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• ADDRESS Zo�`��)a� 1l). yt*m inaN a1 OWNER N. C Vann t- • STRUCTURE • M r� CONTRACTOR ` .� )ATE 4_ <}PERMIT I INSP TEE I--E_ D REMARKS PLAN • QS2¢ POWER POLE FORMS I p p 21 D4 ��/'/�v/�J/' L l,=.,6/ T7 RO. PLUMB. a a el 110 7- I� Ij•S/JY (�. e/ %5 n // , // IN BLDG. TO STREET SEWERek h �-7 I&1'S ////4 %" I Mj(//�' W.C.. FURNACE �y q I ,// I ROUGH VENT RO. WIRE � 1 a l� _JO g�.{/r CURB FRAME LATH ELEC. FIX. 47 2,a PLUMB FIX. .I ELECTRIC I GAS TION 2- 0V.�S a444.a/K. -CA "1 -WALLIES $ •_ LOT I BLOC• TRACT //03sJ OWNER � L CCCVVV��� 9LILDI J/�'I,� O V, 7/O2/N•'J� �,( .'�`Z d PLUMBING r {L7. �1 / /'yI of / ?� �VV7 HEATING f '//����1-� -C:„/���/f-J,r� I2(IU1 -a 1 III/��'�/� CESSPOOL / y�iC 1/ �1;JC! Ri//c o 470'1‘�///]� WIRING /VIII'/ /� 7/3JJJ/ ���+++ - - tQ'/�/10 {/� )v/ FIXTURES '�V /Iia7 do �/. .4, / • - I sv(iP6--z4 / oiark LO7 yy MI n _„ ON 2 a Z Com-.mph!% A R� L/ VALUE S • LOT / BLOCK TRACT /I a A OWNER / V • C 1 ,es9 NT B er60-2,eErr 7v yi,s re PLUMBING Z1EATING 91 Cl. -3 SEPTIC 'Ij s CESSPOOL WIRING FIXTURES i • IYA(// li et /R an'14G fi r/ C�- ELECTRIC _ AS PLAN No. ��r� 1 • Location ,2 02 jy Ca7,,w/erre) R / • Sewer Permit No. .2-6-.5-0-- — .2776.5-f(Co. No. Lot / Blk. Tract / C° B/0 3 kr � Legend ' Owner e er,s_ arc--j..o-fG,.L5aof. ., I Length Date Insp. ,G� Contractor , ,.t}_p IµPTiroeft—/-Mrl 'l-�+ � > ' #.2776.3 — etR "nyci�" e7,h-r� t yq pr.•c / �(II ea- . 8'X . Y , 's' 19V____.,-1(j- �� _z-- ���C% ,KCS,._ <R- 51P 'ipe 8 Joints i „VCG —e'C019f'171O Lozfse S war, , rover() o I /°d 11145) aPtifl d;lv 0 q .....t t' , _ _ , - 1 - - 1 ,v/Ma� Li I Fy „,s, J . 0 LOCATIC}PJ 2_ O -_--A £ E VALUES $ SZo 0 a LOT / BLOCK TRACT ( / //O 3i� OWNER /.LN'I /A D. .Q BUILDI 4 4( Ct'�'��� 7eg/CL.V S2 (O PLUMBING . ,CO.� . ry// o/.,IO 7399 HEATING �J� yti 9/2n .4 , �p7/�A6o eo 7 T� CESSPOOL _it /,l '4_ '1FL0./R.t.` p/I/4V 7406, • �- WIRING ,I. /,Y• ,( 7/7/510 G/ Zo9 FIXTIJR ES f 24;ALAZ1 //�O/s? tO 3ab ',!.-cg s".' A. JO. L1_S_'_I, Z�V`�19 1SdYb70'paJa ,• .. YS-.J)-1 E%Le ".3WnTre.)9"1..d.:. bs Fr: :Lai . a n JJ °J2 � r.ry) Ji8lzfz ( « P. aids 7e./sdi £8*8 .t's 15 Jot s41, t ett 11 q +41•1\01 `eLso1 (r'r►"'V) 7- 1() °ts°l (&) 'r fI4 S49 0 AlO w0J o)'h' 8L88 .5(.d6 yeicpe1esy1-b writ.4 • LION 2020"Cama -no �teo-I . VALUE 5b0. • Add Seryre. a 'Parch LOT I BLOCK TRACT / ppI 0 35 OWNER C1,aS ArZOVf491 I`1/ 444.,. 1�/ /(/L 92."[ BUILDING ..614.WI e.. Z/ZO// i 46 8483_ PLUMBING J.3/"--[IL.(./.4__ 6,4,-1, 6 ri10/ a7,0 4 1,6 s 3 9 / HEATING _ • 124 !/ SEPTIC CESSPOOL CI_ WIRING. v ✓lrf it/�/I(, 921G "3 /7 FIXTURES 05711.41/14 '7/L/U ELECTRIC GAS PLAN No. [UMBER STREET APPLICATION FOR A r"-- SWIMMING POOL PERMIT BUILDING R SAFETY DIVISION `yV" CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA01 �/ OWNER h._n �1 it) A--..ft,C��s' TEL NnO,00 ,A 0 MlykINGF/IcDDAE55 /7p_ M I�Io l -eM - z`1. 1/40 ENGINEER WI �V STATE LIC NO, Ln k3egN4-RD C apthit 5 ce-, ro Ic473 MAILING AppResa TEL.NO COy.TRACTORq STATE LK NO. l e.�-,if--ct Rto\ GS220177// 01 MAILING ADO S$ CITY LIC NO S7/0 /1) A-el1ua'S �40671° CITY NO .�1l r TEL/✓ jOD .a s 7 NOTE! PROVIDE PLOT PLAN ON BACK OF ORIGINAL POO( 512E ti ?5/ f7e P/0 et e re. u PRIVATE ....3 EST. CAPACITY , ' 600 GALS, 0 SEMUPUBL IC b TYPE FILTER V Q'RtL eta I BACKWASH TO CC���J'�v�7-s�4,�49 VALUAT/ON.(NOETE IN LLU HEATING, PLUMBING ..3'CC e) 'ALL PERMITS MUST BE PURCHASED BEFORE INSPECTION. TOT NO BLOCK NO. TRACT // PLUMBING FEES + POOL. 7GAS L' HEATER it$$.00. SYSTEM:@SI.75 s / PGOL 1 VVV PIPING' (a 5596 P,TRAP m$2 00 l PLUMBING PERMIT FEE .2.00 PLUMBING FEE S /31 S INFORMATION PROVIDED BY P.c• . BUILDING SECTION REOUIRED FRONT RIGHT SIDE PERMIT $ 72, ti. SET BACKS S.MiI'.P. $ ,5 LEFTSIDE REAR - ti TOTAL FEE $..29a O2 PIAN- I-6 CHECkEA1 r/•C O. r I have rood and examined the above opplication and know the same to be true- and correct. All provisions of.the Lows and Ordinances covering building con. struaionill be complied with whether specIFied herein or not. No.person shall be empl y{Lns let n of the Lo r Code of the State of Calif o me. I 5 1 ATURE OWNER 0 AUTHORIZED AGENT is CONSTRUCTION.PROHIBITED BETWEEN 7:00'P.M.Al' 0 A.M. AND ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS AS PER OKV. ti321. 0-i INSPEcTION:RE-CORD BASIC INSPECTIONS- ° SI I-i EXCAVATION - Age ;MAIN DRAIN REINFORCING; ROUGH PLUMBING. 2/ SWIMMING POOL FILL LINE. � F� Z�T'�!^7/ ROUGH GAS- f P )RAP ?C/40 -7—/A-2. I CCC 4 FENCE - GATES 8 SIGNS � / �sp�J� }, FINAL GAS �. 7--C✓y4�7( FINAL - P`26tl77 PARTIAL OR MISC. INSPECTIONS UNSUCCESSFUL TRIPS TO APPLICANT: DO NOT WROTE. ABOVE THIS LINE PLOT PLAN NOTE: LOCATE ALL STRUCTURES ON LOT MAKE BOTTOM OF PAGE THE STREET FRONTAGE 2 Z. ((97:4-oaf,to PEAU NUMBER STREET APPLICATION FOR AN ELECTRIC PERMIT BUILDING & SAFETY DIVISION ((gg// CITY(OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA _ 0 Oto- °- 1x) <0&t, s TEL. NO. 0 MAILING ADDRESS I 02 wd4 su i yv Re* 4 2 e CONI >)CTOR a / - STATE LIC. NO l7 MAILINGDR +' 5 rd, CSI y��,0TY C6Nf /0 cry,Lt/t/„nna III7/.. T'/41 /6st "'TNew Exist. No.:Seiv'. Reconnect Oi ❑ Bldg. ❑ Bldg.. ❑ Charge ❑ or Reseal OUTLETS..BASE PLUGS. SwiTCHES FIXTURES 0301 EACH / w MOTORS • 0 to 1' Hp. @ 1'.50 2, OVER 1 HP to'.3 HP @ 2.50 JG OVER 3 HP to 8 H @ 3.00 �J OVER 8 HP'to-15 HP @. 