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HomeMy WebLinkAboutFood Hall Traffic Study - Full Report MEMORANDUM TO: Phil Wray and Tim Schwehr City of Arcadia FROM: Patrick A. Gibson, P.E., T.E., PTOE Richard Gibson, LEED Green Associate DATE: August 27, 2019 RE: Revised Traffic Analysis for Bekins Food Hall Arcadia, California Ref: J1699 In consideration of the revised and refined site plan for the redevelopment (Revised Project) of the existing Bekins Storage Facility (Bekins), Gibson Transportation Consulting, Inc. (GTC) was asked to revise the trip generation estimates contained in Draft Traffic Impact Study for the Bekins Food Hall Mixed-Use Development, Arcadia, California (GTC, March 2019) (Traffic Study) to assess the Revised Project’s potential traffic impacts. REVISED PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Revised Project proposes converting approximately 7,200 square feet (sf) of the existing storage building into a variety of restaurant related uses, with the remaining portions of the facility remaining as storage units. For the purposes of this analysis, it was assumed that the Revised Project includes 32,886 sf of mini-warehouse storage facilities, 4,000 sf of fast casual restaurant space (including an outdoor dining patio with 60 seats), 2,000 sf of bar/gastropub uses, 1,200 sf of coffee shop area, and 21 to 24 on-site parking spaces. REVISED PROJECT TRIP GENERATION The number of trips expected to be generated by the Revised Project was estimated using rates published in Trip Generation, 10th Edition (Institute of Transportation Engineers [ITE], 2017) compared to the Traffic Study trip generation estimates. The ITE trip generation rates are based on surveys of similar land uses at sites around the country and are provided as both daily rates and morning and afternoon peak hour rates. They calculate the number of vehicle trips traveling to and from the Revised Project site based on the size of each land use in the development. Appropriate trip generation reductions to account for public transit usage, internal capture, and pass-by trips were made in consultation with City staff. A 10% adjustment was made to account for public transit usage/walk-ins. A pass-by reduction was also applied to the coffee Mr. Phil Wray and Mr. Tim Schwehr August 27, 2019 Page 2 shop (50%) and restaurant (20%) uses to account for Revised Project trips made as an intermediate stop on the way from an origin to a primary trip destination without route diversion. As shown in Table 1, after accounting for the adjustments above, the Revised Project is expected to generate 563 trips on a typical weekday, including 45 morning peak hour trips (25 inbound trips, 20 outbound trips) and 48 afternoon peak hour trips (30 inbound trips, 18 outbound trips). The Revised Project will generate approximately 267 fewer daily trips, including 13 fewer in the morning peak hour (eight fewer inbound trips, five fewer outbound trips) and 25 fewer in the afternoon peak hour (11 fewer inbound trips, 14 fewer outbound trips) when compared to the Traffic Study trip generation estimates. PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION As the Revised Project generates fewer trips than the project analyzed in the Traffic Study, it can be safely concluded that the Revised Project would have fewer impacts on study intersections and would, therefore, like the previously proposed larger project, create no significant impacts. Based on the level of service results and the significant impact criteria detailed in the Traffic Study, the decrease in trips at each intersection would not result in a significant impact at any study intersection or change the results of the traffic signal warrant analysis conducted for the two unsignalized study intersections. CONCLUSION Based on the trip generation estimates detailed above, the Revised Project would result in the same or fewer traffic impacts as the project analyzed in the Traffic Study and, therefore, no additional analysis is required. In Out Total In Out Total Trip Generation Rates [a] Warehousing 150 1.74 77% 23% 0.17 27% 73% 0.19 Mini-Warehouse 151 1.51 60% 40% 0.10 47% 53% 0.17 General Office Building 710 9.74 86% 14% 1.16 16% 84% 1.15 Supermarket 850 106.78 60% 40% 3.82 51% 49% 9.24 High-Turnover (Sit-Down) Restaurant 932 112.18 55% 45% 9.94 62% 38% 9.77 Coffee Shop w/o Drive-Thru 936 282.30 51% 49% 79.91 50% 50% 28.23 Drinking Place 925 113.60 - - - 66% 34% 11.36 Trip Generation Estimates Proposed Project Mini-Warehouse 151 31,230 sf 47 2 1 3 2 3 5 Transit/Walk Adjustment - 10% [b] (5)0000(1)(1) Supermarket 850 5,000 sf 534 11 8 19 23 23 46 Transit/Walk Adjustment - 10% [b] (53) (1) (1) (2) (3) (2) (5) Pass-By Adjustment - 40% [d] (192) (4) (3) (7) (8) (8) (16) Restaurant 932 6,500 sf 729 36 29 65 40 24 64 Internal Capture - 5% [c] (36) (2) (1) (3) (2) (1) (3) Transit/Walk Adjustment - 10% [b] (69) (3) (3) (6) (4) (2) (6) Pass-By Adjustment - 20% [e] (125) (6) (5) (11) (7) (4) (11) 830 33 25 58 41 32 73 Revised Project Restaurant 932 4,000 sf 449 22 18 40 24 15 39 Internal Capture - 5% [c] (22) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (2) Transit/Walk Adjustment - 10% [b] (47) (2) (2) (4) (3) (2) (4) Pass-By Adjustment - 20% [e] (104) (5) (4) (9) (6) (4) (9) Mini-Warehouse 151 32,886 sf 50 2 1 3 3 3 6 Transit/Walk Adjustment - 10% [b] (5)0000(1)(1) Coffee Shop w/o Drive-Thru 936 1,200 sf 339 49 47 96 17 17 34 Internal Capture - 10% [c](34) (5) (5) (10) (2) (2) (3) Transit/Walk Adjustment - 10% [b](37) (5) (5) (10) (2) (2) (4) Pass-By Adjustment - 50% [e](205) (30) (29) (59) (11) (11) (26) Drinking Place 925 2,000 sf 227 - - - 15 8 23 Internal Capture - 10% [c](23) - - - (2) (1) (2) Transit/Walk Adjustment - 10% [b] (25) - - - (2) (1) (3) 563 25 20 45 30 18 48 (267) (8) (5) (13) (11) (14) (25) Notes: sf = square feet. [a] Trip generation rates are from Trip Generation, 10th Edition (Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2017). [b] Transit/walk adjustment of up to 10% is allowed for developments adjacent to the Metro Gold Line Arcadia Station. [c] Internal capture adjustments account for person trips made between different components of a mixed-use development without using a vehicle. [d] Per City of Arcadia, pass-by adjustment of 40% is allowed for supermarket space. [e] Per City of Arcadia, pass-by adjustment of 20% is allowed for restaurant space. Total Existing Uses Trips INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN PROJECT TRIPS per 1,000 sf per 1,000 sf per 1,000 sf per 1,000 sf per 1,000 sf per 1,000 sf per 1,000 sf Total Proposed Project Trips TABLE 1 REVISED PROJECT TRIP GENERATION ESTIMATES Land Use ITE Land Use Rate or Size Daily Morning Peak Hour Afternoon Peak Hour MEMORANDUM TO: Phil Wray and Tim Schwehr City of Arcadia FROM: Patrick A. Gibson, P.E., T.E., PTOE Richard Gibson, LEED Green Associate DATE: May 31, 2019 RE: Revised Traffic Analysis for Bekins Food Hall Arcadia, California Ref: J1699 In consideration of the revised and refined site plan for the redevelopment (Revised Project) of the existing Bekins Storage Facility (Bekins), Gibson Transportation Consulting, Inc. (GTC) was asked to revise the trip generation estimates contained in Draft Traffic Impact Study for the Bekins Food Hall Mixed-Use Development, Arcadia, California (GTC, March 2019) (Traffic Study) to assess the Revised Project’s potential traffic impacts. REVISED PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Revised Project proposes converting approximately 10,000 square feet (sf) of the existing storage building into a variety of restaurant related uses, with the remaining portions of the facility remaining as storage units. For the purposes of this analysis, it was assumed that the Revised Project includes 31,239 sf of mini-warehouse storage facilities, 7,000 sf of fast casual restaurant space (including a 1,500 sf outdoor dining patio with 56 seats), 3,000 sf of bar/gastropub uses, 1,500 sf of coffee shop area, and 23 on-site parking spaces. REVISED PROJECT TRIP GENERATION The number of trips expected to be generated by the Revised Project was estimated using rates published in Trip Generation, 10th Edition (Institute of Transportation Engineers [ITE], 2017) compared to the Traffic Study trip generation estimates. The ITE trip generation rates are based on surveys of similar land uses at sites around the country and are provided as both daily rates and morning and afternoon peak hour rates. They calculate the number of vehicle trips traveling to and from the Revised Project site based on the size of each land use in the development. Appropriate trip generation reductions to account for public transit usage, internal capture, and pass-by trips were made in consultation with City staff. A 10% adjustment was made to account for public transit usage/walk-ins. A pass-by reduction was also applied to the coffee Mr. Phil Wray and Mr. Tim Schwehr May 31, 2019 Page 2 shop (50%) and restaurant (20%) uses to account for Revised Project trips made as an intermediate stop on the way from an origin to a primary trip destination without route diversion. As shown in Table 1, after accounting for the adjustments above, the Revised Project is expected to generate 873 trips on a typical weekday, including 67 morning peak hour trips (37 inbound trips, 30 outbound trips) and 82 afternoon peak hour trips (50 inbound trips, 32 outbound trips). The Revised Project will generate approximately 43 additional daily trips, including nine in the morning peak hour (four inbound trips, five outbound trips) and nine in the afternoon peak hour (nine inbound trips, zero outbound trips) when compared to the Traffic Study trip generation estimates. PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION If the additional trips generated by the Revised Project were distributed to the street system in the same manner as in the Traffic Study, approximately two to four additional trips would be distributed in each direction (north, south, east, west), resulting in a nominal increase in trips at the study intersections. Based on the level of service results and the significant impact criteria detailed in the Traffic Study, the small increase in trips at each intersection would not result in a significant impact at any study intersection or change the results of the traffic signal warrant analysis conducted for the two unsignalized study intersections. CONCLUSION Based on the trip generation estimates detailed above, the Revised Project would result in the same traffic impacts as the project studied in the Traffic Study and, therefore, no additional analysis is required. In Out Total In Out Total Trip Generation Rates [a] Warehousing 150 1.74 77% 23% 0.17 27% 73% 0.19 Mini-Warehouse 151 1.51 60% 40% 0.10 47% 53% 0.17 General Office Building 710 9.74 86% 14% 1.16 16% 84% 1.15 Supermarket 850 106.78 60% 40% 3.82 51% 49% 9.24 High-Turnover (Sit-Down) Restaurant 932 112.18 55% 45% 9.94 62% 38% 9.77 Coffee Shop w/o Drive-Thru 936 282.30 51% 49% 79.91 50% 50% 28.23 Drinking Place 925 113.60 - - - 66% 34% 11.36 Trip Generation Estimates Proposed Project Mini-Warehouse 151 31,230 sf 47 213235 Transit/Walk Adjustment - 10% [b] (5)0000(1)(1) Supermarket 850 5,000 sf 534 11 8 19 23 23 46 Transit/Walk Adjustment - 10% [b] (53) (1) (1) (2) (3) (2) (5) Pass-By Adjustment - 40% [d] (192) (4) (3) (7) (8) (8) (16) Restaurant 932 6,500 sf 729 36 29 65 40 24 64 Internal Capture - 5% [c] (36) (2) (1) (3) (2) (1) (3) Transit/Walk Adjustment - 10% [b] (69) (3) (3) (6) (4) (2) (6) Pass-By Adjustment - 20% [e] (125) (6) (5) (11) (7) (4) (11) 830 33 25 58 41 32 73 Revised Project Restaurant 932 7,000 sf 785 39 31 70 42 26 68 Internal Capture - 5% [c] (39) (2) (2) (4) (2) (1) (3) Transit/Walk Adjustment - 10% [b] (82) (4) (3) (7) (4) (3) (7) Pass-By Adjustment - 20% [e] (181) (9) (7) (16) (10) (6) (16) Mini-Warehouse 151 31,239 sf 47 213235 Transit/Walk Adjustment - 10% [b] (5)0000(1)(1) Coffee Shop w/o Drive-Thru 936 1,500 sf 423 61 59 120 21 21 42 Internal Capture - 10% [c](42) (6) (6) (12) (2) (2) (4) Transit/Walk Adjustment - 10% [b](47) (7) (7) (14) (2) (2) (4) Pass-By Adjustment - 50% [e](256) (37) (36) (73) (13) (13) (26) Drinking Place 925 3,000 sf 341 - - - 22 12 34 Internal Capture - 10% [c](34) - - - (2) (1) (3) Transit/Walk Adjustment - 10% [b] (37) - - - (2) (1) (3) 873 37 30 67 50 32 82 43459909 Notes: sf = square feet. [a] Trip generation rates are from Trip Generation, 10th Edition (Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2017). [b] Transit/walk adjustment of up to 10% is allowed for developments adjacent to the Metro Gold Line Arcadia Station. [c] Internal capture adjustments account for person trips made between different components of a mixed-use development without using a vehicle. [d] Per City of Arcadia, pass-by adjustment of 40% is allowed for supermarket space. [e] Per City of Arcadia, pass-by adjustment of 20% is allowed for restaurant space. TABLE 1 REVISED PROJECT TRIP GENERATION ESTIMATES Land Use ITE Land Use Rate or Size Daily Morning Peak Hour Afternoon Peak Hour Total Existing Uses Trips INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN PROJECT TRIPS per 1,000 sf per 1,000 sf per 1,000 sf per 1,000 sf per 1,000 sf per 1,000 sf per 1,000 sf Total Proposed Project Trips DRAFTTRAFFIC IMPACT STUDYFOR THEBEKINS FOOD HALLMIXED-USE DEVELOPMENTARCADIA, CALIFORNIA MARCH 2019 PREPARED FOR CITY OF ARCADIA PREPARED BY DRAFT TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY FOR THE BEKINS FOOD HALL MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA March 2019 Prepared for: CITY OF ARCADIA Prepared by: GIBSON TRANSPORTATION CONSULTING, INC. 555 W. 5th Street, Suite 3375 Los Angeles, California 90013 (213) 683-0088 Ref: J1699 Table of Contents 1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 1 Project Description ....................................................................................................... 1 Study Area ................................................................................................................... 1 Organization of Report ................................................................................................. 2 2. Traffic Impact Analysis Methodology ................................................................................ 6 Study Scope and Methodology .................................................................................... 6 Significant Impact Criteria for Intersections ................................................................. 8 3. Existing Conditions ............................................................................................................. 11 Study Area .................................................................................................................. 11 Existing Street System ................................................................................................. 12 Existing Transit System ............................................................................................... 13 Existing Traffic Volumes and Levels of Service .......................................................... 14 4. Future Traffic Conditions .................................................................................................... 21 CEQA Guidelines Regarding Future Traffic Conditions .............................................. 21 Ambient Traffic Growth ................................................................................................ 22 Related Projects ........................................................................................................... 22 Future without Project Intersection Levels of Service ................................................. 24 5. Project Traffic ..................................................................................................................... 29 Project Description ....................................................................................................... 29 Project Trip Generation ................................................................................................ 29 Project Trip Distribution ................................................................................................ 30 Project Trip Assignment ............................................................................................... 30 6. Existing and Future with Project Conditions ...................................................................... 34 Existing with Project Conditions ................................................................................... 34 Future with Project Conditions ..................................................................................... 34 7. Unsignalized Intersection Analysis .................................................................................... 40 Intersection Levels of Service ...................................................................................... 40 Signal Warrant Analysis ............................................................................................... 41 8. Congestion Management Program Analysis ..................................................................... 45 Traffic Impact Analysis Guidelines .............................................................................. 45 Arterial Intersection Analysis ....................................................................................... 46 Mainline Freeway Segment Analysis .......................................................................... 47 Public Transit System Analysis .................................................................................... 47 Table of Contents, cont. 9. Site Access and Circulation ............................................................................................... 48 Vehicular Access and Circulation ................................................................................ 48 Pedestrian Access and Circulation .............................................................................. 48 Bicycle Access and Circulation .................................................................................... 48 10. Summary and Conclusions ................................................................................................ 49 References Appendix A: Traffic Counts Appendix B: Intersection Lane Configurations Appendix C: Traffic Impact Analysis of the Worst-Case Conditions Appendix D: Level of Service Worksheets Appendix E: Signal Warrant Worksheets List of Figures NO. 1 Project Site Plan ............................................................................................................ 3 2 Study Area & Analyzed Intersections ............................................................................ 4 3 Existing Transit Service ................................................................................................. 16 4 Existing Conditions (Year 2019) Peak Hour Traffic Volumes ........................................ 17 5 Related Project-Only Peak Hour Traffic Volumes ......................................................... 25 6 Future without Project Conditions (Year 2020) Peak Hour Traffic Volumes ................. 26 7 Project Trip Distribution ................................................................................................. 31 8 Project-Only Peak Hour Traffic Volumes ...................................................................... 32 9 Existing with Project Conditions (Year 2019) Peak Hour Traffic Volumes ..................................................................................... 36 10 Future with Project Conditions (Year 2020) Peak Hour Traffic Volumes ...................... 37 List of Tables NO. 1 List of Analyzed Intersections ....................................................................................... 5 2 Level of Service Definitions for Signalized and Unsignalized Intersections .................. 10 3 Existing Transit Service in Study Area .......................................................................... 18 4 Transit System Capacity Serving the Project Site ......................................................... 19 5 Existing Conditions (Year 2019) Intersection Levels of Service .................................... 20 6 Pending/Related Projects List ....................................................................................... 27 7 Future without Project Conditions (Year 2020) Intersection Levels of Service ................................................................................. 28 8 Project Trip Generation Estimates ................................................................................ 33 9 Existing with Project Conditions (Year 2019) Intersection Levels of Service and Significant Impacts ........................................... 38 10 Future with Project Conditions (Year 2020) Intersection Levels of Service and Significant Impacts ........................................... 39 11 Existing with Project Conditions (Year 2019) Unsignalized Intersection Peak Hour Levels of Service .......................................... 43 12 Future with Project Conditions (Year 2020) Unsignalized Intersection Peak Hour Levels of Service .......................................... 44 Chapter 1 Introduction This report presents the traffic impact study for the proposed mixed-use development (Project) at 35 W. Huntington Drive (Project Site) in the City of Arcadia, California (City). The methodology and base assumptions used in the analysis were established in consultation with City staff. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Project would redevelop the existing Bekins Storage Facility, converting 10,000-15,000 square feet (sf) into a Food Hall, with the remaining portions of the facility remaining as storage units. For the purposes of this analysis, it was assumed that the Project includes 31,239 sf of mini-warehouse storage facilities, 6,500 sf of fast-casual restaurant uses, 5,000 sf of grocery store uses, and 23 on-site parking spaces. Vehicular access to the Project would be provided via two driveways on Morlan Place. The conceptual Project Site plan is shown in Figure 1. STUDY AREA The Study Area generally includes the area bounded by Colorado Boulevard to the north, 1st Avenue to the east, Huntington Drive to the south, and San Rafael Road to the west. Detailed traffic analyses were conducted at six key intersections within the Study Area. They are listed in Table 1 and shown in Figure 2. 1 ORGANIZATION OF REPORT This report is divided into 11 chapters, including this introduction. Chapter 2 describes the methodology used to analyze intersection operating characteristics and assess significant traffic impacts. Chapter 3 describes the existing circulation system, traffic volumes, and conditions in the Study Area. The methodologies used to forecast future background traffic volumes are described and applied in Chapter 4, which also includes an assessment of intersection operating conditions of the existing street system after future traffic volume growth is considered. Chapter 5 describes the procedure used to forecast Project traffic volumes and distribution throughout the Study Area. Chapter 6 presents the intersection operating conditions and potential traffic impacts associated with construction of the Project. Chapter 7 presents the intersection operations of the unsignalized intersections and the signal warrant analysis. Chapter 8 presents the regional Congestion Management Program analysis. Chapter 9 describes the site access and internal circulation. Chapter 10 summarizes the results of the study. The Appendices contain supporting documentation, traffic counts and analysis worksheets. 2 3 4 TABLE 1 LIST OF ANALYZED INTERSECTIONS No. North/South Street East/West Street 1. Santa Clara Street Huntington Drive 2. [a] Morlan Place Huntington Drive 3. Santa Anita Avenue Santa Clara Street 4. [a] Santa Anita Avenue Morlan Place / Wheeler Avenue 5. Santa Anita Avenue Huntington Drive 6. Santa Anita Avenue Colorado Boulevard Note: [a] Intersection is unsignalized. 5 Chapter 2 Traffic Impact Analysis Methodology This chapter describes the various traffic scenarios analyzed, the methodologies used for assessing intersection and street segment operating conditions, and significant traffic impact criteria for the jurisdiction overseeing the analysis. STUDY SCOPE AND METHODOLOGY The scope of analysis for this study was developed in consultation with City staff. The base assumptions and technical methodologies (i.e., trip generation, study locations, analysis methodology, etc.) were identified as part of the study approach. The traffic impact study evaluated the potential for impacts on the City street system surrounding the site caused by traffic growth. The following analysis conditions are analyzed for the Project:  Existing Conditions (Year 2019) – The analysis of existing traffic conditions provides a basis for the assessment of existing future development conditions. The Existing Conditions analysis includes a description of key area streets, traffic volumes, and current operating conditions. Intersection turning movement counts for typical weekday morning (7:00 AM to 9:00 AM) and afternoon (4:00 PM to 6:00 PM) peak periods were conducted in January 2019 for two study intersections when local schools were in session but prior to racing at Santa Anita Park (Race Track). At the direction of City staff, traffic counts conducted at four study intersections in May 2018 and May 2011 for Traffic Impact Study for the Santa Anita Inn Redevelopment Project in the City of Arcadia (Kimley-Horn, April 2018) and 288 Santa Anita Avenue Project Traffic Impact Study, City of Arcadia, California (RK Engineering Group, Inc., September 2018) were utilized for the Project. Traffic counts for the Morlan Place intersections were conducted in January 2019. The traffic counts are provided in Appendix A. In order to be conservative, the peak hour traffic volumes from 2011 and 2018 were increased at a rate of 2% per year in order to represent the existing (Year 2019) traffic volumes. Fieldwork (lane configurations, signal phasing, parking restrictions, etc.) for the analyzed intersections was collected in January 2019. The existing lane configurations at the analyzed intersections are provided in Appendix B. 6  Existing with Project Conditions (Year 2019) – This analysis projects the potential intersection operating conditions that could be expected if the Project were built under existing conditions. This analysis evaluates the potential Project-related traffic impacts as compared to Existing Conditions.  Future without Project Conditions (Year 2020) – This analysis projects the future traffic growth and intersection operating conditions that could be expected as a result of regional growth and related projects in the City by Year 2020. The Future without Project traffic conditions are projected by adding to the existing conditions the ambient traffic growth, known related projects, and Arcadia General Plan (City of Arcadia, November 2010) (General Plan) allowances. This analysis provides the baseline conditions at full buildout.  Future with Project Conditions (Year 2020) – This analysis projects the potential intersection operating conditions that could be expected if the Project were built in the projected buildout year. This analysis identifies the potential incremental impacts of the Project at full buildout, prior to mitigation, on projected future traffic operating conditions by adding the Project-generated traffic to the future without Project traffic forecasts.  