HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem No. 1 - Amendment to CUP 17-11 - 36 W. Live Oak Ave.DATE: December 22, 2020
TO: Honorable Chairman and Planning Commission
FROM: Lisa L. Flores, Planning & Community Development Administrator
Luis Torrico, Senior Planner
By: Christine Song, Associate Planner
Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2068
The Applicant, Yen Jung Tu, is requesting approval of an Amendment of Conditional Use
Permit No. CUP 17-11 to expand the operation of an existing personal training fitness
facility (dba: 99 Barbell Fitness) by providing physical therapy and acupuncture services
to members of the facility and not to the general public located at 36 W. Live Oak Avenue.
It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 2068 (Attachment
No. 1), find this project Categorically Exempt under CEQA, and approve the Amendment
of Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 17-11, subject to the conditions listed in this staff
The subject site is located on the south side of W. Live Oak Avenue, between Welland
Avenue and Santa Anita Avenue and is approximately 23,064 square feet in lot area. The
property is zoned C-G (General Commercial), with a General Plan Land Use Designation
of Commercial – refer to Attachment No. 2 for an Aerial Photo with Zoning Information
and Photos of the property. The lot is developed with a one-story 11,264 square foot
commercial building, which is divided into two units. There is an existing vehicular access
easement running from east to west across the rear of the subject site, and the rear of 22
and 28 W. Live Oak Avenue (the two properties immediately east of the site). There are
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a total of 19 existing parking spaces on site. The property is surrounded by commercial
uses to the north, east, and west, and multifamily residential apartments to the south,
located in Temple City – see Figure 1.
Figure 1 – Aerial of Subject Site
The Applicant owns the property and also owns and operates both of the businesses,
including the personal training facility, on the property. One unit is approximately 5,044
square feet and is occupied by the personal training facility, and the second unit is
approximately 6,220 square feet and is occupied by a fitness equipment wholesale
In 2017, the Planning Commission approved Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 17-11 to
expand an existing personal training facility from 3,199 square feet to 5,044 square feet
by converting a 1,235 square foot storage room and expanding into a 610 square foot
front check-in area with restrooms, previously used by the wholesale business – refer to
Attachments No. 3 and 4. The approval limited the number of people, including patrons,
staff, trainers and management to no more than 30 at any given time. Approval of CUP
17-11 also included a parking modification to provide 19 parking spaces in lieu of the
required 38 parking spaces for both uses on the site. The parking modification was
justified by a parking survey provided by the Applicant, and by a letter from the adjacent
auto repair business, Service King, confirming a longstanding arrangement to share their
on-site parking spaces with 99 Barbell Fitness in the evening hours, after 6:30 PM. This
parking arrangement is still in place. Since approval of CUP 17-11, Staff is not aware of
any parking issues associated with the operation of the personal training facility. There
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are no changes to the maximum number of people allowed at any given time, the hours
of operation or to the on-site parking conditions proposed under this amendment.
The proposed Amendment of Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 17-11 would expand the
operation of the existing personal training fitness facility, 99 Barbell Fitness, by adding
physical therapy and acupuncture services within the existing 5,044 square foot
commercial unit. The current business hours for the fitness facility will remain the same
which are from 5:00 AM to 12:00 AM, Monday through Friday, 6:00 AM to 12:00 AM on
Saturday, and 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM on Sunday. The hours for the proposed physical
therapy and acupuncture services are different, as discussed below.
99 Barbell Fitness is a specialty powerlifting fitness club
that offers personal training and small group classes
through membership. Unlike a conventional gym, 99
Barbell Fitness offers a safe space for powerlifting
athletes to train with professional grade heavy weights
and fitness equipment. The existing space will not require
any tenant improvements to accommodate the proposed
physical therapy and acupuncture services. The
Applicant is proposing to utilize an existing 120 square
foot area to set up two mobile treatment tables for the
services (see Figure 2 and refer to Attachment No. 5).
The physical therapy and acupuncture services will only
be offered as a supplemental service to members of 99
Barbell Fitness and not to the general public. The
treatments will last between 30 to 45 minutes and will be
offered by a board certified and licensed acupuncturist
and physical therapist. No massage services are allowed
under this approval.
The Acupuncturist and Physical Therapist are current
employees of the training facility, so the addition of these
services will not increase the number of staff members
on site at any given time. According to the Applicant’s
business plan (refer to Attachment No. 6), there are four
(4) staff members on site at any given time and usually
no more than 20 total individuals during peak hours. The
physical therapy and acupuncture treatments will be
offered by appointment only, during the facility’s current
hours of operations, and will be limited to the following
x Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM
x Saturday and Sunday: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
--- NOT A PART OF ---
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Due to COVID-19 regulations at the time of this submittal, the Applicant is not allowed to
conduct any indoor business operations for the fitness facility. However, they can operate
outdoors at 50% maximum occupancy. Medical and personal care services are allowed
to continue indoor operations with 20% maximum occupancy. All Los Angeles County
Department of Health protocols will need to be followed while COVID-19 regulations are
in effect.
Physical therapy is considered a medical use and acupuncture is considered a General
Personal Service under the Development Code and are permitted by right in the C-G
zone. An Amendment of CUP 17-11 is required because the original approval limited the
allowable use on site to a personal training fitness facility. The proposed addition of
physical therapy and acupuncture services would be compatible with the existing fitness
facility because the business caters to a specialized group of powerlifting athletes who
sustain physical injuries that typically require physical therapy. Additionally, acupuncture
can offer a form of physical therapy to athletes who are seeking an alternative form of
treatment. Offering these services in one location would provide a convenience to the
members of the fitness facility by being able to take advantage of multiple services in one
location during their visit. Furthermore, offering these additional services would help the
business stay open by retaining existing members and possibly attracting new members.
This is important during this time because the pandemic has severely impacted the
Applicant’s business operations.
In terms of parking, the Planning
Commission approved the
existing fitness facility with 19
total parking spaces to be shared
with the wholesale business on
site. The previous parking
analysis was based on 3,006
square feet of workout area.
Since the additional services are
proposed within a 120 square foot
area located within the existing
workout area (see Figure 3), no
additional parking will be
required. Under the Development
Code, the parking requirements
for a General Personal Service
and a medical use are less
restrictive than a fitness facility,
so the proposed use does not increase the need for parking. Additionally, the physical
therapy and acupuncture services will not be offered to the general public and will only
cater to the members who train at the existing fitness facility. The existing condition of
approval for CUP 17-11 that limits the fitness facility’s indoor capacity to no more than
thirty (30) people at any given time will continue to be enforced in order to prevent any
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potential impacts to the site or adjacent properties. Since the additional services will be
provided by appointment only, the fitness facility can easily manage the indoor capacity
to further prevent any parking issues. There have been no known parking issues
associated with the operation of the fitness facility, so no impacts are anticipated by the
proposed amendment.