3.50 OVER 1.5 HP to.50 HP @ 10.90. 1. OVER.50 HP to 109 HP @ 25.00 OVER 100 HP to 500 HP @ .30.00 OVER 500 HP @ 3.50 HEATING CABLE UNIT DISPOSAL DISHWASHER 1.25 RANGE OVEN 'HEATERS @ 1.25 KIT FAN CLOTHES DRYER HAIR DRYER @ 1.50 FURNACE @: 1.50 RESIDENTIAL ENTRANCE SERV. 100 A MIN.. @ 3.00 COMMERCIAL ENTRANCE SERVICE @ 600. ADDITIONAL SERVICE METERS @ '2.00 TEMPORARY POWER POLE @ 3:00 TEMPORARY UNDERGROUND POWER POLE @ 5.00 TEMPORARY SALES LOT LIGHTING @ 10:00 220 V POWER'OUTLET @ 1.25 MISCELLANEOUS I have carefully read and examined the PERMIT FEE @ 3 00 aboveapplicationand know the same to be true and correct. All provisions ofthe Laws and Ordinances governing this SUPPLEMENTARY type of construction will be complied with PERMIT FEE q75 Nether mentioned herein 'ar not. Na person shall'be tremolo in violation of INVESTIGATION' the lobo C he •te of C [Hernia. FEE r/ TOTAL FEE 9 zo IG I RE UTHO•F ACTOR OR AUTHORI2 GENT CONSTRUCTION ROHIBITED BETWEEN 7:00 P.M. ANL _.__A.M. AND ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS AS PER ORD. # 1321. INSPECTION RECORD BASIC INSPECTIONS ITEM .INSPECTOR. .DATE GROUND WORK M ROUGH Ir-• FINISH- - - - _ - -- FIXTURES - - FINAL R[[fR5{ w ruoLTCS@RV rL •f! PARTIAL OR MISC. INSPECTIONS - UNSUCCESSFUL TRIPS - - RECORD INFORMATION 0. U.G, TEMP OK. TEMP. CONSTR NO'.OF METERS 'LITE WIRE PWR PHASE HEAT KWi RANGE 'OVEN. TABLE TOP W. HTR. DRYER OTHER.RES. APPLIANCES'OVER 2 KW TOTAL KW OR HP TOTAL HP. SI) ?4 I,; z e j W, r n; 0/1e //9v� !UMBER " STREET - APPLICATION FOR A SWIMMING POOL PERMIT BUILDING 8 SAFETY DIVISION CITY'OF ARCADIAA,,/CAALIFORNINNIA ',A/7- /J ��JJ 77c (-71 OWNER \ Koch S ,A/TEL -3�SL OWNER n op MAILING ADDRESS » / ��� / ui 2Ol?,t✓. �7m%n o e G�F q 7 lQ0 ENGINEER . STATE LIC NO. LA li MAILING ADDRESS TEL. NO. .1 CONTRACTOR STATE LIC NO.. DO Cirgn e y- MAILING ADDRESS CITY LW. NO EN Vr. CITY TEL.NO.. NOTEI PROVIDE.PLOT PLAN ON BACK OF ORIGINAL POOL SIZE - PRIVATE ESI,. CAPACITY ' GAL$ SEMI-PUBLIC TYPE FILIER'. - BACKWASH.TO 10. '/ALUATIOJLOTCRIINCUpEEABNG, MATERIAL0 1 AO.PERMITS MUST BE PURCHAi$ED BEFORE INSPECTION.. LOT NO. BLOCK NO_ TRAIT L.' PLUMBING FEES 1 POOL GAS NEATER i1 $5:'C0 / SYSTEMPP$IJ5 (O/-7( Y POOL PIPING, g-45_00 PoTRAP r3 S2 Q0 PLUMBING PERMIT FEE 2,00' PLUMBING FEE $ W ,INFORMATION PROVIDED'BY $ — Ns •• BUIFDJNG SECTION Is REQUIRED FRONT RIGHT $IDE I PERMIT \\ SET BACKS S.M.IP. 5 .► i. LEFT SIDE REAR TOTAL FEE ' $ a ty • 7e PLAN NO. CHECKERS APPROVAL I.have read and examined the above application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of the lawn and Ordinances covering building con- struction will becomplied with whether specified herein or notv No person X all be oyed in violation of eho char Code of the Stole f California. cipilt $GNf ATURE OF OWNER OR AUTHORIZED AGENT CONSTRUCTION PROHIBITED BETWEEN 7:00 P.M.At, )A M. I AND ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS AS PER CI—: -.321. - �I INSPECTIONRECORD -`., BASIC INSPECTIONS. ' - EXCAVATION. _ MAIN DRAIN - - ' REINFORCING - _- ROUGH PLUMBING - - - - - SWIMMING POOL FILL UNE _ - ROUGH GAS P-TRAP - - FENCE GATES 8 SIGNS FINAL GAS ‘,..73/-7‘P J • FINAL ___ Y47� RTIAI OR MISC. INSPECTIONS UNSUCCESSFUL TRIPS TO. APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS LINE PLOT PLAN NOTE.LOCA E ALL STRUCTURE ON LOT MAKE BOTTOM OF PAGE THE STREET FRONTAGE. •n •n•snn•:::in•nn•sn� �. .::IIIIIM :•EIMIM::::: IIIIMEMIIMIIIIMMIMIIMMIMINIMIIIIMINIMME •nnu::::::::::::iu•u•::::n ::�1111:::::11::::::::C::=::::::: •®®:■::::::::::::::::::n:•: C:C::::=un•s•nn••: NUMBER STREET APPLICATION FOR AN ELECTRIC PERMIT BUILDING 8 SAFETY DIVISION CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA C7e, Vi V KO ee T NO� '5 �co? MAIL!NG 7SjVe;i9 COQ / ST E LIC iVSAI ',CC/4-TM C #vc STAtoi TE MAl1,INCC,ADAR#5 , WsCpe.. TY LIG NO: CITY /`ber TdI T /1 �Tyl_ New. list: No. 'Sere. Reconnect (,n Bldg. Bldg. Charge or Reseal r OUTLETS, BASE PLUGS:SWITCHES. FIXTURES.@3°c EACH MOTORS 0 to 1 Hp @ 1.50 _ OVER 1 HP to 3 HP @ 2.50 OVER 3 HP to 5.HP @ 3.00 OVER 8,HP to 15 HP @ .3.50 • OVER 15 HP to 50 HP @ 10.00 OVER 50 HP to 100 HP @. 25.00. i - T OVER 100 HP to 500 HP @ 30.00 OVER 500 HP Q. 3.50 HEATING CABLE UNIT DISPOSAL DISHWASHER 1.25 RANGE OVEN HEATERS @ 1.25 KIT. FAN CLOTHES DRYER HAIR DRYER. @ 1.50 FURNACE @I 1.50 / RESIDENTIAL ENTRANCE SERV. 100 A MIN. @ 3.00 3, 00 COMMERCIAL.ENTRANCE.SERVICE @ 6.00 ADDITIONAL SERVICE METERS @ 2.00. TEMPORARY POWER POLE @ 3.00 TEMPORARY UNDERGROUND POWER POLE @ 5.00 TEMPORARY'SA1 ES LOT LIGHTING @ 10.00 220 V POWER OUTLET @ 1.25 MISCELLANEOUS I havo carefully read and examined the PERMIT FEE @ 3 00 above application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of - - the Laws and Ordinances governing this SUPPLEMENTARY type f construction will beiampliad with PERMIT FEE.I.]5 whether mentioned heroin or not No Person shall beted in vi lotion of INVESTIGATION the Labor Code off the he State f Islamic. FEE 4444 TOTAL FEE + Q17 "'GNATURE OF CONTRACTOR OR. AUTHORIZED AGENT CONSTRUCTION PROHIBITED BETWEEN 7:00 P.M.AND /:vu A.M. AND ON.SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS AS PER ORD. a 1321. INSPECTION RECORD BASIC-INSPECTIONS ITEM INSPECTOR DATE a GROUND WORK -ROUGH FINISH FIXTURES .41111=1. FINAL RELEASE TO PUBLIC,SERV PARTIAL OR MISC. INSPECTIONS UNSUCCESSFUL TRIPS RECORD INFORMATION 0: U G TEMP'. OK. TEMP CONSTR. NO OF METERS LATE WIRE PWR PHASE HEAT - KW RANGE OVEN TABLE TOP W HTR'. - DRYER OTHER RES. APPLIANCES OVER 2 KW TOTAL KW OR HP. TOTAL HP SCp —3CP .,I JOB DNtSS / .I U " �ot� U 72dlL/Ir0 � ?. NUMBER STREET . „ .'