Worst-Case Conditions – In order to analyze the worst-case conditions, a traffic impact analysis without any trip generation adjustments was conducted. This analysis is provided in Appendix C. Signalized Intersection Capacity Analyses Methodology The Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) methodology required by the City for intersection level of service (LOS) analysis was used in this study. The ICU methodology determines the intersection volume-to-capacity (V/C) ratio and corresponding LOS for the turning movements and intersection characteristics at signalized intersections based on the definitions described in Table 2. LOS categories range from excellent, nearly free-flow traffic at LOS A to stop-and-go conditions at LOS F. LOS D is typically recognized as an acceptable service level in urban areas, although many urbanized areas operate at LOS E or F. Intersection capacity calculations were conducted to measure the LOS of the intersections using an overall intersection capacity of 1,600 vehicles per hour per lane (vphpl) and by adding a factor of 0.10 to account for the yellow interval clearance (loss time). At the direction of City staff, a higher lane capacity of 1,680 vphpl was used for the four analyzed signalized intersections 7 because they are connected to the City’s Traffic Management Control system by way of fiber optic cable, radio, and network computer technology. Unsignalized Intersection Analysis Methodology Based on direction from City staff, the unsignalized intersections were not analyzed for potential significant impacts. Rather, the unsignalized intersections were evaluated to determine the need for the installation of a traffic signal on the basis of LOS and a signal warrant analysis. The 2010 Highway Capacity Manual (Transportation Research Board, 2010) (HCM) methodology was used to determine the worst-case intersection delay (the worst-case delay, in seconds, of a vehicle passing through the intersection for any approach), which is used to determine the intersection LOS according to the LOS definitions provided in Table 2. The analysis worksheets for each scenario are provided in Appendix D. If an unsignalized intersection was projected to operate at LOS E or F under the Future with Project Conditions, then the intersection was further evaluated for the potential installation of a new traffic signal through a traffic signal warrant analysis. Signal warrant analysis worksheets are provided in Appendix E. If, based on the estimated delay, the resultant LOS is E or F in the Future with Project Conditions, the intersection should be evaluated for the potential installation of a new traffic signal through a traffic signal warrant analysis. It should be noted that the determination that an unsignalized intersection meets the criteria of a traffic signal warrant does not in itself require the installation of a signal. Rather, the decision on whether a traffic signal should be installed is made by the City, taking into consideration other factors such as distance to adjacent signalized intersections and interruption to traffic flow along the major street. SIGNIFICANT IMPACT CRITERIA FOR INTERSECTIONS The City has established threshold criteria used to determine the significant traffic impact of a proposed project on the study intersections. A project’s impact at an intersection is considered significant when one of the following thresholds is exceeded: 8 1. The increase in traffic demand generated by a proposed project equals or exceeds 2% of the intersection’s capacity causing LOS E or F conditions, or 2. The increase in the V/C ratio is equal to or greater than 0.020 with the addition of project traffic, worsening an intersection already projected to operate at LOS E or F conditions before the project traffic is added. For example, using these criteria a project would not have a significant impact at an intersection if it is operating at LOS E or F after the addition of project traffic and the incremental change in the V/C ratio is less than 0.020. If the intersection, however, is operating at a LOS E or F after the addition of project traffic and the incremental change in the V/C ratio is 0.020 or greater, the project would be considered to have a significant impact. A project is not considered to have a significant impact if the intersection is projected to operate at LOS D or better after the addition of project traffic, regardless of the volume of traffic added to the intersection or the incremental change in the V/C ratio. 9 TABLE 2LEVEL OF SERVICE DEFINITIONS FOR SIGNALIZED AND UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONSLevel of ServiceSignalized Intersection Capacity UtilizationUnsignalized Intersection Delay (seconds/vehicle)DefinitionEXCELLENT. No Vehicle waits longer than one redlight and no approach phase is fully used.VERY GOOD. An occasional approach phase is fully utilized; many drivers begin to feel somewhatrestricted within groups of vehicles.GOOD. Occasionally drivers may have to wait through more than one red light; backups maydevelop behind turning vehicles.FAIR. Delays may be substantial during portions of the rush hours, but enough lower volume periodsoccur to permit clearing of developing lines, preventing excessive backups.POOR. Represents the most vehicles intersection approaches can accommodate; may be long linesof waiting vehicles through several signal cycles.FAILURE. Backups from nearby locations or on cross streets may restrict or prevent movement of vehicles out of the intersection approaches. Tremendous delays with continuously increasingqueue lengthsA< 0.600< 10.0B > 0.600 and < 0.700 > 10.0 and < 15.0C > 0.700 and < 0.800 > 15.0 and < 25.0D > 0.800 and < 0.900 > 25.0 and < 35.0E > 0.900 and < 1.000 > 35.0 and < 50.0F > 1.000 > 50.010 Chapter 3 Existing Conditions A data collection effort was undertaken to develop a description of existing conditions in the Study Area. The Existing Conditions analysis relevant to this study includes an assessment of the existing street system, lane configurations, intersection traffic controls, signal phasing, analyses of traffic volumes and current operating conditions, and evaluation of the existing public transit service. STUDY AREA The Study Area was established by reviewing the existing intersection/corridor operations, Project peak hour vehicle trip generation, the anticipated distribution of Project vehicular trips, and the potential impacts of Project traffic. A traffic analysis study area generally includes those intersections that are: 1. Immediately adjacent or in close proximity to the project site 2. In the vicinity of the project site that are documented to have current or projected future adverse operational issues 3. In the vicinity of the project site that are forecast to experience a relatively greater percentage of project-related vehicular turning movements (e.g., at freeway ramp intersections). The Study Area was established based on the above criteria, as well as peak hour Project trip generation, the anticipated distribution of Project traffic, and the existing intersections/corridor operations. It includes those intersections with the greatest potential to experience significant traffic impacts due to the Project. 11 A total of six study intersections, including four signalized and two unsignalized, were selected for analysis. This area is considered the traffic analysis Study Area. Figure 2 illustrates the location of the Project Site in relation to the surrounding street system and the six study intersections. The six intersections selected for evaluation are: 1. Santa Clara Street & Huntington Drive 2. Morlan Place & Huntington Drive (Unsignalized Intersection) 3. Santa Anita Avenue & Santa Clara Street 4. Santa Anita Avenue & Morlan Place (Unsignalized Intersection) 5. Santa Anita Avenue & Huntington Drive 6. Santa Anita Avenue & Colorado Boulevard EXISTING STREET SYSTEM As shown in Figure 2, the six study intersections essentially follow the arterial streets and the freeway connections in the City. The discussion below highlights the characteristics of the existing street system serving the City. Freeways Primary regional access to the City site is provided by I-210, which generally runs in the east-west direction through the City 0.5 miles north of the Project Site. In the vicinity of the Study Area, I-210 provides four travel lanes in each direction as well as a high-occupancy vehicle lane. Interchanges that provide direct access to the Project Site include Baldwin Avenue and Santa Anita Avenue. Roadways The existing street system in the City consists of a regional roadway system including major and primary arterials, as well as secondary arterials, collector streets and local streets offering sub- 12 regional and local access and circulation opportunities. These transportation facilities generally provide two to four travel lanes and usually allow parking on either or both sides of the street. Typically, the speed limits range between 25 and 40 miles per hour (mph).  Colorado Boulevard – Colorado Boulevard is a designated Collector Street west of Santa Anita Avenue and a designated Enhanced Collector Street east of Santa Anita Avenue in the General Plan. It is a two- to four-lane roadway that runs in the east-west direction. It is located north of the Project Site. Parking is generally provided along both sides of the street east of Santa Anita Avenue within the Study Area.  Santa Clara Street – Santa Clara Street is a designated Secondary Arterial west of Santa Anita Avenue and a designated Enhanced Collector Street east of Santa Anita Avenue in the General Plan. It is a four-lane roadway that runs in the northeast- southwest direction before curving to the east-west direction and is located north of the Project Site. Parking is generally not provided along the street within the Study Area.  Morlan Place – Morlan Place is a designated Local Road in the General Plan. It is a two- lane roadway that runs in the northeast-southwest direction before curving to the east- west direction and is located along the northern boundary of the Project Site. Parking is generally provided along both sides of the street within the Study Area.  Huntington Drive – Huntington Drive is a designated Major Arterial one-way street west of Colorado Place and a designated Primary Arterial Street east of Santa Anita Avenue in the General Plan. It is a six-lane roadway that runs in the east-west direction west of Santa Clara Street and in the northeast-southwest direction west of Santa Clara Street. It is located along the southern boundary of the Project Site. Parking is generally provided along the north side of the street west of Santa Anita Avenue and on both sides of the street east of Santa Anita Avenue within the Study Area.  Santa Anita Avenue – Santa Anita Avenue is a Primary Arterial in the General Plan. It is a four-lane roadway that runs in the north-south direction. It is located east of the Project Site and parking is generally provided along both sides of the street north of Huntington Drive within the Study Area. EXISTING TRANSIT SYSTEM The Study Area is served by bus lines operated by Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) and Foothill Transit. Figure 3 illustrates the existing transit service in the Study Area. The following provides a brief description of the bus lines providing service in the Project vicinity: 13 Table 3 summarizes the transit lines operating in the Study Area for each of the service providers in the region, the type of service (peak vs. off-peak, express vs. local), and frequency of service, as described above. The average headways during the peak hour were estimated using detailed trip and ridership data from April 2017 provided by Metro. Table 4 summarizes the total available capacity of the Metro transit system (no data was readily available for the Foothill Transit bus system) during the morning and afternoon peak hours based on the frequency of service of each line, the standing capacity of each bus or train, and the maximum peak hour load in each direction. As shown in Table 4, the Metro bus lines serving the Study Area currently have available capacity for approximately 407 additional riders during the morning peak hour and 347 additional riders during the afternoon peak hour. Foothill Transit also provides additional ridership capacity. Transit service in the vicinity of the Project site includes the Metro Gold Line, with a station at Santa Clara Street & First Avenue. The station is located approximately 0.25 miles walking distance from the Project. The Gold Line is well utilized but provides available transit capacity to the employees and patrons of the Project. EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES AND LEVELS OF SERVICE This section presents the existing peak hour turning movement traffic volumes for the intersections analyzed in the study and the analysis of the resulting operating conditions at each intersection. Existing Traffic Volumes Intersection turning movement counts for typical weekday morning and afternoon peak periods were conducted in January 2019 for two study intersections when local schools were in session, but prior to racing at the Race Track. At the direction of City staff, traffic counts conducted in May 2018 and May 2011 at four study intersections were utilized and grown at a rate of 2% per year in order to represent the existing (Year 2019) traffic volumes shown in Figure 4. The turning movement counts are provided in Appendix A. 14 The traffic volumes illustrated in Figure 4 were analyzed to determine the existing operating conditions at the study intersections. Existing Intersection Levels of Service Table 5 summarizes the weekday morning and afternoon peak hour LOS analysis for the four signalized study intersections under Existing Conditions (Year 2019). As shown in Table 5, all four signalized study intersections operate at LOS C or better under Existing Conditions. The LOS calculation worksheets are provided in Appendix D. 15 16 17 TABLE 3EXISTING TRANSIT SERVICE IN STUDY AREAMorning Peak Period Afternoon Peak PeriodMetro Bus ServiceNB/EB SB/WB NB/EB SB/WB79Downtown Los Angeles - Arcadia via Las Tunas Drive/Huntington DriveLocal 4:00 AM - 2:00 AM 27 24 27 34487Downtown Los Angeles - Sierra Madre Villa Station - El Monte StationExpress 5:30 AM - 11:00 PM 30 27 30 34Foothill Transit Bus ServiceNB/EB SB/WB NB/EB SB/WB187 Asuza - Arcadia - PasadenaLocal 5:30 A.M. - 11:30 P.M. 18181616Metro Rail ServiceNB/EB SB/WB NB/EB SB/WBGold East Los Angeles - AsuzaRail 5:00 A.M. - 2:00 A.M.7777NotesMetro: Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation AuthorityMorning Peak Period from 6:00 AM to 10:00 AM; Afternoon Peak Period from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM.[a] Average headways are based on the total number of trips during the peak period as indicated in Metro ridership data from April, 2017.Provider, Route, and Service AreaService TypeHours of OperationAverage Headway (minutes) [a]18 TABLE 4TRANSIT SYSTEM CAPACITY SERVING THE PROJECT SITEMORNING PEAK HOURPeak Hour Ridership [b]Peak Load Average LoadNB/EB SB/WB NB/EB SB/WB NB/EB SB/WB NB/EB SB/WBMetro Bus Service79Downtown Los Angeles - Arcadia via Las Tunas Drive/Huntington Drive50 6 12 4 5 46 45 104 113487Downtown Los Angeles - Sierra Madre Villa Station - El Monte Station50 7 11 4 6 46449299Foothill Transit Bus Service187 Asuza - Arcadia - Pasadena 50Total Transit System CapacityAFTERNOON PEAK HOURPeak Hour Ridership [b]Peak Load Average LoadNB/EB SB/WB NB/EB SB/WB NB/EB SB/WB NB/EB SB/WBMetro Bus Service79Downtown Los Angeles - Arcadia via Las Tunas Drive/Huntington Drive507735474510679487Downtown Los Angeles - Sierra Madre Villa Station - El Monte Station50 14 8 8 5 42 45 84 79Foothill Transit Bus Service187 Asuza - Arcadia - Pasadena 50Total Transit System CapacityNotesMetro: Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority.[a] Capacity assumptions:Metro Bus - 40 seated / 50 standing.[b] Ridership information based on data from Metro for April 2017.347Provider, Route, and Service AreaCapacity per Trip[a]Average Remaining Capacity per TripRemaining Peak Hour Capacity407Provider, Route, and Service AreaCapacity per Trip[a]Average Remaining Capacity per TripRemaining Peak Hour CapacityInformation not availableInformation not available19 TABLE 5 EXISTING CONDITIONS (YEAR 2019) INTERSECTION LEVELS OF SERVICE Existing Conditions V/C LOS 1. Santa Clara Street &A.M. 0.757 C Huntington Drive P.M. 0.694 B 3. Santa Anita Avenue &A.M. 0.623 B Santa Clara Street P.M. 0.676 B 5. Santa Anita Avenue &A.M. 0.738 C Huntington Drive P.M. 0.798 C 6. Santa Anita Avenue &A.M. 0.663 B Colorado Boulevard P.M. 0.654 B No. Intersection Peak Hour 20 Chapter 4 Future Traffic Conditions Estimates of future traffic conditions were developed to evaluate the traffic levels likely to be on the local street system at the target Year 2020. This discussion details the assumptions used to develop the Future Conditions (Year 2020). CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) GUIDELINES REGARDING FUTURE TRAFFIC CONDITIONS The forecast of future conditions was prepared in accordance with procedures outlined in Section 15130 of Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Chapter 3, Title 14, California Code of Regulations (California Natural Resources Agency, amended July 27, 2007) (Guidelines). Specifically, Guidelines provides two options for developing the cumulative traffic volume forecast: “(A) A list of past, present, and probable future projects producing related or cumulative impacts, including, if necessary, those projects outside the control of the [lead] agency, or “(B) A summary of projections contained in an adopted general plan or related planning document, or in a prior environmental document which has been adopted or certified, which described or evaluated regional or area wide conditions contributing to the cumulative impact. Any such planning document shall be referenced and made available to the public at a location specified by the lead agency.” As described in detail below, this analysis includes traffic growth both from future projects (Option “A” above, the “Related Projects”) and from regional growth projections (Option “B” above, or ambient growth). The Guidelines suggest that one option or the other be chosen, rather than both. Accordingly, the traffic analysis provides a highly conservative estimate of Future without Project traffic volumes. 21 AMBIENT TRAFFIC GROWTH Existing traffic is expected to increase as a result of regional growth and development both inside and outside the City. Based on the discussions with the City, an ambient growth factor of 2% was applied to the morning and afternoon peak hour volumes over a one-year period to reflect the effects of regional growth by Year 2020. This growth factor accounts for increases in traffic due to potential projects not yet proposed or projects outside the Study Area. RELATED PROJECTS In accordance with the CEQA requirements, this study also considered the effects of the Project in relation to the Related Projects. With this information, the potential impact of the Project was, therefore, evaluated within the context of the cumulative impact of all ongoing development. The list of Related Projects is based on information provided by the City, as well as recent studies of projects in the area. The Related Projects in the Study Area are detailed in Table 6. Though the buildout years of many of these Related Projects are uncertain and may be well beyond the buildout year of the Project, and notwithstanding that some may never be approved or developed, they were all considered as part of this study and conservatively assumed to be completed by the Project buildout Year 2020. Therefore, the traffic growth due to the development of Related Projects considered in this analysis is highly conservative and, alone, provides an overestimation of the actual traffic volume growth in the area than would likely occur in the next four years prior to Project buildout. With the addition of the 2% per year ambient growth factor previously discussed, the Future without Project cumulative condition is even more conservative. Using these conservative assumptions, the potential traffic impacts of the Project were evaluated within the context of the worst-case cumulative impact of all prospective development. The development of estimated traffic volumes added to the study intersections as a result of Related Projects involves the use of a three-step process: trip generation, trip distribution, and trip assignment. 22 Trip Generation Trip generation estimates for the Related Projects were calculated using a combination of previous study findings and the trip generation rates contained in Trip Generation, 10th Edition (Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2017). The Related Projects trip generation estimates summarized in Table 6 are very conservative in that they do not in every case account for either the trips generated by the existing uses to be removed or the likely use of other travel modes (transit, bicycle, walk, etc.) Further, they do not in every case account for the internal capture trips within a multi-use development, nor the interaction of trips between multiple Related Projects within the area, in which one Related Project serves as the origin for a trip destined for another Related Project. Trip Distribution The geographic distribution of the traffic generated by the Related Projects is dependent on several factors. These include the type and density of the proposed land uses, the geographic distribution of the population from which the employees/residents and potential patrons of the proposed developments are drawn, and the location of these projects in relation to the surrounding street system. These factors are considered along with logical travel routes through the street system to develop a reasonable pattern of trip distribution. Trip Assignment The trip generation estimates for the Related Projects were assigned to the local street system using the trip distribution pattern described above. Figure 5 shows the peak hour traffic volumes associated with these Related Projects at the study intersections. These volumes were then added to the existing traffic volumes after adjustment for ambient growth through the projected buildout year of 2020. As discussed above, this is a conservative approach as many of the Related Projects may be reflected in the ambient growth rate. These volumes represent the Future without Project Conditions (i.e., existing traffic volumes added to ambient traffic growth and Related Project traffic growth) for the six study intersections and are shown in Figure 6. 23 FUTURE WITHOUT PROJECT INTERSECTION LEVELS OF SERVICE Table 7 summarizes the weekday morning and afternoon peak hour LOS results for each of the study intersections under Future without Project Conditions. Table 7 indicates that three of the four signalized study intersections are projected to operate at LOS D or better during both the weekday morning and afternoon peak hours. The remaining intersection at Santa Anita Avenue & Huntington Drive (Intersection #3) is projected to operate at LOS D in the morning peak hour and LOS E in the afternoon peak hour. 24 25 26 TABLE 6PENDING/RELATED PROJECTS LISTTrip GenerationAM Peak HourPM Peak HourIn Out Total In Out Total1. Wheeler Mixed-Use Project 57 Wheeler Avenue Apartment 38 du 618 15 1934302959Retail 10,730 sfOffice7,210 sf2. Baldwin Shopping Plaza Expansion ProjecNE Corner of Baldwin/DuarteRetail8,418 sf446 - - - 21 14 35Restaurant3,000 sf(Retail)(6,930) sf3. Santa Anita Inn Redevelopment Project130 W. Huntington DriveHotel227 rooms 1,012 34 24 58 37 36 73(Hotel)(106) rooms4. Rusnak Arcadia Expansion Project55 W. Huntington DriveAuto Sales105,000sf67 16 5 21 6 8 145. Shops at Santa Anita (Caruso Project)285 W. Huntington DriveMixed-Use Project6. Westfield Santa Anita - Phase 2 (Target) Expansion400 S. Baldwin AvenueShopping Center229,057sf3,508 60 8 68 165 172 3367. Gold Line Foothill Extension - Phase 2A200 North First AvenueParking Garage300 spaces - 140 0 140 0 140 1408. Medical/General Office Project125 W. Huntingon Drive, 161 Colorado PlaceMedical Office36,436 sf1,866 113 34 147 55 131 186General Office23,219 sfRestaurant4,600 sf9. Santa Anita Medical Office Project205 N. Santa Anita AvenueMedical Office16,000 sf57830 8 3816415710. Santa Terisita Master PlanSE Corner of Royal Oaks/Sierra TerraceAssisted Living120 beds 99 (2) (3) (5) 8 1 9Skilled Nursing120 bedsTown Center7,200 sf11. Car Wash Project935 E. Huntington DriveAutomated Car Wash 3,600 sf510 - - - 26 25 5112.Apartment Project138 E. Olive AvenueApartment18du 120279741113. Huntington Oaks Shopping Center600 W. Huntington DriveFast Food Restaurants10,000 sf4,961 232 222 454 170 157 32714. Maintenance and Operations Yard1600 S. California AvenueParking Garage600 spaces 1,506 514 128 642 432 312 74415.Apartment/Retail ProjectEast of 5th, south of HuntingtonApartment154 du 736 (11) 56 45 56 11 67Retail 1,341 sf16. Pacific Plaza56 E Duarte Road17.8 E Duarte Road18. Lower Azusa Reclamation Project19. Pacific Arroyo Clarke Academy Expansion20. Hotel Indigo125 W. Huntingon Drive, 161 Colorado PlaceHotel175 rooms 1,811 63 46 109 72 64 136Restaurant2,500 sfCoffee Shop1,800 sf21. Mixed-Use57 Wheeler AvenueApartment38 du 1,462 51 51 102 75 53 128Retail 8,475 sfRestaurant7,700 sf22. Mixed-Use56 E Duarte RoadCondominiums37 du 1,722 63 59 122 90 63 153Commercial 19,360 sf23. Residential - Condominium501 N Santa AnitaCondominiums20du 146279741124. Residential - Condominium415 CaliforniaCondominiums20du 146279741125. Medical Office288 N Santa Anita AveMedical Office14,000 sf2,841 50 16 66 72 91 163Office 10,000Restaurant7,160 sf24,155 1,374 694 2,068 1,352 1,360 2,711Notessf: square feetdu: dwelling unitsDailyTotalsNo Project Address Land Use Size27 TABLE 7 FUTURE WITHOUT PROJECT CONDITIONS (YEAR 2020) INTERSECTION LEVELS OF SERVICE Future without Project Conditions V/C LOS 1. Santa Clara Street & A.M. 0.819 D Huntington Drive P.M. 0.755 C 3. Santa Anita Avenue & A.M. 0.699 B Santa Clara Street P.M. 0.790 C 5. Santa Anita Avenue & A.M. 0.804 D Huntington Drive P.M. 0.924 E 6. Santa Anita Avenue & A.M. 0.769 C Colorado Boulevard P.M. 0.736 C No. Intersection Peak Hour 28 Chapter 5 Project Traffic This chapter describes the assumptions and methodology used in developing the traffic volumes associated with the proposed Project within the Study Area. PROJECT DESCRIPTION As described in Chapter 1, the Project would redevelop the existing Bekins Storage Facility, converting 10,000-15,000 sf into a Food Hall, with the remaining portions of the facility remaining as storage units. For the purposes of this analysis, it was assumed that the Project includes 31,239 sf of mini-warehouse storage facilities, 6,500 sf of fast-casual restaurant uses, 5,000 sf of grocery store uses, and 23 on-site parking spaces. Vehicular access to the Project would be provided via two driveways on Morlan Place. PROJECT TRIP GENERATION The number of trips expected to be generated by the Project was estimated using rates published in Trip Generation, 10th Edition. These rates are based on surveys of similar land uses at sites around the country and are provided as both daily rates and morning and afternoon peak hour rates. They relate the number of vehicle trips traveling to and from the Project site to the size of development of each land use. Appropriate trip generation reductions to account for public transit usage, internal capture, and pass-by trips were made in consultation with City staff. A 10% adjustment was made to account for public transit usage/walk-ins. A pass-by reduction was also applied to the retail and restaurant uses to account for Project trips made as an intermediate stop on the way from an origin to a primary trip destination without route diversion. 