HomeMy WebLinkAboutDraft IS/MND Appendix C- Cultural Resources Identification Memorandum APPENDIX C: CULTURAL RESOURCES IDENTIFICATION MEMORANDUM MBAKERINTL.COM 2729 Prospect Park Drive, Suite 220, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 P: (916) 361-8384 F: (916) 361-1574 April 8, 2020 Vanessa Quiroz, Associate Planner CITY OF ARCADIA 240 W. Huntington Drive Arcadia, CA 91007 RE: CULTURAL RESOURCES IDENTIFICATION MEMO REPORT FOR THE ARTIS SENIOR LIVING PROJECT, CITY OF ARCADIA, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Dear Ms. Quiroz: In support of the Artis Senior Living Project (project), Michael Baker International staff completed a South Central Coastal Information Center (SCCIC) records search, literature review, and historical map review to determine whether the project could result in significant impacts to historical resources and/or archaeological resources as defined by California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section 15064.5. Methods, results, and recommendations are summarized below; figures are provided in Attachment 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project involves demolition of the one-story commercial building located at 1150 West Colorado Boulevard (APN 5776-001-012), and removal of the landscaping and parking lot. The project includes site preparation and grading, and construction of a two-story, 44,192-square-foot, 80-room, senior assisted living care facility. CULTURAL RESOURCES IDENTIFICATION METHODS The results of the SCCIC records search, archival research, field survey, and historical map review are presented below. SOUTH CENTRAL COASTAL INFORMATION CENTER SCCIC staff conducted a records search (File No. 20905.6947) on January 3, 2020. The SCCIC, as part of the California Historical Resources Information System, California State University, Fullerton, an affiliate of the California Office of Historic Preservation (OHP), is the official state repository of cultural resources records and reports for Los Angeles County. As part of the records search, the following federal and California inventories were reviewed: • California Inventory of Historic Resources (OHP 1976). • California Points of Historical Interest (OHP 1992 and updates). • California Historical Landmarks (OHP 1996). • Directory of Properties in the Historic Property Data File (OHP 2012). The directory includes the listings of the National Register of Historic Places (National Register), National Historic MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL RE: CULTURAL RESOURCES IDENTIFICATION AND EVALUATION MEMO REPORT FOR THE ARTIS SENIOR LIVING PROJECT, CITY OF ARCADIA, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Landmarks, California Register, California Historical Landmarks, and California Points of Historical Interest. Results No resources were identified within the project site; 10 resources were identified within a quarter-mile search radius of the project site as described below. Resource Name and Number Description OHP Status Code Historical Resource? 1111 La Rosa Single-family residence 6U - Determined ineligible for the National Register No AT&SF RR bridge over Michillinda Ave P-19-189410 Bridge N/A No 3865 Arboleda Street P-19-189435 Single-family residence - demolished N/A No 1060 Fallen Leaf Rd P-19-190366 Single-family residence - demolished N/A No 1024 Volante Dr P-19-192115 Single-family residence - demolished 6Z – Found ineligible for the National, California, and/or local registers No 1100 Fallen Leaf Rd P-19-192118 Single-family residence - demolished 6Z – Found ineligible for the National, California, and/or local registers No 1107 Catalpa Rd P-19-192120 Single-family residence - demolished 6Z – Found ineligible for the National, California, and/or local registers No 1137 Monte Verde Dr P-19-192131 Single-family residence N/A No 1143 Paloma Dr P-19-192132 Single-family residence - demolished 6Z – Found ineligible for the National, California, and/or local registers No 416 N Altura Rd P-19-192389 Single-family residence 6Z – Found ineligible for the National, California, and/or local registers No Two cultural resources studies have been completed in the project site and four have been completed within the quarter-mile search radius, as identified below. Author Date Title Within Project Site? Resources Identified in Project Site? Duke, Curt 2002 Cultural Resource Assessment Cingular Wireless Facility No. Vy 292-02 Los Angeles