HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlansNEW BBQ AREA NEWJACUZZI NEW 2 STORY SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING NEW 1 STORY ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT 1,053.4 S.F.NEW 3 CAR GARAGE 735.0 S.F.5,383.3 S.F.(E) 2 STORY RESIDENCE28' - 9"231.22'157.21'74.00'91.11'2' WIDE EASEMENT 6' WIDE EASEMENT (E) 1 STORY BUILDING(E) GARAGEPPPLPLPLPLPLPLPLPLPLPLPL14' - 0"NEW CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PPPPNEW LANDSCAPE (INDIAN LAUREL FIG HEDGEROW TREES AROUND THE PROPERTY LINE TO BE REMAIN)10' - 0"LA SIERRA DRIVETRASH AREA12' - 1 1/2"FRONT YARD36' - 0"FRONT YARD15' - 0"NEW LANDSCAPENEW LANDSCAPE97.8899.0097.5097.5097.5097.5097.5097.5097.5097.50FIRST FLOOR PROV. SIDE SETBACK15' - 3 1/2" NEW LANDSCAPEUPUP6'H WROUGHT IRON FENCE AND AUTOMATIC GATE 6'H WROUGHT IRON FENCE ANDSELF LATCHING GATE 10' - 0"NEW LANDSCAPE(E) CMU WALL 6'H(E) CMU WALL 6'H(E) CMU WALL 6'H(E) CMU WALL (N) CMU WALL UPUP(N) GATE ELECTRIC OPENER NEWAPRONNEW GAZEBO 186.0 S.F.NEW SWIMMING POOL99.0097.88OPEN PATIO #2127.4 S.F.OPEN PATIO #1100.1 S.F.COVERED PATIO198.0 S.F.UP99.0097.885' - 0"5' - 0"4' - 0"3' - 0"UP97.50NEW LANDSCAPENEW LANDSCAPEPROVIDED10' - 0"NEW A/CUNITSNEW A/CUNIT3'H WROUGHT IRON GATE AND FENCESEE A-1.1/26' - 0"4' - 0"NEW LANDSCAPE (INDIAN LAUREL FIG HEDGEROW TREES AROUND THE PROPERTY LINE TO BE REMAIN)NEW LANDSCAPE (INDIAN LAUREL FIG HEDGEROW TREESAROUND THE PROPERTY LINE TO BE REMAIN)4' - 0"4' - 0"TOUQUES GRISL345 TUMBLEDNON SLIPLIMESTONE TILE 24" x 24" TOUQUE GRIS L345 TUMBLEDNON SLIPLIMESTONE TILE 24" x 24" NEW CONC. SLABEQEQEQEQEQEQEQ(TYP.)10' - 4"(TYP.)10' - 5 1/2"6"H CURBFIRST FLOOR FRONT SETBACK36' - 0"LOT "A"LOT "B"6' - 6 1/2"NEW PONDWATERFALL 4'H MAX.34' - 0"97.50CL99.00SECOND FLOOROUTLINE BALCONY #148.7 S.F.BALCONY #2OUTLINE ABOVE270.0 S.F.5' - 0"SECOND FLOOR REQ. SIDE SETBACK20' - 3"SECOND FLOOR PROV. SIDE SETBACK21' - 3"SECOND FLOOR PROV. SIDE SETBACK18' - 4 1/2"SECOND FLOOR REQUIRED/ PROVIDED SIDE SETBACK20' - 3"FIRST FLOOR REQUIRED SIDE SETBACK10' - 1 1/2"FIRST FLOOR REQ. SIDE SETBACK10' - 1 1/2"FIRST FLOOR REQUIRED REAR SETBACK33' - 0"CLSECOND FLOOR REQ. SIDE SETBACK18' - 3"4' - 0"4' - 0"GMWMMB11' - 3 1/2"15' - 2"4' - 0"1 STANDARD PARKINGSPACE FOR A.D.U.10' - 0"20' - 0"MIN.10' - 0"POOL & POND EQUIPMENT AREA(N) GATE ELECTRIC OPENER 97.5097.505' - 0"5' - 0"4' - 0"4' - 0"5' - 0 1/2" 5' - 0"5' - 0"5' - 0"5' - 0"4' - 0"4' - 0"5' - 0"5' - 0"16' - 2"14' - 10"11' - 3 1/2"4' - 0"NOTE:1. ALL CURBS AND GUTTERS SHALL BE REMOVED AND REPLACED2. PROVIDE SECURITY ALARM TO THE DOORS LEADING TO THE POOL/SPA26' - 0"43' - 0"4' - 0"4' - 0"4' - 0"1ST FLOOR REQ. SIDE SETBACK9' - 1"1ST FLOOR PROV. SETBACK14' - 7 1/2"SECOND FLOOR REQUIRED REAR SETBACK43' - 0"UP4' - 11"101' - 1 1/2"101.12'NEW CONCRETE PAVINGRAMP5' - 0"BALCONY #3OUTLINE ABOVE7.3 S.F.5' - 0"NEW PROPOSED 2 STORY S.F.D. DEVELOPMENT WITH NEW A.D.U. AND 3 CAR GARAGE150 E. LA SIERRA DR. ARCADIA, CA 91106REVISIONJOB NUMBERLICENSE STAMPDATESHEETSCALEPROJECTPROJECT ADDRESS :800 W. 6th St., Suite 1250 | Los Angeles, CA 90017 Tel. 213. 537. 0158admin@thecodesolution.comarchitectureengineeringplanningland-use consultation3/32" = 1'-0"A117025150 E. LA SIERRA DR. ARCADIA, CA 91006NEW PROPOSED 2 STORY S.F.D. DEVELOPMENTWITH NEW A.D.U. AND 3 CAR GARGETITLESHEET /SITE PLAN01-25-19SCOPE OF WORK1. NEW 2 STORY 5,349.7 S.F. SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING NEW COVERED PORCH 48.4 S.F. NEW OPEN PATIO #1 100.1 S.F. NEW OPEN PATIO #2 127.4 S.F. NEW COVERED PATIO 198.0 S.F. NEW BALCONY #1 48.7 S.F. NEW BALCONY #2 270.0 S.F. NEW BALCONY #3 7.3 S.F.2. NEW 1 STORY 1,053.4 S.F. ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT3. NEW 735.0 S.F. 3 CAR GARAGE4. NEW 186.0 S.F. GAZEBO 5. NEW SWIMMING POOL6. EXISTING 1,723.0 S.F. RESIDENCE AND 2 CAR GARAGE TO BE DEMOLISHED PROJECTGOVERNING CODESTHIS PROJECT COMPLIES WITH:TITLE 24 AND 2016 CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE (CRC),2016 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE (CMC),2016 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE (CPC)2016 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE (CEC)2016 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE (CEnC)2016 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE (CFC)CONSULTANTSARCHITECTTHE CODE SOLUTIONCONTACT: ADDRESS: TEL. No: EMAIL: CIVIL ENGINEERSTRUCTURAL ENGINEERSURVEYORLANDSCAPEVICTOR SALAZAR800 ROYAL OAKS DRIVE, SUITE 104MONROVIA, CA. 91016(626) 578-7000 VSALAZAR@LDCLA.COMARBORISTBARDEZ LANDSCAPE SERVICES, INCCONTACT:ADDRESS: TEL. No: EMAIL: ARA MELIKSETYAN1125 W. 6th ST. SUITE 205 LOS ANGELES, CA 90017(213) 537-0158ARA@THECODESOLUTION.COMLAND DESIGN CONSULTANTS INC.CONTACT: ADDRESS: TEL. No: EMAIL:CONTACT: ADDRESS: TEL. No: EMAIL:ARSEN MARGOSSIAN3512 ROSEMARY AVENUE, GLENDALE, CA 91208 (818) 957-7175ARSEBNM@PACBELL.NET CONTACT: ADDRESS: TEL. No: EMAIL: SHEET INDEXA1 TITLE SHEET / SITE PLANA1.1 PROJECT INFORMATION, PANORAMIC VIEWA2 DEMOLITION PLANA2.1 PROPOSED S.F.D. FIRST FLOOR PLANA2.2 PROPOSED S.F.D.SECOND FLOOR PLANA3 PROPOSED S.F.D. ROOF PLANA4 PROPOSED S.F.D. ELEVATIONSA5 PROPOSED S.F.D. ELEVATIONSA6 PROPOSED A.D.U. FLOOR AND ROOF PLANA7 PROPOSED A.D.U. ELEVATIONSA8 PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR AND ROOF PLANA9 PROPOSED GARAGE ELEVATIONSA10 PROPOSED GAZEBOA11 DOOR AND WINDOW SCHEDULEA12 DETAILSA13 PROPOSED S.F.D.COLOR ELEVATIONSA14 PROPOSED S.F.D.COLOR ELEVATIONSA15 PROPOSED A.D.U. COL. ELEV.A16 PROP.GAZEBO/ GARAGE COL. ELEV.A17 PROPOSED PERSPECTIVETS1 TOPOGHRAPHIC SURVEYL1 LANDSCAPE PLANL2 IRRIGATION PLANL3 LANDSCAPE DETAILS AND SPECS.1VICINITY MAPSHELLEY SPARKS12224 ADDISON STREETVALLEY VILLAGE, CA 91607(818)505-9783SHELLEY@HARMONYGARDENS.NETEXISTING / PROPOSED SITE PLAN23 / 32" = 1'- 0"APN: TRACT: LOT: APN: 5781-010-06363552 1 ZONE:TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:JOB ADDRESS: OWNER:EXISTING 1,723.0 S.F. RESIDENCEEXISTING 2 CAR GARAGELOT AREA: 1st FLOOR S.F.D.2nd FLOOR S.F.D.COVERED PORCHBALCONY #1BALCONY #2BALCONY #3COVERD PATIOOPEN PATIO #1OPEN PATIO #2ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT3 CAR GARAGEGAZEBO MAXIMUM FLOOR AREA - FAR: 8,000.0 S.F. + 25% OF LOT AREA OVER 20,000 S.F.21,808.0 - 20,000.0 = 1,808.0 S.F. x 25% = 452.0 SF.8,000.0 + 452.0 = 8,452.0 S.F. MAXIMUMMAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE: 35% LOT = 21,808.0 S.F.35% = 7,632.8 S.F. MAXIMUMFRONT SETBACK CALCULATION:LOT "A": 36' REAR YARD AREA SET BACK CALCULATION FOR THE GARAGE:25% OF THE LOT COVERAGE IN THE REAR YARDSET BACK91.11' x 33' = 3,006.6 S.F. x 25% = 751.6 S.F. MAXIMUMR-1, AREA SOUTH OF HUNTINGTON DRIVEV-B150 E. LA SIERRA DR.ARCADIA, CA 91106JIANQING YANG TO BE DEMOLISHED21,808.0 S.F.3,129.1 S.F.2,220.6 S.F.48.4 S.F.48.7 S.F.270.0 S.F.7.3 S.F.198.0 S.F.100.1 S.F.127.4 S.F.1,053.4 S.F.735.0 S.F.186.0 S.F.S.F.D. = 5,349.7 S.F. (INCLUDINGSTAIRCASE AND ENTRY HIGH VOLUM CEILING)A.D.U. = 1,053.4 S.F.3 CAR GARAGE: 735.0 - 650.0 = 85.0 S.F.5,349.7 + 1,053.4 + 85.0 = 6,488.1 S.F. PROVIDEDS.F.D. FIRST FLOOR = 3,129.1 S.F.COVERED PATIO = 198.0 S.F.OPEN PATIO #1 = 100.1 S.F.OPEN PATIO #2 = 127.4 S.F.A.D.U. = 1,053.4 S.F.3 CAR GARAGE = 735.0 S.F.GAZEBO = 186.0 S.F.3,129.1 + 198.0 + 100.1 + 127.4 + 1,053.4 + 735.0 + 186.0 = 5,529.0 S.F. PROVIDED36' PROVIDEDLOT SIZE 231.22' - 150' = 81.22' / 10' = 8.12'8.12' + 25' = 33.00' REAR YARD AREA SET BACK3 CAR GARAGE 735.0 S.F. PROVIDEDPROJECT DATALEGAL DESCRIPTIONN 3' - 6"8' - 0"15' - 6" 10' - 5 1/2" 10' - 5 1/2" 9' - 2" 10' - 4" 10' - 4" 10' - 4"10' - 4" 10' - 4"2' - 3"2' - 3"9' - 2"9' - 2"9' - 2"9' - 2"9' - 2"9' - 3 1/2"9' - 4"7' - 2"6' - 11"6' - 11"0' - 3"0' - 3"2' - 0 1/2"2' - 0 1/2"1' - 2"1' - 2"1' - 2"1' - 2"1' - 2"1' - 2"1' - 2"1' - 2"1' - 2"0' - 3"2' - 8"0' - 4"TYP.3' - 0"0' - 4" TYP.0' - 1"17' - 2"17REVISIONJOB NUMBERLICENSE STAMPDATESHEETSCALEPROJECTPROJECT ADDRESS :800 W. 6th St., Suite 1250 | Los Angeles, CA 90017 Tel. 213. 537. 0158admin@thecodesolution.comarchitectureengineeringplanningland-use consultation1/4" = 1'-0"A1.117025150 E. LA SIERRA DR. ARCADIA, CA 91006NEW PROPOSED 2 STORY S.F.D. DEVELOPMENTWITH NEW A.D.U. AND 3 CAR GARGEPROJECTINFORMATION,PANORAMICVIEW01-25-191ASSESSOR MAPPROJECT AREA 3FENCE AND GATE ELEVATION 24PANORAMIC VIEW1/4" = 1'-0"NOTES:1. ALL DIMENSIONS ON THE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS HEREIN ARE SET TO THE FINISH DIMENSION OF THE WALL, FLOOR, CEILING, ETC. IN NO EVENT WILL THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR, OR HIS/HER SUBCONTRACTORS UTILIZE FINISH TO FINISH DIMENSION OTHER THAN THE FINISH DIMENSION TO THE MATERIALS LISTED IN THE WALL, FLOOR, ROOF, CEILING TYPES, ETC. AS PROVIDED IN THE DETAILS SHOWN.2.SEPARATE PERMIT APPLICATION REQUIRED FOR THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: DEMOLITION, BLOCK FENCE WALLS, RETAINING WALLS, GRADING WORK, ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, PLUMBING WORK, FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM AND POOL.PROJECTAREA REVISIONJOB NUMBERLICENSE STAMPDATESHEETSCALEPROJECTPROJECT ADDRESS :800 W. 6th St., Suite 1250 | Los Angeles, CA 90017 Tel. 213. 537. 0158admin@thecodesolution.comarchitectureengineeringplanningland-use consultation1/16" = 1'-0"A217025150 E. LA SIERRA DR. ARCADIA, CA 91006NEW PROPOSED 2 STORY S.F.D. DEVELOPMENTWITH NEW A.D.U. AND 3 CAR GARGEDEMOLITIONPLAN01-25-19DEMOLITION PLAN1 A41A42A51A522' - 6"2' - 6"BALCONY BELOW4" / 12"SLOPE4" / 12"SLOPE4" / 12"SLOPE4" / 12"SLOPE4" / 12"SLOPE4" / 12"SLOPE4" / 12"SLOPE4" / 12"SLOPE4" / 12"SLOPE4" / 12" SLOPE4" / 12" SLOPE4" / 12"SLOPE4" / 12" SLOPE4" / 12"SLOPE4" / 12"SLOPE4" / 12" SLOPE4" / 12"SLOPE4" / 12"SLOPE4" / 12"SLOPE4" / 12"SLOPE4" / 12"SLOPE4" / 12"SLOPE4" / 12"SLOPE4" / 12"SLOPE4" / 12"SLOPE4" / 12"SLOPEGUTTER AND DOWNSPOUT (TYP.)GUTTER AND DOWNSPOUT (TYP.)2' - 0"4" / 12"SLOPE(TYP.)2' - 0"(TYP.)2' - 0"1/4" / 12"SLOPE1/4" / 12"SLOPEBALCONY BELOW4" / 12"SLOPE4" / 12"SLOPE4" / 12"SLOPESKYLIGHT7' - 0"1' - 0"1' - 0"5' - 0"4" / 12"SLOPE4" / 12"SLOPE4" / 12"SLOPE(TYP.)2' - 0"2' - 0"2' - 0"2' - 0"0' - 9"(TYP.)2' - 0"(TYP.)2' - 0"0' - 9"REVISIONJOB NUMBERLICENSE STAMPDATESHEETSCALEPROJECTPROJECT ADDRESS :800 W. 6th St., Suite 1250 | Los Angeles, CA 90017 Tel. 213. 