HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlansWDLL TO REMAIN O R ST 166 / i 4R 1� l /_______T____—____ _Z--_—___ 11 ly r - I IN O -AY T�Iey2EPE ILL r L ROOF I M WATER! I I i � I� I 9fNGlF FM4LY I I �� III 1 I I j � 1 RESIN y I u iN I l L______ i LL I I , \ 14 CLAY TLE I \ 1 \ I J ROOF \ I I \ \ \ II \\ 1 'SLOPE II _—________N ________ I 1 II IM4RIVIwAYI \ \\ I I v v I y :• 1 y 1 / I I o S. ------------------- b I \ I I RX"WED RETAINING WPLL PROPOSED SITE/ROOF PLAN SCALE: 7/8" 1'-0" N O 4 8 16 FT. Revisions I M CITT REVISION I G w o $ O _ w U) U 3 � Z $ LLJ O 0 O 0- _9 Tale 02.03.17 IMWn PCO Imposed ob 1010.101 heal A-1 11001 DGlO1B'GON MOOR AREA RATIO ZONING R-1 LOT 512[ 050 W. FT. ASSESSORS LD. NUMBER 5711-019-005 LEGAL DESCRIPTION TRACT NO 6541 LOT 1 LOT COVERAGE! IM IST FLOOR 1,470 SO. PT, IX!. B1R{L�IW TYPE IN 1N0 PLWR 1)76 50. FT. TYPE -VE H STEPS 8 ENTRY ID 60. FT. IN 2 CAR OARAG[ AM S0. Fi LOT W?I!5! TMA, FL. AREA 5,512 50. FT. LOT SIZE Also 50. FT. RNYR[0 PARKING pOLLOro -450 LOT 6M1A66L (m RW 1,107 50. FT. TOTAL NEW FLOOR AREA 2,B71 SO, FT. IB GYNP: 436 Sa. FT. MAXIMUM FLOOR AREA 5,127 50. FT. Pill EXIST LOT OSA9HEyg4s SO. FT. MOOR AREA RATIO (41.1 LOT C0.II�'A6S =51 MAXIMUM R1XA AREA 145X) MTM At1.OWE0 MM' ADDITION M w R0.A 4526 SO. FT. PROPOSED 01 p M 1 CN GM14Ni 466 S0. FT. P CTMO RE'.4hm IARf0X1 54 QDIC ITS TWO 6TU0' M P]ql R S0. FT. 0.gC TNm F lA^p"D 9 pdC HK R TOTAL NEW LOT COVERAGE 1,001 60. FT. MVmBfAR fO.7QAlt PAVLG VNOPf 1omcs5'-0' LOT COVlRA6E�. 1261) ICGETNCR — — — — — — — NNUUMUTA LOT COVIVAN! ALLOWED (BSN) WDLL TO REMAIN O R ST 166 / i 4R 1� l /_______T____—____ _Z--_—___ 11 ly r - I IN O -AY T�Iey2EPE ILL r L ROOF I M WATER! I I i � I� I 9fNGlF FM4LY I I �� III 1 I I j � 1 RESIN y I u iN I l L______ i LL I I , \ 14 CLAY TLE I \ 1 \ I J ROOF \ I I \ \ \ II \\ 1 'SLOPE II _—________N ________ I 1 II IM4RIVIwAYI \ \\ I I v v I y :• 1 y 1 / I I o S. ------------------- b I \ I I RX"WED RETAINING WPLL PROPOSED SITE/ROOF PLAN SCALE: 7/8" 1'-0" N O 4 8 16 FT. Revisions I M CITT REVISION I G w o $ O _ w U) U 3 � Z $ LLJ O 0 O 0- _9 Tale 02.03.17 IMWn PCO Imposed ob 1010.101 heal A-1 FINISH NOTES OI RJOrl - m 0.AY TILL DT MMAW= IWWMi oxLa as a¢+oas alta las 'Al LS IK PSTN 6PCPIfA RL � mTM _.p , O1 BTLW &RJOiX WiF(#OL - M MIL iHbII /.� �-. ,-., `_i,.. •.. Qa S1Bgr1 Ptl]FlC mw'NR p1 D}JpL CCLCR &qM! IF O IXyQAaS' WWPLLa R1 V.CCO fqM! 0.l.CR T Ofa aolim a _ /i ISI llp{. I. II i11 © INILI MOR- mnmaumWa / 1 NAyM Ml P4 O PW.@LM (Y P/@ 0.1T 9yj$CR M41 MLft D4IX droAN _a 1 13 OI Yd.O MP1Ol TAY9 `TW. 9d lLLon fM'lI SINN W DOYI MR l`'„9'-( . OJLOR WIaplPn DW mi — — — — _ _ _ _ _ OB N'KW 1qM LNOI' SINN — -- — 11 IX [J UL - WLCR Q.IPNN1 DPJ11t! O mpD TOA PPMIPbTiP � _ _ ozc« rocaaaa D.w: wx+ur - T 10 CR Cg VI - TP. am L0.CR ICC3IIA T#tLttp].0.a 10 L 10 D &RO}M YD`IIIM f45i 6IRL CA L'WIL M.Q 541.84 11 IXI®UQ! U4HIIN3 - TR. 5 F UL w li NRPIAR W]N RASR � GENERAL NOTES t WIIQN!' !fa LQ:16 Wµ1 a! 4 F@➢M.M W 3" 11IUA IXIp1IPt mil SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE, 1/4" - 1'-0" g O iy �.i•�^�r^riRt ��.-N � Mn. MMny1r� Rl. � _ A.M. r^r^i^•nrn•� ilii ^•i.•. lli 1. 1. A 1.ini� � "1Tf r' '� � -�in•r^.ii�rr^irw:nA.rMn7� �'f ��'�in"tii �n..ii ni111Yrnr^rr-.r^.'n � ��� n.� i•iiih'ti'V' n'�i�i�i'n���' ii Ct�.Ma'8!!!ili:i C mini �nir nyrn �r� Y �inr^rn:n'^:n��ii��rirw w r nyrn.ninr 'Ltih'^iii .n.nrn n n nyi i.iiirn.nr^.n.nr.. n nr� 'r'•n•nrny SS __.J.