County, California No No MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL RE: CULTURAL RESOURCES IDENTIFICATION AND EVALUATION MEMO REPORT FOR THE ARTIS SENIOR LIVING PROJECT, CITY OF ARCADIA, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Author Date Title Within Project Site? Resources Identified in Project Site? LSA Associates, Inc. 1996 Arcadia General Plan Yes No Grimes, T. 2001 East Colorado Boulevard, Specific Plan, Historic Resources Survey No No Tang, Bai 2011 Historic Building Evaluation Report 3865 Arboleda Street, East Pasadena Area, Los Angeles County, California No No Tang, Bai and Michael Hogan 2011 Historical / Archaeological Resources Survey Report - Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension Phase 2A Supplemental EIR No. 2 for Additional Project Refinements in the Cities of Arcadia, Azusa, Duarte, Monrovia, and Pasadena, Los Angeles County, California No No Maxon, Pat 2010 Draft Program Environmental Impact Report, City of Arcadia, 2010 General Plan Update Yes No LITERATURE AND HISTORICAL MAP REVIEW Michael Baker staff reviewed literature and historical maps for historical information about the project site and the vicinity. Below is a list of resources reviewed, followed by a narrative description of the results for the project site. • Township 1 South, Range 11 West (BLM 1884) • Los Angeles, Calif. 1:62,500 scale topographic quadrangle (USGS 1894) • Los Angeles, Calif. 1:62,500 scale topographic quadrangle (USGS 1900) • Sierra Madre, Calif. 1:24,000 scale topographic quadrangle (USGS 1928) • Sierra Madre. Monrovia. Arcadia, California (Thomas Bros. 1938) • Sierra Madre, Calif. 1:24,000 scale topographic quadrangle (USGS 1941) • Mt. Wilson, Calif. 1:24,000 scale topographic quadrangle (USGS 1953) • Mt. Wilson, Calif. 1:24,000 scale topographic quadrangle (USGS 1966) • Single-frame aerial photographs (USGS 1952, 1964, 1972, 1980) • Newspapers.com (2019) • “Gabrielino” (Bean and Smith 1978: 538-549) Results Map Review The project site is originally depicted as part of Rancho Santa Anita; no resources are identified within the project site between 1884 to 1941. By 1941, a large and elongated building is depicted in the project site. A section of Route 66, known as West Colorado Boulevard, is identified adjacent to the project site. MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL RE: CULTURAL RESOURCES IDENTIFICATION AND EVALUATION MEMO REPORT FOR THE ARTIS SENIOR LIVING PROJECT, CITY OF ARCADIA, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA By 1952 the project site and surrounding areas are depicted as built out. The project site remained developed with the large elongated building until circa 1975 when the building was demolished and replaced with the current restaurant building in 1976. (BLM 1884; USGS 1894, 1900, 1928, 1941, 1952, 1953, 1964, 1966, 1972, 1980) Literature Review A Newspapers.com search for the project site revealed that the original building on the property was a restaurant called “Eaton’s Santa Anita Hotel and Restaurant.” Neither the current building in the project site nor the previous Eaton’s restaurant building were identified as significant in the SCCIC records search or literature review (Newspapers.com 2019). The project site is within the ancestral territory of the Gabrielinos. Village sites within the vicinity of the project site are unknown; however, Mission San Gabriel, located approximately 4.25 miles southwest of the project site, was once home to many Gabrielinos, who were relocated there during the Spanish Mission period beginning in the late 1700s. (Bean and Smith 1978: 538-549) BUILDING PERMIT RECORDS The City of Arcadia provided building permit records for the property. Building permits date to 1975 during the planning phase for construction of 1150 West Colorado Boulevard. In July 1975, the City Planning Commission granted a conditional use permit for a new restaurant and coffee shop. Construction was completed in early 1976 (City of Arcadia 2019). The building is not 45 years of age. PEDESTRIAN SURVEY Neither an architectural survey nor an archaeological survey was completed because the building is not 45 year of age and there are no exposed soils in the project site. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The SCCIC records search, literature review, and historical map review identified no historical resources or archaeological resources within the project site. The current restaurant building does not meet the age requirement for evaluation to the California Register and therefore is not a historical resource as defined by CEQA Section 15064.5(a). Below are standard late discovery mitigation measures intended to mitigate impacts should archaeological resources or human remains be identified during ground-disturbing activities. MM CUL‐1 Treatment of previously unidentified archaeological deposits. If suspected prehistoric or historical archaeological deposits are discovered during construction, all work within 25 feet of the discovery shall be redirected and a Secretary of the Interior Professionally Qualified archaeologist and/or Registered Professional Archaeologist shall assess the situation and make recommendations regarding the treatment of the discovery. Impacts to significant archaeological deposits should be avoided if feasible, but if such impacts cannot be avoided, the deposits should be evaluated for their eligibility for the California Register of Historical Resources. If the deposits are not California Register eligible, no further protection of the find is necessary. If the deposits are California Register eligible, impacts shall be avoided or mitigated. Acceptable mitigation may consist of but is not necessarily limited to systematic recovery and analysis of archaeological deposits, MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL RE: CULTURAL RESOURCES IDENTIFICATION AND EVALUATION MEMO REPORT FOR THE ARTIS SENIOR LIVING PROJECT, CITY OF ARCADIA, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA recording the resource, preparation of a report of findings, and accessioning recovered archaeological materials at an appropriate curation facility. MM CUL‐2 Treatment of previously unidentified human remains. Any human remains encountered during project ground-disturbing activities shall be treated in accordance with California Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5. There shall be no further excavation or disturbance of the site or any nearby area reasonably suspected to overlie adjacent remains until the County coroner has determined the manner and cause of any death, and the recommendations concerning the treatment and disposition of the human remains have been made to the person responsible for the excavation or to his or her authorized representative. Project personnel/construction workers shall not collect or move any human remains and associated materials. If the human remains are of Native American origin, the coroner must notify the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) within 24 hours of this identification. The NAHC will immediately identify a Native American most likely descendant to inspect the site and provide recommendations within 48 hours for the proper treatment of the remains and associated grave goods. PREPARER QUALIFICATIONS This report was prepared by Michael Baker International Senior Cultural Resources Manager Margo Nayyar. Ms. Nayyar is an architectural historian with ten years of cultural management experience in California. Her experience includes built environment surveys, evaluation of historic-era resources using guidelines outlined in the National and California Registers, and preparation of cultural resources technical studies pursuant to the CEQA and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act including identification studies, finding of effect documents, memorandum of agreements, programmatic agreements, and Historic American Building Survey/Historic American Engineering Record/Historic American Landscape Survey mitigation documentation. She prepares cultural resources environmental document sections for CEQA environmental documents including infill checklists, initial studies, and environmental impact reports, as well as National Environmental Policy Act environmental documents, including environmental impact statements and environmental assessments. She also specializes in municipal preservation planning, historic preservation ordinance updates, Native American consultation, and provision of Certified Local Government training to interested local governments. She develops Survey 123 and Esri Collector applications for large-scale historic resources surveys, and authors National Register nomination packets. Ms. Nayyar meets the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualification Standards for history and architectural history. Sincerely, Margo Nayyar, MA Senior Cultural Resources Manager Attachments: Attachment 1 – Figures MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL RE: CULTURAL RESOURCES IDENTIFICATION AND EVALUATION MEMO REPORT FOR THE ARTIS SENIOR LIVING PROJECT, CITY OF ARCADIA, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA REFERENCES Bean, Lowell John and Charles R. Smith. 