HomeMy WebLinkAboutHR Agenda: 10/22/2020 - Special MeetingCITY OF ARCADIA Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Human Resources Commission regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the Administrative Services office located at 240 W. Huntington Drive, Arcadia, California, during normal business hours. Human Resources Commission Special Meeting Agenda Thursday, October 22, 2020, 5:30 p.m. Location: Teleconference COVID-19 As part of the City of Arcadia’s COVID-19 transmission mitigation efforts, this meeting of the Arcadia Human Resources Commission will be conducted and is closed to the public. Per the Brown Act, the public will still be provided the ability to make public comments. For members of the public who would like to participate virtually, the meeting will be held via teleconference. A conference line has been established to enable the public to observe the meeting via teleconference. However, public comment will only be accepted via email. Conference Line: (669) 900-6833 Meeting ID: 941 1833 9136 Password: 299602 How to Submit Public Comment: Please submit your comments via email to HR@arcadiaca.gov. Comments must be received at least 30 minutes prior to the posted meeting time. Your email must be 300 words or less. Please contact the Human Resources division at 626-574-5405 for more information. 新型冠状病毒(COVID-19) 作为阿卡迪亚市减轻新型冠状病毒传播工作的一项内容,将召开本次阿卡迪亚市人力资源委员会会议,会议 不对公众开放。根据《布朗法案》,仍将向公众提供发表评论意见的机会。对于希望以虚拟形式参加会议的 公众,会议将通过电话会议形式召开。 设立了一条会议专线,允许公众通过电话会议的方式旁听会议。但仅限通过电子邮件接受公众评论意见。 会议专线:(669) 900-6833 会议代码:941 1833 9136 密码:299602 如何提交公众评论意见: 请将您的评论意见通过电子邮件发送至:HR@arcadiaca.gov。必须在公布的会议时间前至少提前 30 分钟提 交评论意见。您的电子邮件不得超过 300 个英文单词。详情请电洽人力资源部,电话号码 626-574-5405. Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with a disability who require a disability related modification or accommodation in order to participate in a meeting, including auxiliary aids or services, may request such modification or accommodation from the Administrative Services Department at (626) 574-5405. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to assure accessibility to the meeting. 根据《美国残障人法案》的规定,需要提供残障相关调整或便利设施才能参加会议的残障人士(包括辅助器材或服务), 可向行政管理服务部请求获得此类调整或便利设施,电话号码 (626) 574-5405 请在会前 48 小时通知行政管理服务部, 以便作出合理安排,确保顺利参加会议。 Pursuant to the City of Arcadia’s Language Access Services Policy, limited-English proficient speakers who require translation services in order to participate in a meeting may request the use of a volunteer or professional translator by contacting the City Clerk’s Office at (626) 574-5455 at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. 根据阿凯迪亚市的语言便利服务政策,英语能力有限并需要翻译服务才能参加会议的人可与市书记官办公室联系(电话: 626-574-5455),请求提供志愿或专业翻译服务,请至少在会前 72 小时提出请求。 CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL: Ching Chia (Thomas) Tseng, Chairperson/Commission Member Kaitlyn Jeong, Chairperson Pro Tem/Commission Member Lula Eskander, Commission Member John McMahon, Commission Member Michael Rock, Commission Member SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FROM STAFF REGARDING AGENDA ITEMS PUBLIC COMMENTS (300 word limit per person) Any individual wishing to speak before the Human Resources Commission is limited to five (5) minutes per person, unless waived by the Human Resources Commission. Under the Brown Act, the Human Resources Commission is prohibited from discussing or taking action on any item not listed on the posted agenda. The matter may automatically be referred to staff for appropriate response or action or may be placed on the agenda of a future meeting. REPORTS FROM HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MEMBERS REPORTS FROM CITY COUNCIL LIAISON 1. CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under the Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and can be acted on by one roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless members of the Commission, staff, or the public request that a specific item be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate discussion and action. a. Approve the Regular Meeting Minutes from July 9, 2020. Recommended Action: Approve 2. REGULAR ITEMS a. Recommendation to Approve changes to the Classification Specification for Police Chief. Recommended Action: Approve b. Recommendation to Approve changes to the Classification Specification for Public Works Service Director. Recommended Action: Approve c. Recommendation to Approve changes to the Classification Specification for Police Captain. Recommended Action: Approve ADJOURNMENT The Human Resources Commission will adjourn this meeting to November 12, 2020, 5:30 p.m. via Teleconference. 7-9-2020 HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES THURSDAY, JULY 9, 2020 CALL TO ORDER – Chairperson Pro Tem Tseng called the Regular Meeting to order at 5:30p.m. in the Council Chambers Conference Room. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Chairperson Pro Tem Tseng ROLL CALL OF HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioners Eskander, Jeong, McMahon, Rock, and Tseng ABSENT: None SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FROM STAFF REGARDING AGENDA ITEMS – None PUBLIC COMMENTS – None REPORTS FROM HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MEMBERS – None REPORTS FROM CITY COUNCIL LIAISON – None 1. REGULAR ITEMS a. Selection of Chairperson and Chairperson Pro Tem for Fiscal Year 2020-21. Recommended Action: Appoint Chairperson Michael Rock nominated Chairperson Pro Tem Thomas Tseng for Chairperson. Commission Member John McMahon nominated Commission Member Kaitlyn Jeong for Chairperson Pro Tem. It was moved by Commissioner Rock, seconded by McMahon and carried on roll call to select Commission Member Thomas Tseng for Chairperson and Commission