�!�!�l�.DiiVii�.�:J_lrl•1_!!y w•Li._!n!!!!!!iJ'!!!:w!D!!r!!!r!rL•!J'!!!!s1•!!n!�y ��tii� 0 O 0 �f•i-i•i- -i•1•-•-i-i.. y _ _ �� � • • .PnLr'�y�nyr�inr'iny..`ifijT:i:: iiAiii i•i•i•i�;riigljii yrn•P �i^r^^'inC"rn...n n. �.^ n� ��n.n.n•n.n.n.nrn.nrn !n!n!ny!� al aI O- O emummmieeuuum me � � — n EAST ELEVATION R.;sims e N Z 0 a W W Date 02.03.17 Dmvn PCO Ch.W Job 1010.101 iheel A-3 G FINISH NOTES Q NGGr Tees - T79. 0.ar ales sr Bniro aer vure ure _ 0LR 0.D 59]Nn eldo Ia 'At 561 - — — — — - wsrNLgTrcw a I�Yp v�w1 m veli MWlM11R9lG 6RGIRGTIW¢ If> O 6i1LW &.INiH wfftSTIL - tTP r �}$q 6wMD1 RII&1 CQ Lm W. OACR PMpAtTi/ Oart aao wnmes . rm. ° s s�sPa vuaFcvrc wlwoWs m eaul msrs asowN O MII1dM� RIDING WNL BRTd 2 eV1eL a+aD Gass wars w wood rwve amort - orac Nawleo move w Rax _ A mDrt oatt maw I2 msrt ST�m OB N Wma Tlml aMGI STM { mlR 0016JaIH eROIM O` � L`.�� r:,�. O ae � iYP �{{{ Id RRR •. � - lo warn slurla; RVNI®. nv p� - - — - �1'Pffii. m N1+L L0.Pf NF3l!{ THRLB410.a I1 }' 6TA9 P'IIEt WYIFQI.'I9 GRiTl1! WYRW BlNPIO M41f1AA fLST SId! (R EO.NL ,1 �m � - M n NORTH ELEVATION uwmNG L n SCALE: 1/4" 1'-0e oaaR aaac GENERAL NOTES t 'MIWf5 Mp pN6 SWIL m Rte' 4 MMMa1 P fmN IXIQUan WNL n WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/411 • 1'-0" R.miore N I MI Acm s 3 ILI w H X ky w 5 U o g oCL 0z 0- bre 02.03.77 rlwn PCO flecked ob 1010.101 �eA 4 LINE CF SIGHT & SECTION TI-RaJGH SITE O PROPOSED GRADING SOYE YlaV4 Q T0.®lpATiID WMV/J N O m aero ram num � ie oxw iw / I ___—___—__�� — 111--------- — — — _ _ __._�_ r__________'a -------------------- -r-_— _______ ____________— _____ ____� --- --_ ---~rz �__-___`_`-__--____`________ - z_ -c__ _ ____ r_________________ _ ________________ _____,_y______ _________-__________ , i waem ur• aumw wer�onxe wa.i EXISTING SITE SECTION O xwr emroa ¢ error Revisions att 5 LUZ O: O U N z u We 02.09.17 hwn PCO k ecked Recisions t3A,.-o,,4'-O" /-b" 11 J14" CASEMENT B CLAD WINDOW SCHEDULE t3 2'-8" 7'-6" 1 3/4" B WD PNT XCCtC CASEMENT DOOR SCHEDULE NO WiNDM SIM N1a1N fl1lM TYPE eTttL TYPe DOOR MAIL AAIDp RC�FICS PNT wllbfH 517E !PJ(i1T ODOR TYO_ TrR` M4TL 1 3/4" F{ARGNANORE l0IX UlO1 � IAOC REMhRKS Q 3'-0' 4'-O" FIX C CLAD PNT Oi 3'-6" 1 7'-6" 1 1 3/4" A WD SNT I X WO PNT X Q 3'-0' 4'-0" FIX C CLAD PNT O 2'-6" 7'-6" 1 1 3/4" B WD PNT I I X B Q 2'-0" 4'-0" CASEMENT A CLAD PNT O3 2'-8" ]'-6" 1 3/4" B WD PNT X Q 3'-0" 4'-0" CASEMENT B GLAD PNT 0 2'-8" 7'-6" 1 3/4" B WD PNT % Q W-0" 5'-0" CASEMENT B CLAD PNT 0 2'-8" ]'-6" 1 3/4" B WD PNT X Q 2'-0" 4'-0" CASEMENT B CLAD PNT 0 2'-8" 7'-6" 1 3/4" 8 WD PNT X Q 2'-0" 4'-0" CASEMENT B CLAD PNT Oi 2'-8"1x61 7'-6" 1 3/4" C WD PNT X CUSTOM FOLDING DOORS -0" 4'-O" CASEMENT B CLAD PNT Oe 5'-O" 7'-6" 1 3/4" D WO PNT X-0" '" FIX C CLAD PNT 02'-8" ]'-6" 1 3/4" B WD PNT +&2 -6" W-0" CASEMENT B CLAD PNT to 2'-8" T-6" 1 3/4" B WD PNT X 3.X PRIVACY LOCK -6"5'-0" CASEMENT B CLAD PNT n 2-e ]-6 1 3/a B WD PNT -O" FIX/CASEMENT F CLAD PNT CUSTOM WINDOW t2 2'-2" ]'-6" 1 3/4" B WD PNT Recisions t3A,.