HomeMy WebLinkAboutUntitled (2) SVG Property Fund, LLC Page 3 QCI Project Number: 12-180-017 May 20, 2014 A ny proposed retaining walls at the site should be provided with backdrains to reduce the potential for the buildup of hydrostatic pressure. Backdrains should consist of 4-inch(minimum) diameter perforated PVC pipe surrounded by a minimum of 1 cubic foot per lineal foot of clean coarse gravel wrapped in filter fabric (Mirafi 140 or the equivalent) placed at the base of the wall. The drain should be covered by no less than 18 inches (vertical) of compacted wall backfill soils. The backdrain should outlet through non-perforated PVC pipe or weepholes. Alternatively, commercially available drainage fabric (i.e., J-drain) could be used. The fabric manufacturer's recommendations should be followed in the installation of the drainage fabric backdrain. If there is not enough room for placing the above mentioned drainage systems, an alternative system such as pre-fabricated drainage system AQUADRAIN 100 BD with a 3-inch drain pipe set in gravel behind the wall, to prevent the buildup of hydrostatic pressure. This drain pipe may be connected to a 3-inch drain collector pipe connected to a sump pump. The above grading and foundation design/construction recommendations are presented for the proposed basement. The recommendations as presented in the referenced report remain valid and applicable. This opportunity to be of service is appreciated. If you should have any questions, please call the undersigned. Respectfully submitted, CalLand Engineering, Inc. (CLE) dba Quartech Consultants (QCI) Jack C. Lee, GE 2153 Abe Kazemzadeh Principal Engineer Project Engineer Dist: (4)Addressee 576 East Lambert Road, Brea, California 92821; Tel: 714-671-1050, Fax: 714-671-1090 • • Cal Land Engineering, Inc. dba Quartech Consultants Geotechnical, Environmental, and Civil Engineering April 17, 2014 SVG Property Fund, LLC 119 E. St. Joseph St. Arcadia, California 91006 Attention: Mr. George Voigt Subject: Report of Geotechnical Engineering Investigation, Proposed Residential Development Vacant Land, Northwest Corner of 210 Freeway and 1st Avenue, APN: 5772-006-030, Tentative Tract No. 72421, Arcadia, California QCI Project No.: 12-180-017GE Gentlemen: In accordance with your request, Quartech Consultants (QCI) is pleased to submit this Geotechnical Engineering Report for the subject site. The purpose of this report was to evaluate the subsurface conditions and provide recommendations for foundation designs and other relevant parameters of the proposed construction. Based on the findings and observations during our investigation, the proposed construction of the subject site for the intended use is considered feasible from the geotechnical engineering viewpoints, provided that specific recommendations set forth herein are followed. This opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. If you have any questions pertaining to this report, please call the undersigned. Respectfully submitted, Cal Land Engineering, Inc. (CLE) dba Quartech Consultants (QCI) Jack C. Lee, GE 2153 Abe Kazemzadeh Principal Project Engineer Dist: (4)Addressee 576 E. Lambert Road, Brea, California 92821; Tel: 714-671-1050; Fax: 714-671-1090 REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING INVESTIGATION Proposed Residential Development At Vacant Land, Northwest Corner of 210 Freeway and 1st Avenue APN: 5772-006-030 Tentative Tract No. 72421 Arcadia, California Prepared by QUARTECH CONSULTANTS (QCI) Project No.: 13-180-017GE April 17, 2014 S SGV Property Fund, LLC Page 1 of 10 QCI Project No.: 13-180-017GE April 17, 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 3 1.1 PURPOSE 3 1.2 SCOPE OF SERVICES 3 1.3 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION 3 1.4 SITE LOCATION 3 2.0 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION AND LABORATORY TESTING 4 2.1 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION 4 2.2 LABORATORY TESTING 4 3.0 SUMMARY OF GEOTECHNICAL CONDITIONS 4 3.1 SOIL CONDITIONS 4 3.2 GROUNDWATER 4 4.0 SEISMICITY 4 4.1 FAULTING 4 4.2 SEISMICITY 5 4.3 ESTIMATED EARTHQUAKE GROUND MOTIONS 5 5.0 CONCLUSIONS 5 5.1 SEISMICITY 6 5.2 SEISMIC INDUCED HAZARDS 6 5.3 EXCAVATABILITY 6 5.4 SURFICIAL SOIL REMOVAL AND RECOMPACTION 6 5.5 GROUNDWATER 6 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 6 6.1 GRADING 6 6.1.1 Site Preparation 6 6.1.2 Surficial Soil Removals 7 6.1.3 Treatment of Removal Bottoms 7 6.1.4 Structural Backfill 7 6.2 SHALLOW FOUNDATION DESIGN 7 576 E. Lambert Road, Brea, California 92821; Tel: 714-671-1050; Fax: 714-671-1090 . SGV Property Fund, LLC Page 2 of 10 QC! Project No.: 13-180-017GE April 17, 2014 6.2.1 Bearing Value 7 6.2.2 Settlement 7 6.2.3 Lateral Pressures 8 6.3 FOUNDATION CONSTRUCTION 8 6.4 CONCRETE SLAB 8 6.5 TEMPORARY EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL 9 7.0 INSPECTION 9 8.0 CORROSION POTENTIAL 9 9.0 SEISMIC DESIGN 9 • 10.0 REMARKS 10 576 E. Lambert Road, Brea, California 92821; Tel: 714-671-1050; Fax: 714-671-1090 ' , SGV Property Fund, LLC Page 3 of 10 QCI Project No.: 13-180-017GE April 17, 2014 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose This report presents a summary of our preliminary geotechnical engineering investigation for the proposed construction at the subject site. The purposes of this investigation were to evaluate the subsurface conditions at the area of proposed construction and to provide recommendations pertinent to grading, foundation design and other relevant parameters of the development. 1.2 Scope of Services Our scope of services included: • Review of available soil engineering data of the area. • Subsurface exploration consisting of logging and sampling of two 6-inch diameter hand auger borings to a maximum depth of 11.0 feet below the existing grade at the subject site. The exploration was logged by a QCI engineer. Boring logs are presented in Appendix A. • Laboratory testing of representative samples to establish engineering characteristics of the on-site soil. The laboratory test results are presented in Appendices A and B. • Engineering analyses of the geotechnical data obtained from our background studies, field investigation, and laboratory testing. • Preparation of this report presenting our findings, conclusions, and recommendations for the proposed construction. 1.3 Proposed Construction The subject site would be used for residential development and associated improvements. The proposed buildings are anticipated to be one and/or two-story wood frame structures with concrete slab-on-grade. Column loads are unknown at this time, but are expected to be light to medium. Minor cut and fill grading operation is anticipated to reach the desired grades. 1.4 Site Location The project site is located at the northwest corner of 210 Freeway and 1st Avenue, in the City of Arcadia, California. The approximate location of the site is presented in the attached Site Location Map (Figure 1). The lot size is 20, 615 square feet (0.473 acre). The site is relatively flat and is currently utilized as asphalted paved parking lot. No major surface erosions were observed during our subsurface investigation. 576 E. Lambert Road, Brea, California 92821; Tel: 714-671-1050; Fax: 714-671-1090 , • ' SGV Property Fund, LLC Page 4 of 10 QCI Project No.: 13-180-017GE April 17, 2014 2.0 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION AND LABORATORY TESTING 2.1 Subsurface Exploration Our subsurface exploration consisted of drilling two 6-inch diameter hand auger borings to a maximum depth of 11.0 feet at the locations shown on the attached Site Plan, Figure 2. The excavation of the boring was supervised and logged by a QCI's engineer. Relatively undisturbed and bulk samples were collected for laboratory testing. Boring logs are presented in Appendix A. 2.2 Laboratory Testing Representative samples were tested for the following parameters: in-situ moisture content and density, consolidation, direct shear strength, expansion, and corrosion potential. Results of our laboratory testing along with a summary of the testing procedures are presented in Appendix B. In-situ moisture and density test results are presented on the boring logs in Appendix A. 3.0 SUMMARY OF GEOTECHNICAL CONDITIONS 3.1 Soil Conditions The onsite near surface soils consist predominantly of medium grained sand and silty sand (SP- SM) with fine gravel. In general, these soils exist in medium dense and slightly moist condition. Underlying the surface soils, medium to coarse-grained silty sand (SM) and sand and silty sand (SP-SM) with gravel were disclosed in the borings to the depths explored (11.0 feet below the existing ground surface). These soils exist in medium dense to dense and slightly moist conditions. The soils become denser as depth increases. 