537. 0158admin@thecodesolution.comarchitectureengineeringplanningland-use consultation1/4" = 1'-0"A317025150 E. LA SIERRA DR. ARCADIA, CA 91006NEW PROPOSED 2 STORY S.F.D. DEVELOPMENTWITH NEW A.D.U. AND 3 CAR GARGEPROPOSEDS.F.D. ROOFPLAN01-25-19PROPOSED S.F.D. ROOF PLAN11/4" = 1'-0"N S.F.D. 1ST F.F.99' -6"S.F.D. 2ND F.F.110' -2"S.F.D. T.O.P. 2ndLEVEL #2119' -2"EXISTINGAVERAGE ANDPROP. FRONTYARD GRADE99' -0"S.F.D. T.O.P. 1stLEVEL109' -0"9' - 0"9' - 6"S.F.D. T.O.R. #4123' -5"PROP. BACKYARDGRADE97' -10 1/2"T.O.W.7' - 0"(30' MAX.)H. 25' - 6 1/2" FROM PROPOSED GRADE4' - 3"1' - 7 1/2"24S.F.D. T.O.P. 2ndLEVEL #1118' -2"S.F.D. T.O.P. 2ndLEVEL #3120' -8"53331924151914161' - 2"22S.F.D. T.O.R #3122' -11"S.F.D. T.O.R #2121' -7 7/16"23' - 11"8913161' - 1 1/2"97.88 PROP. ELEV.97.88 PROP. ELEV.A123A121022437' - 0"H. 24' - 5" FROM EXISTING AVERAGE GRADES.F.D. 1ST F.F.LOWER LEVEL98' -0"T.O.W.7' - 0"10S.F.D. 1ST F.F.99' -6"S.F.D. 2ND F.F.110' -2"S.F.D. T.O.P. 2ndLEVEL #2119' -2"EXISTINGAVERAGE ANDPROP. FRONTYARD GRADE99' -0"S.F.D. T.O.P. 1stLEVEL109' -0"9' - 6"8' - 0" 1' - 0"24191921' - 2"S.F.D. T.O.P. 2ndLEVEL #1118' -2"251411227222222919S.F.D. T.O.R #3122' -11"S.F.D. T.O.R #2121' -7 7/16"(30' MAX.)H. 23' - 11" FROM EXIST. AVERAGE AND PROPOSED GRADE22' - 7 1/2"S.F.D. T.O.R #1112' -6"13' - 6"0' - 6"2' - 3"9' - 6"99.00 PROP. ELEV.99.00 PPROP. ELEV.A121A124A125A12822622T.O.W.7' - 0"T.O.W.7' - 0"93410896107' - 0"16419MATERIALS AND COLORS:1. GATE / FENCE: WROUGHT IRON SELF-LATCHING COLOR TO MATCH #92. STUCCO SMOOTH FINISH BY: LA HABRA STUCCO COLOR: 226 TWISTED OAK PATH LRV:67 BY: BENJAMIN MOORE OR SIMILAR3. STUCCO SMOOTH FINISH BY: LA HABRA STUCCO COLOR: 227 MARBLE CANYON LRV:56 BY: BENJAMIN MOORE OR SIMILAR4. EXTERIOR DECORATIVE MOLDINGS / SILL /CAP BY: FYPON OR SIMILAR COLOR: 218 BEACH HAVEN LRV:78 BY: BENJAMIN MOORE OR SIMILAR 5. ROOFING MATERIAL: TILE - 402 CALABAR BLEND COLOR: MIXT OF MEDIUM BROWN, RUST BLEND, YELLOW STREAKS. BY: EAGLE ROOFING PRODUCTS6. WOOD FASCIA AND CORBEL COLOR: COLOR TO MATCH #97. CUSTOM ENTRY DOOR: WOOD WITH GLASS PANEL ABOVE COLOR TO MATCH #9 BY: PELLA WINDOWS & DOORS OR SIMILAR BY JELD-WEN CORP.8. EXTERIOR DOORS: WOOD COLOR TO MATCH #9 BY: PELLA WINDOWS & DOORS OR SIMILAR BY JELD-WEN CORP. 9. CUSTOM WINDOWS: WOOD WITH ALUMINUM CLAD (OUTSIDE) COLOR: PR0151 BROWN BY: PELLA WINDOWS & DOORS OR SIMILAR BY JELD-WEN CORP. 10. GUTTER: SHEETMETAL COLOR TO MATCH #9 11. DOWNSPOUT: SHEETMETAL COLOR TO MATCH #312. CUSTOM RAILING: METAL COLOR TO MATCH #913. TRELLIS: WOOD / BEAM, RAFTER: COLOR TO MATCH #9 14. CHIMNEY CAP: METAL COLOR TO MATCH #9 15. COLUMN: PREFAB COLOR TO MATCH #316. EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURE : GENTRY OUTDOOR WALL LIGHT - STYLE # 9463OB SHIELDED, DIRECTED DOWNWARD BY: CAPITAL LIGHTING OR SIMILAR17. FRONT FENCE COLUMN: CMU WALL, STUCCO SMOOTH FINISH, COLOR TO MATCH # 3 BY: ANGELUS BLOCK CO INC / LA HABRA STUCCO19. LIMESTONE MOLDING COLOR: JURASTONE GRAY L712 HONED BY: DALTILE CORP.20. GARAGE DOOR: WOOD COLOR TO MATCH # 321. RAILING (GAZEBO): WOOD COLOR TO MATCH #9 BY: BENJAMIN MOORE OR SIMILAR22. LIMESTONE COLOR: JURASTONE GRAY L712 HONED BY: DALTILE CORP. REVISIONJOB NUMBERLICENSE STAMPDATESHEETSCALEPROJECTPROJECT ADDRESS :800 W. 6th St., Suite 1250 | Los Angeles, CA 90017 Tel. 213. 537. 0158admin@thecodesolution.comarchitectureengineeringplanningland-use consultation1/4" = 1'-0"A417025150 E. LA SIERRA DR. ARCADIA, CA 91006NEW PROPOSED 2 STORY S.F.D. DEVELOPMENTWITH NEW A.D.U. AND 3 CAR GARGEPROPOSEDS.F.D.ELEVATIONS01-25-19PROPOSED S.F.D. NORTH ELEVATION11/4" = 1'-0"PROPOSED S.F.D. SOUTH ELEVATION21/4" = 1'-0" S.F.D. 1ST F.F.99' -6"S.F.D. 2ND F.F.110' -2"S.F.D. T.O.P. 2ndLEVEL #2119' -2"EXISTINGAVERAGE ANDPROP. FRONTYARD GRADE99' -0"S.F.D. T.O.P. 1stLEVEL109' -0"9' - 6"9' - 0"S.F.D. T.O.R. #4123' -5"PROP. BACKYARDGRADE97' -10 1/2"1' - 2"S.F.D. T.O.P. 2ndLEVEL #1118' -2"S.F.D. T.O.P. 2ndLEVEL #3120' -8"81312919415341631422S.F.D. T.O.R #3122' -11"130' - 6"(30' MAX.)23' - 11" FROM PROPOSED AND EXIST. AVERAGE GRADE3' - 9"2' - 3"2299.00 PROP. ELEV.97.88 PROP. ELEV.97.88 PROP. ELEV.9T.O.W.7' - 0"T.O.W.7' - 0"(30' MAX.)H. 25' - 6 1/2" FROM PROPOSED BACKYARD GRADE36' - 0"30.000°P.L.4114610S.F.D. 1ST F.F.99' -6"S.F.D. 2ND F.F.110' -2"S.F.D. T.O.P. 2ndLEVEL #2119' -2"EXISTINGAVERAGE ANDPROP. FRONTYARD GRADE99' -0"S.F.D. T.O.P. 1stLEVEL109' -0"S.F.D. T.O.R. #4123' -5"(30' MAX.)H. 24' - 5" FROM EXIST. AVERAGE AND PROPOSED GRADE9' - 6"9' - 0"T.O.W.7' - 0"PROP. BACKYARDGRADE97' -10 1/2"2' - 3"T.O.W.6' - 8"1' - 7 1/2"2144164S.F.D. T.O.P. 2ndLEVEL #1118' -2"S.F.D. T.O.P. 2ndLEVEL #3120' -8"21121915399891312111' - 2"2299.00 PROP. ELEV.19S.F.D. T.O.R #3122' -11"S.F.D. T.O.R #2121' -7 7/16"S.F.D. T.O.R #1112' -6"22' - 7 1/2"23' - 11"13' - 6"62299.00 PPROP. ELEV.97.88 PROP. ELEV.448' - 0"10' - 6"1' - 1 1/2"97.88 PROP. ELEV.7' - 0"4H. 25' - 6 1/2" FROM PROPOSE BACKYARD GRADEP.L.22103 0 .0 0 0 °REVISIONJOB NUMBERLICENSE STAMPDATESHEETSCALEPROJECTPROJECT ADDRESS :800 W. 6th St., Suite 1250 | Los Angeles, CA 90017 Tel. 213. 537. 0158admin@thecodesolution.comarchitectureengineeringplanningland-use consultation1/4" = 1'-0"A517025150 E. LA SIERRA DR. ARCADIA, CA 91006NEW PROPOSED 2 STORY S.F.D. DEVELOPMENTWITH NEW A.D.U. AND 3 CAR GARGEPROPOSEDS.F.D.ELEVATIONS01-25-19PROPOSED S.F.D. EAST ELEVATION11/4" = 1'-0"PROPOSED S.F.D. WEST ELEVATION21/4" = 1'-0" A.D.U. F.F.98' -0"A.D.U. T.O.P.107' -9"A.D.U. T.O.R.112' -6"97.50 PROP. ELEV.H. 15' - 0" FROM PROPOSED GRADE9' - 9"A.D.U. PROPOSEDGRADE97' -6"39511222222166' - 8"97.50 PROP. ELEV.T.O.W.7' - 6"26621919H. 15' - 0 1/2" FROM EXIST. AVERAGE GRADE108T.O.W.7' - 6"0' - 6"0' - 6"A.D.U. EXISTINGAVERAGE GRADE97' -5 13/32"33A.D.U. F.F.98' -0"A.D.U. T.O.P.107' -9"9' - 9"A.D.U. T.O.R.112' -6"(TYP.)6' - 8"H. 15' - 0 1/2" FROM EXIST. AVERAGE GRADEA.D.U. PROPOSEDGRADE97' -6"591611432297.50 PROP. ELEV.97.50 PROP. ELEV.(TYP.)2' - 0"(TYP.)2' - 0"196620' - 6"A.D.U. EXISTINGAVERAGE GRADE97' -5 13/32"H. 15' - 0" FROM PROPOSED GRADE3A.D.U. F.F.98' -0"A.D.U. T.O.P.107' -9"9' - 9"A.D.U. T.O.R.112' -6"H. 15' - 0 1/2" FROM EXIST. AVERAGE GRADET.O.W.7' - 6"(TYP.)6' - 8"A.D.U. PROPOSEDGRADE97' -6"216115220' - 6"97.50 PROP. ELEV.97.50 PROP. ELEV.21910(TYP.)2' - 0"0' - 6"A.D.U. EXISTINGAVERAGE GRADE97' -5 13/32"H. 15' - 0" FROM PROPOSED GRADE2A.D.U. F.F.98' -0"A.D.U. T.O.P.107' -9"9' - 9"A.D.U. T.O.R.112' -6"A.D.U. PROPOSEDGRADE97' -6"241631145(TYP.)6' - 8"97.50 PROP. ELEV.97.50 PROP. ELEV.(TYP.)2' - 0"19662H. 15' - 0" FROM PROPOSED GRADEH. 15' - 0 1/2" FROM EXIST. AVERAGE GRADET.O.W.7' - 6"7' - 6"0' - 6"0' - 6"A.D.U. EXISTINGAVERAGE GRADE97' -5 13/32"223REVISIONJOB NUMBERLICENSE STAMPDATESHEETSCALEPROJECTPROJECT ADDRESS :800 W. 6th St., Suite 1250 | Los Angeles, CA 90017 Tel. 213. 537. 0158admin@thecodesolution.comarchitectureengineeringplanningland-use consultation1/4" = 1'-0"A717025150 E. LA SIERRA DR. ARCADIA, CA 91006NEW PROPOSED 2 STORY S.F.D. DEVELOPMENTWITH NEW A.D.U. AND 3 CAR GARGEPROPOSEDA.D.U.ELEVATIONS01-25-1911/4" = 1'-0"PROPOSED A.D.U. WEST ELEVATIONPROPOSED A.D.U. SOUTH ELEVATION 21/4" = 1'-0"PROPOSED A.D.U. EAST ELEVATION 31/4" = 1'-0"PROPOSED A.D.U. NORTH ELEVATION 41/4" = 1'-0" A91A92A93A94NEW 3 CAR GARAGE735.0 S.F.10' - 3" 10' - 3" 10' - 3"23' - 9"31' - 9"4' - 0"4' - 0"8' - 8" 2' - 10" 2' - 10" 3' - 11" 5' - 6"8' - 8" 2' - 10" 2' - 10" 9' - 5"4' - 0"4' - 0"31' - 9"97.902% SLOPE4' - 0"4' - 0"0' - 9"0' - 9"0' - 9"D11D11D11D12W5W5W5W5W5W5W5W5W5W51' - 9"0' - 3"0' - 3"1' - 9"0' - 3"0' - 9"6' - 0" 2' - 10" 14' - 1" 2' - 10" 6' - 0"10' - 0"PL1' - 4 1/2"0' - 3"97.500' - 3"0' - 3"1' - 4 1/2"22' - 0"A91A92A93A944" / 12" SLOPE4" / 12" SLOPE4" / 12" SLOPEGUTTER AND DOWNSPOUT (TYP.)GUTTER AND DOWNSPOUT (TYP.)4" / 12" SLOPE2' - 0"2' - 0"2' - 0"2' - 0"REVISIONJOB NUMBERLICENSE STAMPDATESHEETSCALEPROJECTPROJECT ADDRESS :800 W. 6th St., Suite 1250 | Los Angeles, CA 90017 Tel. 213. 537. 0158admin@thecodesolution.comarchitectureengineeringplanningland-use consultation1/4" = 1'-0"A817025150 E. LA SIERRA DR. ARCADIA, CA 91006NEW PROPOSED 2 STORY S.F.D. DEVELOPMENTWITH NEW A.D.U. AND 3 CAR GARGEPROPOSEDGARAGEFLOOR ANDROOF PLAN01-25-19PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR PLAN11/4" = 1'-0"NPROPOSED GARAGE ROOF PLAN 21/4" = 1'-0"N GARAGEPROPOSEDGRADE97' -6"GARAGE T.O.P.107' -3"9' - 9"GARAGE T.O.R.112' -0"H. 14' - 6" FROM PROPOSED GRADE22192097.50 PROP. ELEV.97.50 PROP. ELEV.(TYP.)2' - 0"22GARAGE EXISTINGAVARAGE GRADE97' -7 13/64"H. 14' - 5" FROM EXISTING AVERAGE GRADE10GARAGEPROPOSEDGRADE97' -6"GARAGE T.O.P.107' -3"GARAGE T.O.R.112' -0"9' - 9"H. 14' - 6" FROM PROPOSED GRADE24916226(TYP.)6' - 8"6' - 8"97.50 PROP. ELEV.97.50 PROP. ELEV.196H. 14' - 5" FROM EXISTING AVERAGE GRADEGARAGE EXISTINGAVARAGE GRADE97' -7 13/64"GARAGEPROPOSEDGRADE97' -6"GARAGE T.O.P.107' -3"97.50 PROP. ELEV.GARAGE T.O.R.112' -0"H. 14' - 5" FROM EXISTING AVERAGE GRADE9' - 9"211422(TYP.)6' - 8"(TYP.)2' - 0"97.50 PROP. ELEV.19GARAGE EXISTINGAVARAGE GRADE97' -7 13/64"H. 14' - 6" FROM PROPOSED GRADES.F.D. 1ST F.F.LOWER LEVEL98' -0"GARAGEPROPOSEDGRADE97' -6"GARAGE T.O.P.107' -3"9' - 9"26' - 8"GARAGE T.O.R.112' -0"H. 14' - 6" FROM PROPOSED GRADE4984111642297.50 PROP. ELEV.97.50 PROP. ELEV.19H. 14' - 5" FROM EXISTING AVERAGE GRADEGARAGE EXISTINGAVARAGE GRADE97' -7 13/64"REVISIONJOB NUMBERLICENSE STAMPDATESHEETSCALEPROJECTPROJECT ADDRESS :800 W. 6th St., Suite 1250 | Los Angeles, CA 90017 Tel. 213. 537. 