-o,,4'-O" /-b" 11 J14" CASEMENT B CLAD PNT t3 2'-8" 7'-6" 1 3/4" B WD PNT XCCtC CASEMENT B 1 CLAD PNT 4'-O" CASEMENT B CLAD PNT i4 2'-8" ]'-6" 1 3/4" B WD PNT 1'-8" 1'-8" FIX D CLAD CASEMENTA 1'-8" CLAD PNT2'-8" CLAD PNT 7'-6" 1 3/4" B WO PNT X PRIVACY LOCK 2'-0" W-0" CASEMENT A CASEMENT B CLAD PNT tb-0"Jx2 E ]'-6" 11 3/4"1 E I WD PNT B - WINDOW TYPES Iw1 ❑ NIJlG AL1- CF IX16PIaP Ve]fV;VN ... L aoara aw. PME 1@fH® TIRQAipI/r aso aso aso awo aoa aao amen c»aart Pa Pa os1vX fiX m PIX A B C D E F DOOR TYPES �� �7 ,, ® �nnlll�lllll��unlll�ll� I� I�® ■ ® � � � — 11111111111"IIIII'llllllllllllllllll' I '� f �� � � � �IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII��IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII� L plllllll� IIIIII' swo vnm �a vgco Mee woo) Olt � A B C 9Aa 9oA wbOD snID wiON ox me D E F G CUSTOM GARAGE DOOR wu„� �srMR by - NST w.P wo 1NSrgItD er ane6 nrcowncam.e sm m ismer e, ones :tsoxn,w,u, evo a - sen.wr er ones wdn etvr - eceaex sun>m e+o eaTaim eT anexs. wmt wo orr.• •••'•' •• P o eb N'teaae nm1 BY avers .Wb MC&RI UT SP.W. N w J o $ w_ - -6'L. PN! 9FRICD ND vema er ottms U N W o„rwas evo Q d wuxr er ones ltwwer J lei oaLPMB aniILJ F- C 0 =3$ �w Date 02.09.77 Drawn PCO Checked Jab 1010.101 Sheet -O A-6 TYPICAL WINDOW DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S /-b" 11 J14" tl I WD I PNT X 2'-6" 4'-0" CASEMENT B CLAD PNT 2'-6" 4'-0" CASEMENT B 1 CLAD PNT 4'-O" 4'-0" CASEMENT B CLAD PNT 1'-8e 1'-B" FIX D CLAD PNT 1'-8" 1'-8" FIX D CLAD PNT 1'-8" 1'-8" FIX D CLAD PNT FIX D CLAD PNT 2'-0" W-0" CASEMENT A GLAD PNT 4'-0" FIX E CLAD PNT CUSTOM WINDOW 2'-6" 5'-0" CASEMENT B CLAD PNT 2'-6" 5'-0" CASEMENT B CLAD PNT 4'-0" W-0" CASEMENT B GLAD PNT WINDOW TYPES Iw1 ❑ NIJlG AL1- CF IX16PIaP Ve]fV;VN ... L aoara aw. PME 1@fH® TIRQAipI/r aso aso aso awo aoa aao amen c»aart Pa Pa os1vX fiX m PIX A B C D E F DOOR TYPES �� �7 ,, ® �nnlll�lllll��unlll�ll� I� I�® ■ ® � � � — 11111111111"IIIII'llllllllllllllllll' I '� f �� � � � �IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII��IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII� L plllllll� IIIIII' swo vnm �a vgco Mee woo) Olt � A B C 9Aa 9oA wbOD snID wiON ox me D E F G CUSTOM GARAGE DOOR wu„� �srMR by - NST w.P wo 1NSrgItD er ane6 nrcowncam.e sm m ismer e, ones :tsoxn,w,u, evo a - sen.wr er ones wdn etvr - eceaex sun>m e+o eaTaim eT anexs. wmt wo orr.• •••'•' •• P o eb N'teaae nm1 BY avers .Wb MC&RI UT SP.W. N w J o $ w_ - -6'L. PN! 9FRICD ND vema er ottms U N W o„rwas evo Q d wuxr er ones ltwwer J lei oaLPMB aniILJ F- C 0 =3$ �w Date 02.09.77 Drawn PCO Checked Jab 1010.101 Sheet -O A-6 TYPICAL WINDOW DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S /-b" 11 J14" tl I WD I PNT X 7'-61 1 3/4" B WO PNT X -0"4x2'i 7'-6" 1 3/4" E WD PNT 2'-8" 7'-6" 1 3/4" B WD PNT X 7'-0" 1 3/4" E WD PNT X 16'-O" W-0" G WINDOW TYPES Iw1 ❑ NIJlG AL1- CF IX16PIaP Ve]fV;VN ... L aoara aw. PME 1@fH® TIRQAipI/r aso aso aso awo aoa aao amen c»aart Pa Pa os1vX fiX m PIX A B C D E F DOOR TYPES �� �7 ,, ® �nnlll�lllll��unlll�ll� I� I�® ■ ® � � � — 11111111111"IIIII'llllllllllllllllll' I '� f �� � � � �IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII��IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII� L plllllll� IIIIII' swo vnm �a vgco Mee woo) Olt � A B C 9Aa 9oA wbOD snID wiON ox me D E F G CUSTOM GARAGE DOOR wu„� �srMR by - NST w.P wo 1NSrgItD er ane6 nrcowncam.e sm m ismer e, ones :tsoxn,w,u, evo a - sen.wr er ones wdn etvr - eceaex sun>m e+o eaTaim eT anexs. wmt wo orr.