3.2 Groundwater No groundwater or seepage was encountered in the test borings to the depths explored. Groundwater is not expected during the proposed construction. 4.0 SEISMICITY 4.1 Faulting Based on our study, there are no known active faults crossing the property. The nearest known active regional fault is Raymond Fault zones located 0.22 mile (1160 ft.)from the site. 576 E. Lambert Road, Brea, California 92821; Tel: 714-671-1050; Fax: 714-671-1090 SGV Property Fund, LLC Page 5 of 10 QCI Project No.: 13-180-017GE April 17, 2014 4.2 Seismicity The subject site is located in southern California, which is a tectonically active area. The type and magnitude of seismic hazards affecting the site depend on the distance to causative faults, the intensity, and the magnitude of the seismic event. Table 1 indicates the distance of the fault zones and the associated maximum magnitude earthquake that can be produced by nearby seismic events. As indicated in Table 1, the Raymond fault zones are considered to have the most significant effect to the site from a design standpoint. TABLE 1 Characteristics and Estimated Earthquakes for Regional Faults Fault Name Approximate Distance to Maximum Magnitude Site (mile) Earthquake (Mmax) Raymond 0.22(1160 ft.) 6.5 Sierra Madre 1.9 7.2 Clamshell-Sawpit 2.7 6.5 Verdugo 5.3 6.7 Upper Elysian Park 6.8 6.7 San Jose 9.4 6.5 Whittier 11.2 6.8 Hollywood 11.7 6.4 Puente Hills (LA) 13.5 7.1 Cucamonga 14.9 6.9 Chino-Central Ave. (Elsinore) 16.4 6.7 Sierra Madre (San Fernando) 17.6 6.7 San Gabriel 18.6 7.2 4.3 Estimated Earthquake Ground Motions In order to estimate the seismic ground motions at the subject site, QCI has utilized the seismic hazard map published by California Geological Survey. According to this report, the peak ground Alluvium acceleration at the subject site for a 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years is about 0.722g (US Seismic Design Maps and Seismic Parameters Sos). 5.0 CONCLUSIONS Based on our subsurface investigation, it is our opinion that the proposed construction is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint, provided the recommendations contained herein are incorporated in the design and construction. The following is a summary of the geotechnical design and construction factors that may affect the development of the site: 576 E. Lambert Road, Brea, California 92821; Tel: 714-671-1050; Fax: 714-671-1090 • SGV Property Fund, LLC Page 6 of 10 QCI Project No.: 13-180-017GE April 17, 2014 5.1 Seismicity Based on our studies on seismicity, there are no known active faults crossing the property. However, the site is located in a seismically active region and is subject to seismically induced ground shaking from nearby and distant faults, which is a characteristic of all Southern California. 5.2 Seismic Induced Hazards Based on our review of the "Seismic Hazard Zones, Mt. Wilson Quadrangle" by California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, it is concluded that the site is not located in the mapped potential liquefaction areas. 5.3 Excavatability Based on our subsurface investigation, excavation of the subsurface materials should be accomplished with conventional earthwork equipment. 5.4 Surficial Soil Removal and Recompaction Based on our investigation, it is concluded that the existing surficial soils may not be suitable for structure support as they presently exist and will require remedial grading as discussed herein. 5.5 Groundwater Groundwater was not encountered during our field exploration. Groundwater is not anticipated to be encountered during the near surface construction. 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the subsurface conditions exposed during field investigation and laboratory testing program, it is recommended that the following recommendations be incorporated in the design and construction phases of the project. 6.1 Grading 6.1.1 Site Preparation Prior to initiating grading operations, any existing vegetation, trash, debris, over-sized materials (greater than 8 inches), and other deleterious materials within construction areas should be removed from the subject site. 576 E. Lambert Road, Brea, California 92821; Tel: 714-671-1050; Fax: 714-671-1090 3 " • SGV Property Fund, LLC Page 7 of 10 QCI Project No.: 13-180-017GE April 17, 2014 6.1.2 Surficial Soil Removals Based on our field exploration and laboratory data obtained to date, it is recommended that the existing surficial soils be removed to a minimum depth of 4 feet below the existing grade or two foot below the bottom of the footing, whichever is deeper. The recommended removal should be extended at least 4 feet beyond building lines. The existing near surface soils should also be removed to a depth of about 18-inches within the proposed driveway and concrete flatwork areas. Locally deeper removals may be necessary to expose competent natural ground. The actual removal depths should be determined in the field as conditions are exposed. Visual inspection and/or testing may be used to define removal requirements. 6.1.3 Treatment of Removal Bottoms Soils exposed within areas approved for fill placement should be scarified to a depth of 6 to 10 inches, conditioned to near optimum moisture content, then compacted in-place to minimum project standards. 6.1.4 Structural Backfill The onsite soils may be used as compacted fill, provided they are free of organic materials and debris. Fills should be placed in relatively thin lifts (6 to 8 inches), brought to near optimum moisture content, then compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction based on laboratory standard ASTM D-1557-09. 6.2 Shallow Foundation Design 6.2.1 Bearing Value An allowable bearing value of 2000 pounds per square foot (psf) may be used for design of continuous and pad footings with a minimum of 12 and 24 inches in width, respectively. All footings should be a minimum of 18 inches deep. This value may be increased by one third (1/3) when considering short duration seismic or wind loads. 6.2.2 Settlement Settlement of the footings placed as recommended, and subject to no more than allowable loads is not anticipated to exceed 3/4 inch. Differential settlement between adjacent columns is not anticipated to exceed 1/2 inch. 576 E. Lambert Road, Brea, California 92821; Tel: 714-671-1050; Fax: 714-671-1090 S• GV Property Fund, LLC Page 8 of 10 QCI Project No.: 13-180-017GE April 17, 2014 6.2.3 Lateral Pressures Passive earth pressure may be computed as an equivalent fluid pressure of 300 pcf, with a maximum earth pressure of 2000 psf. An allowable coefficient of friction between soil and concrete of 0.30 may be used with the dead load forces. When combining passive pressure and frictional resistance, the passive pressure component should be reduced by one third (1/3). 6.3 Foundation Construction It is anticipated that the entire structure will be underlain by onsite soils of very low expansion potential. All footings should be founded at a minimum depth of 18 inches below the lowest adjacent ground surface. All continuous footings should have at least two No. 4 reinforcing bar placed both at the top and two No. 4 reinforcing bar placed at the bottom of the footings. 6.4 Co -ret- Slab`' Concrete slabs should be a minimum of 4 inches thick and reinforced with a minimum of No. 3 bars spacing at 18 inches both ways or its equivalent. All slab reinforcement should be supported to ensure proper positioning during placement of concrete. Based on our review of the "Historically Highest Ground Water Contours and Borehole Log Data Locations, Mt. Wilson Quadrangle", by CDMG Open File Report 98-21, it is estimated that historically highest ground water level is fluctuating between 100 to 110 feet below the existing grade. Capillary moisture as the results of the onsite groundwater migrated to surface is unlikely. However, in order to comply with the requirements of the Chapter 19, of the California Building Code egrecommenoeo hat concrete,slaLVira'raaistutgssitive areas be wW ltdiat atla =por ..,HL;'`-r ' 1t.._ "4 .Y t' retarder consisfing �trtof tenmil ®_o y fade LLe membrane `omts lapped knot ^ 0 orches nd shall conform to ASTM E1745 and ASTM E1643. A minimum of two inches of sand shall be placed over the membrane to aid in uniform cured of concrete. California Green Building Standards (2013 CAL Green) section 4.505.2.1 permits equivalent methods of the capillarity break to be submitted under CAL Green section 101.8 "Alternate materials, designs, and methods of construction". We respectfully request the requirement for the capillarity break to be removed from the project based on the geotechnical evidence that the existing soil conditions provide for adequate drainage and present no indication of water migration to the surface. This request for an alternative method for the capillary break must be submitted to the Building Official of Arcadia for approval. 