Member Kaitlyn Jeong for Chairperson Pro Tem. Roll Call: AYES: Commissioners Eskander, Jeong, McMahon, Rock, and Tseng NOES: None ABSENT: None a. Recommendation to Abolish Eligibility List No.20-04 for the position of Human Resources Analyst/Senior Human Resources Analyst. Recommended Action: Approve Shama Curian, Human Resources Administrator requested to abolish the Human Resources Analyst/Senior Human Resources Analyst Eligibility List. One candidate was appointed to the Sr. HR Analyst position and one candidate was appointed to the HR Analyst position leaving 5 candidates. Of those 5, one candidate withdrew and the other four did not 7-9-2020 meet expectations or were not considered a good fit for the division. Abolishing the list allows the division to reassess the needs and retool a recruitment to attract uniquely qualified individuals. It was moved by Commissioner Rock, seconded by Jeong, and carried on roll call vote to abolish the Human Resources Analyst/Senior Human Resources Analyst Eligibility List 20- 04. Roll Call: AYES: Commissioners Eskander, Jeong, McMahon, Rock, and Tseng NOES: None ABSENT: None 2. CONSENT CALENDAR a. Approve the Special Meeting Minutes of March 11, 2020. Recommended Action: Approve AYES: Commissioners Eskander, Jeong, McMahon, Rock, and Tseng NOES: None ABSENT: None ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Tseng adjourned the meeting at 5:42 p.m. to Thursday, August 13, 2020, at 5:30 p.m. via virtual teleconference. Thomas Tseng Chairperson By: Shama Curian Human Resources Administrator DATE: October 22, 2020 TO: Human Resources Commission FROM: Dominic Lazzaretto, City Manager By: Shama P. Curian, Human Resources Administrator SUBJECT: RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE THE REVISED CLASSIFICATION SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE POSITION OF POLICE CHIEF Recommendation: Approve SUMMARY The anticipated retirement of our Police Chief provided an opportunity to assess the class specifications of the position to determine if an update was needed. After a thorough review of the classification, it is recommended that the Human Resources Commission approve the modifications to allow for greater flexibility when considering the most qualified candidates for the position. BACKGROUND In accordance with the City’s Personnel Rules and Regulations, revisions to the Classification Plan involving changes in class specifications may be made by City Council upon recommendation from the Human Resources Commission. When a position becomes vacant, the Human Resources Division along with the supervisor conducts a thorough evaluation of current class specs to determine if updates are warranted. These changes may include contemporary updates due to departmental structure, clerical corrections, updates to specific job duties, or changes to education requirements. With the Police Chief position, a review of the existing class specification revealed minor changes were needed to provide inclusive language that allows for greater flexibility when considering potential candidates for the position. The class specification has gone unchanged for 20 years, with the last update being January 1999. The inclusive language will allow for greater flexibility to review a larger selection of candidates during a recruitment process. The position will continue to provide complex administrative support to the City Manager in all activities and operations of Police Department. With the broad supervisorial and managerial oversight for the overall operations of the department, the incumbent will continue be an experienced leader capable of positively representing the City and the Police Department. RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE THE REVISED CLASSIFICATION SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE POSITION OF POLICE CHIEF Oct. 22, 2020 Page 2 Under the current requirements, a bachelor’s degree and 7 years of experience, including 5 years management and supervisory experience is a must to be further considered in the recruitment process. This static qualification eliminates those who do not meet the exacting requirements, and as such, provides difficulty when recruiting qualified candidates. The qualifications will continue to follow P.O.S.T certification requirements of a P.O.S.T. Management Certificate needed upon application submittal. Updating the education and experience language to, “Any combination of education and/or experience that has provided the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for successful job performance is qualifying.” The education for the position will still maintain the equivalent to a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college as well as 7 years of law enforcement experience. The current degree and experience requirements will be used as an example to consider the requisite abilities of the candidates. FISCAL IMPACT The proposed changes to the existing class specification have no fiscal impact. ENVORINMENTAL ANALYSIS The proposed action does not constitute a project under the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”), and under Section 15051 (b)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines, as it can be seen with certainty that it will have no impact on the environment. Thus, this matter is exempt under CEQA. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Human Resources Commission approve the attached revised class specifications for Police Chief. Attachments: Police Chief Class Specification 176 CITY OF ARCADIA POLICE CHIEF DEFINITION Under general administrative direction, to plan, direct, manage, and oversee the activities and operations of the Police Department including patrol, traffic, investigations, internal affairs, K-9, communications, and support services; to coordinate assigned activities with other City departments and outside agencies; and to provide highly responsible and complex administrative support to the City Manager. SUPERVISION EXERCISED Exercises direct supervision over management, supervisory, professional, technical, and clerical staff. EXAMPLES OF IMPORTANT AND ESSENTIAL DUTIES Assume full management responsibility for all Police Department services and activities including patrol, traffic, investigations, internal affairs, K-9, communications, and support services. Manage the development and implementation of Police Department goals, objectives, policies, and priorities for each assigned service area; establish, within City policy, appropriate service and staffing levels; allocate resources accordingly. Continuously monitor and evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery methods and procedures; assess and monitor work load, administrative and support systems, and internal reporting relationships; identify opportunities for improvement; direct the implementation of changes. Represent the Police Department to other City departments, elected officials, and outside agencies; explain and interpret Police Department programs, policies, and activities; negotiate and resolve sensitive, significant, and controversial issues. Select, train, motivate and evaluate Police Department personnel; provide or coordinate staff training; work with employees to correct deficiencies; implement discipline and termination procedures; recognize commendatory performance. Plan, direct, and coordinate, through subordinate level managers, the Police Department's work plan; meet with staff to identify and resolve problems; assign projects and programmatic areas of responsibility; review and evaluate work methods and procedures. 177 City of Arcadia Police Chief (Continued) EXAMPLES OF IMPORTANT AND ESSENTIAL DUTIES Manage and participate in the development and administration of the Police Department budget; direct the forecast of additional funds needed for staffing, equipment, materials, and supplies; direct the monitoring of and approve expenditures; direct the preparation of and implement budgetary adjustments as necessary. Coordinate Police Department activities with those of other departments and outside agencies and organizations; maintain and facilitate public relations and cooperative working relationships with news media, schools, local organizations and the general public; attend and speak at various community functions and meetings; prepare press releases and confer with the media in matters related to assigned activities. Provide staff assistance to the City Manager and City Council; prepare and present staff reports and other necessary correspondence. Conduct a variety of organizational studies, investigations, and operational studies; recommend modifications to Police Department programs, policies, and procedures as appropriate. Review and analyze reports, legislation, court cases, and related matters; prepare initial responses for legal actions; prepare ordinances for consideration by the City Council. Participate on a variety of boards and commissions; attend and participate in professional group meetings; stay abreast of new trends and innovations in the field of law enforcement. Respond to and resolve difficult and sensitive inquiries and complaints. OTHER JOB RELATED DUTIES Perform related duties and responsibilities as assigned. JOB RELATED AND ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS Knowledge of: Operational characteristics, services and activities of a comprehensive municipal law enforcement program. Organization and management practices as applied to the analysis and evaluation of programs, policies and operational needs. Modern and complex principles and practices of law enforcement program development and administration. 178 City of Arcadia Police Chief (Continued) JOB RELATED AND ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS Knowledge of: Technical and administrative phases of crime prevention, law enforcement, and related functions including investigation, patrol, juvenile welfare, traffic control and safety, records maintenance, supplies and equipment, care and custody of persons and property, training, and communications. Principles of Community Oriented Policing and Problem Solving (COPPS). Law enforcement theory, principles and practices and their application to a wide variety of services and programs. Recent court decisions and how they affect department and division operations. Functions and objectives of Federal, State, and other local law enforcement agencies. Use of firearms and other modern police equipment. Advanced principles and practices of budget preparation and administration. Principles of supervision, training and performance evaluation. Pertinent Federal, State, and local laws and ordinances, particularly with reference to apprehension, arrest, search and seizure, evidence and records maintenance, and traffic control. Local geography, City streets, public buildings, and businesses. Safe driving principles and practices. Skill to: Operate firearms and other modern police equipment. Operate modern office equipment including computer equipment. Operate a motor vehicle safely. Ability to: Provide administrative and professional leadership and direction for the Police Department. 