HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlansC F F H KUO'S RESIDENCE ADDITION 2431 FLORENCE AVENUE A R C A D I A CA 9 1 0 0 7 MINIMUM SIZE FOR SQUARE PIAT WASHERS BOLT SIZE PLAT SIZE 3/4' 1/4' X 3" X 3- 7/8- 5/16" X 3' X 3' 1" 3/8' X 3-1/2" X 3-1/2' 99 m M1 nk threaded portion to be Z ED-]0%lof shank holes shank t° be some as a a 5. Plates. Sills. and Steepen: AiI foundation pates fir 'iia lid lassos on a concrete w onry yaD, wM1i'M1 m anect c tact with earth and sibs hicn t an trete onry fmman°na. eM1ml be t'= wos or foundation redwood, cu merk`el or branded by a..:On approved agency. 6. Columns dna Posts: In arae posed to water pian a exterior locations, wood floor ad Mall bear pull be saw °Eased plate sera pIo .tgs.tPleasstate twoill� hes 0 bow the columoa aM1(d foundation gade redwood w cedar may be or directly on concrete. solid mosonry, ° or grouted masonry 7 Roof Shea 21nq: Pia cod ahmthng is to be continuous over two soma ane N to be othdm I/z' Ihmk a M1aw aantl identitcatron index as repaired sort rafter Peon^ (unieea wive specified on plana): d Small be structural and II, standard sheathing, and C -C B. Floor Sheathing: P1,v. Vi combination b600r underorent sheathing continuous a two p8py9pp;pans Mall 6e minimum 5/B' !Fick tm9ue-and-grow and nave a Don& identification M1 rw d. m lana and shall be qu'vetl for the flan mist snacng (unless t e dip a )) an.Mayment 9r fie. C -C (slugged) a d all grades of sanded terior type alyeoad in group uecies of 1, 2,°} where %aa mints Sporn 48' use I-1/6' !Fick tongue -groove 2-4-I (evictor glue) plywood in group species of 1. 2, or 3.` 9, Attic Ventilation: Enclosed attic spaces and enclosed root rafters shall how crossventilation far each s °. rate apace by smlilating Dani^9 grohdee against the entrance fThe net free tllatin9 area Shall p not less than 1/150 .f the r I the space ventilated, except that the r a be 1/300 provided al least 50 percent of of required ntill area provided by ventilators located in thpp or pportion ^f the pace to Ee ventilates 1 lat 3 feat above a cornice vents withe h Pnc of therequired nlilali provided bl,usl ble vents' `Mer dove r vents ore d i p ovrlpds ventilation f c b ansa `spa what Wassi s shall not be located within ]'-o measured laterally am side and above indoor or d openings in the wall of the stay show. Provide insect screening odl v`n is 3X members at the bottom sill plate and between dip nt panel dg a for all plywood nepl_nuna whim have hear Itis greater than 300// per fool Aisa, require a 10. aSh ,fnllNXn of 1/2' edge distance per the Fe long to mash 3X members. (For earthquake repair work, 2-2X members (Dined together may be used in -lieu of a 3X member.) b, A special