HomeMy WebLinkAboutRP Agenda: 10/14/2020CITY OF ARCADIA Recreation and Parks Commission Regular Meeting Agenda Wednesday, October 14, 2020, 6:00pm Location: Virtual Meeting COVID-19 NOTICE As part of the City of Arcadia's COVID-19 transmission mitigation efforts, Arcadia Recreation and Parks Commission Meetings are closed to the public. Pursuant to Executive Order N-25-20 and the Brown Act, the Arcadia Recreation and Parks Commission will meet virtually. The public is welcome to listen to the Arcadia Recreation and Parks Commission Meeting by calling 1.669.900.6833, Meeting ID: 984 6694 8675, Passcode: 313916. How to Submit Public Comment: Citizens who wish to submit public comment may do so using one of the following methods. Public comment is limited to the time and words allotted. 1. Email: Please submit your comments via email to ccheung@arcadiaca.gov so that it is received at least 30 minutes prior to the posted meeting time. Your email must be 300 words or less. 2. Phone: A conference line has been established for public comment. Your call will be recognized in the order it was received. Please keep your phone on MUTE until you are recognized for public comment. Conference Line: 1.669.900.6833 Meeting ID: 984 6694 8675 Pass Code: 313916 Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with a disability who require a disability related modification or accommodation in order to participate in a meeting, including auxiliary aids or services, may request such modification or accommodation from the Recreation and Community services at 626.574.5113. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to assure accessibility to the meeting. t011 MIXIM1111i . � # U 9i$f1�7 ho�iXB93 a1 t (c�#� @1a fi? A� ) �5Y43idei' f Egit: 626-574-5455) o 48 r1�9f3 k0 rYi #iti2.g7�'U` 'L�1 4'��v r#��'t4�1>gIH 11 bORi Pursuant to the City of Arcadia's Language Access services Policy, limited -English proficient speakers who require translation services in order to participate in a meeting may request the use of a volunteer or professional translator by contacting the City Clerk's Office at (626) 574-5455 at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. �9CYk7ioa1 T1JflDiiEfiM'(*i� 626-574-5455). 11ZW4 intj&3 ' i�fit�A7 72 rl Rf#�fe Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Recreation and Parks Commission regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the Recreation and Community Services Department, 375 Campus Drive, Arcadia, CA 91007 during normal business hours. CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL: Valerie Cheung, Commission Member Peter Chu, Commission Member Randy Fowler, Commission Member Steve Swinney, Commission Member Karen Yu, Commission Member ELECTION OF OFFICERS SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FROM STAFF REGARDING AGENDA ITEMS PUBLIC COMMENTS (5 minute time limit per person) Any individual wishing to speak before the Recreation and Parks Commission is limited to five (5) minutes per person, unless waived by the Recreation and Parks Commission. Under the Brown Act, the Recreation and Parks Commission is prohibited from discussing or taking action on any item not listed on the posted agenda. The matter may automatically be referred to staff for appropriate response or action or may be placed on the agenda of a future meeting. REPORTS FROM RECREATION AND PARKS COMMISSIONERS REPORT FROM CITY COUNCIL MEMBER LIAISON 2. CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under the Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and can be acted on by one roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless members of the Commission, staff, or the public request that a specific item be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate discussion and action. a. Regular Meeting Minutes of March 11, 2020 Recommended action: Approve 3. REGULAR ITEMS a. Report of Public Works Services Department I. Project Updates a. Newcastle Park Report of Director of Recreation and Community Services I. Summer Video II. Donations III. Homelessness Grant Update IV. Upcoming Events V. Financial Statements ADJOURNMENT The Recreation and Parks Commission will adjourn this meeting to January 13, 2021, at 6:OOpm, location to be determined. RECREATION AND PARKS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, March 11, 2020 RECREATION AND PARKS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ORDER — Chairperson Tom called the meeting to order at 6:OOpm in the Arcadia Recreation Conference Room. