HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem No. 4- Consent Item - CIP DATE: May 26, 2020 TO: Honorable Chair and Planning Commission FROM: Lisa L. Flores, Planning & Community Development Administrator SUBJECT: General Plan Conformity Finding for Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for Fiscal Year 2020-21 Recommendation: Find the CIP Program For Fiscal Year 2020-21 is Consistent with the City’s General Plan SUMMARY The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) serves as a single comprehensive plan of proposed capital improvement projects for fiscal years 2019-20 through 2023-24. In accordance with State law, Government Code Section 65403(c), the Planning Commission must determine that the CIP is consistent with the General Plan. It is recommended that the Planning Commission finds the first year of the five-year Capital Improvement Program for fiscal year 2020-21 to be consistent with the City’s General Plan. CIP INFORMATION The CIP covers a five-year period from 2020-21 through 2024-25. For those projects planned for completion in the first year, the City Council will be asked to appropriate funding at the same time the CIP is adopted. For those projects scheduled for the last four years of the period, they will remain in the work program, and the funds will be appropriated each fiscal year. There are 28 capital projects for next fiscal year, 2020-21. All of the projects proposed in the CIP are related to the maintenance and improvement of City buildings, facilities, parks, streets, traffic signals, and utilities, and an update to Urban Water Management Plan. It should be noted that the amounts on the CIP Summary sheet are considered comprehensive, to include preparation of conceptual studies, preliminary engineering, construction plans and specifications, bid documents and environmental review where applicable. They also include costs for inspection and project management. All projects will be competitively bid per the requirements of the California Public Contracts Code, Capital Improvement Program May 26, 2020 Page 2 and awarded to the lowest responsible bidders. Any unused funds at the completion of each project will be returned to that particular fund balance. The Fiscal Year 2020-21 CIP projects are consistent with, and promote the following goals of the City’s General Plan: Land Use Element Goal LU-2: A City with a distinctive and attractive public realm, with pedestrian-friendly amenities in commercial and mixed-use districts and single-family neighborhoods that continue to maintain Arcadia’s standard of architectural and aesthetic quality. Goal LU-6: Attractive and vibrant commercial corridors that provide for the retail, commercial, and office needs of Arcadia with expanded opportunities for mixed-use development. Goal LU-8: Public and institutional uses that provide community-wide benefits and meet the needs of Arcadia residents and businesses. Goal LU-9: Preservation of the City’s existing natural and recreation-oriented open space areas. Goal LU-10: A thriving Downtown, with healthy commercial areas supported by high- quality, residential uses and supportive of the Metro Gold Line transit station. Goal LU-16: Regional coordination and cooperation that represent Arcadia’s interests at regional and statewide levels. Economic Development Element Goal ED-5: A public image of Arcadia that promotes and reinforces the City’s special qualities and resources as a means of attracting businesses and economic opportunities. Circulation and Infrastructure Element Goal CI-1: An efficient roadway system that serves all of Arcadia, supports all transportation modes, and balances the roadway system with planned land uses. Goal CI-2: Maximized operational efficiency of the street system. Goal CI-4: Connected, balanced, and integrated bicycle and pedestrian networks that provide viable alternatives to use of the car. Capital Improvement Program May 26, 2020 Page 3 Goal CI-9: A water production, storage, and distribution system that provides quality service equally to all areas of Arcadia, allows the City to maximize use of local water sources, and includes use of recycled water. Goal CI-10: A local wastewater collection system that provides quality service equally to all areas of Arcadia. Resource Sustainability Element Goal RS-1: Continued improvement in local and regional air quality. Goal RS-2: Reducing Arcadia’s carbon footprint in compliance with SB 375 and AB 32. Goal RS-4: Wise and sustainable water use practices that respond to and support the needs of City residents and businesses. Goal RS-5: Wise and creative energy use that incorporates new technologies for energy generation and new approaches to energy conservation. Parks, Recreation, and Community Resources Element Goal PR-1: Providing superior parks, public spaces, and recreation facilities to meet the community’s evolving needs. Goal PR-2: Preserving open space resources to meet the City’s recreation and conservation needs. Goal PR-3: Ensuring that trees and the urban forest make a continuing and significant contribution to community character. Goal PR-4: A network of City, school, and private community facilities that provides spaces for recreation, education, enrichment, and social service programs. Goal PR-6: Continued superior educational facilities and resources for residents of all ages and backgrounds. Goal PR-7: A library system that continues to provide a superior level of educational, informational, and cultural services for the Arcadia community. Safety Element Goal S-5: To provide a continued high level of fire and police protection services, with an emphasis on prevention and education. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The proposed Finding of the General Plan Conformity is not a project as defined by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The finding of conformity does not commit Capital Improvement Program May 26, 2020 Page 4 the City to any of the identified projects in the CIP. Subsequent consideration by the City Council for approving the CIP will be a project subject to CEQA. Approval of the CIP qualifies for an exemption from CEQA Guidelines 15061(b)(3) for activities that have no potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. Furthermore, individual projects identified within the CIP will be reviewed in accordance with CEQA requirements prior to their implementation when specific project details are available for analysis. PUBLIC NOTICE The CIP General Plan conformity determination does not require public notice. RECOMMENDATION Find that the projects identified within the proposed 2020-21 Capital Improvement Program is consistent with the City’s General Plan. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION It is recommended that the Planning Commission find the Capital Improvement Program for fiscal year 2020-21 to be consistent with the City’s General Plan for consideration and approval by the City Council. If a Planning Commissioner, or other interested party has any questions or comments regarding this matter, or on a particular CIP project, please contact Phil Wray (626) 574- 5488 or at pwray@arcadiaca.gov prior to the Planning Commission meeting. Approved: Lisa L. Flores Planning & Community Development Administrator Attachment: Fiscal Year 2020-21 Capital Improvement Program Projects Attachment No. 1 CIP Projects FY 2020-21 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT & EQUIPMENT PLAN CITY OF ARCADIA 2020—2025 CITY OF ARCADIA FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT AND EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION PLAN FISCAL YEARS 2020-2025 TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................... Page FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2020-21 Schedules and Detail Descriptions .............................................................................. 1 2021-22 Schedules and Detail Descriptions ............................................................................ 59 2022-23 Schedules ................................................................................................................ 135 2023-24 Schedules ................................................................................................................ 137 2024-25 Schedules ................................................................................................................. 139 FIVE-YEAR EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION PLAN 2020-21 Schedules and Detail Descriptions ........................................................................... 141 2021-22 Schedules and Detail Descriptions .......................................................................... 187 2022-23 Schedules ................................................................................................................ 247 2023-24 Schedules ................................................................................................................ 249 2024-25 Schedules ................................................................................................................. 251 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL PLAN Capital Outlay Fund ................................................................................................................ 253 Park and Recreation Fund ...................................................................................................... 254 Measure W Safe Clean Water Program ................................................................................. 255 Gas Tax (HUTA) Fund ............................................................................................................ 256 Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Program ..................................................................... 257 AQMD Fund ............................................................................................................................ 258 Transportation Impact Fund .................................................................................................... 259 Prop C Local Return Fund ...................................................................................................... 260 Measure R Local Return Fund ................................................................................................ 261 Measure M Local Return Fund ............................................................................................... 262 Water Fund – Facility Reserve ................................................................................................ 263 Water Fund – Equipment Reserve .......................................................................................... 264 Sewer System Service Fund ................................................................................................... 265 Equipment Replacement Fund ............................................................................................... 266 PROJECT DESCRIPTION REQUESTING 302 165 107 157 521 520 156 PAGE DEPARTMENT CAPITAL MEASURE M PARKS PROP C SEWER WATER Transportation 3 Annual Slurry Seal Program Public Works 600,000 - - - - - - - 5 Annual Meter Replacement Program Public Works - - - - - 250,000 - - 7 Annual Replacement of HVAC Rooftop Units Public Works 10,000 - - - - - - - 9 Annual Sewer CCTV Inspection Public Works - - - - 50,000 - - - 11 Community Center Facility Improvements Public Works 23,500 - - - - - - - 13 Newcastle Park Improvement Preliminary Design Public Works - - 100,000 - - - - - 15 Main Basin New Well- Construction Public Works - - - - - 1,800,000 - - 17 Annual Tree Removal and Replacement Program Public Works 30,000 - - - - - - - 19 Library Facility Improvements Public Works 30,000 - - - - - - - 21 Police Department Facility Improvements Public Works 29,000 - - - - - - - 23 SCADA System Upgrades Public Works - - - - 10,000 30,000 - - 25 Pavement Rehabilitation Program Public Works - - - - - - - 1,100,000 RMRA = $1,100,000 27 Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Plan Public Works - - - - - - - 150,000 Safe, Clean Water Program (Measure W) 29 Sewer Main Replacement Program Public Works - - - - 900,000 - - - 31 Miscellaneous Sewer Main Repair Public Works - - - - 100,000 - - - 33 Water Main Replacement Program Public Works - - - - - 800,000 - - 35 Fire Station 105 Facility Improvements Public Works 40,000 - - - - - - - 37 Stormwater Watershed Adaptive Management Process Plan Public Works - - - - - - - 150,000 Safe, Clean Water Program (Measure W) 39 Urban Water Management Plan Update Public Works - - - - - 35,000 - - 41 Chapman Well Blend Plan and Well Rehab Public Works - - - - - 1,410,000 - - 43 Miscellaneous Traffic Signal Improvements Development - 50,000 - - - - 100,000 - - 45 Downtown Alley Improvements (Engineering Design)Development - 150,000 - - - - - - - 47 Traffic Signal Fiber Optics Network Extensions Development - - - - - - 400,000 - CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2020-21 Other Funding Source 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION REQUESTING 302 165 107 157 521 520 156 PAGE DEPARTMENT CAPITAL MEASURE M PARKS PROP C SEWER WATER Transportation CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2020-21 Other Funding Source 49 Arterial Rehabilitation Program - Baldwin Ave from Camino Real Ave to Las Tunas Dr Development - - - 1,000,000 - - - - - 51 Sidewalk Accessibility/ADA Ramp Improvement Project Development - - - - - - - 50,000 TDA 53 Santa Anita Avenue Corridor Traffic Signal Improvements Development - - - - - - 800,000 - 55 Fire Station Maintenance Program Fire 25,000 - - - - - - - 57 Arcadia High School Track Replacement Recreation 153,000 - - - - - - - $10,375,500 940,500$ 200,000$ 100,000$ 1,000,000$ 1,060,000$ 4,325,000$ 1,300,000$ 1,450,000$ TOTAL FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020-21 2 2020 /2021 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O CO 600,000$ CO 600,000$ CO 600,000$ CO 600,000$ CO 600,000$ CO 3,000,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees X Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 X On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 600,000$ 600,000$ 600,000$ 600,000$ 600,000$ 3,000,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 3,000,000$ FY FY FY Jan Balanay (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Annual Slurry Seal Program Various street locations within the City NORTH PROJECT LOCATION SANTA ANITA AVEDUARTE RD CAMINO REAL AVE LIVE OAK AVE TENTH AVELONGDEN AVESECOND AVESIXTH AVE 3 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 600,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 20,000$ Parks P -$ Construction 555,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies 25,000$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 600,000$ Total Capital 600,000$ The Annual Slurry Seal Program repairs damaged concrete curbs and gutters which inhibit proper drainage. Work includes minor deep patch repairs, asphalt edge grinding at various locations, crack sealing, slurry sealing, and restriping and painting of pavement markings. Slurry sealing reduces the deterioration of the street pavement, improves skid-resistance, and improves the aesthetic quality of neighborhoods. As part of the project, City-owned parking lots and alleys in the downtown district area will be slurry sealed. In 1999, as part of the Pavement Management Program, staff prioritized the condition of all City streets and updated the eight-year Slurry Seal Program to efficiently prolong the life of streets. The Annual Slurry Seal Program provides for the inspection and repair of the City's roadway surfaces, curbs, and gutters over an eight-year cycle. The program has divided the City into eight zones, with one zone being addressed each year. Slurry sealing of the roadway surfaces involves killing and removing weeds, repairing failed sections, asphalt edge grinding,filling major cracks, and applying an asphalt slurry (emulsified asphalt mixed with sand). Additionally, this project will include repainting traffic markings to maintain the integrity of asphalt pavement and increase the life of the pavement surface by rejuvenating the existing asphalt pavement. 4 2020 /2021 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O W 250,000$ W 250,000$ W 250,000$ W 250,000$ W 250,000$ W 1,250,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees X Contract Services CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 X On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 250,000$ 250,000$ 250,000$ 250,000$ 250,000$ 1,250,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 1,250,000$ FY FY FY John Corona (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Annual Meter Replacement Program Various locations EL K I N S P L HIGHLANDOAKWOOD2NDAVFOOTHILL BL HIGHLAND ENGLISHOAK DRDR OAKS CRCOUNTRY RDLNLISALOMAFOOTHILL WOODACREFOREST AV COLORADO BLCRUZSANTARDSAN L U I S R E Y RDSANTA MARIARDCOLORADO OX F O R D OAKH U R S T CHEL S E A R D PRINCETONDRRENOAKWY LNRDRDAVBL STOXFORD DR CAMBRIDGE DR HARVARD DR RD DR RDRD LNCYRUSOAK LNLEANDRAMERRY FLORAL AVRD BURNELL OAKSLNLNASDEROAKDALE BL LN AV VISTARDSIERRA MADRE OAKWOODAVAVFOOTHILLRANCHORD AVC.O.C.O. VOLANTE DRELLOMA DRDRDONDRROBLESDONALVARADODONLNRDAVARBOLADA HACIENDA AV DR GRAND VIEW EL VISTA LNVISTA DEL VALLE DRAV COLORADO BL AV AV AV AV 1STVELKINS AVVISTAWH I T E OAK DRAV D R AV AVALTA O A K S AVDOSHI E R AV ALTA OAKSBL OAKWOODDR ELEVADOWILSONMARENDALE LN YORKSHIRE DR RDONTARE OAKSHIGHLANDORANGE GROVE AV DRPINES DRPINES DRTORRE Y MONTDRWHISPERINGPINES SUMMIT WHISPERINGPINESSUMMIT WHI S P E R I N G PINE SRD OAKHAVENOAKGLENAVDR WOODLAND AV HILLCR SYCAMOREOAKS VALENCIAAVAVFLORAL AV FOREST AV LNHAVEN AV LORENA NEWMAN AV NEWMAN HAVEN FOREST FLORAL WIGWAMAVLAUREL NORTH VIEW AVAV AV 2NDST H AVJO Y C E LA PORTE OLD OAK LNOAKHAVENRODEOMEADOWOAKHACIENDAPLOAKL A W N OA K LAWN RD ARBOLADABALDWIN AV LN RAMADAAVLAAVHYLAND AVFYFOOTHILLRTE 210 GLOR IA RDHAM P TO N R D FYFOOTHILL SIM E O N C O R N E L L D R CARRIAGEHOUSEDR LANE ENGLEMANN COURTANITA SANTA YNEZ AVANITASANTA RODEOBL BLFOOTHILL OAKHAVENLNOAK V IEW LNRAMONA RDWOODLANDLNSAN CARLOS RDSAN CARLOS RD NEWMAN AV WINDSORRDPERKINS DRVIRGINIA DR ANDREA LN EL VISTA LN SIERRA OAKS DR RANCHO RDTINDALO RDFLORAL AV O RD CIEL O PLMONTE PL STONE HOUSETE RDRDDR ALTURA CAMPESINAVALIDOMONTE VER D E CAROL PINE LNMICHILLINDA TURACATALPA MURIETTA CATALPAVOLAN TE RDRD BL HERITAGEOAKS DRWHISPHERINGOAKS DRCABALLOMICHILLINDARAFAELDRFOOTHILL SANRDVICENTESAN RDD RANCHRDRD DR QUEROCOLORADO OLD RANCH VERDE DONDRRICARDOPABLO DRDONDRDRDIABLOKATHERINE TST STDEXTER ANOAKIA LN RD RD D GREENOAKS DRAVHAMPTON AV RD GLENCOEDRDRSINGINGWOOD HAMPTON GLENCOEDRORANGE GROVE DRSANTAMARGARITACLARIDGERDDRANDREA DRCHANTRY DRANITA CREST LORALYN DR STDR RD CANYON DRRODEORDDR CARMELITA PLCABALLERODR DR SYCAMORERD FALLEN LEAF RDAV ORLANDO O A K L AW N ORANGE GROVERD AVELKINSCANYON RDCAROLWOODDR ELKINSHIGHLANDDRCANYONRDAVWILSONAV HIGHLANDVISTAHILL G R E E N PL MARILYNPL ANGELO PL OAKSTOP A Z PL OAKSPLAV5 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction -$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):250,000$ Water W 250,000$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 250,000$ Total Capital 250,000$ Purchase Water Meters The Annual Meter Replacement Program will replace approximately 2,000 to 2,500, 5/8" to 2 " meters for Meter Reading Routes No. 31, 32, 33, and 34 which have reached the end of their useful life. Smart meters were installed on these meter routes over 12 years ago and are in need of replacement with the next generation of radio read smart meters. City utlity crews will perform the meter installation. Accurate flow measurements and correct meter readings are vital to maintaining revenue from the City’s water distribution system. Aging smart meters must be replaced with next generation smart meters when the battery life expectancy has been reached, as that can compromise specific meter functionality. 6 2020 /2021 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O CO 10,000$ CO 140,000$ CO 75,000$ CO 75,000$ CO 75,000$ CO 375,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 X On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 10,000$ 140,000$ 75,000$ 75,000$ 75,000$ 375,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 375,000$ FY FY FY Tyler Polidori (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Annual Replacement of HVAC Rooftop Units Various Citywide NORTH AV RD A R C A D I A H S FANO GENOA ALICE ST LUCILE ST CHRISTINA ST GREE MAGNA VISTA AV LIBRARY STATIONFIREAV AV AVAVVISTAMAGNA NAOMI LE ROY SIERRALA AV DR LINDA MAG KARI W ILE ALTERLOUISE CAMPUS DR DUARTE MONTE ARAE WY CRYSTA CT 1ST GOLF COURSE SANTA ANITA JR H S RICHARD H DANAAVANITASANTAPROJECT LOCATION K DRBREE ST CELI N E SAWPIT AD W A T E R & C O N S E R V A TI O N P A R K PECK RDRDKARDASHAIN RDST AVAVST CON F E R E N C E PY GOL D R I N G DR MCB E A N RAN D O L P H CLA R K RIO HONDO WASH PECK Rd LIVE OAK AVE PECK PLANT VARUSSTPROJECT LOCATION 7 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 10,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 10,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 10,000$ Total Capital 10,000$ 1. Maintenance and emergency repairs for HVAC units at City facilities ($10,000). The scheduled replacement of HVAC units during FY20-21 has been deferred until the following fiscal year; $10,000 is being set aside for repairs and maintenance on an ad hoc basis. The replacement of these units is part of a preventative maintenance replacement program designed to replace aging HVAC units at all City facilities. The roof top units are planned for replacement on a 15 year rotation. The benefit of replacing an HVAC unit on a planned schedule is a reduction in energy and maintenance costs. New units have a higher energy efficiency rating and the compressors are (AQMD) Air Quality Management District refrigerant compliant. 8 2020 /2021 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O S 50,000$ S 50,000$ S 50,000$ S 50,000$ S 50,000$ S 250,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees X Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 X On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 50,000$ 50,000$ 50,000$ 50,000$ 50,000$ 250,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 250,000$ FY FY FY Deen Buharie (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Annual Sewer CCTV Inspection Various Locations 106 HIGHLAND OAKS ELEM RANCHOAVHYLAND AV GLORIA RDHAMPTON RD BL ERITAGEOAKS DRPHERINGOAKS DRCABALLOMICHILLINDARAFAELDRFOOTHILL OLD RANCH VERDE DONDRRICARDOPABLO DRDONDRDRDIABLOKATHERINEDEXTERANOAKIA LNPEMBROOKRD RDDR GREENOAKS DRAVHAMPTO N AV RD GLENCOEDRDRSINGINGWOOD HAMPTON GLENCOEDRORANGE GROVE DRSANTAMARGARITARODEORDRDCARLOSDR RDCARMELITA PLCABALLERODR DR SYCAMORERDDR FALLEN LEAF RDAVWY ORLANDO OAKLAWNORANGE GROVE RDOAKWOOD2NDAVFOOTHILL ENGLISHOAK DR LNLISALOMAFOOTHILL WOODACRESAN CARLOSFOREST AV AVBL LNCYRUSOAK LNLNLEANDRAMERRY FLORAL AV RODEORDSIERRA BURNELLLNLNASDEROAKDALE SANBL LN HIGHLANDLNORANGE FIRESTATION FOOTHILLRANCHORDDR ELLOMA DRDRDONDRROBLESDONALVARADODONLNRDARBOLADA HACIENDA AV DR VIRGINIA D R MARENDAL LNYORKSHIRE DR RDONTARE OAKSHIGHLANDORANGE GROVE AV DR WH RDOAKHAVENOAKGLENAVDR WOODLAND AV SYCAMOREOAKS AVFLORAL AV WAMAVLAUREL MEADOWOAKHACIENDAPLOAKL A W N OAKLAWN RD ARBOLADA BALDWIN AVWASHARCADIARRA MADRELIMA PARK GROVE WASHA ANITALATERALW A S H FOO EAST BRANCH ANITA AVE.SANTAORANGE GROVE PLANT ANITA AVE.SANTA9 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 8,000$ Parks P -$ Construction -$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies 42,000$ Sewer S 50,000$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 50,000$ Total Capital 50,000$ Sanitary Sewer mains will be surveyed using Closed-Circuit TV (CCTV) Inspection devices and video documented. CCTV inspection will be performed by a contractor and sewer mains are cleaned by City crews prior to video inspection. It is necessary to provide positive and reliable information regarding the status of the City’s sanitary sewer collection system to decrease the possibility of sewer overflows. In May 2006, the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) adopted the Waste Discharge Requirement (WDR) Program for all publicly owned sanitary sewer collection systems in California with more than one mile of sewer pipeline.Under this program, the City is required to prepare and implement a Sewer System Maintenance Program (SSMP). The program identifies routine preventive operation and maintenance activities, including a system for scheduling regular maintenance and cleaning of the sanitary sewer system with increased frequency targeting known problem areas. The program requires visual and closed circuit TV (CCTV) inspections of manholes and sewer pipes, which provides a record of the condition of sewer mains as evidence of cleaning and maintenance performed under the SSMP. The information collected through CCTV inspections is used to evaluate current cleaning operations, recommend improvements, and prepare projects to repair broken pipe sections. These sewer inspections and system improvements have also been identified in the Sewer Master Plan and are required under the SSMP. 10 2020 /2021 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O CO 23,500$ CO 365,000$ CO 35,000$ CO 35,000$ CO 35,000$ CO 493,500$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:X Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 X On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 23,500$ 365,000$ 35,000$ 35,000$ 35,000$ 493,500$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 493,500$ FY FY FY Tyler Polidori (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Community Center Facility Improvements Community Center PROJECT LOCATION A R C A D I A C O U N T Y PARK WESTFIELD SHOPPING TOWN AT SANTA ANITA EAST BRANCHWA S H POWASHR C A D I A ARCADIAGOLF COURSE SANTA ANITAA R S T A T E L O S A N G E L E RAC E T R A C K SANTA ANITAEWELLWY LYNDONAVMAGNA VISTA REALCAMINO LEROY AVAV AV AV NAOMI LLYNAOMI LNNIEINELNARCADIA RD AV AVAVAV AVAV AVAV ELDORAD FANO GENOA ALICE LUCILE CHRISTINA MAGNA VISTA AV HUNTINGTON W GOLDEN WESTBALDWINARCADIAHUNGATE LNSOUTHVIEW RD HUNGATE LNOLD RANCHDR DRAV ALTO D R DR JOAQUIN RDARMADA RDNGSLEY VICTOR I A DR GOLDENWESTTALLAC DR OLD RANCHBLADWINDR DR AVRDDR P L BALDWIN DRHUNTINGTON SA DR SAN RAFAEL RDPAMELA MORLAN PLCLAR A SANTAAVRAE WY REID HUGO WHEELER ALTA BONITA CALIFORN DIAMOND ALTERAV AVAV LA CADENAAV DR FAIRVIEW DR DUARTE EL MONTE AVHOLLYAVCAMPUS W A YDR AV PARKEL MONTEAVAVDRHUNTINGTON HUNTINGTONLINDA HUNTINGTON PAMELA TE AV AVVISTAMAGNA ANITASANTA PAMELA NAOMI LE ROY SIERRALA AVAZURE WYRD AV DR RD DUARTE LE ROY LNC E N T E N N I A L POSTOFFICE 11 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 23,500$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 23,500$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 23,500$ Total Capital 23,500$ 1. Kitchen appliance replacement of Ice Maker ($3,500). 2. Security camera system ($20,000). The Community/Senior Center is the City's most used facility as most of the youth, adult, and senior classes, activities and programs take place there. The recommendations for improvements address current program needs as well as future needs to keep the Community/Senior Center up to date and functioning efficiently. 1. The Recreation Department conducts programs in the kitchen facility at Wilderness Park and the ice maker at Wilderness Park will need to be replaced. 2. The Community Center does not currently have a video surveillance system to monitor operations around the perimeter of thebuildings or inside of the meeting rooms. A security camera system will be installed at key areas around the buildings to increase site security. 12 2020 /2021 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O P 100,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ P 100,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees X Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY On-Going Project X New Project II.LOCATION MAP Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other Map Not Applicable FY Estimated Total 100,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 100,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 100,000$ FY FY FY Eddie Chan (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Newcastle Park Improvement Preliminary Design Newcastle Park 13 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P 100,000$ Construction -$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):100,000$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 100,000$ Total Capital 100,000$ Scoping Plan Staff will put together a Preliminary Design Package to define the project scope precisely for the design and construction of the Newcastle Park Improvement project. The Preliminary Design Package will specify the details of all improvements for the Project, identifying the make and model of all site furnishings, children's play equipment, Par Course stations, restroom/storage facility detail, etc. The document willl be comprehensive enough to ensure compliance from the design-build contractor, but avoid restrictive details that would inhibit creative solutions. It will provide a clear understanding of the City's objective for the project. The following improvements are proposed for the Newcastle Park project, which will be designed and constructed the following year after the Preliminary Design Package is completed: -Install six new pickle ball courts, a new Par Course station, and a new restroom/storage facility -Resurface tennis courts and install new tennis court fencing, lighting, and gates -Install a new concrete walkway, LED walkway lighting, and barbeque and picnic amenities -Install new children's play equipment and new lighted sand volleyball courts with bleachers -Construct various parking lot improvements and an 8' split face block wall between the adjacent residents and the park The Recreation and Parks Master Plan adopted in 2017 is a guiding policy document that provides recommendations for prioritizing future growth, development, and implementation strategies related to parks and recreation services. The Master Plan examined the current conditions of existing parks, analyzed the current public demand and needs for those parks, and recommended park improvements to address those needs. Various community outreach events were conducted to solicit public opinion; overall, the Parks Master Plan identified over $60 million in potential park improvements throughout the City. Improvements for Newcastle Park were recommended by the Parks Master Plan and will address the growing need for pickle ball courts, improvements for the tennis courts and sand volleyball facilities, and upgrades to the neighborhood park amenities. This park is particularly popular among residents and will accommodate the growing demand. 14 2020 /2021 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O W 1,800,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ W 1,800,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees X Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:X Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 1,800,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,800,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 1,800,000$ FY FY FY Eddie Chan (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Main Basin New Well- Construction Water Pressure Zone 2 or 3 15 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 150,000$ Parks P -$ Construction 1,525,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies 125,000$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W 1,800,000$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 1,800,000$ Total Capital 1,800,000$ Drill and equip a new municipal water supply well in the Main San Gabriel Basin to serve as a source of supply for the City's water distribution system. The project will include well drilling and equipping the well through contract service based on the design prepared in FY 2019-20. The Water Master Plan of 2016 update has identified a deficiency in direct water supply in Pressure Zones 2 and 3. This deficiency was caused by the loss of wells due to contaminants and inability to economically meet water quality standards through building a water treatment system. This deficiency is currently being met by transferring water from other zones via booster pumps, which is less efficient and puts greater burden on the supporting zones. Drilling a new well provides an efficient solution in the distribution system by pumping from deeper depths which will avoid existing surface contaminants. A new well will avoid the high cost of building a water treatment system and add to system redundancy by providing another supply source from the Main San Gabriel Basin. This project will be a joint water supply well with the City of Sierra Madre. Construction costs will be shared equally between the two cities and half of the water produced at this well can be purchased by the City of Sierra Madre at a fair cost. 16 2020 /2021 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O CO 30,000$ CO 30,000$ CO 30,000$ CO 30,000$ CO 30,000$ CO 150,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 X On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 30,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 150,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 150,000$ FY FY FY Dave Thompson (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Annual Tree Removal and Replacement Program Duarte Road between Santa Anita Avenue and El Monte Avenue SANTA YNEZ PAMELA CT CTMAGNOLIA SAN C RFAIRVIEW AV SIERRALA ST JOSEPH ST NEWMAN AV WINDSORRD OAKS DR RANCH TINDA AV SAN ANTONIO RDBONITA ST PAMELA DR PROJECT LOCATION ST ST ST EWELLWY LYNDONAVMAGNA VISTA AV HOLLYRD V ELDORADO STFANO GENOA ALICE ST LUCILE ST CHRISTINA ST GREENFIELD PL AVMAGNA VISTA AV CHRISTINA ST VISTA ELLEN WY ROBBINSDR SCOTT PL PATRICIA WYAVMAGNA AV ST ELDORADOST ST DUARTE RD 2ND MAYFLOWERAVARMIJO AVLOWEREL SUR ATARA REALAV AVAVLN ST ST FAIRGREENEL NO R T E S T ST AVORA STANDISH ST BUNGALOW PL EL NORTE ST ALTA VISTA AVESHORT AVE DEREK DR NICHOLAS LN ENCINO DR TIFFANY TER CIR ALTERN ST ILENE LELAND WY SANTA ANITA TER AVARMIJO R STAGIO DR PAMELA DR DUARTE EL MONTE AVHOLLYAVCAMPUS W A YDR AV PARKEL MONTEAVAVDRHUNTINGTON HUNTINGTONLINDA AVMAGNA VISTA AVLOGANRITAENCINOWYLINDASTAVLOGANRITAAVGANRITAAVAVAVAVAVAVAVEL SUR LN MAGNOLIA AVGROVECAMINO CT ENCINODR SIERRA LNLEDADRILENE DRSIERRA LN PEACH- LEDA ST ST ALTERN RDPAMELA WY WYWINNIE WY WINNIEWYWINNIE RAE WY CONNIE BURNEL ASOAK CAMINO AV MAGNOLIA STANDISH ALTERN SHRODE RDPAMELA AVC.O.C.O. GENOA ST1STAV2ND3RDAVAV ST MORLAN PL ST CLARA SANTATREEAVRAE WY CRYSTAL CT DR AV COLORADO BL AV DR OAKS CRCOUNTRY COLORADO P L SAN LUIS REY RDFOREST AV COLORADO BLCRUZSANTARDSAN L U I S R E Y RDSANTA MARIARDOX F O R D OAKH U R S T CHEL S E A R D PRINCETONDRRENOAKWY LNRDRDST SAN MIGUEL RDDRHUNTINGTONRDSANTA CRUZSANTA ROSASAN J U A N DR SAN RAFAELCOAK LEAME AV AV AV 2ND3RDAV2NDAVST AV1ST1STAV 5THAVFLORAL AV FOREST AV LNHAVEN AV LORENA NEWMAN AV NEWMAN HAVEN FOREST FLORAL WIGWAMNORTH VI AV 2NDST 4TH AVJO Y C EAVLA PORTE FL O W E R S T ST JOSEPH F R O N T S T ST SANTA CLARA ST WHEELER IN D I A N A S T GATEWAY DRAVALTA BONITA CALIFORNIA STDIAMOND DIAMOND 5TH4TH9THESLEY LN3RD1STKARI WY ILENE LA RD ALTERN ALTERN PAMELAPAMELALOUISE GREENFIELDAVLOUISEWINNIEWINNIE AV EWSWY ST WY RDTE DR AV AVAVAVAVAVAVLN AVISTAMAGNA WINNIE ANITASANTA PAMELA NAOMI LE ROY SIERRALA AVAZURE WYRD AV DR LE ROY LN FYOTHILL RT E 2 1 0 RDC E N T E N N I A L ROLYN PLACEC O R N E L L D R 17 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 30,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 30,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 30,000$ Total Capital 30,000$ This project will remove and replace the aging Liquidambar trees that are showing signs of disease. This is a multi-year project. This phase of the project will remove and replace approximately 25 trees annually. Many of the existing liquidambar trees are dying due to a disease that has recently been introduced into the area. Unfortunately, nothing can be done to cure the trees that are showing signs of the disease, which will eventually kill the tree. Removing these trees will also reduce the need for overtime and the potential for legal claims due to large tree limbs falling. Additionally, this proactive approach will give residents comfort that these trees are being removed to prevent property damage and injury. 18 2020 /2021 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O CO 30,000$ CO 137,000$ CO 30,000$ CO 30,000$ CO 30,000$ CO 257,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees X Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 X On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 30,000$ 137,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 257,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 257,000$ FY FY FY Tyler Polidori (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Library Facility Improvements Arcadia Public Library PROJECT LOCATION A R C A D I A C O U N T Y PARK WINNIE TFIELD SHOPPING TOWN AT SANTA ANITA EAST BRANCH GOLF COURSE SANTA ANITA ALTERN ST ILENE LELAND WY SANTA ANITA TEREWELLWY LYNDONAVMAGNA VISTA REAL WINNIE CAMINO LEROY AV YAV NAOMI ELLLNRD WY AV AVAVAV AV ELDORADO STFANO GENOA ALICE ST LUCILE ST CHRISTINA ST GREENFIELD PL AVMAGNA VISTA AV CHRISTINA ST VISTA ELLEN WY RO SC PL PA WAVMAGNA AV ELDORADOST ST DUARTE R 2NDON DR RDPAMELA GENOA S1STA2ND3RDAV AVRAE WY CRYSTAL CT 3RDAV2NDAVST AV1ST ABONITA CALIFORNIA STDIAMOND DIAMOND AVAV LA CADENADR FAIRVIEW DR DUARTE EL MONTE AVHOLLYAVCAMPUS W A YDR AV PARKEL MONTEAVAVDRHUNTINGTON HUNTINGTONLINDA AV MAGNA VISTA HUNTINGTON AVDILENE DSIERRA LEDA ST P 4THY LN3RD1STKARI WY ILENE LA RD ALTERN ALTERN PAMELAPAMELALOUISE GREENFIELDAVLOUISEAV ST RDTE DR AV AVAVAVAVAVAVVISTAMAGNA ANITASANTA PAMELA NAOMI LE ROY SIERRALA AVAZURE WYRD AV DR RD DUARTE LE ROY LN C E N T E N N I A L 19 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 30,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 30,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 30,000$ Total Capital 30,000$ Replace wood trellis beams ($30,000). The wood trellises surrounding the Library are decaying with age. These trellises could become a liability if portions of the laminated beam were to fall on patrons walking under the structure. A section of trellis beams will be replaced on an annual basis until all of the degraded wood is replaced. The trellis section with the worst decay will be evaluated and prioritized for replacement. 20 2020 /2021 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O CO 29,000$ CO 55,000$ CO 30,000$ CO 30,000$ CO 30,000$ CO 174,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 X On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 29,000$ 55,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 174,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 174,000$ FY FY FY Tyler Polidori (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Police Department Facility Improvements Police Department PROJECT LOCATION A R C A D I A C O U N T Y PARK WESTFIELD SHOPPING TOWN AT SANTA ANITA EAST BRANCHWAS H OFFICEPOSTWASHA R C A D I A ARCADIAGOLF COURSE SANTA ANITAA R B O R E T S T A T E A N D L E S RAC E T R A C K P A R K RO RD RDAVAV ELDORADO FANO GENOA ALICE LUCILE ST CHRISTINA ST HUNTINGTON RD OLD RANCH OLD RANCHBLADWINDR AVRDDR DO PLSAN LU BALDWIN SAN DRHUNTINGTONSANT SANT SAN J U A N DR SAN RAFAEL 1STAVMORLAN PL ST CLARA SANTAAV C C EID DR AV1ST ST JOSEPHO N T S T SA WHEELER ALTA BONITA CALIFORNIA DIAMOND AVAV ADENAV DR FAIRVIEW DR DUARTE OLLYCAMPUS W A YDR AV PARKEL MONTEAVAVDRHUNTINGTON HUNTINGTON HUNTINGTON RDC E N T E N N I A L ROLYN P 21 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 29,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 29,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 29,000$ Total Capital 29,000$ 1. HVAC energy management system main controller replacement ($10,000). 2. Entry gate loop replacement ($11,000). 3. Installation of chilled water bottle filling station ($8,000). 1. The HVAC system at the Police Station is controlled by an Energy Management System which has a central communication controller. This controller is original to the building and is reaching the end of its service life. It is also becoming antiquated, which causes glitches in the computer program. If the controller were to fail, there would be no way to adjust temperatures in the building and the HVAC system could shut down completely. The controller will be proactively replaced to prevent a catastrophic failure. 2. There are two automatic gates that allow access to the secure parking lot behind the Police Station. The gates have safety loops in the ground that prevent the gate from accidently closing on a vehicle. These loops are beginning to show signs of failure and will be proactively replaced to prevent a catastrophic failure. 3. The staff at the Police Station do not currently have an efficient method to refill the water bottles that they use during patrol. A hi-low chilled water bottle filling station will be installed to allow water bottles to be filled. The bottle filling stations reduce plastic water bottle waste by allowing reusable water bottles to be refilled. The bottle filling stations will also have a standard drinking fountain spout. 22 2020 /2021 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O W 30,000$ W 30,000$ W 30,000$ W 30,000$ W 30,000$ W 150,000$ U R S 10,000$ S 10,000$ S 10,000$ S 10,000$ S 10,000$ S 50,000$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees X Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 X On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 40,000$ 40,000$ 40,000$ 40,000$ 40,000$ 200,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 200,000$ FY FY FY John Corona (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM SCADA System Upgrades Orange Grove Booster and Well Station HIGHLAND OAKS ELEM ORANGE GROVE PLANT ANITA AVE.SANTA RAMLAOAVHYLAND AV CLADR RODEORDRD CABALLERODR SYCAMORERDORANGE GROVE OAKWOOD BL NUS NRAY RD LNLE BL HIGHLANDLNFIRE STATION SIERRA MADRE AFOOTHILLRANCHORD HACIENDA AV DR ALTA BL OAKWOODVIRGINIA D RELEVADO MARENDAL LNYORKSHIRE DR RDONTARE OAKSHIGHLANDORANGE GROVE AV DROAKHAVENOAKGLENAVDR WOODLAND AV SYCAOAKS AV AV OLD OAK LNOAKHAVENRODEO WASHIAS I E R R A M A D R E WASH WA S H EAST BRANCH RDPROJECT LOCATION 23 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 40,000$ Parks P -$ Construction -$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S 10,000$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W 30,000$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 40,000$ Total Capital 40,000$ Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System Upgrades including Remote Telemetry Units (RTU's) and radios for Orange Grove Booster Station and Orange Grove Well Station ($30,000). This project is for the purchase and installation of hardware components and the requisite programming. The SCADA system will also be used to monitor selected locations for flow variances within the sanitary sewer system. This is accomplished through the Smart Cover sewer lids that monitor and transmit real-time data through the SCADA system.($10,000). SCADA is a computer based automated system that operates the City’s water system. Its continued operation and maintenance is vital to reliable and efficient operation of the City’s water system. Due to antiquated electronic components it is necessary to upgrade specific portions of the SCADA system, including battery back-up systems, software, and hardware components. These system updates are necessary to maintain dependable water production and distribution to the citizens of Arcadia. 