179 City of Arcadia Police Chief (Continued) Ability to: Develop, implement, and administer goals, objectives, and procedures for providing effective and efficient law enforcement services. Plan, organize, direct, and coordinate the work of management, supervisory, professional, technical, and clerical personnel; delegate authority and responsibility. Select, supervise, train, and evaluate staff. Identify and respond to community, City Manager and City Council issues, concerns, and needs. Conceptualize COPPS police/community programs and orchestrate their implementation. Analyze problems, identify alternative solutions, project consequences of proposed actions, and implement recommendations in support of goals. Research, analyze, and evaluate new service delivery methods, procedures, and techniques. Prepare and administer large and complex budgets; allocate limited resources in a cost effective manner. Prepare clear and concise administrative reports. Interpret and apply Federal, State and local policies, procedures, laws, and regulations. Act quickly and calmly in emergencies. Meet the physical requirements necessary to safely and effectively perform the assigned duties. Exercise good judgment, flexibility, creativity, and sensitivity in response to changing situations and needs. Communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing. Establish, maintain, and foster positive and harmonious working relationships with those contacted in the course of work. 180 City of Arcadia Police Chief (Continued) Minimum Qualifications: Any combination of education and experience that would provide the required knowledge, skills and abilities is qualifying. A typical way to achieve this is: Experience: Seven years of responsible law enforcement experience including five years of supervisorial duties over subordinate staff in a management position. . Training: Equivalent to a Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with major course work in police science, public or business administration, or a related field. A Master's degree is desirable. License or Certificate: Possession of, or ability to obtain, an appropriate, valid driver's license. Possession of a P.O.S.T. Management Certificate. Possession of a P.O.S.T. Executive Certificate, P.O.S.T. Command College Graduation Certificate, and F.B.I National Academy Graduation Certificate are desirable. Special Requirements: Essential duties require the following physical skills and work environment: Ability to work in a standard office environment with some ability to sit, stand, and walk; some exposure to outdoors; ability to travel to different sites and locations. Effective Date: January, 1999 Revised: November 2020 Deleted: management Deleted: and supervisory experience DATE: October 22, 2020 TO: Human Resources Commission FROM: Dominic Lazzaretto, City Manager By: Shama P. Curian, Human Resources Administrator SUBJECT: RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE THE REVISED CLASSIFICATION SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE POSITION OF PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES DIRECTOR Recommendation: Approve SUMMARY The anticipated retirement of our Public Works Services Director provided an opportunity to assess the class specifications of the position to determine if an update was needed. After a thorough review of the classification, it is recommended that the Human Resources Commission approve the modifications to reflect current managerial oversight and to allow for greater flexibility when considering the most qualified candidates for the position. BACKGROUND In accordance with the City’s Personnel Rules and Regulations, revisions to the Classification Plan involving changes in class specifications may be made by City Council upon recommendation from the Human Resources Commission. When a position becomes vacant, the Human Resources Division along with the supervisor conducts a thorough evaluation of current class specs to determine if updates are warranted. These changes may include contemporary updates due to departmental structure, clerical corrections, updates to specific job duties, or changes to education requirements. With the Public Works Services Director position, a review of the existing class specification revealed minor changes were needed to reflect current managerial oversight of specific areas within the Public Works Services Department. In addition to the updating the duties and responsibilities associated with the position, inclusive language within the minimum qualifications is needed to provide for greater flexibility when considering potential candidates for the position. The class specification has gone unchanged for 20 years, with the last update being January 1999. The updates better reflect the current span of oversight of the position, and the inclusive language will allow RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE THE REVISED CLASSIFICATION SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE POSITION OF PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES DIRECTOR Oct. 22, 2020 Page 2 for greater flexibility to review a larger selection of candidates during a recruitment process. The position will continue to provide complex administrative support to the City Manager in all activities and operations of Public Works Services. With the broad supervisorial and managerial oversight for the overall operations of the department, the incumbent will continue be an experienced leader capable of positively representing the City and the Public Works Services Department. FISCAL IMPACT The proposed changes to the existing class specification have no fiscal impact. ENVORINMENTAL ANALYSIS The proposed action does not constitute a project under the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”), and under Section 15051 (b)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines, as it can be seen with certainty that it will have no impact on the environment. Thus, this matter is exempt under CEQA. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Human Resources Commission approve the attached revised class specifications for Public Works Services Director. Attachments: Public Works Services Director Class Specification 455 CITY OF ARCADIA PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES DIRECTOR DEFINITION Under general administrative direction, to plan, direct, manage, and oversee the activities and operations of the Public Works Services Department including streets, water, engineering, sanitation, facilities, and contract services; to coordinate assigned activities with other City departments and outside agencies; and to provide highly responsible and complex administrative support to the City Manager. SUPERVISION EXERCISED Exercises direct supervision over management, supervisory, professional, technical, and clerical staff. EXAMPLES OF IMPORTANT AND ESSENTIAL DUTIES Assume full management responsibility for all Public Works Services Department services and activities including streets, water, engineering, sanitation, facilities, fleet, wastewater and contract services. Manage the development and implementation of Public Works Services Department goals, objectives, policies, and priorities for each assigned service area; establish, within City policy, appropriate service and staffing levels; allocate resources accordingly. Continuously monitor and evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery methods and procedures; assess and monitor workload, administrative and support systems, and internal reporting relationships; identify opportunities for improvement; direct the implementation of changes. Represent the Public Works Services Department to other City departments, elected officials and outside agencies; explain and interpret Public Wor ks Services Department programs, policies, and activities; negotiate and resolve sensitive, significant, and controversial issues. Select, train, motivate, and evaluate Public Works Services Department personnel; provide or coordinate staff training; work with employees to correct deficiencies; implement discipline and termination procedures. Plan, direct, and coordinate the Public Works Services Department's work plan; meet with manage- ment staff to identify and resolve problems; assign projects and programmatic areas of responsibility; review and evaluate work methods and procedures. Deleted: 456 Manage and participate in the development and administration of the Public Works Services Department budget; direct the forecast of additional funds needed for staffing, equipment, materials, and supplies; direct the monitoring of and approve expenditures; direct the preparation of and implement budgetary adjustments as necessary. Direct and coordinate the design of public utility systems, public works projects and facilities; oversee contract City Engineer services in the approval of plans and specifications; oversee construction activities and related department services. Oversees the administration and coordination of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Program to ensure continual compliance. Coordinate the preparation of the 5-year capital improvement and equipment replacement budgets for all City departments and present to City Council. Directs the administration of the waste management, refuse and recycling contract for residential refuse collection; monitor commercial hauling and ensure City compliance with AB939 requirements. Negotiate contract extensions, amendments, and related changes for contract services. Coordinate Public Works Services Department activities with those of other departments and outside agencies and organizations. Provide staff assistance to the City Manager and City Council; prepare and present staff reports and other necessary correspondence. Conduct a variety of organizational studies, investigations, and operational studies; recommend modifications to Public Works Services programs, policies, and procedures as appropriate. Participate on a variety of boards and commissions; attend and participate in professional group meetings; stay abreast of new trends and innovations in the field of public works. Respond to and resolve difficult and sensitive inquiries and complaints. OTHER JOB RELATED DUTIES Perform related duties and responsibilities as assigned. JOB RELATED AND ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS Knowledge of: Operational characteristics, services, and activities of a comprehensive public works program. Deleted: Administer 457 Organization and management practices as applied to the analysis and evaluation of programs, policies, and operational needs. Modern and complex principles and practices of program development and administration. Advanced principles and practices of municipal budget preparation and administration. Principles of supervision, training, and performance evaluation. Pertinent Federal, State, and local laws, codes, and regulations. Safe driving principles and practices. Skill to: Operate modern office equipment including computer equipment. Operate a motor vehicle safely. Ability to: Provide administrative and professional leadership and direction for the Public Works Services Department. Develop, implement, and administer goals, objectives, and procedures for providing effective and efficient public works services. Plan, organize, direct, and coordinate the work of management, supervisory, professional, technical, and clerical personnel; delegate authority and responsibility. Select, supervise, train, and evaluate staff. Identify and respond to community and City Council issues, concerns, and needs. Analyze