0158admin@thecodesolution.comarchitectureengineeringplanningland-use consultation1/4" = 1'-0"A917025150 E. LA SIERRA DR. ARCADIA, CA 91006NEW PROPOSED 2 STORY S.F.D. DEVELOPMENTWITH NEW A.D.U. AND 3 CAR GARGEPROPOSEDGARAGEELEVATIONS01-25-19PROPOSED GARAGE NORTH ELEVATION11/4" = 1'-0"PROPOSED GARAGE WEST ELEVATION21/4" = 1'-0"PROPOSED GARAGE SOUTH ELEVATION31/4" = 1'-0"PROPOSED GARAGE EAST ELEVATION41/4" = 1'-0" A104A103A106A105GAZEBO186.0 S.F.7' - 6" 7' - 6"0' - 8" 4' - 4" 2' - 6" 2' - 6" 4' - 4" 0' - 8"15' - 0"0' - 8"4' - 4"2' - 6"2' - 6"4' - 4"0' - 8"7' - 6"7' - 6"15' - 0"15' - 0"15' - 0"GAZEBO T.O.R.109' -6"97.50 PROP.ELEV.97.50 PROP. ELEV.GAZEBO T.O.COL.105' -6"GAZEBOPROPOSEDGRADE97' -6"H. 12' - 0" FROM PROPOSED GRADE8' - 0"GAZEBO T.O.BEAM106' -4"21135156H. 11' - 7 1/2" FROM EXISTING AVERAGE GRADEGAZEBO EXISTINGAVARAGE GRADE97' -10 7/16"GAZEBO T.O.R.109' -6"97.50 PROP. ELEV.97.50 PROP. ELEV.GAZEBO T.O.COL.105' -6"GAZEBOPROPOSEDGRADE97' -6"GAZEBO T.O.BEAM106' -4"H. 12' - 0" FROM PROPOSED GRADE8' - 0"13215H. 11' - 7 1/2" FROM AVERAGE EXISTING GRADEGAZEBO EXISTINGAVARAGE GRADE97' -10 7/16"GAZEBO T.O.R.109' -6"97.50 PROP. ELEV.GAZEBO T.O.COL.105' -6"GAZEBOPROPOSEDGRADE97' -6"8' - 0"H. 12' - 0" FROM PROPOSED GRADEGAZEBO T.O.BEAM106' -4"211397.50 PROP. ELEV.H. 11' - 7 1/2" FROM EXISTING AVERAGE GRADEGAZEBO EXISTINGAVARAGE GRADE97' -10 7/16"GAZEBO T.O.R.109' -6"97.50 PROP. ELEV.H. 12' - 0" FROM PROPOSED GRADEGAZEBO T.O.COL.105' -6"GAZEBOPROPOSEDGRADE97' -6"GAZEBO T.O.BEAM106' -4"8' - 0"132151597.50 PROP. ELEV.6H. 11' - 7 1/2" FROM EXISTING AVERAGE GRADEGAZEBO EXISTINGAVARAGE GRADE97' -10 7/16"4" / 12" SLOPE(TYP.)(TYP.)1' - 4"REVISIONJOB NUMBERLICENSE STAMPDATESHEETSCALEPROJECTPROJECT ADDRESS :800 W. 6th St., Suite 1250 | Los Angeles, CA 90017 Tel. 213. 537. 0158admin@thecodesolution.comarchitectureengineeringplanningland-use consultation1/4" = 1'-0"A1017025150 E. LA SIERRA DR. ARCADIA, CA 91006NEW PROPOSED 2 STORY S.F.D. DEVELOPMENTWITH NEW A.D.U. AND 3 CAR GARGEPROPOSEDGAZEBO01-25-19PROPOSED GAZEBO FLOOR PLAN11/4" = 1'-0"NPROPOSED GAZEBO ROOF PLAN 21/4" = 1'-0"NPROPOSED GAZEBO NORTH ELEVATION 31/4" = 1'-0"PROPOSED GAZEBO EAST ELEVATION 41/4" = 1'-0"PROPOSED GAZEBO SOUTH ELEVATION 51/4" = 1'-0"PROPOSED GAZEBO WEST ELEVATION 61/4" = 1'-0" D4D1 D2 D39' - 0"8' - 0"3' - 0"8' - 0"2' - 8"8' - 0"8' - 0"5' - 0"3' - 0"SOLID CORE WITH DUAL GLAZETTSOLID CORE SOLID CORE SOLID CORE WITH DUAL GLAZESOLID CORE WITH DUAL GLAZE2' - 0"D1A D1AW14D6SOLID CORE WITH DUAL GLAZE8' - 0"D5SOLID CORE 5' - 0"7' - 0"D87' - 6"SOLID CORE WITH DUAL GLAZED117' - 0"5' - 0"SOLID CORE D77' - 0"3' - 0"7' - 6"3' - 0"D9SOLID CORE 7' - 6"2' - 8"D10SOLID CORE 7' - 6"3' - 0"D12W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6W7W8 W9 W10W11W12 W134' - 0"6' - 0"2' - 0"6' - 0"2' - 0"3' - 0"2' - 0"3' - 6"4' - 0"5' - 0"2' - 0"2' - 0"1' - 6"2' - 0"2' - 0"2' - 0"1' - 6"1' - 6"4' - 0"4' - 0"6' - 6"3' - 0"4' - 0"3' - 0"4' - 6"2' - 0"REVISIONJOB NUMBERLICENSE STAMPDATESHEETSCALEPROJECTPROJECT ADDRESS :800 W. 6th St., Suite 1250 | Los Angeles, CA 90017 Tel. 213. 537. 0158admin@thecodesolution.comarchitectureengineeringplanningland-use consultation1/4" = 1'-0"A1117025150 E. LA SIERRA DR. ARCADIA, CA 91006NEW PROPOSED 2 STORY S.F.D. DEVELOPMENTWITH NEW A.D.U. AND 3 CAR GARGEDOOR ANDWINDOWSCHEDULE01-25-19DOOR SCHEDULETYPEMARKWIDTH HEIGHT THICKNESS TYPE MATERIAL REMARKSLOCATIOND1 6' - 0" 8' - 0" 0' - 1 3/8" SWING MAIN HOUSE, ENTRANCED1A 1' - 0" 8' - 0" 0' - 1 3/8" SIDE GLASS PANEL FIXED TEMPERED GLASS MAIN HOUSE, ENTRANCED2 3' - 0" 8' - 0" 0' - 1 3/8" SWING MAIN HOUSE, BEDROOMS #1& 2, POWDER RM.,LAUNDRYROOM, BATHRM #1& 2 , W.I.C. #1&2D3 2' - 8" 8' - 0" 0' - 1 3/8" SWING MAIN HOUSE, PANTRY, WOK KITCHEND4 5' - 0" 8' - 0" 0' - 1 3/8" DOUBLE SWING MAIN HOUSE, GREAT ROOM,D5 5' - 0" 7' - 0" 0' - 1 3/8" DOUBLE SWING MAIN HOUSE, KITCHEN, BEDROOM #3, MASTER BEDROOMD6 5' - 0" 7' - 0" 0' - 1 3/8" DOUBLE SWING MAIN HOUSE, OFFICE / LIBRARYD7 3' - 0" 7' - 0" 0' - 1 3/8" SWINGMAIN HOUSE, BEDROOMS #3, BATHRM #3 , W.I.C. #3,MASTER BATHRM, MASTER CLOSETD8 3' - 0" 7' - 6" 0' - 1 3/8" SWING A.D.U. , ENTRANCED9 3' - 0" 7' - 6" 0' - 1 3/8" SWING A.D.U. , BATHROOM, LIVING/DINING/KITCHEN, BEDROOMD10 2' - 8" 7' - 6" 0' - 1 3/8"SWING A.D.U. BATHROOM, W.I.C.D11 8' - 0" 8' - 0" OVERHEAD GARAGED12 3' - 0" 7' - 6" 0' - 1 3/8" SWING GARAGEWINDOW SCHEDULETYPE MARKRough OpeningMATERIAL REMARKS LOCATIONWIDTH HEIGHT THICKNESS TYPEW1 4' - 0" 6' - 0" PER MANUF. CASEMENT WOOD / ALUMINUMCLADTEMPERED GLASS MAIN HOUSE, DINING ROOMW2 2' - 0" 6' - 0" PER MANUF. CASEMENT WOOD / ALUMINUMCLADTEMPERED GLASS MAIN HOUSE, DINING ROOM,W3 2' - 0" 3' - 0" PER MANUF. CASEMENT WOOD / ALUMINUMCLADMAIN HOUSE WET BARW4 2' - 0" 3' - 6" PER MANUF. CASEMENT WOOD / ALUMINUMCLADTEMPERED GLASS INBATHROOMSMAIN HOUSE, LAUNDRY ROOM, BATHRM #1, 2 & 3W5 2' - 0" 4' - 0" PER MANUF. CASEMENT WOOD / ALUMINUMCLADMAIN HOUSE, BEDROOM #1,2&3 W.I.C.#1,KITCHEN, WOK KITCHEN,MSTR.BEDROOM, MSTR. W.I.C. - A.D.U. BATHROOMS- GARAGEW6 1' - 6" 5' - 0" PER MANUF. FIXED WOOD / ALUMINUMCLADMAIN HOUSE, STAIR CASEW7 2' - 0" 2' - 0" PER MANUF. FIXED WOOD / ALUMINUMCLADMAIN HOUSE, ENTRANCEW8 2' - 0" 2' - 0" PER MANUF. CASEMENT WOOD / ALUMINUMCLADMAIN HOUSE, HALL/ SITTING AREAW9 1' - 6" 1' - 6" PER MANUF. FIXED WOOD / ALUMINUMCLADMAIN HOUSE, STAIR CASEW10 4' - 0" 4' - 0" PER MANUF. FIXED WOOD / ALUMINUMCLADTEMPERED GLASS INBATHROOMSMAIN HOUSE, MASTER BATHROOMW11 3' - 0" 6' - 6" PER MANUF. CASEMENT WOOD / ALUMINUMCLADTEMPERED GLASS A.D.U. LIVING / DINING / KITCHENW12 3' - 0" 4' - 0" PER MANUF. CASEMENT WOOD / ALUMINUMCLADA.D.U. KITCHENW13 2' - 0" 4' - 6" PER MANUF. CASEMENT WOOD / ALUMINUMCLADA.D.U. ENTRY, BATHROOM, BEDROOMW14 2' - 0" 4' - 0" PER MANUF. FIXED WOOD / ALUMINUMCLADPANEL ABOVE ENTERYDOORMAIN HOUSE, ENTRANCELEGEND:TEMPERED GLASSNOTE:1. ALL WINDOWS ARE DOUBLE DUAL GLAZE.TWOODWOODWOODWOOD WOODWOODWOODWOODWOOD WOODWOODWOODWOOD9' -0"PER MANUF. WROUGHT IRONRAILING9' - 7"0' - 5"A122240' - 1"0' - 1"1' - 6"0' - 1"0' - 1"0' - 2"0' - 3"0' - 2"1' - 6"0' - 2"0' - 2"0' - 2"1/2" MTL. TUBE3/4" MTL. TUBE1 1/2" MTL. TUBE0' - 4"0' - 0 3/4"(TYP.)0' - 4"S.F.D. 1ST F.F.99' -6"EXISTINGAVERAGE ANDPROP. FRONTYARD GRADE99' -0"6A126A122' - 3"1' - 9"94221921' - 1"6S.F.D. 1ST F.F.99' -6"EXISTINGAVERAGE ANDPROP. FRONTYARD GRADE99' -0"0' - 1"0' - 2"0' - 4"0' - 2"A1271/2" PLYWOOD7/8" SMOOTH STUCCOROOF RAFTERMIN. 0' - 2"1/2" PLYWOOD610S.F.D. 1ST F.F.99' -6"EXISTINGAVERAGE ANDPROP. FRONTYARD GRADE99' -0"0' - 3"0' - 2"0' - 4"0' - 2"WIN. TRIM0' - 0 1/2"0' - 2"0' - 3"0' - 2"0' - 1"0' - 6"0' - 5"0' - 8"0' - 9"EXTERIORINTERIOR1922MIN.0' - 2"S.F.D. 1ST F.F.99' -6"10' - 9"10' - 2"A12947' - 0"8' - 2"1" METAL TUBE3/4" METAL TUBE1/2" METAL TUBE1/2" METAL TUBEEQ.EQ.EQ.EQ.EQ.EQ.EQ.3/4" METAL TUBEPER MANUFACTURERPER MANUFACTURER1" METAL TUBEPROP. BACKYARDGRADE97' -10 1/2"150' - 4"0' - 6"0' - 2"1' - 0"0' - 3"0' - 6"1' - 9"0' - 3"0' - 5"0' - 2"0' - 6"0' - 2"0' - 4"0' - 6"0' - 2"221' - 6"191' - 0"0' - 4"0' - 2"2' - 6"S.F.D. 2ND F.F.110' -2"0' - 1"0' - 4"0' - 1"0' - 4"0' - 1"0' - 4"0' - 4"0' - 4"0' - 1"0' - 4"0' - 1"0' - 4"0' - 1"0' - 4"0' - 4"0' - 5"0' - 1"1' - 9"0' - 1"0' - 5"0' - 4"3' - 6"2' - 8 1/2"4' - 1"0' - 3"0' - 2"0' - 1"0' - 2"45.000°4 5 .0 0 0 °1 1/2" MTL. TUBE422' - 8 1/2"1 " MTL. TUBE412110' - 10"0' - 5"0' - 3"6650' - 3"0' - 3"0' - 2"TYP. EAVE2' - 0"REVISIONJOB NUMBERLICENSE STAMPDATESHEETSCALEPROJECTPROJECT ADDRESS :800 W. 6th St., Suite 1250 | Los Angeles, CA 90017 Tel. 213. 537. 0158admin@thecodesolution.comarchitectureengineeringplanningland-use consultationAs indicatedA1217025150 E. LA SIERRA DR. ARCADIA, CA 91006NEW PROPOSED 2 STORY S.F.D. DEVELOPMENTWITH NEW A.D.U. AND 3 CAR GARGEDETAILS01-25-19WROUTH IRON RAILING11/2" = 1'-0"21" = 1'-0"31/2" = 1'-0"EAVE DETAIL (TYP.)41/2" = 1'-0"WROUTH IRON RAILING DETAILWALL / WINDOW DETAIL51/2" = 1'-0"WALL SECTION / WINDOW DET.61/2" = 1'-0"WINDOW DETAIL91" = 1'-0"71/2" = 1'-0"ENTERY DOOR81/2" = 1'-0"RAILING DETAILNOTE:ALL WINDOWS TO BE RECESSED A MINIMUM OF 2" FROM THE EXTERIOR WALLS COLUMN/ TRELLIS DETAIL101" = 1'-0"ENTRY DOOR WROUGHT IRON DET. REVISIONJOB NUMBERLICENSE STAMPDATESHEETSCALEPROJECTPROJECT ADDRESS :800 W. 6th St., Suite 1250 | Los Angeles, CA 90017 Tel. 213. 537. 0158admin@thecodesolution.comarchitectureengineeringplanningland-use consultationA1317025150 E. LA SIERRA DR. ARCADIA, CA 91006NEW PROPOSED 2 STORY S.F.D. DEVELOPMENTWITH NEW A.D.U. AND 3 CAR GARGEPROPOSEDS.F.D.COLORELEVATIONS01-25-19PROPOSED S.F.D. SOUTH ELEVATION2PROPOSED S.F.D. NORTH ELEVATION1N.T.S.N.T.S.MATERIALS AND COLORS:1. GATE / FENCE: WROUGHT IRON SELF-LATCHING COLOR TO MATCH #92. STUCCO SMOOTH FINISH BY: LA HABRA STUCCO COLOR: 226 TWISTED OAK PATH LRV:67 BY: BENJAMIN MOORE OR SIMILAR3. STUCCO SMOOTH FINISH BY: LA HABRA STUCCO COLOR: 227 MARBLE CANYON LRV:56 BY: BENJAMIN MOORE OR SIMILAR4. EXTERIOR DECORATIVE MOLDINGS / SILL /CAP BY: FYPON OR SIMILAR COLOR: 218 BEACH HAVEN LRV:78 BY: BENJAMIN MOORE OR SIMILAR 5. ROOFING MATERIAL: TILE - 402 CALABAR BLEND COLOR: MIXT OF MEDIUM BROWN, RUST BLEND, YELLOW STREAKS. BY: EAGLE ROOFING PRODUCTS6. WOOD FASCIA AND CORBEL COLOR: COLOR TO MATCH #97. CUSTOM ENTRY DOOR: WOOD WITH GLASS PANEL ABOVE COLOR TO MATCH #9 BY: PELLA WINDOWS & DOORS OR SIMILAR BY JELD-WEN CORP.8. EXTERIOR DOORS: WOOD COLOR TO MATCH #9 BY: PELLA WINDOWS & DOORS OR SIMILAR BY JELD-WEN CORP. 9. CUSTOM WINDOWS: WOOD WITH ALUMINUM CLAD (OUTSIDE) COLOR: PR0151 BROWN BY: PELLA WINDOWS & DOORS OR SIMILAR BY JELD-WEN CORP. 10. GUTTER: SHEETMETAL COLOR TO MATCH #9 11. DOWNSPOUT: SHEETMETAL COLOR TO MATCH #312. CUSTOM RAILING: METAL COLOR TO MATCH #913. TRELLIS: WOOD / BEAM, RAFTER: COLOR TO MATCH #9 14. CHIMNEY CAP: METAL COLOR TO MATCH #9 15. COLUMN: PREFAB COLOR TO MATCH #316. EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURE : GENTRY OUTDOOR WALL LIGHT - STYLE # 9463OB SHIELDED, DIRECTED DOWNWARD BY: CAPITAL LIGHTING OR SIMILAR16a. EXTERIOR HANGING LIGHT FIXTURE: GENTRY OUTDOOR HANGING LANTERN-STYLE #9465OB BY: CAPITAL LIGHTING 17. FRONT FENCE COLUMN: CMU WALL, STUCCO SMOOTH FINISH, COLOR TO MATCH # 3 BY: ANGELUS BLOCK CO INC / LA HABRA STUCCO19. LIMESTONE MOLDING COLOR: JURASTONE GRAY L712 HONED BY: DALTILE CORP.20. GARAGE DOOR: WOOD COLOR TO MATCH # 321. RAILING (GAZEBO): WOOD COLOR TO MATCH #9 BY: BENJAMIN MOORE OR SIMILAR22. LIMESTONE COLOR: JURASTONE GRAY L712 HONED BY: DALTILE CORP. REVISIONJOB NUMBERLICENSE STAMPDATESHEETSCALEPROJECTPROJECT ADDRESS :800 W. 6th St., Suite 1250 | Los Angeles, CA 90017 Tel. 213. 