HomeMy WebLinkAboutSOLR-19-1079 �' I City of Arcadia, CA Permit NO SOLR 19=1079
, ,
Development Services Department ty`5 °*,, --—r"`�,`-- ,Th - Permit'Type:Solar
` . 240 West Huntington Drive,Post Office Box 60021 J /j ° ) A c"1 t
_) Arcadia,CA 91066-6021 �` t`' , ) Work,CJassl cation.Solar Residential'•
, (626)574-5416 - =. �-.-: - �,":,. - -Permit Status:.Issued i.
ARCADIA Issue Date 06/06/2019 IExpiration: 12/03/2019
Addr NO. Dir Prefix Street Name Street Suffix Unit City,State,Zip Parcel Number II..
607 E Camino Real Arcadia,CA 5780011015
LAI,ZHEN Owner Solar Contractors,Inc.' Contractor
5628 Baldwin AVE,Temple City,CA 91780
(626)353-4787 1007552
Description:ROOF MOUNT PV SYSTEM, 27 MODULES/1 Valuation: $ 0.00 Tenant
Total Sq Feet: 0.00 Plan Check# Plan#
Fees Amount payments Amount Paid
Building Plan Check Fee Residential $50.00 Total Fees $308.24
Electrical Permit Issuance Fee $47.01 Cash/Receipt#REC-01462-19 $308.24
Fire Plan Check Fee Residential $50.00
Amount Due: $0.00
Inverters $77.78
Panels $82.45
Solid Waste Management Fee 2 $1.00 o COMPLET�D
Total: �,/ C, $308.24
P7t/h6 ��` !` 1 . /
/ / Request for inspection by telephone at 626-574-5450. Leave a message
t // ____ requesting the address,timeframe and what inspection item is needed.
14,40 co �ir?dg[ r7(CscvsfsopleiCsot
Pa-rear-01a rkQg it‘f YncaP This permit/plan review expires by time limitation and becomes null and
void if the work authorized by the permit is not commenced within 180 days
from the date of issuance or if the permit is not obtained within 180 days
from the date of plan submittal.This permit expires and becomes null and
void if any work authorized by this permit is suspended or abandoned for 180
consecutive days or if no progressive work has been verified by a City of
Arcadia building inspector for a period of 180 consecutive days.
CMJune 06, 2019
Issued By: Date
June 06,2019 Page 1 of 1
,�O AR
itt ,:�,. ,. wt,
E4 I,' Development Services Department, 240 West Huntington Drive, Post Office Box 60021
„A Arcadia, CA 91066-6021, (626) 574-5416, Fax (626) 447-9173
City of
!I a I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following:
Chapter 9(commencing with Section 7000,of Division 3 of the Business and
''*- Professions Code,and license is in fullforce and a ecu. 'T I I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers'
irsnse Class Lice N . Exp. Date Iry/' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the
, ' n[/ q pert ance of the work for which this permit is issued.
Signature of Contractor c 1
have and will maintain workers'compensation insurance,as required by Section
❑ I herebyaffirm under penaltyof perjury that I am exempt from the Contractors ,...3700 of the Labor Code,for the performance of the work for which this permit
P ry p {''is issued.M workers'c mpensation insprance carrier and policy numbers are:
License Law for the following reason(Section 7031.5,Business and Professions t ., GT P
Code.Anycityor countywhich requires a to construct,alter,improve, +Carrier A' C
permit P ''� v..
demolish,or repair any structure,prior to its issuance,also required the applicant 1 i et(
/'S Gr
for such permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the i• Policy Number3 `7 —
provisions of the Contractors License Law(Chapter 9(commencing with Section i'l1 tthis section need not be completed if the permitis for one hundred dollars or less)
7000)of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code)or that he or she is lc,} 11
Q,exempt there from and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of lIleert 'that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued,I shall
Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil i..!4,of employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers'
penalty of not more than five hundred dollars($500)): i';compensation Laws of California,and agree that if I should become subject to the
ei'llworkers'compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code,I shall
❑I, as owner of the property, i':::forthwith comply with those provisions.
or my employees with wages as their sole
compensation,will do the work,and the structure is not intended or offered for "!
tVisale(Section 7044,Business and Professions Code:The Contractors License Date Signature
Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon,
or who does such work himself or herself or through his or her own
employees,provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for WARNING: Failure to secure Workers'Compensation coverage is unlawful,
sale.If,however,the building or improvement is sold within one(1)year of and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one
completion,the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he or she hundred thousand dollars($100,000),in addition to the cost of compensation,
did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest, and
attorney's fees.