.> APPLICATION FOR A ‹E ,1. Q BUILDING PERMIT :`. BUILDING & SAFETY DIVISION •r CITY 0”CADIA, CALIFORNIA OWNER IJ TEL.NO. MAILING DDR 5 i j.i 4;51 klidt, L� t W ARCH. TEL.NO. Q ENGR. /CONTRACTOR y\E"\E",. v / / ; (JO � STATE / D 0) MAILING ADDRESSQ a < ) CI�1.1C23 ttn CTY ( 6. a < TEL.NO. o 4ilnif/ n DESCRIPTI N OF WORK 1I" NEW ❑ ADD'N 0 ALTER 0 REPAIR 0 DEMOLISH 0 lV FLOOR AREA NO.OF NO.OF DWELLING (50.FT.) STORIES UNITS et PRESENT BLDG.USE PROPOSED BLDG.USE -O DESCRIBE WORK / TO BE DONE �// CiC � I a ji I T NOTE: PROVIDE PLOT PLAN ONil OIACK SIDE OF ORIGINAL COPY ONLY N 1 EXTERIOR WALL MATERIAL ROOFFRAMING MATERIAL Q Q PARTITIONING MATERIAL ROOF COVERING L L 5. x irce-a ;G LOT LOT NO;OF EXISTING y WIDTH DEPTH_ BLDGS.ON LOT NOTE: Include labor, Maly (g/E, VALUATION Wiring, FI b., Heat, FII. 4ii V 5P LOT BLOCK NO. NO. TRACT INFORMATION PROVIDED BY BLDG. SECTION USE FIRE': OCCU. SEC. to— ZONE ZONE FANCY SH. REO'D FRONT RIGHT SIDE LEFT SIDE REAR 0 SET BACKS s TYPE OF SPECIAL CONSTR._CASE NO. GRADE Z 0 Approval&Information by Others la CITY ENGINEER EASEMENT DIST.FACE OF SEWER DRIVE CURB TO P. L.. FT. AVAILABLE OVER PUBLIC SERVICE PLANNING PLAN CX.FEI WATER ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE PLAN NO. CHECKER'S APPROVAL /SOO I have carefully read and examined the above application and find the TOTAL FEE same to be true and tort et.All provisions of the Laws,and Ordinances governing building pt tion will be comp pith whether specs- /I CIO fled herein or not. L perso I bee red'if-violation of the Labor • VV Code o the St life a. a roe of t crony or allow occupancy of an b ld' g t rise per t tel final build np,psneetipn has h n receive] r- -2 ,67 SIGNATURE O OWNER OR AUTHORIZED AG l . CONSTRUCTION PROHIBITED BETWEEN 7:00 P.M. AND ..w A.M. INSPECTION RECORD BASIC. INSPECTIONS le 1 INSPE&TtlR DATE. TRENCHES: velour DEPTH lit. FLOOR JOIST SEAMING _...........� LATH --H ?_at/-4F PARTIAL OR MISC. INSP IONS • -UNSUCCESSFULTRIPS' _ ' {Q Ed1 x *1SP. GATE' !TEMErns..DTE ;;SET SACKS " :FRONT R SIDE L SIDE REAR INSP: 'RATE I.F{ELDCNEOE _. `50APPLICANT1 PLEASE DO NOT WRITE ABOVE TH15.UU$EH q i R x - F -4 CO stru^Lion Lead • • A,dlw JVD /1LIVRC]] /� 70 rye/ (bin-0 /Vet/ NUMBER STREET APPLICATION FOR A BUILDING PERMIT -BUILDING & SAFETY DIVISION CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA o OWI $/ A ✓olc6S !9-'x°93//0 (A MAILING AJD/AD E5 ARCH: TEL.NO: ENGR. 07 CONTRACTj �.c - - STATE.LIC.NO. - 01 MAILING ADDRESS CITY LIG.NO. CITY TEL.NO. DESCRIPTION OF WORK Cr‘ NEW ❑ ADD'N 0 ALTERX REPAIR 0 DEMOLISH 0 N FLOOR AREA NO.OF NO.OF DWELLING W (SO.FT.) STORIES UNITS PRESENT BLDG.USE PROPOSED BLDG.USE DESCRIBE WOR/K� TO BE DONE Y?{ir.�T �y • . Alehef. - Ul i O NOTE PROVIDE PLOT PLAN ON BACK SIDE OF ORIG Al COPY ONLY o EXTERIOR WALL MATERIAL ROOF FRAMING MATERIAL R PARTITIONING MATERIAL ROO -OVERING M- -L 1 LOT LOT NO.OF EXISTING WIDTH DEPTH BLDGS.ON LOT NOTE: Include Labor, Mot., G VALUATION Wiring, Plumb., Heat, Etc. $ *SO INFORMATION PROVIDED BY BLDG. SECTION LOT / BLOCK / � '� NO. NO. _ TRACT / 3_S USE ` FIRE OCCU-� 'SEC. 3 an ZONE� 2--f ZONE PANCY SH. In REO'D FRONT RIGHT SIDE LEFT SIDE REAR SET O BACKS u TYPE OF SPECIAL '/ ce CONSTR. .� CASE NO./1v 6 GRADE Z 0 Approval&Information by Others CITY ENGINEER EASEMENT DIST.FACE OF SEWER DRIVE CURB TO P. L. FT. AVAILABLE OVER PUBLIC SERVICE • PLANNING PLAN CK..FEI WATER ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE PLANNO. CHECKER'S APPR / V_/ I have carefully read and examined tho above application and find the T TALFEE same to be true.and-correct.Al!provisions of the Laws and Ordinances OO governing building construction will be complied with whether sped- 2-:C , . tied herein or nob No person shall be employed in violation of the Labor Code of the State of California.I agree not to occupy or allow occupancy of a building-authorized by thi emit until final building inspection has been.receive: - tin_ / ✓ SIGNATURE OF OW R R AUTHORIZED AGENT PERM_ FORM B-51 (REV.]-61)21/eM Oe: , INSPECTION RECORD BASIC INSPECTIONS ITEM INSPECTOR DATE TRENCHES: WIDTH DEPTH � 1st. FLOOR JOIST - - /," FRAMING - - /%Y ���iL LATHe �� ai, FINAL - -- - r A �a 44 14 PARTIAL OR MISC. INSPECTIONS 44.610///��2 /.4 7a 74 c) c9St /eoonj v 4/ / Te _2.4 UNSUCCESSFUL TRIPS ITEM - INSP. DATE ITEM INSP. DATE SET BACKS FRONT R. SIDE L. SIDE REAR INSP. DATE FIELD CHECK TO APPLICANT: PLEASE DO NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS LINE PLOT 40 2.6 2 )tk Ov tri i a NUMBER STREET _ APPLICATION FOR A —STREET CUT ANDRSIDEWALK BUILDING 8 SAFETY DIVISION O CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA ($1 OWNER T!= TEL.NO. eS CY\. MAILING AESS !