HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem No. 5- 4-28-20 PC Minutes
Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Planning Commission regarding any item on this agenda will be made
available for public inspection in the City’s Planning Services Office located at 240 W. Huntington Drive, Arcadia, California,
during normal business hours.
CALL TO ORDER Vice Chair Wilander called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. in the Council
Chamber. She announced that Chair Lewis and Commissioner Lin were unable to
attend the meeting due to family circumstances. In order to comply with social
distancing guidelines due to COVID-19, the meeting was televised and streamed
live and Commissioners Chan and Thompson participated by telephone. Assistant
City Attorney Maurer, Assistant City Manager/Development Services Director
Jason Kruckeberg, and Development Services Director/City Engineer Philip Wray
were also on the line.
She also informed the public of a call-in number that was established for public
PRESENT: Vice Chair Wilander
PRESENT (Via telephone): Chan, and Thompson
ABSENT: Chair Lewis, and Lin
It was moved by Chan, seconded by Thompson to excuse Chair Lewis and Commissioner Lin
from the meeting.
Planning & Community Development Administrator Lisa Flores announced that received one email
related to Agenda Item No. 2 that she would read into the record during the public hearing.
PUBLIC COMMENTS (5 minute time limit per person)
There were none.
1. Resolution No. 2054 – Approving Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 20-01 with a Categorical
Exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) to allow a tutoring center with
up to 12 students at 20 East Foothill Boulevard, Unit 216
Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2054
Applicant: Weidong Peng, Applicant and Business Owner
Vice Chair Wilander introduced the item and turned it over to Senior Planner Luis Torrico to
present the staff report.
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Vice Chair Wilander opened the public hearing and asked if the Applicant would like to speak on
the item.
Applicant Weidong Peng responded.
Commissioner Thompson asked the Applicant if he has reviewed the conditions of approval and
if he agrees to comply with the conditions.
Mr. Peng said that he will comply with the conditions of the conditional use permit.
Commissioner Chan asked Mr. Peng if he would be willing to provide adult supervision to students
using the public restroom.
Mr. Peng responded that adult supervision would be provided to students using the restroom.
Ms. Flores stated that a condition of approval would be added to the Resolution.
Vice Chair Wilander asked if there was anyone who would like to speak in favor of the proposal.
There were no calls received in favor of the proposal.
Vice Chair Wilander asked if there was anyone who would like to speak in opposition of the
There were no calls received in opposition to the proposal.
It was moved by Commissioner Chan, seconded by Commissioner Thompson to close the public
hearing. Without objection, the motion was approved.
The Planning Commission determined the use to be consistent with the General Plan and zoning,
and they concluded that the site provides adequate parking for the use. They were in favor of the
Commissioner’s Chan recommendation to require adult supervision for all students. As a result,
a new condition of approval (Condition No. 5) was read into the records by Ms. Flores that states
adult supervision shall be required for all students using the public restroom.
Condition No. 5. Adult supervision shall be required for all students when using the public
2. It was moved by Commissioner Chan, seconded by Commissioner Thompson to adopt Resolution
No. 2054 – Approving Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 20-01, as amended, with a Categorical
Exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) to allow a tutoring center with
up to 12 students at 20 East Foothill Boulevard, Unit 216
AYES: Vice Chair Wilander, Chan, and Thompson
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NOES: None
ABSENT: Chair Lewis, and Lin
There is a ten day appeal period after the adoption of the Resolution. If adopted, appeals are to
be filed by 5:30 p.m. on Monday, May 11, 2020. Please send Appeal applications to
Planning@ArcadiaCA.gov or contact the Planning Division at (626) 574-5423. All decision letters
are posted on the City’s website.
3. Resolution No. 2053 – Approving Multiple Family Architectural Design Review No. MFADR 19-
01 and Tentative Parcel Map No. TPM 19-02 (82694) with a Categorical Exemption under the
California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) for a three-unit multi-family residential
condominium development at 9828 East Naomi Avenue
Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2053
Applicant: Eric Tsang, on behalf of the property owner, Noel Park, LLC.
Vice Chair Wilander introduced the item and turned it over to Senior Planner Luis Torrico to
present the staff report.
Commissioner Thompson requested clarification from Ms. Flores as to why the subject property
has a 4-digit address when the neighboring property has a 3-digit address.
