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Findings and Action Report
Date: 12-10-20 File No. #1292
Project Address: 1123 Drake Rd.
Association Name: Village
Applicant Name: Eric Tsang
Property Owner(s) Name: Paul Alikin
Project Description: A new 2 story Prairie style single family home with an attached
Only check those that are apply and provide a written explanation for each
NOTE TO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES: The Village ARB is requesting that the city
carefully review the Arborist’s Report and the Soils Report and revision letter. The
Soils Evaluation came in after the Arborist’s Report and requires significant
compaction. The Arborist’s Report states no compaction under the dripline of the
large oak located along the south property line. The compaction requirement has not
been evaluated by the arborist nor have recommendations been made as specific to
the Soils Report
The proposed project is consistent with the Site Planning Principles and
Neighborhood Context Guidelines.
Explanation: Setbacks, heights, proportions, rooflines, and architectural features
are harmonious and compatible with the site and surroundings. The second story
Setback on the south elevation will help to preserve the canopy of the Oak Tree.
The proposed project is consistent with the Forms and Mass Guidelines.
Explanation: The front entry is a clear focal point and the building base visually
Appears more massive than the upper story. The bulk of the mass of the upper
story is to the north side and rear. A generous visual corridor is on the upper right.
The proposed project is consistent with the Frontage Conditions Guidelines.
Explanation: The proposed home is compatible and harmonious with the
surrounding neighborhood and exhibits similar height and bulk.
Findings and Action Report
The proposed project is consistent with the Garages and Driveways Guidelines.
Explanation: The front facing garage has been approved with less than usual
setback to cause less intrusion into the root zone of the Oak tree. The driveway
has been narrowed towards the street to provide a smaller curb cut and more
The proposed project is consistent with the Architectural Styles Guidelines.
Explanation: A clear Prairie style is featured but not overdone since this style
can be very “blocky” and result in having too much mass. The streetscape provides
evidence to this project being harmonious as viewed from the street.
The proposed project is consistent with the Height, Bulk, and Scale Guidelines.
Explanation: Evidence of the height, bulk, and scale being harmonious is
Provided on the streetscape.
The proposed project is consistent with the Roofline Guidelines.
Explanation: The roof pitch, roof type, overhangs, color and materials are consistent
with the architectural style and with the neighborhood. Eves are to be boxed.
The proposed project is consistent with the Entries Guidelines.
Explanation: The entry porch is large enough to provide the feeling of shelter and
Is architecturally appropriate for the proposed project and for the neighborhood.
The proposed project is consistent with the Windows and Doors Guidelines.
Explanation: The Prairie style windows and doors are architecturally compatible.
The windows will be recessed with mostly casement windows featuring SDF grids.
The proposed project is consistent with the Articulation Guidelines.
Explanation: Articulation is provided giving visual relief and to assure the
health of the Oak Tree.
The proposed project is consistent with the Facade Details Guidelines.
Explanation: The same architectural story is carried out on all facades. All details
and features support the Prairie style.
Findings and Action Report
The proposed project is consistent with the Colors and Materials Guidelines.
Explanation: Earth tones appropriate for a Prairie style home have been selected.
The proposed project consistent with the Accessory Lighting Guidelines.
Explanation: Outdoor lighting fixtures match the style of the home and meet code
requirements to shine downward.
The proposed project is, is not consistent with the Additions, Alterations, and
Accessory Buildings/Structures Guidelines.
Explanation: NA
The proposed project is, is not consistent with the Hillside Properties
Explanation: NA
The proposed project is consistent with the Fences, Walls, Gates, and Hedges
Explanation: The walls on the back and sides will be 6 foot stucco covered block
with the exception of wood and a wood bridge to protect the roots of the Oak tree.
The proposed project is consistent with the Impervious Coverage and Landscape
Areas Guidelines.
Explanation: Please see the NOTE at the beginning of this report.
Findings and Action Report
Pursuant to City’s Development Code Section 9107.20.050, a Site Plan and Design Review in the
Homeowners Association Areas may be approved only if it is found that the proposed development
is consistent with the City’s adopted Design Guidelines.
Date of ARB Meeting: DECEMBER 10, 2020
ARB Members: Laurie Thompson, Patrick Hu, Jerry Shen, Thanh Lim
Conditions of Approval: NONE
Approved designs shall expire in one year (December 11, 2021) one day_ from the
effective date unless plans are submitted to Building Services for plan-check, a building
permit is issued and the construction is diligently pursued, a certificate of occupancy
has been issued, or the approval is renewed. The final plans must be consistent with
the approved design concept plans and any conditions of approval. Any inconsistency
from the approved design concept plans may preclude the issuance of a building permit.
An extension may be granted by the ARB or designee, or the Review Authority that
approved the project for a maximum period of one (1) year from the initial expiration
date. An extension can only be granted if the required findings can be made. Please
note that acceptance of an extension request does not indicate approval of an
You may visit the City’s website at www.ArcadiaCA.gov/noticesanddecisions to view
this document. If you have any questions regarding the above decision, please contact
the ARB Chairperson at (626-447-5092 or laurie229@gmail.com) Thank you.
c: City of Arcadia, Planning Division
City Clerk