❑I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed I
contractors to construct the project(Section 7044,Business and Professions
Code:The Contractors License Law does not apply to an owner of property CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY
'who builds or improves thereon,and who contracts for such projects with a I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency
contractor(s)licensed pursuant to the Contractors License Law). for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Section 3097,
Civil Code).
❑ I am exempt under Section 7044,Business and Professions Code,for this reason:
Lender's Name
Date Signature Lender's Address
I. The City's approved plans and permit inspection card must remain on the job site for use by City inspection personnel.
2. Final inspection of the work authorized by this permit is required.A Certificate of Occupancy must be obtained prior to use and occupancy of new buildings
and structures.
3. Per South Coast Air Quality Management District(AQMD)regulations,renovation and remodeling work that results in the removal,stripping,or altering
of asbestos containing materials requires an asbestos survey and removal prior to disturbing the asbestos. Please contact AQMD at(909)396-2000 for
further information.
'1 Jame Title
`4 M1Ikcertify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct and that I am the owner or duly authorized agent of the owner.
y1t j agree to comply with all ity ordinances and State Laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the City of
hrcadia to enter upon the a ove-mentlone property for inspection purposes. /I�j
+Signature W Date I/6 ! ` ( .
ismiUC1Ttop L'
istur -
Structural Calculations for
607 E. Camino Real Ave.
Arcadia,CA 91006
Job: Lai,Zhen
PreparedFor: .-.-- ::. :,
Solar Contractors,Inc. Decclopmrnt crvices Department 'I
5628 Baldwin Ave. ;r` :. 11lP�t�E�SI���
Temple City,CA 91780 ;:_:"
r '-
(626)353-4787 of pl ;(n[I specilicam(s mast he
ohset at aansll times and no chatinge;or alteratiokeptns
onThis the{
DesiCriteria '-
Design +l shall he made except ii?'the Kuildin�i)i�'ision.
T� Sta mt of this plan and i irnral nF tl h olalion
2-Wind: 110 MPH,Expose he
3-Wood Species:DF-L No'2( yt kions o1'any ck ordinance or state iaq
Notice:Use restrictions of these calculations.
The attached Calculations are valid only when bearing original signature hereon.
Contractor/Client to verify existing dimensions/conditions prior to construction
&solar racking is installed per manufacturer span requirements.
The use of these calculations is solely intended for the above mentioned project.
G TRWkle4
�� o
cc No. C70784 w
sw�9rFOF CAW°.
1-844-PV ELITE I nwtruong@yahoo.com
3000 E. Birch Street Suite 201 1 Brea CA 92821
WIND LOADING ANALYSIS - Roof Components and Cladding
Per ASCE 7-10 Code for Bldgs. of Any Height with Gable Roof 0 <=45°or Monoslope Roof 9 <=3°
Using Part 1 & 3: Analytical Procedure (Section 30.4&30.6)
Job Name: Lai, Zhen Subject:
Job Number: Originator: I Checker:
Input Data: - -
Wind Speed, V= 110 mph (Wind Map, Figure 26.5-1A-C)
3Idg. Classification= II (Table 1-1 Occupancy Category)
Exposure Category= C (Sect.26.7)
Ridge Height, hr= 22.69 ft. (hr>=he)
Eave Height, he= 17.00 ft. (he<= hr)
Building Width = 35.00 ft. (Normal to Building Ridge)
Building Length= 80.00.. ft. (Parallel to Building Ridge) I L
Roof Type= Gable (Gable or Monoslope) h 4
Topo. Factor, Kzt= 1.00 (Sect.26.8& Figure 26.8-1) Plan
Direct. Factor, Kd = 0.85 (Table 26.6)
Enclosed? (Y/N) Y (Sect. 28.6-1 &Figure 26.11-1)
Hurricane Region?= N
Component = Fastener (Purlin,Joist, Decking, or Fastener) hr
Effective Area,Ae= 475 ft."2 (Area Tributary to C&C) ihe
Overhangs? (Y/N) . N (if used, overhangs on all sides)
Resulting Parameters and Coefficients: Elevation
Roof Angle, 0= 18.00 deg.
Mean Roof Ht., h = 25.00 ft. (h=(hr+he)/2,for roof angle>10 deg.)
