HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Pending DecisionNotice of Pending Decision—SFADR No. 16-XX Notice of Pending Decision—TRH 20-07, TRE 20-12, and TRD 20-24 Contact Information Project Planner: Edwin Arreola earreola@ArcadiaCA.gov (626) 821-4334 City of Arcadia Planning Services 240 W. Huntington Drive P.O. Box 60021 Arcadia, CA 91066 Project Location: 11 E. Orange Grove Ave APN: 5771-014-002 NOTICE OF PENDING DECISION IS HEREBY GIVEN that the property owner of the subject property is requesting to trim and encroach upon a few protected trees and remove a hazardous tree. You have the opportunity to comment on the project prior to the City making a decision on the project described below: A. California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section 15061(b)(3) the removal of a protected tree would not adversely change the environment. B. Healthy Tree Removal Application No. TRH 20-07, Protected Tree Encroachment Application No. 20-12, and Removal of Diseased/Hazardous Tree No. 20-24. Project Description: The Applicant is requesting to process three (3) protected tree applications as part of a second-floor addition to the existing home. The Highlands Homeowners’ Association has already reviewed and approved the architectural design of the addition. The Applicant is requesting to do the following: 1. To trim seven (7) protected Coast Live Oak trees located on the property. The trimming will consist of removing branches over the house and driveway to allow for construction of the second-floor addition to the home. 2. To encroach upon five (5) protected Coast Live Oak trees located on the property. 3. To remove one (1) hazardous Coast Live Oak tree. The tree is in poor condition, located underneath utility lines, has limbs growing into the utility lines and was topped by the utility company. Comment Period: August 31, 2020 to September 14, 2020 at 5:30 PM 11 N. Santa Anita Ave. E. Orange Grove Ave Ontare Rd.
Notice of Pending Decision—SFADR No. 16-XX
Notice of Pending Decision—TRH 20-07, TRE 20-12, and TRD 20-24
Contact Information
Project Planner:
Edwin Arreola
(626) 821-4334
City of Arcadia
Planning Services
240 W. Huntington Drive
P.O. Box 60021
Arcadia, CA 91066
Project Location: 11 E. Orange Grove Ave
APN: 5771-014-002
NOTICE OF PENDING DECISION IS HEREBY GIVEN that the property owner of the
subject property is requesting to trim and encroach upon a few protected trees and remove a
hazardous tree. You have the opportunity to comment on the project prior to the City making a
decision on the project described below:
A. California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section 15061(b)(3) the removal of a
protected tree would not adversely change the environment.
B. Healthy Tree Removal Application No. TRH 20-07, Protected Tree Encroachment
Application No. 20-12, and Removal of Diseased/Hazardous Tree No. 20-24.
Project Description: The Applicant is requesting to process three (3) protected tree
applications as part of a second-floor addition to the existing home. The Highlands
Homeowners’ Association has already reviewed and approved the architectural design of the
addition. The Applicant is requesting to do the following:
1. To trim seven (7) protected Coast Live Oak trees located on the property. The trimming
will consist of removing branches over the house and driveway to allow for construction
of the second-floor addition to the home.
2. To encroach upon five (5) protected Coast Live Oak trees located on the property.
3. To remove one (1) hazardous Coast Live Oak tree. The tree is in poor condition,
located underneath utility lines, has limbs growing into the utility lines and was topped
by the utility company.
Comment Period: August 31, 2020 to September 14, 2020 at 5:30 PM
11 N. Santa Anita Ave. E. Orange Grove Ave
Ontare Rd.