Section 9107.09.050(B) of the Development Code requires that the Planning Commission
may approve an Amendment to a Conditional Use Permit only if it first makes all of the
following findings:
1. The proposed use is consistent with the General Plan and any applicable
specific plan.
Facts to Support This Finding: Amendment of the existing Conditional Use Permit
to expand the operation of an existing personal training fitness facility by providing
physical therapy and acupuncture services is consistent with the intent of the site’s
Commercial Land Use designation to permit a range of commercial uses that serve
citywide markets. The proposed additional uses will allow the Applicant to offer
additional services to their members to meet their fitness needs, and may assist in
allowing the business to thrive by retaining existing members and attracting new ones.
Therefore, approval of the amendment will not adversely affect the comprehensive
General Plan and is consistent with the following General Plan policy:
Land Use and Community Design Element
Policy LU-6.7: Encourage a balanced distribution of commercial development
throughout the City, ensuring that neighborhoods and districts have adequate access
to local-serving commercial uses.
2. The proposed use is allowed within the applicable zone, subject to the granting
of a Conditional Use Permit, and complies with all other applicable provisions
of the Development Code and the Municipal Code.
Facts to Support This Finding: The subject site is zoned C-G (General Commercial).
Approval of the proposed Amendment of Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 17-11
would add physical therapy and acupuncture services to an existing personal training
facility. Arcadia Development Code Section 9102.03.020, Table 2-8, allows physical
therapy and acupuncture uses by right, as a medical use and a General Personal
Service, respectively. However, CUP 17-11 limited the use to a personal training
fitness facility; therefore, an amendment is required to add the services. Addition of
these services will not increase parking demand, nor will physical improvements to
the lot or commercial building be required. The lot will continue to accommodate the
parking required for the new services being provided and the existing businesses on
site. The proposed physical therapy and acupuncture services will not be offered to
the general public and will only cater to the members who train at the existing fitness
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facility. Therefore, the proposal is in compliance with all applicable provisions of the
Arcadia Development Code and the Arcadia Municipal Code.
3. The design, location, size, and operating characteristics of the proposed activity
will be compatible with the existing and future land uses in the vicinity.
Facts to Support This Finding: The existing fitness facility occupies an existing unit
within a commercial building. The proposed physical therapy and acupuncture
services, proposed under the amendment, would be provided within an existing 120
square foot area of the existing 3,006 square foot workout area with mobile treatment
tables, and no additions or tenant improvements are required to accommodate the
new uses. Since the new services will only be provided to members of the fitness
facility and not to the general public, and they will be performed within the existing
workout area, no additional parking spaces are required under the proposed
amendment. The proposed use is compatible with the existing fitness facility as many
of the members who frequent the fitness facility seek physical therapy services to treat
their training-related injuries. This would provide a convenience to the members to be
able to take advantage of multiple services in one location during one visit. The
existing fitness facility will remain compatible with the other existing commercial uses
along Live Oak Avenue and the general vicinity.
4. The site is physically suitable in terms of:
a. Its design, location, shape, size, and operating characteristics of the
proposed use in order to accommodate the use, and all fences, landscaping,
loading, parking, spaces, walls, yards, and other features required to adjust
the use with the land and uses in the neighborhood;
Facts to Support This Finding: The subject site is physically suitable to
accommodate the additional uses as there will be no expansion of the existing
commercial building. The applicant proposes to utilize an existing 120 square foot
area to provide the physical therapy and acupuncture services on mobile treatment
tables. The existing 19 on-site parking spaces, as previously approved by the
Planning Commission, will provide sufficient surface parking to serve the existing
businesses on site and accommodate the additional uses under the proposed
amendment. Since no additional parking is required by the proposed amendment,
parking for the existing businesses is not expected to be impacted. Lastly, the
proposed uses will only be available to members of the existing fitness facility and
not to the general public, therefore, no impacts are anticipated with the approval
of the amendment.
b. Streets and highways adequate in width and pavement type to accommodate
public and emergency vehicle (e.g., fire and medical) access.
Facts to Support This Finding: The site is located on the south side of W. Live
Oak Avenue, between Welland Avenue and Santa Anita Avenue. These streets
are adequate in width and pavement type to carry emergency vehicles and traffic
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generated by the proposed use and existing uses on the site. The proposed use
will not impact these right-of-ways or the existing vehicular easement.
c. Public protection services (e.g., fire protection, police protection, etc.).
Facts to Support This Finding: The Fire and Police Departments have reviewed
the application and determined that there will be no impacts to public protection
d. The provision of utilities (e.g., potable water, schools, solid waste collection
and disposal, storm drainage, wastewater collection, treatment, and
disposal, etc.).
Facts to Support This Finding: The subject property is developed with one
commercial building that consists of two (2) commercial units. There are adequate
utilities to service this site. The proposed amendment does not include new
construction that will impact the provision of utilities, nor will the proposed
operations impact the provision of utilities. Therefore, no impacts to the provision
of utilities are anticipated.
5. The measure of site suitability shall be required to ensure that the type, density,
and intensity of use being proposed will not adversely affect the public
convenience, health, interest, safety, or general welfare, constitute a nuisance,
or be materially injurious to the improvements, persons, property, or uses in the
vicinity and zone in which the property is located.
Facts to Support This Finding: The uses under the proposed amendment are
permitted by right under the Development Code. However, CUP 17-11 limited the use
to a personal training fitness facility; therefore, an amendment is required to add the
physical therapy and acupuncture services, which will not be detrimental to the public
health or welfare of the surrounding properties. The subject site is suitable to continue
to accommodate the existing personal training facility, and the proposed uses, as
there is sufficient parking provided on site. All activities will occur indoors and there
will be no noise or other negative impacts to the surrounding neighborhood. The
existing condition of approval for CUP 17-11 that limits the fitness facility’s indoor
capacity to no more than thirty (30) people at any given time will continue to be
enforced in order to prevent any potential adverse impacts to neighboring properties.
It has been determined that the project qualifies as a Class 1 Categorical Exemption per
the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section
15301 of the CEQA Guidelines for the use of an existing facility (refer to Attachment No.
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Public hearing notices for this item were mailed to the owners of those properties that are
located within 300 feet of the subject property and published in the Arcadia Weekly on
December 10, 2020. As of December 17, 2020, staff did not receive any public comments
on this project.
It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 2068 approving
an Amendment of Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 17-11 and find that the project is
Categorically Exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), subject to
the following conditions of approval:
1. The original conditions that were approved under CUP 17-11 shall remain in effect,
with the exceptions of the conditions below that amends the original approval.
