HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecision Letter_11-8-18
City of
Jason Kruckeberg
Assistant City Manager/
Development Services
240 West Huntington Drive
Post Office Box 60021
Arcadia, CA 91066-6021
(626) 574-5415
(626) 447-3309 Fax
November 8, 2018
Black Diamond Dance Studio
C/O Xiamo Liu
2453 Costa Del Sol
La Verne, CA 91750
Subject: Minor Use Permit No. MUP No. 18-04
Project Address: 1149 Huntington Drive
Dear Applicant:
The public comment period for Minor Use Permit No. MUP 18-04 ended on
November 7, 2018. A public hearing was not requested and no public comments
were received. The Development Services Department has conditionally
approved a Minor Use Permit for a new 1,200 square foot dance and yoga studio
(d.b.a. Black Diamond Dance Studio) at 1149 Huntington Drive, subject to the
conditions of approval listed below.
Pursuant to Development Code Section 9107.09.050, a Minor Use Permit may
be approved if all of the following findings can be made:
1. That the granting of such Minor Use Permit is consistent with the
comprehensive General Plan and any applicable specific plan.
2. That, subject to the granting of a Minor Use Permit, the use proposed
is allowed within the applicable zone and complies with all other
applicable provisions of the Development Code and Municipal Code.
3. That the design, location, size, and operating characteristics of the
proposed activity will be compatible with the existing and future land
uses in the vicinity.
4. That the site is physically suitable in terms of its design, location,
shape, size, and operating characteristics of the proposed use in
order to accommodate the use, and all fences, landscaping, loading,
parking spaces, walls, yards, and other features required to adjust the
use with the land and uses in the neighborhood; streets and highways
are adequate in width and pavement type to accommodate public and
emergency vehicle (e.g., fire and medical) access; public protection,
and provisions of utilities.
5. That the type, density, and intensity of use proposed will not adversely
affect the public convenience, health, interest, safety, or general
welfare, constitute a nuisance, or be materially injurious to the
improvements, persons, property, or uses in the vicinity and zone in
which the property is located.
Based on the information available, the proposed project, as conditioned,
satisfies all the required findings necessary to grant a Minor Use Permit (See
Attachment 1).
MUP 18-04
1149 Huntington Drive
The proposed project qualifies as a Class 1 Categorical Exemption for the use of existing
facilities from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under
Section 15301 of the CEQA Guidelines. In addition, the project is subject to the following
Conditions of Approval
1. There shall be no more than twelve (12) people (i.e. ten (10) students and two (2)
staff members/instructors) at the studio at any given time.
2. The hours of operation shall be limited to:
a. Monday - Sunday: 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m.
to 5:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Any expansion in the hours may require an amendment to this approval.
3. The Dance studio requires a total of nine (9) parking spaces. The previous uses
required five (5) parking spaces; therefore, the proposed use requires an additional
four (4) parking spaces. In light of Staff’s concerns regarding the lack of parking at
the subject site, a parking study was requested. The parking study determined that
there is sufficient parking for the proposed and existing uses during the proposed
hours of operation. Therefore, approval of MUP 18-04 is subject to the findings of
the parking study dated October 15, 2018. Should parking issues arise in the future
due to a lack of parking caused by the dance studio, an amendment to this approval
may be required.
4. All signage, including window signs, shall be in conformance with the City of Arcadia
Development Code and shall require review and approval of the Planning Services.
5. The applicant shall be required to implement a minimum 15 minute break in between
classes to allow sufficient time in between the end and the commencement of
6. Should traffic related issues arise from parents dropping off and picking up students,
the applicant shall be required to work with Staff to provide an adequate drop
off/loading area at the rear of the unit.
7. If complaints are received by the City regarding noise impacts associated with the
operation of the dance studio, the applicant shall work with Staff to mitigate the
noise-related complaints.
8. This Minor Use Permit may be periodically monitored to insure that it is being
operated in a manner consistent with City regulations, these conditions of approval
and that the use is being operated in a manner which is not detrimental to the public
health, safety or welfare.
9. The applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Arcadia and its
officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any claim, action, or
proceeding against the City of Arcadia, its officials, officers, employees or agents to
attack, set aside, void, or annul any approval or conditional approval of the City of
Arcadia concerning this project and/or land use decision, including but not limited to
any approval or conditional approval of the City Council, Planning Commission, or
City Staff, which action is brought within the time period provided for in Government
Code Section 66499.37 or other provision of law applicable to this project or
decision. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or
proceeding concerning the project and/or land use decision and the City shall
MUP 18-04
1149 Huntington Drive
cooperate fully in the defense of the matter. The City reserves the right, at its own
option, to choose its own attorney to represent the City, its officials, officers,
employees, and agents in the defense of the matter.
There is a ten (10) day appeal period for this application. To file an appeal, a completed Appeal
Application form must be submitted to the Community Development Division along with a $600
appeal fee, by 5:30 p.m. on Monday, November 19, 2018.
