HomeMy WebLinkAboutUntitled APPLICATION FOR HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION FILE NO. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW SHORT REVIEW PROCESS DATE FILED PROJECT ADDRESS /44Cie..uaA--... ` APPLICANTICONTACT PERSON'S NAME PzA�' C_° �: S%2c r -it7.�/ MAILING ADDRESS2/ 7/� �,//1'I /� 7 y3`) Zeder CITY /Al 4/7/.J&l� 42j CJ STA-7T,E` ( 4- ZIP PHONE NO(S). l /'1 ' `7"G.`53.7 E-MAIL ADDRESS PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE NO(S). E-MAIL ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT(Check applicable): _ Single-story remodel and/or addition.Square feet _ Detached accessory structure(s)—_New/ Addition and/or remodel.Square feet /F,ences and/or walls in and/or facing(Le,.visible fmm)front and street side yards.Linear feet _✓ Hardscape, landscaping an structural elements in fent and street side yards, including without* 04, ' limitation,swimming pools,spas,fountains,and other water features _ Fences, lights, and other features related to tennis courts, sports courts or other significant paved features _ Mechanical equipment _ Roofing—describe proposed material ACTION&FINDINGS: - fS'tt Ras rcIS (4 Frear °6Approved-The project is consistentwith all applicable guidelines J'M"+��a trcl-e6e-p4 a �� i,Q?J / Y243sF C4 uP 45- Sierid P ❑ Conditionally Approved—With the following conditions,the project will be consistent with- all applicable guidelines ❑ Denied--The project is not consistent with the following guideline(s) By , ,ARB Chairperson Date: � Lu-v6 /// -' - - --'- ¢ry 1 c . nz AS BUILTDINGPLAN i o fa 1, inii. v • Pd,t6:82---ti'''1i..'.:''f:I•..y.'*e.lt:::..4":„-5..,:.,...'..-.-•....-..;„:N.f.,,a.. tr,g,1a.2.ra5.,-V,tll,i., ,i0I-.sr-aTi"e1-26Ni 1maI4\la4msMi7te,i'„Nmrom'w,.*° )1y iii'gig1tia7lilpi:.trArI.ef:5aN."ii1t:441pft-ri410i_g4m.In_S-0,4A*1Gw0I"1I:ap4i-l63a11iABN1Os4l1fl.7sCd.-N'4cA1t,lti,S‘ \ e______ 09 . 2339 .\\\ ‘\4L \ r \\,I.I•LI -Rewgcr=11_•-,.r.-7.44 C2881G1a=r3AI gaI I!:4Lig':- rrarawatwe //:, ...i..,,,K !Estav,?.554-5attr•sucifoir .itk . :p;into lip alittir pe. 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