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Commissioner Cheung ROLL CALL OF COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Cheung, Chu, Fowler, Swinney, and Tom EXCUSED: None SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FROM STAFF REGARDING AGENDA ITEMS 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS REPORTS FROM RECREATION AND PARKS COMMISSIONERS Vice -Chairperson Fowler attended the Opening Ceremony at Eisenhower Park/Lojeski Field on February 29 and said the facility looked fantastic. Vice -Chairperson Fowler stated there were lots children and the new field was money well spent. Commissioner Cheung also attended the Opening Ceremony at Eisenhower Park/Lojeski Field on February 29 and was very impressed. Commissioner Cheung stated he grew up playing baseball, worked in the snack shack many hours, and was so happy to see the transformation of Lojeski Field. Commissioner Cheung has signed his children up for some summer day camps and loved the spring brochure stating it gets better every year. Commissioner Chu attended the Opening Ceremony at Eisehhower Park/Lojeski Field on February 29 and was also very impressed. Chairperson Tom reported she unfortunately didn't make the Opening Ceremony at Eisenhower Park but has since driven by and is very impressed with the new field. REPORT FROM CITY COUNCIL MEMBER LIAISON — None. 2. CONSENT CALENDAR a. Approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of February 12, 2020 It was moved by Commissioner Swinney, seconded by Vice -Chairperson Fowler and unanimously carried on roll call vote to approve Consent Calendar Item 2.a. AYES: Cheung, Chu, Fowler, Swinney, and Tom NOES: None 3. REGULAR ITEMS a. Report from Public Works Services Department I. Project Updates Deputy Public Works Services Department (DPWSD) Paul Cranmer reported on the Eisenhower Memorial Park renovation project. DPWSD Cranmer stated renovation on the south side of Eisenhower Park is progressing nicely. DPWSD Cranmer reported installation of the new playground equipment is 85% complete and the Dog Park is ready for utility work. DPWSD Cranmer will bring pictures and/or a video of the renovation progress at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission. DPWSD Cranmer reported the completion of the entire park will be mid-May. b. Discussion Regarding a Possible Liaison Between Commissioners and Sports Leagues in Arcadia Vice -Chairperson Fowler stated the Recreation and Parks Commission is an advisory Commission between the Recreation and Community Services Department and the City Council and doesn't think their duties should include interfering with the day to day operations of the Department. Vice -Chairperson Fowler would however, like to have a list of the User Groups and the dates of the Field Allocation Meetings. Commissioner Swinney suggested attending a Field Allocation Meeting with the user groups. Assistant Director of Recreation and Community Services (ADRCS) Candice Cheung stated that would be a good opportunity for the Recreation and Parks Commissioners to meet all the user groups but only two Commissioners would be allowed to attend a Field Allocation Meeting at one time because of the Brown Act. ADRCS Cheung reported the Field Allocation Meetings are held twice a year. Commissioner Swinney stated this would help keep the Commissioners informed of issues. Commissioner Cheung stated his intention for a possible liaison between Commissioners and User Groups was to improve communication with the City and the public. Commissioner Cheung suggested the Commissioners continue to think of ways for this to happen. Commissioner Swinney suggested possibly user groups attend a Recreation and Parks Commission Meeting. ADRCS Cheung stated she will include information regarding the Parks and Recreation Commission on the agenda for the next Field Allocation Meetings. ADRCS Cheung stated that way if there are any issues not being addressed at the Field Allocation Meetings, a user group could attend a Recreation and Parks Commission Meeting. Commissioner Chu agrees that the user groups should be informed about the Recreation and Parks Commission and when they meet so they can have the opportunity to report issues that are not being addressed otherwise. c. Report of Director of Recreation and