADIA 400 S. BALDWIN AVENUE ARCADIA,91007 Attached are inspection reports for the week ending 10/9/2015 for the subject project: Report By Report Dated Report Title BURKE, MICHAEL 10/09/2015 Daily Inspection Report for 10/5/2015 thru 10/9/2015 ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS.AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORT CONCLUSIONS,OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING THEM IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS,THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. SMITH-EMERY COMPANY Permit No. B00-050-769 . )E An Independent Commercial Testing r t6i b ERY COi PANY Juriodiotion City of Arcadia LYlll SE Job No. 4935-1 DAILY INSPECTION REPORT Date: Start: Stop: Job Name Zara at Westfield Plaza 10/05/15 6:00 10:00 Job Address 400 S.Baldwin Ave.,Arcadia,CA 91007 Spokd Jurisdiction: Yes El No To: Location of Inspection City of Arcadia Job site Location(area/floor) SAME Description of work inspected 10/05/2015 6:00 A.M.to 10:00 A.M. Performed observation and sample/testing of non shrink grout placement by DC5 Builder 5/J.K.B.concrete.J.K.B.concrete placed N5.grout-sika grout 212 high performance.cementitious grout for column base plates at four locations D/6.13/7.E/6& E/7.Sika grout 212 was mixed 1-50 lb.bag with 7 pints of water and mixed in five gallon bucket with drill/paddle mixer for 3 minutes to flowable condition.1 set.of 3-2"x2"x2"cubes were cast for compressive strength testing.Grout was mixed and placed per plans and manufacture recommendations.Refer to plan sheets AC1 0 01082993 Field Tech Grade I ICC#5316471 Reinforced Concrete 5.1. 10/05/2015 10:00 A.M.to 12:10 P.M. Performed observation of epoxy of rebar dowels by DC5 builders/J.K.B.concrete.J.R.B.concrete placed#4 ASTM A 615 GR 60 dowels for slab on grade dowel out and in casement dowel out.Quantity 432 vertical dowels#4x14"long with 4" minimum embed and Qty.4144 Horizontal dowels#04x various lengths with 4"minimum embed.Epoxy used was Simpson set-SP with expiration date 05/30/2017&05/22/2017.Work was performed per ICC-ES ESR 2508 and per plan 53.01/4. 53.02/9&51.01 Concrete temperature was 76°F.and ambient was 78°F.All holes were 5/8",drilled with carbide bit and brushed&blown clams prior to epoxy injection.Reber Mill cents in file colum locations(3)D/6.D/7.E/7 and elevator pit S.O.G. 0.7-B.9/6.2-6.4 ACI 0 01082993 Field Tech Grade I ICC 0 531647 Reinforced Concrete 5.1. 10/05/2015 1200 P.M.to 2:00 P.M.Performed observation of reinforcing steel placement by DC5 Builders/J.K.B.concrete.J.R.B.Concrete placed#4 ASTM A 615 OR 60 and#5 ASTM A 706 grad rebar for colum base plate in casements,slab on grade and elevator pit.Reinforcing steel was verified for laps,size,grade,type.spacing,location.quantity and cleanliness.Slab on grade placed per 4/5301.column base plate placed per 53 02/9.53.01/4,elevator pit placed per 53.01/4.Refer to epoxy and grout daily field reports dated 10/05/2015 for apllicable information.Column encasements and slab on grade at D/6.D/7&E/7.Elevator pit and S.O.G.at 0.7-0P/6.2-6.4.Rebar Mill cents on file.Column encasement ties were 04 ASTM A 706 OR 60 rebar. ACI#01082993 Field Tech Grade 1 ICC 0 5316471 Reinforced Concrete 51. 10/06/2015 6:00 A.M.to 10:00 A.M. - Amved on site at time requested for concrete paacement by DC5 Builders/J.K.B. in B.concrete.J.K.B.conrete pushed concrete to 10/07/2015 to allow for City of Arcadia inspection.Met with City of Arcadia City inspector Wrote up paper work and prepared concrete test cylinders for next days placement.Verified rebar from 10/05/2015 was clean and ready for concrete placement.Location elevator pit slab,column encasement and slab of grade.Refer to plan sheet 51.01.5102.52.01,53.02. 53.01/4.Refer to daily field reports dated 10/05/2015 for N5.grad,epoxy of dowels and reinforcement steel placement. ACI 0 01082993 Field Tech Grade 1 ICC#5316471 Reinforced Concrete 5.1. 10/07/2015 5:00 A.M.to 9:00 AM Performed observation and sample/testing and water control for concrete plaement by DC5 Builder/J.K.B.concrete.J.K.B.concrete placed 10 year 3 of Robersons approved mix 480043A-4000 spi concrete.Concrete was placed for elevator pit slab at 0.7/B.9/6.2-6.4.and 3 column encasements with slab on grade at Level 1 D/6.D/7&E/7.Performed sample/testing 1 set of 5-6"x12"cylinders were cast for compressive strength testing.Refer to plan sheets 51.02,51.01,5201.53 02.53.01/4.Refer to daily field reports dated 10/05/2015.10/06/2015 for N.S.grout.Epoxy of dowels and rebar. ACI#01082993 Field Tech Grade 1 ICC#5316471 Reinforced Concrete 5.1. 