HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlansHPA # 1747601 ! "# $%&’’($()% $%&(’*+$($%&, ( -(’((-, ’--.$-.,$ --$-,( $, -(($,- .’.’$.’, (-’$’, ..$.,$ -’’-$-)% $%&...*.+(.(($%&’ ((’’$’ - ’ .( ’’.$ ’(’ -.($-.(( (’’- ----$$/ ’’ $$/01 ’’ $-0211 -- ’$’)% ($%&-((*+(((( ! !" ! "34567)568 57698 53456599#*75)%:;7<5&76&757873"" && 4&& 4(&& (4&& 4&& -4.##$%&’ (’,))%$**’=; !/)77<7.%%$+’7 ,)575550,18787"#>50">1%,*$)+’7 ,)575550,18787"#>50">1 7;7<$%$-($.’" "/! "/!012342(5’4%6$! /012342(5’78$$$%6$9$8%,*$)’?%,*$)*’%,*$)4$*:’.*.> ’)&#*$;&<*$=%$)’$;&<*%,*$)’74?&7*?&#* 742$(*?!< &7*4?42$?? &7*014 ?&7*?&#* 0142$? &7*4?42$??$(B &7*>%%$?@$)’>%%$?%,*$)’ ! "# $%&’’($()% $%&(’*+$($%&, ( -(’((-, ’--.$-.,$ --$-,( $, -(($,- .’.’$.’, (-’$’, ..$.,$ -’’-$-)% $%&...*.+(.(($%&’ ((’’$’ - ’ .( ’’.$ ’(’ -.($-.(( (’’- ----$$/ ’’ $$/01 ’’ $-0211 -- ’$’)% ($%&-((*+(((( ! !" ! 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The arrangements depicted herein are the sole propery of HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. and may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. Architectural conceptual site plans are for feasibility purpose only. Revisions may occur due to further investigation from regulartory authorities and building code analysis. Dimensions shown are of strategic intent only. Refer to survey and civil drawings for technical information and measurements.NEW WORLDINTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LLCARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW February 14, 2020HUNTINGTON PLAZAHPA # 17476Arcadia, CAPROJECT INFORMATION03 ! "# $%&’’($()% $%&(’*+$($%&, ( -(’((-, ’--.$-.,$ --$-,( $, -(($,- .’.’$.’, (-’$’, ..$.,$ -’’-$-)% $%&...*.+(.(($%&’ ((’’$’ - ’ .( ’’.$ ’(’ -.($-.(( (’’- ----$$/ ’’ $$/01 ’’ $-0211 -- ’$’)% ($%&-((*+(((( ! !" ! "34567)568 57698 53456599#*75)%:;7<5&76&757873"" && 4&& 4(&& (4&& 4&& -4.##$%&’ (’,))%$**’=; !/)77<7.%%$+’7 ,)575550,18787"#>50">1%,*$)+’7 ,)575550,18787"#>50">1 7;7<$%$-($.’" "/! 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The following shall be excluded from the oor area for the purposes of calculating oor area ratio a. For houses less than 5,000 square feet in size, oor area shall exclude required parking spaces (450 square feet for a two-car garage and 650 square feet for three-car garage), For houses 5,000 square feet or larger, oor area shall exclude up to four parking spaces (850 square feet maximum). b. Floor area shall exclude basements. c. Floor area shall exclude non-enclosed covered structures such as covered patios or porches, decks, and balconies.Non-Residential Floor Area: The oor area shall include the total horizontal oor area of all the oors of a building measured from the outside walls, exclusive of vents, shafts, courts, eleva-tors, stairways, mechanical, electrical, and communications equipment, and similar facilities. Floor area shall include mezzanine and lofts. The following shall be excluded from the oor area for the purposes of calculating oor area ratio. a. Floor area shall exclude required parking areas in the garage (with each required parking space not exceeding 200 square feet) but shall include any additional enclosed parking spaces provided on the addition to the minimum requirements. b. Floor area shall exclude fully subterranean garage and basement. c. Exclude non-enclosed covered structures such as decks, patios, porches, and balconies enclosed on three or fewer sides.Note: Floor Area is the total gross dimensions (in squrae feet) of all the oors below the roof and within the outer surface of the walls of a building or structure.See below for denitions for Residential Floor Area and Non-Residential Floor Area © 2019 by HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. The arrangements depicted herein are the sole propery of HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. and may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. Architectural conceptual site plans are for feasibility purpose only. Revisions may occur due to further investigation from regulartory authorities and building code analysis. Dimensions shown are of strategic intent only. Refer to survey and civil drawings for technical information and measurements.NEW WORLDINTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LLCARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW February 14, 2020HUNTINGTON PLAZAHPA # 17476Arcadia, CACIVIL ALTA TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY (FOR REFERENCE ONLY)04 ! "# $%&’’($()% $%&(’*+$($%&, ( -(’((-, ’--.$-.,$ --$-,( $, -(($,- .’.’$.’, (-’$’, ..$.,$ -’’-$-)% $%&...*.+(.(($%&’ ((’’$’ - ’ .( ’’.$ ’(’ -.($-.(( (’’- ----$$/ ’’ $$/01 ’’ $-0211 -- ’$’)% ($%&-((*+(((( ! !" ! "34567)568 57698 53456599#*75)%:;7<5&76&757873"" && 4&& 4(&& (4&& 4&& -4.##$%&’ (’,))%$**’=; !/)77<7.%%$+’7 ,)575550,18787"#>50">1%,*$)+’7 ,)575550,18787"#>50">1 7;7<$%$-($.’" "/! 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The arrangements depicted herein are the sole propery of HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. and may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. Architectural conceptual site plans are for feasibility purpose only. Revisions may occur due to further investigation from regulartory authorities and building code analysis. Dimensions shown are of strategic intent only. Refer to survey and civil drawings for technical information and measurements.NEW WORLDINTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LLCARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW February 14, 2020HUNTINGTON PLAZAHPA # 17476Arcadia, CA05HUNTINGTON DR.N FIRST AVE.WHEELER AVE.0’ 20’ 40’10’NALLEY ROOF PLAN ROOF @ LEVEL 5COURTYARD 1COURTYARD 2RETAIL PLAZAPEDESTRIAN CONNECTION@ GROUND LEVELMOTOR COURT5F5F5F5F4F3FSKY DECK @ LEVEL 4SKY DECK @ LEVEL 4AA’B’B13HUNTINGTON DR.WHEELER AVE.0’20’40’10’NALALALALALALALALALALALLELELELELELELELELELEYYYYYYYYYY ROOF PLAN ROOF @ LEVEL 5RETAIL PLAZAPEDESTRIAN CONNECTION@ GROUND LEVELMOTOR COURT5FSKY DECK @ LEVEL 4SKY DECK @ LEVEL 4AA’B4F3FCOURTYARD 1COURTYARD 2SITE PHOTO 21345678910111213141516 © 2019 by HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. The arrangements depicted herein are the sole propery of HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. and may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. Architectural conceptual site plans are for feasibility purpose only. Revisions may occur due to further investigation from regulartory authorities and building code analysis. Dimensions shown are of strategic intent only. Refer to survey and civil drawings for technical information and measurements.NEW WORLDINTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LLCARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW February 14, 2020HUNTINGTON PLAZAHPA # 17476Arcadia, CAILLUSTRATIVE SITE PLAN060’ 20’ 40’10’N0’ 30’ 60’15’N47’-0”47’-0”51’-0”51’-0”47’-47’- © 2019 by HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. The arrangements depicted herein are the sole propery of HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. and may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. Architectural conceptual site plans are for feasibility purpose only. Revisions may occur due to further investigation from regulartory authorities and building code analysis. Dimensions shown are of strategic intent only. Refer to survey and civil drawings for technical information and measurements.NEW WORLDINTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LLCARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW February 14, 2020HUNTINGTON PLAZAHPA # 17476Arcadia, CALEVEL B1(SUB-T PARKING) PLAN 07ME TRO GOLD LINE0’ 20’ 40’10’N © 2019 by HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. The arrangements depicted herein are the sole propery of HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. and may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. Architectural conceptual site plans are for feasibility purpose only. Revisions may occur due to further investigation from regulartory authorities and building code analysis. Dimensions shown are of strategic intent only. Refer to survey and civil drawings for technical information and measurements.NEW WORLDINTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LLCARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW February 14, 2020HUNTINGTON PLAZAHPA # 17476Arcadia, CALEVEL 1 (GROUND LEVEL) PLAN08PEDESTRIAN CONNECTION@ GROUND LEVELPEDESTRIAN CONNECTION@ GROUND LEVEL0’ 20’ 40’10’N © 2019 by HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. The arrangements depicted herein are the sole propery of HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. and may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. Architectural conceptual site plans are for feasibility purpose only. Revisions may occur due to further investigation from regulartory authorities and building code analysis. Dimensions shown are of strategic intent only. Refer to survey and civil drawings for technical information and measurements.NEW WORLDINTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LLCARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW February 14, 2020HUNTINGTON PLAZAHPA # 17476Arcadia, CALEVEL 2 (PODIUM LEVEL) PLAN09HUNTINGTON DR.N FIRST AVE.WHEELER AVE.RETAIL PLAZAB1C1C4C4B2B2B7B7C1C2B5 B5B6 B6B5 B5B6 B6C2 C2C2B1B1B1B1C5B1B1B1B1B4C3C3B3B2B3B4NEW WORLDINTERNATIONAL RETAIL PLAZAB1C1C4C4B2B2B7B7C1C2B5B6B6B5B6B6C2B1B1B1B1C5B1B1B1B1B4C3C3B3B2B3B4B5B5C2C20’ 20’ 40’10’N © 2019 by HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. The arrangements depicted herein are the sole propery of HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. and may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. Architectural conceptual site plans are for feasibility purpose only. Revisions may occur due to further investigation from regulartory authorities and building code analysis. Dimensions shown are of strategic intent only. Refer to survey and civil drawings for technical information and measurements.NEW WORLDINTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LLCARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW February 14, 2020HUNTINGTON PLAZAHPA # 17476Arcadia, CALEVEL 3 PLAN10B1C1C4C4B2B2B7B7C1C2B5 B5B6 B6B5 B5B6 B6C2 C2C2B1B1B1B1C5B1B1B1B1B4C3C3B3B2B3B40’ 20’ 40’10’N © 2019 by HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. The arrangements depicted herein are the sole propery of HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. and may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. Architectural conceptual site plans are for feasibility purpose only. Revisions may occur due to further investigation from regulartory authorities and building code analysis. Dimensions shown are of strategic intent only. Refer to survey and civil drawings for technical information and measurements.NEW WORLDINTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LLCARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW February 14, 2020HUNTINGTON PLAZAHPA # 17476Arcadia, CAHUNTINGTON DR.LEVEL 4 PLAN (ROOF GARDEN)11B1C1C4C4B2B2B7B7C1C2A1B5 B5B6 B6B5 B5B6 B6C2 C2C2B1B1B1B1C5B1B1B1B1B4B3B2B3B40’ 20’ 40’10’N © 2019 by HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. The arrangements depicted herein are the sole propery of HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. and may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. Architectural conceptual site plans are for feasibility purpose only. Revisions may occur due to further investigation from regulartory authorities and building code analysis. Dimensions shown are of strategic intent only. Refer to survey and civil drawings for technical information and measurements.NEW WORLDINTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LLCARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW February 14, 2020HUNTINGTON PLAZAHPA # 17476Arcadia, CALEVEL 5 PLAN (ROOF GARDEN)12INDIANA ST.ALLEYINDIANA ST.B1C1C4C4B2B2B7B7C1C2A1B5 B5B6 B6B5 B5B6 B6C2 C2C2B1B1B1B1C5B1B1B1B10’ 20’ 40’10’N © 2019 by HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. The arrangements depicted herein are the sole propery of HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. and may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. Architectural conceptual site plans are for feasibility purpose only. Revisions may occur due to further investigation from regulartory authorities and building code analysis. Dimensions shown are of strategic intent only. Refer to survey and civil drawings for technical information and measurements.NEW WORLDINTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LLCARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW February 14, 2020HUNTINGTON PLAZAHPA # 17476Arcadia, CA ROOF PLAN 13HUNTINGTON DR.N FIRST AVE.WHEELER AVE.ALLEYROOF @ LEVEL 5RETAIL PLAZAPEDESTRIAN CONNECTION@ GROUND LEVELMOTOR COURT5F5F5F4F3FSKY DECK @ LEVEL 4SKY DECK @ LEVEL 45F5F5FAA’B’BNEW WORLDINTERNATIONAL ROOF @ LEVEL 5RETAIL PLAZAPEDESTRIAN CONNECTION@ GROUND LEVELMOTOR COURT5F5FSKY DECK @ LEVEL 4SKY DECK @ LEVEL 45F5F5F5F4F3F0’ 20’ 40’10’N © 2019 by HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. The arrangements depicted herein are the sole propery of HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. and may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. Architectural conceptual site plans are for feasibility purpose only. Revisions may occur due to further investigation from regulartory authorities and building code analysis. Dimensions shown are of strategic intent only. Refer to survey and civil drawings for technical information and measurements.NEW WORLDINTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LLCARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW February 14, 2020HUNTINGTON PLAZAHPA # 17476Arcadia, CAHuntington Dr.Maximized store frontto activate downtown environmentRetail Paseo4 Story Residential Behind Corridor1. view of retail plaza From Huntington Dr.Sky Deck @ Level 4to activate street frontageMassing Stepback @ Level 4Massing Stepback @ Level 5Main PlazaResidential Stepback(14’~20’)Residential Stepback(14’~20’)KEYMAP1PERSPECTIVE RENDERING14 © 2019 by HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. The arrangements depicted herein are the sole propery of HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. and may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. Architectural conceptual site plans are for feasibility purpose only. Revisions may occur due to further investigation from regulartory authorities and building code analysis. Dimensions shown are of strategic intent only. Refer to survey and civil drawings for technical information and measurements.NEW WORLDINTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LLCARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW February 14, 2020HUNTINGTON PLAZAHPA # 17476Arcadia, CAHuntington Dr.Main Plaza1. view from Huntington Dr. Main massing & Center Entry PlazaHuntington Dr.Sky Deck @ Level 4 to activate street scapePrimary Stepback@ Level 4Resident Entry3. viewing west from Huntington Dr.Primary Stepback@ Level 4Secondary Stepback@ Level 5Residential Stepback(14’~20’)Residential Stepback(14’~20’)2. Bird’s eye view from East -South cornerCity Parking LotHuntington Dr.Indiana st.Wheeler ave.N. First Ave.Bldg2Metro GoldlineBldg 1KEYMAP123PERSPECTIVE RENDERING15 © 2019 by HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. The arrangements depicted herein are the sole propery of HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. and may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. Architectural conceptual site plans are for feasibility purpose only. Revisions may occur due to further investigation from regulartory authorities and building code analysis. Dimensions shown are of strategic intent only. Refer to survey and civil drawings for technical information and measurements.NEW WORLDINTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LLCARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW February 14, 2020HUNTINGTON PLAZAHPA # 17476Arcadia, CAKEYMAP123PERSPECTIVE RENDERING2. view from Alley , Rear massing & Motor PlazaMassing step back @ Level 4Base pattern for pedestrian scale architectureSingle CorridorRetail SignageWheeler avePedetrian Access (mid block connection : paseo)Artwork potential as a Landmark for city of ArcadiaRetail ParkingResidnet Entry1. view From Alley (Indiana St.)City Parking LotALLEY3. view of interior Motor PlazaCity Parking LotRetail Parking LotResident entryResident entryALLEY16 © 2019 by HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. The