problems, identify alternative solutions, project consequences of proposed actions, and implement recommendations in support of goals. Research, analyze, and evaluate new service delivery methods, procedures, and techniques. Prepare and administer large and complex budgets; allocate limited resources in a cost effective manner. Prepare clear and concise administrative and financial reports. Interpret and apply the policies, procedures, laws, codes, and regulations pertaining to assigned programs and functions. Communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing. 458 Establish, maintain, and foster positive and harmonious working relationships with those contacted in the course of work. Minimum Qualifications: Any combination of education and experience that would provide the required knowledge, skills and abilities is qualifying. A typical way to achieve this is: Experience: 7 of responsible public works experience including 5 years of supervisorial duties over subordinate staff in a management position. Training: Equivalent to a Bachelor's Degree from an accredited college or university with major course work in public administration or a related field. A Master's degree is desirable. License or Certificate: Possession of, or ability to obtain, an appropriate, valid driver's license. Special Requirements: Essential duties require the following physical skills and work environment: Ability to work in a standard office environment; ability to travel to different sites and locations. Effective Date: January, 1999 Revised: October 2020 Deleted: Seven years Deleted: five Deleted: of management and supervisory experience. Deleted: d STAFF REPORT Administrative Services Department DATE: October 22, 2020 TO: Human Resources Commission FROM: Chief Robert T. Guthrie By: Captain Roy Nakamura Recommendation: Approve SUBJECT: RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE REVISED CLASSIFICATION FOR POLICE CAPTAIN SUMMARY It is recommended that the Human Resources Commission approve the revision to the existing classification specification Police Captain. DISCUSSION In an effort to provide the Police Department with more flexibility when considering applicants for Police Captain, staff is recommending modifying the existing classification specification by replacing the existing language that designates specific education and work experience requirements with more flexible language. Police Captain Over the years excellent candidates for positions are sometimes not considered because they lack specific educational requirements or possess less experience than the City’s current classification specification requires. In some cases, the deficiency is minor or less important to the incumbent manager than it was to previous managers. For example, candidates with five-and-a-half (5 ½) years of relevant experience being disqualified from applying for a position that requires six (6) years of experience. The intent of the proposed language is not to lower minimum requirements for this position. Existing minimum qualifications will still serve as the standards to possess and by which staff would measure readiness for the position. The proposed change would simply allow for flexibility and help hiring managers appoint the best applicant, not necessarily selecting the candidates with the most education or experience levels. CITY OF ARCADIA POLICE CAPTAIN DEFINITION Under administrative direction, to direct, manage, supervise, and coordinate the programs and activities of the assigned major division of the Police Department; to coordinate assigned activities with other City departments, divisions, and outside agencies; to provide highly responsible and complex administrative support to the Police Chief; and to serve as Police Chief in the absence of the Police Chief. SUPERVISION EXERCISED Exercises direct supervision over management, supervisory, professional, technical, and clerical staff. EXAMPLES OF IMPORTANT AND ESSENTIAL DUTIES Coordinate and supervise the organization, staffing, and operational activities for the assigned division programs and activities. Manage and participate in the development and implementation of goals, objectives, policies, and priorities for the assigned division; recommend, within Departmental policy, appropriate service and staffing levels; recommend and administer policies and procedures. Continuously monitor and evaluate the short and long term efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery methods and procedures; assess and monitor work load, administrative and support systems, and internal reporting relationships; identify opportunities for improvement and review with the Police Chief; direct the implementation of improvements. Select, train, motivate and evaluate assigned personnel; provide or coordinate staff training; work with employees to correct deficiencies; implement discipline and termination procedures. Plan, direct, coordinate, and review the work plan for the assigned division; meet with staff to identify and resolve problems; assign work activities, projects, and programs; monitor work flow; review and evaluate work products, methods and procedures. Manage and participate in the development and administration of the assigned division annual budget; direct the forecast of additional funds needed for staffing, equipment, materials, and supplies; direct the monitoring of and approve expenditures; direct and implement adjustments as necessary. City of Arcadia Police Captain (Continued) EXAMPLES OF IMPORTANT AND ESSENTIAL DUTIES Serve as a liaison for assigned division with other City departments, divisions and outside agencies; maintain and facilitate public relations and