576 E. Lambert Road, Brea, California 92821; Tel: 714-671-1050; Fax: 714-671-1090 , , r SGV Property Fund, LLC Page 9 of 10 QCI Project No.: 13-180-017GE April 17, 2014 6.5 Temporary Excavation and Backfill All trench excavations should conform to CAL-OSHA and local safety codes. All utilities trench backfill should be brought to near optimum moisture content and then compacted to obtain a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent of ASTM D-1557-09. All temporary excavations should be observed by a field engineer of this office so as to evaluate the suitability of the excavation to the exposed soil conditions. ofolignettwormi As necessary requisite to the use of re o ort,`the follows ITU' is recornrnended.:,' • Temporary excavations=' • -emoval of sirficial pn o urisuitable'soils. • Backfill placement Wil.compaction: • Utility backfill .. The geotechnical engineer should be notified at least 1 day in advance of the start of construction. A joint meeting between the client, the contractor, and the geotechnical engineer is recommended prior to the start of construction to discuss specific procedures and scheduling. 8.0 CORROSION POTENTIAL Chemical laboratory tests were conducted on the existing onsite near surface materials sampled during QCI's field investigation to aid in evaluation of soil corrosion potential and the attack on , concrete by sulfate soils. The testing results are presented in Appendix B. According to 2013 CBC and ACI 318-11, a "negligible" exposure to sulfate can be expected for concrete placed in contact with the onsite soils. Therefore, Type II cement or its equivalent may be used for this project. Based on the resistivity test results �b es mateo sraosurface�' ' pt,moderatel ;corrosivesto buried metal pipe. It is recommended that any underground steel utilities be blasted and given protective coating. Should additional protective measures be warranted, a corrosion specialist should be consulted. 9.0 SEISMIC DESIGN Based on our studies on seismicity, there are no known active faults crossing the property. However, the subject site is located in southern California, which is a tectonically active area. Based on ASCE 7-10, 2013 CBC, the following seismic related values may be used: 576 E. Lambert Road, Brea, California 92821; Tel: 714-671-1050; Fax: 714-671-1090 • SGV Property Fund, LLC Page 10 of 10 QCI Project No.: 13-180-017GE April 17, 2014 Seismic Parameters (Latitude: 34.14734, Longitude: -118.02876) Mapped 0.2 Sec Period Spectral Acceleration Ss 2.708g Mapped 1.0 Sec Period Spectral Acceleration Si 1.011g Site Coefficient for Site Class"D", Fa 1.0 Site Coefficient for Site Class"D", Fv 1.5 Maximum Considered Earthquake Spectral Response Acceleration 2.708g Parameter at 0.2 Second, SMs Maximum Considered Earthquake Spectral Response Acceleration 1.516g Parameter at 1.0 Second, SMI Design Spectral Response Acceleration Parameters for 0.2 sec, SDS 1.805g Design Spectral Response Acceleration Parameters for 1.0 Sec, SDI 1.011g The Project Structural Engineer should be aware of the information provided above to determine if any additional structural strengthening is warranted. 10.0 REMARKS The conclusions and recommendations contained herein are based on the findings and observations at the exploratory locations. However, soil materials may vary in characteristics between locations of the exploratory locations. If conditions are encountered during construction, which appear to be different from those disclosed by the exploratory work, this office should be notified so as to recommend the need for modifications. This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted professional engineering principles and practice. No warranty is expressed or implied. This report is subject to review by controlling public agencies having jurisdiction. 576 E. Lambert Road, Brea, California 92821; Tel: 714-671-1050; Fax: 714-671-1090 APPENDIX A FIELD INVESTIGATION Subsurface conditions were explored by two 6-inch diameter hand auger borings to a maximum depth of 11.0 feet below the existing grade at the subject site at approximate locations shown on-the enclosed Site Plan, Figure 2. The drilling of the test boring was supervised by a QCI's engineer, who continuously logged the borings and visually classified the soils in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System. Ring samples were taken at frequent intervals. These samples were obtained by driving a sampler with successive blows of 32-pound hammer dropping from a height of 48 inches. Representative undisturbed samples of the subsurface soils were retained in a series of brass rings, each having an inside diameter of 2.42 inches and a height of 1.00 inch. All ring samples were transported to our laboratory. Bulk surface soil samples were also collected for additional classification and testing. APPENDIX B LABORATORY TESTING During the subsurface exploration, QCI personnel collected relatively undisturbed ring samples and bulk samples. The following tests were performed on selected soil samples: Moisture-Density The moisture content and dry unit weight were determined for each relatively undisturbed soil sample obtained in the test borings in accordance with ASTM D2937 standard. The results of these tests are shown on the boring logs in Appendix A. Shear Tests Shear tests were performed in a direct shear machine of strain-control type in accordance with ASTM D3080 standard. The rate of deformation was 0.010 inch per minute. Selected samples were sheared under varying confining loads in order to determine the Coulomb shear strength parameters: internal friction angle and cohesion. The shear test results are presented in the attached plates. Consolidation Tests Consolidation tests were performed on selected undisturbed soil samples in accordance with ASTM D2435 standard. The consolidation apparatus is designed for a one-inch high soil filled brass ring. Loads are applied in several increments in a geometric progression and the resulting deformations are recorded at selected time intervals. Porous stones are placed in contact with the top and bottom of each specimen to permit addition and release of pore fluid. The samples were inundated with water at a load of two kilo-pounds (kips) per square foot, and the test results are shown on the attached Figures. Expansion Index Laboratory Expansion Index test was conducted on the existing onsite near surface materials sampled during QCI's field investigation to aid in evaluation of soil expansion potential. The test is performed in accordance with ASTM D-4829. The testing result is presented below: Expansion Expansion Sample Location Index Potential B-1 @ 0-3' 8 Very Low • I - IIS cosion Potential Cpical laboratory tests were conducted on the existing onsite near surface materials sampled ding QCI's field investigation to aid in evaluation of soil corrosion potential and the attack on ccrete by sulfate soils. These tests are performed in accordance with California Test Method 422, 532, and 643. The testing results are presented below: Chloride Sulfate Min. Resistivity Smple Location pH (ppm) (% by weight) (ohm-cm) B-1 @ 0'-3' 7.88 108 0.0115 1,900 1�1 \ \ . . . . / . , \,, .i I '''.-......, . / . \ '\ , \ '' • \ \ _.,-- N \ / \ \ • • 1 I \ I f ,----------- • _,...------ \ \'' • ,. . ..------- • __ _ ,------- , \ il \ s • \, ' '\ f , i ii '' ,c '', \ •,,_. .,' :\l, N,, • • I ' I I . ' .• . I' ' / . • . 1 I \ , -•-•••-••••..........-....--,i,,•\.„........„..:„...„4 . \ ' 1 • --r • 1 \ q----"7".-.17-.7:'.." I' ..,-- -• ': ' ..,.., :' .. .. '• I. ,. .