537. 0158admin@thecodesolution.comarchitectureengineeringplanningland-use consultationA1417025150 E. LA SIERRA DR. ARCADIA, CA 91006NEW PROPOSED 2 STORY S.F.D. DEVELOPMENTWITH NEW A.D.U. AND 3 CAR GARGEPROPOSEDS.F.D.COLORELEVATIONS01-25-19PROPOSED S.F.D. EAST ELEVATION1PROPOSED S.F.D. WEST ELEVATION2N.T.S.N.T.S. REVISIONJOB NUMBERLICENSE STAMPDATESHEETSCALEPROJECTPROJECT ADDRESS :800 W. 6th St., Suite 1250 | Los Angeles, CA 90017 Tel. 213. 537. 0158admin@thecodesolution.comarchitectureengineeringplanningland-use consultationA1517025150 E. LA SIERRA DR. ARCADIA, CA 91006NEW PROPOSED 2 STORY S.F.D. DEVELOPMENTWITH NEW A.D.U. AND 3 CAR GARGEPROPOSEDA.D.U. COL.ELEV.01-25-19PROPOSED A.D.U. WEST ELEVATION1PROPOSED A.D.U. SOUTH ELEVATION 2PROPOSED A.D.U. EAST ELEVATION 3PROPOSED A.D.U. NORTH ELEVATION 4N.T.S.N.T.S.N.T.S.N.T.S. REVISIONJOB NUMBERLICENSE STAMPDATESHEETSCALEPROJECTPROJECT ADDRESS :800 W. 6th St., Suite 1250 | Los Angeles, CA 90017 Tel. 213. 537. 0158admin@thecodesolution.comarchitectureengineeringplanningland-use consultationA1617025150 E. LA SIERRA DR. ARCADIA, CA 91006NEW PROPOSED 2 STORY S.F.D. DEVELOPMENTWITH NEW A.D.U. AND 3 CAR GARGEPROP.GAZEBO/GARAGECOL. ELEV.01-25-19PROPOSED GAZEBO NORTH ELEVATION1N.T.S.PROPOSED GARAGE NORTH ELEVATION 5N.T.S.PROPOSED GAZEBO EAST ELEVATION 2N.T.S.PROPOSED GARAGE WEST ELEVATION 6N.T.S.PROPOSED GAZEBO SOUTH ELEVATION 3N.T.S.PROPOSED GARAGE SOUTH ELEVATION 7N.T.S.PROPOSED GAZEBO WEST ELEVATION 4N.T.S.PROPOSED GARAGE EAST ELEVATION 8N.T.S. REVISIONJOB NUMBERLICENSE STAMPDATESHEETSCALEPROJECTPROJECT ADDRESS :800 W. 6th St., Suite 1250 | Los Angeles, CA 90017 Tel. 213. 537. 0158admin@thecodesolution.comarchitectureengineeringplanningland-use consultationA1717025150 E. LA SIERRA DR. ARCADIA, CA 91006NEW PROPOSED 2 STORY S.F.D. DEVELOPMENTWITH NEW A.D.U. AND 3 CAR GARGEPROPOSEDPERSPECTIVE01-25-19PROPOSED PERSPECTIVE1PROPOSED PERSPECTIVE 2PROPOSED PERSPECTIVE 3PROPOSED PERSPECTIVE 4 (E) GARAGE(E) TWO-STORY HOUSE(E) ONE-STORY BLDGL A S I E R R A D R I V ECLLOT 1APN: 5781 - 010 - 053APN: 5781 - 010 - 0546 0 ' 30'30'APN: 5781 - 010 - 034150 LA SIERRA DRIVEARCADIA, CA 910061220 GREENFIELD AVENUEARCADIA, CA 91006APN: 5781 - 010 - 0351226 GREENFIELD AVENUEARCADIA, CA 91006APN: 5781 - 010 - 0361234 GREENFIELD AVENUEARCADIA, CA 91006APN: 5781 - 010 - 061162 LA SIERRA DRIVEARCADIA, CA 91006GREENFIELD AVENUECL SECOND AVENUECL SITELEGAL DESCRIPTIONBENCHMARKBASIS OF BEARINGSSURVEY MAP NOTESAREASYMBOLSREFERENCESLEGENDSSSSWW NEW OPEN PATIO #2127.4 S.F.NEW BBQAREANEWJACUZZINEW 2-STORYSINGLE-FAMILYDWELLINGNEW 1-STORYACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT 1,053.4 S.F.NEW 3-CAR GARAGE5,327.4 S.F.(E) 2 STORY RESIDENCE231.22'157.21'74.00'91.11'(E) 1 STORY BUILDING(E) GARAGEPPPLPLPLPLPLPLPLPLPLPLPLPPPPLA SIERRA DRIVETRASH AREAUPNEW COVEREDPORCH 59.3 S.F.UP(E) CMU WALL 6'H(E) CMU WALL 6'H(E) CMU WALL 6'H(E) CMU WALL(N) CMU WALLUPUPNEW APRONNEW GAZEBONEW SWIMMING POOLNEW OPENPATIO #1100.1 S.F.NEW COVEREDPATIO 198.0 S.F.UPUPNEW A/C UNITSNEW A/CUNITNEW CONC.SLABLOT "A"LOT "B"NEWPONDWATERFALL4'H MAX.CLBALCONY #199.2 S.F.GMWMMB1 STANDARD PARKINGSPACE FOR A.D.U.POOL & PONDEQUIPMENT AREAUP101.12'P.A. 379 SF - Hydro 27P.A. 419 SF - Hydro 25P.A. 442 SF - Hydro 26P.A. 364 SF - Hydro 23P.A. 361 SF - Hydro 22P.A. 289 SF - Hydro 16P.A. 406 SF - Hydro 20P.A. 402 SF - Hydro 10POND 165 SF - Hydro 29P.A. 339 SF - Hydro 9P.A. 274 SF - Hydro 19P.A. 305 SF - Hydro 21P.A. 263 SF - Hydro 17POOL & SPA 798 SF - Hydro 28P.A. 359 SF - Hydro 14P.A. 401 SF - Hydro 13P.A. 319 SF - Hydro 7P.A. 394 SF - Hydro 15P.A. 403 SF - Hydro 12P.A. 146 SF - Hydro 11P.A. 100 SF - Hydro 1P.A. 299 SF - Hydro 2P.A. 315 SF - Hydro 6P.A. 322 SF - Hydro 4P.A. 203 SF - Hydro 8P.A. 293 SF - Hydro 3P.A.370 SF - Hydro 51Ceibia speciosa Floss Silk Tree1 48"-boxLow 40-60' H x 20-40' W2Bougainvillea 'San Diego Red' San Diego Red Bougainvillea18 15 Gal.Low 15-30' vine3Caesalpinia gillesii Yellow Bird of Paradise10 5 Gal.Low 4-6' H x W4Ceanothus 'Julia Phelps' Julia Phelps California Lilac23 5 Gal.Low 6-8' H x W5Cistus x pulverulentus 'Sunset' Magenta Rockrose29 5 Gal.Low 2-3' H x 6-8' W6Dietes iridioides Fortnight Lily94 1 Gal.Low 2-3' H x 3-4' W7Lagerstroemia indica x faueri 'Natchez' Natchez Crepe Myrtle5 36"-boxMod. 20' H x W8Laurus nobilis Sweet Bay6 36"-boxLow 20-30' H x 10-20' W9Leymus condensatus 'Canyon Prince' Canyon Prince Wild Rye96 1 Gal.Low 2-3' H x running10Prunus cerasifera 'Thundercloud' Thundercloud Purple Leaf Plum1 36"-boxMod. 18-20' H x 12-15' W11Phlomis fruticosa Jerusalem Sage21 5 Gal.Low 3-4' H x W12Rosa x 'Noatraum' Flower Carpet Pink Groundcover Rose26 1 Gal.Mod. 2-3' H x W13Rosa 'Radrazz' Knock Out Shrub Rose4 5 Gal.Mod. 3-4' H x W14Teucrium fruticans 'Azureum' Bush Germander18 5 Gal.Low 3-4' H x 4-5' WLegendBotanical Name Common NameQty SizeWUCOLSSize15 Lippia nodiflora Kurapia3,220 sq. ft.Low groundcover16 RTF SodRTF Sod322 sq. ft.High turf17 Santolina rosmarinifolia Green Santolina @ 24"OC172 1 Gal.Low 1-2' H x W18 Extg. ficus to remain0 5 Gal.Mod. existing hedge19 Decomposed granite Decomposed granite @ 3"deep2.32 cu. yd.n/a171819151515151515151515151515151515161617171717171717171717171718181818181818181919P.A. 258 SF - Hydro 11P.A. 80 SF - Hydro 24P.A. 80 SF - Hydro 18141464114444446666333333446661414141414666444444444411111111111166666111114141111111114444466666555999999993335555556666141414555566666999999999999999969655666222222229999999999999141411659999999999966666222222222266666666666666699999555996695599911111199991455559996121212121212121212121212369996666126619995666669141111666666699999999951066666666666669999551212121212121212121212121296661313131378888887777999999991411110' 10'20'30'40'5'LANDSCAPE PLAN1 of 3L112/17/2018Sheet No.1/10" = 1' PROJECT ADDRESS:Harmony Gardens, Inc.Shelley Sparks, RLA #289612224 Addison StreetValley Village, CA 91607(818) 505-9783Shelley@Harmonygardens.netOWNER ADDRESS:150 E. La Sierra Dr.Arcadia, CA 91006-4163Betula Lenta, Inc. Attn: David Park1125 W. 6th St., Suite 205Los Angeles, CA 90017REVISION LOG:SUBMITTAL:DATE:NO:Date: Scale: Drawn by: PG, DRHydrozone division lineHydrozone indicatorLEGAL DESCRIPTION:AIN: 5781-010-063TRACT: TR 63552BLOCK: None, LOT: 1MAP REF: M B 1325 - 32 - 33A minimum 3-in. layer of mulch shall be appliedon all exposed soil surfaces of planting areas except turf areas, creeping or rooting groundcovers,or direct seeding applications when mulch iscontraindicated.Incorporate compost at a rate of a minimum of 4 cu. yd. per 1,000 sq. ft. to a depth of 6 in. into landscape areas, unless contra-indicated by a soils test.I agree to comply with the requirements of the City of Arcadia Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance and submit a complete Landscape Documentation Package.Signed: Date: TOTAL LANDSCAPE AREA: 8,585 sq. ft.TOTAL TURF AREA: 322 sq. ft.TOTAL NON-TURF AREA: 8,263 sq. ft.TOTAL ACTIVE RECREATIONAL AREAS: 0 sq. ft.TOTAL AREA OF SPECIAL LANDSCAPE AREAS: 0 sq. ft.TOTAL IRRIGATED LANDSCAPE AREA: 8,585 sq. ft.TOTAL NON-IRRIGATED LANDSCAPE AREA: 0 sq. ft.WATER SUPPLY TYPE: Potable, City of Arcadia Water ServicesLAWN-TO-LANDSCAPE RATIOTotal Planted Landscape Area: 8,585 sq. ft.Total Lawn Area: 322 sq. ft.Pct. of Lawn to Total Landscape: 4%(322 / 8,585 = 0.038)09/21/201810/02/2018Total Front Yard Area: 4,136 sq. ft.Total Hardscape Area: 1,327 sq. ft.Pct. of Hardscape: 32%(1,327 / 4,136 = 0.32)FRONT YARD SOFTSCAPE-TO-HARDSCAPE RATIOSoil in planting areas to be amended with Class I Forest Floor Mulch available from C&M Topsoil, Inc. 818-899-5485P.L. 91.11'EntryBuilding FootprintBuilding FootprintBuilding FootprintP.L. 231.22'P.A. 000 SF- Hydro 00Maximum Applied Water Allowance (MAWA)MAWA= (Eto) x 0.62 x [(0.55 x LA)+(1 - 0.55 x SLA)](Eto)LANDSCAPE AREA (LA) ETAF SLA MAWA50.2 8585 0.55 0.00 146959.75 GAL/YREstimated Total Water Use (ETWU)ETWU=(Eto)*(.62)*(PF*HA/IE+SLA)ETWU113902.31 GAL/YRHydrozone Table for Calculating ETWUZonePlanting DescriptionWater Needs PFIrrigation MethodIEETAF (PF/IE)Hydrozone Area (HA) ETAF x HA Est. Use1 Trees Low-Mod. 0.4 Drip 0.81 0.49 100 49 1536.992 Groundcover Low 0.3 Drip 0.81 0.37 299 111 3446.693 Groundcover Low 0.3 Drip 0.81 0.37 293 109 3377.534 Groundcover Low 0.3 Drip 0.81 0.37 322 119 3711.835 Shrubs Mod 0.5 Drip 0.81 0.62 370 228 7108.576 Groundcover Low 0.3 Drip 0.81 0.37 315 117 3631.137 Groundcover Low 0.3 Drip 0.81 0.37 319 118 3677.248 Shrubs Low 0.3 Drip 0.81 0.37 203 75 2340.069 Shrubs Low-Mod. 0.4 Drip 0.81 0.49 339 167 5210.3910 Shrubs Low-Mod. 0.4 Drip 0.81 0.49 402 199 6178.6911 Shrubs Low 0.3 Drip 0.81 0.37 404 150 4657.0712 Shrubs Low 0.3 Drip 0.81 0.37 403 149 4645.5513 Groundcover Low 0.3 Drip 0.81 0.37 401 149 4622.4914 Groundcover Low 0.3 Drip 0.81 0.37 359 133 4138.3415 Groundcover Low 0.3 Drip 0.81 0.37 394 146 4541.8016 Shrubs Low-Mod. 0.4 Drip 0.81 0.49 289 143 4441.8917 Shrubs Low 0.3 Drip 0.81 0.37 263 97 3031.7118 Trees Mod. 0.5 Drip 0.81 0.62 80 80 1536.9919 Groundcover Low 0.3 Drip 0.81 0.37 274 101 3158.5120 Shrubs Low-Mod. 0.4 Drip 0.81 0.49 406 200 6240.1721 Turf High 0.8 Drip 0.81 0.99 305 301 9375.6222 Shrubs Low-Mod. 0.4 Drip 0.81 0.49 361 178 5548.5323 Shrubs Low-Mod. 0.4 Drip 0.81 0.49 364 180 5594.6424 Trees Low-Mod. 0.4 Drip 0.81 0.49 80 80 1229.5925 Shrubs Low-Mod. 0.4 Drip 0.81 0.49 419 207 0.0026 Groundcover Low 0.3 Drip 0.81 0.37 442 164 5095.1127 Shrubs Low-Mod. 0.4 Drip 0.81 0.49 379 187 5825.1828 Pool & Spa High 1 n/a 0.81 1.23 798 985 30662.9029 Pond High 1 n/a 0.81 1.23 165 204 6340.07Sum0.81 0.43 8585.00 3937.65 113902.31A BSpecial Landscape Areas1.00 01.00 0Sum1.00 0.00 0.00C DETAF CALCULATIONSRegular Landscape AreasAll Landscape AreasTotal ETAF x Area (B) 3937.65 Total ETAF x Area (B+D) 3937.65Total Area (A) 8585.00Total Area (A+C) 8585.00Average ETAF (B / A) 0.46 Average ETAF(B+D / C+ A)0.4612/17/201812/17/2018 NEW BBQAREANEWJACUZZINEW 2-STORYSINGLE-FAMILYDWELLINGNEW 1-STORYACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT 1,053.4 S.F.NEW 3-CAR GARAGE5,327.4 S.F.