arrangements depicted herein are the sole propery of HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. and may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. Architectural conceptual site plans are for feasibility purpose only. Revisions may occur due to further investigation from regulartory authorities and building code analysis. Dimensions shown are of strategic intent only. Refer to survey and civil drawings for technical information and measurements.NEW WORLDINTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LLCARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW February 14, 2020HUNTINGTON PLAZAHPA # 17476Arcadia, CAKEYMAP123PERSPECTIVE RENDERINGWheeler Ave.N First Ave.Metro GoldlineParking entryResident Lobby @ Wheeler AveParking (city , retail & guest )1. Bird’s eye view from Metro GoldlineBldg#2 4 story ResidentialBldg#1 2~4 story ResidentialAlleyMetro GoldlineHuntington Dr.AlleyBldg#2 4 story ResidentialBldg#1 2~4 story Residential3. Impact zone at Metro Gold Line, View OpportunityMetro GoldlineHuntington Dr.2. View of stepped skyline from Huntington Dr.Bldg#1 Bldg#2 17 © 2019 by HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. The arrangements depicted herein are the sole propery of HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. and may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. Architectural conceptual site plans are for feasibility purpose only. Revisions may occur due to further investigation from regulartory authorities and building code analysis. Dimensions shown are of strategic intent only. Refer to survey and civil drawings for technical information and measurements.NEW WORLDINTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LLCARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW February 14, 2020HUNTINGTON PLAZAHPA # 17476Arcadia, CAHorizontal emphasis for fast tracArtwork potential as a Landmark for city of ArcadiaKEYMAP123PERSPECTIVE RENDERINGWheeler aveIndiana St.AlleyParking (city , retail & guest )1. view from Indiana St.ENTRY PLAZAMetro GoldlineIndiana StAlleyEntry Plaza2. Bird’s eye view of Alley frontageTwo tower for pedestrian scale architectureMain Module for B, C typeWheeler ave 3. view from Wheeler AvenueParking (city , retail & resident )18 © 2019 by HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. The arrangements depicted herein are the sole propery of HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. and may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. Architectural conceptual site plans are for feasibility purpose only. Revisions may occur due to further investigation from regulartory authorities and building code analysis. Dimensions shown are of strategic intent only. Refer to survey and civil drawings for technical information and measurements.NEW WORLDINTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LLCARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW February 14, 2020HUNTINGTON PLAZAHPA # 17476Arcadia, CACity Parking LotALLEYParking Access (city , retail & guest )Artwork potential as a Landmark for city of ArcadiaResidential Entry1. view of exposed main cornerHorizontal emphasis for fast tracMetro GoldlineWheeler Ave.Indiana StParking (city , retail & resident )3. view of North Elevation from Gold Line2. view of South Elevation from Huntington Dr.Bldg#1 2~4 story ResidentialBldg#2 4 story ResidentialKEYMAP123PERSPECTIVE RENDERINGResident Lobby @ Wheeler Ave19 © 2019 by HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. The arrangements depicted herein are the sole propery of HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. and may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. Architectural conceptual site plans are for feasibility purpose only. Revisions may occur due to further investigation from regulartory authorities and building code analysis. Dimensions shown are of strategic intent only. Refer to survey and civil drawings for technical information and measurements.NEW WORLDINTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LLCARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW February 14, 2020HUNTINGTON PLAZAHPA # 17476Arcadia, CAELEVATION (BLDG 2 :WHEELER AVE)200’ 16’ 32’8’0’ 16’ 32’8’Metro GoldlineAlleyParking Entry “A”Parking Entry “B”Alley Parking Resident EntryBldg#2 4 story Residential (Max 60’ Height )Egress StairEgress StairCourtyard 1Courtyard 21. Bldg #2 South Elevation (Alley & Entry Plaza) Wheeler Ave.Lobby.TransfromerMetro Gold LinePublic Parking Parking Entry “C”Garage perforated wallBldg#2 4 story Residential (Max 60’ Height ) Module “B type unit” Module “B type Corner unit”Base elementspodium level unit with Brick2. Bldg #2 North Elevation (Alley & Entry Plaza) Module “C type unit”Deck @ Level 2,3,4Resident Entry LobbyWheeler Ave. © 2019 by HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. The arrangements depicted herein are the sole propery of HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. and may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. Architectural conceptual site plans are for feasibility purpose only. Revisions may occur due to further investigation from regulartory authorities and building code analysis. Dimensions shown are of strategic intent only. Refer to survey and civil drawings for technical information and measurements.NEW WORLDINTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LLCARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW February 14, 2020HUNTINGTON PLAZAHPA # 17476Arcadia, CAELEVATION (BLDG 1 : HUNTINGTON DR.)210’ 16’ 32’8’0’ 16’ 32’8’Alley Parking Metro GoldlineHuntington Dr.Retail PlazaBldg#1 2~4 story Residential (Max 60’ Height )Mid-block connectionRetail PaseoSky Deck at Level 4Retail #2Retail #3Retail #1Sky Deck at Level 4Corridor at Level 51. Bldg #1 South Elevation ( Retail Entry Plaza) 2 Story Residential3 Story Residential3 Story ResidentialStepback from street (14’ ~20’ )Stepback from street (14’ ~20’ )Retail #5Retail #2Metro GoldlineIndiana St.Indiana St.N. First Ave.N. First Ave.Retail Paseoloading zoneResident EntryBldg#1 2~4 story Residential (Max 60’ Height )Egress StairEgress StairMotor Court with Retail ParkingResident entry Lobby © 2019 by HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. The arrangements depicted herein are the sole propery of HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. and may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. Architectural conceptual site plans are for feasibility purpose only. Revisions may occur due to further investigation from regulartory authorities and building code analysis. Dimensions shown are of strategic intent only. Refer to survey and civil drawings for technical information and measurements.NEW WORLDINTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LLCARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW February 14, 2020HUNTINGTON PLAZAHPA # 17476Arcadia, CAELEVATION (INDIANA ST. & N. FIRST AVE)220’ 16’ 32’8’0’ 16’ 32’8’Metro GoldlineAlleyRetail at GroundRetail at GroundtransfromerPublic Parking at GroundHuntington Dr.Bldg#2 4 story Residential (Max 60’ Height )Bldg#1 2~4 story Residential (Max 60’ Height )Stair & ElevatorArt work potentialStepback (14’~20’ )Stepback (14’~20’ )2. East Elevation (Metro Gold Line) Stair & ElevatorMetro GoldlinePublic Parking at GroundHuntington Dr.Bldg#2 4 story Residential (Max 60’ Height )Bldg#1 2~4 story Residential (Max 60’ Height )Stair & ElevatorArt work potentialResident LobbyStair & ElevatorWheeler Ave.Alley1. West Elevation (N First Ave) Sky Deck at Level 4Sky Deck at Level 4 © 2019 by HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. The arrangements depicted herein are the sole propery of HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. and may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. Architectural conceptual site plans are for feasibility purpose only. Revisions may occur due to further investigation from regulartory authorities and building code analysis. Dimensions shown are of strategic intent only. Refer to survey and civil drawings for technical information and measurements.NEW WORLDINTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LLCARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW - REVISION 4January 10, 2020HUNTINGTON PLAZAHPA # 