HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 3 - GPC 17-02 (CIP) DATE: May 9, 2017 TO: Honorable Chairman and Planning Commission FROM: Jim Kasama, Community Development Administrator By: Nick Baldwin, Associate Planner SUBJECT: Determination and finding that the proposed Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Year 2017-18 is consistent with the General Plan Recommendation: Approve SUMMARY Per Section 65403(c) of the State Government Code, the Planning Commission is required to make a determination that finds each fiscal year’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to be consistent with the City's General Plan. It is recommended that the Planning Commission find that the proposed Fiscal Year 2017-18 CIP is consistent with the City’s General Plan. CIP INFORMATION Attached for review are the list and detail forms of the 39 projects proposed for the Fiscal Year 2017-18 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The projects are related to the maintenance and improvement of City buildings, facilities, parks, streets, and utilities. The Fiscal Year 2017-18 CIP projects are consistent with, and promote the following goals of the City’s General Plan: Land Use Element Goal LU-2: A City with a distinctive and attractive public realm, with pedestrian-friendly amenities in commercial and mixed-use districts and single-family neighborhoods that continue to maintain Arcadia’s standard of architectural and aesthetic quality. Goal LU-6: Attractive and vibrant commercial corridors that provide for the retail, commercial, and office needs of Arcadia with expanded opportunities for mixed-use development. Goal LU-8: Public and institutional uses that provide community-wide benefits and meet the needs of Arcadia residents and businesses. Capital Improvement Program May 9, 2017 Page 2 Goal LU-9: Preservation of the City’s existing natural and recreation-oriented open space areas. Goal LU-10: A thriving Downtown, with healthy commercial areas supported by high- quality, residential uses and supportive of the Metro Gold Line transit station. Economic Development Element Goal ED-5: A public image of Arcadia that promotes and reinforces the City’s special qualities and resources as a means of attracting businesses and economic opportunities. Circulation and Infrastructure Element Goal CI-1: An efficient roadway system that serves all of Arcadia, supports all transportation modes, and balances the roadway system with planned land uses. Goal CI-2: Maximized operational efficiency of the street system. Goal CI-3: Enhanced local and regional transit service. Goal CI-4: Connected, balanced, and integrated bicycle and pedestrian networks that provide viable alternatives to use of the car. Goal CI-9: A water production, storage, and distribution system that provides quality service equally to all areas of Arcadia, allows the City to maximize use of local water sources, and includes use of recycled water. Goal CI-10: A local wastewater collection system that provides quality service equally to all areas of Arcadia. Goal CI-11: Storm drain infrastructure that minimizes regional and localized flood hazards. Resource Sustainability Element Goal RS-2: Reducing Arcadia’s carbon footprint in compliance with SB 375 and AB 32. Goal RS-3: Promoting and utilizing clean forms of transportation to reduce Arcadia’s carbon footprint. Goal RS-4: Wise and sustainable water use practices that respond to and support the needs of City residents and businesses. Goal RS-5: Wise and creative energy use that incorporates new technologies for energy generation and new approaches to energy conservation. Capital Improvement Program May 9, 2017 Page 3 Parks, Recreation, and Community Resources Element Goal PR-1: Providing superior parks, public spaces, and recreation facilities to meet the community’s evolving needs. Goal PR-2: Preserving open space resources to meet the City’s recreation and conservation needs. Goal PR-3: Ensuring that trees and the urban forest make a continuing and significant contribution to community character. Goal PR-4: A network of City, school, and private community facilities that provides spaces for recreation, education, enrichment, and social service programs. Goal PR-6: Continued superior educational facilities and resources for residents of all ages and backgrounds. Goal PR-7: A library system that continues to provide a superior level of educational, informational, and cultural services for the Arcadia community. Safety Element Goal S-4: A continued high level of protection from risks to life, the environment, and property associated with human-caused hazards in Arcadia. Goal S-5: To provide a continued high level of fire and police protection services, with an emphasis on prevention and education. Goal S-6: Comprehensive and effective emergency and disaster response preparedness. RECOMMENDATION Based on the consistency and promotion of the many General Plan goals set forth above, it is recommended that the Planning Commission find that the proposed Fiscal Year 2017-18 Capital Improvement Program is consistent with the General Plan. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION The Planning Commission should approve a motion finding that the proposed Fiscal Year 2017-18 Capital Improvement Program is consistent with the City’s General Plan. If a Planning Commissioner, or other interested party has any questions or comments regarding this matter, or on a particular CIP project, please contact Nick Baldwin at (626) 574-5444 or at NBaldwin@ArcadiaCA.gov as early as possible so that specific details can be made available either prior to, or at the Planning Commission meeting. Attachment: Fiscal Year 2017-18 Capital Improvement Program Projects PROJECT DESCRIPTIONREQUESTING 302142157521520156161PAGEDEPARTMENT CAPITAL GAS TAX PROP C SEWER WATERTRANSPORTATION MEASURE R3 Annual Slurry Seal ProgramPublic Works750,000 - - - - - - - 5 Annual Meter Replacement ProgramPublic Works- - - - 350,000 - - - 7 Annual Replacement of HVAC Rooftop UnitsPublic Works60,000 - - - - - - - 9 Annual Sewer CCTV InspectionPublic Works- - - 50,000 - - - - 11 Public Works Facility ImprovementsPublic Works5,000 - - 7,500 12,500 - - - 13 Community Center Facility ImprovementsPublic Works35,000 - - - - - - - 15 Replace Baldwin Boosters and Motor Control CenterPublic Works- - - - 200,000 - - - 17 Median Turf Reduction Program - Phase 2Public Works921,000 - - - 614,000 - - - 19 Annual Tree Removal and Replacement ProgramPublic Works30,000 - - - - - - - 21 Library Facility ImprovementsPublic Works60,000 - - - - - - - 23 Police Department Facility ImprovementsPublic Works55,000 - - - - - - - 25 SCADA System Upgrades Public Works- - - 10,000 30,000 - - - 27 Valve Replacement ProgramPublic Works- - - - 195,000 - - - 29 Gilb Museum of Arcadia Heritage Facility Improvements Public Works20,000 - - - - - - - 31 Huntington/Campus Sewer Capacity Improvement Public Works- - - 455,000 - - - - 33 Zone 2 and 3 Well Siting Study Public Works- - - - 35,000 - - - 35 Rehabilitate Existing Zone 3 Pressure Reducing ValvePublic Works- - - - 150,000 - - - 37 Pavement Rehabilitation ProgramPublic Works920,000 - - - - - 610,000 - 39 Tennis Court Resurfacing Project Public Works50,000 - - - - - - - 41 Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Plan Public Works- - - 19,800 79,200 - - - 43 Purchase and Install Emergency Generator at Live Oak Well Public Works- - - - 250,000 - - - 45 City Hall Facility ImprovementsPublic Works20,000 - - - - - - - 47 Installation of Canopy over the PD Fueling IslandPublic Works115,000 - - - - - - - 49 Fire Station 106 HVAC Relocation- Design & Zone Replacement Public Works 50,000 - - - - - - - 51 Installation of new Hvac Equipment and Zone Control Public Works 50,000 - - - - - - - 53 Fire Station 105 Roof Restoration Project Public Works 300,000 - - - - - - - 55 Par 3 Facility Improvements Public Works - - - - - - - 50,000 Par 3 Golf Course CIP Fund CITY OF ARCADIACAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMFISCAL YEAR 2017-18Other Funding Source1 PROJECT DESCRIPTIONREQUESTING 302142157521520156161PAGEDEPARTMENT CAPITAL GAS TAX PROP C SEWER WATERTRANSPORTATION MEASURE ROther Funding Source57 Colorado Blvd Sidewalk Gap ClosureDevelopment- 150,000 - - - - - - 59 Sidewalk Accessibility/ ADA Ramp projectDevelopment- - - - - - - 50,000 TDA – Article 3 funding 61 Miscellaneous Traffic Signal ImprovementsDevelopment50,000 - - - - 100,000 - - 63Arterial Rehabilitation Program - Huntington Dr from Santa Clara St to Fifth AveDevelopment500,000 - 800,000 - - 700,000 - - 65 Bicycle Facility ImprovementsDevelopment- - - - - - 407,000 950,000 Metro Active Transportation Program/Measure R 67 Sunset Blvd at Fairview Ave Traffic Signalization projectDevelopment- - - - - 450,000 - - 69 Council Chamber Restroom RenovationDevelopment150,000 - - - - - - - 71 City Facilities ADA ImprovementsDevelopment- - - - - - - 225,000 CDBG 73 Gold Line Station Pedestrian Linkage ImprovementsDevelopment- - - - - - - 230,000 Gold Line Reserve 75 City Council Chambers Media Room UpgradeCity Manager- - - - - - - 200,000 PEG Funds 77 Fire Station Maintenance ProgramFire19,000 - - - - - - - 79 Community Center LandscapingRecreation25,000 - - - - - - - error4,185,000$ 150,000$ 800,000$ 542,300$ 1,915,700$ 1,250,000$ 1,017,000$ 1,705,000$ TOTAL FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017-18 2 2017 / 2018 I. PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT: CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 S O CO 750,000$ CO 805,000$ CO 600,000$ CO 600,000$ CO 600,000$ CO 3,355,000$ U R-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees X Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2016 X On-Going Project New Project II. LOCATION MAP (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Annual Slurry Seal Program Various Street Locations Within the City Jan Balanay ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 3,355,000$ FY FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 750,000$ 805,000$ 600,000$ 600,000$ 600,000$ 3,355,000$ Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other NORTH PROJECT LOCATION ALLEYALLEYALLEY (VACATED BY CITY)SEWER EASEMENT ALLEYEDISON EASEMENT3 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 750,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 20,000$ Parks P -$ Construction 705,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies 25,000$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 750,000$ Total Capital 750,000$ The Annual Slurry Seal Program involves repair of damaged concrete curbs and gutters which inhibit proper drainage in the gutters, minor deep patch repairs, asphalt edge grinding at various locations, crack sealing, slurry sealing, and restriping and painting of pavement markings. Slurry sealing reduces the deterioration of the street pavement, improves skid-resistance, and improves the aesthetic quality of neighborhoods. In 1999, as part of the Pavement Management Program, staff prioritized the condition of all City streets and updated the eight- year Slurry Seal Program to efficiently prolong the life of streets. The Annual Slurry Seal Program provides for the inspection and repair of the City's roadway surfaces, curbs, and gutters over an eight-year cycle. The program has divided the City into eight zones, with one zone being addressed each year. Slurry sealing of the roadway surfaces involves killing and removing weeds, repairing failed sections, asphalt edge grinding, filling major cracks, and applying an asphalt slurry (emulsified asphalt mixed with sand). Additionally, this project will include repainting traffic markings to maintain the integrity of asphalt pavement and to increase the life of the pavement surface by rejuvenating the existing asphalt pavement. 4 2017 / 2018 I. PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT: CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 S O W 350,000$ W 350,000$ W 350,000$ W -$ W -$ W 1,050,000$ U R-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees X Contract Services CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2016 X On-Going Project New Project II. LOCATION MAP (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Annual Meter Replacement Program Boundaries of Sunset to Holly and Huntington to Palm John Corona ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 1,050,000$ FY FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 350,000$ 350,000$ 350,000$ -$ -$ 1,050,000$ Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other AVELEM AVENUE STOCKER EASPOSTOFFICEBALDWIN AVALBERTWYWY AV WARRENALTOSLOS FLORENCEAR KLLIND A OK OBOJIRD SUNSETSHININGAVS T L E R O YAVENCINITA AVBRENTMEADBLA V ROWLANDE S TR EL L A AVS T WY LYNDONMAGNA VISTA REAL NORMAN WINNIE CAMINO LEROY HOLLYAV A V AVA V LNMELANIENAOMI LOVELLCAMBURYS T NAOMI LNMELANIECHRISTINELNC A L L IT A N A O M I WESTD U A R T E AR CA DIA WY RDSHARON AV AV AVAVAV BALDWINAV AVAV REAL CAMINO A V AVDRARDSLEYN A O M I C A M I N O R E A LSUNSET DR AV FLORES AV AV VISTALNBELLALAS FLORES LEAFWOODDRROWLANDW EN D O N AVV A L AGNESSALTERAVAVA V A VWISTARIA S T PE P PE R G L E N A V S TFLAHERTY LAS LEMON LNDRSERENOELTERRAAVROSEMARIE WALNUT WISTARIA S H A RO N R D L A VID A AV D R HUNTINGTON FAIR VIE W GOLDEN WESTBALDWINARCADIAHUNGATE LNSOUTH V IEW R D HUNGATE LNDR H UNTING TON CO R O N AD O PORTOLA DR OLD RANCHD R S U N S E T WOODWARDRDBLB L DR BALBOA GOLDENWBLADRDY WBALDWIN ELEM HOLLY AVPALM PALM DR AV LEMON WISTARIA AV WALNUT LONGDEN WYL N D RSALTERAVORA P LMC CLEANDRK I A JUDITH CTSHARONAVAVLA CADENAAV DR F AIRV IEW HOLLYAVCAMPUS AV AVDRH UNTINGTHUNAV HUNTINGTON AVR D D U A R T E LE ROYSTATIONFIRE 5 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction -$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe): 350,000$ Water W 350,000$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 350,000$ Total Capital 350,000$ Purchase Water Meters The Annual Meter Replacement Program will replace approximately 1,000 to 1,300, 5/8" to 2 " meters for Meter Reading Route Nos. 43, 44, and 45 (boundaries of Sunset to Holly and Huntington to Palm) that have reached their useful life with smart meters that are able to be read via radio frequency. The City crews will perform installation of these meters. Accurate flow measurements and correct meter readings are vital to maintaining revenue from the City’s water distribution system. Aging water meters must be replaced with new smart meters that are capable of being read via radio frequency. This allows the City to capture precise measurements and readings. This system also has the capability of providing leak detection both within the City’s water distribution system and within individual homes and businesses. The new system will ensure the City is measuring water consumption accurately and fairly for billing purposes, and will continue to promote water conservation. Apart from eliminating incorrect reading of water meters, these smart meters include data logging functions which will assist in bill inquiries and monitor water usage patterns. The Annual Meter Replacement Program was expected to be completed by FY2018-2019. However, there has been a large demand for water meter audits due to the conservation efforts by Arcadia residents. This has led to an increase in data log requests as well as adjustments to the geographic order of the meter rotation program. As City staff accommodates these requests, there is now a need to extend the program for an additional year to complete. At the time of completion the focus will change to a meter maintenance program. 