deputy is required far plywood shear wolls when the Smear exceed 300# per foot 0.AZINR 9 1/4' plate glass shall be a II conditions where the areaof Tile pexceeds 20 end ore feet, or s directed. Double glazing may be required per Energy Requirements. b. Shower antl tub enclosure to be min. 1/4' shatterproof safety glass. Fenestration products ( eyl Oeld-lobricated) hove label with certified U-mlue. certified Scor Heal Cain Ccellicient (SHBG), and Infiltration certification. ENERGY: a. Doors and windows Indexesconditioned and uncontlllimed spaces designed to limit leakage. b. Exterior doors and windows wertheraMppea: all pints and penetrations caulked and aealso a HVAC equipment, water healers. showeme°as and faucets wrrnea by the commission. e. Setback thermostat on dl applicable heating and/ or coding system. Storagee. q ° water heaters rated with a Enerpgo Factor less than 0.58 must be externally wrapplew h insulation having a nihilist the resistance of R-12 or greater. C (First 5 fretof pipes closest to water heater lank, non-adirculoling systems, insulated R-4 or 9. Back-up tanks for solar system, unfired storage tanks. or other indirect hat water tanks M1aw R-12 external insulation or R-16 combined inlanal/ external insulation. h. All buried or exposed piping insulated In recirculating sections of hot water pyshems. I coding .,tem piping below 55 aegreas forenheil insulated. 4 Prong Insulated between heating scarce and indirect hot water tank. I CONSULTANTS I CONCRETE 99 19 1, fl)I Aggregate Shelf comforts to A.ST.M. concrete unless otherwise noted an °C -33wwith ill be provenlO Shan age character of than 0.045 as per A.S.T.M. C-157. 2. Reinforcing Steel: ASTM A615, Grade 60. Lap bare 40 diameters (Dui not leas than 24") of cornrs eand splicer 3. Co. for Reinforcing Bars: 3" where deposited against mrth, 2" where exposed to earth and Ported in farms. 4, Welded Pgre Mean: ASM A195. 60.000 PS 6'306'. W-1.4 x Al 6 for all slabs unless otherwise noted. 5_ shownpipes lum ducts,o Shun nail conduit. shall be placed n structural concrete unless Specifically 6. Drypack Small be 1: 3 cement send mix, WOOD FI NI L FramNg requorements s ch a illnu^ lel-in diogpnal braces, etcsM1oll be per m" ion m Specification f the applicaDla code less 9reatw rS,uirdm.Vta areindicate E on plansTVSpecifications, q 2' vara sing llumber nerlllabenoted lOB there. grade marked by Will or W.C.u.B. as a. Vertical Framing an 2e4 Standard .adds 2x"& larger No. 2 Gad, 4. & larer No.l Grade b.Z wizanlal From ing p. 2 Grade 44 ler SAD No. 1 Grade or larger Selected Structural 6x12 or mal Selected Structural a Exterior and Bearing Sora Wan Requirements: Maximum Al Up to 10' Ne�ghh 2x4 0 16' o,d. UD [a 14' Height 2x6 O 16" a.c. 4. Nanx Belle. Screws: a Nailing shall be Indicated on plana and comply with the applicable Building Code. Bdte sryall be re -tightened prior to covering up f the brio. b. Festerne: 1. All connectors noted to be Simpson or equivalent. 