17476Arcadia, CA1. LA HABRASMOOTH PLASTERGRAY1-2. ASPENSMOOTH PLASTER2. ALUCOBONDBRUSHEDCARBONFINISH3. BRUSHED BRONZEACCENTS4. BRICK VENEERLIGHT BROWN & FADED RED5. GROUND FLOOR COLUMN7. METAL SIDEING SYSTEM 8. ALUMINUMSTORE FRONT SYSTEM9. METAL CANOPY6. LONGBOARDPRIVACY SCREEN10. METALEXTRUDED OPENING23MATERIAL FINISHES 122163444567898 © 2019 by HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. The arrangements depicted herein are the sole propery of HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. and may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. Architectural conceptual site plans are for feasibility purpose only. Revisions may occur due to further investigation from regulartory authorities and building code analysis. Dimensions shown are of strategic intent only. Refer to survey and civil drawings for technical information and measurements.NEW WORLDINTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LLCARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW - REVISION 4January 10, 2020HUNTINGTON PLAZAHPA # 17476Arcadia, CA241. LA HABRASMOOTH PLASTERGRAY1-2. ASPENSMOOTH PLASTER2. ALUCOBONDBRUSHEDCARBONFINISH3. BRUSHED BRONZEACCENTS4. BRICK VENEERLIGHT BROWN & FADED RED5. GROUND FLOOR COLUMN7. METAL SIDEING SYSTEM 8. ALUMINUMSTORE FRONT SYSTEM9. METAL CANOPY6. LONGBOARDPRIVACY SCREEN10. METALEXTRUDED OPENING5710121-21-244494986MATERIAL FINISHES © 2019 by HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. The arrangements depicted herein are the sole propery of HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. and may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. Architectural conceptual site plans are for feasibility purpose only. Revisions may occur due to further investigation from regulartory authorities and building code analysis. Dimensions shown are of strategic intent only. Refer to survey and civil drawings for technical information and measurements.NEW WORLDINTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LLCARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW - REVISION 4January 10, 2020HUNTINGTON PLAZAHPA # 17476Arcadia, CA1. LA HABRASMOOTH PLASTERGRAY1-2. ASPENSMOOTH PLASTER2. ALUCOBONDBRUSHEDCARBONFINISH3. BRUSHED BRONZEACCENTS4. BRICK VENEERLIGHT BROWN & FADED RED5. GROUND FLOOR COLUMN7. METAL SIDEING SYSTEM 8. ALUMINUMSTORE FRONT SYSTEM9. METAL CANOPY6. LONGBOARDPRIVACY SCREEN10. METALEXTRUDED OPENING25771-28164491110274145MATERIAL FINISHES © 2019 by HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. The arrangements depicted herein are the sole propery of HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. and may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. Architectural conceptual site plans are for feasibility purpose only. Revisions may occur due to further investigation from regulartory authorities and building code analysis. Dimensions shown are of strategic intent only. Refer to survey and civil drawings for technical information and measurements.NEW WORLDINTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LLCARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW February 14, 2020HUNTINGTON PLAZAHPA # 17476Arcadia, CABUILDING SECTION260’ 16’ 32’8’ALLEYSECTION A-A’SECTION B-B’RETAILMOTOR COURT5F4F3F2F1FB1FSKY DECK @ LEVEL 4ROOF @ LEVEL 5PEDESTRIAN CONNECTION © 2019 by HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. The arrangements depicted herein are the sole propery of HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. and may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. Architectural conceptual site plans are for feasibility purpose only. Revisions may occur due to further investigation from regulartory authorities and building code analysis. Dimensions shown are of strategic intent only. Refer to survey and civil drawings for technical information and measurements.NEW WORLDINTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LLCARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW February 14, 2020HUNTINGTON PLAZAHPA # 17476Arcadia, CAUNIT PLANS27 © 2019 by HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. The arrangements depicted herein are the sole propery of HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. and may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. Architectural conceptual site plans are for feasibility purpose only. Revisions may occur due to further investigation from regulartory authorities and building code analysis. Dimensions shown are of strategic intent only. Refer to survey and civil drawings for technical information and measurements.NEW WORLDINTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LLCARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW February 14, 2020HUNTINGTON PLAZAHPA # 17476Arcadia, CAUNIT PLANS28 © 2019 by HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. The arrangements depicted herein are the sole propery of HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. and may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. Architectural conceptual site plans are for feasibility purpose only. Revisions may occur due to further investigation from regulartory authorities and building code analysis. Dimensions shown are of strategic intent only. Refer to survey and civil drawings for technical information and measurements.NEW WORLDINTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LLCARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW February 14, 2020HUNTINGTON PLAZAHPA # 17476Arcadia, CAUNIT PLANS29 © 2019 by HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. The arrangements depicted herein are the sole propery of HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. and may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. Architectural conceptual site plans are for feasibility purpose only. Revisions may occur due to further investigation from regulartory authorities and building code analysis. Dimensions shown are of strategic intent only. Refer to survey and civil drawings for technical information and measurements.NEW WORLDINTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LLCARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW February 14, 2020HUNTINGTON PLAZAHPA # 17476Arcadia, CAARCHITECTURAL RENDERING30 © 2019 by HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. The arrangements depicted herein are the sole propery of HUMPHREYS & PARTNERS ARCHITECT, L.P. and may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. Architectural conceptual site plans are for feasibility purpose only. Revisions may occur due to further investigation from regulartory authorities and building code analysis. Dimensions shown are of strategic intent only. Refer to survey and civil drawings for technical information and measurements.NEW WORLDINTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LLCARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW February 14, 2020HUNTINGTON PLAZAHPA # 17476Arcadia, CAARCHITECTURAL RENDERING31 Huntington Plaza ARCADIA, CALIFRONIA #17476 2019 by Humphreys & Partners Landscape Architecture. The arrangements depicted herein are the sole property of Humphreys & Partners Landscape Architecture and may not be reproduced in any form without its written permission. Landscape architectural conceptual site plans are for feasibility purpose only. Revisions may occur due to further investigation from regulatory authorities and landscape code analysis. Dimensions shown are of a strategic intent only. Refer to surverys and civil drawings for technical information and measurements.C NEW WORLD INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LLC.5339 ALPHA ROAD, SUITE 300, DALLAS, TX 75240 972.701.9636 | www.hplastudio.comCOVER SHEET ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA Date : 04/ 30/ 2019 Ownership: NEW WORLD INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT. LLC Architect: Job # 17476 Huntington Plaza, Mixed-use Elevation Review Set Sheet Index 01. CHARACTER IMAGES 02. GROUND LEVEL SITE PLAN & NOTES 03. GROUND LEVEL ENLARGEMENT - PLAZA 04. GROUND LEVEL ENLARGEMENT - ALLEY 05. AMENITY DECK DESIGNS - PODIUM 06. PODIUM PRELIMINARY PERSPECTIVE A 07. PODIUM PRELIMINARY PERSPECTIVE B 08. ROOF DECK DESIGNS 09. ROOF DECK PRELIMINARY PERSPECTIVE C Huntington Plaza ARCADIA, CALIFRONIA #17476 2019 by Humphreys & Partners Landscape Architecture. The arrangements depicted herein are the sole property of Humphreys & Partners Landscape Architecture and may not be reproduced in any form without its written permission. Landscape architectural conceptual site plans are for feasibility purpose only. Revisions may occur due to further investigation from regulatory authorities and landscape code analysis. Dimensions shown are of a strategic intent only. Refer to surverys and civil drawings for technical information and measurements.C NEW WORLD INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LLC.5339 ALPHA ROAD, SUITE 300, DALLAS, TX 75240 972.701.9636 | www.hplastudio.com INSPIRATIONAL IMAGES SCALE: NOT TO SCALE SHEET 01 of 09 GRASSCRETE PAVING ACCENT PAVING RECESSED FLOOR LIGHTS OUTDOOR KITCHEN LIGHTING SPHERES PREFAB FIRE FEATURE PATIO FURNISHINGS STRING LIGHTS ORNAMENTAL PLANTINGWOOD DECKINGOUTDOOR KITCHEN DECORATIVE ROCK ZERO EDGE POOL WATER FEATURE GREAT LAWNMULTI-USE LAWN Huntington Plaza ARCADIA, CALIFRONIA #17476 2019 by Humphreys & Partners Landscape Architecture. The arrangements depicted herein are the sole property of Humphreys & Partners Landscape Architecture and may not be reproduced in any form without its written permission. Landscape architectural conceptual site plans are for feasibility purpose only. Revisions may occur due to further investigation from regulatory authorities and landscape code analysis. Dimensions shown are of a strategic intent only. Refer to surverys and civil drawings for technical information and measurements.C NEW WORLD INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LLC.5339 ALPHA ROAD, SUITE 300, DALLAS, TX 75240 972.701.9636 | www.hplastudio.com SITE PLAN SHEET 02 of 09 GENERAL NOTES: The images, illustrations, drawings, and statements (“information”) contained herein are based upon a preliminary review of the entitlement requirements; thus are subject to change during the design review process. The information is provided merely to assist in how the site may eventually be developed. Consequently, there is no guarantee that the improvements depicted will be built, or if built, will be of the same type, material, size, appearance, or use as presented. PLANTING NOTES 1. All landscape planting improvements shall follow the city and/or county of Arcadia’s guidelines. 2. The selection of plant material is based on cultural, aesthetic, water effciency, and maintenance considerations. 3. All planting areas shall be prepared with appropriate soil amendments, fertilizers, and appropriate supplements based upon a soils report from a sample taken from the project site. 4. Groundcovers or bark mulch shall fll in between the shrubs to shield the soil from the sun, evapotranspiration, and runoff. All shrub beds shall be mulched to a 3” depth to help conserve water, lower the soil temperature, and reduce weed growth. 5. Trees and shrubs shall be allowed to grow to their natural forms. 6. Final landscape plans shall accurately show placement of trees, shrubs, and groundcovers. 7. All required landscape planting areas shall be maintained by owner per the City’s requirements. 8. The landscape architect shall be aware of utility, sewer, and storm drain easements and place plantings accordingly. 9. Prior to the start of landscaping operations, the Landscape Architect and Landscape Constractor shall provide a sample of the weed fabric barrier to the Project Planner, City of Arcadia Planning Department. 10. All shrubs shall be installed at 5 gallons or 15 gallons. 11. All trees shall be installed at 24” box, 36” box, and/or 48” box. HEDGES: LIGUSTRUM JAPONICUM JAPANESE PRIVET PITTOSPORUM TOBIRA ‘MOJO’ MOJO PITTOSPORUM PODOCARPUS ELONGATUS ‘MONMAL’ ICEE BLUE YELLOWWOOD PRUNUS CAROLINIANA CAROLINA CHERRY LAUREL SUCCULENTS: AGAVE AMERI. VAR. MEDIO-PICTA ‘ALBA’ WHITE STRIPED CENTURY PLANT AGAVE ‘BLUE GLOW’ BLUE GLOW AGAVE AGAVE DESMETTIANA SMOOTH AGAVE AGAVE WEBERI WEBER’S AGAVE ALOE STRIATA CORAL ALOE ECHEVERIA SPP. HEN AND CHICKS SEDUM SPP. STONECROP SENECIO MANDRALISCAE BLUE CHALKSTICKS GRASSES: MUHLENBERGIA LINDHEIMERI AUTUMN GLOW MUHLY PENNISETUM ALOPECUROIDES ‘HAMELN’ DWARF FOUNTAIN GRASS VINES: BOUGAINVILLEA SPP. BOUGAINVILLEA CLYTOSTOMA CALLISTEGIODES VIOLET TRUMPET VINE CONCEPTUAL PLANT PALETTE TREES: ARBUTUS UNEDO STRAWBERRY TREE LAGERSTROEMIA INDICA CRAPE MYRTLE OLEA EUROPAEA OLIVE TREE PARKINSONIA FLORIDA PALO VERDE TRISTANIA CONFERTA BRISBANE BOX SHRUBS AND GROUNDCOVERS: ASCLEPIAS CURA. ‘ RED BUTTERFLIES’ RED BUTTERFLIES MILKWEED BUDDLEJA ‘BLUE CHIP’ DWARF SUMMER LILAC CARISSA MACROCARPA NATAL PLUM CEANOTHUS GRIS. HORIZ. ‘YANKEE POINT’ YANKEE POINT CEANOTHUS DIANELLA REVOLUTA ‘CLARITY BLUE’ CLARITY BLUE FLAXLILY ECHINOCACTUS GRUSONII BARREL CACTUS LANTANA CAMARA ‘MISS HUFF’ MISS HUFF HARDY LANTANA LEUCOPHYLLUM SPP. TEXAS RANGER RHAPHIOLEPIS INDICA INDIAN HAWTHORNE ROSMARINUS OFF. ‘LOCKWOOD DE FOREST’ PROSTRATE ROSMARY SALVIA SPP. SAGE ARCADIA MIXED USE APARTMENTS01 0 8’16’32’ 1/16” = 1’-0”Plan -6 -December 1, 2015 CITY OF ARCADIA WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPING -ORDINANCE NO. 2330 WORKSHEET -SECTION C THIS WORKSHEET IS REQUIRED TO BE FILLIED OUT BY THE PROJECT APPLICANT Reference Evapotranspiration (ETo) Rate = 50.2 inches per year The ETo for the Arcadia area is based on the State Department of Water Resource, Reference Evapotranspiration rate (ETo) for the City of Monrovia –Appendix ‘A ‘ of the State MWELO. Hydrozone #Plant Irrigation Irrigation ETAF Hydrozone ETAF Estimated Total &Planting Factor Method Efficiency (PF ÷ IE)Area x Area Water Use Description (PF)(IE)in sq. ft.(ETWU) Regular Landscape Areas 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Totals (A)(B) Special Landscape Areas (SLAs)-Includes areas irrigated with recycled water 1 1 1 Totals (C)(D) ETWU Total MAWA Hydrozone # & Planting Description –e.g., 1) Lawn/Turf, 2) Low Water Use Plantings, 3) Medium Water Use Plantings, etc. Plant Factor (PF) – Irrigation Method –Overhead Spray or Drip Irrigation Efficiency (IE) –0.75 for Overhead Spray, 0.81 for drip ETWU (Annual Gallons Required) = ETo (50.2) x 0.62 x ETAF x Area MAWA (Annual Gallons Allowed) = ETo (50.2) x 0.62 x [(ETAF x Area) + ((1-ETAF) x SLA)] 0.62 is a conversion factor to convert acre -inches per acre, to gallons per square foot per year Area is the total Regular Landscape Areas SLA is the total Special Landscape Areas ETAF is 0.55 for residential areas, and 0.45 for non-residential areas ETAF Calculations Regular Landscape Areas: Average ETAF for Regular Landscape Areas must be 0.55 Total ETAF x Area (B) Total Area (A) Average ETAF B ÷ A All Landscape Areas Total ETAF x Area (B+D) Total Area (A+C) Sitewide ETAF (B+D) ÷ (A+C) -6 -December 1, 2015 CITY OF ARCADIA WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPING -ORDINANCE NO. 2330 WORKSHEET -SECTION C THIS WORKSHEET IS REQUIRED TO BE FILLIED OUT BY THE PROJECT APPLICANT Reference Evapotranspiration (ETo) Rate = 50.2 inches per year The ETo for the Arcadia area is based on the State Department of Water Resource, Reference Evapotranspiration rate (ETo) for the City of Monrovia –Appendix ‘A ‘ of the State MWELO. Hydrozone #Plant Irrigation Irrigation ETAF Hydrozone ETAF Estimated Total &Planting Factor Method Efficiency (PF ÷ IE)Area x Area Water Use Description (PF)(IE)in sq. ft.(ETWU) Regular Landscape Areas 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Totals (A)(B) Special Landscape Areas (SLAs)-Includes areas irrigated with recycled water 1 1 1 Totals (C)(D) ETWU Total MAWA Hydrozone # & Planting Description –e.g., 1) Lawn/Turf, 2) Low Water Use Plantings, 3) Medium Water Use Plantings, etc. Plant Factor (PF) – Irrigation Method –Overhead Spray or Drip Irrigation Efficiency (IE) –0.75 for Overhead Spray, 0.81 for drip ETWU (Annual Gallons Required) = ETo (50.2) x 0.62 x ETAF x Area MAWA (Annual Gallons Allowed) = ETo (50.2) x 0.62 x [(ETAF x Area) + ((1-ETAF) x SLA)] 0.62 is a conversion factor to convert acre -inches per acre, to gallons per square foot per year Area is the total Regular Landscape Areas SLA is the total Special Landscape Areas ETAF is 0.55 for residential areas, and 0.45 for non-residential areas ETAF Calculations Regular Landscape Areas: Average ETAF for Regular Landscape Areas must be 0.55 Total ETAF x Area (B) Total Area (A) Average ETAF B ÷ A All Landscape Areas Total ETAF x Area (B+D) Total Area (A+C) Sitewide ETAF (B+D) ÷ (A+C) -6 -December 1, 2015 CITY OF ARCADIA WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPING -ORDINANCE NO. 2330 WORKSHEET -SECTION C THIS WORKSHEET IS REQUIRED TO BE FILLIED OUT BY THE PROJECT APPLICANT Reference Evapotranspiration (ETo) Rate = 50.2 inches per year The ETo for the Arcadia area is based on the State Department of Water Resource, Reference Evapotranspiration rate (ETo) for the City of Monrovia –Appendix ‘A ‘ of the State MWELO. Hydrozone #Plant Irrigation Irrigation ETAF Hydrozone ETAF Estimated Total &Planting Factor Method Efficiency (PF ÷ IE)Area x Area Water Use Description (PF)(IE)in sq. ft.