HomeMy WebLinkAboutSC Minutes: 10/03/2019SENIOR CITIZENS COMMISSION
Thursday, October 3, 2019
CALL TO ORDER — Chairperson Angie Slemaker called the meeting to order at 4:00pm in the
Arcadia Recreation Conference Room.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Commissioner Slemmon
PRESENT: William Gleason, Anthony Leung, Ralph Martinez, Marilyn Mazone,
Donna Salter, Angie Slemaker, and Edith Slemmon
ABSENT: Dorothy Wadley
A motion was made by Commissioner Salter seconded by Commissioner Martinez and
unanimously carried to excuse Commissioner Wadley.
Daisy Ramirez from California State University, Los Angeles attended the meeting for a Social
Work Class she is currently taking.
Commissioner Slemmon reported the silent auction dinner on Saturday, September 14, at the
Arcadia Community Center was held by the Friends of the Arcadia Museum. Commissioner
Slemmon reported the Bargain Box will begin their Annual Boutique Sale on Wednesday,
November 6 starting at 10am.
Vice -Chairperson Salter reported she stopped by Farmers Market at the Arcadia Public Library.
The Farmers Market will be open every Sunday from 9am to 2pm where people can purchase
fresh produce.
Commissioner Gleason reported the Men's Club is doing well with up to 30 members. Members
who attend enjoy playing Bridge, Pinnacle, Canasta, and other games. The Men's Club invites
both men and women to stop by and join in the fun. The Men's Club meets every Monday at
8am at the Assistance League.
Chairperson Slemaker reported the Golden Age Club had up to 30 people in attendance each
week in September. A Halloween Costume Contest will be held on October 31, where
participants will have a chance to win great prizes. The Club celebrates birthdays each month
following their meetings. The Golden Age Club meets every Thursday at 11 am at the
Assistance League.
Commissioner Mazone reported the Travelers Club had a guest speaker from Main Street Tours
at their general meeting on September 27. Commissioner Mazone reported there are three new
trips in January 2020 which include the Apollo 11 exhibit at the Nixon Library on January 12;
Fabulous Fountains on January 21, where participants will visit popular and historically
important fountains; and Remembering Redlands on January 30 where participants will visit
Redlands for a tour of the Kimberly Crest, a French Chateau home built in 1897. Commissioner
Leung reported the Health Fair held on September 20 was enjoyed by many people. There have
not been any complaints about the soup being too salty.
Commissioner Martinez reported he was very impressed with the Health Fair and thanked
Recreation Supervisor (RS) Gina Hernandez and staff for doing a great job. Commissioner
Martinez said he took the memory test and passed.
The Golden Age Club meets every Thursday at the Assistance League on Santa Anita Ave
Council Member Tom Beck reported burglaries are down and things are going good in the City
of Arcadia. The City Council approved for a food hall to open at 33 W. Huntington Drive in
Downtown Arcadia. It will include seven different vendors, parking spaces for customers and
assigned spaces for vendors. Council Member Beck said the Arcadia Library is now processing
United States Passports. Council Member Beck reported a public hearing will be held at the
next City Council Meeting about the Pasadena Showcase House of Design coming to the City of
Arcadia. Council Member Beck reported the old Vons headquarters in Arcadia will be turned into
a housing development. Council Member Beck attended Taste of Arcadia on September 23 held
at the Los Angeles County Arboretum. The Breeders Cup will be held on Friday, November 1
and Saturday, November 2 at Santa Anita Park. Council Member Beck reported Le Meridien
Hotel is moving along, the mixed -used project will also include a hotel condominium tower.
a. Regular meeting minutes of September 5 2019.
Recommended Action: Approve
It was moved by Commissioner Gleason, seconded by Vice -Chair Salter and carried on roll call
vote to approve consent calendar item 1.a.
AYES: Commissioners Gleason, Leung, Martinez, Mazone, Salter, Slemaker, and
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioner Wadley
a. Recreation Video
Assistant Recreation and Community Services Director (ARCSD) Candice Cheung shared and
reported that during the summer there are many events such as youth programs, day camp,
senior activities, concerts and movies in the park, and much more. Activity Leader, Jasmine
Diaz put together a department video for everyone to enjoy.
b. Report of Recreation Supervisor
Report on Activities held in September 2019
Recreation Supervisor Gina Hernandez reported on activities and events held in September:
Mahjong meets every Friday, there were 150 people who stopped by to play in the month of
September. Coffee with the Mayor was held on Wednesday, September 3 with 61 people in
attendance. On September 13 a seminar on Chinese Family Caregiver was held. The seminar
was presented in mandarin and covered information on long-term care planning, community
resources, and how to use Medi -Cal. On September 20, The Wellness Rocks Health Fair took
place at the Arcadia Community Center with 30 vendor booths and over 200 people in
attendance. The Older Adult Transportation Pop-up event was hosted by METRO on
September 10 with 120 people in attendance.
Report on Upcoming Activities for October 2019.
RS Hernandez reported on activities and events in October: Spooktacular Bunco will be held on
Friday, October 4. Senior Day Camp will be held on Friday, October 18 at Wilderness Park. Boo
Bash lunch and Halloween costume contest will take place on Thursday, October 31. RS
Hernandez invited all Senior Commissioners to the upcoming Veterans Day Luncheon on
November 7 at 11:30am.
c. Report of Recreation and Community Services Director
ARCSD Cheung reported the Recreation Department will hold the Halloween event in
Downtown Arcadia on Thursday, October 31, from 3pm to 6pm. Businesses in Downtown
Arcadia will have balloons outside their doors to indicate they have treats to hand out. The
Transit Plaza will have music, games, and a costume contest. ARCSD Cheung reported on
October 15, Sara Somogyi, Director of Recreation and Community Center Department will be
presenting the homeless staff report to City Council and will include the Statement of Work and
the Contract with Los Angeles County, the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), and the
Contract with Union Station Homeless Services.
Chairperson Slemaker adjourned the meeting at 5:04pm to November 7, 2019 at 4:OOpm in the
Arcadia Recreation Conference Room located at 375 Campus Drive, Arcadia.
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A96ie Slema er Gina Hernandez
Chairperson Secretary