HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix F-2_Geotech Invest 2-27-17 February 27, 2017 J.N.: 2581.00 Mr. John Reischl The Olson Company 3010 Old Ranch Parkway, Suite 100 Seal Beach, California 90740 Subject: Geotechnical Investigation for Proposed Water Quality Improvements, Proposed Multi-Family and Single-Family Residential Development, 17 Las Tunas Drive, Arcadia, California. Dear Mr. Reischl, Pursuant to your request, Albus-Keefe & Associates, Inc. has completed a geotechnical investigation of the site for evaluation of the percolation characteristics of the site soils. The scope of this investigation consisted of the following:  Exploratory drilling, soil sampling and test well installation  Field percolation testing  Laboratory testing of selected soil samples  Engineering analysis of the data  Preparation of this report SITE DESCRIPTION AND PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Site Location and Description The site is located north of the intersection of Las Tunas Drive and W. Live Oak Avenue within the city of Arcadia, California. The site is bordered by Mokyang Presbyterian Church to the north, S. Santa Anita Avenue to the east, a retail building and parking lot currently occupied by Starbucks to the southeast, Las Tunas Drive to the south, a commercial/office building and parking lot to the southwest, and by single-family residential homes to the northwest. The location of the site and its relationship to the surrounding areas is shown on Figure 1, Site Location Map. The irregular-shaped site is comprised of approximately 5.0 acres of land and is currently occupied by a retail shopping center. Improvements within the shopping center include a large multi-story retail building, asphalt-paved parking areas and driveways, concrete sidewalks, scattered landscape islands, and various underground utility lines. A depressed loading dock is also located in the north- central portion of the site. The north and northwest property lines are bordered by masonry block walls. The remaining property lines are locally bordered by decorative block walls ranging from 2 feet to 4 feet in height. The Olson Company February 27, 2017 J.N.: 2581.00 Page 2 ALBUS-KEEFE & ASSOCIATES, INC. © 2017 Google SITE LOCATION MAP N The Olson Company Proposed Residential Development 15-39 Las Tunas Drive and 2617 S. Santa Anita Avenue Arcadia, California NOT TO SCALE FIGURE 1 SITE The Olson Company February 27, 2017 J.N.: 2581.00 Page 3 ALBUS-KEEFE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Topographically, the property is relatively flat with elevations ranging from approximately 360 feet above mean sea level (MSL) along the north property line to approximately 355 feet above MSL along the south property line. Drainage within the property is directed via concrete gutters to two storm drain catch basins located on the southeast and east property lines. Vegetation on site consists of small shrubs and trees within various landscape islands and a turf-covered area with multiple medium-sized trees in the northwest corner of the site. Proposed Development We understand the site will be developed for up to 75 units of multi-family townhomes and single family residences. Associated interior driveways, decorative hardscape, parking areas, and underground utilities are also anticipated. No grading or structural plans were available in preparing of this report. However, we anticipate that minor rough grading of the site will be required to achieve future surface configurations and we expect the proposed residential dwellings will be 2- to 3-story, wood-framed structures with concrete slabs on grade yielding relatively light foundation loads. SUMMARY OF FIELD AND LABORATORY WORK Subsurface Investigation Subsurface exploration for this investigation was conducted on January 31, 2017. Our exploration consisted of drilling five (5) exploratory borings to depths of about 16.0 to 51.5 feet below the existing ground surface utilizing a truck-mounted, hollow-stem-auger drill rig. Representatives of Albus-Keefe & Associates, Inc. logged the exploratory excavation. Visual and tactile identifications were made of the materials encountered, and their descriptions are presented in the Exploration Logs in Appendix A. The approximate locations of the exploratory excavations completed by this firm are shown on the enclosed Geotechnical Map, Plate 1. The locations of the borings are depicted on Plate 1. Bulk, relatively undisturbed and Standard Penetration Test (SPT) samples were obtained at selected depths within the exploratory borings for subsequent laboratory testing. Relatively undisturbed samples were obtained using a 3-inch O.D., 2.5-inch I.D., California split-spoon soil sampler lined with brass rings. SPT samples were obtained from the boring using a standard, unlined SPT soil sampler. During each sampling interval, the sampler was driven 12 or 18 inches with successive drops of a 140-pound automatic hammer falling 30 inches. The number of blows required to advance the sampler was recorded for each six inches of advancement. The total blow count for the lower 12 inches of advancement per soil sample is recorded on the exploration log. Samples were placed in sealed containers or plastic bags and transported to our laboratory