Roof External Pressure Coefficients, GCp:
3Cp Zone 1-3 Pos.= 0.30 (Fig. 30.4-2A, 30.4-2B, and 30.4-2C)
GCp Zone 1 Neg. = `0.80 (Fig. 30.4-2A, 30.4-2B, and 30.4-2C)
GCp Zone 2 Neg.= -1.20 (Fig. 30.4-2A, 30.4-2B, and 30.4-2C)
GCp Zone 3 Neg.= -2.00 (Fig. 30.4-2A, 30.4-2B, and 30.4-2C)
Positive&Negative Internal Pressure Coefficients, GCpi (Figure 26.11-1):
+GCpi Coef.= 0.18 (positive internal pressure)
-GCpi Coef.= -0.18 (negative internal pressure)
If z a 15 then: Kz=2.01*(15/zg)^(2/a) , If z> 15 then: Kz= 2.01*(z/zg)^(2/a) (Table 30.3-1)
a= 9.50 (Table 26.9-1)
zg = 900 (Table 26.9-1)
Kh = 0.95 (Kh=Kz evaluated at z= h)
Velocity Pressure: qz= 0.00256•Kz*Kzt`Kd`V^2 (Sect.30.3.2, Eq.30.3-1)
qh= 24.89 psf qh = 0.00256*Kh*Kzt*Kd*V^2 (qz evaluated at z=h)
Design Net External Wind Pressures(Sect. 30.4 &30.6):
For h a 60 ft.: p= gh•((GCp)-(+/-GCpi)) (psf)
For h> 60 ft.: p=q*(GCp)-q1'(+/-GCpi) (psf)
where: q=qh for roof
qi=qh for roof(conservatively assumed per Sect. 30.6)
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Wind Load Tabulation for Roof Components&Cladding
Component z Kh qh p= Net Design Pressures (psf)
(ft.) (psf) ?one 1,2,3 (+ Zone 1 (-) Zone 2 (-) Zone 3 (-)
Fastener 0 0.95 24.89 11.95 -24.39 -34.35 -54.26
15.00 0.95 24.89 11.95 -24.39 -34.35 -54.26
20.00 0.95 24.89 11.95 -24.39 -34.35 -54.26
For z= hr 22.69 0.95 24.89 11.95 -24.39 -34.35 -54.26
Forz= he: 17.00 0.95 24.89 11.95 -24.39 -34.35 -54.26
For z= h: 25.00 0.95 24.89 11.95 -24.39 -34.35 -54.26
Notes: 1. (+)and (-)signs signify wind pressures acting toward &away from respective surfaces.
2.Width of Zone 2 (edge), 'a'= 3.50 ft.
3.Width of Zone 3 (corner), 'a'= 3.50 ft.
4. For monoslope roofs with 0<=3 degrees, use Fig. 30.4-2A for'GCp'values with'qh'.
5. For buildings with h > 60'and 0 > 10 degrees, use Fig. 30.6-1 for'GCpi'values with'qh'.
6. For all buildings with overhangs, use Fig. 30.4-2B for'GCp'values per Sect. 30.10.
7. If a parapet>= 3' in height is provided around perimeter of roof with 0 <= 10 degrees,
Zone 3 shall be treated as Zone 2.
8. Per Code Section 30.2.2, the minimum wind load for C&C shall not be less than 16 psf.
9. Reference: a.ASCE 7-10, "Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures".
b."Guide to the Use of the Wind Load Provisions of ASCE 7-10"
by: Kishor C. Mehta and James M. Delahay(2004).
Roof Components and Cladding:
Mk A
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A 1 I
t I I
V 1 ,
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V CO 0 g oio Qom " O' O CaC 'G
1 ,
i- iX�'Zii'y cis` _. .. _.a_ ;
0<=7deg. 7 deg.<0<=27 deg. I.-
27 deg.< 0 a 45 deg.
Roof Zones for Buildings with h <=60 ft.
(for Gable Roofs a 45°and Monoslope Roofs a 3°)
1 ir —t
1 a 1
1 -- —rt
1 1
t Q 2
1 I
I 1
2 AT
0-t__ 2___r Ci) .A.
Roof Zones for Buildings with h >60 ft.
(for Gable Roofs a 10°and Monoslope Roofs a 3°)
Gravity Load Data
Panel Data
Panel: SLA300M
Number of Modules: 27
Weight of PV Module 41.90 lbs
PV Module Dimensions L= 64:96 in
W= 38.98 in
Roof Data
Roof Material: Tile
Roof Dead Load QD= 16 psf
PV System Dead Load Qpv= 3 psf
Framing Spacing Swop= 24 in
Linear Dead Load WO=(Q0+Qp„)*scow= 38 plf
Lag Screw Check Lumber DF L No.2
Uplift Demand
Design Wind Pressure p= -34.3 psf(Zone 2)
Trib.Depth for Each Rail dp„=L/2= 2.71 ft
nib.Depth for Each Rail bp,=W/2= 1.62 ft
Screw Anchor Spacing spy= 4.00 ft(max.)