(E) 2 STORY RESIDENCE231.22'157.21'74.00'91.11'(E) 1 STORY BUILDING(E) GARAGEPPPLPLPLPLPLPLPLPLPLPLPLNEW CONCRETE DRIVEWAYPPPPLA SIERRA DRIVETRASH AREAUPUP(E) CMU WALL 6'H(E) CMU WALL 6'H(E) CMU WALL 6'H(E) CMU WALL(N) CMU WALLUPUPNEW GAZEBONEW SWIMMING POOLUPUPLOT "A"LOT "B"CLGMWMMB1 STANDARD PARKINGSPACE FOR A.D.U.POOL & PONDEQUIPMENT AREAUP101.12'NEW CONCRETE PAVINGRAMPCRCVALVE NO. SYM.DESCRIPTIONPART NO. PRESSURE GPMAPP. IN./HR. QTY. SPACING SUBTOTAL TOTAL GPM1HUNTER PLD DRIP TUBINGPLD-06-12 30 0.01 0.72 75 16" 0.75 0.752HUNTER PLD DRIP TUBINGPLD-06-12 30 0.01 0.72 225 16" 2.25 2.253HUNTER PLD DRIP TUBINGPLD-06-12 30 0.01 0.72 220 16" 2.20 2.204HUNTER PLD DRIP TUBINGPLD-06-12 30 0.01 0.72 242 16" 2.42 2.425HUNTER PLD DRIP TUBINGPLD-06-12 30 0.01 0.72 278 16" 2.78 2.786HUNTER PLD DRIP TUBINGPLD-06-12 30 0.01 0.72 237 16" 2.37 2.377HUNTER PLD DRIP TUBINGPLD-06-12 30 0.01 0.72 240 16" 2.40 2.408HUNTER PLD DRIP TUBINGPLD-06-12 30 0.01 0.72 153 16" 1.53 1.539HUNTER PLD DRIP TUBINGPLD-06-12 30 0.01 0.72 255 16" 2.55 2.5510HUNTER PLD DRIP TUBINGPLD-06-12 30 0.01 0.72 302 16" 3.02 3.0211HUNTER PLD DRIP TUBINGPLD-06-12 30 0.01 0.72 303 16" 3.03 3.0312HUNTER PLD DRIP TUBINGPLD-06-12 30 0.01 0.72 303 16" 3.03 3.0313HUNTER PLD DRIP TUBINGPLD-06-12 30 0.01 0.72 301 16" 3.01 3.0114HUNTER PLD DRIP TUBINGPLD-06-12 30 0.01 0.72 270 16" 2.70 2.7015HUNTER PLD DRIP TUBINGPLD-06-12 30 0.01 0.72 296 16" 2.96 2.9616HUNTER PLD DRIP TUBINGPLD-06-12 30 0.01 0.72 217 16" 2.17 2.1717HUNTER PLD DRIP TUBINGPLD-06-12 30 0.01 0.72 198 16" 1.98 1.9818HUNTER PLD DRIP TUBINGPLD-06-12 30 0.01 0.72 60 16" 0.60 0.6019HUNTER PLD DRIP TUBINGPLD-06-12 30 0.01 0.72 206 16" 2.06 2.0620HUNTER PLD DRIP TUBINGPLD-06-12 30 0.01 0.72 305 16" 3.05 3.0521HUNTER PLD DRIP TUBINGPLD-06-12 30 0.01 0.72 229 16" 2.29 2.2922HUNTER PLD DRIP TUBINGPLD-06-12 30 0.01 0.72 271 16" 2.71 2.7123HUNTER PLD DRIP TUBINGPLD-06-12 30 0.01 0.72 273 16" 2.73 2.7324HUNTER PLD DRIP TUBINGPLD-06-12 30 0.01 0.72 60 16" 0.60 0.6025HUNTER PLD DRIP TUBINGPLD-06-12 30 0.01 0.72 315 16" 3.15 3.1526HUNTER PLD DRIP TUBINGPLD-06-12 30 0.01 0.72 332 16" 3.32 3.3227HUNTER PLD DRIP TUBINGPLD-06-12 30 0.01 0.72 285 16" 2.85 2.85IRRIGATION VALVE LEGEND0' 10'20'30'40'5'IRRIGATION PLAN2 of 3L212/17/2018Sheet No.1/10" = 1' PROJECT ADDRESS:Harmony Gardens, Inc.Shelley Sparks, RLA #289612224 Addison StreetValley Village, CA 91607(818) 505-9783Shelley@Harmonygardens.netOWNER ADDRESS:150 E. La Sierra Dr.Arcadia, CA 91006-4163Betula Lenta, Inc. Attn: David Park1125 W. 6th St., Suite 205Los Angeles, CA 90017REVISION LOG:SUBMITTAL:DATE:NO:Date: Scale: Drawn by: PG, DRLEGAL DESCRIPTION:AIN: 5781-010-063TRACT: TR 63552BLOCK: None, LOT: 1MAP REF: M B 1325 - 32 - 3312/17/201809/21/201810/02/2018P.L. 91.11'EntryBuilding FootprintBuilding FootprintBuilding FootprintP.L. 231.22'Zone No.Valve sizeFlow rate in GPM0.0001"HZ = HydrozoneBRW MDEDICATED IRRIGATION SUB-METERFEBCO BACKFLOW PREVENTERWILKINS PRESSURE REDUCING VALVEHUNTER CONTROL ZONE VALVE KITHUNTER RAIN SENSOR, CONDUIT MOUNTHUNTER I-CORE CONTROLLERHOSE BIB - OWNER TO SELECT LOCATIONNIBCO GATE VALVESCHED. 40 PVC LATERAL LINESCHED. 40 PVC MAIN LINE1"3/4"SIZE PER LINEMODEL 825Y600PCZ-10-25SOLAR-SYNCIC-600-M, six station w/ four ICM-600 exp. modulesDESCRIPTIONPART NOIRRIGATION LEGENDSYMBOLIRRIGATION SCHEDULINGWATER DURING PLANT ESTABLISHMENTSHRUB AND GROUNDCOVER SYSTEMS: 10 MIN., 1X PER DAY, FOR FIRST 10 DAYS LAWN SYSTEMS: 10 MIN., 2X PER DAY, FOR FIRST 10 DAYSSPRING WATERING AFTER PLANT ESTABLISHMENTTREE, SHRUB, AND GROUNDCOVER SYSTEMS:6 MIN, 3X PER WEEKLAWN SYSTEMS: 8 MIN., 3X PER WEEKSUMMER WATERING AFTER PLANT ESTABLISHMENTSHRUB AND GROUNDCOVER SYSTEMS: 10 MIN., 3X PER WEEKLAWN SYSTEMS:10 MIN., 1X EVERY OTHER DAYFALL WATERING AFTER PLANT ESTABLISHMENTTREE, SHRUB, AND GROUNDCOVER SYSTEMS: 6 MIN, 3X PER WEEKLAWN SYSTEMS: 9 MIN., 3X PER WEEKWINTER WATERING AFTER PLANT ESTABLISHMENTSHRUB AND GROUNDCOVER SYSTEMS: 10 MIN., 2X PER WEEKLAWN SYSTEMS: 7 MIN., 3X PER WEEKSTATIC PRESSURE AT METER: 86-84 PSI PER ANNIE WOO, CITY OF ARCADIA WATER SERVICES 626-254-2702NOTES:1. Pressure-regulating devices are required if water pressure is below or exceeds the recommonded pressure of the specified irrigation devices.2. Check valves or anti-drain valves are required on all sprinkler heads where low point drainage could occur.3. Recirculating water systems shall be used for water features.4. Recycled water systems shall connect to irrigation circuit downstream of backflow prevention device. 1) AUTOMATIC CONTROLLERS SHALL BE SET TO WATER BETWEEN 5 PM AND 10 AM TO REDUCE EVAPORATION. 2) A MINIMUM OF PVC SCHEDULE 40 OR EQUIVALENT SHALL BE USED FOR MAIN LINES AND UNDER DRIVEWAY AREAS, AND A MINIMUM OF PVC SCHEDULE 200 OR EQUIVALENT SHALL BE USED FOR LATERAL LINES.3) THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM MUST COMPLY WITH ALL LOCAL, STATE, AND FEDERAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS. 4) CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE OWNER WITH A SET OF "AS-BUILT" PLANS.5) IT IS THE INTENT OF THE DRAWINGS TO SHOW A COMPLETE AND OPERATIONAL IRRIGATION SYSTEM. THE SYSTEM WAS DESIGNED BASED ON LANDSCAPE AND GRADING DRAWING IN EFFECT AT THIS TIME. ANY DISCREPANCIES, OMMISIONS, ERRORS, ETC., OR ON-SITE CHANGES DO NOT RELIEVE THE IRRIGATION INSTALLER OF HIS RESPONSIBILITY TO PROVIDE A COMPLETE AND OPERATIONAL SYSTEM.6) IRRIGATION LINES, VALVES, AND OTHER EQUIPMENT SHOWN IN PAVED OR PUBLIC AREAS ARE SCHEMATIC AND ARE FOR DIAGRAMATIC PURPOSES ONLY. LINES, VALVES, AND OTHER EQUIPMENT SHOWN IN PAVED OR PUBLIC AREAS ARE INTENDED TO BE LOCATED IN ADJACENT PLANTING AREAS. 7) ALL LINES TRAVERSING HARDSCAPE TO BE PLACED IN CONDUIT UNDER PAVING.I agree to comply with the requirements of the City of Arcadia Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance and submit a complete Landscape Documentation Package.Signed: Date: Water MeterSensor meterVerify location with ownerAutomatic irrigation controllerVerify location with ownerHZ25HZ27HZ26HZ29HZ20HZ28HZ28HZ22HZ22HZ22HZ23HZ23HZ23HZ17HZ19HZ21HZ18HZ17HZ 16HZ2HZ2HZ8HZ8HZ8HZ1HZ3HZ3HZ5BW MHZ9HZ9HZ18HZ 16HZ1HZ4HZ5HZ5HZ7HZ15HZ11HZ12HZ13HZ14HZ11HZ12HZ12HZ10HZ6HZ1HZ1HZ1HZ24HZ24HZ24HZ24HZ25HZ18HZ19HZ18121"3.03151"2.96141"2.70131"3.01111"3.03101"3.02161"2.17171"1.98181"0.60191"2.06201"3.053.151"0.601"3.321"2.711"2.731"262524232271"2.4061"2.3751"2.7841"2.4231"2.2081"1.5321"2.2511"0.7591"2.55211"2.292.851"2712/17/2018 PLANTING SPECIFICATIONSScopeA. The Contractor shall furnish and install plant materials as indicated on the drawings and as specified. Planting shall be performed by personnel familiar with planting procedures and under supervision of a qualified planting foreman adjudged by the Landscape Architect to be capable of performing the class and scale of work contemplated.B. General Contractor of Owner shall supply to Landscape Contractor a grade condition of within 2% of 1 foot of finish grade.InspectionsA. Inspections will be made by the Owner or Owner's Representative. Contractor shall be on the site when inspections are made. Request inspection by telephone at least 2 working days in advance of date desired. Contractor will not be permitted to initiate the succeeding steps of work until he has received approval to proceed by the inspector.B. Contractor shall find out from the Owner or Owner's Representative if a soils test has been made and shall not begin work on the site until the results of such tests are know unless told otherwise by Owner. Contractor shall obtain soils test and send report to Owner or Owner's Representative if no such test exists and pay all costs for such reports. Soil amendments and general backfill mixes listed below are for bid purposes only. Contractor will be responsible for providing mixes as specified based on the results of soil tests.C. Inspection is required for the following: 1. When trees and other plant material are spotted for planting, but before planting occurs. 2. When planting and all other specified work has been completed.MaterialsA. Topsoil: Existing soil on the site shall be used as topsoil for planting purposes insofar as possible, but shall be free of debris, oil, weeds, plaster, concrete, gasoline, paint, solvents, or other foreign matter. Contaminated soil shall be removed and replaced with acceptable existing soil or imported soil.B. Imported Topsoil 1. Imported topsoil shall be fertile, friable, clean, sanitary, free of weeds, rocks, gravel, debris and other deleterious matter. Soil shall contain sufficient quantities of available nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium., calcium, and magnesium to support normal plant growth. 2. Topsoil shall be subject to inspection at the source from which it is obtained before delivery, but such approval shall not impair the right of inspection and rejection at the site during delivery and progress of work. Rejected topsoil shall be removed immediately from the site. 3. Furnish the Owner or Owner's Representative with the following information 30 days prior to the importation of topsoil: a. Specific location of topsoil source. b. Contractor shall submit topsoil to soil testing Laboratory for conformance testing. Contractor shall have report sent to Owner or Owner Representative and shall pay all costs. c. Contractor shall amend imported topsoil according to soil testing specifications. Backfill for Succulents, Cacti and other drought tolerant plants shall be the following: 6 parts coarse peat moss 2 parts planter mix 8 parts volcanic rock 100 lbs. washed sand 5 lbs. Gro-PowerC. Plant Materials 1. Quality and size of all plants shall conform to the California Standard Grading Code of Nursery Stock and shall be No. 1 grade. Plants shall be vigorous, of normal growth, free from disease, insects, insect eggs and larvae. All plants shall equal or exceed the measurements specified in the plant list and be supplied from those sources indicated when a source is specified. 