for analyses. The borings were backfilled with auger cuttings upon completion of sampling and capped with cold patch asphaltic-concrete. Upon completion of drilling, an additional boring (P-1) was drilled adjacent to boring B-1 and 2- inch-diameter casings were installed as well as in B-3 (P-2) for percolation testing. Well screens The Olson Company February 27, 2017 J.N.: 2581.00 Page 4 ALBUS-KEEFE & ASSOCIATES, INC. were installed from near the bottom of the borings to ground surface. The annular space of the well screen sections were filled with sand for depths covering the extent of our testing. The remaining annular space was then backfilled with native soils. Subsequent to completion of well installations, the casings were then filled with water until the minimum volume of water was achieved for presoaking the test wells as required by test method USBR 7300-89. Percolation Testing Percolation testing was performed on January 31, 2017, in general conformance with the constant- head test procedures outlined in the referenced Well Permeameter Method (USBR 7300-89). A water hose attached to a water source on site was connected to an inline flow meter to measure the water flow. The flow meter is capable of measuring flow rates up to 10 gallons per minute and as low as 0.1 gallons per minute. A valve was connected in line with the flow meter to control the flow rate. A filling hose was used to connect the flow meter and the test wells. Water was introduced by the filling hose near the bottom of the test wells. A water level meter with 1/100-foot divisions was used to measure the depths to water surface from the top of well casings. Flow to the wells was terminated upon either completion of testing of all the pre-determined water levels or the flow rate exceeded the maximum capacity of the flow meter. Measurements obtained during the percolation testing are provided on Plates C-1 and C-2. Laboratory Testing Selected soil samples of representative earth materials were tested to assist in the formulation of conclusions and recommendations presented in this report. Tests consisted of in-situ moisture content and dry density, grain-size analysis. Laboratory testing relevant to percolation characteristics are presented in Appendix B. ANALYSIS OF DATA Subsurface Conditions Soil materials encountered on site generally consisted of alluvial deposits to the maximum depth explored (51.5 feet) although some minor fills up to about 1.5 feet thick were encountered in borings B-3 and B-4. The fill materials consisted of silty sand that was damp and loose to medium dense. Thicker deposits of artificial fill are likely present locally due to utility trenches. The alluvium typically consisted of silty sand and sands to a depth of about 40 feet. Below 40 feet, the alluvium becomes finer-grained consisting primarily of silts with some sands. The alluvium was typically damp to moist and loose to dense and was visibly porous to a depth of at least 6 feet. A more detailed description of the interpreted soil profile at each of the boring locations, based upon the borehole cuttings and soil samples, are presented in Appendix A. The stratigraphic descriptions in the logs represent the predominant materials encountered and relatively thin, often discontinuous layers of different material may occur within the major divisions. Groundwater was not encountered during this firm’s subsurface exploration to a maximum depth of 51.5 feet below the existing ground surface. A review of the CDMG Seismic Hazard Zone Report The Olson Company February 27, 2017 J.N.: 2581.00 Page 5 ALBUS-KEEFE & ASSOCIATES, INC. 024 indicates that historical high groundwater level for the general site area is approximately 40 feet to 50 feet below the existing ground surface. Percolation Data Analyses were performed to evaluate permeability using the flow rate obtained at the end of the constant-head stage of field percolation testing. These analyses were performed in accordance with the procedures provided in the referenced USBR 7300-89. The procedure essentially uses a closed- form solution to the percolation out of a small-diameter well. The results are summarized in Table 1 and details of the analysis are provided on Plate C-3 and C-4. TABLE 1 Summary of Back-Calculated Coefficient of Permeability from Constant Head Test Location Total Depth of Well (ft) Depth to Water in Well (ft) Height of Water in Well (ft) Static Flow Rate (gal./min.) Estimated Permeability, ks (in/hr.) P-1 15 10 5 0.5 0.74 P-2 30 25 5 0.1 0.15 Using the Kozeny-Carman equation, we estimated permeability rates based on laboratory testing consisting of particle sieve analyses and hydrometers. The results of these test correlations were used to give us a better understanding of the permeability rates of the material in the upper portions of the site. TABLE 3 Summary of Estimated Permeability Coefficient Based on Gradation Location Material Type Depth (ft) Dry unit weight (pcf) Specific Gravity Estimated Permeability, ks (in/hr.) B-3 Sandy Silt 6 84.5 2.65 0.56 P-1 Silty Sand 14 94.5 2.65 0.46 Design of Dry Well Infiltration in a dry well was modeled using the software Seep/W, version 2007, by Geo-Slope International. The program allows for modeling of both partially-saturated and saturated porous medium using a