Uplift Force on Each Screw, Portrait UL=(p+Qp„)•dp„•spy= 439 lbs(Upwards)
Uplift Force on Each Screw,Landscape Uw=(p+Qpa•bp„•spy= -204 lbs(Upwards)
Design Uplift Force Puget=0.6•[Max(UL,Uw)]= -204 lbs(Upwards)
Uplift Capacity
NDS 2015 Adjustment Factors
CD= 1.6 CM= 1 Ci= 1 SG= 0.50 Ca,Cep,Ca,Cd, Cm are not appicable
Speicfic Gravity of Lumber SG= 0.50 NDS Supplement Table 4a
Diameter of Lag Screw D= 5/16 in
Withdraw Design M 1800*SG'r`*DJ4= 266 lbs/in NDS 201512.1-1
Depth of Embeddment Ip= 2.50 in
Total Nominal Withdrawal Value W=W•I p= 665 lbs
Withdrawal Design Vaule W=W*C D•CM•Cr= 1064 lbs NDS 2015 Table 11.3.1
Demand-Capacity Ratio Ppptft/W= 0.19 < 1 [OKAY]
L'rvve rz'Ad'-`art ta+.i'nts1,..�.48V,..tJt -t •....vtfl4 x�.:�.,:,J--R'._r.XY. ��a.ein.M Pvl[-, 1, 7 4'.ri v-- l ".Wn+n,-at Hee,":.S 7 t.7t M1M1'Z9rn
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Beam/Top Chord Check Lumber.DF-L No.2
Moment Demand
Span: 1 2 Orientation j li(ft) pi(lbs)
Lenght(ft): 6.5 6.5 Landscape 1 2.0 -204
2 4.3 i -204
3 5.2 -204
Linear Dead Load wd= 38 plf Landscape 4 7.5 -204
Wind Load, Portrait Ur= -339 lbs 5 8.5 -204
Wind Load,Landscape Uw= -204 lbs Landscape 6 10.8 -204
#of Attachment per Rafter NA= 6
M(x)=Rt(x—LJ—P x—I wdxz
200 --'�_'. ......._._—i
E a10 2j0 410 .0: 810 10.0 1 0 �0
E -200 _�
I -400 _�
Length x(ft)
Dead 259 lb-ft
Dead+Wind 408 lb-ft
Dead+Snow 259 lb-ft
Moment Capacity Framing Member Size - 2x4 Lumber Grade: DF-L No.2
CM= 1 C1= 1 C, 1.15 CF= 1.5 fb= 900 psi Cr„and Ci are not applicable
Breadth b= 1.50 in
Depth d= 3.50 in
Section Modulus S, =bd2/6= 3.06 in3
Bending Stress Capacity Fb= CM'C,*C,*CF'fb= 1553 psi Table 4.3.1 NDS 2015
Co Ft;=C0•Fb Ma'Sx ASD Load Design Bending DCR
Dead 0.9 1397 psi 1015 psi D 1015 psi 0.73 OKAY
Dead+Wind 1.6 2484 psi 1598 psi .6W+.60 959 psi 0.39 OKAY
Dead+Snow 1.15 1785 psi 1015 psi D+S 1015 psi 0.57 ' OKAY
Deflection Limit E= 1600 ksl I= 5.36 in4
Transient Deflection 0.080 In
Transient Deflection Allowed 973 > 180 [OKAY]
Total Deflection 0.129 in
Total Deflection Allowed 606 > 120 [OKAY]
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PV System Weight
Module Model SLA300M
Panel Weight Wpanei= 41.9 lbs
Number of Panels NPv= 27
Total PV System Weight WPv=Wpanei*NPV= 1131.3 lbs
Existing Roof Weight
Roof Weight Qo= 16.0 psf
Building Length Lbuild = 80 ft
Building Width Wbuiid = 35 ft
Roof Area Abuiid= 2800 ft
Building Perimeter Pbuiid= 230 ft
Wall Height ht= 8 ft
Wall weight Qwaii= 15 psf
Interior wall weight Qint= 10 psf
Roof Load Maar=Abuod• Qo= 44800 lbs
Wall Load ft/wag= ht/2 ()wall*Pbuiw+Abuod*Qmt/2= 27800 lbs
Total Story Weight Wbuiid =Weoor+Wwaii= 72600 lbs
Percentage Weight Increa WPv/Wbuiid= 1.56% < 10%OKAY
607 E Camino Real Ave.
Arcadia, CA 91006 N ) ,t
• Residence '
S i
I / I
r (N) Inverter With
(N) Solar Array DC Disconnect
I ---\ I
— (E) Main Service
(N) AC Disconnect
Driveway Property Line
E Camino Real Ave.