HomeMy WebLinkAboutAM Minutes: 09/07/16MUSEUM COMMISSION
WEDNESDAY, September 7, 2016
CALL TO ORDER — Chair Carter called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. in the Museum
Education Center.
ROLL CALL: Commissioners Dale Carter, Victor Wu, Donna Lee, Virginia Blitz, Curator Dana
Hicks, Library Services Manager Roger Hiles, and Education Coordinator
Rebecca Wilcoy.
ABSENT: Commissioner Carlos Reza, Jr.
Approval of an excused absence for Commissioner Reza was moved by Commissioner Wu,
seconded by Commissioner Lee, and carried on a voice vote.
AYES: Commissioners Carter, Lee, Blitz, and Wu
NOES: one
Commissioner Blitz, as liaison to the Friends of the Arcadia Museum, shared that the group has
had two monthly meetings since the last commission meeting. The Friends will be having a joint
meeting with the Arcadia Museum Foundation next week, and Commissioner Blitz noted that
the presidents of both groups are working diligently to determine the next steps for the groups
as they move forward. Commissioner Blitz also helped with the opening reception for the WWI
Balloon School exhibit and commented that the exhibit was really well done.
A. Report from the Director: Library Services Manager Roger Hiles reported for Director
Hayes in her absence. City Council unanimously voted to name the Museum Education
Center for the late Floretta K. Lauber. The building will now be known as the Floretta K.
Lauber Museum Education Center. Director Hayes will be retiring at the end of the calendar
year, and her position has officially been posted by the City's human resources department.
Report from the Curator: Curator Hicks reported on the renaming of the Museum
Education Center. Currently, the Museum is featuring an exhibit of photographs of the World
War I Balloon School. This exhibit features new photographs from the Museum's collection,
purchased or donated after the first exhibit on this topic nearly six years ago. Museum staff
is continuing preparations for the 15 th Anniversary and the Arcadia Museum Foundation's
annual dinner. Exhibits are being updated, including the "Famous Arcadians" exhibit, which
is being revamped by a longtime volunteer, Laura Henneforth. The summer program series,
Arcadia at the Movies, closed with success. This was the first time the Museum used a film
historian for the lecture portion and it was a great success. Annick Downhower is a film
historian and local Arcadia resident. Curator Hicks reported that she is excited to share that
Ms. Downhower has agreed to speak at next year's movie series and is looking forward to
becoming more involved with the museum. The next temporary exhibit in the Museum will
be "Eleven Square Miles: Arcadia's Maps Through Time", which will open on October 1 and
will be on display through November 5. The last exhibit of the year will be a one -woman art
show featuring the -work of longtime Museum volunteer, Laura Henneforth, titled, "Singular,
Plural, Multiple: The Art of Laura Henneforth Museum staff are also preparing for the
annual employee open house and pie social, set for September 8. Curator Hicks invited all
Commissioners to attend. Curator Hicks also reported on the Railroad Symposium, on
October 8, which will feature five speakers, including Commissioner Carter. The next
Lunchtime Talk will be September 15, and will feature a speaker from the Pasadena
Museum of History. Curator Hicks also informed the Commission that the Baldwin figure has
been completed and shared some photos of the figure. It will be unveiled at the Foundation
dinner in October, and will go on display in the Museum for the public to view the following
business day. Curator Hicks also shared a publication sent by Churchill Downs. The article
used several historical images, from the Museum's collection, of Santa Anita Park in an
article about the upcoming Breeder's Cup. Education Coordinator Wilcox shared that the
Museum has accepted three new Young Adult Volunteers for the 2016-2017 school year.
The orientation and welcome breakfast is scheduled for September 10. There are two
upcoming Hands -On Saturdays for Families programs: one on September 24 all about
Russia and another on October 29 that will be a Dia de Los Muertos celebration. Both
programs will feature music, food, and traditional crafts. Education Coordinator Wilcox also
noted that the Young Adult Volunteers will have more opportunities to become involved with
the Museum through the initiation of the Museum Youth Council. This council will serve as
an advisory board for Museum staff and will learn about planning, researching, and
implementing the Hands -On Saturdays for Families program. Curator Hicks then began her
presentation on the accreditation process. Curator Hicks shared the website for the national
organization American Alliance of Museums (AAM) and the American Association for State
and Local History (AASLH). Both organizations supply programs to assist museums through
the accreditation process. After an intensive introduction, Curator Hicks asked that the
Commission members spend some time looking at the sites and the accreditation programs
offered by each organization on their own time. Curator Hicks then focused on the AASLH
program titled, StEPs (Standards and Excellence Program for History Organizations), which
she feels will be the best program for our size, staff, and resources. Curator Hicks will
continue to research this program and will report back with more information at the next
meeting, and is looking forward to working with the Commission toward future accreditation.
C. Updates on annual trip to tour off-site museum: Curator Hicks reached out to the
Commission's first choice, which was The Bowers Museum. Unfortunately, they are unable
to accommodate our tour. Curator Hicks contacted the Ontario Museum of Art and History,
who were excited about hosting our trip. The Commission agreed to schedule the visit for
November 8, 2016. Curator Hicks will finalize the plans and send a confirmation email to the
D. Updates on Gilb Museum 1 5th Anniversary, October 2016: Curator Hicks reported thal
preparations continue for this event. The Foundation and Friends will be meeting jointly in
September and more details will be known then. She reported that the invitations have been
sent to the printer so they should be mailed out soon. The theme is "Mariachis and
Commission Photograph: Due to Commissioner Reza's absence, the photograph ha -
been postponed.
a. Approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of July 6, 201p
Recommended action: Approve
Approval of Consent Calendar Item (ta" was moved by Commissioner Lee, seconded by
Commissioner Wu, and carried on a voice vote.
AYES: Commissioners Carter, Wu, Lee, and Blitz
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioner Reza
Chair Carter adjourned this meeting at 6:35 p.m. to Wednesday, November 2, 2016 at 5:00 p.
in the Museum Education Center at 382 W. Huntington Drive, Arcadia. 1
UA .. NO=- I t 6
Roger Hiles, Library Services Van ag er, for
Mary ayes, Director of Library & Museum Services
Minutes prepared by Rebecca Wilcox, Museum Education Coordinator