•, 1 \ . • ...0.04 • MU \ 1 C cion Potential • CMical laboratory tests were conducted on the existing onsite near surface materials sampled dig QCI's field investigation to aid in evaluation of soil corrosion potential and the attack on ocrete by sulfate soils. These tests are performed in accordance with California Test Method 0, 422, 532, and 643. The testing results are presented below: Chloride Sulfate Min. Resistivity mple Location pH (ppm) (% by weight) (ohm cm) B-1 @ 0'-3' 7.88 108 0.0115 1,900 I - . I1 • Cal Land Engineering, Inc. dba Quartech Consultants Geotechnical,Environmental, and Civil Engineering April 17, 2014 SVG Property Fund, LLC 119 E. St. Joseph St. Arcadia, California 91006 Attention: Mr. George Voigt Subject: Report of Geotechnical Engineering Investigation, Proposed Residential Development Vacant Land, Northwest Corner of 210 Freeway and 1st Avenue, APN;__5772-006-030, Tentative Tract No. 72421, Arcadia, California QCI Project No.: 12-180-017GE Gentlemen: In accordance with your .request, Quartech Consultants (QCI) is pleased to submit this Geotechnical Engineering.Report for the subject site. The purpose of this report was to evaluate the subsurface conditions and provide recommendations for foundation designs and other r relevant parameters of the proposed construction. Based on the findings and:observations during our investigation, the proposed construction of the subject site for the intended use is considered feasible from the geotechnical engineering viewpoints, provided that specific recommendations set forth herein are followed. This opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. If you have any questions pertaining to this report, please call the undersigned. Respectfully submitted, Cal Land Engineering, Inc. (CLE) dba Quartech Consultants(QCI) QJ PGy.C.4F�`F• 0014' .Ce ' .� No.2153 m Jack C. Lee, GE 21531 EXP• Ir�) d A e KazemzadeY Principal -' r F �� Project Engineer Tis r 61 ri Dist: (4)Addressee , 576 E. Lambert Road, Brea, California 92821; Tel: 714-671-1050; Fax: 714-671-1090 . . . •r . REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING INVESTIGATION Proposed Residential Development At Vacant Land, Northwest Corner of 210 Freeway and 1st Avenue APN: 5772-006-030 Tentative Tract No. 72421 Arcadia, California Prepared by QUARTECH CONSULTANTS (QCI) Project No.: 13-180-017GE April 17, 2014 SGV Property Fund, LLC Page 1 of 10 QCI Project No.: 13-180-017GE April 17, 2014 TA-.LE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................................o3 1.1 PURPOSE 3 1.2 SCOPE OF SERVICES 3 1.3 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION 3 1.4 SITE LOCATION 3 2.0 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION AND LABORATORY TESTING 4 2.1 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION 4 2.2 LABORATORY TESTING 4 3.0 SUMMARY OF GEOTECHNICAL CONDITIONS 4 3.1 SOIL CONDITIONS 4 3.2 GROUNDWATER 4 4.0 SEISMICITY 4 4.1 FAULTING 4 4.2 SEISMICITY 5 4.3 ESTIMATED EARTHQUAKE GROUND MOTIONS 5 5.0 CONCLUSIONS 5 5.1 SEISMICITY 6 5.2 SEISMIC INDUCED HAZARDS 6 5.3 EXCAVATABILITY 6 5.4 SURFICIAL SOIL REMOVAL AND RECOMPACTION 6 5.5 GROUNDWATER 6 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 6 6.1 GRADING 6 6.1.1 Site Preparation 6 6.1.2 Surficial Soil Removals 7 6.1.3 Treatment of Removal Bottoms 7 6.1.4 Structural Backfill - 7 6.2 SHALLOW FOUNDATION DESIGN 7 576 E. Lambert Road, Brea, California 92821; Tel: 714-671-1050; Fax: 714-671-1090 SGV Property Fund, LLC Page 2 of 10 QCI Project No.: 13-180-017GE April 17, 2014 6.2.1 Bearing Value 7 6.2.2 Settlement 7 6.2.3 Lateral Pressures 8 6.3 FOUNDATION CONSTRUCTION 8 6.4 CONCRETE SLAB 8 6.5 TEMPORARY EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL 9 7.0 INSPECTION9 8.0 CORROSION POTENTIAL 9 9.0 SEISMIC DESIGN ..................o...........................................................................o........... 9 10.0 REMARKS 10 576 E. Lambert Road, Brea, California 92821; Tel: 714-671-1050; Fax: 714-671-1090 SGV Property Fund, LLC Page 3 of 10 QCI Project No.: 13-180-017GE April 17, 2014 1.0 INTRODUCTION 11 Purpose This report presents a summary of our preliminary geotechnical engineering investigation for the proposed construction at the subject site. The purposes of this investigation were to evaluate the subsurface conditions at the area of proposed construction and to provide recommendations pertinent to grading, foundation design and other relevant parameters of the development. 1.2 Scope of Services Our scope of services included: ® Review of available soil engineering data of the area. • Subsurface exploration consisting of logging and sampling of two 6-inch diameter hand auger borings to a maximum depth of 11.0 feet below the existing grade at the subject site. The exploration was logged by a QCI engineer. Boring logs are presented in Appendix A. O Laboratory testing of representative samples to establish engineering characteristics of the on-site soil. The laboratory test results are presented in Appendices A and B. o Engineering analyses of the geotechnical data obtained from our background studies, field investigation, and laboratory testing. o Preparation of this report presenting our findings, conclusions, and recommendations for the proposed construction. 1.3 Proposed Construction The subject site would be used for residential development and associated improvements. The proposed buildings are anticipated to be one and/or two-story wood frame structures with concrete slab-on-grade. Column loads are unknown at this time, but are expected to be light to medium. Minor cut and fill grading operation is anticipated to reach the desired grades. 1.4 Site Location The project site is located at the northwest corner of 210 Freeway and 1st Avenue, in the City of Arcadia, California. The approximate location of the site is presented in the attached Site Location Map (Figure 1). The lot size is 20, 615 square feet (0.473 acre). The site is relatively flat and is currently utilized as asphalted paved parking lot. No major surface erosions were observed during our subsurface investigation. 576 E. Lambert Road, Brea, California 92821; Tel: 714-671-1050; Fax: 714-671-1090 SGV Property Fund, LLC Page 4 of 10 QCI Project No.: 13-180 017GE April 17, 2014 2.0 SU;SU{-FACE EXPL:•• ,TIIEN ,,,ND LA;;ORATr I Y TESTING 2.1 Subsurface Exploration Our subsurface exploration consisted of drilling two 6-inch diameter hand auger borings to a maximum depth of 11.0 feet at the locations shown on the attached Site Plan, Figure 2. The excavation of the boring was supervised and logged by a QCI's engineer. Relatively undisturbed and bulk samples were collected for laboratory testing. Boring logs are presented in Appendix A. 2.2 Laboratory Testing Representative samples were tested for the following parameters: in-situ moisture content and density, consolidation, direct shear strength, expansion, and corrosion potential. Results of our laboratory testing along with a summary of the testing procedures are presented in Appendix B. In-situ moisture and density test results are presented on the boring logs in Appendix A. 3.0 SUMMARY OF GEOTECHNICAL CONDITIONS 3.1 Soil Conditions The onsite near surface soils consist predominantly of medium grained sand and silty sand (SP- SM) with fine gravel. In general, these soils exist in medium dense and slightly moist condition. Underlying the surface soils, medium to coarse-grained silty sand (SM) and sand and silty sand (SP-SM) with gravel were disclosed in the borings to the depths explored (11.0 feet below the existing ground surface). These soils exist in medium dense to dense and slightly moist conditions. The soils become denser as depth increases. 3.2 Groundwater No groundwater or seepage was encountered in the test borings to the depths explored. Groundwater is not expected during the proposed construction. 4.0 SEISMICITY 4.1 Faulting Based on our study, there are no known active faults crossing the property. The nearest known active regional fault is Raymond Fault zones located 0.22 mile (1160 ft.)from the site. 576 E. Lambert Road, Brea, California 92821; Tel: 714-671-1050; Fax: 714-671-1090 SGV Property Fund, LLC Page 5 of 10 QCI Project No.: 13-180-017GE April 17, 2014 4.2 Seismicity The subject site is located in southern California, which is a tectonically active area. The type and magnitude of seismic hazards affecting the site depend on the distance to causative faults, the intensity, and the magnitude of the seismic event. Table 1 indicates the distance of the fault zones and the associated maximum magnitude earthquake that can be produced by nearby seismic events. As indicated in Table 1, the Raymond fault zones are considered to have the most significant effect to the site from a design standpoint. TABLE 1 Characteristics and Estimated Earthquakes for Regional Faults Fault Name Approximate Distance to Maximum Magnitude Site (mile) Earthquake(Mmax) Raymond 0.22(1160 ft.) 6.5 Sierra Madre 1.9 7.2 Clamshell-Sawpit 2.7 6.5 Verdugo 5.3 6.7 Upper Elysian Park 6.8 6.7 San Jose 9.4 6.5 Whittier 11.2 6.8 Hollywood 11.7 6.4 Puente Hills (LA) 13.5 7.1 Cucamonga 14.9 6.9 Chino-Central Ave. (Elsinore) 16.4 6.7 Sierra Madre (San Fernando) 17.6 6.7 San Gabriel 18.6 7.2 4.3 Estimated Earthquake Ground Motions In order to estimate the seismic ground motions at the subject site, QCI has utilized the seismic hazard map published by California Geological Survey. According to this report, the peak ground Alluvium acceleration at the subject site for a 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years is about 0.722g (US Seismic Design Maps and Seismic Parameters SDS). 