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McKinley & Associates(818) 240-1358
Arborist Report
1045 Don Robles Drive
Arcadia, California
Prepared for:
Mr. Eric Wu
1045 Don Robles Drive
Arcadia, CA 91006
Prepared by:
William R. McKinley, Consulting Arborist
American Society of Consulting Arborists
Certified Arborist #WE -4578A
International Society of Arboriculture
1734 Del Valle Avenue
Glendale, CA 91208
Arborists and Environmental Consultants
McKinley & Associates(818) 240-1358
March 22, 2020
Mr. Eric Wu
1045 Don Robles Drive
Arcadia, CA 91006
Dear Mr. Wu:
Recently you contacted me concerning a notice of violation that you had received from
the City of Arcadia concerning the severe cutting of a large native Oak tree in front of
your property at 1045 Don Robles Drive, Arcadia. I was asked to prepare an Arborist
Report documenting the damage to the tree and providing a tree restoration plan. The
following report summarizes my findings:
On Monday, March 2, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. I arrived at the subject property located at 1045
Don Robles Drive, Arcadia, California. At our meeting I was told that your homeowner's
insurance had been cancelled because the tree grew over the house. I was told that the
tree was pruned to clear low growing branches away from the roof of your house. You
told me that you had assumed that the tree trimmers knew what was permitted in the City
of Arcadia. The subject tree is in the front of the subject property near the front of your
house. After our meeting I began my tree and site inspection. The Tree/Site Inspection
Section describes my observations concerning the subject tree.
Tree/Site Inspection
Tree #1 is a Quercus engelmannii or Engelmann Oak. The tree measures 28 inches in
diameter at D.B.H. (Diameter Breast Height) as measured 54 inches above the soil grade.
The tree has a drip line, which measures roughly 32 feet from the tree's trunk. The spread
of the tree is approximately 45 feet. The height of the tree is estimated to be roughly 55
feet tall. The tree is located in the front yard 8 feet east of the southeast corner of the
garage. The tree is situated in a recessed tree well planter roughly 4.5 feet by 5 feet in
size and the tree is 2 feet below the soil surface. The Oak is surrounded by an irrigated
lawn area. The tree has a basal cavity on the northwest side of the trunk. The cavity is 14
inches wide, 12 inches high and 8 inches deep. The bark is missing surrounding the
cavity. The bark tissue is also loose on the lower trunk. The tree's crown has been pruned
and raised. Recent pruning has resulted in the cutting of a 12 inch diameter limb on the
east side an 8 inch diameter limb on the southwest side and a 10 inch diameter limb on
the west side. Sections of limbs recently cut are dangling from the crown where they
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Tree/Site Inspection -Continued
were once supported by a cable. There is peel -back on the bottom side of 10 inch and 12
inch diameter limb which were recently cut. Large limbs in the crown were previously
cut and removed in the past. The tree's crown is unbalanced and asymmetrical. The
crown grows more toward the house. The foliage size and color appear normal, however
the crown density is sparse. The tree is in below average health and condition. Rating: D+
General Observations
The subject property is situated in a single family home residential neighborhood in the
City of Arcadia. The nearby homes in the neighborhood are landscaped and well
maintained. The subject tree identified as Tree #1 in this Arborist Report is a protected,
native Engelmann Oak in the City of Arcadia. While examining this Engelmann Oak I
noted that it has had a history of large limb failure on the north and south sides of the
tree's crown. The pruning cuts which were recently made on several large limbs were not
done professionally. No under -cut was made on these large limbs prior to attempting to
cut them from the upper side. Consequently when the upper side cut reach a point
roughly half the limb diameter, the weight of each limb caused the bottom portion of the
limb to break and peel back on the bottom side of the limb. Severe or heavy pruning is
not permitted to take place on native, protected trees in the City of Arcadia. The pruning
which was performed on these trees does not meet Best Management Practices or ANSI
A-300 Pruning Standards. This type of pruning reduces the landscape value of the trees
and can reduce the property value. This pruning was not professional and was clearly
performed by individuals who lacked the necessary skills and education to prune this tree
correctly. At this point the restoration of the tree crown will be necessary in order to re-
gain the tree's beauty and value.
Tree Restoration Plan/Recommendations
Based upon my inspection of the subject tree I would recommend that the following tree
restoration plan be followed:
1) Any torn, ripped or damaged limbs and branches must be correctively pruned.
Stubbed limbs and branches should be pruned to a branch union just outside the
branch collar using Best Management Practices and ANSI A-300 Pruning
2) Avoid watering within the tree well area and especially around the tree's trunk.
The bark tissue on the tree's trunk must remain dry. Remove all debris within the
tree well. The soil in the tree well must be exposed to air.
Arborists , Environmental Consultants
McKinley & Associates(818) 240-1358
Tree Restoration Plan/Recommendations
3) Apply a balanced, slow-release tree fertilizer within the tree dripline according to
manufacturer's directions at least 2 times per year for the next 3 years to assist in
stimulating new, healthy growth.
