HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 2 - 10-25-16 PC Minutes ARCADIA PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Tuesday, October 25, 2016 Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Planning Commission regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the City’s Planning Services Office located at 240 W. Huntington Drive, Arcadia, California, during normal business hours. CALL TO ORDER – Chairman Lin called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Arcadia City Council Chamber. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL PRESENT: Commissioners Chiao, Lewis, Thompson, Chan and Lin ABSENT: None SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FROM STAFF REGARDING AGENDA ITEMS A memo regarding an additional condition of approval for Item 2 was distributed to the Commissioners. PUBLIC COMMENTS (5 minute time limit per person) There were none. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Resolution No. 1977 – Approving Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 16-08 with a Categorical Exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to allow the sale of beer and wine for off-site consumption at the existing grocery store at 1304 S. Baldwin Avenue Applicant: Joseph Lee Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 1977 Community Development Administrator Jim Kasama introduced the item and turned it over to Assistant Planner Vanessa Quiroz who presented the staff report. Chairman Lin opened the Public Hearing and asked if the applicant would like to speak on this item. . Applicant Mr. Joseph Lee responded. Chairman Lin asked if anyone would like to speak in favor of the item. No one responded. Chairman Lin asked if there was anyone who would like to speak in opposition of the item. No one responded. MOTION It was moved by Commissioner Chiao, seconded by Comissioner Lewis to close the public hearing. Without objection, the motion was approved. 2 10-25-16 MOTION It was moved by Commissioner Chiao, seconded by Commissioner Thompson to adopt Resolution No. 1977: Approving Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 16-08 with a Categorical Exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to allow the sale of beer and wine for off-site consumption at the existing grocery store at 1304 S. Baldwin Avenue. ROLL CALL AYES: Commissioners Chiao, Thompson, Lewis, Chan and Lin NOES: None 2. Resolution No. 1978 – Approving Tentative Parcel Map No. TPM 16-03 (74513), Multiple Family Architectural Design Review No. MFADR 16-18, and Modification No. MC 16-16 with a Categorical Exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for a two-unit residential condominium development at 329 Diamond Street Applicant: Sanyao International Inc. Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 1978 Community Development Administrator Jim Kasama introduced the item and turned it over to Assistant Planner Vanessa Quiroz who presented the staff report. Chairman Lin opened the Public Hearing and asked if the applicant would like to speak on this item. . Designer Mr. Robert Tong responded. Chairman Lin asked if anyone would like to speak in favor of the item. No one responded. Chairman Lin asked if there was anyone who would like to speak in opposition of the item. No one responded. MOTION It was moved by Commissioner Lewis, seconded by Commissioner Thompson to close the public hearing. Without objection, the motion was approved. MOTION It was moved by Commissioner Chiao, seconded by Vice Chairman Chan to adopt Resolution No. 1978: Approving Tentative Parcel Map No. TPM 16-03 (74513), Multiple Family Architectural Design Review No. MFADR 16-18, and Modification No. MC 16-16 with a Categorical Exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for a two-unit residential condominium development at 329 Diamond Street as amended to include an additional condition of approval identified as condition No. 15. ROLL CALL AYES: Commissioners Chiao, Chan, Lewis, Thompson, and Lin NOES: None 3 10-25-16 CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under the Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and can be acted on by one roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless members of the Commission, staff, or the public request that specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate discussion and action. 3. Cancellation of the November 22, 2016; and December 27, 2016, Regular Planning Commission Meetings Recommended Action: Approve 4. Minutes of the October 11, 2016, Arcadia Planning Commission Regular Meeting Recommended Action: Approve MOTION It was moved by Commissioner Chiao, seconded by Vice Chairman Chan to approve Consent Calendar Items 3 and 4. ROLL CALL AYES: Commissioners Chiao, Chan, Lewis, Thompson and Lin NOES: None MATTERS FROM CITY COUNCIL LIAISON City Council Liaision Verlato reported that at the October 18, 2016 meeting, the City Council held a public hearing regarding the appeal of the Planning Commission decision to deny a Modification and an Architectural Design Review for a new, two-story residence at 110 E. Camino Real Avenue, and the City Council voted 5 to 0 to overturn the Planning Commission decision and approved the project. In addition, she reported that at the same meeting, the City Council approved and introduced the Development Code Update. MATTERS FROM PLANNING COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Thompson reported that he attended the Historic Resource Survey Community Meeting along with Commissioner Chan and it was very informative and it is long overdue that the City look into the inventory we have and what can be preserved. He mentioned that he also attended the American Planning Association’s Annual State Conference in Pasadena and there were about a thousand people in attendance; he attended four sessions that were very informative and is glad he attended. Chairman Zi reported that he also attended the American Planning Association’s Conference and he attended three sessions. The panel that was the most relevant to the Planning Commission was titled, “Legally Defensible: Sharpening a Planning Commission’s Findings and Conditions of Approval.” He requested a copy of the presentation and will share it with the Commissioners once he receives it. Commissioner Chan mentioned that regarding the Historic Resource Survey Community Meeting, he brought up to staff that there is a possibility for a loop hole that can be positive or negative relating to properties that are left unmaintained and are deteriorated. If that is the situation, the property may not be considered historical because it can become too cost prohibitive to restore it. He asked staff how that type of situation would be handled. Mr. Kasama informed him that if it is economically unfeasible to restore the property then it could be demolished, but it is incumbent upon Code Services to prevent a property from getting to that point. MATTERS FROM MODIFICATION COMMITTEE The Modification Committee Meeting was canceled. 4 10-25-16 MATTERS FROM STAFF INCLUDING UPCOMING AGENDA ITEMS Mr. Kasama announced that the upcoming Agenda for the November 8 meeting includes an amendment to the Specific Plan for the Santa Anita Inn project. He also announced that the appeal to the City Council of the Verizon bell tower proposal has been postponed at the appellant’s request to the November 15 meeting; and tentatively there is second Historic Resource Survey Community Meeting scheduled for December 1. ADJOURNMENT The Planning Commission adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m. to Tuesday, November 8, 2016, at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chamber at 240 W. Huntington Dr., Arcadia. Chairman, Planning Commission ATTEST: Secretary, Planning Commission