2. Use NII ailing/balling at all c ton U N.O. 3. All nails to be Common nails. U,N.O. 4, All baits to be aria ASM-AM7 5, Bolt Holes: Max 1/16" larger than ball diameter. 6. All bol DDd to use squo a woMxa under head and not. Size of washer shall be fie oris ws:w SITE PLAN 41NERAL wW . I. All work shall conficass to the minimum standards of the tutor! crested edition t the Building Code and such other regulating agencies exerasng wtbority over any portion of th. wark. 2. fie C atm tar shell 'ly lid be esp... ble for all dlmmsims and c ditlona al tM1e its a sh°II notify me mchReci of npypr in consistencies on me an o Say alac.es a b=iwwen the actual conditions and lnformati shown on drawings before proce ding with the work. 3. All dimensions to take prmedenw over scale shown on slurs, sections and dalaill 4. Contractor Shall consult WI re ..cause of city gas' light, water, power. fine ohm= companies concealing ovaries, facNihe., before c ending work or connect re /acAities. 5. All conditions noted ad existing w liown as xistings a based o the beat nfwmption avalleble " IM1e lime o! preparation of lM1ese drawin rNo ora rantypls Cplietl to the yof the items %=awd o existing. N is the emlracfor'a le r apanaiEeNy m bring to `the` assilect's attention aimre dles Concerning Reld conditions, a man to eeior°elO°awile "lion m me'f'ei ode to Sale conditions must be oral approved by isle Are hitect 6, pAApproval of this t of Plans d Specincatlms ern not authorize or apps ave any v+daLan. a aewYm from applicable tllA ty, tale laws. vlma a struan . r A.dnilxturul rtes e c plate ilhwt°Ne Architect's interpretation It is the contractor's wapmelDWily to bring to the Archlteel's attmlion cmcemag why ambiquily or Inconsistency e plans or field conditions. EARMy 1. Underyroana UtlrUs: me Contractor real verity the Horatian of all under ground utilities poor to commencing tlemoilion, excavations, or grading. Disconnect and cap or prtect as required. 2. Vfrify alof9teaeallq In<IUEio rive E;`w mepyang ant work. and 1possafill evs ys sFalldbe piroperlY par sane q yar r yo^ grad tltM1` t1e[lwalx dmina away Iran the Duildinga a d lam proper y la the tlminaga devices or to 3. All anchor bolts Shall be secured In place prior to placement of concrete. FOUNDATIONS 1. Condition of the soil Shall be verified by the architect or the Cly Inspect« after trenching of footinga. 