HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4 - 4-25-17 PC Minutes ARCADIA PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Tuesday, April 25, 2017 Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Planning Commission regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the City’s Planning Services Office located at 240 W. Huntington Drive, Arcadia, California, during normal business hours. CALL TO ORDER – Chairman Lin called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Arcadia Council Chamber. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL PRESENT: Commissioners Chiao, Thompson, Chan and Lin ABSENT: Commissioner Lewis It was moved by Commissioner Chiao, seconded by Vice Chairman Chan to excuse Commissioner Lewis from the meeting. Without objection, the motion was approved. SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FROM STAFF REGARDING AGENDA ITEMS Staff did not have any supplemental information. PUBLIC COMMENTS (5 minute time limit per person) There were none. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Modification No. MP 16-08 and Single-Family Architectural Design Review No. SFADR 16-40 with a Categorical Exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for reduced front and street-side yard setbacks for a proposed 3,308 square-foot, two-story, Spanish-style, Single-Family residence with an attached 423 square-foot, two-car garage at 501 E. Camino Real Avenue Applicant: Ms. Julia Wang Recommended Action: Conditionally Approve Planning Services Manager, Lisa Flores introduced the item and turned it over to Associate Planner, Jordan Chamberlin who presented the staff report. Chairman Lin opened the Public Hearing and asked if the applicant would like to speak on this item. Applicant Mr. Kaizen Chen responded. Chairman Lin asked if anyone else would like to speak in favor of the item. No one responded. Chairman Lin asked if there was anyone who would like to speak in opposition of the item. No one responded. 2 4-25-17 MOTION – Public Hearing It was moved by Commissioner Chiao, seconded by Commissioner Chan to close the public hearing. Without objection, the motion was approved. Commissioner Thompson noticed that there was a reduction to the size of the proposed project made to the final plans and asked staff what brought on the reduction. Assistant Planner, Jordan Chamberlin, explained that the applicant decreased the size of the proposed project in effort to reduce the amount of modifications. MOTION It was moved by Commissioner Chan, seconded by Commissioner Chiao to conditionally approve Modification No. MP 16-08 and Single-Family Architectural Design Review No. SFADR 16-40 with a Categorical Exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for reduced front and street-side yard setbacks for a proposed 3,308 square-foot, two-story, Spanish-style, Single-Family residence with an attached 423 square-foot, two-car garage at 501 E. Camino Real Avenue ROLL CALL AYES: Commissioners Chan, Chiao, Thompson and Lin NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Lewis 2. Resolution No. 1991 – Approving Tentative Tract Map No. TTM 17-02 (74941), Multiple Family Architectural Design Review No. MFADR 16-10, and Protected Tree Encroachment Permit No. TRE 16-54 with a Categorical Exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for a ten-unit residential condominium development at 837-841½ W. Huntington Drive Applicant: Mr. Scott Yang Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 1991 Planning Services Manager, Lisa Flores introduced the item and turned it over to Associate Planner, Jordan Chamberlin who presented the staff report. Chairman Lin opened the Public Hearing and asked if the applicant would like to speak on this item. The Project Engineer Mr. Shawn Yu and on behalf of the designer Mr. Pison Netsawang responded. Chairman Lin asked if anyone else would like to speak in favor of the item. No one responded. Chairman Lin asked if there was anyone who would like to speak in opposition of the item. The following resident’s responded: Ms. Victoria Lorona Ms. Renuka Kota Ms. Jennifer Chang 3 4-25-17 The resident’s main concerns were that the proposed project is not compatible or harmonious with the immediate neighborhood and privacy issues. Chairman Lin asked if the applicant would like to respond to any of the comments in opposition. Mr. Yu and Mr. Netsawang responded. MOTION – Public Hearing It was moved by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Chairman Lin to leave the public hearing open. Without objection, the motion was approved. The public hearing was later closed, as recommended by the Assistant City Attorney since the project was continued to a date uncertain. DISCUSSION The Planning Commission discussed the design of the project, as well as issues with improper identification of plan elevations, setback concerns, and overall privacy impacts resulting from the development. The project is zoned R-3 Multi-Family Residential but backs up onto