24 2020 /2021 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O -$ CO 1,000,000$ CO 700,000$ CO 700,000$ CO 700,000$ - 3,100,000$ U R O 1,100,000$ O 1,100,000$ O 1,200,000$ O 1,200,000$ O 1,200,000$ O 5,800,000$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees X Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 X On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 1,100,000$ 2,100,000$ 1,900,000$ 1,900,000$ 1,900,000$ 8,900,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 8,900,000$ FY FY FY Jan Balanay (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Pavement Rehabilitation Program Various Street Locations within the City NORTH PROJECT LOCATION PROJECT LOCATION ALL E Y ALL E YALL EY (VAC ATED BY CITY) SEWER E A S E M E N T ALL E YEDISON EASEMENT25 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 10,000$ Parks P -$ Construction 1,080,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies 10,000$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O 1,100,000$ Total Capital 1,100,000$ Total Capital 1,100,000$ RMRA = $1,100,000 The work involves grinding the top 2" of worn or loose pavement from the roadway surface and re-paving the surface with rubberized asphalt. Prior to paving, 4-inch thick AC digouts for asphalt concrete will be repaired. Minor repairs to concrete curb and gutter, sidewalk, and cross gutters will also be made. All striping and pavement markers will be replaced upon completion of paving. Areas to be rehabilitated: 1. Lemon Avenue (from West City Limits to Baldwin Avenue) 2. Lemon Avenue (from El Monte Avenue to Santa Anita Avenue) 3. Camino Real Avenue (from 8th Avenue to 10th Avenue) 4. Arbolada Street (from San Carlos Road to Rancho Road) 5 Wilson Avenue (from Grandview Avenue to Virgina Road) As part of the Pavement Management Program, all asphalt streets within the City are inspected and their condition is rated on a scale of 0-100. This rating is called the Pavement Condition Index (PCI). According to the Citywide Pavement Management Program, the listed roadways have PCI's below 40 and are identified as being in poor condition. In order to avoid a more expensive, complete reconstruction, streets identified as being in poor condition are ideal for pavement rehabiliatation. The recommended repair for a street in this condition is to repair deep potholes, grind and remove the top 2" of pavement, and replace with rubberized asphalt pavement. Adding rubber to the asphalt pavement improves the strength of the pavement and resists future cracks from penetrating through the pavement surface. The use of recycled rubber in pavement is also environmentally beneficial. Following the repairs, the condition of the roadways will be raised to a PCI of 100. 26 2020 /2021 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O O 150,000$ O 150,000$ O 100,000$ O 100,000$ O 100,000$ O 600,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:X Previously Programmed Project FY 2018 X On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 150,000$ 150,000$ 100,000$ 100,000$ 100,000$ 600,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 600,000$ FY FY FY Vanessa Hevener (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Plan Various Locations SANTA YNEZ BRIARGATE LN AVANITASANTAPAMELA CT CTMAGNOLIA HOLLIS LNROWLAND AVOAKHAVENLNLEAFWOODLNOAK V IEW LNRODEOBL BLFOOTHILLRAMONA RDWOODLANDLNSAN CARLOS RDSAN CARLOS RDFAIRVIEW AV SIERRALA ST JOSEPH ST NEWMAN AV WINDSORRDPERKINS DRVIRGINIA DR ANDREA LN EL VISTA LN SIERRA OAKS DR RANCHO RDTINDALO RDFLORAL AV SAN ANTONIO RDBONITA ST PAMELAJOAQUIN RDLEMONAV BALDWINAVAVWOODRUFF PALM DR VARUSSTPORTOLA DR CIELO PL MONTE PL DRSTONE HOUSECARRIAGEHOUSEDRLANE ENGLEMANN COURTANITA AV ROWLANDESTRELLA AVST MAYFLOWERAVARMIJO AVMAYFLOWERFAIRGREENEL SUR ATARA REALAV AVTREELANEAVLN ST ST GOLDR I N G DR MCBE A N RAND O L P H RDCLARKFAIRGREENHIGHLAND COGSWELL EL NORT E S T ST AVORA STANDISH ST RIO HONDO RDBUNGALOW PL EL NORTE ST ALTA VISTA AVESHORT AVE DEREK DR NICHOLAS LN ENCINO DR TIFFANY TER CIR ALTERN ST ILENE LELAND WY SANTA ANITA TER ST CHER R Y L E E AZUSARDDURFEEAV HALL W O O D DR ST LOWER DR MAXSONRDAVDURFEEKIMBERLY CR BANNISTERAVBRINNONST STANDELL AVAVARMIJO ST ROCKROSEST STAGIO DRST ST ST PECK RDRDKARDASHAIN RDST AVAVST CONF E R E N C E PY ST SAN RI O CELIN EEWELLWY LYNDONAVMAGNA VISTA MONTEREAL NORMAN WINNIE CAMINO LEROY AV HOLLYAV AV AVAV LNMELANIENAOMI LOVELLCAMBURYST NAOMI LNMELANIECHRISTINELNCALLITA NAOMI GOLDENWESTDUARTE ARCADIA RD WY RDSHARON AV AV AVAVAV BALDWINAV AVAV AVAV AVDRARDSLEYAVENCINITANAOMI CAMINO REAL ST ST SUNSET5TH8TH8TH7TH7TH5TH4THFLORES AVAVWISTARIA STMAGNIS STBOLEYTULIPAV FOSSSTEDNUEL STOTHELLO LOGANRITAWEIDERMEYERDRADUANALOVEJOY BEVERLY WY FLAMINGO ELYCO CRVERNER PLRODELL PLDRDRLNAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAV AV AVAV AV AV AV AV WISTARIAGRACELEE AVCRAV IVYLANDAVLOUISEIVYLANDLOUISEWATSONPALMBIRCHCROFT ARTHUR COYLE LAS DANIMERE WISTARIA ALSTER LEMON AVAVAVAVAVAVPALM DR ST AV AV AV AV AV 3RD1STLOUISEAV LEMON AVLNSEWANEELONGDEN AV WALNUT LN DELTA AV DR AV FLORES AV AV AV VISTALNBELLALAS FLORES AV LEAFWOODDRARTHUR AZURE WYROWLANDWENDON AV VAL AGNESSALTERAVAVAV AVWISTARIA ST PEPPERGLEN AV STFLAHERTY LAS LEMON LNDRSERENOELTERRAAVROSEMARIE WALNUT WISTARIA SHARON RD LA VIDA AV 8THLENORE8TH6TH4THCENTERGARYPARKHUDDARTHEMPSTEADETREELMAPLYND ST DAINES AVAVAVAVRD WILDFLO W E R AVDRSTAVAVAVAVELDORADO STFANO GENOA ALICE ST LUCILE ST CHRISTINA ST GREENFIELD PL AVMAGNA VISTA AV CHRISTINA ST VISTA ELLEN WY ROBBINSDR SCOTT PL PATRICIA WYAVMAGNA AV ELKI N S P L HIGHLANDOAKWOOD2NDAVFOOTHILL BL ST ELDORADOST ST DUARTE RD 2NDTH VIEW COLUMBIASANO DRAKE CORTEZAV DR HUNTINGTON FAIRVIEW GOLDEN WESTBALDWINARCADIAHUNGATE LNSOUTHVIEW RD HUNGATE LNDR HUNTINGTON CORONADO PORTOLA DR OLD RANCHDR SUNS E T WOODWARDRDBLBL AV ALTURA RDALTURADEANZA PL DR MAGELL AN AVPALO ALTO BALBOA D R DR RDDRJOAQUIN RDARMADA RDRDKINGSLEY VICTORIA DR GOLDENWESTTALLAC DR DR CABRILLO RDOLD RANCHBLADWINDR DR AVRDDRRD ENGLISHOAK DRDR OAKS CRCOUNTRY CO L O RA DO P L SAN LUIS REY RDLNLISALOMAFOOTHILL WOODACREFOREST AV COLORADO BLCRUZSANTARDSAN L U I S R E Y RDSANTA MARIARDCOLORADO OXF O R D OAKHU R S T CHEL S E A R D PRINCETONDRRENOAKWY LNRDRDBALDWINAVBL STOXFORD DR CAMBRIDGE DR HARVARD DR STANFORD D R SAN MIGUEL RDDRHUNTINGTONRDSANTA CRUZSANTA ROSASAN J U A N DR SAN RAFAELAVLNCYRUSOAK LNLEANDRAMERRY FLORAL AVRD BURNELL OAKSLNLNASDEROAKDALE BL LN DRAVRDLA ROSA RD VISTARDCAMINO AV MAGNOLIA STANDISH ALTERN SHRODE SIERRA MADRE OAKWOODAVAVRDPAMELA FOOTHILLRANCHORD AVC.O.C.O. GENOA ST1STAV2ND3RDAVAV ST MORL A N PL ST CLAR A SANTA TREEAVRAE WY CRYSTAL CT PALM DRPALM DR AV LEMON WISTARIA WISTARIA LEMON AV WALNUT AVAV LAS FLORES LONGDEN AV DR CTWY WYLN DR CT REIDHUGO DR VOLANTE DRELLOMA DRDRDONDRROBLESDONALVARADODONLNRDAVARBOLADA HACIENDA AV DR GRAND VIEW EL VISTA LNVISTA DEL VALLE DRDR AV COLORADO BL AV WELLAND AVMcCULLOCH AVEL MONTE AVST PAL MAL AVEL MONTEWYLONGLEY HALIFAX RDGRACEWOOD AVWORKMAN AV ALBERTWYWYWY WYAVAVGILPINLONGLEYWARRENCAROLINEHOLLYWINTHROPBRADFORDWOODRUFFAV AV SANDRA WARREN WOODRUFF PERSIMMON AVLYNROSE ALTOSLOS FLORENCEST STHUDDART GARYPARKCHERRYLEE CRCEDAR AVDR CHERRYLEE HEMLOCK DREMBR E E ST CELIN E LN RAMADAAVLAAVHYLAND AVFYFOOTHILLRTE 210 GLOR IA R D H A M P T O N R D FYFOOTHILL RTE 2 1 0 RDCE N T E N N I A L ROSE G L E N SIME O N ROLYN PLACECO R N E L L D R TE RDRDDR ALTURA CAMPESINAVALIDOMONTE VER D E CAROL PINE LNMICHILLINDAMERLON AVALTURACATALPA MURIETTA CATALPAVO LA N T E DRRDRD BL HERITAGEOAKS DRWHISPHERINGOAKS DRCABALLOMICHILLINDARAFAELDRFOOTHILL SANRDVICENTESAN RDOLD RANCHRDRD DR VAQUEROCOLORADO OLD RANCH VERDE DONDRRICARDOPABLO DRDONDRDRDIABLOKATHERINE WALNUTST STDEXTER VAQUERO RDAVMONTEPALOMASTRDAVENCANTO ANOAKIA LNPEMBROOKRD RD RD RD DRGREENOAKS DRAVHAMPTON AV RD GLENCOEDRDRSINGINGWOOD HAMPTON GLENCOEDRORANGE GROVE DRSANTAMARGARITACLARIDGERDDRANDREA DRCHANTRY DRANITA CREST LORALYN DR STDR RD CANY O N DROKOBOJIRD SUNSETSHININGAVPLSTLEROYAVENCINITA AVBRENTMEADAV RODEORDDR CARMELITA PLCABALLERODR DR SYCAMORERD DUFFY ST HALLOWELL AVAVGLICKMANAVMICHILLINDAHUGO BLPANORAMAAV DR FALLEN LEAF RDAVWY ORLANDO O A K L AW N ORANGE GROVERD AVELKINSCANYON RDCAROLWOODDR ELKINSHIGHLANDDRCANYONRDAVWILSONAV HIGHLAND VIST A HILLG R E E N PL MARI L YN P L ANGELOPL OAKSTOP A Z PL OAKSPLAVAV AV AV 2ND3RDAV2NDAVST AV1ST1STAVELKINS AVVISTAWHI T E OAK DRAV D R AV AVALTA O A K S AVDOSHIER AV ALTA OAKSBL OAKWOODDR ELEVADOWILSONMARE ND A L E LN YORKSHIRE DR RDONTARE OAKSHIGHLAND ORANGE GROVE AV DRPINES DRPINES DRTORRE Y MONTDRWHISPERINGPINES SUMMIT WHIS P E RING PINESSUMM IT WHIS P E R I N G PINESRD OAKHAVENOAKGLENAVDR WOODLAND AV HILLCR SYCAMOREOAKS VALENCIA5THAVAVFLORAL AV FOREST AV LNHAVEN AV LORENA NEWMAN AV NEWMAN HAVEN FOREST FLORAL WIGWAMAVLAUREL NORTH VIEW AVAV AV 2NDST 4TH AVJO Y C EAVLA PORTE FL O W E R S T ST JOSEPHFR O N T S T ST SANTA CLARA ST WHEELER IND I A N A S T GATEWAY DRAVALTA BONITA CALIFORNIA STDIAMOND DIAMOND SALTERAVORA PLMC CLEANDRKIA LYNROSEST BOUGE ST DANBURY ST LYNROSE STDANBURY ST STBOGUELYNROSE ST DANESWOOD KRISTI CTBISHOPJUDITH CTSHARON LUBEN LN RD PAMELAAVAVLA CADENAAV DR FAIRVIEW DR DUARTE EL MONTE AVHOLLYAVCAMPUS WA YDR AV PARKEL MONTEAVAVDR HUNTI NGT ON HUNTIN GTO N LINDA AVMAGNA VISTA AV OLD OAK LNOAKHAVENRODEOMEADOWOAKHACIEND A PLOAKLA W N O AK L AWN R D ARBOLADABALDWIN AVRDRDREID COR T O CABRILLOHUNTINGTON AVLOGANRITADOOLITTLEENCINOWYLINDASTAVLOGANRITAAVLNAVLOGANRITAAV JEFF R I E SAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVEL SUR LNMAGNOLIA AVGROVECAMINO CT ENCINODR SIERRA LNLEDADRILENE DRSIERRA LN PEACH- LEDA ST ST ALTERN RDPAMELA AVNORMANAV WY WYWINNIE WY WINNIEWYWINNIE RAE WY CONNIE 5TH10TH4TH8TH9THWESLEY LN3RD2ND1STKARI WY ILENE LA RD ALTERN ALTERN PAMELAPAMELALOUISE GREENFIELDAVLOUISEAVAVDRAVLEEWINNIE NORMAN WINNIE AV RDANDREWSWY ST WY RDTE DR AV AV AVAVAVAVAVAVLN NORMANANITA SANTAVISTAMAGNA WINNIE ANITASANTA PAMELA NAOMI LE ROY SIERRALA AVAVAZURE WYRD AV ELDR RD DUARTE LE ROY LNFOSSADUANASANDRA AVAVLENTASANDRA 3RD2NDAVAVFLORINDAAVDRDANESWOOD LYNROSEAVMYRTUS AVGREENFIELDAVSANDRALEE EL CAPITANAVLOUISEEL CAPITANAVWOODRUFFAV PLRODELL WYWOODRUFFPL LNWOODRUFFLNPAXSONAVANITASANTALAS TUNAS DR AV 27 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 150,000$ Parks P -$ Construction -$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O 150,000$ Total Capital 150,000$ Total Capital 150,000$ Safe, Clean Water Program (Measure W) Develop a Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Plan (CIMP) that utilizes alternative approaches to meet the primary objectives of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Monitoring and Reporting Program (MRP). The primary objectives of the MRP are as follows: 1. Assess the chemical, physical, and biological impacts of discharges from the MS4 on receiving waters. 2. Assess the compliance with receiving water limitations (RWLs) and water quality-based effluent limitations (WQBELs) established to implement Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) wet-weather and dry-weather load allocations (WLAs). 3. Characterize pollutant loads in MS4 discharges. 4. Identify sources of pollutants in MS4 discharges. 5. Measure and improve the effectiveness of pollutant controls implemented under the Permit . The Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board (LARWQCB) adopted the new Municipal (NPDES) Permit for municipalities within the Los Angeles Region except Long Beach on November 28, 2012, and became effective December 28, 2012. Included in this Permit are requirements for a Monitoring and Reporting Program . Under the MRP, Permittees have the option to develop a Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Plan (CIMP) that utilizes alternative approaches to meet the primary objectives as described above and has the potential to modify TMDL monitoring requirements and other previously implemented monitoring program requirements, to unify efforts and provide consistent observations of the watershed conditions. The CIMP will be designed to measure compliance with the Permit and is comprised of five elements: 1. Receiving Water Monitoring 2. Stormwater (SW) Outfall Monitoring 3. Non-Stormwater (NSW) Outfall Monitoring 4. New Development/Redevelopment Effectiveness Tracking 5. Regional Studies 28 2020 /2021 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O S 900,000$ S 750,000$ S 750,000$ S 750,000$ S 750,000$ S 3,900,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees X Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 X On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 900,000$ 750,000$ 750,000$ 750,000$ 750,000$ 3,900,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 3,900,000$ FY FY FY Michael Kwok (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Sewer Main Replacement Program Duarte Road between Baldwin Avenue and Holly Avenue EWELLWY LYNDONAVMAGNA VISTA REAL NORMAN WINNIE CAMINO LEROY HOLLYAV AV AVAV LNMELANIENAOMI LOVELLCAMBURYST NAOMI LNMELANIECHRISTINELNCALLITAWESTARCADIA WY RDSHARON AV AV AVAVAV BALDWINAV AVAV AVAVMINO REAL SHARON RD HUNTINGTON FAIRVIEW GOLDEN WESTBALDWINARCADIAHUNGATE LNAV ST SOUTHVIEW RD HUNGATE LNR OLD RAND GOLDEN RDPAMELA AV N SALTERAVORA PL KIA AV SHARON RDAVAVLA CADENAAV DR FAIRVIEW DUARTE EL MONTE AVHOLLYAVCAMPUS AV PARKEL MONTEAVAVDR HUNTINGTON MAG P L LA AVAZURE WYRD DUARTE LE ROY LN D FAIRVIEW AV JOAQUIN RDLEMON AV PROJECT LOCATION 29 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 10,000$ Parks P -$ Construction 865,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies 25,000$ Sewer S 900,000$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 900,000$ Total Capital 900,000$ The existing 12" sewer main on Duarte Road between Baldwin Avenue and Holly Avenue will be replaced with a 16" sewer main in order to accommodate peak flows. The pipe will be replaced using pipe-bursting method, a trenchless method that would minimize impact to traffic disturbance and would shorten the duration of construction. The 2005 Sewer Master Plan indicated that the portion of sewer main on Duarte Road between Baldwin Avenue and Holly Avenue was undersized for peak sewer flows. Any further increase in flow or damage to this line could result in a sewer backup, private property damage, and significant spillage. The Sewer Master Plan recommends replacement with a larger pipe, which will alleviate the high demand on the existing sewer line and significantly reduce the potential for spillage. 30 2020 /2021 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O S 100,000$ -$ S 100,000$ -$ S 100,000$ S 300,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees X Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 X On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 100,000$ -$ 100,000$ -$ 100,000$ 300,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 300,000$ FY FY FY Deen Buharie (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Miscellaneous Sewer Main Repair Various Locations NORTH SANTA YNEZ BRIARGATE LN AVANITASANTAPAMELA CT CTMAGNOLIA HOLLIS LNROWLAND AVOAKHAVENLNLEAFWOODLNOAK V IEW LN RODEOBL BLFOOTHILLRAMONA RDWOODLANDLNSAN CARLOS RDSAN CARLOS RDFAIRVIEW AV SIERRALA ST JOSEPH ST NEWMAN AV WINDSORRDPERKINS DRVIRGINIA DR ANDREA LN EL VISTA LN SIERRA OAKS DR RANCHO RDTINDALO RDFLORAL AV SAN ANTONIO RDBONITA ST PAMELAJOAQUIN RDLEMONAV BALDWINAVAVWOODRUFF PALM DR VARUSSTPORTOLA DR CIELOPL MONTE PL DRSTONE HOUSECARRIAGEHOUSEDRLANE ENGLEMANN COURTANITA AV ROWLANDESTRELLA AVST MAYFLOWERAVARMIJO AVMAYFLOWERFAIRGREENEL SUR ATARA REALAV AVTREELANEAVLN ST ST GOLD R I N G DR MCBE A N RAND O L P H RDCLAR KFAIRGREENHIGHLAND COG S WELL EL NOR T E S T ST AVORA STANDISH ST RIO HONDO RDBUNGALOW PL EL NORTE ST ALTA VISTA AVESHORT AVE DEREK DR NICHOLAS LN ENCINO DR TIFFANY TER CIR ALTERN ST ILENE LELAND WY SANTA ANITA TER ST CHER R Y L E E AZUSARDDURFEEAV HALL W O O D DR ST LOWER DR AXSONRDAVDURFEEKIMBERLY CR NNISTERAVBRINNONST STANDELL AVAVARMIJO ST ROCKROSEST STAGIO DRST ST ST PECK RDRDKARDASHAIN RDST AVAVST CONF E R E N C E PY ST SAN RI O CELIN EEWELLWY LYNDONAVMAGNA VISTA MONTEREAL NORMAN WINNIE CAMINO LEROY AV HOLLYAV AV AVAV LNMELANIENAOMI LOVELLCAMBURYST NAOMI LNMELANIECHRISTINELNCALLITA NAOMI GOLDENWESTDUARTE ARCADIA RD WY RDSHARON AV AV AVAVAV BALDWINAV AVAV AVAV AVDRARDSLEYAVENCINITANAOMI CAMINO REAL ST ST SUNSET5TH8TH8TH7TH7TH5TH4THFLORES AVAVWISTARIA ST MAGNIS STBOLEYTULIPAV FOSSSTEDNUEL STOTHELLO LOGANRITAWEIDERMEYERDRADUANALOVEJOY BEVERLY WY FLAMINGO ELYCO CRVERNER PLRODELL PLDRDRLNAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAV AV AVAV AV AV AV AV WISTARIAGRACELEE AVCRAV IVYLANDAVLOUISEIVYLANDLOUISEWATSONPALMBIRCHCROFT ARTHUR COYLE LAS DANIMERE WISTARIA ALSTER LEMON AVAVAVAVAVAVPALM DR ST AV AV AV AV AV 3RD1STLOUISEAV LEMON AVLNSEWANEELONGDEN AV WALNUT LN DELTA AV DR AV FLORES AV AV AV VISTALNBELLALAS FLORES AV LEAFWOODDRARTHUR AZURE WYROWLANDWENDON AVVAL AGNESSALTERAVAVAV AVWISTARIA ST PEPPERGLEN AV STFLAHERTY LAS LEMON LNDRSERENOELTERRAAVROSEMARIE WALNUT WISTARIA SHARON RD LA VIDA AV 8THLENORE8TH6TH4THCENTERGARYPARKHUDDARTHEMPSTEADETREELMAPLYND ST DAINES AVAVAVAVRD WILDFLO W E R AVDRSTAVAVAVAVELDORADO STFANO GENOA ALICE ST LUCILE ST CHRISTINA ST GREENFIELD PL AVMAGNA VISTA AV CHRISTINA ST VISTA ELLEN WY ROBBINSDR SCOTT PL PATRICIA WYAVMAGNA AV ELK I N S P L HIGHLANDOAKWOOD2NDAVFOOTHILL BL ST ELDORADOST ST DUARTE RD 2NDH VIEW COLUMBIASANO DRAKE CORTEZAV DR HUNTINGTON FAIRVIEW GOLDEN WESTBALDWINARCADIAHUNGATE LNSOUTHVIEW RD HUNGATE LNDR HUNTINGTON CORONADO PORTOLA DR OLD RANCHDR SUN S E T WOODWARDRDBLB L AV ALTURA RDALTURADEANZA PL DR MAGELL AN AVPALO ALTO BALBOA D R DR RDDR JOAQUIN RDARMADA RDRDKINGSLEY VICTORIA DR GOLDENWESTTALLAC DR DR CABRILLO RDOLD RANCHBLADWINDR DR AVRDDRRD ENGLISHOAK DRDR OAKS CRCOUNTRY CO LO RAD O P L SAN LUIS REY RDLNLISALOMAFOOTHILL WOODACREFOREST AV COLORADO BLCRUZSANTARDSAN L U I S R E Y RDSANTA MARIARDCOLORADO OXF O R D OAKH U R S T CHELS E A R D PRINCETONDRRENOAK WY LNRDRDBALDWINAVBL STOXFORD DR CAMBRIDGE DR HARVARD DR STANFORD D R SAN MIGUEL RDDRHUNTINGTONRDSANTA CRUZSANTA ROSASAN J U A N DR SAN RAFAELAVLNCYRUSOAK LNLEANDRAMERRY FLORAL AVRD BURNELL OAKSLNLNASDEROAKDALE BL LN DRAVRDLA ROSA RD VISTARDCAMINO AV MAGNOLIA STANDISH ALTERN SHRODE SIERRA MADRE OAKWOODAVAVRDPAMELA FOOTHILLRANCHORD AVC.O.C.O. GENOA ST1STAV2ND3RDAVAV STMORLA N PL ST CLAR A SANTA TREEAVRAE WY CRYSTAL CT PALM DRPALM DR AV LEMON WISTARIA WISTARIA LEMON AV WALNUT AVAV LAS FLORES LONGDEN AV DR CTWY WYLN DR CT REID HUGO DR VOLANTE DRELLOMA DRDRDONDRROBLESDONALVARADODONLNRDAVARBOLADA HACIENDA AV DR GRAND VIEW EL VISTA LNVISTA DEL VALLE DRDR AV COLORADO BL AV WELLAND AVMcCULLOCH AVEL MONTE AVST PAL MAL AVEL MONTEWYLONGLEY HALIFAX RDGRACEWOOD AVWORKMAN AV ALBERTWYWYWY WYAVAVGILPINLONGLEYWARRENCAROLINEHOLLYWINTHROPBRADFORDWOODRUFFAV AV SANDRA WARREN WOODRUFF PERSIMMON AVLYNROSE ALTOSLOS FLORENCEST STHUDDART GARYPARKCHERRYLEE CRCEDAR AVDR CHERRYLEE HEMLOCK DREMBR E E ST CELIN E LN RAMADAAVLAAVHYLAND AVFYFOOTHILLRTE 210 GLOR IA RDHA M P T O N R D FYFOOTHILL RTE 2 1 0 RDCE N T E N N I A L ROSE G L E N SIME O N ROLYN PLACECO R N E L L D R TE RDRDDR ALTURA CAMPESINAVALIDOMONTE VER D E CAROL PINE LNMICHILLINDAMERLON AVALTURACATALPA MURIETTA CATALPAVO L A N T E DRRDRD BL HERITAGEOAKS DRWHISPHERINGOAKS DRCABALLOMICHILLINDARAFAELDRFOOTHILL SANRDVICENTESAN RDOLD RANCHRDRD DR VAQUEROCOLORADO OLD RANCH VERDE DONDRRICARDOPABLO DRDONDRDRDIABLOKATHERINE WALNUTST STDEXTER VAQUERO RDAVMONTEPALOMASTRDAVENCANTO ANOAKIA LNPEMBROOKRD RD RD RD DRGREENOAKS DRAVHAMPTON AV RD GLENCOEDRDRSINGINGWOOD HAMPTON GLENCOEDRORANGE GROVE DRSANTAMARGARITACLARIDGERDDRANDREA DRCHANTRY DRANITA CREST LORALYN DR STDR RD CANY O N DROKOBOJIRD SUNSETSHININGAVPLSTLEROYAVENCINITA AVBRENTMEADAV RODEORDDR CARMELITA PLCABALLERODR DR SYCAMORERD DUFFY ST HALLOWELL AVAVGLICKMANAVMICHILLINDAHUGO BLPANORAMAAV DR FALLEN LEAF RDAVWY ORLANDO O A K L A W N ORANGE GROVERD AVELKINSCANYON RDCAROLWOODDR ELKINSHIGHLANDDRCANYONRDAVWILSONAV HIGHLAND VISTA HILLG R E E N PL MARILY NPL ANGELO PL OAKSTOP A Z PL OAKSPLAVAV AV AV 2ND3RDAV2NDAVST AV1ST1STAVELKINS AVVISTAW H I T E OAK DRAV D R AV AVALTA O A K S AVDOSHIE R AV ALTA OAKSBL OAKWOODDR ELEVADOWILSONMAREN DAL E LN YORKSHIRE DR RDONTARE OAKSHIGHLANDORANGE GROVE AV DRPINES DRPINES DRTORRE Y MONTDRWHISPERINGPINES SUMMIT WHISPE RI N G PINES S UMM IT WHIS P E R I N G PINESRD OAKHAVENOAKGLENAVDR WOODLAND AV HILLCR SYCAMOREOAKS VALENCIA5THAVAVFLORAL AV FOREST AV LNHAVEN AV LORENA NEWMAN AV NEWMAN HAVEN FOREST FLORAL WIGWAMAVLAUREL NORTH VIEW AVAV AV 2NDST 4TH AVJO Y C E AVLA PORTE FL O W E R S T ST JOSEPHFR O N T S T ST SANTA CLARA ST WHEELER IND I A N A S T GATEWAY DRAVALTA BONITA CALIFORNIA STDIAMOND DIAMOND SALTERAVORAPLMC CLEANDRKIA LYNROSE ST BOUGE ST DANBURY ST LYNROSE STDANBURY ST STBOGUELYNROSE ST DANESWOOD KRISTI CTBISHOPJUDITH CTSHARON LUBEN LN RD PAMELAAVAVLA CADENAAV DR FAIRVIEW DR DUARTE EL MONTE AVHOLLYAVCAMPUS WA YDR AV PARKEL MONTEAVAVDRHUNTINGTON HUNTINGTON LINDA AVMAGNA VISTA AV OLD OAK LNOAKHAVENRODEOMEADOWOAKHACIE NDA PLOAKLA W N O A K L AW N RD ARBOLADABALDWIN AVRDRDREID COR T O CABRILLOHUNTINGTON AVLOGANRITADOOLITTLEENCINOWYLINDASTAVLOGANRITAAVLNAVLOGANRITAAV JEFF R I E SAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVEL SUR LNMAGNOLIA AVGROVECAMINO CT ENCINODR SIERRA LNLEDADRILENE DRSIERRA LN PEACH- LEDA ST ST ALTERN RDPAMELA AVNORMANAV WY WYWINNIE WY WINNIEWYWINNIE RAE WY CONNIE 5TH10TH4TH8TH9THWESLEY LN3RD2ND1STKARI WY ILENE LA RD ALTERN ALTERN PAMELAPAMELALOUISE GREENFIELDAVLOUISEAVAVDRAVLEEWINNIE NORMAN WINNIE AV RDANDREWSWY ST WY RDTE DR AV AV AVAVAVAVAVAVLN NORMANANITA SANTAVISTAMAGNA WINNIE ANITASANTA PAMELA NAOMI LE ROY SIERRALA AVAVAZURE WYRD AV ELDR RD DUARTE LE ROY LNFOSSADUANASANDRA AVAVLENTASANDRA 3RD2NDAVAVFLORINDAAVDRDANESWOOD LYNROSEAVMYRTUS AVGREENFIELDAVSANDRALEE EL CAPITANAVLOUISEEL CAPITANAVWOODRUFFAV PLRODELL WYWOODRUFFPL LNWOODRUFFLNPAXSONAVANITASANTALAS TUNAS DR AV 31 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 7,000$ Parks P -$ Construction 84,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies 9,000$ Sewer S 100,000$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 100,000$ Total Capital 100,000$ Locations for sewer main repairs will be identified during the closed-circuit TV (CCTV) inspections, performed as part of the FY2019-20 Annual Sewer CCTV Inspection Project . Engineering analysis of sewer pipe and closed-circuit TV (CCTV) inspections will be used to identify pipe segments and manholes that have cracks or other structural damages requiring repair in FY2020-21. In May 2006, the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) adopted the Waste Discharge Requirement (WDR) Program for publicly-owned sanitary sewer collection systems in California with more than one mile of sewer pipeline. Under this Program, the City is required to perform regular visual and closed circuit TV (CCTV) inspections of manholes and sewer pipes. The information collected is used to prepare sewer CIP projects for the repair of broken pipe sections. The sewer lines to be repaired in this project will be identified in FY2019-20 as having significant cracking, and root intrusion, or deterioration. Deteriorated access manholes will also be identified and included for restoration. Repair and restoration work will occur in FY 2020-21. 32 2020 /2021 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O W 800,000$ W 400,000$ W 400,000$ W 400,000$ W 400,000$ W 2,400,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees X Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 X On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 800,000$ 400,000$ 400,000$ 400,000$ 400,000$ 2,400,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 2,400,000$ FY FY FY Tiffany Lee (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Water Main Replacement Program Camino Real Avenue between 8th and 10th Avenues PAMELA CT CTMAGNOLIA ERRA PAMELA DR PROJECT LOCATION ST ST ST 8THWISTARIA ST A Y ROBBINSDR SCOTT PL PATRICIA WYAV V RD MAYFLOWERAVARMIJ O AVMAYFLOWERFAIRGREENEL SUR ATARA REAL AVTREELANEAVLN ST ST FAIRGREENEL NO R T E S T ST AVORA STANDISH ST BUNGALOW PL EL NORTE ST ALTA VISTA AVSHORT AVE DEREK DR NICHOLAS LN ENCINO DR TIFFANY TER CIR TERN AVARMIJO ST ROCKROSST STAGIO DR PAMELA AVLOGANRITADOOLITTLEENCINOWYLINDASTAVLOGANRITAAVLNAVLOGANRITAAV JEF F R I E SAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVEL SUR LN MAGNOLIA AVGROVECAMINO CT ENCINODR SIERRA LNLEDADRENE DR LN PEACH- DA ST ALTERN RDPAMELA AVNORMANAV WY WYWINNIE WY WINNIEWYWINNIE RAE WY CONNIE CAMINO AV MAGNOLIA STANDISH ALTERN SHRODE TREE MAGNIS STBOLEYTULIPAV RITAPLAVAVAV AV AV AV AV MERE ARIA TER ON 5TH10TH4TH8TH9TH LN MAN 33 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 30,000$ Parks P -$ Construction 750,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies 20,000$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W 800,000$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 800,000$ Total Capital 800,000$ Providing uninterrupted service and safe drinking water to our residents is the overall goal of this project. The Water Master Plan Update of 2016 recommends the replacement of aging, undersized water mains, and water mains that have recorded frequent leaks. In selecting pipelines for replacement, consideration was based on the frequency of leaks on a section of pipe over a period of time, pipe material, and the location of the pipe in relation to other street improvement projects. Many pipes in the City's distribution system are made of cast iron. Prior to 1950, cast iron was the preferred material for pipelines due to its strength and corrosion-resistant properties. However as the pipes age, they lose their strength and turn brittle. The current City Standards for Construction require the use of ductile iron pipe in water main construction. Ductile iron pipe is more flexible and provides the same strength and corrosion protection as cast iron pipe. Due to frequent main breaks along Camino Real Avenue as well as inoperable valves, staff recommends replacing the existing 6" cast iron water mains with 10” ductile iron water mains between 8th Avenue and 10th Avenue to improve reliability, fire flow,and hydraulic efficiency. Design and construct two new 10" ductile iron water mains to replace the two existing 6" cast iron water mains that serve Zone 3 and Zone 4 on Camino Real Avenue between 8th Avenue and 10th Avenue. The existing cast iron water mains need to be replaced due to age, frequent breaks, and hydraulic inefficiency of the existing pipe. 34 2020 /2021 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O CO 40,000$ CO 80,000$ -$ -$ -$ CO 120,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 On-Going Project X New Project II.LOCATION MAP Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (M)Measure M, (P) Parks, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (RM) RMRA, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 40,000$ 80,000$ -$ -$ -$ 120,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 120,000$ FY FY FY Tyler Polidori (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Fire Station 105 Facility Improvements Fire Station 105 First and Last Name PROJECT LOCATION AVANITASANTAA R C A D I A H S RD ELDORADO FANO GENOA ALICE ST LUCILE ST CHRISTINA ST GREENFIELD MAGNA VISTA AV CHRI ST DUARTE1S CRYSTAL CTAV1STDIAMOND CAMPUS DR DUARTE MAGNA VIS AV AVAVVISTAMAGNA LIBRARY STATIONFIREJR H S GOLF COURSE SANTA ANITA 35 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 40,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Measure M M -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 40,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Road Maint./Rehab. Program RM -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 40,000$ Total Capital 40,000$ 1.Parapet Wall Cap Replacement ($20,000). 2. Fuel Dispenser Replacement ($20,000). 1. The concrete caps on the parapet wall on the patio at Fire Station 105 have begun to spall and fail. The porous material has allowed water to infiltrate the caps causing the rebar inside to rust and expand. The caps will be removed so that the wall can be sealed and new caps will be installed. 2. The fuel dispenser at Fire Station 105 is original to the building and can no longer accurately meter the fuel that is being dispensed. This prevents the Finance Department from being able to obtain accurate fuel use data. Repair parts are obsolete and no longer available to repair the metering system on the current pump. A new fuel dispenser will be installed. 36 2020 /2021 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O O 150,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ O 150,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 On-Going Project x New Project II.LOCATION MAP Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (M)Measure M, (P) Parks, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (RM) RMRA, (O) Other Map Not Applicable FY Estimated Total 150,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 150,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 150,000$ FY FY FY Vanessa Hevener (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Stormwater Watershed Adaptive Management Process Plan Various Cities First and Last Name 37 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Measure M M -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 150,000$ Parks P -$ Construction -$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Road Maint./Rehab. Program RM -$ Other (please describe):O 150,000$ Total Capital 150,000$ Total Capital 150,000$ Safe, Clean Water Program (Measure W) The Watershed Management Plan (WMP) is part of the adaptive management process plan outlined in the MS4 Permit. Through the adaptive management process, the WMP including the Reasonable Assurance Analysis will need to be revised and updated by 2021. The WMP will be adapted to become more effective based on, but not limited to the following factors: -Progress towards achieving interim and/or final WQBELs/RWLs according to TMDL schedules; -Progress towards achieving improved water quality in MS4 discharges and achieving RWLs through implementation of watershed control measures based on an evaluation of outfall-based and receiving water monitoring data; -Achievement of interim milestones; -Re-evaluation of the water quality priorities based on more recent water quality data for discharges from the MS4 and receiving waters and a reassessment of sources of pollutants; -Availability of new information and data from sources other than the Permittees’ monitoring programs that informs the effectiveness of the actions implemented; -Regional Board recommendations; and -Recommendations for modifications to the EWMP through a public participation process The adaptive nature of the WMP allows the process to be iterative, allowing the RH/SGRWQG to identify a plan that is successful in improving water quality in the region. Compliance with Rio Hondo/San Gabriel River (RH/SGR) Water Quality Group's revised Watershed Management Program Plan to develop the Adaptive Management Process plan. Cost is to be shared with the member agencies of the Rio Hondo/San Gabriel River Water Qaulity Group, consisting of the Cities of Arcadia, Bradbury, Duarte, Monrovia, and Sierra Madre and the County of Los Angeles. 38 2020 /2021 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O W 35,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ W 35,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 On-Going Project X New Project II.LOCATION MAP Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (M)Measure M, (P) Parks, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (RM) RMRA, (O) Other Map Not Applicable FY Estimated Total 35,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 35,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 35,000$ FY FY FY Mandy Jiang (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Urban Water Management Plan Update N/A First and Last Name 39 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Measure M M -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 35,000$ Parks P -$ Construction -$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W 35,000$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Road Maint./Rehab. Program RM -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 35,000$ Total Capital 35,000$ The 2020 UWMP update will provide the latest assessment of local water supply reliability, current and projected water demands within the City, and an evaluation of progress made toward the implementation of Demand Management Measures designed to achieve an overall reduction of 20% in water use by 2020. City staff will work with a consultant experienced in the preparation of Urban Water Management Plans (UWMP) to update the City's 2015 UWMP, as required by state legislation. The preparation and submittal of the 2020 UWMP update requires adherence to specific technical formatting and submittal requirements. It is beneficial to utilize a consultant familiar with this technical process, in order to ensure all aspects of the UWMP update are completed and meet state requirements without delay. The California Urban Water Management Act of 1983 requires water suppliers serving more than 3,000 customers or providing more than 3,000 acre-feet of water annually to prepare and submit an Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) every 5 years. The UWMP must include: -Assessment of water reliability over a 20-year planning time frame -Description of demand management measures and water shortage contingency plans -Report progress toward meeting a targeted 20 percent reduction in per-capita (per-person) urban water consumption by the year 2020 The last UWMP update was submitted in July 2016, which allowed for a 6-month extension to the original deadline granted to all water suppliers. The 2020 UWMP update is due for submittal on July 1, 2021. 40 2020 /2021 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O W 1,410,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ W 1,410,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 On-Going Project X New Project II.LOCATION MAP Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (M)Measure M, (P) Parks, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (RM) RMRA, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 1,410,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,410,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 1,410,000$ FY FY FY Eddie Chan (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Chapman Well Blend Plan and Well Rehab Chapman Well 7 First and Last Name NORTH 41 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Measure M M -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 1,370,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies 40,000$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W 1,410,000$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Road Maint./Rehab. Program RM -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 1,410,000$ Total Capital 1,410,000$ Rehabilitate Chapman Reservoir, restore the existing booster pumps to service, replace the existing motor control center, and construct water blending apparatus for Chapman Well 7. The well produces 1,000 to 1,500 gallons of water per minute. In July 2015, City staff found that Chrome 6 concentrations of the water pumped from the Chapman Well exceeded the Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL). On January 15, 2016, the well was placed out of service. In order to put the well back in service, a blending treatment process is proposed to remediate Chrome 6 in water produced from Chapman Well. Work and preliminary cost estimate are shown below: Cost Estimate: Reservoir Column Replacement $ 300,000 Construction of Blending Apparatus $ 170,000 Motor Control Center Replacement $ 145,000 Reservoir Wall and Slab Storation $ 505,000 Clean Well Casing and service Motor & Pump $ 250,000 Construction Sub-total $1,370,000 Inspection & Contingencies $ 40,000 Total Project Cost $1,410,000 42 2020 /2021 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O M 50,000$ M 50,000$ M 50,000$ M 50,000$ M 50,000$ M 250,000$ U R TI 100,000$ TI 100,000$ TI 100,000$ TI 100,000$ TI 100,000$ TI 500,000$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 X On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP Kevin Merrill (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Miscellaneous Traffic Signal Improvements Various Locations ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 750,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 150,000$ 150,000$ 150,000$ 150,000$ 150,000$ 750,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (M)Measure M, (P) Parks, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (RM) RMRA, (O) Other Map Not Applicable First and Last Name 43 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Measure M M 50,000$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 150,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI 100,000$ Road Maint./Rehab. Program RM -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 150,000$ Total Capital 150,000$ This is an ongoing program intended to maintain and improve the City’s traffic signal system through the purchase and installation of equipment such as traffic signal controllers & cabinets, intersection rewiring, fiber optic interconnect & other intelligent transportation system (ITS) equipment, pedestrian countdown clocks and video detection. This year’s program will include improvements such as: 1. Turning movement upgrades 2. Traffic Signal Controller and Cabinet upgrades 3. Intersection rewiring 4. Fiber optic interconnect and ITS traffic network upgrades 5. Video Detection Installation Elements 1, 2, and 4 above are eligible for funding with Traffic Impact (TI) fee revenues. These improvements are the highest priority needs from the city’s inventory and inspection of Traffic Signals.Traffic Signal equipment is divided into several categories such as mast arms and poles, signal heads, controllers, detection systems, wiring systems, fiber optic interconnect, etc. Each category is periodically inspected for current condition and the need for upgrade. 44 2020 /2021 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O M 150,000$ M 1,600,000$ -$ -$ -$ M 1,750,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 On-Going Project X New Project II.LOCATION MAP Phil Wray (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Downtown Alley Improvements (Engineering Design) Around Downtown Arcadia ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 1,750,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 150,000$ 1,600,000$ -$ -$ -$ 1,750,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (M)Measure M, (P) Parks, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (RM) RMRA, (O) Other First and Last Name 45 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Measure M M 150,000$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 150,000$ Parks P -$ Construction -$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Road Maint./Rehab. Program RM -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 150,000$ Total Capital 150,000$ This project covers approximately 3,000 feet of alleys in the Downtown area. The project proposes improving the alleys to include such elements as pedestrian lighting, resurfacing, decorative treatments to portions of the pavement surfaces, raised pavement “speed humps” for pedestrian crossings, bollards and or railings, landscape nodes and signage. This is a multi-year project that has been awarded a Measure M Sub-regional grant by the SGV COG in the amount of $1,750,000. For this year’s budget, the funding will be used for the Final design plans and specifications.The construction funding will be budgeted for the following year. Over the past several years, Arcadia’s Downtown has been transitioning to a mixed-use “hub”, designed around the Gold Line Light Rail Station. Several new projects are in the works that will bring residential units to the area, as well as increased vitality from new commercial and retail space. Downtown Arcadia has a network of City-owned Parking Lots, alleys and pedestrian easements in the area connecting these potential projects, businesses and public streets to the Gold Line Station. These facilities have minimal or no accommodations for pedestrian travel.Pedestrians either have to walk around these facilities, or share the vehicle travel lanes.The goal of this project is to improve these alleys and portions of parking lots and easements, to create a network of safe and attractive pedestrian corridors and to provide clear and direct options for pedestrian travel connecting the Downtown and the Gold Line Station. 46 2020 /2021 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O TI 400,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ TI 400,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 On-Going Project X New Project II.LOCATION MAP Kevin Merrill (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Traffic Signal Fiber Optics Network Extensions Various Locations ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 400,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 400,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 400,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (M)Measure M, (P) Parks, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (RM) RMRA, (O) Other Map Not Applicable First and Last Name 47 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Measure M M -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 25,000$ Parks P -$ Construction 350,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies 25,000$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI 400,000$ Road Maint./Rehab. Program RM -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 400,000$ Total Capital 400,000$ The City is to install conduit and fiber to the following 7 locations: 1. Lower Azusa Road @ Quarry Drive (requires conduit installation from Peck Rd @ Clark St to property on Durfee Ave where pull box exists.) 2. Campus Dr @ Arcadia High School. 3. Las Tunas Drive @ El Monte Ave. 4. Las Tunas Drive @ Warren Way. 5. Las Tunas Drive @ Holly Ave. (requires conduit and fiber from Las Tunas Dr @ Live Oak intersection to Baldwin Ave @ Las Tunas Dr for a redundant loop in the City) 6. Baldwin Ave from Camino Real Ave to Las Tunas Dr. 7. Storage Building from existing CCTV to Huntington Dr & Santa Clara St Fiber optic communication provides better connectivity compared to wireless radio connections that exist today. The City's fiber optic network reaches a majority of the traffic signals, but is not yet complete, as it lacks a redundant loop in the City. This project is the next step in completing the network for full fiber connectivity for five traffic signals and connections at the Storage Building located on Huntington Dr. 48 2020 /2021 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O PC 1,000,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ PC 1,000,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 On-Going Project X New Project II.LOCATION MAP Johnathan Doojphibulpol (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Arterial Rehabilitation Program - Baldwin Ave from Camino Real Ave to Las Tunas Dr Baldwin Ave from Camino Real to Las Tunas Dr ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 1,000,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 1,000,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,000,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (M)Measure M, (P) Parks, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (RM) RMRA, (O) Other First and Last Name 49 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Measure M M -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 50,000$ Parks P -$ Construction 900,000$ Prop C PC 1,000,000$ Inspection & Contingencies 50,000$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Road Maint./Rehab. Program RM -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 1,000,000$ Total Capital 1,000,000$ This project is to rehabilitate the concrete pavement on Baldwin Ave between Camino Real Ave and Las Tunas Dr. The work includes grinding and/or removing and replacing entire sections of the concrete street that are cracked or damaged, remove and replacing damaged curbs and gutters, constructing new ADA standard access ramps, and other miscellaneous street work. The work also includes removal and replacement of trees and landscaping in the parkways causing damage to the street. The Baldwin Avenue concrete pavement is showing a considerable amount of stress,cracking, and failures. Although the Pavement Management Program categorizes this section of Baldwin Avenue as in "good" condition, the presence of cracks and failures has created sections of low ridability. The success of previous concrete rehabilitation of Foothill Blvd has provided improved ridability for drivers. As a heavily travelled street, Baldwin Avenue would benefit from a similar rehabilitation. 