2. Footing elevations shown an the plana are estimates Only and shall be wri0ed in the fiNd, 3. Excavations adjacent to existing buildings walls Shall not extend below a gle of 45 degrees from the bottoms of the fo.Gle of these ad scent Structures, « lbs Can tractor Moll pro.;ae adequate sharing for the exmva1ied, 4. NTm existing feelings,concrete slabs, pipe . utlllties, or her burietl items p m vetl, ware en w selase or footings to be Iwated, all .%il g loose soil shell De removeed dna .e- comp.ciea to a minimum of 905 of the optimum assail 5. Anchor battle Mall be 5/8" diameter X 12" with 9' minimum embedment, unless noted d!h<rwise. MIT frenal and slab r poured ep rdway,allthe anchor bolts abe 5/8" iameter X 15' with 9" mnimum embedment into the foundation. SHEET INDEX AO TITLE SHEET, SITE PLAN & GENERAL NOTES A31 FP AN®$/WIflD011ESl1LE A4 ELEVATIONS JUL 092018 Planning Services (-.ity nf Arcadia ZONE: R - 1 OCCUPANCY GROUP: R - 3 CONSTRUCTION: TYPE V -B . UNSPRINKLERED LOT SIZE: 19,200 $0. FT BUILDING USE: SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING NO. OF STORY: 2 BUILDING FLOOR AREA: (E) GROUND FLOOR AREA: 1,595 SO. FT. (E) SECOND FLOOR AREA: 780 SO, FT. TOTAL EXISTING AREA: 2,375 SO. FT, PROPOSED ADDITION : GROUND FLOOR AREA: 1,001 SO. FT. SECOND FLOOR AREA: 192 SO. FT. TOTAL ADDITION: 1,193 SO. FT. GRAND TOTAL : 3,568 SO. FT. EXIS1`G 2 -CAR GARAGE, 433 SQ, FT. STORAGE: 331 SQ. FT (N) PATIO 747 SO. FT, (E) PORCH 136 S0. FT. BUILDING HEIGHT: 22'-0" LOT COVERAGE 5,023 S0. FT. / 19,200 SQ, FT. =265 FAR, 4,332 50. FT. / 19,200 SO, FT. =235 FRONT LANDSCAPE AREA: HARDSCAPE AREA C1,j15, $Qs R.V EID JUN 13 2018 r VICINITY MAP REASONS {i Z J d i Ri SCAM1/16' 1'-0 JOB NO, DRANK: DATE: 6-12-18 SHEET MATS] WINDOW SCHEDULE I WINDOW TYPES REVISIONS BY WIN. SYM. TYPE WINDOW SIZE GLAZING FRAME DETAIL HEIGHT REMARKS WIDTH HEIGHT MATERIAL FINISH 1 1 4'-0" 4'-6" CLEAR FLOAT WOOD WNDOW OHESTNUT BAKE -ENAMEL SWING 2'-2" DOUBLE CASEMENT / DOUBLE GLAZED 6'-8" A � Q � z EXISTING DOOR TO REMAIN SCALE: LL B 2 3'-0" 2'-0" CLEAR FLOAT CLAD WOOD WA DOW CHESTNUT NZ BAKE -ENAMEL SWING 4 -8. SLIDING/ DOUBLE GLAZED Q J � C 33'-0" 6'-8" 3'-6" CLEAR FLOAT UM. CLAD WOOD WA DOW CHESTNUT NZ BAKE -ENAMEL POCKET 3 -2. CASEMENT / DOUBLE GLAZED D 3 2'-0" 3'-6" CLEAR FLOAT WOOD VAUM. CLAD OW BAKE-ENAMELCHESTNUT 3 -2. CASEMENT / DOUBLE GLAZED E 4 2'-0" 3'-6" CLEAR FLOAT WOOD WNDOW CHESTNUT BAKE -ENAMEL POCKET 3 -2. CASEMENT / DOUBLE GLAZED F 5 3'-0" 5'-0" CLEAR FLOAT ALUM. CLAD vn DOW WOODG BA TNUT BRONZE SLIDER 1 -8 DBL. HUNG/ DOUBLE GLAZED/ TEMP. GLASS 7 5 2'-6" 3'-6" CLEAR FLOAT WOOD Wn DOW BAKE -ENAMEL SWING 3 -2. DOUBLE HUNG / DOUBLE GLAZED H 5 3'-0" 4'-0" CLEAR FLOAT WOOD WNOW DD CHESTNUT NZ BAKE -ENAMEL BI -PASS 2'-8" DOUBLE HUNG / DOUBLE GLAZED R1 1 3'-0" 5'-0" CLEAR