2. The uses approved by this Amendment of CUP 17-11 are limited to physical therapy
and acupuncture services that will only be offered to members of the fitness facility
and not the general public. The approved uses shall be operated and maintained in
a manner that is consistent with the proposal and plans submitted and approved for
the Amendment of CUP 17-11, and shall be subject to periodic inspections, after
which the provisions of this Conditional Use Permit may be adjusted after due notice
to address any adverse impacts to the adjacent streets, rights-of-way, and/or the
neighboring businesses and properties.
3. No more than two (2) treatment tables shall be permitted for the physical therapy and
acupuncture services for the existing personal training fitness facility. Any
intensification to the number of treatment tables permitted shall be subject to review
and approval by the Planning Commission.
4. The plans submitted for Building plan check shall comply with the latest adopted
edition of the following codes as applicable:
a. California Building Code
b. California Electrical Code
c. California Mechanical Code
d. California Plumbing Code
e. California Energy Code
f. California Fire Code
g. California Green Building Standards Code
h. California Existing Building Code
5. All City requirements regarding disabled access and facilities, occupancy limits,
building safety, health code compliance, emergency equipment, environmental
regulation compliance, and parking and site design shall be complied with by the
property owner/applicant to the satisfaction of the Building Official, City Engineer,
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Planning & Community Development Administrator, Fire Marshall, and Public Works
Services Director, or their respective designees. The changes to the existing facility
may be subject to building permits after having fully detailed plans submitted for plan
check review and approval by the aforementioned City officials.
6. Noncompliance with the plans, provisions and conditions of approval for the
Amendment of CUP 17-11 shall be grounds for immediate suspension or revocation
of any approvals, which could result in the closing of the massage business.
7. The Applicant/Property Owner shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of
Arcadia and its officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any claim,
action, or proceeding against the City of Arcadia, its officials, officers, employees or
agents to attack, set aside, void, or annul any approval or conditional approval of the
City of Arcadia concerning this project and/or land use decision, including but not
limited to any approval or conditional approval of the City Council, Planning
Commission, or City Staff, which action is brought within the time period provided for
in Government Code Section 66499.37 or other provision of law applicable to this
project or decision. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action,
or proceeding concerning the project and/or land use decision and the City shall
cooperate fully in the defense of the matter. The City reserves the right, at its own
option, to choose its own attorney to represent the City, its officials, officers,
employees, and agents in the defense of the matter.
8. Approval of the Amendment of CUP 17-11 shall not be in effect unless the Property
Owner and Applicant have executed and filed the Acceptance Form with the City on
or before 30 calendar days after the Planning Commission has adopted the
Resolution. The Acceptance Form to the Development Services Department is to
indicate awareness and acceptance of the conditions of approval.
If the Planning Commission intends to approve this proposal, the Commission should
approve a motion to approve Amendment of Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 17-11,
stating that the proposal satisfies the requisite findings, and adopting the attached
Resolution No. 2068 that incorporates the requisite environmental and Conditional Use
Permit findings and the conditions of approval as presented in this staff report, or as
modified by the Commission.
If the Planning Commission intends to deny this proposal, the Commission should
approve a motion to deny Amendment of Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 17-11, stating
that the finding(s) of the proposal does not satisfy with reasons based on the record, and
direct staff to prepare a resolution for adoption at the next meeting that incorporates the
Commission’s decision and specific findings.
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If any Planning Commissioner or other interested party has any questions or comments
regarding this matter prior to the December 22, 2020 hearing, please contact Associate
Planner, Christine Song, at (626) 574-5447, or by email at csong@ArcadiaCA.gov.
Lisa L. Flores
Planning & Community Development Administrator
Attachment No. 1: Resolution No. 2068
Attachment No. 2: Aerial Photo and Zoning Information and Photos of the Subject
Property and Surrounding Properties
Attachment No. 3: September 26, 2017 Planning Commission Staff Report Packet
Attachment No. 4: September 26, 2017 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
Attachment No. 5: Architectural Plans
Attachment No. 6: Business Plan
Attachment No. 7: Preliminary Exemption Assessment
Attachment No. 1
Attachment No. 1
Resolution No. 2068
Attachment No. 2
Attachment No. 2
Aerial Photo with Zoning Information &
Photos of the Subject Property and
Surrounding Properties
Selected parcel highlighted
Parcel location within City of Arcadia
Property Owner(s):
Lot Area (sq ft):
Year Built:
Main Structure / Unit (sq. ft.):
Number of Units:
Property Characteristics
Site Address:36 W LIVE OAK AVE
Parcel Number: 8573-019-002
General Plan:
Downtown Overlay:
Downtown Parking Overlay:
Architectural Design Overlay:N/A
Residential Flex Overlay:
Special Height Overlay:
Parking Overlay:
Racetrack Event Overlay:
This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for
reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, current,
or otherwise reliable.
Report generated 02-Dec-2020
Page 1 of 1
Subject Property – Business Frontage
Subject Property – Both Units (Viewed from Live Oak Avenue)
Adjacent Property to the West
Adjacent Property to the East
22 W. Live Oak Avenue – 2nd Adjacent Property to the East (Access Easement)
Rear Parking Lot of Subject Property
Storage Garages in Rear Parking Lot
Attachment No. 3
Attachment No. 3
September 26, 2017 Planning Commission
Staff Report Packet
DATE: September 26, 2017
TO:Honorable Chairman and Planning Commission
FROM:Lisa L. Flores, Planning/Community Development Administrator
By: Tim Schwehr, Economic Development Analyst
Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2003
The applicant, Ms. Julie Tu, is requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit with a
Parking Modification for a 5,044 square-foot personal training facility within an existing
11,264 square-foot commercial building. The project has been found to be a Class 1
Categorical Exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as the
use of an existing building. It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt
Resolution No. 2003 (Attachment No. 1) to find that this project is Categorically Exempt
under CEQA and to approve Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 17-11, subject to the
conditions listed in this staff report.
The subject property is a 23,064 square-foot lot zoned Commercial-General (C-G). The
lot is developed with an 11,264 square-foot, commercial building divided into two
commercial units – see Attachment No. 3 for an Aerial Photo with Zoning Information
and Photos of the Subject Property and Surrounding Properties. The property is
accessed from W. Live Oak Avenue. There is also a vehicular access easement at the
rear of the property with the two adjacent properties to the east. There are currently 14
surface parking spaces on the site. The subject property is bounded by auto repair
shops to the west and east zoned General Commercial (C-G), and multifamily
residential apartments to the south located in Temple City.