single-family zoned lots in the “Village” neighborhood. Three (3) residents of the single-family lots to the rear of the development spoke to the Commission about their concerns related to privacy and impacts. The Commission agreed to continue the item (no date set) to allow the applicant an opportunity to meet with the neighbors and mitigate some of the privacy concerns. In addition, the Commission would like all the residents to be notified when a meeting date has been set. MOTION It was moved by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Chiao to continue Resolution No. 1991 approving Tentative Tract Map No. TTM 17-02 (74941), Multiple Family Architectural Design Review No. MFADR 16-10, and Protected Tree Encroachment Permit No. TRE 16-54 with a Categorical Exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for a ten-unit residential condominium development at 837-841½ W. Huntington Drive, to a future meeting date uncertain. ROLL CALL AYES: Commissioners Thompson, Chiao, Chan and Lin NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Lewis CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under the Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and can be acted on by one roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless members of the Commission, staff, or the public request that specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate discussion and action. 3. Minutes of March 14, 2017, Arcadia Planning Commission Regular Meeting Recommended Action: Approve MOTION It was moved by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Chairman Lin to approve Consent Calendar Item 3. 4 4-25-17 ROLL CALL AYES: Commissioners Thompson, Lin, and Chiao NOES: None ABSTAIN: Vice Chairman Chan ABSENT: Commissioner Lewis MATTERS FROM CITY COUNCIL LIAISON Council Liaison Verlato reported that the City Council Reorganization occurred at the last City Council meeting, Council Member Peter Amundson is the new Mayor and Council Member Sho Tay is the new Mayor Pro Tem. Ms. Verlato made the following announcements: Law Day will be held on April 29, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Arcadia Library, Arcadia Fire Department’s Annual Pancake Breakfast will be held on May 6, from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Fire Station 106, in addition the Community Bike Ride event will also be held on May 6, the annual budget study session is coming up and the budget should be adopted in June, lastly, the City is moving forward with the Historic Preservation Ordinance. MATTERS FROM PLANNING COMMISSIONERS Vice Chairman Chan announced that this Friday, April 28, the Arcadia Police Department is having a meeting at 7:30 a.m. in their lobby to discuss the rise in burglaries throughout the City. Commissioner Chiao reported that he personally was a victim of burglary recently when someone broke into his vehicle parked in front of his house. Luckily nothing of value was stolen. MATTERS FROM ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY Assistant City Attorney Michael Maurer advised the Commission to close the public hearing for Agenda Item 2, since it was decided to continue the item to a future meeting date uncertain. It was moved by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Chairman Lin, to close the public hearing for Agenda Item 2. Without objection the motion was approved. Mr. Maurer reported news from the Legislature relating to SB 1, the bill passed which means we will all be paying more at the gas pump, but the money with be going to transportation infrastructure projects. MATTERS FROM STAFF INCLUDING UPCOMING AGENDA ITEMS Ms. Flores announced that the upcoming Agenda items for May 9, 2017 which will include three items: A Tentative Parcel Map for the four-unit project under construction at 615 S. second (prior TPM expired), a Single-Family Residential Architectural Design Review with an Administrative Modification and Oak Tree Encroachment Permit application at 1530 S. 1st Ave., and a CIP/General Plan Consistency Review, which is an annual report staff presents to the Planning Commission every year. Ms. Flores made the following announcements: the 626 Night Market will be back this summer at the Santa Anita Race Track for four different weekends, Assistant Planner Jordan Chamberlin has been promoted to Associate Planner, and upcoming items that will be presented to the City Council on May 2 include Text Amendments relating to Accessory Dwelling Units and minor Code clean-up, and a discussion relating to short term rentals. Lastly a Request for Proposals to update the City’s design guidelines along with the Home Owners’ Associations design guideline was sent out and the deadline for the proposals is May 8, 2017. 5 4-25-17 ADJOURNMENT The Planning Commission adjourned the meeting at 8:20 p.m. to Tuesday, May 9, 2017, at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chamber at 240 W. Huntington Dr., Arcadia. Chairman, Planning Commission ATTEST: Secretary, Planning Commission