HomeMy WebLinkAboutSC Minutes: 02/06/2020SENIOR CITIZENS COMMISSION
Thursday, February 6, 2020
CALL TO ORDER — Chairperson Angie Slemaker called the meeting to order at 4:OOpm in the
Arcadia Recreation Conference Room.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Commissioner Wadley
PRESENT: Anthony Leung, Ralph Martinez, Marilyn Mazone, Donna Salter,
Angie Slemaker, Edith Slemmon, Dorothy Wadley
EXCUSED: William Gleason
A motion was made by Commissioner Martinez seconded by Commissioner Wadley and
unanimously carried to excuse Commissioner Gleason.
Commissioner Wadley reported the Senior Friendship Club is looking for new members to join
their club. Commissioner Mazone suggested having a representative from the Friendship Club
stop by the Travelers Club monthly meeting to promote it. The other Commissioners suggested
promoting the club at church groups or encourage members to bring a friend. Assistant
Recreation and Community Services Director (ARCSD) Candice Cheung said senior clubs
could be promoted at the Senior Services Bingo and Bunco events. Senior clubs are also
advertised in the monthly Connection Newsletter. New and updated flyers will be made for each
senior club.
Chairperson Slemaker reported the Golden Age Club meets every Thursday where members
enjoy pie day, birthday celebrations, meeting, and Bingo. Chairperson Slemaker asked if
members of the Golden Age Club could distribute flyers inside the Community Center lobby
area to promote The Golden Age Club, ARCSD Candice Cheung approved.
Commissioner Mazone reported the Travelers Club had their meeting on January 24 with 79
people in attendance, the guest speaker was Mayor April Verlato. Commissioner Mazone
reported there are great trips coming up. On February 18, "Jackie Robinson, An American Icon"
day trip. Participants will spend a day visiting the locations and stories on Jackie Robinson's
time. February 27, "The Sweet Life on Coronado Island" day trip. Participants will enjoy a guided
tour at the Hotel Del Coronado. March 23, "Pathways to the Past at Knott's Berry Farm" day trip.
Commissioner Mazone reported Knott's Berry Farm is celebrating 100 years in 2020 and gave
everyone an interesting background on how Rudolph Boysen developed boysenberry and how
Mrs. Knott made preserves. Knott's Berry Farm sells 1.5 million chicken dinners every year.
Commissioner Slemmon reported the Bargain Box is receiving many holiday decoration
donations from the last holiday season. Commissioner Slemmon said volunteers are sorting
through the items, cleaning up, and getting ready for the annual boutique sale. Commissioner
Slemmon reported a representative from Foothill Unity Center has invited the Senior
Commission to take a tour and get to know more about their center. ARCSD Cheung said if
Senior Commissioners are interested in attending, to please coordinate a date and time with
Commissioner Slemmon.
Commissioner Salter reported she has volunteered in the kitchen on her free days. She is
happy to report kitchen volunteers are very nice and the seniors are very appreciative.
Commissioner Salter reported she stopped by the Gift Shop and was informed the gift shop is
looking for volunteers. Commissioner Salter said she will ask around and asked everyone to do
the same and mention it at their clubs. ARCSD Cheung said the Community Center is looking
for people who like working in a store setting. There is also an advertisement in the Connection
Newsletter about volunteers needed.
Commissioner Martinez wanted to mention he has noticed how crowded the City of Arcadia is
becoming. He mentioned there is a lot more traffic, and places are very crowded. Commissioner
Martinez said he stopped by Denny's Restaurant on Huntington and Santa Anita for breakfast
one day, and when he was walking out, the wait was over one hour. Commissioner Salter said,
it is not only crowded in Arcadia, it is the same in other cities.
Commissioner Leung reported a few seniors are not happy with the new lunch process. ARCSD
Cheung explained how the new process is effective and beneficial for the senior population.