6 2017 / 2018 I. PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT: CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 S O CO 60,000$ CO 55,000$ CO 55,000$ CO 55,000$ CO 55,000$ CO 280,000$ U R-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY X On-Going Project New Project II. LOCATION MAP (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Annual Replacement of HVAC Rooftop Units Community Center Dave McVey ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 280,000$ FY FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 60,000$ 55,000$ 55,000$ 55,000$ 55,000$ 280,000$ Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other PROJECT LOCATION A R C A D I A C O U N T Y PARK WESTFIELD SHOPPING TOWN AT SANTA ANITA EAST BRANCHWASH POSWASHARCADIA ARCADIAGOLF COURSE SANTA ANITAA R BS T A T E AL O S A N G E L E SRACE TRACK SANTAEWELLWY LYNDONAVMAGNA VISTA LEROY AVAV A V NAOMI NAOMI A R C A D I A R D AVAVAVAV AVAV AVAVELDORADO FANO GENOA ALICE LUCILE CHRISTINA MAGNA VISTA AV H U N T I N G TO N E W GOLDEN WESTBALDWINA R C A D I AHUNGATE LNS OUTH V I EW RD HUNGATE LNOLD RANCHDR DRAVLO ALTO D R DR JOAQUIN RDARMADA RDKINGSLEY VICTORIA DR GOLDENWESTTALLAC DR OLD RANCHBLADWINDR DR AVRDDR P L BALDWINDRHUNTINGTON S A N D R SAN RAFAELMORLAN P L S T C LARA SANTAAVRAE WY R E I D HUGO DR WHEELER ALTA BONITA CALIFORN DIAMOND AVAV LA CADENAAV DR FA IRVIEW DR D U A R T E MONTE AVHOLLYAVCAMPUS W AYDR A V PARKEL MONTEAVAVD RHU NTINGTONHUNTINGTONLINDA HUNTINGTON PAMELA AV AV AVVISTAMAGNA ANITA PAMELA NAOMI LE ROY SIERRALA AVWYRD AV DR R D D U A R T E LE ROY LNRC E NTE N NIAL POSTOFFICENORTH 7 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 60,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 60,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 60,000$ Total Capital 60,000$ Replace one ten ton HVAC unit serving the main Community Center area. The existing HVAC unit that serves the main Community Center area is over eighteen years old. The motor bearings and condenser fan motors are worn out due to their age and frequent use. The replacement of this unit is part of a preventative maintenance replacement program designed to replace aging HVAC units for all facilities. All roof top units are replaced on a 12 year rotation. The benefits of replacing an HVAC unit on a planned schedule results in savings in electrical usage and replacement costs. New units have a higher energy efficient rating and the compressors are (AQMD) Air Quality Management District Freon compliant. 8 2017 / 2018 I. PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT: CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 S O S 50,000$ S 50,000$ S 50,000$ S 50,000$ S 50,000$ S 250,000$ U R-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees X Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY X On-Going Project New Project II. LOCATION MAP (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Annual Sewer CCTV Inspection Various Locations Deen Buharie ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 250,000$ FY FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 50,000$ 50,000$ 50,000$ 50,000$ 50,000$ 250,000$ Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other 9 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 8,000$ Parks P -$ Construction -$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies 42,000$ Sewer S 50,000$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe)O -$ Total Capital 50,000$ Total Capital 50,000$ Sanitary Sewer mains will be surveyed using Closed-Circuit TV (CCTV) Inspection devices and video documented. CCTV Inspection will be performed by a contractor. Sewer mains are cleaned by City crews prior to video inspection. It is necessary to provide positive and reliable information regarding the status of the City’s sanitary sewer collection systemto decrease the possibility of sewer overflows. In May 2006, the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) adopted the Waste Discharge Requirement (WDR) Program for all publicly owned sanitary sewer collection systems in California with more than one mile of sewer pipeline. Under this program, the City is required to prepare and implement a Sewer System Maintenance Program (SSMP). It identifies routine preventive operation and maintenance activities, including a system for scheduling regular maintenance and cleaning of the sanitary sewer system with more frequent cleaning and maintenance targeted at known problem areas. Additionally, the program requires visual and closed circuit TV (CCTV) inspections of manholes and sewer pipes. In addition to providing a record of the condition of the sewer mains and evidence of the cleaning and maintenance that is performed as a part of the SSMP, the information collected through CCTV inspections is used to evaluate current cleaning operations, recommend improvements, and prepare projects to repair broken pipe sections. These sewer inspections and system improvements have also been identified in the Sewer Master Plan and is required under the SSMP. 10 2017 / 2018 I. PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT: CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 S O CO 5,000$ CO 11,000$ CO 3,000$ CO 3,000$ CO 3,000$ CO 25,000$ U R W 12,500$ W 27,500$ W 7,500$ W 7,500$ W 7,500$ W 62,500$ C E S 7,500$ S 16,500$ S 4,500$ S 4,500$ S 4,500$ S 37,500$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees X Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2016 X On-Going Project New Project II. LOCATION MAP (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Public Works Facility Improvements Service Center Dave McVey ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 125,000$ FY FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 25,000$ 55,000$ 15,000$ 15,000$ 15,000$ 125,000$ Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other First and Last Name PROJECT LOCATION RIVERK R O A D W A TE R & C O N S E R V A TIO N P A R K GOLFARCADIASEWER EASESAWPITGOLDRING DR MCBEAN RANDOLPH RDCLARK COGSWELLRIO HONDO RDST CHERRYLEE ZUSAR DDURFEEAV HALLWOO DRPECK RDRDKARDASHAIN RDST AVAVST CONFERENCEPY ST SAN RIO CELINEAV8THLENORECENTERHEMPSTEADETREELMAPLYNDST E S AVRDER AVD R H E R R Y L E E CREDAR AVDR CHERRYLEE HEMLOCK DREMBREEST CELINEANITSANTACOURSE 11 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 5,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 25,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S 7,500$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W 12,500$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 25,000$ Total Capital 25,000$ 1. Exterior painting ($5,000) 2. Install new quartz counter tops, paint kitchen cabinets and walls ($20,000) 1. The exterior CMU walls are in need of painting. They are faded and the finish has worn away. 2. The existing Formica counter tops in the kitchen are stained and discolored from use over the years. New quartz counter tops and new stainless steel sink and faucet will be installed. The existing Formica cabinets will be sealed and color glazed to match the quartz. 12 2017 / 2018 I. PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT: CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 S O CO 30,000$ CO 35,000$ CO 35,000$ CO 35,000$ CO 35,000$ CO 170,000$ U R-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees X Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY X On-Going Project New Project II. LOCATION MAP (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Community Center Facility Improvements Community Center Dave McVey ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 170,000$ FY FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 30,000$ 35,000$ 35,000$ 35,000$ 35,000$ 170,000$ Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other PROJECT LOCATION A R C A D I A C O U N T Y PARK WESTFIELD SHOPPING TOWN AT SANTA ANITA EAST BRANCHWASH POWASHR CADIA ARCADIAGOLF COURSE SANTA ANITAA R S T A T E L O S A N G E L ERACE TRACK SANTA ANITAEWELLWY LYNDONAVMAGNA VISTA REALCAMINO LEROY AVAV A V A V NAOMI LNAOMI LNNIENELNA RCA D IA R D AV AVAVAV AVA V AVAVELDORAD FANO GENOA ALICE LUCILE CHRISTINA MAGNA VISTA AV HU NTINGT ON W GOLDEN WESTBALDWINA R C ADI AHUNGATE LNS O U THV IE W RD HUNGATE LNOLD RANCHDRDRAVALTO D R DR JOAQUIN RDARMADA RDNGSLEY VICTORIA DR GOLDENWESTTALLAC DR OLD RANCHBLADWINDR DR AVRDDR PL BALDWINDRHUNTINGTON S A D R SAN RAFAELRDPAMELA MORLAN P LCLARA SANTAAVRAE WY R E I D HUGO WHEELER ALTA BONITA CALIFOR DIAMOND ALTERAVAVAV LA CADENAA V DR F AIRVIEW DR D U A R T E EL MONTE AVHOLLYAVCAMPUS W AYDR AV PARKEL MONTEAVAVD RHU NTINGTONHUNTINGTONLINDA HUNTINGTON PAMEL TE AV AVVISTAMAGNA ANITASANTA PAMELA NAOMI LE ROY SIERRALA AVZURE WYRD AV DR R D D U A R T E LE ROY LNC ENTEN NIAL POSTOFFICE13 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 35,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 30,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 30,000$ Total Capital ####35,000$ 1. Replace warming table($5,000) 2. Replace the exterior hvac ducting over the north and south restrooms ($25,000) 1. The Community Center is 25 years old and the Master Plan has recommended replacement of the items in the upcoming years. 2. The existing galvanized hvac ducting that is over both restrooms located on the mechanical wells of the roof has deteriorated to a point that there are holes in the lines allowing rain water into the ceilings. Over the years staff had patched the seams and holes that they could locate, but the integrity of the steel is completely compromised. New ducting with water tight sealant will be installed preventing future leaks into the building. 14 2017 / 2018 I. PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT: CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 S O W 200,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ W 200,000$ U R-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees X Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2016 On-Going Project X New Project II. LOCATION MAP (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Replace Baldwin Boosters and Motor Control Center Baldwin Booster Station Tiffany Lee ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 200,000$ FY FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 200,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 200,000$ Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other First and Last Name A VPROJECT LOCATION STOCKERPOSTOFFICESUNSETST L E R O Y A V E S T R E L L A S T REAL WINNIE CAMINO LEROY A V AVA V LNMELANIENAOMI LOVELLCAMBURYS T NAOMI LNMELANIECHRISTINELNC A L L I T A N A O M I WESTD U A R T E A R C AD I A WY RDSHARON AV AV AVA V AVDRARDSLEYA O M I C A M I N O R E A LSUNSET AV FLORES AV VISTADRV A L ESERAVA VWISTARIA S T LAS LEMON LNDRERENOERRAWISTARIA S H A R O N R D F A I R VI E W GOLDEN WESTBALDWINA RC A D IAHUNGA BALDWIN AVSALTERAVORA P LMC CLEANDRK I A AV LA CADENAAV D U A R T E 15 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 15,000$ Parks P -$ Construction 175,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies 10,000$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W 200,000$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 200,000$ Total Capital 200,000$ Replace the Booster Pumps at Baldwin Booster Station. The project also includes the replacement of the existing motor control center. The Baldwin Booster pumps were constructed in 1951 and are near the end of their useful life. Due to their age, parts are obsolete and the pumps are not repairable. The Baldwin Booster pumps are crucial to Zone 2 as they are the major sources of supply for Zone 2. The 2016 Water Master Plan identified the need to replace the Baldwin Booster pumps. It is necessary to rehabilitate the booster pumps in order to meet the maximum daily demand for Zone 2. The existing Motor Control Center was also constructed in 1951. Due to age, parts for the Motor Control Center are obsolete. The 2016 Water Master Plan identified the need to replace the existing Motor Control Center. 16 2017 /2018 I. PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT: CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 S O CO 921,000$ CO 897,600$ CO -$ CO -$ CO -$ CO 1,818,600$ U R W 614,000$ W 598,400$ W -$ W -$ W -$ W 1,212,400$ C E-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees X Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:X Previously Programmed Project FY 2016 On-Going Project New Project II. LOCATION MAP (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Median Turf Reduction Program - Phase 2 Huntington Dr from Baldwin to Holly, Santa Anita from 210 Fwy to Grandview Michael Kwok ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 3,031,000$ FY FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 1,535,000$ 1,496,000$ -$ -$ 3,031,000$ Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other 17 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 921,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 61,000$ Parks P -$ Construction 1,320,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies 154,000$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W 614,000$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 1,535,000$ Total Capital 1,535,000$ 1. Remove existing turf at the Huntington Dr. medians between Baldwin Ave. and Holly Ave. and the Santa Anita Ave. medians between the 210 Freeway and Grand View Ave. Replace turf with drought tolerant plants, mulch, decomposed granite, and river rock infiltration streams. 2. Remove existing sprinkler heads and install drip irrigation to plant areas. 1. New drought regulations mandate no turf in center medians. This project will replace and renovate center medians to save water and improve median aesthetics. 