2. Container stock shall have grown in containers for at least one year, but not over two years. Samples shall be shown to prove that no root bound conditions prevail. No container plants that have cracked or broken balls or earth when taken from containers shall be planted, except on special approval of the Owner or Owner's Representative. 3. Plants shall have been grown under climatic conditions comparable to those of the project site, unless otherwise specifically approved by the Owner or Owner's Representative. 4. Nomenclature conforms to customary usage: For clarification, the term "multi-trunk" defines a plant having a minimum of three trunks and a maximum of five trunks of nearly equal diameter. 5. Sod to be freshly cut and provided with minimum 3/4" thick root area and at least 9-12 months old. All sod to be protected from sum and wind drying while being shipped and prior to planting. 6. Inspection: Plants shall be subject to inspection and approval by the Owner or Owner's Representative at the place of growth or upon delivery, for quality, size and variety. Such approval shall not impair the right of inspection and rejection at the site, during progress of work, for size and condition of ball or roots, latent defects or injuries. Rejected plants shall be removed immediately from the site. 7. Certificate of Inspection: To accompany shipment of plant materials shall be furnished which may be required by Federal, State, County or other authorities. 8. Identify each species and variety with a weatherproof label. 9. Protection: Plants shall be protected at all times from sun and drying wind, and shall be kept watered. 10. Nursery Order Placement: Place plant material order sufficiently in advance of planting to insure availability of plant materials and sizes specified. 11. Names of Plants and Standards: All plant materials shall conform to the standards as outlined by the Association of Nurserymen. 12. Substitutions will not be permitted without proof of the unavailability of any specified material. In the event it is impossible to provide the quantities or varieties of plants specified, the Owner or Owner's Representative must be given notice in writing to submit a revised plant list. When substitutions are made, all requirements of the plant list shall be met, and in no case shall substitutions be made without approval of the Owner or Owner's Representative. The cost of substitute plants shall not exceed the original plants, except by the written approval of the Owner or Owner's Representative. Contractor may supply larger plants than those specified in the plant list at no additional cost, in which case, the root systems shall be proportional to the size of the component parts of the plants. 13. Verification of dimensions and quantities: All scaled dimensions are approximate. Before proceeding with any work, the Contractor shall carefully check and verify all dimensions and quantities, and shall immediately inform the Owner or Owner's Representative of any discrepancy between the drawings and/or specifications and actual conditions. No work shall be performed in any area where there is a discrepancy until Owner or Owner's Representative has given approval of it.D. Tree Ties: Corded rubber tree tie as approved by Owner or Owner's Representative.E. Tree Stakes: Tree stakes shall be black painted 1 1/2" Schedule 40 steel pipe (actual dimension) or as shown on detail. F. Wood bark mulch: Use 1/2" to 3/4" diameter wood bark. If not available in bulk quantity use bagged wood bark.EXECUTIONInstallationA. Commencement of Work 1. The irrigation system shall have been installed and approved prior to soil preparation. 2. Within five days after notification by the Owner or Owner's Representative conduct operations continually to completion, unless weather conditions are unfavorable. All work shall conform to high standards of practice within the trade.B. Site clearance: Clean up and remove from the planting areas weeds and grasses, including roots, and any minor accumulated debris and rubbish before commencing work. Existence of major amounts of construction debris shall be called to the attention of the General Contractor or Owner for removal.C. Storage: Secure permission to store plants of the project site, and insure that they are protected from damage by sun, rain, wind and construction work.D. Weed Control 1. All landscape areas to receive an application of Surflan 75W and Devrinol following manufacturers instructions for rate, method and sequence with planting. 2. Application is to be made by licensed personnel. 3. Apply 1/2" to 1” water within two or three hours after applying this combination. This will incorporate the herbicides into the soil surface to control the susceptible weeds. 4. Equipment: a. Add the recommended rate of Surflan 75W and Devrinol to the spray tank during the filling operation. Apply in enough water to assure adequate coverage, 50 to 250 gallons per acre. b. Use any properly calibrated low-pressure boom-type herbicide sprayer with 50-mesh or coarser screens in strainers, nozzles and suction units. Spray equipment shall provide vigorous by-pass agitation during application. c. Spray equipment shall be calibrated before use and checked frequently during application to insure a uniform spray pattern. 5. Caution: a. Harmful if swallowed or absorbed through the skin. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. In case of contact, flush with water. Do not contaminate food. b. Do not contaminate any body of water by direct application, cleaning of equipment or disposal of wastes.E. Soil Preparation: 1. No soil preparation work shall occur when moisture content is so great that excessive compaction will occur, not when it is so dry that dust will form in the air, or that clods will not break readily. Apply water if necessary to provide ideal moisture content for tilling and planting. 2. Prior to placing conditioners and fertilizer, scarify all planting areas, except slopes exceeding 2:1 to a depth of 12" below grade. 3. Grade all areas to be amended and lower, or fill areas not to grade. 4. Incorporate soil amendments into existing soil by means of a Rototiller to a depth of 6" using the soil amendments in paragraph 2.01C, thoroughly.F. Planting: 1. Planting: a. Position plants as indicated in drawings. Secure city approval of plant locations if required by local authority, or call Owner or Owner's Representative prior to planting for inspection. Before excavating pits, make necessary adjustments if indicated. The irrigation system shall be operable and tested prior to any planting. b. Excavate pits with vertical sides for all plants. If hardpan or compacted soil is encountered, use a soil auger, digging-bar, or posthole digger to loosen soil and ensure drainage. Pits shall be twice the diameter and at a depth equal to the container or rootball. Dig 3-6 inches deeper around the edges of the hole's bottom to create a plateau of undug soil to support plant at proper depth. Where drainage is a problem, plant so the upper half of the root ball is above grade and add a ring of soil around root ball that gradually tapers down to the natural grade.c. Remove plants from container and inspect root ball. Circling, matted, and kinked roots on outer surface should be trimmed away. d. Refill holes with backfill mixture about halfway up the rootball. Soil amendments, if used, should generally not exceed 5% by volume. Tamp mixture around root ball. Water sufficiently to thoroughly settle backfill. Allow water to drain then fill remaining void with soil. Tamp firmly and water again to settle. Make impermanent basin and water plant immediately. The top of the root ball should sit 1 to 3 inches above soil grade.e. Once a tree has been planted and thoroughly watered to settle soil, exposed soil to be covered with 2 to 3 in. wood mulch. Keep mulch 3 to 4 in. from the trunk.f. After planting has been completed, double stake all trees up to and including 24" boxes, as follows: 1. On-grade trees: place stake in prepared hole and drive stake one foot into solid ground. Plant tree as close to stake as possible without crowding roots. Fasten tree to stake in at least two places (preferably 6" below top of stake and 3 feet below first tie) using corded rubber tree ties. Tie trees loosely to permit crown to move 4 to 6 in. in the wind Stakes shall be black painted 1 1/2" steel pipe (actual dimension), not less than 8 feet in length. Stakes should be place at right angles to prevailing winds. Install 24" below finish grade. g. Finish grade all planting areas to a smooth and even condition making certain that no water pockets or irregularities remain. Remove and dispose of all foreign materials, clods and rocks over one and one-half inches in diameter. Final grade shall be one inch below existing walkways, sloping to drain to adjacent cement or asphalt surfaces, drain swale or catch basins. Surface drainage shall flow away from all building foundations.h. Groundcover shall be planted as specified in triangular configurations. After groundcover has been planted, water thoroughly.G. Wood Bark Mulch: Apply a minimum of 2" layer in all shrub areas without groundcover planting. Wood bark not be applied to groundcover areas.H. Clean Up: 1. During the course of the work, remove surplus materials from the site and leave premises in a neat and clean condition. 