• •••'•' •• P o eb N'teaae nm1 BY avers .Wb MC&RI UT SP.W. N w J o $ w_ - -6'L. PN! 9FRICD ND vema er ottms U N W o„rwas evo Q d wuxr er ones ltwwer J lei oaLPMB aniILJ F- C 0 =3$ �w Date 02.09.77 Drawn PCO Checked Jab 1010.101 Sheet -O A-6 TYPICAL WINDOW DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S NOTES: W11 Retaining wall, refer to civil and structural drawings for construction / wall height information. g/ Finish to be smooth stucco with color and finish to match architecture. No wall cap, allow for Hillside with native meadow drainage / water proofing / and sleeves. W2 Garden wall, max wall height to be 36" (specially at step enclosure areas) , refer to civil and W structural drawings for construction / detailed wall height information. w Finish to be smooth stucco with color and finish to match architecture. No wall cap, allow for Bp drainage / water proofing / and sleeves. W3 Low seat wall, 18" high, refer to civil and structural drawings for construction / wall height palm to remain in place. information. E Finish to be poured in place natural gray concrete with a smooth trowel finish at side and top 0g cast #5 at top of wall, i' radius at edges. allow for drainage / water proofing / and sleeves. TP Terraced Garden wall, max wall height to be 36" actual wall height gradually varies following topography, refer to civil and structural drawings for construction / detailed wall height W information. Z) Finish to be smooth stucco with color and finish to match architecture. No wall cap, allow for v drainage / water proofing / and sleeves. H1 Vehicular rate concrete with a natural gray concrete field and band with a medium exposed LU V aggregate finish (top cast #5 or equal), scoring to be tool joint per plan. Concrete depth, PSI ti ;° "a and reinforcement per gectechnical report and structural engineer. 2"' radius at all edges. H2 Natural gray concrete band with a paver inset field. Concrete to be gray with a medium exposed aggregate finish (top cast #5 or equal), scoring to be tool joint per plan. Concrete depth, PSI and reinforcement per geotechnical report and structural engineer. 12" radius at all edges. Pavers inset to be BELGARD -'Transitional collection - AQUA ROC' m a'TOSCANA' color. IDE FENCE / GATE #2: Sub -base depth, type and reinforcement per geotechnical report and structural engineer. H3 Pedestrian rated concrete With a natural gray concrete field and band with a medium exposed typical for wood fence and gate 5' aggregate finish (top cast #5 or equal), scoring to be tool joint per plan. Concrete depth, PSI -- and reinforcement per geotechnical report and structural engineer. 1" radius at all edges. H4 Poured in dace concrete steps with a f' bullnose step face, raiser and tread per civil drawings. Finish to be natural gray concrete with a medium exposed aggregate finish (top cast #5 or equal), scoring to be tool joint per plan. Concrete depth, PSI and reinforcement per geotechnical report and structural engineer. '2" radius at all edges. HIS Poured in place concrete stepping stones, size per plan. Finish to be natural grey concrete with a medium exposed aggregate finish (top cast #5 or equal), scoring to be tool joint per plan. Concrete depth, PSI and reinforcement par geotechnical report and structural engineer. H6 Natural Flagstone stepping stones, size per plan. Set in a mortar bed. Flagstone to be Southwest Boulder'Autumn Gold', sub -base type and depth, per geotechnical