10/07/2015 9.00 A.M.to 1:00 P.M. Performed observation and sample/testing of non shrink grout placement by DC5 Builder/J.K.B.concrete.I.K.B.Concrete placed N.S.grout-sika grout 212 high performance.cemrenicrus grout in a dry pack condition above girder Level 2 13/6-7 at location D/7.Grout fills area above girder to bottom of Level 2 slab per detail 53/53.02.Sika grout 212 was mixed 1-50 lb.bag ir wheel barrow to des'pack condition.Placed by hand and packedhampel in to position.I set of 6-2"x2"x2"cubes were cast for compressive strength testing.3 bags were placed.Grout mixed per plan and manufactured recommendations.refer to 51.01,51.02,52.01.53 02,53.03 plan sheets and 52.03. ACI#01082993 Field Tech Grade 1 ICC#5316471 Reinforced Concrete 5.1. 10/08/2015 6:00 A.M.to 2:00 P.M. Performed observation and samplehesting of non shrink concrete placement by DC5 Builders/J.K.B.concrete.J.K.B concrete placed 10 bags(5016)of N.S.grout-sika grout 212 high performance cementitious grout in a dry pack condition above girder level 2 girder floor foaming D/6-7 and beam 0-0.5/6.5 Grout fills area above girder to bottom of level 2 slab per detail 5.7/53.02.Sika grout 212 was mixed 1-50 lb.bag with 5 pints of water and mixed by hand/shovel in wheel barrow to dry pack condition.Placed by hand and packed/tamped into position I set of 6/2"x2"x2'cubes were cast for compressive strength testing.Grout mixed per plan sheets 51.01,51 02,52.01,53 02,53.03,52.03. ACI#01082994 Field Tech Grade 1 ICC#5316471 Reinforced Concrete 51. 10/09/2015 8:00 A.M.to 10:00 A.M. Performed observation and samplehesting and water control for concrete placement by DC5 Builders/J.K.B concrete.J.K.B.concrete placed 9 yd 3 of Roberson approved mix#80043A-4000 psi concrete.Concrete was placed for elevator pit walls and slab on grade within grids B.7-B.9/6.2-64 level 1.Performed sample/testing and 1 set of 5-6"x12"cylinders were cast for eompressive strength testing refer to plan sheets 51.02,51.01,52.01,52.02,5301,53.02.Refer to rebar reports dated(and anchor bolts)10/09/2015.10/05/2015:epoxy reports for slab dowels dated 10/05/2015. ACI#01082993 Field Tech Grade t ICC#5316471 Reinforced Concrete 5.1. Work Not In Compliance: Task Number Hours Total Hours: 0.00 pc�oncrete Inspection ❑Steel Field-Ultrasonic Testing 1 JFireproofing ❑Steel Field-Visual Inspection Masonry Inspection 0 Steel Shop-Visual Inspection Non-Conformance 0 Steel Shop-Map Particle 10/05/15 POST-Tension ❑Steel Shop-Material Identification Date Procedure Qualification ❑Steel Shop-SS Member Completion Record Welder Qualification Steel Shop-Ultrasonic Testing 7019 Michael Burke Steel Field-Dye Penetrant Seismic Evaluation Steel Field-Map Particle ❑piper: Employee Ili Name ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMTTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS.AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORT.CONCLUSIONS,OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING THEM 1S RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS,THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. C©2004 Smith Emery Company 411) SMITH—EMERY COMPANY iv Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory,Established 1904 SECO Job No: 4935-1 Letter of Transmittal INSP-1 Date: 09/28/2015 To: CITY OF ARCADIA DEPT OF BUILDING&SAFETY Page: 1 of 1 240 W. HUNTINGTON DRIVE ARCADIA CA 91006 REFERENCE: ZARA-WESTFIELD SANTA ANITA MALL 400 S.BALDWIN AVENUE ARCADIA,91007 Please find attached the following document(s). Inspection reports for the week ending 9/11/2015 for the subject project. Distributed To: 1) WESTFIELD,LLC 1) AEGIS STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 0) EMAIL:DLS BUILDERS 1) CITY OF ARCADIA SMITH—EMERY COMPANY Ap Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory,Established 1904 SECO Job No: 4935-1 INSPECTION REPORT Report No.: INSP-1 Date: 9/28/2015 To: WESTFIELD, LLC STEVEN CHANG 2049 CENTURY PARK EAST Distributed To 40TH FLOOR WESTFIELD,LLC LOS ANGELES, CA 90067 