(ETWU) Regular Landscape Areas 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Totals (A)(B) Special Landscape Areas (SLAs)-Includes areas irrigated with recycled water 1 1 1 Totals (C)(D) ETWU Total MAWA Hydrozone # & Planting Description –e.g., 1) Lawn/Turf, 2) Low Water Use Plantings, 3) Medium Water Use Plantings, etc. Plant Factor (PF) – Irrigation Method –Overhead Spray or Drip Irrigation Efficiency (IE) –0.75 for Overhead Spray, 0.81 for drip ETWU (Annual Gallons Required) = ETo (50.2) x 0.62 x ETAF x Area MAWA (Annual Gallons Allowed) = ETo (50.2) x 0.62 x [(ETAF x Area) + ((1-ETAF) x SLA)] 0.62 is a conversion factor to convert acre -inches per acre, to gallons per square foot per year Area is the total Regular Landscape Areas SLA is the total Special Landscape Areas ETAF is 0.55 for residential areas, and 0.45 for non-residential areas ETAF Calculations Regular Landscape Areas: Average ETAF for Regular Landscape Areas must be 0.55 Total ETAF x Area (B) Total Area (A) Average ETAF B ÷ A All Landscape Areas Total ETAF x Area (B+D) Total Area (A+C) Sitewide ETAF (B+D) ÷ (A+C) -6 -December 1, 2015 CITY OF ARCADIA WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPING -ORDINANCE NO. 2330 WORKSHEET -SECTION C THIS WORKSHEET IS REQUIRED TO BE FILLIED OUT BY THE PROJECT APPLICANT Reference Evapotranspiration (ETo) Rate = 50.2 inches per year The ETo for the Arcadia area is based on the State Department of Water Resource, Reference Evapotranspiration rate (ETo) for the City of Monrovia –Appendix ‘A ‘ of the State MWELO. Hydrozone #Plant Irrigation Irrigation ETAF Hydrozone ETAF Estimated Total &Planting Factor Method Efficiency (PF ÷ IE)Area x Area Water Use Description (PF)(IE)in sq. ft.(ETWU) Regular Landscape Areas 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Totals (A)(B) Special Landscape Areas (SLAs)-Includes areas irrigated with recycled water 1 1 1 Totals (C)(D) ETWU Total MAWA Hydrozone # & Planting Description –e.g., 1) Lawn/Turf, 2) Low Water Use Plantings, 3) Medium Water Use Plantings, etc. Plant Factor (PF) – Irrigation Method –Overhead Spray or Drip Irrigation Efficiency (IE) –0.75 for Overhead Spray, 0.81 for drip ETWU (Annual Gallons Required) = ETo (50.2) x 0.62 x ETAF x Area MAWA (Annual Gallons Allowed) = ETo (50.2) x 0.62 x [(ETAF x Area) + ((1-ETAF) x SLA)] 0.62 is a conversion factor to convert acre -inches per acre, to gallons per square foot per year Area is the total Regular Landscape Areas SLA is the total Special Landscape Areas ETAF is 0.55 for residential areas, and 0.45 for non-residential areas ETAF Calculations Regular Landscape Areas: Average ETAF for Regular Landscape Areas must be 0.55 Total ETAF x Area (B) Total Area (A) Average ETAF B ÷ A All Landscape Areas Total ETAF x Area (B+D) Total Area (A+C) Sitewide ETAF (B+D) ÷ (A+C) -6 -December 1, 2015 CITY OF ARCADIA WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPING -ORDINANCE NO. 2330 WORKSHEET -SECTION C THIS WORKSHEET IS REQUIRED TO BE FILLIED OUT BY THE PROJECT APPLICANT Reference Evapotranspiration (ETo) Rate = 50.2 inches per year The ETo for the Arcadia area is based on the State Department of Water Resource, Reference Evapotranspiration rate (ETo) for the City of Monrovia –Appendix ‘A ‘ of the State MWELO. Hydrozone #Plant Irrigation Irrigation ETAF Hydrozone ETAF Estimated Total &Planting Factor Method Efficiency (PF ÷ IE)Area x Area Water Use Description (PF)(IE)in sq. ft.(ETWU) Regular Landscape Areas 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Totals (A)(B) Special Landscape Areas (SLAs)-Includes areas irrigated with recycled water 1 1 1 Totals (C)(D) ETWU Total MAWA Hydrozone # & Planting Description –e.g., 1) Lawn/Turf, 2) Low Water Use Plantings, 3) Medium Water Use Plantings, etc. Plant Factor (PF) – Irrigation Method –Overhead Spray or Drip Irrigation Efficiency (IE) –0.75 for Overhead Spray, 0.81 for drip ETWU (Annual Gallons Required) = ETo (50.2) x 0.62 x ETAF x Area MAWA (Annual Gallons Allowed) = ETo (50.2) x 0.62 x [(ETAF x Area) + ((1-ETAF) x SLA)] 0.62 is a conversion factor to convert acre -inches per acre, to gallons per square foot per year Area is the total Regular Landscape Areas SLA is the total Special Landscape Areas ETAF is 0.55 for residential areas, and 0.45 for non-residential areas ETAF Calculations Regular Landscape Areas: Average ETAF for Regular Landscape Areas must be 0.55 Total ETAF x Area (B) Total Area (A) Average ETAF B ÷ A All Landscape Areas Total ETAF x Area (B+D) Total Area (A+C) Sitewide ETAF (B+D) ÷ (A+C) -6 -December 1, 2015 CITY OF ARCADIA WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPING -ORDINANCE NO. 2330 WORKSHEET -SECTION C THIS WORKSHEET IS REQUIRED TO BE FILLIED OUT BY THE PROJECT APPLICANT Reference Evapotranspiration (ETo) Rate = 50.2 inches per year The ETo for the Arcadia area is based on the State Department of Water Resource, Reference Evapotranspiration rate (ETo) for the City of Monrovia –Appendix ‘A ‘ of the State MWELO. Hydrozone #Plant Irrigation Irrigation ETAF Hydrozone ETAF Estimated Total &Planting Factor Method Efficiency (PF ÷ IE)Area x Area Water Use Description (PF)(IE)in sq. ft.(ETWU) Regular Landscape Areas 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Totals (A)(B) Special Landscape Areas (SLAs)-Includes areas irrigated with recycled water 1 1 1 Totals (C)(D) ETWU Total MAWA Hydrozone # & Planting Description –e.g., 1) Lawn/Turf, 2) Low Water Use Plantings, 3) Medium Water Use Plantings, etc. Plant Factor (PF) – Irrigation Method –Overhead Spray or Drip Irrigation Efficiency (IE) –0.75 for Overhead Spray, 0.81 for drip ETWU (Annual Gallons Required) = ETo (50.2) x 0.62 x ETAF x Area MAWA (Annual Gallons Allowed) = ETo (50.2) x 0.62 x [(ETAF x Area) + ((1-ETAF) x SLA)] 0.62 is a conversion factor to convert acre -inches per acre, to gallons per square foot per year Area is the total Regular Landscape Areas SLA is the total Special Landscape Areas ETAF is 0.55 for residential areas, and 0.45 for non-residential areas ETAF Calculations Regular Landscape Areas: Average ETAF for Regular Landscape Areas must be 0.55 Total ETAF x Area (B) Total Area (A) Average ETAF B ÷ A All Landscape Areas Total ETAF x Area (B+D) Total Area (A+C) Sitewide ETAF (B+D) ÷ (A+C) -6 -December 1, 2015 CITY OF ARCADIA WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPING -ORDINANCE NO. 2330 WORKSHEET -SECTION C THIS WORKSHEET IS REQUIRED TO BE FILLIED OUT BY THE PROJECT APPLICANT Reference Evapotranspiration (ETo) Rate = 50.2 inches per year The ETo for the Arcadia area is based on the State Department of Water Resource, Reference Evapotranspiration rate (ETo) for the City of Monrovia –Appendix ‘A ‘ of the State MWELO. Hydrozone #Plant Irrigation Irrigation ETAF Hydrozone ETAF Estimated Total &Planting Factor Method Efficiency (PF ÷ IE)Area x Area Water Use Description (PF)(IE)in sq. ft.