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Arborist Report
JTL Consultants Consulting Arborists and Botanists 952 Buena Vista Street • Duarte, CA 91010 (626) 358-5690 • info@JTLconsultants.com JTLconsultants.com Tree Protection Report 11 E. Orange Grove Ave. Arcadia, CA 91006 Prepared For: Sing-Yi Chung 11 E. Orange Grove Ave. Arcadia, CA 91006 (626) 890-8803 Prepared By: Ted Lubeshkoff, Registered Consulting Arborist July 7, 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS Summary...................................................................................................................................1 Introduction...............................................................................................................................1 Background............................................................................................................................1 Assignment............................................................................................................................ 2 Limitsof Assignment..............................................................................................................2 Purpose and Use of the Report ..............................................................................................2 Observations............................................................................................................................. 2 SiteDescription......................................................................................................................2 TreeDescriptions...................................................................................................................2 Discussion................................................................................................................................4 Changein Grade......................................................................................................................4 MechanicalDamage................................................................................................................4 Trenching..................................................................................................................................4 SoilCompaction.......................................................................................................................4 Pavement................................................................................................................................5 Plantingunder Oaks................................................................................................................ 5 Conclusion................................................................................................................................ 5 Recommendations.................................................................................................................... 5 Glossary....................................................................................................................................7 Bibliography..............................................................................................................................8 AppendixA — Photos................................................................................................................9 Appendix B — Tree Location Map. .... ......... . .............. ................................................ 17 Appendix C — Assumptions and Limiting Conditions..........................................................18 Appendix D — Certificate of Performance.............................................................................19 Tree Protection Report, 11 E. Orange Grove Avenue Summary Sing-Yi Chung needed a Tree Protection Report required by the City of Arcadia for a project at 11 E. Orange Grove Avenue, Arcadia, CA 91006. Sing-Yi owns the 18,770 square -foot property and is proposing to add 600 square feet downstairs and 1,134 square feet upstairs to her existing 2,598 square -foot one-story home and garage. This Tree Protection Report is part of an application for an Application for a Permit to Encroach into a Protected Zone of Protected Trees. The existing home is set in a native oak woodland and already encroaches into the protected zone, or driplinel, of six coast live oaks (Quercus agrifolia), so there will not be any new encroachment. One oak should be removed because it is growing into utility lines and is hazardous. Some of the oaks will need to be trimmed to allow for construction and will go beyond standard pruning