2. The new drip irrigation will allow for more efficient coverage during irrigation and thus generate water savings. The existing spray heads in the medians on Huntington Dr. and on Santa Anita Ave. waste excess water due to runoff. The new drip system will eliminate any runoff and prevent excess water from running onto the concrete pavement. 18 2017 /2018 I. PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT: CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 S O CO 30,000$ CO 30,000$ CO 30,000$ CO 30,000$ CO 30,000$ CO 150,000$ U R-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY X On-Going Project New Project II. LOCATION MAP (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Annual Tree Removal and Replacement Program Encino Avenue and Magna Vista Dave Thompson ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 150,000$ FY FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 30,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 150,000$ Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other SHA R C A D ARCADIAEWELLWY LYNDONAVMAGNA VISTA REAL WINNIE O AV NAOMI WY AV AVAV HOLLY RDPAMELAAVAVAVLA CADENAF A I RV I E W EL MONTE AVHOLLYAVCAMPUS A V PARKEL MONTEAVAVD R MAG P LA AZURE WYR D T E LE ROY LNELEM AVENUE WASHREAL CAMINO AV CAMINOGROVEELEMST AVNA VISTA ELLEN WY ROBBINSDR SCOTT PL PATRICIA WYAVMAGNA AV ST R D NICHOLAS LN ENCINO DR TIFFANY TER ALTERN ST E LELAND WY GENOA ST TREE3RDAV2NDAV PAMELA AV ENCINOAVAVAVAVAVAVLN AV GROVECAMINO CT ENCINODR SIERRA LNLEDADRILENE DRSIERRA LN PEACH- LEDA ST RAE WY CONNIE 8TH9THN RD DR AVLN PARKGROVECAMINO19 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 30,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 30,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 30,000$ Total Capital 30,000$ This project will remove and replace the aging Liquidambar trees that are showing signs of disease. This is a multi-year project. This phase of the project will remove and replace approximately 25 trees annually. Many of the existing liquidambar trees are dying due to a disease that has recently been introduced into the area. Unfortunately, nothing can be done to cure the trees that are showing signs of the disease, which eventually kills the tree. Removing these trees will also reduce the need for overtime and the potential for legal claims due to large tree limbs falling. Additionally, this pro-active approach will give residents comfort that these trees are being removed before something is damaged or someone is seriously injured. 20 2017 / 2018 I. PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT: CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 S O CO 60,000$ CO 30,000$ CO 30,000$ CO 30,000$ CO 30,000$ CO 180,000$ U R-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees X Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY X On-Going Project New Project II. LOCATION MAP (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Library Facility Improvements Library Dave McVey ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 180,000$ FY FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 60,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 180,000$ Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other First and Last Name PROJECT LOCATION A R C A D I A C O U N T Y PARK WINNIE TFIELD SHOPPING TOWN AT SANTA ANITA EAST BRANCHGOLF COURSE SANTA ANITA ALTERN ST ILENE LELAND WY SANTA ANITA TEREWELLWY LYNDONAVMAGNA VISTA REAL IE CAMINO LEROY AV YAV NAOMI ELLLNR D WY AV AVAVAV AVELDORADO STFANO GENOA ALICE ST LUCILE ST CHRISTINA ST GREENFIELD PL AVMAGNA VISTA AV CHRISTINA ST VISTA ELLEN WY RO SC P PA WAVMAGNA AV ELDORADOST ST D U A R T E R 2NDO N DRRDPAMELA GENOA S1STA2ND3RDAV AVRAE WY CRYSTAL CT 3RDAV2NDAVST AV1STABONITA CALIFORNIA STDIAMOND DIAMOND AVA V LA CADENADR F A I R V IE W DR D U A R T E EL MONTE AVHOLLYAVCAMPUS W AYDR A V PARKEL MONTEAVAVD RHU NTINGTONHUNTINGTONLINDA AVMAGNA VISTA HUNTINGTON AVDILENE DSIERRA LEDA ST P 4TH LN3RD1STKARI WY ILENE LA RD ALTERN ALTERN PAMELAPAMELALOUISE GREENFIELDAVLOUISEAV ST RDTE DR AV AVAVAVAVAVAVVISTAMAGNA ANITASANTA PAMELA NAOMI LE ROY SIERRALA AVAZURE WYRD AV DR R D D U A R T E LE ROY LNC E NT E N NIAL 21 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 60,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 60,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 60,000$ Total Capital 60,000$ 1. Annual interior painting ($10,000) 2. Annual re-lamping program ($5,000) 3. Replace trellis beams ($10,000) 4.Replace carpet in the Imagination Theater, study rooms, and circulation desk ($35,000) 1. The walls in the Fiction area are in need of painting. This work is part of the annual painting program that designates the various areas in need of painting each year. 2. The existing lamps were replaced eight year ago as an energy retrofit program. This is the fifth phase of replacing these lamps. 3. Some beams that support the wisteria growing over the front walkway have split and could be a liability to the patrons standing under the structure. New beams will replace beams that are in the worst condition. 4. The Public area carpeting was replaced as part of the FY2016-17 CIP. The carpet in the study rooms , Circulation desk, and Imagination Theater will be replaced in FY2017-18. This will complete the installation of all floor covering for the open and public areas of the Library. 22 2017 / 2018 I. PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT: CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 S O CO 55,000$ CO 15,000$ CO 15,000$ CO 10,000$ CO 10,000$ CO 105,000$ U R-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees X Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY X On-Going Project New Project II. LOCATION MAP (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Police Department Facility Improvements Police Department Dave McVey ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 105,000$ FY FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 55,000$ 15,000$ 15,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 105,000$ Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other First and Last Name PROJECT LOCATION A R C A D I A C O U N T Y PARK WESTFIELD SHOPPING TOWN AT SANTA ANITA EAST BRANCHWASH OFFICEPOSTEWASHAR CA DIA ARCADIAGOLF COURSE SANTA ANITAA R B O R E T US T A T E A N D C L E S RACE TRACK P A R K ANITA RO RD R DAVAV ELDORADO FANO GENOA ALICE LUCILE ST CHRISTINA ST HUN T I NG TO N RDOLD RANCHOLD RANCHBLADWINDR R AVRDDRRADO PL SAN LUISBALDWINSAN MIDRHUNTINGTONSANTA CSANTAS A N JU A N D R SAN RAFAEL1STAVMORLAN P L S T C LAR A SANTAAVC E I D DR AVSTST JOSEPHFR O N T ST SA WHEELER ALTA BONITA CALIFORNIA DIAMOND AVENAV DR F A I RVIEW DR D U A R T EYCAMPUS W AYDR A V ARKMONTEAVAVD RHU NTINGTONHUNTINGTONHUNTINGTON RDC E NTE N NIAL ROLYN PLA23 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 55,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 55,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 55,000$ Total Capital 55,000$ 1. Interior and exterior painting ($10,000) 2. Replace lighting bollards to LED ($5,000) 3. Install new carpet tiles in the Detective area located on the second floor of the Police Station ($40,000) 1. As part of the annual facility painting improvement program, the offices on the second floor are scheduled to be painted. 2. The existing lighting bollards that surround the front of P.D. are shorting out due to the improper design of the fixtures. The lighting ballast are not waterproof and they are shorting out the fixtures and also tripping the breakers for the parking lot lighting. New LED fixtures will be installed along with a new design to protect the kits from getting wet. 3.The existing carpet tiles are the original carpet tiles installed and have never been replaced. They are worn and stained. New high grade commercial carpet tiles will be installed. 24 2017 / 2018 I. PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT: CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 S O W 30,000$ W 30,000$ W 30,000$ W 30,000$ W 30,000$ W 150,000$ U R S 10,000$ S 10,000$ S 10,000$ S 10,000$ S 10,000$ S 50,000$ C E-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees X Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY X On-Going Project New Project II. LOCATION MAP (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM SCADA System Upgrades Live Oak Well and Canyon Booster Station John Corona ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 200,000$ FY FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 40,000$ 40,000$ 40,000$ 40,000$ 40,000$ 200,000$ Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other LIVE OAK PLANT L I V E O A K A V E PECK PLANT PROJECT LOCATIONWASH SAWPITADUANAS A N D R AAVLENTASANDRA ST ST GARYPARK58TH7TH5THAVFOEDNUEL ST OTHELLO DRADUANALOVEJOY BEVERLY WY FLAMINGO ELYCO PL DRDRLNAVAV AV 8THLENORE8TH6THCENTERGARYPARKHUDHEMPSTEADETREELMAPS T D A IN E S AVAVRD ILDFLOWER AVD RSTAVAVAV GOLDRING DR MCBEAN RANDOLPH CLARK PECK RDSTELEMRIO HONDOANITASANTACOURSEP E C K R O A D W A TE R & C O N S E R V A TIO N P A R K GOLFARCADIAWASHSANTAPARKBicentennial LONGDEN AV LONGDEN A ASHMONT AVLARKFIELD AVFAIRGREEN AVMAYFLOWER HALSEY AVHEATHERHTS AVFL I V E O A K A V E PROJECT LOCATION D R R DCANYON DRAVELKINSCANYON RDCAROLWOODDR ELKINSHIGHLANDDRCANYONRDAVSONAV HIG H LA ND VISTAHILLGREENPL MARI LYNP L A N G E L O P L OAKSTOPAZ PL OAKSPLAVELKINS PL ELKINS AVAWH IT E OAK DRAV SANTA ANITA WASH DEBRIS BASIN25 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 40,000$ Parks P -$ Construction -$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S 10,000$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W 30,000$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 40,000$ Total Capital 40,000$ Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System Upgrades - of Remote Telemetry Units (RTU's) and radios for Live Oak Well and Canyon Booster Station. ($40,000). This project is for the purchase and installation of hardware components and the requisite programming. SCADA is a computer based automated system that operates the City’s water system. Its continued operation and maintenance are vital to the reliable and efficient operation of the City’s water system. Due to antiquated electronic components, it is necessary to upgrade specific portions of the SCADA system which includes battery back-up systems, software, and hardware components. These system updates are necessary to maintain dependable water production and distribution to the citizens of Arcadia. 26 2017 / 2018 I. PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT: CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 S O W 195,000$ W 225,000$ W 160,000$ W -$ W -$ W 580,000$ U R-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees X Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY X On-Going Project New Project II. LOCATION MAP (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Valve Replacement Program Santa Anita Avenue Tiffany Lee ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 580,000$ FY FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 195,000$ 225,000$ 160,000$ -$ -$ 580,000$ Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other First and Last Name HUNTIN PROJECT LOCATION SANTA ANITFOREST PARK P A R K N E W C A S TL E A L LR K SAN ANTONIO RDSANTASANTA ANITA AVERANCHFY RDROLYN PLACEC O R N E LL D R DR OAKSCOUN COL ORADO PL SAN LUIS REY RDFOREST AV COLORADO BLCRUZSANTARDSAN LUIS REY RDSANTA MARIAK H U R S TOAKWY LNRDRDSAN MIGUEL RDDRHUNTINGTONRDSANTA CRUZSANTA ROSAS A N J U A N D R SAN RAFAELCYOAK RODEOAVC.O.C.O.AVAV MORLAN P L S T C LA RA SANTADR AV 1STAVFLORAL AV FOREST AV LNHAVEN AV LORENA NEWMAWIGWAMAV STLA PORTE FL O W E R S TST JOSEPHF R O N T ST ST SANTA CL WHEELER ALTA OFFICEPOSTWASHEASTBRANCHARCA27 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 15,000$ Parks P -$ Construction 160,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies 20,000$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W 195,000$ Solid Waste SW -$ Redevelopment R -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 195,000$ Total Capital 195,000$ The work will involve excavating in the street or right-of-way to expose the valve, installing a temporary line stop to minimize interruption of water services to residents, removing one 30" gate valve, and installing a new 30" butterfly valve. After the new valve is installed, the street will be backfilled and the asphalt paving repaired. Valves in the water main distribution system are important because they allow crews the ability to isolate sections of the system in order to perform maintenance, repair pipe breaks, or make additions to the system. However, many of the valves in the system are 50 years or older, and some are broken or stuck in either the open or closed position. The 30-inch transmission main on Santa Anita Ave between Duarte Road and Orange Grove Avenue is a steel pipe that was constructed in 1936 and supplies water to Zones 1, 3, 5, 6, and 7 of the City's water distribution system. The pipe has seven large 30" gate valves along its length to allow crews to isolate portions of the pipe for maintenance, or in case of breaks or leaks. Due to their age, the valves are not fully operational and need to be repaired or replaced. These valves are critical to the emergency operation of the water system. 28 2017 / 2018 I. PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT: CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 S O CO 20,000$ CO 20,000$ CO 10,000$ CO 10,000$ CO 10,000$ CO 70,000$ U R-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees X Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY X On-Going Project New Project II. LOCATION MAP (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Gilb Museum of Arcadia Heritage Facility Improvements The Gilb Museum of Arcadia Heritage Dave McVey ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 70,000$ FY FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 20,000$ 20,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 70,000$ Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other First and Last Name PROJECT LOCATION A R C A D I A C O U N T Y P WESTFIELD SHOPPING TOWN AT SANTA ANITA EAST BRANCHWASH WASHR C A DIA ARCADIAGOLF COURSE SANTA ANITAA RS T A T E L O S A N G E L RACE TRACK WYLYNDONAVA V AVH UN T IN G T O N DWINA RC A DI A U T HV I E W RD HUNGATE LNOLD RANCHD R DR D RJOAQUIN RDARMADA RDDR OLD RANCHBLADWINDR DR AVRDDR PL BALDWINDRHUNTING S D R SAN RAFAELMORC LA R A SANTAAVR E I D AVAV LA CADENAAV DR FA IRVI EW DR D U A R T E VHOLLYCAMPUS W A YDR A V PARKEL MONTEAVAVD RHU NTINGTONHUNTINGTONHUNTINGTON VISTAMAGNA R D C E N T E N NIA L E29 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 20,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 20,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 20,000$ Total Capital 20,000$ 1. Refurbish wood slats on building exterior ($5,000) 2. Recoat exterior stucco in rear patio area ($10,000) 3. Paint back gallery area ($5,000) 1. The teak wood slats are stained and oiled every 5 years to help protect the wood and keep it from checking. 