AEGIS STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS EMAIL:DLS BUILDERS Subject: ZARA-WESTFIELD SANTA ANITA MALL CITY OF ARCADIA 400 S. BALDWIN AVENUE ARCADIA,91007 Attached are inspection reports for the week ending 9/11/2015 for the subject project: Report By Report Dated Report Title KODSY, FADY S 09/11/2015 Daily Inspection Report for 9/10/2015 thru 9/11/2015 ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS.AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORT CONCLUSIONS,OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING THEM IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS,THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. •4- 11,) SMITH—EMERY COMPANY An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory,Established 1904 Permit No. NIA SMITH-EMERY COMPANY Ju isdiction N/A SE Job No. 4935-1 DAILY INSPECTION REPORT Date: Start: Stop: Job Name , Westfield Santa Anita 09/10/15 5:30 12:30 Job Aadrex 2310 Lee Ave. Called Jurisdiction: Irs❑ No Spoke To: LouGoa of Inrpaisa Onsite N/A Job site Location(areaffloor) )obsite Description of work impeded : Inspector Name:Fady Kodsy Emp-#7002 Exp Date:12-01-2018 Thurs.[09-10-2015] Performed material ID 1/2"X 4&1/2 flatbar heat PL15100345 1/4"X 4&1/4°Flatbar heat PL13104272 7"thick steel plate heat#411110719 5/8 thick steel plate heat#SF51727 1/2" thick steel plate heat#4063713 • HSS 12"X Heat#B505336 HSS 6X6 Heat#B503704 HSS 10X3 Heat#775401 HSS 2"&3/8 6X4 Heat#PL14107907 211 X3/8 Flatbar Heat#493332 1/4 X 6 Flatbar Heat#313813 1/2X6 Flatbar Heat#PL13107143 1/2 X 6 Flatbar Heat#PL15201859 3/8 X8 Flatbar Heat#PL15102105 • 3/8 X6 Flatbar Heat#PL151101894 24X68 Beam Heat#314621 • Fri[09-11-2015] Performed on site shop inspection for the castin 51/2 plates and the fabrication in progress for the HSS tube steel • Work Not In Compliance: Task Number Hours Total Hours: 0.00 t ■oncrefe Inspection 0 Steel Field-Ultrasonic Testing OFireproofing 0 Steel Field-Visual Inspection El Masonry Inspection 0 Steel Shop-Visual Inspection ONon-Cooformance D Steel Shop-Mag Particle 09/10/15 Post-Tension Steel Shop-Material Identification Date Procedure Qualification Steel Shop-SS Member Completion Record Welder Qualification O Steel Shop-Ultrasonic Testing 7002 Fad Kodsy Steel Field-Dye Penetrant O Seismic valuation Steel Field-Map Particle D omen: Employee ID Name ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS.AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORT_CONCLUSIONS,OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING THEM IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS,THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES- 0 2004 Smith Emery Company 6001 Rickenb( nr Rd 0 Los Angeles, CA 90040 a aeC Observation of Foundation Soils Job Number: 44,c1 ... i t' -'. 05:30 ) Date: jt' 7r /EL Job Name: 1ft , p4iP14 /' a,JT f Location: +E j ' ; The following Gvi-tiisi6 excavations were observed by us and,as of this date,the soil conditions were found to conform with the findings of our foundation investigation report date /10 4,14cr 'j 1 '2.0 lc P P-( A Ple of c a,,q .n .. y ri — i N c-I RSA '4 czikt l 1.-.c. Equip used/ ID#: 11F.4.....7__ By: ` `'j ArJI,-,:;,' At AIJ{.; ' Employee No: '17 ei'1,1_ NOTE: 1. This observation does not cover footing location,size, depth or reinforcement,and does not constitute authority for placing concrete in excavations without approval by the governmental Building inspector. 2. Any changed soil conditions subsequent to this data such as disturbance, excessive drying or wetting will require re-observation. 3. Loose and/or soft soils and debris must be removed prior to placing concrete in the excavation. F1037 6001 Ricken r Rd Los Angeles, b 0040 aihecs2 Observation of Foundation Soils Job Number• 7 / — ,. ' ), Date: / / f r Na �, o :.'�f, a ' .-« ,rid Location: 4-70 i 1 `' j The following foo excavations were observed by us and,as of this date,the soil conditions were found to conform with the findings of our foundation investigation report date ft ' � �r�' , I . "i::" /14 4 t' # 7 Equip used/ ID#: pX _; By 1,14 t t Employee No: r' , NOTE: 1)This observation does not cover footing location,size,depth or reinforcement,and does not constitute authority for placing concrete in excavations without approval by the governmental Building inspector. 