repot and structural engineer. H7 Paver field. Pavers field to be BELGARD -'Transitional collection - AQUA ROC' in a "rOSCANA` color. Subdlass depth, type and reinforcement per geotechnical report and structural engineer. P Typical for PLANTER AREA, to include trees, shrubs, ground cover, lawn and meadow areas. V,bM.P,,n, Drainage per civil drawings. Typical: All hardscape and planting areas drainage per civil engineer. Belgard Favors area Iscape area, see note H2 not to exceed 36" high. see note W-2 ACCENTTREE see planting plan RETAINING WALL 18" high. we note W-1 REAR STEPS -1: ml for hardscaps area, we note H4 ACCENT TREE. see planting plan tamps area. see note H2 VALKWAY 1: Escape area, see note H7 we notal) H7 for planter Area area P-12 13 high, align with H3 planter area P-10 ,CED PLANTER WALL: lards Wall not to exceed 36" high. See note TP 1 51 Id for plantarea area P-2 ENTRY STEPS -1: typical for hardscape area, sce note H4 ACCENT TREE: we planting plan we planting plan r 5LANTER AREA: g/ Hillside with native meadow for erosion control. W WALM w UCL Bp Existing phoenix canadensis Z palm to remain in place. W E CCENTTREE 0g see planting plan in Typical for planter area W Z) planter area P-3 v F— ACCENTTREE LU V sea ti ;° "a see planting plan I ETAINING WALL WITH HANDRAIL - IDE FENCE / GATE #2: See note W-1 typical for wood fence and gate 5' -- high, align with building. (STING LOW WALL AT PROPERTY LINE. see note W-1 ONCRETE SIDE WALKWAY 2:apetypical for hardscarea, sea note H3 Typical for shrub planter area V,bM.P,,n, planter area P-4 'sting Juniper tree to b protected in place. ACCENTTREE al flagstone see planting plan stone set in mortar _ see note H6. IDE FENCE /GATE III ONCRETE E WALKWAY 2: an ;. • typical for wood fence tl gate 5' typical for In scape area, high, align with building. we note H RIVEWAY/MAIN ENTRY: typical for hardscape area, see note H2 • RIVEWAY: typical for hardscape area, see note H11 NTRY LANDING: typical for hardsca area, see note H2 NTRY S S-1 pical r hardscape area. ete H4 NTRY LANDING -1: pical for hardscape area, as note H3 ERRACED PLANTER WALL: pical for garde wall not to 0 mad 36" high. e note TP 1 ypical for shrub planter area planter area P-6 TERRACED PLANTER WALL: typical for garde wall not to exceed 36" high. / see note TP 1 °xsLAN D design studio 460 E. 6TH STREET AZUSA, CALIFORNIA 91702 626.391.2869 P REVo4US2016 PER ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CITY COMMENTS REV 07-07-2016 PER ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CITY COMMENTS. 1 ADDITIONAL TREE AT FRONT YARD. REV02-03-2017 FOR ARCHITECTURAL REVIEV RE -SUBMITTAL. REV 0412-2017 FOR REVISIONS TO ARCH. REVIEW RE -SUBMITTAL. REVo312-2017 FOR REVISIONS TO ARCH. REVIEW RESUBMITTAL. REV 11-0 2017 FOR REVISIONS TO ARCH. REVIEW RESUBMITTAL CONCEPTUALLANDSCAPE Sale: 1/6' =1'-0" oras noted Data: Mav29.2015 L1.0 Z a W w UCL U Z W o Z 0g in Q W Z) v F— va aU LU V sea ti ;° "a O U CONCEPTUALLANDSCAPE Sale: 1/6' =1'-0" oras noted Data: Mav29.2015 L1.0 Existing steps at cobblestone wall Exiling ling HS' high cobblestone retaining wall Existing palm and frees 6BLOCK WALL 50.60 6' COBBLI RET WALL r I chinetree to;bT Existing rear paf e I elm tree #1 demolished Existing terrace / elm tree #1 A #2 to be demo. Existing steps at rear patio Existing slope l elm tree l isling camphor tree to be demolished (70"). it ; .