Approval of Minor Use Permit No. MUP 18-04 shall not be of effect unless the property owner
and applicant have executed and filed the enclosed Acceptance Form to indicate awareness
and acceptance of these conditions of approval. The Acceptance Form is due now and if it is
not received by Monday, December 10, 2018, or if the project is appealed, this approval will
become null and void.
This approval shall expire in one year (November 20, 2019) from the effective date unless plans
are submitted to Building Services for plan-check, a building permit is issued and the
construction is diligently pursued, a certificate of occupancy has been issued, or the approval is
renewed. The final plans must be consistent with the approved design concept plans and any
conditions of approval. Any inconsistency from the approved use may preclude the issuance of
a building permit.
An extension may be granted by the Development Services Director or designee, or the Review
Authority that approved the project for a maximum period of one (1) year from the initial
expiration date. An extension can only be granted if the required findings can be made. Please
note that acceptance of an extension request does not indicate approval of an extension.
A building permit must be obtained prior to any construction activity. Please contact Building
Services at (626) 574-5416 to determine the type of documentation, plans, and fees for the
appropriate permit. This approval letter must be presented to Building Services to initiate the
permitting process.
You may visit the City’s website at www.ArcadiaCA.gov/noticesanddecisions to view this letter.
If you have any questions regarding the above approval, please contact me at (626) 574-5442
or by email at ltorrico@ArcadiaCA.gov. Thank you.
Community Development Division/Planning Services
Luis Torrico
Senior Planner
c: New World International, LLC, Property owner
Lisa L. Flores, Planning & Community Development Administrator
MUP 18-04
1149 Huntington Drive
Attachment 1:
Required Findings for Approval of a Minor Use Permit Pursuant to
Development Code Section 9107.09.050
1. That the granting of such Minor Use Permit is consistent with the
comprehensive General Plan and any applicable specific plan.
The proposed dance studio use is consistent with the Commercial
land use designation of the site, which encourages a wide range of
commercial uses which serve both neighborhood and citywide
markets, including but not limited to, recreational, entertainment and
service uses. In addition, the use will not adversely affect the
comprehensive General Plan or any Specific Plan.
2. That, subject to the granting of a Minor Use Permit, the use
proposed is allowed within the applicable zone and complies with all
other applicable provisions of the Development Code and Municipal
The zoning of the site is General Commercial (CG) and the Arcadia
Development Code Section 9102.03.020 allows small health/fitness
facilities (i.e. 3,000 square feet or less in area) in the CG Zone with a
Minor Use Permit. Therefore, the proposed use will be in compliance
all applicable provisions of the Development and Municipal Code. In
addition, conditions of approval have been included to ensure
☒ ☐
3.That the design, location, size, and operating characteristics of the
proposed activity will be compatible with the existing and future land
uses in the vicinity.
The proposed dance studio is compatible with the other uses that
exist within the commercial center and the surrounding area. The
subject site is located within the CG Zone which allows similar
commercial and service uses. The classes will be held at non-peak
business hours; from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.,
in the early evening from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and late evening
hours from 7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Monday through Sunday. The center
houses a variety of existing commercial and services uses that have
generate customers throughout the day and don’t peak at any given
time. Therefore, the proposed dance studio is not expected to impact
the existing businesses in the center. In addition, a parking study was
prepared which determined that there is sufficient parking for the
proposed and existing uses.
☒ ☐
4.That the site is physically suitable in terms of its design, location,
shape, size, and operating characteristics of the proposed use in
order to accommodate the use, and all fences, landscaping, loading,
parking spaces, walls, yards, and other features required to adjust the
use with the land and uses in the neighborhood; streets and highways
☒ ☐
MUP 18-04
1149 Huntington Drive
are adequate in width and pavement type to accommodate public and
emergency vehicle (e.g., fire and medical) access; public protection,
and provisions of utilities.
The proposed dance studio will be located within a commercial center
located on Huntington Drive which is adequate in width and pavement
type to carry emergency vehicles and traffic generated by the
proposed use. Parking for the proposed use will be provided on the
subject site. Based on a parking study submitted by the applicant,
there is adequate parking for the proposed use and existing uses on
the subject site. In the event parking becomes an issue in the future,
conditions of approval have been included to allow Staff to amend the
approval. In addition, the tenant space is adequate in size to
accommodate the proposed use and classes will be spaced fifteen
minutes apart to provide adequate time between the end and
commencement of classes.
5. That the type, density, and intensity of use proposed will not
adversely affect the public convenience, health, interest, safety, or
general welfare, constitute a nuisance, or be materially injurious to the
improvements, persons, property, or uses in the vicinity and zone in
which the property is located
The proposed dance studio is compatible with the other uses allowed
in the CG Zone and will benefit the neighborhood and environment.
The use will provide additional recreational opportunities for residents
in the area and the general public. The proposed business qualifies
as a Class 1 Categorical Exemption from the requirements of the
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Section 15301 of
the CEQA Guidelines as an existing facility. In addition, conditions of
approval have been included as part of the approval to assist in
mitigating impacts to the public welfare.
☒ ☐