50 2020 /2021 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O O 50,000$ -$ O 50,000$ -$ O 50,000$ O 150,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY X On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP Johnathan Doojphibulpol (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Sidewalk Accessibility/ADA Ramp Improvement Project Various Locations ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 150,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 50,000$ -$ 50,000$ -$ 50,000$ 150,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (M)Measure M, (P) Parks, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (RM) RMRA, (O) Other Map Not Applicable First and Last Name 51 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Measure M M -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 50,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Road Maint./Rehab. Program RM -$ Other (please describe):O 50,000$ Total Capital 50,000$ Total Capital 50,000$ TDA This project adds new ADA accessible ramps and modifies driveway approaches to the next highest priority locations in the City, based on the ADA Sidewalk Transiton Plan and citizen requests. The City has an adopted ADA Sidewalk Transition Plan for administration of accessibility improvements. The Transition Plan identifies priority locations, but also specifies that citizen complaints should be first priorities. The City annually receives Transportation Development Act (TDA) funds to use exclusively for the administration of the ADA Sidewalk Tranistion Plan. Typically, the City accrues two years of TDA funding to administer a reasonable and cost effective project. 52 2020 /2021 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O TI 800,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ TI 800,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 On-Going Project X New Project II.LOCATION MAP Kevin Merrill (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Santa Anita Avenue Corridor Traffic Signal Improvements Various Locations along Santa Anita Avenue ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 800,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 800,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 800,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (M)Measure M, (P) Parks, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (RM) RMRA, (O) Other Map Not Applicable First and Last Name 53 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Measure M M -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 50,000$ Parks P -$ Construction 700,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies 50,000$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI 800,000$ Road Maint./Rehab. Program RM -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 800,000$ Total Capital 800,000$ The Santa Anita Avenue Corridor Traffic Signal and Crosswalk Improvements project, Phase 2, installed new traffic signals at Le Roy Avenue and at Alta Street, and removed the In-Ground Flashing Warning Light system at Alta Street. Phase 3 continues the Santa Anita Avenue Corridor Traffic Signal and Crosswalk Improvements with new cabinets, CCTV cameras, detection loops, traffic signal heads, controllers, and communication upgrades at the following intersections along Santa Anita Avenue: 1. Virginia Road 2. Colorado Boulevard 3. Santa Clara Street 4. Diamond Street 5. Campus Drive 6. Duarte Road 7. Wistaria Avenue 8. Live Oak Avenue Improvements will vary from location to location. The City is continuing its project to complete the Santa Anita Avenue Corridor Project. Phase two began construction in 2020. Due to construction costs, a third phase is required to complete the rest of the corridor. 54 2020 /2021 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O CO 25,000$ CO 25,000$ CO 25,000$ CO 25,000$ CO 25,000$ CO 125,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 X On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP Cody Cerwin (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Fire Station Maintenance Program All Fire Stations ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 125,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 25,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 125,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R) Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other AVHUNTINGTON HUNTINGTONOLD RANCH OLD RANBLADWINAVRDFIRE STATION 106 AV1STELDORADO FANO GENOA ALICE LUCILE ST FIRE STATION 105ANITASANTA AV OAYORKSHIR DR ONTARE ORANGE OLD O OAKHRODEOS I E R R A MADR E HYLAND AVRDORANGE GROVE HIGHL ELEM ANITASANTAFIRE STATION 107 55 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 25,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 25,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Redevelopment R -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 25,000$ Total Capital 25,000$ The Fire Station Maintenance Program provides for the following, as needed: -interior and exterior painting of all fire facilities -replacement or maintenance of carpet at all fire facilities -replacement of window coverings at all fire facilities -replacement of household appliances -other miscellaneous repair and replacement of items to maintain the quality of all fire facilities The Fire Station Maintenance Program allows for planned upgrades and unanticipated repairs to vital components within all Arcadia Fire Stations. Scheduled preventive maintenance is instumental in controling and reducing costs; enhancing staff efficiency; sustaining the quality of Fire facilities; and ensuring fiscal responsibility through planned bidding process. 56 2020 /2021 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O CO 153,000$ CO 614,000$ -$ -$ -$ CO 767,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY On-Going Project X New Project II.LOCATION MAP Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other Map Not Applicable FY Estimated Total 153,000$ 614,000$ -$ -$ -$ 767,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 767,000$ FY FY FY Sara Somogyi (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Arcadia High School Track Replacement Arcadia High School Track First and Last Name 57 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 153,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 153,000$ Parks P -$ Construction -$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 153,000$ Total Capital 153,000$ According to the Joint Use Agreement with the Arcadia Unified School District, the City will pay for 1/3 cost of the replacement of the high school track. The total cost of the project is $2.3 million dollars. Arcadia Union School District will be the lead agency on this project. AUSD has chosen Beynon as the contractor of the project. Beynon has many products to choose from and the product selected for the Arcadia High School Track Surface is the BSS 2000. The BSS 2000 is the premier track and field surface for NCAA and international competitions. The surface is constructed with only virgin butyl rubber and two-component polyurethane in the Force Reduction Layer to optimize an athletes’ return of energy. The Wear Layer of Beynon’s BSS 2000 system incorporates high-performance polyurethane with multiple texture options to provide the highest level of resiliency with enhanced shock absorbency. This product has been installed at several high schools and colleges across southern California. The references for the nearby track installations were impeccable and came with great recommendations. The full pour installation at the schools in the nearby region is also a reason for selection as they have similar weather and sun exposure.The life expectancy of the new track is expected to be 10-12 years, before an overlay will be needed. The district also took advantage of the CALIFORNIA MULTIPLE AWARD SCHEDULE (CMAS) GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION (GSA)Direct purchase opportunity. This purchase method is available for entities in the State of California to take advantage of federally negotiated pricing. This allowed the project to save money by removing the typical mark-up of a general contractor. The track at the high school is in desperate need of repair. The City and AUSD have been working together over the years with various fixes and overlays to the surface, but there is nothing else that can be done at this time except to replace the entire surface. AUSD will work with the City on the timing of the replacement, to have the least impact to the school and the community. AUSD has agreed in principle to the following contribution schedule from the City: FY 2020-21: $153,000 FY 2021-22:$614,000 58 PROJECT DESCRIPTION REQUESTING 302 165 107 157 521 520 156 PAGE DEPARTMENT CAPITAL MEASURE M PARKS PROP C SEWER WATER Transportation 61 Annual Slurry Seal Program Public Works 600,000 - - - - - - - 63 Annual Meter Replacement Program Public Works - - - - - 250,000 - - 65 Annual Replacement of HVAC Rooftop Units Public Works 70,000 - - - - - - - 67 Annual Sewer CCTV Inspection Public Works - - - - 50,000 - - - 69 Public Works Facility Improvements Public Works 14,000 - - - 21,000 35,000 - - 71 Community Center Facility Improvements Public Works 115,000 - - - - - - - 73 Baseball Field Bleacher Project at LHB Public Works - - 274,000 - - - - - 75 Live Oak Well Emergency Generator Public Works - - - - - 650,000 - - 77 Annual Tree Removal and Replacement Program Public Works 30,000 - - - - - - - 79 Library Facility Improvements Public Works 27,000 - - - - - - - 81 Police Department Facility Improvements Public Works 30,000 - - - - - - - 83 SCADA System Upgrades Public Works - - - - 10,000 30,000 - - 85 Valve Replacement Program Public Works - - - - - 150,000 - - 87 Gilb Museum of Arcadia Heritage Facility Improvements Public Works 27,000 - - - - - - - 89 Newcastle Park Improvement Project - Design Build Public Works - - 3,751,000 - - - - - 91 Well Inspection and Rehabilitation Program Public Works - - - - - 250,000 - - 93 Pavement Rehabilitation Program Public Works 1,000,000 - - - - - - 1,100,000 RMRA 95 Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Plan Public Works - - - - - - - 150,000 Safe, Clean Water Program (Measure W) 97 Sewer Main Replacement Program Public Works - - - - 750,000 - - - 99 City Hall Facility Improvements Public Works 47,000 - - - - - - - 101 Water Main Replacement Program Public Works - - - - - 400,000 - - 103 Fire Station 105 Facility Improvements Public Works 80,000 - - - - - - - 105 Fire Station 106 Facility Improvements Public Works 42,000 - - - - - - - CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2021-22 Other Funding Source 59 PROJECT DESCRIPTION REQUESTING 302 165 107 157 521 520 156 PAGE DEPARTMENT CAPITAL MEASURE M PARKS PROP C SEWER WATER Transportation CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2021-22 Other Funding Source 107 St. Joe Perimeter Wall Extension Public Works - - - - - 40,000 - - 109 WMP Project – Phase 1 Arboretum Water Quality Improvements Public Works - - - - - - - 1,500,000 Safe, Clean Water Program (Measure W) 111 Library Landscaping Public Works 25,000 - - - - - - - 113 Peacock Fountain Pump Replacement Public Works 60,000 - - - - - - - 115 Longden Baseball Field Electric Panel Upgrade Public Works 25,000 - - - - - - - 117 Arterial Concrete Rehab Project - Foothill Blvd & Live Oak Ave Development - - - 800,000 - - - - 119 Miscellaneous Traffic Signal Improvements Development - 50,000 - - - - 100,000 - 121 Downtown Alley Improvements Development - 1,600,000 - - - - - - 123 Pavement Management Program Development - 50,000 - - - - - - 125 Arterial Rehabilitation Program - Michillinda Ave from Colorado Blvd to Foothill Blvd Development - 350,000 - - - - - - 127 Baldwin Avenue Streetscape Improvement Program Development 650,000 - - - - - - - 129 Fire Station Maintenance Program Fire 25,000 - - - - - - - 131 Fire Station Kitchen Remodel Program Fire 130,000 - - - - - - - 133 Arcadia High School Track Replacement Recreation 614,000 - - - - - - - $15,972,000 3,611,000$ 2,050,000$ 4,025,000$ 800,000$ 831,000$ 1,805,000$ 100,000$ 2,750,000$ TOTAL FOR FISCAL YEAR 2021-22 60 2021 /2022 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O CO 600,000$ CO 600,000$ CO 600,000$ CO 600,000$ CO 600,000$ CO 3,000,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees X Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 X On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP Jan Balanay (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Annual Slurry Seal Program Various Street Locations Within the City ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 3,000,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 600,000$ 600,000$ 600,000$ 600,000$ 600,000$ 3,000,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other NORTH HUNTINGTON DR BALDWIN AVEMICHILLINDA AVEFOOTHILL BL PROJECT LOCATION 61 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 600,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 20,000$ Parks P -$ Construction 555,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies 25,000$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 600,000$ Total Capital 600,000$ The Annual Slurry Seal Program repairs damaged concrete curbs and gutters which inhibit proper drainage. Work includes minor deep patch repairs, asphalt edge grinding at various locations, crack sealing, slurry sealing, and restriping and painting of pavement markings. Slurry sealing reduces deterioration of the street pavement, improves skid-resistance, and improves the aesthetic quality of neighborhoods. As part of the project, City-owned parking lots and alleys in the downtown district area will be slurry sealed. In 1999, as part of the Pavement Management Program, staff prioritized the condition of all City streets and updated the eight-year Slurry Seal Program to efficiently prolong the life of streets. The Annual Slurry Seal Program provides for the inspection and repair of the City's roadway surfaces, curbs, and gutters over an eight-year cycle. The program has divided the City into eight zones, with one zone being addressed each year. Slurry sealing of the roadway surfaces involves killing and removing weeds, repairing failed sections, asphalt edge grinding,filling major cracks, and applying an asphalt slurry (emulsified asphalt mixed with sand). Additionally, this project will include repainting traffic markings to maintain the integrity of asphalt pavement and to increase the life of the pavement surface by rejuvenating the existing asphalt pavement. 62 2021 /2022 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O W 250,000$ W 250,000$ W 250,000$ W 250,000$ W 250,000$ W 1,250,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees X Contract Services CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 X On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP John Corona (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Annual Meter Replacement Program Various Locations ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 1,250,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 250,000$ 250,000$ 250,000$ 250,000$ 250,000$ 1,250,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other EWELLWY LYNDONAVMAGNA VISTA LEROY AVAVTE ARCADIA RDAVAV AV AV SUNSET ELDORA FANO GENOA ALICE LUCILE CHRISTIN MAGNA VISTA AV OAKWOODTH VIEW COLUMBIASANO DRAKE CORTEZAV DR HUNTINGTON FAIRVIEW GOLDEN WESTBALDWINARCADIAHUNGATE LN SOUTHVIEW RD HUNGATE LNDR HUNTINGTON CORONADO PORTOLA DR OLD RANCHDRSUN S E T WOODWARDRDBLB L AV ALTURA RDALTURADEANZA PL DR MAGELLAN AVPALO ALTO BALBOA D R DR RDDRJOAQUIN RDARMADA RDRDKINGSLEY VICTOR I A DR GOLDENWESTTALLAC DR D R CABRILLO RDOLD RANCHBLADWINDR DR AVRDDRRD ENGLISHOAK DR COLORADO P L SAN LUIS REY RDLNLISALOMAFOOTHILL WOODACREFOREST AV COLORADO CRUZSANTARDSAN L U I S R E Y RDSANTA MARIARDCOLORADO OX F O R D OAKH U R S T CHEL S E A R D PRINCETONDRRENOAKWY LNRDRDBALDWINAVBL STOXFORD DR CAMBRIDGE DR HARVARD DR STANFOR D D R SAN MIGUEL RDDRHUNTINGTONRDSANTA CRUZSANTA ROSASAN J U A N DR SAN RAFAELAVLNCYRUSOAK LNLEANDRAMERRY FLORAL AVRD BURNELL OAKSLNLNASDEROAKDALE BL LN DRAVRDLA ROSA RD VISTARDSIERRA MADRE OAAVAVFOOTHILLRANCHORD MORL A N PL ST CLARA SANTA AVRAE WY CT REID HUGO DR VOLANTE DRELLOMA DRDRDONDRROBLESDONALVARADODONLNRDARBOLADA HACIENDA AV DR EL VISTA LNVISTA DEL VALLE DDR OAKWOODDR WILSONMARENDALE LN YORKSHIRE DR ONTARE ORANGE GROV DR WOODLAND FLORAL FOREST AV LA PORT FL O W E R S ST J F R O N T S T WHEELER ALTA BONITA CALIFOR DIAMON AVAV LA CADENAAV DR FAIRVIEW DR DUARTE E AVHOLLYCAMPUS W A YDR AV PARKEL MONTEAVAVDRHUNTINGTON HUNTINGT ON LINDA OLD OAK LNOAKHAVENRODEOMEADOWOAKHACIENDAPLOAKL A W N OA K L AWN RD ARBOLADABALDWIN AVRDRDREID CO R T O CABRILLOHUNTINGTON AV AVVISTAMAGNA LE ROY SIERRALA DRRD DUARTE LE ROY LNLN RAMADAAVLAAVHYLAND AVFYFOOTHILLRTE 210 GLOR IA RD H AM P TO N R D FYFOOTHILL RDCE N T E N N I A L SIM E O N ROLYN PLACEC O R N E L L D R CARRIAGEHOUSEDR LANE ENGLEMANN COURTANITA SANTA YNEZ AVANITASANTA RODEOBL BLFOOTHILL EW LNRAMONA RDWOODLANDLNSAN CARLOS RDSAN CARLOS RDFAIRVIEW AV ST JOSEPH ST NEWMAN AV WINDSORRDPERKINS DRVIRGINIA LN EL VISTA LN SIERRA OAKS DR RANCHO RDTINDALO RDFLORAL AV SAN ANTONIO RDJOAQUIN RDPORTOLA DR S TE RDRDDR ALTURA CAMPESINAVALIDOMONTE VER D E CAROL PINE LNMICHILLINDAMERLON AVALTURACATALPA MURIETTA CATALPAVOLANTED RRDRD BL HERITAGEOAKS DRWHISPHERINGOAKS DRCABALLOMICHILLINDARAFAELDRFOOTHILL SANRDVICENTESAN RDOLD RANCHRDRD DR VAQUEROCOLORADO OLD RANCH VERDE DONDRRICARDOPABLO DRDONDRDRDIABLOKATHERINE WALNUTST STDEXTER VAQUERO R DAVMONTEPALOMAST RDAV ENCANTO ANOAKIA LNPEMBROOKRD RD RD RD DRGREENOAKS DRAVHAMPTON AV RD GLENCOEDRDRSINGINGWOOD HAMPTON GLENCOEDRORANGE GROVE DRSANTAMARGARITACLARIDGERDDRANDREA DR DR ST LORALYN DR STOKOBOJIRD SUNSETSHININGAVPLAVTARODEORDDR CARMELITA PLCABALLERODR DR SYCAMORERD AVMICHILLINDAHUGO BLPANORAMAAV DR FALLEN LEAF RDAVWY ORLANDO O A K L AW N ORANGE GROVERD 63 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction -$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):250,000$ Water W 250,000$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 250,000$ Total Capital 250,000$ Purchase Water Meters The Annual Meter Replacement Program will replace approximately 2,000 to 2,500 5/8" to 2" meters for Meter Reading Routes No. 35, 36, 37, and 38 which have reached their useful life. Smart meters were installed on these meter routes over 12 years ago and are in need of replacement with the next generation of radio read smart meters. City utility crews will perform installation of these meters. Accurate flow measurements and correct meter readings are vital to maintaining the revenue from the City’s water distribution system. Aging smart meters must be replaced with next generation smart meters as the battery life expectancy has been reached, which can compromise specific functionality of the meter. 64 2021 /2022 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O CO 70,000$ CO 145,000$ CO 75,000$ CO 75,000$ CO 75,000$ CO 440,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 X On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP Tyler Polidori (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Annual Replacement of HVAC Rooftop Units Public Works/City Hall/Arcadia Public Library ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 440,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 70,000$ 145,000$ 75,000$ 75,000$ 75,000$ 440,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other NORTH AV RD A R C A D I A H S FANO GENOA ALICE ST LUCILE ST CHRISTINA ST GREE MAGNA VISTA AV LIBRARY STATIONFIREAV AV AVAVVISTAMAGNA NAOMI LE ROY SIERRALA AV DR LINDA MAG KARI W ILE ALTERLOUISE CAMPUS DR DUARTE MONTE ARAE WY CRYSTA CT 1ST GOLF COURSE SANTA ANITA JR H S RICHARD H DANAAVANITASANTAPROJECT LOCATION 65 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 70,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 70,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 70,000$ Total Capital 70,000$ 1. Replace two 5-ton HVAC units serving staff offices at the Public Works Service Center ($35,000). 2. Replace one 8.5-ton HVAC unit serving the administration offices, and one 4-ton unit serving the conference Room at the Arcadia Library ($35,000). 1. The HVAC package units that serve the staff offices at the Public Works Service Center are over fifteen years old. The compressors and condenser fan motors are worn out due to age and frequent use. 2. The HVAC package units that serve the administration offices and conference room at the Library were installed in 2003 and have exceeded their service life. These units should be replaced before additional maintenance is required. The replacement of these units is part of a preventative maintenance replacement program designed to replace aging HVAC units at all City facilities. The roof top units are planned for replacement on a 15 year rotation. The benefit of replacing an HVAC unit on a planned schedule is a reduction in energy and maintenance costs. New units have a higher energy efficiency rating and the compressors are (AQMD) Air Quality Management District refrigerant compliant. 66 2021 /2022 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O S 50,000$ S 50,000$ S 50,000$ S 50,000$ S 50,000$ S 250,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees X Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 X On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP Deen Buharie (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Annual Sewer CCTV Inspection Various Locations ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 250,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 50,000$ 50,000$ 50,000$ 50,000$ 50,000$ 250,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other 106 BALDWIN AVHUGO REIDPARKELEM AVENUEASTATIONFIREA R B O R E T U M S T A T E A N D C O U N L O S A N G E L E S RAC E T R A C WAS H A R C A D I A CAMPUS AVRDRDREID CO R T O CABRILLOHUNTINGTON SALTERAVORA PLMC CLEANDRKIA AVAV LA CADENAAV DR FAIRVIEW HOLLYAVAVCT REID HUGO DR RD DUARTE HOLLY DR VAQUERO R DAVMONTPALOMA RDENCANTO OKOBOJIRD SUNSETST LEROY AVBRENTMEADMICHILLINDAHUGO PANORAMA POSTOFFICEST REAL WINNIE CAMINO LEROY AV AV AVAV LNIENAOMI LOVELLCAMBURYST NAOMI LNMELANIECHRISTINELNCALLITA NAOMI WESTDUARTE ARCADIA WY AV AVAVAVAV AVAVCOLUMBIASANO DRAKE CORTEZAV DR HUNTINGTON FAIRVIEW GOLDEN WESTBALDWINARCADIAHUNGATE LNSOUTHVIEW RD HUNGATE LNDR HUNTINGTON CORONADO PORTOLA DR OLD RANCHDRS U N S E T RDBLB L V ALTURA RDALTURADEANZA PL DR MAGE L L A N AVPALO ALTO BALB O A D R DR RDDRJOAQUIN RDARMADA RDRDKINGSLEY VICTOR I A DR GOLDENWESTTALLAC DR D R CABRILLO RDOLD RANCHBLADWINDR DR AVRDDRRD V AVDRARDSLEYNAOMI CAMINO REALSUNSET AD R O V HUGO REID ELEM 67 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 8,000$ Parks P -$ Construction -$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies 42,000$ Sewer S 50,000$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 50,000$ Total Capital 50,000$ Sanitary Sewer mains will be surveyed using Closed-Circuit TV (CCTV) Inspection devices and video documented. CCTV Inspection will be performed by a contractor. Sewer mains are cleaned by City crews prior to video inspection. It is necessary to provide positive and reliable information regarding the status of the City’s sanitary sewer collection system to decrease the possibility of sewer overflows. In May 2006, the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) adopted the Waste Discharge Requirement (WDR) Program for all publicly owned sanitary sewer collection systems in California with more than one mile of sewer pipeline.Under this program, the City is required to prepare and implement a Sewer System Maintenance Program (SSMP). The program identifies routine preventive operation and maintenance activities, including a system for scheduling regular maintenance and cleaning of the sanitary sewer system with increased frequency targeting known problem areas. The program requires visual and closed circuit TV (CCTV) inspections of manholes and sewer pipes, which provides a record of the conditions of the sewer mains as evidence of the cleaning and maintenance performed under the SSMP. The information collected through CCTV inspections is used to evaluate current cleaning operations, recommend improvements, and prepare projects to repair broken pipe sections. These sewer inspections and system improvements have also been identified in the Sewer Master Plan and are required under the SSMP. 68 2021 /2022 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O CO 14,000$ CO 9,000$ CO 3,000$ CO 3,000$ CO 3,000$ CO 32,000$ U R W 35,000$ W 22,500$ W 7,500$ W 7,500$ W 7,500$ W 80,000$ C E S 21,000$ S 13,500$ S 4,500$ S 4,500$ S 4,500$ S 48,000$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees X Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 X On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP Tyler Polidori (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Public Works Facility Improvements Public Works Service Center ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 160,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 70,000$ 45,000$ 15,000$ 15,000$ 15,000$ 160,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other PROJECT LOCATION RIVER K RO A D W A T E R & C O N S E R V A TI O N P A R K GOLFARCADIA' SEWER EASESAWPITGOL D R I N G DR MCB E A N RAN D O L P H RDCLA R K COGSWELLRIO HONDO RDST CHE R R Y L E E ZUSARDDURFEEAV HAL L W O O D D DR PECK RDRDKARDASHAIN RDST AVAVST CON F E R E N C E PY ST SAN RI O CELI N E AV 8THLENORECENTERHEMPSTEADETREELMAPLYND ST ES AVRDER AVDR HERRYLEE CREDAR AVDR CHERRYLEE HEMLOCK DR EMBR E E ST CELI N E ANITSANTACOURSE69 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 14,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 70,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S 21,000$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W 35,000$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 70,000$ Total Capital 70,000$ 1. Exterior trim painting ($10,000). 2. Removal of non-operational vehicle hoist ($60,000). 1. The exterior paint on the Service Center is becoming oxidized and faded from sun and weather exposure. Sections of the building will be repainted annually to maintain the building's finish and provide surface protection. 2. The in-ground vehicle hoist in the Fleet Garage is non-operational and obsolete. The hoist has a leak in the subterranean plumbing that requires costly repairs. The daily operations of the Fleet Section no longer require the use of this hoist, and would benefit from the additional bay space if the hoist is removed. The project will encompass removal of the hoist and associated plumbing. The remaining ground cavity will be backfilled with concrete. 70 2021 /2022 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O CO 115,000$ CO 285,000$ CO 35,000$ CO 35,000$ CO 35,000$ CO 505,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 X On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP Tyler Polidori (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Community Center Facility Improvements Community Center ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 505,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 115,000$ 285,000$ 35,000$ 35,000$ 35,000$ 505,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other PROJECT LOCATION A R C A D I A C O U N T Y PARK WESTFIELD SHOPPING TOWN AT SANTA ANITA EAST BRANCHWA S H POWASHR C A D I A ARCADIAGOLF COURSE SANTA ANITAA R S T A T E L O S A N G E L E RAC E T R A C K SANTA ANITAEWELLWY LYNDONAVMAGNA VISTA REALCAMINO LEROY AVAV AV AV NAOMI LLYNAOMI LNNIEINELNARCADIA RD AV AVAVAV AVAV AVAV ELDORAD FANO GENOA ALICE LUCILE CHRISTINA MAGNA VISTA AV HUNTINGTON W GOLDEN WESTBALDWINARCADIAHUNGATE LNSOUTHVIEW RD HUNGATE LNOLD RANCHDR DRAV ALTO D R DR JOAQUIN RDARMADA RDNGSLEY VICTOR I A DR GOLDENWESTTALLAC DR OLD RANCHBLADWINDR DR AVRDDR P L BALDWIN DRHUNTINGTON SA DR SAN RAFAEL RDPAMELA MORLAN PLCLAR A SANTAAVRAE WY REID HUGO WHEELER ALTA BONITA CALIFORN DIAMOND ALTERAV AVAV LA CADENAAV DR FAIRVIEW DR DUARTE EL MONTE AVHOLLYAVCAMPUS W A YDR AV PARKEL MONTEAVAVDRHUNTINGTON HUNTINGTONLINDA HUNTINGTON PAMELA TE AV AVVISTAMAGNA ANITASANTA PAMELA NAOMI LE ROY SIERRALA AVAZURE WYRD AV DR RD DUARTE LE ROY LNC E N T E N N I A L POSTOFFICE 71 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 115,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 115,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 115,000$ Total Capital 115,000$ 1. Kitchen appliance replacement of walk-in refrigerator ($45,000). 2. Exterior painting ($25,000). 3. Partition wall recovering ($45,000). 1. The Community Center is over 25 years old and the Parks Master Plan has recommended replacing kitchen appliances in the upcoming years. A walk-in refrigerator will be replaced at the Community Center. 2. Painted surfaces on the exterior of the Community Center are beginning to show signs of age and wear. Trim and soffits will be painted to restore the appearance of the building. 3. The three operable partition walls in the multi-purpose room are starting to show wear and tear from years of high use. The fabric on the walls is stained, dated, and has numerous tears. The partition walls will be stripped, primed, and recovered. This project is being reprogrammed from an existing FY 2018-19 project that was not able to be performed due to the high volume of reservations in the multi-purpose room. A work period has been scheduled in December 2020 for recovering work to be performed. 72 2021 /2022 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O P 274,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ P 274,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees X Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 On-Going Project X New Project II.LOCATION MAP Eddie Chan (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Baseball Field Bleacher Project at LHB Longden Ave Park, Hugo Reid Park, and Bonita Park ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 274,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 274,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 274,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (M)Measure M, (P) Parks, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (RM) RMRA, (O) Other First and Last Name ST ST ST EWELLWY LYNDONAVMAGNA VISTA MONTEREAL NORMAN WINNIE CAMINO LEROY AV HOLLYAV AV AVAV LNMELANIENAOMI LOVELLCAMBURYST NAOMI LNMELANIECHRISTINELNCALLITA NAOMI GOLDENWESTDUARTE ARCADIA RD WY RDSHARON AV AV AVAVAV BALDWINAV AVAV AVAV AVDRARDSLEYAVENCINITANAOMI CAMINO REAL ST ST SUNSET5TH8TH8TH7TH7TH5TH4THFLORES AVAVWISTARIA ST SALTERAVAVAV AVWISTARIA ST PEPPERGLEN AV STFLAHERTY LAS LEMON LNDRSERENOELTERRAAVROSEMARIE WALNUT WISTARIA SHARON RD LA VIDA 8TH6TH4THSTAVAVELDORADO STFANO GENOA ALICE ST LUCILE ST CHRISTINA ST GREENFIELD PL AVMAGNA VISTA AV CHRISTINA ST VISTA ELLEN WY ROBBINSDR SCOTT PL PATRICIA WYAVMAGNA AV OAKWOOD2NDAVFOOTHILL BL ST ELDORADOST ST DUARTE RD 2NDH VIEW COLUMBIASANO DRAKE CORTEZAV DR HUNTINGTON FAIRVIEW GOLDEN WESTBALDWINARCADIAHUNGATE LNAV ROWLANDESTRELLA AVST MAYFLOWERAVARMIJO AVMAYFLOWERFAIRGREENEL SUR ATARA REALAV AVTREELANEAVLN ST ST FAIRGREENHIGHLANDEL NOR T E S T ST AVORA STANDISH ST BUNGALOW PL EL NORTE ST ALTA VISTA AVESHORT AVE DEREK DR NICHOLAS LN ENCINO DR TIFFANY TER CIR ALTERN ST ILENE LELAND WY SANTA ANITA TER AVARMIJO ST ROCKROSEST STAGIO DRSOUTHVIEW RD HUNGATE LNDR HUNTINGTON CORONADO PORTOLA DR OLD RANCHDRSU N S E T WOODWARDRDBLB L AV ALTURA RDALTURADEANZA PL DRMAGELLANAVPALO ALTO BALBOA D R DR RDDRJOAQUIN RDARMADA RDRDKINGSLEY VICTORI A DR GOLDENWESTTALLAC DR D R CABRILLO RDOLD RANCHBLADWINDR DR AVRDDRRD ENGLISHOAK DRDR OAKS CRCOUNTRY COLORADO P L SAN LUIS REY RDLNLISALOMAFOOTHILL WOODACREFOREST AV COLORADO BLCRUZSANTARDSAN L U I S R E Y RDSANTA MARIARDCOLORADO OX F O R D OAKH U R S T CHEL S E A R D PRINCETONDRRENOAKWY LNRDRDBALDWINAVBL STOXFORD DR CAMBRIDGE DR HARVARD DR STANFOR D D R SAN MIGUEL RDDRHUNTINGTONRDSANTA CRUZSANTA ROSASAN J U A N DR SAN RAFAELAVLNCYRUSOAK LNLEANDRAMERRY FLORAL AVRD BURNELL OAKSLNLNASDEROAKDALE BL LN DRAVRDLA ROSA RD VISTARDCAMINO AV MAGNOLIA STANDISH ALTERN SHRODE RDPAMELA FOOTHILLRANCHORD AVC.O.C.O. GENOA ST1STAV2ND3RDAVAV ST MORLAN PL ST CLAR A SANTATREEAVRAE WY CRYSTAL CT PALM DRPALM DR AV LEMON WISTARIA WISTARIA LEMON AV WALNUT AVAV LAS FLORES LONGDEN AV CTWYLN DR CT REID HUGO DR VOLANTE DRELLOMA DRDRDONDRROBLESDONALVARADODONLNRDAVARBOLADA HACIENDA AV DR DR AV COLORADO BL AV AV AV AV 2ND3RDAV2NDAVST AV1ST1STAV MAREN RONTARE HIGHLANDORANGE GROVE AV DR TOMO DRWHISPERINGPINES SUMMIT WHISP E RIN G PINESSUMMIT WHI S P E R I N G PINESRD OAKHAVENOAKGLENAVDR WOODLAND AV HILLCR SYCAMOREOAKS VALENCIA5THAVAVFLORAL AV FOREST AV LNHAVEN AV LORENA NEWMAN AV NEWMAN HAVEN FOREST FLORAL WIGWAMAVLAUREL NORTH VIEW AVAV AV 2NDST 4TH AVJO Y C EAVLA PORTE FL O W E R S T ST JOSEPHFR O N T S T ST SANTA CLARA ST WHEELER IN D I A N A S T GATEWAY DRAVALTA BONITA CALIFORNIA STDIAMOND DIAMOND SALTERAVORA PLMC CLEANDRKIA MAGNIS STBOLEYTULIPAV FOSSSTEDNUEL ST OTHELLO LOGANRITAWEIDERMEYERDRADUANALOVEJOY BEVERLY WY FLAMINGO ELYCO CRVERNER PLRODELL PLDRDRLNAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAV AV AVAV AV AV AV AV WISTARI AGRACELEE AVCRAV IVYLANDAVLOUISEIVYLANDLOUISEWATSONPALMBIRCHCROFT ARTHUR COYLE LAS DANIMERE WISTARIA ALSTER LEMON AVAVAVAVAVAVPALM DR ST AV AV AV AV AV 3RD1STLOUISEAV LEMON AVLNSEWANEELONGDEN AV WALNUT LN DELTA AV DR AV FLORES AV AV AV VISTALNBELLALAS FLORES AV LEAFWOODDRARTHUR AZURE WYROWLANDWENDON AVVAL AGNES BISHOPJUDITH CTSHARON LUBEN LN RD PAMELAAVAVLA CADENAAV DR FAIRVIEW DR DUARTE EL MONTE AVHOLLYAVCAMPUS W A YDR AV PARKEL MONTEAVAVDRHUNTINGTON HUNTINGTONLINDA AVMAGNA VISTA AV MEADOWOAKHACIE N D A PLOAKL A W N OAKL AWN RD ARBOLADABALDWIN AVRDRDREID COR T O CABRILLOHUNTINGTON AVLOGANRITADOOLITTLEENCINOWYLINDASTAVLOGANRITAAVLNAVLOGANRITAAV JEFF R I E SAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVEL SUR LN MAGNOLIA AVGROVECAMINO CT ENCINODR SIERRA LNLEDADRILENE DRSIERRA LN PEACH- LEDA ST ST ALTERN RDPAMELA AVNORMANAV WY WYWINNIE WY WINNIEWYWINNIE RAE WY CONNIE 5TH10TH4TH8TH9THWESLEY LN3RD2ND1STKARI WY ILENE LA RD ALTERN ALTERN PAMELAPAMELALOUISE GREENFIELDAVLOUISEAVAVDRAVLEEWINNIE NORMAN WINNIE AV RDANDREWSWY ST WY RDTE DR AV AV AVAVAVAVAVAVLN NORMAN ANITASANTAVISTAMAGNA WINNIE ANITASANTA PAMELA NAOMI LE ROY SIERRALA AVAVAZURE WYRD AV ELDRRD DUARTE LE ROY LNFOSSADUANASANDRA VAVLENTASANDRA 3RD2NDVGREENFIELDAV SANDRALEE APITANAVOUISEEL CAPITANAVWOODRUFFAV PLRODELL WYWOODRUFFPL LNWOODRUFFLNPAXSONANITASANTA AV MONTEWYLONGLEY ALBERTWYWYWOODRUFFAV AV SANDRA WARREN WOODRUFF ALTOSLOS FLORENCEAVHYLAN FYFOOTHILLRTE 210 GLOR IA RDHAM P TON R D FYFOOTHILL RTE 2 1 0 RDCE N T E N N I A L SIM E O N ROLYN PLACEC O R N E L L D R CARRIAGEHOUSEDR LANE ENGLEMANN COURTANITA SANTA YNEZ BRIARGATE LN AVANITASANTAPAMELA CT CTMAGNOLIARODEOBLBLFOOTHILL HOLLIS LNROWLAND AVOAKHAVENLNLEAFWOODLN RAMONA RDWOODLANDLNSAN CARLOS RDSAN CARLOS RDFAIRVIEW AV SIERRALA ST JOSEPH ST NEWMAN AV WINDSORRD SIERRA OAKS DR RANCHO RDTINDALO RDFLORAL AV SAN ANTONIO RDBONITA ST PAMELAJOAQUIN RDLEMON AV AVWOODRUFF PALM DR PORTOLA DR DR TE RDRDDR ALTURA CAMPESINAVALIDOMONTE VER D E CAROL PINE LNMICHILLINDAMERLON AVALTURACATALPA MURIETTA CATALPAV O L A N T E D RRDRD BL HERITAGEOAKS DRWHISPHERINGOAKS DRCABALLOMICHILLINDARAFAELDRFOOTHILL SANRDVICENTESAN RDOLD RANCHRDRD DR VAQUEROCOLORADO OLD RANCH VERDE DONDRRICARDOPABLO DRDONDRDRDIABLOKATHERINE WALNUTST STDEXTER VAQUERO R DAVMONTEPALOMAST RDAV ENCANTO ANOAKIA LNPEMBROOKRD RD RD RD DRGREENOAKS DRAVHAMPTON AV RD GLENCOEDRDRSINGINGWOOD HAMPTON GLENCOEDRORANGE GROVE DRSANTAMARGARITA OKOBOJIRD SUNSETSHININGAVPLSTLEROYAVENCINITA AVBRENTMEADAV RODEORDDR CARMELITA PLCABALLERODR DR SYCAMORERD AVMICHILLINDAHUGO BLPANORAMAAV DR FALLEN LEAF RDAVWY ORLANDO O A K L AW N ORANGE GROVERD PROJECT LOCATION PROJECT LOCATION PROJECT LOCATION NORTH 73 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Measure M M -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 10,000$ Parks P 274,000$ Construction 254,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies 10,000$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Road Maint./Rehab. Program RM -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 274,000$ Total Capital 274,000$ Bleachers with shade canopies will be installed at Longden Avenue Park, Hugo Reid Park, and Bonita Park. The Recreation and Parks Master Plan adopted in 2017 is a guiding policy document that provides recommendations for prioritizing future growth, development, and implementation strategies related to parks and recreation services. The Master Plan examined the current conditions of existing parks, analyzed the current public demand and needs for those parks, and recommended improvements to address those needs. Various community outreach events were conducted to solicit the public opinions; overall, the Master Plan identified over $60 million in potential improvements to parks throughout the City. Per the Parks Master Plan, bleachers with shade canopies were identified in the Tier 1 Recommendations for the three Parks. 74 2021 /2022 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O W 650,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ W 650,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 On-Going Project X New Project II.LOCATION MAP Tyler Polidori (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Live Oak Well Emergency Generator Live Oak Well Facility ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 650,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 650,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 650,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (M)Measure M, (P) Parks, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (RM) RMRA, (O) Other First and Last Name PROJECT LOCATIONHOLLIS LN RVATI O N P A R K GOLFADIAWASHSANTAWASHSAWPITGOL D R I N G R CLA R K PECK RDRDASHAINAV5TH8TH7TH7TH5TH4TFLORES AAVFOSSTEDNUEL ST OTHELLO LOGAWEIDERMEYERDRADUANALOVEJOY BEVERLY WY FLAMINGO ELYCO CRVERNER PLRODELL DRDRLNAVAVAVAVAVAVAV AVAV UR COYLE LAS AVAVAVAV AV AV AV 8THLENORE8TH6TH4THCENTERGARYPARKHUDDARTHEMPSTEADETREELMAPLYND ST DAINES AVAVAVAVRD WILDFL O W E R AVDRSTAVAVAVAV FOSSADUANASANDRA AVAVLENTASANDRA 3RD2NDAVAVDR ANESWOOD NROSEAVMYRTUS AVGREENFIELDAV SANDRALEE EL CAPITANAVDRUFF STHUDDART ARYPARKELEMRIO HONDOANITASANTACOURSENORTH 75 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Measure M M -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 650,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W 650,000$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Road Maint./Rehab. Program RM -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 650,000$ Total Capital 650,000$ Installation of Emergency Backup Generator ($650,000). The Live Oak Well is a crucial part of the City's water infrastructure. As one of the most efficient wells in the City, the installation of an emergency generator will ensure that in the event of a power outage, natural disaster, or other emergency event, the well will continue to operate as normal, minimizing the possible disruption to the water supply. A 800 kilowatt diesel-powered emergency generator will be installed to provide backup power for the entire Live Oak well and treatment plant. An automatic start-up and transfer switch will be included to detect a power outage and automatically start the generator. The generator will be installed in compliance with the South Coast Air Quality Management District's guidelines. 76 2021 /2022 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O CO 30,000$ CO 30,000$ CO 30,000$ CO 30,000$ CO 30,000$ CO 150,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 X On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP Dave Thompson (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Annual Tree Removal and Replacement Program Las Flores Avenue between 3rd and 5th Avenues ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 150,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 30,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 150,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other PAMELA CT CTMAGNOLIA HOLLIS LN SIERRALA PAMELA PALM DR DR PROJECT LOCATION S ST S 5TH8TH8TH7TH7TH5TH4THFLORES AVAVWISTARIA ST LUCILE ST CHRISTINA ST GREENFIELD PL AVMAGNA VISTA AV CHRISTINA ST VISTA ELLEN WY ROBBINSDR SCOTT PL PATRICIA WYAVMAGNA AV DUARTE 2ND MAYFLOWERAVARMIJ O AVMAYFLOWERFAIRGREENEL SUR ATARA REAL AVTREELANEAVLN ST ST FAIRGREENEL NO R T ST AVORA STANDISH ST BUNGALOW PL EL NORTE ST ALTA VISTA SHORT AVE DEREK DR NICHOLAS LN ENCINO DR TIFFANY TER CIR ALTERN ST ILENE LELAND WY SANTA ANITA TER AVA LUBEN LN PAMELA LINDA AV MAGNA VISTA AVLOGANRITADOOLITTLEENCINOWYLINDASTAVLOGANRITAAVLNAVLOGANRITAAV JEF F R I E SAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVEL SUR LN MAGNOLIA AVGROVECAMINO CT ENCINODR SIERRA LNLEDADRILENE DRSIERRA LN PEACH- LEDA ST ST ALTERN RDPAMELA AVNORMANAV WY WYWINNIE WY WINNIEWYWINNIE RAE WY CONNIE CAMINO AV MAGNOLIA STANDISH ALTERN SHRODE TREE RAE WY CRYSTAL CT AS FLORES AV MAGNIS STBOLEYTULIPAV FOSSSTEDNUEL ST OTHELLO LOGANRITAEIDERMEYERDRADUANALOVEJOY BEVERLY WY FLAMINGO ELYCO CRVERNER PLRODELL PLDRLNAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAV AV AVAV AV AV AV AV WISTARI AGRACELEE AVAVLOUISELOUISEWATSONARTHUR COYLE LAS DANIMERE WISTARIA ALSTER LEMON AVAVAVAV AV AV AV V V 3RD1STISEAV LEMON AV 21ST 5TH10TH4TH8TH9THWESLEY LN3RD2ND1STKARI WY ILENE LA RD ALTERN ALTERN PAMELAPAMELALOUISE GREENFIELDAVLOUISEAVAVDRAVLEEWINNIE NORMAN WINNIE AV WY ST RDTE DR AVAVAVAVAVAV AVLN NORMAN ANITASANTA AV OSSANANTAELD ANITASANTA 77 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 30,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 30,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 30,000$ Total Capital 30,000$ This project will remove and replace the aging Liquidambar trees that are showing signs of disease. This is a multi-year project. This phase of the project will remove and replace approximately 25 trees annually. Many of the existing liquidambar trees are dying due to a disease that has recently been introduced into the area. Unfortunately, nothing can be done to cure the trees that are showing signs of the disease, which eventually kills the tree. Removing these trees will also reduce the need for overtime and the potential for legal claims due to large tree limbs falling. Additionally, this proactive approach will give residents comfort that these trees are being removed to prevent property damage and injury. 78 2021 /2022 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O CO 27,000$ CO 140,000$ CO 30,000$ CO 30,000$ CO 30,000$ CO 257,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees X Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 X On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP Tyler Polidori (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Library Facility Improvements Arcadia Public Library ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 257,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 27,000$ 140,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 257,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other PROJECT LOCATION A R C A D I A C O U N T Y PARK WINNIE TFIELD SHOPPING TOWN AT SANTA ANITA EAST BRANCH GOLF COURSE SANTA ANITA ALTERN ST ILENE LELAND WY SANTA ANITA TEREWELLWY LYNDONAVMAGNA VISTA REAL WINNIE CAMINO LEROY AV YAV NAOMI ELLLNRD WY AV AVAVAV AV ELDORADO STFANO GENOA ALICE ST LUCILE ST CHRISTINA ST GREENFIELD PL AVMAGNA VISTA AV CHRISTINA ST VISTA ELLEN WY RO SC PL PA WAVMAGNA AV ELDORADOST ST DUARTE R 2NDON DR RDPAMELA GENOA S1STA2ND3RDAV AVRAE WY CRYSTAL CT 3RDAV2NDAVST AV1ST ABONITA CALIFORNIA STDIAMOND DIAMOND AVAV LA CADENADR FAIRVIEW DR DUARTE EL MONTE AVHOLLYAVCAMPUS W A YDR AV PARKEL MONTEAVAVDRHUNTINGTON HUNTINGTONLINDA AV MAGNA VISTA HUNTINGTON AVDILENE DSIERRA LEDA ST P 4THY LN3RD1STKARI WY ILENE LA RD ALTERN ALTERN PAMELAPAMELALOUISE GREENFIELDAVLOUISEAV ST RDTE DR AV AVAVAVAVAVAVVISTAMAGNA ANITASANTA PAMELA NAOMI LE ROY SIERRALA AVAZURE WYRD AV DR RD DUARTE LE ROY LN C E N T E N N I A L 79 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 27,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 27,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 27,000$ Total Capital 27,000$ 1. Interior painting ($10,000). 2. Resurface Children's Area countertops ($5,000). 3. Installation of chilled water bottle filling station ($12,000). 1. Painting of the Library interior will continue in areas where staff deems necessary. 2. The Formica counter for the computer work stations in the Children's Area is original to the building and has begun to delaminate. The countertop will be resurfaced with new Formica to match the current color scheme of the Library. 3. The existing hi-low chilled water drinking fountains at the Library will be replaced with hi-low chilled water bottle filling stations. The bottle filling stations reduce plastic water bottle waste by allowing reusable water bottles to be refilled. The bottle filling stations will also have a standard drinking fountain spout. 