finite element approach to solve Darcy’s Law. The program can evaluate both steady-state and transient flow in planer and axisymmetric cases. Boundaries of the model can be identified with various conditions including fix total head, fix pressure head, fix flow rate, and head as a function of flow. Soil conductivity properties can be modeled with either Fredlund et al (1994), Green and Corey (1971), Van Genuchten (1980), or Saxton et al. (1986). The Van Genuchten parameters suggested by Saxton et al. (1986) were selected for use in our model and were based on test results of particle-size analyses and estimated in-place densities. The Olson Company February 27, 2017 J.N.: 2581.00 Page 6 ALBUS-KEEFE & ASSOCIATES, INC. A Seep/W model was setup with the bottom of the dry well at a depth of 35 feet below ground surface. The upper 20 feet was set with an outside diameter of 6 feet with an inner settling chamber having a diameter of 4 feet and length of 18 feet. Below 20 feet, the well was set with an outside diameter of 4 feet. The annulus space outside of the chamber and below is assumed to be filled with gravel. A detailed exhibit of the dry well configurations is provided on Plate 2. The models consisted of two zones of material to represent the general soil profile. The upper zone (Material # 1) represents the medium silty sands located in the upper 25 feet. The second layer (Material #2) represents the denser silty sands located deeper than 25 feet. The saturated conductivity for both of these layers was based on results of percolation testing and laboratory testing of these materials. A summary of the well model parameters is provided in Table 2. TABLE 2 Summary of Characteristic Curve Parameters Material No. USCS Depth (ft) Ks (in/hr) Van Genuchten Parameters a (1/cm) n m Sat. Water Content Residual Water Content 1 SM 0-25 0.74 0.057 1.15 0.13 0.44 0.01 2 SM >25 0.15 0.032 1.25 0.20 0.41 0.01 A steady state analysis was performed to estimate the maximum inflow that the well can accommodate. Using a well as described above, we obtain a static total flow of 0.01 ft³/sec. A plot depicting the resulting pressure head contours and flow vectors for the model is provided on Plate C-5.  To evaluate the time required to empty the well once no more water is introduced, the model was reanalyzed with a variable head condition that was dependent upon the volume of water leaving the well. As water infiltrates into the surrounding soil, the volume of water remaining in the well is reduced as well as the resulting water head. A graph of the well head versus exit volume for a depth of 35 feet is provided in Figure 3. The function assumes a void ratio of 0.4 within the zones occupied by gravel. If some other well configuration is used, then the analyses may require updating. The analysis was performed as a transient case over a total time of approximately 80 hours. The conditions in the model were evaluated in 60 minute increments of time over the total duration. From our analyses, the water is evacuated from the upper chamber in approximately 20 hours and is completely evacuated from the lower section of the well in approximately 80 hours. Plots depicting the resulting pressure head contours and flow vectors at selected times are provided in Appendix C on Plate C-6 through C-9. A plot of time versus water height in the well is shown on Figure 4. The Olson Company February 27, 2017 J.N.: 2581.00 Page 7 ALBUS-KEEFE & ASSOCIATES, INC. FIGURE 3 FIGURE 4 The Olson Company February 27, 2017 J.N.: 2581.00 Page 8 ALBUS-KEEFE & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Results of our work indicate a storm water disposal system consisting of dry wells is feasible at the site. The use of dry wells is not anticipated to result in worsening any adverse conditions or hazards that may be present for the proposed site development or adjacent properties including subsidence, landsliding, or liquefaction. Historical shallowest groundwater has been estimated to occur below a depth of 45 feet. Therefore, a dry well having a total depth of 35 feet will maintain the minimum clearance of 10 feet above groundwater as required by the Technical Guidance Document. Based on results of percolation testing and analyses, the percolation rate for a well configuration as depicted on Plate 2 may utilize an unfactored peak flow rate of 0.01 ft³/sec. An appropriate factor of safety should be applied to the flow rate as required by the appropriate governmental authority. Should you require multiple dry wells across the site, the wells should be spaced at least 70 feet, center to center, to avoid cross influence. The wells should be located at least 10 feet horizontally from any habitable structure or property line. The actual flow capacity of the dry well could be more or less than the estimated value. As such, provisions should be made to accommodate excess flow quantities in the event the dry well does not infiltrate the anticipated amount. The design also assumes that sediments will be removed from the inflowing water through an upper chamber or other device. Sediments that are allowed to enter the dry well will tend to degrade the flow capacity by plugging up the infiltration surfaces. In general, the dry well may consist of a concrete inner chamber surrounded