HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecision Letter
June 8, 2020
Attn: Robert Tong
Sanyao International, Inc.
255 E. Santa Clara Street, Suite #200
Arcadia, CA 91006
SUBJECT: Healthy Protected Tree Removal No. TRH 20-05, Protected,
Tree Encroachment Permit No. TRE 20-06, and Removal of
Diseased/Hazardous Tree No. TRD 20-13
PROJECT ADDRESS: 928 Paloma Drive
Dear Mr. Tong:
The public comment period for the Notice of Pending Decision for the above
mentioned application ended on June 3, 2020. Staff did not receive any
comments during the public comment period. After consideration, the
Development Services Department has conditionally approved the
following applications: First, to remove one (1) protected Coast Redwood
tree located in the rear yard. The tree is in poor condition. The tree is located
underneath a powerline and is repeatedly topped and pruned by the utility
company this has resulted structural defects and in a declining health.
Secondly, to encroach upon the canopy of one (1) protected Xylosma tree
located in the side yard. A new retaining wall and a new walkway is
proposed underneath the canopy of tree. The applicant and property owner
will be required to abide by the protected measures listed in the Arborist
Report to preserve the long-term health of the tree. Lastly, to remove one
(1) diseased Evergreen Pear tree. These Protected tree applications are
associated with the design of the new house was approved by the Rancho
Santa Anita Residents’ Association. The application is subject to the
following conditions:
1. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the project shall
abide by the landscape plan approved by the Rancho Santa Anita
Residents’ Association ARB. The landscape plans must be submitted
for Building Services during plan-check review.
2. The Property Owner/ Applicant shall be developed and maintained by
the property owner/applicant in compliance with all of the
recommended tree protection measure listed in the Arborist Report,
dated May 3, 2020.
3. The Property Owner/ Applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold
harmless the City of Arcadia and its officials, officers, employees, and
agents from and against any claim, action, or proceeding against the
City of Arcadia, its officials, officers, employees or agents to attack, set
aside, void, or annul any approval or conditional approval of the City of
Arcadia concerning this project and/or land use decision, including but
not limited to any approval or conditional approval of the City Council,
Planning Commission, or City Staff, which action is brought within the
City of
Jason Kruckeberg
Assistant City Manager/
Development Services
240 West Huntington Drive
Post Office Box 60021
Arcadia, CA 91066-6021
(626) 574-5415
(626) 447-3309 Fax
time period provided for in Government Code Section 66499.37 or
other provision of law applicable to this project or decision. The City
shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding
concerning the project and/or land use decision and the City shall
cooperate fully in the defense of the matter. The City reserves the right,
at its own option, to choose its own attorney to represent the City, its
officials, officers, employees, and agents in the defense of the matter.
There is a ten (10) day appeal period for this application. To file an appeal, a completed
Appeal Application form must be submitted to the Development Services Department
along with a $600.00 appeal fee by 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 18, 2020. You will be
notified if an appeal is filed. The Planning Division is open to the public by appointment
only. Please contact staff for more information at (626) 574 -5423 or by email at
Approval of TRH 20-05, TRE 20-06, and TRD 20-13 shall not be of effect unless the
property owner and applicant have executed and filed the enclosed Acceptance Form to
indicate awareness and acceptance of these conditions of approval. The Acceptance
Form is due now and if it is not received by July 8, 2020, this approval will become null
and void. The form can be submitted via email.
You may visit the City’s website at www.ArcadiaCA.gov/noticesanddecisions to view this
notice. If you have any questions, please contact me at (626) 574-5422, or by email at
Thank you.
Community Development Division / Planning Services
Vanessa Quiroz
Associate Planner
c: Xiu Jing Li, Property owner,
Ernie Boehr, Rancho Santa Anita Residents’ Association ARB Chairperson