because of the removal of significant limbs. As such, the trimming is subject to a Healthy Tree Removal Application. There are twelve coast live oaks (Quercus agrifolia) on the property and one coast live oak coast off-site on the neighboring property to the east that overhangs onto this property. The potential impacts of construction and development to the trees include, but are not limited to, change in grade, mechanical damage, trenching, soil compaction, pavement, and planting under oaks. Tree protection recommendations include clearance pruning to prevent damage to the branches, the installation of trunk protection on the five oaks closest to the home, and the installation of protective fencing as close as possible to the edge of the dripline of the remaining seven oaks. The project arborist will be present when any work occurs near the dripline of the protected trees. Introduction Background Sing-Yi Chung, contacted JTL Consultants on June 11, 2018 requesting a Tree Protection Report required by the City of Arcadia. The report is part of an application for a Protected Tree Encroachment Permit for 11 E. Orange Grove Avenue, Arcadia, CA 91006. Sing-Yi plans to construct a 605 square -foot downstairs addition and a 1,134 square -foot upstairs addition to her existing 2,598 square -foot single -story home and garage. She also plans to add 180 square -foot addition to her garage. The property size is 18,770 square feet. The City of Arcadia Tree Preservation ordinance defines specific trees as Protected Trees. There are 12 Protected coast live oaks (on the property and one coast live oak off-site on a neighboring property that will be impacted by the construction. One coast live oak is proposed to be removed because it is growing into utility lines and is hazardous. The existing home is within the dripline of six oaks and they will need clearance pruning for the construction. There will not be any new encroachment into the dripline of the oaks. The off-site oak has a branch over the driveway that will need to be removed for construction vehicles. The 12 oaks will need to be protected during construction. JTL Consultants conducted a tree inventory on June 29, 2018 and July 6, 2020. 1 Terms appearing in boldface type are defined in the Glossary. JTL Consultants July 7, 2020 Tree Protection Report, 11 E. Orange Grove Avenue Assignment In an email correspondence with Sing-Yi Chung on June 15, 2018, it was agreed that our assignment was to inspect the trees on the property and those on adjacent properties that may be encroached upon or affected by the proposed construction, evaluate the impacts to the trees by the proposed construction and pruning, and write a Tree Protection Report required by the City of Arcadia outlining tree protection measures and pruning needed. Limits of Assignment The findings in this report are based solely on a visual inspection of the site and trees on June 29, 2018 and July 6, 2020 and a review of the Floor Plan provided by Sing-Yi Chung. The tree inspections were limited to ground level visual observations; root crown inspections and aerial inspections were not conducted. Branch diameters were estimated. Purpose of the Report The purpose of this report is to provide an accurate depiction of the trees that will be protected during the construction and the tree trimming needed. This report is intended to be used by Sing-Yi Chung to implement the recommendations outlined in it. Upon submission, this report will become the property of Sing-Yi Chung and its use will be at her discretion. Observations Site Description This property is located in the Arcadia Highlands Homeowners Association between Woodland Avenue to the south, Santa Anita Avenue to the west, Ontare Road to the north, and Highland Oaks Drive to the east. Highland Oaks Elementary School is two blocks north. The surrounding neighborhood consists of similar size properties and single-family homes. The 18,770 square - foot property has an existing 2,400 square -foot house and garage. There is a Los Angeles County Flood Control District open channel in the front yard. There are twelve coast live oaks on the property. The home is set in a native oak woodland and the canopies of six oaks overlap and cover the roof the home. The trunk size of at least two oaks indicates the trees were most likely on the property when the home built 70 years ago. The canopy of one coast live oak on the property to the east over -hangs onto the driveway of this property. Tree Descriptions In the following table, the photo letters correspond to Appendix A — Photos and to a metal tag attached to the trunk of each tree, except the off-site tree, OSI. The tree numbers also appear on the Tree Location Map. The trunk diameters (DBH) are given in inches and the height and width are given in feet. All trees are coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia). JTL Consultants July 7, 2020 Tree Protection Report, 11 E. Orange Grove Avenue JTL Consultants July 7, 2020 Tree # Photo DBH Height Width Cond. Comments 1 206 A 18 30 40 Fair Deadwood in canopy. Upper half of tree is leaning. Moss on trunk from sprinkler. 