The applicant and her family have owned the property at 36 W. Live Oak Avenue since
2006. From 2006–2016, they operated two businesses at the site; an 8,065 square-foot
fitness equipment wholesale business with on-site product storage, and a 3,199 square-
Resolution No. 2003– CUP 17-11
36 W. Live Oak Avenue
September 26, 2017 – Page 2 of 9
foot martial arts studio (CUP 06-17 – see Attachment No. 2). In 2016, they were
approved by city staff to convert the martial arts studio to a personal training gym and
continue operating under their existing Conditional Use Permit. In March of 2017, Ms.
Tu expanded the fitness center into the 1,235 square-foot room at the rear of the
building that was previously used for wholesale storage, but was no longer needed for
this business. Ms. Tu states there was some confusion regarding the City’s process r to
allow the gym to expand into this area, and did not intend to circumvent the City’s
review and approval requirements, and has ceased using the unapproved area. Ms. Tu
is now requesting city approval of a new Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow this use
and to occupy the entire unit that is approximately 5,044 square-feet, which will include
the rear 1,235 square-foot rear storage room as well as utilizing a front desk area and
restrooms at the north-end of the existing wholesale business – see Attachment No. 4.
The new CUP will also memorialize city staff’s 2016 approval to convert the former
martial arts studio to a personal training gym, and allow for conditions of approval more
relevant to a fitness facility.
Ms. Tu is requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit with a Parking Modification
for a 5,044 square-foot personal training facility. Proposed operating hours are Monday
– Friday, 5:00 a.m. to midnight; Saturday 6:00 a.m. to midnight; and Sunday 7:00 a.m.
to 10:00 p.m. The applicant’s business plan anticipates an average of 15 patrons
working out at any one time during their peak morning hour from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00
a.m., and 18 patrons during their peak evening hour from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. There
will be two full-time employees on-site, Ms. Tu and her sister, to run the gym and the
wholesale business in the adjacent on-site unit. A small number of personal trainers
may also be hired in the future for private one-to-one training. The applicant is
proposing to add five additional parking spaces at the rear of the property by
repurposing three of the detached garages currently used for storage. Additional details
on the business operation have been provided by the applicant and are included as
Attachment No. 5.
The City’s Development Code classifies the proposed use as a Large Health/Fitness
Facility, over 3,000 square-feet in gross area, which is subject to approval of a
Conditional Use Permit. In point of fact, the proposal is only a relatively minor increase
in the size of the existing, currently approved fitness facility; 5,044 square-feet in gross
area proposed compared to 3,199 square-feet existing. The usable workout area of the
proposed facility would increase to 3,006 square-feet compared to 1,438 square-feet for
the current approved facility. The current gym has been operating for over a year, and
there have been no issues with parking or other impacts to the surrounding
neighborhood. The martial arts studio formerly on the site operated for 10 years and
staff is not aware of any issues with parking or neighborhood impacts when this
business was operating.
Resolution No. 2003– CUP 17-11
36 W. Live Oak Avenue
September 26, 2017 – Page 3 of 9
Arcadia Municipal Code states that the parking requirement for a gym over 3,000
square-feet in area is to be determined through a Conditional Use Permit. For smaller
gyms, the requirement is 1 space per 100 square-feet of gross workout area. Using the
small gym parking requirement as a rough estimate, the proposed fitness center would
require 30 parking spaces by code. This represents an increase of 16 parking spaces
compared to the existing, approved small fitness facility. The remainder of the building
at 36 W. Live Oak Avenue is operated as warehouse with incidental office, and requires
1 space per 1,000 square-feet of gross floor area for the warehouse space, and 1 space
per 350 square-feet of gross office area. This equates to 8 parking spaces for the
warehouse use, including the 420 square-feet of detached storage area that will remain
at the back of the property. The total estimated parking required for the two uses
equates to 38 parking spaces.
However, in practice, it is anticipated that significantly less parking will be needed for
the site, based on the following rationale:
x A parking survey conducted in June 2017 by the applicant shows the current
peak parking usage is only 13 parking spaces for both on-site businesses. The
parking survey is consistent with staff’s observations of the site, which found the
parking lot to be less than 50% occupied on site visits during normal business
hours. Staff is not aware of any outstanding complaints or neighborhood issues
with the current parking of the business.
x The applicant is proposing to add five additional parking spaces at the rear of the
property by repurposing three detached storage garages. This will increase the
amount of on-site parking from 14 spaces to 19 spaces.
x The applicant has a longstanding, informal arrangement with the adjacent auto
repair business to the east, Service King, to utilize their on-site parking spaces in
the evening hours after this business has closed. Included as Attachment No. 6
is written confirmation of this arrangement from the business owner of Service
King. The gym’s peak hours are in the early morning and evenings, when most
businesses in the area are closed and street parking along Live Oak Avenue is
readily available.
x The proposed gym does not include large group classes, and the powerlifting
emphasis of the gym will not allow for high volumes of people to workout at the
same time, and so will not need as much parking per gross workout area
compared to large commercial gyms, such as 24-hour Fitness or Gold’s Gym.
To ensure that in the future the gym does not morph into a more parking intensive
business model, staff is recommending a condition of approval that there shall be no
more than 30 people total at any one time including gym staff, trainers, patrons, and
management. This condition will accommodate the applicant’s peak anticipated use of
the gym (18 patrons, two full time staff members, and a small number of trainers/part-
time staff), while also providing some flexibility for the business to adapt to future
consumer changes in customer demand and the marketplace, as well as occasional
Resolution No. 2003– CUP 17-11
36 W. Live Oak Avenue
September 26, 2017 – Page 4 of 9
busy days. From the City’s standpoint, the condition provides a reasonable restriction
on the intensity of the use to ensure adequate parking is available to meet the demands
of the use.
General Plan Consistency & Economic Development
The General Plan vision for the Live Oak Avenue corridor envisions a livelier, more
diverse mix of retail and service commercial uses that better serve local residents,
together with new residential uses in select locations along the corridor in mixed-use
developments. The General Plan also promotes a more walkable, pedestrian-friendly
experience along Live Oak Avenue and revitalization of the district accomplished by
private reinvestment into the area. The applicant’s high-end fitness facility fits well with
the City’s vision and goals for the area.
The Economic Development Division supports the proposed application at this site.
Retaining existing businesses in itself is an important goal for the City of Arcadia, but
particularly so for the Live Oak Avenue Commercial District. The applicant’s high-end
fitness gym is an excellent use for bringing new patrons to the area and is already
having positive spillover benefits for the surrounding neighborhood. Reinvestment by
the current business and property owners into this building is a welcome and
encouraging development that should be supported, and something that the City hopes
to see more of for this area in the coming years. The ample supply of underutilized
street parking in the area, particularly during early morning, evening, and weekend
hours, is also an important factor to consider as it can allow for greater flexibility in
approving this type of active, vibrant use at the proposed location despite an
undersupply of on-site parking relative to city code requirements. The Economic
Development Division encourages street parking to be viewed as a resource for
bringing new business and new investment to the area, and supports the applicant’s
request for a parking modification.
