HomeMy WebLinkAboutSC Minutes: 06/01/2017 SENIOR CITIZENS COMMISSION
Thursday, June 1, 2017
CALL TO ORDER - Chairperson Carter called the meeting to order at 4:00pm in the Arcadia
Recreation Conference Room.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE —Administrative Assistant, Bani Antonacci
PRESENT: Miriam Carter, Anthony Leung, Joyce Platt, Steve Sherman,
Angie Slemaker
EXCUSED: John Dickey, Patsy Harbicht, Glynna Harper
A motion was made by Commissioner Slemaker, seconded by Commissioner Sherman and
unanimously carried to excuse Commissioners Dickey Harbicht and Harper.
Commissioner Sherman reported there are currently 16 members attending the Men's Club
each week. Commissioner Sherman encourages new members to stop by and play card games
or bridge. Commissioner Sherman reported this will be his last meeting, he has served four
years on the Senior Citizens Commission.
Commissioner Slemaker reported the Golden Age Club is doing well. Commissioner Slemaker
reported the Golden Age Club has many new people attending. A total of 32 people attended
the last meeting. The Golden Age Club meets every Thursday at 11am and annual dues is $10.
Commissioner Platt thanked everyone for attending the Rotary Salute to Seniors Luncheon on
May 9. Commissioner Platt was honored as the 2017 Senior of the Year. There were 270
guests in attendance. Commissioner Platt reported the Travelers Club nominating committee
met and selected nominees for the 2018 officers and elections will be held in June.
Commissioner Platt reported trips are going well. The Travelers enjoyed a trip to Fillmore on
May 8 including a gondola ride, entertainment by gondoliers and lunch at Naples Rib Company.
Commissioner Platt reported on upcoming trips: Lake Arrowhead on August 19, Big Bear Lake
Paddlewheel on September 12 and Oktoberfest on September 17. Commissioner Platt reported
on extended tours: Vienna and Christmas Markets River Cruise on December 3, Tropical Costa
Rica on March 3, 2018, Rome and the country roads of Tuscany on March 13, 2018, and Paris
in the Spring Burgundy & Provence River Cruise on April 30, 2018. Commissioner Platt reported
guest speaker Ranger Kim Bossell was informative and entertaining at the Travelers meeting on
May 26.
Chairperson Carter reported this will be her last meeting and thanked everyone for the
opportunity and the knowledge she has gained during her time on the Senior Citizens
Commission. Chairperson Carter served four years on the Senior Citizens Commission.
Council Member Tom Beck reported there will be a Historical Walk in Downtown Arcadia on
Saturday, June 3 from 11 am to 12pm. Council Member Beck reported there are many burglaries
taking place in Arcadia and surrounding cities. Burglars are targeting different homes where
they believe they may find jewelry and money. Council Member Beck said burglars do not like to
confront anyone or enter a home that is occupied, burglars will try to enter through a second
story or master bedroom. Council Member Beck said burglars will crawl around if they notice
motion detectors in a home. Council Member Beck reported he will attend the Lucky Baldwin
Poker Tournament on June 10. The event is hosted by the Arboretum Foundation and raises
funds to help preserve the magnificent landmark buildings of the Los Angeles County Arboretum
and Botanic Garden. Council Member Beck reported the Arcadia City Council adopted an
Unoccupied Residence Registration Ordinance which went into effect on May 25, 2017.
Property owners are required to register two authorized agents with one local contact
designated to be available on a 24-hour basis. The purpose of the registry is to protect
neighbors from adverse effects of unoccupied homes that are not adequately maintained.
a. Approve the regular meeting minutes of May 4, 2017.
It was moved by Commissioner Sherman, seconded by Commissioner Slemaker and carried on
roll call vote to approve consent calendar item 1.a.
AYES: Commissioners Carter, Leung, Platt, Sherman, and Slemaker
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioners Dickey, Harbicht, Harper
a. Staff Presentation
Project Specialist (PS) Kathy Bernal from the Recreation and Community Services Department
presented her areas of responsibility. PS Bernal is responsible for many of the senior special
events held at the Community Center. A few of these events are: Timeless Melodies Foundation
for Education, Bingo & Brunch, Senior Fashion Show, Patriotic Picnic, St. Patrick's Luncheon,
Veteran's Luncheon, Evening of Music, Breakfast with Santa and many more programs. PS
Bernal is responsible for monthly Blood Pressure Checks. Seniors can have their blood
pressure checked at the Community Center every month by Arcadia Methodist Hospital. PS
Bernal is responsible for organizing the monthly Parkinson's Support Group. This Parkinson's
Support Group is for individuals with movement disorders and for family and friends interested
in learning about Parkinson's disease. PS Bernal organizes monthly lectures provided by
Methodist Hospital and she is also responsible for organizing the Cancer Patient Drop-in
support groups. The cancer support groups are provided in English and Mandarin for patients
seeking information, hope, strength and support from others going through the cancer
experience. PS Bernal said she grew up in Arcadia, enjoys her job and is happy to report she
has been working for the City of Arcadia for 17 years.
b. Report of Recreation Supervisor
Report on Activities held in May 2017
Recreation Supervisor (RS) Candice Cheung gave an update on events and seminars held in
May. RS Cheung reported there are various senior seminars with interesting topics held at the
Community Center throughout the year. May's topics were "Fix Your Broken Nest Egg",
"Incapacity & Long-Term Care" and "Cancer Immunotherapy." RS Cheung reported the Rotary
Salute to Seniors Luncheon was held on May 9. Bunco was held on May 19 with 48 participants
in attendance. RS Cheung reported the lunch program averages 85 people per day.
II. Report on Upcoming Activities for June 2017
RS Cheung reported guest speaker Dale Carter will be presenting on Arcadia Railroads during
the senior lunch hour on June 5. RS Cheung reported the Evening of Music, Denim & Diamonds
event will be held on June 16 at 4pm. The cost is $13 per person and includes dinner, music,
and dancing. A patriotic picnic luncheon will be held on June 30. RS Cheung reported Mahjong
is a very popular game and doing well. Participants meet three times per month and often meet
on their own.
c. Report of Recreation and Community Services Director
Assistant Director of Recreation and Community Services (ADRCS) Ryan Wright thanked
Commissioner Sherman and Carter for their time on the Senior Citizens Commission. ADRCS
Wright reported he informed Transportation Services Manager, Linda Hui regarding the
concerns the public and Commissioners have on Dial-A-Ride. ADRCS Wright said the City is
aware and working to rectify the challenges it has with fixed routes and Dial-A-Ride services.
ADRCS Wright reported Concerts in the Park begin Thursday, June 29 and Movies in the Park
begin Friday, June 30. Both will take place at City Hall West Lawn. ADRCS Wright reported the
City will celebrate its 114th birthday on Thursday, August 3 during National Night Out at the
Concerts in The Park.
A motion was made by Commissioner Slemaker, seconded by Commissioner Platt and
unanimously carried to cancel the Senior Citizens Commission Meeting on July 6, 2017.
Chairperson Carter adjourned the meeting at 4:57pm to August 3, 2017 at 4:00pm in the
Arcadia Recreation Conference Room located at 375 Campus Drive, Arcadia.
By: /0 e.e.
<Chairperson Candice Cheung