HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem No. 4- 4-14-20 PC Minutes ARCADIA PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 2020 Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Planning Commission regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the City’s Planning Services Office located at 240 W. Huntington Drive, Arcadia, California, during normal business hours. CALL TO ORDER Chair Lewis called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber. She announced that in order to comply with social distancing guidelines due to COVID- 19, the meeting is televised and streamed live and Vice Chair Wilander, and Commissioners Chan, Lin, and Thompson will be participating by telephone. In addition, Assistant City Attorney Maurer, City Council Liaison Chandler, and Development Services Director/City Engineer Philip Wray were also on the line. She also informed the public of a call-in number that was established for public comments. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL PRESENT: Chair Lewis PRESENT (Via telephone): Vice Chair Wilander, Chan, Lin, and Thompson ABSENT: None SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FROM STAFF REGARDING AGENDA ITEMS Planning & Community Development Administrator Lisa Flores announced that staff received three emails related to Agenda Item No. 2 that she would be read into the record during the public hearing. PUBLIC COMMENTS (5 minute time limit per person) There were none. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Resolution No. 2051 – Approving Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 20-02 with a Categorical Exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) to allow a new aesthetic medical office at 650 W. Duarte, Suite #104 Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2051 Applicant: Qing Li Chair Lewis introduced the item and turned it over to Associate Planner Vanessa Quiroz to present the staff report. Chair Lewis opened the public hearing and asked if the Applicant would like to speak on the item. Applicant Qing Li responded. 2 4-20-20 Commissioner Chan requested to add a new condition of approval to the Resolution that would require the Applicant to install an Automated External Defibrillator (AED), for emergencies. Commissioner Lin inquired as to how many similar businesses are in operation in the City. Ms. Flores stated that staff has not completed a survey, but that medical offices that offer similar services are a common use in the City. Commissioner Lin inquired as to how the COVID-19 “Stay at Home” order and social distancing protocols would affect the Conditional Use permit if there are permanent social distancing requirements put in place. Assistant City Attorney Michael Maurer responded and stated that a modification of a Conditional Use Permit would need to be brought back to the Planning Commission, under proper due process, should the Federal government establish permanent guidelines. Chair Lewis asked if there was anyone who would like to speak in favor of the proposal. There were none. Chair Lewis asked if there was anyone who would like to speak in opposition of the proposal. There were none. MOTION- PUBLIC HEARING It was moved by Commissioner Chan, seconded by Vice Chair Wilander to close the public hearing. Without objection, the motion was approved. DISCUSSION The Commission was in favor of approval of the item, subject to Commissioner’s Chan request to add a condition about an Automated External Defibrillator (AED). Ms. Flores read the new condition into the record as follows: Condition No. 6: “Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy from the Building Division, one (1) Automated External Defibrillator (AED) shall be installed. The location of the AED shall be identified on the plans submitted for plan check in Building Services and is subject to review and approval by the Fire Marshal.” Commissioner Thompson added that the staff report was well written, the facts to support the findings as listed in the staff report are adequate, parking is sufficient, and the proposal is consistent with the General Plan and zoning regulations. He trusts that the applicant will adhere to all required state and medical regulations, including the hiring of licensed practitioners. MOTION It was moved by Commissioner Chan, seconded by to adopt Resolution No. 2051 – Approving Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 20-02 with a Categorical Exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) to allow a new aesthetic medical office At 650 W. Duarte, Suite #104 ROLL CALL 3 4-20-20 AYES: Chair Lewis, Vice Chair Wilander, Chan, Lin, and Thompson NOES: None ABSENT: None There is a ten day appeal period after the adoption of the Resolution. If adopted, appeals are to be filed by 5:30 p.m. on Monday, April 27, 2020. Please send Appeal applications to Planning@ArcadiaCA.gov or contact the Planning Division at (626) 574-5423. All decision letters are posted on the City’s website. 