Ms. Flores responded and stated that the subject property was once under the County of Los
Angeles jurisdiction and was subsequently annexed into the City. Each condominium will be
assigned a new address by the Building Official during the plan check process, and will be in line
with the existing addresses.
Vice Chair Wilander opened the public hearing.
Vice Chair Wilander asked if there was anyone who would like to speak in favor of the proposal.
There were no calls received in favor of the proposal.
Vice Chair Wilander asked if the Applicant would like to speak on the item.
Applicant Eric Tsang responded.
Vice Chair Wilander asked if there was anyone who would like to speak in opposition of the
Three neighboring residents spoke in opposition to the item, and one email received from the
Golden West Homeowners Association Board of Directors was read into the record by Ms. Flores.
Pat Amos – Ms. Amos expressed concerns related to traffic congestion, parking,
and privacy. She also was concerned with potential noise during construction,
especially given the current COVID-19 pandemic.
Agnes Chang – Ms. Chang also expressed concerns with traffic and parking on
the street, as well as water supply concerns.
Henry Chen – Mr. Chen was concerned with the limited parking on the street and
referenced a recent car accident on the street involving a legally parked car. He
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was also concerned that the height of the building was too high and it will block the
Mr. Tsang responded and stated that he has minimized the impact of the project by proposing the
minimum number of units allowed per Code, at three (3). Additionally, there are two (2) driveways
to service the units. He stated that the building next door is approximately 30-feet in height, which
is only three (3) feet less that the proposed structure. With regard to construction during the
pandemic, the project will still need to go through Building plan check, and therefore construction
will not begin for approximately four (4) months.
Commissioner Chan asked Mr. Tsang if he would install emergency lighting in the stairwells in
case of a power outage.
Mr. Tsang responded that he will install stairwell lighting.
It was moved by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Chan to close the public
hearing. Without objection, the motion was approved.
Commissioner Chan understands the objections from the neighbors. He visited the site, and
unfortunately there will always be concerns when multiple units are proposed to replace a single
unit. Privacy will always be an issue for neighboring property owners but the property owner is
within their rights to build. Staff was diligent about working with the applicants to minimize potential
impacts careful window placement, but that is not always possible.
Commissioner Thompson stated that he was pleased that the garage sizes exceed the minimum
requirement per Code; more storage space and larger garages may help reduce the need for on-
street parking. The trees will help to screen the subject property from the one-story residences to
the south. In addition, the site is adjacent to a multi-family development (to the east) with
comparable or even greater intensity. He thought the modern design will fit in well with the
neighborhood, and there is an easement that sets the property back from the adjacent property.
He is inclined to approved the project with Commissioner Chan’s addition of a conditional of
approval to require emergency lighting in the stairwell, if Staff thinks that is appropriate.
Ms. Flores stated that Staff will ensure that the emergency lighting is incorporated into the plans
during plan check, rather than require it as a new condition of approval since the request is not a
land use requirement, it is usually within the purview of the Building Code. .
Vice Chair Wilander acknowledged the neighbor’s comments and noted that although the site is
currently occupied by a single - family home, the area is zoned R-3 (High Density Multiple Family
Residential), to allow for multi-family developments such as this one. The Applicant has proposed
a thoughtful design, which features garage sizes that exceed the minimum required per Code. In
addition, the City retains the right to delay construction city-wide - rather than on a case by case
basis - if they determine it to be necessary given the pandemic.
It was moved by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Chan to adopt Resolution
No. 2053 - Approving Multiple Family Architectural Design Review No. MFADR 19-01 and
Tentative Parcel Map No. TPM 19-02 (82694) with a Categorical Exemption under the California
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Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) for a three-unit multi-family residential condominium
development at 9828 East Naomi Avenue.
AYES: Vice Chair Wilander, Chan, and Thompson
NOES: None
ABSENT: Chair Lewis, and Lin
There is a ten day appeal period after the adoption of the Resolution. If adopted, appeals are to
be filed by 5:30 p.m. on Monday, May 11, 2020. Please send Appeal applications to
Planning@ArcadiaCA.gov or contact the Planning Division at (626) 574-5423. All decision letters
are posted on the City’s website.