� 0 61D 1 �fyiMe(rad CONTRACTOR STATE LIC.NO. ' 4 DR '>l .S j MAILING'ADDRESS� �^/��� CITY LIC.NO 3 PI \ Cb CITY k / GI.O ve4 4513 V-7 Q\ PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO MAKE SEWER CONNECTION tV En AT LOT - - BLOCK TRACT Y LOCATION LATERAL SADDLE SEWER PLAN NO. CTIONtaiga En AT 196 S Q TOTAL . Q BY - - BY ALL CONNECTIONS MUST BE INSPECTED BEFORE BEING BACKFILLED. 24 HOURS NOTICE REQUIRED. CURB AND SIDEWALK CURB BREAK FE0 .! DRIVEWAY APPROACH S a. v CURB BREAK & DRIVEWAY APPROACH SIDEWALK FEET REPLACE CURB CURB & GUTTER - -FEET ET 3CURB, 6 2-IDA FE /G' LL//AA STREET SUPERINTENDED ALL WORK DONE UNDER THIS PERMIT MUS HAVE INSPECTION BY THE STREET SUPERINTENDENT STREET CUT AMOUNT OF DEPOSE AT 75c PER SQ. FT. ESTIMATED SIZE OF PATCH AMOUNT CHARGED AT 75c PER SQ. FT. • ACTUAL SIZE OF PATCH AMOUNT REFUNDEC RECEIVED FROM CITY OF ARCADIA, STREET DEPT. TOTAL FEE 196_b STREET SUPT. SIGNED BY / ADDRESS TELEPHONE BY X ` ,Lct "^NATUR F ONTR OR OR AUTHORIZED AGENT F! 54 (REV.7-61) 21/2 o. • PERf1 ENT INSPECTION RECORD F" -rIAL OR MISC. INSPECTIONS ?n UNSUCCESSFUL TRIPS JUL/ HULJKC.D.3 n2 7-ti /�pLn n TTX -.4) . NUMBER S REET APPLICATION FOR AN O ELECTRIC PERMIT (J,I BUILDING.8 SAFETY DIVISION CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA OWNER TEL. O. Crl �� %SS, C1 C - e 19311 I.3 M (LING DRESS /2 oz VI,['/1Ua f1akL $ CONTR R STATE LIC.NO. COK1-' l9SZDQ--Cl CO MAILING ADDRESS / J CITY LIC.NO. !T 'CITY `' ) .///... .. TEL NO. N /i i"L_ •ESC'RIPTION'a -WORK USE 0 New I� sf. Ne rge ',-{Reconnect ZONE Bldg. IE ;sg ❑Charge a or Reseal FEE COMPUTATION I FEES NOTE: TOTALS SHOWN BELOW MUST BE SUBMITTED IN DIAGRAM ' 1-1 ON SEPARATE WORK.SHEET,PROVIDED FOR THIS PURPOSE. N 6 b/ OUTLETS,BASE PLUGS,SWITCHES;FIXTURES @ 10¢EACH 6 op LESS THAN 18 APART @ 5¢EACH O FIXTURE PERMIT FEE @$1.00 `' ale to MOTORS 1 DUAN. RATE O to 1/2 HP @ .25 EA. OVER 1/2 to.2 HP - OVER.2 HP toy HP ' @ $1.00 " •OVER HP to 15 HP @ $1.50 " OVER 15 HP to 50 HP @ $2.50 " OVER 50 HP to 200 HP @ $5.00 " EACH MOTORMORETHAN 200 HP $10.00 TOTAL AIR COND.H.P. I I s { J RANGE,OVEN,CLOTHES DRYER @ 50¢EACH ` / RESIDENTIAL ENTRANCE SERV-100A MIN. / r p2'i 0 .2 HEATING ELEMENTS @ 50¢EACH HEATER LI YL .0 i:OC 2..ux4enmER Wa fePr .I I Elea- i--- /be WELDERS(TRANSFORMER TYPE] KVA.@:50c PER KVA FEE GREATER THAN _WELDERS (MOTOR GENERATOR) HP(75%AYR.ALONE I _CONSTRUCTION OR TEMPORARY LIGHTING @ $2.00 MISCELLANEOUS POWER POLE $1.00 I have carefully read and examined the above FEE PERMIT apolieation and know the same to be true and @ 1 00 correct. All provisions of the Laws and 0rill. names governingthis type of construction.will SUPPLEMENTARY be complied with whether mentioned herein or PERMIT FEE @ .S0' not. No person shall be employed In violation of the Labor Code of the State of California, INVESTIGATION FEE las, „LcTOTAL FEE /�_02 e'r,NATURE OF CONTRACT R OR AUTHORIZED' GENT PERMA.,. VT FORM B-50(REV.7-611 21/2M pre INSPECTION RECORD - C BASIC INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE ' GROUND WORK - }/ Afty-s._-- FINISH ROUGH ����✓/J'_�,1K/ FIXTURES _ L� yr-4.2. FINAL RELEASE TO PUBLIC SERV PARTIAL 4OORR MISC.� INSPECTIONS I/'/G.%�'� . Ili/ /�l� I/,1.1''_ jg. _si /<_-_-_,�cir- 4,' an inlinga- UNSUCCESSFUL TRIPS 97,0 r„,, RECORD INFORMATION TEMP.OK. TEMP.CONSTR. NO.OF METERS LITE WIRE PWR PHASE. HEAT - - KW RANGE OVEN TABLETOP W.HTR. DRYER OTHER RES. APPLIANCES OVER 2 KW. TOTAL KW OR HP. TOTAL HP. . SCP 3cl) G�`v� Q GGF�E� R & $ i .)UD HUUKCJD 202,W, Chill Mo -,Cg4L- NUMBER STREET APPLICATION FOR A BUILDING PERMIT BUILDING & SAFETY DIVISION CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA O OWNER ws SSr JO,v&s- T kia6 y31c W MAILING ADDRESS 9-DI We O/ M/6OLEnt ARCH. • TEL.NO. ...„4 ENGR. CONTRACTOR - STATE LIC:NO. o? 0CU•h r MAILING ADDRESS CITY-LIC.NO. 33 CITY TEL.NO. 4.• DESCRIPTION OF WORK CYN N NEW ❑ ADD'N ALTER 0 REPAIR ❑ DEMOLISH 0 FLOORAREA- NO.OF NO.OF DWELLING - (SQ.FT.) _ STORIES / UNITS PRESENT BLDG.USE. ' - PROPOSED BLDG.USE C4EPn?T ME50..NC,tto DESCRIBE WORK (..A TO BE DONE A a n .7 y nAc/� '/ p„ze5,, ✓ivef p Pa - -itNOTE: PROVIDE PLOT PLAN ON BACK SIDE OF ORIGINAL ONLY 0 EXTERIOR WALL MATERIAL ROOF FRAMING MATERIAL S?Wcco 7 PARTIT W,.11Np MAT RI A.yy-- -- ROOF COVERIN MATE AL •44//11/0/614,ZLOT ] tW46' 5#/M4/.I LOT WIDTH1�a C7 DEPTH r���3 SLOGS.ON LOTNO.OF Z� VALUATION NOTE: Include label, Mat., $ Z ev a1L Wiring, Plumb:, Neat,. Etc. 3. INFORMATION PROVIDED BY BLDG. SECTION LOT / -BLOCK //e31--- NO. NO. TRACT USE R, FIRE OCN- r SEC. tor. ZONE • J ZONE - J FANCY SH. N REVD FRONT RIGHT SIDE LEFT SIDE REAR SET O BACKS �1 t3 TYPE OF .T f, SPECIAL NV GRADE CONSTR. -K_. CASE NO. Z O Approval&Information by Others CITY ENGINEER EASEMENT DIST.FACE OF SEWER DRIVE .CURB TO P. L. FT. AVAILABLE OVER • PUBLIC SERVICE PLANNING PLAN/K.FEE WATER ELECTRIC _ PERMIT FEE PLAN NO 7/9 CHECKER'S APPROV�L /y�8 I have carefully read and examined the above application,and find the same to be true and correct.All provisions of the Laws and Ordinances TsssOTTAL FEE governing building construction will be complied with whether specs- /,F s- tied herein or not. No,person shall b employed in violation of the Labor a V _ Code of the State of Calif I ay a not to occupy or allow occupancy • of any buildin authpri d b till emit until final'building