2. Resolution No. 2049 – Approving Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 19-20 with a Categorical Exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) to allow a new batting cage instructional facility for youth softball & baseball players at 158 E. Saint Joseph Street Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2049 Applicant: Jason Cly Chair Lewis introduced the item and turned it over to Senior Planner Luis Torrico to present the staff report. Chair Lewis opened the public hearing and asked if the Applicant would like to speak on the item. Applicant Jason Cly, and Tim Grizelle, on behalf of the property owner, responded. Commissioner Thompson requested clarification from the applicant that 1). There is air conditioning within the unit and 2). That all doors in the facility, apart from the restrooms, will contain windows. Mr. Cly confirmed that the tenant space does have air conditioning and Mr. Grizelle confirmed that each door within the facility contains a window. Chair Lewis asked if there was anyone who would like to speak in favor of the proposal. No telephone calls were received; however, Ms. Flores read three emails into the record that were received in support of the proposal from Mark Smith, Damian Santamaria, and Chuck Alessi. Chair Lewis asked if there was anyone who would like to speak in opposition of the proposal. There were none. MOTION- PUBLIC HEARING It was moved by Vice Chair Wilander, seconded by Commissioner Lin to close the public hearing. Without objection, the motion was approved. DISCUSSION The Commission was in favor of approval of the proposal including the parking arrangement between the subject business and the neighboring business, and deemed the use appropriate for the site. Commissioner Lin added that he hopes that the social distancing orders will be lifted in a timely manner to enable the business to operate. 4 4-20-20 Commissioner Thompson added that he hopes the “sound proofing” of the batting cages as indicated in the staff report is rather sound mitigation to allow for a reasonable level of sound. MOTION It was moved by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Chair Lewis to adopt Resolution No. 2049 – Approving Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 19-20 with a Categorical Exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) to allow a new batting cage instructional facility for youth softball & baseball players at 158 E. Saint Joseph Street ROLL CALL AYES: Chair Lewis, Vice Chair Wilander, Chan, Lin, and Thompson NOES: None ABSENT: None There is a ten day appeal period after the adoption of the Resolution. If adopted, appeals are to be filed by 5:30 p.m. on Monday, April 27, 2020. Please send Appeal applications to Planning@ArcadiaCA.gov or contact the Planning Division at (626) 574-5423. All decision letters are posted on the City’s website. 3. Resolution No. 2050 – Approving Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 18-06, Architectural Design Review No. ADR 18-17 & Zone Variance No. ZV 19-01 with a Mitigated Negative Declaration for a New Hotel Development with a height variance located At 125 W. Huntington Drive & 175 Colorado Place Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2050 Applicant: Pacific Design Group on behalf of property owners VG Property Investments, LLC. Ms. Flores introduced the item and the long history this project had since 2017 and turned it over to Senior Planner Luis Torrico to present the staff report. Commissioner Thompson had two questions of staff: 1) What type of screening will be put in place to obscure the swimming pool from public right-of-way on Huntington Drive; and 2) What are the light mitigation measures in place with regard to the light that will potentially affect the homes to the north of the site? Mr. Torrico stated that staff would work with Applicant during plan check to ensure that the landscape plan contains adequate screening of the pool area for guests using the swimming pool and amenities. Staff will require and review photometric lighting analysis with the electrical plans when they submit their plans for plan-check to ensure there will be no potential light and glare to the neighboring properties; and as a part of all developments, there will requirements for shielding to minimize any potential impacts from glare. Chair Lewis opened the public hearing and asked if the Applicant would like to speak on the item. Applicant Donnie Jurgensen, of Pacific Design Group, spoke on behalf of the Applicant team. Commissioner Chan asked the Applicant if he would be open to adding additional disabled parking spaces, near Building D - the building that contains the banquet room. 5 4-20-20 Mr. Jurgensen agreed that additional parking spaces would be added to the plan and this will not be an issue given the site has surplus parking. Commissioner Thompson asked the Applicant to provide further detail on the shadow study that was conducted. Mr. Jurgensen explained the study and stated that the building itself does not cast a shadow beyond that of the