2. Some areas of the stucco are falling apart and in need of patching and re-coating. 3. Due to the new MEC building construction, walls in the back area of the Museum were opened up to run telecommunications lines from both buildings. The walls are now discolored and in need of a uniform painting. Painting the entire area will color match the rest of the building. 30 2017 / 2018 I. PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT: CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 S O S 455,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ S 455,000$ U R-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees X Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2016 On-Going Project X New Project II. LOCATION MAP (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Huntington/Campus Sewer Capacity Improvement Huntington Dr. and Campus Dr., between La Cadena Ave. and Park Ave. Michael Kwok ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 455,000$ FY FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 455,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 455,000$ Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other 31 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 40,000$ Parks P -$ Construction 366,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies 49,000$ Sewer S 455,000$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 455,000$ Total Capital 455,000$ The existing 8" main on Huntington Drive and Campus Drive between La Cadena Avenue and Park Avenue will be replaced with a 10" main in order to accommodate peak sewer flows. It is anticipated that this pipe will be replaced using "pipe-bursting" or some other trenchless method in order to limit disturbance of traffic flow and adjacent utilities. The 2005 Sewer Master Plan indicated that the portion of sewer main on Huntington Drive and Campus Drive between La Cadena Avenue and Park Avenue was undersized for peak sewer flows. Any further increase in flow or damage to this line could result in a sewer backup, private property damage, and significant spillage. The Sewer Master Plan recommends replacement with a larger pipe, which will alleviate the high demand on the existing sewer line and significantly reduce the potential for spillage. 32 2018 / 2019 I. PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT: CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 S O W 35,000$ W -$ W -$ W -$ W -$ W 35,000$ U R-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees X Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2016 On-Going Project X New Project II. LOCATION MAP (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Zone 2 and 3 Well Siting Study N/A Tiffany Lee ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 35,000$ FY FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 35,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 35,000$ Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other First and Last Name SANTA CLARA ST S A N T A A N I T AWASHDEBRIS BASINS A N T A A N I T AD E B R I S D I S P O S A L A R E ALAS TUNAS DR CENTEN NIAL REAL GOLDRING CLARK U S A R DPECK RDL I VE OA K AV RD CAMINO SIERRA MADRE BL AVAV GRAND VIEW DROAKSHIGHLANDST JOSEPH ST DR CAMPUS DR DUA RT E AVW AY DRHUNTINGTONHUNTINGTONBALDWIN AVHUNTINGTON AV6TH AV10TH1STAVAVANITASANTAEL MONTEREALCAMINO HOLLYRD AVAVAV LONGDEN AV2NDGOLDEN WESTBALDWINBLBLADWINAVCOLORADO BL DRHUNTINGTON BLFOOTHILL COLORADO ST DRRDC A NY O N SUNSETMICHILLINDAORANGE GROVE ELKINS AV H IG H LAN D VISTA33 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 35,000$ Parks P -$ Construction -$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W 35,000$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 35,000$ Total Capital 35,000$ City staff will work with a professional consultant to determine the most suitable locations for new municipal water wells to provide additional sources of supply for the City's water pressure Zone 2 and Zone 3. The study will consider the hydraulics of the water system, geology and hydrogeology within the City and specifically within Zone 2 and Zone 3, and the sites within the City that would be most suited for wells. Zone 2 supplies about 35% of the groundwater it needs from within the zone and pumps from the West Raymond Basin, which is currently under-pumped; the rest of the demand is supplied from Zone 3 and Zone 4. Adding another new well in Zone 2 would reduce the dependency on Zone 3 and Zone 4 and add redundancy to the City's water system. The City's water pressure Zones 3 and 4 cover the southeastern half of the City. They contribute approximately 95% of the water pumped, but consume only 50%. The remaining water is pumped uphill by booster pumps to higher pressure zones in the northern part of the City. Both Zone 3 and 4 lie over the Main San Gabriel Basin aquafer which is an abundant source of supply and the City has the ability to pump what it needs to serve the demand, within the guidelines of the Basin agreement. Currently, most of the additional water used to supply the northern zones is supplied by Zone 4. Zone 3 uses most of what it produces. Adding another well in Zone 3 would reduce the dependency on Zone 4 and add redundancy to the City's water system, which safeguards the City from running short of supply during catastrophic events, such as earthquakes, windstorms, and fires. It also allows operators to shift the supply between facilities in order to maximize the efficiency and water quality of the system at any given time in the operation. This study would analyze the hydraulics of the water system and the geology and hydrogeology of the aquifer to determine the best position for the well. It would also consider the best location available based on the well's impact within neighborhoods and consider available publicly owned land or rights of way. The study would then provide options for the most beneficial locations to situate the new well. 34 2017 / 2018 I. PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT: CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 S O W 150,000$ W -$ W -$ W -$ W -$ W 150,000$ U R-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees X Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2016 On-Going Project X New Project II. LOCATION MAP (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Rehabilitate Existing Zone 3 Pressure Reducing Valve Huntington Drive and Baldwin Avenue Tiffany Lee ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 150,000$ FY FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 150,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 150,000$ Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other First and Last Name PROJECT LOCATIONBALDWIN AVHOLLY AVAVA V LA CADENAA V DR F A I R V I E W HOLLYCAMPUS A V D R HUHUNTINGTON R D D U A R T E LE ROYSTATIONFIREELEM AVENUE POSTOFFICELEROY AVAVAV HUNTINGTON WESTBALDWINA R C A D I AHUNGATE LNS O U T H V I E W R D HUNGATE LNOLD RANCHD R DRAVBALBOA D RJOAQUIN RARMADA RVICTORIA DR GOLDENWESTOLD RANCHBLADWINAVRD35 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 10,000$ Parks P -$ Construction 125,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies 15,000$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W 150,000$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 150,000$ Total Capital 150,000$ Upgrade existing pressure reducing valves to enhance operation and modify existing vault to improve pedestrian safety for the existing zone 3 pressure reducing station. The 2016 Water Master Plan Update identified the need for pressure reducing valves (PRV's) at Baldwin and Huntington to provide an emergency source of supply to zone 3. The existing zone 3 pressure reducing station was installed in 1998. Inspection has revealed safety concerns on the existing vault and the operation of the existing valves. It is necessary to upgrade the existing valves to improve operation and modify the existing vault to meet safety requirements. 36 2017 / 2018 I. PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT: CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 S O CO 920,000$ CO 1,500,000$ CO 1,500,000$ CO 1,500,000$ CO 1,500,000$ CO 6,920,000$ U R MR 610,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ MR 610,000$ C E-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees X Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2016 X On-Going Project New Project II. LOCATION MAP (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Pavement Rehabilitation Program Various Locations Jan Balanay ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 7,530,000$ FY FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 1,530,000$ 1,500,000$ 1,500,000$ 1,500,000$ 1,500,000$ 7,530,000$ Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other NORTH SANTA YNEZ BRIARGATE LN AVANITASANTAPAMELA CT CTMAGNOLIA HOLLIS LNROWLAND AVOAKHAVENLNLEAFWOODLNOAK VI EW LNRODEOBL BLFOOTHILLRAMONA RDWOODLANDLNSAN CARLOS RDSAN CARLOS RDFAIRVIEW AV SIERRALA ST JOSEPH ST NEWMAN AV WINDSORRDPERKINS DRVIRGINIA DR ANDREA LN EL VISTA LN SIERRA OAKS DR RANCHO RDTINDALO RDFLORAL AV SAN ANTONIO RDBONITA ST PAMELAJOAQUIN RDL EMON AV BALDWINAVAVWOODRUFF PALM DR PORTOLA DR DRSTONE HPROJECT LOCATION PROJECT LOCATION PROJECT LOCATION WINNIE WAYPARK CARRIAGEHOUSEDR LANE ENGLEMANN COURTANITA TE RDRDDR ALTURA CAMPESINAVALIDOMONTE VERDE CAROL PINE LNMICHILLINDAMERLON AVALTURACATALPA MURIETTA CATALPAVOLANTE D RRDRD BL HERITAGEOAKS DRWHISPHERINGOAKS DRCABALLOMICHILLINDARAFAELDRFOOTHILL SANRD VICENTE SANRDOLD RANCHRDRD DR VAQUEROCOLORADO OLD RANCH VERDE DONDRRICARDOPABLO DRDONDRDRDIABLOKATHERINE LNUTST STDEXTER VAQUERO RDAVMONTEPALOMASTRDAVENCANTO ANOAKIA LNPEMBROOKRD R D RDDR GREENOAKS DRAVHA M P TON AV RD GLENCOEDRDRSINGINGWOOD HAMPTON GLENCOEDRORANGE GROVE DRSANTAMARGARITACLARIDGERDDRANDREA DRNTRY DRA CRESTLORALYN DR STOKOBOJIRD SUNSETSHININGAVSTLEROYAVENCINITA AVBRENTMEADA V RODEORDDR CARMELITA PLCABALLERODR DR SYCAMORERD DUFFY ST HALLOWELL AVAVGLICKMANAVMICHILLINDAHUGO PANORAMAAV DR FALLEN LEAF RDAVWY ORLANDO O A KLA W N ORANGE GROVERD AV ROWLANDESTRELLA AVST MAYFLOWERAVARMIJO AVMAYFLOWERFAIRGREENEL SUR ATARA REALAV AVTREELANEAVLN ST ST GOLDRINGRAN CLARKFAIRGREENHIGHLANDEL NORTE ST S T AVORA STANDISH ST BUNGALOW PL EL NORTE ST ALTA VISTA AVESHORT AVE DEREK DR NICHOLAS LN ENCINO DR TIFFANY TER CIR ALTERN ST ILENE LELAND WY SANTA ANITA TER AVARMIJO ST ROCKROSEST STAGIO DRST ST ST PECK RDARDASHAINAVEWELLWY LYNDONAVMAGNA VISTA MONTEREAL NORMAN WINNIE CAMINO LEROY AV HOLLYAV AV AVAV LNMELANIENAOMI LOVELLCAMBURYST NAOMI LNMELANIECHRISTINELNCALL ITA NAOMI GOLDENWESTDUAR TE ARCADIA RD WY RDSHARON AV AV AVAVAV BALDWINAV AVAV AVAV AVDRARDSLEYAVENCINITANAOMI CAMINO REAL S T SUNSET5TH8TH8TH7TH7TH5TH4THFLORES AVAVWISTARIA ST MAGNIS STBOLEYTULIPAV FOSSSTEDNUEL STOTHELLO LOGANRITAWEIDERMEYERDRADUANALOVEJOY BEVERLY WY FLAMINGO ELYCO CRVERNER PLRODELL PLDRDRLNAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAV AV AVAV AV AV AV AV W IS T A R IAGRACELEE AVCRAV IVYLANDAVLOUISEIVYLANDLOUISEWATSONPALMBIRCHCROFT ARTHUR COYLE LAS DANIMERE WISTARIA ALSTER LEMON AVAVAVAVAVAVPALM DR ST AV AV AV AV AV 3RD1STLOUISEAV LEMON AVLNSEWANEELONGDEN AV WALNUT LN DELTA AV DR AV FLORES AV AV AV VISTALNBELLALAS FLORES AV LEAFWOODDRARTHUR AZURE WYROWLANDWENDON AVVAL AGNESSALTERAVAVAV AVWISTARIA ST PEPPERGLEN AV STFLAHERTY LAS LEMON LNDRSERENOELTERRAAVROSEMARIE WALNUT WISTARIA SHARON RD LA VIDA AV8THLENORE8TH6TH4THCENTERGARYPARKHUDDARTHEMPSTEADETREELMAPLYNDST D A IN E S AVAVAVAVRD WILDFLOWER AVD RSTAVAVAVAVELDORADO STFANO GENOA ALICE ST LUCILE ST CHRISTINA ST GREENFIELD PL AVMAGNA VISTA AV CHRISTINA ST VISTA ELLEN WY ROBBINSDR SCOTT PL PATRICIA WYAVMAGNA AVHIGHOAKWOOD2NDAVFOOTHILLBL ST ELDORADOST ST DUARTE RD 2NDEW COLUMBIASANO DRAKE CORT EZAV DR HUNTINGTON FAIRVIEW GOLDEN WESTBALDWINARCADIAHUNGATE LNSOUTHVIEW RD HUNGATE LNDR TINGTON CORONADO PORTOLA DR OLD RANCHD R SUNSET RDBLB L AV AL TURA RDALTURADEANZA PL DRMAGELLANAVPALO ALTO BALBOA D R DR RDDR JOAQUIN RDARMADA RDRDKINGSLEY VICTORIA DR GOLDENWESTTALLACDR DR CABRILLO RDOLD RANCHBLADWINDR DR AVRDDRR D ENGLISHOAK DRDR OAKS CRCOUNTRY CO L ORA DO P L SAN LUIS REY RDLNLISALOMAFOOTHILL WOODACREFOREST AV COLORADO BLCRUZSANTARDSAN LUIS REY RDSANTA MARIARDCOLORADO OXFORD O A K H U R S TCHELSEA R D PRINCETONDRR E N O A K W Y LNRDRDBALDWINAVBL STOXFORD DR CAMBRIDGE DR HARVARD DR STANF OR D DR SAN MIGUEL RDDRHUNTINGTONRDSANTA CRUZSANTA ROSAS A N J U A N D R SAN RAFAELAVLNCYRUSOAK LNLEANDRAMERRY FLORAL AVRD BURNELL OAKSLNLNASDEROAKDALE BL LN DRAVRDLA ROSA RD VISTARDCAMINO AV MAGNOLIA STANDISH ALTERN SHRODE SIERRA MADRE OAKWOOAVAVRDPAMELA FOOTHILLRANCHORD AVC.O.C.O. GENOA ST1STAV2ND3RDAVAV STMORLAN PL ST C LAR A SANTATREEAVRAE WY CRYSTAL CT PALM DRPALM DR AV LEMON WISTARIA WISTARIA LEMON AV WALNUT AVAV LAS FLORES LONGDEN AV DR CTWY WYLN DR CT REI D HUGO DR VOLANTE DRELLOMA DRDRDONDRROBLESDONALVARADODONLNRDAVARBOLADA HACIENDA AV DR EL VISTA LNVISTA DEL VALLE DRDR AV COLORADO BL AV AV AV AV 2ND3RDAV2NDAVST AV1ST1STAVVAVDOSHIERAV ALTA OAKSBL OAKWOODDR ELEVADOWILSONMARENDALE LNYORKSHIRE DR RDONTARE OAKSHIGHLANDORANGE GROVE AV DRPINES DRPINES DRT O R R E Y MONTDRWHISPERINGPINES SUMMIT W H IS P E R IN G P IN E S S U M M IT WHISPERINGP IN E SRD OAKHAVENOAKGLENAVDR WOODLAND AV HILLCR SYCAMOREOAKS VALENCIA5THAVAVFLORAL AV FOREST AV LNHAVEN AV LORENA NEWMAN AV NEWMAN HAVEN FOREST FLORAL WIGWAMAVLAUREL NORTH VIEW AVAV AV 2NDST 4TH AVJOYCE AVLA PORTE FLO WER STST JOSEPHFRONT ST ST SANTA CLARA ST WHEELER INDIANA ST GATEWAY DRAVALTA BONITA CALIFORNIA STDIAMOND DIAMOND SALTERAVO RAPLMC CLEANDRKIA LYN RO SE ST B OU GE ST DANBURY ST LYNR OSE STDANBURY ST STBOGUELYNROSE ST DAN ESWOOD K RIS TI CTBISHOPJUDITH CTSHARON LUBEN LN RD PAMELAAVAVLA CADENAAV DR FAIRVIEW DR D UARTE EL MONTE AVHOLLYAVCAMPUS WAYDR AV PARKEL MONTEAVAVDRHU NTINGTONHUNTINGTONLINDA AVMAGNA VISTA AV OLD OAK LNOAKHAVENRODEOMEADOWOAKH A CI ENDAPLOAKLAWN O AKL A WN R D ARBOLADABALDWIN AVRDRDREID CORTO CABRILLOHUNTINGTON AVLOGANRITADOOLITTLEENCINOWYLINDASTAVLOGANRITAAVLNAVLOGANRITAAV JEFFRIESAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVEL SUR LNMAGNOLIA AVGROVECAMINO CT ENCINODR SIERRA LNLEDADRILENE DRSIERRA LN PEACH- LEDA ST ST ALTERN RDPAMELA A VNORMANAV WY WYWINNIE WYWINNIEWYWINNIE RAE WY CONNIE 5TH10TH4TH8TH9THWESLEY LN3RD2ND1STKARI WY ILENE LA RD ALTERN ALTERN PAMELAPAMELALOUISE GREENFIELDAVLOUISEAVAVDRAVLEEWINNIE NORMAN WINNIE AV RDANDREWSWY ST WY RDTE DR AV AV AVAVAVAVAVAVLN NORMAN ANITASANTAVISTAMAGNA WINNIE ANITASANTA PAMELA NAOMI LE ROY SIERRALA AVAVAZURE WYRD AV ELDR R D DUARTE LE ROY LNFOSSADUANASANDRA AVAVLENTASANDRA 3RD2NDAVAVFLORINDAAVDR DANESW OOD LYNROSEAVMYRTUS AVGREENFIELDAVSANDRALEE EL CAPITANAVLOUISEEL CAPITANAVWOODRUFFAV PLRODELL WYWOODRUFFPL LNWOODRUFFLNPAXSONAVANITASANTALAS TUNAS DR AV WELLAND AVMcCULLOCH AVEL MONTE AVST PAL MAL AVEL MONTEWYLONGLEY HALIFAX RDGRACEWOOD AVWORKMAN AV ALBERTWYWYWY WYAVAVGILPINLONGLEYWARRENCAROLINEHOLLYWINTHROPBRADFORDWOODRUFFAV AV SANDRA WARREN WOODRUFF PERSIMMON AVL YNROSE ALTOSLOS FLORENCEST STHUDDART GARYPARKLN RAMADAAVLAAVHYLAND AVFYFOOTHILLRTE 210 GL ORIA RDH A MP T O N R D FYFOOTHILL RTE 210 RDCENTENNIAL SIMEON ROLYN PLACEC O RNELL DR 37 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 920,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 35,000$ Parks P -$ Construction 1,475,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies 20,000$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O 610,000$ Total Capital 1,530,000$ Total Capital 1,530,000$ Measure R The work involves grinding the top 2" of worn or loose pavement from the roadway surface and re-paving the surface with rubberized asphalt. Prior to paving, 4-inch thick AC digouts for asphalt concrete will be repaired as well as minor repairs to concrete curb and gutter, sidewalk, and cross gutters. All striping and pavement markers will be replaced upon completion of the paving. Areas to be rehabilitated: 1. Walnut Avenue (From Holly Avenue to El Monte Avenue) 2. Walnut Avenue (From El Monte Avenue to East Cul De Sac) 3. Delta Lane (From El Monte Avenue to East Cul De Sac) 4. Hampton Road (From Michillinda Avenue to Glencoe Road) 5. Fifth Avenue (From Duarte Road to Camino Real Avenue) 6. Camino Grove Avenue (From Sixth Avenue to Eighth Avenue) As part of the Pavement Management Program, all asphalt streets within the City are inspected and their condition is rated on a scale of 0-100. This rating is called the Pavement Condition Index (PCI). According to the Citywide Pavement Management Program Walnut Avenue, Delta Lane, Hampton Road, Fifth Avenue, and Camino Grove Avenue have PCI's below 40 and are identified as being in poor condition. The recommended repair for a street in this condition is to repair deep potholes, and then grind and remove the top 2" of pavement and replace with rubberized asphalt pavement. Adding rubber to the asphalt pavement improves the strength of the pavement, and resists future cracks from penetrating through the pavement surface. The use of recycled rubber in pavement is also environmentally beneficial. Following the repairs, the condition of the roadway will be raised to a PCI of 100. 38 2017 / 2018 I. PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT: CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 S O CO 50,000$ CO 35,000$ CO -$ CO -$ CO -$ CO 85,000$ U R-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2016 On-Going Project X New Project II. LOCATION MAP (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Tennis Court Resurfacing Project Camino Grove Park (3 courts) & Bicentennial Park (2 courts) Dave Thompson ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 85,000$ FY FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 50,000$ 35,000$ -$ -$ -$ 85,000$ Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other First and Last Name PROJECT LOCATION WASHADUANAS A N D R AAVLENTASANDRA5TH8TH7TH7TH5TH4THFLORESAVAV FOSSE O DRADUANALOVEJOY BEVERLY WY FLAMINGO ELYCO CRVERNER PLRODELL DRDRLNAVAVAVAV AVAVCOYLE LAS AV8TH6THSANTAParkBicentennial LONGDEN AV PROJECT LOCATION CAMINOGROVEPARK6THCAMINOGROVEELEMCAMINO AVAV AV ALSTER LEMONAVSTVISTA WYMAGNA AV 2NDREAL NICHOLAS LN CIR ALTERN ST LENE TREE PAMELA AVVISTA ENCINOLNAVAVAVAVAVLN MAG A GROVECAMINO CT ENCINODR SIERRA LNLEDADRILENE DRSIERRA LN PEACH- LEDA ST RDPAMELA A VNORMANAV WY WYWINNIE WWINNIE RAE WY CONNIE 5TH4TH8TH9TH3RDTERN AMELA AVLEEWINNIE AN WY RD DR AVAV AVLN NO RM AN AVANITAAV 39 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 50,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 50,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 50,000$ Total Capital 50,000$ The colored coatings at the 3 tennis courts at Camino Grove park and the 2 tennis courts at Bicentennial park are faded and showing signs of wear and have cracks that will be filled. The tennis courts at Camino Grove and Bicentennial park have not been resurfaced in 8 years and they are showing signs of wear and do not have good grip for the players footing and the ball. They are also starting to crack and should be filled before the cracks get wider. 40 2017 / 2018 I. PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT: CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 S O W 69,300$ W 68,600$ W -$ -$ -$ W 137,900$ U R S 29,700$ S 29,400$ S -$ -$ -$ S 59,100$ C E-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2016 X On-Going Project New Project II. LOCATION MAP (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Plan Various Vanessa Hevener ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 197,000$ FY FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 99,000$ 98,000$ -$ -$ -$ 197,000$ Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other First and Last Name SANTA YNEZ BRIARGATE LN AVANITASANTAPAMELA CT CTMAGNOLIA HOLLIS LNROWLAND AVOAKHAVENLNLEAFWOODLNOAK VI EW LNRODEOBL BLFOOTHILLRAMONA RDWOODL ANDLNSAN CARLOS RDSAN CARLOS RDFAIRVIEW AV SIERRALA ST JOSEPH ST NEWMAN AV WINDSORRDPERKINS DRVIRGINIA DR ANDREA LN EL VISTA LN SIERRA OAKS DR RANCHO RDTINDALO RDFLORAL AV SAN ANTONIO RDBONITA ST PAMELAJOAQUIN RDLEMON AV BALDWINAVAVWOODRUFF PALM DR VARUSSTPORTOLA DR C IE LO P LMONTE PL DRSTONE HOUSECARRIAGEHOUSED RLANE ENGLEMANN COURTANITA AV ROWLANDESTRELLA AVST MAYFLOWERAVARMIJO AVMAYFLOWERFAIRGREENEL SUR ATARA REALAV AVTREELANEAVLN ST ST GOLDRING DR MCBEAN RANDOLPH RDCLARKFAIRGREENHIGHLAND COGSWELLEL NORTE ST S T AVORA STANDISH ST RIO HONDO RDBUNGALOW PL EL NORTE ST ALTA VISTA AVESHORT AVE DEREK DR NICHOLAS LN ENCINO DR TIFFANY TER CIR ALTERN ST ILENE LELAND WY SANTA ANITA TER ST CHERRYLEE AZ U SA R DDURFEEAV HALLWOODDR ST L O W E R DR MAXSONRDAVDURFEEKIMBERLY CR ANNISTERAVBRINNONST STANDELL AVAVARMIJO ST ROCKROSESTSTAGIO DRST ST ST PECK RDRDKARDASHAIN RDST AVAVST CONFERENCEPY ST SAN RIO CELINEEWELLWY LYNDONAVMAGNA VISTA MONTEREAL NORMAN WINNIE CAMINO LEROY AV HOLLYAV AV AVAV LNMELANIENAOMI LOVELLCAMBURYST NAOMI LNMELANIECHRISTINELNCALLITA NAOMI GOLDENWESTDUARTE ARCADIA RD WY RDSHARON AV AV AVAVAV BALDWINAV AVAV AVAV AVDRARDSLEYAVENCINITANAOMI CAMINO REAL ST S T SUNSET5TH8TH8TH7TH7TH5TH4THFLORES AVAVWISTARIA STMAGNIS STBOLEYTULIPAV FOSSSTEDNUEL STOTHELLO LOGANRITAWEIDERMEYERDRADUANALOVEJOY BEVERLY WYFLAMINGO ELYCO CRVERNER PLRODELL PLDRDRLNAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAV AV AVAV AV AV AV AV W IS TA RIAGRACELEE AVCRAV IVYLANDAVLOUISEIVYLANDLOUISEWATSONPALMBIRCHCROFT ARTHUR COYLE LAS DANIMERE WISTARIA ALSTER LEMON AVAVAVAVAVAVPALM DR ST AV AV AV AV AV 3RD1STLOUISEAV LEMON AVLNSEWANEELONGDEN AV WALNUT LN DELTA AV DR AVFLORES AV AV AV VISTALNBELLALAS FLORES AV LEAFWOODDRARTHUR AZURE WYROWLANDWENDON AVVAL AGNESSALTERAVAVAV AVWISTARIA ST PEPPERGLEN AV STFLAHERTY LAS LEMON LNDRSERENOELTERRAAVROSEMARIE WALNUT WISTARIA SHARON RD LA VIDA AV8THLENORE8TH6TH4THCENTERGARYPARKHUDDARTHEMPSTEADETREELMAPLYNDST D AI NES AVAVAVAVRD WILDFLOWER AVDRSTAVAVAVAVELDORADO STFANO GENOA ALICE ST LUCILE ST CHRISTINA ST GREENFIELD PL AVMAGNA VISTA AV CHRISTINAST VISTA ELLEN WY ROBBINSDR SCOTT PL PATRICIA WYAVMAGNA AV ELKINS PL HIGHLANDOAKWOOD2ND AV FOOTHILL BL ST ELDORADOST ST DUARTE RD 2NDTH VIEW COLUMBIASANO DRAKE CORTE ZAV DR HUNTINGTON FAIRVIEW GOLDEN WESTBALDWINARCADIAHUNGATE LNSOUTHVIEW RD HUNGATE LNDR HUNTINGTON CORONADO PORTOLA DR OLD RANCHD R SUNSET WOODWARDRDBLBL AV A L T URA RDALTURADEANZA PL DRMAGELLANAVPALO ALTO BALBOA DR DR RDDR JOAQUIN RDARMADA RDRDKINGSLEY VICTORIA DR GOLDENWESTTALLACDR DR CABRILLO RDOLD RANCHBLADWINDR DR AVRDDRR D ENGLISHOAK DRDR OAKS CRCOUNTRY COL OR AD O P L SAN LUIS REY RDLNLISALOMAFOOTHILL WOODACREFOREST AV COLORADO BLCRUZSANTARDSAN LUIS REY RDSANTA MARIARDCOLORADO OXFORD O A K H UR STCHELSEA R D PRINCETONDRR E N O A K W Y LNRDRDBALDWINAVBL STOXFORD DR CAMBRIDGE DR HARVARD DR STANFORD DR SAN MIGUEL RDDRHUNTINGTONRDSANTA CRUZSANTA ROSAS A N J U A N DR SAN RAFAELAVLNCYRUSOAK LNLEANDRAMERRY FLORAL AVRD BURNELL OAKSLNLNASDEROAKDALE BL LN DRAVRDLA ROSA RD VISTARDCAMINO AV MAGNOLIA STANDISH ALTERN SHRODE SIERRA MADRE OAKWOODAVAVRDPAMELA FOOTHILLRANCHORD AVC.O.C.O. GENOA ST1STAV2ND3RDAVAV STMORLAN PL ST C LA R A SANTATREEAVRAE WY CRYSTAL CT PALM DRPALM DR AV LEMON WISTARIA WISTARIA LEMON AV WALNUT AVAV LAS FLORES LONGDEN AV DR CTWY WYLN DR CT REIDHUGO DR VOLANTE DRELLOMA DRDRDONDRROBLESDONALVARADODONLNRDAVARBOLADA HACIENDA AV DR GRAND VIEW EL VISTA LNVISTA DEL VALLE DRDR AV COLORADO BL AV WELLAND AVMcCULLOCH AVEL MONTE AVST PAL MAL AVEL MONTEWYLONGLEY HALIFAX RDGRACEWOOD AVWORKMAN AV ALBERTWYWYWY WYAVAVGILPINLONGLEYWARRENCAROLINEHOLLYWINTHROPBRADFORDWOODRUFFAV AV SANDRA WARREN WOODRUFF PERSIMMON AVLYNROSE ALTOSLOS FLORENCEST STHUDDART GARYPARKCHERRYLEE CRCEDAR AVDRCHERRYLEE HEMLOCK DREMBREEST CELINE LN RAMADAAVLAAVHYLAND AVFYFOOTHILLRTE 210 GL ORI A RD H A MP T O N R DFYFOOTHILL RTE 210 RDCENTENNIAL ROSEGLEN SIMEON ROLYN PLACECORNELL DR TE RDRDDR ALTURA CAMPESINAVALIDOMONTE VERDE CAROL PINE LNMICHILLINDAMERLON AVALTURACATALPA MURIETTA CATALPAVOLANTE DRRDRD BL HERITAGEOAKS DRWHISPHERINGOAKS DRCABALLOMICHILLINDARAFAELDRFOOTHILL SANRD VICENTE SANRDOLD RANCHRDRD DR VAQUEROCOLORADO OLD RANCH VERDE DONDRRICARDOPABLO DRDONDRDRDIABLOKATHERINE WALNUTST STDEXTER VAQUERO RDAVMONTEPALOMAST RDAV ENCANTO ANOAKIA LNPEMBROOKRD R D RD RD DRGREENOAKS DRAVHAMPTON AV RD GLENCOEDRDRSINGINGWOOD HAMPTON GLENCOEDRORANGE GROVE DRSANTAMARGARITACLARIDGERDDRANDREADRCHANTRY DRANI TA CRESTLORALYN DR STD R R D CA N YO N DROKOBOJIRD SUNSETSHININGAVPLSTLEROYAVENCINITA AVBRENTMEADAV RODEORDDR CARMELITA PLCABALLERODR DR SYCAMORERD DUFFY ST HALLOWELL AVAVGLICKMANAVMICHILLINDAHUGO BLBLPANORAMAAV DR FALLEN LEAF RDAVWY ORLANDO O A K LA W N ORANGE GROVERD AVELKINSCANYON RDCAROLWOODDR ELKINSHIGHLANDDRCANYONRDAVWILSONAV H IG H LA NDVISTAHILLGREENPL M ARIL Y NPL ANGELOPL OAKSTOPAZPL OAKSPLAVAV AV AV 2ND3RDAV2NDAVST AV1ST1STAVELKINS AVVISTAW HIT E OAK DRAV DR AV AVALTA OAKS AVDOSHIERAV ALTA OAKSBL OAKWOODDR ELEVADOWILSONMARENDALE LNYORKSHIRE DR RDONTARE OAKSHIGHLANDORANGE GROVE AV DRPINES DRPINES DRT O R R E Y MONTDRWHISPERINGPINES SUMMIT W HISP E RING PINE S SU M M ITWHISPERINGP IN ESRD OAKHAVENOAKGLENAVDR WOODLAND AV HILLCR SYCAMOREOAKS VALENCIA5THAVAVFLORAL AV FOREST AV LNHAVEN AV LORENA NEWMAN AV NEWMAN HAVEN FOREST FLORAL WIGWAMAVLAUREL NORTH VIEW AVAV AV 2NDST 4TH AVJOYCE AVLA PORTE FLO W ER STST JOSEPHFRONT ST ST SANTA CLARA ST WHEELER INDIANA ST GATEWAY DRAVALTA BONITA CALIFORNIA STDIAMOND DIAMOND SALTERAVORAPLMC CLEANDRKIA LYNROSEST BOUGE ST DANBURYST LYNROSE STDANBURY ST STBOGUELYNROSE ST DANESWOOD KRISTI CTBISHOPJUDITH CTSHARON LUBEN LN RD PAMELAAVAVLA CADENAAV DR FAIRVIEW DR DUARTE EL MONTE AVHOLLYAVCAMPUS WAYDR AV PARKEL MONTEAVAVDRHUN TINGTONHUNTINGTONLINDA AVMAGNA VISTA AV OLD OAK LNOAKHAVENRODEOMEADOWOAKH A C IEN D APLOAKLAWNO A K L AWN R DARBOLADABALDWIN AVRDRDREID CORTO CABRILLOHUNTINGTON AVLOGANRITADOOLITTLEENCINOWYLINDASTAVLOGANRITAAVLNAVLOGANRITAAV JEFFRIESAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVEL SUR LNMAGNOLIA AVGROVECAMINO CT ENCINODR SIERRA LNLEDADRILENE DRSIERRA LN PEACH- LEDA ST ST ALTERN RDPAMELA A VNORMANAV WY WYWINNIE WYWINNIEWYWINNIE RAE WY CONNIE 5TH10TH4TH8TH9THWESLEY LN3RD2ND1STKARI WY ILENE LA RD ALTERN ALTERN PAMELAPAMELALOUISE GREENFIELDAVLOUISEAVAVDRAVLEEWINNIE NORMAN WINNIE AV RDANDREWSWY ST WY RDTE DR AV AV AVAVAVAVAVAVLN NORMANANITA SANTAVISTAMAGNA WINNIE ANITASANTA PAMELA NAOMI LE ROY SIERRALA AVAVAZURE WYRD AV ELDR R D DUARTE LE ROY LNFOSSADUANASANDRA AVAVLENTASANDRA 3RD2NDAVAVFLORINDAAVDR DANESWOOD LYNROSEAVMYRTUS AVGREENFIELDAVSANDRALEE EL CAPITANAVLOUISEEL CAPITANAVWOODRUFFAV PLRODELL WYWOODRUFFPL LNWOODRUFFLNPAXSONAVANITASANTALAS TUNAS DR AV 41 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 99,000$ Parks P -$ Construction -$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S 19,800$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W 79,200$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 99,000$ Total Capital 99,000$ The Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board (LARWQCB) adopted the new Municipal National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit for municipalities within the Los Angeles Region except Long Beach on November 28, 2012, and became effective December 28, 2012. Included in this Permit are requirements for a Monitoring and Reporting Program (MRP) which are listed in Attachment E of the Permit. The primary objectives of the MRP are as follow: 1. Assess the chemical, physical, and biological impacts of discharges from the MS4 on receiving waters 2. Assess the compliance with receiving water limitations (RWLs) and water quality-based effluent limitations (WQBELs) established to implement Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) wet-weather and dry-weather load allocations (WLAs) 3. Characterize pollutant loads in MS4 discharges 4. Identify sources of pollutants in MS4 discharges 5. Measure and improve the effectiveness of pollutant controls implemented under the Permit Under the MRP, Permittees have the option to develop a Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Plan (CIMP) that utilizes alternative approaches to meet the primary objectives as described above and has the potential to modify TMDL monitoring requirements and other previously implemented monitoring program requirements, to unify efforts and provide consistent observations of the watershed conditions. The CIMP will be designed to measure compliance with the Permit and is comprised of five elements: 1. Receiving Water Monitoring 2. Stormwater (SW) Outfall Monitoring 3. Non-Stormwater (NSW) Outfall Monitoring 4. New Development/Redevelopment Effectiveness Tracking 5. Regional Studies 42 2017 / 2018 I. PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT: CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 S O W 250,000$ W -$ W -$ W -$ W -$ W 250,000$ U R-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2016 On-Going Project X New Project II. LOCATION MAP (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Purchase and Install Emergency Generator at Live Oak Well 622 E. Live Oak Avenue John Corona ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 250,000$ FY FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 250,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 250,000$ Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other First and Last Name NORTH PROJECT LOCATIONHOLLIS LNR V A TIO N P A R K GOLFDIAWASHSANTAWASHSAWPITGOLDRING CLARKPECK RDDASHAINAV5TH8TH7TH7TH5TH4TFLORES AAVFOSSSTEDNUEL ST OTHELLO LOGAWEIDERMEYERDRADUANALOVEJOY BEVERLY WY FLAMINGO ELYCO CRVERNER PLRODELL DRDRLNAVAVAVAVAVAVAV AVAV UR COYLE LAS AVAVAVAAV AV AV8THLENORE8TH6TH4THCENTERGARYPARKHUDDARTHEMPSTEADETREELMAPLYNDS T D A IN E S AVAVAVAVRD WILDFLOWER AVD RSTAVAVAVAVFOSSADUANASANDRAAVAVLENTASANDRA3RD2NDAVAVDR A N E S W O O D N R O S EAVMYRTUS AVGREENFIELDAV SANDRALEEEL CAPITANAVDRUFF STHUDDART ARYPARKELEMRIO HONDOANITASANTACOURSE43 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 250,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W 250,000$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 250,000$ Total Capital 250,000$ This project entails the purchase and installation of 800 KW, diesel-powered emergency generator for the Live Oak Well. An emergency generator is recommended in the event of a power outage. The generator will feature an auto-start switch, which will start the generator automatically when power supply is lost, thus ensuring continuous water supply. The generator engine will be AQMD Tier-4 compliant. The Live Oak Well is a crucial part of the City's water infrastructure. As one of the best production wells within the City, the installation of an emergency generator will ensure that in the event of a power outage, natural disaster or other means, the well will continue to operate as normal, minimizing the possible disruption of water supply. City staff is currently seeking AQMD grant funding to assist in covering the cost of this neccesary equipment purchase. The City may receive up to $100,000 through this grant funding. 44 2017 / 2018 I. PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT: CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 S O CO 20,000$ CO 15,000$ CO 20,000$ CO 20,000$ CO 20,000$ CO 95,000$ U R-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2016 X On-Going Project New Project II. LOCATION MAP (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM City Hall Facility Improvements City Hall Dave McVey ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 95,000$ FY FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 20,000$ 15,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 95,000$ Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other First and Last Name PROJECT LOCATION A R C A D I A C O U N T Y PARK WESTFIELD SHOPPING TOWN AT SANTA ANITA SANTA YNEZ ARCADEAST BRANCHWASH OFFICEPOSTEASTWASHA R C A DIA ARCADIAGOLF COURSE SANTA ANITAA R B O R E T U MT E A N D C O U N T YRACE T RACK P A R K ANITA SANTA OLD RANRD R DAVAV ELDORADO FANO GENOA ALICE LUCILE ST CHRISTINA ST GRE HU N TIN G T O NBLADWINDRAVDR COL ORADO P L SAN LUIS REY RDCOLORADO BL BALDWINS T A N F O R D D R SAN MIGUEL RDDRHUNTINGTONRDSANTA CRUZSANTA ROSAS A N J U A N D R SAN RAFAELAV1STAVA MORLAN P L S T C LA R A SANTAAVCRYS CT DR AV1STAVLA PORTE F L O W E R S TST JOSEPHF R O N T S T SANTA WHEELER ALTA BONITA CALIFORNIA DIAMOND AVDENADR F A I R V I E W DR D U A R T E LLYCAMPUS W A YDR A V PARKEL MONTEAVAVD RHU NTINGTONHUNTINGTONHUNTINGTON RDC E N T E N NIA L ROLYN PLACE45 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 20,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 20,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 20,000$ Total Capital 20,000$ 1. Pressure wash City Hall and Council Chambers ($5,000) 2. Seal north walls of City Hall ($15,000) 1. The exterior of City Hall has been recently painted. Pressure washing will wash the stains from trees and outside elements before they start penetrating the new finish. 2. To help retain the color from fading, the north walls of the facility will be sealed to prevent future stains from the outside elements and allow necessary cleaning. 46 2017 / 2018 I. PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT: CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 S O CO 115,000$ CO -$ CO -$ CO -$ CO -$ CO 115,000$ U R-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY On-Going Project X New Project II. LOCATION MAP (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Installation of Canopy over the PD Fueling Island Police Department Dave McVey ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 115,000$ FY FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 115,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 115,000$ Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other First and Last Name PROJECT LOCATION A R C A D I A C O U N T Y PARK WESTFIELD SHOPPING TOWN AT SANTA ANITA SANTA YNEZ ARCADIAEAST BRANCHWASH OFFICEPOSTEASTWASHAR CADIA ARCADIAGOLF COURSE SANTA ANITAA R B O R E T U MS T A T E A N D C O U N T YL O S A N G E L E S RACE TRACK P A R K ANITA SANTA SANRDS OLD RANCHD VAQUERO RDAV WYNDONR DAV A V AVELDORADO FANO GENOA ALICE LUCILE CHRISTINA MAGNA VISTA AV HUNTINGTO N WINA RC A D IA O U THVI EW RD HUNGATE LNOLD RANCHDRDR D RJOAQUIN RDARMADA RDDR OLD RANCHBLADWINDR DR AVRDDRCOL ORADO PL SAN LUIS REY RDCOLORADO BSANDSAN BALDWINHARVARD DR S T A N F O R D D R SAN MIGUEL RDDRHUNTINGTONRDSANTA CRUZSANTA ROSAS A N JU A N D R SAN RAFAELAVMORLAN P L S T C LAR A SANTAAVR E I D DR LA PORTE FLO W E R STST JOSF R O NT ST WHEELER ALTA BONITA CALIFORNI DIAMOND AVAV A CADENAA V DR F AI R VIEW DR D U A R T E HOLLYCAMPUS W AYDR AV PARKEL MONTEAVAVD RHUNT INGTONHUNTINGTONHUNTINGTON AV AVVISTAMAGNARDCE NT E N N I AL SIMEON ROLYN PLACEN ELL D R 47 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 115,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 109,250$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies 5,750$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 115,000$ Total Capital 115,000$ A new canopy will be installed over the fuel pumps to protect the equipment and employees from rain and outside elements. Engineering and design was completed in Fiscal Year 2016-17. Design has been completed for the new fueling station canopy structure. The existing fuel station at P.D. currently has no covering to protect the equipment and employees from the rain or outside elements. When inclement weather is present, the canopy will provide shelter while fueling City vehicles. P.D. fuels their patrol units twice a day at the fuel station. New solar panels will support LED lighting which will illuminate the area. Currently the area is dimly lighted with HPS fixtures. 48 2017 / 2018 I. PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT: CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 S O CO 50,000$ CO 500,000$ CO -$ CO -$ CO -$ CO 550,000$ U R-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2016 On-Going Project X New Project II. LOCATION MAP (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Fire Station 106 HVAC Relocation- Design & Zone Replacement Fire Station 106 Dave McVey ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 550,000$ FY FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 50,000$ 500,000$ -$ -$ -$ 550,000$ Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other First and Last Name PROJECT LOCATION AVA V D RHUNTINGTON A R C A D I A S O U T H V I E W R D HUNGATE LNOLD RANCHDRDR D R DR RDAVA V LA CADENAA V F A I R V I E WSTATIONFIREBALDWIN AV49 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 50,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 50,000$ Parks P -$ Construction -$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 50,000$ Total Capital 50,000$ 1.Prepare design plans to relocate existing hvac equipment that is currently installed in the Fire Station 106 attic. New location will be at ground level outside the building in a enclosed area adjacent to the apparatus bay. ($40,000) 2.New hvac zone control system will be installed replacing the existing system which is 40% functional due to age. ($10,000) 1.The existing hvac system is located in the attic area of Fire Station 106. The heat generated by the compressors along with the outside summer heat exceeding 90 degrees is raising the operating temperatures above the critical stage of safe compressor operations. At times compressors are overheating and shutting down to allow a cool down period before providing air conditioning to the building. Also, due to the location of the equipment it's impossible to properly clean and maintain the coils and condensers. The system has had breakdowns over the past years. Design plans will be prepared by a professional consultant to relocate the HVAC Unit to ground level. 2. The existing air distribution system and VAV controls are no longer operable. Since the system is antiquated, staff is unable to obtain replacement. New air distribution and VAV controls will be installed and will provide HVAC control over each individual office and meeting rooms as originally designed before the system failed. 50 2017 / 2018 I. PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT: CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 S O CO 50,000$ CO -$ CO -$ CO -$ CO -$ CO 50,000$ U R-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2016 On-Going Project X New Project II. LOCATION MAP (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Installation of new Hvac Equipment and Zone Control Fire Station 107 Dave McVey ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 50,000$ FY FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 50,000$ -$ -$ -$ 50,000$ Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other First and Last Name X PROJECT LOCATION SANTA YNEZ AVANITASANTAOAKHAVENLNOAK VI EW LNRODEOBL BLFOOTHILLRAMONA RDWOODLANDLNSAN CARLOS RDSAN CARLOS RDST JOSEPH ST NEWMAN AV WINDSORRDPERKINS DRVIRGINIA DR ANDREA LN EL VISTA LN SIERRA OAKS DR RANCHO RDTINDALO RDFLORAL AV SAN ANTONIO RDBONITA ST C IE LO PLMON TE PL STONE HOUSECARRIAGEHOUSE DRLANE ENGLEMANN COURTANITA TE RDRDDR ALTURA CAMPESINAVALIDOMONTE VERDE CAROL PINE LNMICHILLINDAMERLON AVALTURACATALPA MURIETTA CATALPAVOLANTE D RRDRD BL HERITAGEOAKS DRWHISPHERINGOAKS DRCABALLOMICHILLINDARAFAELDRFOOTHILL SANRD VICENTE SANRDOLD RANCHRDRD DR VAQUEROCOLORADO OLD RANCH VERDE DONDRRICARDOPABLO DRDONDRDRDIABLOKATHERINE NUTST STDEXTER VAQUERO RDAVMONTEPALOMAST RDAV ENCANTO ANOAKIA LNPEMBROOKRD R D RDDR GREENOAKS DRAVH A M P T O N AV RD GLENCOEDRDRSINGINGWOOD HAMPTON GLENCOEDRORANGE GROVE DRSANTAMARGARITACLARIDGERDDRANDREA DRCHANTRY DRANI TA CRESTLORALYN DR STD R R D CAN Y O NDRRODEORDDR CARMELITA PLCABALLERODR DR SYCAMORERD AVHUGO PANORAMAAV DR FALLEN LEAF RDAVWY ORLANDO O A K L A WN ORANGE GROVERD AVELKINSCANYON RDCAROLWOODDR ELKINSHIGHLANDDRCANYONRDAVWILSONAV H IG H LAN D VISTAHILLGREENPL MARI L YNP L A NGE LO PL OAKSTOPAZ PL OAKSPLAVHIGHLANDELKINS PL HIGHLANDOAKWOOD2NDAVFOOTHILL BL AV ALTURADEANZA PL DR DDR DTALLACDR DR CABRILLO RDDRDRRD ENGLISHOAK DRDR OAKS CRCOUNTRY COL ORA D O P L SAN LUIS REY RDLNLISALOMAFOOTHILL WOODACREFOREST AV COLORADO BLCRUZSANTARDSAN LUIS REY RDSANTA MARIARDCOLORADO OXFORD O A K H U R S TCHELSEA R D PRINCETONDRR E N O A K W Y LNRDRDBALDWINAVBL STOXFORD DR CAMBRIDGE DR HARVARD DR S T A N F O R D D R SAN MIGUEL RDDRHUNTINGTONRDSANTA CRUZSANTA ROSAS A N JU A N D R SAN RAFAELAVLNCYRUSOAK LNLEANDRAMERRY FLORAL AVRD BURNELL OAKSLNLNASDEROAKDALE BL LN DRAVRDLA ROSA RD VISTARDSIERRA MADRE OAKWOODAVAVFOOTHILLRANCHORD AVC.O.C.O.AVAVAV MORLAN PL ST C LAR A SANTAR EI D HUGO DR VOLANTE DRELLOMA DRDRDONDRROBLESDONALVARADODONLNRDAVARBOLADA HACIENDA AV DR GRAND VIEW EL VISTA LNVISTA DEL VALLE DRDR AV COLORADO BL AV AV AV AV 2ND1STAVELKINS AVVISTAWHIT E OAK DRAV D R AV AVALTA OAKS AVDOSHIER AV ALTA OAKSBL OAKWOODDR ELEVADOWILSONMARENDALE LNYORKSHIRE DR RDONTARE OAKSHIGHLANDORANGE GROVE AV DRPINES DRPINES DRT O R R E Y MONTDRWHISPERINGPINES SUMMIT W H ISPERIN G PIN ESS U M M ITWHISPERING P IN E SRD OAKHAVENOAKGLENAVDR WOODLAND AV HILLCR SYCAMOREOAKS VALENCIA5THAVAVFLORAL AV FOREST AV LNHAVEN AV LORENA NEWMAN AV NEWMAN HAVEN FOREST FLORAL WIGWAMAVLAUREL NORTH VIEW AVAV AV 2NDST 4TH AVJOYCE AVLA PORTE FLO W ER STST JOSEPHFRO NT ST ST SANTA CLARA ST WHEELER INDIAN A ST GATEWAY DRAVALTA BONITAROLD OAK LNOAKHAVENRODEOMEADOWOAKH ACIENDAP LOAKLA W N OA K L A WN RDARBOLADABALDWIN AVRDREID CORTO LN RAMADAAVLAAVHYLAND AVFYFOOTHILLRTE 210 GL OR I A RDH A MP T O N R D FYFOOTHILL RTE 210 RDSIMEON ROLYN PLACEC O R N ELL D R NORTH 51 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 50,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 5,000$ Parks P -$ Construction 45,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 50,000$ Total Capital 50,000$ Replacement of existing Hvac equipment and installation of new zone controls at Fire Station 107. The existing hvac equipment at Fire Station 107 is in need of replacement. The equipment is over twelve years old and has required extra maintenance over the years especially during the summer months. The existing zone control for the building was changed when the remodel was completed ten years ago. The zones were never correctly engineered to efficiently cool the building as part of the new addition. There are areas that are too cold and areas that are too hot. The new zoning system will be more energy efficient and provide the temperature control required for each individual room. 52 2017 / 2018 I. PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT: CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 S O CO 300,000$ CO -$ CO -$ CO -$ CO -$ CO 300,000$ U R-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2016 On-Going Project X New Project II. LOCATION MAP (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Fire Station 105 Roof Restoration Project Fire Station 105 Dave McVey ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 300,000$ FY FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 300,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 300,000$ Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other First and Last Name PROJECT LOCATION AVANITASANTAA R C A D I A H S R D ELDORADO FANO GENOA ALICE ST LUCILE ST CHRISTINA ST GREENFIELD MAGNA VISTA AV CH RI ST D U A R T E1S C RY STA L CTAV1STDIAMOND CAMPUS DR D U A R T E MAGNA V IS A V AVAVVIST AMAGNA LIBRARY STATIONFIREJR H S GOLF COURSE SANTA ANITA 53 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 300,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 285,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies 15,000$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 300,000$ Total Capital 300,000$ Repair the failing areas of the roofs cap sheet, penetrations, and metal flashings at Fire Station 105. A detailed roof report was taken detailing the imperfections causing the roof membrane to leak. The roof at Fire Station105 is in need of repair. A detailed comprehensive report was taken by a commercial roofing contractor that evaluates roofs and proposes different stages of roof repair. The Fire Station 105 roof is restorable and does not need a full replacement. The report outlined a scope of work that needs to be taken to ensure the roof is water tight. The cap sheet is alligatoring, parapet walls are cracking, and the base flashings are starting to pull away from the wall. All areas addressed in the report will be repaired with a warranted Garland roofing product. 