4) The Oak's torn and exposed tree limb cuts should be sprayed with orange oil or a
termiticide or a comparable insecticide to prevent insect infestation.
5) The tree must be monitored by an I.S.A. Certified Arborist for 3 years from the
point that the City accepts this tree protection plan.
6) The I.S.A. Certified Arborist shall provide the City with an annual update report
on the health and condition of the tree.
7) Photographs of the trees shall accompany each annual Arborist Report so that
each tree's progress toward recovery can be documented from Year 1 to Year 3.
8) The subject trees must receive corrective structural pruning each year for the next
3 years in order to manage and train the new growth. This pruning must be
supervised by an I.S.A. Certified Arborist.
9) The Tree Contractor performing the pruning must have a valid State of California
Contractor's License, Worker's Compensation and Liability Insurance and a City
of Arcadia Business License.
10) The I.S.A. Certified Arborist must provide a letter at the end of the 3 year
monitoring period certifying that the trees are alive and have been restored.
In conclusion, it is my professional opinion that this Engelman tree were severely cut and
that the pruning does not meet tree industry standards. You were deceived by the tree
cutter through no fault of your own. You hired them because you assumed that they knew
what they were doing. On the positive side, your Engelmann Oak tree has not been killed.
This species is a very strong, hardy and resilient species. Restoring the crown of this tree
so that it is balanced and produce healthy, normal leaves and crown density would be the
goal and objective of this Tree Restoration Plan. The tree well area must be routinely
cleaned out so that the bare soil can be permitted to dry out. The trunk must not be wetted
and must remain dry. No watering should take place within the tree well area. The cavity
area should be cleaned out. The Oak should be monitored over the next 3 years and its
health and condition reported annually to the City. If the above stated Tree Restoration
Plan/Recommendations are followed then it is my professional opinion that this tree will
survive and that it can be restored back to their original appearance.
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Information contained in this report covers only those areas that were examined and
reflects the condition of those areas at the time of inspection. The inspection was limited
to visual examination of accessible areas. Arboriculture is not an exact science and there
is much that is still to be learned about trees. Observations and recommendations
provided in this report reflect the latest research, knowledge and training available
through university and professional research. There is no warranty or guarantee,
expressed or implied, that problems or deficiencies of the trees or property in question
may not arise in the future.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve you and your environmental and horticultural
needs. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me during the day on
my business cell phone at (818) 426-2432 or you may call my office at (818) 240-1358.
Yours truly,
William R. McKinley, Consulting Arborist
American Society of Consulting Arborists
Certified Arborist #WE -4578A
International Society of Arboriculture
Arborists and Environmental Consultants
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1734 Del Valle Ave. Email: william@mcldnleyarborists.com Work (8 18) 426-2432
Glendale, CA 91208 Website: Home (818) 240-1358
a'l7Ttrt�y_r Or QUA [
Practicing ConsultingA--.bO!iSL IMeniber of Americar, Society of Consulting Arborisis (ASCA). Certified
Arborist, lntemational Socieiji of AfbanCulti a since Septem. ber')D1 1999. �_S _ 1t.hDin st4TaCf- 45 71
kecogitiued Oak Tee Exper [ avoikahoin Souther:? Cal forma. 1-coare arborst reports for developers,
Home^?;-nea-s man -A an rni:-rs. ?Isscss 0he 1u'ldscape- vallu: oftra.es.==`asSess and Identify hazardous ri6;S _
landscape_ Provided hillside and Oak -Woodland landscape and irrigation recommendations_ Provide expert
witness testimony on arboriculture related cases_ Public speaker and presenter at community se vice group
meetings, homeowner's association meetings and speaker at professional seminars and conferences.
Presenter at Trees, People and Our Urban Environment Seminar, March 2002- Arbor Day Guest Speaker,
City of Glendale, March 2005. Tree City USA toward Presenter — GIendale Arbor Day 2010, Tree City
USA Award Presenter —Glendale Arbor Day 2D!'—) Arbor Day Guest Speaker, Glendale, Mach 2014.
!�U �`�f� T i �fi%.I'.• ,�.'���_,jl( j� jG (��CT Ii ` ri L"'1^..��i=� �!
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i�erfiJ�iits Ctllllt Ct 2 ti►±nISir atlfln for p9lC Services Section. Manage grounds m2?rienance Poi - sports fields,
community buildings, parks, medians, and histadc areas. Administers thio City's landscape maintenance
contract_ Writes contract specifications— Administers the bidding process_ Awards contracts to successful
bidders. Conducts construcdou meetings and oversees the construction and inspection for these projects_
performs and assumes all former duties and responsibilities under the former Administrative Analyst
position. Writes arborist reports. Hazardous tree assessment. Serves as expert witness in tree related cases.
Administradae A nary s=, 1988-2001
Administer landscape maintenance contract for medians, reservoi=rs_ pump houses and misc. areas.