FLOAT CLAD WOOD WA DOW CHESTNUT NZ BAKE -ENAMEL SWING REPLACEMENT/ DOUBLE CASEMENT R2 1 4'-0" 4'-6" CLEAR FLOAT WOOD WNDOW CHESTNUT BAKE -ENAMEL NZ SWING REPLACEMENT/ DOUBLE CASEMENT R3 5 2'-0" 4'-5" CLEAR FLOAT WOOD VAUM_ CLAD OW BAKE -ENAMEL CHESTNUT NZ REPLACEMENT/ DOUBLE HUNG R4 6 1'-6" 4'-5 CLEAR FLOAT WOOD WaNDOW CHESTNUT NZ BAKE -ENAMEL REPLACEMENT/ CASEMENT R5 7 2'-0" 4'-5" CLEAR FLOAT WOOD WNDOW CHESTNUT BAKE -ENAMEL NZ REPLACEMENT/ FIXED WINDOW R6 8 1'-6" 4'-5 CLEAR FLOAT CLAD WOOD WA DOW CHESTNUT NZ BAKE -ENAMEL REPLACEMENT/ CASEMENT R7 9 4'-0" 3'-0" CLEAR FLOAT WOOD WNDOW CHESTNUT BAKE -ENAMEL NZ REPLACEMENT/ DOUBLE CASEMENT R8 10 4'-0" 6'-0" CLEAR FLOAT CLAD WOOD WA DOW CHESTNUT NZ BAKE -ENAMEL REPLACEMENT/ DOUBLE CASEMENT R9 10 4'-0" 6'-4" CLEAR FLOAT ALUM_ CLAD WOOD WA DOW CHESTNUT BAKE -ENAMEL NZ REPLACEMENT/ DOUBLE CASEMENT R10 5 2'-6" 4'-5" CLEAR FLOAT ALUM_ CLAD WOOD WA DOW CHESTNUT BAKE -ENAMEL NZ REPLACEMENT/ DOUBLE HUNG R11 11 1'-6" 2'-0" CLEAR FLOAT WOOD WNDOW CHESTNUT BAKE -ENAMEL NZ REPLACEMENT/ FIXED WINDOW R12 2 3'-0" 2'-0" CLEAR FLOAT WOOD WNDOW CHESTNUT BAKE -ENAMEL REPLACEMENT/ SLIDER R13 5 2'-0" 3'-0" CLEAR FLOAT WOOD WaNDOW CHESTNUT BAKE -ENAMEL NZ REPLACEMENT/ DOUBLE HUNG R14 5 3'-0" 2'-4" CLEAR FLOAT WOOD WaNDOW ICHESTNUT BAKE-ENAMELNZI REPLACEMENT/ DOUBLE HUNG DOOR SCHEDULE DOOR SYM• DOOR SIZE DOOR DOOR FACE DOOR FINISH FRAMING OPERATION DETAIL REMARKS WIDTHTYPE 0\ 1 2'-8" 6'-8" A PAINT HOLLOW CORE SWING 4E KEY LOCK 6'-8" A � Q � z EXISTING DOOR TO REMAIN SCALE: LL 2 2'-4" 6'-8" A o PAINT HOLLOW CORE SWING PRIVACY LOCK Q J � 3 2'-6" 6'-8" B PAINT HOLLOW CORE POCKET DUMMY LOCK 4 2'-8" 6'-8" A PAINT HOLLOW CORE SWING DUMMY LOCK 5 2'-8" 6'-8" B PAINT HOLLOW CORE POCKET DUMMY LOCK 6 10'-0" 6'-8" C PRE-FINISH IBER -GLASS GLLASS CORE SLIDER SLIDING D00R(4 PANEL)/ KEY LOCK 7 2'-8" 6'-8" D STAIN SOLID CORE GLASS SWING FRENCH DOOR/ KEY LOCK 8 6'-0" 6'-8" E PAINT BI -PASS BI -PASS DOOR 9 2'-4" 6'-8" A PAINT HOLLOW CORE SWING DUMMY LOCK 1E 3'-0" 6'-8" STAIN SOLID CORE SWING EXIST'G DOOR REPLACE W/ SIDELITE 2E 2'-8" W-8" A EXISTING DOOR TO REMAIN 3E 2'-6" 6'-8" A 0 z� UJ CD z LL. EXISTING DOOR TO REMAIN 0\ 0\ Q a Q� 00 �z o0\ LLJ c) U 4E 2'-4" 6'-8" A � Q � z EXISTING DOOR TO REMAIN 5E 1 2'-0" 1 6'-8" 1 A I I I I I I EXISTING DOOR TO REMAIN iT24141IMI11HIL 5 9 WOOD TRIM Ej I 2 3 4 WOOD TRIM WOOD TRIM FIXED 6 7 8 10 WINDOW NOTES 1. ALL NEW 1GLAZING SHALL COMPLY WITH 'STANDARDS' OF THE U.S. CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY COMMISSION. MANUFACTURER TO SUPPLY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE TO OWNER. 