(ETWU) Regular Landscape Areas 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Totals (A)(B) Special Landscape Areas (SLAs)-Includes areas irrigated with recycled water 1 1 1 Totals (C)(D) ETWU Total MAWA Hydrozone # & Planting Description –e.g., 1) Lawn/Turf, 2) Low Water Use Plantings, 3) Medium Water Use Plantings, etc. Plant Factor (PF) – Irrigation Method –Overhead Spray or Drip Irrigation Efficiency (IE) –0.75 for Overhead Spray, 0.81 for drip ETWU (Annual Gallons Required) = ETo (50.2) x 0.62 x ETAF x Area MAWA (Annual Gallons Allowed) = ETo (50.2) x 0.62 x [(ETAF x Area) + ((1-ETAF) x SLA)] 0.62 is a conversion factor to convert acre -inches per acre, to gallons per square foot per year Area is the total Regular Landscape Areas SLA is the total Special Landscape Areas ETAF is 0.55 for residential areas, and 0.45 for non-residential areas ETAF Calculations Regular Landscape Areas: Average ETAF for Regular Landscape Areas must be 0.55 Total ETAF x Area (B) Total Area (A) Average ETAF B ÷ A All Landscape Areas Total ETAF x Area (B+D) Total Area (A+C) Sitewide ETAF (B+D) ÷ (A+C) -6 -December 1, 2015 CITY OF ARCADIA WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPING -ORDINANCE NO. 2330 WORKSHEET -SECTION C THIS WORKSHEET IS REQUIRED TO BE FILLIED OUT BY THE PROJECT APPLICANT Reference Evapotranspiration (ETo) Rate = 50.2 inches per year The ETo for the Arcadia area is based on the State Department of Water Resource, Reference Evapotranspiration rate (ETo) for the City of Monrovia –Appendix ‘A ‘ of the State MWELO. Hydrozone #Plant Irrigation Irrigation ETAF Hydrozone ETAF Estimated Total &Planting Factor Method Efficiency (PF ÷ IE)Area x Area Water Use Description (PF)(IE)in sq. ft.(ETWU) Regular Landscape Areas 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Totals (A)(B) Special Landscape Areas (SLAs)-Includes areas irrigated with recycled water 1 1 1 Totals (C)(D) ETWU Total MAWA Hydrozone # & Planting Description –e.g., 1) Lawn/Turf, 2) Low Water Use Plantings, 3) Medium Water Use Plantings, etc. Plant Factor (PF) – Irrigation Method –Overhead Spray or Drip Irrigation Efficiency (IE) –0.75 for Overhead Spray, 0.81 for drip ETWU (Annual Gallons Required) = ETo (50.2) x 0.62 x ETAF x Area MAWA (Annual Gallons Allowed) = ETo (50.2) x 0.62 x [(ETAF x Area) + ((1-ETAF) x SLA)] 0.62 is a conversion factor to convert acre -inches per acre, to gallons per square foot per year Area is the total Regular Landscape Areas SLA is the total Special Landscape Areas ETAF is 0.55 for residential areas, and 0.45 for non-residential areas ETAF Calculations Regular Landscape Areas: Average ETAF for Regular Landscape Areas must be 0.55 Total ETAF x Area (B) Total Area (A) Average ETAF B ÷ A All Landscape Areas Total ETAF x Area (B+D) Total Area (A+C) Sitewide ETAF (B+D) ÷ (A+C) Low Water Use 0.3 Drip Drip 0.81 0.81 0.37 0.617 2,564 1,098 949 678 29,556 Gallons 21,095 Gallons0.5Med Water Use 3,662 Total 0.44 Average 0 0 1,627 Total 1,627 1,627 3,662 3,662 0.44 0.44 0 0 50,651 Gallons 51,289 Gallons 0 0 When printed at full size sheet, 24”x36” I N D I A N A S T R E E T WHEELER AVENUE HUNTINGTON DRIVE G O L D L I N E REFER TO SHEET 03 SUCCULENTS SHRUBS AND GROUNDCOVERS TREES HEDGES VINES GRASSES AGAVE AMERI. VAR. MEDIO-PICTA ‘ALBA’ WHITE STRIPED CENTURY PLANT ASCLEPIAS CURA. ‘ RED BUTTERFLIES’ RED BUTTERFLIES MILKWEED ARBUTUS UNEDO STRAWBERRY TREE LIGUSTRUM JAPONICUM JAPANESE PRIVET BOUGAINVILLEA SPP. BOUGAINVILLEA PITTOSPORUM TOBIRA ‘MOJO’ MOJO PITTOSPORUM MUHLENBERGIA LINDHEIMERI AUTUMN GLOW MUHLY AGAVE ‘BLUE GLOW’ BLUE GLOW AGAVE BUDDLEJA ‘BLUE CHIP’ DWARF SUMMER LILAC LAGERSTROEMIA INDICA CRAPE MYRTLE ALOE STRIATA CORAL ALOE ECHINOCACTUS GRUSONII BARREL CACTUS PARKINSONIA FLORIDA PALO VERDE PODOCARPUS ELONGATUS ‘MONMAL’ ICEE BLUE YELLOWWOOD CLYTOSTOMA CALLISTEGIODES VIOLET TRUMPET VINE PRUNUS CAROLINIANA CAROLINA CHERRY LAUREL PENNISETUM ALOPECUROIDES ‘HAMELN’ DWARF FOUNTAIN GRASS CARISSA MACROCARPA NATAL PLUM OLEA EUROPAEA OLIVE TREE ROSMARINUS OFF. ‘LOCKWOOD DE FOREST’ PROSTRATE ROSMARY SALVIA SPP. SAGE SENECIO MANDRALISCAE BLUE CHALKSTICKS RHAPHIOLEPIS INDICA INDIAN HAWTHORNE SEDUM SPP. STONECROP LEUCOPHYLLUM SPP. TEXAS RANGER TRISTANIA CONFERTA BRISBANE BOX ECHEVERIA SPP. HEN AND CHICKS LANTANA CAMARA ‘MISS HUFF’ MISS HUFF HARDY LANTANA PODOCARPUS GRACILIOR FERN PINE AGAVE DESMETTIANA SMOOTH AGAVE CEANOTHUS GRIS. HORIZ. ‘YANKEE POINT’ YANKEE POINT CEANOTHUS AGAVE WEBERI WEBER’S AGAVE DIANELLA REVOLUTA ‘CLARITY BLUE’ CLARITY BLUE FLAXLILY DIANELLA REVOLUATA ‘LITTEL REV’ LITTLE REV FLAXLILY CONCEPTUAL PLANT PALETTE PLANT NAME - COLUMN ONE PLANT NAME - COLUMN TWO 1. All landscape planting improvements shall follow the city and/or county of Arcadia’s guidelines. 2. The selection of plant material is based on cultural, aesthetic, water efficiency, and maintenance considerations. 3. All planting areas shall be prepared with appropriate soil amendments, fertilizers, and appropriate supplements based upon a soils report from a sample taken from the project site. 4. Groundcovers or bark mulch shall fill in between the shrubs to shield the soil from the sun, evapotranspiration, and runoff. All shrub beds shall be mulched to a 3” depth to help conserve water, lower the soil temperature, and reduce weed growth. 5. Trees and shrubs shall be allowed to grow to their natural forms. 6. Final landscape plans shall accurately show placement of trees, shrubs, and groundcovers. 7. All required landscape planting areas shall be maintained by owner per the City’s requirements. 8. The landscape architect shall be aware of utility, sewer, and storm drain easements and place plantings accordingly. 9. Prior to the start of landscaping operations, the Landscape Architect and Landscape Constractor shall provide a sample of the weed fabric barrier to the Project Planner, City of Arcadia Planning Department. 10. All shrubs shall be installed at 5 gallons or 15 gallons. 11. All trees shall be installed at 24” box, 36” box, and/or 48” box. PLANTING NOTES The images, illustrations, drawings, and statements (“information”) contained herein are based upon a preliminary review of the entitlement requirements; thus are subject to change during the design review process. The information is provided merely to assist in how the site may eventually be developed. Consequently, there is no guarantee that the improvements depicted will be built, or if built, will be of the same type, material, size, appearance, or use as presented. GENERAL NOTES CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE DESIGN | JUNE 08, 2018GROUND FLOOR CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN WHEELER AVENUE IN D I A N A S T R E E T c SHEET 03.09SHEET 04.09HUNTINGTON DRIVE Huntington Plaza ARCADIA, CALIFRONIA #17476 2019 by Humphreys & Partners Landscape Architecture. The arrangements depicted herein are the sole property of Humphreys & Partners Landscape Architecture and may not be reproduced in any form without its written permission. Landscape architectural conceptual site plans are for feasibility purpose only. Revisions may occur due to further investigation from regulatory authorities and landscape code analysis. Dimensions shown are of a strategic intent only. Refer to surverys and civil drawings for technical information and measurements.C NEW WORLD INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LLC.5339 ALPHA ROAD, SUITE 300, DALLAS, TX 75240 972.701.9636 | www.hplastudio.com AMENITY SPACES Legend Great LawnA Wood Pattern Stamped Concrete. Multi-TonedB Recessed Linear Floor LightsC Ornamental Planting Grasscrete Paving Isolation Band Natural Gray Concrete Seat Wall Accent Paving Wood Bench Ornamental Pot Tree Grate w/ Shade Tree Exposed Aggregate Paving Palm Tree Exterior Furnishings String Lights Road Markings Not in Use D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R Scored Natural Gray Concrete AlleyS GENERAL NOTES: The images, illustrations, drawings, and statements (“information”) contained herein are based upon a preliminary review of the entitlement requirements; thus are subject to change during the design review process. The information is provided merely to assist in how the site may eventually be developed. Consequently, there is no guarantee that the improvements depicted will be built, or if built, will be of the same type, material, size, appearance, or use as presented. F H O O O O N N I I J J I B B A C C C N M K LL K GROUND LEVEL COLORED PLAN - PLAZA SCALE:NOT TO SCALE SHEET 03 of 09 E E F FSHEET 03.09 SHEET 04.09 HUNTINGTON DRIVE Huntington Plaza ARCADIA, CALIFRONIA #17476 2019 by Humphreys & Partners Landscape Architecture. The arrangements depicted herein are the sole property of Humphreys & Partners Landscape Architecture and may not be reproduced in any form without its written permission. Landscape architectural conceptual site plans are for feasibility purpose only. Revisions may occur due to further investigation from regulatory authorities and