Wednesday, April 12, 2017
CALL TO ORDER — Chairperson Fowler called the meeting to order at 6:00pm in the Recreation
Conference Room.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Ryan Wright, Assistant Director of Recreation and Community Services
PRESENT: Raymond Cheung, Randy Fowler, Joe Shivan, Steve Swinney and Lyn Tom
Commissioner Swinney reported he is volunteering to work the snack shacks at Baldwin Stocker and
Hugo Reid/Windsor Field for Arcadia American Little League. Commissioner Swinney thanked
Commissioner Cheung for his involvement in the renovation of the snack shack at Windsor Field.
Commissioner Cheung apologized for missing the Silver Circle Dinner because he was on vacation with
his family. Commissioner Cheung reported he is in charge of the Family Fun Festival at Arcadia American
Little League this year and really appreciates the hard work and effort Recreation Staff puts into all of the
events they sponsor throughout the year especially in summer.
Commissioner Shivan reported he and his wife had a great time at the Silver Circle Dinner.
Commissioner Shivan stated his son participated in the All City Track Meet this year and came in second
place in the relay race for his age group.
Commissioner Tom reported she and her husband also enjoyed themselves at the Silver Circle Dinner
and thanked City staff responsible for the fabulous event.
Chairperson Fowler reported he and his wife always have a great time at the Silver Circle Dinner.
Chairperson Fowler announced he discovered a Community Event Information website called
Nextdoor.com. Nextdoor.com is a place to share helpful information with your neighbors about community
events. Chairperson Fowler stated he has been visiting lots of parks lately and recently found out about
Pickleball in Pasadena. Chairperson Fowler reported Pickleball is a very successful sport in retirement
communities and has recently crossed the boundary to all age groups. Chairperson Fowler reported he
would like to see this sport integrated into Arcadia.
Council Member April Verlato reported she also enjoyed herself at the Silver Circle Dinner and inquired
as to whom was responsible for this great event. Director of Recreation and Community Services
(DRCS), Sara Somogyi reported there is a Silver Circle Committee with a laision from each department
that works together to put on this special event. Council Member Verlato stated this event is a wonderful
way to thank all of the volunteers that work so hard during the year. Council Member Verlato thanked the
Recreation and Parks Commission as well as Recreation Staff for all their hard work on the revision of the
Recreation and Parks Master Plan and is very excited for its completion. Council Member Verlato
reported the City Council recently adopted a new ordinance to establish requirements and regulations for
registration of responsible parties for unoccupied residences in the City of Arcadia. Council Member
Verlato stated discussion regarding regulations for short-term rentals such as airbnb's will take place at a
Study Session at the May 2 City Council Meeting. Council Member Verlato announced City Council
rescinded actions pertaining to coyote trapping and related allocation of funds and directed the City
Manager to prepare a Coyote Management Plan.
a. Approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of March 8, 2017.
It was moved by Commissioner Tom, seconded by Commissioner Shivan and unanimously carried on roll
call vote to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of March 8, 2017 on consent calendar item 2.a.
AYES: Commissioners Cheung, Fowler, Shivan and Tom
NOES: None
ABSTAIN: Commissioner Swinney
a. Report from Public Works Services Department— Project Updates.
Deputy Public Works Services Director (DPWSD) Paul Cranmer reported the City has a contract with
West Coast Arborist to trim trees. DPWSD Cranmer explained the City is divided into grids for scheduling
the trimming. This spring the grid will include Newcastle Park, Hugo Reid Park and Wilderness Park.
DPWSD Cranmer reported West Coast Arborist will inspect the trees for their overall health and treat
them as they see fit. DPWSD Cranmer stated the City inspects the trees approximately every four years.
b. Report of Director of Recreation and Community Services.
DRCS Somogyi thanked the Commission and Council Member Verlato for their positive
feedback on the Silver Circle Dinner. DRCS Somogyi reported the Recreation and Community
Services Department had 52 volunteers attend the dinner this year with over 125 hours of
service each and a total of 11,000 hours overall. DRCS Somogyi announced the
reorganization of the City Council will take place at the April 18 Council Meeting and a liaison
to the Recreation and Community Services Department may be considered at a later date.
I. Department Monthly Report
DRCS Somogyi reported on the Senior Services Division. The Braille mobile van comes to
the Community Center on a monthly basis to provide an opportunity for people with vision
impairments to utilize specialized equipment from the Braille Institute. The Cancer Support
Group Community Pasadena provides free professional-facilitated support groups for
cancer patients in Arcadia. The Cancer Support Group meets the second Tuesday and
Wednesday of the month at the Community Center. Once a month on Tuesdays, Coffee
with the Mayor is held in the lobby of the Community Center where 34 seniors had the
opportunity to listen and chat with Mayor Tom Beck about City issues and topics of
personal interest. New movie releases are shown weekly with 266 attending. Partners in
Care Foundation offered a free, eight week, 2 hour course on Managing Concerns about
Falling with 15 seniors participating.
DRCS Somogyi reported on the Recreation Services Division. The All City Track Meet for
elementary and middle school youth was held on March 15 and 22 with 600 athletes
participating. Wilderness Park has camping and group reservations on the weekends for
non-profit groups and had 260 people this month. On Saturday, March 4, City staff
collaborated with the Arcadia Unified School District and American Cancer Society to host
the annual "Bark for Life" event for dogs fighting cancer. On Sunday, March 5, the
Recreation and Community Services Department participated in the "626 Golden Streets"
event for the Foothill Gold Line extension's one year anniversary. 18 miles of streets were
closed to vehicles from South Pasadena to Azusa.
II. Financial Statements
DRCS Somogyi referenced the February 2017 Financial Statement. Total expenditures
through February 2017 are $1,844,515 which is 59.4% of the budgeted amount for this
fiscal year. The total fiscal year revenue as of February 2017 is $765,237 which is 66.3%
of the budgeted amount.
DRCS Somogyi referenced the February 2017 Park & Recreational Facilities Fund. To
date the account balance is $9,080,518.
c. Recreation and Parks Master Plan Presentation
DRCS Somogyi introduced the consultants for the Recreation and Parks Master Plan, Jeffrey
Scott, Owner/President of Integrated Consulting Group, (ICG), Inc., and Bob Rose, Senior
Associate. DRCS Somogyi reported the Recreation and Parks Commissioners brought their
comments and suggestions on the revised Recreation and Parks Master Plan to the meeting.
Each Commissioner went over their individual recommendations while the consultants took
notes. DRCS Somogyi stated staff and the consultants will review the recommended changes.
The Recreation and Parks Master Plan will be back for a recommendation from the
Commission for the City Council to approve the 2017 Recreation and Parks Master Plan.
Chairperson Fowler adjourned the meeting at 7:50pm to May 10, 2017 at 6:00pm in the Recreation
Conference Room located at 375 Campus Drive, Arcadia.
G L By:
Randy Fowl-"r Sara Somogyi
Chairperson Secretary