- Allr� F cif Existing side driveway with neighbor pines Existing side driveway with juniper tree J Existing pines at neighbor Existing perimeterfence/gate#1 Existing front retaining wall / steps Existing front retaining wag Exising perimeter fence/gate #1 )BY HI Existing perimeter fence/gate#1 Usgng pedmaterfencergete#2 Existing pines Existing juniper Existing elm 2 bank P1 place (6"). ak,LAND design studio fence 460 E. 6TH STREET AZUSA. CALIFORNIA 91702 626.391.2889 P --Existing perimeter fence #2 to remain in place. pine tree, not part of scope —Existing phoenix cenadensis REVN405-2016 palm to remain in place and B be protected (28"). PER ARCHITECTURAL RENEW CITY COMMENTS mj ROCK o{6EsjdSAPIoperty. REV 07-07-2016 PER ARCHITECTURAL �Ipedmeter fence /gate #2 REVIEW CITY COMMENTS - 1 ADDITIONAL TREE AT ,--Existing neighbor property FRONTYARD. ISt ne el #2 REV 02412017 FOR ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW I to be demolished (8"). RE -SUBMITTAL to be protected in place on REV ON2-2017 FOR REVISIONS TO ARCH, ing podocarpus REVIEWRE-SUBMITTAL racflior tree to be REVO9-12-2017 FOR REVISIONS TO ARCH. REVIEWRESUSMITTAL. d olished (8") 2 STORY HOUSE rimeler fence #2 REV 10-042017 FOR REVISIONS TOARCH. REVIEW RESUBMITTAL. kkyy �B junlpseerus'turulosa' tree El - properly line to remain in place Fm beg protected (12'1 W LU ,—Existing neighbor property pine tree, not part of scope E to be protected in place on ROCK o{6EsjdSAPIoperty. -Perimeter fence / gate #2 ,--Existing neighbor property pine free, not part of stype to be protected in place on E our side W property. z 3 El - W LU w U a Z W z z J Lill") Q W :D mu w Z E.9z �a O EXISTING CONDITIONS Scale: Ire-=1'-0"oras noted Date: Mav 29.2015 L2.0 gksLAN D design studio 460 E. 6TH STREET AZUSA, CALIFORNIA 91702 626.391.2889 P $YM REV PER ARCHITECTURAL stingREVIEWCITYCOM ENTS 2 /, // / / , / /�� ,/ REV 0747-2016 I PER ARCHITECTURAL 21 REVIEW CITY COMMENTS - 24" 1 ADDITIONAL TREE AT FRONT YARD. REV 024}2017 a FOR ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW RESUBMITTAL REV 00.12-201] 24"box FOR REVISIONS TO ARCH. - REVIEW RESUBMITTAL. REV 09-12-2017 FOR REVISIONS TO ARCH. see .—aaeaae_ REVIEW RESUBMITTAL. 36" boX 2 S REV 10-042017 FOR REVISIONS TO ARCH. REVIEW RESUBMITTAL. V-2 ?: 24" box sting SOURCE: WUCOLS N2014(WATER USE CLASSIFICATION OF LANDSCAPE SPECIES)/ SUNSETWESTERN GARDEN BOOK ZONE 21 WUCOLS REGION 3 HIM Z Q J a W w SAGEMN a gas Bloom / ml/ Z o 36" box W Z J H a W < a _caa W SOURCE: V 01S N 2014 WATER USE CLASSIFICATION OF LANDSCAPE SPECIES)WUCOLS REGION aU U _ o$ 0 uV J a U 0 PLANTING PLAN Scale: 1/B" =1'-0' or as noted / pate' Mev 282015 L3.0 TREE LEGEND BO T LNAME COM ttPE WU OL6 RATING OCERCIS CANADEN516'FOREGT PANSY REDBUD tree Low Decitluca tree • OLE4 EUROPPFA SPECIMEN' ofi✓e tree Lav Evergreen Vee OLFA EUROPAEA FRUITLESS Fruitless PLANT LEGEND SYMBOL B TA W COMMENTS PRUNUS CAROUNANA'COMPACTA' Compact ramku cherry hedge Medium 5 gel C-vergreen vertical hedge at perimeter wall OlE4 EUROPAFA'UTTLE OLLIE' Dwrlolrve sMub background shmb Low 6gal Evergreen low shrub mass WESTRINGW FRUTICOSA Coasfrciwr®ry background! shrub Low 6gal Evergreen lav shmb mass • ROSMARINUS OFFICM14U5'PPOSTRgTUS' TreiNTgraserrery • law olHe tree Law Evergreen tree foregrountl sMub IXISITNG TREE TO REMAIN