landscape code analysis. Dimensions shown are of a strategic intent only. Refer to surverys and civil drawings for technical information and measurements.C NEW WORLD INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LLC.5339 ALPHA ROAD, SUITE 300, DALLAS, TX 75240 972.701.9636 | www.hplastudio.com AMENITY SPACES Legend Street Tree w/ GrateA Natural Gray Concrete SidewalkB Grasscrete PavingC Natural Gray Concrete Paving Isolation Band NOT IN USE NOT IN USE Road Markings Accent Paving Wood Pattern Stamped Concrete Recessed Floor Lights NOT IN USE D E F G H I J K L GENERAL NOTES: The images, illustrations, drawings, and statements (“information”) contained herein are based upon a preliminary review of the entitlement requirements; thus are subject to change during the design review process. The information is provided merely to assist in how the site may eventually be developed. Consequently, there is no guarantee that the improvements depicted will be built, or if built, will be of the same type, material, size, appearance, or use as presented. SHEET 03.09 SHEET 04.09 D D E E H AAAAA H H J H J CC GROUND LEVEL COLORED PLAN - ALLEY SCALE: NOT TO SCALE SHEET 04 of 09 WHEELER AVENUE A A Huntington Plaza ARCADIA, CALIFRONIA #17476 2019 by Humphreys & Partners Landscape Architecture. The arrangements depicted herein are the sole property of Humphreys & Partners Landscape Architecture and may not be reproduced in any form without its written permission. Landscape architectural conceptual site plans are for feasibility purpose only. Revisions may occur due to further investigation from regulatory authorities and landscape code analysis. Dimensions shown are of a strategic intent only. Refer to surverys and civil drawings for technical information and measurements.C NEW WORLD INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LLC.5339 ALPHA ROAD, SUITE 300, DALLAS, TX 75240 972.701.9636 | www.hplastudio.com PODIUM AMENITIES COLORED PLAN SCALE:NOT TO SCALE SHEET 05 of 09 AMENITY SPACES Legend Zero-Edge Wading PoolA Mosaic TileB Artificial Turf w/ Formal SeatingC Decorative Rock Sculpture String Lights Wood Decking Built-in Planter w/ Ornamental Tree 2’ x 2’ Multi-Toned Accent Pavers Prefab Planter Outdoor Kitchen w/ Pergola and Community Table Water Feature Prefab Fire Pit Lighting Spheres Planting Pots Recessed Linear Floor Lights 5’ x 5’ Prefab Pot w/ Shade Tree Wood Bench D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R HammocksS I M E D C F F HH G G G G B A I I I J J I I Q M R R L P P O N N O P A GENERAL NOTES: The images, illustrations, drawings, and statements (“information”) contained herein are based upon a preliminary review of the entitlement requirements; thus are subject to change during the design review process. The information is provided merely to assist in how the site may eventually be developed. Consequently, there is no guarantee that the improvements depicted will be built, or if built, will be of the same type, material, size, appearance, or use as presented. A B 1 23 1 23 Xref ..\17476_Site_Misc_OPT2.dwgSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS UNIT CORR.UNIT UNIT CORR.UNIT 3'-6"11'-4"1'-8"11'-0"UNIT CORR.UNIT PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEHUNTINGTON DR.STREET CENTER LINESTREET CENTER LINEPROPERTY LINEWHEELER AVE.13'-0"11'-0"10'-0"10'-0"11'-0"55'-0"ALLEYPLAZA 3'-6"12'-4"8'-0"1'-8"13'-0"RETAIL11'-0"10'-0"10'-0"11'-0"55'-0"8'-0"1'-8"UNIT CORR.UNIT 9'-8"PROPERTY LINE42'-0"13'-0"55'-0"7'-0"11'-0"7'-0"8'-2"3'-0"PROPERTY LINE13'-0"11'-0"10'-0"10'-0"11'-0"55'-0"12'-4"8'-0"1'-8"11'-0"7'-0"3'-6"PROPERTY LINE10'-0"4'-3"9'-8"3'-4" 10'-8"70'-0"60'-0"3'-6"10'-8"70'-0"60'-0"3'-6"11'-7"28'-6"57'-0" 67'-10" Huntington Plaza ARCADIA, CALIFRONIA #17476 2019 by Humphreys & Partners Landscape Architecture. The arrangements depicted herein are the sole property of Humphreys & Partners Landscape Architecture and may not be reproduced in any form without its written permission. Landscape architectural conceptual site plans are for feasibility purpose only. Revisions may occur due to further investigation from regulatory authorities and landscape code analysis. Dimensions shown are of a strategic intent only. Refer to surverys and civil drawings for technical information and measurements.C NEW WORLD INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LLC.5339 ALPHA ROAD, SUITE 300, DALLAS, TX 75240 972.701.9636 | www.hplastudio.com PODIUM AMENITIES PRELIMINARY PERSPECTIVE A SCALE: NOT TO SCALE SHEET 06 of 09 Huntington Plaza ARCADIA, CALIFRONIA #17476 2019 by Humphreys & Partners Landscape Architecture. The arrangements depicted herein are the sole property of Humphreys & Partners Landscape Architecture and may not be reproduced in any form without its written permission. Landscape architectural conceptual site plans are for feasibility purpose only. Revisions may occur due to further investigation from regulatory authorities and landscape code analysis. Dimensions shown are of a strategic intent only. Refer to surverys and civil drawings for technical information and measurements.C NEW WORLD INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LLC.5339 ALPHA ROAD, SUITE 300, DALLAS, TX 75240 972.701.9636 | www.hplastudio.com PODIUM AMENITIES PRELIMINARY PERSPECTIVE B SCALE: 1” = NOT TO SCALE SHEET 07 of 09 SECONDARY AMENITY COLOR PLAN Huntington Plaza ARCADIA, CALIFRONIA #17476 2019 by Humphreys & Partners Landscape Architecture. The arrangements depicted herein are the sole property of Humphreys & Partners Landscape Architecture and may not be reproduced in any form without its written permission. Landscape architectural conceptual site plans are for feasibility purpose only. Revisions may occur due to further investigation from regulatory authorities and landscape code analysis. Dimensions shown are of a strategic intent only. Refer to surverys and civil drawings for technical information and measurements.C NEW WORLD INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LLC.5339 ALPHA ROAD, SUITE 300, DALLAS, TX 75240 972.701.9636 | www.hplastudio.com ROOF DECK COLORED PLAN SCALE: 1” = NOT TO SCALE SHEET 08 of 09 AMENITY SPACES Legend 2’ x 2’ Multi-Toned Accent PavingA Wood DeckingB Outdoor SofaC Artificial Turf w/ Adirondack Prefab Fire Pit Prefab Pot w/ Shade Tree Decorative Rock Lighting Spheres D E F G H A A B G H H B C DD E F F F B A GENERAL NOTES: The images, illustrations, drawings, and statements (“information”) contained herein are based upon a preliminary review of the entitlement requirements; thus are subject to change during the design review process. The information is provided merely to assist in how the site may eventually be developed. Consequently, there is no guarantee that the improvements depicted will be built, or if built, will be of the same type, material, size, appearance, or use as presented. 1 23 1 23 Xref ..\17476_Site_Misc_OPT2.dwgSSSSSSSSS UNIT CORR.UNIT UNIT CORR.UNIT 3'-6"11'-4"1'-8"11'-0"UNIT CORR.UNIT PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEHUNTINGTON DR.STREET CENTER LINESTREET CENTER LINEPROPERTY LINEWHEELER AVE.13'-0"11'-0"10'-0"10'-0"11'-0"55'-0"ALLEYPLAZA 3'-6"12'-4"8'-0"1'-8"13'-0"RETAIL11'-0"10'-0"10'-0"11'-0"55'-0"8'-0"1'-8"UNIT CORR.UNIT 9'-8"PROPERTY LINE42'-0"13'-0"55'-0"7'-0"11'-0"7'-0"8'-2"3'-0"PROPERTY LINE13'-0"11'-0"10'-0"10'-0"11'-0"55'-0"12'-4"8'-0"1'-8"11'-0"7'-0"3'-6"PROPERTY LINE10'-0"4'-3"9'-8"3'-4" 10'-8"70'-0"60'-0"3'-6"10'-8"70'-0"60'-0"3'-6"11'-7"28'-6"57'-0" 67'-10" Huntington Plaza ARCADIA, CALIFRONIA #17476 2019 by Humphreys & Partners Landscape Architecture. The arrangements depicted herein are the sole property of Humphreys & Partners Landscape Architecture and may not be reproduced in any form without its written permission. Landscape architectural conceptual site plans are for feasibility purpose only. Revisions may occur due to further investigation from regulatory authorities and landscape code analysis. Dimensions shown are of a strategic intent only. Refer to surverys and civil drawings for technical information and measurements.C NEW WORLD INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LLC.5339 ALPHA ROAD, SUITE 300, DALLAS, TX 75240 972.701.9636 | www.hplastudio.com ROOF DECK PRELIMINARY PERSPECTIVE C SCALE: 1” = NOT TO SCALE SHEET 09 of 09