2. ALL NEW WINDOW TO BE DUAL GLAZED 3. ALL WINDOWS TO BE MADE BY PELLA WINDOW U -FACTOR = 0.35, SHGC = 0.30 4. THE NERC TEMPORARY LABEL DISPLAYED ON WINDOWS MUST REMAIN ON THE UNIT UNTIL FINAL INSPECTION HAS BEEN COMPLETED DOOR TYPES D E C NEW 2' X 4' SKYLIGHT TEMPERED LOW -e GL, BY VELUX 1' 0'H' NEW 2' X 2' SKYLIGHT TEMPERED LOW -e GL/ BY VELUX EXIST'G CLAY TILE ROO TO REMAIN (`I OV TII F_ QnnF- "nl�l�_pl��� c TILE" BY US TILE 'MUDA BLEND ROOF PLAN CLAY TILE ROOF 'EMAIN EXIST'G CHIMNEY W 0 0 z� UJ CD z LL. >co Q 0\ 0\ Q a Q� 00 �z o0\ LLJ c) U T- cy) NIX LL N � Q � z =Q� 10 WINDOW NOTES 1. ALL NEW 1GLAZING SHALL COMPLY WITH 'STANDARDS' OF THE U.S. CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY COMMISSION. MANUFACTURER TO SUPPLY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE TO OWNER. 2. ALL NEW WINDOW TO BE DUAL GLAZED 3. ALL WINDOWS TO BE MADE BY PELLA WINDOW U -FACTOR = 0.35, SHGC = 0.30 4. THE NERC TEMPORARY LABEL DISPLAYED ON WINDOWS MUST REMAIN ON THE UNIT UNTIL FINAL INSPECTION HAS BEEN COMPLETED DOOR TYPES D E C NEW 2' X 4' SKYLIGHT TEMPERED LOW -e GL, BY VELUX 1' 0'H' NEW 2' X 2' SKYLIGHT TEMPERED LOW -e GL/ BY VELUX EXIST'G CLAY TILE ROO TO REMAIN (`I OV TII F_ QnnF- "nl�l�_pl��� c TILE" BY US TILE 'MUDA BLEND ROOF PLAN CLAY TILE ROOF 'EMAIN EXIST'G CHIMNEY LL] W w U Q� z CD CD LV LJJ = � U Q U)z w U w0 m Q LL 0 F- Q Q LLi 0 c) U CL � Q N Q P1/ W 0 0 z� UJ CD z LL. >co Q 0\ 0\ Q a Q� 00 �z o0\ LLJ c) U T- cy) CD LL N � Q � z =Q� SCALE: LL 0 0 z: = o CV Q p= O Q J � LL] W w U Q� z CD CD LV LJJ = � U Q U)z w U w0 m Q LL 0 F- Q Q LLi 0 c) U CL � Q N Q P1/ W 0 0 z LL. W Z Qo 0 z 0 0 LLJ c) U T- cy) 0 wU 0 in ry OJ Q SCALE: LL 0 0 z z rLd� c o CV Q LL] W w U Q� z CD CD LV LJJ = � U Q U)z w U w0 m Q LL 0 F- Q Q LLi 0 c) U CL � Q N Q P1/ 0 0 LL. C) Z 0 z Q 0 J n 0 LL. z 0 in ry LiJ 48 SCALE: 1/4"=l' -O" JOB NO.: DATE: 6-12-18 1 SHEET: EXISTING BUILDING NORTH ELEVATION NEW ADDITION FINISH NOTE: CLAY TILE ROOF "ONE-PIECE S TILE" BY US TILE < > COLOR TO MATCH EXISTING: BERMUDA BLEND <2 LA HABRA STUCCO, COLOR TO MATCH EXISTING: X-50 CRYSTAL WHITE > SAND FINISH <3 ALUM. CLADDED WOOD WINDOW BY JELD-WEN PREMIUM, > COLOR: CHESTNUT BRONZE < > 4 WOOD RAKE & FASCIA BOARD. COLOR TO MATCH EXISTING "COFFEE ST -103" BY BEHR EXTERIOR WOOD STAIN PAINT NEW ADDITION SOUTH ELEVATION EXISTING BUILDING : CHESTNUT BRONZE SIN PAINT BY VELUX, COLOR: GRAY EXISTING BUILDING WEST ELEVATION NEW ADDITION EXISTING BUILDING EAST ELEVATION REVISIONS z 0 0 W z� wo > 0_0 Q G\ ao aQ00 ry r O ON �L.LN Q J 5 Q = Q \0 m O 0Qz o=J C> Lo < no W z Lu Q o 0 Lu r U rn Q Lu U oQ LL o Q cy) U OC N Q z O Q w I w SCALE: 1/4"=l'—O" JOB NO.: DRAWN: DATE: 6-12-18 SHEET: A4 Lu W w U >� z Q o W LL1 = wzLD zQ U � 0 < U~ LL 0 U w 0 r U O o N Q z O Q w I w SCALE: 1/4"=l'—O" JOB NO.: DRAWN: DATE: 6-12-18 SHEET: A4