80 2021 /2022 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O CO 30,000$ CO 55,000$ CO 30,000$ CO 30,000$ CO 30,000$ CO 175,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 X On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP Tyler Polidori (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Police Department Facility Improvements Police Department ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 175,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 30,000$ 55,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 175,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other PROJECT LOCATION A R C A D I A C O U N T Y PARK WESTFIELD SHOPPING TOWN AT SANTA ANITA EAST BRANCHWAS H OFFICEPOSTWASHA R C A D I A ARCADIAGOLF COURSE SANTA ANITAA R B O R E T S T A T E A N D L E S RAC E T R A C K P A R K RO RD RDAVAV ELDORADO FANO GENOA ALICE LUCILE ST CHRISTINA ST HUNTINGTON RD OLD RANCH OLD RANCHBLADWINDR AVRDDR DO PLSAN LU BALDWIN SAN DRHUNTINGTONSANT SANT SAN J U A N DR SAN RAFAEL 1STAVMORLAN PL ST CLARA SANTAAV C C EID DR AV1ST ST JOSEPHO N T S T SA WHEELER ALTA BONITA CALIFORNIA DIAMOND AVAV ADENAV DR FAIRVIEW DR DUARTE OLLYCAMPUS W A YDR AV PARKEL MONTEAVAVDRHUNTINGTON HUNTINGTON HUNTINGTON RDC E N T E N N I A L ROLYN P 81 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 30,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 30,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 30,000$ Total Capital 30,000$ 1. Interior and exterior painting ($10,000). 2. Parking ticket machine lighting installation ($20,000). 1. Annual painting of the building in areas showing surface wear. 2. The computerized parking ticket machine outside of the Police Station is very dimly lit and unsafe for residents to use at night. Two new LED light poles will be installed along the sidewalk path near the ticket machine to greatly increase lighting in the area. 82 2021 /2022 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O W 30,000$ W 30,000$ W 30,000$ W 30,000$ W 30,000$ W 150,000$ U R S 10,000$ S 10,000$ S 10,000$ S 10,000$ S 10,000$ S 50,000$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees X Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 X On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP John Corona (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM SCADA System Upgrades Orange Grove Booster and Well Station ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 200,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 40,000$ 40,000$ 40,000$ 40,000$ 40,000$ 200,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other EL K I N S P L HIGHLANDOAKWOOD2NDAVFOOTHILL BL HIGHLAND ALTURA D R ENGLISHOAK DRDR OAKS CRCOUNTRY COLORADO P L SAN LUIS REY RDLNLISALOMAFOOTHILL WOODACREFOREST AV COLORADO BLCRUZSANTARDSAN L U I S R E Y RDSANTA MARIARDCOLORADO OX F O R D OAKH U R S T CHEL S E A R D PRINCETONDRRENOAKWY LNRDRDNAVBL STOXFORD DR CAMBRIDGE DR HARVARD DR STANFOR D D R SAN MIGUEL RDRDSANTA CRUZSANTA ROSASAN J U A N DR FAELAVLNCYRUSOAK LNLEANDRAMERRY FLORAL AVRD BURNELL OAKSLNLNASDEROAKDALE BL LN DRAVRDLA ROSA RD VISTARDSIERRA MADRE OAKWOODAVAVFOOTHILLRANCHORD AVC.O.C.O. AVAN PL ST CLAR A DR VOLANTE DRELLOMA DRDRDONDRROBLESDONALVARADODONLNRDAVARBOLADA HACIENDA AV DR GRAND VIEW EL VISTA LNVISTA DEL VALLE DRAV COLORADO BL AV AV AV AV 2ND1STAVELKINS AVVISTAWH I T E OAK DRAV D R AV AVALTA O A K S AVDOSHI E R AV ALTA OAKSBL OAKWOODDR ELEVADOWILSONMARENDALE LNYORKSHIRE DR RDONTARE OAKSHIGHLANDORANGE GROVE AV DRPINES DRPINES DRTORR E Y MONTDRWHISPERINGPINES SUMMIT WHISPERI N G PINES SUMMIT WHI S P E R I N G PINE SRD OAKHAVENOAKGLENAVDR WOODLAND AV HILLCR SYCAMOREOAKS VALENCIA5THAVAVFLORAL AV FOREST AV LNHAVEN AV LORENA NEWMAN AV NEWMAN HAVEN FOREST FLORAL WIGWAMAVLAUREL NORTH VIEW AVAV AV 2NDST 4TH AVJO Y C E AVLA PORTE FL O W E R S T ST JOSEPHFR O N T S T ST SANTA CLARA ST WHEELER IN D WAY DR OLD OAK LNOAKHAVENRODEOMEADOWOAKHACIENDAPLOAKL A W N OAKLAWN RD ARBOLADABALDWIN AV LN RAMADAAVLAAVHYLAND AVFYFOOTHILLRTE 210 GLOR IA RDHAMP TO N RD FYFOOTHILL RT E 2 1 0 RDSIM E O N ROLYN PLACEC O R N E L L D R X X PROJECT LOCATION PROJECT LOCATION CARRIAGEHOUSEDR LANE ENGLEMANN COURTANITA SANTA YNEZ AVANITASANTA RODEOBL BLFOOTHILL OAKHAVENLNOAK V IEW LNRAMONA RDWOODLANDLNSAN CARLOS RDSAN CARLOS RDST JOSEPH ST NEWMAN AV WINDSORRDPERKINS DRVIRGINIA DR ANDREA LN EL VISTA LN SIERRA OAKS DR RANCHO RDTINDALO RDFLORAL AV SAN ANTONIO RD CIEL O PLMONTE PL STONE HOUSETE RDRDDR ALTURA CAMPESINAVALIDOMONTE VER D E CAROL PINE LNMICHILLINDAMERLON AVALTURACATALPA MURIETTA CATALPAVO L A N T E D RRDRD BL HERITAGEOAKS DRWHISPHERINGOAKS DRCABALLOMICHILLINDARAFAELDRFOOTHILL SANRDVICENTESAN RDOLD RANCHRDRD DR VAQUEROCOLORADO OLD RANCH VERDE DONDRRICARDOPABLO DRDONDRDRDIABLOKATHERINE WALNUTST STDEXTER VAQUERO R DAVMONTEPALOMAST RDAV ENCANTO ANOAKIA LNPEMBROOKRD RD RD RD DRGREENOAKS DRAVHAMPTON AV RD GLENCOEDRDRSINGINGWOOD HAMPTON GLENCOEDRORANGE GROVE DRSANTAMARGARITACLARIDGERDDRANDREA DRCHANTRY DRANITA CREST LORALYN DR STDR RD CANYO N DRRODEORDDR CARMELITA PLCABALLERODR DR SYCAMORERD PANORAMAAV DR FALLEN LEAF RDAVWY ORLANDO OA K L AW N ORANGE GROVERD AVELKINSCANYON RDCAROLWOODDR ELKINSHIGHLANDDRCANYONRDAVWILSONAV HIGHLAND VISTAHILL G R E E N PL MARI LYNPL ANGELO PL OAKSTO P A Z PL OAKSPLAV83 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 40,000$ Parks P -$ Construction -$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S 10,000$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W 30,000$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 40,000$ Total Capital 40,000$ Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System Upgrades including Remote Telemetry Units (RTU's) and radios for the Santa Anita Water Facility and the Chapman Well Water Facility ($30,000). This project is for the purchase and installation of hardware components and the requisite programming. The SCADA system will also be used to monitor selected locations for flow variances within the sanitary sewer system. This is accomplished through the Smart Cover sewer lids that monitor and transmit real-time data through the SCADA system ($10,000). SCADA is a computer based automated system that operates the City’s water system. Its continued operation and maintenance is vital to reliable and efficient operation of the City’s water system. Due to obsolete and antiquated electronic components, it is necessary to upgrade specific portions of the SCADA system. This includes battery back-up systems, software, and hardware components. These system updates are necessary to maintain dependable water production and distribution to the citizens of Arcadia. 84 2021 /2022 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O W 150,000$ W 150,000$ W 150,000$ W 150,000$ W 150,000$ W 750,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees X Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 X On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP Eddie Chan (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Valve Replacement Program Santa Anita Avenue at Duarte Road and Camino Real Avenue ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 750,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 150,000$ 150,000$ 150,000$ 150,000$ 150,000$ 750,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (M)Measure M, (P) Parks, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (RM) RMRA, (O) Other First and Last Name EWELLWY LYNDONAVMAGNA VISTA MONTEAV RD 8TH8TH7TH7TH5TH4THFLORES AVAVWISTARIA ST ELDORADO STFANO GENOA ALICE ST LUCILE ST CHRISTINA ST GREENFIELD PL AVMAGNA VISTA AV CHRISTINA ST VISTA ELLEN WY ROBBINSDR SCOTT PL PATRICIA WYAVMAGNA AV ST ELDORADOST ST DUARTE RD 2ND MAYFLOWERMAYFLOWER AVAVLN ST ST BUNGALOW PL EL NORTE S DEREK DR NICHOLAS LN ENCINO DR TIFFANY TER CIR ALTERN ST ILENE LELAND WY SANTA ANITA TER DRHUNTINGTON S CAMINO AV MAGNOL STANDIS ALTERN SHROD RDPAMELA GENOA ST1STAV2ND3RDAV ST TREE RAE WY CRYSTAL CT LEMON WISTARIA WISTARI A LEMON AVAV LAS FLORES LONGDEN DR 3RDAV2NDAVST AV1ST AVALTA BONITA CALIFORNIA STDIAMOND DIAMOND MAGNIS STBOLEYTULIPAV FOSSSTEDNUEL ST OTHELLO LOGANRITAELYCO CRVERNER PLAVAVAV AV AVAV AV AV AV AV WISTARI AGRACELEE AV AVOUISEIVYLANDLOUISEWATSONARTHUR COYLE LAS DANIMERE WISTARIA ALSTER LEMON AVAV AV AV AV AV AV 3RD1STAV LEMON AVAV AV LAS FLORES AV ARTHUR URE WY HARON LUBEN LN RD PAMELA DR DUARTE EL MONTE AVCAMPUS W A YDR PARKEL MONTEAVAVDRHUNTINGTON HUNTINGTONLINDA AVMAGNA VISTA AVLOGANRITADOOLITTLEENCINOWYLINDASTAVLOGANRITAAVLNAVLOGANRITAAV JEF F R I E SAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVEL SUR LN MAGNOLIA AVGROVECAMINO CT ENCINODR SIERRA LNLEDADRILENE DRSIERRA LN PEACH- LEDA ST ST ALTERN RDPAMELA AVNORMANAV WY WYWINNIE WY WINNIEWYWINNIE RAE WY CONNIE 5TH10TH4TH8TH9THWESLEY LN3RD2ND1STKARI WY ILENE LA RD ALTERN ALTERN PAMELAPAMELALOUISE GREENFIELDAVLOUISEAVAVDRAVLEEWINNIE NORMAN WINNIE AV RDANDREWSWY ST WY RDTE DR AV AV AVAVAVAVAVAVLN NORMAN ANITASANTAVISTAMAGNA WINNIE ANITASANTA PAMELA NAOMI LE ROY SIERRALA AVAZURE WYRD AV DR ROY LN NITA C E N T E N N I A L PAMELA CT FAIRVIEW AV SIERRALA BONITA ST PAMELA DR PROJECT LOCATION PROJECT LOCATION NORTH 85 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Measure M M -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 7,500$ Parks P -$ Construction 135,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies 7,500$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W 150,000$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Road Maint./Rehab. Program RM -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 150,000$ Total Capital 150,000$ Valves in the water main distribution system allow Public Works utility crew to isolate sections of the system in order to perform maintenance, repairs, and make additions to the system. However, many of the valves are over 50 years old and some are broken or stuck in either open or closed positions. During rountine inspections, water utility crews discovered that these valves were not fully operational and needed to be replaced. Valves which have been identified during regular inspection as being broken will be replaced by City utility crews or contract crews. The work will involve excavating in the City right-of-way to expose the valves, temporarily shutting down the water main or install two temporary line stops at each valve locations to minimize interruption of water service, in order to replace the broken valves. After the new valves are installed, the water main will get tested and turned back on. The street will then be backfilled and asphalt paving repaired. Work locations include the following: -Intersection of Santa Anita Ave. and Duarte Rd. -Intersection of Santa Anita Ave. and Comino Real Ave. 86 2021 /2022 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O CO 27,000$ CO 15,000$ CO 5,000$ CO 5,000$ CO 5,000$ CO 57,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 X On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP Tyler Polidori (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Gilb Museum of Arcadia Heritage Facility Improvements The Gilb Museum of Arcadia Heritage ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 57,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 27,000$ 15,000$ 5,000$ 5,000$ 5,000$ 57,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other PROJECT LOCATION A R C A D I A C O U N T Y PA WESTFIELD SHOPPING TOWN AT SANTA ANITA EAST BRANCHWAS H WASHR C A D I A ARCADIAGOLF COURSE SANTA ANITAA R S T A T E L O S A N G E L E RAC E T R A C K WY YNDON AVAV AV HUNTINGTON WINARCADIA UTHVIEW RD HUNGATE LNOLD RANCHDR DR D ROAQUIN RDARMADA RDDR OLD RANCHBLADWINDR DR AVRDDR P L BALDWIN DRHUNTING SA DR SAN RAFAEL MOR CLARA SAN T A AV REID AVAV LA CADENAAV DR FAIRVIEW DR DUARTE HOLLYCAMPUS W A YDR AV PARKEL MONTEAVAVDRHUNTINGTON HUNTINGTON HUNTINGTON VISTAMAGNA RD C E N T E N N I A L E 87 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 27,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 27,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 27,000$ Total Capital 27,000$ 1. Annual interior painting ($10,000). 2. Installation of perimeter fencing ($12,000). 3. Pressure washing of building exterior ($5,000). 1. Annual painting will continue in areas where staff deems necessary. 2. The rear patio at the Gilb Museum is currently without a fence to deter unauthorized entry and vandalism. A chain link fence and gate with ADA compliant hardware will be installed at the east and west sides of the building to allow the area to be secured by staff. 3. The Gilb Museum exterior was painted in 2018. Pressure washing of exterior surfaces of the building will preserve the painted finish and restore the appearance of the building. 88 2021 /2022 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O P 3,751,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ P 3,751,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 On-Going Project X New Project II.LOCATION MAP Eddie Chan (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Newcastle Park Improvement Project - Design Build Newcastle Park ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 3,751,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 3,751,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 3,751,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (M)Measure M, (P) Parks, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (RM) RMRA, (O) Other First and Last Name RDAVAVAV ELDORADO FANO GENOA ALICE LUCILE ST CHRISTINA ST GREENFIEL CHR OAFOOTHILL ST DUARTE HUNTINGTON FAIRVIEW HUNGATE LN HIGH SOUTHVIEW RD HUNGATE LNDR OLD RANCHDR DRAVPALO ALTO OA D R DR JOAQUIN RDARMADA RDRDKINGSLEY VICTOR I A DR GOLDENWESTTALLAC DR OLD RANCHBLADWINDR DR AVRDDRENGLISHOAK DRDR OAKS CCOUNTR COLORADO P L SAN LUIS REY RDLNLISALOMAFOOTHILL WOODACREFOREST AV COLORADO BLCRUZSANTARDSAN L U I S R E Y RDSANTA MARIARDCOLORADO OX F O R D OAKH U R S T CHEL S E A R D PRINCETONDRRENOAKWY LNRDRDBALDWINAVBL STOXFORD DR CAMBRIDGE DR HARVARD DR STANFOR D D R SAN MIGUEL RDDRHUNTINGTONRDSANTA CRUZSANTA ROSASAN J U A N DR SAN RAFAELAVLNCYRUSOAK LNLEANDRAMERRY FLORAL AVRD BURNELL OAKSLNLNASDEROAKDALE BL LN DR FOOTHILL AVC.O.C.O. 1STAVAV MORLA N PL ST CLARA SANTAAV CRYSTAL CT REID HUGO DR DRDONDRROBLESDONALVARADODONLNRDDR AV1ST1STAV AVFLORAL AV FOREST AV LNHAVEN AV LORENA NEWMAN AWIGWAMAVLAUR AV ST LA PORTE FL O W E R S T ST JOSEPHF R O N T S T ST SANTA CLAR WHEELER IN D I A ALTA BONITA CALIFORNIA DIAMOND AVAV DENAAV DR FAIRVIEW DR DUARTE LLYCAMPUS W A YDR AV PARKEL MONTEAVAVDRHUNTINGTON HUNTINGTON ARBOLADA HUNTINGTON FYFOOTHILLRTE 210 FY RDC E N T E N N I A L SIM E O N ROLYN PLACEC O R N E L L D RX PROJECT LOCATION CARRIAGEHOUSE ENGLEMA COURT SANTA YNEZ SANT RODBL BLFOOTHILL SAN CARLOS RDFAIRVIEW AV ST JOSEPH ST NEWMAN AV WINDSORRD SIERRA OAKS DR RANCHO RDTINDALO RDFLORAL AV SAN ANTONIO RDJOAQUIN RD MURIETTA CATALPAD RRDRD BL SANRDVICENTESAN RDOLD RANCHRDRD DR VAQUEROOLD RANCH DONDRRICARDOPABLO DRDONDRDRDIABLOKATHERINE ST VAQUERO R DAV ROD NORTH 89 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Measure M M -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 150,000$ Parks P 3,751,000$ Construction 3,451,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies 150,000$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Road Maint./Rehab. Program RM -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 3,751,000$ Total Capital 3,751,000$ Staff will issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) based on the Eisenhower Park Improvement Preliminary Plan, completed in FY2020-21, for a Design-Build Contract to design and construct the Newcastle Park Improvement Project. The following improvements will be constructed at Newcastle Park: -Install six new pickle ball courts, a new Par Course station, and a new restroom/storage facility. -Resurface tennis courts and install new tennis court fencing, lighting, and gates. -Install a new concrete walkway, LED walkway lighting, and barbeque and picnic amenities. -Install new children's play equipment and new lighted sand volleyball courts with bleachers. -Construct various parking lot improvements and an 8' split face block wall between the adjacent residents and the park. The Recreation and Parks Master Plan adopted in 2017 is a guiding policy document that provides recommendations for prioritizing future growth, development, and implementation strategies related to parks and recreation services. The Master Plan examined the current conditions of existing parks, analyzed current public demand and needs for those parks, and recommended improvements to address those needs. Various community outreach events were conducted to solicit the public opinion; overall, the Master Plan identified over $60 million in potential improvements to parks throughout the City. The improvements for Newcastle Park were recommended by the Parks Master Plan and will address the growing need for pickle ball courts, improvements for the tennis courts and sand volleyball facilities, and upgrades to the neighborhood park amenities. This park is particularly popular among residents and will accommodate the growing demand. 90 2021 /2022 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O W 250,000$ W 250,000$ W 250,000$ W 250,000$ W 250,000$ W 1,250,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees X Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 X On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP Tiffany Lee (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Well Inspection and Rehabilitation Program Orange Grove Well 1A ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 1,250,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 250,000$ 250,000$ 250,000$ 250,000$ 250,000$ 1,250,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other HIGHLAND OAKS ELEM ORANGE GROVE PLANT ANITA AVE.SANTA RAMLAOAVHYLAND AV CLADR RODEORDRD CABALLERODR SYCAMORERDORANGE GROVE OAKWOOD BL NUS NRAY RD LNLE BL HIGHLANDLNFIRE STATION SIERRA MADRE AFOOTHILLRANCHORD HACIENDA AV DR ALTA BL OAKWOODVIRGINIA D RELEVADO MARENDAL LNYORKSHIRE DR RDONTARE OAKSHIGHLANDORANGE GROVE AV DROAKHAVENOAKGLENAVDR WOODLAND AV SYCAOAKS AV V OLD OAK LNOAKHAVENRODEO WASHIAS I E R R A M A D R E WASH WA S H EAST BRANCH RDPROJECT LOCATION 91 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 5,000$ Parks P -$ Construction 240,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies 5,000$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W 250,000$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 250,000$ Total Capital 250,000$ The well to be inspected and cleaned for this Fiscal Year is Orange Grove Well 1A.This well was last rehabilitated in December, 2013.A contractor specializing in well maintenance and repair will remove the well motor and pump, perform a video inspection of the well, and shop inspection of the motor and pump. Based on the inspection, City staff will work with the contractor to determine proper methods and procedures for cleaning the well casing as well as repairs or modifications needed for the well motor and pump assembly. Once the well has been cleaned and repairs have been made, the contractor will re-install the well pump and motor, and verify proper operation. The City operates 14 groundwater wells which produce an average of 16,500 acre feet of water to City of Arcadia customers each year. This equates to 5.4 billion gallons of water per year, or about 270 gallons per person per day. In order to ensure the reliable operation of these wells, staff performs annual well performance and efficiency tests as well as recording the monthly performance of each well. The municipal water industry standard for well maintenance is to remove and inspect well pump assemblies and inspect the well casing once every 7 to 10 years or when a noticeable decline in the overall efficiency of the well is observed. The City of Arcadia Public Works Services Department has developed a well inspection and rehabilitation program following these guidelines. One to two wells are selected for inspection based on the time elapsed since the last inspection and performance records of the well. This preventive maintenance protects against unplanned well outages and avoids the need to supplement the City's water supply with expensive imported water. 92 2021 /2022 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O CO 1,000,000$ CO 700,000$ CO 700,000$ CO 700,000$ CO 700,000$ CO 3,800,000$ U R O 1,100,000$ O 1,200,000$ O 1,200,000$ O 1,200,000$ O 1,200,000$ O 5,900,000$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees X Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 X On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP Jan Balanay (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Pavement Rehabilitation Program Various Street Locations wihin the City ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 9,700,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 2,100,000$ 1,900,000$ 1,900,000$ 1,900,000$ 1,900,000$ 9,700,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other NORTH SALTERAVAVAV AVWISTARIA ST PEPPERGLEN AV STFLAHERTY LAS LEMON LNDRSERENOELTERRAAVROSEMARIE WALNUT WISTARIA SHARON RD LA VIDA 8THELDORADO STFANO GENOA ALICE ST LUCILE ST CHRISTINA ST GREENFIELD PL AVMAGNA VISTA AV CHRISTINA ST VISTA ELLEN WY ROBBINSDR SCOTT PL PATRICIA WYAVMAGNA AV ELKI N S P L HIGHLANDOAKWOOD2NDAVFOOTHILL BL ST ELDORADOST ST DUARTE RD 2ND EZDR HUNTINGTON FAIRVIEW GOLDEN WESTBALDWINARCADIAHUNGATE LNAV ROWLANDESTRELLA AVST MAYFLOWERAVARMIJO AVMAYFLOWERFAIRGREENEL SUR ATARA REALAV AVTREELANEAVLN ST ST FAIRGREENHIGHLANDEL NORT E S T ST AVORA STANDISH ST BUNGALOW PL EL NORTE ST ALTA VISTA AVESHORT AVE DEREK DR NICHOLAS LN ENCINO DR TIFFANY TER CIR ALTERN ST ILENE LELAND WY SANTA ANITA TER AVARMIJO ST ROCKROSEST STAGIO DRMAGNIS STBOLEYTULIPAV FOSSSTEDNUEL ST OTHELLO LOGANRITAWEIDERMEYERDRADUANALOVEJOY BEVERLY WY FLAMINGO ELYCO CRVERNER PLRODELL PLDRDRLNAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAV AV AVAV AV AV AV AV WISTARIAGRACELEE AVCRAV IVYLANDAVLOUISEIVYLANDLOUISEWATSONPALMBIRCHCROFT ARTHUR COYLE LAS DANIMERE WISTARIA ALSTER LEMON AVAVAVAVAVAVPALM DR ST AV AV AV AV AV 3RD1STLOUISEAV LEMON AVLNSEWANEELONGDEN AV WALNUT LN DELTA AV DR AV FLORES AV AV AV VISTALNBELLALAS FLORES AV LEAFWOODDRARTHUR AZURE WYROWLANDWENDON AVVAL AGNESSUNSETSTLEROY AV RODEORDDR CARMELITA PLCABALLERODR DR SYCAMORERD EN LEAF RD ORLANDO O A K L AW N ORANGE GROVERD AVELKINSCA CAROLWOODDR ELKINSHIGHLANDDRCANYONRDAVWILSONAV HILL G R E E N PL YN P LPL OAKSOAKSPLAVAV AV AV 2ND3RDAV2NDAVST AV1ST1STAVELKINS AVVISTAWH I T E OAK DRAV D R AV AVALTA O A K S AVDOSHIE R AV ALTA OAKSBL OAKWOODDR ELEVADOWILSONMARENDALE LN YORKSHIRE DR RDONTARE OAKSHIGHLANDORANGE GROVE AV DRPINES DRPINES DRTORRE Y MONTDRWHISPERINGPINES SUMMIT WHIS P E RI N G PINESSUM MI T WHIS P E R I N G PINESRD OAKHAVENOAKGLENAVDR WOODLAND AV HILLCR SYCAMOREOAKS VALENCIA5THAVAVFLORAL AV FOREST AV LNHAVEN AV LORENA NEWMAN AV NEWMAN HAVEN FOREST FLORAL WIGWAMAVLAUREL NORTH VIEW AVAV AV 2NDST 4TH AVJO Y C EAVLA PORTE FL O W E R S T ST JOSEPHFR O N T S T ST SANTA CLARA ST WHEELER IN D I A N A S T GATEWAY DRAVALTA BONITA CALIFORNIA STDIAMOND DIAMOND SALTERAVORAPLMC CLEANDRKIA ST ST ST EWELLWY LYNDONAVMAGNA VISTA MONTEREAL NORMAN WINNIE CAMINO LEROY AV HOLLYAV AV AVAV LNMELANIENAOMI LOVELLCAMBURYST NAOMI LNMELANIECHRISTINELNCALLITA NAOMI GOLDENWESTDUARTE ARCADIA RD WY RDSHARON AV AV AVAVAV BALDWINAV AVAV AVAVDI CAMINO REALSUNSET 5TH8TH8TH7TH7TH5TH4THFLORES AVAVWISTARIA STRDRDCAMPESINAVALIDOVER D E ALTURLPA MURIETTA CATALPAV O L A N T E D RRDRD BL OAKS DRCABALLOOOTHILL SANRDVICENTESAN RDOLD RANCHRDRD DR VAQUEROCOLORADO OLD RANCH VERDE DONDRRICARDOPABLO DRDONDRDRDIABLOKATHERINE STDEXTER VAQUERO RDAVMONTERDANOAKIA LN AVAV RD GLENCOEDRDRNGINGWOOD HAMPTON GLENCOEDRORANGE GROVE DRSANTAMARGARITACLARIDGERDDRANDREA DRCHANTRY DRANITA CREST LORALYN DR STSOUTHVIEW RD HUNGATE LNCORONADO PORTOLA DR OLD RANCHDRRD BLALTURA RDALTURAA PL DR MAGELLA N AVPALO ALTO BALBOA D R DR RDDRJOAQUIN RDARMADA RDRDKINGSLEY VICTORI A DR GOLDENWESTTALLAC DR DR CABRILLO RDOLD RANCHBLADWINDR DR AVRDDRENGLISHOAK DRDR OAKS CRCOUNTRY COLORADO P L SAN LUIS REY RDLNLISALOMAFOOTHILL WOODACREFOREST AV COLORADO BLCRUZSANTARDSAN L U I S R E Y RDSANTA MARIARDCOLORADO OXF O R D OAKH U R S T CHEL S E A R D PRINCETONDRRENOAKWY LNRDRDBALDWINAVBL STOXFORD DR CAMBRIDGE DR HARVARD DR STANFORD D R SAN MIGUEL RDDRHUNTINGTONRDSANTA CRUZSANTA ROSASAN J U A N DR SAN RAFAELAVLNCYRUSOAK LNLEANDRAMERRY FLORAL AV BISHOPJUDITH CTSHARON LUBEN LN RD PAMELAAVAVLA CADENAAV DR FAIRVIEW DR DUARTE EL MONTE AVHOLLYAVCAMPUS WA YDR AV PARKEL MONTEAVAVDRHUNTINGTON HUNTINGTONLINDA AVMAGNA VISTA AV OLD OAK LNOAKHAVENRODEOMEADOWOAKHACIENDAPLOAKL A W N OA K LAWN RD ARBOLADABALDWIN AVRDRDREID COR T O CABRILLOHUNTINGTON AVLOGANRITADOOLITTLEENCINOWYLINDASTAVLOGANRITAAVLNAVLOGANRITAAV JEFF R I E SAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVEL SUR LNMAGNOLIA AVGROVECAMINO CT ENCINODR SIERRA LNLEDADRILENE DRSIERRA LN PEACH- LEDA ST ST ALTERN RDPAMELA AVNORMANAV WY WYWINNIE WY WINNIEWYWINNIE RAE WY CONNIE 5TH10TH4TH8TH9THWESLEY LN3RD2ND1STKARI WY ILENE LA RD ALTERN ALTERN PAMELAPAMELALOUISE GREENFIELDAVLOUISEAVAVDRAVLEEWINNIE NORMAN WINNIE AV RDANDREWSWY ST WY RDTE DR AV AV AVAVAVAVAVAVLN NORMAN ANITASANTAVISTAMAGNA WINNIE ANITASANTA PAMELA NAOMI LE ROY SIERRALA AVAVAZURE WYRD AV ELDRRD DUARTE LE ROY LNFOSSADUANADRAAVLENTASANDRAEENFIELD PITANPLRODELL DRUFFDRUFFONANITASANTA RDBURNELL OAKSLNLNASDEROAKDALE BL LN DR RD VISTARDCAMINO AV MAGNOLIA STANDISH ALTERN SHRODE SIERRA MADRE OAKWOODAVAVRDPAMELA FOOTHILLRANCHORD AVC.O.C.O. GENOA ST1STAV2ND3RDAVAV ST MORL AN PL ST CLAR A SANTA TREEAVRAE WY CRYSTAL CT PALM DRPALM DR AV LEMON WISTARIA WISTARIA LEMON AV WALNUT AVAV LAS FLORES LONGDEN AV WYLN DR REID HUGO DR DRELLOMA DRDRDONDRROBLESDONALVARADODONLNRDAVARBOLADA HACIENDA AV DR GRAND VIEW EL VISTA LNVISTA DEL VALLE DRDR AV COLORADO BL AV WYLONGLEY RTWOODRUFFAVWARREN ELN RAMADAAVLAAVHYLAND AVFYFOOTHILLRTE 210 GLOR I A RD H AM P TON RD FY RT E 2 1 0 RDCE N T E N N I A L SIM E O N ROLYN PLACEC O R N E L L D R CARRIAGEHOUSEDR LANE ENGLEMANN COURTANITA SANTA YNEZ BRIARGATE LN AVANITASANTAPAMELA CT CTMAGNOLIA LEAFWOODLNOAK V IEW LN HOLLIS LNROWLAND AVOAKHAVENLNRODEOBL BLFOOTHILLRAMONA RDWOODLANDLNSAN CARLOS RDSAN CARLOS RDFAIRVIEW AV SIERRALA ST JOSEPH ST NEWMAN AV WINDSORRDPERKINS DRVIRGINIA DR ANDREA LN EL VISTA LN SIERRA OAKS DR RANCHO RDTINDALO RDFLORAL AV SAN ANTONIO RDBONITA ST PAMELAJOAQUIN RDLEMONAV PALM DR ORTOLA DR DRSTONE HOUSEPROJECT LOCATION PROJECT LOCATION PROJECT LOCATION 93 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 1,000,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 15,000$ Parks P -$ Construction 2,065,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies 20,000$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O 1,100,000$ Total Capital 2,100,000$ Total Capital 2,100,000$ RMRA = $1,100,000 The work involves grinding the top 2" of worn or loose pavement from the roadway surface and re-paving the surface with rubberized asphalt. Prior to paving, 4-inch thick AC digouts for asphalt concrete will be repaired and minor repairs to concrete curb and gutter, sidewalk, and cross gutters. All striping and pavement markers will be replaced upon completion of the paving. Areas to be rehabilitated: 1. Elevado Avenue (from Grand View Avenue to Virginia Drive) 2. Ontare Road (from Santa Anita Avenue to End of Cul De Sac) 3. Old Ranch Road (from Colorado Street to Vaquero Road) 4. El Monte Avenue (from Campus Road to Duarte Road) 5. Wistaria Avenue (from Holly Avenue to El Monte Avenue) (Includes $500,000 of Capital Outlay funding deferred from FY 2020-21) As part of the Pavement Management Program, all asphalt streets within the City are inspected and their condition is rated on a scale of 0-100. This rating is called the Pavement Condition Index (PCI). According to the Citywide Pavement Management Program, the specified roadways have PCI's below 40 and are identified as being in poor condition. The recommended repair for a street in this condition is to repair deep potholes, grind and remove the top 2" of pavement, and replace with rubberized asphalt pavement. Adding rubber to the asphalt pavement improves the strength of the pavement, and resists future cracks from penetrating through the pavement surface. The use of recycled rubber in pavement is also environmentally beneficial. Following the repairs, the condition of the roadway will be raised to a PCI of 100. 94 2021 /2022 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O O 150,000$ O 100,000$ O 100,000$ O 100,000$ O 100,000$ O 550,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:X Previously Programmed Project FY 2018 X On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP Vanessa Hevener (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Plan Various Locations ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 550,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 150,000$ 100,000$ 100,000$ 100,000$ 100,000$ 550,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other SANTA YNEZ BRIARGATE LN AVANITASANTAPAMELA CT CTMAGNOLIA HOLLIS LNROWLAND AVOAKHAVENLNLEAFWOODLNOAK V IEW LNRODEOBL BLFOOTHILLRAMONA RDWOODLANDLNSAN CARLOS RDSAN CARLOS RDFAIRVIEW AV SIERRALA ST JOSEPH ST NEWMAN AV WINDSORRDPERKINS DRVIRGINIA DR ANDREA LN EL VISTA LN SIERRA OAKS DR RANCHO RDTINDALO RDFLORAL AV SAN ANTONIO RDBONITA ST PAMELAJOAQUIN RDLEMONAV BALDWINAVAVWOODRUFF PALM DR VARUSSTPORTOLA DR CIELO PL MONTE PL DRSTONE HOUSECARRIAGEHOUSEDRLANE ENGLEMANN COURTANITA AV ROWLANDESTRELLA AVST MAYFLOWERAVARMIJO AVMAYFLOWERFAIRGREENEL SUR ATARA REALAV AVTREELANEAVLN ST ST GOLDR I N G DR MCBE A N RAND O L P H RDCLARKFAIRGREENHIGHLAND COGSWELL EL NORT E S T ST AVORA STANDISH ST RIO HONDO RDBUNGALOW PL EL NORTE ST ALTA VISTA AVESHORT AVE DEREK DR NICHOLAS LN ENCINO DR TIFFANY TER CIR ALTERN ST ILENE LELAND WY SANTA ANITA TER ST CHER R Y L E E AZUSARDDURFEEAV HALL W O O D DR ST LOWER DR MAXSONRDAVDURFEEKIMBERLY CR BANNISTERAVBRINNONST STANDELL AVAVARMIJO ST ROCKROSEST STAGIO DRST ST ST PECK RDRDKARDASHAIN RDST AVAVST CONF E R E N C E PY ST SAN RI O CELIN EEWELLWY LYNDONAVMAGNA VISTA MONTEREAL NORMAN WINNIE CAMINO LEROY AV HOLLYAV AV AVAV LNMELANIENAOMI LOVELLCAMBURYST NAOMI LNMELANIECHRISTINELNCALLITA NAOMI GOLDENWESTDUARTE ARCADIA RD WY RDSHARON AV AV AVAVAV BALDWINAV AVAV AVAV AVDRARDSLEYAVENCINITANAOMI CAMINO REAL ST ST SUNSET5TH8TH8TH7TH7TH5TH4THFLORES AVAVWISTARIA STMAGNIS STBOLEYTULIPAV FOSSSTEDNUEL STOTHELLO LOGANRITAWEIDERMEYERDRADUANALOVEJOY BEVERLY WY FLAMINGO ELYCO CRVERNER PLRODELL PLDRDRLNAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAV AV AVAV AV AV AV AV WISTARIAGRACELEE AVCRAV IVYLANDAVLOUISEIVYLANDLOUISEWATSONPALMBIRCHCROFT ARTHUR COYLE LAS DANIMERE WISTARIA ALSTER LEMON AVAVAVAVAVAVPALM DR ST AV AV AV AV AV 3RD1STLOUISEAV LEMON AVLNSEWANEELONGDEN AV WALNUT LN DELTA AV DR AV FLORES AV AV AV VISTALNBELLALAS FLORES AV LEAFWOODDRARTHUR AZURE WYROWLANDWENDON AV VAL AGNESSALTERAVAVAV AVWISTARIA ST PEPPERGLEN AV STFLAHERTY LAS LEMON LNDRSERENOELTERRAAVROSEMARIE WALNUT WISTARIA SHARON RD LA VIDA AV 8THLENORE8TH6TH4THCENTERGARYPARKHUDDARTHEMPSTEADETREELMAPLYND ST DAINES AVAVAVAVRD WILDFLO W E R AVDRSTAVAVAVAVELDORADO STFANO GENOA ALICE ST LUCILE ST CHRISTINA ST GREENFIELD PL AVMAGNA VISTA AV CHRISTINA ST VISTA ELLEN WY ROBBINSDR SCOTT PL PATRICIA WYAVMAGNA AV ELKI N S P L HIGHLANDOAKWOOD2NDAVFOOTHILL BL ST ELDORADOST ST DUARTE RD 2NDTH VIEW COLUMBIASANO DRAKE CORTEZAV DR HUNTINGTON FAIRVIEW GOLDEN WESTBALDWINARCADIAHUNGATE LNSOUTHVIEW RD HUNGATE LNDR HUNTINGTON CORONADO PORTOLA DR OLD RANCHDR SUNS E T WOODWARDRDBLBL AV ALTURA RDALTURADEANZA PL DR MAGELL AN AVPALO ALTO BALBOA D R DR RDDRJOAQUIN RDARMADA RDRDKINGSLEY VICTORIA DR GOLDENWESTTALLAC DR DR CABRILLO RDOLD RANCHBLADWINDR DR AVRDDRRD ENGLISHOAK DRDR OAKS CRCOUNTRY CO L O RA DO P L SAN LUIS REY RDLNLISALOMAFOOTHILL WOODACREFOREST AV COLORADO BLCRUZSANTARDSAN L U I S R E Y RDSANTA MARIARDCOLORADO OXF O R D OAKHU R S T CHEL S E A R D PRINCETONDRRENOAKWY LNRDRDBALDWINAVBL STOXFORD DR CAMBRIDGE DR HARVARD DR STANFORD D R SAN MIGUEL RDDRHUNTINGTONRDSANTA CRUZSANTA ROSASAN J U A N DR SAN RAFAELAVLNCYRUSOAK LNLEANDRAMERRY FLORAL AVRD BURNELL OAKSLNLNASDEROAKDALE BL LN DRAVRDLA ROSA RD VISTARDCAMINO AV MAGNOLIA STANDISH ALTERN SHRODE SIERRA MADRE OAKWOODAVAVRDPAMELA FOOTHILLRANCHORD AVC.O.C.O. GENOA ST1STAV2ND3RDAVAV ST MORL A N PL ST CLAR A SANTA TREEAVRAE WY CRYSTAL CT PALM DRPALM DR AV LEMON WISTARIA WISTARIA LEMON AV WALNUT AVAV LAS FLORES LONGDEN AV DR CTWY WYLN DR CT REIDHUGO DR VOLANTE DRELLOMA DRDRDONDRROBLESDONALVARADODONLNRDAVARBOLADA HACIENDA AV DR GRAND VIEW EL VISTA LNVISTA DEL VALLE DRDR AV COLORADO BL AV WELLAND AVMcCULLOCH AVEL MONTE AVST PAL MAL AVEL MONTEWYLONGLEY HALIFAX RDGRACEWOOD AVWORKMAN AV ALBERTWYWYWY WYAVAVGILPINLONGLEYWARRENCAROLINEHOLLYWINTHROPBRADFORDWOODRUFFAV AV SANDRA WARREN WOODRUFF PERSIMMON AVLYNROSE ALTOSLOS FLORENCEST STHUDDART GARYPARKCHERRYLEE CRCEDAR AVDR CHERRYLEE HEMLOCK DREMBR E E ST CELIN E LN RAMADAAVLAAVHYLAND AVFYFOOTHILLRTE 210 GLOR IA R D H A M P T O N R D FYFOOTHILL RTE 2 1 0 RDCE N T E N N I A L ROSE G L E N SIME O N ROLYN PLACECO R N E L L D R TE RDRDDR ALTURA CAMPESINAVALIDOMONTE VER D E CAROL PINE LNMICHILLINDAMERLON AVALTURACATALPA MURIETTA CATALPAVO LA N T E DRRDRD BL HERITAGEOAKS DRWHISPHERINGOAKS DRCABALLOMICHILLINDARAFAELDRFOOTHILL SANRDVICENTESAN RDOLD RANCHRDRD DR VAQUEROCOLORADO OLD RANCH VERDE DONDRRICARDOPABLO DRDONDRDRDIABLOKATHERINE WALNUTST STDEXTER VAQUERO RDAVMONTEPALOMASTRDAVENCANTO ANOAKIA LNPEMBROOKRD RD RD RD DRGREENOAKS DRAVHAMPTON AV RD GLENCOEDRDRSINGINGWOOD HAMPTON GLENCOEDRORANGE GROVE DRSANTAMARGARITACLARIDGERDDRANDREA DRCHANTRY DRANITA CREST LORALYN DR STDR RD CANY O N DROKOBOJIRD SUNSETSHININGAVPLSTLEROYAVENCINITA AVBRENTMEADAV RODEORDDR CARMELITA PLCABALLERODR DR SYCAMORERD DUFFY ST HALLOWELL AVAVGLICKMANAVMICHILLINDAHUGO BLPANORAMAAV DR FALLEN LEAF RDAVWY ORLANDO O A K L AW N ORANGE GROVERD AVELKINSCANYON RDCAROLWOODDR ELKINSHIGHLANDDRCANYONRDAVWILSONAV HIGHLAND VIST A HILLG R E E N PL MARI L YN P L ANGELOPL OAKSTOP A Z PL OAKSPLAVAV AV AV 2ND3RDAV2NDAVST AV1ST1STAVELKINS AVVISTAWHI T E OAK DRAV D R AV AVALTA O A K S AVDOSHIER AV ALTA OAKSBL OAKWOODDR ELEVADOWILSONMARE ND A L E LN YORKSHIRE DR RDONTARE OAKSHIGHLAND ORANGE GROVE AV DRPINES DRPINES DRTORRE Y MONTDRWHISPERINGPINES SUMMIT WHIS P E RING PINESSUMM IT WHIS P E R I N G PINESRD OAKHAVENOAKGLENAVDR WOODLAND AV HILLCR SYCAMOREOAKS VALENCIA5THAVAVFLORAL AV FOREST AV LNHAVEN AV LORENA NEWMAN AV NEWMAN HAVEN FOREST FLORAL WIGWAMAVLAUREL NORTH VIEW AVAV AV 2NDST 4TH AVJO Y C EAVLA PORTE FL O W E R S T ST JOSEPHFR O N T S T ST SANTA CLARA ST WHEELER IND I A N A S T GATEWAY DRAVALTA BONITA CALIFORNIA STDIAMOND DIAMOND SALTERAVORA PLMC CLEANDRKIA LYNROSEST BOUGE ST DANBURY ST LYNROSE STDANBURY ST STBOGUELYNROSE ST DANESWOOD KRISTI CTBISHOPJUDITH CTSHARON LUBEN LN RD PAMELAAVAVLA CADENAAV DR FAIRVIEW DR DUARTE EL MONTE AVHOLLYAVCAMPUS WA YDR AV PARKEL MONTEAVAVDR HUNTI NGT ON HUNTIN GTO N LINDA AVMAGNA VISTA AV OLD OAK LNOAKHAVENRODEOMEADOWOAKHACIEND A PLOAKLA W N O AK L AWN R D ARBOLADABALDWIN AVRDRDREID COR T O CABRILLOHUNTINGTON AVLOGANRITADOOLITTLEENCINOWYLINDASTAVLOGANRITAAVLNAVLOGANRITAAV JEFF R I E SAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVEL SUR LNMAGNOLIA AVGROVECAMINO CT ENCINODR SIERRA LNLEDADRILENE DRSIERRA LN PEACH- LEDA ST ST ALTERN RDPAMELA AVNORMANAV WY WYWINNIE WY WINNIEWYWINNIE RAE WY CONNIE 5TH10TH4TH8TH9THWESLEY LN3RD2ND1STKARI WY ILENE LA RD ALTERN ALTERN PAMELAPAMELALOUISE GREENFIELDAVLOUISEAVAVDRAVLEEWINNIE NORMAN WINNIE AV RDANDREWSWY ST WY RDTE DR AV AV AVAVAVAVAVAVLN NORMANANITA SANTAVISTAMAGNA WINNIE ANITASANTA PAMELA NAOMI LE ROY SIERRALA AVAVAZURE WYRD AV ELDR RD DUARTE LE ROY LNFOSSADUANASANDRA AVAVLENTASANDRA 3RD2NDAVAVFLORINDAAVDRDANESWOOD LYNROSEAVMYRTUS AVGREENFIELDAVSANDRALEE EL CAPITANAVLOUISEEL CAPITANAVWOODRUFFAV PLRODELL WYWOODRUFFPL LNWOODRUFFLNPAXSONAVANITASANTALAS TUNAS DR AV 95 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 150,000$ Parks P -$ Construction -$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O 150,000$ Total Capital 150,000$ Total Capital 150,000$ Safe, Clean Water Program (Measure W) Develop a Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Plan (CIMP) that utilizes alternative approaches to meet the primary objectives of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Monitoring and Reporting Program (MRP). The primary objectives of the MRP are as follow: 1. Assess the chemical, physical, and biological impacts of discharges from the MS4 on receiving waters. 2. Assess the compliance with receiving water limitations (RWLs) and water quality-based effluent limitations (WQBELs) established to implement Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) wet-weather and dry-weather load allocations (WLAs). 3. Characterize pollutant loads in MS4 discharges. 4. Identify sources of pollutants in MS4 discharges. 5. Measure and improve the effectiveness of pollutant controls implemented under the Permit. The Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board (LARWQCB) adopted the new Municipal (NPDES) Permit for municipalities within the Los Angeles Region except Long Beach on November 28, 2012, and became effective December 28, 2012. Included in this Permit are requirements for a Monitoring and Reporting Program (MRP). Under the MRP, Permittees have the option to develop a Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Plan (CIMP) that utilizes alternative approaches to meet the primary objectives as described above and has the potential to modify TMDL monitoring requirements and other previously implemented monitoring program requirements, to unify efforts and provide consistent observations of the watershed conditions. The CIMP will be designed to measure compliance with the Permit and is comprised of five elements: 1. Receiving Water Monitoring 2. Stormwater (SW) Outfall Monitoring 3. Non-Stormwater (NSW) Outfall Monitoring 4. New Development/Redevelopment Effectiveness Tracking 5. Regional Studies 96 2021 /2022 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O S 750,000$ S 750,000$ S 750,000$ S 750,000$ S 750,000$ S 3,750,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees X Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 X On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP Michael Kwok (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Sewer Main Replacement Program Various Locations ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 3,750,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 750,000$ 750,000$ 750,000$ 750,000$ 750,000$ 3,750,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other SANTA YNEZ BRIARGATE LN AVANITASANTAPAMELA CT CTMAGNOLIA HOLLIS LNROWLAND AVOAKHAVENLNLEAFWOODLNOAK V IEW LN RODEOBL BLFOOTHILLRAMONA RDWOODLANDLNSAN CARLOS RD SAN CARLOS RDFAIRVIEW AV SIERRALA ST JOSEPH ST NEWMAN AV WINDSORRDPERKINS DRVIRGINIA DR ANDREA LN EL VISTA LN SIERRA OAKS DR RANCHO RDTINDALO RDFLORAL AV SAN ANTONIO RDBONITA ST PAMELAJOAQUIN RDLEMON AV BALDWINAVAVWOODRUFF PALM DR VARUSSTPORTOLA DR CIELO PL MONTE PL DRSTONE HOUSECARRIAGEHOUSEDR LANE ENGLEMANN COURTANITA AV ROWLANDESTRELLA AVST MAYFLOWERAVARMIJO AVMAYFLOWERFAIRGREENEL SUR ATARA REALAV AVTREELANEAVLN ST ST GOLD R I N G DR MCBE A N RAND O L P H RDCLARKFAIRGREENHIGHLAND COGSWELL EL NORT E S T ST AVORA STANDISH ST RIO HONDO RDBUNGALOW PL EL NORTE ST ALTA VISTA AVESHORT AVE DEREK DR NICHOLAS LN ENCINO DR TIFFANY TER CIR ALTERN ST ILENE LELAND WY SANTA ANITA TER ST CHER R Y L E E AZUSARDDURFEEAV HALL W O O D DR ST LOWER DR MAXSONRDAVDURFEEKIMBERLY CR BANNISTERAVBRINNONST STANDELL AVAVARMIJO ST ROCKROSESTSTAGIO DRST ST ST PECK RDRDKARDASHAIN RDST AVAVST CONF E R E N C E PY ST SAN R I O CELIN EEWELLWY LYNDONAVMAGNA VISTA MONTEREAL NORMAN WINNIE CAMINO LEROY AV HOLLYAV AV AVAV LNMELANIENAOMI LOVELLCAMBURYST NAOMI LNMELANIECHRISTINELNCALLITA NAOMI GOLDENWESTDUARTE ARCADIA RD WY RDSHARON AV AV AVAVAV BALDWINAV AVAV AVAV AVDRARDSLEYAVENCINITANAOMI CAMINO REAL ST ST SUNSET5TH8TH8TH7TH7TH5TH4THFLORES AVAVWISTARIA ST MAGNIS STBOLEYTULIPAV FOSSSTEDNUEL STOTHELLO LOGANRITAWEIDERMEYERDRADUANALOVEJOY BEVERLY WYFLAMINGO ELYCO CRVERNER PLRODELL PLDRDRLNAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAV AV AVAV AV AV AV AV WISTARIAGRACELEE AVCRAV IVYLANDAVLOUISEIVYLANDLOUISEWATSONPALMBIRCHCROFT ARTHUR COYLE LAS DANIMERE WISTARIA ALSTER LEMON AVAVAVAVAVAVPALM DR ST AV AV AV AV AV 3RD1STLOUISEAV LEMON AVLNSEWANEELONGDEN AV WALNUT LN DELTA AV DR AV FLORES AV AV AV VISTALNBELLALAS FLORES AV LEAFWOODDRARTHUR AZURE WYROWLANDWENDON AVVAL AGNESSALTERAVAVAV AVWISTARIA ST PEPPERGLEN AV STFLAHERTY LAS LEMON LNDRSERENOELTERRAAVROSEMARIE WALNUT WISTARIA SHARON RD LA VIDA AV 8THLENORE8TH6TH4THCENTERGARYPARKHUDDARTHEMPSTEADETREELMAPLYND ST DAINES AVAVAVAVRD WILDFLO W E R AVDRSTAVAVAVAVELDORADO STFANO GENOA ALICE ST LUCILE ST CHRISTINA ST GREENFIELD PL AVMAGNA VISTA AV CHRISTINA ST VISTA ELLEN WY ROBBINSDR SCOTT PL PATRICIA WYAVMAGNA AV ELK I N S P L HIGHLANDOAKWOOD2NDAVFOOTHILL BL ST ELDORADOST ST DUARTE RD 2NDTH VIEW COLUMBIASANO DRAKE CORTEZAV DR HUNTINGTON FAIRVIEW GOLDEN WESTBALDWINARCADIAHUNGATE LNSOUTHVIEW RD HUNGATE LNDR HUNTINGTON CORONADO PORTOLA DR OLD RANCHDR SUN S E T WOODWARDRDBLB L AV ALTURA RDALTURADEANZA PL DR MAGELLAN AVPALO ALTO BALBOA D R DR RDD R JOAQUIN RDARMADA RDRDKINGSLEY VICTORIA DR GOLDENWESTTALLAC DR DR CABRILLO RDOLD RANCHBLADWINDR DR AVRDDRRD ENGLISHOAK DRDR OAKS CRCOUNTRY COLO RA DO P L SAN LUIS REY RDLNLISALOMAFOOTHILL WOODACREFOREST AV COLORADO BLCRUZSANTARDSAN L U I S R E Y RDSANTA MARIARDCOLORADO OXF O R D OAKHU R S T CHEL S E A R D PRINCETONDRRENOAK WY LNRDRDBALDWINAVBL STOXFORD DR CAMBRIDGE DR HARVARD DR STANFORD D R SAN MIGUEL RDDRHUNTINGTONRDSANTA CRUZSANTA ROSASAN J U A N DR SAN RAFAELAVLNCYRUSOAK LNLEANDRAMERRY FLORAL AVRD BURNELL OAKSLNLNASDEROAKDALE BL LN DRAVRDLA ROSA RD VISTARDCAMINO AV MAGNOLIA STANDISH ALTERN SHRODE SIERRA MADRE OAKWOODAVAVRDPAMELA FOOTHILLRANCHORD AVC.O.C.O. GENOA ST1STAV2ND3RDAVAV ST MORLAN PL ST CLAR A SANTATREEAVRAE WY CRYSTAL CT PALM DRPALM DR AV LEMON WISTARIA WISTARIA LEMON AV WALNUT AVAV LAS FLORES LONGDEN AV DR CTWY WYLN DR CT REID HUGO DR VOLANTE DRELLOMA DRDRDONDRROBLESDONALVARADODONLNRDAVARBOLADA HACIENDA AV DR GRAND VIEW EL VISTA LNVISTA DEL VALLE DRDR AV COLORADO BL AV WELLAND AVMcCULLOCH AVEL MONTE AVST PAL MAL AVEL MONTEWYLONGLEY HALIFAX RDGRACEWOOD AVWORKMAN AV ALBERTWYWYWY WYAVAVGILPINLONGLEYWARRENCAROLINEHOLLYWINTHROPBRADFORDWOODRUFFAV AV SANDRA WARREN WOODRUFF PERSIMMON AVLYNROSE ALTOSLOS FLORENCEST STHUDDART GARYPARKCHERRYLEE CRCEDAR AVDR CHERRYLEE HEMLOCK DREMBR E E ST CELIN E LN RAMADAAVLAAVHYLAND AVFYFOOTHILLRTE 210 GLORIA RD H AM P T ON R D FYFOOTHILL RTE 2 1 0 RDCE N T E N N I A L ROSE G L E N SIME O N ROLYN PLACECO R N E L L D R TE RDRDDR ALTURA CAMPESINAVALIDOMONTE VER D E CAROL PINE LNMICHILLINDAMERLON AVALTURACATALPA MURIETTA CATALPAVO L A N T E DRRDRD BL HERITAGEOAKS DRWHISPHERINGOAKS DRCABALLOMICHILLINDARAFAELDRFOOTHILL SANRDVICENTESAN RDOLD RANCHRDRD DR VAQUEROCOLORADO OLD RANCH VERDE DONDRRICARDOPABLO DRDONDRDRDIABLOKATHERINE WALNUTST STDEXTER VAQUERO RDAVMONTEPALOMASTRDAVENCANTO ANOAKIA LNPEMBROOKRD RD RD RD DRGREENOAKS DRAVHAMPTON AV RD GLENCOEDRDRSINGINGWOOD HAMPTON GLENCOEDRORANGE GROVE DRSANTAMARGARITACLARIDGERDDRANDREA DRCHANTRY DRANITA CREST LORALYN DR STDR RD CANY O N DROKOBOJIRD SUNSETSHININGAVPLSTLEROYAVENCINITA AVBRENTMEADAV RODEORDDR CARMELITA PLCABALLERODR DR SYCAMORERD DUFFY ST HALLOWELL AVAVGLICKMANAVMICHILLINDAHUGO BLPANORAMAAV DR FALLEN LEAF RDAVWY ORLANDO O A K L A W N ORANGE GROVERD AVELKINSCANYON RDCAROLWOODDR ELKINSHIGHLANDDRCANYONRDAVWILSONAV HIGHLAND VISTAHILL G R E E N PL MARIL YN P L ANGELO PL OAKSTOP A Z PL OAKSPLAVAV AV AV 2ND3RDAV2NDAVST AV1ST1STAVELKINS AVVISTAW H I T E OAK DRAV D R AV AVALTA O A K S AVDOSHIE R AV ALTA OAKSBL OAKWOODDR ELEVADOWILSONMARENDALE LN YORKSHIRE DR RDONTARE OAKSHIGHLANDORANGE GROVE AV DRPINES DRPINES DRTORRE Y MONTDRWHISPERINGPINES SUMMIT WHISPERI N G PINESSUMMITWHIS P E R I N G PINESRD OAKHAVENOAKGLENAVDR WOODLAND AV HILLCR SYCAMOREOAKS VALENCIA5THAVAVFLORAL AV FOREST AV LNHAVEN AV LORENA NEWMAN AV NEWMAN HAVEN FOREST FLORAL WIGWAMAVLAUREL NORTH VIEW AVAV AV 2NDST 4TH AVJO Y C E AVLA PORTE FL O W E R S T ST JOSEPHFR O N T S T ST SANTA CLARA ST WHEELER IND I A N A S T GATEWAY DRAVALTA BONITA CALIFORNIA STDIAMOND DIAMOND SALTERAVORAPLMC CLEANDRKIA LYNROSE ST BOUGE ST DANBURY ST LYNROSE STDANBURY ST STBOGUELYNROSE ST DANESWOOD KRISTI CTBISHOPJUDITH CTSHARON LUBEN LN RD PAMELAAVAVLA CADENAAV DR FAIRVIEW DR DUARTE EL MONTE AVHOLLYAVCAMPUS WA YDR AV PARKEL MONTEAVAVDRHUNTINGTON HUNTINGTONLINDA AVMAGNA VISTA AV OLD OAK LNOAKHAVENRODEOMEADOWOAKHACI E NDA PLOAKLA W N O AK L AW N RD ARBOLADABALDWIN AVRDRDREID COR T O CABRILLOHUNTINGTON AVLOGANRITADOOLITTLEENCINOWYLINDASTAVLOGANRITAAVLNAVLOGANRITAAV JEFFR I E SAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVEL SUR LNMAGNOLIA AVGROVECAMINO CT ENCINODR SIERRA LNLEDADRILENE DRSIERRA LN PEACH- LEDA ST ST ALTERN RDPAMELA AVNORMANAV WY WYWINNIE WY WINNIEWYWINNIE RAE WY CONNIE 5TH10TH4TH8TH9THWESLEY LN3RD2ND1STKARI WY ILENE LA RD ALTERN ALTERN PAMELAPAMELALOUISE GREENFIELDAVLOUISEAVAVDRAVLEEWINNIE NORMAN WINNIE AV RDANDREWSWY ST WY RDTE DR AV AV AVAVAVAVAVAVLN NORMANANITA SANTAVISTAMAGNA WINNIE ANITASANTA PAMELA NAOMI LE ROY SIERRALA AVAVAZURE WYRD AV ELDR RD DUARTE LE ROY LNFOSSADUANASANDRA AVAVLENTASANDRA 3RD2NDAVAVFLORINDAAVDRDANESWOOD LYNROSEAVMYRTUS AVGREENFIELDAV SANDRALEE EL CAPITANAVLOUISEEL CAPITANAVWOODRUFFAV PLRODELL WYWOODRUFFPL LNWOODRUFFLNPAXSONAVANITASANTALAS TUNAS DR AV 97 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 10,000$ Parks P -$ Construction 715,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies 25,000$ Sewer S 750,000$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 750,000$ Total Capital 750,000$ A sewer improvement project will be designed and constructed based on the recommendations of the updated Sewer Master Plan, which will be adopted in FY2020-21. The streets and locations will be identified in the updated Sewer Master Plan Update. The current Sewer Master Plan was adopted in 2006. The document identified the necessary improvements to the City's sewer system. Since all major sewer Capital Improvement Projects will be completed in FY2020-21, the Sewer Master Plan was programmed to be updated and adopted later in the same fiscal year. The updated Sewer Master Plan will identify and prioritize pipes, manholes, and other components of the sewer system to be repaired or rehabilitated based on their current condition, as well as current and future projected demands on the sewer system. After the adoption of the Sewer Master Plan Update, staff will be able to specify the locations of the improvement for FY 2021-22. 