HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 11a - Regular Meeting Minutes of May 7, 2019 1 05-07-2019 ARCADIA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, MAY 7, 2019 CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Verlato called the meeting to order at 4:04 p.m. ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Amundson, Beck, Chandler, Tay, and Verlato ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENTS – No one appeared. STUDY SESSION a. Report, discussion and direction regarding the proposed Operating Budget for Fiscal Years 2019-21, and proposed Capital Improvement and Equipment Plan for Fiscal Years 2019-24. City Manager Lazzaretto presented an overview of the proposed Operating Budget for Fiscal Years 2019-21, and proposed Capital Improvement and Equipment Plan for Fiscal Years 2019- 24. Discussion ensued and staff responded to various questions, comments, and suggestions on the proposed Budget. It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Chandler, seconded by Council Member Tay, and carried on roll call vote to that staff prepare the necessary resolutions for City Council consideration at the June 18, meeting relating to the adoption of the Operating Budget for Fiscal Years 2019-21, and Capital Improvement and Equipment Plan for Fiscal Years 2019-24. AYES: Chandler, Tay, Amundson, Beck, and Verlato NOES: None ABSENT: None It was the consensus of the City Council that the Budget Study Session tentatively scheduled for May 29, 2019, was not necessary. At 5:47 p.m., the Mayor recessed the meeting to 6:00 p.m. in the Council Conference Room for Closed Session. The City Council reconvened at 6:01 p.m. CLOSED SESSION a. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1) to confer with legal counsel regarding the Workers’ Compensation matter of Richard Loken. b. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1) to confer with legal counsel regarding the matter of Tom Crosby, an individual; Ellen Fu Crosby, an individual v. City of Arcadia, a California municipality; Santa Anita Oaks Homeowners Association, Inc., a California non-profit corporation; and Vincent I. Vargas, an individual (Los Angeles Superior Court Case No. BS172105). 2 05-07-2019 No reportable action was taken on the Closed Session items. The Closed Session ended at 6:34 p.m. b. Report, discussion and direction regarding an update on planting pallet and hardscape for the Center Median Turf Reduction Project Phase 3 at Santa Anita Avenue between Foothill Boulevard and Las Tunas Drive. It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Chandler, seconded by Council Member Tay, and carried on roll call vote to approve staff’s recommendation to revise the planting pallet and hardscape for the Center Median Turf Reduction Phase 3 Project. AYES: Chandler, Tay, Amundson, Beck, and Verlato NOES: None ABSENT: None The meeting ended at 6:56 p.m. Regular Meeting City Council Chamber, 7:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Verlato called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. INVOCATION – First Reader Kristin Bennett – First Church of Christ, Scientist 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Boy Scout Troop 104 4. ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Amundson, Beck, Chandler, Tay, and Verlato ABSENT: None 5. REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY REGARDING CLOSED/STUDY SESSION ITEMS City Attorney Deitsch announced that prior to the regular meeting, the City Council met in a Closed Session to consider the two items listed on the posted agenda under Closed Session, and that no reportable action was taken. City Attorney Deitsch further announced that prior to the regular meeting, the City Council conducted a Study Session to hear a report from staff, discuss and provide direction regarding the proposed Operating Budget for Fiscal Years 2019-21, and proposed Capital Improvement and Equipment Plan for Fiscal Years 2019-24, and reported that on motion by Mayor Pro Tem Chandler, seconded by Council Member Tay, the City Council unanimously (5-0) approved staff’s recommendation, and he further reported that the second item was to hear a report, discuss and provide direction to staff regarding an update on planting pallet and hardscape for the Center Median Turf Reduction Project Phase 3 at Santa Anita Avenue between Foothill Boulevard and Las Tunas Drive, and reported that on motion by Mayor Pro Tem Chandler, seconded by Council Member Tay, the City Council unanimously (5-0) approved staff’s recommendation. 3 05-07-2019 6. SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FROM CITY MANAGER REGARDING AGENDA ITEMS City Manager Lazzaretto stated that there was no supplemental information. 7. MOTION TO READ ALL ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS BY TITLE ONLY AND WAIVE THE READING IN FULL A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Chandler and seconded by Council Member Amundson to read all ordinances and resolutions by title only and waive the reading in full. 8. PRESENTATIONS a. Pasadena Humane Society presentation of an adoptable dog. b. Mayor’s Certificate of Commendation to the Arcadia High School Podcast Team for winning the CalSPRA Award of Merit. c. Mayor’s Certificate of Commendation to the Arcadia High School Science Olympiad Team for winning First Place in the Regional competition. d. Presentation by Metro regarding the initiation of paid parking at the Arcadia Gold Line Station. 