2 207 B 8+19+20 30 30 Fair Deadwood in canopy. Branches fused together. Westerly lean. Cobble rocks at base of tree. 3 208 B, C 14+15+17 35 25 Fair Deadwood in canopy. Cobble rocks at base of tree. Dead limb over driveway. 4 209 D 32 50 30 Poor Dead branches over garage. Asphalt driveway near trunk. Sparse foliage. 5 210 E, F 39 60 40 Fair Scaffold limb in utility (ut) lines. Block wall next to trunk. Branches touching roof. 6 211 G 8+10 20 20 Poor Codominant limbs. Both limbs growing into ut lines. Topped. 7 212 G, H 37+13+10 70 50 Good Trunk four feet from house. Branches touching roof. One branch over ut line. 8 213 I, K 27 60 50 Fair Ut lines in canopy. Chain-link fence embedded in trunk. Branches over roof. 9 214 J 18 50 30 Good Branches over roof. Partially buried root crown. Com acted soil. 10 215 L 24 60 40 Good Deadwood in canopy. Ut lines in canopy. Growing on slight slope. 11 216 M 22+12 60 40 Good Codominant limbs with included bark. Westerly lean. 12 217 N, O 28 60 60 Fair Scaffold limb four inches from roof. Branches over roof. 13 OS 1 P, Q 36 70 60 Fair Canopy over driveway. Estimated Low branch over drivewa . JTL Consultants July 7, 2020 Tree Protection Report, 11 E. Orange Grove Avenue Discussion Change in Grade The existing grade will not change within the dripline of the Protected trees. The lowering or raising of the grade within the dripline can damage or kill a tree. The normal exchange of moisture and gases within the root zone is disrupted with the change in grade. The original grade should be maintained as far out from the trunk as possible. As little as four inches of soil placed over the root system can kill some species. The change in grade can have immediate or long term adverse effects on the tree. (Matheny and Clark, 1998) Mechanical Damage Mechanical damage to the trees can occur from machinery used during demolition and construction. Wounds to tree branches and trunks, caused by mechanical damage, may reduce tree stability by decreasing the wood strength, the internal movement of water and nutrients, and the ability to compartmentalize against decay. Protecting the trunk and enclosing the dripline with protective fencing will help prevent damage from construction equipment. (Fite and Smiley, 2008) Trenching No trenching will occur within the dripline of the Protected trees. Trenching within the dripline can damage the root system of a tree and lead to tree decline or death. Ninety percent of the fine roots that absorb water and minerals are found in the upper few inches of soil. Roots require space, air, and water, and grow best where these requirements are met, which is usually at or near the soil surface. When roots are cut due to excavation, the cut should be clean, leaving no torn edges. (Matheny, et al, 1998) Soil Compaction Soil compaction could potentially occur within the dripline of some of the Protected trees by construction equipment, storage of building materials, and foot or vehicle traffic. Soil compaction occurs when the pore space between soil particles is greatly reduced. This causes the reduction of oxygen available to the roots and can lead to decline in trees. Use of equipment, grading, digging, and heavily used walking paths can cause soil compaction in a construction area. Using protective fencing and mulch helps to minimize soil compaction. (Matheny, et al, 1998) JTL Consultants July 7, 2020 0 Tree Protection Report, 11 E. Orange Grove Avenue Pavement The existing driveway covers the roots of Tree 209 and is very close to the trunk. Pavement restricts movement of water and oxygen in the root zone. The use of pervious pavers would allow for the exchange of water and oxygen with the root system. When excavating for pavement occurs within the dripline, major damage to the tree's root system can occur and decline and death of the tree may follow. (Matheny, et al, 1998) Planting under Oaks If any landscaping is planned within the dripline of the three coast live oaks, plants requiring little or no summer watering will be used. The best