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Findings and Action Form
ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FINDINGS AND ACTION A. ASSOCIATION NAME: i2 MJcKo Sw+4ro A+, VA P/o q.gya B. PROJECTADDRESS: tots �j�,�r„�� Wcoo 0,210r C. PROPERTY OWNER: Z h i rona X u ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT): 41S D. FINDINGS (only check those that apply, and provide a written explanation for each): 1. The proposed construction materials ARE ®, ARE NOT ❑ compatible with the existing materials, because 2. The proposed materials WILL ❑, WILL NOT © have a significant adverse impact on the overall appearance of the property, because 3. The proposed project IS ❑, IS NOT ❑ significantly visible from the adjoining public rights of way, because 4. The proposed project IS ❑, IS NOT ❑ significantly visible from the adjoining properties because 5. The elements of the structure's design ARE ❑, ARE NOT ❑ consistent with the existing building's design, because 6. The proposed project IS ❑, IS NOT ❑ in proportion to other improvements on the subject site or to improvements on other properties in the neighborhood, because 7. The location of the proposed project WILL ❑, WILL NOT ❑ be detrimental to the use and enjoyment and value of adjacent property and neighborhood, because 8. The proposed project's setbacks DO ❑, DO NOT ❑ provide for adequate separation between improvements on the same or adjoining properties, because 9. OTHER FINDINGS: (over) E. ACTION: W APPROVAL ❑ CONDITIONAL APPROVAL, subject to the following condition(s): ❑ DENIAL F. DATE OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD'S ACTION: 121 L- l b , ZO l9 G. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD MEMBER(S) RENDERING THE ABOVE DECISION: -aao q 5o"J TAY V -0C u c%g%t+ St+A}4#.S AHLKP. 2—i'"a S t<- J L -'-I S R H. REPRESENTINGTHE 5kN-rn- 14rJ1rcr P/o ASSOCIATION. I. APPEALS Appeals from the ARB's decision shall be made to the Planning Commission. Anyone desiring to make such an appeal should contact Planning Services for the requirements, fees and procedures. Said appeal must be made in writing and delivered to Planning Services at 240 W. Huntington Dr., Arcadia, CA 91007, within seven (7) calendar days of the ARB's decision. J. EXPIRATION OF APPROVAL If for a period of one (1) year from the date of approval, any project for which plans have been approved by the ARB, has not begun construction (as evidenced by clearing and grading and/or installation of a new foundation and/or by installation of new materials on a structure that is being remodeled) or has been unused, abandoned or discontinued, said approval shall become null and void and of no effect. Such project may be resubmitted to the ARB for renewed approval; however, the ARB shall review the project as if it had not been previously approved in accordance with the current standards in effect.