1978. “Gabrielino.” In Handbook of North American Indians, v. 8. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution. BLM (Bureau of Land Management).1884. “Township 1 South, Range 11 West.” Electronic map, https://glorecords.blm.gov/details/survey/default.aspx?dm_id=433619&sid=zpqk5fxn.owk, accessed multiple. Duke, Curt. 2002. Cultural Resource Assessment Cingular Wireless Facility No. Vy 292-02 Los Angeles County, California. LSA Associates, Inc. On file at the South Central Coastal Information Center. Grimes, T. 2001. East Colorado Boulevard, Specific Plan, Historic Resources Survey. City of Pasadena. On file at the South Central Coastal Information Center. LSA Associates, Inc.1996 Arcadia General Plan. Prepared for the City of Arcadia. On file at the South Central Coastal Information Center. Maxon, Pat. 2010. Draft Program Environmental Impact Report, City of Arcadia, 2010 General Plan Update. BonTerra Consulting. On file at the South Central Coastal Information Center. Newspapers.com. 2019. Database search for 1150 West Colorado Boulevard. Electronic database, www.newspapers.com, accessed multiple. OHP (California Office of Historic Preservation). 1976. California Inventory of Historic Resources. Sacramento: California Department of Parks and Recreation. ———. 1992. California Points of Historical Interest. Sacramento: California Department of Parks and Recreation. ———. 1996. California Historical Landmarks. Sacramento: California Department of Parks and Recreation. ———. 2012. Directory of Properties in the Historic Property Data File for Los Angeles County, last updated April 5, 2012. Sacramento: California Department of Parks and Recreation. Tang, Bai. 2011. Historic Building Evaluation Report 3865 Arboleda Street, East Pasadena Area, Los Angeles County, California. CRM Tech. On file at the South Central Coastal Information Center. Tang, Bai and Michael Hogan. 2011. Historical / Archaeological Resources Survey Report - Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension Phase 2A Supplemental EIR No. 2 for Additional Project Refinements in the Cities of Arcadia, Azusa, Duarte, Monrovia, and Pasadena, Los Angeles County, California. CRM Tech. On file at the South Central Coastal Information Center. MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL RE: CULTURAL RESOURCES IDENTIFICATION AND EVALUATION MEMO REPORT FOR THE ARTIS SENIOR LIVING PROJECT, CITY OF ARCADIA, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Thomas Bros. 1938. “Sierra Madre. Monrovia. Arcadia, California.” Electronic document, https://www.davidrumsey.com/luna/servlet/detail/RUMSEY~8~1~248670~5515993:Sierra- Madre--Monrovia--Arcadia,-Ca, accessed multiple. USGS (US Geological Survey). 1894. Los Angeles, Calif. 1:62,500 scale topographic quadrangle. ———. 1900. Los Angeles, Calif. 1:62,500 scale topographic quadrangle. ______. 1928. Sierra Madre, Calif. 1:24,000 scale topographic quadrangle. ______. 1941. Sierra Madre, Calif. 1:24,000 scale topographic quadrangle. ______. 1952. Single-frame aerial photograph: 1VR0000080044. Electronic resource, www.earthexplorer.com, accessed multiple. ______. 1953. Mt. Wilson, Calif. 1:24,000 scale topographic quadrangle. ______. 1964. Single-frame aerial photograph: 1VAWW00010064. Electronic resource, www.earthexplorer.com, accessed multiple. ______ 1966. Mt. Wilson, Calif. 1:24,000 scale topographic quadrangle. ______. 1972. Single-frame aerial photograph: 1VCYY00020064. Electronic resource, www.earthexplorer.com, accessed multiple. ______. 1980. Single-frame aerial photograph: 1VEZS00030042. Electronic resource, www.earthexplorer.com, accessed multiple. Attachment 1 Figures FIGURE 1 Regional Location MapG:\Projects\Margo\Arciada\Figure1.mxd (10/22/2019)Source: ESRI streetmap Map Detail Los AngelesCounty Legend Project Site 0 3 MILES ^ Project Site ^ FIGURE 2 Project Location Map %&g( ?è W Orange Grove Ave Michillinda AveFoothill BlvdG:\Projects\Margo\Arciada\Figure2.mxd (10/23/2019)Source: ESRI World Imagery Service 0 800 Feet Project Site FIGURE 3 Project Area Colorado St Michillinda Ave%&g(G:\Projects\Margo\LosAngles\mxds\Figure3.mxd (10/22/2019)Source: ESRI World Imagery Service 0 200 Feet