5.0 CONCLUSIONS Based on our subsurface investigation, it is our opinion that the proposed construction is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint, provided the recommendations contained herein are incorporated in the design and construction. The following is a summary of the geotechnical design and construction factors that may affect the development of the site: 576 E. Lambert Road, Brea, California 92821; Tel: 714-671-1050; Fax: 714-671-1090 SGV Property Fund, LLC Page 6 of 10 QCI Project No.: 13-180-017GE April 17, 2014 5.1 Seismicity Based on our studies on seismicity, there are no known active faults crossing the property. However, the site is located in a seismically active region and is subject to seismically induced ground shaking from nearby and distant faults, which is a characteristic of all Southern California. 5.2 Seismic Induced Hazards Based on our review of the "Seismic Hazard Zones, Mt. Wilson Quadrangle" by California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, it is concluded that the site is not located in the mapped potential liquefaction areas. 5.3 Excavatability Based on our subsurface investigation, excavation of the subsurface materials should be accomplished with conventional earthwork equipment. 5.4 Surficial Soil Removal and Recompaction Based on our investigation, it is concluded that the existing surficial soils may not be suitable for structure support as they presently exist and will require remedial grading as discussed herein. 5.5 Groundwater Groundwater was not encountered during our field exploration. Groundwater is not anticipated to be encountered during the near surface construction. 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the subsurface conditions exposed during field investigation and laboratory testing program, it is recommended that the following recommendations be incorporated in the design and construction phases of the project. 6.1 Grading 6.1.1 Site Preparation Prior to initiating grading operations, any existing vegetation, trash, debris, over-sized materials (greater than 8 inches), and other deleterious materials within construction areas should be removed from the subject site. 576 E. Lambert Road, Brea, California 92821; Tel: 714-671-1050; Fax: 714-671-1090 SGV Property Fund, LLC Page 7 of 10 QCI Project No.: 13-180-017GE April 17, 2014 6.1.2 Surficial Soil Removals Based on our field exploration and laboratory data obtained to date, it a 5ia oramended fiat thee: cisfm fectI t-h"e ern®ved.to�a rrignimum depthof feet ow t.e existino o rade or two o01betoa � •;ottNif,theo®tcPrc eh .iseeper 'w. drmsFi® nun-en-del l Id=b, extend atrl eef6eX®n of ®iliktlill 'livres The existing near surface soils should also be removed to a depth of about 18-inches within the proposed driveway and concrete flatwork areas. Locally deeper removals may be necessary to expose competent natural ground. The actual removal depths should be determined in the field as conditions are exposed. Visual inspection and/or testing may be used to define removal requirements. 6.1.3 Treatment of Removal Bottoms Soils exposed within areas approved for fill placement should be scarified to a depth of 6 to 10 inches, conditioned to near optimum moisture content, then compacted in-place to minimum project standards. • ; tructural l3ackf 11 The onsite soils may be used as compacted fill, provided they are free of organic materials and debris ilistsho'fuld ixiv dlaced.,ireE016ttvel, thrr lifts (6 t®•' ,,inches ; "rou®ht to,s ear opt% u moistur e , the9p caornpa it9 t W9 me,nt refative compaet)91.0 fed on,laboeatoy, < dar ASTi!'/l;r+1157,09 6.2 Shallow Foundation Design 6.2.1 Bearing Value An allowable bearing value of 2000 pounds per square foot (psf) may be used for design of continuous and pad footings with a minimum of 12 and 24 inches in width, respectively. All footings should be a minimum of 18 inches deep. This value may be increased by one third (1/3) when considering short duration seismic or wind loads. 6.2.2 Settlement Settlement of the footings placed as recommended, and subject to no more than allowable loads is not anticipated to exceed 3/4 inch. Differential settlement between adjacent columns is not anticipated to exceed 1/2 inch. 576 E. Lambert Road, Brea, California 92821; Tel: 714-671-1050; Fax: 714-671-1090 • SGV Property Fund, LLC Page 8 of 10 QCI Project No.: 13-180-017GE April 17, 2014 6.2.3 Lateral Pressures Passive earth pressure may be computed as an equivalent fluid pressure of 300 pcf, with a maximum earth pressure of 2000 psf. An allowable coefficient of friction between soil and concrete of 0.30 may be used with the dead load forces. When combining passive pressure and frictional resistance, the passive pressure component should be reduced by one third (1/3). 6.3 Foundation Construction It is anticipated that the entire structure will be underlain by onsite soils of very low expansion potential. All footings should be founded at a minimum depth of 18 inches below the lowest adjacent ground surface. All continuous footings should have at least two No. 4 reinforcing bar placed both at the top and two No. 4 reinforcing bar placed at the bottom of the footings. 6.4 Concrete Slab Concrete slabs should be a minimum of 4 inches thick and reinforced with a minimum of No. 3 bars spacing at 18 inches both ways or its equivalent. All slab reinforcement should be supported to ensure proper positioning during placement of concrete. Based on our review of the "Historically Highest Ground Water Contours and Borehole Log Data Locations, Mt. Wilson Quadrangle", by CDMG Open File Report 98-21, it is estimated that historically highest ground water level is fluctuating between 100 to 110 feet below the existing grade. Capillary moisture as the results of the onsite groundwater migrated to surface is unlikely. However, in order to comply with the requirements of the Chapter 19, of the California Building Code it is recommended that concrete slabs in moisture sensitive areas be underlain with a vapor retarder consisting of a minimum of ten-mil polyethylene membrane with joints lapped not less than 6 inches and shall conform to ASTM E1745 and ASTM E1643. A minimum of two inches of sand shall be placed over the membrane to aid in uniform cured of concrete. California Green Building Standards (2013 CAL Green) section 4.505.2.1 permits equivalent methods of the capillarity break to be submitted under CAL Green section 101.8 "Alternate materials, designs, and methods of construction". We respectfully request the requirement for the capillarity break to be removed from the project based on the geotechnical evidence that the existing soil conditions provide for adequate drainage and present no indication of water migration to the surface. This request for an alternative method for the capillary break must be submitted to the Building Official of Arcadia for approval. 576 E. Lambert Road, Brea, California 92821; Tel: 714-671-1050; Fax: 714-671-1090 SGV Property Fund, LLC Page 9 of 10 QCI Project No.: 13-180-017GEApril 17, 2014 6.5 Temporary Excavation and Backfill All trench excavations should conform to CAL-OSHA and local safety codes. All utilities trench backfill should be brought to near optimum moisture content and then compacted to obtain a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent of ASTM D-1557-09. Pl0 tempera excavations should to observed LQ, Efilti engineer Ci1 anh office E 3 m evaluate tlikO sui a o i i y tin excavation JO=exposed all con o itiorxs r r� -cessary requisite tb t erte- CUM repo ,{ o owing inspec ion Ib reco o s 'remoora e <cavations.' • ;e"M a of u icia an unsuetable soils?f • Ba Mill - -.n EGA compaction O '`=^ l trench backfill... The geotechnical engineer should be notified at least 1 day in advance of the start of construction. A joint meeting between the client, the contractor, and the geotechnical engineer is recommended prior to the start of construction to discuss specific procedures and scheduling. 