Administer and supervise the Division's Work Management System involving the scheduling and t adding
of work and performance of over 50 tall-drae employees. Supervise one part-time data entry employee and
supervise and Coordinate with the .California Conservation Corps, Boy Scot -its and other cornmunity ser rice
volumeers in the parks. Supep�ise, monitor and report water and utility usage ft the par€os_ Administer anc
supervise all tree platir_ng projects and programs including the Arbor Dai, and Urban Forest Donation
pro lams. Assist t+uh buftupsepamfio ! wid acquisiti n ofcapi� equip;+_'tei-aL-5epare Capit2l
1•rrtprovement Project specifications and assist with administering contracts. Administer the City of
GIendale's indigenous Oak Tree Ordinance. Coordinate with Planning, Permit Services- l;naineerikz _...
Building, Neighborhood Ser: ices and Fire Department to insure the care and protection of trees, both
during and after construction. lReidew grading, construction, landscape and irrigation plans. Modify and
approve plans as 'necessary to protect indigenous trees. Perform field inspections on hazardous trees and
make recommendations to park staff and the public. Serve as code enforcement officer and paralegal during
Administrative Office Hearings regarding Indigenous Oak Tree Ordinance. Perform tree and landscape
appraisals. Served as special show and marketing consultant to the Glendale Rose Pruning and Garden
Show Committee.
2.Sststed in park inventory development and implementation of the "Work i�aFla�eSTleRt S}rSieLt?, Served as
,grit spe lfer at the National. Panics unle-I Recmation Coniorence on lie subject of coniputerS and.dtheir rule it
park riiaintenance_ Supervised Lie Capital Imo ovemept Project Construction at Pacific Park and Brand
Parla Coordinated with and supervised California Conservation Corps. Crews in planting, staicuig and tying
hundreds of trees as part of the Arbor Day Program- Served as Arbor Day Co -Chairman, Glendale Rose
Pruning Carden Show Co-Cha€rman and President of Glendale Beautiful. Served as 'Ways and Means
Chairman C Q.R.S. District JR -57.
1983 California Polytechnic University, Pomona
Bacheter os Science Degree,. ?ark AeEjss? reuoll
G aG�'-E?aiea Tg2p a '.a7?3de, -de Pokt Average: 3-55
1983 -Present BU's U?ive 9tv of C61- o a. Landscape Contract Maintenance. Hazardous Tree
ideni fication. & Assessment_ Specimen Tree Aupraisal_ Advanced Tree Ap}sraisal Theory
and Ps ac re. Tree and Laadscage Liability —Trees and the Law. Oak Toe Symposium
Graduate. SlsowlecLe of oak tree Raaolo- ,and native ulanthabitat ASCD. 2007
Consulting Academy Natdot30 A�bar Dp-y Foundaflun Graduate. SWDQsitimr.
Consixur.don Around Trees; Trees and the L.a1v. RecoStdzed Tree Expert; Cit<< of Los
Angles. County off Los Angeles. CittofPasadena. Cit! of La Canada.Plintridse. City o:
BurbauL City of Calabasas. Coung ofitentum. City of sans amita.
1994 - Present - Certified Arborist international Society of Arboriculture
19g6�1999 � Secreta�i(I"re3sureL; C PRS. ParkC3Perations Section
1994-1995 - Pmsident, C.P.R.S.DistrictXY
i994-1945 - Treasurer_ Glendale beautification Advisory £ouncR
1992-1994 -Treasure, C F-R.S- DisIlicL M
1993=1994,193a' C.P.M. Park Operations Scholarship
FI -TSL Second and Third Maar_ Graduate. PnCTte Southwest Maintenance Mgmt. School
19$3-1994 — rrmidcnt, GleQdale Beauffp?uu l
1923, 191x1 - T,,4ce placed on Dean`-sllanorLrst
1992 - Wiio's Who in American Caiiemes and Universities
1978 - Recipient orwayueStriiitwrMamoriaiScholarship
1975...- Awarded R± 6r e Scout Ranh_ Boy Scouts of America
Member - ,American Society of Consulting Arborim (AICA)
Member - _nternational SoFiety ofA.r'ooricultu o
Member - Western Chapter: International Socieb, of Arboriculture
iYlember- Glendale Bcautiiul
Pastilr3ember - National ArborDayFoundation
Past irlember - California Cal: Poundadon
Randall S_ Stamen, AttornavlArborist
Susan & GaZI Sims, Sims Tree 5pecialiSu
Pow & Diana Hamisch, Hmnisch Trw Care
Site inspection -
S100.00 per hour
Consultation -
S125-00 Der hour
Arborist Report -
$150.00 per hour
Public Hearin -
S200-00 per hour
Arbitration -
S225.00 per hour
Deposition -
$250.00 perhour
Court v, itness -
$$350.00 per hour
(951) 787-9788
(951) 655-6662