treatment under oaks is a layer of organic mulch, not understory plants. If there is to be landscaping within the dripline of native oaks, the plants should have the same water requirements as the oaks, needing no summer watering. Coast oaks are susceptible to root rot if overwatered, especially during the summer months. (Costello, Hagan, and Jones, 2011) Conclusion Sing-Yi Chung is proposing to add 605 square feet downstairs and 1,134 square feet upstairs to her existing 2,598 square -foot one-story home and garage on a 18,889 square -foot lot at 11 E. Orange Grove Avenue in Arcadia. There are 12 Protected coast live oaks on the property and one Protected coast live oak on a neighboring property that will be impacted by the construction. One coast live oak is proposed to be removed. The remaining oaks will need to be protected during construction. Six of the coast live oaks need to have branches removed to allow for the construction of the second story addition. The pruning should not adversely affect the oak trees because the branch sizes will be less than 12 inches in diameter and the branches removed will be less than 20 percent of the overall canopy cover of each tree. The general contractor will follow the recommendations of this report to protect the trees during construction and to minimize the impacts on the trees by the construction. Recommendations Prune Trees 209, 210, 212, 213, 214, and 217 to remove branches over the house and garage to allow for construction of the second -floor addition, as show in Appendix A — Photos. The pruning will be directed by the project arborist and performed by an ISA Certified Arborist familiar with the proper pruning practices for oaks. The most recent edition of the American National Standard for Tree Operations (Z1331.1) and Pruning (A300) should be adhered to. JTL Consultants July 7, 2020 Tree Protection Report, 11 E. Orange Grove Avenue 2. Prune Tree 9206 to reduce excess end weight and to remove deadwood. 3. Remove two branches on Tree 208 that extend over the driveway. 4. Remove Tree 211 because it is in poor condition, growing into utility lines, hazardous, and has been topped. Before construction begins, protect the lower 10 feet of the trunk of the Trees 209, 210, 212, 214, and 217 by installing 2" x 4" wood planks on a closed -cell foam pad or a heavy -quilted furniture pad (illustrated below) (Fite, et al, 2008). Use straps or wire to bind the planks in place; do not fasten anything into the tree. This trunk protection will be kept in place throughout the demolition and construction. 6. Install protective tree fencing around Trees 206, 207, 208, 213, 215, and 216 along as much of the edge of the dripline as possible. a. Chain-link fencing will be at least five -feet tall and will be mounted on two-inch diameter galvanized iron posts. This fencing will remain in place throughout the duration of the demolition and construction. Orange flexible fencing will not be used. b. The fencing will not be moved at anytime to allow for necessary construction work unless the work is supervised by the project arborist. c. Within the fenced enclosures, no digging, trenching, soil compaction, or other soil disturbance will be allowed and the fenced enclosures will be kept clear of building materials, waste, and excess soil. JTL Consultants July 7, 2020 Tree Protection Report, 11 E. Orange Grove Avenue 7. Apply a four to six-inch layer of untreated organic mulch within the fenced enclosure to help reduce soil compaction and moisture loss. 8. Remove cobble rocks from around Trees 207 and 208. 9. Do not trench within the dripline of the coast live oaks. 10. Do not change or disturb the existing grade within the dripline of the coast live oaks. 11. If a new driveway will be constructed within the dripline of Tree 209, it will be constructed with permeable pavers and installed a minimum of three feet from the trunk. 12. The project arborist will be present during the clearance pruning over the house, the installation of the trunk protection, and the installation of the protective fencing. 