29 As shown in Table 8, after accounting for the adjustments above and the removal of the existing uses currently on-site, the Project is expected to generate 739 new trips on a typical weekday, including 49 morning peak hour trips (26 inbound trips, 23 outbound trips) and 63 afternoon peak hour trips (38 inbound trips, 25 outbound trips). PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION Similar to the trip distribution of traffic for the Related Projects described in Chapter 4, the geographic distribution of trips generated by the Project is dependent on the location of residential, employment and commercial centers to which patrons of the Project would be drawn, characteristics of the street system serving the Project site, the location of the proposed driveways, and existing traffic conditions. Based on these considerations, traffic entering and exiting the Project was assigned to the surrounding street system. The intersection-level trip distribution pattern for Project traffic at the study intersections is shown in Figure 7. Generally, the pattern is as follows:  20% to/from the north  35% to/from the south  25% to/from the east  20% to/from the west PROJECT TRIP ASSIGNMENT The Project trip generation estimates summarized in Table 8 and the trip distribution pattern shown in Figure 7 were used to assign the Project-generated traffic through the study intersections. Figure 8 illustrates the net Project-only traffic volumes at the study intersections during typical weekday morning and afternoon peak hours. 30 31 32 In Out Total In Out Total Trip Generation Rates [a] Warehousing 150 1.74 77% 23% 0.17 27% 73% 0.19 Mini-Warehouse 151 1.51 60% 40% 0.10 47% 53% 0.17 General Office Building 710 9.74 86% 14% 1.16 16% 84% 1.15 Supermarket 850 106.78 60% 40% 3.82 51% 49% 9.24 High-Turnover (Sit-Down) Restaurant 932 112.18 55% 45% 9.94 62% 38% 9.77 Trip Generation Estimates Proposed Project Mini-Warehouse 151 31,230 sf 47 213235 Transit/Walk Adjustment - 10% [b](5)0000(1)(1) Supermarket 850 5,000 sf 534 11 8 19 23 23 46 Transit/Walk Adjustment - 10% [b](53) (1) (1) (2) (3) (2) (5) Pass-By Adjustment - 40% [d](192) (4) (3) (7) (8) (8) (16) Restaurant 932 6,500 sf 729 36 29 65 40 24 64 Internal Capture - 5% [c](36) (2) (1) (3) (2) (1) (3) Transit/Walk Adjustment - 10% [b](69) (3) (3) (6) (4) (2) (6) Pass-By Adjustment - 20% [e](125) (6) (5) (11) (7) (4) (11) 830 33 25 58 41 32 73 Existing Uses to be Removed Warehousing 150 5,000 sf 9101011 Transit/Walk Adjustment - 10% [b](1)000000 Mini-Warehouse 151 28,761 sf 43 213235 Transit/Walk Adjustment - 10% [b](4)0000(1)(1) General Office Building 710 5,000 sf 49 516156 Transit/Walk Adjustment - 10% [b](5) (1) 0 (1) 0 (1) (1) 917293710 739 26 23 49 38 25 63 Notes: sf = square feet. [a] Trip generation rates are from Trip Generation, 10th Edition (Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2017). [b] Transit/walk adjustment of up to 10% is allowed for developments adjacent to the Metro Gold Line Arcadia Station. [c] Internal capture adjustments account for person trips made between different components of a mixed-use development without using a vehicle. [d] Per City of Arcadia, pass-by adjustment of 40% is allowed for supermarket space. [e] Per City of Arcadia, pass-by adjustment of 20% is allowed for restaurant space. per 1,000 sf per 1,000 sf TOTAL NET NEW PROJECT TRIPS Total Proposed Project Trips Total Existing Uses Trips per 1,000 sf per 1,000 sf per 1,000 sf TABLE 8 PROJECT TRIP GENERATION ESTIMATES Land Use ITE Land Use Rate or Size Daily Morning Peak Hour Afternoon Peak Hour 33 Chapter 6 Existing and Future with Project Conditions This chapter describes the operating conditions at signalized intersections after addition of Project traffic. The effects of Project traffic were measured based on both Existing Conditions and Future without Project Conditions. The significant impact thresholds described in Chapter 2 were applied to each signalized intersection. EXISTING WITH PROJECT CONDITIONS The Project-only morning and afternoon peak hour traffic volumes described in Chapter 5 and shown in Figure 8 were added to the existing morning and afternoon peak hour traffic volumes shown in Figure 4. The resulting volumes are illustrated in Figure 9 and represent Existing with Project Conditions (Year 2019) after development of the Project under Existing Conditions. Table 9 summarizes the Existing with Project Conditions during the weekday morning and afternoon peak hours for the four signalized study intersections. As shown, all four signalized intersections would operate at LOS D or better during both the weekday morning and afternoon peak hours. The Project would cause the LOS at Intersection #5, Santa Anita Avenue & Huntington Drive, to change from LOS C to LOS D during the afternoon peak hour. The Project would not result in significant impacts at any of the four intersections. Therefore, no mitigation is required based on Existing with Project Conditions. FUTURE WITH PROJECT CONDITIONS The Project-only morning and afternoon peak hour traffic volumes described in Chapter 5 and shown in Figure 8 were added to the Future without Project morning and afternoon peak hour traffic volumes shown in Figure 6. The resulting volumes are illustrated in Figure 10 and 34 represent Future with Project Conditions (Year 2020) after development of the Project under Future without Project Conditions. Table 10 summarizes the Future with Project Conditions during the weekday morning and afternoon peak hours for the four signalized study intersections. As in Future without Project Conditions, three of the four signalized intersections would operate at LOS D or better during both the weekday morning and afternoon peak hours. The remaining intersection, Santa Anita Avenue & Huntington Drive (Intersection #5), would operate at LOS D during the morning peak hour and LOS E during the afternoon peak hour under Future with Project Conditions. The addition of Project traffic would also cause the LOS at Intersection #3, Santa Anita Avenue & Santa Clara Street, to change from LOS B to LOS C during the morning peak hour. As described in Chapter 2, the City-wide target for acceptable peak hour LOS is LOS D except at certain locations where LOS E is considered acceptable. The LOS of all four signalized study intersections would be considered acceptable if operating at LOS E during either the morning or afternoon peak hour. The Project would not result in significant impacts at any of the four intersections. Therefore, no mitigation is required based on Future with Project Conditions. 35 36 37 TABLE 9EXISTING WITH PROJECT CONDITIONS (YEAR 2019)INTERSECTION LEVELS OF SERVICE AND SIGNIFICANT IMPACTSExisting Conditions Existing with Project ConditionsV/C LOS V/C LOS ∆ V/C Impact1. Santa Clara Street &AM 0.757 C 0.759 C 0.002 NOHuntington DrivePM 0.694 B 0.695 B 0.001 NO3. Santa Anita Avenue &AM 0.623 B 0.626 B 0.003 NOSanta Clara Street PM 0.676 B 0.679 B 0.003 NO5. Santa Anita Avenue &AM 0.738 C 0.740 C 0.002 NOHuntington DrivePM 0.798 C 0.803 D 0.005 NO6. Santa Anita Avenue &AM 0.663 B 0.667 B 0.004 NOColorado BoulevardPM 0.654 B 0.657 B 0.003 NONo. IntersectionPeak Hour38 TABLE 10FUTURE WITH PROJECT CONDITIONS (YEAR 2020)INTERSECTION LEVELS OF SERVICE AND SIGNIFICANT IMPACTSFuture without Project ConditionsFuture with Project ConditionsV/C LOS V/C LOS ∆ V/C Impact1. Santa Clara Street &AM 0.819 D 0.820 D 0.001 NOHuntington DrivePM 0.755 C 0.758 C 0.003 NO3. Santa Anita Avenue &AM 0.699 B 0.701 C 0.002 NOSanta Clara Street PM 0.790 C 0.793 C 0.003 NO5. Santa Anita Avenue &AM 0.804 D 0.809 D 0.005 NOHuntington DrivePM 0.924 E 0.930 E 0.006 NO6. Santa Anita Avenue &AM 0.769 C 0.771 C 0.002 NOColorado BoulevardPM 0.736 C 0.741 C 0.005 NONo. IntersectionPeak Hour39 Chapter 7 Unsignalized Intersection Analysis As described in Chapter 2, the unsignalized intersections of Morlan Place & Huntington Drive and Santa Anita Avenue & Morlan Place / Wheeler Avenue were analyzed using the HCM methodology to determine the overall intersection delay under both Existing and Future Conditions. The signal warrant analysis was conducted based on the guidelines set forth in California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (Caltrans, 2014) (California MUTCD). INTERSECTION LEVELS OF SERVICE Tables 11 and 12 summarize the weekday morning and afternoon peak hour delay and corresponding LOS for the two unsignalized intersections under Existing and Future Conditions. As shown in Table 11, Morlan Place & Huntington Drive is anticipated to operate at LOS D or better in the morning and afternoon peak hour under Existing and Existing with Project Conditions. Santa Anita Avenue & Morlan Place / Wheeler Avenue is anticipated to operate at LOS E during both the morning and afternoon peak hour under Existing Conditions. With the addition of Project traffic, Santa Anita Avenue & Morlan Place / Wheeler Avenue is anticipated to operate at LOS E during the morning peak hour and at LOS F during the afternoon peak hour under Existing with Project Conditions. As shown in Table 12, both unsignalized intersections are anticipated to operate at LOS E or worse during either the morning and afternoon peak hour under Future Conditions, with and without the addition of Project traffic. Therefore, further traffic signal warrant analyses were conducted. 40 SIGNAL WARRANT ANALYSIS The intersection was analyzed according to Warrant 3 (peak hour). The following methodology, as quoted from the California MUTCD, was used to evaluate signal warrants at the intersection: Warrant 3, Peak-Hour Vehicular Volume Warrant Signal Warrant 3 is intended for use at a location where traffic conditions are such that for a minimum of one hour of an average day, the minor-street traffic suffers undue delay when entering or crossing the major street. Combined volumes for both approaches of the major street are included while only the volume from the higher minor street approach is included. At an intersection with a high volume of left-turn traffic from the major street, the analysis may include the major street left-turn volumes plus the minor street approach volume as the total “minor street” volume. The warrant is satisfied if traffic volumes for any one hour of an average day exceed the plotted lines shown in the following figure. 41 Tables 11 and 12 summarize the results of the signal warrant analysis under Existing and Future Conditions, respectively. As shown, the two unsignalized intersections would not meet the warrant thresholds under Existing or Future Conditions, with or without addition of Project traffic. Therefore, a traffic signal is not required or recommended at either of these locations. Detailed signal warrant worksheets are provided in Appendix E. 42 TABLE 11EXISTING WITH PROJECT CONDITIONS (YEAR 2019)UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION PEAK HOUR LEVELS OF SERVICEExisting Conditions Existing with Project ConditionsDelay LOSMeets Signal WarrantsDelay LOSMeets Signal Warrants2. Morlan Place & A.M. 34.9 D 33.7 DHuntington Drive P.M. 13.3 B 13.4 B4. Santa Anita Avenue & A.M. 35.2 E 38.3 EMorlan Place / Wheeler Avenue P.M. 48.0 E 58.2 FNote:Intersections #2 and #4 are 2-way stop controlled.Reported delay is worst approach delay.NONONo. IntersectionPeak HourNONO43 TABLE 12FUTURE WITH PROJECT CONDITIONS (YEAR 2020)UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION PEAK HOUR LEVELS OF SERVICEFuture without Project Conditions Future with Project ConditionsDelay LOSMeets Signal WarrantsDelay LOSMeets Signal Warrants2. Morlan Place & A.M. 41.9 E 39.8 EHuntington Drive P.M. 15.3 C 15.3 C4. Santa Anita Avenue & A.M. 66.1 F 85.0 FMorlan Place / Wheeler Avenue P.M. Overflow N/A 328.0 FNote:Intersections #2 and #4 are 2-way stop controlled.Reported delay is worst approach delay.NONONo. IntersectionPeak HourNONO44 Chapter 8 Congestion Management Program Analysis This chapter presents an analysis of the regional transportation facilities in the vicinity of the Project site, in accordance with the procedures outlined in 2010 Congestion Management Program for Los Angeles County (Metro, 2010) (CMP). TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS GUIDELINES The CMP requires that traffic impact analyses be performed on three types of facilities:  Arterial Intersections  Mainline Freeway Segments  The Public Transit System The CMP identifies specific arterial and freeway mainline locations for analysis. Arterial Intersections The CMP requires that a traffic impact analysis be performed for all CMP arterial monitoring intersections where a project would add 50 or more trips during either the weekday morning or afternoon peak hours. A detailed analysis is not required if the project adds fewer than 50 trips to an arterial monitoring intersection. The CMP analysis uses the “Critical Movement Analysis (CMA) – Planning” (Transportation Research Circular No. 212, Interim Materials on Highway Capacity, Transportation Research Board, 1980) methodology to determine intersection V/C ratio and LOS. A significant impact requiring mitigation occurs if project traffic causes an 45 incremental increase in intersection V/C ratio of 0.02 or greater to a facility projected to operate at LOS F (V/C > 1.00) after the addition of project traffic. Mainline Freeway Segments The CMP requires that a traffic impact analysis be performed for all CMP mainline freeway monitoring locations where a project would add 150 or more trips (in either direction) during the weekday morning or afternoon peak hours. A detailed analysis is not required if the project adds fewer than 150 trips to a mainline freeway monitoring location (in either direction) during either the weekday morning or afternoon peak hour. The CMP analysis uses a demand-to-capacity (D/C) ratio to determine facility LOS based on capacity identified in Appendix A of the CMP. Similar to arterial monitoring intersections, a significant impact requiring mitigation occurs if project traffic causes an incremental increase in freeway segment D/C ratio of 0.02 or greater to a facility projected to operate at LOS F (D/C > 1.00) after the addition of project traffic. Public Transit System The CMP requires that a transit system analysis be performed to determine whether a project would increase transit ridership beyond the current capacity of the transit system. ARTERIAL INTERSECTION ANALYSIS The CMP identifies the following two arterial monitoring intersections within 3.0 miles of the Project Site:  Rosemead Boulevard & East Foothill Boulevard (2.3 miles northwest of the Project Site) The arterial monitoring intersection is not a study intersection and is outside the boundaries of the Study Area. The Project trips at this location were calculated based on the number of trips traveling to or from the direction of the intersection based on Figure 8, conservatively assuming there would be no diverging trips. Based on this methodology, the number of peak hour Project trips expected at the arterial monitoring intersection is as follows: 46 Intersection Peak Hour Trips Requires CMP Analysis? AM PM Rosemead Boulevard & East Foothill Boulevard 2 3 No The Project would not add 50 peak hour trips to the arterial monitoring intersection within the Study Area. Therefore, no further analysis is required. MAINLINE FREEWAY SEGMENT ANALYSIS The CMP identifies one freeway mainline monitoring location at I-210 at Rosemead Boulevard, approximately 2.3 miles from the Project Site. As shown in Table 8, the Project generates substantially fewer than 150 peak hour trips. Since the Project would not add 150 peak hour trips in either direction to the CMP mainline freeway monitoring location, further CMP freeway segment analysis is not required. PUBLIC TRANSIT SYSTEM ANALYSIS Based on the trip generation estimates from Table 8, transit usage by Project patrons and visitors is expected to reduce trip generation by approximately 10 morning peak hour trips and 12 afternoon peak hour trips. Section B.8.4 of the CMP suggests an average vehicle occupancy (AVO) factor of 1.4 in order to estimate the number of person trips to and from the Project. Therefore, the Project would result in an estimated increase of five person-trips during the morning peak hour and seven person-trips during the afternoon peak hour. As detailed in Chapter 2, the Study Area is served by the Gold Line and several established bus transit routes, including both local and express service. Even with potential growth in transit ridership by Year 2020, the Project’s peak hour transit ridership of only five trips in the morning peak hour and seven trips in the afternoon peak hour can be easily accommodated within the available capacity of the system as identified in Table 4. Therefore, the Project is not anticipated to result in regional transit impacts. 47 Chapter 9 Site Access and Circulation This chapter presents a summary of how vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycles would access and circulate throughout the Project site. VEHICULAR ACCESS AND CIRCULATION Access to the Project Site surface parking lot would be provided via two driveways on Morlan Place. The driveways would be designed to City standards under the review of City staff. The Project driveways would be designed to minimize queuing on the adjacent street system in order to avoid blocking through traffic. PEDESTRIAN ACCESS AND CIRCULATION Pedestrian access would be provided on Huntington Drive along the southern boundary of the Project site. It would be completely separated from any vehicular access point and, therefore, no pedestrian conflicts would occur. BICYCLE ACCESS AND CIRCULATION Visitors arriving by bicycle would utilize the vehicular driveways to access the bicycle parking areas within the parking lot. In order to facilitate bicycle use, bicycle parking spaces would be provided on-site, consistent with the Bicycle Parking Requirements in Arcadia Municipal Code (City of Arcadia) (Code) Section 9103.07.150. No dedicated bicycle lanes currently exist on Huntington Drive or Morlan Place. 48 Chapter 11 Summary and Conclusions This study was undertaken to analyze the potential traffic impacts of the Bekins Food Hall Mixed- Use Development Project on the local street system. The following summarizes the results of this analysis:  The Project would redevelop the existing Bekins Storage Facility, converting 10,000- 15,000 sf into a Food Hall, with the remaining portions of the facility remaining as storage units. For the purposes of this analysis, it was assumed that the Project includes 31,239 sf of mini-warehouse storage facilities, 6,500 sf of fast-casual restaurant uses, 5,000 sf of grocery store uses, and 23 on-site parking spaces. Vehicular access to the Project would be provided via two driveways on Morlan Place.  A detailed traffic impact analysis was conducted of a total of six study intersections, four signalized and two unsignalized. All four signalized study intersections currently operate at LOS C or better during both the morning and afternoon peak hours under Existing Conditions (Year 2019).  The Project is anticipated to generate a total of approximately 739 net new weekday trips, including 49 net new morning peak hour trips and 63 net new afternoon peak hour trips.  Analysis of Existing with Project Conditions (Year 2019) indicates that the Project is not anticipated to have a significant impact at any of the four signalized study intersections, based on the City’s significance criteria. Thus, mitigation is not required.  One of the two unsignalized intersections currently operate at LOS D or better during both peak hours. The unsignalized intersection of Santa Anita Avenue & Morlan Place / Wheeler Avenue currently operates at LOS E during both peak hours under Existing Conditions (Year 2019).  Signal warrant analyses conducted at both unsignalized intersections under Existing and Future with Project Conditions concluded that the installation of a traffic signal is not warranted at either intersection. Therefore, signal installation is not recommended.  Future traffic conditions in the Study Area were forecast for the Project buildout year of 2020. Analysis of projected Future with Project Conditions (Year 2020) indicates that the Project is not anticipated to have significant impacts at any of the four signalized study intersections, based on the City’s significance criteria. Thus, no mitigation is required. 49  Analysis of potential impacts on the regional transportation system conducted in accordance with CMP guidelines determined that the Project would not have a significant impact on the regional freeway or arterial system or the regional transit system. 50 References 2010 Congestion Management Program for Los Angeles County, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, 2010. 2010 Highway Capacity Manual, Transportation Research Board, 2010. 288 Santa Anita Avenue Project Traffic Impact Study, City of Arcadia, California, RK Engineering Group, Inc., September 20, 2018. Arcadia General Plan, City of Arcadia, November 2010. Arcadia Municipal Code, City of Arcadia. California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, California Department of Transportation, 2012. Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Chapter 3, Title 14, California Code of Regulations, California Natural Resources Agency, amended July 27, 2007. Traffic Impact Study for the Santa Anita Inn Redevelopment Project in the City of Arcadia, Kimley- Horn, April 2018. Transportation Research Circular No. 212, Interim Materials on Highway Capacity, Transportation Research Board, 1980. Trip Generation, 10th Edition, Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2017. Appendix A Traffic Counts WILTEC Phone: (626) 564-1944 INTERSECTION CAR/PED/BIKE TRAFFIC COUNT RESULTS SUMMARY CLIENT: CITY OF ARCACIA PROJECT: MORLAN PLACE DATE: TUESDAY JANUARY 29, 2019 PERIOD: 4:00 PM TO 6:00 PM INTERSECTION: N/S MORLAN PLACE E/W HUNTINGTON DRIVE CITY: ARCADIA VEHICLE COUNTS 15 MIN COUNTS 1 2 3 3U 4 5 6 6U 7 8 9 9U 10 11 PERIOD SBRT SBTH SBLT SBUT WBRT WBTH WBLT WBUT NBRT NBTH NBLT NBUT EBRT EBTH 400-415 601011800000000315 415-430 800021670000000358 430-445 14 00011920000000366 445-500 11 00022000000000365 500-515 14 02102250000000383 515-530 12 01012390000000426 530-545 19 00002140000000411 545-600 14 00011740000000382 HOUR TOTALS 1 2 3 3U 4 5 6 6U 7 8 9 9U 10 11 PERIOD SBRT SBTH SBLT SBUT WBRT WBTH WBLT WBUT NBRT NBTH NBLT NBUT EBRT EBTH 400-500 39 010673900000001404 415-515 47 021578400000001472 430-530 51 031485600000001540 445-545 56 031387800000001585 500-600 59 031285200000001602 PEAK HOUR 3 878 881 0 56031 0 0 0000 12 HUNTINGTON DRIVE 1597 1585 0 MORLAN PLACE PEDESTRIAN COUNTS BICYCLE COUNTS 15 MIN COUNTS NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST TOTAL 15 MIN COUNTS NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST TOTAL PERIOD LEG LEG LEG LEG PERIOD LEG LEG LEG LEG 400-415 10001 400-415 10001 415-430 00000 415-430 10001 430-445 40004 430-445 10001 445-500 20002 445-500 00000 500-515 10001 500-515 10001 515-530 20002 515-530 20002 530-545 10001 530-545 10001 545-600 00000 545-600 00000 HOUR TOTALS NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST TOTAL HOUR TOTALS NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST TOTAL PERIOD LEG LEG LEG LEG PERIOD LEG LEG LEG LEG 400-500 70007 400-500 30003 415-515 70007 415-515 30003 430-530 90009 430-530 40004 445-545 60006 445-545 40004 500-600 40004 500-600 40004 445-545 60 0 WILTEC Phone: (626) 564-1944 INTERSECTION CAR/PED/BIKE TRAFFIC COUNT RESULTS SUMMARY CLIENT: CITY OF ARCACIA PROJECT: MORLAN PLACE DATE: TUESDAY JANUARY 29, 2019 PERIOD: 7:00 AM TO 9:00 AM INTERSECTION: N/S MORLAN PLACE E/W HUNTINGTON DRIVE CITY: ARCADIA VEHICLE COUNTS 15 MIN COUNTS 1 2 3 3U 4 5 6 6U 7 8 9 9U 10 11 PERIOD SBRT SBTH SBLT SBUT WBRT WBTH WBLT WBUT NBRT NBTH NBLT NBUT EBRT EBTH 700-715 00004390000000048 715-730 40104493000000074 730-745 100034900000000111 745-800 302104270000000231 800-815 700014000000000193 815-830 300044210000000137 830-845 901033840000000104 845-900 900023820000000128 HOUR TOTALS 1 2 3 3U 4 5 6 6U 7 8 9 9U 10 11 PERIOD SBRT SBTH SBLT SBUT WBRT WBTH WBLT WBUT NBRT NBTH NBLT NBUT EBRT EBTH 700-800 8031111800 0000000464 715-815 15 03181810 0000000609 730-830 14 02181738 0000000672 745-845 22 03181632 0000000665 800-900 28 0 1 0 10 1587 0000000562 PEAK HOUR 8 1810 1818 0 15031 0 1 0000 18 HUNTINGTON DRIVE 628 609 0 MORLAN PLACE PEDESTRIAN COUNTS BICYCLE COUNTS 15 MIN COUNTS NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST TOTAL 15 MIN COUNTS NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST TOTAL PERIOD LEG LEG LEG LEG PERIOD LEG LEG LEG LEG 700-715 20002 700-715 00000 715-730 00011 715-730 00000 730-745 00000 730-745 00000 745-800 20002 745-800 10001 800-815 20013 800-815 00000 815-830 10001 815-830 00000 830-845 30003 830-845 00000 845-900 20013 845-900 10001 HOUR TOTALS NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST TOTAL HOUR TOTALS NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST TOTAL PERIOD LEG LEG LEG LEG PERIOD LEG LEG LEG LEG 700-800 40015 700-800 10001 715-815 40026 715-815 10001 730-830 50016 730-830 10001 745-845 80019 745-845 10001 800-900 800210 800-900 10001 715-815 19 0 WILTEC Phone: (626) 564-1944 INTERSECTION CAR/PED/BIKE TRAFFIC COUNT RESULTS SUMMARY CLIENT: CITY OF ARCACIA PROJECT: MORLAN PLACE DATE: TUESDAY JANUARY 29, 2019 PERIOD: 7:00 AM TO 9:00 AM INTERSECTION: N/S SANTA ANITA AVENUE E/W MORLAN PLACE CITY: ARCADIA VEHICLE COUNTS 15 MIN COUNTS 1 2 3 3U 4 5 6 6U 7 8 9 9U 10 11 PERIOD SBRT SBTH SBLT SBUT WBRT WBTH WBLT WBUT NBRT NBTH NBLT NBUT EBRT EBTH 700-715 3 85 80220071510100 715-730 3 108 80131081813121 730-745 8 181 8 2 12 02022213000 745-800 6 175 13 2911021843031 800-815 10 154 9090101220314011 815-830 7 147 10 1 12 0 7 0 13 208 6172 830-845 12 152 12 0823081613102 845-900 14 135 13 17030613613110 HOUR TOTALS 1 2 3 3U 4 5 6 6U 7 8 9 9U 10 11 PERIOD SBRT SBTH SBLT SBUT WBRT WBTH WBLT WBUT NBRT NBTH NBLT NBUT EBRT EBTH 700-800 20 549 37 4 24 6 4 0 19 737 9252 715-815 27 618 38 4 31 4 5 0 24 789 23 1 6 3 730-830 31 657 40 5 42 1 11 0 29 816 26 1 11 4 745-845 35 628 44 3 38 3 12 0 35 756 26 2 11 6 800-900 43 588 44 2 36 2 14 0 39 708 36 3 9 5 PEAK HOUR 42 1 54 11 31 657 40 5 0 2 1 26 816 29 6 MORLAN PLACE 23 4 11 SANTA ANITA AVENUE PEDESTRIAN COUNTS BICYCLE COUNTS 15 MIN COUNTS NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST TOTAL 15 MIN COUNTS NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST TOTAL PERIOD LEG LEG LEG LEG PERIOD LEG LEG LEG LEG 700-715 02013 700-715 00000 715-730 03003 715-730 00000 730-745 02024 730-745 00000 745-800 117312 745-800 00044 800-815 11103 800-815 00022 815-830 253515 815-830 00000 830-845 01214 830-845 00011 845-900 01012 845-900 00000 HOUR TOTALS NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST TOTAL HOUR TOTALS NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST TOTAL PERIOD LEG LEG LEG LEG PERIOD LEG LEG LEG LEG 700-800 187622 700-800 00044 715-815 278522 715-815 00066 730-830 4 9 11 10 34 730-830 00066 745-845 4 8 13 9 34 745-845 00077 800-900 386724 800-900 00033 730-830 733 872 WILTEC Phone: (626) 564-1944 INTERSECTION CAR/PED/BIKE TRAFFIC COUNT RESULTS SUMMARY CLIENT: CITY OF ARCACIA PROJECT: MORLAN PLACE DATE: TUESDAY JANUARY 29, 2019 PERIOD: 4:00 PM TO 6:00 PM INTERSECTION: N/S SANTA ANITA AVENUE E/W MORLAN PLACE CITY: ARCADIA VEHICLE COUNTS 15 MIN COUNTS 1 2 3 3U 4 5 6 6U 7 8 9 9U 10 11 PERIOD SBRT SBTH SBLT SBUT WBRT WBTH WBLT WBUT NBRT NBTH NBLT NBUT EBRT EBTH 400-415 6 185 14 0 15 2 4 0 17 183 2551 415-430 7 173 5 1 14 23061261170 430-445 11 176 11 1 11 2 2 0 15 185 4191 445-500 11 198 13 2 22 0 7 0 10 171 3392 500-515 2 201 9 0 29 5 10 0 7 173 3491 515-530 5 206 7 2 15 3 6 0 14 177 3 2 10 1 530-545 3 200 10 1 18 19091522573 545-600 5 179 10 0 11 55071434151 HOUR TOTALS 1 2 3 3U 4 5 6 6U 7 8 9 9U 10 11 PERIOD SBRT SBTH SBLT SBUT WBRT WBTH WBLT WBUT NBRT NBTH NBLT NBUT EBRT EBTH 400-500 35 732 43 4 62 6 16 0 48 665 10 10 30 4 415-515 31 748 38 4 76 9 22 0 38 655 11 9 34 4 430-530 29 781 40 5 77 10 25 0 46 706 13 10 37 5 445-545 21 805 39 5 84 9 32 0 40 673 11 14 35 7 500-600 15 786 36 3 73 14 30 0 37 645 12 12 31 6 PEAK HOUR 77 10 112 25 29 781 40 5 0 0 10 13 706 46 11 MORLAN PLACE 53 5 37 SANTA ANITA AVENUE PEDESTRIAN COUNTS BICYCLE COUNTS 15 MIN COUNTS NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST TOTAL 15 MIN COUNTS NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST TOTAL PERIOD LEG LEG LEG LEG PERIOD LEG LEG LEG LEG 400-415 01135 400-415 01012 415-430 02024 415-430 01012 430-445 01012 430-445 01012 445-500 03238 445-500 00022 500-515 00426 500-515 00000 515-530 32106 515-530 00000 530-545 00213 530-545 00000 545-600 00145 545-600 00000 HOUR TOTALS NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST TOTAL HOUR TOTALS NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST TOTAL PERIOD LEG LEG LEG LEG PERIOD LEG LEG LEG LEG 400-500 073919 400-500 03058 415-515 066820 415-515 02046 430-530 367622 430-530 01034 445-545 359623 445-545 00022 500-600 328720 500-600 00000 430-530 855 775 File Name : 01_ARC_Santa Anita_Colorado AM Site Code : 10518316 Start Date : 5/15/2018 Page No : 1 City of Arcadia N/S: Santa Anita Avenue E/W: Colorado Boulevard Weather: Clear Groups Printed- Total Volume Santa Anita Avenue Southbound Colorado Boulevard Westbound Santa Anita Avenue Northbound Colorado Boulevard Eastbound Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Int. Total 07:00 AM 22 126 19 167 42 58 38 138 22 153 5 180 9 13 7 29 514 07:15 AM 18 196 31 245 43 76 37 156 25 170 18 213 10 10 7 27 641 07:30 AM 16 243 64 323 63 126 25 214 35 189 23 247 19 34 13 66 850 07:45 AM 26 288 52 366 71 80 32 183 28 239 38 305 21 24 17 62 916 Total 82 853 166 1101 219 340 132 691 110 751 84 945 59 81 44 184 2921 08:00 AM 20 203 45 268 59 89 33 181 28 250 39 317 18 45 21 84 850 08:15 AM 30 216 62 308 42 84 26 152 34 217 15 266 10 24 7 41 767 08:30 AM 23 196 45 264 22 56 25 103 19 160 18 197 19 21 16 56 620 08:45 AM 24 220 43 287 22 44 25 91 20 153 10 183 13 25 6 44 605 Total 97 835 195 1127 145 273 109 527 101 780 82 963 60 115 50 225 2842 Grand Total 179 1688 361 2228 364 613 241 1218 211 1531 166 1908 119 196 94 409 5763 Apprch %8 75.8 16.2 29.9 50.3 19.8 11.1 80.2 8.7 29.1 47.9 23 Total %3.1 29.3 6.3 38.7 6.3 10.6 4.2 21.1 3.7 26.6 2.9 33.1 2.1 3.4 1.6 7.1 Santa Anita Avenue Southbound Colorado Boulevard Westbound Santa Anita Avenue Northbound Colorado Boulevard Eastbound Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Int. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 07:30 AM 07:30 AM 16 243 64 323 63 126 25 214 35 189 23 247 19 34 13 66 850 07:45 AM 26 288 52 366 71 80 32 183 28 239 38 305 21 24 17 62 916 08:00 AM 20 203 45 268 59 89 33 181 28 250 39 317 18 45 21 84 850 08:15 AM 30 216 62 308 42 84 26 152 34 217 15 266 10 24 7 41 767 Total Volume 92 950 223 1265 235 379 116 730 125 895 115 1135 68 127 58 253 3383 % App. Total 7.3 75.1 17.6 32.2 51.9 15.9 11 78.9 10.1 26.9 50.2 22.9 PHF .767 .825 .871 .864 .827 .752 .879 .853 .893 .895 .737 .895 .810 .706 .690 .753 .923 Counts Unlimited PO Box 1178 Corona, CA 92878 (951) 268-6268 File Name : 01_ARC_Santa Anita_Colorado AM Site Code : 10518316 Start Date : 5/15/2018 Page No : 2 City of Arcadia N/S: Santa Anita Avenue E/W: Colorado Boulevard Weather: Clear Santa Anita Avenue Colorado Boulevard Colorado Boulevard Santa Anita Avenue Right 223 Thru 950 Left 92 InOut Total 1079 1265 2344 Right116 Thru379 Left235 OutTotalIn334 730 1064 Left 125 Thru 895 Right 115 Out TotalIn 1243 1135 2378 Left68 Thru127 Right58 TotalOutIn727 253 980 Peak Hour Begins at 07:30 AM Total Volume Peak Hour Data North Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 07:30 AM 07:15 AM 07:30 AM 07:30 AM +0 mins.16 243 64 323 43 76 37 156 35 189 23 247 19 34 13 66 +15 mins.26 288 52 366 63 126 25 214 28 239 38 305 21 24 17 62 +30 mins.20 203 45 268 71 80 32 183 28 250 39 317 18 45 21 84 +45 mins.30 216 62 308 59 89 33 181 34 217 15 266 10 24 7 41 Total Volume 92 950 223 1265 236 371 127 734 125 895 115 1135 68 127 58 253 % App. Total 7.3 75.1 17.6 32.2 50.5 17.3 11 78.9 10.1 26.9 50.2 22.9 PHF .767 .825 .871 .864 .831 .736 .858 .857 .893 .895 .737 .895 .810 .706 .690 .753 Counts Unlimited PO Box 1178 Corona, CA 92878 (951) 268-6268 File Name : 01_ARC_Santa Anita_Colorado PM Site Code : 10518316 Start Date : 5/15/2018 Page No : 1 City of Arcadia N/S: Santa Anita Avenue E/W: Colorado Boulevard Weather: Clear Groups Printed- Total Volume Santa Anita Avenue Southbound Colorado Boulevard Westbound Santa Anita Avenue Northbound Colorado Boulevard Eastbound Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Int. Total 04:00 PM 36 203 14 253 24 19 29 72 18 248 35 301 21 89 25 135 761 04:15 PM 33 214 9 256 15 18 29 62 12 215 41 268 23 103 31 157 743 04:30 PM 29 197 15 241 16 32 25 73 13 224 40 277 18 112 18 148 739 04:45 PM 48 230 19 297 24 29 25 78 15 241 49 305 11 87 9 107 787 Total 146 844 57 1047 79 98 108 285 58 928 165 1151 73 391 83 547 3030 05:00 PM 41 244 17 302 31 33 44 108 19 250 59 328 22 117 15 154 892 05:15 PM 37 240 18 295 18 24 30 72 12 265 47 324 16 99 13 128 819 05:30 PM 48 236 26 310 16 23 34 73 18 185 42 245 11 130 19 160 788 05:45 PM 43 268 19 330 18 18 23 59 17 221 53 291 9 114 28 151 831 Total 169 988 80 1237 83 98 131 312 66 921 201 1188 58 460 75 593 3330 Grand Total 315 1832 137 2284 162 196 239 597 124 1849 366 2339 131 851 158 1140 6360 Apprch %13.8 80.2 6 27.1 32.8 40 5.3 79.1 15.6 11.5 74.6 13.9 Total %5 28.8 2.2 35.9 2.5 3.1 3.8 9.4 1.9 29.1 5.8 36.8 2.1 13.4 2.5 17.9 Santa Anita Avenue Southbound Colorado Boulevard Westbound Santa Anita Avenue Northbound Colorado Boulevard Eastbound Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Int. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 05:00 PM 05:00 PM 41 244 17 302 31 33 44 108 19 250 59 328 22 117 15 154 892 05:15 PM 37 240 18 295 18 24 30 72 12 265 47 324 16 99 13 128 819 05:30 PM 48 236 26 310 16 23 34 73 18 185 42 245 11 130 19 160 788 05:45 PM 43 268 19 330 18 18 23 59 17 221 53 291 9 114 28 151 831 Total Volume 169 988 80 1237 83 98 131 312 66 921 201 1188 58 460 75 593 3330 % App. Total 13.7 79.9 6.5 26.6 31.4 42 5.6 77.5 16.9 9.8 77.6 12.6 PHF .880 .922 .769 .937 .669 .742 .744 .722 .868 .869 .852 .905 .659 .885 .670 .927 .933 Counts Unlimited PO Box 1178 Corona, CA 92878 (951) 268-6268 File Name : 01_ARC_Santa Anita_Colorado PM Site Code : 10518316 Start Date : 5/15/2018 Page No : 2 City of Arcadia N/S: Santa Anita Avenue E/W: Colorado Boulevard Weather: Clear Santa Anita Avenue Colorado Boulevard Colorado Boulevard Santa Anita Avenue Right 80 Thru 988 Left 169 InOut Total 1110 1237 2347 Right131 Thru98 Left83 OutTotalIn830 312 1142 Left 66 Thru 921 Right 201 Out TotalIn 1146 1188 2334 Left58 Thru460 Right75 TotalOutIn244 593 837 Peak Hour Begins at 05:00 PM Total Volume Peak Hour Data North Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 05:00 PM 04:30 PM 04:30 PM 05:00 PM +0 mins.41 244 17 302 16 32 25 73 13 224 40 277 22 117 15 154 +15 mins.37 240 18 295 24 29 25 78 15 241 49 305 16 99 13 128 +30 mins.48 236 26 310 31 33 44 108 19 250 59 328 11 130 19 160 +45 mins.43 268 19 330 18 24 30 72 12 265 47 324 9 114 28 151 Total Volume 169 988 80 1237 89 118 124 331 59 980 195 1234 58 460 75 593 % App. Total 13.7 79.9 6.5 26.9 35.6 37.5 4.8 79.4 15.8 9.8 77.6 12.6 PHF .880 .922 .769 .937 .718 .894 .705 .766 .776 .925 .826 .941 .659 .885 .670 .927 Counts Unlimited PO Box 1178 Corona, CA 92878 (951) 268-6268 File Name : 04_ARC_Santa Anita_Santa Clara AM Site Code : 10518316 Start Date : 5/15/2018 Page No : 1 City of Arcadia N/S: Santa Anita Avenue E/W: Santa Clara Street Weather: Clear Groups Printed- Total Volume Santa Anita Avenue Southbound Santa Clara Street Westbound Santa Anita Avenue Northbound Santa Clara Street Eastbound Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Int. Total 07:00 AM 10 94 41 145 3 17 13 33 0 156 11 167 35 11 0 46 391 07:15 AM 14 132 68 214 9 28 13 50 2 160 16 178 39 10 2 51 493 07:30 AM 8 196 90 294 6 41 14 61 2 158 14 174 61 21 2 84 613 07:45 AM 12 228 135 375 11 32 8 51 7 171 18 196 116 31 6 153 775 Total 44 650 334 1028 29 118 48 195 11 645 59 715 251 73 10 334 2272 08:00 AM 15 149 77 241 5 35 16 56 8 164 15 187 136 31 6 173 657 08:15 AM 23 143 78 244 11 34 18 63 11 159 21 191 83 28 5 116 614 08:30 AM 16 129 65 210 8 27 12 47 7 125 7 139 58 26 8 92 488 08:45 AM 28 152 65 245 9 23 12 44 5 129 11 145 57 29 6 92 526 Total 82 573 285 940 33 119 58 210 31 577 54 662 334 114 25 473 2285 Grand Total 126 1223 619 1968 62 237 106 405 42 1222 113 1377 585 187 35 807 4557 Apprch %6.4 62.1 31.5 15.3 58.5 26.2 3.1 88.7 8.2 72.5 23.2 4.3 Total %2.8 26.8 13.6 43.2 1.4 5.2 2.3 8.9 0.9 26.8 2.5 30.2 12.8 4.1 0.8 17.7 Santa Anita Avenue Southbound Santa Clara Street Westbound Santa Anita Avenue Northbound Santa Clara Street Eastbound Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Int. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 07:30 AM 07:30 AM 8 196 90 294 6 41 14 61 2 158 14 174 61 21 2 84 613 07:45 AM 12 228 135 375 11 32 8 51 7 171 18 196 116 31 6 153 775 08:00 AM 15 149 77 241 5 35 16 56 8 164 15 187 136 31 6 173 657 08:15 AM 23 143 78 244 11 34 18 63 11 159 21 191 83 28 5 116 614 Total Volume 58 716 380 1154 33 142 56 231 28 652 68 748 396 111 19 526 2659 % App. Total 5 62 32.9 14.3 61.5 24.2 3.7 87.2 9.1 75.3 21.1 3.6 PHF .630 .785 .704 .769 .750 .866 .778 .917 .636 .953 .810 .954 .728 .895 .792 .760 .858 Counts Unlimited PO Box 1178 Corona, CA 92878 (951) 268-6268 File Name : 04_ARC_Santa Anita_Santa Clara AM Site Code : 10518316 Start Date : 5/15/2018 Page No : 2 City of Arcadia N/S: Santa Anita Avenue E/W: Santa Clara Street Weather: Clear Santa Anita Avenue Santa Clara Street Santa Clara Street Santa Anita Avenue Right380 Thru716 Left58 InOut Total 1104 1154 2258 Right56 Thru142 Left33 OutTotalIn237 231 468 Left 28 Thru 652 Right 68 Out TotalIn 768 748 1516 Left396 Thru111 Right19 TotalOutIn550 526 1076 Peak Hour Begins at 07:30 AM Total Volume Peak Hour Data North Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 07:30 AM 07:30 AM 07:30 AM 07:45 AM +0 mins.8 196 90 294 6 41 14 61 2 158 14 174 116 31 6 153 +15 mins.12 228 135 375 11 32 8 51 7 171 18 196 136 31 6 173 +30 mins.15 149 77 241 5 35 16 56 8 164 15 187 83 28 5 116 +45 mins.23 143 78 244 11 34 18 63 11 159 21 191 58 26 8 92 Total Volume 58 716 380 1154 33 142 56 231 28 652 68 748 393 116 25 534 % App. Total 5 62 32.9 14.3 61.5 24.2 3.7 87.2 9.1 73.6 21.7 4.7 PHF .630 .785 .704 .769 .750 .866 .778 .917 .636 .953 .810 .954 .722 .935 .781 .772 Counts Unlimited PO Box 1178 Corona, CA 92878 (951) 268-6268 File Name : 04_ARC_Santa Anita_Santa Clara PM Site Code : 10518316 Start Date : 5/15/2018 Page No : 1 City of Arcadia N/S: Santa Anita Avenue E/W: Santa Clara Street Weather: Clear Groups Printed- Total Volume Santa Anita Avenue Southbound Santa Clara Street Westbound Santa Anita Avenue Northbound Santa Clara Street Eastbound Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Int. Total 04:00 PM 26 159 38 223 17 17 18 52 5 189 20 214 68 36 8 112 601 04:15 PM 23 190 45 258 18 38 25 81 6 185 18 209 67 43 12 122 670 04:30 PM 32 158 47 237 13 32 27 72 6 180 25 211 72 46 11 129 649 04:45 PM 49 181 43 273 18 28 28 74 3 178 7 188 84 38 8 130 665 Total 130 688 173 991 66 115 98 279 20 732 70 822 291 163 39 493 2585 05:00 PM 22 209 48 279 21 37 20 78 6 173 20 199 77 41 7 125 681 05:15 PM 30 187 57 274 19 30 21 70 11 190 13 214 85 43 8 136 694 05:30 PM 23 195 48 266 16 30 26 72 5 155 14 174 77 40 6 123 635 05:45 PM 29 212 47 288 19 35 23 77 4 181 14 199 72 24 9 105 669 Total 104 803 200 1107 75 132 90 297 26 699 61 786 311 148 30 489 2679 Grand Total 234 1491 373 2098 141 247 188 576 46 1431 131 1608 602 311 69 982 5264 Apprch %11.2 71.1 17.8 24.5 42.9 32.6 2.9 89 8.1 61.3 31.7 7 Total %4.4 28.3 7.1 39.9 2.7 4.7 3.6 10.9 0.9 27.2 2.5 30.5 11.4 5.9 1.3 18.7 Santa Anita Avenue Southbound Santa Clara Street Westbound Santa Anita Avenue Northbound Santa Clara Street Eastbound Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Int. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 04:30 PM 04:30 PM 32 158 47 237 13 32 27 72 6 180 25 211 72 46 11 129 649 04:45 PM 49 181 43 273 18 28 28 74 3 178 7 188 84 38 8 130 665 05:00 PM 22 209 48 279 21 37 20 78 6 173 20 199 77 41 7 125 681 05:15 PM 30 187 57 274 19 30 21 70 11 190 13 214 85 43 8 136 694 Total Volume 133 735 195 1063 71 127 96 294 26 721 65 812 318 168 34 520 2689 % App. Total 12.5 69.1 18.3 24.1 43.2 32.7 3.2 88.8 8 61.2 32.3 6.5 PHF .679 .879 .855 .953 .845 .858 .857 .942 .591 .949 .650 .949 .935 .913 .773 .956 .969 Counts Unlimited PO Box 1178 Corona, CA 92878 (951) 268-6268 File Name : 04_ARC_Santa Anita_Santa Clara PM Site Code : 10518316 Start Date : 5/15/2018 Page No : 2 City of Arcadia N/S: Santa Anita Avenue E/W: Santa Clara Street Weather: Clear Santa Anita Avenue Santa Clara Street Santa Clara Street Santa Anita Avenue Right195 Thru735 Left133 InOut Total 1135 1063 2198 Right96 Thru127 Left71 OutTotalIn366 294 660 Left 26 Thru 721 Right 65 Out TotalIn 840 812 1652 Left318 Thru168 Right34 TotalOutIn348 520 868 Peak Hour Begins at 04:30 PM Total Volume Peak Hour Data North Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 05:00 PM 04:15 PM 04:00 PM 04:30 PM +0 mins.22 209 48 279 18 38 25 81 5 189 20 214 72 46 11 129 +15 mins.30 187 57 274 13 32 27 72 6 185 18 209 84 38 8 130 +30 mins.23 195 48 266 18 28 28 74 6 180 25 211 77 41 7 125 +45 mins.29 212 47 288 21 37 20 78 3 178 7 188 85 43 8 136 Total Volume 104 803 200 1107 70 135 100 305 20 732 70 822 318 168 34 520 % App. Total 9.4 72.5 18.1 23 44.3 32.8 2.4 89.1 8.5 61.2 32.3 6.5 PHF .867 .947 .877 .961 .833 .888 .893 .941 .833 .968 .700 .960 .935 .913 .773 .956 Counts Unlimited PO Box 1178 Corona, CA 92878 (951) 268-6268 Appendix B Intersection Lane Configurations Appendix C Traffic Impact Analysis of the Worst-Case Conditions Appendix C Traffic Impact Analysis of the Worst-Case Conditions In order to provide the most conservative analysis for the Project, a traffic impact analysis was conducted without the benefit of the trip generation adjustments for public transit usage/walk- ins, internal capture, and pass-by trips described in Chapter 5. This Appendix presents the traffic impact analysis for the Project (Worst-Case) scenario. PROJECT DESCRIPTION As described in Chapter 1, the Project would redevelop the existing Bekins Storage Facility, converting 10,000-15,000 sf into a Food Hall, with the remaining portions of the facility remaining as storage units. For the purposes of this analysis, it was assumed that the Project includes 31,239 sf of mini-warehouse storage facilities, 6,500 sf of fast-casual restaurant uses, 5,000 sf of grocery store uses, and 23 on-site parking spaces. Vehicular access to the Project would be provided via two driveways on Morlan Place. TRIP GENERATION As in Chapter 5, the number of trips expected to be generated by the Project (Worst-Case) was estimated using rates published in Trip Generation, 10th Edition. As shown in Table E-1, after accounting for the removal of the existing uses currently on-site, the Project (Worst-Case) is expected to generate 1,209 new trips on a typical weekday, including 77 morning peak hour trips (41 inbound trips, 36 outbound trips) and 103 afternoon peak hour trips (62 inbound trips, 41 outbound trips). C-1 TRIP ASSIGNMENT The Project (Worst-Case) trip generation estimates summarized in Table E-1 and the trip distribution pattern shown in Figure 7 were used to assign the Project (Worst-Case)-generated traffic through the study intersections. Figure E-1 illustrates the net Project-only (Worst-Case) traffic volumes at the study intersections during typical weekday morning and afternoon peak hours. PROJECT TRAFFIC Existing with Project Conditions The Project-only (Worst-Case) morning and afternoon peak hour traffic volumes shown in Figure E-1 were added to the existing morning and afternoon peak hour traffic volumes shown in Figure 4. The resulting volumes are illustrated in Figure E-2 and represent Existing with Project (Worst-Case) Conditions (Year 2019) after development of the Project under Existing Conditions. Table E-2 summarizes the Existing with Project (Worst-Case) Conditions during the weekday morning and afternoon peak hours for the four signalized study intersections. As shown, all four signalized intersections would operate at LOS D or better during both the weekday morning and afternoon peak hours. The Project (Worst-Case) would cause the LOS at Intersection #5, Santa Anita Avenue & Huntington Drive, to change from LOS C to LOS D during the afternoon peak hour. The Project would not result in significant impacts at any of the four intersections. Therefore, no mitigation is required based on Existing with Project Conditions. Future with Project Conditions The Project-only (Worst-Case) morning and afternoon peak hour traffic volumes shown in Figure E-1 were added to the Future without Project morning and afternoon peak hour traffic volumes shown in Figure 6. The resulting volumes are illustrated in Figure E-3 and represent C-2 Future with Project (Worst-Case) Conditions (Year 2020) after development of the Project (Worst-Case) under Future without Project Conditions. Table E-3 summarizes the Future with Project (Worst-Case) Conditions during the weekday morning and afternoon peak hours for the four signalized study intersections. As in Future without Project Conditions, three of the four signalized intersections would operate at LOS D or better during both the weekday morning and afternoon peak hours. The remaining intersection, Santa Anita Avenue & Huntington Drive (Intersection #5), would operate at LOS D during the morning peak hour and LOS E during the afternoon peak hour under Future with Project (Worst- Case) Conditions. The addition of Project (Worst-Case) traffic would also cause the LOS at Intersection #3, Santa Anita Avenue & Santa Clara Street, to change from LOS B to LOS C during the morning peak hour. As described in Chapter 2, the City-wide target for acceptable peak hour LOS is LOS D except at certain locations where LOS E is considered acceptable. The LOS of all four signalized study intersections would be considered acceptable if operating at LOS E during either the morning or afternoon peak hour. The Project (Worst-Case) would not result in significant impacts at any of the four intersections. Therefore, no mitigation is required based on Future with Project (Worst- Case) Conditions. UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS Tables E-4 and E-5 summarize the weekday morning and afternoon peak hour delay and corresponding LOS for the two unsignalized intersections under Existing and Future Conditions. As shown in Table E-4, Morlan Place & Huntington Drive is anticipated to operate at LOS D or better in the morning and afternoon peak hour under Existing and Existing with Project (Worst- Case) Conditions. Santa Anita Avenue & Morlan Place / Wheeler Avenue is anticipated to operate at LOS E during both the morning and afternoon peak hour under Existing Conditions. With the addition of Project (Worst-Case) traffic, Santa Anita Avenue & Morlan Place / Wheeler Avenue is anticipated to operate at LOS E during the morning peak hour and at LOS F during the afternoon peak hour under Existing with Project (Worst-Case) Conditions. C-3 As shown in Table E-5, both unsignalized intersections are anticipated to operate at LOS E or worse during either the morning and afternoon peak hour under Future Conditions, with and without the addition of Project (Worst-Case) traffic. Therefore, traffic signal warrant analyses were conducted. LOS worksheets are provided in Attachment 1. Signal Warrant Analyses The intersections were analyzed using the same methodology described in Chapter 7. Tables E-4 and E-5 summarize the results of the signal warrant analyses under Existing and Future Conditions, respectively. As shown, the two unsignalized intersections would not meet the warrant thresholds under Existing or Future Conditions, with or without addition of Project (Worst-Case) traffic. Therefore, a traffic signal is not required or recommended at either of these locations. Detailed signal warrant worksheets are provided in Attachment 2. CONGESTION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (CMP) ANALYSIS Based on the trip distribution patterns illustrated in Figure 7, the Project (Worst-Case) would add a total of four trips during the morning peak hour and five trips during the afternoon peak hour to the CMP arterial monitoring station at Rosemead Boulevard & East Foothill Boulevard. Therefore, the Project’s (Worst-Case) CMP arterial intersection impacts are considered to be less than significant and no further analysis is required. The CMP identifies one freeway mainline monitoring location at I-210 at Rosemead Boulevard, approximately 2.3 miles from the Project Site. As shown in Table E-1, the Project (Worst-Case) generates fewer than 150 peak hour trips. Since the Project would not add 150 peak hour trips in either direction to the CMP mainline freeway monitoring location, further CMP freeway segment analysis is not required. C-4 C-5 C-6 C-7 In Out Total In Out Total Trip Generation Rates [a] Warehousing 150 1.74 77%23%0.17 27%73%0.19 Mini-Warehouse 151 1.51 60%40%0.10 47%53%0.17 General Office Building 710 9.74 86%14%1.16 16%84%1.15 Supermarket 850 106.78 60%40%3.82 51%49%9.24 High-Turnover (Sit-Down) Restaurant 932 112.18 55%45%9.94 62%38%9.77 Trip Generation Estimates Proposed Project Mini-Warehouse 151 31,230 sf 47 2 1 3 2 3 5 Supermarket 850 5,000 sf 534 11 8 19 23 23 46 Restaurant 932 6,500 sf 729 36 29 65 40 24 64 1,310 49 38 87 65 50 115 Existing Uses to be Removed Warehousing 150 5,000 sf 9 1 0 1 0 1 1 Mini-Warehouse 151 28,761 sf 43 2 1 3 2 3 5 General Office Building 710 5,000 sf 49 5 1 6 1 5 6 101 8 2 10 3 9 12 1,209 41 36 77 62 41 103 Notes: sf = square feet. [a] Trip generation rates are from Trip Generation, 10th Edition (Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2017). per 1,000 sf TABLE C-1 PROJECT (WORST-CASE) TRIP GENERATION ESTIMATES Land Use ITE Land Use Rate or Size Daily Morning Peak Hour Afternoon Peak Hour per 1,000 sf per 1,000 sf TOTAL NET NEW PROJECT TRIPS Total Proposed Project Trips Total Existing Uses Trips per 1,000 sf per 1,000 sf C-8 TABLE C-2 EXISTING WITH PROJECT (WORST-CASE) CONDITIONS (YEAR 2019) INTERSECTION LEVELS OF SERVICE AND SIGNIFICANT IMPACTS Existing Conditions Existing with Project Conditions V/C LOS V/C LOS ∆ V/C Impact 1.Santa Clara Street &AM 0.757 C 0.760 C 0.003 NO Huntington Drive PM 0.694 B 0.697 B 0.003 NO 3.Santa Anita Avenue &AM 0.623 B 0.627 B 0.004 NO Santa Clara Street PM 0.676 B 0.681 B 0.005 NO 5.Santa Anita Avenue &AM 0.738 C 0.741 C 0.003 NO Huntington Drive PM 0.798 C 0.807 D 0.009 NO 6.Santa Anita Avenue &AM 0.663 B 0.669 B 0.006 NO Colorado Boulevard PM 0.654 B 0.660 B 0.006 NO No.Intersection Peak Hour C-9 TABLE C-3 FUTURE WITH PROJECT (WORST-CASE) CONDITIONS (YEAR 2020) INTERSECTION LEVELS OF SERVICE AND SIGNIFICANT IMPACTS Future without Project Conditions Future with Project Conditions V/C LOS V/C LOS ∆ V/C Impact 1.Santa Clara Street &AM 0.819 D 0.821 D 0.002 NO Huntington Drive PM 0.755 C 0.759 C 0.004 NO 3.Santa Anita Avenue &AM 0.699 B 0.703 C 0.004 NO Santa Clara Street PM 0.790 C 0.794 C 0.004 NO 5.Santa Anita Avenue &AM 0.804 D 0.810 D 0.006 NO Huntington Drive PM 0.924 E 0.934 E 0.010 NO 6.Santa Anita Avenue &AM 0.769 C 0.775 C 0.006 NO Colorado Boulevard PM 0.736 C 0.744 C 0.008 NO No.Intersection Peak Hour C-10 TABLE C-4 EXISTING WITH PROJECT (WORST-CASE) CONDITIONS (YEAR 2019) UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION PEAK HOUR LEVELS OF SERVICE Existing Conditions Existing with Project Conditions Delay LOS Meets Signal Warrants Delay LOS Meets Signal Warrants 2.Morlan Place &A.M.34.9 D 33.1 D Huntington Drive P.M.13.3 B 13.4 B 4.Santa Anita Avenue &A.M.35.2 E 43.6 E Morlan Place / Wheeler Avenue P.M.48.0 E 71.3 F Note:Intersections #2 and #4 are 2-way stop controlled. Reported delay is worst approach delay. NO NO No.Intersection Peak Hour NO NO C-11 TABLE C-5 FUTURE WITH PROJECT (WORST-CASE) CONDITIONS (YEAR 2020) UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION PEAK HOUR LEVELS OF SERVICE Future without Project Conditions Future with Project Conditions Delay LOS Meets Signal Warrants Delay LOS Meets Signal Warrants 2.Morlan Place &A.M.41.9 E 39.5 E Huntington Drive P.M.15.3 C 15.4 C 4.Santa Anita Avenue &A.M.66.1 F 109.4 F Morlan Place / Wheeler Avenue P.M.Overflow N/A 368.0 F Note:Intersections #2 and #4 are 2-way stop controlled. Reported delay is worst approach delay. NO NO No.Intersection Peak Hour NO NO C-12 Attachment 1 Level of Service Worksheets Printed 3/21/2019 EXISTING WITH PROJECT (WORST CASE) CONDITIONS (YEAR 2019) J1699 - ARCADIA COMMONS Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis 1. SANTA CLARA STREET & HUNTINGTON DRIVE Through Lane Capacity:1680 vph North/South Split Phase:Y Left-Turn Lane Capacity:1680 vph East/West Split Phase:N Double-Left Penalty:20 %Loss Time % per Cycle:10% Right-Turn on Red:50 %ITS Percentage:0% Overlapping Right Turn: WEEKDAY MORNING PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 2.00 3,360 770 0.227 *N/S 1:0.404 * Southbound Through 0.00 0 0 0.000 N/S 2:0.000 Left 0.00 0 0 0.000 E/W 1:0.026 Right 0.50 0 19 0.000 E/W 2:0.256 * Westbound Through 2.50 5,040 1,246 0.251 * Left 0.00 0 0 0.000 V/C Ratio:0.660 Right 2.00 3,360 595 0.177 *Loss Time:0.100 Northbound Through 2.00 3,360 532 0.158 ITS:0.000 Left 1.00 1,680 77 0.046 Right 0.00 0 0 0.000 ICU:0.760 Eastbound Through 3.00 5,040 133 0.026 Left 1.00 1,680 8 0.005 *LOS:C WEEKDAY AFTERNOON PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 2.00 3,360 524 0.132 *N/S 1:0.373 * Southbound Through 0.00 0 0 0.000 N/S 2:0.000 Left 0.00 0 0 0.000 E/W 1:0.202 Right 0.50 0 20 0.000 E/W 2:0.224 * Westbound Through 2.50 5,040 871 0.177 * Left 0.00 0 0 0.000 V/C Ratio:0.597 Right 2.00 3,360 811 0.241 *Loss Time:0.100 Northbound Through 2.00 3,360 659 0.196 ITS:0.000 Left 1.00 1,680 119 0.071 Right 0.00 0 0 0.000 ICU:0.697 Eastbound Through 3.00 5,040 1,020 0.202 Left 1.00 1,680 79 0.047 *LOS:B * Critical Movement Gibson Transportation Consulting, Inc.J1699-G-ICU ExP.xlsm Printed 3/21/2019 EXISTING WITH PROJECT (WORST CASE) CONDITIONS (YEAR 2019) J1699 - ARCADIA COMMONS Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis 3. SANTA ANITA AVENUE & SANTA CLARA STREET Through Lane Capacity:1680 vph North/South Split Phase:N Left-Turn Lane Capacity:1680 vph East/West Split Phase:N Double-Left Penalty:20 %Loss Time % per Cycle:10% Right-Turn on Red:50 %ITS Percentage:0% Overlapping Right Turn: WEEKDAY MORNING PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 1.00 1,680 388 0.156 N/S 1:0.257 * Southbound Through 2.00 3,360 742 0.221 N/S 2:0.238 Left 1.00 1,680 59 0.035 *E/W 1:0.100 Right 0.50 0 57 0.000 E/W 2:0.270 * Westbound Through 0.50 1,680 145 0.120 * Left 1.00 1,680 36 0.021 V/C Ratio:0.527 Right 0.50 0 71 0.000 Loss Time:0.100 Northbound Through 1.50 3,360 676 0.222 *ITS:0.000 Left 1.00 1,680 29 0.017 Right 0.50 0 19 0.000 ICU:0.627 Eastbound Through 0.50 1,680 113 0.079 Left 2.00 2,688 404 0.150 *LOS:B WEEKDAY AFTERNOON PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 1.00 1,680 199 0.058 N/S 1:0.324 * Southbound Through 2.00 3,360 769 0.229 N/S 2:0.245 Left 1.00 1,680 136 0.081 *E/W 1:0.168 Right 0.50 0 98 0.000 E/W 2:0.257 * Westbound Through 0.50 1,680 130 0.136 * Left 1.00 1,680 75 0.045 V/C Ratio:0.581 Right 0.50 0 68 0.000 Loss Time:0.100 Northbound Through 1.50 3,360 747 0.243 *ITS:0.000 Left 1.00 1,680 27 0.016 Right 0.50 0 35 0.000 ICU:0.681 Eastbound Through 0.50 1,680 171 0.123 Left 2.00 2,688 324 0.121 *LOS:B * Critical Movement Gibson Transportation Consulting, Inc.J1699-G-ICU ExP.xlsm Printed 3/21/2019 EXISTING WITH PROJECT (WORST CASE) CONDITIONS (YEAR 2019) J1699 - ARCADIA COMMONS Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis 5. SANTA ANITA AVENUE & HUNTINGTON DRIVE Through Lane Capacity:1680 vph North/South Split Phase:N Left-Turn Lane Capacity:1680 vph East/West Split Phase:N Double-Left Penalty:20 %Loss Time % per Cycle:10% Right-Turn on Red:50 %ITS Percentage:0% Overlapping Right Turn: WEEKDAY MORNING PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 1.00 1,680 81 0.029 N/S 1:0.341 Southbound Through 2.00 3,360 697 0.207 *N/S 2:0.373 * Left 2.00 2,688 72 0.027 E/W 1:0.187 Right 1.00 1,680 67 0.026 E/W 2:0.268 * Westbound Through 2.00 3,360 770 0.229 * Left 1.00 1,680 84 0.050 V/C Ratio:0.641 Right 1.00 1,680 110 0.040 Loss Time:0.100 Northbound Through 2.00 3,360 1,055 0.314 ITS:0.000 Left 2.00 2,688 447 0.166 * Right 1.00 1,680 235 0.057 ICU:0.741 Eastbound Through 2.00 3,360 461 0.137 Left 1.00 1,680 66 0.039 *LOS:C WEEKDAY AFTERNOON PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 1.00 1,680 88 0.016 N/S 1:0.290 * Southbound Through 2.00 3,360 657 0.196 N/S 2:0.264 Left 2.00 2,688 150 0.056 *E/W 1:0.417 * Right 1.00 1,680 99 0.031 E/W 2:0.246 Westbound Through 2.00 3,360 586 0.174 Left 1.00 1,680 144 0.086 *V/C Ratio:0.707 Right 1.00 1,680 166 0.056 Loss Time:0.100 Northbound Through 2.00 3,360 786 0.234 *ITS:0.000 Left 2.00 2,688 183 0.068 Right 1.00 1,680 527 0.280 ICU:0.807 Eastbound Through 2.00 3,360 1,112 0.331 * Left 1.00 1,680 121 0.072 LOS:D * Critical Movement Gibson Transportation Consulting, Inc.J1699-G-ICU ExP.xlsm Printed 3/21/2019 EXISTING WITH PROJECT (WORST CASE) CONDITIONS (YEAR 2019) J1699 - ARCADIA COMMONS Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis 6. SANTA ANITA AVENUE & COLORADO BOULEVARD Through Lane Capacity:1680 vph North/South Split Phase:N Left-Turn Lane Capacity:1680 vph East/West Split Phase:N Double-Left Penalty:20 %Loss Time % per Cycle:10% Right-Turn on Red:50 %ITS Percentage:0% Overlapping Right Turn: WEEKDAY MORNING PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 1.00 1,680 227 0.115 N/S 1:0.241 Southbound Through 2.00 3,360 977 0.291 *N/S 2:0.368 * Left 2.00 2,688 94 0.035 E/W 1:0.201 * Right 0.50 0 118 0.000 E/W 2:0.191 Westbound Through 1.50 3,360 387 0.150 Left 1.00 1,680 242 0.144 *V/C Ratio:0.569 Right 0.50 0 119 0.000 Loss Time:0.100 Northbound Through 2.50 5,040 920 0.206 ITS:0.000 Left 1.00 1,680 130 0.077 * Right 0.50 0 61 0.000 ICU:0.669 Eastbound Through 1.50 3,360 130 0.057 * Left 1.00 1,680 69 0.041 LOS:B WEEKDAY AFTERNOON PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 1.00 1,680 82 0.031 N/S 1:0.293 Southbound Through 2.00 3,360 1,020 0.304 *N/S 2:0.345 * Left 2.00 2,688 172 0.064 E/W 1:0.215 * Right 0.50 1,680 134 0.080 E/W 2:0.115 Westbound Through 1.50 1,680 100 0.060 Left 1.00 1,680 88 0.052 *V/C Ratio:0.560 Right 0.50 0 207 0.000 Loss Time:0.100 Northbound Through 2.50 5,040 947 0.229 ITS:0.000 Left 1.00 1,680 69 0.041 * Right 0.50 0 80 0.000 ICU:0.660 Eastbound Through 1.50 3,360 469 0.163 * Left 1.00 1,680 59 0.035 LOS:B * Critical Movement Gibson Transportation Consulting, Inc.J1699-G-ICU ExP.xlsm Printed 3/21/2019 FUTURE WITH PROJECT (WORST CASE) CONDITIONS (YEAR 2020) J1699 - ARCADIA COMMONS Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis 1. SANTA CLARA STREET & HUNTINGTON DRIVE Through Lane Capacity:1680 vph North/South Split Phase:Y Left-Turn Lane Capacity:1680 vph East/West Split Phase:N Double-Left Penalty:20 %Loss Time % per Cycle:10% Right-Turn on Red:50 %ITS Percentage:0% Overlapping Right Turn: WEEKDAY MORNING PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 2.00 3,360 788 0.232 *N/S 1:0.440 * Southbound Through 0.00 0 0 0.000 N/S 2:0.000 Left 0.00 0 0 0.000 E/W 1:0.030 Right 0.50 0 19 0.000 E/W 2:0.281 * Westbound Through 2.50 5,040 1,370 0.276 * Left 0.00 0 0 0.000 V/C Ratio:0.721 Right 2.00 3,360 700 0.208 *Loss Time:0.100 Northbound Through 2.00 3,360 565 0.168 ITS:0.000 Left 1.00 1,680 133 0.079 Right 0.00 0 0 0.000 ICU:0.821 Eastbound Through 3.00 5,040 152 0.030 Left 1.00 1,680 8 0.005 *LOS:D WEEKDAY AFTERNOON PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 2.00 3,360 536 0.135 *N/S 1:0.397 * Southbound Through 0.00 0 0 0.000 N/S 2:0.000 Left 0.00 0 0 0.000 E/W 1:0.224 Right 0.50 0 20 0.000 E/W 2:0.262 * Westbound Through 2.50 5,040 1,061 0.214 * Left 0.00 0 0 0.000 V/C Ratio:0.659 Right 2.00 3,360 879 0.262 *Loss Time:0.100 Northbound Through 2.00 3,360 683 0.203 ITS:0.000 Left 1.00 1,680 148 0.088 Right 0.00 0 0 0.000 ICU:0.759 Eastbound Through 3.00 5,040 1,128 0.224 Left 1.00 1,680 81 0.048 *LOS:C * Critical Movement Gibson Transportation Consulting, Inc.J1699-G-ICU FP.xlsm Printed 3/21/2019 FUTURE WITH PROJECT (WORST CASE) CONDITIONS (YEAR 2020) J1699 - ARCADIA COMMONS Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis 3. SANTA ANITA AVENUE & SANTA CLARA STREET Through Lane Capacity:1680 vph North/South Split Phase:N Left-Turn Lane Capacity:1680 vph East/West Split Phase:N Double-Left Penalty:20 %Loss Time % per Cycle:10% Right-Turn on Red:50 %ITS Percentage:0% Overlapping Right Turn: WEEKDAY MORNING PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 1.00 1,680 396 0.159 N/S 1:0.283 Southbound Through 2.00 3,360 1,010 0.301 *N/S 2:0.319 * Left 1.00 1,680 65 0.039 E/W 1:0.115 Right 0.50 0 67 0.000 E/W 2:0.284 * Westbound Through 0.50 1,680 151 0.130 * Left 1.00 1,680 38 0.023 V/C Ratio:0.603 Right 0.50 0 72 0.000 Loss Time:0.100 Northbound Through 1.50 3,360 748 0.244 ITS:0.000 Left 1.00 1,680 30 0.018 * Right 0.50 0 19 0.000 ICU:0.703 Eastbound Through 0.50 1,680 135 0.092 Left 2.00 2,688 414 0.154 *LOS:C WEEKDAY AFTERNOON PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 1.00 1,680 203 0.059 N/S 1:0.427 * Southbound Through 2.00 3,360 923 0.275 N/S 2:0.292 Left 1.00 1,680 161 0.096 *E/W 1:0.178 Right 0.50 0 107 0.000 E/W 2:0.267 * Westbound Through 0.50 1,680 135 0.144 * Left 1.00 1,680 77 0.046 V/C Ratio:0.694 Right 0.50 0 70 0.000 Loss Time:0.100 Northbound Through 1.50 3,360 1,043 0.331 *ITS:0.000 Left 1.00 1,680 28 0.017 Right 0.50 0 36 0.000 ICU:0.794 Eastbound Through 0.50 1,680 185 0.132 Left 2.00 2,688 330 0.123 *LOS:C * Critical Movement Gibson Transportation Consulting, Inc.J1699-G-ICU FP.xlsm Printed 3/21/2019 FUTURE WITH PROJECT (WORST CASE) CONDITIONS (YEAR 2020) J1699 - ARCADIA COMMONS Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis 5. SANTA ANITA AVENUE & HUNTINGTON DRIVE Through Lane Capacity:1680 vph North/South Split Phase:N Left-Turn Lane Capacity:1680 vph East/West Split Phase:N Double-Left Penalty:20 %Loss Time % per Cycle:10% Right-Turn on Red:50 %ITS Percentage:0% Overlapping Right Turn: WEEKDAY MORNING PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 1.00 1,680 96 0.036 N/S 1:0.418 * Southbound Through 2.00 3,360 777 0.231 N/S 2:0.413 Left 2.00 2,688 248 0.092 *E/W 1:0.227 Right 1.00 1,680 104 0.016 E/W 2:0.292 * Westbound Through 2.00 3,360 840 0.250 * Left 1.00 1,680 98 0.058 V/C Ratio:0.710 Right 1.00 1,680 159 0.065 Loss Time:0.100 Northbound Through 2.00 3,360 1,096 0.326 *ITS:0.000 Left 2.00 2,688 488 0.182 Right 1.00 1,680 248 0.057 ICU:0.810 Eastbound Through 2.00 3,360 569 0.169 Left 1.00 1,680 70 0.042 *LOS:D WEEKDAY AFTERNOON PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 1.00 1,680 99 0.018 N/S 1:0.351 * Southbound Through 2.00 3,360 713 0.212 N/S 2:0.288 Left 2.00 2,688 241 0.090 *E/W 1:0.483 * Right 1.00 1,680 293 0.130 E/W 2:0.305 Westbound Through 2.00 3,360 746 0.222 Left 1.00 1,680 204 0.121 *V/C Ratio:0.834 Right 1.00 1,680 193 0.054 Loss Time:0.100 Northbound Through 2.00 3,360 876 0.261 *ITS:0.000 Left 2.00 2,688 203 0.076 Right 1.00 1,680 579 0.307 ICU:0.934 Eastbound Through 2.00 3,360 1,217 0.362 * Left 1.00 1,680 139 0.083 LOS:E * Critical Movement Gibson Transportation Consulting, Inc.J1699-G-ICU FP.xlsm Printed 3/21/2019 FUTURE WITH PROJECT (WORST CASE) CONDITIONS (YEAR 2020) J1699 - ARCADIA COMMONS Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis 6. SANTA ANITA AVENUE & COLORADO BOULEVARD Through Lane Capacity:1680 vph North/South Split Phase:N Left-Turn Lane Capacity:1680 vph East/West Split Phase:N Double-Left Penalty:20 %Loss Time % per Cycle:10% Right-Turn on Red:50 %ITS Percentage:0% Overlapping Right Turn: WEEKDAY MORNING PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 1.00 1,680 281 0.143 N/S 1:0.281 Southbound Through 2.00 3,360 1,237 0.368 *N/S 2:0.453 * Left 2.00 2,688 161 0.060 E/W 1:0.222 * Right 0.50 0 153 0.000 E/W 2:0.215 Westbound Through 1.50 3,360 404 0.166 Left 1.00 1,680 247 0.147 *V/C Ratio:0.675 Right 0.50 0 121 0.000 Loss Time:0.100 Northbound Through 2.50 5,040 992 0.221 ITS:0.000 Left 1.00 1,680 142 0.085 * Right 0.50 0 92 0.000 ICU:0.775 Eastbound Through 1.50 3,360 159 0.075 * Left 1.00 1,680 82 0.049 LOS:C WEEKDAY AFTERNOON PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 1.00 1,680 108 0.028 N/S 1:0.360 Southbound Through 2.00 3,360 1,176 0.350 *N/S 2:0.414 * Left 2.00 2,688 198 0.074 E/W 1:0.230 * Right 0.50 1,680 240 0.143 E/W 2:0.216 Westbound Through 1.50 1,680 135 0.080 Left 1.00 1,680 90 0.054 *V/C Ratio:0.644 Right 0.50 0 211 0.000 Loss Time:0.100 Northbound Through 2.50 5,040 1,231 0.286 ITS:0.000 Left 1.00 1,680 107 0.064 * Right 0.50 0 99 0.000 ICU:0.744 Eastbound Through 1.50 3,360 493 0.176 * Left 1.00 1,680 123 0.073 LOS:C * Critical Movement Gibson Transportation Consulting, Inc.J1699-G-ICU FP.xlsm HCM 2010 TWSC 2: Huntington Drive & Morlan Place 3/21/2019 5:00 pm 2/12/2019 J1699 - Existing (Worst) With Project Conditions (2019) AM Synchro 8 Report Page 1 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 0.4 Movement EBL EBT WBT WBR SBL SBR Vol, veh/h 25 609 1810 8 4 20 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Yield Yield Free Free Stop Stop RT Channelized - None - None - None Storage Length 0 - - - 0 - Veh in Median Storage, # - 0 0 - 0 - Grade, % - 0 0 - 0 - Peak Hour Factor 92 92 92 92 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 27 662 1967 9 4 22 Major/Minor Major2 Minor2 Conflicting Flow All - 0 1972 987 Stage 1 - - 1972 - Stage 2 - - 0 - Critical Hdwy - - 6.84 6.94 Critical Hdwy Stg 1 - - 5.84 - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 - - - - Follow-up Hdwy - - 3.52 3.32 Pot Cap-1 Maneuver - - 54 246 Stage 1 - - 94 - Stage 2 - - - - Platoon blocked, % - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver - - 54 246 Mov Cap-2 Maneuver - - 54 - Stage 1 - - 94 - Stage 2 - - - - Approach WB SB HCM Control Delay, s 0 33.1 HCM LOS D Minor Lane/Major Mvmt WBT WBRSBLn1 Capacity (veh/h) - - 154 HCM Lane V/C Ratio - - 0.169 HCM Control Delay (s) - - 33.1 HCM Lane LOS - - D HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) - - 0.6 HCM 2010 TWSC 4: Santa Anita Avenue & Morlan Place/Wheeler Avenue 3/21/2019 5:00 pm 2/12/2019 J1699 - Existing (Worst) With Project Conditions (2019) AM Synchro 8 Report Page 2 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 2.7 Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Vol, veh/h 21 4 29 11 1 42 48 816 29 45 657 45 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Free Free Free Free Free Free RT Channelized - - None - - None - - None - - None Storage Length - - - - - - 0 - - 0 - - Veh in Median Storage, # - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Grade, % - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Peak Hour Factor 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 23 4 32 12 1 46 52 887 32 49 714 49 Major/Minor Minor2 Minor1 Major1 Major2 Conflicting Flow All 1384 1859 382 1464 1868 459 763 0 0 918 0 0 Stage 1 836 836 - 1007 1007 - - - - - - - Stage 2 548 1023 - 457 861 - - - - - - - Critical Hdwy 7.54 6.54 6.94 7.54 6.54 6.94 4.14 - - 4.14 - - Critical Hdwy Stg 1 6.54 5.54 - 6.54 5.54 - - - - - - - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 6.54 5.54 - 6.54 5.54 - - - - - - - Follow-up Hdwy 3.52 4.02 3.32 3.52 4.02 3.32 2.22 - - 2.22 - - Pot Cap-1 Maneuver 103 73 616 90 72 549 845 - - 739 - - Stage 1 328 381 - 258 317 - - - - - - - Stage 2 488 311 - 553 371 - - - - - - - Platoon blocked, % - - - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver 84 64 616 73 63 549 845 - - 739 - - Mov Cap-2 Maneuver 84 64 - 73 63 - - - - - - - Stage 1 308 356 - 242 297 - - - - - - - Stage 2 418 292 - 484 346 - - - - - - - Approach EB WB NB SB HCM Control Delay, s 43.6 26.9 0.5 0.6 HCM LOS E D Minor Lane/Major Mvmt NBL NBT NBREBLn1WBLn1 SBL SBT SBR Capacity (veh/h) 845 - - 150 222 739 - - HCM Lane V/C Ratio 0.062 - - 0.391 0.264 0.066 - - HCM Control Delay (s) 9.5 - - 43.6 26.9 10.2 - - HCM Lane LOS A - - E D B - - HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) 0.2 - - 1.7 1 0.2 - - HCM 2010 TWSC 2: Huntington Drive & Morlan Place 3/21/2019 5:00 pm 2/12/2019 J1699 - Existing (Worst) With Project Conditions (2019) PM Synchro 8 Report Page 1 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 0.9 Movement EBL EBT WBT WBR SBL SBR Vol, veh/h 21 1585 878 3 4 62 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Yield Yield Free Free Stop Stop RT Channelized - None - None - None Storage Length 0 - - - 0 - Veh in Median Storage, # - 0 0 - 0 - Grade, % - 0 0 - 0 - Peak Hour Factor 92 92 92 92 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 23 1723 954 3 4 67 Major/Minor Major2 Minor2 Conflicting Flow All - 0 956 478 Stage 1 - - 956 - Stage 2 - - 0 - Critical Hdwy - - 6.84 6.94 Critical Hdwy Stg 1 - - 5.84 - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 - - - - Follow-up Hdwy - - 3.52 3.32 Pot Cap-1 Maneuver - - 256 534 Stage 1 - - 334 - Stage 2 - - - - Platoon blocked, % - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver - - 256 534 Mov Cap-2 Maneuver - - 256 - Stage 1 - - 334 - Stage 2 - - - - Approach WB SB HCM Control Delay, s 0 13.4 HCM LOS B Minor Lane/Major Mvmt WBT WBRSBLn1 Capacity (veh/h) - - 501 HCM Lane V/C Ratio - - 0.143 HCM Control Delay (s) - - 13.4 HCM Lane LOS - - B HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) - - 0.5 HCM 2010 TWSC 4: Santa Anita Avenue & Morlan Place/Wheeler Avenue 3/21/2019 5:00 pm 2/12/2019 J1699 - Existing (Worst) With Project Conditions (2019) PM Synchro 8 Report Page 2 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 7.8 Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Vol, veh/h 25 5 58 25 10 77 54 706 46 45 781 51 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Free Free Free Free Free Free RT Channelized - - None - - None - - None - - None Storage Length - - - - - - 0 - - 0 - - Veh in Median Storage, # - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Grade, % - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Peak Hour Factor 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 27 5 63 27 11 84 59 767 50 49 849 55 Major/Minor Minor2 Minor1 Major1 Major2 Conflicting Flow All 1481 1909 452 1435 1912 409 904 0 0 817 0 0 Stage 1 974 974 - 910 910 - - - - - - - Stage 2 507 935 - 525 1002 - - - - - - - Critical Hdwy 7.54 6.54 6.94 7.54 6.54 6.94 4.14 - - 4.14 - - Critical Hdwy Stg 1 6.54 5.54 - 6.54 5.54 - - - - - - - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 6.54 5.54 - 6.54 5.54 - - - - - - - Follow-up Hdwy 3.52 4.02 3.32 3.52 4.02 3.32 2.22 - - 2.22 - - Pot Cap-1 Maneuver 87 68 555 94 67 592 748 - - 807 - - Stage 1 270 328 - 296 352 - - - - - - - Stage 2 516 342 - 504 318 - - - - - - - Platoon blocked, % - - - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver 58 59 555 70 58 592 748 - - 807 - - Mov Cap-2 Maneuver 58 59 - 70 58 - - - - - - - Stage 1 249 308 - 273 324 - - - - - - - Stage 2 394 315 - 412 299 - - - - - - - Approach EB WB NB SB HCM Control Delay, s 71.3 66.7 0.7 0.5 HCM LOS F F Minor Lane/Major Mvmt NBL NBT NBREBLn1WBLn1 SBL SBT SBR Capacity (veh/h) 748 - - 142 170 807 - - HCM Lane V/C Ratio 0.078 - - 0.674 0.716 0.061 - - HCM Control Delay (s) 10.2 - - 71.3 66.7 9.7 - - HCM Lane LOS B - - F F A - - HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) 0.3 - - 3.8 4.4 0.2 - - HCM 2010 TWSC 2: Huntington Drive & Morlan Place 3/21/2019 5:00 pm 2/12/2019 J1699 - Future (Worst) With Project Conditions (2020) AM Synchro 8 Report Page 1 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 0.5 Movement EBL EBT WBT WBR SBL SBR Vol, veh/h 25 730 1945 8 4 20 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Yield Yield Free Free Stop Stop RT Channelized - None - None - None Storage Length 0 - - - 0 - Veh in Median Storage, # - 0 0 - 0 - Grade, % - 0 0 - 0 - Peak Hour Factor 92 92 92 92 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 27 793 2114 9 4 22 Major/Minor Major2 Minor2 Conflicting Flow All - 0 2118 1060 Stage 1 - - 2118 - Stage 2 - - 0 - Critical Hdwy - - 6.84 6.94 Critical Hdwy Stg 1 - - 5.84 - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 - - - - Follow-up Hdwy - - 3.52 3.32 Pot Cap-1 Maneuver - - 43 220 Stage 1 - - 78 - Stage 2 - - - - Platoon blocked, % - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver - - 43 220 Mov Cap-2 Maneuver - - 43 - Stage 1 - - 78 - Stage 2 - - - - Approach WB SB HCM Control Delay, s 0 39.5 HCM LOS E Minor Lane/Major Mvmt WBT WBRSBLn1 Capacity (veh/h) - - 130 HCM Lane V/C Ratio - - 0.201 HCM Control Delay (s) - - 39.5 HCM Lane LOS - - E HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) - - 0.7 HCM 2010 TWSC 4: Santa Anita Avenue & Morlan Place/Wheeler Avenue 3/21/2019 5:00 pm 2/12/2019 J1699 - Future (Worst) With Project Conditions (2020) AM Synchro 8 Report Page 2 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 4.5 Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Vol, veh/h 21 4 29 11 1 43 49 892 30 46 923 46 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Free Free Free Free Free Free RT Channelized - - None - - None - - None - - None Storage Length - - - - - - 0 - - 0 - - Veh in Median Storage, # - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Grade, % - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Peak Hour Factor 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 23 4 32 12 1 47 53 970 33 50 1003 50 Major/Minor Minor2 Minor1 Major1 Major2 Conflicting Flow All 1720 2237 527 1696 2245 501 1053 0 0 1002 0 0 Stage 1 1128 1128 - 1092 1092 - - - - - - - Stage 2 592 1109 - 604 1153 - - - - - - - Critical Hdwy 7.54 6.54 6.94 7.54 6.54 6.94 4.14 - - 4.14 - - Critical Hdwy Stg 1 6.54 5.54 - 6.54 5.54 - - - - - - - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 6.54 5.54 - 6.54 5.54 - - - - - - - Follow-up Hdwy 3.52 4.02 3.32 3.52 4.02 3.32 2.22 - - 2.22 - - Pot Cap-1 Maneuver 58 42 496 60 41 515 657 - - 687 - - Stage 1 218 278 - 229 289 - - - - - - - Stage 2 460 283 - 452 270 - - - - - - - Platoon blocked, % - - - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver 46 36 496 45 35 515 657 - - 687 - - Mov Cap-2 Maneuver 46 36 - 45 35 - - - - - - - Stage 1 200 258 - 211 266 - - - - - - - Stage 2 383 260 - 386 250 - - - - - - - Approach EB WB NB SB HCM Control Delay, s 109.4 42.5 0.6 0.5 HCM LOS F E Minor Lane/Major Mvmt NBL NBT NBREBLn1WBLn1 SBL SBT SBR Capacity (veh/h) 657 - - 86 154 687 - - HCM Lane V/C Ratio 0.081 - - 0.683 0.388 0.073 - - HCM Control Delay (s) 11 - - 109.4 42.5 10.7 - - HCM Lane LOS B - - F E B - - HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) 0.3 - - 3.3 1.7 0.2 - - HCM 2010 TWSC 2: Huntington Drive & Morlan Place 3/21/2019 5:00 pm 2/12/2019 J1699 - Future (Worst) With Project Conditions (2020) PM Synchro 8 Report Page 1 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 0.9 Movement EBL EBT WBT WBR SBL SBR Vol, veh/h 21 1756 1069 3 4 63 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Yield Yield Free Free Stop Stop RT Channelized - None - None - None Storage Length 0 - - - 0 - Veh in Median Storage, # - 0 0 - 0 - Grade, % - 0 0 - 0 - Peak Hour Factor 92 92 92 92 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 23 1909 1162 3 4 68 Major/Minor Major2 Minor2 Conflicting Flow All - 0 1164 582 Stage 1 - - 1164 - Stage 2 - - 0 - Critical Hdwy - - 6.84 6.94 Critical Hdwy Stg 1 - - 5.84 - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 - - - - Follow-up Hdwy - - 3.52 3.32 Pot Cap-1 Maneuver - - 188 456 Stage 1 - - 259 - Stage 2 - - - - Platoon blocked, % - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver - - 188 456 Mov Cap-2 Maneuver - - 188 - Stage 1 - - 259 - Stage 2 - - - - Approach WB SB HCM Control Delay, s 0 15.4 HCM LOS C Minor Lane/Major Mvmt WBT WBRSBLn1 Capacity (veh/h) - - 420 HCM Lane V/C Ratio - - 0.173 HCM Control Delay (s) - - 15.4 HCM Lane LOS - - C HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) - - 0.6 HCM 2010 TWSC 4: Santa Anita Avenue & Morlan Place/Wheeler Avenue 3/21/2019 5:00 pm 2/12/2019 J1699 - Future (Worst) With Project Conditions (2020) PM Synchro 8 Report Page 2 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 32.2 Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Vol, veh/h 25 5 59 26 10 79 54 1002 47 46 937 52 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Free Free Free Free Free Free RT Channelized - - None - - None - - None - - None Storage Length - - - - - - 0 - - 0 - - Veh in Median Storage, # - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Grade, % - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Peak Hour Factor 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 27 5 64 28 11 86 59 1089 51 50 1018 57 Major/Minor Minor2 Minor1 Major1 Major2 Conflicting Flow All 1814 2405 538 1844 2407 570 1075 0 0 1140 0 0 Stage 1 1147 1147 - 1232 1232 - - - - - - - Stage 2 667 1258 - 612 1175 - - - - - - - Critical Hdwy 7.54 6.54 6.94 7.54 6.54 6.94 4.14 - - 4.14 - - Critical Hdwy Stg 1 6.54 5.54 - 6.54 5.54 - - - - - - - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 6.54 5.54 - 6.54 5.54 - - - - - - - Follow-up Hdwy 3.52 4.02 3.32 3.52 4.02 3.32 2.22 - - 2.22 - - Pot Cap-1 Maneuver 49 33 488 46 33 465 644 - - 609 - - Stage 1 212 272 - 188 248 - - - - - - - Stage 2 414 241 - 447 264 - - - - - - - Platoon blocked, % - - - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver ~ 25 28 488 30 28 465 644 - - 609 - - Mov Cap-2 Maneuver ~ 25 28 - 30 28 - - - - - - - Stage 1 193 250 - 171 225 - - - - - - - Stage 2 292 219 - 349 242 - - - - - - - Approach EB WB NB SB HCM Control Delay, s $ 360.2 $ 368 0.5 0.5 HCM LOS F F Minor Lane/Major Mvmt NBL NBT NBREBLn1WBLn1 SBL SBT SBR Capacity (veh/h) 644 - - 68 83 609 - - HCM Lane V/C Ratio 0.091 - - 1.423 1.506 0.082 - - HCM Control Delay (s) 11.2 - -$ 360.2 $ 368 11.4 - - HCM Lane LOS B - - F F B - - HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) 0.3 - - 8.1 10 0.3 - - Notes ~: Volume exceeds capacity $: Delay exceeds 300s +: Computation Not Defined *: All major volume in platoon Attachment 2 Signal Warrant Worksheets Printed 3/21/2019 EXISTING WITH PROJECT CONDITIONS (YEAR 2019) - AM PEAK HOUR (WORST-CASE) Bekins Food Hall Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis Warrant 3, Peak Hour 2. HUNTINGTON DRIVE & MORLAN PLACE Major Street Name: Huntington Drive Vehicles per Hour (Peak Hour) Minor Street Name: Morlan Place Major Street (Approach 1):1,818 Major Street (Approach 2):634 Major Street Lanes: 3 [a] Major Street Left-Turns:25 Minor Street Lanes: 1 Minor Street (Higher Volume):0 [b] Urban/Rural: Urban Vehicles per Hour (Peak Hour) Major Street (Approach 1):1,818 Minimum Major Street Volume:510 Major Street (Approach 2):634 Satisfied?YES Total Major Street Volume:2,452 Minimum Minor Street Volume:100 Major Street Left Turns:25 Satisfied?NO Minor Street (Higher Volume):0 Total Minor Street Volume:25 Warrant 3 Satisfied?NO [a]Major street left-turn volume is added to minor street volume if a protected left-turn signal phase is proposed. [b]Setting to "Rural" reduces minimum test volumes to approximately 70% of "Urban" test volumes. This may be used when major street speed exceeds 40 mph or in an isolated community of less than 10,000 residents. [c]From California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, 2014 Edition; Caltrans. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 Minor Street -Higher-Volume Approach -VPHMajor Street -Total of Both Approaches -Vehicles per Hour Figure 4C-3. Warrant 3, Peak Hour [c] 2 or more lanes & 2 or more lanes 2 or more lanes & 1 lane 1 lane & 1 lane Gibson Transportation Consulting, Inc.J1699- 02 ExP AM Signal Warrant.xlsm Printed 3/21/2019 FUTURE WITH PROJECT CONDITIONS (YEAR 2020) - AM PEAK HOUR (WORST CASE) Bekins Food Hall Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis Warrant 3, Peak Hour 2. HUNTINGTON DRIVE & MORLAN PLACE Major Street Name: Huntington Drive Vehicles per Hour (Peak Hour) Minor Street Name: Morlan Place Major Street (Approach 1):1,953 Major Street (Approach 2):755 Major Street Lanes: 2 [a] Major Street Left-Turns:25 Minor Street Lanes: 1 Minor Street (Higher Volume):0 [b] Urban/Rural: Urban Vehicles per Hour (Peak Hour) Major Street (Approach 1):1,953 Minimum Major Street Volume:510 Major Street (Approach 2):755 Satisfied?YES Total Major Street Volume:2,708 Minimum Minor Street Volume:100 Major Street Left Turns:25 Satisfied?NO Minor Street (Higher Volume):0 Total Minor Street Volume:25 Warrant 3 Satisfied?NO [a]Major street left-turn volume is added to minor street volume if a protected left-turn signal phase is proposed. [b]Setting to "Rural" reduces minimum test volumes to approximately 70% of "Urban" test volumes. This may be used when major street speed exceeds 40 mph or in an isolated community of less than 10,000 residents. [c]From California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, 2014 Edition; Caltrans. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 Minor Street -Higher-Volume Approach -VPHMajor Street -Total of Both Approaches -Vehicles per Hour Figure 4C-3. Warrant 3, Peak Hour [c] 2 or more lanes & 2 or more lanes 2 or more lanes & 1 lane 1 lane & 1 lane Gibson Transportation Consulting, Inc.J1699- 02 FP AM Signal Warrant.xlsm EXISTING WITH PROJECT CONDITIONS (YEAR 2019) - AM PEAK HOUR (WORST CASE) Bekins Food Hall Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis Warrant 3, Peak Hour 4. SANTA ANITA AVENUE & MORLAN PLACE Major Street Name: Santa Anita Avenue Vehicles per Hour (Peak Hour) Minor Street Name: Morlan Place Major Street (Approach 1):893 Major Street (Approach 2):747 Major Street Lanes: 2 [a] Major Street Left-Turns:93 Minor Street Lanes: 1 Minor Street (Higher Volume):0 [b] Urban/Rural: Urban Vehicles per Hour (Peak Hour) Major Street (Approach 1):893 Minimum Major Street Volume:510 Major Street (Approach 2):747 Satisfied?YES Total Major Street Volume:1,640 Minimum Minor Street Volume:118 Major Street Left Turns:93 Satisfied?NO Minor Street (Higher Volume):0 Total Minor Street Volume:93 Warrant 3 Satisfied?NO [a]Major street left-turn volume is added to minor street volume if a protected left-turn signal phase is proposed. [b]Setting to "Rural" reduces minimum test volumes to approximately 70% of "Urban" test volumes. This may be used when major street speed exceeds 40 mph or in an isolated community of less than 10,000 residents. [c]From California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, 2014 Edition; Caltrans. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 Minor Street -Higher-Volume Approach -VPHMajor Street -Total of Both Approaches -Vehicles per Hour Figure 4C-3. Warrant 3, Peak Hour [c] 2 or more lanes & 2 or more lanes 2 or more lanes & 1 lane 1 lane & 1 lane EXISTING WITH PROJECT CONDITIONS (YEAR 2019) - PM PEAK HOUR (WORST-CASE) Bekins Food Hall Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis Warrant 3, Peak Hour 4. SANTA ANITA AVENUE & MORLAN PLACE Major Street Name: Santa Anita Avenue Vehicles per Hour (Peak Hour) Minor Street Name: Morlan Place Major Street (Approach 1):877 Major Street (Approach 2):806 Major Street Lanes: 2 [a] Major Street Left-Turns:99 Minor Street Lanes: 1 Minor Street (Higher Volume):0 [b] Urban/Rural: Urban Vehicles per Hour (Peak Hour) Major Street (Approach 1):877 Minimum Major Street Volume:510 Major Street (Approach 2):806 Satisfied?YES Total Major Street Volume:1,683 Minimum Minor Street Volume:112 Major Street Left Turns:99 Satisfied?NO Minor Street (Higher Volume):0 Total Minor Street Volume:99 Warrant 3 Satisfied?NO [a]Major street left-turn volume is added to minor street volume if a protected left-turn signal phase is proposed. [b]Setting to "Rural" reduces minimum test volumes to approximately 70% of "Urban" test volumes. This may be used when major street speed exceeds 40 mph or in an isolated community of less than 10,000 residents. [c]From California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, 2014 Edition; Caltrans. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 Minor Street -Higher-Volume Approach -VPHMajor Street -Total of Both Approaches -Vehicles per Hour Figure 4C-3. Warrant 3, Peak Hour [c] 2 or more lanes & 2 or more lanes 2 or more lanes & 1 lane 1 lane & 1 lane Printed 3/21/2019 FUTURE WITH PROJECT CONDITIONS (YEAR 2020) - AM PEAK HOUR Bekins Food Hall Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis Warrant 3, Peak Hour 4. SANTA ANITA AVENUE & MORLAN PLACE Major Street Name: Santa Anita Avenue Vehicles per Hour (Peak Hour) Minor Street Name: Morlan Place Major Street (Approach 1):1,015 Major Street (Approach 2):971 Major Street Lanes: 2 [a] Major Street Left-Turns:95 Minor Street Lanes: 1 Minor Street (Higher Volume):0 [b] Urban/Rural: Urban Vehicles per Hour (Peak Hour) Major Street (Approach 1):1,015 Minimum Major Street Volume:510 Major Street (Approach 2):971 Satisfied?YES Total Major Street Volume:1,986 Minimum Minor Street Volume:100 Major Street Left Turns:95 Satisfied?NO Minor Street (Higher Volume):0 Total Minor Street Volume:95 Warrant 3 Satisfied?NO [a]Major street left-turn volume is added to minor street volume if a protected left-turn signal phase is proposed. [b]Setting to "Rural" reduces minimum test volumes to approximately 70% of "Urban" test volumes. This may be used when major street speed exceeds 40 mph or in an isolated community of less than 10,000 residents. [c]From California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, 2014 Edition; Caltrans. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 Minor Street -Higher-Volume Approach -VPHMajor Street -Total of Both Approaches -Vehicles per Hour Figure 4C-3. Warrant 3, Peak Hour [c] 2 or more lanes & 2 or more lanes 2 or more lanes & 1 lane 1 lane & 1 lane Gibson Transportation Consulting, Inc.J1699- 04 FP AM Signal Warrant.xlsm Printed 3/21/2019 FUTURE WITH PROJECT CONDITIONS (YEAR 2020) - PM PEAK HOUR (WORST CASE) Bekins Food Hall Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis Warrant 3, Peak Hour 4. SANTA ANITA AVENUE & MORLAN PLACE Major Street Name: Santa Anita Avenue Vehicles per Hour (Peak Hour) Minor Street Name: Morlan Place Major Street (Approach 1):1,103 Major Street (Approach 2):1,035 Major Street Lanes: 2 [a] Major Street Left-Turns:99 Minor Street Lanes: 1 Minor Street (Higher Volume):0 [b] Urban/Rural: Urban Vehicles per Hour (Peak Hour) Major Street (Approach 1):1,103 Minimum Major Street Volume:510 Major Street (Approach 2):1,035 Satisfied?YES Total Major Street Volume:2,138 Minimum Minor Street Volume:100 Major Street Left Turns:99 Satisfied?NO Minor Street (Higher Volume):0 Total Minor Street Volume:99 Warrant 3 Satisfied?NO [a]Major street left-turn volume is added to minor street volume if a protected left-turn signal phase is proposed. [b]Setting to "Rural" reduces minimum test volumes to approximately 70% of "Urban" test volumes. This may be used when major street speed exceeds 40 mph or in an isolated community of less than 10,000 residents. [c]From California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, 2014 Edition; Caltrans. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 Minor Street -Higher-Volume Approach -VPHMajor Street -Total of Both Approaches -Vehicles per Hour Figure 4C-3. Warrant 3, Peak Hour [c] 2 or more lanes & 2 or more lanes 2 or more lanes & 1 lane 1 lane & 1 lane Gibson Transportation Consulting, Inc.J1699- 04 FP PM Signal Warrant Worksheet.xlsm Appendix D Level of Service Worksheets Printed 3/4/2019 EXISTING CONDITIONS (YEAR 2019) J1699 ‐ ARCADIA COMMONS Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis 1. SANTA CLARA STREET & HUNTINGTON DRIVE Through Lane Capacity: 1680 vph North/South Split Phase: Y Left‐Turn Lane Capacity: 1680 vph East/West Split Phase: N Double‐Left Penalty: 20 % Loss Time % per Cycle: 10% Right‐Turn on Red: 50 % ITS Percentage: 0% Overlapping Right Turn: WEEKDAY MORNING PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 2.00 3,360 770 0.227 * N/S 1: 0.402 * Southbound Through 0.00 0 0 0.000 N/S 2: 0.000 Left 0.00 0 0 0.000 E/W 1: 0.026 Right 0.50 0 19 0.000 E/W 2: 0.255 * Westbound Through 2.50 5,040 1,241 0.250 * Left 0.00 0 0 0.000 V/C Ratio: 0.657 Right 2.00 3,360 589 0.175 * Loss Time: 0.100 Northbound Through 2.00 3,360 532 0.158 ITS: 0.000 Left 1.00 1,680 77 0.046 Right 0.00 0 0 0.000 ICU: 0.757 Eastbound Through 3.00 5,040 133 0.026 Left 1.00 1,680 8 0.005 * LOS: C WEEKDAY AFTERNOON PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 2.00 3,360 524 0.132 * N/S 1: 0.371 * Southbound Through 0.00 0 0 0.000 N/S 2: 0.000 Left 0.00 0 0 0.000 E/W 1: 0.202 Right 0.50 0 20 0.000 E/W 2: 0.223 * Westbound Through 2.50 5,040 865 0.176 * Left 0.00 0 0 0.000 V/C Ratio: 0.594 Right 2.00 3,360 802 0.239 * Loss Time: 0.100 Northbound Through 2.00 3,360 659 0.196 ITS: 0.000 Left 1.00 1,680 119 0.071 Right 0.00 0 0 0.000 ICU: 0.694 Eastbound Through 3.00 5,040 1,020 0.202 Left 1.00 1,680 79 0.047 * LOS: B *   Critical Movement Gibson Transportation Consulting, Inc. J1699‐G‐ICU Ex.xlsm Printed 3/4/2019 EXISTING CONDITIONS (YEAR 2019) J1699 ‐ ARCADIA COMMONS Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis 3. SANTA ANITA AVENUE & SANTA CLARA STREET Through Lane Capacity: 1680 vph North/South Split Phase: N Left‐Turn Lane Capacity: 1680 vph East/West Split Phase: N Double‐Left Penalty: 20 % Loss Time % per Cycle: 10% Right‐Turn on Red: 50 % ITS Percentage: 0% Overlapping Right Turn: WEEKDAY MORNING PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 1.00 1,680 388 0.156 N/S 1: 0.253 * Southbound Through 2.00 3,360 730 0.217 N/S 2: 0.234 Left 1.00 1,680 59 0.035 * E/W 1: 0.099 Right 0.50 0 57 0.000 E/W 2: 0.270 * Westbound Through 0.50 1,680 145 0.120 * Left 1.00 1,680 34 0.020 V/C Ratio: 0.523 Right 0.50 0 69 0.000 Loss Time: 0.100 Northbound Through 1.50 3,360 665 0.218 * ITS: 0.000 Left 1.00 1,680 29 0.017 Right 0.50 0 19 0.000 ICU: 0.623 Eastbound Through 0.50 1,680 113 0.079 Left 2.00 2,688 404 0.150 * LOS: B WEEKDAY AFTERNOON PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 1.00 1,680 199 0.058 N/S 1: 0.319 * Southbound Through 2.00 3,360 750 0.223 N/S 2: 0.239 Left 1.00 1,680 136 0.081 * E/W 1: 0.166 Right 0.50 0 98 0.000 E/W 2: 0.257 * Westbound Through 0.50 1,680 130 0.136 * Left 1.00 1,680 72 0.043 V/C Ratio: 0.576 Right 0.50 0 66 0.000 Loss Time: 0.100 Northbound Through 1.50 3,360 735 0.238 * ITS: 0.000 Left 1.00 1,680 27 0.016 Right 0.50 0 35 0.000 ICU: 0.676 Eastbound Through 0.50 1,680 171 0.123 Left 2.00 2,688 324 0.121 * LOS: B *   Critical Movement Gibson Transportation Consulting, Inc. J1699‐G‐ICU Ex.xlsm Printed 3/4/2019 EXISTING CONDITIONS (YEAR 2019) J1699 ‐ ARCADIA COMMONS Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis 5. SANTA ANITA AVENUE & HUNTINGTON DRIVE Through Lane Capacity: 1680 vph North/South Split Phase: N Left‐Turn Lane Capacity: 1680 vph East/West Split Phase: N Double‐Left Penalty: 20 % Loss Time % per Cycle: 10% Right‐Turn on Red: 50 % ITS Percentage: 0% Overlapping Right Turn: WEEKDAY MORNING PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 1.00 1,680 81 0.029 N/S 1: 0.335 Southbound Through 2.00 3,360 684 0.204 * N/S 2: 0.370 * Left 2.00 2,688 67 0.025 E/W 1: 0.187 Right 1.00 1,680 61 0.024 E/W 2: 0.268 * Westbound Through 2.00 3,360 770 0.229 * Left 1.00 1,680 84 0.050 V/C Ratio: 0.638 Right 1.00 1,680 110 0.040 Loss Time: 0.100 Northbound Through 2.00 3,360 1,041 0.310 ITS: 0.000 Left 2.00 2,688 447 0.166 * Right 1.00 1,680 235 0.057 ICU: 0.738 Eastbound Through 2.00 3,360 461 0.137 Left 1.00 1,680 66 0.039 * LOS: C WEEKDAY AFTERNOON PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 1.00 1,680 88 0.016 N/S 1: 0.281 * Southbound Through 2.00 3,360 643 0.191 N/S 2: 0.259 Left 2.00 2,688 144 0.054 * E/W 1: 0.417 * Right 1.00 1,680 90 0.027 E/W 2: 0.246 Westbound Through 2.00 3,360 586 0.174 Left 1.00 1,680 144 0.086 * V/C Ratio: 0.698 Right 1.00 1,680 166 0.056 Loss Time: 0.100 Northbound Through 2.00 3,360 764 0.227 * ITS: 0.000 Left 2.00 2,688 183 0.068 Right 1.00 1,680 527 0.280 ICU: 0.798 Eastbound Through 2.00 3,360 1,112 0.331 * Left 1.00 1,680 121 0.072 LOS: C *   Critical Movement Gibson Transportation Consulting, Inc. J1699‐G‐ICU Ex.xlsm Printed 3/4/2019 EXISTING CONDITIONS (YEAR 2019) J1699 ‐ ARCADIA COMMONS Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis 6. SANTA ANITA AVENUE & COLORADO BOULEVARD Through Lane Capacity: 1680 vph North/South Split Phase: N Left‐Turn Lane Capacity: 1680 vph East/West Split Phase: N Double‐Left Penalty: 20 % Loss Time % per Cycle: 10% Right‐Turn on Red: 50 % ITS Percentage: 0% Overlapping Right Turn: WEEKDAY MORNING PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 1.00 1,680 227 0.115 N/S 1: 0.239 Southbound Through 2.00 3,360 969 0.288 * N/S 2: 0.364 * Left 2.00 2,688 94 0.035 E/W 1: 0.199 * Right 0.50 0 118 0.000 E/W 2: 0.191 Westbound Through 1.50 3,360 387 0.150 Left 1.00 1,680 240 0.143 * V/C Ratio: 0.563 Right 0.50 0 117 0.000 Loss Time: 0.100 Northbound Through 2.50 5,040 913 0.204 ITS: 0.000 Left 1.00 1,680 128 0.076 * Right 0.50 0 59 0.000 ICU: 0.663 Eastbound Through 1.50 3,360 130 0.056 * Left 1.00 1,680 69 0.041 LOS: B WEEKDAY AFTERNOON PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 1.00 1,680 82 0.031 N/S 1: 0.291 Southbound Through 2.00 3,360 1,008 0.300 * N/S 2: 0.340 * Left 2.00 2,688 172 0.064 E/W 1: 0.214 * Right 0.50 1,680 134 0.080 E/W 2: 0.115 Westbound Through 1.50 1,680 100 0.060 Left 1.00 1,680 85 0.051 * V/C Ratio: 0.554 Right 0.50 0 205 0.000 Loss Time: 0.100 Northbound Through 2.50 5,040 939 0.227 ITS: 0.000 Left 1.00 1,680 67 0.040 * Right 0.50 0 77 0.000 ICU: 0.654 Eastbound Through 1.50 3,360 469 0.163 * Left 1.00 1,680 59 0.035 LOS: B *   Critical Movement Gibson Transportation Consulting, Inc. J1699‐G‐ICU Ex.xlsm Printed 3/4/2019 EXISTING WITH PROJECT CONDITIONS (YEAR 2019) J1699 ‐ ARCADIA COMMONS Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis 1. SANTA CLARA STREET & HUNTINGTON DRIVE Through Lane Capacity: 1680 vph North/South Split Phase: Y Left‐Turn Lane Capacity: 1680 vph East/West Split Phase: N Double‐Left Penalty: 20 % Loss Time % per Cycle: 10% Right‐Turn on Red: 50 % ITS Percentage: 0% Overlapping Right Turn: WEEKDAY MORNING PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 2.00 3,360 770 0.227 * N/S 1: 0.403 * Southbound Through 0.00 0 0 0.000 N/S 2: 0.000 Left 0.00 0 0 0.000 E/W 1: 0.026 Right 0.50 0 19 0.000 E/W 2: 0.256 * Westbound Through 2.50 5,040 1,244 0.251 * Left 0.00 0 0 0.000 V/C Ratio: 0.659 Right 2.00 3,360 593 0.176 * Loss Time: 0.100 Northbound Through 2.00 3,360 532 0.158 ITS: 0.000 Left 1.00 1,680 77 0.046 Right 0.00 0 0 0.000 ICU: 0.759 Eastbound Through 3.00 5,040 133 0.026 Left 1.00 1,680 8 0.005 * LOS: C WEEKDAY AFTERNOON PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 2.00 3,360 524 0.132 * N/S 1: 0.372 * Southbound Through 0.00 0 0 0.000 N/S 2: 0.000 Left 0.00 0 0 0.000 E/W 1: 0.202 Right 0.50 0 20 0.000 E/W 2: 0.223 * Westbound Through 2.50 5,040 869 0.176 * Left 0.00 0 0 0.000 V/C Ratio: 0.595 Right 2.00 3,360 808 0.240 * Loss Time: 0.100 Northbound Through 2.00 3,360 659 0.196 ITS: 0.000 Left 1.00 1,680 119 0.071 Right 0.00 0 0 0.000 ICU: 0.695 Eastbound Through 3.00 5,040 1,020 0.202 Left 1.00 1,680 79 0.047 * LOS: B *   Critical Movement Gibson Transportation Consulting, Inc. J1699‐G‐ICU ExP.xlsm Printed 3/4/2019 EXISTING WITH PROJECT CONDITIONS (YEAR 2019) J1699 ‐ ARCADIA COMMONS Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis 3. SANTA ANITA AVENUE & SANTA CLARA STREET Through Lane Capacity: 1680 vph North/South Split Phase: N Left‐Turn Lane Capacity: 1680 vph East/West Split Phase: N Double‐Left Penalty: 20 % Loss Time % per Cycle: 10% Right‐Turn on Red: 50 % ITS Percentage: 0% Overlapping Right Turn: WEEKDAY MORNING PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 1.00 1,680 388 0.156 N/S 1: 0.256 * Southbound Through 2.00 3,360 738 0.220 N/S 2: 0.237 Left 1.00 1,680 59 0.035 * E/W 1: 0.100 Right 0.50 0 57 0.000 E/W 2: 0.270 * Westbound Through 0.50 1,680 145 0.120 * Left 1.00 1,680 35 0.021 V/C Ratio: 0.526 Right 0.50 0 70 0.000 Loss Time: 0.100 Northbound Through 1.50 3,360 672 0.221 * ITS: 0.000 Left 1.00 1,680 29 0.017 Right 0.50 0 19 0.000 ICU: 0.626 Eastbound Through 0.50 1,680 113 0.079 Left 2.00 2,688 404 0.150 * LOS: B WEEKDAY AFTERNOON PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 1.00 1,680 199 0.058 N/S 1: 0.322 * Southbound Through 2.00 3,360 761 0.226 N/S 2: 0.242 Left 1.00 1,680 136 0.081 * E/W 1: 0.167 Right 0.50 0 98 0.000 E/W 2: 0.257 * Westbound Through 0.50 1,680 130 0.136 * Left 1.00 1,680 74 0.044 V/C Ratio: 0.579 Right 0.50 0 67 0.000 Loss Time: 0.100 Northbound Through 1.50 3,360 743 0.241 * ITS: 0.000 Left 1.00 1,680 27 0.016 Right 0.50 0 35 0.000 ICU: 0.679 Eastbound Through 0.50 1,680 171 0.123 Left 2.00 2,688 324 0.121 * LOS: B *   Critical Movement Gibson Transportation Consulting, Inc. J1699‐G‐ICU ExP.xlsm Printed 3/4/2019 EXISTING WITH PROJECT CONDITIONS (YEAR 2019) J1699 ‐ ARCADIA COMMONS Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis 5. SANTA ANITA AVENUE & HUNTINGTON DRIVE Through Lane Capacity: 1680 vph North/South Split Phase: N Left‐Turn Lane Capacity: 1680 vph East/West Split Phase: N Double‐Left Penalty: 20 % Loss Time % per Cycle: 10% Right‐Turn on Red: 50 % ITS Percentage: 0% Overlapping Right Turn: WEEKDAY MORNING PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 1.00 1,680 81 0.029 N/S 1: 0.339 Southbound Through 2.00 3,360 692 0.206 * N/S 2: 0.372 * Left 2.00 2,688 70 0.026 E/W 1: 0.187 Right 1.00 1,680 65 0.026 E/W 2: 0.268 * Westbound Through 2.00 3,360 770 0.229 * Left 1.00 1,680 84 0.050 V/C Ratio: 0.640 Right 1.00 1,680 110 0.040 Loss Time: 0.100 Northbound Through 2.00 3,360 1,050 0.313 ITS: 0.000 Left 2.00 2,688 447 0.166 * Right 1.00 1,680 235 0.057 ICU: 0.740 Eastbound Through 2.00 3,360 461 0.137 Left 1.00 1,680 66 0.039 * LOS: C WEEKDAY AFTERNOON PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 1.00 1,680 88 0.016 N/S 1: 0.286 * Southbound Through 2.00 3,360 652 0.194 N/S 2: 0.262 Left 2.00 2,688 148 0.055 * E/W 1: 0.417 * Right 1.00 1,680 96 0.030 E/W 2: 0.246 Westbound Through 2.00 3,360 586 0.174 Left 1.00 1,680 144 0.086 * V/C Ratio: 0.703 Right 1.00 1,680 166 0.056 Loss Time: 0.100 Northbound Through 2.00 3,360 777 0.231 * ITS: 0.000 Left 2.00 2,688 183 0.068 Right 1.00 1,680 527 0.280 ICU: 0.803 Eastbound Through 2.00 3,360 1,112 0.331 * Left 1.00 1,680 121 0.072 LOS: D *   Critical Movement Gibson Transportation Consulting, Inc. J1699‐G‐ICU ExP.xlsm Printed 3/4/2019 EXISTING WITH PROJECT CONDITIONS (YEAR 2019) J1699 ‐ ARCADIA COMMONS Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis 6. SANTA ANITA AVENUE & COLORADO BOULEVARD Through Lane Capacity: 1680 vph North/South Split Phase: N Left‐Turn Lane Capacity: 1680 vph East/West Split Phase: N Double‐Left Penalty: 20 % Loss Time % per Cycle: 10% Right‐Turn on Red: 50 % ITS Percentage: 0% Overlapping Right Turn: WEEKDAY MORNING PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 1.00 1,680 227 0.115 N/S 1: 0.241 Southbound Through 2.00 3,360 974 0.290 * N/S 2: 0.367 * Left 2.00 2,688 94 0.035 E/W 1: 0.200 * Right 0.50 0 118 0.000 E/W 2: 0.191 Westbound Through 1.50 3,360 387 0.150 Left 1.00 1,680 241 0.143 * V/C Ratio: 0.567 Right 0.50 0 118 0.000 Loss Time: 0.100 Northbound Through 2.50 5,040 918 0.206 ITS: 0.000 Left 1.00 1,680 129 0.077 * Right 0.50 0 60 0.000 ICU: 0.667 Eastbound Through 1.50 3,360 130 0.057 * Left 1.00 1,680 69 0.041 LOS: B WEEKDAY AFTERNOON PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 1.00 1,680 82 0.031 N/S 1: 0.292 Southbound Through 2.00 3,360 1,016 0.302 * N/S 2: 0.342 * Left 2.00 2,688 172 0.064 E/W 1: 0.215 * Right 0.50 1,680 134 0.080 E/W 2: 0.115 Westbound Through 1.50 1,680 100 0.060 Left 1.00 1,680 87 0.052 * V/C Ratio: 0.557 Right 0.50 0 206 0.000 Loss Time: 0.100 Northbound Through 2.50 5,040 944 0.228 ITS: 0.000 Left 1.00 1,680 68 0.040 * Right 0.50 0 79 0.000 ICU: 0.657 Eastbound Through 1.50 3,360 469 0.163 * Left 1.00 1,680 59 0.035 LOS: B *   Critical Movement Gibson Transportation Consulting, Inc. J1699‐G‐ICU ExP.xlsm Printed 3/4/2019 FUTURE WITHOUT PROJECT CONDITIONS (YEAR 2020) J1699 ‐ ARCADIA COMMONS Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis 1. SANTA CLARA STREET & HUNTINGTON DRIVE Through Lane Capacity: 1680 vph North/South Split Phase: Y Left‐Turn Lane Capacity: 1680 vph East/West Split Phase: N Double‐Left Penalty: 20 % Loss Time % per Cycle: 10% Right‐Turn on Red: 50 % ITS Percentage: 0% Overlapping Right Turn: WEEKDAY MORNING PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 2.00 3,360 788 0.232 * N/S 1: 0.439 * Southbound Through 0.00 0 0 0.000 N/S 2: 0.000 Left 0.00 0 0 0.000 E/W 1: 0.030 Right 0.50 0 19 0.000 E/W 2: 0.280 * Westbound Through 2.50 5,040 1,365 0.275 * Left 0.00 0 0 0.000 V/C Ratio: 0.719 Right 2.00 3,360 694 0.207 * Loss Time: 0.100 Northbound Through 2.00 3,360 565 0.168 ITS: 0.000 Left 1.00 1,680 133 0.079 Right 0.00 0 0 0.000 ICU: 0.819 Eastbound Through 3.00 5,040 152 0.030 Left 1.00 1,680 8 0.005 * LOS: D WEEKDAY AFTERNOON PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 2.00 3,360 536 0.135 * N/S 1: 0.394 * Southbound Through 0.00 0 0 0.000 N/S 2: 0.000 Left 0.00 0 0 0.000 E/W 1: 0.224 Right 0.50 0 20 0.000 E/W 2: 0.261 * Westbound Through 2.50 5,040 1,055 0.213 * Left 0.00 0 0 0.000 V/C Ratio: 0.655 Right 2.00 3,360 870 0.259 * Loss Time: 0.100 Northbound Through 2.00 3,360 683 0.203 ITS: 0.000 Left 1.00 1,680 148 0.088 Right 0.00 0 0 0.000 ICU: 0.755 Eastbound Through 3.00 5,040 1,128 0.224 Left 1.00 1,680 81 0.048 * LOS: C *   Critical Movement Gibson Transportation Consulting, Inc. J1699‐G‐ICU FB.xlsm Printed 3/4/2019 FUTURE WITHOUT PROJECT CONDITIONS (YEAR 2020) J1699 ‐ ARCADIA COMMONS Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis 3. SANTA ANITA AVENUE & SANTA CLARA STREET Through Lane Capacity: 1680 vph North/South Split Phase: N Left‐Turn Lane Capacity: 1680 vph East/West Split Phase: N Double‐Left Penalty: 20 % Loss Time % per Cycle: 10% Right‐Turn on Red: 50 % ITS Percentage: 0% Overlapping Right Turn: WEEKDAY MORNING PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 1.00 1,680 396 0.159 N/S 1: 0.279 Southbound Through 2.00 3,360 998 0.297 * N/S 2: 0.315 * Left 1.00 1,680 65 0.039 E/W 1: 0.113 Right 0.50 0 67 0.000 E/W 2: 0.284 * Westbound Through 0.50 1,680 151 0.130 * Left 1.00 1,680 36 0.021 V/C Ratio: 0.599 Right 0.50 0 70 0.000 Loss Time: 0.100 Northbound Through 1.50 3,360 737 0.240 ITS: 0.000 Left 1.00 1,680 30 0.018 * Right 0.50 0 19 0.000 ICU: 0.699 Eastbound Through 0.50 1,680 135 0.092 Left 2.00 2,688 414 0.154 * LOS: B WEEKDAY AFTERNOON PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 1.00 1,680 203 0.059 N/S 1: 0.423 * Southbound Through 2.00 3,360 904 0.269 N/S 2: 0.286 Left 1.00 1,680 161 0.096 * E/W 1: 0.176 Right 0.50 0 107 0.000 E/W 2: 0.267 * Westbound Through 0.50 1,680 135 0.144 * Left 1.00 1,680 74 0.044 V/C Ratio: 0.690 Right 0.50 0 68 0.000 Loss Time: 0.100 Northbound Through 1.50 3,360 1,031 0.327 * ITS: 0.000 Left 1.00 1,680 28 0.017 Right 0.50 0 36 0.000 ICU: 0.790 Eastbound Through 0.50 1,680 185 0.132 Left 2.00 2,688 330 0.123 * LOS: C *   Critical Movement Gibson Transportation Consulting, Inc. J1699‐G‐ICU FB.xlsm Printed 3/4/2019 FUTURE WITHOUT PROJECT CONDITIONS (YEAR 2020) J1699 ‐ ARCADIA COMMONS Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis 5. SANTA ANITA AVENUE & HUNTINGTON DRIVE Through Lane Capacity: 1680 vph North/South Split Phase: N Left‐Turn Lane Capacity: 1680 vph East/West Split Phase: N Double‐Left Penalty: 20 % Loss Time % per Cycle: 10% Right‐Turn on Red: 50 % ITS Percentage: 0% Overlapping Right Turn: WEEKDAY MORNING PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 1.00 1,680 96 0.036 N/S 1: 0.412 * Southbound Through 2.00 3,360 764 0.227 N/S 2: 0.409 Left 2.00 2,688 243 0.090 * E/W 1: 0.227 Right 1.00 1,680 98 0.013 E/W 2: 0.292 * Westbound Through 2.00 3,360 840 0.250 * Left 1.00 1,680 98 0.058 V/C Ratio: 0.704 Right 1.00 1,680 159 0.065 Loss Time: 0.100 Northbound Through 2.00 3,360 1,082 0.322 * ITS: 0.000 Left 2.00 2,688 488 0.182 Right 1.00 1,680 248 0.057 ICU: 0.804 Eastbound Through 2.00 3,360 569 0.169 Left 1.00 1,680 70 0.042 * LOS: D WEEKDAY AFTERNOON PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 1.00 1,680 99 0.018 N/S 1: 0.341 * Southbound Through 2.00 3,360 699 0.208 N/S 2: 0.284 Left 2.00 2,688 235 0.087 * E/W 1: 0.483 * Right 1.00 1,680 284 0.125 E/W 2: 0.305 Westbound Through 2.00 3,360 746 0.222 Left 1.00 1,680 204 0.121 * V/C Ratio: 0.824 Right 1.00 1,680 193 0.054 Loss Time: 0.100 Northbound Through 2.00 3,360 854 0.254 * ITS: 0.000 Left 2.00 2,688 203 0.076 Right 1.00 1,680 579 0.307 ICU: 0.924 Eastbound Through 2.00 3,360 1,217 0.362 * Left 1.00 1,680 139 0.083 LOS: E *   Critical Movement Gibson Transportation Consulting, Inc. J1699‐G‐ICU FB.xlsm Printed 3/4/2019 FUTURE WITHOUT PROJECT CONDITIONS (YEAR 2020) J1699 ‐ ARCADIA COMMONS Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis 6. SANTA ANITA AVENUE & COLORADO BOULEVARD Through Lane Capacity: 1680 vph North/South Split Phase: N Left‐Turn Lane Capacity: 1680 vph East/West Split Phase: N Double‐Left Penalty: 20 % Loss Time % per Cycle: 10% Right‐Turn on Red: 50 % ITS Percentage: 0% Overlapping Right Turn: WEEKDAY MORNING PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 1.00 1,680 281 0.143 N/S 1: 0.279 Southbound Through 2.00 3,360 1,229 0.366 * N/S 2: 0.449 * Left 2.00 2,688 161 0.060 E/W 1: 0.220 * Right 0.50 0 153 0.000 E/W 2: 0.215 Westbound Through 1.50 3,360 404 0.166 Left 1.00 1,680 245 0.146 * V/C Ratio: 0.669 Right 0.50 0 119 0.000 Loss Time: 0.100 Northbound Through 2.50 5,040 985 0.219 ITS: 0.000 Left 1.00 1,680 140 0.083 * Right 0.50 0 90 0.000 ICU: 0.769 Eastbound Through 1.50 3,360 159 0.074 * Left 1.00 1,680 82 0.049 LOS: C WEEKDAY AFTERNOON PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 1.00 1,680 108 0.028 N/S 1: 0.358 Southbound Through 2.00 3,360 1,164 0.346 * N/S 2: 0.409 * Left 2.00 2,688 198 0.074 E/W 1: 0.227 * Right 0.50 1,680 240 0.143 E/W 2: 0.216 Westbound Through 1.50 1,680 135 0.080 Left 1.00 1,680 87 0.052 * V/C Ratio: 0.636 Right 0.50 0 209 0.000 Loss Time: 0.100 Northbound Through 2.50 5,040 1,223 0.284 ITS: 0.000 Left 1.00 1,680 105 0.063 * Right 0.50 0 96 0.000 ICU: 0.736 Eastbound Through 1.50 3,360 493 0.175 * Left 1.00 1,680 123 0.073 LOS: C *   Critical Movement Gibson Transportation Consulting, Inc. J1699‐G‐ICU FB.xlsm Printed 3/4/2019 FUTURE WITH PROJECT CONDITIONS (YEAR 2020) J1699 ‐ ARCADIA COMMONS Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis 1. SANTA CLARA STREET & HUNTINGTON DRIVE Through Lane Capacity: 1680 vph North/South Split Phase: Y Left‐Turn Lane Capacity: 1680 vph East/West Split Phase: N Double‐Left Penalty: 20 % Loss Time % per Cycle: 10% Right‐Turn on Red: 50 % ITS Percentage: 0% Overlapping Right Turn: WEEKDAY MORNING PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 2.00 3,360 788 0.232 * N/S 1: 0.440 * Southbound Through 0.00 0 0 0.000 N/S 2: 0.000 Left 0.00 0 0 0.000 E/W 1: 0.030 Right 0.50 0 19 0.000 E/W 2: 0.280 * Westbound Through 2.50 5,040 1,368 0.275 * Left 0.00 0 0 0.000 V/C Ratio: 0.720 Right 2.00 3,360 698 0.208 * Loss Time: 0.100 Northbound Through 2.00 3,360 565 0.168 ITS: 0.000 Left 1.00 1,680 133 0.079 Right 0.00 0 0 0.000 ICU: 0.820 Eastbound Through 3.00 5,040 152 0.030 Left 1.00 1,680 8 0.005 * LOS: D WEEKDAY AFTERNOON PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 2.00 3,360 536 0.135 * N/S 1: 0.396 * Southbound Through 0.00 0 0 0.000 N/S 2: 0.000 Left 0.00 0 0 0.000 E/W 1: 0.224 Right 0.50 0 20 0.000 E/W 2: 0.262 * Westbound Through 2.50 5,040 1,059 0.214 * Left 0.00 0 0 0.000 V/C Ratio: 0.658 Right 2.00 3,360 876 0.261 * Loss Time: 0.100 Northbound Through 2.00 3,360 683 0.203 ITS: 0.000 Left 1.00 1,680 148 0.088 Right 0.00 0 0 0.000 ICU: 0.758 Eastbound Through 3.00 5,040 1,128 0.224 Left 1.00 1,680 81 0.048 * LOS: C *   Critical Movement Gibson Transportation Consulting, Inc. J1699‐G‐ICU FP.xlsm Printed 3/4/2019 FUTURE WITH PROJECT CONDITIONS (YEAR 2020) J1699 ‐ ARCADIA COMMONS Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis 3. SANTA ANITA AVENUE & SANTA CLARA STREET Through Lane Capacity: 1680 vph North/South Split Phase: N Left‐Turn Lane Capacity: 1680 vph East/West Split Phase: N Double‐Left Penalty: 20 % Loss Time % per Cycle: 10% Right‐Turn on Red: 50 % ITS Percentage: 0% Overlapping Right Turn: WEEKDAY MORNING PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 1.00 1,680 396 0.159 N/S 1: 0.282 Southbound Through 2.00 3,360 1,006 0.299 * N/S 2: 0.317 * Left 1.00 1,680 65 0.039 E/W 1: 0.114 Right 0.50 0 67 0.000 E/W 2: 0.284 * Westbound Through 0.50 1,680 151 0.130 * Left 1.00 1,680 37 0.022 V/C Ratio: 0.601 Right 0.50 0 