by ½-inch open graded gravel. The gravel should terminate at a depth of 5 feet below the ground surface. The final 5 feet should be backfilled with 2-sack cement slurry. The concrete chamber should have perforations to allow the well to drain. The holes should be sized to prevent piping of the gravel into the chamber. A general diagram of the dry well is provided on Plate 2. In general, the dry well shaft is anticipated to be adequately stable under temporary construction conditions for uncased drilling. However, occasional layers or lenses of granular materials are likely to occur and may be prone to sloughing and caving. In the event of caving, casing will be required to install the well. Workers should not enter the shaft unless the excavation is laid back or shored in accordance with OSHA requirements. The placement and compaction of backfill materials, including the gravel, should be observed by the project geotechnical consultant. LIMITATIONS This report is based on the geotechnical data as described herein. The materials encountered in our boring excavations and utilized in our laboratory testing for this investigation are believed representative of the project area, and the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report are presented on that basis. However, soil and bedrock materials can vary in characteristics between points of exploration, both laterally and vertically, and those variations could affect the conclusions and recommendations contained herein. As such, observations by a geotechnical consultant during the construction phase of the storm water infiltration systems are essential to confirming the basis of this report. The Olson Company February 27, 2017 J.N.: 2581.00 Page 9 ALBUS-KEEFE & ASSOCIATES, INC. This report has been prepared consistent with that level of care being provided by other professionals providing similar services at the same locale and time period. The contents of this report are professional opinions and as such, are not to be considered a guaranty or warranty. This report should be reviewed and updated after a period of one year or if the site ownership or project concept changes from that described herein. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of The Olson Company to assist the project consultants in the design of the proposed development. This report has not been prepared for use by parties or projects other than those named or described herein. This report may not contain sufficient information for other parties or other purposes. This report is subject to review by the controlling governmental agency. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to you. If you should have any questions regarding the contents of this report, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, ALBUS-KEEFE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Reviewed by: Andrew J. Atry David E. Albus Project Engineer Principal Engineer P.E. C 84728 GE 2455 Enclosures: Plate 1- Geotechnical Map Plate 2- Dry Well Design Appendix A - Exploratory Logs Appendix B - Laboratory Testing Appendix C - Percolation Testing and Analyses The Olson Company February 27, 2017 J.N.: 2581.00 Page 10 ALBUS-KEEFE & ASSOCIATES, INC. REFERENCES Publications and Reports CDMG, “Seismic Hazard Zone Report for the El Monte 7.5-Minute Quadrangles, Los Angeles County, California,” Seismic Hazard Zone Report 024, 1998. Chapuis, R.P., and Aubertin, M (2003). "On the use of the Kozeny-Carman equation to predict the hydraulic conductivity of soils." Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 40, 616-628. Saxton, K.E., W.J. Rawls, J.S. Romberger, and R.I. Papendick. 1986. Estimating generalized soil-water characteristics from texture. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 50(4):1031-103 United States Department of The Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, 1989, Procedure for Performing Field Permeability Testing by the Well Permeameter Method, (USBR 7300-89). PROJECT LIMITB-3/P-2B-1B-2B-4B-5LAS TUNAS DRW. LIVE OAK AVEE. LIVE OAK AVES. SANTA ANITA AVEP-1ALBUS-KEEFE & ASSOCIATES, INC.GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTSGEOTECHNICAL MAP2581.00Job No.:Date:Plate:102/27/17APPROX. SCALE 1" = 100'‹Google 2017EXPLANATION(Locations Approximate)- Exploratory BoringB-5- Exploratory & Percolation Test BoringB-3/P-2P-1- Percolation Test Boring CALCULATINGMAXWELLIVREQUIREMENTS Thetypeofproperty,soilpermeability,rainfallintensityandlocaldrainageordinancesdeterminethenumberanddesignofMaxWellSystems.Forgeneralapplicationsdrainingretained stormwater, use one standard MaxWell IV per the instructions below for up to 3 acres of landscaped contributory area, and up to 1 acre of paved surface. For larger paved surfaces, subdivisiondrainage,nuisancewaterdrainage,connectingpipeslargerthan4"Øfromcatchbasinsorundergroundstorage,orotherdemandingapplications,refertoour MaxWell ®Plus System.Forindustrialdrainage,includinggasolineservicestations,our Envibro®System mayberecommended.Foradditionalconsiderations,pleasereferto “DesignSuggestionsFor RetentionAndDrainageSystems”orconsultourDesignStaff. COMPLETINGTHEMAXWELLIVDRAWING Toapplythe MaxWellIV drawingtoyourspecificproject,simplyfillintheblueboxesperinstructionsbelow.Forassistance,pleaseconsultourDesignStaff. OVERFLOWHEIGHT