Section 9107.09.050 of the Arcadia Municipal Code requires that for a Conditional Use
Permit to be granted, it must be found that all of the following prerequisite conditions
can be satisfied:
1. The proposed use is consistent with the General Plan and any applicable
specific plan.
Facts to Support This Finding:Approval of a health and fitness facility use, such
as the proposed fitness facility, is consistent with the Commercial Land Use
Designation of the site. The proposal will not adversely affect the comprehensive
General Plan.
2. The proposed use is allowed within the applicable zone, subject to the
granting of a Conditional Use Permit or Minor Use Permit, and complies with
all other applicable provisions of the Development Code and the Municipal
Resolution No. 2003– CUP 17-11
36 W. Live Oak Avenue
September 26, 2017 – Page 5 of 9
Facts to Support This Finding:The zoning of the site is C-G, Commercial-
General, and Arcadia Development Code Section 9102.03.020 allows Large
Health/Fitness Facilities (i.e., over 3,000 square feet in area) in the C-G zone with an
approved Conditional Use Permit, including a determination of the on-site parking
needs for the proposed facility.
3. The design, location, size, and operating characteristics of the proposed
activity will be compatible with the existing and future land uses in the vicinity.
Facts to Support This Finding:The proposed fitness facility is compatible with the
other commercial and light industrial uses along Live Oak Avenue. To the south of
the site is a multifamily residential building, however it is over 150 feet away from the
fitness facility and separated by the on-site parking lot and a solid concrete block
wall. Therefore, noise from the gym will not be an issue for this residential building.
As such, the proposed use will be compatible with the existing and future land uses
in the vicinity.
4. The site is physically suitable in terms of:
a. Its design, location, shape, size, and operating characteristics of the
proposed use in order to accommodate the use, and all fences,
landscaping, loading, parking, spaces, walls, yards, and other features
required to adjust the use with the land and uses in the neighborhood;
Facts to Support This Finding:The proposed fitness facility will occupy a
portion of an existing commercial building. The commercial property is improved
with parking and landscaping, and other features typical of commercial
developments. The applicant will provide five additional parking spaces on site to
increase the available parking from 14 spaces to 19 spaces. A parking survey
conducted in June 2017 by the applicant shows the current peak parking usage
is only 13 parking spaces for both on-site businesses. There is also ample on-
street parking along W. Live Oak Avenue that is conveniently located in front of
the property. The applicant is proposing to add five additional parking spaces at
the rear of the property by repurposing three detached storage garages. This will
increase the amount of on-site parking from 14 spaces to 19 spaces. The
proposed gym does not include large group classes, and the powerlifting
emphasis of the gym will not allow for high volumes of people to workout at the
same time. A condition of approval to limit the fitness center to no more than 25
patrons and 30 people total including staff, trainers, and management, will
ensure that in the future the business does not morph into a more parking
intensive fitness facility.
b. Streets and highways adequate in width and pavement type to
accommodate public and emergency vehicle (e.g., fire and medical) access.
Facts to Support This Finding:The site is located along W. Live Oak Avenue.
There is also an access easement that runs through the rear of 22 & 28 W. Live
Resolution No. 2003– CUP 17-11
36 W. Live Oak Avenue
September 26, 2017 – Page 6 of 9
Oak Avenue (the two properties immediately east of the site) and along the west
driveway of the property at 22 W. Live Oak, which provides additional vehicular
access onto Live Oak Avenue. The streets and alleyway are adequate in width
and pavement type to carry the traffic that will be generated by the proposed
fitness facility and any other use that may occupy the site, and any emergency
services that may need to access the site. The proposed use will not impact
these rights-of-way.
c. Public protection services (e.g., fire protection, police protection, etc.).
Facts to Support This Finding:The subject property is developed with an
existing 11,264 square-foot commercial building that complies with current safety
requirements. There will be no impact to public safety services.
d. The provision of utilities (e.g., potable water, schools, solid waste
collection and disposal, storm drainage, wastewater collection, treatment,
and disposal, etc.).
Facts to Support This Finding: The subject property is developed with an
11,264 square-foot commercial building. There are adequate utilities to service
this site and the site and building are in compliance with current health and safety
requirements. There will be no impact to utilities from the proposed use.
5. The measure of site suitability shall be required to ensure that the type,
density, and intensity of use being proposed will not adversely affect the
public convenience, health, interest, safety, or general welfare, constitute a
nuisance, or be materially injurious to the improvements, persons, property,
or uses in the vicinity and zone in which the property is located.
Facts to Support This Finding:The applicant will provide five additional parking
spaces on site to increase the available parking from 14 spaces to 19 spaces. All
fitness activities will occur indoors, and there will be no noise or other negative
impacts to the surrounding neighborhood. As a high-end fitness facility, it is
anticipated that the use will contribute to an overall revitalization of the area. A
condition of approval to limit the fitness center to no more than 25 patrons and 30
people total including staff, trainers, and management, will ensure that in the future
the business does not morph into a more parking intensive fitness facility.
The proposed project, with the recommended conditions of approval will satisfy each
prerequisite condition, and all City requirements regarding disabled access and
facilities, occupancy limits, building safety, health code compliance, emergency
equipment, environmental regulation compliance, and parking and site design shall be
complied with by the property owner/applicant to the satisfaction of the Building Official,
City Engineer, Community Development Administrator, Fire Marshal, and Public Works
Services Director, or their respective designees.
Resolution No. 2003– CUP 17-11
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September 26, 2017 – Page 7 of 9
If it is determined that no significant physical alterations to the site are necessary, then
this project, as an use of an existing facility, qualifies as a Class 1 Categorical
Exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section
15301(a) of the CEQA Guidelines. Refer to Attachment No. 7 for the Preliminary
Exemption Assessment.
Public hearing notices for this item were mailed to the owners of those properties that
are located within 300 feet of the subject property on September 14, 2017. As of
September 22, 2017, staff has not received any public comments on this project.
It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 2003
(Attachment No. 1) to find that this project is Categorically Exempt under the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and to approve Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 17-
11, subject to the following conditions of approval:
1. There shall be no more than thirty (30) people at the personal training facility at any
2. Hours of operation shall be limited to Monday through Friday, 5:00 a.m. to 12:00
a.m.; Saturday, 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.; and Sunday 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
3. Prior to the personal training facility operating within the expanded workout area or
by October 30, 2017, whichever is sooner, the applicant/property owner shall
convert the three northernmost storage garages to five (5) parking spaces
consistent with the site plan approved with CUP 17-11. The applicant/property
owner shall obtain all necessary building permits to convert these garages.