71 0.000 Loss Time: 0.100 Northbound Through 1.50 3,360 744 0.243 ITS: 0.000 Left 1.00 1,680 30 0.018 * Right 0.50 0 19 0.000 ICU: 0.701 Eastbound Through 0.50 1,680 135 0.092 Left 2.00 2,688 414 0.154 * LOS: C WEEKDAY AFTERNOON PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 1.00 1,680 203 0.059 N/S 1: 0.426 * Southbound Through 2.00 3,360 915 0.272 N/S 2: 0.289 Left 1.00 1,680 161 0.096 * E/W 1: 0.177 Right 0.50 0 107 0.000 E/W 2: 0.267 * Westbound Through 0.50 1,680 135 0.144 * Left 1.00 1,680 76 0.045 V/C Ratio: 0.693 Right 0.50 0 69 0.000 Loss Time: 0.100 Northbound Through 1.50 3,360 1,039 0.330 * ITS: 0.000 Left 1.00 1,680 28 0.017 Right 0.50 0 36 0.000 ICU: 0.793 Eastbound Through 0.50 1,680 185 0.132 Left 2.00 2,688 330 0.123 * LOS: C *   Critical Movement Gibson Transportation Consulting, Inc. J1699‐G‐ICU FP.xlsm Printed 3/4/2019 FUTURE WITH PROJECT CONDITIONS (YEAR 2020) J1699 ‐ ARCADIA COMMONS Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis 5. SANTA ANITA AVENUE & HUNTINGTON DRIVE Through Lane Capacity: 1680 vph North/South Split Phase: N Left‐Turn Lane Capacity: 1680 vph East/West Split Phase: N Double‐Left Penalty: 20 % Loss Time % per Cycle: 10% Right‐Turn on Red: 50 % ITS Percentage: 0% Overlapping Right Turn: WEEKDAY MORNING PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 1.00 1,680 96 0.036 N/S 1: 0.417 * Southbound Through 2.00 3,360 772 0.230 N/S 2: 0.412 Left 2.00 2,688 246 0.092 * E/W 1: 0.227 Right 1.00 1,680 102 0.015 E/W 2: 0.292 * Westbound Through 2.00 3,360 840 0.250 * Left 1.00 1,680 98 0.058 V/C Ratio: 0.709 Right 1.00 1,680 159 0.065 Loss Time: 0.100 Northbound Through 2.00 3,360 1,091 0.325 * ITS: 0.000 Left 2.00 2,688 488 0.182 Right 1.00 1,680 248 0.057 ICU: 0.809 Eastbound Through 2.00 3,360 569 0.169 Left 1.00 1,680 70 0.042 * LOS: D WEEKDAY AFTERNOON PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 1.00 1,680 99 0.018 N/S 1: 0.347 * Southbound Through 2.00 3,360 708 0.211 N/S 2: 0.287 Left 2.00 2,688 239 0.089 * E/W 1: 0.483 * Right 1.00 1,680 290 0.128 E/W 2: 0.305 Westbound Through 2.00 3,360 746 0.222 Left 1.00 1,680 204 0.121 * V/C Ratio: 0.830 Right 1.00 1,680 193 0.054 Loss Time: 0.100 Northbound Through 2.00 3,360 867 0.258 * ITS: 0.000 Left 2.00 2,688 203 0.076 Right 1.00 1,680 579 0.307 ICU: 0.930 Eastbound Through 2.00 3,360 1,217 0.362 * Left 1.00 1,680 139 0.083 LOS: E *   Critical Movement Gibson Transportation Consulting, Inc. J1699‐G‐ICU FP.xlsm Printed 3/4/2019 FUTURE WITH PROJECT CONDITIONS (YEAR 2020) J1699 ‐ ARCADIA COMMONS Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis 6. SANTA ANITA AVENUE & COLORADO BOULEVARD Through Lane Capacity: 1680 vph North/South Split Phase: N Left‐Turn Lane Capacity: 1680 vph East/West Split Phase: N Double‐Left Penalty: 20 % Loss Time % per Cycle: 10% Right‐Turn on Red: 50 % ITS Percentage: 0% Overlapping Right Turn: WEEKDAY MORNING PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 1.00 1,680 281 0.143 N/S 1: 0.280 Southbound Through 2.00 3,360 1,234 0.367 * N/S 2: 0.451 * Left 2.00 2,688 161 0.060 E/W 1: 0.220 * Right 0.50 0 153 0.000 E/W 2: 0.215 Westbound Through 1.50 3,360 404 0.166 Left 1.00 1,680 246 0.146 * V/C Ratio: 0.671 Right 0.50 0 120 0.000 Loss Time: 0.100 Northbound Through 2.50 5,040 990 0.220 ITS: 0.000 Left 1.00 1,680 141 0.084 * Right 0.50 0 91 0.000 ICU: 0.771 Eastbound Through 1.50 3,360 159 0.074 * Left 1.00 1,680 82 0.049 LOS: C WEEKDAY AFTERNOON PEAK HOUR Approach Movement Lanes Capacity Volume V/C ICU Analysis Right 1.00 1,680 108 0.028 N/S 1: 0.359 Southbound Through 2.00 3,360 1,172 0.349 * N/S 2: 0.412 * Left 2.00 2,688 198 0.074 E/W 1: 0.229 * Right 0.50 1,680 240 0.143 E/W 2: 0.216 Westbound Through 1.50 1,680 135 0.080 Left 1.00 1,680 89 0.053 * V/C Ratio: 0.641 Right 0.50 0 210 0.000 Loss Time: 0.100 Northbound Through 2.50 5,040 1,228 0.285 ITS: 0.000 Left 1.00 1,680 106 0.063 * Right 0.50 0 98 0.000 ICU: 0.741 Eastbound Through 1.50 3,360 493 0.176 * Left 1.00 1,680 123 0.073 LOS: C *   Critical Movement Gibson Transportation Consulting, Inc. J1699‐G‐ICU FP.xlsm HCM 2010 TWSC 2: Huntington Drive & Morlan Place 2/12/2019 2/12/2019 J1699 - Existing Conditions (2019) AM Synchro 8 Report Page 1 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 0.4 Movement EBL EBT WBT WBR SBL SBR Vol, veh/h 19 609 1810 8 4 15 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Yield Yield Free Free Stop Stop RT Channelized - None - None - None Storage Length 0 - - - 0 - Veh in Median Storage, # - 0 0 - 0 - Grade, % - 0 0 - 0 - Peak Hour Factor 92 92 92 92 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 21 662 1967 9 4 16 Major/Minor Major2 Minor2 Conflicting Flow All - 0 1972 987 Stage 1 - - 1972 - Stage 2 - - 0 - Critical Hdwy - - 6.84 6.94 Critical Hdwy Stg 1 - - 5.84 - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 - - - - Follow-up Hdwy - - 3.52 3.32 Pot Cap-1 Maneuver - - 54 246 Stage 1 - - 94 - Stage 2 - - - - Platoon blocked, % - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver - - 54 246 Mov Cap-2 Maneuver - - 54 - Stage 1 - - 94 - Stage 2 - - - - Approach WB SB HCM Control Delay, s 0 34.9 HCM LOS D Minor Lane/Major Mvmt WBT WBRSBLn1 Capacity (veh/h) - - 141 HCM Lane V/C Ratio - - 0.146 HCM Control Delay (s) - - 34.9 HCM Lane LOS - - D HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) - - 0.5 HCM 2010 TWSC 4: Santa Anita Avenue & Morlan Place/Wheeler Avenue 2/12/2019 2/12/2019 J1699 - Existing Conditions (2019) AM Synchro 8 Report Page 2 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 1.7 Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Vol, veh/h 8 4 11 11 1 42 27 816 29 45 657 31 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Free Free Free Free Free Free RT Channelized - - None - - None - - None - - None Storage Length - - - - - - 0 - - 0 - - Veh in Median Storage, # - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Grade, % - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Peak Hour Factor 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 9 4 12 12 1 46 29 887 32 49 714 34 Major/Minor Minor2 Minor1 Major1 Major2 Conflicting Flow All 1332 1806 374 1418 1807 459 748 0 0 918 0 0 Stage 1 829 829 - 961 961 - - - - - - - Stage 2 503 977 - 457 846 - - - - - - - Critical Hdwy 7.54 6.54 6.94 7.54 6.54 6.94 4.14 - - 4.14 - - Critical Hdwy Stg 1 6.54 5.54 - 6.54 5.54 - - - - - - - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 6.54 5.54 - 6.54 5.54 - - - - - - - Follow-up Hdwy 3.52 4.02 3.32 3.52 4.02 3.32 2.22 - - 2.22 - - Pot Cap-1 Maneuver 112 78 623 97 78 549 856 - - 739 - - Stage 1 331 383 - 275 333 - - - - - - - Stage 2 519 327 - 553 377 - - - - - - - Platoon blocked, % - - - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver 94 70 623 84 70 549 856 - - 739 - - Mov Cap-2 Maneuver 94 70 - 84 70 - - - - - - - Stage 1 320 358 - 266 322 - - - - - - - Stage 2 458 316 - 500 352 - - - - - - - Approach EB WB NB SB HCM Control Delay, s 35.2 24.4 0.3 0.6 HCM LOS E C Minor Lane/Major Mvmt NBL NBT NBREBLn1WBLn1 SBL SBT SBR Capacity (veh/h) 856 - - 144 244 739 - - HCM Lane V/C Ratio 0.034 - - 0.174 0.241 0.066 - - HCM Control Delay (s) 9.4 - - 35.2 24.4 10.2 - - HCM Lane LOS A - - E C B - - HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) 0.1 - - 0.6 0.9 0.2 - - HCM 2010 TWSC 2: Huntington Drive & Morlan Place 2/12/2019 5:00 pm 2/12/2019 J1699 - Existing Conditions (2019) PM Synchro 8 Report Page 1 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 0.8 Movement EBL EBT WBT WBR SBL SBR Vol, veh/h 12 1585 878 3 4 56 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Yield Yield Free Free Stop Stop RT Channelized - None - None - None Storage Length 0 - - - 0 - Veh in Median Storage, # - 0 0 - 0 - Grade, % - 0 0 - 0 - Peak Hour Factor 92 92 92 92 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 13 1723 954 3 4 61 Major/Minor Major2 Minor2 Conflicting Flow All - 0 956 478 Stage 1 - - 956 - Stage 2 - - 0 - Critical Hdwy - - 6.84 6.94 Critical Hdwy Stg 1 - - 5.84 - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 - - - - Follow-up Hdwy - - 3.52 3.32 Pot Cap-1 Maneuver - - 256 534 Stage 1 - - 334 - Stage 2 - - - - Platoon blocked, % - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver - - 256 534 Mov Cap-2 Maneuver - - 256 - Stage 1 - - 334 - Stage 2 - - - - Approach WB SB HCM Control Delay, s 0 13.3 HCM LOS B Minor Lane/Major Mvmt WBT WBRSBLn1 Capacity (veh/h) - - 498 HCM Lane V/C Ratio - - 0.131 HCM Control Delay (s) - - 13.3 HCM Lane LOS - - B HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) - - 0.4 HCM 2010 TWSC 4: Santa Anita Avenue & Morlan Place/Wheeler Avenue 2/12/2019 5:00 pm 2/12/2019 J1699 - Existing Conditions (2019) PM Synchro 8 Report Page 2 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 4.4 Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Vol, veh/h 11 5 37 25 10 77 23 706 46 45 781 29 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Free Free Free Free Free Free RT Channelized - - None - - None - - None - - None Storage Length - - - - - - 0 - - 0 - - Veh in Median Storage, # - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Grade, % - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Peak Hour Factor 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 12 5 40 27 11 84 25 767 50 49 849 32 Major/Minor Minor2 Minor1 Major1 Major2 Conflicting Flow All 1402 1830 440 1367 1820 409 880 0 0 817 0 0 Stage 1 963 963 - 842 842 - - - - - - - Stage 2 439 867 - 525 978 - - - - - - - Critical Hdwy 7.54 6.54 6.94 7.54 6.54 6.94 4.14 - - 4.14 - - Critical Hdwy Stg 1 6.54 5.54 - 6.54 5.54 - - - - - - - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 6.54 5.54 - 6.54 5.54 - - - - - - - Follow-up Hdwy 3.52 4.02 3.32 3.52 4.02 3.32 2.22 - - 2.22 - - Pot Cap-1 Maneuver 100 76 565 106 77 592 764 - - 807 - - Stage 1 274 332 - 325 378 - - - - - - - Stage 2 567 368 - 504 327 - - - - - - - Platoon blocked, % - - - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver 70 69 565 86 70 592 764 - - 807 - - Mov Cap-2 Maneuver 70 69 - 86 70 - - - - - - - Stage 1 265 312 - 314 366 - - - - - - - Stage 2 457 356 - 432 307 - - - - - - - Approach EB WB NB SB HCM Control Delay, s 34.1 48 0.3 0.5 HCM LOS D E Minor Lane/Major Mvmt NBL NBT NBREBLn1WBLn1 SBL SBT SBR Capacity (veh/h) 764 - - 180 199 807 - - HCM Lane V/C Ratio 0.033 - - 0.32 0.612 0.061 - - HCM Control Delay (s) 9.9 - - 34.1 48 9.7 - - HCM Lane LOS A - - D E A - - HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) 0.1 - - 1.3 3.5 0.2 - - HCM 2010 TWSC 2: Huntington Drive & Morlan Place 2/20/2019 5:00 pm 2/12/2019 J1699 - Existing With Project Conditions (2019) AM Synchro 8 Report Page 1 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 0.4 Movement EBL EBT WBT WBR SBL SBR Vol, veh/h 23 609 1810 8 4 18 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Yield Yield Free Free Stop Stop RT Channelized - None - None - None Storage Length 0 - - - 0 - Veh in Median Storage, # - 0 0 - 0 - Grade, % - 0 0 - 0 - Peak Hour Factor 92 92 92 92 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 25 662 1967 9 4 20 Major/Minor Major2 Minor2 Conflicting Flow All - 0 1972 987 Stage 1 - - 1972 - Stage 2 - - 0 - Critical Hdwy - - 6.84 6.94 Critical Hdwy Stg 1 - - 5.84 - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 - - - - Follow-up Hdwy - - 3.52 3.32 Pot Cap-1 Maneuver - - 54 246 Stage 1 - - 94 - Stage 2 - - - - Platoon blocked, % - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver - - 54 246 Mov Cap-2 Maneuver - - 54 - Stage 1 - - 94 - Stage 2 - - - - Approach WB SB HCM Control Delay, s 0 33.7 HCM LOS D Minor Lane/Major Mvmt WBT WBRSBLn1 Capacity (veh/h) - - 149 HCM Lane V/C Ratio - - 0.16 HCM Control Delay (s) - - 33.7 HCM Lane LOS - - D HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) - - 0.6 HCM 2010 TWSC 4: Santa Anita Avenue & Morlan Place/Wheeler Avenue 2/20/2019 5:00 pm 2/12/2019 J1699 - Existing With Project Conditions (2019) AM Synchro 8 Report Page 2 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 2.2 Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Vol, veh/h 16 4 23 11 1 42 40 816 29 45 657 40 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Free Free Free Free Free Free RT Channelized - - None - - None - - None - - None Storage Length - - - - - - 0 - - 0 - - Veh in Median Storage, # - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Grade, % - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Peak Hour Factor 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 17 4 25 12 1 46 43 887 32 49 714 43 Major/Minor Minor2 Minor1 Major1 Major2 Conflicting Flow All 1365 1839 379 1447 1845 459 758 0 0 918 0 0 Stage 1 834 834 - 990 990 - - - - - - - Stage 2 531 1005 - 457 855 - - - - - - - Critical Hdwy 7.54 6.54 6.94 7.54 6.54 6.94 4.14 - - 4.14 - - Critical Hdwy Stg 1 6.54 5.54 - 6.54 5.54 - - - - - - - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 6.54 5.54 - 6.54 5.54 - - - - - - - Follow-up Hdwy 3.52 4.02 3.32 3.52 4.02 3.32 2.22 - - 2.22 - - Pot Cap-1 Maneuver 106 75 619 92 74 549 849 - - 739 - - Stage 1 329 381 - 264 323 - - - - - - - Stage 2 500 317 - 553 373 - - - - - - - Platoon blocked, % - - - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver 88 66 619 77 66 549 849 - - 739 - - Mov Cap-2 Maneuver 88 66 - 77 66 - - - - - - - Stage 1 312 356 - 251 307 - - - - - - - Stage 2 434 301 - 489 348 - - - - - - - Approach EB WB NB SB HCM Control Delay, s 38.3 25.9 0.4 0.6 HCM LOS E D Minor Lane/Major Mvmt NBL NBT NBREBLn1WBLn1 SBL SBT SBR Capacity (veh/h) 849 - - 154 230 739 - - HCM Lane V/C Ratio 0.051 - - 0.304 0.255 0.066 - - HCM Control Delay (s) 9.5 - - 38.3 25.9 10.2 - - HCM Lane LOS A - - E D B - - HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) 0.2 - - 1.2 1 0.2 - - HCM 2010 TWSC 2: Huntington Drive & Morlan Place 2/20/2019 5:00 pm 2/12/2019 J1699 - Existing With Project Conditions (2019) PM Synchro 8 Report Page 1 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 0.9 Movement EBL EBT WBT WBR SBL SBR Vol, veh/h 18 1585 878 3 4 60 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Yield Yield Free Free Stop Stop RT Channelized - None - None - None Storage Length 0 - - - 0 - Veh in Median Storage, # - 0 0 - 0 - Grade, % - 0 0 - 0 - Peak Hour Factor 92 92 92 92 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 20 1723 954 3 4 65 Major/Minor Major2 Minor2 Conflicting Flow All - 0 956 478 Stage 1 - - 956 - Stage 2 - - 0 - Critical Hdwy - - 6.84 6.94 Critical Hdwy Stg 1 - - 5.84 - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 - - - - Follow-up Hdwy - - 3.52 3.32 Pot Cap-1 Maneuver - - 256 534 Stage 1 - - 334 - Stage 2 - - - - Platoon blocked, % - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver - - 256 534 Mov Cap-2 Maneuver - - 256 - Stage 1 - - 334 - Stage 2 - - - - Approach WB SB HCM Control Delay, s 0 13.4 HCM LOS B Minor Lane/Major Mvmt WBT WBRSBLn1 Capacity (veh/h) - - 500 HCM Lane V/C Ratio - - 0.139 HCM Control Delay (s) - - 13.4 HCM Lane LOS - - B HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) - - 0.5 HCM 2010 TWSC 4: Santa Anita Avenue & Morlan Place/Wheeler Avenue 2/20/2019 5:00 pm 2/12/2019 J1699 - Existing With Project Conditions (2019) PM Synchro 8 Report Page 2 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 6.1 Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Vol, veh/h 20 5 50 25 10 77 42 706 46 45 781 42 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Free Free Free Free Free Free RT Channelized - - None - - None - - None - - None Storage Length - - - - - - 0 - - 0 - - Veh in Median Storage, # - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Grade, % - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Peak Hour Factor 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 22 5 54 27 11 84 46 767 50 49 849 46 Major/Minor Minor2 Minor1 Major1 Major2 Conflicting Flow All 1450 1879 447 1409 1876 409 895 0 0 817 0 0 Stage 1 970 970 - 884 884 - - - - - - - Stage 2 480 909 - 525 992 - - - - - - - Critical Hdwy 7.54 6.54 6.94 7.54 6.54 6.94 4.14 - - 4.14 - - Critical Hdwy Stg 1 6.54 5.54 - 6.54 5.54 - - - - - - - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 6.54 5.54 - 6.54 5.54 - - - - - - - Follow-up Hdwy 3.52 4.02 3.32 3.52 4.02 3.32 2.22 - - 2.22 - - Pot Cap-1 Maneuver 92 71 559 99 71 592 754 - - 807 - - Stage 1 272 330 - 307 362 - - - - - - - Stage 2 536 352 - 504 322 - - - - - - - Platoon blocked, % - - - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver 63 63 559 76 63 592 754 - - 807 - - Mov Cap-2 Maneuver 63 63 - 76 63 - - - - - - - Stage 1 255 310 - 288 340 - - - - - - - Stage 2 418 331 - 420 302 - - - - - - - Approach EB WB NB SB HCM Control Delay, s 52 58.2 0.5 0.5 HCM LOS F F Minor Lane/Major Mvmt NBL NBT NBREBLn1WBLn1 SBL SBT SBR Capacity (veh/h) 754 - - 154 181 807 - - HCM Lane V/C Ratio 0.061 - - 0.529 0.673 0.061 - - HCM Control Delay (s) 10.1 - - 52 58.2 9.7 - - HCM Lane LOS B - - F F A - - HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) 0.2 - - 2.6 4 0.2 - - HCM 2010 TWSC 2: Huntington Drive & Morlan Place 2/12/2019 5:00 pm 2/12/2019 J1699 - Future Without Project Conditions (2020) AM Synchro 8 Report Page 1 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 0.4 Movement EBL EBT WBT WBR SBL SBR Vol, veh/h 19 730 1945 8 4 15 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Yield Yield Free Free Stop Stop RT Channelized - None - None - None Storage Length 0 - - - 0 - Veh in Median Storage, # - 0 0 - 0 - Grade, % - 0 0 - 0 - Peak Hour Factor 92 92 92 92 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 21 793 2114 9 4 16 Major/Minor Major2 Minor2 Conflicting Flow All - 0 2118 1060 Stage 1 - - 2118 - Stage 2 - - 0 - Critical Hdwy - - 6.84 6.94 Critical Hdwy Stg 1 - - 5.84 - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 - - - - Follow-up Hdwy - - 3.52 3.32 Pot Cap-1 Maneuver - - 43 220 Stage 1 - - 78 - Stage 2 - - - - Platoon blocked, % - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver - - 43 220 Mov Cap-2 Maneuver - - 43 - Stage 1 - - 78 - Stage 2 - - - - Approach WB SB HCM Control Delay, s 0 41.9 HCM LOS E Minor Lane/Major Mvmt WBT WBRSBLn1 Capacity (veh/h) - - 118 HCM Lane V/C Ratio - - 0.175 HCM Control Delay (s) - - 41.9 HCM Lane LOS - - E HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) - - 0.6 HCM 2010 TWSC 4: Santa Anita Avenue & Morlan Place/Wheeler Avenue 2/12/2019 5:00 pm 2/12/2019 J1699 - Future Without Project Conditions (2020) AM Synchro 8 Report Page 2 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 2.1 Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Vol, veh/h 8 4 11 11 1 43 28 892 30 46 923 32 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Free Free Free Free Free Free RT Channelized - - None - - None - - None - - None Storage Length - - - - - - 0 - - 0 - - Veh in Median Storage, # - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Grade, % - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Peak Hour Factor 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 9 4 12 12 1 47 30 970 33 50 1003 35 Major/Minor Minor2 Minor1 Major1 Major2 Conflicting Flow All 1667 2184 519 1651 2185 501 1038 0 0 1002 0 0 Stage 1 1121 1121 - 1047 1047 - - - - - - - Stage 2 546 1063 - 604 1138 - - - - - - - Critical Hdwy 7.54 6.54 6.94 7.54 6.54 6.94 4.14 - - 4.14 - - Critical Hdwy Stg 1 6.54 5.54 - 6.54 5.54 - - - - - - - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 6.54 5.54 - 6.54 5.54 - - - - - - - Follow-up Hdwy 3.52 4.02 3.32 3.52 4.02 3.32 2.22 - - 2.22 - - Pot Cap-1 Maneuver 63 45 502 65 45 515 665 - - 687 - - Stage 1 220 280 - 244 303 - - - - - - - Stage 2 490 298 - 452 275 - - - - - - - Platoon blocked, % - - - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver 51 40 502 53 40 515 665 - - 687 - - Mov Cap-2 Maneuver 51 40 - 53 40 - - - - - - - Stage 1 210 260 - 233 289 - - - - - - - Stage 2 424 285 - 402 255 - - - - - - - Approach EB WB NB SB HCM Control Delay, s 66.1 36.1 0.3 0.5 HCM LOS F E Minor Lane/Major Mvmt NBL NBT NBREBLn1WBLn1 SBL SBT SBR Capacity (veh/h) 665 - - 83 174 687 - - HCM Lane V/C Ratio 0.046 - - 0.301 0.344 0.073 - - HCM Control Delay (s) 10.7 - - 66.1 36.1 10.7 - - HCM Lane LOS B - - F E B - - HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) 0.1 - - 1.1 1.4 0.2 - - HCM 2010 TWSC 2: Huntington Drive & Morlan Place 2/12/2019 5:00 pm 2/12/2019 J1699 - Future Without Project Conditions (2020) PM Synchro 8 Report Page 1 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 0.8 Movement EBL EBT WBT WBR SBL SBR Vol, veh/h 12 1756 1069 3 4 57 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Yield Yield Free Free Stop Stop RT Channelized - None - None - None Storage Length 0 - - - 0 - Veh in Median Storage, # - 0 0 - 0 - Grade, % - 0 0 - 0 - Peak Hour Factor 92 92 92 92 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 13 1909 1162 3 4 62 Major/Minor Major2 Minor2 Conflicting Flow All - 0 1164 582 Stage 1 - - 1164 - Stage 2 - - 0 - Critical Hdwy - - 6.84 6.94 Critical Hdwy Stg 1 - - 5.84 - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 - - - - Follow-up Hdwy - - 3.52 3.32 Pot Cap-1 Maneuver - - 188 456 Stage 1 - - 259 - Stage 2 - - - - Platoon blocked, % - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver - - 188 456 Mov Cap-2 Maneuver - - 188 - Stage 1 - - 259 - Stage 2 - - - - Approach WB SB HCM Control Delay, s 0 15.3 HCM LOS C Minor Lane/Major Mvmt WBT WBRSBLn1 Capacity (veh/h) - - 417 HCM Lane V/C Ratio - - 0.159 HCM Control Delay (s) - - 15.3 HCM Lane LOS - - C HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) - - 0.6 HCM 2010 TWSC 4: Santa Anita Avenue & Morlan Place/Wheeler Avenue 2/12/2019 5:00 pm 2/12/2019 J1699 - Future Without Project Conditions (2020) PM Synchro 8 Report Page 2 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 15.6 Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Vol, veh/h 11 5 38 26 10 79 23 1002 47 46 937 30 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Free Free Free Free Free Free RT Channelized - - None - - None - - None - - None Storage Length - - - - - - 0 - - 0 - - Veh in Median Storage, # - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Grade, % - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Peak Hour Factor 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 12 5 41 28 11 86 25 1089 51 50 1018 33 Major/Minor Minor2 Minor1 Major1 Major2 Conflicting Flow All 1735 2325 526 1777 2316 570 1051 0 0 1140 0 0 Stage 1 1135 1135 - 1165 1165 - - - - - - - Stage 2 600 1190 - 612 1151 - - - - - - - Critical Hdwy 7.54 6.54 6.94 7.54 6.54 6.94 4.14 - - 4.14 - - Critical Hdwy Stg 1 6.54 5.54 - 6.54 5.54 - - - - - - - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 6.54 5.54 - 6.54 5.54 - - - - - - - Follow-up Hdwy 3.52 4.02 3.32 3.52 4.02 3.32 2.22 - - 2.22 - - Pot Cap-1 Maneuver 56 37 496 52 37 465 658 - - 609 - - Stage 1 215 275 - 206 267 - - - - - - - Stage 2 455 259 - 447 271 - - - - - - - Platoon blocked, % - - - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver 31 33 496 38 33 465 658 - - 609 - - Mov Cap-2 Maneuver 31 33 - 38 33 - - - - - - - Stage 1 207 252 - 198 257 - - - - - - - Stage 2 342 249 - 368 249 - - - - - - - Approach EB WB NB SB HCM Control Delay, s 94.4 255.9 0.2 0.5 HCM LOS F F Minor Lane/Major Mvmt NBL NBT NBREBLn1WBLn1 SBL SBT SBR Capacity (veh/h) 658 - - 93 99 609 - - HCM Lane V/C Ratio 0.038 - - 0.631 1.263 0.082 - - HCM Control Delay (s) 10.7 - - 94.4 255.9 11.4 - - HCM Lane LOS B - - F F B - - HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) 0.1 - - 3 8.7 0.3 - - HCM 2010 TWSC 2: Huntington Drive & Morlan Place 2/20/2019 5:00 pm 2/12/2019 J1699 - Future With Project Conditions (2020) AM Synchro 8 Report Page 1 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 0.4 Movement EBL EBT WBT WBR SBL SBR Vol, veh/h 23 730 1945 8 4 18 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Yield Yield Free Free Stop Stop RT Channelized - None - None - None Storage Length 0 - - - 0 - Veh in Median Storage, # - 0 0 - 0 - Grade, % - 0 0 - 0 - Peak Hour Factor 92 92 92 92 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 25 793 2114 9 4 20 Major/Minor Major2 Minor2 Conflicting Flow All - 0 2118 1060 Stage 1 - - 2118 - Stage 2 - - 0 - Critical Hdwy - - 6.84 6.94 Critical Hdwy Stg 1 - - 5.84 - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 - - - - Follow-up Hdwy - - 3.52 3.32 Pot Cap-1 Maneuver - - 43 220 Stage 1 - - 78 - Stage 2 - - - - Platoon blocked, % - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver - - 43 220 Mov Cap-2 Maneuver - - 43 - Stage 1 - - 78 - Stage 2 - - - - Approach WB SB HCM Control Delay, s 0 40.1 HCM LOS E Minor Lane/Major Mvmt WBT WBRSBLn1 Capacity (veh/h) - - 126 HCM Lane V/C Ratio - - 0.19 HCM Control Delay (s) - - 40.1 HCM Lane LOS - - E HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) - - 0.7 HCM 2010 TWSC 4: Santa Anita Avenue & Morlan Place/Wheeler Avenue 2/20/2019 5:00 pm 2/12/2019 J1699 - Future With Project Conditions (2020) AM Synchro 8 Report Page 2 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 3.3 Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Vol, veh/h 16 4 23 11 1 43 41 892 30 46 923 41 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Free Free Free Free Free Free RT Channelized - - None - - None - - None - - None Storage Length - - - - - - 0 - - 0 - - Veh in Median Storage, # - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Grade, % - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Peak Hour Factor 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 17 4 25 12 1 47 45 970 33 50 1003 45 Major/Minor Minor2 Minor1 Major1 Major2 Conflicting Flow All 1700 2217 524 1679 2223 501 1048 0 0 1002 0 0 Stage 1 1126 1126 - 1075 1075 - - - - - - - Stage 2 574 1091 - 604 1148 - - - - - - - Critical Hdwy 7.54 6.54 6.94 7.54 6.54 6.94 4.14 - - 4.14 - - Critical Hdwy Stg 1 6.54 5.54 - 6.54 5.54 - - - - - - - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 6.54 5.54 - 6.54 5.54 - - - - - - - Follow-up Hdwy 3.52 4.02 3.32 3.52 4.02 3.32 2.22 - - 2.22 - - Pot Cap-1 Maneuver 60 43 498 62 43 515 660 - - 687 - - Stage 1 218 278 - 234 294 - - - - - - - Stage 2 471 289 - 452 272 - - - - - - - Platoon blocked, % - - - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver 48 37 498 48 37 515 660 - - 687 - - Mov Cap-2 Maneuver 48 37 - 48 37 - - - - - - - Stage 1 203 258 - 218 274 - - - - - - - Stage 2 397 269 - 391 252 - - - - - - - Approach EB WB NB SB HCM Control Delay, s 85 39.7 0.5 0.5 HCM LOS F E Minor Lane/Major Mvmt NBL NBT NBREBLn1WBLn1 SBL SBT SBR Capacity (veh/h) 660 - - 88 162 687 - - HCM Lane V/C Ratio 0.068 - - 0.531 0.369 0.073 - - HCM Control Delay (s) 10.8 - - 85 39.7 10.7 - - HCM Lane LOS B - - F E B - - HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) 0.2 - - 2.3 1.6 0.2 - - HCM 2010 TWSC 2: Huntington Drive & Morlan Place 2/20/2019 5:00 pm 2/12/2019 J1699 - Future With Project Conditions (2020) PM Synchro 8 Report Page 1 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 0.9 Movement EBL EBT WBT WBR SBL SBR Vol, veh/h 18 1756 1069 3 4 61 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Yield Yield Free Free Stop Stop RT Channelized - None - None - None Storage Length 0 - - - 0 - Veh in Median Storage, # - 0 0 - 0 - Grade, % - 0 0 - 0 - Peak Hour Factor 92 92 92 92 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 20 1909 1162 3 4 66 Major/Minor Major2 Minor2 Conflicting Flow All - 0 1164 582 Stage 1 - - 1164 - Stage 2 - - 0 - Critical Hdwy - - 6.84 6.94 Critical Hdwy Stg 1 - - 5.84 - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 - - - - Follow-up Hdwy - - 3.52 3.32 Pot Cap-1 Maneuver - - 188 456 Stage 1 - - 259 - Stage 2 - - - - Platoon blocked, % - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver - - 188 456 Mov Cap-2 Maneuver - - 188 - Stage 1 - - 259 - Stage 2 - - - - Approach WB SB HCM Control Delay, s 0 15.3 HCM LOS C Minor Lane/Major Mvmt WBT WBRSBLn1 Capacity (veh/h) - - 419 HCM Lane V/C Ratio - - 0.169 HCM Control Delay (s) - - 15.3 HCM Lane LOS - - C HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) - - 0.6 HCM 2010 TWSC 4: Santa Anita Avenue & Morlan Place/Wheeler Avenue 2/20/2019 5:00 pm 2/12/2019 J1699 - Future With Project Conditions (2020) PM Synchro 8 Report Page 2 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 24.4 Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Vol, veh/h 20 5 51 26 10 79 42 1002 47 46 937 43 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sign Control Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Free Free Free Free Free Free RT Channelized - - None - - None - - None - - None Storage Length - - - - - - 0 - - 0 - - Veh in Median Storage, # - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Grade, % - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Peak Hour Factor 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mvmt Flow 22 5 55 28 11 86 46 1089 51 50 1018 47 Major/Minor Minor2 Minor1 Major1 Major2 Conflicting Flow All 1783 2374 533 1818 2371 570 1065 0 0 1140 0 0 Stage 1 1142 1142 - 1206 1206 - - - - - - - Stage 2 641 1232 - 612 1165 - - - - - - - Critical Hdwy 7.54 6.54 6.94 7.54 6.54 6.94 4.14 - - 4.14 - - Critical Hdwy Stg 1 6.54 5.54 - 6.54 5.54 - - - - - - - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 6.54 5.54 - 6.54 5.54 - - - - - - - Follow-up Hdwy 3.52 4.02 3.32 3.52 4.02 3.32 2.22 - - 2.22 - - Pot Cap-1 Maneuver 52 34 491 49 34 465 650 - - 609 - - Stage 1 213 273 - 195 255 - - - - - - - Stage 2 430 248 - 447 267 - - - - - - - Platoon blocked, % - - - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver 27 29 491 33 29 465 650 - - 609 - - Mov Cap-2 Maneuver 27 29 - 33 29 - - - - - - - Stage 1 198 251 - 181 237 - - - - - - - Stage 2 311 230 - 356 245 - - - - - - - Approach EB WB NB SB HCM Control Delay, s 231.8 $ 327.9 0.4 0.5 HCM LOS F F Minor Lane/Major Mvmt NBL NBT NBREBLn1WBLn1 SBL SBT SBR Capacity (veh/h) 650 - - 75 88 609 - - HCM Lane V/C Ratio 0.07 - - 1.101 1.42 0.082 - - HCM Control Delay (s) 11 - - 231.8$ 327.9 11.4 - - HCM Lane LOS B - - F F B - - HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) 0.2 - - 6.1 9.5 0.3 - - Notes ~: Volume exceeds capacity $: Delay exceeds 300s +: Computation Not Defined *: All major volume in platoon Appendix E Signal Warrant Worksheets Traffic Signal Warrant Input Sheet Fill in all shaded cells. Project Name: Bekins Food Hall Analysis Scenario: Existing Conditions (Year 2019) ‐ AM Peak Hour Intersection Number: 4 Major Street Name: Santa Anita Avenue Minor Street Name: Morlan Place Intersection Number & Name as Displayed 4.  