98 2021 /2022 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O CO 47,000$ CO 50,000$ CO 20,000$ CO 20,000$ CO 20,000$ CO 157,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 X On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP Tyler Polidori (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM City Hall Facility Improvements City Hall ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 157,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 47,000$ 50,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 157,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other PROJECT LOCATION A R C A D I A C O U N T Y PARK WESTFIELD SHOPPING TOWN AT SANTA ANITA SANTA YNEZ ARCAD EAST BRANCHWAS H OFFICEPOSTEASTWASHA R C A D I A ARCADIAGOLF COURSE SANTA ANITAA R B O R E T U M T E A N D C O U N T Y RAC E T R A C K P A R K ANITA SANTA OLD RAN RD RDAVAV ELDORADO FANO GENOA ALICE LUCILE ST CHRISTINA ST GRE D HUNTINGTON BLADWINDR AVDR COLORADO P L SAN LUIS REY RD O BL BALDWIN STANFOR D D R SAN MIGUEL RDDRHUNTINGTONRDSANTA CRUZSANTA ROSASAN J U A N DR SAN RAFAELAV 1STAVA MORL A N PL ST CLARA SANT A AV CRYS CT DR AV1STAV LA PORTE FL O W E R S T ST JOSEPH F R O N T S T SANTA WHEELER ALTA BONITA CALIFORNIA DIAMOND AVAV DENADR FAIRVIEW DR DUARTE LLYCAMPUS W A YDR AV PARKEL MONTEAVAVDRHUNTINGTON HUNTINGTON HUNTINGTON RDC E N T E N N I A L ROLYN PLACE 99 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 47,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 47,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 47,000$ Total Capital 47,000$ 1. Annual interior painting ($10,000). 2. Council Chambers carpet replacement ($15,000). 3. Exterior pressure washing ($5,000). 4. Access control installation Phase 2 ($17,000). 1. Annual painting of the building in areas showing surface wear. 2. The carpeting in the Council Chambers is showing age and is need of replacement. Attempts have been made to clean the carpet, but deep stains remain after each attempt to clean it. The carpet will be replaced with high quality carpeting that is resistant to staining. 3. The exterior of City Hall will be pressure washed to restore the building's appearance and preserve the painted surface. 4. Phase 1 of the access control project installed electrifiied door locks a multiple entrances at City Hall which require a pin code to unlock the door. For phase 2, additional interior doors have been identified as needing electrified locking mechanisms to increase security at City Hall. 100 2021 /2022 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O W 400,000$ W 400,000$ W 400,000$ W 400,000$ W 400,000$ W 2,000,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees X Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 X On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP Tiffany Lee (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Water Main Replacement Program Camino Real Avenue between 8th and Loganrita Avenues ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 2,000,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 400,000$ 400,000$ 400,000$ 400,000$ 400,000$ 2,000,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other PAMELA CT CTMAGNOLIA PAMELA PROJECT LOCATION ST ST ST BINSDR TT ICIA MAYFLOWERAVARMIJ O AVMAYFLOWERREENEL SUR ATARA REALAV AVNEAVLN ST ST FAIRGREENEL NO R T E S T ST AVORA STANDISH ST BUNGALOW PL EL NORTE ST ALTA VISTA AVESHORT AVE DEREK DR NICHOLAS LN ENCINO DR TIFFANY TER CIR AVARMIJO ST ROCKROSEST STAGIO DR PAMELA AVLOGANRITATTLEENCINOWYLINDASTAVLOGANRITAAVLNAVLOGANRITAAV JEF F R I E SAVAVAVAVAVAVAVEL SUR LN MAGNOLIA AVGROVECAMINO CT ENCINODR SIERRA LNLEDA LN PEACH- ST ALTERN RDMELA AVNORMANAV WYWINNIE WY WINNIEWYWINNIE RAE WY CONNIE CAMINO AV MAGNOLIA STANDISH ALTERN SHRODE TREE AVAV 5THTH8TH9TH N 101 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 30,000$ Parks P -$ Construction 350,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies 20,000$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W 400,000$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 400,000$ Total Capital 400,000$ Providing uninterrupted service and safe drinking water to our residents is the overall goal of this project. The Water Master Plan Update of 2016 recommends the replacement of aging, undersized water mains, and water mains that have recorded frequent leaks. In selecting pipelines for replacement, consideration was based on the number of leaks that have occurred on a section of pipe over a period of time, the pipe material, and the location of the pipe in relation to other street improvement projects. Many pipes in the City's distribution system are made of cast iron. Prior to 1950, cast iron was the preferred material for pipelines because of its strength and corrosion-resistant properties. However as the pipes age, they lose their strength and turn brittle.The current City Standards for Construction requires the use of ductile iron pipe in water main construction. Ductile iron pipe is more flexible and provides the same strength and corrosion protection as cast iron pipe. Due to frequent main breaks along Camino Real Avenue as well as inoperable valves, staff recommends replacing the existing 6" cast iron water mains with 10” ductile iron water mains between 8th Avenue and Loganrita Avenue to improve reliability, fire flow, and hydraulic efficiency. Design and construct two new 10" ductile iron water mains to replace the two existing 6" cast iron water mains that serve Zone 3 and Zone 4 on Camino Real Avenue between 8th Avenue and Loganrita Avenue. The mains need to be replaced due to age, frequent breaks, and hydraulic inefficiency. 102 2021 /2022 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O CO 80,000$ CO -$ CO -$ CO -$ CO -$ CO 80,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 On-Going Project X New Project II.LOCATION MAP Tyler Polidori (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Fire Station 105 Facility Improvements Fire Station 105 ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 80,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 80,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 80,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (M)Measure M, (P) Parks, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (RM) RMRA, (O) Other First and Last Name PROJECT LOCATION AVANITASANTAA R C A D I A H S RD ELDORADO FANO GENOA ALICE ST LUCILE ST CHRISTINA ST GREENFIELD MAGNA VISTA AV CHRI ST DUARTE1S CRYSTAL CTAV1STDIAMOND CAMPUS DR DUARTE MAGNA VIS AV AVAVVISTAMAGNA LIBRARY STATIONFIREJR H S GOLF COURSE SANTA ANITA 103 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 80,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Measure M M -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 80,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Road Maint./Rehab. Program RM -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 80,000$ Total Capital 80,000$ Exterior Painting ($80,000). The exterior paint at Fire Station 105 is original to the building and beginning to show signs of age and wear. The paint is flaking and peeling in numerous areas. The building will be prepped, patched, and painted to restore appearance and prevent premature failure of painted surfaces. 104 2021 /2022 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O CO 42,000$ CO -$ CO -$ CO -$ CO -$ CO 42,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 On-Going Project X New Project II.LOCATION MAP Tyler Polidori (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Fire Station 106 Facility Improvements Fire Station 106 ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 42,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 42,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 42,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (M)Measure M, (P) Parks, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (RM) RMRA, (O) Other Map Not Applicable First and Last Name X PROJECT LOCATION SANTA YNEZ AVANITASANTAPAMELA CT CTMAGNOLIA OWLAND AVOAKHAVENLN RODEOBL BLFOOTHILLRAMONA RDWOODLANDLNSAN CARLOS R D SAN CARLOS RDFAIRVIEW AV SIERRALA ST JOSEPH ST NEWMAN AV WINDSORRDPERKINS DRVIRGINIA DR EL VISTA LN SIERRA OAKS DR RANCHO RDTINDALO RDFLORAL AV SAN ANTONIO RDBONITA ST PAMELAJOAQUIN RDLEMON AV PORTOLA DR DR CARRIAGEHOUSEDR LANE ENGLEMANN COURTANITA TE RDRDDR ALTURA CAMPESINAVALIDOMONTE VER D E CAROL PINE LNMICHILLINDAMERLON AVALTURACATALPA MURIETTA CATALPAV O L A N T E D RRDRD BL HERITAGEOAKS DRWHISPHERINGOAKS DRCABALLOMICHILLINDARAFAELDRFOOTHILL SANRDVICENTESAN RDOLD RANCHRDRD DR VAQUEROCOLORADO OLD RANCH VERDE DONDRRICARDOPABLO DRDONDRDRDIABLOKATHERINE WALNUTST STDEXTER VAQUERO R DAVMONTEPALOMAST RDAV ENCANTO ANOAKIA LNPEMBROOKRD RD RD RD DRGREENOAKS DRAVHAMPTON AV RD GLENCOEDRDRSINGINGWOOD HAMPTON GLENCOEDRORANGE GROVE DRSANTAMARGARITACLARIDGERDDR STOKOBOJIRD SUNSETSHININGAVPLST LEROYAVENCINITA AVBRENTMEADAV RODEORDDR CARMELITA PLCABALLERODR DR SYCAMORERD AVMICHILLINDAHUGO BLBLPANORAMAAV DR FALLEN LEAF RDAVWY ORLANDO OA K L AW N ORANGE GROVERD AV ST MAYFLOWERAVARMIJ AVMAYFLOWERFAIRGREENEL ATA REAAVAVLN ST ST FAIRGREENHIGHLANDEL STA BUNGALOW PL EL NORTE ST ALTA VISTA AVESHORT AVE DEREK DR NICHOLAS LN ENCINO DR TIFFANY TER CIR ALTERN ST ILENE LELAND WY SANTA ANITA TER EWELLWY LYNDONAVMAGNA VISTA REAL NORMAN WINNIE CAMINO LEROY AV HOLLYAV AV AVAV LNMELANIENAOMI LOVELLCAMBURYST NAOMI LNMELANIECHRISTINELNCALLITA NAOMI ENWESTDUARTE ARCADIA RD WY RDSHARON AV AV AVAVAV BALDWINAV AVAV AVAV AVDRARDSLEYAVENCINITANAOMI CAMINO REAL ST ST SUNSET8THWISTARIA ST MAGNIS BOLEYTULIP AAVAVAVAV AV AV IAGRACELEELOUISEWATSON WISTARIA ALSTER LEMON AV AV AV AV LEMON AVAV AV AV AVWISTARIA ST LEMON WISTARIA SHARON RD ELDORADO STFANO GENOA ALICE ST LUCILE ST CHRISTINA ST GREENFIELD PL AVMAGNA VISTA AV CHRISTINA ST VISTA ELLEN WY ROBBINSDR SCOTT PL PATRICIA WYAVMAGNA AV OAKWOOD2NDAVFOOTHILL BL ST ELDORADOST ST DUARTE RD 2NDOUTH VIEW COLUMBIASANO DRAKE CORTEZAV DR HUNTINGTON FAIRVIEW GOLDEN WESTBALDWINARCADIAHUNGATE LNSOUTHVIEW RD HUNGATE LNDR HUNTINGTON CORONADO PORTOLA DR OLD RANCHDR SU N S E T WOODWARDRDBLB LCHIGANAV ALTURA RDALTURADEANZA PL DRMAGELLANAVPALO ALTO BALBOA D R DR RDD R JOAQUIN RDARMADA RDRDKINGSLEY VICTORI A DR GOLDENWESTTALLAC DR DR CABRILLO RDOLD RANCHBLADWINDR DR AVRDDRRD ENGLISHOAK DRDR OAKS CRCOUNTRY COLORADO PLSAN LUIS REY RDLNLISALOMAFOOTHILL WOODACREFOREST AV COLORADO BLCRUZSANTARDSAN L U I S R E Y RDSANTA MARIARDCOLORADO OX F O R D OAKH U R S T CHEL S E A R D PRINCETONDRRENOAK WY LNRDRDBALDWINAVBL STOXFORD DR CAMBRIDGE DR HARVARD DR STANFOR D D R SAN MIGUEL RDDRHUNTINGTONRDSANTA CRUZSANTA ROSASAN J U A N DR SAN RAFAELAVLNCYRUSOAK LNLEANDRAMERRY FLORAL AVRD BURNELL OAKSLNLNASDEROAKDALE BL LN DRAVRDLA ROSA RD VISTARDCAMINO AV MAGNOLIA STANDISH ALTERN SHRODE SIERRA MADRE AVRDPAMELA FOOTHILLRANCHORD AVC.O.C.O. GENOA ST1STAV2ND3RDAVAV STMORLAN PL ST CLARA SANTATREEAVRAE WY CRYSTAL CT AV LEMON WISTARIA WISTARIA LEMON CT REID HUGO DR VOLANTE DRELLOMA DRDRDONDRROBLESDONALVARADODONLNRDAVARBOLADA HACIENDA AV DR EL VIS VISTA DE DR AV COLORADO BL AV AV AV AV 2ND3RDAV2NDAVST AV1ST1STAV ER AV ALTA OAKSBL OAKWOODDR ELEVADOWILSONMARENDALE LNYORKSHIRE DR RDONTARE OAKSHIGHLANDORANGE GROVE AV DRPINES DRPINES DRTORRE Y MONTDRWHISPERINGPINES SUMMIT WHISPE RIN G PINES SUM M ITWHI S P E R I N G PINE SRD OAKHAVENOAKGLENAVDR WOODLAND AV HILLCR SYCAMOREOAKS VALENCIA5THAVAVFLORAL AV FOREST AV LNHAVEN AV LORENA NEWMAN AV NEWMAN HAVEN FOREST FLORAL WIGWAMAVLAUREL NORTH VIEW AVAV AV 2NDST 4TH AVJ O Y C E AVLA PORTE FL O W E R S T ST JOSEPHFR O N T S T ST SANTA CLARA ST WHEELER IN D I A N A S T GATEWAY DRAVALTA BONITA CALIFORNIA STDIAMOND DIAMOND SALTERAVORA PLMC CLEANDRKIA SHARON RD PAMELAAVAVLA CADENAAV DR FAIRVIEW DR DUARTE EL MONTE AVHOLLYAVCAMPUS W A YDR AV PARKEL MONTEAVAVDRHUNTINGTON HUNTINGTONLINDA AVMAGNA VISTAOLD OAK LNOAKHAVENRODEOMEADOWOAKHACI EN DA PLOAKL A W N OA K LAWN RD ARBOLADABALDWIN AVRDRDREID CO R T O CABRILLOHUNTINGTON AVLOGANRITADOOLITTLEENCINOWYLINDASTAVLOGANRITAAVLNAVLOGANRITAAV JEFF R I E SAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVEL SUR LN MAGNOLIA AVGROVECAMINO CT ENCINODR SIERRA LNLEDADRILENE DRSIERRA LN PEACH- LEDA ST ST ALTERN RDPAMELA AVNORMANAV WY WYWINNIE WY WINNIEWYWINNIE RAE WY CONNIE 5TH10TH4TH8TH9THWESLEY LN3RD2ND1STKARI WY ILENE LA RD ALTERN ALTERN PAMELAPAMELALOUISE GREENFIELDAVLOUISEAVAVDRAVLEEWINNIE NORMAN WINNIE AV RDANDREWSWY ST WY RDTE DR AV AV AVAVAVAVAVAVLN NORMAN ANITASANTAVISTAMAGNA WINNIE ANITASANTA PAMELA NAOMI LE ROY SIERRALA AVAVAZURE WYRD AV DR RD DUARTE LE ROY LN RAMADAAVLAAVHYLAND AVFYFOOTHILLRTE 210 GLOR IA RDHAMPTON RD FYFOOTHILL RT E 2 1 0 RDCE N T E N N I A L SIM E O N ROLYN PLACEC O R N E L L D R 105 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 42,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Measure M M -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 42,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Road Maint./Rehab. Program RM -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 42,000$ Total Capital 42,000$ Improvements Deferred in FY20-21: Paint exterior trim, metal work, and gates at Fire Station 106 ($30,000). Improvements Planned for FY21-22: Replacement of two power garage door openers ($12,000). The exterior paint at Fire Station 106 has become oxidized and is starting to chip and flake in areas. The fascia boards are in need of sanding and repainting. The exterior surfaces should be painted to keep wood from rotting and becoming infested with termites. The exterior wood and metal surfaces will be prepped and painted to seal and preserve all substrate materials. Exterior gates will also be painted. There are a total of six power apparatus bay door openers at Fire Station 106 that control the automatic opening and closing of the doors. All of the openers except for two have recently been replaced. The remaining two openers are approximately 25 years old and repair parts are no longer available. These openers will be proactively replaced to prevent a catastrophic failure. 106 2021 /2022 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O W 40,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ W 40,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 On-Going Project X New Project II.LOCATION MAP John Corona (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM St. Joe Perimeter Wall Extension 230 N Second Avenue ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 40,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 40,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 40,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (M)Measure M, (P) Parks, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (RM) RMRA, (O) Other First and Last Name OAKW2NDFOOTHILL BL HIGHLADR OAKS CRCOUNTRY COLORADO P L SAN LUIS REY RDFOREST AV COLORADO BLCRUZSANTARDSAN L U I S R E Y RDSANTA MARIAOAKH U R S T SEA R D RENOAKWY LNRDRDBL SAN MIGUEL RDDRHUNTINGTONRDSANTA CRUZSANTA ROSASAN J U A N DR SAN RAFAELLNCYRUSOAK LNLEANDRAMERRY FLORAL AVRD OAKDALE BLFOOTHILL AVC.O.C.O. STAVDAVAV MORLAN PL ST CLARA SANTADR AV COLORADO BL AV AV AV AV 2NDST1STAV VAL5THAVAVFLORAL AV FOREST AV LNHAVEN AV LORENA NEWMAN AV NEWMAN HAVEN FOREST FLORAL WIGWAMAVLAUREL NORTH VIEW AVAV AV 2NDST 4TH AVJO Y C EAVLA PORTE FL O W E R S T ST JOSEPH F R O N T S T ST SANTA CLARA ST WHEELER IN D I A N A S T GATEWAY DRAVALTA BONITA CALIFORNIADRFY RT E 2 1 0 RDC E N T E N ROLYN PLACEC O R N E L L D R SANTA YNEZ SANTARODEOBL BLFOOTHILL ST JOSEPH ST NEWMAN AV WINDSORRDA RANCHO RDTINDALO RDFLORAL AV SAN ANTONIO RDBONITA ST X PROJECT LOCATIONRODEO NORTH 107 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Measure M M -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 40,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W 40,000$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Road Maint./Rehab. Program RM -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 40,000$ Total Capital 40,000$ The property is surrounded by a perimeter block wall that varies in height from 4 to 8 feet. Due to security and employee safety concerns, city staff is proposing to improve onsite security by installing a six-foot tall wrought-iron fence along the eastern property line that runs adjacent to the Los Angeles County Flood Control easement. This area has been a popular location for many transients to congregate, which has resulted in the disposal of trash, debris and drug paraphenalia onto the water facility property. City staff has also come across individuals loitering and wandering through the water site. Due to the highly sensitive area of water storage and supply and the concerning nature of such activity, staff has prioritized increasing site security by installing fencing to limit trespasser access. The St. Joseph water facility located at 230 N Second Ave. consists of one water well and two water reservoirs that combine for a total storage capacity of 11 million gallons. The facility also contains three booster pumps that distribute water into the distribution system. St. Joseph water plant is a vital component of the City's water system. A security evaluation was performed and found that the site is security deficient along the eastern property line, adjacent to the County Flood Control access road. The existing perimeter wall is not suffciently high enough to keep out trespassers. City staff has determined that adding an additional 6 feet of wrought-iron fencing to the top of the eastern portion of the block wall would provide adequate security, preventing trespasser access from the adjacent county flood control road. 108 2021 /2022 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O O 1,500,000$ O 500,000$ -$ -$ -$ O 2,000,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services x CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 On-Going Project x New Project II.LOCATION MAP Vanessa Hevener (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM WMP Project – Phase 1 Arboretum Water Quality Improvements Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanic Garden ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 2,000,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 1,500,000$ 500,000$ -$ -$ -$ 2,000,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (M)Measure M, (P) Parks, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (RM) RMRA, (O) Other Map Not Applicable First and Last Name 109 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Measure M M -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 1,500,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Road Maint./Rehab. Program RM -$ Other (please describe):O 1,500,000$ Total Capital 1,500,000$ Total Capital 1,500,000$ Safe, Clean Water Program (Measure W) Restore degraded habitat along a 2,000-foot section of the Arcadia Wash flood control channel by constructing a vegetated wetland system with wetland ponds, groundwater recharge basins, and a meandering stream to Baldwin Lake in the Arboretum. This project consists of a rubber dam diversion structure to convey diverted flows from Arcadia Wash, through the wetlands, groundwater recharge basins, meandering stream, and finally to Baldwin Lake. Within the project area, non-native habitat will be removed and new plant species will be selected for the wetland ponds to provide native riparian habitat. The basins will infiltrate into the the Raymond Basin providing groundwater recharge. Stormwater will also be conveyed to Baldwin Lake via a natural stream to provide an additional habitat area and sustain water levels in the lake. Compliance with the Rio Hondo/San Gabriel River (RH/SGR) Water Quality Group's revised Watershed Management Program Plan to implement regional multi-benefit projects. Cost is to be shared with the member agencies of the Rio Hondo/San Gabriel River Water Quality Group, consisting of the Cities of Arcadia, Bradbury, Duarte, Monrovia, Sierra Madre, and Los Angeles County. This proposed WMP project is split into two project phases.The second phase is scheduled for FY2022-23 and will propose the reconstruction of existing catch basins into green street mechanisms on three drain inlets to Tule Pond, connecting to the downstream Baldwin Lake. This reconstruction would allow for Tule Pond to be developed into a native habitat area. 110 2021 /2022 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O CO 25,000$ -$ -$ -$ CO 25,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 On-Going Project X New Project II.LOCATION MAP (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Library Landscaping Arcadia Public Library Dave Thompson FY Estimated Total 25,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 25,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 25,000$ FY FY FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (M)Measure M, (P) Parks, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (RM) RMRA, (O) Other First and Last Name ROLYN PLA MAGNIS STBOLEYTULIPAV FOSSSTEDNUEL ST OTHELLOELYCO CRVERNER PLAVAV AV AVAV AV AV AV AV WISTAR I AGRACELEE AV AVOUISEIVYLANDLOUISEWATSONARTHUR COYLE LAS DANIMERE WISTARIA ALSTER LEMON AVAV AV AV AV AV AV 3RD1STAV LEMON AVAV FLORES AV AV AV VISTALNELLALAS FLORES AVWOODDR ARTHUR URE WY5TH10TH4TH8TH9THWESLEY LN3RD2ND1STKARI WY ILENE LA RD ALTERN ALTERN PAMELAPAMELALOUISE GREENFIELDAVLOUISEAVAVDRAVLEEWINNIE NORMAN WINNIE AV RDANDREWSWY ST WY RDTE DR AV AV AVAVAVAVAVAVLN NORMAN ANITASANTAVISTAMAGNA WINNIE ANITASANTA PAMELA NAOMI LE ROY SIERRALA AVAVAZURE WYRD AV DRRD DUARTE LE ROY LN NITA 2ND3RDAV2NDAVST AV1ST 5 R S T ST JOSEPH F R O N T S T ST SANTA CLARA ST WHEELER IN D I A N A S T GATEWAY DRAVALTA BONITA CALIFORNIA STDIAMOND DIAMOND ORADO PLSAN LUIS BALDWIN SAN MIG DRHUNTINGTONSANTA CSANTA RSAN J U A N DR SAN RAFAEL RT E 2 1 0 RDC E N T E N N I A L GLEN LAS LEMON LNDRSERENOELTERRAWISTARIA ELDORADO STFANO GENOA ALICE ST LUCILE ST CHRISTINA ST GREENFIELD PL AVMAGNA VISTA AV CHRISTINA ST VISTA ELLEN WY ROBBINSDR SCOTT PL PATRICIA WYAVMAGNA AV ST ELDORADOST ST DUARTE RD 2ND NTINGTON ADIA TH CTSHARON LUBEN LN RD PAMELAAVAVLA CADENADR FAIRVIEW DR DUARTE EL MONTE AVHOLLYAVCAMPUS W A YDR AV PARKEL MONTEAVAVDRHUNTINGTON HUNTINGTONLINDA AVMAGNA VISTA AV HUNTINGTON AVLOGANRITADOOLITTLEENCINOWYLINDAAVLOGANRITAAVLNAVLOGANRITAJEF F R I E SAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVEL SUR LN MAGNOLIA AVGROVECAMINO CT ENCINODR SIERRA LNLEDADRILENE DRSIERRA LN PEACH- LEDA ST ST ALTERN RDPAMELA AVNORMANAV WY WYWINNIE WY WINNIEWYWINNIE RAE WY CONNIE C MA STA AL S RDPAMELA GENOA ST1STAV2ND3RDAVAV STMORLAN PL ST CLAR A SANTATREEAVRAE WY CRYSTAL CT AV LEMON WISTARIA WISTARIA LEMON AVAV LAS FLORES LONGDEN DR EWELLWY LYNDONAVMAGNA VISTA MONTEREAL NORMAN WINNIE CAMINO LEROY AV HOLLYAV LNMELANIENAOMI LOVELLMI LNCHRISTINELNRD WY RDSHARON AV AV AVAVAV AV 8TH8TH7TH7TH5TH4THFLORES AVAVWISTARIA ST BUNGALO EL NORT DEREK DR NICHOLAS LN ENCINO DR TIFFANY TER CIR ALTERN ST ILENE LELAND WY SANTA ANITA TER PROJECT LOCATION FAIRVIEW AV SIERRALA S J O ST SAN ANT BONITA ST PAMELA DR LEAFWOODLN PAMELA CT NORTH 111 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 25,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Measure M M -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 25,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Road Maint./Rehab. Program RM -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 25,000$ Total Capital 25,000$ This project will make improvements to the landscaping at the Library. This year's phase will include landscaping in the rear of the library near the parking lot and Santa Anita Ave. Work will include replacement of existing groundcover plants that are dying with low-water plant species and a drip-irrigation system. 112 2021 /2022 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O CO 60,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ CO 60,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 On-Going Project X New Project II.LOCATION MAP (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Peacock Fountain Pump Replacement Arcadia County Park Tyler Polidori FY Estimated Total 60,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 60,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 60,000$ FY FY FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other SAN ANTONIO RDSANTA ANITA A RDT E N N I A L ROLYN PLACE BRANCHSS SAN MIGUEL RDDRHUNTINGTONRDSANTA CRUZSANTA ROSASAN J U A N DR SAN RAFAEL1STAV2NDAV MORLAN PL ST CLA R A SANTADR AV 2NDS AVAVELDORADOEAST STCOLORADO PLSAN LUIS REY RDCOLORADO BL JR H S 1ST AVENUE BONITAOFFICEPOSTWASHARCADIAST AVLA PORTE FL O W E R S T ST JOSEPHF R O N T S T ST SANTA CLARA S WHEELER IN D I A N A S T AVALTA BONITA CALIFORNIA STDIAMONDW A Y GTONK L E P A R KA R C A D I A C O U N T YC I T Y H A L L PROJECT LOCATION 113 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 60,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 60,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 60,000$ Total Capital 60,000$ Replacement and upgrade of the Peacock Fountain pump/motor assembly and plumbing. The pump and motor assembly that powers the water spray feature on the Peacock Fountain has exceeded its usable lifespan. The frame and pump assembly have rusted and corroded due to their age and time spent in a damp environment. The pump has already been rebuilt twice, and repair parts have become difficult to obtain. If the pump were to fail again, it would not be possible to perform the necessary repairs to return it to service. In addition, there is currently no motor protection on the pump unit to automatically shut down in the event of an emergency. The pump, motor, and plumbing for the fountain will be replaced with a modern unit with motor protection. Due to the age of the fountain, a comprehensive replacement of the pump assembly and plumbing must be performed simultaneously so that all of the equipment will function together correctly. 114 2021 /2022 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O CO 25,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ CO 25,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 On-Going Project X New Project II.LOCATION MAP Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (M)Measure M, (P) Parks, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (RM) RMRA, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 25,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 25,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 25,000$ FY FY FY Tyler Polidori (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Longden Baseball Field Electric Panel Upgrade Longden Avenue Park First and Last Name BRIARGATE LN PAMELA CT CTMAGNOLIA HOLLIS LN FAIRVIEW AV SIERRALA ST PAMELA AV PALM DR DR PROJECT LOCATION ST ST ST EWELLWY LYNDONAVMAGNA VISTA MONTEAV HOLLYRD 5TH8TH8TH7TH7TH5TH4THFLORES AVAVWISTARIA ST AV8TH6TH4TH CENTERGARYPARKUDDARTHEMPSTEADLYND ST AVAVDRSTAVAVAVAVELDORADO STFANO GENOA ALICE ST LUCILE ST CHRISTINA ST GREENFIELD PL AVMAGNA VISTA AV CHRISTINA ST VISTA ELLEN WY ROBBINSDR SCOTT PL PATRICIA WYAVMAGNA AV ST ELDORADOST ST DUARTE RD 2ND MAYFLOWERAVARMIJO AVMAYFLOWERFAIRGREENEL SUR ATARA REALAV AVTREELANEAVLN ST ST FAIRGREENEL NO R T E S T ST AVORA STANDISH ST BUNGALOW PL EL NORTE ST ALTA VISTA AVESHORT AVE DEREK DR NICHOLAS LN ENCINO DR TIFFANY TER CIR ALTERN ST ILENE LELAND WY SANTA ANITA TER AVARMIJO ST ROCKROSEST STAGIO DR KRISTI CTBISHOP SHARON LUBEN LN RD PAMELA DR DUARTE EL MONTE AVHOLLYAVCAMPUS W A YDR AV PARKEL MONTEAVAVDRHUNTINGTON HUNTINGTONLINDA AVMAGNA VISTA AVLOGANRITADOOLITTLEENCINOWYLINDASTAVLOGANRITAAVLNAVLOGANRITAAV JEFF R I E SAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVEL SUR LN MAGNOLIA AVGROVECAMINO CT ENCINODR SIERRA LNLEDADRILENE DRSIERRA LN PEACH- LEDA ST ST ALTERN RDPAMELA AVNORMANAV WY WYWINNIE WY WINNIEWYWINNIE RAE WY CONNIE CAMINO AV MAGNOLIA STANDISH ALTERN SHRODE RDPAMELA GENOA ST1ST2ND3RDAV ST TREEAVRAE WY CRYSTAL CT PALM DR LEMON WISTARIA WISTARIA LEMON WALNUT AVAV LAS FLORES LONGDEN AV CTWY WY MAGNIS STBOLEYTULIPAV FOSSSTEDNUEL ST OTHELLO LOGANRITAWEIDERMEYERDRADUANALOVEJOY BEVERLY WY FLAMINGO ELYCO CRVERNER PLRODELL PLDRDRLNAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAV AV AVAV AV AV AV AV WISTARI AGRACELEE AVCRAV IVYLANDAVLOUISEIVYLANDLOUISEWATSONPALMBIRCHCROFT ARTHUR COYLE LAS DANIMERE WISTARIA ALSTER LEMON AVAVAVAVAVAVPALM DR ST AV AV AV AV AV 3RD1STLOUISEAV LEMON AVLNSEWANEELONGDEN AV WALNUT LN DELTA AV DR AV AV LAS FLORES AV ARTHUR AZURE WY DR 3RDAV2NDAVST AV1ST BONITA CALIFORNIA STDIAMOND DIAMOND E 5TH10TH4TH8TH9THWESLEY LN3RD2ND1STKARI WY ILENE LA RD ALTERN ALTERN PAMELAPAMELALOUISE GREENFIELDAVLOUISEAVAVDRAVLEEWINNIE NORMAN WINNIE AV RDANDREWSWY ST WY RDTE DR AV AV AVAVAVAVAVAVLN NORMAN ANITASANTAVISTAMAGNA WINNIE ANITASANTA PAMELA NAOMI LE ROY SIERRALA AVAVAZURE WYRD AV ELDR LE ROY LNFOSSADUANASANDRA AVAVLENTASANDRA 3RD2NDAVAVDAAVDRESWOOD LYNROSEAVMYRTUS AVGREENFIELDAV SANDRALEE EL CAPITANAVLOUISEEL CAPITANAVWOODRUFFAV PLRODELL WYWOODRUFFPL LNWOODRUFFLNPAXSONAVANITASANTALAS TUNAS DR AV AND AVH AV AV EL MONTEWYLONGLEY ALBERTWYWYWY WYGILPINLONGLEYWARRENAROLINELLYWOODRUFFAV AV SANDRA WARREN WOODRUFF ON AV C E N T E N N I A L NORTH 115 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 25,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Measure M M -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 25,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Road Maint./Rehab. Program RM -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 25,000$ Total Capital 25,000$ Deferred in FY 2020-21: Concession Stand Electrical Panel Upgrade ($25,000). The concession stand at Longden Park baseball field is used to prepare and sell concession items to spectators during little league games. The appliances and equipment that are utilized in the kitchen have far surpassed the capacity of the existing electrical panel. A new electrical panel will be installed and the building will be rewired to increase the capacity of the electrical system. 116 2021 /2022 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O PC 800,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ PC 800,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 On-Going Project X New Project II.LOCATION MAP Kevin Merrill (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Arterial Concrete Rehab Project - Foothill Blvd & Live Oak Ave Foothill Blvd - Santa Anita to Fifth, Live Oak Ave - El Monte to Santa Anita, Second Ave ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 800,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 800,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 800,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (M)Measure M, (P) Parks, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (RM) RMRA, (O) Other First and Last Name 117 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Measure M M -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 50,000$ Parks P -$ Construction 700,000$ Prop C PC 800,000$ Inspection & Contingencies 50,000$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Road Maint./Rehab. Program RM -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 800,000$ Total Capital 800,000$ This project is to rehabilitate the concrete pavement at 3 locations: Foothill Blvd between Santa Anita Ave and Fifth Ave, Live Oak Ave between El Monte Ave and Santa Anita Ave, and at the intersection of Live Oak Ave and Second Ave. The work includes grinding and/or removing and replacing entire sections of the concrete street that are cracked or damaged, removing and replacing damaged curbs and gutters, constructing new ADA standard access ramps, and other miscellaneous street work. The work also includes removal and replacement of trees and landscaping in the raised center medians causing damage to the street. The concrete pavement on Foothill Blvd and Live Oak Ave is showing a considerable amount of stress,cracking, and failures. Although the Pavement Management Program categorizes this section of Baldwin Avenue as in "good" condition, the presence of cracks and failures has created sections of low ridability. The success of previous concrete rehabilitation of other sections of Foothill Blvd has provided improved ridability for drivers. As heavily travelled streets, both would benefit from a similar rehabilitation. 118 2021 /2022 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O M 50,000$ M 50,000$ M 50,000$ M 50,000$ M 50,000$ M 250,000$ U R TI 100,000$ TI 100,000$ TI 100,000$ TI 100,000$ TI 100,000$ TI 500,000$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 X On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP Kevin Merrill (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Miscellaneous Traffic Signal Improvements Various Locations ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 750,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 150,000$ 150,000$ 150,000$ 150,000$ 150,000$ 750,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (M)Measure M, (P) Parks, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (RM) RMRA, (O) Other Map Not Applicable First and Last Name 119 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Measure M M 50,000$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 150,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI 100,000$ Road Maint./Rehab. Program RM -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 150,000$ Total Capital 150,000$ This is an ongoing program intended to maintain and improve the City’s traffic signal system through the purchase and installation of equipment such as traffic signal controllers & cabinets, intersection rewiring, fiber optic interconnect & other intelligent transportation system (ITS) equipment, pedestrian countdown clocks and video detection. This year’s program will include improvements such as: 1. Turning movement upgrades 2. Traffic Signal Controller and Cabinet upgrades 3. Intersection rewiring 4. Fiber optic interconnect and ITS traffic network upgrades 5. Video Detection Installation Elements 1, 2, and 4 above are eligible for funding with Traffic Impact (TI) fee revenues. These improvements are the highest priority needs from the city’s inventory and inspection of Traffic Signals.Traffic Signal equipment is divided into several categories such as mast arms and poles, signal heads, controllers, detection systems, wiring systems, fiber optic interconnect, etc. Each category is periodically inspected for current condition and the need for upgrade. 120 2021 /2022 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O M 1,600,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ M 1,600,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 X On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP Phil Wray (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Downtown Alley Improvements Around Downtown Arcadia ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 1,600,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 1,600,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,600,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (M)Measure M, (P) Parks, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (RM) RMRA, (O) Other First and Last Name 121 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Measure M M 1,600,000$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 50,000$ Parks P -$ Construction 1,500,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies 50,000$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Road Maint./Rehab. Program RM -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 1,600,000$ Total Capital 1,600,000$ This project covers approximately 3,000 feet of alleys in the Downtown area. The project proposes improving the alleys to include such elements as pedestrian lighting, resurfacing, decorative treatments to portions of the pavement surfaces, raised pavement “speed humps” for pedestrian crossings, bollards and/or railings, landscape nodes and signage. This is a multiyear project that has been awarded a Measure M Sub-regional grant by the SGV COG in the amount of $1,750,000.In the previous year’s budget, the funding was used for the Final design plans and specifications.This year's budget is funding for construction. Over the past several years, Arcadia’s Downtown has been transitioning to a mixed-use “hub”, designed around the Gold Line Light Rail Station. Several new projects are in the works that will bring residential units to the area, as well as increased vitality from new commercial and retail space. Downtown Arcadia has a network of City-owned Parking Lots, alleys and pedestrian easements in the area connecting these potential projects, businesses and public streets to the Gold Line Station. These facilities have minimal or no accommodations for pedestrian travel. Pedestrians either have to walk around these facilities, or share the vehicle travel lanes. The goal of this project is to improve these alleys, and portions of parking lots and easements, to create a network of safe and attractive pedestrian corridors, to provide clear and direct options for pedestrian travel connecting the Downtown and the Gold Line Station. 122 2021 /2022 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O M 50,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ M 50,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 On-Going Project X New Project II.LOCATION MAP Phil Wray (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Pavement Management Program Various Locations ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 50,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 50,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 50,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (M)Measure M, (P) Parks, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (RM) RMRA, (O) Other Map Not Applicable First and Last Name 123 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Measure M M 50,000$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 25,000$ Parks P -$ Construction 25,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Road Maint./Rehab. Program RM -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 50,000$ Total Capital 50,000$ The City's arterial, collector, and residential streets database was integrated to MircoPaver Software which analyzes the Paving Construction Index (PCI), i.e. the condition of streets. This program will update the PCI for City streets and provide the City with a database of all street conditions with priorities. The existing MicroPaver computer software will be updated and additional Engineering staff will be trained on how to utilize the information obtained to operate the program software and provide technical/professional support. A Pavement Management Program is a tool that is used to assist City staff in making cost effective decisions and planning for pavement maintenance repair. As a requirement for receiving Federal and State funding, all jurisdictions are required to certify that they have conducted and maintained a Pavement Management Program when proposing to do street and maintenance projects, thus inspection of the City's arterial and collector street conditions is necessary. It is recommended to the City that residential and local streets be re-inspected every four years. The City's streets will be divided into two groups to stagger inspections, which will occur every two years. 124 2021 /2022 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O M 350,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ M 350,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 On-Going Project X New Project II.LOCATION MAP Kevin Merrill (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Arterial Rehabilitation Program - Michillinda Ave from Colorado Blvd to Foothill Blvd Michillinda Ave between Colorado Blvd and Foothill Blvd ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 350,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 350,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 350,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (M)Measure M, (P) Parks, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (RM) RMRA, (O) Other First and Last Name 125 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO -$ Land Acquisition -$ Measure M M 350,000$ Plans, Specs./Engineering 25,000$ Parks P -$ Construction 300,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies 25,000$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Road Maint./Rehab. Program RM -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 350,000$ Total Capital 350,000$ Los Angeles County Public Works approached the City of Arcadia to participate in their Project Design Concept, Michillinda Avenue Intersection Improvement Project. The project boundaries are Michillinda Avenue from Colorado Boulevard to Foothill Boulevard. The proposed road improvements include extending left-turn pockets, reconstructing curb, gutter, sidewalk, medians, and curb ramps, constructing a new bus pad, and improving the parkway. The intersection improvements will upgrade the traffic signals, pedestrian heads, and crosswalks. Michillinda Avenue is mostly County of Los Angeles' jurisdiction, with about a third of the street within the City's jurisdiction. The City would be responsible for funding the work in its jurisdiction. This is a County proposed project with the City only providing funding and approval. Due to the minority ownership of Michillinda Avenue, the City's Pavement Management Program does not have data for the street. It is still apparent that the current condition of the street is poor. Michillinda Avenue has cracks and damage throughout due to high volume traffic. The intersection also needs updating to current ADA standards. Rehabilitating and updating the street is to the benefit of both the County and the City. 126 2021 /2022 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O CO 650,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ CO 650,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:X Previously Programmed Project FY 2015 On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP Phil Wray (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Baldwin Avenue Streetscape Improvement Program Baldwin Avenue between Huntington Drive and Camino Real Avenue ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 650,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 650,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 650,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other First and Last Name 127 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 650,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 650,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Redevelopment R -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 650,000$ 650,000$ Total Capital These improvements have been identified in the City’s ongoing Traffic Signal Improvement and Maintenance Master Plan. This improvement program is intended to cover the parkways Baldwin Avenue between Huntington Drive and Duarte Rd, as well as, between Naomi Ave and Camino Real Avenue. The parkways are generally ten feet wide and consist primarily of concrete sidewalks and street trees. The project scope is to remove and replace all ficus trees, repair damaged or uplifted sidewalks, repair curbs and gutters, replace ADA access ramps and replace driveways, as necessary, for ADA compliance. This project has been rebudgeted from previous years. This segment of Baldwin Avenue has not seen any significant improvements in many years, and it is the most active commercial corridor in the City. The ficus trees are uplifting the sidewalks, portions of sidewalk and driveway approaches are cracked and damaged,and most of the building facades have not been changed or improved. This program is intended to repair and refresh the streetscape by improving the public parkways. 