8.0 CORROSION POTENTIAL Chemical laboratory tests were conducted on the existing onsite near surface materials sampled during QCI's field investigation to aid in evaluation of soil corrosion potential and the attack on concrete by sulfate soils. The testing results are presented in Appendix B. According to 2013 CBC and ACI 318-11, a "negligible" exposure to sulfate can be expected for concrete placed in contact with the onsite soils. Therefore, Type OB agmadtCP equivalent ETV 0e used o n project Based on the resistivity test results, it is estimated that the subsurface {T soils are moderately corrosive to buried metal pipe. It is recommended that any underground steel utilities be blasted and given protective coating. Should additional protective measures be warranted, a corrosion specialist should be consulted. 9.0 SEISMIC DESIGN Based on our studies on seismicity, there are no known active faults crossing the property. However, the subject site is located in southern California,. which is a tectonically active area. Based on ASCE 7-10, 2013 CBC, the following seismic related values may be used: 576 E. Lambert Road, Brea, California 92821; Tel: 714-671-1050; Fax: 714-671-1090 SGV Property Fund, LLC Page 10 of 10 QC! Project No.: 13-180-017GE April 17, 2014 Seismic Parameters (Latitude: 34.14734, Longitude: -118.02876) Mapped 0.2 Sec Period Spectral Acceleration Ss 2.708g Mapped 1.0 Sec Period Spectral Acceleration Si 1.011g Site Coefficient for Site Class"D", Fa 1.0 Site Coefficient for Site Class"D", Fv 1.5 Maximum Considered Earthquake Spectral Response Acceleration 2.708g Parameter at 0.2 Second, SMis Maximum Considered Earthquake Spectral Response Acceleration 1.516g Parameter at 1.0 Second, SMI Design Spectral Response Acceleration Parameters for 0.2 sec, SDS 1.805g Design Spectral Response Acceleration Parameters for 1.0 Sec, SDI 1.011g The Project Structural Engineer should be aware of the information provided above to determine if any additional structural strengthening is warranted. 10.0 i` E1ARKS The conclusions and recommendations contained herein are based on the findings and observations at the exploratory locations. However, soil materials may vary in characteristics between locations of the exploratory locations. If conditions are encountered during construction, which appear to be different from those disclosed by the exploratory work, this office should be notified so as to recommend the need for modifications. This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted professional engineering principles and practice. No warranty is expressed or implied. This report is subject to review by controlling public agencies having jurisdiction. 576 E. Lambert Road, Brea, California 92821; Tel: 714-671-1050; Fax: 714-671-1090 :eieha: z ..0,__;__..;11,--A6cshcens,onI .%- r ?„ lt - j� 6 J ;N. .: - .I • 9 ..,:p:.•.-,?e“;:.,", • p • r :i ... . rl S,ef•a'Madre - tl �` I °® re °::'•fi r m•�'�. u mafriiv.Hor••:-. HaLF &i Q _�., ....::.-7.4.,... Lm.� rt._ ,,....., , _ .,...... ®flb� .."•i:^ '_ �J,[ � •� SI �R� 1VIAnRF� - �, r�1� p _ ---_6�r Y Z�„ � �,.,rs Library �.' 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SANTA Y ���j1's a°o . - C CALIFORVIA s1 . t . ,T ss `i, o' u • 1,'"s` PARK d m .!iral:A.:• h 2 ;i •Jr High Scl, - _ 6 Gaging,. • r V Ef GOw,DO !Jr _- .�.� Slnf,r:n' :r I AH p � 1 , Santa All:':C.L,I,CourSE a �i 1 Co' tllFire Stet,oni4 Mletho,i 31 !/, � ;iJv Q p`rroA'I� °i . I 11,4.103 I nIlai'6 • _ p ,ng • DRIVE f'.. - --- - _ ••• . <a , I - --' ' 2� r cAa,t'ua7. d �!,r sHoly A Wtpls I Poi.-y i : _ II • HOA• .aa <J I `3It C. Arcadia r�ibB ao,•iL •AItO,tUl.t C 1 avE i --=.--le r.•Seh� a '' E1 l rIR VIt 6V , 30 P �E! 6•, I AVE • r J. >® P,OU,g 1Em ���2D ry p i.,� .. ft • .P ,7 rlL f ('amino I:rP,c` I� y�l POa �'�, o T 1 Holly Ac. LA 51ERH•, DR .. �. r Sell Q L:,n:, ticl, II �. �: � «esL.Ai catlia I _Jr Hick soh • • . + a A _ Cal Land Engineering, Inc. Project Address: Scale 1"=2000' dba Quartech Consultants APN:5772-006-030 Geotechnical,Environmental and NW Corner of FWY 210& 1st Ave. Civil Engineering Services Arcadia,California LEGEND: Map modified from"Seismic Hazard Zones,Mt.Wilson Quadrangle° bycDMG SITE LOCATOON IVIAP 4114 FIGURE 1 a. -_ r W..E CU N89.58'46" 121.23' .1 ' W AC PAVEMENT AC PAVEMENT I sa usworr PER DEED 0 p• 12was Mt 0 -1, I Oe tri 3 C.41 1:=.) In ItiS` D AC PAVEMENT I el- 1:16.cy / .µ 00 °o- St. Fav 1 HODS AC PAVEMENT ..,N swca *Ii b :11 �®—®®� HOUSE� �o.d.. .�,.�... ,..moo, , -CD :�;.\' B-2 ; ,. ! ' , P.- .11 �:1 "-UBUC mum,EAs�ir PER DEED REC4'@ARCfI • _'1 — '';;\ - 9, 1970. IN BOOK 04062.PG 33.OR Imeil\ 4 WI=tail=z_e Msr , _ .., ,, -1 .11 I ;-.: :. /Vci..3 - v ma on I r : s% 1 N. 0 • a Cal Land Engineering, Inc, Project Address: dba Quartech Consultants Scale: 1"=40' APN:5772-006-030 Geotechnical,Environmental and NW Corner of FWY 210& 1st Ave. LEGEND: Civil Engineering Services. Arcadia,California B-i CD Approximate Boring Location SOTS PLAN 4/14 FIGURE 2 APP E D11X , FELL OONV1STIGATIO Subsurface conditions were explored by two 6-inch diameter hand auger borings to a maximum depth of 11.0 feet below the existing grade at the subject site at approximate locations shown on the enclosed Site Plan, Figure 2. The drilling of the test boring was supervised by a QCI's engineer, who continuously logged the borings and visually classified the soils in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System. Ring samples were taken at frequent intervals. These samples were obtained by driving a sampler with successive blows of 32-pound hammer dropping from a height of 48 inches. Representative undisturbed samples of the subsurface soils were retained in a series of brass rings, each having an inside diameter of 2.42 inches and a height of 1.00 inch. All ring samples were transported to our laboratory. Bulk surface soil samples were also collected for additional classification and testing. , Cal Land Engineering, Inc. dba Quartech Consultants BORING LOG Bal PROJECT LOCATION:NW Corner of FWY 210 and 1st Avenue,Arcadia,CA DATE DRILLIED: 4-10-14 PROJECT NO: 12-180-017 SAMPLE METHOD: Hand Auger ELEVATION: N/A LOGGED BY: SER Sample 0 63) - T g S: Standard Penetration Test R: Ring Sample s ia F o m m D 1" Description of Material R 24 SP/ 97.1 5.9 Sand and silty sand,medium grained,light brown,slightly moist,medium dense, SM with fine gravel 5 — R 48 SP/ 109.5 3.5 Sand and silty sand,coarse grained,medium brown,slightly moist,medium dense SM to dense,with fine gravel R 60 SM 110.6 4.8 Silty sand,medium grained,medium brown,slightly moist,dense,gravel up to 1"in size 10- 15— Total depth 11.0 ft. Hammer Driving Weight:32 lbs No groundwater Hammer Driving Height:48 inches Hole backfilled 20- 25- 30— • 35— PLATE A-1 Cal Land Engineering, Inc. dba Quartech Consultants BORING LOG B-2 PROJECT LOCATION:NW Corner of FWY 210 and 1st Avenue,Arcadia,CA DATE DRILLIED: 4-10-14 PROJECT NO: 12-180-017 SAMPLE METHOD: Hand Auger ELEVATION: N/A LOGGED BY: SER Sample 72) 0 E S: Standard Penetration Test - r C a 112 R: Ring Sample u) to u) o v 3 U •E2.. o m n 0 D a�"` " Description of Material R 26 SPI 106.9 2.5 Sand and silty sand,medium grained,light brown,slightly moist,medium dense, SM with fine gravel • 5 — R 41 SM 108.9 2.4 Silty sand,medium grained,medium brown,slightly moist,medium dense to dense, gravel up to 3/4"in size R 66 SPI 111.4 4.2 Sand and silty sand,coarse grained,light to medium brown,slightly moist, 10— SM dense,with fine gravel 15— Total depth 11.0 ft. Hammer Driving Weight:32 lbs No groundwater Hammer Driving Height:48 inches Hole backfilled 20- 25- 30- 35— PLATE A-2 4 PPENDIX AstitOi• ,TORY TESTDNG During the subsurface exploration, QCI personnel collected relatively undisturbed ring samples and bulk samples. The following tests were performed on selected soil samples: Moisture-Density The moisture content and dry unit weight were determined for each relatively undisturbed soil sample obtained in the test borings in accordance with ASTM D2937 standard. The results of these tests are shown on the boring logs in Appendix A. Shear Tests Shear tests were performed in a direct shear machine of strain-control type in accordance with ASTM D3080 standard. The rate of deformation was 0.010 inch per minute. Selected samples were sheared under varying confining loads in order to determine the Coulomb shear strength parameters: internal friction angle and cohesion. The shear test results are presented in the attached plates. Consolidation Tests Consolidation tests were performed on selected undisturbed soil samples in accordance with ASTM D2435 standard. The consolidation