existing block wall at the north of the site during the hours studied. Chair Lewis asked if there was anyone who would like to speak in favor of the proposal. There were none. Chair Lewis asked if there was anyone who would like to speak in opposition of the proposal. There were none. MOTION- PUBLIC HEARING It was moved by Commissioner Chan, seconded by Commissioner Lin to close the public hearing. Without objection, the motion was approved. DISCUSSION Commissioner Thompson stated that upon his initial review of the proposed project and review of the General Plan, he was concerned about the height of the proposed hotel tower given the close proximity to the adjacent single-family homes. However, after visiting the site and viewing the northern property line, there are significant trees and foliage along the existing block wall – enough to offer sufficient privacy. He felt it would be more damaging to replace the existing 5’-0” high wall with a taller wall because the trees and dense foliage would have to be removed, and they currently provide sufficient privacy for them. Additionally, he was concerned that the new hotel would cast a shadow over the owner’s swimming pools. However, he was pleased that the shadow analysis that was conducted for this project showed the hotel would not create any additional impacts on the single-family homes. After reviewing the project further, he felt between the 80’-0” setback from the hotel to the single-family property lines, the hotel being stepped back on the fourth and fifth floor, the shadow analysis that shows the new hotel tower with it exceeding the maximum height limit will not cast a shadow on their property, all helps with the viability of this project. Mr. Torrico provided additional clarification on the shadow analysis, and indicated that staff analyzed all four (4) seasons, and during the winter, a small shadow will be cast beyond the wall before 9 a.m. and after 3 p.m. that will be less than the shadow cast by the existing trees. The Commission also agreed with Commissioner Chan’s request to provide more disabled parking and near the meeting/banquet rooms, and with Vice Chair Wilander’s comment to ensure that they provide adequate screening and foliage in front of the swimming pool area that fronts Huntington Drive. Overall, the Commission agreed that the project will be a welcome addition to the City, and they were in favor of approval of the item. Chair Lewis thanked staff and the applicant for their efforts on this project, which has spanned the course of several years. 6 4-20-20 MOTION 4. It was moved by Commissioner Chan, seconded by Commissioner Lin to adopt Resolution No. 2050 – Approving Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 18-06, Architectural Design Review No. ADR 18-17 & Zone Variance No. ZV 19-01 with a Mitigated Negative Declaration for a new Hotel Development with a height variance located At 125 W. Huntington Drive & 175 Colorado Place ROLL CALL AYES: Chair Lewis, Vice Chair Wilander, Chan, Lin, and Thompson NOES: None ABSENT: None There is a ten day appeal period after the adoption of the Resolution. If adopted, appeals are to be filed by 5:30 p.m. on Monday, April 27, 2020. Please send Appeal applications to Planning@ArcadiaCA.gov or contact the Planning Division at (626) 574-5423. All decision letters are posted on the City’s website. CONSENT CALENDAR 5. Minutes of the February 25, 2020 Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission Recommendation: Approve It was moved by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Lin to approve the minutes of the February 25, 2020 Planning Commission Regular Meeting. ROLL CALL AYES: Chair Lewis, Vice Chair Wilander, Chan, Lin, and Thompson NOES: None ABSENT: None MATTERS FROM CITY COUNCIL LIAISON Council Liaison Chandler was not present. MATTERS FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSONERS No comments were provided. MATTERS FROM ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY Mr. Maurer thanked the Commission and staff for a well-run meeting. MATTERS FROM STAFF INCLUDING UPCOMING AGENDA ITEMS Ms. Flores announced that there are three (3) items pending for the April 28, 2020 meeting: A 3-unit condominium development at 9828 E. Naomi Avenue, a new bar at 57 Wheeler Avenue, Unit D (d.b.a Tap Lounge), and a tutoring center at 20 E. Foothill Boulevard, Unit 216 (d.b.a. Umbrella Education Corporation). She also announced that there are two major projects pending for the June 23, 2020 7 4-20-20 meeting: the Huntingtin Plaza mixed-use project at 117-129 E. Huntington Drive and 124,126 & 136 Wheeler Avenue and an assisted living care facility at 1150 W. Colorado Boulevard and the environmental documents will be provided in advance, for their review. ADJOURNMENT The Planning Commission adjourned the meeting at 4:42 p.m. to Tuesday, April 28, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber for the next virtual meeting. Deborah Lewis Chair, Planning Commission ATTEST: Lisa Flores Secretary, Planning Commission