13. If any landscaping is planned within the dripline of the oaks, plants requiring little or no summer watering will be used and targeted irrigation will be installed. No lawn or artificial turf will be installed within the dripline of the coast live oaks. Glossary Condition: one of four possible ratings: Good - no apparent defects or structural problems Fair - minor defects or structural problems Poor - major defects or structural problems Dead - extreme defects or structural problems Codominant limbs: forked branches nearly the same size in diameter, arising from a common junction and lacking a normal branch union. Codominant limbs can be prone to breakage. Compartmentalize: the natural process of defense in trees by which they wall off decay. DBH: diameter of a tree trunk measured at 4 % feet above ground. Defect: an internal or external point of weakness which can reduce the stability of the tree and include cracks, splits, cankers, galls, girdling, codominant limbs, and wounds. Dripline: The edge or perimeter of the canopy and represents a point where water will drip down to the ground and is an indicator of where the structural and lateral roots can be found. Included Bark: Bark embedded between codominant limbs. JTL Consultants July 7, 2020 7 Tree Protection Report, 11 E. Orange Grove Avenue Bibliography Costello, Laurence R., Hagen, Bruce W., Jones, Katherine S., Oaks in the Urban Landscape: Selection, Care, and Preservation, University of California, Agricultural and Natural Resources, Publication 3518, Richmond, CA 2011. Fite, Kelby, and Smiley, Thomas E., Best Management Practices, Managing Trees during Construction, International Society of Arboriculture, Champaign, IL 2008. Matheny, Nelda and Clark, James R., Trees and Development: A Technical Guide to Preservation of Trees during Land Development, International Society of Arboriculture, Champaign, IL 1998. JTL Consultants July 7, 2020 w. 'SMR -i'i%Ty •Y KY yr s WON 208 207 r. a♦ C•,n� � ti ,4 ?, .w s � N• _ i 4 h� { l i lit illAiA I I 1� lt-l: S� ` 1 ��++ ,ss tP� M � icy' �� '. >�� {y�!' VAP ']t4 .%a �� �* p w. w+ �$��{,' � .r � �- µi t � z a �! 3t �'» t ,�M �.. J°r4� g� A" � s hY 1 � Y . � � hy�n � +, ,?." - ,� 1��,_ . � � !� A.14cj, Ar ;. 1�1�F{y� x: ,y � ,_, SM �sr,� w� � "mac m; !e_..,,, `� �� � `r Ji yfrs` •r + •R+ Tree Protection Report, 11 E. Orange Grove Avenue Appendix B — Tree Location Map a to J z W A Idd'mm.mmm' WGS 84 HL - W1 18-01.875' FI W118101.850' W118'01.912' W118' 01.887' 206 A �nS1 N z 213 A 215 * . FoSM Ve 214 j __ -- z �212 211 216 ® �' 217`-1—i� *210 W118'01.912' W118' 01.887' 206 A �nS1 N 17 JTL Consultants July 7, 2020 z A 207 208 z w A O O W118'01.862' W118' 01.837' 17 JTL Consultants July 7, 2020 Tree Protection Report, 11 E. Orange Grove Avenue 18 Appendix C —Assumptions and Limiting Conditions 1. Any legal description provided to the consultant/appraiser is assumed to be correct. Any titles and ownerships to any property are assumed to be good and marketable. 2. Care has been taken to obtain all information from reliable sources. All data has been verified insofar as possible for the accuracy of information provided by others. 3. The consultant/appraiser shall not be required to give testimony or attend court by reason of this report unless subsequent contractual arrangements are made, including payment of an additional fee for such services as described in the fee schedule and contract of engagement. 4. Loss or alteration of any part of this report invalidates the entire report. 5. Possession of this report or a copy thereof does not imply right of publication or use for any purpose by any other than the person to whom it is addressed, without the prior expressed written consent of the consultant/appraiser. 6. This report and values expressed herein represent the opinion of the consultant/appraiser, and the consultant's/appraiser's fee is in no way contingent upon the reporting of a specified value, a stipulated result, the occurrence of a subsequent event, nor upon any finding to be reported. 7. Sketches, diagrams, graphs, and photographs in this report, being intended as visual aids, are not necessarily to scale and should not be construed as engineering or architectural reports or surveys. The tree location(s) on the Tree Survey Map, the Aerial Image, and the Tree Preservation and Replacement Plan are not represented to be of survey quality but are sufficient to allow locating the tree in the field. 9. Unless expressed otherwise: 1) information contained in this report covers only those items that were examined and reflects the condition of those items at the time of inspection; and 2) the inspection is limited to visual examination of accessible items without dissection, excavation, probing, or coring. There is no warranty or guarantee, expressed or implied, that problems or deficiencies of the trees or property in question may not arise in the future. 