HomeMy WebLinkAboutRP Minutes: 06/12/2019 RECREATION AND PARKS COMMISSION
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
CALL TO ORDER — Chairperson Swinney called the meeting to order at 6:00pm in the Recreation
Conference Room.
PRESENT: Raymond Cheung, Randy Fowler, Joe Shivan, Steve Swinney, and Lyn Tom
Vice-Chairperson Fowler reported he enjoyed the fly-over from the Memorial Day celebration at the
Arcadia County Park on May 25, 2019.
Commissioner Cheung reported he and his family enjoyed the Community Bike Ride on Saturday, May 4,
2019. Commissioner Cheung announced Arcadia American Little League's season is over and his son's
team unfortunaley didn't win any tournaments but they had a great time.
a. Approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of May 8, 2019
Chairperson Swinney made a correction to the Recreation and Parks Comission Minutes of
May 8, 2019 under Report of Commissioners to correct "Chairperson Swinney reported he
really enjoyed volunteering at the Eggstravaganza on Saturday, April 20, at the Arcadia County
Park.", to read "Commissioner Swinney reported he was sorry he missed the Eggstravaganza
on Saturday, April 20, at the Arcadia County Park."
It was moved by Vice-Chairperson Fowler, seconded by Commissioner Shivan and
unanimously carried on roll call vote to approve Report of Commissioners with the noted
correction under Consent Calendar Item 2.a.
AYES: Cheung, Fowler, Shivan, Swinney, and Tom
NOES: None
a. Report from Public Works Services Department
Deputy Public Works Services Director (DPWSD) Paul Cranmer reported the contract for the
Eisenhower Memorial Park Renovation Project was awarded to Byrom-Davey, Inc., at the May
21 City Council Meeting. Once all the paperwork is complete and the schedule in place, the
proper signage will be installed for the closure of the park during the renovation process. The
Design Build phase of the Eisenhower Memorial Park project begins in June with construction
following in July through January. DPWSD Cranmer reported the project should be complete
in time for the 2020 opening day ceremony for Arcadia Santa Anita Little League. DPWSD
Cranmer reported the playground equipment at Hugo Reid Primary School is in the process of
being replaced as part of the Joint Use Facilities Agreement with Arcadia Unified School
District. DPWSD Cranmer stated the landscaping project at the Community Center is almost
ready for the second phase after removing four trees in front. Commissioner Cheung inquired
how often City trees are trimmed. DPWSD Cranmer reported all City trees are trimmed yearly
and individual trees are trimmed every four years.
b. Report of Director of Recreation and Community Services
Director of Recreation and Community Services (DRCS) Sara Somogyi congratulated Toni McKiernan,
Senior Administrative Assistant, in celebrating her 32 years with the City of Arcadia on June 15, 2019.
DRCS Somogyi announced this is the last meeting for Commissioner Shivan. Commissioner Joe Shivan
has been on the Recreation and Parks Commission for 10 years. DRCS Somogyi remembers
Commissioner Shivan attending a City Council Meeting the night of the selection process and spoke to
the City Council encouraging his appointment. DRCS Somogyi thanked Commissioner Shivan for serving
as a Commissioner and stated it has been a pleasure working with him.
I. Department Monthly Report
DRCS Somogyi reported on the Senior Services Division: Over 200 seniors play bridge
every Wednesday in the Community Center. Coffee with the Mayor had 32 seniors in
attendance. Mayor April Verlato brings home baked goods to share with the seniors while
they listen and chat with her about City issues and topics of personal interest. Mayor Verlato
also visits the Community Center one Friday a month to play Mahjong with the seniors from
1-3pm at the Community Center. The pool room has three pool tables available Monday
through Friday from 7:30am-4:30pm and had 157 seniors playing. The Weekly Movie on
Wednesdays had over 405 seniors watching a variety of new and old movie releases. Yuan
Chi Dance is a drop-in exercise program held every Tuesday with 66 seniors attending. On
May 7, the Arcadia Rotary Club and the Arcadia Senior Citizens Commission honored Lee
Shimmin as the 2019 Senior of The Year with over 300 people in attendance. On May 10,
150 seniors enjoyed Mexican food, dessert, and danced to live music. On May 20, 87
seniors participated in the Bingo event.
DRCS Somogyi reported on the Recreation Services Division. The School Year
Playgrounds Program at all six AUSD Elementary Schools ended May 31, 2019. Summer
day, sports, and specialty camp registration has already begun with most day camps at
capacity. The first day of day and specialty camps was June 10, 2019. The San Gabriel
Valley Southern California Municipal Athletic Federation (SCMAF) Track Meet was held
Saturday, May 11 in San Dimas with over 100 City of Arcadia participants in attendance
who advanced from the City Wide Track Meets held in March. Classes held at the
Community Center had over 2,300 people participating. Wilderness Park is now operating
on the summer schedule and is open from 8:30am to 7pm during the week. Merit Badge
classes offered to Boy Scouts at Wilderness Park had 45 participants. Wilderness Park
weekend rentals had 400 attendees. For a while now Wilderness Park Staff has banned
camp fires in the fire pit at Wilderness Park because of the fire danger. Recently Public
Works graciously built a screened teepee to cover the fire pit so no embers will escape.
Community Center rentals for non-profit groups on weekends had over 1,600 attendees.
DRCS Somogyi announced the Concerts and Movies in the Park series begins June 20
with Stone Soul and Hotel Transylvania 3. There will be no concert or movie on July 4.
The Arcadia Downtown Business Association Patriotic Festival will be held on Saturday,
June 29 with fireworks.
II. Financial Statements
DRCS Somogyi referenced the April 2019 Financial Statement. Total expenditures through
April 2019 are $2,502,692 which is 74.5% of the budgeted amount for this fiscal year. The
total fiscal year revenue as of April 2019 is $1,171,104 which is 94.7% of the budgeted
amount. DRCS Somogyi referenced the April 2019 Park & Recreation Facilities Fund, with
an account balance of$11,592,446.
Commissioner Shivan inquired as to the results of the passing of Measure A in the recent election. DRCS
Somogyi reported since Measure A passed the City will be able to maintain all services identified as
important by the public such as 911 emergency response times, police and fire protection and street/road
repair. DRCS Somogyi stated there will be no changes to the Recreation and Community Services
DRCS Somogyi reported on the Homelessness Program. DRCS Somogyi stated Los Angeles County
approved a multijurisdictional grant for Arcadia and South Pasadena combining the homeless point in time
counts to qualify them. The grant includes a case manager, motel vouchers, and rapid re-housing. The
Case Manager will work 20 hours in Arcadia and 20 hours in South Pasadena providing homeless
resources to the community.
A motion was made by Commissioner Tom, seconded by Vice-Chairperson Fowler and unanimously
carried to cancel the Recreation and Parks Commission Meeting for July 10, 2019. Chairperson Swinney
adjourned the meeting at 6:35pm to August 14, 2019 in the Recreation Conference Room located at 375
Campus Drive, Arcadia.
By: NU&a
teve Sw ey Sara Somogyi
Chairperson Secretary