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Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Planning Commission regarding any item on this agenda will be made
available for public inspection in the City’s Planning Services Office located at 240 W. Huntington Drive, Arcadia, California,
during normal business hours.
CALL TO ORDER Chair Thompson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council
PRESENT: Chair Thompson, Vice Chair Lewis, Commissioners Chan and Wilander
ABSENT: Commissioner Lin
It was moved by Commissioner Chan, seconded by Vice Chair Lewis to excuse Commissioner Lin from
the meeting.
Planning & Community Administrator, Ms. Flores, distributed three late correspondences from residents
relating to Agenda Item No. 1 and one late correspondence from Ramy Zaifman, the property owner of
the subject property located at 111 Hacienda Drive.
PUBLIC COMMENTS (5 minute time limit per person)
There were none.
1. An Appeal of the Director’s approval of Healthy Protected Tree Removal Permit No. TRH
18-09 for the removal of five (5) healthy Oak trees to accommodate a new single-family
residence and two (2) diseased Oak trees with a Categorical Exemption under the California
Environmental Quality Act at 111 Hacienda Drive.
Appellants: George and Ana Raptis
Recommended Action: Deny the Appeal and uphold the Director’s Approval
Planning & Community Development Administrator, Ms. Flores, introduced the item and
turned the item over to Associate Planner, Peter Sun to present the staff report.
Chair Thompson opened the public hearing and asked if the appellants would like to
speak on the item.
George and Ana Raptis, the Appellants and owner of 101 Hacienda Drive responded
and Ms. Raptis emphasized that the intent of the appeal is to preserve oak trees which
are a defining feature of the City. Ideally, the construction of the new home should occur
around the trees and thus would save as many trees as possible in the process. She
presented photographs to the Commission to illustrate local properties which have been
designed around trees. She discussed the Santa Anita Oaks Architectural Review Board
(ARB) meeting she attended on the project requested for more transparency regarding
the protected tree removal process and the role of the ARB as well as the City. Lastly,
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she posed the question as to whether or not buyers seeking to purchase property in the
City of Arcadia are made aware of the Tree Preservation Ordinance at that time.
Chair Thompson asked if the owner of the subject property, 111 Hacienda Drive, would
like to speak on the item.
Ramy Zaifman, the property owner responded and stated that approximately ninety-five
(95) percent of his lot is covered by trees and has little empty space in comparison to
other nearby properties. He initially met with the Oaks Homeowners Association (HOA)
and proposed several designs. He stated that he fully cooperated with the HOA and
followed all necessary City rules and regulations, including submitting arborist reports.
Ample time was spent in discussions with the HOA regarding the design of the home,
which was adjusted to meet their requests. He further discussed the tree removal
permitting process. He stated the completed home will complement the neighborhood
and there will be additional trees planted.
Chair Thompson asked if the ARB Chair would like to speak on the item.
Vince Vargas, ARB Chair Designee, spoke on behalf of the ARB Chair. He discussed
the ARB meeting in which the project was presented and discussed the City
responsibility regarding approval for removal of protected trees. He stated that the plans
were studied carefully and ultimately, the plan was chosen which would be the least
detrimental. The five (5) trees proposed to be removed are offshoots of other trees and
are smaller than many of the other oaks on the property. He stated that of the two (2)
plans submitted, the approved plan kept a large oak intact but called for the removal of
the five (5) smaller oaks. The rest of the trees on-site will help soften the appearance of
the home.
Chair Thompson asked if there was anyone else who would like to speak in favor of the
The following residents responded in favor of the appeal:
Marlene and Allan Arevalo, 121 Hacienda Drive: Ms. Arevalo stated she
had concerns with the removal of the oak trees, requested for more
transparency with the process, and additional tree protection from the City.
• Cindy Forillo, 296 Hacienda Drive: Ms. Forillo stated that the City should
make a determination on trees for a proposed project prior to the ARB
decision on a project. If the City regulates protected trees, then the City
should be responsible for accessing the property prior to plan submitted to
the ARB, as opposed to the current process.
• Maria Guzman, 1320 Ramona Rd: Ms. Guzman requested that the City
provide a clear and concise protocol to residents regarding the protected
tree removal. The current process creates confusion and she would like the
City to create a process which is applied equally to everyone and is easily
• Donna Woods, 60 W. Orange Grove Avenue- Ms. Woods discussed the
value of trees which she said are very important to the community. The
trees in Arcadia were the reason she and her husband decided to move to
Arcadia. She would like to see the trees preserved for future generations.
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Chair Thompson asked if there was anyone who would like to speak in favor of the appeal.
No one responded.
Chair Thompson asked if anyone would like to speak in opposition of the item.
No one responded.
Chair Thompson asked if the appellant would like to respond to any of the comments.
Ms. Raptis responded and stated the neighborhood is motivated in further protecting the trees. She
stated that this project and future projects are important to the community.
Commissioner Wilander inquired as to the size of the replacement trees in the front yard.
Ms. Flores stated the City will work with a Certified Arborist to help determine the most appropriate size
and location for the replacement trees to ensure the canopies do not interfere with each other.
City Attorney Steve Deitsch confirmed this is addressed in Condition No. 1 of the conditions of
It was moved by Vice Chair Lewis, seconded by Commissioner Chan to close the public
hearing. Without objection, the motion was approved.
