HomeMy WebLinkAboutSC Minutes: 03/07/2019 SENIOR CITIZENS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Thursday, March 7, 2019 SENIOR COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ORDER — Chairperson Platt called the meeting to order at 4:00pm in the Arcadia Recreation Conference Room. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Commissioner Gleason ROLL CALL OF COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: William Gleason, Anthony Leung, Joyce Platt, Donna Salter, Angie Slemaker, Edith Slemmon, Dorothy Wadley ABSENT: Ralph Martinez A motion was made by Commissioner Slemmon, seconded by Commissioner Slemaker and unanimously carried to excuse Commissioner Martinez. SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FROM STAFF REGARDING AGENDA ITEMS - None PUBLIC COMMENTS - None REPORTS FROM SENIOR CITIZENS COMMISSIONERS Chairperson Platt reported the Travelers Club is doing well. The Club is currently forming the nominating committee for new officers. The nominating committee is chosen every April and elections take place each June. Chairperson Platt reported on upcoming tours: Silent Sunday in San Gabriel on Sunday, June 2. Participants will enjoy a docent tour of the San Gabriel Museum and La Casa de Lopez de Lowther home. Lavender Festival, on Thursday, June 6. Participants will travel with Curt Tucker to the Highland Springs Ranch and Inn for the annual Lavender Festival. Angels in the Outfield on Friday, June 14. Participants will enjoy a behind- the-scenes tour of Angel stadium. The Olympic Training Center on Tuesday, June 18. Participants will enjoy a tour and learn about the athletes and sports venue. Commissioner Wadley reported the Friendship Club had 102 members in February. Commissioner Wadley reported the Club will have two guest speakers; a dietitian and acupuncturist in March. Club members will also enjoy a lesson on flower arrangemen. The Friendship Club meets on Wednesdays at the Assistance League. Members enjoy birthday celebrations, pie day, and a regular meeting each week. If anyone is looking for a place to visit and meet new friends, you can stop by the Senior Friendship Club. Vice-Chairperson Slemaker reported the Golden Age Club is doing well. Vice-Chair Slemaker reported there were 23 people in attendance on one of the rainiest days in February, which was a nice surprise. The Golden Age Club meets every Thursday at 11 am at the Assistance League. Commissioner Gleason reported the Senior Men's Club has a stable attendance and encourages men and women to stop by every Monday as early at 8am. Members enjoy card games, bridge, canasta, or other games. A light lunch is served at 11:30am. Commissioner Leung reported patrons are very happy with the new clock in the lobby area. Commissioner Leung reminded everyone the daily lunch tickets are sold as early at 7:30am, Monday through Friday, excluding special events. Commissioner Slemmon reported the Assistance League and Bargain Box are operated by volunteers. The Bargain Box has many great items on sale and is open for business from 10am to 3pm Wednesday through Saturday. REPORT FROM CITY COUNCIL MEMBER LIAISON None 1. CONSENT CALENDAR a. Regular meeting minutes of February 7, 2019. Recommended Action: Approve It was moved by Commissioner Gleason, seconded by Commissioner Slemaker and carried on roll call vote to approve consent calendar item 1.a. AYES: Commissioners Gleason, Leung, Platt, Salter, Slemaker, Slemmon, and Wadley NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Martinez ABSTAIN: None 2. REGULAR ITEMS a. Senior of the Year Selection Senior Citizen Commissioners received copies of the six community nominations for the 2019 Senior of the Year. After a group discussion, careful consideration, and a vote, Recreation and Community Services Director (RCSD) Sara Somogyi announced the honoree, Lee Shimmin as the 2019 Senior of the Year. Family members of Lee Shimmin will be invited to the Senior Rotary Luncheon on Tuesday, May 7. The luncheon will take place at the Arcadia Community Center. Lee, his guest, Senior Citizen Chairperson, and City Staff will also be invited to the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion for the Los Angeles County Senior of the Year Luncheon on May 23, 2019. b. Report of Recreation Supervisor Report on Activities held in February 2019. RS Hernandez reported on February programs. The Chinese New Year Luncheon was held on Friday, February 8 with over 250 people in attendance. The Los Angeles Metro Discount Tap Card Seminar was held on February 21. Participants learned how to use their new TAP cards, took the Metro to Memorial Park in Pasadena, had lunch, and took the Metro back to Arcadia. The Billiards Tournament took place on Tuesday, February 26 with 12 participants. I Love Bunco took place on Friday, February 1 with 52 senior participants. II. Report on Upcoming Activities March 2019. RS Hernandez reported on upcoming events and seminars: The next Bunco will be held on Friday, April 12 at 12:30pm and includes refreshments and great prizes. Parkinson Awareness Month is in April and the Community Center will host a seminar on Tuesday, April 16 at 1:30pm with a guest speaker from Altura who has partnered up with the Michael J. Fox Foundation. "Keeping your Brain Healthy" seminar will be presented by Los Angeles Alzheimer's Association on Tuesday, April 30, 2019. c. Report of Recreation and Community Services Director RCSD Somogyi reported the Arcadia Hot Sheet provided by the City has important information each quarter. Some of the highlights on the Hot Sheet this quarter are; The California Department of Fish and Wildlife town hall meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 10 at 7pm at Camino Grove Elementary School Multi-Purpose room and the Public Works Department will have a mulch giveaway on April 13 and May 11 at 7am at the Arcadia Public Library's west parking lot. RCSD Somogyi reported the City applied for grant funds to help get homeless individuals into a rapid rehousing program. The City did not receive the grant but will re-apply. RCSD Somogyi reported the City is moving forward with the Recreation and Parks Master Plan. The first park project will take place at Eisenhower Park where synthetic turf will be installed on the baseball field, a new flippable mound will be installed, there will be shade around bleachers, shade over the swing area, new trees, police and fire themed playground equipment, a walking path around the park with exercise stations, ball field lights, safety lights, and much more. The dog park will be closed during construction and will also receive a facelift. ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Platt adjourned the meeting at 4:48pm to April 4, 2019 at 4:00pm in the Arcadia Recreation Conference Room located at 375 Campus Drive, Arcadia. By: eU Platt Gina Hernandez Chairperson Secretary