cooperative working relationships with news media, schools, local organizations and the general public; attend and speak at various community functions and meetings; negotiate and resolve significant and controversial issues. Provide responsible staff assistance to the Police Chief; prepare and present staff reports and other necessary correspondence. Conduct a variety of organizational studies, investigations, and operational studies; recommend modifications to assigned programs, policies, and procedures as appropriate. Conduct field inspections and inspections of department personnel and equipment as necessary. Participate on a variety of inter-departmental committees; attend and participate in professional group meetings; attend seminars and training courses; stay abreast of new trends and innovations in the field of law enforcement. Respond to and resolve difficult and sensitive inquiries and complaints. Participate in regional planning for multi-jurisdictional events. Oversee information systems and technology. Serve as Police Chief upon the absence or request of the Police Chief. OTHER JOB RELATED DUTIES Perform related duties and responsibilities as assigned. JOB RELATED AND ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS Knowledge of: Operational characteristics, services and activities of a comprehensive municipal law enforcement program. Concepts of tactical and emergency operations management. Research, application and administration of grant projects. Information and technology based systems. City of Arcadia Police Captain (Continued) JOB RELATED AND ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS Concepts and principles of community oriented policing. Organizational and management practices as applied to the analysis and evaluation of programs, policies and operational needs. Modern and complex principles and practices of law enforcement program development and administration. Technical and administrative phases of crime prevention and law enforcement including investigation and identification, patrol, traffic control, records management, and care and custody of persons and property. Law enforcement theory, principles and practices and their application to a wide variety of services and programs. Recent court decisions and how they affect department and division operations. Functions and objectives of Federal, State, and other local law enforcement agencies. Use of firearms and other modern police equipment. Advanced principles and practices of budget preparation and administration. Principles of supervision, training and performance evaluation. Pertinent Federal, State, and local laws and ordinances, particularly with reference to apprehension, arrest, search and seizure, evidence and records maintenance, and traffic control. Local geography, City streets, public buildings, and businesses. Safe driving principles and practices. Skill to: Operate modern office equipment including computer equipment. Operate firearms and other modern police equipment. Operate a motor vehicle safely. City of Arcadia Police Captain (Continued) Ability to: Provide administrative and professional leadership and direction for the assigned division of the Police Department. Administer the functions of patrol, traffic, investigation, records, information management systems, and specialized units such as K-9, mounted patrol and regional task force operations. Recommend and implement goals, objectives, and practices for providing effective and efficient law enforcement services. Manage, direct and coordinate the work of management, supervisory, professional, technical, and clerical personnel. Select, supervise, train and evaluate staff. Identify and respond to community and Police Chief issues, concerns, and needs. Analyze problems, identify alternative solutions, project consequences of proposed actions and implement recommendations in support of goals. Research, analyze, and evaluate new service delivery methods, procedures and techniques. Prepare and administer budgets. Prepare clear and concise administrative and financial reports. Interpret and apply Federal, State and local policies, procedures, laws and regulations. Act quickly and calmly in emergencies. Meet the physical requirements necessary to safely and effectively perform the assigned duties. Exercise good judgment, flexibility, creativity, and sensitivity in response to changing situations and needs. Communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing. Establish, maintain, and foster positive and harmonious working relationships with those contacted in the course of work. City of Arcadia Police Captain (Continued) Minimum Qualifications: Any combination of education and experience that would provide the required knowledge, skills and abilities is qualifying. A typical way to achieve this is: Experience: Six years of increasingly responsible law enforcement experience including three years of management and supervisory experience. Training: Equivalent to a Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with major course work in police science, public or business administration, or a related field. License or Certificate: Possession of, or ability to obtain, an appropriate, valid driver's license. Possession of, or ability to obtain, a P.O.S.T. Management Certificate. Special Requirements: Essential duties require the following physical skills and work environment: Ability to work in a standard office environment with some ability to sit, stand, walk, and lift 50 lbs.; some exposure to outdoors; ability to travel to different sites and locations. Effective Date: October 2020 Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5" Deleted: January Deleted: 1999