2. Clean up and remove all remaining debris and surplus materials upon completion of work, leaving the premises neat and clean. 3. Remove all tags, labels, nursery stakes and ties from all plants.MAINTENANCEA. After all work indicated on the drawings or herein specified has been completed, inspected and approved by the Owner or Owner's Representative, maintain all planted areas for a period of 90 days.B. During the maintenance period specified above, all plants and planted areas shall be kept well watered at all times; weeds and grass shall be removed and disposed of; basins and depressions shall be maintained and cultivated and kept well formed around trees and shrubs; the water system will be maintained and repaired and the entire project shall be so cared for that a neat and clean condition will be presented at all times.C. The Contractor shall maintain a sufficient number of men and adequate equipment to perform the maintenance work herein specified from the time of planting until completion of the maintenance period and acceptance by the Owner.GuaranteeA. Within 15 days after notification by Owner, remove and replace all plant materials which for any reason fail to meet these requirements of the guarantee. All plant materials shall be the same as originally specified, as indicated in planting plan.B. All trees, shrubs and plant material 15 gallon size and smaller shall be guaranteed for a period of 3 months, larger than 15 gallon shall be guaranteed for a period of one year. This includes replacement of material, which has been correctly maintained after final acceptance. This does not include replacement of material improperly maintained after final acceptance.IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONSGENERALScopeA. Includes furnishing all labor, materials and equipment required to provide and install the irrigation system specified herein and required to complete the work per the plans. Contractor shall test water pressure to verify adequacy and inform Owner or Owner's Representative prior to irrigation system installation.B. Scope includes backfilling and recompacting soil equal to adjacent undisturbed soil.C. Owner shall provide a rough grade within 2% of 1 foot of finish grade prior to commencement of irrigation work.D. The Irrigation Contractor shall be familiar with site conditions and shall coordinate work with General Contractor and other subcontractors for locating pipe sleeves through walls, under paving and coordinate with mechanical and electrical subcontractors for water and electrical supplies.E. Water supply provided for by Owner.F. Manual shut-off valves shall be required, as close as possible to the point of connection of the water supply, to minimize water loss in case of an emergency or routine maintenance.Requirements of regulatory agenciesA. Comply with all local and state codes, ordinances, safety orders and regulations of all legally constituted authorities having jurisdiction over this work.B. Obtain and pay for all plumbing permits and all inspections required by authorities stated above.C. Notify the Landscape Architect in the event any equipment or methods indicated on the drawings or in specifications conflicts with local codes, prior to installation. In the event this notification is not performed, the Contractor must assume full responsibility for revisions necessary.SubmittalsA. As-built Record Drawings:1. The contractor shall maintain a complete and accurate set of "as-built" drawings. These drawings shall be kept up with the progress of the work. The Owner shall furnish a set of drawings on which to record "as-built" conditions.2. The Contractor shall indicate clearly and correctly work installed differently from the shown on the contract drawings. By dimensioning from two permanent points of reference, show connection to existing water lines, gate valves, pressure supply pipe, control valves and control wiring.B. Operations and Maintenance Manuals:1. Prepare and deliver to the Owner within ten days by calendar prior to completion of construction, all required and necessary descriptive material in complete detail and sufficient quantity, properly one bound copy of the operation and maintenance manuals. The manual shall describe the material installed and shall be in sufficient detail to permit operating personnel to understand, operate and maintain all equipment. Spare parts lists and related manufacturer information shall be included for each equipment item installed. Each complete, bound manual shall include the following information: a. Index sheet stating Contractor's address and telephone number. b. Duration of guarantee period. c. List of equipment with names and addresses of local Manufacture Representative. d. Complete operating and maintenance instructions on all major equipment. 2. In addition to the above maintenance manuals, provide the maintenance personnel and Owner with instructions for major equipmentDrawingsA. For purposes of legibility, sprinkler lines are essentially diagrammatic. Although size and location of sprinkler equipment are drawn to scale wherever possible, make use of all data in all of the contract documents and verify this information at the construction site. The work shall be installed in such a manner as to avoid conflicts between irrigation systems, planting and architectural features.B. Irrigation lines shown adjacent to planter shall be located in planters. Wherever possible, locate lines in same trench.MATERIALSMaterials to be furnishedPrior to final inspection the Contractor shall furnish the following materials to the Owner: 1. Two wrenches for disassembling and adjusting each type of sprinkler head supplied. 2. Two keys for automatic controller.Materials and EquipmentA. All irrigation equipment shall be new and unused prior to installation, shall conform to the Irrigation Plan and Legend, and as specified. No substitution shall be allowed without prior written approval of Owner.B. Equipment or materials installed or furnished without the prior approval of the Owner or Owner's Representative may be rejected and such materials removed from the site at no expense to the Owner.Plastic Pipe and FittingsA. All fittings shall be injection molded Schedule 80 of an approved P.V.C. fitting compound featuring high tensile strength, high chemical resistance, and high impact strength. In terms of the current ASTM Standard D-1784-69, the compound must meet the requirements described in cell classification 13454B. Where threads are required in plastic fittings, these shall be injection molded also. All tees and ells shall be side gated.B. All threaded nipples exposed above grade shall be gray in color.C. All pipe and fittings shall be as manufactured by Lasco Co., pacific Western or S.M. or approved equal.D. Solvent weld pipe shall be extruded of an improved P.V.C. virgin pipe compound featuring high tensile strength, high chemical resistance, and high impact strength. In terms of the current ASTM Standard D-1784, or D-2241, this compound shall meet the requirements of cell classification 12454B for pipe. This compound must have a 2,000 p.s.i. hydrostatic design stress rating.E. All supply lines up to 2" diameter shall be Schedule 40 P.V.C. PVC lines to be manufactured by GSR, Johns Manville, Pacific Western Cleanese or approved equal.Automatic Controller, ElectricalA. Automatic controller shall be fully automatic in operation and shall be capable of operating the number of stations of remote control valves as noted on the drawing.B. Controller shall be wall mounted type (see plan), with a heavy duty watertight case and locking, hinged cover.C. Controller compounds shall be fused and chassis grounded.D. Controller shall be equipped with an approved on and off switch for 115 volt service and electrical outlet, located inside housing.E. The exact location of the controller shall be determined as noted on drawings and verified with Owner. The Irrigation Contractor will be responsible for coordinating the electrical service to this location. In the event a conflict prevents this coordination, the Landscape Architect shall be notified immediately.F. Electrical power and connections including 1-1/2" conduit sleeve, to automatic controller as per manufacturers specifications.Remote Control Valves, ElectricalA. Valve shall be spring-loaded, packless diaphragm activated type with brass or plastic body as specified on drawings.B. Valve shall be capable of being operated in the field without electricity at the controller, by a bleeder valve.C. Valve shall be installed in shrub area whenever possible and installed according Manufacturer's instructions.Wiring, Low VoltageA. Unless otherwise specified, connections between the controller and remote control valves shall be made with direct burial AWG-UF type wire, installed in accordance with valve manufacturer's wire chart and specifications.B. Wiring shall occupy the same trench and shall be installed along the same route as the pressure supply lines wherever possible, and shall be installed before pressure line whenever possible.C. Where more than one wire is placed in a trench, the wiring shall be taped together at intervals of 10 feet.D. Sizing of wire shall be according to manufacturer recommendations, in no case less than #14 in size.E. Use a continuous wire between controller and remote control valves. Under no circumstances shall splices exist without prior approval. Any splices allowed shall be installed in an approved box.F. All splices shall be made using Scotch Lok Unipack waterproof sealing packets, Pen-Tite Connectors, or approved equal. An expansion loop of 12 inches shall be provided at each wire