9. PUBLIC HEARING a. Resolution No. 7240 establishing and/or adjusting fees for City Services relating to Historic Preservation and the Annual Overnight Parking Permit and Transfer Permit, including finding this matter is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”). Recommended Action: Adopt The discussion was divided into two distinct parts. Assistant City Manager/Development Services Director Kruckeberg presented the staff report relating to historic preservation fees. Mayor Verlato opened the Public Hearing. No one appeared. A motion to close the public hearing regarding historic preservation fees was made by Mayor Pro Tem Chandler, seconded by Council Member Amundson, and seeing no objection, Mayor Verlato declared the public hearing closed. Council Member Beck made a motion to consider up to 5 applications each calendar year, during the pilot period up from the 3 recommended in the staff report, and waive the designations of historic landmark fee of $1,800 and the Mills Act participation fee of $1,500 for each of those 5 during the first 2 years of the program. Mayor Verlato seconded the motion. Mayor Pro Chandler made a substitute motion to allow only 3 waivers per year for the designation process and 3 Mills Act applications per year. Council Member Tay seconded the motion. 4 05-07-2019 AYES: Chandler, and Tay NOES: Amundson, Beck, and Verlato ABSENT: None The substitute motion failed. A roll call vote was held on the original motion made by Council Member Beck and seconded by Mayor Verlato, which was carried as follows: AYES: Beck, Verlato, and Amundson, and Tay NOES: Chandler ABSENT: None Management Aide Alana Bautista presented the staff report relating to Annual Overnight Parking Permit and Transfer Permit fees. Mayor Verlato opened the Public Hearing. No one appeared. A motion to close the public hearing relating to the Annual Overnight Parking Permit and Transfer Permit fees was made by Mayor Pro Tem Chandler, seconded by Council Member Tay, and seeing no objection, Mayor Verlato declared the public hearing closed. It was moved by Council Member Chandler, seconded by Council Member Tay, and carried on roll call vote to adopt Resolution No. 7240 establishing and/or adjusting fees for City Services relating to Historic Preservation and the Annual Overnight Parking Permit and Transfer Permit, including finding this matter is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”). AYES: Chandler, Tay, Amundson, Beck, and Verlato NOES: None ABSENT: None 10. PUBLIC COMMENTS Heidi Tong, an Arcadia resident and Los Angeles County Sanitation District employee, appeared and indicated that she previously appeared regarding the Sanitation District withholding their cost of living adjustments for the last two years; and reported that after 2 years of negotiations, the Sanitation District Board agreed on a draft contract, and encouraged Mayor Verlato and Mayor Pro Tem Chandler, who serve as Directors on the Sanitation District, to vote “yes” on their contract. 11. REPORTS FROM MAYOR, CITY COUNCIL AND CITY CLERK (including reports from the City Council related to meetings attended at City expense [AB 1234]). Council Member Tay indicated that he received his ballot for Measure A and had already voted, and encouraged voters to vote as well. Mayor Pro Tem Chandler reported that he attended the Arcadia Firefighters Association annual pancake breakfast on May 4, thanked the residents who attend and purchase tickets. 5 05-07-2019 Council Member Amundson indicated that he appreciates the partnership the City has with the School District; he further indicated that he and Mayor Verlato attended Kathryn Barger Meet and Greet event, and that there was a lot of discussion of local control of SB 50; he acknowledged that if Measure A passes, monies will be used to balance the City’s budget and not be used for employee raises; he commented on unfunded liabilities; he congratulated Lee Shimmin as the Senior of the Year; he announced Board and Commission openings; and talked about the Meet Your Beat Commander, and encouraged residents if they see something, not to forget to say something. Council Member Beck reported that he also attended the Arcadia Firefighters Association Pancake Breakfast; he indicated that he also attended the Senior of the Year event and congratulated Lee Shimmin; he congratulated all the individuals who received Mayor’s Certificates, and thanked the Pasadena Humane Society for bringing the adoptable dog. City Clerk Glasco announced the new watering schedule which began May 1; and announced the last mulch giveaway date is May 11. City Manager Lazzaretto also reminded residents that sprinklers should be limited to 10 minutes per station, but that drip irrigation can be for as long as the plant needs to be watered. Mayor Verlato indicated that she has had a busy couple of weeks; she further indicated that last weekend she attended an Eagle Scout Court of Honor ceremony; she also attended the Annual Arcadia Firefighters Association Pancake Breakfast, and participated in the Community Bike Ride; she further indicated that she has been passing out Certificates to all the Arcadia School PTA’s; noted that in the morning she had her first Mayor’s Coffee and she baked freshly baked goods; she also attended the Senior of the Year event, and congratulated Lee