128 2021 /2022 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O CO 25,000$ CO 25,000$ CO 25,000$ CO 25,000$ CO 25,000$ CO 125,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 X On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP Cody Cerwin (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Fire Station Maintenance Program All Fire Stations ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 125,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 25,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 125,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R) Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other AVHUNTINGTON HUNTINGTONOLD RANCH OLD RANBLADWINAVRDFIRE STATION 106 AV1STELDORADO FANO GENOA ALICE LUCILE ST FIRE STATION 105ANITASANTA AV OAYORKSHIR DR ONTARE ORANGE OLD O OAKHRODEOS I E R R A MADR E HYLAND AVRDORANGE GROVE HIGHL ELEM ANITASANTAFIRE STATION 107 129 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 25,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 25,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Redevelopment R -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 25,000$ Total Capital 25,000$ The Fire Station Maintenance Program provides for the following, as needed: -interior and exterior painting of all fire facilities -replacement or maintenance of carpet at all fire facilities -replacement of window coverings at all fire facilities -replacement of household appliances -other miscellaneous repair and replacement of items to maintain the quality of all fire facilities The Fire Station Maintenance Program allows for planned upgrades and unanticipated repairs to vital components within all Arcadia Fire Stations. Scheduled preventive maintenance is instumental in controling and reducing costs; enhancing staff efficiency; sustaining the quality of Fire facilities; and ensuring fiscal responsibility through planned bidding process. 130 2021 /2022 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O CO 130,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ CO 130,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:X Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP Cody Cerwin (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Fire Station Kitchen Remodel Program Fire Stations 105 & 106 ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 130,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 130,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 130,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R) Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other AVHUNTINGTON HUNTINGTONOLD RANCH OLD RANBLADWINAVRDFIRE STATION 106 AV1STELDORADO FANO GENOA ALICE LUCILE ST FIRE STATION 105ANITASANTA 131 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 130,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 130,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Redevelopment R -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 130,000$ Total Capital 130,000$ Replace and repair kitchen and bathroom cabinets with new doors and hardware. Replace 25 year-old refrigerators and freezers at Fire Station 106. Paint and update its 25 year-old electrical system. Replace cabinet doors and hardware at Fire Station 105, and paint the kitchen. Due to deterioration and wear over the past 25 years, Fire Stations 106 and 105 Kitchen Remodel and Repair Program will allow for planned replacement. These repairs are necessary to prevent future damage and prevent any failures near personnel. Appliances that were installed since the Fire Station 106 was built 25 years ago will undergo service and repairs. The Fire Station 105 kitchen has several hinges that have failed and doors that are de-laminating that also require much needed service and repairs. 132 2021 /2022 I.PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O CO 614,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ CO 614,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ LABOR SOURCE:City Employees Contract Services X CAPITAL REQUEST:X Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 On-Going Project New Project II.LOCATION MAP Sara Somogyi (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Arcadia High School Track Replacement Arcadia High School Track ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 614,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 614,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 614,000$ FY Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (TI) Transportation Impact, (W) Water, (O) Other Map Not Applicable First and Last Name 133 III.IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION IV.IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION V.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Land Appraisals -$ Capital Outlay CO 614,000$ Land Acquisition -$ Gas Tax GT -$ Plans, Specs./Engineering -$ Parks P -$ Construction 614,000$ Prop C PC -$ Inspection & Contingencies -$ Sewer S -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Transportation Impact TI -$ Grant G -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 614,000$ Total Capital 614,000$ According to the Joint Use Agreement with the Arcadia Unified School District, the City will pay for 1/3 cost of the replacement of the high school track. The total cost of the project is $2.3 million dollars. Arcadia Union School District will be the lead agency on this project. AUSD has chosen Beynon as the contractor of the project. Beynon has many products to choose from and the product selected for the Arcadia High School Track Surface is the BSS 2000. The BSS 2000 is the premier track and field surface for NCAA and international competitions. The surface is constructed with only virgin butyl rubber and two-component polyurethane in the Force Reduction Layer to optimize an athletes’ return of energy. The Wear Layer of Beynon’s BSS 2000 system incorporates high-performance polyurethane with multiple texture options to provide the highest level of resiliency with enhanced shock absorbency. This product has been installed at several high schools and colleges across southern California. The references for the nearby track installations were impeccable and came with great recommendations. The full pour installation at the schools in the nearby region is also a reason for selection as they have similar weather and sun exposure.The life expectancy of the new track is expected to be 10-12 years, before an overlay will be needed. The district also took advantage of the CALIFORNIA MULTIPLE AWARD SCHEDULE (CMAS) GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION (GSA)Direct purchase opportunity. This purchase method is available for entities in the State of California to take advantage of federally negotiated pricing. This allowed the project to save money by removing the typical mark-up of a general contractor. The track at the high school is in desperate need of repair. The City and AUSD have been working together over the years with various fixes and overlays to the surface, but there is nothing else that can be done at this time except to replace the entire surface. AUSD will work with the City on the timing of the replacement, to have the least impact to the school and the community. AUSD has agreed in principle to the following contribution schedule from the City: FY 2020-21: $153,000 FY 2021-22:$614,000 134 REQUESTING 302 165 107 157 521 520 118 156 DEPARTMENT CAPITAL MEASURE M PARKS PROP C SEWER WATER SOLID WASTE TRANSPORTATION Annual Slurry Seal Program Public Works 600,000 Annual Meter Replacement Program Public Works 250,000 Annual Replacement of HVAC Rooftop Units Public Works 145,000 Annual Sewer CCTV Inspection Public Works 50,000 Public Works Facility Improvements Public Works 9,000 13,500 22,500 Community Center Facility Improvements Public Works 285,000 County Park Lighted Walking Trail Project Public Works 350,000 Longden Facility Improvement Project Public Works 750,000 Annual Tree Removal & Replacement Program Public Works 30,000 Library Facility Improvements Public Works 140,000 Police Department Facility Improvements Public Works 55,000 SCADA System Upgrades Public Works 10,000 30,000 Valve Replacement Program Public Works 150,000 Gilb Museum of Arcadia Heritage Facility Improvements Public Works 5,000 Sewer Main CIPP Lining Public Works 250,000 Well Inspection and Rehabilitation Program Public Works 250,000 Pavement Rehabilitation Program Public Works 700,000 400,000 800,000 RMRA Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Plan Public Works 100,000 Measure W Sewer Main Replacement Program Public Works 750,000 City Hall Facility Improvements Public Works 50,000 Miscellaneous Sewer Main Repair Public Works 100,000 Water Main Replacement Program Public Works 400,000 City Parking Lot Rehabilitation Program Public Works 130,000 100,000 Measure W Restore Roof Council Chambers Public Works 100,000 Sewer Easement Access Along 210 Freeway Public Works 150,000 Arcadia Wash Water Diversion Project Public Works 1,500,000 Measure W Green Alley Improvement Project Public Works 300,000 Measure W Bonita Park Improvement Project - Design and Construction Public Works 710,000 WMP Project - Phase 2 Arboretum Water Quality Improvements Public Works 500,000 Measure W Destroy Existing Out of Service Wells Public Works 140,000 Arterial Pavement Rehabilitation Program - Second Avenue from Huntington Drive to Duarte Road Development 600,000 Miscellaneous Traffic Signal Improvements Development 50,000 100,000 Measure M Colorado Street Complete Streets Project Development 1,500,000 Measure M ADA Sidewalk and Ramp Improvement Development 50,000 TDA Article 3 Fire Station Maintenance Program Fire 25,000 TOTAL FOR FISCAL YEAR 2022-23 $12,650,000 2,274,000$ 1,950,000$ 1,060,000$ 600,000$ 1,323,500$ 1,992,500$ -$ 100,000$ 3,350,000$ CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2022-23 OTHERPROJECT DESCRIPTION 135 This Page Intentionally Left Blank 136 REQUESTING 302 165 107 157 521 520 118 156 DEPARTMENT CAPITAL MEASURE M PARKS PROP C SEWER WATER SOLID WASTE TRANSPORTATION Annual Slurry Seal Program Public Works 600,000 Annual Meter Replacement Program Public Works 250,000 Annual Replacement of HVAC Rooftop Units Public Works 75,000 Annual Sewer CCTV Inspection Public Works 50,000 Public Works Facility Improvements Public Works 3,000 4,500 7,500 Community Center Facility Improvements Public Works 35,000 Sewer Main CIPP Lining Public Works 250,000 Annual Tree Removal & Replacement Program Public Works 30,000 Library Facility Improvements Public Works 30,000 Police Department Facility Improvements Public Works 30,000 SCADA System Upgrades Public Works 10,000 30,000 Valve Replacement Program Public Works 150,000 Gilb Museum of Arcadia Heritage Facility Improvements Public Works 5,000 City Parking Lots Rehabilitation Public Works 130,000 70,000 Well Inspection and Rehabilitation Program Public Works 250,000 Pavement Rehabilitation Program Public Works 700,000 400,000 800,000 RMRA Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Plan Public Works 100,000 Measure W Sewer Main Replacement Program Public Works 750,000 City Hall Facility Improvements Public Works 20,000 Water Main Replacement Program Public Works 500,000 Green Alley Improvement Project Public Works 300,000 Measure W Miscellaneous Traffic Signal Improvements Development 50,000 100,000 Measure M Arterial Pavement Rehabilitation Colorado Blvd Complete Streets - West City Limit to Huntington Dr Development 1,000,000 Fire Station Maintenance Program Fire 25,000 TOTAL FOR FISCAL YEAR 2023-24 $6,755,000 1,683,000$ 450,000$ -$ 1,000,000$ 1,064,500$ 1,257,500$ -$ 100,000$ 1,200,000$ CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2023-24 OTHERPROJECT DESCRIPTION 137 This Page Intentionally Left Blank 138 REQUESTING 302 165 107 157 521 520 118 156 DEPARTMENT CAPITAL MEASURE M PARKS PROP C SEWER WATER SOLID WASTE TRANSPORTATION Annual Slurry Seal Program Public Works 600,000 Annual Meter Replacement Program Public Works 250,000 Annual Replacement of HVAC Rooftop Units Public Works 75,000 Annual Sewer CCTV Inspection Public Works 50,000 Public Works Facility Improvements Public Works 3,000 4,500 7,500 Community Center Facility Improvements Public Works 35,000 Saint Joseph Treatment Facility - Design Public Works 400,000 Sewer Main CIPP Lining Public Works 250,000 Annual Tree Removal & Replacement Program Public Works 30,000 Library Facility Improvements Public Works 30,000 Police Department Facility Improvements Public Works 30,000 SCADA System Upgrades Public Works 10,000 30,000 Valve Replacement Program Public Works 150,000 Gilb Museum of Arcadia Heritage Facility Improvements Public Works 5,000 City Parking Lots Rehabilitation Public Works 130,000 70,000 Well Inspection and Rehabilitation Program Public Works 250,000 Pavement Rehabilitation Program Public Works 700,000 800,000 RMRA Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Plan Public Works 100,000 Measure W Sewer Main Replacement Program Public Works 750,000 City Hall Facility Improvements Public Works 20,000 Water Main Replacement Program Public Works 500,000 Green Alley Improvement Project Public Works 300,000 Measure W Community Center Carpet Replacement Public Works 60,000 Arterial Pavement Rehabilitation First Avenue between Huntington Dr. Development 800,000 Miscellaneous Traffic Signal Improvements Development 50,000 100,000 Measure M ADA Sidewalk and Ramp Improvement Development 70,000 TDA Article 3 Fire Station Maintenance Program Fire 25,000 TOTAL FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 $6,685,000 1,743,000$ 50,000$ -$ 800,000$ 1,064,500$ 1,657,500$ -$ 100,000$ 1,270,000$ CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 OTHERPROJECT DESCRIPTION 139 This Page Intentionally Left Blank 140 EQUIPMENT PURCHASES REQUESTING OFFICE MACH.COMPUTERS &FIELD & PLANT VEHICLES &COMM.OTHER FUNDING PAGE DEPARTMENT & FURNITURE SOFTWARE EQUIPMENT MAJOR PARTS EQUIP.SOURCE 143 Annual Desktop Replacement Administrative Services - 5,000 - - - - Equipment Replacement 145 Annual Network Hardware Replacement Administrative Services - 20,000 - - - - Equipment Replacement/Water 147 Redundant voice project for PD Administrative Services - - - - 80,000 - Equipment Replacement 149 ACTV Audio Visual Broadcast and Production City Manager's Office - - - - 25,000 - Public Educ Govt Access Fund 151 Vehicle Replacement - Police Public Works/Police - - - 7,500 - - Equipment Replacement 153 Public Works Small Tools and Equipment Replacement Public Works - - 47,500 - - - Equipment Replacement/Water 155 Radio Replacement Police - - - - 117,000 - Equipment Replacement 157 Patrol Field Equipment Program Police - - 16,900 - - - Equipment Replacement 159 Firearms Replacement Program Police - - 14,500 - - - Equipment Replacement 161 Mobile Digital Computer Replacement Program Police - - 5,000 - - - Equipment Replacement 163 Police Records Management & Crimemapping System Upgrades for NIBRS Compliance Police - 76,200 - - - - Equipment Replacement 165 Automatic License Plate Reader (ALPR) Replacement & Upgrades Police - - - - 82,000 - Equipment Replacement 167 PD Building Bi-Directional Amplifier (BDA) System Purchase & Installation Police - - - - 64,000 - Equipment Replacement 169 Cardiac Monitor Replacement Program Fire - - 58,100 - - - Equipment Replacement 171 Fire Communication and Technology Equipment Replacement Program Fire - - - - 80,000 - Equipment Replacement 173 Fire Suppression Equipment Replacement Program Fire - - 40,000 - - - Equipment Replacement 175 Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) Maintenance Program Fire - - 9,100 - - - Equipment Replacement 177 Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) Equipment Replacement Program Fire - - 10,000 - - - State Homeland Security Grant 179 Library - Furniture Library and Museum 8,000 - - - - - Equipment Replacement 181 Library - Equipment Library and Museum 1,500 500 - - - - Equipment Replacement 183 Closed Circuit Television System for Museum Library and Museum 6,400 - - - - - Equipment Replacement 185 Furniture Replacement Program Recreation and Community 15,000 - - - - - Equipment Replacement TOTAL FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020-21 789,200$ 30,900$ 101,700$ 201,100$ 7,500$ 448,000$ -$ CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2020-21 141 CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2020-21 TOTAL FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020-21 GENERAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT RESERVE 725,700$ WATER EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT RESERVE 28,500$ SEWER FUND -$ PUBLIC EDUCATION GOVERNMENT ACCESS FUND 25,000$ AQMD -$ Prop A Local Return -$ GRANTS 10,000$ TOTAL 789,200$ 142 2020 /2021 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O ER 5,000$ ER 5,000$ ER 80,000$ ER 80,000$ ER 80,000$ ER 250,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:New IT Replacement x Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2019 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Wilson Luo (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Annual Desktop Replacement CityWide Departments ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:250,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 5,000$ 5,000$ 80,000$ 80,000$ 80,000$ 250,000$ FY Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other Annual desktop replacement. The City of Arcadia has 400 workstations. IT is following an industry standard of hardware replacement in a 5 year life cycle. After replacing many of the aged desktops across the City in the past 2 years, batch replacement of desktops will be paused as the hardware is sufficient to process current industry software. First and Last Name 143 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture -$ Equip. Replacement ER 5,000$ Computers & Software 5,000$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment -$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 5,000$ Total Capital 5,000$ For the next 2 years, The proposed budget amount of $5,000 will cover a few desktops and monitors for new hires, new job functions, or replacement of broken equipment. The batch replacement cycle will restart in FY 2022-23 and return to a 5 year replacement cycle. 144 2020 /2021 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O ER 17,000$ ER 17,000$ ER 17,000$ ER 17,000$ ER 17,000$ ER 85,000$ U R W 3,000$ W 3,000$ W 3,000$ W 3,000$ W 3,000$ W 15,000$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:New IT Replacement x Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2019 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Wilson Luo (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Annual Network Hardware Replacement CityWide ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:100,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 20,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 100,000$ FY Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other Annual Network Hardware Replacement FY 2020-2021 Department Devices Quantity Cost per device Total Library Switches 1 $3,000 $3,000 DMZ Switches 1 $7,000 $7,000 Public Works Switches 1 $3,000 $3,000 PD Switches 1 $7,000 $7,000 First and Last Name 145 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture -$ Equip. Replacement ER 17,000$ Computers & Software 20,000$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment -$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W 3,000$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 20,000$ Total Capital 20,000$ The City of Arcadia has more than 100 networking devices including switches, routers, firewall, access point, etc. These networking hardware devices are following an industry standard 5 year replacement life cycle. 146 2020 /2021 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O ER 80,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ ER 80,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:X New Replacement Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2019 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Wilson Luo (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Redundant voice project for PD PD and City Hall ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:80,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 80,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 80,000$ FY Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other This project will install new voice circuits to allow redundant settings. It will also add new equipment to handle redundant calls in an event of outage. The project will have 2 phases: Phase 1 cost: $20,000 (setup cost and new voice gateway) Phase 2 cost: $60,000 (core switch replacement, new rack, setup cost) Phase 1 1-time project cost: Setup:$14,500.00 Voice GW:$5,500.00 Total:$20,000.00 Phase 2 1 time project cost: New core switch $30,000.00 New rack $10,000.00 Setup $20,000.00 Total:$60,000.00 First and Last Name 147 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture -$ Equip. Replacement ER 80,000$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment -$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment 80,000$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 80,000$ Total Capital 80,000$ The Police Department phone system is not redundant and no backup call system or circuits exist to handle incoming calls if the primary system is down. Forwarding of the PD main number currently takes more than 6 hours. Current PD and CH Voice Setup: 3 PRI legacy circuits handling 69 voice calls. 2 PRI from ATT to CityHall. Cityhall numbers go to CH PRIs 1 PRI from ATT to PD. PD numbers go to PD PRI These 3 circuits are not redundant of each other. No failover In an event of emergency, PD number forwarding takes 4 hours to take effect to a cell phone Project outcome: Create voice redundancy for PD Provide 99% uptime for incoming PD voice calling Allow PD voice call forwarding without delay in an event of disaster Upgrading PD and city to the latest voice circuit technology 148 2020 /2021 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O O 25,000$ O 25,000$ O 25,000$ O 25,000$ O 25,000$ O 125,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:New X Replacement Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2019 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Michael Bruckner (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM ACTV Audio Visual Broadcast and Production City Council Chambers ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:125,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 25,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 125,000$ FY Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other Miscellaneous audio/video equipment replacement for broadcast and production of ACTV and City Council meetings. First and Last Name 149 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture -$ Equip. Replacement ER -$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment -$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment 25,000$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O 25,000$ Total Capital 25,000$ Total Capital 25,000$ PEG Fund Miscellaneous replacement of equipment. 150 2020 /2021 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O ER 7,500$ ER 513,000$ ER 66,700$ ER 136,000$ ER 138,600$ ER 861,800$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:New X Replacement Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2019 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Tyler Polidori (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Vehicle Replacement - Police Police Department ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:861,800$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 7,500$ 513,000$ 66,700$ 136,000$ 138,600$ 861,800$ FY Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other Miscellaneous maintenance and retrofitting for the 2011 Patrol Sedan (Asset #80292). First and Last Name 151 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture -$ Equip. Replacement ER 7,500$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment -$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts 7,500$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 7,500$ Total Capital 7,500$ The 2011 Patrol Sedan meets the City's criteria for vehicle replacement, but the purchase of a new vehicle has been deferred until FY 2021-22 due to the budgetary constraints created by the COVID-19 outbreak. An allocation of $7,500 for miscellaneous equipment and repairs will allow the vehicle to remain in service during FY 2020-21 and until its eventual replacement. 152 2020 /2021 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O W 25,500$ W 39,250$ W 30,000$ W 30,000$ W 30,000$ W 154,750$ U R ER 22,000$ ER 162,000$ ER 50,000$ ER 50,000$ ER 50,000$ ER 334,000$ C E S -$ S 19,250$ S 10,000$ S 10,000$ S 10,000$ S 49,250$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:X New X Replacement Previously Programmed Project FY Programmed, but not commenced for FY II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Tyler Polidori (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Public Works Small Tools and Equipment Replacement Public Works Services Department ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:538,000$ FY FY FY Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 47,500$ 220,500$ 90,000$ 90,000$ 90,000$ 538,000$ FY Public Works Streets and General Services 1. Vehicle diagnostic scanning machines (Fleet)$ 7,000 2. FuelMaster upgrade $ 15,000 $ 22,000 Utilities 3. Liquid Chlorine Injection Pump System (Water)$ 13,500 4. Sewer Jetter High Pressure Hose (Water)$ 4,000 5. Sewer Cleaning Head (Water)$ 4,000 6. Printer (Water)$ 4,000 $ 25,000 Total = $ 47,500 First and Last Name 153 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: IV.Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture -$ Equip. Replacement ER 22,000$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment 47,500$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W 25,500$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 47,500$ Total Capital 47,500$ 1. The vehicle diagnostic scanning machines utilized by fleet technicians at PWSD and Police Station garages are sophisticated computer systems that require updating and replacement as new vehicle technology is introduced. The diagnostic scanners at both locations need to be replaced to stay compatible with modern diagnostic systems. 2. City vehicles are refueled at fuel dispenser stations located at 4 sites. Fuel consumption data is obtained through the FuelMaster computer system. The FuelMaster system is outdated and must be upgraded to provide reliable fuel consumption data to the Finance department. 3. Liquid chlorine injection pumps are used to disinfect the City's water system. These injection pump systems operate on average over 7,500 hours per year and many have been in use for 10 years or more. To maintain a reliable water system it is recommended to start a liquid chlorine injection pump replacement program. 4. The City maintains over 138 miles of sewer lines. Cleaning and maintainence is conducted through operation of two sewer jetter trucks, each outfitted with 600' of high-pressure hose. To to maintain uninterrupted service, hose replacement is recommended when they begin to show signs of wear. One of the hoses is beginning to show signs of wear and is in need of replacement. 5. Sewer cleaning heads are used in the daily operations of sewer system maintenance. One of the existing cleaning heads has reached its life expectancy and is in need of replacement. 6. The printer in the engineering division's office has exceeded it usable life expectancy and must be replaced. This printer is used to print water project plans that are developed by city engineers. 154 2020 /2021 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O ER 117,000$ ER 117,000$ ER 117,000$ ER 117,000$ ER 117,000$ ER 585,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:New X Replacement Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2019 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G) Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 117,000$ 117,000$ 117,000$ 117,000$ 117,000$ 585,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:585,000$ FY FY FY Paul Foley (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Radio Replacement Police Department Replace aging or obsolete Mobile ("In-car") and Portable ("Handeheld") radios. Portable radio costs = $7,000 each Dual Band mobile radio costs = $10,000 each Misc. Radio batteries, chargers, and accessories TOTAL: $117,000 First and Last Name 155 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture -$ Equip. Replacement ER 117,000$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment -$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment 117,000$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 117,000$ Total Capital 117,000$ Radio Replacement: The following purchases are requested as part of the Department's radio replacement plan. The portable and mobile radios have a seven year life expectancy. The newly purchased radios will be replacing units that have been in service beyond the recommended time period and those radios that are not P-25 (FCC) compliant. The batteries, chargers, and accessories will be used to support the fleet of radios. This fiscal year's plan is to ensure all the mobile radios in the Department's fleet of marked and unmarked vehicles, which is in completion of joining the Interagency Communications Interoperability System (ICI). 156 2020 /2021 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O ER 16,900$ ER 22,300$ ER 22,700$ ER 31,700$ ER 16,900$ ER 110,500$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:New X Replacement Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2019 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G) Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 16,900$ 22,300$ 22,700$ 31,700$ 16,900$ 110,500$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:110,500$ FY FY FY Paul Foley (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Patrol Field Equipment Program Police Department Four (4) ballistic/tactical vest replacement @ $3,100 each $ 12,400 Five (5) ballistic vest replacements @ approx. $900 each $ 4,500 TOTAL: $16,900 First and Last Name 157 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture -$ Equip. Replacement ER 16,900$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment 16,900$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 16,900$ Total Capital 16,900$ Ballistic/Tactical Vests: The vests are warrantied for a five-year period and they will be five years old. For personnel safety, and per the National Institute of Justice Standards, these vests must be replaced. 158 2020 /2021 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O ER 14,500$ ER 14,500$ ER 14,500$ ER 14,500$ ER 14,500$ ER 72,500$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:New X Replacement Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2019 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G) Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 14,500$ 14,500$ 14,500$ 14,500$ 14,500$ 72,500$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:72,500$ FY FY FY Paul Foley (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Firearms Replacement Program Police Department Seven (7) Colt 1911 handguns @ $900/ea:$ 6,300 Eight (8) Aimpoint Optics @ $550/ea:$ 4,400 Four (4) Suppressors w/ mounting brackets $950/ea:$ 3,800 TOTAL: $14,500 First and Last Name 159 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture -$ Equip. Replacement ER 14,500$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment 14,500$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 14,500$ Total Capital 14,500$ Firearms: Replace older or damaged handguns that are currently in use by personnel. The Aimpoint optics would be installed on rifles currently mounted in patrol and administrative vehicles, which provides a quicker and more accurate aiming system for personnel deploying the rifle in an emergency situation. The suppressors are safety devices attached to the patrol rifle to lessen the report of the rifle when fired and protect the hearing of the officers firing the rifle. 160 2020 /2021 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O ER 5,000$ ER 25,000$ ER 20,000$ ER 20,000$ ER 20,000$ ER 90,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:New X Replacement Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2019 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G) Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 5,000$ 25,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 90,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:90,000$ FY FY FY Paul Foley (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Mobile Digital Computer Replacement Program Police Department One (1) Mobile Digital Computer (MDC):$ 5,000 TOTAL: $ 5,000 First and Last Name 161 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture -$ Equip. Replacement ER 5,000$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment 5,000$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 5,000$ Total Capital 5,000$ The purchase of one (1) MDC for FY2020/21 will give the Department the ability to replace the aging MDC that is currently installed in a police vehicle slated for replacement. 162 2020 /2021 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O ER 76,200$ -$ -$ -$ -$ ER 76,200$ U R ER -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ ER -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:New X Replacement Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2019 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G) Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 76,200$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 76,200$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:76,200$ FY FY FY Paul Foley (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Police Records Management & Crimemapping System Upgrades for NIBRS Police Department Police Records Management System and Crimemapping System Upgrades:$76,200 TOTAL: $76,200 First and Last Name 163 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture -$ Equip. Replacement ER 76,200$ Computers & Software 76,200$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment -$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 76,200$ Total Capital 76,200$ For payment of IT software and engineering/configuration services for upgrades to the Police Records Management System and Crime Analysis Unit's Crimemapping system to become complaint with the FBI's new NIBRS standards (a new method of reporting crime statistics to state and federal agencies), to become effective January 1, 2021. The Arcadia Police Department has been designated as a DOJ grant recipient to assist with completing this project and has been awarded $100,000 in grant funding. However, the project is expected to cost $139,000. This project is currently supported by a base of $62,776 from previous FY2015-16 Equipment Replacement Fund savings related to Records Management System Upgrades. Thus, an additional $76,224 in equipment replacement funds is required to complete this project. Ultimately, the City will be reimbursed $100,000 by the end of FY2020-21 and the City's financial obligation remains $39,000. The Project will ensure that the Department reports incident-based crime data that are compliant with the new FBI standard. 164 2020 /2021 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O ER 82,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ ER 82,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:New X Replacement Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2019 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G) Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 82,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 82,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:82,000$ FY FY FY Paul Foley (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Automatic License Plate Reader (ALPR) Replacement & Upgrades Police Department Automatic License Plate Reader (ALPR) Upgrades and Equipment Replacement:$82,000 TOTAL: $82,000 First and Last Name 165 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture -$ Equip. Replacement ER 82,000$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment -$ Grant G $ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment 82,000$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 82,000$ Total Capital 82,000$ The Police Department began the deployment of ALPR systems in 2008, with the installation of cameras on its Police vehicles. In 2015, the Police Department transitioned to the installation of ALPR "fixed" systems at specific intersections in the city to monitor vehicle traffic entering the city and alert the Police Department if any Felony of Stolen vehicles passed through the ALPR intersections. Currently, the city has nine (9) intersections with a total of twenty two (22) ALPR cameras installed. At these intersections, some of the cameras and/or the supporting equipment have exceeded their life expectency. A number of intersections have cameras, modems, or supporting electrical equipment that has either become inoperable or is functioning intermittently. Also, the current ALPR system is supported by two (2) different storage servers because the first phase of ALPR cameras was supported by a company that was purchased by another. The current company, Vigilant, supports both systems, but would need to merge the two servers into one by the replacement of the older cameras with new equipment to be supported by one server. A total of eight (8) camera systems would be either replaced all together or have certain components replaced to bring our current ALPR intersection system back to full and consistent operability. 166 2020 /2021 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O ER 64,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ ER 64,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:X New Replacement Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2019 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G) Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 64,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 64,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:64,000$ FY FY FY Paul Foley (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM PD Building Bi-Directional Amplifier (BDA) System Purchase & Installation Police Department Purchase and Installation of (2) Bi-Directional Amplifiers in the PD Building:$64,000 TOTAL: $64,000 First and Last Name 167 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture -$ Equip. Replacement ER 64,000$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment -$ Grant G $ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment 64,000$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 64,000$ Total Capital 64,000$ In 2019, the Police Department switched to a new Public Safety radio system called the Interagency Communications Interopertability (ICI) System. The transition to this new communications platform gave the Police Department broader radio coverage throughout Los Angeles County, but the ICI system's signal cannot penetrate the Police building. This resulted in "dead spots" of coverage inside the PD building where either a radio signal cannot be received or transmitted. Temporary receivers were set up in areas of the building to ensure radio transmissions could be heard and monitored, but it does not resolve the inability for personnel to transmit or receive important radio communications if individuals are away from the temporary receivers. In order to increase the reception and trasmission of radio communications within the Police facility, the installation of a Bi- Directional Amplifier (BDA) system is necessary to resolve this problem. The BDA will consist of a series of antennas installed inside of the building to pull signal from the outside and boost the radio frequency signals within the concrete walled Police building. 168 2020 /2021 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O ER 58,100$ ER 58,100$ ER 58,100$ -$ ER 174,300$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:New X Replacement X Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2019 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 58,100$ 58,100$ 58,100$ -$ -$ 174,300$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:174,300$ FY FY FY Barry Spriggs (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Cardiac Monitor Replacement Program All Fire Stations In FY 2018-19, nine (9) 12-lead electrocardiograph (“EKG”) cardiac defibrillators/monitors and related equipment including batteries were purchased. Purchasing all nine (9) EKGs allowed for zero interest and payable in the next five years or through FY 2022-23. This is the third year of the five-year payment plan. First and Last Name 169 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture -$ Equip. Replacement ER 58,100$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment 58,100$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 58,100$ Total Capital 58,100$ Cardiac monitors are the most heavily used piece of equipment,which require regular battery replacement. Monitors have a 7-8 year life span. The Fire Department continues to work towards improving service to the community, and increasing the amount of cardiac monitors in the field provides a higher level of paramedic service to the community. Utilizing the County of Los Angeles' cooperative purchasing pricing (also known as “piggybacking”), the City of Arcadia was able to purchase nine (9) 12-lead electrocardiograph (“EKG”) cardiac defibrillators/monitors and necessary equipment for a total amount of $290,141. This purchase would replace and enhance the Fire Department’s paramedic equipment. In addition to the cost-effective bulk-pricing offered through piggybacking, the Fire Department also took advantage of Zoll’s offer of a five-year payment plan, with zero interest, by purchasing all nine (9) 12-lead EKG cardiac defibrillators/monitors during FY 2018-19. With this offer, the City of Arcadia would pay $58,030 annually, for the next five years (commencing in Fiscal Year 2018-19 through 2022-23). 