Community Services Department Monthly Report ADRCS Cheung reported on the Senior Services Division. The Drop -in -Programs include watching television, playing cards, dominoes, listening to guitar music, and enjoying free Wi-Fi with 342 seniors participanting. Free senior seminars are offered every month at the Community Center in collaboration with Methodist Hospital. This month topics were: Medicare Updates 2020, Healthy Heart, and Coronavirus Update. Dr. Hua Jing, gave a presentation on the Coronavirus, how it spreads, the symptons, and general information with 121 people in attendance. In collaboration with Arcadia Chinese Asssociation, 214 seniors celebrated Chinese New Year on February 7. Participants enjoyed a traditional Chinese meal and entertainment. Income Tax Preparation is now being offered on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays by AARP Tax Aide volunteers with over 300 seniors being served. ADRCS Cheung reported on the Recreation Division. On February 29, the Lojeski Field Grand Re -Opening and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony was held at Eisenhower Park with nearly 700 people attending. Active adult classes are being offered in the winter session at the Dana Gym to include Zumba, yoga, belly dancing, youth basketball, badminton and volleyball. The Community Center Rentals by non-profit groups on the weenends brought in $1,740 this month. The total number of quarterly Buzz brochures distributed this season is 19,000. ADRCS Cheung appreciates the nice comments regarding the spring Buzz Brochure. ADRCS Cheung stated staff works very hard on making this brochure informational and user friendly. II. Financial Statements ADRCS Cheung referenced the January Financial Statement. Total expenditures through January 2020 are $1,779,201 that is 53.9 % of the budgeted amount for this fiscal year. The total fiscal year revenue as of January 2020 is $859,901 that is 68.1% of the budgeted amount. ADRCS Cheung referenced the January 2020 Park & Recreation Facilities Fund, with an account balance of $12,698,107. ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Tom adjourned the meeting at 6:30pm to April 8, 2020 in the Recreation Conference Room located at 375 Campus Drive, Arcadia. Lyn Tom Chairperson Sara Somogyi Secretary Normal % Expended Personnel Services: 16.2% Supplies & Services: 16.7% RECREATION DEPARTMENT FINANCIAL STATEMENT August 2920 ACCOUNT BUDGET EXPENDITURES PERCENTAGE 5501 Administration $ 661,000 $ 108,621 16.4% 5502 Community Center $ 312,600 $ 30,042 9.6% 5503 Dana Gym $ 232,100 $ 13,559 5.8% 5504 Fee & Charge $ 345,400 $ 45,012 13.0% 5505 Nature $ 104,000 $ 15,914 15.3% 5506 Recreation/Fields $ 92,200 $ 11,945 13.0% 5507 Senior Citizens $ 446,500 $ 62,640 14.0% 5508 Camp $ 166,500 $ 59,295 35.6% 5510 Youth Programs $ 361,800 $ 30,062 8.3% 5520 Museum Education Center $ 45,600 $ 11,260 24.7% Total Report $2,767,700 $ 388,350 14.0% ACCOUNT BUDGET REVENUE PERCENTAGE 5502 Community Center Rentals $ 16,200 $ 1,454 9.0% 5503 Dana Gym $ 152,600 $ 7,750 5.1% 5504 Fee & Charge Classes/ Activities $ 306,800 $ 33,484 10.9% 5505 Nature $ 18,700 $ 13,412 71.7% 5506 Recreation/Fields $ 26,000 $ 0 0% 5507 Senior Citizen Classes/ Activities $ 81,000 $ 8,343 10.3% 5508 Day and Sports Camps $ 101,500 $ 53,629 52.8% 5510 Youth Programs $ 32,900 $ 2,281 6.9% 5520 Museum Education Center $ 12,000 $ 518 4.3% Total Report $ 747,700 $ 120,871 16.2% Park and Recreation Facilities Fund Beginning Fund Balance Estimated Revenue: Dwelling Unit Fees Interest Earnings Total Revenues Estimated Funds Available Proposed Expenditures: General Fund Overhead Capital Projects Total Expenditures Ending Fund Balance FY19-20 FY20-21 FY20-21 Actual Actual as of 8/31/20 Budget 11,841,628 6,196,552 6,196,552 883,959 22,313 750,000 281,397 0 47,300 1,165,356 22,313 797,300 13,006,984 6,218,865 6,993,852 30,600 5,217 31,300 6,779,832 0 100, 000 6,810,432 5,217 131,300 6,196,552 6,213,648 6,862,552 Net Change in Fund Balance (5,645,076) 17,096 What's Open? Out of an abundance of caution, in accordance with guidance from local health officials to prevent the spread of COVID-19, City of Arcadia's Recreation & Community Services Department is temporarily modifying programs and services. The Recreation & Community Services Department will continue to access daily operations, consult with the CDC for updates, and keep the community informed. Stay