4. The use approved by CUP 17-11 is limited to a personal training facility, which shall
be operated and maintained in a manner that is consistent with the proposal and
plans submitted and approved for CUP 17-11, and shall be subject to periodic
inspections, after which the provisions of this Conditional Use Permit may be
adjusted after due notice to address any adverse impacts such as noise, to the
adjacent streets, rights-of-way, and/or the neighboring businesses and properties.
5. All City requirements regarding disabled access and facilities, occupancy limits,
building safety, health code compliance, emergency equipment, environmental
regulation compliance, and parking and site design shall be complied with by the
property owner/applicant to the satisfaction of the Building Official, City Engineer,
Planning/Community Development Administrator, Fire Marshal, and Public Works
Services Director, or their respective designees. The changes to the existing facility
are subject to building permits after having fully detailed plans submitted for plan
check review and approval by the aforementioned City officials.
Resolution No. 2003– CUP 17-11
36 W. Live Oak Avenue
September 26, 2017 – Page 8 of 9
6. Noncompliance with the plans, provisions and conditions of approval for CUP 17-11
shall be grounds for immediate suspension or revocation of any approvals, which
could result in the closing of the personal training facility.
7. The applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Arcadia and its
officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any claim, action, or
proceeding against the City of Arcadia, its officials, officers, employees or agents to
attack, set aside, void, or annul any approval or conditional approval of the City of
Arcadia concerning this project and/or land use decision, including but not limited to
any approval or conditional approval of the City Council, Planning Commission, or
City Staff, which action is brought within the time period provided for in Government
Code Section 66499.37 or other provision of law applicable to this project or
decision. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or
proceeding concerning the project and/or land use decision and the City shall
cooperate fully in the defense of the matter. The City reserves the right, at its own
option, to choose its own attorney to represent the City, its officials, officers,
employees, and agents in the defense of the matter.
8. Approval of CUP 17-11 shall not be of effect unless on or before 30 calendar days
after Planning Commission adoption of the Resolution, the property owner and
applicant have executed and filed with the Planning/Community Development
Administrator or designee an Acceptance Form available from the Development
Services Department to indicate awareness and acceptance of these conditions of
If the Planning Commission intends to approve this proposal, the Commission should
pass a motion to approve Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 17-11, stating that the
proposal satisfies the requisite findings, and adopt the attached Resolution No. 2003
that incorporates the requisite environmental and Conditional Use Permit findings and
the conditions of approval as presented in this staff report, or as modified by the
If the Planning Commission intends to deny this proposal, the Commission should pass
a motion to deny Conditional Use Permit Application No. CUP 17-11; state the finding(s)
that the proposal does not satisfy with reasons based on the record, and direct staff to
prepare a resolution for adoption at the next meeting that incorporates the
Commission’s decision and specific findings.
If any Planning Commissioner, or other interested party has any questions or comments
regarding this matter prior to the September 26, 2017 hearing, please contact Tim
Schwehr, Economic Development Analyst, at (626) 574-5409 or
Resolution No. 2003– CUP 17-11
36 W. Live Oak Avenue
September 26, 2017 – Page 9 of 9
Lisa L. Flores
Planning/Community Development Administrator
Attachment No. 1: Resolution No. 2003
Attachment No. 2: Resolution No. 1758 (CUP 06-17)
Attachment No. 3: Aerial Photo with Zoning Information and Photos of the Subject
Property and Surrounding Properties
Attachment No. 4: Site Plan and Floor Plan
Attachment No. 5: Business Plan
Attachment No. 6: Parking Survey & Service King Parking Letter
Attachment No. 7: Preliminary Exemption Assessment
Attachment No. 1
Attachment No. 1
Resolution No. 2003
Attachment No. 2
Attachment No. 2
Resolution No. 1758
Attachment No. 3
Attachment No. 3
Aerial Photo with Zoning Information &
Photos of Site & Surrounding Properties
Subject Property – Business Frontage
Subject Property – showing both units as viewed from Live Oak
Adjacent property to the west – auto repair shop
Adjacent property to the east – auto repair shop
22 W. Live Oak Avenue – access easement for subject property to use their driveway
South of Subject Property - Multifamily Residential located in Temple City
Subject Unit – Panorama of currently approved workout area
Interior Subject Unit – Stretching Mobility Cardio Area
Interior Subject Unit – Powerlifting Area
Proposed gym expansion area 1 – front reception area & restrooms Proposed expansion area 2 – rear exercise room
Storage garages in rear parking lot
Rear parking lot
Vehicular access easement at back of property through adjacent property to the east
Attachment No. 4
Attachment No. 4
Site Plan & Floor Plan
Attachment No. 5
Attachment No. 5
Business Plan
Propose Use:
We are requesting an expansion for a Conditional Use Permit to expand our original 1,489 sqft fitness
studio to a 3,006 sqft boutique Powerlifting Club located in a 10,000 sqft building. This building is
located on 36 W Live Oak Ave.
What We Provide:
99 Barbell provides a safe, clean, private and supportive environment for athletes to train. All our
Powerlifting equipment’s are professional competition grade equipment’s that are manufactured by
well-known fitness brand in the fitness industry. Powerlifters and Weightlifters are known to lift an
immense amount of weight and most commercial gyms do not have the right equipment to safety
support these type of training. In fact, a lot of commercial gyms deter and frown upon lifters who lifts
heavy or drop weights in their facility. For example, Planet Fitness does not allow members to drop
weights on the floor to prevent members from causing damage to the facility and equipment. Franchise
gyms only provide the basic lifting equipment hence their weight lifting barbell are not capable of
sustaining such weight and they do not provide the specific lifting platform to drop weights.
On the other hand, we provide high quality barbells that are made from well-known manufactured in the
fitness industry that are capable of handling the heavy loads that lifters use during their training. In
addition to high quality barbells, we also provide specific lifting platform and racks to ensure our
members are safe while lifting. Our facility has ¾ inch compressed rubber matts flooring that is textured
and laid throughout the strength training floor areas. These matts can sustain heavy impact and also
provide a sturdy non-slip flooring to ensure the safety of our members. Moreover, since we are family
owned, we care about every aspect of our business. First and foremost, member's safety is our first
priority. All our equipment have been checked by the original manufacture with manufacture warranty
on their performance, safety and durability. We spent the majority of our investment in buying high
quality equipment for our members. A majority of our members are active competitors and the
equipment we provide are competition grade equipment. This enables them to be able to practice in a
similar environment as the actual competition.