170 2020 /2021 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O ER 80,000$ ER 80,000$ ER 80,000$ ER 80,000$ ER 100,000$ ER 420,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:New X Replacement X Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2019 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 80,000$ 80,000$ 80,000$ 80,000$ 100,000$ 420,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:420,000$ FY FY FY Chen Suen (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Fire Communication and Technology Equipment Replacement Program All Fire Stations Portable Communications Equipment Batteries ($10,000) This includes but not limited to all batteries needed for the following radio communications equipment: Motorola APX 8000 and 7000 series portable radios ($180 per unit) BK KNG CMD P150 Portable Radios ($100 per unit) Mobile and Portable Radios ($60,000) This includes but not limited to the replacement and purchase of the following radio communications equipment : Motorola APX 8000 series mobile and portable radios (approximately $10,000 per unit) Mobile Data Computers for Fire Apparatus and Vehicles ($7,000) The fleet of mobile data computers were replaced last year to comply with Verdugo Fire Communications standards. Computers will continually need to be replaced periodically to maintain reliability and connectivity with the dispatch center. (approximately $3,500 per workstation including touchscreen, CPU, and cabling) Mobile Tablet Computer Replacement (Apple iPads -$3,000) Apple iPads are used in the station for several important functions. Currently, iPads are used to document patient care and business inspections in the field. As the department continues to move towards electronic documentation, the next area to implement this technology is vehicle maintenance and checkout. iPads will continually need to be replaced periodically due to wear and tear. iPad 10.5 64GB ($629.00 per unit for Verizon Contract pricing for Arcadia) *FY 2024-25 -There is an increase to account for iPad replacement due to a five-year life span of computer technology. First and Last Name 171 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture -$ Equip. Replacement ER 80,000$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment -$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment 80,000$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 80,000$ Total Capital 80,000$ Although most purchases can be anticipated, there are others that appear due to exigent circumstances (e.g. equipment failure, meeting area communication requirements and updates). The justification to purchase communication equipment is listed below. Portable Communications Equipment Batteries The manufacturer's recommended life span for the IMPRES model battery is three years maximum. Light indicators on the battery charger will continually recondition these batteries and show whether the lifespan of these batteries will last the recommended three years. Portable radios are a vital and critical component to firefighter safety. The continued replacement, as recommended by the manufacturer, ensures this safety. Mobile and Portable Radios With continued improvements in technology, mobile and portable radios are reaching the boundaries of their capabilities. As such, certain mobile and portable radios are being phased out by manufacturers. The continued replacement of these radios will ensure that the Department is using the current accepted technology and phasing out those that are no longer being serviced. An increase in the budgeted amount will allow the Fire Department to replace outdated radio equipment quicker. Mobile Data Computers for Fire Apparatus and Vehicles The previous manufacturer's recommended lifespan for mobile workstations is five years. The Fire Department will continue to monitor this equipment and replace based on the manufacturer's recommendation. Mobile Tablet Computer Replacement As the Fire Department continues to look at innovative ways to use technology to improve efficiency and preserving the environment, maintaining its mobile tablet computers is important to achieve these goals. Throughout the year, there will be 172 2020 2021 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O ER 40,000$ ER 40,000$ ER 40,000$ ER 40,000$ ER 58,000$ ER 218,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:New X Replacement X Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2019 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 40,000$ 40,000$ 40,000$ 40,000$ 58,000$ 218,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:218,000$ FY FY FY Barry Spriggs (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Fire Suppression Equipment Replacement Program All Fire Stations The Fire Suppression Equipment Replacement Program may include the following elements: -annual purchase and testing of fire hose -life safety rope and related hardware replacement -chain saw and rotary saw replacement -thermal imaging camera and battery replacement -hydraulic vehicle rescue tools, commonly known as "Jaws of Life," supply hoses, and related equipment replacement -equipment designated for domestic preparedness and homeland security replacement Due to their five-year life expectancy, the rescue rope equipment will need to be replaced in FY 2024-25 at an estimated cost of $18,000. First and Last Name 173 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture -$ Equip. Replacement ER 40,000$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment 40,000$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 40,000$ Total Capital 40,000$ Fire Hose Testing -annual testing of all fire hose (approximately 20,000 feet of hose) is required by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). In-house testing is not recommended due to the following: inefficient use of man hours; use of antiquated equipment; and use of outdated procedures that could expose our personnel to possible injury. Fire Hose Replacement -a 10-year replacement program meets the NFPA standards and is utilized to ensure that all fire hose and nozzles are within minimum safety standards. Each year a specific amount of fire hose is purchased, numbered by date,and placed into service for 10 years. All nozzles are also replaced every 10 years. Rope Rescue and Hardware Replacement -10 years is the industry standard for the life expectancy of life safety rope and related hardware. This includes rope, harnesses, webbing, prussic cord, drop bag rope, anchor straps, carabineers, pulleys, and related hardware. This program allows for the purchase of 50% of the department's rope inventory and hardware every five (5) years, which spreads the purchase out and ensures that the entire rope inventory will not reach their maximum life expectancy at the same time. Chain Saw and Rotary Saw Replacement -a five-year replacement program is utilized to ensure that all ventilation saws remain in optimal working condition. This program will allow for the replacement of two (2) saws annually on a scheduled basis. Thermal Imaging Camera Replacement -a six-year replacement program is utilized to ensure that all thermal imaging cameras remain in optimal working condition. This program will allow for the replacement of one (1) thermal imaging camera annually and replacement of batteries every two (2) years. Domestic Preparedness -replacement of decontamination equipment, Duo Dote Auto Injector Kits, sensors for MSA Four Gas Monitors, and sensors for APD 2000 CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive) monitors. 174 2020 /2021 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O ER 9,100$ ER 9,100$ ER 9,100$ ER 750,000$ ER 10,000$ ER 787,300$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:New X Replacement X Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2019 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 9,100$ 9,100$ 9,100$ 750,000$ 10,000$ 787,300$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:787,300$ FY FY FY Barry Spriggs (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) Maintenance Program All Fire Stations The Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) Maintenance Program includes the following components: Every Year Annual Flow test: $95 per Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) x 75 units = $7,125 Annual calibration of Department fit test machine $900 Miscellaneous replacement parts $1,000 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 $7,125 flow test $7,125 flow test $7,125 flow test $750,000 Replace all SCBA's $8,000 flow test $900 calibration $900 calibration $900 calibration $1000 calibration $1,000 replacement parts $1,000 replacement parts $1,000 replacement parts $1,000 replacement parts $9,025 total $9,025 total $9,025 total $750,000 total $10,000 total First and Last Name 175 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture -$ Equip. Replacement ER 9,100$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment 9,100$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 9,100$ Total Capital 9,100$ Annual fit testing of SCBA face pieces for all personnel is mandated by Cal-OSHA and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), and required by the manufacturer. All exhalation valves are replaced to ensure proper fit and function prior to fit testing, and any seals, valves, and diaphragms are inspected and replaced as needed.In FY 2015-16, a new fit test machine was purchased but it still requires annual calibration. The Arcadia Fire Personnel is trained to perform the fit testing. Annual flow testing for all SCBA's is mandated by Cal-OSHA, NIOSH, and the manufacturer in order to ensure that all SCBA's function properly. As part of the flow test, components of the SCBA such as worn straps, cylinder regulators, valve seals,diaphragms, and valve O rings must be inspected and/or replaced.Liability concerns and current SCBA Technology make contracting with an outside vendor for flow testing a more viable and cost effective option in the long run as opposed to flow testing the equipment in house. Further, every five (5) years, a hydrostatic test of all SCBA cylinders valve parts replacement and rebuilding are required by the manufacturer, Cal-OSHA, and NIOSH in order to prevent cylinder failure and enhance firefighter safety. The current SCBA's will expire in FY 2023-24 and thus, they need to be replaced. Unfortunately, their manufacturer Honeywell no longer supports the department's SCBAs with parts becoming more difficult to obtain; and their air bottles would be reaching maximum life capacity and therefore, hydrotesting would no longer be available for this part of the equipment. 176 2020 /2021 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O G 10,000$ G 50,000$ G 25,000$ G 25,000$ G 25,000$ G 135,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:New X Replacement x Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2019 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 10,000$ 50,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 135,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:135,000$ FY FY FY Barry Spriggs (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) Equipment Replacement Program All Fire Stations Purchase of the following Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) equipment. 15 sets of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ensemble for USAR team members, consisting of each of the following PPE sets. Initial replacement of these equipment was presented in FY 2019-20. This is the second year of replacing PPEs for USAR members funded by the State Homeland Security Grant Program (SHSGP). •Pants • Jacket •Belt •Helmet •Eye Protection First and Last Name 177 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture -$ Equip. Replacement ER -$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment 10,000$ Grant G 10,000$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 10,000$ Total Capital 10,000$ State Homeland Security Grant Program (SHSGP) Equipment replacement and upgrades are vital to the success of the Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) Program. Funding is through the State Homeland Security Grant Program (SHSGP), which allows for 100% reimbursement for pre-approved equipment identified through the grant application process. These equipment items are used by specially-trained personnel and are necessary in accomplishing potential operations within incidents assigned. The Arcadia Fire Department's existing USAR Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) are reaching the end of their lifespan. Their cost cannot be absorbed in the annual uniform and PPE operations account. This is the second year of replacing these equipment, which was started during FY 2019-20. Similar to FY 2019-20, 15 sets of PPEs would be purchased and funded by the SHSGP grant funds. 178 2020 /2021 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O ER 8,000$ ER 139,000$ ER 52,100$ ER 48,400$ ER 47,800$ ER 295,300$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:New x Replacement 0 Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 0 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2019 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 8,000$ 139,000$ 52,100$ 48,400$ 47,800$ 295,300$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:295,300$ FY FY FY Darlene Bradley (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Library - Furniture Library Misc. Repairs and Replacement: $2,600 Staff Chair Replacement: $1,800 (3 chairs @ $600 each) Book Truck Replacement: $2,000 Replacement Book Bins: $1600 First and Last Name 179 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture 8,000$ Equip. Replacement ER 8,000$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment -$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 8,000$ Total Capital 8,000$ Over the course of the fiscal year, items regularly need repair and replacement due to unexpected breakage. This would help to cover these costs. This is an ongoing staff chair replacement program in which a few staff chairs are replaced each year. This year, the Technical Services section will be replacing three of their six lumpy, shabby, and broken caster chairs. Book truck replacements will replace the current over 20 year old trucks that no longer meet ergonomic standards. The existing book bins are over 20 years old and the casters have been replaced and cracks re-welded numerous times. The old bins do not fit the new book returns purchased this past fiscal year and books have to be transferred by hand to the older bins. New bins would fit the drops and speed up the retrieval process of returned items. 180 2020 /2021 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O ER 2,000$ ER 20,100$ -$ ER 31,750$ ER 18,750$ ER 72,600$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:x New x Replacement Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2019 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 2,000$ 20,100$ -$ 31,750$ 18,750$ 72,600$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:72,600$ FY FY FY Darlene Bradley (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Library - Equipment Library Chromebase replacement: $ 500 Portable videoconferencing system: $1,250 Replacements for staff printers:$ 250 First and Last Name 181 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture 1,500$ Equip. Replacement ER 2,000$ Computers & Software 500$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment -$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 2,000$ Total Capital 2,000$ Chromebases, a kind of desktop Chromebook, are popular with students used to school-issued Chromebooks, and this request would replace a Chromebase which was failed last year. A portable videoconferencing device could be moved from room to room for staff videoconferences, potentially saving travel expenses and reducing health risks. Staff printers are replaced every 8 years. As printers age, repair costs increase and consumables become more expensive. 182 2020 /2021 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O ER 6,400$ -$ -$ -$ -$ ER 6,400$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:x New Replacement Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2019 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 6,400$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 6,400$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:6,400$ FY FY FY Darlene Bradley (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Closed Circuit Television System for Museum Library & Museum Installation of outdoor security cameras to monitor the Museum buildings. Installation cost for Museum cameras: $6,400 First and Last Name 183 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture 6,400$ Equip. Replacement ER 6,400$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment -$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 6,400$ Total Capital 6,400$ In recent months, the Museum has been experiencing people loitering on the property both during and after hours, especially on their closed days when staff is not present. This is especially a concern for the Museum patio, which is not visible from the street or parking lot. Staff has found matches, cigarettes, and other unsettling materials on the patio, including people sleeping. Outdoor security cameras would provide better surveillance of the courtyard and Museum patio, both during regular and non-operating hours. Currently there are no security cameras on the premises. This is a one time cost for equipment. 184 2020 /2021 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 S O ER 15,000$ ER 15,000$ ER 15,000$ ER 15,000$ ER 15,000$ ER 75,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:X New X Replacement Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2019 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 15,000$ 15,000$ 15,000$ 15,000$ 15,000$ 75,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:15,000$ FY FY FY Sara Somogyi (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Furniture Replacement Program Community Center/Recreation Office Annual furniture replacement for the Community Center/Recreation Office. Replacement of various furniture and fixtures in the facility. Blinds $ 3,000 Upholstery Cleaning $ 1,000 Misc Painting $ 4,000 Equipment Misc. Items $ 3,000 Refinish Desk $ 4,000 First and Last Name 185 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture 15,000$ Equip. Replacement ER 15,000$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment -$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 15,000$ Total Capital 15,000$ The Community Center is used seven days a week year round and is in constant need of replacement/repair items in the facility. 186 EQUIPMENT PURCHASES REQUESTING OFFICE MACH.COMPUTERS &FIELD & PLANT VEHICLES &COMM.OTHER FUNDING PAGE DEPARTMENT & FURNITURE SOFTWARE EQUIPMENT MAJOR PARTS EQUIP.SOURCE 189 Annual Desktop Replacement Administrative Services - 5,000 - - - - Equipment Replacement 191 Annual Network Hardware Replacement Administrative Services - 20,000 - - - - Equipment Replacement/Water 193 Backup AC unit for server room Administrative Services 15,000 - - - - - Equipment Replacement 195 ACTV Audio Visual Broadcast and Production City Manager's Office - - - - 25,000 - Public Edu Govt Access Fund 197 Vehicle Replacement - Water Public Works - - - 100,000 8,000 - Water 199 Vehicle Replacement - Police Public Works/Police - - - 385,000 128,000 - Equipment Replacement 201 Vehicle Replacement-City Hall Public Works - - - 37,500 1,500 - Equipment Replacement 203 Vehicle Replacement - Fire Public Works/Fire - - - 1,151,000 40,000 - Equipment Replacement 205 Public Works Small Tools and Equipment Replacement Public Works - - 220,500 - - - Equipment Replacement/ Water/Sewer 207 Public Works Services Department Furniture Replacement Public Works 20,000 - - - - - Equipment Replacement 209 Vehicle Replacement - Streets Public Works - - - 250,000 12,000 - Equipment Replacement 211 Furniture Replacement Police 10,000 - - - - - Equipment Replacement 213 Communications/Technology Equipment Replacement Police - - - - 22,200 - Equipment Replacement 215 Radio Replacement Police - - - - 117,000 - Equipment Replacement 217 Patrol Field Equipment Program Police - - 22,300 - - - Equipment Replacement 219 Firearms Replacement Program Police - - 14,500 - - - Equipment Replacement 221 Mobile Digital Computer Replacement Program Police - - 25,000 - - - Equipment Replacement 223 Cardiac Monitor Replacement Program Fire - - 58,100 - - - Equipment Replacement 225 Fire Communication and Technology Equipment Replacement Program Fire - - - - 80,000 - Equipment Replacement 227 Fire Station Furniture Replacement Program Fire 20,000 - - - - - Equipment Replacement 229 Fire Suppression Equipment Replacement Program Fire - - 40,000 - - - Equipment Replacement 231 Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) Maintenance Program Fire - - 9,100 - - - Equipment Replacement 233 Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) Equipment Replacement program Fire - - 50,000 - - - State Homeland Security Grant 235 Vehicle Extrication Equipment Replacement - Trucks 105 & 705 Fire - - 124,600 - - - Equipment Replacement 237 Library - Furniture Library and Museum 136,000 - - - - - Equipment Replacement 239 Library - Equipment Library and Museum 18,700 1,400 - - - - Equipment Replacement 241 Library - Radio Frequency Identifier Conversion (RFID) Project Library and Museum 209,000 - - - - - Equipment Replacement 243 Museum Education Center - Art Preservation Library and Museum - - - - - 12,000 Equipment Replacement 245 Furniture Replacement Program Recreation and Community 15,000 - - - - - Equipment Replacement TOTAL FOR FISCAL YEAR 2021-22 3,403,400$ 443,700$ 26,400$ 564,100$ 1,923,500$ 433,700$ 12,000$ CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2021-22 187 CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2021-22 TOTAL FOR FISCAL YEAR 2021-22 GENERAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT RESERVE 3,158,900$ WATER EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT RESERVE 150,200$ SEWER FUND 19,300$ PUBLIC EDUCATION GOVERNMENT ACCESS FUND 25,000$ AQMD -$ Prop A Local Return -$ GRANTS 50,000$ TOTAL 3,403,400$ 188 2021 /2022 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O ER 5,000$ ER 80,000$ ER 80,000$ ER 80,000$ ER 80,000$ ER 325,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:New X Replacement Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2020 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 5,000$ 80,000$ 80,000$ 80,000$ 80,000$ 325,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:325,000$ FY FY FY Wilson Luo (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Annual Desktop Replacement CityWide Departments Annual desktop replacement. The City of Arcadia has 400 workstations. IT is following an industry standard of hardware replacement in a 5 year life cycle. After replacing many of the aged desktops across the City in the past 2 years, batch replacement of desktops will be paused as the hardware is sufficient to process current industry software. First and Last Name 189 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture -$ Equip. Replacement ER 5,000$ Computers & Software 5,000$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment -$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 5,000$ Total Capital 5,000$ For FY 2021-22, The proposed budget amount of $5,000 will cover a few desktops and monitors for new hires, new job functions, or replacement of broken equipment. The batch replacement cycle will restart in FY 2022-23 and return to a 5 year replacement cycle. 190 2021 /2022 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O ER 17,000$ ER 17,000$ ER 17,000$ ER 17,000$ ER 17,000$ ER 85,000$ U R W 3,000$ W 3,000$ W 3,000$ W 3,000$ W 3,000$ W 15,000$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:New X Replacement Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2020 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 20,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 100,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:100,000$ FY FY FY Wilson Luo (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Annual Network Hardware Replacement CityWide Annual Network Hardware Replacement FY 2021-2022 Department Devices Quantity Cost per device Total Fire Switches 1 $3,000 $3,000 Fire Router 1 $7,000 $7,000 Public Works Switches 1 $3,000 $3,000 City Hall Switches 1 $7,000 $7,000 First and Last Name 191 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture -$ Equip. Replacement ER 17,000$ Computers & Software 20,000$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment -$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W 3,000$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 20,000$ Total Capital 20,000$ The City of Arcadia has more than 100 networking devices including switches, routers, firewall, access point, etc. These networking hardware devices are following an industry standard 5 year replacement life cycle. 192 2021 /2022 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O ER 15,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ ER 15,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:X New Replacement Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2020 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Wilson Luo (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Backup AC unit for server room City Hall ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:15,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 15,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 15,000$ FY Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other A second backup AC unit dedicated to CityHall server room will keep all critical system operating at all time in an event of primary AC is out of service. First and Last Name 193 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture 15,000$ Equip. Replacement ER 15,000$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment -$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 15,000$ Total Capital 15,000$ The current AC unit in the City Hall server room is experiencing intermittent outage. Temperature consistency is required for cooling a data center environment that fluctuates greatly. When AC is down, fans have to be added in the room to temporarily reduce the heat generated from all of the technology equipment. Ceiling tiles have to open to release heat into upper ceiling to cool the room. This is a deferred equipment replacement item originally planned for FY2020-21. 194 2021 /2022 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O O 25,000$ O 25,000$ O 25,000$ O 25,000$ O 25,000$ O 125,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:New X Replacement Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2020 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 25,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 125,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:125,000$ FY FY FY Michael Bruckner (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM ACTV Audio Visual Broadcast and Production City Council Chambers Miscellaneous audio/video equipment replacement for broadcast and production of ACTV and City Council meetings. First and Last Name 195 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture -$ Equip. Replacement ER -$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment -$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment 25,000$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O 25,000$ Total Capital 25,000$ Total Capital 25,000$ PEG Fund Miscellaneous replacement of equipment. 196 2021 /2022 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O W 108,000$ W 199,000$ W 322,300$ W 204,000$ -$ W 833,300$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:New X Replacement Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2020 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other Estimated Total 108,000$ 199,000$ 322,300$ 204,000$ -$ 833,300$ FY FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:833,300$ FY FY FY Tyler Polidori (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Vehicle Replacement - Water Public Works Services Department One (1) New 3/4 Ton Stake Bed Pickup $ 60,000 One (1) New 1/2 Ton Pickup $ 40,000 Installation of communication, safety lighting, and fueling transmitter packages $ 8,000 $108,000 First and Last Name 197 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture -$ Equip. Replacement ER -$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment -$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts 100,000$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment 8,000$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W 108,000$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 108,000$ Total Capital 108,000$ The following equipment meets the criteria for vehicle replacement (mileage is through February 2020).Projected mileage is through June 2020. ASSET YEAR/MODEL DEPT.THREE-YEAR MAINT. MILEAGE PROJ./MILEAGE MI./YR. #80089 2000 Pickup Water $2,691 133,787 135,591 3,608 #80109 2001 Pickup Water $4,574 82,159 83,526 2,734 198 2021 /2022 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O ER 513,000$ ER 66,700$ ER 136,000$ ER 138,600$ ER 196,600$ ER 1,050,900$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:New X Replacement Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2020 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Tyler Polidori (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Vehicle Replacement - Police Police Department ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:1,050,900$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 513,000$ 66,700$ 136,000$ 138,600$ 196,600$ 1,050,900$ FY Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other Vehicle Replacements deferred from FY 2020-21: One (1) New Patrol Vehicle $ 44,000 One (1) 4x4 Crew Cab Pickup $ 30,000 One (1) CSI Van $ 30,000 One (1) Jail Transport Van $ 30,000 Installation of communication, safety lighting, and fueling transmitter packages $ 44,000 Total $ 178,000 Vehicle Replacements planned for FY 2021-22: Three (3)New Patrol Vehicles $ 136,200 Two (2) New Admin.Vehicles $ 84,800 One (1) Used Detective vehicle $ 30,000 Installation of communication, safety lighting, and fueling transmitter packages $ 84,000 Total $ 335,000 Net Total $ 513,000 First and Last Name 199 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture -$ Equip. Replacement ER 513,000$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment -$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts 385,000$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment 128,000$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 513,000$ Total Capital 513,000$ The following equipment meets the criteria for vehicle replacement (mileage is through February 2020).Projected mileage is through June 2020. ASSET YEAR/MODEL DEPT THREE-YEAR MAINT.MILEAGE PROJ./MILEAGE MI./YR. (FY 2020-21 Vehicles) #80292 2011 Patrol Sedan Patrol $ 7,475 46,124 56,484 20,719 #80078 2000 Pickup Logistics $ 3,406 66,409 67,522 2,225 #80102 2001 Van Admin $ 4,891 36,652 37,127 949 #80159 2003 Van CSI $ 3,404 14,362 14,525 326 (FY 2021-22 Vehicles) #80371 2017 Patrol SUV Patrol $ 24,774 53,674 68,721 30,094 #80386 2017 Patrol SUV Patrol $ 8,853 54,808 71,090 32,563 #80387 2017 Patrol SUV Patrol $ 7,577 53,907 70,407 32,999 #80329 2014 SUV Admin $ 3,080 79,210 80,794 3,167 #80350 2016 SUV Admin $10,157 104,213 116,031 23,636 #80196 2005 Sedan Detective $ 2,339 73,950 76,059 4,217 200 2021 /2022 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O ER 39,000$ -$ ER 74,600$ -$ -$ ER 113,600$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:New X Replacement Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2020 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Tyler Polidori (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Vehicle Replacement-City Hall City Hall ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:113,600$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 39,000$ -$ 74,600$ -$ -$ 113,600$ FY Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other One (1) New Minivan $37,500 Installation of communication, safety lighting, and fueling transmitter packages $ 1,500 $39,000 First and Last Name 201 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture -$ Equip. Replacement ER 39,000$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment -$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts 37,500$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment 1,500$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 39,000$ Total Capital 39,000$ The following equipment meets the criteria for vehicle replacement (mileage is through February 2020). Projected mileage is through June 2020. ASSET YEAR/MODEL DEPT.THREE-YEAR MAINT.MILEAGE PROJ. MILEAGE MI./YR. #80114 2001 Minivan Recreation $2,189 29,736 30,327 1,181 202 2021 /2022 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O ER 1,191,000$ ER 211,700$ ER 217,900$ ER 1,230,000$ ER 1,137,000$ ER 3,987,600$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:New X Replacement Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2020 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Tyler Polidori (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Vehicle Replacement - Fire Fire Department ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:3,987,600$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 1,191,000$ 211,700$ 217,900$ 1,230,000$ 1,137,000$ 3,987,600$ FY Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other Vehicle Replacements deferred from FY 2020-21: One (1) new Pump truck $ 900,000 One (1) new 4x4 Crew Cab Pickup $ 50,000 Installation of communication, safety lighting, and fueling transmitter packages $ 35,000 $ 985,000 Vehicle Replacements planned for FY 2021-22: One (1) New Rescue Ambulance $ 201,000 Installation of communication, safety lighting, and fueling transmitter packages $ 5,000 $ 206,000 Net Total $ 1,191,000 First and Last Name 203 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture -$ Equip. Replacement ER 1,191,000$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment -$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts 1,151,000$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment 40,000$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 1,191,000$ Total Capital 1,191,000$ The following equipment meets the criteria for vehicle replacement (mileage is through February 2020). Projected mileage is through June 2020. ASSET YEAR/MODEL DEPT. THREE-YEAR MAINT MILEAGE PROJ/MILEAGE MI./YR. (FY 2020-21 Vehicles) #80226 2007 Pumper Fire $13,740 95,620 98,628 6,015#60165 1994 Pickup Fire $1,903 53,359 53,914 1,109 (FY 2021-22 Vehicles) #80348 2015 Ambulance Fire $19,341 45,631 51,827 12,391 204 2021 /2022 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O W 39,200$ W 30,000$ W 30,000$ W 30,000$ W 30,000$ W 159,200$ U R ER 162,000$ ER 50,000$ ER 50,000$ ER 50,000$ ER 50,000$ ER 362,000$ C E S 19,300$ S 10,000$ S 10,000$ S 10,000$ S 10,000$ S 59,300$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:X New X Replacement Previously Programmed Project FY Programmed, but not commenced for FY II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Tyler Polidori (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Public Works Small Tools and Equipment Replacement Public Works Services Department ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:580,500$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 220,500$ 90,000$ 90,000$ 90,000$ 90,000$ 580,500$ FY Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other Small Tools & Equipment Deferred from FY 2020-21: Public Works Streets and General Services 1. Towable Air Compressor/Generator (Streets)$ 25,000 2. Tool and Equipment Storage Bay (Fleet)$ 15,000 3. Scissor Lift (General Services)$ 35,000 $ 75,000 Utilities 4. Message Board/Arrow Board (Water/Sewer)$ 18,500 Small Tools & Equipment Planned for FY 2021-22: Public Works Streets and General Services 5. Towable Air Compressor/Generator (Streets)$ 25,000 6. HVAC System recovery/recharge machine (Fleet)$ 12,000 7. Santa Sleigh $ 35,000 8. Portable Air Conditioning Units x 3 Units $ 15,000 $ 87,000 Utilities 9. Sewer Discharge Hose (Sewer)$ 5,000 10. Liquid Chlorine Injection Pump System (Water)$ 21,000 11. Sewer Cleaning Head (Sewer)$ 5,000 12. Water Discharge Pump (Water)$ 4,500 13. Watt Power Generator (Water)$ 4,500 $ 40,000 Total = $ 220,500 First and Last Name 205 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture -$ Equip. Replacement ER 162,000$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment 220,500$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S 19,300$ Communication Equipment -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W 39,200$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 220,500$ Total Capital 220,500$ 1. PWSD staff uses 2 towable air compressors in the repair and maintenance of streets and sidewalks. One of the diesel-fuel air compressor engines has extensive wear and tear and is also out of compliance with AQMD regulations. 2. The drawers and drawer slides on the existing tools storage bays are worn out and sagging due to age and frequent use. The bays are also lacking electrical receptacles and battery charging stations, which are needed to charge modern battery-operated power tools and scanners. This is the final year of a 4-year replacement schedule that was implemented to defer costs. 3. General Services PWSD staff are regularly required to climb tall ladders to perform streetlight maintenance tasks and repairs to building facades. Working from a ladder at these heights is dangerous and inefficient. A scissor lift will allow crews to work from a stable platform which will enable them to complete tasks more quickly and safely. 4. Water Service Crews perform the majority of their work on city streets around the flow of traffic. Most work sites require traffic delineation to mitigate hazards. Message and arrow boards provide instructions to drivers near work zones and currently the water division needs to purchase a new message and arrow board. 5. Replacement of second air compressor, as described in justification note 1. 6. A EPA has recently required a transition in the refrigrant used in fleet vehicle from R-134 to R-1234yf. This change in air conditioning refrigerants requires a new type of HVAC recovery and recharge machine. The current HVAC machine is not compatible with the R- 1234yf refrigerant. A new HVAC machine will be housed in the fleet garage and serve all City vehicles. 7. The current Santa Sleigh that is used for the annual Santa Squad holiday event was fabricated by City staff many years ago and has started to show age. Many of the lights are not operational and the decorations are dirty and cannot be sufficiently cleaned. A new Santa Sleigh will be designed and manufactured by a float building contractor. 8. The City does not currently own any portable air conditioning systems to be used in the event of an air conditioning failure at one of the City sites. The three portable air conditioning units will operate off of 120V power and evacuate hot air into the space above drop ceilings. They will be used during critical times when air conditioning systems are offline. 9. A sewer discharge/bypass hose is required in the event of an emergency or maintenance operation requiring the need to bypass a sewer main. The City has a 6" sewer pump specifically for this purpose. The bypass hose that connects to the pump has been in service for over 15 years and has reached its usable life span. The City will replace it with a new 6" bypass hose. 10. Liquid chlorine injection pumps are used to disinfect the City's water system. These injection pump systems operate on average over 7,500 hours per year. Many of these systems have been in use for 10 years or more. As part of the liquid chlorine injection pump replacement program, the city will replace three pumps this year. 11. Sewer cleaning heads are used in the daily operations of sewer system maintenance. The sewer crew needs to replace one cleaning heads as it has reached life expectancy. 12. City crews utilize water discharge pumps for a variety of tasks. Typically, such pumps are used on a daily basis for dewatering excavated trenches. One of the water pumps needs to be replaced due to its annually run hour total. 13. City crews utilize electrical power tools each day on different job sites. Currently the Water crew is in need of replacing one power generator due to its annual run hour total. 206 2021 /2022 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O ER 20,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ ER 20,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:New X Replacement Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2020 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Tyler Polidori (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Public Works Services Department Furniture Replacement Public Works Services Department ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:20,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 20,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 20,000$ FY Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other Deferred from FY 2020-21: Replace work stations in the SCADA Room ($10,000) Planned for FY 2021-22: Replace work stations in the Principal Engineer and General Services Superintendent offices. ($10,000) First and Last Name 207 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture 20,000$ Equip. Replacement ER 20,000$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment -$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 20,000$ Total Capital 20,000$ The office furniture in the SCADA Room consists of used, aged wood furniture that has been repurposed after being surplused from other offices. There are insufficient writing surfaces and under-counter filing cabinets for document storage. Three new work stations will be installed to mimic the work stations that were recently installed in the Crew Supervisors' office and in the PWSD main office area. This will be configured to better equip the work stations, writing surfaces, and computer viewing areas. The office furniture in the Principal Engineer and General Services Superintendent offices is old wood furniture that is not ergonomically or efficiently designed. There are insufficient writing surfaces and under-counter fileing cabinets for document storage. The new work stations to be installed will mimic the work stations in the PWSD main office area. The work surface will be configured to better equip the work stations, writing surfaces, and computer viewing areas. 208 2021 /2022 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O ER 262,000$ ER 616,300$ ER 592,800$ ER 569,900$ ER 67,800$ ER 2,108,800$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:X New X Replacement Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2020 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Tyler Polidori (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Vehicle Replacement - Streets Public Works Services Department ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:2,108,800$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 262,000$ 616,300$ 592,800$ 569,900$ 67,800$ 2,108,800$ FY Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other Vehicle Replacements deferred from FY 2020-21: One (1) New 3/4 Ton Utility Body Pickup Truck $ 55,000 One (1) New 3/4 Ton Standard Bed Pickup Truck $ 45,000 Installation of communication, safety lighting, and fueling transmitter packages $ 8,000 Total $ 108,000 Vehicle Replacements planned for FY 2021-22: One (1) Heavy Duty Stake Bed Truck $ 150,000 Installation of communication, safety lighting, and fueling transmitter packages $ 4,000 Total $ 154,000 Net Total $ 262,000 First and Last Name 209 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture -$ Equip. Replacement ER 262,000$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment -$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts 250,000$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment 12,000$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O Total Capital 262,000$ Total Capital 262,000$ The following equipment meets the criteria for vehicle replacement (mileage is through February 2020).Projected mileage is through June 2020. ASSET YEAR/MODEL THREE YEAR MAINT.MILEAGE PROJ. MILEAGE MI./YR. (FY 2020-21 Vehicles) #80156 2003 3/4 Ton Utility Bed Truck $ 5,613 102,961 104,867 3,812 #80278 2011 3/4 Ton Pickup $11,088 135,422 143,976 17,108 (FY 2021-22 Vehicles) #60066 1990 Stake Bed Truck $ 6,116 87,700 88,792 2,183 210 2021 /2022 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O ER 10,000$ ER 5,000$ ER 5,000$ ER 5,000$ ER 5,000$ ER 30,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:New X Replacement Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2020 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G) Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 10,000$ 5,000$ 5,000$ 5,000$ 5,000$ 30,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:30,000$ FY FY FY Paul Foley (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Furniture Replacement Police Department Replace miscellaneous furniture pieces in the Department that are over 10 years old. Furniture replacement deferred from FY 2020-21:$ 5,000 Furniture replacement planned for FY 2021-22:$ 5,000 TOTAL: $10,000 First and Last Name 211 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture 10,000$ Equip. Replacement ER 10,000$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment -$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 10,000$ Total Capital 10,000$ Furniture Replacement: The furniture in the Department is over 10 years old, and some furniture needs to be replaced on a systematic basis in the various offices. Also, the desk space partitions that are installed throughout the building were originally installed in 2003 and are deteriorating. The plan is to continue refurbishing the partitions in the building. 212 2021 /2022 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O ER 22,200$ ER 18,500$ ER 18,500$ ER 18,500$ ER 18,500$ ER 96,200$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:New X Replacement Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2020 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G) Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 22,200$ 18,500$ 18,500$ 18,500$ 18,500$ 96,200$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:96,200$ FY FY FY Paul Foley (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Communications/Technology Equipment Replacement Police Department Six (6) Lightbars @ $3,700 each (includes LED angled lighting kits, consoles, mounts, "Banshee Amp", speakers, and LED spotlights): Lightbar Purchase Deferred from FY 2020-21:$ 3,700 Lightbar Purchase Planned for FY 2021-22:$ 18,500 TOTAL: $ 22,200 First and Last Name 213 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture -$ Equip. Replacement ER 22,200$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment -$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment 22,200$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 22,200$ Total Capital 22,200$ Lightbars: The lightbars are required emergency equipment, which will be installed on six (6) new police black and white vehicles scheduled for replacement in FY 2021-22. 