Doors open at 11:15am for seniors to find a seat and socialize with each other at a table instead
of standing and waiting in line. Staff and volunteers begin serving promptly at 11:30am. Council
Member Tom Beck suggested having two meal servings each day. ARCSD Cheung said the
department would look into it, ask seniors how they feel about it, what are the pros and cons,
and if it will affect classes and special events.
Council Member Tom Beck reported there are two elections coming up. School Board elections
on March 3 and the City will be holding elections for City Council Members for Districts 1 and 4.
City Council candidates for District 1 are April Verlato and Yuli Sira. City Council candidates for
District 4 are Paul Cheng and Peter Amundson. Only registered voters in Districts 1 and 4 will
be able to vote. Ballots for the election must be postmarked by Tuesday, April 14, 2020. Council
Member Beck reported the Silver Circle Dinner will be held on March 12 at the Arcadia
Community Center. The 46 Annual Mayor's Community Breakfast will be held on February 21,
at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Arcadia. Methodist Hospital Mardi Gras Food Fest 2020 will be
held on Tuesday, February 25 at Sirona's Santa Anita.
Council Member Beck reported the Arcadia Police Department will have a discussion at the
Arcadia Performing Arts Center on Wednesday, February 12, from 7pm to 8pm. Lieutenants
who are Commanders over the City's five districts will be present to meet residents of each
district and answer questions on how to collaborate with Police to combat crime. Council
Member Beck reported City Council approved a public art statue honoring Anita Baldwin. The
statue will be located on the corner of Santa Clara Street and Huntington Drive.
a. Regular meeting minutes of November 7, 2019.
Recommended Action: Approve
It was moved by Commissioner Slemmon, seconded by Vice -Chairperson Salter and carried on
roll call vote to approve consent calendar item 2.a.
AYES: Commissioners Leung, Martinez, Mazone, Salter, Slemaker, Slemmon, and
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioner Gleason
a. Report of Recreation Supervisor
Report on Activities held in January 2020
Recreation Supervisor (RS) Gina Hernandez introduced Kris Garcia, the new Recreation
Coordinator. Kris resides in the City of Corona and previously worked for the Cities of Corona
and Orange. His responsibilities will include Senior Lunch Program, Senior Special Events,
Senior Volunteers, and the Summer Concerts and Movies in the Park. RS Hernandez reported
Coffee with the Mayor had a record high of 76 people in attendance on January 8. Jack
McEwan was recognized for his 100th birthday. On January 10, Bingo was held with 96
participants. On January 17, Mystery Musical Moments was held with 46 seniors in attendance.
On January 28, a free seminar was held on the Importance of Colon Cancer with 50 individuals
in attendance.
RS Hernandez reminded everyone the Senior of the Year Nomination Forms are due by
February 21. Copies of each nomination form will be included in the next Agenda Packet for
everyone to review prior to the next meeting. Each commissioner will vote at the next meeting,
on March 5, where the honoree will be announced at the end of the meeting.
Report on Upcoming Activities for February 2020.
RS Hernandez reported on upcoming activities. On February 7, Chinese New Year Luncheon
will take place in the Community Center, participants will enjoy a traditional Chinese lunch, and
entertainment. On Friday, February 14, Sweetheart Bunco, a Valentine's themed event will be
held. On Friday, February 21, at 1:30pm, a free seminar on the Coronavirus will be held at the
Community Center. On Tuesday, February 25, a free seminar on a Healthy Heart will be held at
the Community Center.
b. Report of Recreation and Community Services Director
ARCSD Cheung reported Mari Rodriguez is the new Case Manager for homeless services. Mari
will split her time between Arcadia and South Pasadena. Her office is located in the Arcadia
Public Library where she can be reached on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10am-1 pm. Mari's
contact information is: Cell Phone: 626.628.6495, Email: mrodriguez@unionstationhs.org.
Chairperson Slemaker adjourned the meeting at 4:55pm to March 5, 2020 at 4:OOpm in the
Arcadia Recreation Conference Room located at 375 Campus Drive, Arcadia.
By: ""A46�,
Anq9tlemaker Gina Hernandez
Clfairperson Secretary