TheOverflowHeightandSettlingChamberDepthdeterminetheeffectivenessofthesettling process. The higher the overflow pipe, the deeper the chamber, the greater the settling capacity. For normal drainage applications, an overflow height of 13 feet is used with the standard settling chamber depth of 18 feet. Sites with higher design rates than noted above,heavydebrisloadingorunusualserviceconditionsrequiregreatersettlingcapacities DRAINAGEPIPE Thisdimensionalsoappliestothe PureFlo®DebrisShield,the FloFast®DrainageScreen, and fittings. The size selected is based upon system design rates, soil conditions, and the need for adequate venting. Choices are 6", 8",or 12" diameter. Refer to “Design Suggestions for Retention and Drainage Systems” for recommendations on which size best matches your application. BOLTEDRING&GRATE Standard models are quality cast iron and available to fit 24" Ø or 30" Ø manhole openings. All units are bolted in two locations with wording “Storm Water Only” in raised letters. For other surface treatments, please refer to “Design Suggestions for Retention and Drainage Systems.” INLET PIPE INVERT Pipesupto4"indiameterfromcatchbasins,undergroundstorage,etc.maybeconnected into the settling chamber. Inverts deeper than 5 feet will require additional settling chamber depth to maintain effective overflow height. '"Ø "Ø "Ø ® TORRENT RESOURCES (CA) INCORPORATED phone 661~947~9836 CA Lic.886759 A, C-42 www.TorrentResources.com An evolution of McGuckin Drilling TORRENT RESOURCES INCORPORATED 1509 East Elwood Street, Phoenix Arizona 85040~1391 phone 602~268~0785 fax 602~268~0820 Nevada 702~366~1234 AZ Lic.ROC070465 A, ROC047067 B-4; ADWR 363 CA Lic.528080 A, C-42, HAZ ~NV Lic.0035350 A ~NM Lic.90504 GF04 The referenced drawing and specifications are available on CAD either through our office or web site. This detail is copyrighted (2004) but may be used as is in construction plans without further release. For information on product application, individual project specifications or site evaluation, contact our DesignStaffforno-charge assistanceinanyphaseofyourplanning. 1. ManholeCone -ModifiedFlatBottom. 2. MoistureMembrane -6Mil.Plastic.Appliesonlywhen nativematerialisusedforbackfill.Placemembrane securelyagainsteccentricconeandholesidewall. 3. Bolted Ring & Grate - Diameter as shown. Clean cast iron withwording “StormWaterOnly”inraisedletters.Bolted in2locations andsecuredtoconewithmortar.Rimelevation ±0.02'ofplans. 4. GradedBasinorPaving (byOthers). 5. CompactedBaseMaterial - 1-SackSlurryexceptin landscapedinstalltionswithnopipeconnections. 6. PureFlo ®DebrisShield -Rolled16ga.steelX24"length withventedanti-siphonandInternal.265"Max.SWO flattened expanded steel screen X 12" length.Fusion bondedepoxycoated. 7. Pre-castLiner -4000 PSI concrete48"ID.X54"OD.Center inhole andalignsections tomaximizebearingsurface. 8. Min.6'Ø DrilledShaft. 9. SupportBracket -Formed12Ga.steel.Fusionbonded epoxycoated. 10. OverflowPipe -Sch.40PVCmatedtodrainagepipeat baseseal. 11. DrainagePipe -ADShighwaygradewithTRI-Acoupler. Suspendpipe duringbackfilloperationstoprevent bucklingorbreakage.Diameterasnoted. 12. BaseSeal -Geotextileor concrete slurry. 13. Rock -Washed,sizedbetween3/8"and1-1/2"to best complementsoilconditions. 14. FloFast ®DrainageScreen -Sch.40PVC0.120"slotted wellscreenwith32slotsperrow/ft.Diametervaries120" overalllengthwithTRI-Bcoupler. 15. Min.4'Ø Shaft -Drilledto maintainpermeability of drainagesoils. 16. FabricSeal -U.V.resistantgeotextile-toberemoved bycustomer atprojectcompletion. 17. Absorbent–HydrophobicPetrochemicalSponge. Min.to 128 oz.capacity. 18. FreeboardDepth Varieswithinletpipeelevation.Increase settlingchamberdepthasneededtomaintainallinlet pipeelevationsaboveoverflowpipeinlet. 19. Optional Inlet Pipe (Maximum 4", by Others). Extend moisture membraneandcompactedbasematerialor 1sackslurrybackfillbelowpipeinvert. ITEM NUMBERS MAXWELL®IVDRAINAGESYSTEMDETAILANDSPECIFICATIONS Thewatermarkfordrainagesolutions.®1/12 Manufactured and Installed by TORRENT RESOURCES An evolution of McGuckin Drilling www.torrentresources.com ARIZONA 602/268-0785 NEVADA 702/366-1234 CALIFORNIA 661/947-9836 ®Manufactured and Installed by TORRENT RESOURCES An evolution of McGuckin Drilling www.torrentresources.com ARIZONA 602/268-0785 NEVADA 702/366-1234 CALIFORNIA 661/947-9836 AZ Lic. ROC070465 A, ROC047067 B-4, ADWR 363 CA Lic. 528080, C-42, HAZ. NV Lic. 0035350 A - NM Lic. 90504 GF04 U.S. Patent No. 4,923,330 - TM Trademark 1974, 1990, 2004 ® 114188a:084318a1 1/10/12 8:17 AM Page 2 18 ft35 ft35 feet ESTIMATED TOTAL DEPTH The Estimated Total Depth is the approximate depth required to achieve 10 continuous feet of penetration into permeable soils. Torrent utilizes specialized “crowd” equipped drill rigs to penetrate difficult, cemented soils and to reach permeable materials at depths up to 180 feet. Our extensive database of drilling logs and soils information is available for use as a reference. Please contact our Design Staff for site-specific information on your project. 