apparatus is designed for a one-inch high soil filled brass ring. Loads are applied in several increments in a geometric progression and the resulting deformations are recorded at selected time intervals. Porous stones are placed in contact with the top and bottom of each specimen to permit addition and release of pore fluid. The samples were inundated with water at a load of two kilo-pounds (kips) per square foot, and the test results are shown on the attached Figures. Expansion Index Laboratory Expansion Index test was conducted on the existing onsite near surface materials sampled during QCI's field investigation to aid in evaluation of soil expansion potential. The test is performed in accordance with ASTM D-4829. The testing result is presented below: Expansion Expansion Sample Location Index Potential B-1 @ 0-3' 8 Very Low • Corrosion Potential Chemical laboratory tests were conducted on the existing onsite near surface materials sampled during QCI's field investigation to aid in evaluation of soil corrosion potential and the attack on concrete by sulfate soils. These tests are performed in accordance with California Test Method 417, 422, 532, and 643. The testing results are presented below: Chloride Sulfate Min. Resistivity Sample Location pH (ppm) (% by weight) (ohm-cm) S-1 @ 0'-3' 7.88 108 0.0115 1,900 4000 3500 3000 IL 2500 (n tY 2000 I— W W 1500 1000- 500 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 NORMAL PRESSURE (PSF) BOREHOLE SAMPLE DEPTH SAMPLE SOIL COHESION FRICTION SYMBOL NUMBER NUMBER (FT) TYPE TYPE (PSF) ANGLE(DEG) B-1 N/A 2.0 RING SP-SM 40 35 Cal Land Engineering, Inc. Project Address: dba Quartech Consultants APN:5772-006-030 Vertical Loads Moisture Content Moisture Content Geotechnical, Environmental NW Corner of FWY 210& 1st Ave. (PSF) Before Test(%) After test(%) &Civil Engineering Services Arcadia,California 500 5.9 26.2 1000 5.9 25.5 DIRECT SHEAR (ASTM D3080) 2000 5.9 25.1 4114 FIGURE -2 -1 ' 0 1 = SA'TUTTED 2 - I 3 1 O 4 - 2 • 5 tr = O 6 = _ 7 8 9 10 11 12 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 10 100 COMPRESSIVE STRESS(KSF) SYMBOL BORING SAMPLE DEPTH SOIL INIT.MOISTURE INIT. DRY INIT. VOID NO NO TYPE CONTENT DENSITY RATIO (FT) (%) (PCF) 0 B-2 N/A 10.0 SP-SM 4.2 111.4 0.512 Cal Land Engineering, Inc. Project Address: dba Quartech Consultants APN:5772-006-030 Geotechnical,Environmental NW Corner of FWY 210&1st Ave. &Civil Engineering Services Arcadia, California CONSOUDATOON (ASTM D2435) 4/14 FIGURE • . itNo cow �� �_ SHORING�_� GENERAL REQUIREMENTS2----------=--- nr��s M� 0 0 O O MAUSR wl srEE>,'v n^'monk 1a • .l Q tl6.SEr...—gm...............m...ae. 1 me a.se. .....r .wrr.rr.e...r_ew. ,r.ra....r...... r a.. GDU�S r�, la I 'a� a ==:.=:........—.--- mss.... e�p,-i-e- .,.��2.11111111 i _ 1 N�ala. Imo® I • 0 1 ,,Kt ,) .---- _ _ .a ..r..es. -°°`-`-°- . •' s.srrs.r.s.a TIN.,Dead • : ?�i`,G�`. I _3 � 'I • s▪r»sa._=•••... r..e..ra•.rs ,rsrs.w� ...' !GM .� .. a I /—,.,.r .. _gym ': " S.N0 t .v TET ii" Mb �� III` I ` , I .,..._ [s � .172. I1."• nmmma ,111 M n.ma I Q ENCGCNUE REINFORCED CONCRETE•~ . 2 r° i c am..a.. I °e Ik . 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A - . t INLET• ' r�r m• S�H0 WA • • i s ._...A e.sFr.srw. 63363 _ d= - of .....a.................r o Inure CE �� OR 1r° 4 I �. 'nlm`i ti"i.. ....a....re..�®e..._ IWISHE��omI.T T�NOV Ols 8 SHORING&SHOTCRETE WALL �2 TEMPORARY SHORING .� >dr._..a.r.,..r.....,. SH2 (—L"'"•°•••n• Cr' taotakrntot .._-pr t. I . t,9f 2•5=. . G°IfIgG:UVISY.. 4:.. ,,ItL,.•:•"••=,..,,,H, ,..4.. .....7.7.zia 4,,Hirii.,....:i.„FA:rtt I ‘oto.rth...1. ..-.-......--0.--... .:1 Ng • ii illt is4 I tr. V ' 1..11,on tra, ..9,5.7_11.12 tat...711.11 — '•••••7•.•.' • , •••S- ......... '''''''''''I'A:'.4*,J.:.:.'• "''''' `"•./...."•;?..•.•-•..i - s.,\F-'11 g ... - ..',',7,"=„, .1.;,.• ..--- ,(-,..-- • TiFt'... __..,...--..- i 1 , tgm-ggrat..-a: j i '.-, g I:.'• 05121 CMG c! ,...- _.„,,c. 5g zzei,au". - • TYP.REINFORCING DETAILS I A `,..,... 1 in I:'. PROPERTY LINE . . WI k''.'.. ran. ,= • ... ....,. . ton man um. ontuct . ....st § I . &17'L 11!-:: r-7,—.7— 41 I L.---"--i ,.."...•=4:,="7:....---:—' ' hl '1.?... . . !I.0.... ali ',......-Tr"'....7...°""'"'it (-- - ir.....tii.F2C-k• mr.....:e.:=.= , 0: i ...] ri"...... //i I MI UAW _ffi i \ifs is:Tar STEPPED FOOTING I B i IL i % , ! mi ____f_ 1 ...,, ,I, _t ._ 11 4el'- i •: j‘,._ si t ..,... ..,..,,,,„ First Avenue Condominium 11 .................. ,-..........-..- Shoring&Site rit r...... :L.- III Retaining Walls 1 1; 4..,..,,... ,„ .,,_..,....4.„„„, /._ 0, .., ,. ;1 I ` e "5MIDI 4,:, t:. , ihrilinEMPIE .--,-, 1 g4- ,.•'r't,', ;. i 5. .. ' 5 W` 1 •... ;,V4,..',4`.>4'.' .5..5:5`... 1 ,!, . ,4. ,I i '2 '' I ' . X.'.0'.'4''''•' .,-,,, • , ›`,.,?:;r,''' . 8 ' pf, . 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'4 ' i--- 1 EN4-1NFEW GE •' ,.4 4.-- 1 ''I'I'A'i u.¢c a•o',En w a SHEET NUMBER. 2- 5-5,1 SHORING&SHOTCRETE WALL 12 SHORING&SHOTCRETE WALL Ii ADD'L AGLE FOR LAGGING SUPPORT I E SH-3 GENEK AL HEQUIREMEN I S . , kkallATION GENERAL REDUIREMENTS. CONCRETE MASONRYSPECIAL INSPECTION TABLE FOR CAST-IN-PLACE SHEET I \IDEX , ...--m,..—_-:.- DEEP FOUNDATION ELEMENTS g.We o............. a•-.... ''''''.ar'17czeZEOFFirrima:Fata"....' .agemp...a.moma meammatemememseg cm. aaa .......r.....a. 0......................... daiak:r.rTr/Mg. bro .0 ............ •amweeas•CaCag. 1 N SPERM:51(j......ttrg.r..... SPECIAL INSPECTION TABLE FOR ... .....,... GOUVIS 1.., STEEL STRUCTURESammisisg 44.) •Mal* l M.........:::,...........................• •mamma.pare.....................m.. ...mama rm. ........... ''''...07ter'''...1=71ar".:1=7/4"."."''''.==a ../...... V a. •17.... .m........................................ 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W.17M0 ne•Cala "";.7'7 Zd'ES...,../.7.7 ia•' =•.........a. .....n. ,n lagmen.m......... , la.caser........*.ra.romgam............,.... .,, a. am* In......*=714.7.reasole......e.77...1. ,?.......z.,.., 1,.......... X.Caaammo*In V c rat'Ira a.r.....:'a=r• ....=1..........agm Emma maag ea* ,...,..„,........m.,....b...,,..... DESIGN CEDER. '=."'"M ••.....Z:.....!....:=7:—.... a.........mmeammomm................. •Ma........ ...-.4=—......,....., . 0 T..... ILII, .............................. ........../ '.V..........................m. a.....1.101=0........................ .......................• ' ..0.5!IIT 1•104 1........4 V First Avenue "i'lZkiPok4Tirgr'',...illTe.ii, .................... ..r...."'""" ............................ ''"•"""°—""""mti%.*X.::**-7:=1,. '•''":77—:—* v ...... /............../...............................M. .-........0.L......107=7........ ........... Condominium ...,..7_,.....„*„...m.,,,,,,„„, ,,...................... go...................m.............m... a Mamma ...........• V • emmammmammem mamma. Mao.** Shoring&Site —,........,......................,......,47,..7. ......=,.............,..,.. ,,,„.,..„,,,,................,__„.........,....7.,,,r_ ==i1 , ....mai* ..„,„„.... Retaining Walls Fry:ri.i.4 a c,2217...,...prar:.;=, r......'....71.................;.........,,............ ,-..---....—..m. •ii................ =XL SNORING ,,.............................„......„......z..„ Lym......,,,, ....... /Mara ===r/I=.7.., .......... V ............. ...........31.../ 1.am......................re.......... ,....,..........................., ........7.7....., a.....,...... V i'41176::-.774,--r-r" •7...............1M....a...........* N.......m.........Lmm.ammal.......... ,............a..... ........ V anw, *OWL Auwammanlals2.1.6m. Ma.................. ............../...r.........="....r...==... II..........r............................ ........./.... 0==.:, Ma...............*. 4.r.......................... te.....m..................:=pa..z...,...=..... „,„:::,,,,,.... ................ SHOP DRAWINGS X mg am gmasaagmale.....mama me.am ma. ea me 0* V a........ 1.ear....cso.o.....,.....,....r..•.,mare...a.m.= .:=...................,...... a or........ ............ammaramemsrn ammo Sura.ce.Caraman. ma.mamma*mamma sonammen on km e.Emma* a.Me.............Mme............. ,....................... .....Cameam •ormam......a. ./......W.M............• ............. V ilt. 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V a..................... •/ gal redgLIENT.IND ,tr "7:77.r. a nam Tmana ems , r.*mamma ma me:weamenzaaaror.Ten....g.Am, •................ •ma gremmatt.pra..........* • •mem.mem.....amem am mamma ma gmasom...*. /..... V '==""ewele...7.7..,=====.tatra ,ram .....7.........m.......7...,....... .......,... V MOIR., me s p.m....maaaa paumacotama lam. • .....7.-.....--zra. , TIM.G.Italaz Arclat* ..