IN PUCE Sgal Evergreen low shrub • BUXUS SEMPERNflENS'GREEN GEM' Boxivootl PLANT LEGEND SYMBOL B TA W COMMENTS PRUNUS CAROUNANA'COMPACTA' Compact ramku cherry hedge Medium 5 gel C-vergreen vertical hedge at perimeter wall OlE4 EUROPAFA'UTTLE OLLIE' Dwrlolrve sMub background shmb Low 6gal Evergreen low shrub mass WESTRINGW FRUTICOSA Coasfrciwr®ry background! shrub Low 6gal Evergreen lav shmb mass • ROSMARINUS OFFICM14U5'PPOSTRgTUS' TreiNTgraserrery foreground sM1rub law 6gal Evergreen treJing sM1mb • PITfO6PORUM TOBIRA WHEELERS DWARF Dwedmock avenge foregrountl sMub Medium Sgal Evergreen low shrub • BUXUS SEMPERNflENS'GREEN GEM' Boxivootl foreground shrub Medvm 6gel Perennial/succulem as accent • TPACHELOSPERMUM JASMINOIDES Smr,avrlirre lox shrub MedMm 6gN Evergreen t rading shrub • VIA LEN CHICKER NG' ANan cM1rokerin Perenn V low trail 1 SALVIA LFUcQPIffLLA Whke aufumnse Pu Perennial Perennial V 1 all 1 I f LAVENDER MIX • V I E M1 h low sM1 H 'R GA 5 n Perennial low TYPICAL FOR NATfVE MEADOW Calibrnie Bent grass sod -585 seetla 0ventlm Sotl ttFIG1LFOR LAWN EXISTING FRONT /PROPOSED LAWN AREA Sod/nnrerYron rypell NOTES: W1 Retaining wall, refer to civil and structural drawings for construction / wall height information. Z Finish to be smooth stucco with color and finish to match architecture. No wall cep, allow for typical for wood fence and gate 5' high, align with building. Portions drainage / water proofing / and sleeves. W2 Garden wall, max wall height to be 36" (specially at step enclosure areas) , refer to civil and u structural drawings for construction / detailed wall height information. retaining low wall and skip Finish to be smooth stucco with color and finish to match architecture. No wall cap, allow for Z U drainage / water proofing / and sleeves. W3 Low seat wall, 18" high, refer to civil and structural drawings for construction / wall height J information. Finish to be poured in place natural gray concrete with a smooth trowel finish at side and top N J cast 95 at top of wall, z" radius at edges, allow for drainage / water proofing / and sleeves. TP Terraced Garden wall, max wall height to be 36" actual wall height gradually varies following 0- topography, refer to civil and structural drawings for construction / detailed wall height W information. C o Z Finish to be smooth stucco with color and finish to match architecture. No wall cap, allow for U drainage / water proofing / and sleeves. H1 Vehicular rate concrete with a natural gray concrete field and band with a medium exposed aggregate finish (top cast #5 or equal), scoring to be tool joint per plan. Concrete depth, PSI and reinforcement per geotechnical report and structural engineer. �' radius at all edges. H2 Natural gray concrete band with a paver inset field. Concrete to be gray with a medium exposed aggregate finish (top cast #5 or equal), scoring to be tool joint per plan. Concrete depth, PSI and reinforcement per gedechnical report and structural engineer. 