2.Any changed soil conditions subsequent to this data such as disturbance,excessive drying or wetting will require re-observation. 3.'loose and/or soft soils and debris must be removed prior to placing concrete in the excavation. F1037 • i STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION RBPbR ' Structural Observation is the visual observation of the structural system by a registered desi gn professional for general conformance to the approved construction documents.Structural observation does not include or waive STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS the responsibility for the inspections required by sections 110,1705,or other sections of the building code. www.aegis-se.com Project name: Structural Observer of Record(SOR): Westfield Santa Anita-Zara TI Emil von Roth, SE Project address: Phone number of SOR: 400 South Baldwin Ave, Arcadia, CA 91007 818-940 8838 Project permit number: Report number: Report includes construction work through this date. B00-050-769 01 10/5/2015 Observed structural elements: Structural observation performed by: 1. Escalator structural steel frame (work underway) Emil von Roth, SE 2. Concrete reinforcing at escalator post bases Professional license of observer: 3. Elevator concrete pit reinforcing S-5549 Phone number of observer See above Stamp of structural observer: Noted deficiencies with the proposed corresponding corrective actions with respect to general conformance with the approved plans or in the load path(a final report by the structural observer which states that all observed deficiencies have been resolved is required before the acceptance of the work by the building officials): N/A I declare that the following statements are true to the best of my knowledge: 1. I am the engineer retained by the owner to be in responsible charge of the structural observation in accordance with the requirements of the jurisdiction. 2. I,or another engineer who I have designated above and is under my responsible charge,have performed the required site visits at each significant stage to verify if the structural is in general conformance with approved plans and specifications. 3. All noted deficiencies which remain to be corrected have been indicated above. 4. I recommend that acceptance of the structural systems by the jurisdiction be withheld until all observed deficiencies are corrected. Signature of structural observer Date: 10/5/2015 0 1:1) SMITH-EMERY LABORATORIES M An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory,Established 1904 781 East Washington Boulevard • Los Angeles,California 90021 • Tel.(213)749-3411 • Fax(213)741-8626 G P R Rebar Location Test Proj./Job No.: Date Received: OA/ 3/7--6- Lab. No.: Date Tested: 0 9//a,/� Client: Equipment Used: Project: U' i7 L�v.9 Vhi fir' $ & Subject: Ground Penetrating Radar Test: Concrete Slab u,(/ pie 54.1.0 Co ,iofe? Report of Test Location: Slab C1IV t c &L -Ft, ( 3 P East-West Direction LJO fC j 7fC� T t" 7 p/ cT North-South Direction f 1 L 10 eU Cam) 6-/c FT ( tJ Location: Slab East-West Direction North-South Direction Location: Slab East-West Direction North-South Direction Location: Slab East-West Direction North-South Direction Location: Slab East-West Direction North-South Direction Location: Slab East-West Direction North-South Direction Location: Slab East-West Direction North-South Direction Remarks Test Form-Other Tested by: 2 " Rebar Location Test y ``��,. /. Pane 1 of 1 September 14,2015 0 SMITH-EMERY LABORATORIES An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory,Established 1904 781 East Washington Boulevard • Los Angeles,California 90021 • Tel.(213)749-3411 • Fax(213)741-8626 G P R Rebar Location Test Proj./Job No.: Date Received: D ` /re Lab. No.: Date Tested: Client: A„k m rte/ ,;d, ,1// 4,4 Equipment Used: Project: e-Lk27 A l — Subject: Ground Penetrating ' adar -st: Co crete Sla. Cam/ • B Report of Test Location: Slab 6,PR 1---es-r- W s rzroi2/lAi /c.!a e, 5 -0 0� East-West Direction Ail0 '' '/ZC ' ; • c ' 7 I -tpy, North-South Direction ' _" " d er=rAJ L Location: Slab East-West Directio North-South Direction Location: Slab East-West Direction North-South Direction Location: Slab East-West Direction North-South Direction Location: Slab East-West Direction North-South Direction Location: Slab East-West Direction North-South Direction Location: Slab East-West Direction North-South Direction Remarks ` j J Test Form-Other Tested by: L1 ` � /l/ Rebar Location Test Date: Page 1 of 1 September 14,2015 Daily InspeQQn Report Date: Start: Stop: SE Job# r4 A G / 7,,,,m /0.r/5 2Lte 9�y� f� /1).4„5 Called larf tenon:Yea NC 'jurisdiction [' 1 ,41 f ' 1 a N A ,19 .