inspection has been received URE OF OWNER ORAUTHORIZED PERM..,.:NT FORM B-51 (REV.7-61)21/2M e• INSPECTION RECORD BASIC INSPECTIONS - ITEM INSPECTOR - D TE TRENCHES: WIDTH DEPTH 1 :-6 MilIsL.,FLOOR JOIST - - - FRAMING ui4/ ®� ti LATH n/ / FINAL 1%I ®K6 �j 2— PARTIAL OR MIS ..INSPECTIONS • UNSUCCESSFUL TRIPS ITEM INSP. DATE ITEM _INSP. DATE SET BACKS FRONT R.SIDE L. SIDE. -'REAR INSP. DATE FIELD CHECK- - TO APPLICANT: PLEASE DO NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS LINE PLOT ZOZ West+Camino+Real I - NUMBER STREET T APPLICATION FOR A PLUMBING PERMIT BUILDING & SAFETY DIVISION CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA OWNER TEL.NO. W. R. JONES O htb2GWes? Camino Real CONTRACTOR 'Tr') STAW hIt LN( '1'' A LCADTA PI,TJ MBIGN 171 MAILING ADDRESS CITY LIC.,NO. N 11349 Miloann Street 1644 a CITY Arcadia H;Tti"g88 v PROPOSED USE W USE ZONE Q FEE COMPUTATION O ^j BATHTUBS CLOTHES WASHERS —11 2 REPLACEMENT 2 SHOWERS SHOWER FANS WATER CLOSETS DRINKING FOUNTAINS 2 LAVATORIES URINALS I-1 I SINKS,KITCHEN, BAR O FLOOR,SERVICE SAND TRAPS O LAUNDRY TRAYS CLARIFIERS O DISHWASHERS GREASE TRAPS Ts T GARBAGE DISPOSALS WATER SOFTENERS 1 WATER HEATERS AND/OR VENTS 8. 00 TOTAL NO. OF ABOVE FIXTURES: @ 1.00 EA. LAWN SPINKLER SYSTEMS: @ 2,00 EA. BACK FLOW 0.5 DEVICES ADD.DEVICES DEVICES: @ 2.00 @ 25;EA. ' SWIMMING POOL PIPING SYSTEM @ 1.00 WATER SYSTEMS @ 1.00 — 0.5 1 GAS SYSTEMS: @1.0TLET5 @ 20ADD.;EM.UTl f O Q BOILERS STEAM OR HOT WATER @ 2.03 i SEWER CONNECTIONS ON PROPERTY SEWER CAP OR CESSPOOL FILL @ 1.00 SEPTIC TANK,SEEPAGE PIT AND/OR-DRAIN FIELD @0.00 I have carefully read and examined the above ' application and know the same to he true.and PERMIT FEE 1;00 correct. All provisions of Laws and Ordinances covering this type a atruotlon will he cam- INVESTIGATION . plied with whet succi led heroin °r not. No FEE person shall a the Slate in . -a of the 1 Labor co of Slate n'g ye TOT FEE l0 '00 // SIG URE-OF CONTRACT.R OR AUTHORIZED AGENT • PERMA'."`4T FORM 5-52 (REV'.7-61.)21/2M 0e INSPECTION RECORD • BASIC INSPECTIONS GROUND WORK • M ` L A/ _P'/® ROUGH GAS MEI PLUMBINGUrnII MM TOP'OUT - .- U� HEATING VENTS FINAL GAS 1� FINAL PLUMBING P . RTIAL OR MISC. INSPECTIONS ,WVIgrairlA• riga lIne Min WM Man= UNSUCCESSFUL TRIPS 22 o z CAL CORM VI OrR ' . a'. D O NUMBER - STREET a - APPLICATION FOR A 17/7 PLUMBING PERMIT / BUILDING & SAFETY DIVISION /VY(y/ rs jCIITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA NO— H-1 a O OWNER L� e N.�� I/� S I,'TE(�d 1 AILING ADDRESSS Z L� I�nl I i€ct.I CNTRLA�C ORR � STATE LIC.Nr I ) C.In IAStv ,r l I612Lcf IU MING ADDRESSs CITY LIC.N . Ail CIT , c�I l 1 o�_.v- vena h 19 oEEA�.NO. 1 N \ M(� \n`4, G I TZ(-- _C& co PROPOSED USE USE ZONE FEE COMPUTATION . BATHTUBS CLOTHES WASHERS REPLACEMENT SHOWERS SHOWER FANS b WATER CLOSETS DRINKING FOUNTAINS - LAVATORIES ,.J URINALS R SINKS, KITCHEN, BAR I 1 FLOOR,SERVICE SAND TRAPS LAUND&Y TRAYS CLARIFIERS DISHWASHERS GREASE TRAPS GARBAGE DISPOSALS WATER SOFTENERS WATER HEATERS AND/OR VENTS TOTAL NO.OF ABOVE FIXTURES: @ 1.00 EA. LAWN SPINKLER ' SYSTEMS: @ 2.00 EA. BACK FLOW 0.5 DEVICES ADD.DEVICES DEVICES: @ 2.00 @ 25d EA. SWIMMING POOL PIPING SYSTEM @ 1.00 WATER SYSTEMS @ 1.00 0.5 OUTLETS ADD.OUTLETS GAS SYSTEMS. @1.00 @ 200 EA. BOILERS STEAM OR HOT WATER @ 2.00 / SEWER CONNECTIONS ON PROPERTY / G C SEWER Cg'O CE5.5pOpl �yTiy.. ON Gi. 0 4DieDRR ,NEEP/EALDEP_ .0 ¢-2 S—c >— yB C[ 7 I have carefully read and examined the above ' application and know the same to he true and PERMIT FEE 1;00 correct. All provisions of Laws and Ordinances covering this typo of constructionwillhe com. INVESTIGATION plied with whether specified herein or not. No FEE person shall be employed In violation of the i Labor Code of the.State of California. TOTAL FEE 2 it e ----- SIGNA C TRACTOR O OR AUTHORIZED^ AGEN • PERM/`' , FORM B-52 (REV.7-61)21/2M'©e . INT INSPECTION RECORD BASIC INSPECTIONS - r . . _.M INSPECTOR DATE GROUND WORK ROUGH GAS PLUMBING TOP OUT - HEATING VENTS -. FINAL GAS FINAL PLUMBING PARTIAL OR MISC. INSPECTIONS T 75€ GC2na- b I Ay � Ipa UNSUCCESSFUL TRIPS v L 1/74 vci ,rep i' ,L,.�-w4� 44 gg 7 zr • g-1. quer 1y ti of Ar SYy 74 1 i "1; Ehivro ve " AVE - • . BUILDING AND SAFEIY•DIVISION City of Arcadia • MISCELLANEJJS AND OFF-SITE 240 W. FHUNTINGTON DR., ARCADIA, CA 91006 • TEL. (213) 446-4471 PERMIT . • e<aaa:z .6,yf. c3? p/ive ej=%y-L/ MISCELLANEOUS FEE RECEIPT Owner ij KO A � � � * PLAN CHECK FEE FOR VAL. — Moiling D Addres�,�i �}� p CASH BOND FOR City 'Wei/4)14— zing/( sq Te /; / 9fJ�� 7 -y >`" 0 GRADING PLAN CHECK Cormomar 'Mrd I / D GRADING PERMIT Address 0 HOUSE MOVING Cil 0 PARKS AND RECREATION FEE Y Zip Tel. Stole Lie. City - 0 ROUTE INSPECTION FEE 8 Clossil. I Lie. No. 0 I� LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION ! I l hereby affirm Mal I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9(commencing with Section 1 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code,and my license is in full force and effecc-u OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION (] I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following TOTAL FEE $ "Sec 7031.3.Business and Profession,Codes.Any no or county which requires a •t-WARNING:PLAN CHECK FEES. WHERE NO ACTION IS TAKEN RI THE permit to construct,alter,improve.demolish,or repair any'Motion'.prior to its issuance APPLICANT IN 180 DAYS AND NO BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUEDIES ARE also noon's the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed FORFEITED TO-THE CITY. a pursuant so the provisions of the Contractor's License Law.Chapter 9(commencing with r Srrnon 7000)of Division 3 of she Business and Professions Cede, or that he isempt therefrom.and ihr basis for the alleged exemption.Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any SEWER PERMIT p;Lra`SSric permit.subjnuthe applicant ma civil penalty 0/not more than ftsw hundred PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO MAKE SEWER CONNECTIONS AT o1 sas owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their sole compensation,will u Di£.oil.and the structure is not intended or offered for Bale."Sec.7044,Business and Professions Code:The Contractor's License Law dues nor apply res onowwner of property who LOT BLOCK TRACT builds or,mpeays thereon and who does such war)himself or through his own employees. pontiffs(that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale.11 however, rhr Y LOCATION ELATERAL budding or improvement is sold within one rear of .mpletion,the owner.builder will have rhe harden of proong that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale." SEWER PLAN NODDLE CESSPOOL FILL aa I. es ownertrct $ of the properts, am exclusisaly contracting with licensed contractor to $3.00 construct the project."Ser.7044.Business and Professions Code:The Contractor's License wLes discsowner nut apply to an 07 property who builds or improves thereon,and who con. aa �ets of such projects with a contraninU)licensed puemam to the Contractor's $ License Low:" INSPECTED J98 ,4TI am exempt under Sec ____—_____,B.&P.C.far the reasonTOTAL • j BY BY IM I �^��JCURB AND SIDEWALK se�_ 4,47.4._ownerv`! LI q�. thin COMPENSATION DECLARATION Imo! 1 hereby affirm us I lime a(millirem of consent to self-insure.or a rmit'icate of CURB BREAK REPLACE CURB FT. ,Waker's Compensation Insurance,or a certified copy.thereof.(Ser.3800.Labor Code.) ` Ff .II'--� ________. Company_ DRIVEWAY APPROACH / SIDEWALK /k SFT. 0• u u i Copy City.is filed ❑Certified reby ucopy n shed. Exp.Date INSPECTED O � �—Ids ST3 i TOTAL FEE fO a 00 00- CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM U WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE the section need not be completed If the permit is for one hundred dollars(5100)or less.) STREET CUT ,rav/1 certify that in the performance of the work for which this Permit is issued.I shall non ESTIMATED SIZE OF PATCH AMOUNT OF DEPOSIT in Ins any person in any manner serumbecome subject to the Norkers`Compensation Law -01i CaIBornia. /SO.FT, (_ITICE TO APPLICANT:If,after making chi•Certificate a/Esemption you should become ACTUAL SIZE-OF PATCHAMOUNT CHARGED solute:to rhe Workers' Compensation provisions of the Labor Code.you must forthwith \^^w /SO.FT. amply with each provisions or this permit shall be deemed restated. AMOUNT REFUNDED Agree m t I[mil,thativ I he read this apVGum canon and sthat c above inlarmation is correct.I RECEIVED FROM STREET DEPT. agree comply with all city d county ordi anc a state laws miming m building ic°mtrurnnn.and hereby autFor,i prckmati em' it)to enter t he abnse•mentioned INSPECTION FEE utterly for inapcaion purpCs(y. �I INSPECTED 198 BY Signature of Applicant �lA's•/a'•�: Dau SE2.e.217st 1 PERMIT FEE tailing Address TOTAL FEES Oh. Aar.Zip ' INSPECTOR COPY This is a building permit when properly filled out, signed and validated, and is sutject to expiration if work thereunder is suspended for 180 days. BUILDING AND•SAFETY DIVISIr. migiB U I LD I N G City of-Arcadia - -- . 240 W. HUNTINGTON DA., ARCADIA, CA 91006 • TEL. (213) 446-4471 PERMIT i Building )),�.�� /� r U.B.C. pJ Type Occ. , Address f'd/Z w t CeLAAAA4MO ✓�/ Edition 7 / IConst. - ' Group Lot Block Tract Occ. - F. D.Appr.Date H. D.Appr.Date `1 No; Load Required Required • `1 Owner �-JJ r (a //_ ,`. Use Zone Special Case No. -knU\ ' Mailing 1�9 Homeowners Association Approval Date F, Address ,/� /'.d,, I—' Ciry�f r`-^�t4D Lit Zlp ithg J Tel.VC"�-3 Sze - a Contractor W N (I Special cc.� Conditions Address NOTE: Include: 'VALUATION Labor, Material, Plumbing, Etc. �4f ,�,p _ City Zip Tel. Misc. FEE : 1[�,rl.en ' 04 cu State Lic. City .7.n✓eS 1 Ltf'O i1 to : 11t7'V �r ',3 &Classif. Lic.No. Swlmmiag-PooU spa Fee tic _ /' /L Arch., Engr., Sign-Pole❑ Wall❑ Designer I\,) Address - Tel. F Temporary❑ Projecting ❑ . - City Zip State E Fee Based on Total Sq.Ft. . Lic. No. E W Proposed • S PLAN CHECKING FEE Cl Construction S,M,I.P, - G f i _ Permit Fee //2 / 9c Floor Main Accessory Total Y Processed by , Area TOTAL Arty/ .l ‘ New❑ Add.❑ Alter.