4. Resolution No. 2052 – Approving Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 20-05 with a Categorical
Exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) for a new bar and lounge at
57 Wheeler Avenue, Unit D
Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2052
Applicant: Joe A. Renteria, Applicant and Business Owner
Vice Chair Wilander introduced the item and turned it over to Associate Planner Christine Song
to present the staff report.
Vice Chair Wilander opened the public hearing and asked if the Applicant would like to speak on
the item.
Applicant Joe A. Renteria responded.
Vice Chair Wilander asked if there was anyone who would like to speak in favor of the proposal.
There were no calls received in support of the proposal.
Vice Chair Wilander asked if there was anyone who would like to speak in opposition of the
There were no calls received in opposition to the proposal.
It was moved by Commissioner Chan, seconded by Commissioner Thompson to close the public
hearing. Without objection, the motion was approved.
Commissioner Thompson thought the proposal will be an excellent use for the site, as it will complement
the pedestrian friendly goals of the Downtown Mixed Use Zone, with its close proximity to the Metro Gold
Line Transit Plaza.
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Vice Chair Wilander was in agreement with Commissioner Thompson and added that she is pleased that
there is a reciprocal parking arrangement between the subject site and adjacent site, and she wished the
Applicant well in his venture.
Commissioner Chan asked staff what the process would be if the Applicant would like to extend the hours
of operation beyond 12 a.m. on the weekends.
Ms. Flores explained that the Applicants would have to apply for an Amendment to the Conditional Use
Permit (CUP) to extend their hours of operation. However, the Commission may place a condition that
extended hours can be handled through a Minor Use Permit (MUP) instead, but up to a certain time since
this is the typical process for extended late hours. If the Commission supported this idea, then Ms. Flores
suggested a MUP up to 1:00 a.m., and then anytime past 1:00 a.m. would be subject to an Amendment
to the CUP.
The Commission was in agreement to amend Condition of Approval No. 3 and Assistant City Attorney
read the amended condition into the record as follows:
Condition No. 3: The business hours shall be limited to 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. midnight, daily.
If the Applicant requests to extend the hours of operation to 1:00 a.m., the Applicant may apply
for a Minor Use Permit. Any request beyond 1:00 a.m., shall be subject to an Amendment to this
Conditional Use Permit.
It was moved by Commissioner Chan, seconded by Commissioner Thompson to adopt Resolution
No. 2052 – Approving Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 20-05 with a Categorical Exemption under
the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) for a new bar and lounge at 57 Wheeler
Avenue, Unit D, as amended.
AYES: Vice Chair Wilander, Chan, and Thompson
NOES: None
ABSENT: Chair Lewis, and Lin
There is a ten day appeal period after the adoption of the Resolution. If adopted, appeals are to
be filed by 5:30 p.m. on Monday, May 11, 2020. Please send Appeal applications to
Planning@ArcadiaCA.gov or contact the Planning Division at (626) 574-5423. All decision letters
are posted on the City’s website.
5. Minutes of the April 14, 2020 Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission
Recommendation: Approve
It was moved by Commissioner Chan, seconded by Commissioner Thompson to approve the minutes of
the February 25, 2020 Planning Commission Regular Meeting.
AYES: Vice Chair Wilander, Chan, and Thompson
NOES: None
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ABSENT: Chair Lewis, and Lin
Council Liaison Chandler was not present.
Vice Chair Wilander asked for an update on the Pasadena Showcase House of Design.
Ms. Flores stated that she does not have an update at this time.
Assistant City Attorney Maurer provided an update on pending land use legislation and legislation related
to COVID- 19. The State legislature is set to resume on May 4, 2020 with social distancing protocols in
Ms. Flores announced there are no items pending for the May 12 meeting, so this meeting will be
adjourned to May 26. For the May 26 meeting, there are two (2) items scheduled: A Homeowner’s
Association appeal, and a state requirement that requires all cities to analysis traffic differently from Level
of Service (LOS) to Vehicles Miles Traveled (VMT). Lastly, the environmental documents for the Artis
Senior Living Care Facility and the Huntington Plaza mixed use project will be available online tomorrow
for their review. They are scheduled for the June 23, 2020 Planning Commission meeting.
The Planning Commission adjourned the meeting at 4:20 p.m. to Tuesday, May 26, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. in
the City Council Chamber for the next virtual meeting.
Deborah Lewis
Chair, Planning Commission
Lisa Flores
Secretary, Planning Commission