(a__j/ • Spat To: Permit#Akre —0 ` -- - ': ,.'`"r ( . q((,V 7 Page. o,cntste p Fireprocsiing p Masonry ❑Steel Fwd p Steel Shop 0 Other. F wog of W ed . 4-407- ,--,va6,9:.r-bkA.) WA-_-,,64-,/,,..,/, ,5---t‘V/€7,4retptc Z:k ,01)-/(?tel 0-r 517::;e.4, -_v.}(:_v-e.&. ,, c7- -/C',d /7 �l ce 1v 5 7,21 / l5"6 6D , d t 5-4c7-41-1 4 70‘ c'/.‘ '64 -- - .e- -Zug gec P1,/c... eN cA t.P,L)1s s(,PS .��,k, C4-, -9__',(;);.i/.4,c> '7eai, 1" A '7' , &;-}air-e(,0' -}ai -ei,�01 cs--74 za4-5 &'e , tr-hi f 57 gr7W�� 111/I e. 5d4ri�^>l I1964 �lA'?r tvl "/ G44✓� (*A/t/77/1 S- i c(e J � F e ft4'l!' r 7' J J p 0/ �rXtlr-caJ 4-14-r_e_ /61. --/A461f,,,,e! it— S3.0717 . c 3, 0/Ai I, - ei/ottia"--/)t Yjt7. / /ler. g'3 , 0/7E/ /&--1--e_tr- -6 C/60/7 ,a,t.."6-7,--c.64, /-4 ligi,- ' tfre."-...434-5- e:et LCe!-,/0 °5;(5-4,-,1,426a,-;d7e...../.,,,,,47/-01.46, 6-7:7,,,,,,.., etx,4 rfe.._ S =9 r !2 �f" li 4 7/ SY C l)(7 4 s .---4--/-r4 z1. - o 37 0,, R x 7 -4 ‘,`. Wehr /1.41 j( r^r-- -- 5 -'7 . lalUr / ev f4 sa At.&,j? /mss hie 4 A 5 r i e L t.. 7 /a 4 �D C--e_ , 4(L a7 ,62--9?3 -l�' ��A 644. 2 rr(J 5-3(6`t7/ 7C.e, ')-4-rd(L, cd`eJe- .,r. Work Not In Complianee The work WAS 0 WAS NOT cted Material sampling WAS 0 WAS NOT D,A performed - 1 The work inspected MET ODD)NOT meet the requirements /�, / /d'" / r with the requirements of the approved documents. l C j 'f, Date F Sign:—. ii J 70/5' /74((A47 /5' r4 — CC:?niet%. ci itea.Strzwardi Boemeer,Prol 'not= Employee ID Name AIL WORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS rh CONtZDE TIAL PROPERTY Or CL._'TS...THORIzArON FOR x UaUCAT!ON O OUR REPORT,CONCLUSIONS,OR VTRACTSFROM oft RED.kRDING T 5 to RFSER; .*PENDNO OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL As A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLmCTS.T:RS PUBLIC AND OURSi4rn. 0 Said Emery Cogan)*2.Ob • m TNF, ❑ ❑❑❑❑ Co Or O{ � 5z _222 m r o m z CF D m G CM D(n% am c zi o m i mm s =X Z m z T C r o 0 0❑ > -1 n A` m m m 5�j�m x. M = c N z ami m a o °Z �' �� Z z �. �p 0 0 r- r;� Z O I\, ❑❑ m z �� CO ml ccnn = v m� m o m O o p O rte. W 4,,, o R : r- z m D j> (4 � 0 \ O Xm C p A_ =C C C z ° z V> 00 i r�y 0 1—M m (i) m m A c { vv` ?m 07.1 O y ea N m Fl W N CO m G C D - m o9�(I) , i 2N M< c— r� Z Q j°S W S li D �Doi l �22 (.7) L...‘ ' . mZ mco c Cji M U� ` A° D � k... Z m °° -4 -I D V , Z ci -IimTZ y�+ ri N CJ D cnN °4 tiii D t �1, mToO Cn ' o Opr-O I ? zoD A > *1 (k1 ``..„..... 4 cn p \ T co M w i i Daily Inspection Report Date: Start: Stop: SE Job# 0- v-- 7 tg,l,P-0 ..41 I-4 A/&el'40P7,ao 12,2.5--/5 /A, zz,es,_ T`'�` Yi ' Called Jurisdiction:Yes N j'e" ��i y a9 ❑ � Jurisdlc€ion L(� � l Q k -,:- , /5244)//,:,) !l�(' a Spoke To: Permit#/We, d 7)`7 � j!,s /f.,...,l�j4 (7 7( 7 Page: ( ancrete 0 Fireproofing 0 Masonry ❑Steel Field 0 Steel Shop 0 Other. rd f— Description of Work Ins % é7d2 )ed 2,r 4,,,. re- d(4 4,01 141_ Cn^Lof ,it, D 5'&.E7 04-5/7"-ee,a, (7,:ye_>e/-4"e„, ar/e4, 67,,_,. /c, l.eze-e. 1v11/457.7m , 7 l'e< ,mod t 5-4sc«2 4 7 ‘ C4.CO desmr l CilP 6.4r 144.) 8/2, ..., f�(i=�TC... /- fi'iY��[ t� � .4 c� /-��',L,,, �l�`i,� f /�(',,� '/-�,,,, s'� �A5 cis, '�' if----kris, r 1 , � / fir" r/*—( rxde- ` € J� c�/e 77 lI( �l//41- 4,v I ('Cc_A/V(7/v' (f.c,"‘ r v o�J (.3` e Jo /�1_C �/ p r r t"J , c 1 &Sl_f_ /4kf:-/i4Ce,,/eir.- S3 0'V? D 3,o/At, rget/dar-1),i y like /Er. ,..7 , 0 i A e 4 -11e.t.r- -6 Cia-oxi 67,1- if--e- --/-c A,-(,-e,/0 'r-„9---„,(s--- 4-,y,,,/66e.,,cizze.._<-,,L ,,,./11.4 6 . - tom, eAx,41e- -4-15- 4,"..► rl a� r4 47/-" LY 1(z 4 -6-7. 6 4e/4, .(e>r-,.r/.6,eSa6„. As Z -4,q4. - Cr`4, 4-14/--' ' /INN ecf-(- 5 c/,,./ (- ?./e. . 