Secondly, Customer service and building rapport with our members is also very important to us. We
make it our goal to ensure that all our members are happy with our facility and if ever we are lacking or
in need of change, we make it our priority to meet those needs. Additionally, cleanliness is just as
important. Our facility are cleaned throughout the day during business hours and all machines are
cleaned and disinfected after business hours to ensure the safety and well-being of our members. 99
Barbell strives to provide a safe, clean, supportive environment with professional grade equipment to
support members to train for their next competition or help members achieve personal goals.
Lastly, our facility also provides personal training and small group Powerlifting classes. We provide two
types of personal training, general fitness personal training and Powerlifting coaching. One-on-One
coaching are based on client’s demands. The time and days may varies but appointments are made
generally in the early morning on weekdays or on weekends. The small group Powerlifting classes will
only be held on Sunday from 10:00am – 11:00am. All of the business around us are closed on Sunday
except the restaurants across the street. The class size will cap at 5 students with 2 trainers for the whole
duration of the training. Classes are based on pre-registration only and are not scheduled to be held
every Sunday. We will only make other Sundays available if all 5 spots are filled.
Business Owner Background:
My family has had a passion for fitness and healthy living all our lives. My siblings and I started training
Martial Arts at the age of 5 and continued this training until we were in our 20’s. Since we were small
we were taught the importance of physical exercise and how not exercising regular can be detrimental to
our health. Our father is a famous world renown Qi Gong Grandmaster that has been teaching Qi Gong
for more than 40 years. Prior to the opening of our Powerlifiting Club, we were a Martial Arts Studio.
We taught both children and adults Martial Arts and Qi Gong. We have been at this location for the past
10 years and decided to change due to financial hardship. Our business was not making enough to
support our mortgage and we had to think of a new business plan.
From 2013-2016 my brother and sisters, who both graduated from Arcadia high school, were both
competing nationally in Powerlifting. My sister Jenny Tu, who just recently graduated from the
University of California Berkeley, has held a world record in the International Powerlifting League and
also holds multiple National and State records in her weight class. My brother Jimmy Tu has also won
multiple National and State records. Both my brother and sister are very passionate about Powerlifting.
We wanted to create an environment for like minded people to train and grow together. Powerlifting is a
sport that is growing rapidly and since currently there are no other Powerlifting Club in this city, we
decided to open this facility for the community. So far, the feedbacks that we have been receiving from
the community has been very positive. Especially our surrounding residential neighbors who are very
fond of our location. The streets located south of Live Oak are all residential dwellings. This makes
going to the gym very easily accessible for them. Additional, 99 Barbell Team member has recently
competed and won in the recent National Powerlifting competition in June. Our team is currently
preparing for their next meet in August and October.
Operating Hours:
We would like to request for our operating hours to be:
Monday-Friday: 5:00am to Midnight
Saturday: 6:00am to Midnight
Sunday: 7:00am to 10:00pm
Anticipated Number of People:
The anticipated number of people at any given time is very close to the chart below. These number on
the chart were based on the current operational hours between 8:00am – 9:00pm for the month of June.
(The numbers can varies depending on the days of the week. The number also tends to increase during
holidays or long weekends.)
Hours Number of Members Hours Number of Members
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM 2-8 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM 5-8
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM 5-10 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM 8-10
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM 6-10 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM 8-15
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM 6-8 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM 12-18
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM 5-8 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM 10-18
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM 5-8 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM 10-18
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM 5-8
The number of people during morning peak hour is around 8-15 people.
The number of people during night peak hour is around 15-18 people.
The majority of our members utilize the facility after 5:30 pm. The surrounding businesses in the area
are closed for business between 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm. This greatly opens up the available parking on the
street. Additionally, we have had a verbal and written agreement with Marco’s Collision Centers; which
is now Service King, to use their parking lot after their business hours. They have been granting us this
usage for the past 10 years.
They have 10 parking space available for us to use after 6:30 pm on weekdays, after 12:00pm on
Saturdays, and all day Sunday since they are closed. With the parking spaces provided by Service King
this gives an additional 10 parking space after 6:30 pm. Furthermore, we would like to use 3 of the 5
garages in the back as parking for our members. Each garage can park up to 2 cars and the 3 garages are
linked consecutively, therefore there are no walls between the 3 garages. The garage parking adds an
additional 5 parking space to our 14 spaces in the back lot. With a total of 19 parking spaces.
Additionally, we are requesting if it is possible to have the garage doors rolled up during business hours
and closed when the business is closed. We recently updated the garage doors to prevent stray cats from
nesting and leaving urine/feces inside the garages. The smell is horrendous and very difficult to expel. It
took us almost 6 months to clean and eliminate the smell completely. The back lot has a bad infestation
of stray cats for the past 10 years. During winter time we often find dead kitten inside the garages and it
is very unpleasant. We have also fostered and saved many litters of baby kitten in the past 10 years. We
have contacted humane society regarding this matter, however the only help they could provide was
provide us with traps to trap the cats and bring them in to be neutered/spayed. We have tried that option
but the problem still proceeds. Having the garage door closed during non-operational hours will help
keep the garages clean and not leave odors which may be harmful for members whom park their car
inside the garages. Cat urine can emit ammonia which could lead to severe allergic reactions and also
cause dangerous diseases like pneumonia and bronchitis.
Employee and Trainers:
There will only be 2 full time employees on the property at all times. They will manage both the 99
Enterprise and 99 Barbell. Trainers are based on appointments and as of now we have not officially
hired any trainers.
Facility Use:
99 Barbell Powerlifting Club:
Powerlifting Area: 1,183 sqft
Upper Body Strength Training Area: 598 sqft
Lower Body Strength Training Area: 714 sqft
Stretching Mobility Cardio Area: 504 sqft
Connecting Walk Way: 120 sqft
Businesses on 36 W Live Oak Ave., Arcadia:
There are currently 2 active business licenses listed as followed:
1) 99 Enterprise LLC
a. The Owners of the property, “Chin Sheng Tu and Hsiao Ling Chen,” are the owners of 99
Enterprise LLC
2) 99 Barbell LLC
a. Yen Jung (Julie) Tu and Yen Wei (Jenny) Tu are the owners of 99 Barbell LLC and the
daughters of Chin Sheng Tu and Hsiao Ling Chen mentioned above.
In reference to 99 Enterprise LLC:
My parents are retired and have passed the Wholesale Fitness Equipment business to my sister
and I. 99 Enterprise’s main clientele was selling equipment’s to students and online through mail orders.