18 feet SETTLING CHAMBER DEPTH On MaxWell IV Systems of over 30 feet overall depth and up to 0.25cfs design rate, the standard Settling Chamber Depth is 18 feet . For systems exposed to greater contributory area than noted above, extreme service conditions, or that require higher design rates, chamber depths up to 25 feet are recommended. ALBUS-KEEFE & ASSOCIATES, INC. APPENDIX A EXPLORATORY LOGS Project: Address: Job Number: Drill Method: Client: Driving Weight: Location: Elevation: Date: Logged By: Depth (feet) Lith- ology Blows Per Foot Moisture Content (%) Dry Density (pcf) Other Lab Tests Laboratory TestsSamples Material Description E X P L O R A T I O N L O G WaterCoreBulk5 10 15 20 EXPLANATION Solid lines separate geologic units and/or material types. Dashed lines indicate unknown depth of geologic unit change or material type change. Solid black rectangle in Core column represents California Split Spoon sampler (2.5in ID, 3in OD). Double triangle in core column represents SPT sampler. Solid black rectangle in Bulk column respresents large bag sample. Other Laboratory Tests: Max = Maximum Dry Density/Optimum Moisture Content EI = Expansion Index SO4 = Soluble Sulfate Content DSR = Direct Shear, Remolded DS = Direct Shear, Undisturbed SA = Sieve Analysis (1" through #200 sieve) Hydro = Particle Size Analysis (SA with Hydrometer) 200 = Percent Passing #200 Sieve Consol = Consolidation SE = Sand Equivalent Rval = R-Value ATT = Atterberg Limits Albus-Keefe & Associates, Inc.Plate A-1 Project: Address: Job Number: Drill Method: Client: Driving Weight: Location: Elevation: Date: Logged By: Depth (feet) Lith- ology Blows Per Foot Moisture Content (%) Dry Density (pcf) Other Lab Tests Laboratory TestsSamples Material Description E X P L O R A T I O N L O G 17 Las Tunas Dr, Arcadia, CA 91007 2581.00 1/30/2017 MPHollow-Stem Auger The Olson Company B-1 357.2 WaterCoreBulk140 lbs / 30 in 5 10 15 20 Asphalt Concrete : 3 inches ALLUVIUM (Qal) Silty Sand (SM): Medium brown, dry, loose, fine grained sand, trace fine gravel @ 2 ft, porous @ 4.5 ft, Pale brown, increase fines @ 8 ft, Medium dense @ 10 ft, Loose, trace carbonates present @ 15 ft, Medium dense 11 16 3 17 7 9 15 3.7 3.9 8.5 8.2 4.3 3 90.3 96.8 99.9 92.8 84.7 100.5 Max EI SO4 DS pH Resist Ch Consol Consol Albus-Keefe & Associates, Inc.Plate A-2 Project: Address: Job Number: Drill Method: Client: Driving Weight: Location: Elevation: Date: Logged By: Depth (feet) Lith- ology Blows Per Foot Moisture Content (%) Dry Density (pcf) Other Lab Tests Laboratory TestsSamples Material Description E X P L O R A T I O N L O G 17 Las Tunas Dr, Arcadia, CA 91007 2581.00 1/30/2017 MPHollow-Stem Auger The Olson Company B-1 357.2 WaterCoreBulk140 lbs / 30 in 30 35 40 45 Sand (SP): Light grayish brown, dry, medium dense, fine grained sand, trace silt Silty Sand (SM): Pale brown, dry, medium dense, fine grained sand @ 27 ft, Gravel layer encountered @ 30 ft, Trace fine gravel @ 35 ft, Very dense, trace fine to coarse gravel, decrease fines @ 40 ft, Medium dense Silt with Sand (ML): Light brown, dry, very stiff, fine grained sand @ 45 ft, Hard, decrease fines Silty Sand (SM): Brown, dry, very dense, fine grained sand, trace cobbles present 13 21 66/ 11" 15 58 1.7 92.4 Albus-Keefe & Associates, Inc.Plate A-3 Project: Address: Job Number: Drill Method: Client: Driving Weight: Location: Elevation: Date: Logged By: Depth (feet) Lith- ology Blows Per Foot Moisture Content (%) Dry Density (pcf) Other Lab Tests Laboratory TestsSamples Material Description E X P L O R A T I O N L O G 17 Las Tunas Dr, Arcadia, CA 91007 2581.00 1/30/2017 MPHollow-Stem Auger The Olson Company B-1 357.2 WaterCoreBulk140 lbs / 30 in End of boring at 51.5 feet. No groundwater encountered. Backfilled with soil cuttings. Patched with cold patch asphalt. Percolation test well (P-1) installed 5 feet to the southwest. 71 Albus-Keefe & Associates, Inc.Plate A-4 Project: Address: Job Number: Drill Method: Client: Driving Weight: Location: Elevation: Date: Logged By: Depth (feet) Lith- ology Blows Per Foot Moisture Content (%) Dry Density (pcf) Other Lab Tests Laboratory TestsSamples Material Description E X P L O R A T I O N L O G 17 Las Tunas Dr, Arcadia, CA 91007 2581.00 1/30/2017 MPHollow-Stem Auger The Olson Company B-2 357.2 WaterCoreBulk140 lbs / 30 in 5 10 15 Asphalt Concrete (AC): 4 inches ALLUVIUM (Qal) Silty Sand (SM): Reddish brown, dry, very loose, fine grained sand, trace fine gravel @ 4 ft, loose Sand (SP): Light brown, dry, loose, fine to medium grained sand, trace fine gravel @ 10 ft, Increase fines @ 15 ft, Medium dense, fine to coarse grained sand End of boring at 16 feet. No groundwater encountered. Backfilled with soil cuttings. Patched with cold patch asphalt. 10 13 4 7 8 7 3.2 3.9 12.8 11.7 2.7 4 100.7 101.5 100.3 97.9 101.8 96.4 Albus-Keefe & Associates, Inc.Plate A-5 Project: Address: Job Number: Drill Method: Client: Driving Weight: Location: Elevation: Date: Logged By: Depth (feet) Lith- ology Blows Per Foot Moisture Content (%) Dry Density (pcf) Other Lab Tests Laboratory TestsSamples Material Description E X P L O R A T I O N L O G 17 Las Tunas Dr, Arcadia, CA 91007 2581.00 1/30/2017 MPHollow-Stem Auger The Olson Company B-3 357.2 WaterCoreBulk140 lbs / 30 in 5 10 15 20 Asphalt Concrete (AC): 4 inches ARTIFICIAL FILL (Af) Silty Sand (SM): Medium brown, dry, loose, fine grained sand, trace fine gravel, trace clay ALLUVIUM (Qal) Sandy Silt (ML): Brown, dry, medium stiff, fine grained sand @ 4 ft, Trace fine gravel, decrease fines Silty Sand (SM): Medium