4 v- (--(7 l ,e Crc' ( rr� 6-'.,.X Work Not In Compiiance The work RYAS ❑WAS NOT im3ected Material sampling V+AS ['WAS NOT N/A performed The work inspected MET QDID NOT meet the requirements f�° /S f/f/ with the requirements of the approved.documents. / J ` f�(�C Date - Signature 70/5' /7411 ;P, Name CC:Project Architect,St7LC. 3I Ertgitl ,Project Inspr.Ctor Employee D ALL REPORTS ARE SUMMED T TED AS THE CONFIDENTLAL PROPE`R?Y OF CU TS.AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORT,CONCLUSIONS.OR EXTRACTS PROM OR R.BOARM,*THEM IS RESPRVED?E DtLtG OUR WR t TEI APPROVAL AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS,THE?UBLIC AND OL'RSEL . 39 Smith Emery Company 2.05 Daily Inspection Report aQ24 A/ te: Start: Stop: SE Job# -9 3 5 'Project 74/-4 A/ 1 5.1 2 /oo-5--(S ‘1 44,/ni?'4 Job L.57 Called Jurisdiction:Yesa NcJ Jurisdiction [[r[. lj��` 4 C l� a�+Me,y,2', /c. , Spoke To: Permit# /J�L4.>O5D-- i,-- Location 4d-6 6,',"/ 7027 Page: 0 Concrete 0 Fireproofing 0 Masonry 0 Steel Field 0 Steel Shop Other: �j1 re„e/1� ���re il Description of Work Ins ected /�`� /f�,z cJ y'1- el!` ‘6"er- a , AA9,5 Q • /e. 75-6de-s il (2 �, , a - ; 4 y Dl S i, , k, 6 , &>c��71 , c1, K, R, 6�c/) � � c,"/v S 11-29C — LS--;A 4Wd 2 (2 Apr <p lyoeo-' tMA,✓fe...t l'�- e 7((a,,e,S .-A;t," 4- (._Z74_,AAA1 ,C Ste, /�(_,4 1`e_ ° 41 4,,„,-- 6 //a-0s .074( X77 -� 7, sI . 67FAAt 212, 6 AS ml /' 3-0 76e �3 4)(,:k 7 /N 4. D 6t)ici k r' ,(1✓v1rj-4/ cP/N 4.72/ y-47 A., �.�c4 e / A„,i24,,i-(/l , 1 Avx r to� a 6 3 4.4,�/,,k� 'x,14 � ei)s Via) , , 6- 31 6 i 3 7 2 Ode S'. Zcier- r.4 1 / -ar- CO.'"'L,erle' Ci t/' ,5- 1(t'/-7,-/it__ 7e_crfro,1 , 2 4,4,-P/34Crfe--- "I-Ai/4/,‘> s-- 4 AW/4A44,1 /-t C'l�t^'L 4-t>d 1"/G05..� i& c- o,Z.rte ,5-4, e, 6-4 /`t c��0?_, / G Orr o/off?7 7 3 moC l_ �("r-4,1,1<e--I ra: it cc i 7/ A L1 g---�,e.. ,.,v, 3 ,- Work Not In Compliance The work 'I WAS 0 WAS NOT inspected Material samplin l !i AS ❑WAS NOT El NIA performed The work inspecte 1 i� MET ❑DID NOT meet the requirements with the requirements of the approved documents. ,7.. ‘5-7S—' 4t1 `/C� f , Date /✓ gnature CC:Project Architect,Structural Engineer,Project Inspector Employee ID ' Name ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS.AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORT,CONCLUSIONS,OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING THEM IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS,THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. ©Smith Emery Company 2.0b Daily Inspection Report �/� Date: Start: Stop: SE Job# 4,473-,5"- f Project ov-A� ke 4lG� /04' 'o J" lO cYr ll 10A Called Jurisdiction:Yes NC Jurisdiction 0 0.644f Job �� �+�ge")//t) /�'� Spoke To: Permit#� —Q6p--6j Location 4r6QA9 �,q 7/ (�7 Page:Ei Concrete E Fireproofing ❑Masonry El Steel Field E]Steel Shop Other: f)Xid Description of Work Inmected 61 &e(Wer5P- . Y77( (14064t1c._(4 _cci 45 r' t 4- 6(3 6W- t 4-- ddC,v (6 Lrl‘ G m-A, ‘4,4-7e 49/,./4,-/-6 4/"32-, iM7-7 a% '( '/ x_ //% q, (-044_ 1// et /ittl(ciz,. eetk E /serP. oy. /VII &/•1 "re,")-/' gAr 4"5 -x- //ea' t /.6)A-7-/-41 1,c)C V;/--1 4 't Atte A, .11440 P'1 e6 q°)(.1 3/i 1.i!) 5ef X/ Aat eXc/eir54,14( !ff., ��j-`o/t7 a s 7 2((7 iVor/ &4� ,A 4tved/ r�� - C5 CS I. 0,69 4 (4 .1 5-3 a t'. `�' J 3 ( C S id? I , 6-) r,� 7ze'c^-t e/_1da/-� evA ��4 r Pfr (z),4 5 5.6 64(m/tifigiAM,3,0 r (3) .()/: 0(7 r717 s'ac „ 2-q 3 r"4, 7:,, 4-44 42,r, Work Not In Compliance The wor y'r AS 0 WAS NOT inspected Material samplin .'i AS ❑WAS NOT ON/A performed The work inspecte' T ODID NOT meet the requirements / with the requirement of the approved documents. Date q gn Employee Dl to ee ID a f® a�e �/`/`C CC:Project Architect,Structural Engineer,Project Inspector P Y ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS.AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORT,CONCLUSIONS,OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING THEM IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS,THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. ©Smith Emery Company 2.Ob Daily inspection Report Date: Start: Stop: SE Job# 59.3.S �} /-4 7 ./1 Called,jurisdiction:Yes° NC Jurisdiction r7474/ a (T7 1443D 3D (J 5 J, Spoke To: permit r Q d v��` 47 4 c4,6, .w Page: it •ncrete u Fireproofing D Masonry 0 Steel Field Steel Shop 0 Other. Description of Work Inspected ,4►7 )C/ G > S/ k— �h Tl � fir" ae.v71 ‘21— kee,t_, Dz,s .. -.s 1e. , . (�./fin /Ne 7e,(7(4.5-- 452 A 7/. 0.2 ` f 4Pri,"/11-- ��/ %5#caw-, 41)1or� � ,o -��<���� �0 l 71-J71 C7- '4,22gi'-5- • /of, __*71 dAr //, (-'e 2 itee' e P rc-f4t- /. ° S- 4)4 C Cle 4,4,4e '• tCds Ce A- C'c_"�� 4( Ate L/ e ) -A/47 l 5746/ 6/eytu) 61-2(..A1-ept,,e} / ?a r ' 1�, / f/. / `5 ( 5-2,e2/ s J 0? 