SANTA ANITA AVENUE & MORLAN PLACE Major Street Lanes: 2 Minor Street Lanes: 1 [a]   Urban/Rural:  Urban 4th 8th Peak Highest Highest Traffic Volumes Hour Hour Hour Hourly Factor (% of Peak Hour): n/a 85% 60% Major Street (Approach 1): 872 741 523 Major Street (Approach 2): 733 623 440 [b]   Major Street Left‐Turns: 45 38 27 Minor Street (Higher Volume): 0 0 0 Major Street Pedestrian Crossing Volume:  Input Required  Value is automatically generated, but can be input manually if desired.  Default values. Can be altered if desired. [a]   Setting to "Rural" reduces minimum test volumes to 70% of "Urban" test volumes.  This may be used when  major street  speed exceeds 40 mph or in an isolated community of less than 10,000 residents. [b]   Major street left‐turn volume is added to minor street volume if a protected left‐turn signal phase is proposed. Source: Section 4C of CA MUTCD At an intersection with a high‐volume of left‐turn traffic from the major street, the signal warrant analysis may be performed  in a manner that considers the higher volume of the major‐street left‐turn volumes plus the higher volume minor street  approach as the "minor street" volume and both approaches of the major street minus the higher of the major‐street left‐ turn volume as "major street" volume. EXISTING CONDITIONS (YEAR 2019) ‐ AM PEAK HOUR Bekins Food Hall Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis Warrant 3, Peak Hour 4.  SANTA ANITA AVENUE & MORLAN PLACE Major Street Name:  Santa Anita Avenue Vehicles per Hour (Peak Hour) Minor Street Name:  Morlan Place Major Street (Approach 1): 872 Major Street (Approach 2): 733 Major Street Lanes:  2 [a]   Major Street Left‐Turns: 45 Minor Street Lanes:  1 Minor Street (Higher Volume): 0 [b]   Urban/Rural: Urban Vehicles per Hour (Peak Hour) Major Street (Approach 1): 872 Minimum Major Street Volume: 510 Major Street (Approach 2): 733 Satisfied? YES Total Major Street Volume: 1,605 Minimum Minor Street Volume: 124 Major Street Left Turns: 45 Satisfied? NO Minor Street (Higher Volume): 0 Total Minor Street Volume: 45 Warrant 3 Satisfied?NO [a] Major street left‐turn volume is added to minor street volume if a protected left‐turn signal phase is proposed. [b] Setting to "Rural" reduces minimum test volumes to approximately 70% of "Urban" test volumes.  This may be used  when major street speed exceeds 40 mph or in an isolated community of less than 10,000 residents. [c]From California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, 2014 Edition; Caltrans. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 Minor Street ‐ Higher‐Volume Approach ‐VPHMajor Street ‐ Total of Both Approaches ‐ Vehicles per Hour Figure 4C‐3.  Warrant 3, Peak Hour   [c] 2 or more lanes & 2 or more lanes 2 or more lanes & 1 lane 1 lane & 1 lane Traffic Signal Warrant Input Sheet Fill in all shaded cells. Project Name: Bekins Food Hall Analysis Scenario: Existing Conditions (Year 2019) ‐ PM Peak Hour Intersection Number: 4 Major Street Name: Santa Anita Avenue Minor Street Name: Morlan Place Intersection Number & Name as Displayed 4.  SANTA ANITA AVENUE & MORLAN PLACE Major Street Lanes: 2 Minor Street Lanes: 1 [a]   Urban/Rural:  Urban 4th 8th Peak Highest Highest Traffic Volumes Hour Hour Hour Hourly Factor (% of Peak Hour): n/a 85% 60% Major Street (Approach 1): 855 727 513 Major Street (Approach 2): 775 659 465 [b]   Major Street Left‐Turns: 45 38 27 Minor Street (Higher Volume): 0 0 0 Major Street Pedestrian Crossing Volume:  Input Required  Value is automatically generated, but can be input manually if desired.  Default values. Can be altered if desired. [a]   Setting to "Rural" reduces minimum test volumes to 70% of "Urban" test volumes.  This may be used when  major street  speed exceeds 40 mph or in an isolated community of less than 10,000 residents. [b]   Major street left‐turn volume is added to minor street volume if a protected left‐turn signal phase is proposed. Source: Section 4C of CA MUTCD At an intersection with a high‐volume of left‐turn traffic from the major street, the signal warrant analysis may be performed  in a manner that considers the higher volume of the major‐street left‐turn volumes plus the higher volume minor street  approach as the "minor street" volume and both approaches of the major street minus the higher of the major‐street left‐ turn volume as "major street" volume. EXISTING CONDITIONS (YEAR 2019) ‐ PM PEAK HOUR Bekins Food Hall Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis Warrant 3, Peak Hour 4.  SANTA ANITA AVENUE & MORLAN PLACE Major Street Name:  Santa Anita Avenue Vehicles per Hour (Peak Hour) Minor Street Name:  Morlan Place Major Street (Approach 1): 855 Major Street (Approach 2): 775 Major Street Lanes:  2 [a]   Major Street Left‐Turns: 45 Minor Street Lanes:  1 Minor Street (Higher Volume): 0 [b]   Urban/Rural: Urban Vehicles per Hour (Peak Hour) Major Street (Approach 1): 855 Minimum Major Street Volume: 510 Major Street (Approach 2): 775 Satisfied? YES Total Major Street Volume: 1,630 Minimum Minor Street Volume: 120 Major Street Left Turns: 45 Satisfied? NO Minor Street (Higher Volume): 0 Total Minor Street Volume: 45 Warrant 3 Satisfied?NO [a] Major street left‐turn volume is added to minor street volume if a protected left‐turn signal phase is proposed. [b] Setting to "Rural" reduces minimum test volumes to approximately 70% of "Urban" test volumes.  This may be used  when major street speed exceeds 40 mph or in an isolated community of less than 10,000 residents. [c]From California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, 2014 Edition; Caltrans. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 Minor Street ‐ Higher‐Volume Approach ‐VPHMajor Street ‐ Total of Both Approaches ‐ Vehicles per Hour Figure 4C‐3.  Warrant 3, Peak Hour   [c] 2 or more lanes & 2 or more lanes 2 or more lanes & 1 lane 1 lane & 1 lane Traffic Signal Warrant Input Sheet Fill in all shaded cells. Project Name: Bekins Food Hall Analysis Scenario: Existing With Project Conditions (Year 2019) ‐ AM Peak Hour Intersection Number: 4 Major Street Name: Santa Anita Avenue Minor Street Name: Morlan Place Intersection Number & Name as Displayed 4.  SANTA ANITA AVENUE & MORLAN PLACE Major Street Lanes: 2 Minor Street Lanes: 1 [a]   Urban/Rural:  Urban 4th 8th Peak Highest Highest Traffic Volumes Hour Hour Hour Hourly Factor (% of Peak Hour): n/a 85% 60% Major Street (Approach 1): 916 779 550 Major Street (Approach 2): 742 631 445 [b]   Major Street Left‐Turns: 71 60 43 Minor Street (Higher Volume): 0 0 0 Major Street Pedestrian Crossing Volume:  Input Required  Value is automatically generated, but can be input manually if desired.  Default values. Can be altered if desired. [a]   Setting to "Rural" reduces minimum test volumes to 70% of "Urban" test volumes.  This may be used when  major street  speed exceeds 40 mph or in an isolated community of less than 10,000 residents. [b]   Major street left‐turn volume is added to minor street volume if a protected left‐turn signal phase is proposed. Source: Section 4C of CA MUTCD At an intersection with a high‐volume of left‐turn traffic from the major street, the signal warrant analysis may be performed  in a manner that considers the higher volume of the major‐street left‐turn volumes plus the higher volume minor street  approach as the "minor street" volume and both approaches of the major street minus the higher of the major‐street left‐ turn volume as "major street" volume. EXISTING WITH PROJECT CONDITIONS (YEAR 2019) ‐ AM PEAK HOUR Bekins Food Hall Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis Warrant 3, Peak Hour 4.  SANTA ANITA AVENUE & MORLAN PLACE Major Street Name:  Santa Anita Avenue Vehicles per Hour (Peak Hour) Minor Street Name:  Morlan Place Major Street (Approach 1): 916 Major Street (Approach 2): 742 Major Street Lanes:  2 [a]   Major Street Left‐Turns: 71 Minor Street Lanes:  1 Minor Street (Higher Volume): 0 [b]   Urban/Rural: Urban Vehicles per Hour (Peak Hour) Major Street (Approach 1): 916 Minimum Major Street Volume: 510 Major Street (Approach 2): 742 Satisfied? YES Total Major Street Volume: 1,658 Minimum Minor Street Volume: 116 Major Street Left Turns: 71 Satisfied? NO Minor Street (Higher Volume): 0 Total Minor Street Volume: 71 Warrant 3 Satisfied?NO [a] Major street left‐turn volume is added to minor street volume if a protected left‐turn signal phase is proposed. [b] Setting to "Rural" reduces minimum test volumes to approximately 70% of "Urban" test volumes.  This may be used  when major street speed exceeds 40 mph or in an isolated community of less than 10,000 residents. [c]From California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, 2014 Edition; Caltrans. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 Minor Street ‐ Higher‐Volume Approach ‐VPHMajor Street ‐ Total of Both Approaches ‐ Vehicles per Hour Figure 4C‐3.  Warrant 3, Peak Hour   [c] 2 or more lanes & 2 or more lanes 2 or more lanes & 1 lane 1 lane & 1 lane Traffic Signal Warrant Input Sheet Fill in all shaded cells. Project Name: Bekins Food Hall Analysis Scenario: Existing Conditions (Year 2019) ‐ PM Peak Hour Intersection Number: 4 Major Street Name: Santa Anita Avenue Minor Street Name: Morlan Place Intersection Number & Name as Displayed 4.  SANTA ANITA AVENUE & MORLAN PLACE Major Street Lanes: 2 Minor Street Lanes: 1 [a]   Urban/Rural:  Urban 4th 8th Peak Highest Highest Traffic Volumes Hour Hour Hour Hourly Factor (% of Peak Hour): n/a 85% 60% Major Street (Approach 1): 868 738 521 Major Street (Approach 2): 815 693 489 [b]   Major Street Left‐Turns: 63 54 38 Minor Street (Higher Volume): 0 0 0 Major Street Pedestrian Crossing Volume:  Input Required  Value is automatically generated, but can be input manually if desired.  Default values. Can be altered if desired. [a]   Setting to "Rural" reduces minimum test volumes to 70% of "Urban" test volumes.  This may be used when  major street  speed exceeds 40 mph or in an isolated community of less than 10,000 residents. [b]   Major street left‐turn volume is added to minor street volume if a protected left‐turn signal phase is proposed. Source: Section 4C of CA MUTCD At an intersection with a high‐volume of left‐turn traffic from the major street, the signal warrant analysis may be performed  in a manner that considers the higher volume of the major‐street left‐turn volumes plus the higher volume minor street  approach as the "minor street" volume and both approaches of the major street minus the higher of the major‐street left‐ turn volume as "major street" volume. EXISTING CONDITIONS (YEAR 2019) ‐ PM PEAK HOUR Bekins Food Hall Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis Warrant 3, Peak Hour 4.  SANTA ANITA AVENUE & MORLAN PLACE Major Street Name:  Santa Anita Avenue Vehicles per Hour (Peak Hour) Minor Street Name:  Morlan Place Major Street (Approach 1): 868 Major Street (Approach 2): 815 Major Street Lanes:  2 [a]   Major Street Left‐Turns: 63 Minor Street Lanes:  1 Minor Street (Higher Volume): 0 [b]   Urban/Rural: Urban Vehicles per Hour (Peak Hour) Major Street (Approach 1): 868 Minimum Major Street Volume: 510 Major Street (Approach 2): 815 Satisfied? YES Total Major Street Volume: 1,683 Minimum Minor Street Volume: 112 Major Street Left Turns: 63 Satisfied? NO Minor Street (Higher Volume): 0 Total Minor Street Volume: 63 Warrant 3 Satisfied?NO [a] Major street left‐turn volume is added to minor street volume if a protected left‐turn signal phase is proposed. [b] Setting to "Rural" reduces minimum test volumes to approximately 70% of "Urban" test volumes.  This may be used  when major street speed exceeds 40 mph or in an isolated community of less than 10,000 residents. [c]From California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, 2014 Edition; Caltrans. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 Minor Street ‐ Higher‐Volume Approach ‐VPHMajor Street ‐ Total of Both Approaches ‐ Vehicles per Hour Figure 4C‐3.  Warrant 3, Peak Hour   [c] 2 or more lanes & 2 or more lanes 2 or more lanes & 1 lane 1 lane & 1 lane Traffic Signal Warrant Input Sheet Fill in all shaded cells. Project Name: Bekins Food Hall Analysis Scenario: Future without Project Conditions (Year 2020) ‐ AM Peak Hour Intersection Number: 4 Major Street Name: Santa Anita Avenue Minor Street Name: Morlan Place Intersection Number & Name as Displayed 4.  SANTA ANITA AVENUE & MORLAN PLACE Major Street Lanes: 2 Minor Street Lanes: 1 [a]   Urban/Rural:  Urban 4th 8th Peak Highest Highest Traffic Volumes Hour Hour Hour Hourly Factor (% of Peak Hour): n/a 85% 60% Major Street (Approach 1): 1,001 851 601 Major Street (Approach 2): 950 808 570 [b]   Major Street Left‐Turns: 46 39 28 Minor Street (Higher Volume): 0 0 0 Major Street Pedestrian Crossing Volume:  Input Required  Value is automatically generated, but can be input manually if desired.  Default values. Can be altered if desired. [a]   Setting to "Rural" reduces minimum test volumes to 70% of "Urban" test volumes.  This may be used when  major street  speed exceeds 40 mph or in an isolated community of less than 10,000 residents. [b]   Major street left‐turn volume is added to minor street volume if a protected left‐turn signal phase is proposed. Source: Section 4C of CA MUTCD At an intersection with a high‐volume of left‐turn traffic from the major street, the signal warrant analysis may be performed  in a manner that considers the higher volume of the major‐street left‐turn volumes plus the higher volume minor street  approach as the "minor street" volume and both approaches of the major street minus the higher of the major‐street left‐ turn volume as "major street" volume. FUTURE WITHOUT PROJECT CONDITIONS (YEAR 2020) ‐ AM PEAK HOUR Bekins Food Hall Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis Warrant 3, Peak Hour 4.  SANTA ANITA AVENUE & MORLAN PLACE Major Street Name:  Santa Anita Avenue Vehicles per Hour (Peak Hour) Minor Street Name:  Morlan Place Major Street (Approach 1): 1,001 Major Street (Approach 2): 950 Major Street Lanes:  2 [a]   Major Street Left‐Turns: 46 Minor Street Lanes:  1 Minor Street (Higher Volume): 0 [b]   Urban/Rural: Urban Vehicles per Hour (Peak Hour) Major Street (Approach 1): 1,001 Minimum Major Street Volume: 510 Major Street (Approach 2): 950 Satisfied? YES Total Major Street Volume: 1,951 Minimum Minor Street Volume: 100 Major Street Left Turns: 46 Satisfied? NO Minor Street (Higher Volume): 0 Total Minor Street Volume: 46 Warrant 3 Satisfied?NO [a] Major street left‐turn volume is added to minor street volume if a protected left‐turn signal phase is proposed. [b] Setting to "Rural" reduces minimum test volumes to approximately 70% of "Urban" test volumes.  This may be used  when major street speed exceeds 40 mph or in an isolated community of less than 10,000 residents. [c]From California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, 2014 Edition; Caltrans. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 Minor Street ‐ Higher‐Volume Approach ‐VPHMajor Street ‐ Total of Both Approaches ‐ Vehicles per Hour Figure 4C‐3.  Warrant 3, Peak Hour   [c] 2 or more lanes & 2 or more lanes 2 or more lanes & 1 lane 1 lane & 1 lane Traffic Signal Warrant Input Sheet Fill in all shaded cells. Project Name: Bekins Food Hall Analysis Scenario: Future without Project Conditions (Year 2020) ‐ PM Peak Hour Intersection Number: 4 Major Street Name: Santa Anita Avenue Minor Street Name: Morlan Place Intersection Number & Name as Displayed 4.  SANTA ANITA AVENUE & MORLAN PLACE Major Street Lanes: 2 Minor Street Lanes: 1 [a]   Urban/Rural:  Urban 4th 8th Peak Highest Highest Traffic Volumes Hour Hour Hour Hourly Factor (% of Peak Hour): n/a 85% 60% Major Street (Approach 1): 1,072 911 643 Major Street (Approach 2): 1,013 861 608 [b]   Major Street Left‐Turns: 46 39 28 Minor Street (Higher Volume): 0 0 0 Major Street Pedestrian Crossing Volume:  Input Required  Value is automatically generated, but can be input manually if desired.  Default values. Can be altered if desired. [a]   Setting to "Rural" reduces minimum test volumes to 70% of "Urban" test volumes.  This may be used when  major street  speed exceeds 40 mph or in an isolated community of less than 10,000 residents. [b]   Major street left‐turn volume is added to minor street volume if a protected left‐turn signal phase is proposed. Source: Section 4C of CA MUTCD At an intersection with a high‐volume of left‐turn traffic from the major street, the signal warrant analysis may be performed  in a manner that considers the higher volume of the major‐street left‐turn volumes plus the higher volume minor street  approach as the "minor street" volume and both approaches of the major street minus the higher of the major‐street left‐ turn volume as "major street" volume. FUTURE WITHOUT PROJECT CONDITIONS (YEAR 2020) ‐ PM PEAK HOUR Bekins Food Hall Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis Warrant 3, Peak Hour 4.  SANTA ANITA AVENUE & MORLAN PLACE Major Street Name:  Santa Anita Avenue Vehicles per Hour (Peak Hour) Minor Street Name:  Morlan Place Major Street (Approach 1): 1,072 Major Street (Approach 2): 1,013 Major Street Lanes:  2 [a]   Major Street Left‐Turns: 46 Minor Street Lanes:  1 Minor Street (Higher Volume): 0 [b]   Urban/Rural: Urban Vehicles per Hour (Peak Hour) Major Street (Approach 1): 1,072 Minimum Major Street Volume: 510 Major Street (Approach 2): 1,013 Satisfied? YES Total Major Street Volume: 2,085 Minimum Minor Street Volume: 100 Major Street Left Turns: 46 Satisfied? NO Minor Street (Higher Volume): 0 Total Minor Street Volume: 46 Warrant 3 Satisfied?NO [a] Major street left‐turn volume is added to minor street volume if a protected left‐turn signal phase is proposed. [b] Setting to "Rural" reduces minimum test volumes to approximately 70% of "Urban" test volumes.  This may be used  when major street speed exceeds 40 mph or in an isolated community of less than 10,000 residents. [c]From California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, 2014 Edition; Caltrans. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 Minor Street ‐ Higher‐Volume Approach ‐VPHMajor Street ‐ Total of Both Approaches ‐ Vehicles per Hour Figure 4C‐3.  Warrant 3, Peak Hour   [c] 2 or more lanes & 2 or more lanes 2 or more lanes & 1 lane 1 lane & 1 lane Traffic Signal Warrant Input Sheet Fill in all shaded cells. Project Name: Bekins Food Hall Analysis Scenario: Future With Project Conditions (Year 2020) ‐ AM Peak Hour Intersection Number: 4 Major Street Name: Santa Anita Avenue Minor Street Name: Morlan Place Intersection Number & Name as Displayed 4.  SANTA ANITA AVENUE & MORLAN PLACE Major Street Lanes: 2 Minor Street Lanes: 1 [a]   Urban/Rural:  Urban 4th 8th Peak Highest Highest Traffic Volumes Hour Hour Hour Hourly Factor (% of Peak Hour): n/a 85% 60% Major Street (Approach 1): 1,010 859 606 Major Street (Approach 2): 994 845 596 [b]   Major Street Left‐Turns: 72 61 43 Minor Street (Higher Volume): 0 0 0 Major Street Pedestrian Crossing Volume:  Input Required  Value is automatically generated, but can be input manually if desired.  Default values. Can be altered if desired. [a]   Setting to "Rural" reduces minimum test volumes to 70% of "Urban" test volumes.  This may be used when  major street  speed exceeds 40 mph or in an isolated community of less than 10,000 residents. [b]   Major street left‐turn volume is added to minor street volume if a protected left‐turn signal phase is proposed. Source: Section 4C of CA MUTCD At an intersection with a high‐volume of left‐turn traffic from the major street, the signal warrant analysis may be performed  in a manner that considers the higher volume of the major‐street left‐turn volumes plus the higher volume minor street  approach as the "minor street" volume and both approaches of the major street minus the higher of the major‐street left‐ turn volume as "major street" volume. FUTURE WITH PROJECT CONDITIONS (YEAR 2020) ‐ AM PEAK HOUR Bekins Food Hall Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis Warrant 3, Peak Hour 4.  SANTA ANITA AVENUE & MORLAN PLACE Major Street Name:  Santa Anita Avenue Vehicles per Hour (Peak Hour) Minor Street Name:  Morlan Place Major Street (Approach 1): 1,010 Major Street (Approach 2): 994 Major Street Lanes:  2 [a]   Major Street Left‐Turns: 72 Minor Street Lanes:  1 Minor Street (Higher Volume): 0 [b]   Urban/Rural: Urban Vehicles per Hour (Peak Hour) Major Street (Approach 1): 1,010 Minimum Major Street Volume: 510 Major Street (Approach 2): 994 Satisfied? YES Total Major Street Volume: 2,004 Minimum Minor Street Volume: 100 Major Street Left Turns: 72 Satisfied? NO Minor Street (Higher Volume): 0 Total Minor Street Volume: 72 Warrant 3 Satisfied?NO [a] Major street left‐turn volume is added to minor street volume if a protected left‐turn signal phase is proposed. [b] Setting to "Rural" reduces minimum test volumes to approximately 70% of "Urban" test volumes.  This may be used  when major street speed exceeds 40 mph or in an isolated community of less than 10,000 residents. [c]From California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, 2014 Edition; Caltrans. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 Minor Street ‐ Higher‐Volume Approach ‐VPHMajor Street ‐ Total of Both Approaches ‐ Vehicles per Hour Figure 4C‐3.  Warrant 3, Peak Hour   [c] 2 or more lanes & 2 or more lanes 2 or more lanes & 1 lane 1 lane & 1 lane Traffic Signal Warrant Input Sheet Fill in all shaded cells. Project Name: Bekins Food Hall Analysis Scenario: Future with Project Conditions (Year 2020) ‐ PM Peak Hour Intersection Number: 4 Major Street Name: Santa Anita Avenue Minor Street Name: Morlan Place Intersection Number & Name as Displayed 4.  SANTA ANITA AVENUE & MORLAN PLACE Major Street Lanes: 2 Minor Street Lanes: 1 [a]   Urban/Rural:  Urban 4th 8th Peak Highest Highest Traffic Volumes Hour Hour Hour Hourly Factor (% of Peak Hour): n/a 85% 60% Major Street (Approach 1): 1,113 946 668 Major Street (Approach 2): 1,026 872 616 [b]   Major Street Left‐Turns: 64 54 38 Minor Street (Higher Volume): 0 0 0 Major Street Pedestrian Crossing Volume:  Input Required  Value is automatically generated, but can be input manually if desired.  Default values. Can be altered if desired. [a]   Setting to "Rural" reduces minimum test volumes to 70% of "Urban" test volumes.  This may be used when  major street  speed exceeds 40 mph or in an isolated community of less than 10,000 residents. [b]   Major street left‐turn volume is added to minor street volume if a protected left‐turn signal phase is proposed. Source: Section 4C of CA MUTCD At an intersection with a high‐volume of left‐turn traffic from the major street, the signal warrant analysis may be performed  in a manner that considers the higher volume of the major‐street left‐turn volumes plus the higher volume minor street  approach as the "minor street" volume and both approaches of the major street minus the higher of the major‐street left‐ turn volume as "major street" volume. FUTURE WITH PROJECT CONDITIONS (YEAR 2020) ‐ PM PEAK HOUR Bekins Food Hall Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis Warrant 3, Peak Hour 4.  SANTA ANITA AVENUE & MORLAN PLACE Major Street Name:  Santa Anita Avenue Vehicles per Hour (Peak Hour) Minor Street Name:  Morlan Place Major Street (Approach 1): 1,113 Major Street (Approach 2): 1,026 Major Street Lanes:  2 [a]   Major Street Left‐Turns: 64 Minor Street Lanes:  1 Minor Street (Higher Volume): 0 [b]   Urban/Rural: Urban Vehicles per Hour (Peak Hour) Major Street (Approach 1): 1,113 Minimum Major Street Volume: 510 Major Street (Approach 2): 1,026 Satisfied? YES Total Major Street Volume: 2,139 Minimum Minor Street Volume: 100 Major Street Left Turns: 64 Satisfied? NO Minor Street (Higher Volume): 0 Total Minor Street Volume: 64 Warrant 3 Satisfied?NO [a] Major street left‐turn volume is added to minor street volume if a protected left‐turn signal phase is proposed. [b] Setting to "Rural" reduces minimum test volumes to approximately 70% of "Urban" test volumes.  This may be used  when major street speed exceeds 40 mph or in an isolated community of less than 10,000 residents. [c]From California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, 2014 Edition; Caltrans. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 Minor Street ‐ Higher‐Volume Approach ‐VPHMajor Street ‐ Total of Both Approaches ‐ Vehicles per Hour Figure 4C‐3.  Warrant 3, Peak Hour   [c] 2 or more lanes & 2 or more lanes 2 or more lanes & 1 lane 1 lane & 1 lane