HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-26-18 PC MinutesARCADIA PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Tuesday, June 26, 2018 CALL TO ORDER Vice Chair Thompson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL PRESENT: Vice Chair Thompson, and Commissioners Lewis, Fandry and Lin ABSENT: Chair Chan (Absent from roll call) It was moved by Commissioner Lin, seconded by Commissioner Lewis to excuse Chair Chan from the meeting. Without objection, the motion was approved. Chair Chan arrived shortly thereafter. SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FROM STAFF REGARDING AGENDA ITEMS The Commission received a revised copy of Resolution No. 2016 (Attachment No. 1) to Agenda Item No. 1 and a late correspondence relating to Agenda Item 1. Vice Chair Thompson welcomed newly appointed City Council Liaison, Peter Amundson. PUBLIC COMMENTS (5 minute time limit per person) There were none. PUBLIC HEARING Resolution No. 2016 — Approving an amendment to Conditional Use Permit No. Cup 15-02 with a Categorical Exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to amend the approved commercial uses for the mixed-use building At 56 E. Duarte Road. Planning and Community Development Administrator, Lisa Flores introduced the item and handed it over to Economic Development Analyst, Tim Schwehr who presented the staff report. Chair Chan opened the public hearing and asked if the applicant would like to speak on this item. Applicant Jason Mak responded. Chair Chan asked if anyone else would like to speak in favor of the item. No one responded. Chair Chan asked if there was anyone else who would like to speak in opposition of the item. No one responded. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Planning Commission regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the City's Planning Services Office located at 240 W Huntington Drive, Arcadia, California, during normal business hours. MOTION- PUBLIC HEARING It was moved by Commissioner Lewis, seconded by Commissioner Fandry to close the public hearing. Without objection, the motion was approved. DISCUSSION Commissioner Lewis stated that the amendment is fairly minor and she has no issues with the project. Vice Chair Thompson stated he understands the request for flexibility of the commercial component of the project. The project is consistent with the General Plan. He is in favor of approval, provided there is continued staff oversight of the tenants. Regarding dining hours, Chair Chan commented if there are to be restrictions on outdoor dining, they would be better suited to be placed on the tenant rather than the owner. It would be easier to administer any potential violations in the future. Tenants can work with staff to ensure compliance. Ms. Flores commented that staff will have discretion to review in the future when they apply for individual Incidental Outdoor Dining permits. MOTION It was moved by Vice Chair Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Lin to approve Resolution No. 2016 - An amendment to Conditional Use Permit No. Cup 15-02 with a Categorical Exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to amend the approved commercial uses for the mixed-use building At 56 E. Duarte Road including the amended conditions of approval of Resolution 2016. ROLL CALL AYES: Chair Chan, Vice Chair Thompson, and Commissioners Lewis, Lin, and Fandry NOES: None 2. Resolution No. 2017 - Approving a General Plan Amendment and Zone Change to increase the maximum residential density and height in the Downtown Mixed Use Zone (DMU) and in the Central Business District (CBD) Zone, remove the Downtown Overlay from the Central Business District Zone, amend the General Plan (GP) Land Use designation to clearly define the Central Business District, and a Text Amendment amending the City's Development Code to allow an In -lieu Parking Fee and a new City Center Design Plan Ms. Flores introduced the item and turned it over to Senior Planner, Luis Torrico. Mr. Torrico presented the staff report. City Center Design Plan architects, Dale Brown and Doug Joyce spoke on the item. 6-26-18 Chair Chan asked if anyone else would like to speak in favor of the item. No one responded. Chair Chan asked if there was anyone else who would like to speak in opposition of the item. No one responded. MOTION- PUBLIC HEARING It was moved by Commissioner Lewis, seconded by Commissioner Lin to close the public hearing. Without objection, the motion was approved. DISCUSSION Vice Chair Thompson suggested that the revisions which reference a unit density of 80 du/acre should be revised to be clear that it is a "maximum" of 80 du/acre. He stated that more vertical development near transit is appropriate. He initially thought a five story development could be too high in terms of mass and scale, but it may work if it is done well. In the future, he recommends making sure mixed-use developments provide adequate residential parking. He stated that the Staff Report and supporting documents are consistent with the General Plan and that the zoning provides added flexibility. Commissioner Lin recommended approval of the Text Amendment. He stated the project is a step in the right direction as there have been long-standing efforts to redevelop the Downtown area. He encouraged future attempts to develop the area and he hopes the changes to zoning and the General Plan are successful. Vice Chair Thompson commented on the Transportation and Traffic section of the Addendum to the Environmental Impact Report. He was concerned that the Addendum defers the mitigation measures to when