5'3,c2/ T' 7; ?-47/r � ,,�.f� G4 /0-S-6 tom!- 44.s G L xY ,rd A£r e foe X 9 3 f�W ?rev 6e-- I-cc C3 /C17 Work Not In Compliance The work ='WAS Q WAS NOT'•,,ected Material sampling ■WAS ❑WAS NO %.'IA performed The work inspected r-.1: I T MID NOT meet the requirements J� with the requirements of the approved documents. `‘'l ,l/Lit RC Date ignature 70/9 er1-4°—/ r CC:Proj=s A,-chitea,5mcmrai E >tiees,Project Iespe Employee mployee ID Name ALL REPORTS ARE scrim i i to AS it.CONFIDENTIAL?ROPE.T?OF CLIENTS.AU?HORIZATI0N FOR?UBUCATION OF OUR REPORT,CONCLUSIONS,OR EXTRACTS FROM OR. REGARDOIQ THEM IS RESERVED PEPDINO OUR'WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIINTS,TEE PUBLIC.AND OURSELVE. C Smith Emery Company 2.Ob SMITH—EMERY LABORATORIES An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 781 East Washington Boulevard • Los Angeles,California 90021 • Tel.(213)749-3411 • Fax(213)741-8626 G P R Rebar Location Test Date Received: Lab. No.:Job No.: Date Tested: Lab. Client: Equipment Used: Project: od 7-r! -1430 i vfl Subject: Ground Penetrating Radar Test: Concrete Slab Report of Test Location: Slab // ,r,f��� Al East-West Directiol , &P North-South Directio tf�r ' N E94j (3—N' rJ - &� 6��4 � ,6/Wl(. Location: Slab � ��� East-West Direction p /J C'J North-South Direction (fe, Location: Slab East-West Directio North-South Direction Location: Slab East-West Direction North-South Direction Location: Slab East-West Direction North-South Direction Location: Slab East-West Direction North-South Direction Location: Slab East-West Direction North-South Direction Remarks Test Form-Other 704150,t) Rebar Location Test Tested by: t-/ Page 1 of 1 September 14.2015 • Fl FIELD DATA on: SMITH-EMERY Est.1904 CONCRETE ❑MASONRY: ❑MORTAR ❑GROUT LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE ❑GUNITE 781 EAST WASHINGTON BOULEVARD •LOS ANGELES,CALIFORNIA 90021 •(213)749-341 HUNTERS POINT SHIPYARD BLDG.114 •SAN FRANCISCO,CALIFORNIA 94124 •(415)330-300 ❑ LIGHTWEIGHT FILL 1195 NORTH TUSTIN AVENUE •ANAHEIM,CALIFORNIA,92807 •(714)238-613 ❑OTHER // �_ _ 2527 DEL MONTE STREET -q•WEST SACRAMENTO,CALIFORNIA/ 95691 •(916))3374-075 ❑SIGNATURE X I / _i' IIHM,, J JOB SITE PHONE / ( '• �7 'EJ 7 73 < is DATE OF POUR DESIGN PS1 MIX DESIG SLUMP IN MADE BY MIXING T IME TIME OF DAY CYL THI SET/POUR S MP°F LOAD NO. PLANT CODE UN.WT.PCF. DIAM.INCH DESIGNATION /04/ il.D434. 5. 0 5" -77 / FOR OFFICE USE ONLY JO//NUMB-EjR / JOB NAME 41"0Pc /��� CYLINDER NO. AGE @ TEST LOAD TEST P.S.I. JOB LOCATION +l/ l t( (/P s •at i,)4frc- 4-c ;€ &I 9lno7 LOCATION IN S UCTURE: 6 cce,i4) exiare,otv..„07-aG- 1)/7 Ae+ ...,r— AGE AT DAYS / AT DAYS / AT 7 DAYS TO 111 C BE / CRUSHED AT DAYS 2 AT 28 DAYS / ed, HOLD SPECIAL e~l/l pie, ��le��s 674,--7, etyff� /�uC Il�c c��S INSTRUCTION Ccle41 3/� i� . re> ..Z.CM/RI KN DOENR s / 3 { `e2///L " J / �� FILL ONE DATA SHEET OUT COMPLETELY FOR EACH SET OF SAMPLES • SEND THIS DA E SHEET TO S1 nTh-EMERY WITH SAMPLES. 3 Daily Inspection Report ,,: a Date: Start: Stop: SE Job# efi 3 6- ,(:)/4Z4 / .77 ir t- ;%--'-p?-_:;:l 4A/A it/1( ...5-t ft7, P - t -i-.., , c.,4,4\-- gok, Celled Jurisdiction:Yesa NC Jurisdiction 4 414t AM1 .11 W (5-', 4Aa f',3 A Lie_. . Spoke To: Permit# N)`Q 5--6 ,-7 Ear _,„,_,. ,!..AL,IP-- Are,449 n 9017 I Page: / ...06Onorete Q Fireproofing 0 Masonry 0 Steel Field El Steel Shop 0 Other Description of Work Inspected / Q 5.4'')4.7 / . ' 7 A l_ S ia, (fi-,,, o ,. (Ikea 6..)cit�jc___ /4ccaP 5 A �Jal �7C X34 - 9a)(9105/ ' cc&)c e- 6.1, 11-)4 J /Ace-, 4,-- / 4'/ 54x '" L It7^4, G/K✓4 4.e l 4,<,/ 3 too c.i,r E_'ei-2 ,4<eA... S E.0(‘//c SlyaA) 6tJ ' � D/ D/7 C 7, 46---armo,sri 7c 1�5 �� / _P ci ( r'x/�., c���,��P�-s cv�� �'4� ,yr ��`c�ss(G,, ��r��,�.� 4_ 7,,i„ , : k4e- /e) /41,� rlt✓c 5- S/b-2. ( c oft �S'Z. a(, s'3��,�,� 174 (i 4 c A t t e,/O' r l c (0. c,./ cs- �`f.�d` i k ©1I ,,,ie-i .4,-) i4f ad--r Gr a' ( g77 3 tiJle ?