214 2021 /2022 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O ER 117,000$ ER 117,000$ ER 117,000$ ER 117,000$ ER 117,000$ ER 585,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:New X Replacement Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2020 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G) Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 117,000$ 117,000$ 117,000$ 117,000$ 117,000$ 585,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:585,000$ FY FY FY Paul Foley (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Radio Replacement Police Department Replace aging or obsolete Mobile ("In-car") and Portable ("Handheld") radios. Portable radio costs = $7,000 each Dual Band mobile radio costs = $10,000 each Misc. Radio batteries, chargers, and accessories TOTAL: $117,000 First and Last Name 215 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture -$ Equip. Replacement ER 117,000$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment -$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment 117,000$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 117,000$ Total Capital 117,000$ Radio Replacement: The following purchases are requested as part of the Department's radio replacement plan. The portable and mobile radios have a seven year life expectancy. The newly purchased radios will be replacing units that have been in service beyond the recommended time period and those radios that are not P-25 (FCC) compliant. The batteries, chargers, and accessories will be used to support the fleet of radios. This fiscal year's plan is to address all the mobile radios in the Department's fleet of marked and unmarked vehicles, which is in completion of joining the Interagency Communications Interoperability System (ICI). 216 2021 /2022 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O ER 22,300$ ER 22,700$ ER 31,700$ ER 16,900$ ER 22,300$ ER 115,900$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:New X Replacement Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2020 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G) Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 22,300$ 22,700$ 31,700$ 16,900$ 22,300$ 115,900$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:115,900$ FY FY FY Paul Foley (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Patrol Field Equipment Program Police Department Four (4) ballistic/tactical vest replacement @ $3,100 each $ 12,400 Eleven (11) ballistic vest replacements @ approx. $900 each $ 9,900 TOTAL: $ 22,300 First and Last Name 217 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture -$ Equip. Replacement ER 22,300$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment 22,300$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 22,300$ Total Capital 22,300$ Ballistic/Tactical Vests: The vests are warrantied for a five-year period and they will be five years old. For personnel safety, and per the National Institute of Justice Standards, these vests must be replaced. 218 2021 /2022 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O ER 14,500$ ER 14,500$ ER 14,500$ ER 14,500$ ER 14,500$ ER 72,500$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:New X Replacement Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2020 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G) Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 14,500$ 14,500$ 14,500$ 14,500$ 14,500$ 72,500$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:72,500$ FY FY FY Paul Foley (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Firearms Replacement Program Police Department Seven (7) Colt 1911 handguns @ $900/ea:$ 6,300 Eight (8) Aimpoint Optics @ $550/ea:$ 4,400 Four (4) Suppressors w/ mounting brackets $950/ea:$ 3,800 TOTAL: $ 14,500 First and Last Name 219 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture -$ Equip. Replacement ER 14,500$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment 14,500$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 14,500$ Total Capital 14,500$ Firearms: Replace older or damaged handguns that are currently in use by personnel. The Aimpoint optics would be installed on rifles currently mounted in patrol and administrative vehicles, which provides a quicker and more accurate aiming system for personnel deploying the rifle in an emergency situation. The suppressors are safety devices attached to the patrol rifle to lessen the report of the rifle when fired and protect the hearing of the officers firing the rifle. 220 2021 /2022 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O ER 25,000$ ER 20,000$ ER 20,000$ ER 20,000$ ER 20,000$ ER 105,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:New X Replacement Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2020 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G) Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 25,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 105,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:105,000$ FY FY FY Paul Foley (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Mobile Digital Computer Replacement Program Police Department Deferred from FY 2020-21: One (1) Mobile Digital Computer (MDC):$ 5,000 Planned for FY 2021-22: Four (4) Mobile Digital Computers (MDC):$ 20,000 TOTAL: $ 25,000 First and Last Name 221 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture -$ Equip. Replacement ER 25,000$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment 25,000$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 25,000$ Total Capital 25,000$ The purchase of five (5) MDCs for FY2021-22 will give the Department the ability to replace the aging MDCs that are currently installed in 5 police vehicles that are slated for replacement. 222 2021 /2022 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O ER 58,100$ ER 58,100$ -$ -$ -$ ER 116,200$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:New X Replacement X Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2020 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 58,100$ 58,100$ -$ -$ -$ 116,200$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:116,200$ FY FY FY Barry Spriggs (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Cardiac Monitor Replacement Program All Fire Stations In FY 2018-19, nine (9) 12-lead electrocardiograph (“EKG”) cardiac defibrillators/monitors and related equipment including batteries were purchased. Purchasing all nine (9) EKGs allowed for zero interest and payable in the next five years or through FY 2022-23. This is the fourth year of the five-year payment plan. First and Last Name 223 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture -$ Equip. Replacement ER 58,100$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment 58,100$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 58,100$ Total Capital 58,100$ Cardiac monitors are the most heavily used piece of equipment,which require regular battery replacement. Monitors have a 7-8 year life span. The Fire Department continues to work towards improving service to the community, and increasing the amount of cardiac monitors in the field provides a higher level of paramedic service to the community. Utilizing the County of Los Angeles' cooperative purchasing pricing (also known as “piggybacking”), the City of Arcadia was able to purchase nine (9) 12-lead electrocardiograph (“EKG”) cardiac defibrillators/monitors and necessary equipment for a total amount of $290,141. This purchase would replace and enhance the Fire Department’s paramedic equipment. In addition to the cost-effective bulk-pricing offered through piggybacking, the Fire Department also took advantage of Zoll’s offer of a five-year payment plan, with zero interest, by purchasing all nine (9) 12-lead EKG cardiac defibrillators/monitors during FY 2018-19. With this offer, the City of Arcadia would pay $58,030 annually, for the next five years (commencing in Fiscal Year 2018-19 through 2022-23). 224 2021 /2022 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O ER 80,000$ ER 80,000$ ER 80,000$ ER 100,000$ ER 80,000$ ER 420,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:New X Replacement X Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2020 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 80,000$ 80,000$ 80,000$ 100,000$ 80,000$ 420,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:420,000$ FY FY FY Chen Suen (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Fire Communication and Technology Equipment Replacement Program All Fire Stations Portable Communications Equipment Batteries ($10,000) This includes but not limited to all batteries needed for the following radio communications equipment: Motorola APX 8000 and 7000 series portable radios ($180 per unit) BK KNG CMD P150 Portable Radios ($100 per unit) Mobile and Portable Radios ($60,000) This includes but not limited to the replacement and purchase of the following radio communications equipment : Motorola APX 8000 series mobile and portable radios (approximately $10,000 per unit) Mobile Data Computers for Fire Apparatus and Vehicles ($7,000) The fleet of mobile data computers were replaced last year to comply with Verdugo Fire Communications standards. Computers will continually need to be replaced periodically to maintain reliability and connectivity with the dispatch center. (approximately $3,500 per workstation including touchscreen, CPU, and cabling) Mobile Tablet Computer Replacement (Apple iPads -$3,000) Apple iPads are used in the station for several important functions. Currently, iPads are used to document patient care and business inspections in the field. As the department continues to move towards electronic documentation, the next area to implement this technology is vehicle maintenance and checkout. iPads will continually need to be replaced periodically due to wear and tear. iPad 10.5 64GB ($629.00 per unit for Verizon Contract pricing for Arcadia) *FY 2024-25 -There is an increase to account for iPad replacement due to a five-year life span of computer technology. First and Last Name 225 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture -$ Equip. Replacement ER 80,000$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment -$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment 80,000$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 80,000$ Total Capital 80,000$ Although most purchases can be anticipated, there are others that appear due to exigent circumstances (e.g. equipment failure, meeting area communication requirements and updates). The justification to purchase communication equipment is listed below. Portable Communications Equipment Batteries The manufacturer's recommended life span for the IMPRES model battery is three years maximum. Light indicators on the battery charger will continually recondition these batteries and show whether the lifespan of these batteries will last the recommended three years. Portable radios are a vital and critical component to firefighter safety. The continued replacement, as recommended by the manufacturer, ensures this safety. Mobile and Portable Radios With continued improvements in technology, mobile and portable radios are reaching the boundaries of their capabilities. As such, certain mobile and portable radios are being phased out by manufacturers. The continued replacement of these radios will ensure that the Department is using the current accepted technology and phasing out those that are no longer being serviced. An increase in the budgeted amount will allow the Fire Department to replace outdated radio equipment quicker. Mobile Data Computers for Fire Apparatus and Vehicles The previous manufacturer's recommended lifespan for mobile workstations is five years. The Fire Department will continue to monitor this equipment and replace based on the manufacturer's recommendation. Mobile Tablet Computer Replacement As the Fire Department continues to look at innovative ways to use technology to improve efficiency and preserving the environment, maintaining its mobile tablet computers is important to achieve these goals. Throughout the year, there will be 226 2021 /2022 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O ER 20,000$ ER 10,000$ ER 10,000$ ER 10,000$ ER 10,000$ ER 60,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:New X Replacement X Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 Programmed, but not commenced for FY II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 20,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 60,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:60,000$ FY FY FY Cody Cerwin (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Fire Station Furniture Replacement Program All Fire Stations As part of the Fire Station Furniture Replacement Program, the items requiring replacement include day room chairs, mattresses, work stations, and other highly utilized furniture. Furniture Replacement Deferred from FY 2020-21:$ 10,000 Furniture Replacement Planned for FY 2021-22:$ 10,000 Total:$ 20,000 First and Last Name 227 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture 20,000$ Equip. Replacement ER 20,000$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment -$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 20,000$ Total Capital 20,000$ Currently, the Fire Department has several furniture items in need of replacement due to aging and deterioration. The Fire Station Furniture Replacement Program will allow replacements for this furniture within all Arcadia Fire Stations. Over the years, the department has been replacing or repairing the items on a piecemeal basis but over time, they have started to fall apart. Implementation of this program will allow for advanced planning for equipment replacement, which could also result in obtaining better and more cost-effective pricing through competitive bidding. 228 2021 2022 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O ER 40,000$ ER 40,000$ ER 40,000$ ER 40,000$ ER 58,000$ ER 218,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:New X Replacement X Previously Programmed Project FY 2021 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2020 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 40,000$ 40,000$ 40,000$ 40,000$ 58,000$ 218,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:218,000$ FY FY FY Barry Spriggs (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Fire Suppression Equipment Replacement Program All Fire Stations The Fire Suppression Equipment Replacement Program may include the following elements: -annual purchase and testing of fire hose -life safety rope and related hardware replacement -chain saw and rotary saw replacement -thermal imaging camera and battery replacement -hydraulic vehicle rescue tools, commonly known as "Jaws of Life," supply hoses, and related equipment replacement -equipment designated for domestic preparedness and homeland security replacement Due to their five-year life expectancy, the rescue rope equipment will need to be replaced in FY 2024-25 at an estimated cost of $18,000. First and Last Name 229 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture -$ Equip. Replacement ER 40,000$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment 40,000$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 40,000$ Total Capital 40,000$ Fire Hose Testing -annual testing of all fire hose (approximately 20,000 feet of hose) is required by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). In-house testing is not recommended due to the following: inefficient use of man hours; use of antiquated equipment; and use of outdated procedures that could expose our personnel to possible injury. Fire Hose Replacement -a 10-year replacement program meets the NFPA standards and is utilized to ensure that all fire hose and nozzles are within minimum safety standards. Each year a specific amount of fire hose is purchased, numbered by date,and placed into service for 10 years. All nozzles are also replaced every 10 years. Rope Rescue and Hardware Replacement -10 years is the industry standard for the life expectancy of life safety rope and related hardware. This includes rope, harnesses, webbing, prussic cord, drop bag rope, anchor straps, carabineers, pulleys, and related hardware. This program allows for the purchase of 50% of the department's rope inventory and hardware every five (5) years, which spreads the purchase out and ensures that the entire rope inventory will not reach their maximum life expectancy at the same time. Chain Saw and Rotary Saw Replacement -a five-year replacement program is utilized to ensure that all ventilation saws remain in optimal working condition. This program will allow for the replacement of two (2) saws annually on a scheduled basis. Thermal Imaging Camera Replacement -a six-year replacement program is utilized to ensure that all thermal imaging cameras remain in optimal working condition. This program will allow for the replacement of one (1) thermal imaging camera annually and replacement of batteries every two (2) years. Domestic Preparedness -replacement of decontamination equipment, Duo Dote Auto Injector Kits, sensors for MSA Four Gas Monitors, and sensors for APD 2000 CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive) monitors. 230 2021 /2022 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O ER 9,100$ ER 9,100$ ER 750,000$ ER 10,000$ ER 10,000$ ER 788,200$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:New X Replacement X Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2019 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 9,100$ 9,100$ 750,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 788,200$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:788,200$ FY FY FY Barry Spriggs (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) Maintenance Program All Fire Stations The Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) Maintenance Program includes the following components: Every Year Annual Flow test: $95 per Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) x 75 units = $7,125 Annual calibration of Department fit test machine $900 Miscellaneous replacement parts $1,000 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 $7,125 flow test $7,125 flow test $750,000 Replace all SCBA's $8,000 flow test $8,000 flow test $900 calibration $900 calibration $1,000 calibration $1,000 calibration $1,000 replacement parts $1,000 replacement parts $1,000 replacement parts $1,000 replacement parts ______________ $9,025 total $9,025 total $750,000 total $10,000 total $10,000 total First and Last Name 231 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture -$ Equip. Replacement ER 9,100$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment 9,100$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 9,100$ Total Capital 9,100$ Annual fit testing of SCBA face pieces for all personnel is mandated by Cal-OSHA and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), and required by the manufacturer. All exhalation valves are replaced to ensure proper fit and function prior to fit testing, and any seals, valves, and diaphragms are inspected and replaced as needed.In FY 2015-16, a new fit test machine was purchased but it still requires annual calibration. The Arcadia Fire Personnel is trained to perform the fit testing. Annual flow testing for all SCBA's is mandated by Cal-OSHA, NIOSH, and the manufacturer in order to ensure that all SCBA's function properly. As part of the flow test, components of the SCBA such as worn straps, cylinder regulators, valve seals,diaphragms, and valve O rings must be inspected and/or replaced.Liability concerns and current SCBA Technology make contracting with an outside vendor for flow testing a more viable and cost effective option in the long run as opposed to flow testing the equipment in house. Further, every five (5) years, a hydrostatic test of all SCBA cylinders valve parts replacement and rebuilding are required by the manufacturer, Cal-OSHA, and NIOSH in order to prevent cylinder failure and enhance firefighter safety. The current SCBA's will expire in FY 2023-24 and thus, they need to be replaced. Unfortunately, their manufacturer Honeywell no longer supports the department's SCBAs with parts becoming more difficult to obtain; and their air bottles would be reaching maximum life capacity and therefore, hydrotesting would no longer be available for this part of the equipment. 232 2021 /2022 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O G 50,000$ G 25,000$ G 25,000$ G 25,000$ G 25,000$ G 150,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:New x Replacement x Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2020 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 50,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 150,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:150,000$ FY FY FY Barry Spriggs (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) Equipment Replacement program USAR 106 Purchase of the following Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) equipment. Hydraulic extrication equiment for USAR 106 consists of tools that can spread open a door, cut away a portion of the vehicle, and lift the vehicle. This tool set would be lightweight "edraulic" tools, which consist of a tool, pump and power source, all combined into one tool. On an incident when minutes matter, since the tools are self contained, rescuers can begin to free a trapped victim within moments of arriving on scene. The tool kit would consist of the following: •Hydraulic Spreader •Hydraulic Cutter •Hydraulic Combination Tool •Hydraulic Rams (2) •Spare batteries and battery chargers First and Last Name 233 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture -$ Equip. Replacement ER -$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment 50,000$ Grant G 50,000$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 50,000$ Total Capital 50,000$ State Homeland Security Grant Program (SHSGP) Equipment replacement and upgrades are vital to the success of the Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) Program. Funding is through the State Homeland Security Grant Program (SHSGP), which allows for 100% reimbursement for pre-approved equipment identified through the grant application process. These equipment items are used by specially-trained personnel and are necessary in accomplishing potential operations within incidents assigned. The Arcadia Fire Department's current hydraulic extrication equipment is 10 years old. These USAR tools are in need of maintenance and repair, and are no longer under warranty. As such, some of of the department's existing tools can no longer be repaired and have to be replaced. Since the equipment was purchased, vehicles are now made with stronger and more advanced materials requiring more powerful and effective tools. 234 2021 /2022 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O ER 124,600$ -$ -$ -$ -$ ER 124,600$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:New X Replacement X Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2020 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 124,600$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 124,600$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:124,600$ FY FY FY Barry Spriggs (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Vehicle Extrication Equipment Replacement - Trucks 105 & 705 All Fire Stations Hydraulic extrication equipment for Truck 105 and Truck 705 consists of tools that can spread open a door, cut away a portion of the vehicle, and lift the vehicle. This tool set would be lightweight "edraulic" tools, which consist of a tool,pump and power source, all combined into one tool. On an incident when minutes matter, since the tools are self contained, rescuers can begin to free a trapped victim within moments of arriving on scene. The kits would consist of the following: •Hydraulic Spreader •Hydraulic Cutter •Hydraulic Combination Tool •Hydraulic Rams (2) •Spare batteries and battery chargers Kit for Truck 705: $62,300 Kit for Truck 105: $62,300 (Replacement expenditure deferred from FY 2020-21) First and Last Name 235 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture -$ Equip. Replacement ER 124,600$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment 124,600$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 124,600$ Total Capital 124,600$ The Arcadia Fire Department's current hydraulic extrication equipment on Truck 105 and Truck 705 is 10 years old. These tools are in need of maintenance and repair, and are no longer under warranty. As such, some of the department's existing tools can no longer be repaired and have to be replaced. Since the equipment was purchased, vehicles are now made with stronger and more advanced materials requiring more powerful and effective tools. Currently, the department has three sets of hydraulic extrication equipment which are placed in Truck 105, Truck 705, and Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) 106. Replacement of the set on USAR 106 was requested during FY 2020- 21 (with USAR 106 equipment fully funded by the State Homeland Security Grant Program). Replacement of the set on Truck 705 is planned for FY 2021-22. Replacement of the set on Truck 105 is also planned for FY 2021-22, having been deferred from FY 2020-21. 236 2021 /2022 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O ER 136,000$ ER 52,100$ ER 48,400$ ER 47,800$ -$ ER 284,300$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:New x Replacement Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2020 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 136,000$ 52,100$ 48,400$ 47,800$ -$ 284,300$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:284,300$ FY FY FY Darlene Bradley (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Library - Furniture Library Items Deferred from FY 2020-21: Furniture replacement for 26 year old lounge chairs: $14,850 (9 Teen @ $1,650) Industrial Shelving for Library's building materials stored & housed in the basement: $9,000 Children's Room Furniture: $42,000 (phase 2 of 3 phases) Staff Chair Replacement: $1,200 (2 chairs @ $600 each) Staff Desk Replacement : $2,900 Shelving for Playaways: $1,650 Items Planned for FY 2021-22: Furniture replacement for 26 year old lounge chairs:$16,200 (9 Children's @ $1800) Misc. Repairs and Replacement: $3,000 Children's Room Furniture: $42,000 (phase 3 of 3) Staff Chair Replacement: $1,200 (2 chairs @ $600) Tech. Svcs. Book Truck Replacement: $2,000 First and Last Name 237 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture 136,000$ Equip. Replacement ER 136,000$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment -$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 136,000$ Total Capital 136,000$ Phases two and three of the chair replacement program will replace the last existing lounge chairs that were purchased over 26 years ago and have been reupholstered numerous times. They have come to the end of their useful life from heavy usage and need to be replaced. Industrial shelving is needed to provide proper storage for the Library's building materials kept in the basement. Over the course of the fiscal year, items regularly need repair and replacement due to unexpected breakage. Some of the requested funding will cover these miscellaneous costs. The Children's Room is the last public area that has not been updated since the remodel in 1994-1995. Phases two and three will be implemented this year to complete the project and update and replace some of the public furnishings. The chair replacement program is ongoing; a few staff chairs are replaced each year due to heavy daily usage. The Administrative Assistant/reception desk configuration is 25 years and does not meet current ergonomic standards; it will be replaced with modern office equipment. The Book truck replacement will continue to replace the current 20 year old book trucks that no longer meet ergonomic standards with newer models. New shelving is needed to properly shelve and display the Playaway collection. 238 2021 /2022 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O ER 20,100$ -$ ER 31,750$ ER 18,750$ -$ ER 70,600$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:x New x Replacement Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2020 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 20,100$ -$ 31,750$ 18,750$ -$ 70,600$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:70,600$ FY FY FY Darlene Bradley (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Library - Equipment Library Software upgrade for microfilm reader/scanner: $ 1,400 Cash register replacement:$ 500 Items deferred from FY20-21: Microfilm reader/scanner and table: $10,950 AV Upgrades for Auditorium & Conference Room: $ 6,500 Replacements for staff printers:$ 750 First and Last Name 239 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture 18,700$ Equip. Replacement ER 20,100$ Computers & Software 1,400$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment -$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 20,100$ Total Capital 20,100$ This software upgrade to the Library's microfilm reader/scanner will add the ability to do bulk digitization microfilm rolls. The Library's only cash register is old and approaching obsolesence. The existing microfilm reader is obsolete and replacement parts must be sourced from the used parts market. The computer used with it is also obsolete and in need of replacement. The new equipment will be quieter, have higher resolution, will be networkable so that patrons could print through the Library’s printing system, and can be upgraded for bulk digitization. Some of the A/V equipment in the Library's auditorium and conference rooms is old and obsolete. The proposed upgrades would include a new projector, and the addition of Bluetooth connectivity, HTMI ports and speakers in the conference room, and the addition of Bluetooth connectivity to conference room. Staff printers are replaced every 8 years. As printers age, repair costs increase and consumables become more expensive. 240 2021 /2022 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O ER 209,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ ER 209,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:New x Replacement Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2020 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Darlene Bradley (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Library - Radio Frequency Identifier Conversion (RFID) Project Library ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:209,000$ FY FY FY FY Estimated Total 209,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 209,000$ FY Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other RFID material tags and conversion costs:$ 42,000 RFID workstation pads (15):$ 15,500 RFID Self-Check machines w/credit card readers (5):$ 76,300 RFID management software licenses: $ 2,000 RFID gate, plus connection software:$ 12,500 RFID Self-Check Disc Unlockers (5):$ 24,800 Mobile RFID reader:$ 4,400 Shipping and installation:$ 9,800 Tax:$ 18,200 Misc. Cables $ 3,500 First and Last Name 241 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture 209,000$ Equip. Replacement ER 209,000$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment -$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):-$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 209,000$ Total Capital 209,000$ This request is to replace the Library's book security gate, self-checkout systems (3) and checkout equipment at the front desk and in Cataloging and Acquisition Services. The Library currently uses 35 year old electromagnetic tags and sensors for security for books and other items and optical scanners to check items in and out. Each time a book goes in and out and returns, these two separate steps are repeated, mostly by hand by the staff. Last year, staff performed these actions over three million times. Most public libraries have upgraded to equipment using Radio Frequency Identifier (RFID) technology for these functions, which allows items to be checked in and out in batches rather than one at a time, as well as combining circulation and security into a single step. In addition to reducing repetitive actions, the old equipment is wearing out and replacement parts are becoming more expensive as the supply chain dries up. By upgrading to the current standard of library technology, more competitive prices are available. Patrons will be able to check items in and out in batches as well, enhancing self-service and providing a faster and more convenient experience for the public. 242 2021 /2022 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O ER 12,000$ ER 6,000$ ER 6,000$ ER 6,000$ ER 6,000$ ER 36,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:x New x Replacement Previously Programmed Project FY 2020 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2020 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 12,000$ 6,000$ 6,000$ 6,000$ 6,000$ 36,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:36,000$ FY FY FY Darlene Bradley (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Museum Education Center - Art Preservation Museum Education Center Conservation and preservation treatment of city-owned public art. FY 21-22 requested amount of $12,000 includes $6,000 in preservation efforts deferred from FY 20-21. First and Last Name 243 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture -$ Equip. Replacement ER 12,000$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment -$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):12,000$ Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 12,000$ Total Capital 12,000$ Various works of public art throughout the City Under the auspices of the Museum Curator, the city has a number of city-owned pieces of public art that are in need of evaluation, care, and treatment. 244 2021 /2022 I.EQUIPMENT TYPE: LOCATION: DEPT:CONTACT PERSON: Multi-year Funding Cycle 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 S O ER 15,000$ 15,000$ 15,000$ 15,000$ 15,000$ ER 75,000$ U R -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ C E -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - -$ EQUIPMENT REQUEST:X New X Replacement Previously Programmed Project FY 2019 Programmed, but not commenced for FY 2020 II.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Source Key: (ER) Equipment Replacement, (AQ) AQMD, (G)Grant, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (O) Other FY Estimated Total 15,000$ 15,000$ 15,000$ 15,000$ 15,000$ 75,000$ FY ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:15,000$ FY FY FY Sara Somogyi (YEAR) CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION DETAIL FORM Furniture Replacement Program Community Center/Recreation Office Annual furniture replacement for the Community Center/Recreation Office. Replacement of various furniture and fixtures in the facility. Blinds $ 3,000 Upholstery Cleaning $ 2,000 Misc Painting $ 4,000 Equipment Misc. Items $ 3,000 Recover Couches $ 4,000 First and Last Name 245 III.EQUIPMENT JUSTIFICATION IV.ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost:Funding: Office Machine & Furniture 15,000$ Equip. Replacement ER 15,000$ Computers & Software -$ AQMD AQ -$ Field & Plant Equipment -$ Grant G -$ Vehicles & Major Parts -$ Sewer S -$ Communication Equipment -$ Solid Waste SW -$ Other (please describe):Water W -$ Other (please describe):O -$ Total Capital 15,000$ Total Capital 15,000$ The Community Center is used seven days a week year round and is in constant need of replacement/repair items in the facility. 246 EQUIPMENT PURCHASES REQUESTING OFFICE MACH.COMPUTERS &FIELD & PLANT VEHICLES &COMM.OTHER FUNDING DEPARTMENT & FURNITURE SOFTWARE EQUIPMENT MAJOR PARTS EQUIP.SOURCE Annual Desktop Replacement Administrative Services - 80,000 - - - - Equipment Replacement/Water Annual Network Hardware Replacement Administrative Services - - - - 20,000 - Equipment Replacement/Water ACTV Audio Visual Broadcast and Production City Manager's Office - - - - 25,000 - Public Educ Govt Access Fund Vehicle Replacement -Water Public Works - - - 195,000 4,000 - Water Vehicle Replacement- Police Public Works/Police - - - 46,700 20,000 - Equipment Replacement Vehicle Replacement -Streets Public Works - - - 604,300 12,000 - Equipment Replacement Vehicle Replacement - Fire Public Works/Fire - - - 206,700 5,000 - Equipment Replacement Public Works Small Tools and Equipment Replacement Public Works - - 90,000 - - - Equipment Replacement/Water/Sewer Furniture Replacement Police 5,000 - - - - - Equipment Replacement Communications/Technology Equipment Replacement Police - - 18,500 - - - Equipment Replacement Radio Replacement Police - - 117,000 - - - Equipment Replacement Patrol Field Equipment Program Police - - 22,700 - - - Equipment Replacement Firearms Replacement Program Police - - 14,500 - - - Equipment Replacement Mobile Digital Computer Replacement Program Police - - 20,000 - - - Equipment Replacement Cardiac Monitor Replacement Program Fire - - 58,100 - - - Equipment Replacement Fire Communicaton and Technology Equipment Replacement Program Fire - - - 80,000 - Equipment Replacement Fire Station Furniture Replacement Program Fire 10,000 - - - - - Equipment Replacement Fire Suppression Equipment Replacement Program Fire - - 40,000 - - - Equipment Replacement Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) Maintenance Program Fire - - 9,100 - - - Equipment Replacement Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) Equipment Replacement Program Fire - - 25,000 - - - State Homeland Security Grant (HSGP) Library - Furniture Library and Museum 52,100 - - - - - Equipment Replacement Museum Education Center - Art Preservation Library and Museum - - - - - 6,000 Equipment Replacement Recreation Furniture Replacement Program Recreation 15,000 - - - - - Equipment Replacement TOTAL FOR FISCAL YEAR 2022-23 1,801,700$ 82,100$ 80,000$ 414,900$ 1,052,700$ 166,000$ 6,000$ CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2022-23 247 CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2022-23 TOTAL FOR FISCAL YEAR 2022-23 GENERAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT RESERVE 1,497,700$ WATER EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT RESERVE 244,000$ SEWER FUND 10,000$ PUBLIC EDUCATION GOVERNMENT ACCESS FUND 25,000$ HSGP 25,000$ TOTAL 1,801,700$ 248 EQUIPMENT PURCHASES REQUESTING OFFICE MACH.COMPUTERS &FIELD & PLANT VEHICLES &COMM.OTHER FUNDING DEPARTMENT & FURNITURE SOFTWARE EQUIPMENT MAJOR PARTS EQUIP.SOURCE Annual Desktop Replacement Administrative Services - 80,000 - - - - Equipment Replacement/Water Annual Network Hardware Replacement Administrative Services - - - - 20,000 - Equipment Replacement/Water ACTV Audio Visual Broadcast and Production City Manager's Office - - - - 25,000 - Public Educ Govt Access Fund Vehicle Replacement -Water Public Works - - - 318,300 4,000 - Water Vehicle Replacement - Police Public Works/Police - - - 96,000 40,000 - Equipment Replacement Vehicle Replacement - Streets Public Works - - - 539,700 9,500 - Equipment Replacement Vehicle Replacement - Fire Public Works/Fire - - - 212,900 5,000 - Equipment Replacement Public Works Small Tools and Equipment Replacement Public Works - - - 90,000 - - Equipment Replacement/Water/Sewer Vehicle Replacement - City Hall Development Services - - - 71,600 3,000 - Equipment Replacement Furniture Replacement Police 5,000 - - - - - Equipment Replacement Communications/Technology Equipment Replacement Police - - 18,500 - - - Equipment Replacement Radio Replacement Police - - 117,000 - 117,000 - Equipment Replacement Patrol Field Equipment Program Police - - 31,700 - - - Equipment Replacement Firearms Replacement Program Police - - 14,500 - - - Equipment Replacement Mobile Digital Computer Replacement Program Police - - 20,000 - - - Equipment Replacement Fire Communicaton and Technology Equipment Replacement Program Fire - - - - 80,000 - Equipment Replacement Fire Station Furniture Replacement Program Fire 10,000 - - - - - Equipment Replacement Fire Suppression Equipment Replacement Program Fire - - 40,000 - - - Equipment Replacement Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) Maintenance Program Fire - - 750,000 - - - Equipment Replacement Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) Equipment Replacement Program Fire - - 25,000 - - - State Homeland Security Grant (HSGP) Library - Furniture Library and Museum 48,400 - - - - - Equipment Replacement Library - Equipment Library and Museum 31,750 - - - - - Equipment Replacement Museum Education Center - Art Preservation Library and Museum - - - - - 6,000 Equipment Replacement Recreation Furniture Replacement Program Recreation 15,000 - - - - - Equipment Replacement TOTAL FOR FISCAL YEAR 2023-24 2,844,850$ 110,150$ 80,000$ 1,016,700$ 1,328,500$ 303,500$ 6,000$ CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2023-24 249 CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2023-24 TOTAL FOR FISCAL YEAR 2023-24 GENERAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT RESERVE 2,417,550$ WATER EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT RESERVE 367,300$ SEWER FUND 10,000$ PUBLIC EDUCATION GOVERNMENT ACCESS FUND 25,000$ HSGP 25,000$ TOTAL 2,844,850$ 250 EQUIPMENT PURCHASES REQUESTING OFFICE MACH.COMPUTERS &FIELD & PLANT VEHICLES &COMM.OTHER FUNDING DEPARTMENT & FURNITURE SOFTWARE EQUIPMENT MAJOR PARTS EQUIP.SOURCE Annual Desktop Replacement Administrative Services - 80,000 - - - - Equipment Replacement/Water Annual Network Hardware Replacement Administrative Services - - - - 20,000 - Equipment Replacement/Water ACTV Audio Visual Broadcast and Production City Manager's Office - - - - 25,000 - Public Educ Govt Access Fund Vehicle Replacement - Water Public Works - - - 200,000 4,000 - Water Vehicle Replacement - Police Public Works - - - 98,600 40,000 - Equipment Replacement Vehicle Replacement - Streets Public Works - - - 561,900 8,000 - Equipment Replacement Vehicle Replacement - Fire Public Works/Fire - - - 1,200,000 30,000 - Equipment Replacement Public Works Small Tools and Equipment Replacement Public Works - - 90,000 - - - Equipment Replacement/Water/Sewer Furniture Replacement Police 5,000 - - - - - Equipment Replacement Communications/Technology Equipment Replacement Police - - 18,500 - 16,000 - Equipment Replacement Radio Replacement Police - - 117,000 - 117,000 - Equipment Replacement Patrol Field Equipment Program Police - - 16,900 - - - Equipment Replacement Firearms Replacement Program Police - - 14,500 - - - Equipment Replacement Mobile Digital Computer Replacement Program Police - - 20,000 - - - Equipment Replacement Fire Communicaton and Technology Equipment Replacement Program Fire - - - - 100,000 - Equipment Replacement Fire Station Furniture Replacement Program Fire 10,000 - - - - - Equipment Replacement Fire Suppression Equipment Replacement Program Fire - - 58,000 - - - Equipment Replacement Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) Maintenance Program Fire - - 10,000 - - - Equipment Replacement Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) Equipment Replacement Program Fire - - 25,000 - - - State Homeland Security Grant (HSGP) Library - Furniture Library and Museum 47,800 - - - - - Equipment Replacement Library - Equipment Library and Museum 18,750 - - - - - Equipment Replacement Museum Education Center - Art Preservation Library and Museum - - - - - 6,000 Equipment Replacement Recreation Furniture Replacement Program Recreation 15,000 - - - - - Equipment Replacement TOTAL FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 2,972,950$ 96,550$ 80,000$ 369,900$ 2,060,500$ 360,000$ 6,000$ CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 251 CITY OF ARCADIA EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 TOTAL FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 GENERAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT RESERVE 2,663,950$ WATER EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT RESERVE 249,000$ SEWER FUND 10,000$ PUBLIC EDUCATION GOVERNMENT ACCESS FUND 25,000$ HSGP 25,000$ TOTAL 2,972,950$ 252