❑ Repair❑ Demolition❑ Permit No. Plan No. Date LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION WORKERS'COMPENSATION DECLARATION ❑ I hereby affirm that l am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9(commencing with Section (hereby affirm shall have a certificate of consent to self-insure,or a certificate of 7700000)of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code,and my license is in full force and orker's Compensation Insurance or a certified copy they .. c.)800,Labour/Code./ effect. - Policy No. p Company /,�Cs�fe/.'Ls� �! h�' rtified copy is OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION with City,CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTIONr FROM / Exp./ Date ❑ I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason:"Sec.7031.5.Business and Professions Codes.Any city or county which requires a WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE permit to construct,alter,improve.demolish,or repair any structure,prior to its issuance -(This section need not be-completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars($100)or less.) also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed El I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued,I shall not pursuant she provisions of the Contractor's License Law,Chapter 9(commencing with employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers'Compensation Law 70 Section 7000)of Division 3 of thee Business and Professions Code. or that he is exempt therefrom,and the basis for the allegedcant to on.Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any of California. dollars(S a permit,subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more thanfrve hundred NOTct toTO theAPPLICANTCom.after making this Certificate aborCodf e, youmustfshould become dollars(SS 00)." subject Workers''Compensation provisions of the Labor Code,you must forthwith comply with each provisions oerhis permit shall be deemed revoked. ,as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their sole compensation,will CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY e work,and the structure is not intended or offered for sale."Sec.7044.Business and I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work Pro essions Code:The Contractor's License law does no;apply loan owner of property who for which this permit is issued.(Sec.3097,Civil Code.) builds or improves thereon and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale.If, however, the Lender's Name building or improvement is sold within one year of completion,the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale:' Lender's Address tElI,as owner of the property,am exclusively contracting with licensed contractor to construct the project"Sec.7044,Business and Professions Code:The Contractor's License I certify that I have read this ap lication and state that the ove information is correc Law does nota 1 to an ownerwho builds or improves thereon.and who con- agree to complywith.all cit count rdina a nd te laws relatingto build applyofPlaOnry ➢r construction,. nhereby a orize re resentativ his c' to enters `bo \ trams for such projects with a cantractor(s)licensedpursuant to the Contractors License Law?' property for nspection a me El \I am excempt under Sec. ,B.&P.C.for the reason Signature of Applicant Date /�/x/ Mailing Address \ %Date Owner _ . . City,State,Zip - - - -, -- - This is.a building permit when properly.filled out,signet \ INSPECTOR COPY and is subjectto expiration if work thereunder is suspended r, INSPECTION RECORD ;,,' ; , FOUNDATION: (Gr. Certif. Comp..Testa;.Sea ' INSPECTION NOTES` backs,Forms,ReinL Steel, Excavation. • • FLOOR SLAB/JSTS., GIRDERS: Mesh,..Vap,. . - - - .. - - -- -. _LL,_ Barrier,Blkg.,Spans,Access,Vents,Tr.Lmbr. .. MASONRY: Reinf., Mortar Jts., Grout Lifts, - Clean-Outs,Bolts.. ., - - - ROOF SHTG.:Nailing,Diaph.Blocking,Material_ Grade and Thickness,Roof Drains.• FRAMING:-Wells,Raft.,Jsts.,Blocking,Bracing,- _. _ - -' t�. .i•-"--_ Nailing,Backing, Diaphr. Draft Stops. ., INSULATION: Thickness, R-Values; Piping, - - ' -- - - ' ,Sound Caulking. - - FIREWALLS: Material, Thickness, Dampers, ,Doors,Closers, Fusible Links. „ INTERIOR:LATH/DRY WALL:Nailing,Supports, " -• ,. , Laps,Joint Reinf. -• ' ` `+'• i ` • EXTERIOR LATH/SIDING:,Mesh, Fasteners, - - - • Laps,Paper,Thickness,Backing. , . - - FINAL INSPECTION: Finish Grading'Certlf:,' - . . - • Slope Plant., Energy Comp!. Card Posted, ,• - Pkg. Access, Fire Doors, Exit, Locking De= ' vices, Landings, House Numbers, Weather - _ - - - .. - Stripping,PI./Engr.Clear. . . - • • _- SWIMMING POOL/SPA EXCAV.REINF.SETBACKS:Radius Stl.,Bond- • , Ing;Exp.Soil, Ramp Loc.,Surcharge: - �� FENCE/GATES: Height, Closers, Accessibility, • -Latches,Stability. i, . - _ - FINAL"INSPECTION:- - " - - - _ ; - - - MISC• . - - SIGNS: ..f_ a/g12---• : .. ., , •RE-ROOF: e . - _ INSPECTION DATE - INSP.SIGN. BUILDING AND SAFETY DIVISh a • BUILDING _ _ City of-ArcadiaINGTNPERMIT 240 W. HUNTINGTON DA., ARCADIA, CA 91006 • TEL. (213) 446-4471 6 'Building )),,-.t� ��1 /'] r D U.B.C. OJ Type Occ. Address !'d� CIL l- s('v1tiLl/(tiQ �P.Q.�(,/ Edition 7 / IConst. Group ' • Lot Block Tract Occ. F.D.Appr. Date H. D.Appr. Date -.1 No. ,�/� Load Required ,Required __, Owner L _kA) t,Q K. C'61 5 Use Zone Special Case No. O's Mailing Homeowners Association Approval Date 1— Address /J �,�^ CitYTIr�—�'t�l�' Zlpg��� Lot - Contractor 0 w M Special c Conditions Cr. Address NOTE: Include: , _ VALUATION ' Labor, Material, Plumbing,.Etc. $ - City Zip Tel. - I Misc. FEE//t I� • ' CIO rn State Lic. City .7AvaSl'I //O ') -te 6' �y -o &Classif. Uc. No. SwxamiagP00ii Spa - - 'lie - d/ / Arch., Engr., Sigh-Pole❑ Wall❑ - ' Designer Address Tel. F Temporary LI Projecting ❑ - _ , O City - Zip State E Fee Based on Total Sq.Ft. Lic. No. E LA Proposed R S • PLAN CHECKING FEE 71 Construction p I S.M.LP. J g t 1 - Permit Fee //1/ into d, U ,r, /, 90 __...