HomeMy WebLinkAboutSC Minutes: 02/07/2019 SENIOR CITIZENS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Thursday, February 7, 2019 SENIOR COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ORDER — Chairperson Platt called the meeting to order at 4:00pm in the Arcadia Recreation Conference Room. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Commissioner Wadley ROLL CALL OF COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: William Gleason, Anthony Leung, Ralph Martinez, Joyce Platt, Donna Salter, Angie Slemaker, Edith Slemmon, Dorothy Wadley ABSENT: None SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FROM STAFF REGARDING AGENDA ITEMS - None PUBLIC COMMENTS - None REPORTS FROM SENIOR CITIZENS COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Wadley reported the Friendship Club had 112 members in January. On January 16 members celebrated January birthdays. Commissioner Wadley reported K9 Officer Zoli stopped by the Friendship Club with his handler Officer Foulks to present and talk about their duties. K9 Officer Zoli and his handler patrol the streets of Arcadia. The Friendship Club members enjoyed a special demonstration where K9 Officer Zoli was given a special signal to search for drugs. K9 Officer Zoli was born on May 19, 2015 and started service in November 2016. He is full of energy and ready to work. Vice-Chairperson Slemaker reported the Golden Age Club is doing well and had six new members in January. Vice-Chairperson Slemaker reported Club members celebrated January birthdays on January 10 and had pie during their regular meeting. Club members will celebrate Valentine's Day on February 14. Commissioner Gleason reported the Senior Men's Club has a stable attendance and encourages men and women to stop by every Monday as early at 8am. Members enjoy card games, bridge, canasta, or other games. A light lunch is served at 11:30am. Commissioner Leung reported on January 30, the Community Center Lunch program served hamburgers that were a little too rare for those who bought lunch on that day. Commissioner Leung reported the clock in the lobby area was removed and asked if the clock could be replaced. Commissioner Salter visited the Community Center and happy to report the lunch program was well attended. Commissioner Salter reported Las Alas group held their yearly bunco game in January. Commissioner Slemmon reported the Assistance League and Bargain Box are operated by volunteers. Commissioner Slemmon said the Bargain Box has a lot of great items and invites everyone to stop by. Commissioner Slemmon mentioned the Bargain Box has wonderful volunteers and is impressed how efficient they are running the business. Commissioner Slemmon reported volunteers are always needed. Commissioner Martinez asked about pickleball. Recreation and Community Services Director (RCSD) Sara Somogyi said pickleball has become a very popular sport for seniors and classes are available at Camino Grove Park every Tuesday and Friday from 9am to 10am. Free play is also available from 10am to noon. The City will have additional pickleball courts at New Castle Park in the near future. There will be pickleball demonstrations at the Community Center. Chairperson Platt reported on upcoming trips: The Judson Studios tour of the oldest stained glass studio in America on March 25, Ventura County three-hour cruise along the Anacapa Island on April 10, La Mirada Theatre for the Broadway Musical "Singing in The Rain" on May 4, and Women Who Inspire on May 21. Chairman Platt reported on extended trips: Treasures of Egypt on October 2, Plains of Africa on October 17, and Switzerland, Austria & Bavaria on October 10. Chairperson Platt reported the Travelers general meeting will be held on February 22 with guest speaker, Mali Dunlevey from Premier World Discoveries. Chairperson Platt reported the Gilb Museum will be holding a fundraiser on September 14, 2019 and asked everyone to save the date. This intercultural event will have high school students dressed in the attire of their cultures and demonstrations. Dinner and entertainment will be held at the Community Center. The social hour will begin at 5pm and dinner at 6pm. Chairperson Platt asked about Clean Power Alliance. RCSD Somogyi informed everyone Arcadia residents will be automatically enrolled in the Clean Power Alliance's renewable electricity offering and will have the option to opt out. Clean Power Alliance will purchase clean power and Southern California Edison will deliver it. Southern California Edison will continue to deliver power to homes and businesses. Residents can visit www.cleanpoweralliance.orq for more information or contact Carmen Masud, Senior Management Analyst at 626. 254.2708 or via e-mail at cmasud@ArcadiaCA.org. REPORT FROM CITY COUNCIL MEMBER LIAISON None 1. CONSENT CALENDAR a. Regular meeting minutes of January 3, 2019. Recommended Action: Approve It was moved by Commissioner Salter, seconded by Commissioner Slemmon and carried on roll call vote to approve consent calendar item 1.a. AYES: Commissioners Gleason, Leung, Martinez, Platt, Salter, Slemmon NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Commissioners Slemaker and Wadley 2. REGULAR ITEMS a. Report of Recreation Supervisor Report on Activities held in January 2019. RCSD Somogyi reported on January programs. The Bridge Club meets every Wednesday at the Community Center and had 192 players in January. Guitar and Singing with James Iranfar takes place in the lobby every Wednesday with 36 in attendance. Walk and Talk meets every Thursday at 10:30am with a staff member for a short walk. There were two seminars in January regarding age related vision changes and breast cancer basics with 60 people in attendance. II. Report on Upcoming Activities February 2019. RCSD Somogyi reported on February programs and events. Musical Moments will be held on February 12 at 1:30pm. Los Angeles Metro Tap Cards Seminar will be held on February 21 at 1pm at the Community Center. The Chinese New Year Luncheon will be held on Friday, February 8. RCSD Somogyi reminded everyone the Senior of the Year nomination forms are due February 15. Senior of the Year voting ballots will be distributed and discussed at the Senior Citizens Commission Meeting on March 7. Each commissioner will vote and the honoree will be announced at the end of the meeting on March 7. The honoree and family members will be invited to the Rotary Luncheon on Tuesday, May 7. RCSD Somogyi said events, programs, and Senior of the Year information can be found in "The Connection" monthly newsletter. b. Report of Recreation and Community Services Director RCSD Somogyi reported Arcadia's 45th Mayor's Prayer Breakfast featuring the State of the City Address was held at the Community Center on February 7. RCSD Somogyi reported the City of Arcadia facilitated the Homeless Count on January 22. The City was divided into different areas to count the number of homeless individuals and shelters. The official number from the count will be available in May 2019. There were 35 volunteers including members of the Arcadia Police Department. RCSD Somogyi reported the City requested a part-time homeless coordinator and funds to help get individuals into rapid rehousing program. The City did not receive the grant but will be re-applying for the grant. ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Platt adjourned the meeting at 4:40pm to March 7, 2019 at 4:00pm in the Arcadia Recreation Conference Room located at 375 Campus Drive, Arcadia. jBy: ! I /,I_ .�i /oy Platt ' ina Hernandez Chairperson Secretary