brown, dry, loose, fine grained sand @ 10 ft, Increase fines @ 15 ft, Medium dense @ 20 ft, Decrease fines 8 12 9 10 7 6 7 6.6 7.4 11.3 9.5 10 7.3 92 103.3 92.9 91.7 84.5 89 Consol SA Hydro Albus-Keefe & Associates, Inc.Plate A-6 Project: Address: Job Number: Drill Method: Client: Driving Weight: Location: Elevation: Date: Logged By: Depth (feet) Lith- ology Blows Per Foot Moisture Content (%) Dry Density (pcf) Other Lab Tests Laboratory TestsSamples Material Description E X P L O R A T I O N L O G 17 Las Tunas Dr, Arcadia, CA 91007 2581.00 1/30/2017 MPHollow-Stem Auger The Olson Company B-3 357.2 WaterCoreBulk140 lbs / 30 in 30 @ 28.5 ft, Trace fine gravel, increase fines End of boring at 30 feet. No groundwater encountered. Converted to percolation test well (P-2). Backfilled with soil cuttings. Patched with cold patch asphalt. 14 22 Albus-Keefe & Associates, Inc.Plate A-7 Project: Address: Job Number: Drill Method: Client: Driving Weight: Location: Elevation: Date: Logged By: Depth (feet) Lith- ology Blows Per Foot Moisture Content (%) Dry Density (pcf) Other Lab Tests Laboratory TestsSamples Material Description E X P L O R A T I O N L O G 17 Las Tunas Dr, Arcadia, CA 91007 2581.00 1/30/2017 MPHollow-Stem Auger The Olson Company B-4 357.0 WaterCoreBulk140 lbs / 30 in 5 10 15 Asphalt Concrete (AC): 5 inches Crushed Aggregate Base (CAB): 2 inches ARTIFICIAL FILL (Af) Silty Sand (SM): Medium brown, damp, loose, fine to medium grained sand, trace fine to coarse gravel ALLUVIUM (Qal) Silty Sand (SM): Medium brown, dry, medium dense, fine to medium grained sand, trace fine to coarse gravel Sand (SP): Brown, dry, loose, fine to medium grained sand, trace silt Silty Sand (SM): Medium brown, dry, loose, fine grained sand End of boring at 16 feet. No groundwater encountered. Backfilled with soil cuttings. Patched with cold patch asphalt. 10 8 9 7 14 10 3.2 9.7 11.3 12.1 9.1 3.4 Dist. 102.1 109.5 106.6 108.7 Dist. Albus-Keefe & Associates, Inc.Plate A-8 Project: Address: Job Number: Drill Method: Client: Driving Weight: Location: Elevation: Date: Logged By: Depth (feet) Lith- ology Blows Per Foot Moisture Content (%) Dry Density (pcf) Other Lab Tests Laboratory TestsSamples Material Description E X P L O R A T I O N L O G 17 Las Tunas Dr, Arcadia, CA 91007 2581.00 1/30/2017 MPHollow-Stem Auger The Olson Company B-5 357.2 WaterCoreBulk140 lbs / 30 in 5 10 15 Asphalt Concrete (AC): 3 inches Crushed Aggregate Base (CAB): 3 inches ALLUVIUM (Qal) Silty Sand (SM): Medium brown, dry, loose, fine grained sand, carbonates present @ 2 ft, pores @ 4 ft, Brown, fine to medium grained sand, trace fine gravel @ 5 ft, Medium brown Sand (SP): Light brown, dry, medium dense, fine to medium grained sand, trace silt End of boring at 16 feet. No groundwater encountered. Backfilled with soil cuttings. Patched with cold patch asphalt. 9 12 7 6.7 7.6 102.7 86.1 Consol Albus-Keefe & Associates, Inc.Plate A-10 ALBUS-KEEFE & ASSOCIATES, INC. APPENDIX B LABORATORY TESTING 6" 3" 1.5" 3/4" 3/8" 4 10 20 40 60 100 200U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES2345678923456789234567892345678923456789234567892Plate No: B-1 Job No: GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTIONGRAVELSANDSILT AND CLAYCOARSE FINEMEDIUMUNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATIONCOARSEFINECOBBLESCLASSIFICATIONPILLSYMBOLSAMPLELOCATION0.00010.0010.010.1110100GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS1009080706050403020100PERCENT RETAINED 0102030405060708090100PERCENT PASSING ALBUS-KEEFE & ASSOCIATES, INC. APPENDIX C PERCOLATION TESTING AND ANALYSES ALBUS-KEEFE ASSOCIATES, INC.Plate C-1 Client:Job. No.: Date Tested:Test by: Location: Top of Casing to Bottom of Well (ft):15 Elev. of Ground Surface (ft):357.2 Diam. of Test Hole (in):8 Diam. of Casing (in):2 Ht. to Top of Casing (ft):0 Water Tempurature (C°):21 Elapsed Time Depth to H2O Flow Rate Elapsed Time Depth to H2O (minutes)(ft)(gal./min.) (minutes)(ft) 0.0 11:15 10 0.1 5.0 11:20 10 0.55 15.0 11:30 10 0.5 30.0 11:45 10 0.5 45.0 12:00 10 0.5 TimeTime Falling HeadConstant Head Field Percolation Testing AJA 2581.00Olson 31-Jan P-1 ALBUS-KEEFE ASSOCIATES, INC.Plate C-2 Client:Job. No.: Date Tested:Test by: Location: Top of Casing to Bottom of Well (ft):35 Elev. of Ground Surface (ft):357.2 Diam. of Test Hole (in):8 Diam. of Casing (in):2 Ht. to Top of Casing (ft):0 Water Tempurature (C°):21 Elapsed Time Depth to H2O Flow Rate Elapsed Time Depth to H2O (minutes)(ft)(gal./min.) (minutes)(ft) 0.0 12:30 25.00 0.50 10.0 12:40 25.00 0.25 25.0 12:55 25.00 0.10 40.0 13:10 25.00 0.10 55.0 13:25 25.00 0.10 Time Time Field Percolation Testing Olson 2581.00 31-Jan AJA B-3/ P-2 Constant Head Falling Head J.N.:2581.00 Client: Olson Well No.: P-1 Condition 1 Condition 2 Condition 3 Units: 1 15 feet 10 feet 5 feet 4.0 Inches Minimum Volume Required:1473.4 Gal. 0.5 Gal/min. 21 Celsius 0.9647 ft^3/min. Ignore Tᵤ 1 1.02E-03 ft/min. 0.74 in./hr. ALBUS-KEEFE & ASSOCIATES, INC.Plate C-3 High water Table with Water Above the Well Bottom High Water Table & Water Below Bottom of Well Low Water Table INFILTRATION WELL DESIGN Constant Head USBR 7300-89 Method The presence or absence of a water table or impervious soil layer within a distance of less than three times that of the water depth in the well (measured from