safe. For more information, call 626.574.5113 or visit arcadiaca.gov/recreation. Social distancing of 6 feet & face coverings are mandatory. • Parks during regular hours for walking, running, or jogging • COVID-19 Online Resources Open •Virtual Recreation portal • Registration for classes • Half Day After School Camp • Eisenhower Dog Park • Portable Restroom at Arcadia Public Library Social distancing of 6 feet & face coverings are mandatory. • Recreation Office: M -F, 8am-4pm by appointment only • City Tennis Courts: Limited to 1 hour, must label tennis balls Limited and handle own equipment • Par 3 Golf Course & Driving Range: Pro Shop and indoor dining remain closed except for take-out food • Baseball/Soccer/Multi-Use Fields for permitted use only • Eisenhower perimeter walking trail until 8:30pm • Playground & Fitness equipment • Arcadia Community Center, including Senior Lunch Program • Please call LA County at 626.214.9463 for senior meals • Dana Gymnasium • Facility Rentals (Wilderness Park & Community Center) Closed • Recreation Programs, Classes, and Special Events • Park Amenities: Skate Parks, Basketball/Handball/Volleyball Courts, and Restrooms except Eisenhower Park • Wilderness Park • No use of Pavilions or picnicking • No group activities or gatherings 10/6/20 Modified Tennis Classes 71.1% Senior Classes 11.6% Youth & Adult Classes 17.4% Arcadia Recreation & Community Services VIRTUAL HALLOWEEN SUBMIT PHOTO TO 375 CAMPUS DRIVE OR RECREATION@ARCADIACA.GOV FOR A CHANCE TO WIN A PRIZE r �1 1000 WINNERS WILL BE SHOWCASED ON THE CITY WEBSITE & TWITTER BY 5PM ON 10/30/20 7 FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL 626.514.5113. 'jjjIjW AAN� Ammillow SUBMIT PHOTO WITH THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: A+, rn ARTICIPANT NAME: PHONE: ADDRESS: EMAIL: NAME OF CHILD: DESCRIPTION OF PHOTO: NAME OF PET: 0 RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION FOR ALL PARTICIPANTS • I HEREBY WAIVE, RELEASE AND DISCHARGE ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OR RIGHTS TO CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES FOR DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE WHICH I MAY HAVE, OR WHICH MAY HEREAFTER ACCRUE TO ME, AS A RESULT OF PARTICIPATION IN SAID ACTIVITY. THIS RELEASE IS INTENDED TO DISCHARGE IN ADVANCE THE CITY OF ARCADIA, (AND THEIR RESPECTIVE AGENTS, VOLUNTEERS AND EMPLOYEES), FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF OR CONNECTED IN ANYWAY WITH MY PARTICIPATION IN SAID ACTIVITY. I FURTHER UNDERSTAND THAT ACCIDENTS MAY OCCUR DURING SAID ACTIVITY, AND THAT PARTICIPANTS IN SUCH ACTIVITY MAY SUSTAIN PERSONAL INJURIES, AND/OR PROPERTY DAMAGE, AS A CONSEQUENCE THEREOF. KNOWING THE RISKS OF SAID ACTIVITY, NEVERTHELESS, I HEREBY AGREE TO ASSUME THOSE RISKS AND TO RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS ALL OF THE PERSONS OR ENTITIES MENTIONED ABOVE. IT IS FURTHER UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED THAT THIS WAIVER, RELEASE AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK IS TO BE BINDING ON MY HEIRS AND ASSIGNS. IF THE PARTICIPANT IS A MINOR, I ALSO GIVE PERMISSION FOR HIS/HER PARTICIPATION IN THE ABOVE ACTIVITIES, AND FOR ANY JW NECESSARY EMERGENCY MEDICAL TREATMENT. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE CITY OF ARCADIA HAS NO OBLIGATION TO WF SUPERVISE MY CHILDREN AT THE CLOSE OF THE ABOVE ACTIVITIES AND I RELEASE THE CITY OF ARCADIA, ITS OFFICERS, IF EMPLOYEES AND AGENTS FROM ANY LIABILITY RESULTING FROM THE LACK OF SUPERVISION OF MY CHILDREN AT THE CLOS OF THE ABOVE ACTIVITIES. I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT PARTICIPANTS INVOLVED IN RECREATION PROGRAMS ARE SUBJECT TO BEING PHOTOGRAPHED AND SUCH PHOTOGRAPHS MAY BE USED TO PUBLICIZE CITY PROGRAMS. 1 0 IN CONSIDERATION FOR THE CITY OF ARCADIA'S ACCEPTANCE OF THIS REGISTRATION, I HEREBY AGREE TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS THE CITY OF ARCADIA, ITS OFFICIALS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, OR VOLUNTEERS FROM ANY LIABILITY OR CLAIM OR ACTION FOR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM OR IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF MY PARTICIPATION IN ANY CITY RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT PROGRAM. I FURTHER UNDERSTAND AND AGREE (1) TO ASSUME ALL RISKS INHERENT IN THE ACTIVITIES WHICH ARE AVAILABLE AND IN WHICH I MAY PARTICIPATE, AND UNDERSTAND THAT THESE ACTIVITIES INVOLVE RISK TO MY PERSON AND PROPERTY AND (2) TO ASSUME THE RISKS, IF ANY, ARISING FROM THE CONDITIONS AND USE OF EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES. I FURTHER UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT ` THERE MAY BE RISKS AND DANGERS NOT KNOWN OR REASONABLY FORESEEABLE TO ME AT THIS TIME, AND IN ACCORDANCEs�, WITH SECTION 1542 OF THE CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE, I UNDERSTAND THAT MY RELEASE EXTENDS TO CLAIMS WHICH I DID NOT KNOW OR SUSPECT TO EXIST IN MY FAVOR AT THE TIME OF EXECUTION OF THIS RELEASE. .. 