Commissioner Chan stated that there appears to be a communication issue with the residents and
their homeowners association. Mr. Zaifman has diligently gone through the process and the ARB has
approved their plan. The HOA ARB is an elected body which has the authority to approve a plan which
may impact trees. He encouraged residents to take an active role in their homeowners associations. He
stated that he was leaning toward denying the appeal.
Vice Chair Lewis stated that although she does not wish to see trees removed, the ARB and applicant
have tried several options. If the property did not have quite so many trees and the location of the trees
was not in the direct footprint of the home, she may feel differently. As previously mentioned by Mr.
Vargas, the trees which are proposed to be removed are the smaller of the trees on the lot and there
will be three (3) replacement trees planted in the front. That being said, she takes no issue with the
removal of the diseased trees. The applicant has chosen to build a one-story home and the Tudor style
design compliments the neighborhood.
Commissioner Wilander agreed that she does not wish to see the removal of trees. She initially noted
that the lot has heavy tree coverage- 23 oaks in total. She discussed the diseased trees and stated that
replacing trees with trees of equal value is difficult to achieve; replacement trees must be practical for
the property. For this project, it appears as though the removal is necessary in order to build an
appropriate house. She added that the applicant is proposing a design which is well beneath the
maximum floor area ratio (FAR). Therefore, she agrees with the Director’s recommendation to deny the
Chair Thompson discussed the design review and tree removal permitting process which is more
discretionary and requires input from several sources in order to make a determination. He stated that
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homeowners associations are beneficial as they help protect property values and encourage
harmonious development. The floor area ratio (FAR) is reasonable and the applicant has taken steps to
mitigate mass and scale such as choosing to construct a single story as opposed to a two-story home,
which also improves privacy. There is ample tree canopy on the property. He complimented the ARB
and the Planning Department for their efforts, including the hiring of second Arborist. Preserving tree
no. 7 (the large Oak) was a reasonable compromise. Therefore, he is inclined to deny the appeal.
Commissioner Chan also complimented Planning Staff on their efforts.
It was moved by Commissioner Chan, seconded by Vice Chair Lewis to deny the appeal
and uphold the Director’s approval of Healthy Protected Tree Removal Permit No. TRH
18-09 for the removal of five (5) healthy Oak trees to accommodate a new single-family
residence and two (2) diseased Oak trees with a Categorical Exemption under the
California Environmental Quality Act at 111 Hacienda Drive
AYES: Chair Thompson, Vice Chair Lewis, and Commissioners Chan and Wilander
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioner Lin
There is a ten day appeal period after the approval/denial of the appeal. If adopted, appeals are
to be filed by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, September 7, 2018.
All matters listed under the Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and can be acted on by one
roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless members of the Commission,
staff, or the public request that specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate
discussion and action.
2. Minutes of the August 14, 2018, Arcadia Planning Commission Regular Meeting
Recommended Action: Approve
It was moved by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Vice Chair Lewis to approve
Consent Calendar Item 2, approving the August 14, 2018 Arcadia Planning Commission
Regular Meeting minutes.
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AYES: Chair Thompson, Vice Chair Lewis, and Commissioners Chan and Wilander
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioner Lin
City Council Liaison Amundson discussed Phase Two (2) of the Le Meridien hotel project and stated
there is ongoing discussion regarding the final design of the condominiums. He discussed housing in
the City and stated there is increased interest for development. A scoping meeting was held for the
Santa Anita Barns project where residents voiced concerns over the proposed project. He added that
the City is in discussions regarding the Coyote Management Plan.
Commissioner Wilander inquired about the process for protected tree removal applications.
Ms. Flores responded and explained decisions are not made until the project is noticed to those
property owners within a 300 foot radius after which there is a fourteen (14) day period in which the
public is entitled to comment. Following the decision, there is a ten (10) day appeal period. She added
that the public may review notices of pending decisions and Arborist reports on the City's "Notices and
Decisions" webpage.
Mr. Deitsch addressed a question raised earlier by the appellant and stated that the City does not
monitor purchases or sales of residential properties and the City is not required to provide notice of
municipal code requirements. A buyer however does need to exercise due diligence when considering
purchasing a property. Additionally, a buyer can visit their local City Hall to inquire about zoning and
land use issue which may pertain to a property.
Vice Chair Thompson requested confirmation that in an HOA area, the majority of design review is
slated to the HOA but the City does have other discretionary approval powers regarding that
Ms. Fores confirmed that this is accurate.
Commissioner Wilander inquired as to whether it has been considered increase the noticing area to be
larger than 300 feet.
Ms. Flores responded and stated the current 300 foot noticing radius is an expansion from the previous
requirement which was much more limited. The radius was increased for the most recent Development
Code update.
City Attorney Steve Deitsch had nothing to report.
Ms. Flores announced there are currently no items pending for the September 11, 2018 meeting
therefore it will most likely be cancelled. She provided an update on the draft historic preservation
ordinance and stated the City Council study session which had been previously scheduled for
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September will now likely take place in early October and she will report back to the Commission with
the new date and a postcard will be mailed to residents informing them of the study session.
The Planning Commission adjourned this meeting at 8:41 p.m. to Tuesday, September 11, 2018 in the
City Council Chamber at 240 W. Huntington Dr., Arcadia.
Brad Thompson
Chair, Planning Commission
Lisa Flores
Secretary, Planning Commission