Shimmin; stated that she will be playing Mahjong at the Community Center every Friday and that she will be attending once a month, and thanked the Recreation and Community Services for putting on the events they do; she reminded everyone that May 19 is the Rotary Club Field of Honor at the County Park, and encouraged residents to purchase a flag or make a donation; she encouraged everyone to vote, and provided information regarding Measure A; and wished all mothers a Happy Mother’s Day. 12. CONSENT CALENDAR a. Regular Meeting Minutes of April 2, and April 16, 2019. Recommended Action: Approve b. Resolution No. 7253 approving Final Map No. 73061 to subdivide the air space of an 18,560 square foot parcel and accepting a two-foot dedication around the proposed driveway approach for sidewalk purposes for a ten-unit multi-family residential condominium development at 1222 Temple City Boulevard. Recommended Action: Adopt c. Resolution No. 7254 authorizing submittal of the Fiscal Year 2018-19 Transportation Development Act – Article 4 Claim Forms to receive Capital and Operating Funds for Arcadia Transit. Recommended Action: Adopt d. Mayor’s appointments of City Council Members to City Boards, Commissions, and Outside Agencies. Recommended Action: Receive and File 6 05-07-2019 e. Professional Services Agreement with The PM Group, Inc. for the design and print of the Peacock Buzz Brochure in an amount not to exceed $162,000. Recommended Action: Approve f. Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Preferred Meals/Unified Nutrimeals for the Senior Meals Program in an amount not to exceed $90,600. Recommended Action: Approve g. Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Arcadia Unified School District for Transportation Services in an amount not to exceed $46,600. Recommended Action: Approve h. Contract with Western States Roofing, Inc. for the Library Roof Restoration Project in the amount of $401,400. Recommended Action: Approve i. Renewal of the Weed Abatement Services Agreement between the City of Arcadia and the Los Angeles County Agricultural Commissioner/Weights and Measures Department. Recommended Action: Approve j. Purchase Order with The Garland Company, Inc., for the purchase of roofing materials for the Library Roof Restoration Project in the amount of $240,840.56. Recommended Action: Approve k. Extension to the Purchase Order with Waterline Technologies, Inc. for the purchase and delivery of Sodium Hypochlorite for the disinfection of the City’s Municipal Water Supply in the amount of $40,112. Recommended Action: Approve l. Accept all work performed by Perry C. Thomas Construction, Inc. for the rehabilitation of the Pressure Reducing Station Project as complete. Recommended Action: Approve m. New Class Specification for a Tram Driver (Part-Time). Recommended Action: Approve Mayor Pro Tem Chandler requested Consent Calendar Items 12.h and 12.j be pulled for separate discussion. Council Member Beck requested Consent Calendar Items 12.e be pulled for separate discussion, and indicated that he would like the April 16, 2019, City Council Minutes be amended to include that he also nominated Mayor Verlato for Mayor. It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Chandler, seconded by Council Member Beck, and carried on roll call vote to approve Consent Calendar Items 12.a through 12.d, 12.f, 12.g, and 12.i, and 12.k through 12.m., including the April 16, 2019, Minutes as amended by Council Member Beck. AYES: Chandler, Beck, Amundson, Tay, and Verlato NOES: None 7 05-07-2019 ABSENT: None Regarding Consent Calendar Item 12.e, Council Member Beck indicated that he feels the Peacock Buzz should be eliminated during these current deficient times. In response to Council Member Beck’s comment, Director of Recreation and Community Services Somogyi explained her thoughts on the importance of the Peacock Buzz. It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Chandler, seconded by Council Member Beck, and carried on roll call vote to approve Consent Calendar Item 12.e. AYES: Chandler, Beck, Amundson, Tay, and Verlato NOES: None ABSENT: None Regarding Consent Calendar Item 12.h and 12.j, Mayor Pro Tem Chandler asked questions regarding the roofing material for the Library Roof Restoration Project. Public Works Services Director Tait explained the costs of the roofing materials for the Library Roof Restoration Project. It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Chandler, seconded by Council Member Tay, and carried on roll call vote to approve Consent Calendar Item 12.h and 12.j. AYES: Chandler, Tay, Amundson, Beck, and Verlato NOES: None ABSENT: None 13. CITY MANAGER a. Resolution No. 7258 opposing Senate Bill 50 - Planning and Zoning: Housing Development Incentives. Recommended Action: Adopt Assistant to the City Manager Bruckner presented the staff report. It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Chandler, seconded by Council Member Tay, and carried on roll call vote to adopt Resolution No. 7258 opposing Senate Bill 50 - Planning and Zoning: Housing Development Incentives. AYES: Chandler, Tay, Amundson, Beck, and Verlato NOES: None ABSENT: None 14. ADJOURNMENT The City Council meeting adjourned at 9:17 p.m. in memory of longtime resident Arne Kalm and former Planning Commissioner Sam Falzone to Tuesday, May 21, 2019, 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Conference Room. 8 05-07-2019