„ .5110TGIRETE •amsamlammaem a*by* .1..harammemam ........... V ter galas 'r.t...'“Zemammea.....a amp Camo ea..................... REVIVONS aa. M MM. ......... SPECI.INSPECTION' *.tra,. ..,, '•' ....•z I. IriVa can't mens.z.n a..,,,...,.. • tr......=tr'....a2a.":17,44....as........a.r.., ''""*"•°..Z:1=....."74.7,.....==,,,••••?•..c,.. .................. • a......*a me....mr•ww.,.....m.a.m..., "=,..'":=:i ,. we ems, .. . a am.........d.o.....m,me...........m........ ....6 ... ...,..P.T.,,,...=.11,...........,.......,....„. .az.....................2......... .=....:.177., we ra si,'=•,•ba=='*...== , ..'n...................r.A.Fam......4... - •7.1:10............................ 11.: sj IR • .,....72..%=',,:::,..'r.r,,...-=`:,,,,•-.';r' .--1.--.....,...;—.....-7.—.1...„.1.......r.--- .,..,,; . ., .., 1:11 RiFET NAME ........'..a'''''''''''. 7.Faw ma ta amm..........r........1............ .... ::: MIALIell • •/......L............................ ............111.3 .r...../...ar./...r........./.............M.M.Ma ..................alorte ma* , ..==="7.2==.Z.—........ ' ,.......r....=.................,,,,............ii........ . ...................../.. ..=::1/47.1...M..'M . .611/.......,.........r..................... FROJER NUMBER: 11......r.................... • 63353 •:.7 gj",;.,„,.,.:......„„,.....,...,„„....., 1/romadamomema,..............c.***.g...... ......r.....****. DRAFTER: GE MMOM.1.17...Mar.../rECT071.19MaSTM 904C0.31.1=. DEFERRED APPROVAL: 'OTITDO'irrl°,11'2/2°0AIT'S ' a.............M................ F.M*a raz.........7...7,=.....,...a• .. SHEET NUMBER: 1 Cm*ame om.pm....................... S N-I • - . . ,..........r. 1 • Gouvis _L.itt Sg ' do SlItgInnertng l'al--s1 \*41:-111 ctgCsso s N-ssss..s. tsi NV732.1613 , -rzazgar" ^.2....-" P. TYPYCAL WALL CORNER DETAIL 0512Ni I A Palo*leg T telraLEDSMS .;air'ocnigMact ra .0,c„ ' 1 ..... r,.......0., i--ifr—FAMI.. MR...M 0-\ SPECIAL INSPECTION TABLE FOR STAIR ON GRADE ...... 1 2 J-. I . 1 At ..'It CMU STRUCRAIES ‘WVIrirl. 56 7•77 ..............-...„,s,„„, -,- 0 ell..iiii0-- . ---- 'IVA MT-Nr CO 1 N-N..„. N. 0 0 0 JIFS666,..3_, 1,.............- . ard.BE 6''--- ............. v ^hrs"t"".477.13Sr.. GUARDRAIL POST CONNECTION DETAIL 15 EFEZF'.... 0 IN 2,,,,____„_ :—..7—,.„--_,7..3..,--_- 2. •Ir"•....g...%*N''.,..V‘ *"----.— ' ,..t.., r.,-,. 1111 F-t MMMM--nr--a '........ --=---- -' First Avenue -' :F.,„,,‘„.„.......,.... 0 1 i 1.!V--3 ....i.,..u..... •--• •••••••=•.=== .---- , S. Condominium • o . .., 11.111'I,: grimsonemm=====mo ;IS Shoring&Site 0 o 011 r-9 "...=.....:-.=., ..• ..,. Retaining Walls it 0 0° ° . TYP.CMU WALL CONTROL JOINT.P.12 ,.%k 1 II B ".:=`,..T"••• '7g7 . "7.11.111 •''-'AT IMIL.=—J 11,. 67.3 ,-,-At.gliga"'" 1 ........-...... ii=4...0 V Art 1.33 SITE WALL I 3 • i FEL EEL'ES FZ44::: '':::444"'''.''"'"'' V NU/ 4.matru RR.4444.4444 notees44.44..9. .Toriari=r4i :4.1"rECEnZ7.460 M17 Fi•=1"'." . 144M44176 .4.4.44 4.4.4'•4•44.44.4 . V I IM. 0 i WiEsTe=•-. -...,...=.n.. Ils 1.11-501. I Ili I I IN ::.7 f...°A.T.'''''''''"""'"'''''''' ..........- ,.....,...r.......... .., . ss OEVELOPNENT.INC NS S.• L In•,. i a..e. v v ::::7............... H.C.6.evvcruk. i m•1 Ils+ L TOM ' Illi g MI Jo ,, ..........,,.... " Mans ' Ill , Zirg'sysniI. (D fd C. IlI l ° . ....., v n. er".... • I I : :',..W.f.'"'"' II MI,g g' ':=7:' Ili o LI 0 il v ,sit. REVISIONS 'Irt"•• :tenr. -003 .',:- T . 0 n 0 ii 0 • , Ill 110 II 0 0 II 0 ,---- is 0 isi.. ° 419;10 1 7 iil E ''.:-Vr.t."--=' • o HI" , SHEET 1.4,1F.94, 0 0 I1II 0 0 0 0 0 0 hi 0 0 0 Illi ° Et . III NV 0.11111011.111.11,- Thai III a:SIMMIS..E.111.'.. WAS.WM.. 11 rig- jw, .-,, 0 111` MIIIIiiiiiI,L 0 `..7-4-,,t g., - 63353 . ';..!..-.4.gL. fan ....,,,,s,,,,,15,..,•,',':t MOM TO 01=41'0171;g7 _M2MitOf ,11043 se. • SITE WALL j4 SITE RETAINING WALL 11 1 A RW-Th J E di �5l9 R�=r ,`" F diiBi1i°4 t _§_ .. of kr Dgii it '''a s k' {1 i isiiiiPliiff lied :E ° i g l i �./ QV, i g' i x ,'4.1.x',3 a a !fillip Id .a'c o dg g o ; o • • 0 O O O 0 O �.I_ anal h_ 1 iar-i / 1-7 I it I - !: / ❑�- a. 0 :- 1011 9§ _i 'i' - .' 1 4.3 I ,_�, IER PP- - Z cn 0E: C) riionsesio- GE#63353 DETAIL 1 ON . . i 0 SHEET S-1 .4 ( 0. S5226 m DATE 10/17/17 * Exp. 6/30/19 • le // I11 O II 1 0/1 7/1 7 Ii O 1. (E)STUD WALL PER PLAN. III 2. (E)FLOOR SHEATHING. '��► I 3. (E)SHEAR WALL WHERE i I `4 t Y OCCURS. 4. (E)RIM JOIST. IIIIi 1 5. (E)FLOOR JOIST PER PLAN. lII O O 2 6. (N)A35 @ 24"O.C. I� 7. (N)H3 AT EVERY OTHER III! 11 JOIST TO BEAM. OIl;, v 8. (N)BEAM PER PLAN. iii \/ PLYWOOD SHIM AS un O 1;191 — -- V' REQUIRED. _ __ 10. (E)STRAP WHERE OCCURS, O ISI y 0 NAILED AND BENT TO BOTTOM OF BEAM AS !l1 -7NEEDED. 10 II Zn 11. (E)5Y8"X16Y2"GLB BEAM. , I 12. NOTCH 6"MAX. BOTTOM OF ® 2 0 (E)BEAM AFTER INSTALL(N) zo i_____, BEAM COMPLETE. 13 13. (N)%"DIA.A307 THRU BOLTS @ 12"O.C. A STAGGERED. • 14. (E)2X6 TOP PLATE. (......./---•,-- CONNECTION DETAIL 1 QMJarrod Williams Inspections ° P.O. Box 974 • Rosemead, CA 91770 Ispectiono (818) 601-3393 • Email: jarrod.williams58@yahoo.com • REGISTERED INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT JobNo. Date J /7 • TYPE OF 0 Reinforced Concrete O Structural Steel Assembly 0 Quality Control INSPECTION 0 Post Tensioned Concrete 0 Fire Proofing ❑Other REQUIRED 0 Reinforced Masonry 0 Asphalt ❑Epoxy Job Address 4, gl 1'!/ ji Si dry • C-46/0/0 Job Name Permit No. Issued By ;�J` to/ Type of Structure Ali G/7 ArchitectArchitect ,/J Material Description(type.grade.source) bA,- Engineer • VV Contractor N'1 e f �T x O�-1 Inspectors)Name Subcontractor 1 i42a I • TESTS PERFORMED TYPE OF SAMPLE SLUMP QUANTITY IN SET ADDITIONAL REMARKS ON SAMPLES • •INSPECTION SUMMARY—LOCATIONS OF WORK INSPECTED.TEST SAMPLES TAKEN.WORK REJECTED,JOB PROBLEMS.PROGRESS.REMARKS.ETC. INCLUDES INFORMATION ABOUT•AMOUNTS OF MATERIAL.PLACED OR WORK PERFORMED.NUMBER.TYPE i IDENT.NO'S OF TEST SAMPLES TAKEN:STRUCT.CONNECTIONS(WELD MADE H.T.BOLTS TORQUED)CHECKED;ETC. e sen-20,,n ,J// 3EEc.)4. C4,1,v 3—is" z z 7}Io1' / /77-0 y ' y � Zel•-.s /117-0 iY1''X g i i igzc /lozz-s- gaol 11-440 . vyc(.1 L)- �/.��1�.-� S )(9 Lf' • • • • CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE 0 PAGE OF I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT 1 HAVE INSPECTED TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.I HAVE FOUND THIS TIME IN TIME OUT REG.HOURS O.T.HOURS CYLINDERS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS.SPECIFICATIONS.AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. 90-J All inspections based on a minimum 01 4 hours and OW If 4 hours•S hour minimum.In addition,any inspection extending past noon hour ells to an S REGISTERED MICR minimum. S TIME OF mac'2. 4f-2 j Apwowed By NO AGENCY Project Superintendent r� 45-79 �7 mune _tleurc i+eMunv_AP!`nulJTU.IG r-nev 011•11/-uI4DCPTAn'S):APV '•, A TRUSTED PARTNER IN INNOVATION,QUALITY & SERVICE June 16, 2016 Claire Dong New Ridge Development 411 E. Huntington Drive, Ste.#312 Arcadia, CA 91006 Re: First Avenue Condominium Field Visit to Evaluate Existing Floor Sheathing GECG Job No.63353 Dear Ms. Dong, Pursuant to your request regarding the above captioned project,we submit the following: On June 14, 2016, we conducted a field visit to the above mentioned project. The purpose of this visit was to visually observe and evaluate the structural integrity of the existing floor i G r- sheathing of the second floor of the main building. During our visit, we observed some delamination of the OSB floor sheathing at some locations of the second floor sheathing. We also noticed some similar damages of this sheathing at the edges of the building. Based on our visual observation of the floor sheathing as it is noted above, we believe that these damages are minor in nature and do not jeopardize the overall structural integrity of this floor sheathing. However, please note that our findings are based only on our visual . observation at the time of this visit and no material testing has been performed or conducted. This report is understood to be an expression of professional opinion by this engineer, which is based on his best knowledge, information and beliefs. As such, it consists of a report for only structural elements (as above outlined) and is neither a guarantee nor a warranty, expressed or implied for other trades or requirements of subject dwelling. Sincerely, GOUVIS ENGINEERING CONSULTING GROUP, INC. 949.752.1612 Fax 949.752 5321 440ki Campus Drive • Newport Beach,CA ,____a,-_....__---_, 92650 i-inywerd,CA. Pa:• . .`.r;es. CA ,-o all Mini,C:r',.Vietnam (.-esovESSip �NAZ41 /AY • Basil Amman, P.E. v Director of Field Operations { N.C062030 \* Exp. 12/31/16 *1 4 t •