1 UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT INCLUDED WITHIN THE SCOPE OF THIS RELEASE IS ANY CAUSE OF ACTION, ARISING FROM I THE PERFORMANCE OF OR THE FAILURE TO PERFORM MAINTENANCE, INSPECTION, SUPERVISION OR CONTROL OF EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES, OR THE FAILURE TO WARN OF EXISTING DANGEROUS CONDITIONS NOT KNOWN TO OR REASONABLY DISCOVERED BY THE CITY, INCLUDING ALL ACTS OF NEGLIGENCE OF THE CITY. I UNDERSTAND THAT MY PARTICIPATION IN ANY CITY RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT PROGRAM, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE ACTIVITIES LISTED ABOVE, EXPOSES ME TO THE RISK OF COMMUNICABLE DISEASES AND VIRUSES. I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I AM VOLUNTARILY PARTICIPATING IN SAID ACTIVITIES AND AGREE TO ASSUME ANY SUCH RISK OF EXPOSURE TO COMMUNICABLE DISEASES AND VIRUSES. CITY PROGRAMS DO NOT QUALIFY AS CHILDCARE FOR TAX PURPOSE. IF THE PARTICIPANT IS A MINOR, HIS OR HER CUSTODIAL PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN MUST READ AND EXECUTE THIS AGREEMENT. I HEREBY WARRANT THAT I AM THE CUSTODIAL PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN OF (PRINT MINOR'S NAME), WHO IS A MINOR, AND I AGREE ON MY OWN AND SAID MINOR'S BEHALF TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS RELEASE. IN THE EVENT OF INJURY OR ILLNESS WHILE THE PARTICIPANT WHO IS A MINOR IS ATTENDING THE RECREATION ACTIVITY, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE CITY OF ARCADIA RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT TO CONSENT TO MEDICAL TREATMENT ON BEHALF OF THE MINOR AS DEEMED NECESSARY. THE UNDERSIGNED, AS PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN OF THE CHILD IDENTIFIED ON THIS FORM, HEREBY AUTHORIZES THE RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT AND ITS OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES AND AGENTS INTO WHOSE CARE THE REGISTERED CHILD HAS BEEN ENTRUSTED, TO CONSENT TO THE ADVICE OF TRAINED EMERGENCY PERSONNEL. THIS AUTHORIZATION TO CONSENT TO TREATMENT OF THE MINOR IDENTIFIED ABOVE IS GIVEN TO THE RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT IN CONJUNCTION WITH ANY ACTIVITY OR EVENT IN WHICH THE MINOR'S CARE IS ENTRUSTED TO THE RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT. THE RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MAY TAKE AND USE PHOTOS OF PARTICIPANTS FOR PUBLICITY PURPOSES. PHOTOS OF PARTICIPANTS ARE USED IN THE CITY'S ACTIVITY GUIDE AND OTHER MEDIA PUBLICATIONS. I HEREBY GRANT THE CITY OF ARCADIA PERMISSION TO USE MY, OR IF THE PARTICIPANT IS A MINOR, THE MINOR'S LIKENESS, NAME, VOICE AND WORDS IN ANY BROADCAST, TELECAST OR PRINT MEDIA ACCOUNT OF THIS EVENT OR ACTIVITY FREE OF CHARGE. SIGNATURE (REQUIRED): City ofArcadia I Senior Services 56*90; 7*P D/ I a 14 5 /A Car Burgo / PLAY FOR YOUR CHANCE TO WIN A VARIETY OF PRIZES! SAFETY PROTOCOLS WILL BE FOLLOWED FACE COVERINGS REQUIRED AND ONE HOUSEHOLD PER VEHICLE ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST PRE -REGISTER THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2020 10-11:30AM COMMUNITY CENTER PARKING LOT 2 Z6 BIN Bl/y� a 365 CAMPUS DRIVE F20-7050 i403 REGISTER ONLINE AT ARCADIACA.GOV/RECREATION OR CONTACT 626.574.5130 r�* Az of `J ff G RA A{17J #i2YPfmt i10kO_3 626.574.5455, gyp] i2 6 tp 1 i 'r� Play for your chance to win a variety of prizes! ARCAMA DRIVE 1 FAMILV BINGO SAFETY PROTOCOLS WILL BE FOLLOWED Face coverings required and one household per vehicle All participants must pre -register Saturday, December 5, 2020 10-11:30am Community Center Parking Lot 365 Campus Drive F20-4555 0 v REGISTER ONLINE AT ARCADIACA.GOV/RECREATION OR CONTACT 626.574.5113 F�VMitAD#4i f"LD`?3tIiItjfM"`J,I;11 01AjkrkV� tT,%19 E1% Zt&."]i*,B 1�%, F0 626.574.5455, Plm