54 2017 / 2018 I. PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT: CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 S O O 50,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ O 50,000$ U R-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2016 On-Going Project New Project II. LOCATION MAP (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Par 3 Facility Improvements Par 3 Golf Course Dave Mcvey ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 50,000$ FY FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 50,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 50,000$ Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other First and Last Name L I V E O A K A V E PECK PLANT PROJECT LOCATION ST STHUDDART GARYPARKC H E R R Y L E E HEMLOCK DREMBREE ST CELINE WASHSAWPITADUANAS A N D R A AVAVLENTASANDRA P EC K R O A D W AT E R & CO N S E R V A TIO N PA R K GOLFARCADIAC H A N N E L PECK RDRDKARDASHAINST AVAVPY5PLLDR8THLENORE8TH6TH4THCENTERGARYPARKHUDDARTHEMPSTEADETREELMAPST D A INE S AVAVAVRD WILDFLOWER AVD RSTAVAVAVAV ELEMRIO HONDOANITASANTACOURSEGOLDRING DR MCBEAN RANDOLPH CLARK RIO HONDO PECK RdL I V E O A K A V E WASH55 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 50,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O 50,000$ Total Capital 50,000$ Total Capital 50,000$ Par 3 Golf Course CIP Fund 1. New tile flooring from the kitchen area of the Clubhouse into the Pro Shop and cashier area. 2. New cashier counter tops and wood cabinets. 3. New carpet tiles, removal of cabinets, and new paint in the manager's office. 4. New LED lighting throughout the remodeled areas. 5. New carpet tiles, paint, window coverings, and LED lighting in the banquet rooms. 1. The kitchen area of the Par 3 Golf Course Pro shop was remodeled FY2015-16. The Pro shop, cashier, and manager's office have never been refurbished. The original decor was never updated. New upgrades will be completed and will include the following: 1 New tile flooring from the kitchen into the Pro Shop and cashier area. The existing carpeted flooring is worn due to the high traffic of customers entering the building. New tile flooring will accommodate foot traffic without showing any excessive wear over the years. 2. The existing cashier cabinets are no longer functional due to the changes over the years in retail administration. New cabinets will be designed to meet their current needs and also accommodate the ADA standards. 3.The Manager's office will be upgraded with new carpet tiles, paint, and removal of storage cabinets allowing for more desk space and working files. 4. New LED lighting will be installed in the areas where improvements were made. 5.Banquet interior furnishings are aged and worn due to the usage of the room over the years. The room has never been upgraded and is need of new improvements. New carpet tiles will be installed, walls patched and painted, new window coverings, and LED lighting which will enhance the usage of the room. The room is a critical financial part of the club house which is rented by private groups for various functions during the year. 56 2017 / 2018 I. PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT: CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 S O GT 150,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ GT 150,000$ U R-$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees X Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2016 On-Going Project X New Project II. LOCATION MAP Kevin Merrill (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Colorado Blvd Sidewalk Gap Closure North side of Colorado Blvd from San Antonio Rd to Colorado Blvd Gold Line Bridge ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 300,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 150,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 150,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other First and Last Name 57 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT 150,000$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 25,000$ Parks P -$ Construction 250,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies 25,000$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 300,000$ #####Total Capital 150,000$ This project will include construction of a new sidewalk and retaining wall along the north side of Colorado Blvd from San Antonio Road to the Colorado Blvd Gold Line Bridge. The project will consist of abandoning an existing sewer main, removing several mature trees, regrading and landscaping the adjacent frontage of Newcastle Park, and placing a new retaining wall where needed to construct an new 5-ft wide sidewalk per City Standards. These improvements will not conflict with the new improvements proposed in the City Park Master Plan that was recently completed. During construction of the Gold Line Extension, the Gold Line Contractor constructed a city sidewalk beneath the new bridge over Colorado Blvd. The owner/developer for 501 N. Santa Anita Ave condo project is required to construct new sidewalk, landscaping and a concrete retaining wall on the north side of Colorado Blvd from the Colorado Blvd Gold Line Bridge to Santa Anita Ave. This project will complete the connection of sidewalk from San Antonio Road to Santa Anita Ave creating a continuous pedestrian walkway from the neighborhoods west of the Colorado Blvd Gold Line Bridge to Santa Anita Ave. This pedestrian connection between the residential neighborhoods on the east side of Arcadia to Newcastle Park has been non- existent. By closing this sidewalk this gap we will provide the ability for more Arcadia residents to frequent Newcastle Park by foot rather than driving short distances. 58 2017 / 2018 I. PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT: CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 S O O 50,000$ -$ 50,000$ -$ 50,000$ O 150,000$ U R-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2015/16 X On-Going Project New Project II. LOCATION MAP Jennifer Nishida (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Sidewalk Accessibility/ ADA Ramp project Various Locations ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 50,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 50,000$ -$ 50,000$ -$ 50,000$ 150,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other Map Not Applicable First and Last Name 59 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 50,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O 50,000$ Total Capital 50,000$ Total Capital 50,000$ TDA – Article 3 funding This project adds new ADA accessible ramps and modifies drive approaches at miscellaneous locations in the City. Locations are selected based on the priorities in the City's ADA Sidewalk Transition Plan and recent citizen requests. The City has an adopted ADA Sidewalk Transition Plan for administration of accessibility improvements. The City annually receives Transportation Development Act (TDA) funds that it uses exclusively for the administration of the ADA Sidewalk Transition Plan. Typically, the City accrues two years of TDA funding to administer a reasonable and cost effective project. 60 2017 / 2018 I. PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT: CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 S O CO 50,000$ 50,000$ 50,000$ 50,000$ 50,000$ CO 250,000$ U R TI 100,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ TI 100,000$ C E-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY X On-Going Project New Project II. LOCATION MAP Kevin Merrill (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Miscellaneous Traffic Signal Improvements Various Locations ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 150,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 150,000$ 50,000$ 50,000$ 50,000$ 50,000$ 350,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other Map Not Applicable First and Last Name 61 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 50,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 150,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI 100,000$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 150,000$ Total Capital 150,000$ This is an ongoing program intended to maintain and improve the City’s traffic signal system through the purchase and installation of equipment such as traffic signal controllers & cabinets, battery backup systems, intersection rewiring, fiber optic interconnect, pedestrian countdown clocks and video detection. This year’s program will include improvements such as: 1. Install a protected permissive left turn 2. Install a right-turn arrow phase. 3. Traffic Signal Controller and Cabinet upgrades 4. Intersection rewiring 5. Battery backup system upgrades 6. Fiber optic interconnect and traffic network upgrades Elements 1, 3, and 6. above are eligible for funding with Traffic Impact (TI) fee revenues. These improvements are the highest priority needs from the city’s inventory and inspection of Traffic Signals. Traffic Signal equipment is divided into several categories such as mast arms and poles, signal heads, controllers, detection systems, wiring systems, battery backup systems, fiber optic interconnect, etc. each category is periodically inspected for current condition and the need for upgrade. 62 2017 / 2018 I. PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 S O PC 800,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ PC 800,000$ U TI -$ R TI 700,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ TI 700,000$ C E CO 500,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ CO 500,000$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY On-Going Project X New Project II. LOCATION MAP Kevin Merrill (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Arterial Rehabilitation Program - Huntington Dr from Santa Clara St to Fifth Ave Huntington Drive from Santa Clara Street to Fifth Avenue ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 2,000,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 2,000,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 2,000,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other First and Last Name 63 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 500,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 200,000$ Parks P -$ Construction 1,600,000$ Prop C PC 800,000$ Inspection & Contingencies 200,000$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI 700,000$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 2,000,000$ Total Capital 2,000,000$ Measure R This project is intended to make improvements to Huntington Drive from Santa Clara Street to Fifth Aveneu to comply with the City’s Complete Streets Policy. The project includes the following: 1. Grind and overlay Huntington Drive from Santa Clara Street to Fifth Avenue. Also, reconstruct curb & gutter, sidewalk and curb ramps 2. Upgrade signal equipment at various intersection traffic signals including poles, vehicle and pedestrian heads, rewiring, battery backup systems and cabinets. 3. Design and install additional conduit and fiber optic for signal interconnection in Huntington Drive from Santa Clara Street to Fifth Avenue. 4. Design and install pedestrian traffic signals at the two midblock crosswalks between Santa Anita Avenue and Second Avenue 5. Make Drainage improvements to the gutters to include adding drywells or infiltration basins, and replacing or modifying the concrete covers 6. Clean and repair intersection crosswalk pavers 7. Replace landscaping as necessary 8. Add electrical lines and services to the center medians to enhance lighting and decoration capabilities 9. Upgrade traffic signal detection for all modes of transportation (i.e. vehicle, bus/shuttle, pedestrian, and bicycle) Huntington Drive through the Downtown was last improved in 1995 as part of the Downtown 2000 project. That project included significant street work and changes to the parkways, and added median islands with landscape and hardscape improvements. Since that time very little has been done to repair or enhance the existing improvements. Huntington Drive from Santa Clara Street to Fifth Avenue is now in need of street pavement repairs. The pavement has one of the lowest PCI ratings of all the City’s arterials with a 57 in the most recent Pavement management Plan. This segment of Huntington Drive also needs improvements to the traffic signals and interconnections system, repairs and enhancements to the pedestrian and drainage facilities, and replacement of portions of landscaping. The midblock crosswalks are in need of additional warning devices to protect pedestrians and encourage crossings, and the parkways and center medians are in need of additional electrical capacity for more lighting and seasonal decorations. 