'radius at all edges. Pavers inset to be BELGARD -'Transitional collection - AQUA ROC' in a TOSCANN color. Sub -base depth, type and reinforcement per geotechnical report and structural engineer. H3 Pedestrian rated concrete with a natural gray concrete field and band with a medium exposed aggregate finish (top cast #5 or equal), scoring to be tool joint per plan. Concrete depth, PSI and reinforcement per geotechnical report and structural engineer. J" radius at all edges. H4 Poured in place concrete steps with a i' bullnose step face, raiser and tread per civil drawings. Finish to be natural gray concrete with a medium exposed aggregate finish (top cast #5 or equal), scoring to be tool joint per plan. Concrete depth, PSI and reinforcement per geotechnical report and structural engineer. �' radius at all edges. HIS Poured in place concrete stepping stones, size per pian. Finish to be natural gray concrete with a medium exposed aggregate finish (top cast #5 or equal), existing to be tool joint per plan. Concrete depth, PSI and reinforcement per geotechnical report and structural engineer. H6 Natural Flagstone stepping stones, size per plan. Set in a mortar bed. Flagstone to be Southwest Boulder 'Autumn Gold', sub -base type and depth, per geotechnical report and structural engineer. H7 Paverfield. Pavers field to be BELGARD -Transitional collection - AQUA ROC' in a TOSCANA' color. Sub -base depth, type and reinforcement per geotechnical report and structural engineer. P Typical for PLANTER AREA, to include trees, shrubs, ground cover, lawn and meadow areas. Drainage per civil drawings. Typical: All hardscape and stenting areas drainage per civil engineer. typical for S' wood fence to remain in place. ypical for wood fence and gate 5' high, fence dead ends at exisfing retaining wall GARDEN WALL not to exceed 36" high. see note W-2 48" high. see note W-1 high, fence dead ends at existing retaining wall A SIDE FENCE / GATEI# 1: ypical for wood fence and gate 5' high, fence starts alignsth buildwith i 36" high. See note TP 1 R EXISTING FENCE TO REMAIN IN PLACE: typical for 5' wood fence to remain in place. " WATER FEATU E refab. see note -1 ypical for plants area stainer area P-2 11 ELM ENTRY STEPS -1: typical for hardscape area, we note H4 .EXISTING FENCE TO REMAIN IN PLACE: typical for 5' wood fence to remain in place. 12 IDE FENCE / GATE # 2: typical for wood fence and gate 5' high, wood fence dead ends with emitting retaining wall. ETAINING WALL WITH HANDRAIL - See note W-1 SIDE FENCE / GATE # 2: typical for wood fence and gate 5' high, wood fence over existing low retaining wall. Juniperus tree to be slipped by wood fastest. J5 go —EXISTING LOW WALL AT PROPERTY LINE. sed note W-1 i •.:, Tn IDE FENCE / GATE #2: Z typical for wood fence and gate 5' high, align with building. Portions Ell - of woad fence to go over existing u retaining low wall and skip Z U protected juniper tree. :RACED PLANTER WALL: :ai for garde wall not to red 36" high. note TP 1 —TERRACED PLANTER WALL: typical for garde wall not to exceed 36" high. see note TP 1 2. 2 _ z% .RAND design studio 460 EAT STREET AZUSA, CALIFORNIA 91702 626.391.2889 P REV09-05-2016 PER ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CITU COMMENTS REV 07417-2016 PER ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CITY COMMENTS - 1 ADDITIONAL TREE AT FRONTYARD. REV 02-03-2017 FOR ARCHITECTURAL RENEW RESUBMITTAL REV 04-12-2017 FOR REVISIONS TO ARCH. REVIEW RE -SUBMITTAL. REVD 12-2017 FOR REVISIONS TO ARCH. REVIEWRESUBMITTAL REV 10-04-2017 FOR REVISIONS TO ARCH. REVIEW RESUBMITTAL. Tn Z g Ell - W w UJ U a Z U W Z Z J N J W D 0- W C o Z U PERIMETER FENCING Soale: 1B"=1'-0" or as noted DeviMau 29 2015 L4.0