`- ('( -Pe- 1 s<_C--143-3f 'gf7/ 4_,.t.)4Ecr-P „.. .1 f. s r Work Not In Compliance The work ' AS Q WAS NOT inspected Material samplin• i ' AS [}WAS NOT ©NJA performed The work inspect ! I T QDID NOT meet the requirements �bs7/ Alel-Ofi with the requirements 6f the approved documents. Date *nature 70(F lit/G f �7 Project,4s'ehitec.,S;n:cOS'al Engvieer,Project inspector Employee ID Name ALL REPORTS ARE Si13'c4 TED AS TEE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS.AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OP ouR REPORT,CONCLusioNS,OR EXTRACES FROM OR REGARDL\G THEM IS RESERVED FENDO O OUR WR.i:r.N APPROVAL AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS,•rE PUBLIC ANC,OURSELVES. V Smith Emery Company 2.Ob • Daily Inspection Report /� Date: Start: Stop: SE Job# Project Z4 e—,4 A 7Ike57 e%4' 1 gipti n /5� n ��) Called durisdictios:Yes❑ Nt� Jurisdiction et4 O 4 Job �� vn,&A6ta,c)/mi l/ Spoke To: Perrnit'.� Location Page: /W907 ` 0 Concrete jJ Fireproofing 0 Masonry 0 Steel Field a Steel ShopPOther./f/6- Description of Work Ippected p &at) • ebcer/A60,1 ike 5-4-1-)0(01e5-1/'t 5412 t 2 A' e‘(- go( 1/6g (771,cl ?/Z %/2 #e-,--&` 4)Ce_. eeZAter, i(7( 71G 5 r , iN ' ,��� Ca, / 4Zc >e... level a D/‘--7 4/ �� t b(7 get- (A,6) - ll$ r" A‘oe1C Zcr,7t 0 tiZet/e/ 2- r4 etr- 5- 7(5-2 03, , c 'k,4 r-oS 111 1V/35 1411)(e, W l , /° /5 0 "re ,r ,�' ,Q4U 4 (/ ,L� ��1„' ,"/"./ufl���1 ° � `� ff /� ��/��� ,- /6/4W ay l v (vi / eilfr ,0 7"Q t/ ,/ C`� r t / /7 2 7_ X � �d 5 C � s �,�,� � 3 j/5 ell -� �L�� 414ti 164 C 1`�C-/`'-°-- itCC_004,42'4 2 ke_ iS' n j 5-4/22" g' ja I o 3'02( s3o 63 s'Ct ftcf,4?-1‘ 45' ,,O3 5'3 1‘q 7 (4c-r- :41 2-q9 Frw„er-e---,4 (:1-44e, ± Work Not In Compliance The work 8,,,,,AAss D WAS in ected Material sampling ❑WAS NOT NOT [ NIA performed The work inspected 0 MET ❑DID NOT meet the requirements � � with the requirements of the approved documents. /P-7-75- ij Date 7121 /'/ l -/ ( CC:Project Architect,Structural Engineer,Project Inspector Employee ID Name ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS.AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORT,CONCLUSIONS.OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING THEM IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS,THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES Smith Emery Company 10b ��� SMITH-EMERY FIELD DATA on: ' " ' ��z.t� Est 1904 DI CONCRETE E]MASONRY: MORTARrGROUT 781 EAST WASHINGTON BOULEVARD •LOS ANGELES,CALIFORNIA 90021 •(213)749-341 El LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE El GUNITE HUNTERS POINT SHIPYARD BLDG.114 •SAN FRANCISCO,CALIFORNIA 94124 •(415)330-30C ❑ LIGHTWEIGHT FILL 1195 NORTH TUSTIN AVENUE •ANAHEIM,CALIFORNIA,92807 •(714)238-613 ❑OTHER � � 4 2527 DEL MONTE STREET •WEST SACRAMENTO,CALIFORNIA 95691 •(916)374-075 El SIGNATURE X ILy- . �� JOB SITE PHONE 1' DATE OF POUR DESIGN PS1 MIX DESIGN SLUMP IN MADE BY MIXING TIME TIME OF DAY CYL THIS TEMP°F LOAD NO. PLANT CODE UN.WE POE. DIAM.INCH DESIGNATION (HRS/MIN) 4 SET/POUR G ^dd t o 6 I � , �C l71/ S� � � / 8 T /rKJ L(•� �/�C�� 7a� _. �b //EVA z.. / 6�s �.��� g FOR OFFICE USE ONLY JOB N[U?MBER / JO 24/4 e /`0 f514 �A...o l} CYLINDER NO. AGE @ TEST LOAD TEST P.S.I. JOO AT t" 'tJ� ( L/L «l 4d-64 eX LOCC T,IIOON IINpST UCTURE: ////// / g0C1.7 AGE AT DAYS / AT 4.r DAYS / AT 7 DAYS TO BE CRUSHED AT DAYS % AT 28 DAYS 2, @ HOLD INSTRUCTIONS .Y A4 z� /le9tr..0 AA•44-.5. • e /%�fs{� API j(16 a) MARK ON 40'" ' C� f '//i).2)�{116 / l [el A CYLINDERS / V �sT L FILL ONE DATA SHEET OUT COMPLETELY FOR EACH SET OF SAMPLES • SEND THI DATE SHEET TO SMITH-EMERY 1YVITH SAMPLES. -1 SMITH-EMERY LABORATORIES An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory,Established 1904 781 East Washington Boulevard • Los Angeles,California 90021 • Tel.(213)749-3411 • Fax(213)741-8626 G P R Rebar Location Test Proj./Job No.: Date Received: Lab. No.: Date Tested: gar / Client: Equipment Used: Project: tt)"r„S Trifi p /7- Subject: Ground Penetrating Radar Test: Concrete Slab Report of Test c#11--f17--E12. (40Ttil-c-E (5"eilj Location: Slab rr i East-West Direction c lv North-South Direction v' Location: Slab /Ltd„ East-West Direction /,12 North-South Direction (1 --r(J t Location: Slab East-West Direction r� North-South Direction Location: Slab East-West Direction North-South Direction Location: Slab East-West Direction North-South Direction Location: Slab East-West Direction North-South Direction Location: Slab East-West Direction North-South Direction Remarks Test Form-Other u/-11, Rebar Location Test Tested by: �! t Paae 1 of 1 September 14, 2015