10. Unless specifically stated, Tree Risk Assessments were not conducted on the trees described in this report and JTL Consultants is not responsible for the consequences of any risk associated with the trees, either inferred or implied. JTL Consultants July 7, 2020 Tree Protection Report, 11 E. Orange Grove Avenue Appendix D — Certificate of Performance I, Ted Lubeshkoff, certify: ✓ That I have personally inspected the tree(s) referred to in the report and have stated my findings accurately. The extent of the evaluation is stated in the attached report; ✓ That I have no current or prospective interest in the vegetation or the property that is the subject of this report and have no personal interest or bias with respect to the parties involved; ✓ That the analysis, opinions and conclusions stated herein are my own and are based on current scientific procedures and facts; ✓ That my analysis, opinions and conclusions were developed and this report has been prepared according to commonly accepted arboriculture practices; 19 ✓ That no one provided significant professional assistance to me, except as indicated within the report; ✓ That my compensation is not contingent upon the reporting of a predetermined conclusion that favors the cause of the client or any other party nor upon the results if the assignment, the attainment of stipulated results, or the occurrence of any subsequent events. I further certify that I, Ted Lubeshkoff, am Registered Consulting Arborist #513 with the American Society of Consulting Arborists, and Certified Arborist WE -8446A with the International Society of Arboriculture. I have been involved in the practice of arboriculture and the care and study of trees for over 25 years. 2020 JTL Consultants July 7, 2020 WELL MON ON 1.0' I A ________ ___T IHS I 1 EASEMENT NOTES: L______ __T Q 15 WIDE EASEMENT OF LOS ANGELESCOUNT FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT FOR OFFICIAL CH NEL I 117 OF SIERRA MADRE WASH PER DOCUMENT I RECORDED IN BOOK 11561, PAGE 212. O.R. I �B 1' WIDE EASEMENT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED SON COMPANY FOR POLE LINE PER DOCUMENT RECORDED IN BOOK 20340, PACE 203, O.R. 1 © 5' AND 3' EASEMENTS OF CALIFORNIA WATER & TELEPHONENE COMPANY FOR TELEPHONE UNDERGROUND CONDUITS AND CABLE SYSTEM PER GEED RECORDED IN BOOK D2431, PAGE 822, O.R. O 3' WIDE EASEMENT OF PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND 6' WOOL TELEGRAPH COMPANY FOR TELEPHONE FENCR UNDERGROUND CONDUITS AND CABLE SYSTEM PER I DEED RECORDED IN BOOK D2443. PAGE 741, O.R. I Q EASEMENT OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD I CONTROL DISTRICT FOR FLOM CONNTROL PER I DOCUMENT RECORDED IN BOOK 21513. PAGE 109, I O.R. EA5TIN6I EXISTING STORY HOUSE NERSHEORS IB'-0H6N__6ARABE I 6BLOCK WALL 5' LINK CHAIN FENCE 6' CNAIN LINK FENCE MARVIN FONG EAASSOCIATES, INC IIH 12 HIGHLW D OAKS DRIVE ARCADU, CALIFORNIA 91006 PH 6263747430 FX 626524.7436 CINITY MAP ±29 r=_S W06 - PROJECT INFO: 11 E. ORANGE GROVE AVE, LOT 2, TRACT 7122, I FENCE AIN: 5271-014-002 LOT AREA: 18,220 SF, ZONE R -I I C PROJECT SCOPE: ADDITION/REMODEL, 866 SF NEW IST FLOOR ADDITION, 1.102 SF 2NO STORY ADDITION OWEa VOLE OWNER: UNE$ N-$ SAM AND SIN"CHUNG 11 E ORANGE GROVE AVE I ARCADIA. CA 91006 I (626) 890-8802 WALLLL ocK DESIGNER: MARVIN FONG AND ASSOCIATES EXISTING 5 1111 I HIGHLAND OAKS DRIVE 5TORY NOISE ARCADIA. CA 91006 SOb HIGH (626) 241-2321 W I SET RACKS/HEIGHTS ALLOWEDPROPOSED % 1 IF IST FRONT 58'-3" 89'-9" REAR IST FL 12' 10'-0" (EXISTING) v REAR 2ND FL 37' 37'-0" --- 'ST CONO K SIDES IST FL 10' 11'-II%3'-9" SIDES 2ND FL 20' 33'-10%21'-3" MAX HEIGHT- 29' 22'-2" ` O J "3 'MIAWAOL FRW AKWI.0 CaSW 4Wtt FWPoSLO rWrnKo uwrcs Wa rxs swF u Fnsrmc Omveo 0o AREA EXISTING AREA: PROPOSED NEW AREA: TOTAL AREA: •/1 _` ON FIRST FLOOR LIVABLE: 1.141 SF FIRST FLOOR LIKABLE, 221 SF FIRST FLOOR LIKABLE: 2.963 SFrV�"L RACE: 356 SF GARAGE: ids SF GARAGE: 501 SF ESSORY STRUCTURE 116 SF ACCESSORY STRUCTURE 0 SF ACCESSORY STRUCTURE 116 SF HT1 V CO ERED PORCHES: 0� COVERED PORCH !]IVF COVERED PORCH ]O SF �) U m SUB TOTAL: SECOND FL LIVABLE: 9J6 SF SUB TOTAL: I0 F SECOND FL LIVABLE: 3.650 SF 108 N TOTAL: 2,1145E TOTAL: 2,024 SF TOTAL: 4,739SF Hj pAR FAR PROPOSED: H FIRST FLOOR LIVABLE 2,963 SF w. p GARAGE ACCESSORY 51 Sr 116 SF A 6 _ p OR LIVABLE SECOND FLOOR ENABLE HIGH VOLUME AREA 1,088 SF 64 SF O _ I IVC7` TOTAL 4,zsz SF r � �,•L// XI TIN V RA PROPOSED LOT COVERAGE: 1 2.714/18.72 =14.4% 3,580/18,770=19.0% ' ` J �O V '0> S R IRE. 3 IDE.2 NO IN, ENGROAOHMENiS 5EE ARBORI5T REPORT L614]2L-, :: NO CHANGE, EXISTING TO REMAIN AS 15 NEW IST COVERED PORCH AREA 11.00 NEW 1ST FLOOR ROOFED AREA NEW 2140 FLOOR LIVABLE AREA ° 0 HARDSOAPE Z12 AIL BO SCALE: ® 0 1O' 30' °O' SITE PLAN 823.48_ S89'59'21'M ORANGE GROVE AVENUE „ AO -1.0