the water surface) will enable the water table to be classified as Condition I, Condition II, Condtion III. Low Water Table-When the distance from the water surface in the test well to the ground water table, or to an impervious soil layer which is considered for test puposes to be equivalent to a water table, is greater than three times the depth of water in the well, classify as Condition I. High Water Table-When the distance from the water surface in the test well to the ground water table or to an impervious layer is less than three times the depth of water in the well, a high water table condition exists. Use Condition II when the water table or impervious layer is below the well bottom. Use Condition III when the water table or impervious layer is above the well bottom. (Viscosity of Water @ Temp. T) / (Viscosity of water @ 20° C) (V): Unsaturated Distance Between the Water Surface in the Well and the Water table (Tᵤ): Factor of Safety: Coefficient of Permeability @ 20° C (k₂₀): Design k₂₀: Temperature (T): Depth to Water (h₂): Enter Condition (1, 2 or 3): Ground Surface to Bottom of Well (h₁): Height of Water in the Well (h₁-h₂=h): Radius of Well (r): Discharge Rate of Water Into Well for Steady-State Condition (q): J.N.:2581.00 Client: Olson Well No.: B-3/ P-2 Condition 1 Condition 2 Condition 3 Units: 1 30 feet 25 feet 5 feet 4.0 Inches Minimum Volume Required:1473.4 Gal. 0.1 Gal/min. 21 Celsius 0.9647 ft^3/min. Ignore Tᵤ 1 2.05E-04 ft/min. 0.15 in./hr. ALBUS-KEEFE & ASSOCIATES, INC.Plate C-4 The presence or absence of a water table or impervious soil layer within a distance of less than three times that of the water depth in the well (measured from the water surface) will enable the water table to be classified as Condition I, Condition II, Condtion III. Low Water Table-When the distance from the water surface in the test well to the ground water table, or to an impervious soil layer which is considered for test puposes to be equivalent to a water table, is greater than three times the depth of water in the well, classify as Condition I. High Water Table-When the distance from the water surface in the test well to the ground water table or to an impervious layer is less than three times the depth of water in the well, a high water table condition exists. Use Condition II when the water table or impervious layer is below the well bottom. Use Condition III when the water table or impervious layer is above the well bottom. Temperature (T): (Viscosity of Water @ Temp. T) / (Viscosity of water @ 20° C) (V): Unsaturated Distance Between the Water Surface in the Well and the Water table (Tᵤ): Factor of Safety: Coefficient of Permeability @ 20° C (k₂₀): Design k₂₀: Discharge Rate of Water Into Well for Steady-State Condition (q): INFILTRATION WELL DESIGN Constant Head USBR 7300-89 Method Low Water Table High Water Table & Water Below Bottom of Well High water Table with Water Above the Well Bottom Enter Condition (1, 2 or 3): Ground Surface to Bottom of Well (h₁): Depth to Water (h₂): Height of Water in the Well (h₁-h₂=h): Radius of Well (r): Soil No. 1 - Loose Silty Sand (SM) Soil No. 2 -Medium Dense Silty Sand (SM) -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 ALBUS-KEEFE & ASSOCIATES, INC.PLATE C-5 Contours are Pressure Head in Feet. STEADY STATE FLOW ANALYSIS OF 35 ft DEEP, 4 ft DIAMETER DRY WELL Arrows indicate direction of flow and relative magnitude of velocity. Radius (ft) 0 102030405060Elevation (ft)50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Soil No. 1 - Loose Silty Sand (SM) Soil No. 2 -Medium Dense Silty Sand (SM) -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 ALBUS-KEEFE & ASSOCIATES, INC.PLATE C-6 Contours are Pressure Head in Feet. TRANSIENT @ 8 hours FLOW ANALYSIS OF 35 ft DEEP, 4 ft DIAMETER DRY WELL Arrows indicate direction of flow and relative magnitude of velocity. Radius (ft) 0 102030405060Elevation (ft)50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Soil No. 1 - Loose Silty Sand (SM) Soil No. 2 -Medium Dense Silty Sand (SM) -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 ALBUS-KEEFE & ASSOCIATES, INC.PLATE C-7 Contours are Pressure Head in Feet. TRANSIENT @ 16 hours FLOW ANALYSIS OF 35 ft DEEP, 4 ft DIAMETER DRY WELL Arrows indicate direction of flow and relative magnitude of velocity. Radius (ft) 0 102030405060Elevation (ft)50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Soil No. 1 - Loose Silty Sand (SM) Soil No. 2 -Medium Dense Silty Sand (SM) -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 ALBUS-KEEFE & ASSOCIATES, INC.PLATE C-8 Contours are Pressure Head in Feet. TRANSIENT @ 40 hours FLOW ANALYSIS OF 35 ft DEEP, 4 ft DIAMETER DRY WELL Arrows indicate direction of flow and relative magnitude of velocity. Radius (ft) 0 102030405060Elevation (ft)50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Soil No. 1 - Loose Silty Sand (SM) Soil No. 2 -Medium Dense Silty Sand (SM) -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 ALBUS-KEEFE & ASSOCIATES, INC.PLATE C-9 Contours are Pressure Head in Feet. TRANSIENT @ 72 hours FLOW ANALYSIS OF 35 ft DEEP, 4 ft DIAMETER DRY WELL Arrows indicate direction of flow and relative magnitude of velocity. Radius (ft) 0 102030405060Elevation (ft)50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100