— Floor Main Accessory Total Processed by Ad/ h/[yj Area OL TOTAL � ‘ New 0 Add.❑ Alter.❑ Repair❑ Demolition❑ Permit No. Plan No. Date LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION , 1—/ WORKERS'COMPENSATION DECLARATION ❑ I hereby affirm that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9(commencing with Section 24L"J I hereby affirm that I have a certificate of consent to self-insure.or a certificate of ]000)of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code,and my license is in full force and �"NNN"' rker's Compensation Insure or a certified copy them(�'eo:)800.Labs%de. effect. Policy No. yy Company eo L pa - ined copy is xp. ate OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION w OsyltCERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROeM I / E/n J 0 I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason:"Sec.7031.5.Business and Professions Codes.Any city or county which requires a WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE permit to construct,alter.improve.demolish,orrepair any structure,prior to its Issuance (This section need not beaomplered if the permit is for one hundred dollars(5100)or less.) also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law,Chapter 9(commencing with ❑I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued,I shall not Section 7000)of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, or that he is exempt Cali anyoto Person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers'Compensation Law therefrom,and the basis for the alleged exemption.Any violation omore on 703/.5 by any NOTICfomia. dollars(3 a permit,subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred NOTICE TO APPLICANT://.afar making this Certificate Labor you should become dollars(s 00)." subject to the Workers' Compensation provisions of the Labor Code,you must forthwith comply with each provisions or,this permit shall be deemed revoked. as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY e work.and the structure is not intendedcesor offered for sale."Seo.7044,Business and Pro essions Code:The Contractor's License Law does no:apply to an owner of property who !herebywhichis pertitisisued.Mere is a construction CivilvCode.) for the perfarmeoceofthe work builds or improves thereon and who does such work himself or through his own employees, for this permit is issued.(Sec.3097. Code.) provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale./f,however, the Lender's Name building or improvement is sold within one year of completion.the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale." Lender's Address ❑ I.et owner of the property,am exclusively contracting wilt licensed contractor to construct the project."Sec.7044,Business and Professions Code:The Contractor's License I certify that I have read this ap lication and state that the ove information is correct.I Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon,and who con- agree to comply with all cit county prdina�wd to laws relating to building tracts for such projects with a contractor)licensed pursuant to the Contractor's license Law." construction,andherebya arize re resevmtry his e' to enter `bon.... e:aed property for inspection s `/f/ l/1v ❑ I am excempt under Sec. .B.&P.C.for the reason Signature of Applicant Dam Mailing Address %Date Owner City,State,Zip - This is a building permit when properly filled out,signed and validatedr INSPECTOR COPY and is subject to expiration if work thereunder is suspended forl20 days. • INSPECTION RECORD • FOUNDATION: (Gr. Certo. comp. Tests. Set- • INSPECTION NOTES' backs,Forms,Reinf.Steel,Excavation. • •• FLOOR SLAB/JSTS., GIRDERS: Mesh,Nap... . - . . . . Barrier,Blkg.,Spans,Access,Vents,Tr.Lmbr. MASONRY: Reinf., Mortar Jts., Grout Lifts, - - Clean-Outs,Bolts. - - - - ROOF SHTG.:Nailing,Diaph.Blocking,Material , Grade and Thickness,Roof Drains.- , , - -- FRAMING:Walls,Raft.,Jsts.,Blocking,Bracing, -- - . . Nailing,Backing,Diaphr.Draft Stops. ." • • INSULATION:Thickness, R-Values, Piping, ' - - Sound Caulking. - ._. ,-. ,_ r•� ' • FIREWALLS: Material, Thickness, Dampers, - - " Doors,Closers,Fusible Links. _ •i ` : INTERIOR:LATH/DRY WALL:Nailing,Supports, ' .. ' Laps,Joint Reinf. _ - - - -" - EXTERIOR LATH/SIDING:Mesh, Fasteners, . ' - ' Laps,Paper,Thickness,Backing. - FINAL INSPECTION: Finish Grading Certif.,I . . , _ . Slope Plant., Energy Compl. Card Posted, . . . Pkg. Access, Fire Doors, Exit, Locking De= vices, Landings, House Numbers, Weather. - - Stripping,PI./Engr.Clear. - • - SWIMMING POOL/SPA i - EXCAV.REINF.SETBACKS:Radius Stl.,Bond- , ing,Exp.Soil, Ramp Loc.,Surcharge: _ • - • - FENCE/GATES: Height, Closers, Accessibility, Latches,Stability. ., FINAL INSPECTION:. - ,, ' . MSC' . SIGNS: pyo RE-ROOF: ���• ` - . • - - .i,i- INSPECTION DATE INSP.SIGN.