Since the Martial Arts Studio has closed down, the wholesale business is 100% operated through mail
orders. We currently do not have any merchandise show room to display products for sale. Moreover,
since 99 Enterprise LLC is also a family owned business, my sister and I are currently managing all
business operations. Therefore, we only take 1 of the available parking spaces. We usually go to work at
the location together in one car and if needed, which is rare, we go separately. The other half of the
building will remain as wholesale business. All entrances to the other side of the building are blocked
An important note to add is due to the location of our business we have accumulated many of the
neighboring residents in the surrounding multi-family and single family homes. Our facility can also
accommodate the general public’s fitness needs. Those looking for a more private training facility would
fit perfectly in our establishment. The close proximity of our location to nearby residential dwellings has
stimulated a growth of pedestrian activity and we encourage members to walk to our business. This can
help reducing the number of vehicles on the road and the needs for parking spaces. The general plan for
Arcadia has a specific vision for the Live Oak Corridor commercial district and its goal is to provide the
residences with a livelier, more diverse mix of retail and service commercial to promote pedestrian
movement. Since we are located in the hearts of the Live Oak Corridor, I believe our business can
definitely assist with the goal to revitalize this area and provide our facility to serve this community.
The front view of 36 W Live Oak Ave
Attachment No. 6
Attachment No. 6
Parking Survey &
Service King Parking Letter
Attachment No. 7
Attachment No. 7
Preliminary Exemption Assessment
Preliminary Exemption Assessment FORM “A”
(Certificate of Determination
When Attached to Notice of Exemption)
1. Name or description of project: Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 17-11 with a parking modification
for a new 5,044 square-foot personal training facility
2. Project Location – Identify street
address and cross streets or attach
a map showing project site
(preferably a USGS 15’ or 7 1/2’
topographical map identified by
quadrangle name):
36 W. Live Oak Avenue (Between Santa Anita Avenue and
Welland Avenue)
3. Entity or person undertaking
B. Other (Private)
(1) Name Julie Tu
(2) Address 36 W. Live Oak Ave.
Arcadia, CA 91007
4. Staff Determination:
The Lead Agency’s Staff, having undertaken and completed a preliminary review of this project in
accordance with the Lead Agency's "Local Guidelines for Implementing the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA)" has concluded that this project does not require further environmental assessment
a.The proposed action does not constitute a project under CEQA.
b.The project is a Ministerial Project.
c.The project is an Emergency Project.
d.The project constitutes a feasibility or planning study.
e.The project is categorically exempt.
Applicable Exemption Class: Section 15301; Use of existing facilities.
f.The project is statutorily exempt.
Applicable Exemption:
g.The project is otherwise exempt
on the following basis:
h.The project involves another public agency which constitutes the Lead Agency.
Name of Lead Agency:
Date:September 8, 2017 Staff:Tim Schwehr, Economic Development Analyst
Attachment No. 4
Attachment No. 4
September 26, 2017 Planning Commission
Meeting Minutes
Attachment No. 5
Attachment No. 5
Architectural Plans
Attachment No. 6
Attachment No. 6
Business Plan
99 Barbell Business Operations
We are a powerlifting strength gym that offers regular gym membership, group classes
and personal training. We would like to add physical therapy and acupuncture to help rehab
our athletes. Our business hours and operations are to remain the same as the existing CUP.
Current Hours of Operations:
Monday – Friday: 5am – Midnight
Saturday: 6am – Midnight
Sunday: 7am – 10pm
Powerlifting Classes:
We offer small group classes held only on weekends.
Personal Training:
Our one-on-one coaching are based on client’s demands.
Additional services added:
We would like to offer Physical Therapy and Acupuncture as accessories to our existing
CUP. We will be using pull out table bed and movable divider inside the gym to set up as
therapy stations. We will have specific hours for physical and Acupuncture services.
Physical Therapy & Acupuncture Services Hours:
Mon-Friday: 8am – 6pm
Sat & Sun: 9am – 6pm
99 Barbell Proposed Physical Therapy & Acupuncture
1) As a specialty powerlifting fitness club we are unlike most gyms and fitness centers in that we do
not cater to the general fitness public. Thus we do not have a large number of members, and
have not had to worry about overcrowding or a lack of parking. During peak hours, our facility
typically has at most 15-16 members within one time slot. Additionally, peak hours occur after
6:30 pm and we have an agreement with our neighbor, Service King, where they allow our
members to utilize their parking lot during their off hours. While they have agreed to allow our
members usage of their lot, our members rarely utilize the additional spaces as there is rarely
issues with a lack of parking. In regards to staff and employees, we at most have 4 staff
members on-site at one time, therefore we never have more than 20 individuals (staff and
members) on the property at one time. The physical therapy and acupuncture services that we
would like to incorporate will be provided to our members, and will be performed on mobile
treatment tables in the area specified in Figure 2. Treatments will last about 30-45 minutes and
include physical treatments within the scope of a board-certified licensed acupuncturist and
physical therapist.
Figure 1 - Photos of the existing interior space of the business
Figure 2 – The area we would like to utilize for pull out tables
Attachment No. 7
Attachment No. 7
Preliminary Exemption Assessment
Preliminary Exemption Assessment FORM “A”
1. Name or description of project: Amendment to CUP 17-11 – Amendment to an existing
Conditional Use Permit with a Categorical Exemption under the
California Quality Act ("CEQA") Section 15301(a) to add
physical therapy and acupuncture services to an existing
personal training facility at 36 W. Live Oak Avenue.
2. Project Location – Identify street
address and cross streets or
attach a map showing project site
(preferably a USGS 15’ or 7 1/2’
topographical map identified by
quadrangle name):
36 W. Live Oak Avenue
(cross streets: W. Live Oak Avenue and Welland Avenue)
3. Entity or person undertaking
B. Other (Private)
(1) Name Yen Jung Tu
(2) Address 36 W. Live Oak Avenue
Arcadia CA 91007
4. Staff Determination:
The Lead Agency’s Staff, having undertaken and completed a preliminary review of this project in
accordance with the Lead Agency's "Local Guidelines for Implementing the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA)" has concluded that this project does not require further environmental
assessment because:
a. The proposed action does not constitute a project under CEQA.
b. The project is a Ministerial Project.
c. The project is an Emergency Project.
d. The project constitutes a feasibility or planning study.
e. The project is categorically exempt.
Applicable Exemption Class: 15301(a) – Class 1 (Use of an existing facility)
f. The project is statutorily exempt.
Applicable Exemption:
g. The project is otherwise
exempt on the following basis:
h. The project involves another public agency which constitutes the Lead Agency.
Name of Lead Agency:
December 2, 2020
Christine Song, Associate Planner