64 2017 / 2018 I. PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT: CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 S O G 950,000$ -$ -$ -$ G 950,000$ U R O 407,000$ -$ -$ -$ O 407,000$ C E-$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST: X Previously Programmed Project FY 2016/17 On-Going Project New Project II. LOCATION MAP Kevin Merrill (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Bicycle Facility Improvements Various Locations ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 1,457,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 1,357,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,357,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other Map Not Applicable First and Last Name 65 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 1,307,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies 50,000$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G 950,000$ Other (please describe):O 407,000$ Total Capital 1,357,000$ Total Capital 1,357,000$ Metro Active Transportation Program/Measure R This project will design and install class 2 and 3 bike lanes including signing and striping within several areas of the city. The purpose of this project is to provide bike lanes to the new Gold Line Station tying to existing and planned bike lanes in neighboring cities and the county. Proposed signal detection upgrades along the new bike routes will be an integral part of the project providing required bike detection along each corridor in the city. This project is a California Active Transportation Program funded grant that will provide new class 2 and 3 bike routes in the city. In order to help facilitate the first/last mile objective this project will help to enhance bike movement within the city meeting the requirement of multi-modal improvements in the region. The city is committed to improving bicycle facilities throughout the city with connections to and from the newly constructed Gold Line Station. This is the second year of a two year budget for this project. 66 2017 / 2018 I. PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT: CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 S O TI 450,000$ -$ -$ -$ TI 450,000$ U R-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY On-Going Project X New Project II. LOCATION MAP Kevin Merrill (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Sunset Blvd at Fairview Ave Traffic Signalization project Sunset Blvd and Fairview Ave Intersection ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 450,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 450,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 450,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other First and Last Name 67 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 25,000$ Parks P -$ Construction 400,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies 25,000$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI 450,000$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 450,000$ Total Capital 450,000$ This project will install a new traffic signal at the intersection of Sunset Blvd and Fairview Ave including pedestrian improvements such as ADA ramps, pedestrian signal phases and crosswalks. It will also include installation of conduit and fiber optic interconnect in Sunset Blvd from Duarte Road to Huntington Drive creating redundency in the city's traffic signal network. The City conducted an update of its Traffic Impact Fee Program in 2015 to evaluate, among other things, the potential future need for new traffic signals at several intersections. The Program update recommended a new traffic signal at the intersection of Sunset Blvd. and Fairview Avenue, and the need was confirmed more recently by a third party traffic engineering consultant study based on the recent traffic volumes and the number of accidents. 68 2017 / 2018 I. PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT: CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 S O CO 150,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ CO 150,000$ U R-$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY On-Going Project X New Project II. LOCATION MAP Don Stockham (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Council Chamber Restroom Renovation City Council Chambers Restrooms ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 150,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 150,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 150,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other First and Last Name 69 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 150,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 10,000$ Parks P -$ Construction 140,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 150,000$ Total Capital 150,000$ This project will expand and modify the restrooms to make them fully ADA accessible and maintain the same number of fixture units. This will require expansion of the facilities into surrounding hallway and Janitors room to obtain the required clearances. The City Council Chambers Restrooms do not currently meet the minimum accessibility standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act, of which all public facilities must comply. The building is used for many functions, both during the day and evenings, and the restrooms facilities are also used for outdoor functions on the City Hall Campus. 70 2017 / 2018 I. PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT: CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 S O O 225,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ O 225,000$ U R-$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY On-Going Project X New Project II. LOCATION MAP Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other Map Not Applicable 225,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 225,000$ FY FY FY Phil Wray FY Estimated TotalFY (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM City Facilities ADA Improvements Miscellaneous City-Owned Facilities ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 225,000$ First and Last Name 71 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 25,000$ Parks P -$ Construction 190,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies 10,000$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O 225,000$ Total Capital 225,000$ Total Capital 225,000$ CDBG This project is intended to improve accessibility to City facilities. This project includes the following: • Access ramp to the upper levels in the front of the Council Chambers • Improve ADA access to Arcadia Transit stops/platforms • Miscellaneous Accessibility improvements around the exteriors of City Hall, the Library, and the Community Center Over the years, as the City has constructed new facilities, or rehabilitated its existing facilities, ADA accessibility has been an important component of every project. Most every facility is now fully compliant, however, there are a few remaining items that need to be addressed. In addition, the new Arcadia Transit fixed route service has specific stops that should be made ADA compliant and/or upgraded for accessibility. This project is intended to address those items as well as make some minor improvements to the City Hall, Library and Community Center campuses for accessibility purposes. This is a CDBG funded project to be funded by carryover funds from previous Home Improvement Program resources. 72 2017 / 2018 I. PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT: CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 S O O 230,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ O 230,000$ U R-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST: X Previously Programmed Project FY 2015 On-Going Project New Project II. LOCATION MAP Linda Hui (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Gold Line Station Pedestrian Linkage Improvements First Avenue and Santa Clara Street ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 230,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 230,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 230,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other First and Last Name 73 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 230,000$ Parks P -$ Construction -$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Redevelopment R -$ Other (please describe)O 230,000$ Total Capital 230,000$ Total Capital 230,000$ Gold Line Reserve This project involves the design and construction of parkway improvements in the vicinity of the Gold Line Arcadia Station. The improvements will include hardscape (pavers), softscape (vegetation), pedestrian related furniture such as benches, trash receptacles, and lighting fixtures, way-finding signage, and other amenities. The project was initially budgeted in the 2014/15 fiscal year CIP budget at a total amount of $2,379,700. That was the amount approved in the Metro Grant, with a share of $1,546,800 (65%) from Metro and $832,890 (35%) from the City. In order to maximize the grant funding for construction, and focus the grant funding compliance measures on Construction, the design is proposed to be funded separate from the grant funding approval formula. This budget of $230,000 is solely for design purposes, and not eligible for grant funding. This project is expected to move into construction by spring of 2018. This project will compliment the Arcadia Station as part of the Gold Line Foothill Extension construction and will tie the station to the downtown parkway amenities on Huntington Drive and South First Avenue. 74 2017 / 2018 I. PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT: CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 S O O 200,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ O 200,000$ U R-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2016 On-Going Project X New Project II. LOCATION MAP (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM City Council Chambers Media Room Upgrade City Council Chambers Michael Bruckner ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 200,000$ FY FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 200,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 200,000$ Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other Map Not Applicable 75 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 200,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O 200,000$ Total Capital 200,000$ Total Capital 200,000$ PEG Funds This project will upgrade the City’s A/V system in the City Council Chambers to assist the City in effectively and efficiently achieving these project goals: 1. Improved video display (High Definition) and recording capabilities 2. Improved audio capabilities 3. Improved reliability 4. Install and implement the designed audio and video solution into the existing Council Chambers with all necessary equipment 5. Install new system designed for compatibility with existing City broadcast television services and providers 6. Ensure A/V system will not become obsolete prematurely 7. Install state of the art technology with elegant and simple control interfaces, including touch screen control 8. Provide inputs for desktop computer located at the dais and staff tables 10. Control station must be designed to fit within the City Council Video Room dimensions This project will upgrade the City’s A/V system in the City Council Chambers to assist the City in effectively and efficiently achieving these project goals: 1. Improved video display (High Definition) and recording capabilities 2. Improved audio capabilities 3. Improved reliability 4. Install and implement the designed audio and video solution into the existing Council Chambers with all necessary equipment 5. Install new system designed for compatibility with existing City broadcast television services and providers 6. Ensure A/V system will not become obsolete prematurely 7. Install state of the art technology with elegant and simple control interfaces, including touch screen control 8. Provide inputs for desktop computer located at the dais and staff tables 10. Control station must be designed to fit within the City Council Video Room dimensions 76 2017 /2018 I. PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT: CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 S O CO 19,000$ CO 20,000$ CO 20,000$ CO 20,000$ CO 20,000$ CO 99,000$ U R-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2017 X On-Going Project New Project II. LOCATION MAP Cody Cerwin (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Fire Station Maintenance Program All Fire Stations ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 99,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 19,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 99,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R) Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other AVHUNTINGTON HUNTINGTONOLD RANCHOLD RANBLADWINAVRDFIRE STATION 106 AV1STELDORADO FANO GENOA ALICE LUCILE ST FIRE STATION 105ANITASANTA AV OAYORKSHIR DR ONTAR ORANGEOLD OOAKHRODEOS I E R R A MA D R E HYLAND AVRDORANGE GROVE HIGH ELEM ANITASANTAFIRE STATION 107 77 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 19,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 19,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Redevelopment R -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 19,000$ Total Capital 19,000$ The Fire Station Maintenance Program provides for the following, as needed: - interior and exterior painting of all fire facilities - replacement or maintenance of carpet at all fire facilities - replacement of window coverings at all fire facilities - replacement of office furniture - replacement of household appliances - other miscellaneous repair and replacement of items to maintain the quality of all fire facilities The Fire Station Maintenance Program allows for planned upgrades and unanticipated repairs to vital components within all Arcadia Fire Stations. Scheduled preventive maintenance is instumental in controling and reducing costs; enhancing staff efficiency; sustaining the quality of Fire facilities; and ensuring fiscal responsibility through planned bidding process. 78 2017 / 2018 I. PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT: CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 S O CO 25,000$ 25,000$ -$ -$ -$ CO 50,000$ U R-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2016 On-Going Project New Project II. LOCATION MAP (YEAR) FYFY FY FY FY Sara Somogyi Estimated Total ESTIMATED TOTAL COST CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM 50,000$ Community Center/Recreation Office Community Center Landscaping 25,000$ 50,000$ 25,000$ -$ -$ -$ Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other Map Not Applicable First and Last Name 79 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 25,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction -$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe): 25,000$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 25,000$ Total Capital 25,000$ Landscaping This is a multi year project to make improvements to the landscaping at the Recreation Office/Community Center. Phase one included the back side of the community center, Phase two will include the front area and Phase three will include the sides and parking lot areas. The landscaping at this location is old, overgrown and in need up an update. The new landscaping will be drought tolerant and with a drip irrigation system. 80