a project is developed and doesn't provide specific mitigation measures. Assistant City Manager/Development Services Director, Jason Kruckeberg confirmed that Program EIR's such as those used for General Plan Updates do not typically require specific mitigation measures because there are not enough details. It is not until actual developments are proposed that specific mitigation measures are identified to mitigate each development's impacts. Vice Chair Thompson further recommended that the In -lieu parking fees be placed in a dedicated fund to avoid the In -lieu fees being used for anything other than their intended use such as unfunded pension liabilities. Mr. Kruckeberg responded stating that the City is actively looking for a way to build parking Downtown and funds would be needed to do so. The desire is to keep the funds generated from the in -lieu parking fee segregated and, in fact, the City would be responsible to do so. Chair Chan expressed concern with the building height limitation. He stated fifty-five (55) feet may be too restrictive in these types of mixed-use developments, where open space is limited. Developers may look to the roof to achieve highest and best use for open space, by creating rooftop decks and other amenities. He stated the City should welcome projects which may want open space on the roof and there should more flexibility to the building height limit to allow these types of uses. Mr. Kruckeberg acknowledged Chair Chan's Council felt that the fifty-five (55) foot height 3 comment. He responded stating that the City limitation allows for a five story project without 6-26-18 overwhelming the existing buildings in the Downtown. However, it is true that additional height would provide flexibility for either roof top amenities or for developers to provide design elements to achieve a true fifth 51" story. He stated that the Staff would be open to recommending that the Council discuss the building height limit. MOTION It was moved by Vice Chair Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Lin to adopt Resolution No. 2017 - Recommending approval of a General Plan Amendment and Zone Change to increase the maximum residential density and height in the Downtown Mixed Use Zone (DMU) and in the Central Business District (CBD) Zone, remove the Downtown Overlay from the Central Business District Zone, amend the General Plan (GP) Land Use designation to clearly define the Central Business District, a Text Amendment amending the City's Development Code to allow an In -lieu Parking Fee and a new City Center Design Plan, and direct staff to proceed with an ordinance and convey the Commission's comments to the City Council. ROLL CALL AYES: Chair Chan, Vice Chair Thompson, and Commissioners Lewis, Lin, and Fandry NOES: None CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under the Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and can be acted on by one roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless members of the Commission, staff, or the public request that specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate discussion and action. 3. Minutes of the May 22, 2018, Arcadia Planning Commission Regular Meeting MOTION It was moved by Commissioner Lin, seconded by Commissioner Fandry to approve Consent Calendar Item 3, approving the May 22, 2018 Arcadia Planning Commission Regular Meeting minutes. ROLL CALL AYES: Vice Chair Thompson, and Commissioners Lewis, Lin, and Fandry NOES: None ABSTAIN: Chair Chan MATTERS FROM CITY COUNCIL LIAISON Newly appointed City Council Liaison, Peter Amundson introduced himself. He highlighted that parking in the downtown area is a concern. He acknowledged that Arcadia is changing but development needs to be appropriate for the City. He announced that tomorrow will be the groundbreaking ceremony for the Le Meriden Hotel, formerly the Santa Anita Inn, and added that Phase 2 of this project will be heard before Council on July 3, 2018. Also to be discussed soon in front of the Council will be a project for new barns/stables at Santa Anita Racetrack. Lastly, he welcomed all to attend the Downtown Arcadia Patriotic Festival taking place on July 1, 2018. 6-26-18 MATTERS FROM PLANNING COMMISSIONERS There were none. MATTERS FROM CITY ATTORNEY Assistant City Attorney Michael Maurer had nothing to report. MATTERS FROM STAFF INCLUDING UPCOMING AGENDA ITEMS Ms. Flores announced that there is one item pending for the July 10, 2018 meeting- An eight (8) unit residential condominium development at 22 and 26 East Colorado Blvd. She also announced that an Amendment to Phase 2 of the Seabiscuit Pacifica Specific Plan will go before Council on July 3, 2018 and the Commission may view the proposed revisions to the project on the City website. The City Council conducted a study session regarding a proposed twenty-seven (27) unit mixed-use project at 1020 S. Baldwin Avenue and 650-660 Fairview Avenue. She also mentioned it is Commissioner Fandry's last meeting with the Planning Commission. The City Council has re -appointed Commissioners Chan and Lin and has appointed a new Planning Commissioner, Marilynne Wilander, who will join the Commission most likely for the second meeting in July. Lastly, Ms. Flores wished the Commission a Happy Fourth of July. ADJOURNMENT The Planning Commission adjourned this meeting in honor of Commissioner Fandry at 8:30 p.m. to Tuesday, July 10, 2018, at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chamber at 240 W. Huntington Dr., Arcadia. ATTEST: PA_ Lisa Flores Secretary, PI ning Commission Kenneth Chan Chair, Planning Commission 6-26-18