connection and/or directional turn.G. Ground wires shall be white in color.EXECUTIONExecutionA. The contractor shall not willfully install the irrigation system as shown on the drawings when it is obvious in the field that obstructions, grade differences or discrepancies in equipment usage or area dimensions exist that might not have been considered in the engineering. Such obstructions or differences shall be brought to the attention of the Owner or Owner's Representative. In the event this notification is not performed, the Contractor shall assume full responsibility.B. Before starting work on sprinkler system, carefully check all grades to determine that work may safely proceed, keeping within the specified material depths.C. The installation of all sprinkler materials, including pipe, shall be coordinated with the landscape drawings to avoid interfering with the trees, shrubs, or other planting.D. Layout sprinkler heads and make any minor adjustments required due to difference between site and drawings. Any such deviations in layout shall be within the intent of the original drawings, and without additional cost to the Owner. When directed by the Owner or Owner's Representative the layout shall be approved before installation. Check valves to prevent drainage of sprinklers through lowest head shall be installed on every sprinkler head at a lower elevation than the control valve.E. Contractor shall verify location of Controller. Contractor shall supply and install a rechargeable battery for controller back up, per manufacturer's instructions.F. All piping or equipment shown diagrammatically on drawing outside of planting areas shall be installed inside planting area whenever possible.G. Sprinklers with adjustable flow rate nozzles shall be adjusted by fully opening the sprinkler furthest from the control valve. The manual adjustment of the control valve shall be opened slightly to obtain a 12" high spray at the sprinkler mentioned above. After this condition has been met, all other sprinklers in the section shall be adjusted for equal height sprays, regulating the control valve as required to maintain this condition. With a pressure gauge on the sprinkler first opened, the control valve shall be adjusted to obtain the catalog rated pressure for the sprinkler installed. Individual heads shall be rotated and adjusted as required to keep sprays within the areas of lawn or shrubbery.INSTALLATIONA. Water Supply: Connections shall be made to the water meter or existing pipe as shown at approximate location on drawings or to point of connection. Minor changes caused by actual site conditions shall be made without additional cost to Owner.B. Assemblies: 1. Routing of pressure supply lines as indicated on drawings is diagrammatic. 2. All plastic threaded pipe and fittings shall be assembled using Teflon dope or equivalent, applied to the male threads only. 3. Install all assemblies on a swing joint connection.C. Line Clearance: All lines shall have a minimum clearance of 4 inches from each other, and 6 inches from lines of other trades. Parallel lines shall not be installed directly over one another.D. Trenching: 1. Dig trench and support pipe continuously on bottom of ditch. Shake pipe in trench to an even grade. Trenching excavation shall follow layout indicated on drawings and as noted. Where lines occur under paved areas, these dimensions shall be considered below subgrade. 2. Provide minimum cover of 18 inches for all pressure supply lines 2 1/2" and smaller. 3. Provide minimum cover of 18 inches for all control wires. 4. Provide minimum cover of 12 inches for all other non pressure lines.E. Paved Areas: 1. Coordinate installation of sleeves under paved areas with General Contractor. 2. If the only piping installed is over 20 feet long, pressure testing is required for that section at the time of installation. Upon completion of piping installation, the entire system must be tested.F. Backfilling: 1. Backfill for trenching shall be compacted to a dry density equal to the adjacent undisturbed soil., and shall conform to the adjacent grades without dips, sunken areas, humps or other irregularities. Initial backfill on all lines shall be of a fine granular material with no foreign matter larger than 1/2" size. 2. Trenches shall be backfilled promptly after the open trench inspection.G. Flushing the System: 1. After all new sprinkler pipe lines and risers are in place and connected, all necessary diversion work has been completed, and prior to installation of sprinkler heads, the control valves shall be opened and a full head of water used to flush out the system. 2. Sprinkler heads shall be installed only after flushing of the system has been accomplished to the complete satisfaction of the Owner's Representative.H. Sprinkler Heads: 1. Install sprinkler heads as designated on the drawings. 2. Spacing of heads shall not exceed the maximum indicated on the drawings. In no case shall the spacing exceed the maximum recommended by the manufacturer. 3. Sprinkler heads in lawn or turf areas shall be elevated to a minimum of 3 inches above grade. Heads along curbs, walks, paving, etc., shall be placed 1/2 inch above finish grade or coordinated with adjacent shrub heights. adjust sprinkler heads within ten days after notification by Owner.Adjusting the SystemA. Adjust valves, alignment and coverage of all sprinkler heads.B. If it is determined that adjustments in the irrigation equipment or nozzle changes will provide proper and more adequate coverage, make all necessary changes, without additional cost to the Owner, prior to any planting.C. The entire system shall be operating properly before any planting operations commence.Irrigation System Coverage TestA. When the sprinkler system is completed, determine if the water coverage of planting areas is complete and adequate. Furnish all materials and perform all work required to correct any inadequacies of coverage due to deviations from plans. This test shall be accomplished when planting is complete.Clean-up and RepairA. Upon completion of the work, make the ground surface level, remove excess materials, rubbish, debris, etc., and remove construction and installation equipment from the premises.Inspection of WorkA. Installations and operations must be approved by owner.B. Prior to commencing work, the Contractor shall arrange a meeting with the Owner, at which time the Contractor will be informed of specific inspections required and the method of calling for such inspections as the individual work is completed.C. In no event shall the Contractor cover up or otherwise removes from view any work under this contract without prior approval of the Owner. The Contractor at his expense shall open any work covered prior to inspection to view.D. All hydrostatic tests shall be made only in the presence of the Landscape Architect, or other duly authorized representative of the Owner. No pipe shall be backfilled until it has been inspected, tested, and approved in writing.E. All pressure supply lines shall be tested under hydrostatic pressure of 150 pounds per square inch for a period of two hours.F. Upon completion of the project, the Contractor shall transfer all information concerning the dimensions to a clear set of transparency prints of the drawings. The changes and dimensions shall be recorded in a legible and workmanlike manner to the satisfaction of the Owner. The Contractor shall, for this purpose, procure from the Owner a copy of the piping layout to mark all as-built dimensions and work that differs from the original plans.G. Contractor shall instruct Owner on use of irrigation controller. Contractor shall consult with Owner and Landscape Architect to establish appropriate watering program for the site.GuaranteeA. The entire sprinkler system shall be guaranteed for one year by the Contractor as to material and date of final acceptance of the work.B. Should any trouble develop within the specified guarantee period due to inferior or faulty material and/or workmanship, the trouble shall be corrected without delay by the Contractor to the satisfaction and at no expense to the Owner.C. Any and all damage to rain water drains, water supply lines, gas lines and/or other service lines shall be repaired and made good by the Contractor at no extra cost to the builder. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to be aware of the location of all utilities or other permanent or non-permanent installations and to protect these installations from any damages whatsoever.3 of 3L3HUNTER DRIP ZONE VALVE KITIRRIGATION CONTROLLERDRIP IRRIGATION LAYOUTFEBCO MODEL 825Y - REDUCED PRESSURE ASSEMBLYFlow30" Max. (700mm)12" Min. (300mm)SHRUB PLANTING DETAILSpacing per L1 plan and legendGROUNDCOVER PLANTINGTREE IRRIGATION DETAILDate: 12/17/2018Sheet No.NOT TOSCALEPROJECT ADDRESS:Harmony Gardens, Inc.Shelley Sparks, RLA #289612224 Addison StreetValley Village, CA 91607(818) 505-9783Shelley@Harmonygardens.netOWNER ADDRESS:REVISION LOG:SUBMITTAL:DATE:NO:LANDSCAPE DETAILSAND SPECS.6" FROM EDGE OF PAVING , TYP.TREE PLANTING DETAIL1" - 2" DIAMETER - 10' LODGEPOLE STAKENO. 9 GA. GAVANIZED WIRE WITH 1/2" RUBBER HOSE OR EQ.4" WATERING BASINPROVIDE 5' DIAMETER MULCH BASE AROUND EACH TREENATIVE SOIL BACKFILL (SOIL AMENDMENTS, IF USED,SHOULD NOT EXCEED 5% BY VOLUME)PLANT TAB PER SPECIFICATIONSROOT BALL2 X ROOT BALLPLANTING PITDEPTH OF ROOT BALL8' - 0"12"NOTE: TOP OF ROOT BALL SHOULD SIT 1" - 3" ABOVE EXISTING SOIL GRADEWATERING BASINBACKFILL MIX PER SPECIFICATIONPLANT TAB PER SPECIFICATIONROOT BALL DIAMETER2 X ROOT BALLDIAMETERDEPTH OFROOT BALL ROOT CROWN TO BE1 to 2" ABOVE FINISHEDGRADE3" MULCHKEEP MULCH 3" FROM TRUNKSUBGRADEEDGE OF PAVINGCOMPACTED MOUNDFOR ROOT BALL150 E. La Sierra Dr.Arcadia, CA 91006-4163Betula Lenta, Inc. Attn: David Park1125 W. 6th St., Suite 205Los Angeles, CA 9001712/17/2018